What is "MONITORING"? How to spell correctly given word. Concept and interpretation.

MONITORING MONITORING (from Latin monitor - one who reminds, warns), a complex system of observations, assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the biosphere or its parts. elements under the influence anthropogenic impacts. M. can be local, regional and global. In Moscow, the state of the biosphere is characterized by geophysical, physical geographic, geochemical, biol. parameters. For example, biological M. for changes environment possible in terms of functional (biomass growth per unit time, the rate of absorption of various substances by plants and animals) and structural (number and composition of species, total biomass, etc.) biol. signs. M. pollution of the environment is intensively developing. natural environment: dust, oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, carbon, etc. are constantly detected in the air of more than 450 cities of the USSR; more than 5,000 observation points are located on rivers, lakes and reservoirs; pesticides, heavy metals, etc. are detected in the soil cover over large areas. Important role in M. has a global system biosphere reserves. In the service of M., the role of distance is growing. and automatic observation methods (data from hard-to-reach places are transmitted by radio, satellites, etc.). The M. system is informational; it does not include the management of the quality of the natural environment. .(Source: Biological encyclopedic Dictionary." Ch. ed. M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., corrected. - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.) monitoring monitoring of any objects or phenomena, incl. biological nature. Biological monitoring is the monitoring of natural and anthropogenic processes occurring in biocenoses and over high levels biological organization, in order to identify changes that occur during the interaction of living things with factors external environment(population fluctuations, accumulation of heavy metals in organisms, etc.) and studying the responses of all biological levels to these impacts (climate change, destruction of biocenoses, diseases of organisms, etc.) .. (Source: "Biology. Modern Illustrated Encyclopedia." Editor-in-chief A. P. Gorkin, Moscow: Rosmen, 2006.)

MONITORING- m. 1. Constant monitoring of some kind of smth. process in order to identify its compliance with the desired cut ... Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

MONITORING- MONITORING, a complex system of observations, assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the biosphere or its from ... Modern Encyclopedia

MONITORING- MONITORING - observation of the state of the environment (atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil and plant ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

MONITORING- a technique and a system for monitoring the state of a particular object or process, which makes it possible to ... Glossary of business terms

MONITORING- (from Latin monitor - reminiscent, supervising), a system for monitoring and monitoring the state of the biosphere ... Veterinary Encyclopedic Dictionary

MONITORING- - systematic comparison of the actual position of the company, organization with the desired. Observations,... Commercial power industry. Dictionary-reference

MONITORING- monitoring the state of the environment (atmosphere, hydrosphere, other geospheres, soil and vegetation ... Civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

MONITORING- (from lat. monitor - the one who reminds, warns * a. monitoring; n. Monitoring; f. mo ...

Aquatic invertebrates are divided into zooplankton and zoobenthos. Both communities are used in bioindication. Bioindication is a method for assessing the anthropogenic load by the response of living organisms and their communities to it. Equipment. For collecting it is possible to use a hydrobiological net or a scraper. The hydrobiological net is similar to the entomological net, but differs in a hoop made of thicker wire (at least 4 mm), a thicker stick and a less deep bag. It is better to sew it from nylon small-mesh tulle. The scraper allows you to scrape animals from stones, cut aquatic plants at a depth of up to 2 m. It consists of a knife and a curved steel rod. The knife is made from a strip of steel with a length slightly less than the diameter of the bag and a width of 4 cm. One side of it is sharpened. An arc of thick wire with a thickness of at least three mm and a width of 1-1.5 cm is welded to the blunt edge of the knife on both sides. The arc can also be made from a steel strip. The middle of the arc is attached to a stick with a metal tube-tip. Knife, arc and tube are welded together. Holes are drilled in the knife and in the arc for attaching the bag. The collected material is placed in vessels with water, if it is immediately determined, and in bottles with a fixative liquid for subsequent determination (70% alcohol or 4% formalin). Methodology. Currently, the Woodiwiss Biotic Index (BIV) has been used to assess the state of water in rivers. The method was developed by the English hydrobiologist Woodiwiss and adapted for the northwest and the center of Russia. It is based on the study of the state of benthic organisms, i.e. those who live at the bottom of the reservoir. However, only macrozoobenthos is used, i.e. organisms, relatively large, clearly visible to the naked eye. The main groups of these organisms are described in the atlas-identifier of invertebrates. This method is based on high-quality samples of zoobenthos, allows you to fairly reliably assess the degree of pollution, does not require mandatory identification of all representatives of zoobenthos to the species level. It combines the principles of the indicator value of individual taxa and changes in the fauna under conditions of pollution. Samples on small rivers are taken at least at three stations (points), and at each station at three points (left bank, middle, right bank, or at any three points if the width of the river is very small). If there is a source of pollution on the river (runoff from farms, discharge of untreated wastewater from an enterprise, etc.), then samples should be taken above this source and 300-500 meters below. The net is placed perpendicular to the bottom, drawn about 1 m downstream, turned 1800 and drawn another 1 m upstream. The collected material is completely removed from the net, placed in bottles with a fixing liquid, and labeled. When using a scraper, it unfolds at one point by 3600. In the collected sample, organisms are divided into groups . Take 3-5 samples from different points of the station (1-1.5 m apart), combine and wash. Samples are taken by removing (scraping) the upper part of the soil along with the organisms that live in it. Stones are selected from a plot of approximately 0.5x0.5 m and dismantled. aquatic vegetation uprooted and dismantled. Note: type of soil (stony, stony-sandy, sandy, sandy-silty, silty-sandy, clayey); water temperature; pollution (by eye). The first stage of work is sampling. Not all organisms need to be identified to species; Below is a table that shows the required accuracy of determination for a particular group. The next step is to determine the biotic index. To do this, you need to calculate the total number of groups that you found in the sample. Then, based on the presence of certain indicator species, determine the biotic index. For example - you have only 9 groups of organisms (we remind you - a group is not always a species. One group includes, for example, all the annelids regardless of the number of species. But each kind of beetle or mayfly will be separate group). You then look in column 6-10 for the row that matches the indicator organisms in your sample. If you find a mayfly larva of the same species, then the desired biotic index will be 6; if there are two or more view stoneflies - 8, etc.
Additionally, the Goodnight and Whitley index is used: J = (number of oligochaetes / number of all invertebrate zoobenthos) x 100%. At J = 60% - the state of the river is good, 60-80% - doubtful, more than 80% - severe. For small rivers with fast current and diverse fauna use the Parele index : D1 = Tubifex abundance/abundance of all zoobenthic invertebrates. With D1= 0.01-0.16 - very pure water; 0.17-0.33 - pure; 0.34-0.50 - slightly contaminated; 0.51-0.67 - contaminated; 0.68-0.84 - dirty; 0.85-1.0 - very dirty. In rivers and reservoirs with an unfavorable oxygen regime and poor benthos, represented mainly by oligochaetes, a different Parele index is used: D2 = Tubifex numbers/all oligochaetes. At D2 = 0.30 - pure water; 0.30-0.54 - slightly polluted; 0.55-0.79 - contaminated; 0.8-1.0 - heavily polluted. Mass development of oligochaetes without more exact definition considered as an indicator of pollution (Berezina, 1989). If the number of oligochaetes is 100-999 ind. per sq. m, pollution is weak, with 1000-5000 ind. per sq. m - average, with more than 5000 copies. - strong.
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1.1 Bioindication method

1.2 Bioassay method

2.1 Main bioindicators for air pollution assessment

2.2 Main bioindicators for assessing pollution of water bodies

2.3 Main bioindicators for assessing soil pollution

3. Bioindication of the environment

3.1 Features of the use of plants as bioindicators

3.2 Features of using animals as bioindicators

4. Use of the method of biological monitoring in different countries



Biomonitoring is an integral part of environmental monitoring monitoring the state of the environment in terms of physical, chemical and biological indicators. The tasks of biomonitoring include a regular assessment of the quality of the environment using living objects specially selected for this purpose. In 1990, the Economic Commission of Europe under the auspices of the UN adopted a program of integrated monitoring (IM) of the environment for the following groups of indicators (their number is indicated in brackets): general meteorology (6), air chemistry (3), soil and groundwater chemistry (4 ), chemistry surface water(4), soil (6), biological indicators (11).

Biological monitoring is the tracking of natural and anthropogenic processes occurring in biocenoses and at higher levels of biological organization in order to identify changes that occur when living things interact with environmental factors (population fluctuations, accumulation of heavy metals in organisms, etc.) and studying the responses of all biological levels to these impacts (climate change, destruction of biocenoses, diseases of organisms, etc.).

Bioindication is one of the methods of biological monitoring. Bioindication is the detection and determination of environmentally significant natural and anthropogenic loads based on the reactions of living organisms to them directly in their habitat. Living objects (or systems) are cells, organisms, populations, communities. They can be used to evaluate abiotic factors(temperature, humidity, acidity, salinity, content of pollutants, etc.) and biotic (well-being of organisms, their populations and communities).

There is another method of biological monitoring. Biotesting (bioassay) is a procedure for establishing the toxicity of an environment using test objects that signal danger, regardless of which substances and in what combination cause changes in vital functions in test objects. To assess the parameters of the environment, standardized reactions of living organisms (or individual organs, tissues, cells and molecules) are used.

To conduct various studies in the field of biomonitoring, bioindicators are required, with the help of which indicators of the quality of water bodies, the atmosphere, and the state of soils are determined. The main bioindicators will be discussed in more detail below.

1. Biological monitoring methods

1. Bioindication - a method that allows you to judge the state of the environment by the fact of the meeting, absence, developmental features of bioindicator organisms. Bioindicators - organisms, the presence, quantity or developmental features of which serve as indicators of natural processes, conditions or anthropogenic changes in the habitat. Conditions determined using bioindicators are called bioindication objects.

2. Biotesting - a method that allows in the laboratory to assess the quality of environmental objects with the help of living organisms.

3. Assessment of biodiversity components - is a set of methods for comparative analysis of biodiversity components.

1.1 Bioindication method

Objective facts testify to the existence of a close influence of environmental factors on the biotic processes of the ecosystem (population density, dynamics of species structure, behavioral characteristics). Environmental factors such as light, temperature, water regime, biogenic elements (macro- and microelements), salinity, and others are of functional importance for organisms at all major stages of the life cycle. However, it is possible to use the inverse pattern and judge, for example, by the species composition of organisms about the type of physical environment. Therefore, “bioindication” is the determination of biologically significant loads based on the reactions of living organisms and their communities to them. This fully applies to all types of anthropogenic pollution.”

Significant methodological difficulties of bioindication also arise when assessing the state of the biocenosis by the ratio of species in a particular ecosystem by a selective method. If we proceed from the understanding of the population as a collection of individuals, then the information that we received cannot be extrapolated beyond the time period or station (polygon) at which the sample was made. It is necessary to obtain information about the form of the distribution of the probabilities of finding individuals at a particular point in the ecosystem space. Based on the found distribution law, it is possible to calculate the number of required samples that provide a given interpolation accuracy. Such an approach is possible to assess the state of populations in small areas, for example, in small closed shallow water bodies. For large water bodies, the number of samples is limited by the time during which samples can be taken under similar conditions (for example, even within a day, redistribution of plankton individuals in space can occur). The problems associated with the study of spatio-temporal differentiation of zooplankton during monitoring studies are shown, for example, on the large experimental material of O.M. Kozhova and B.K. Pavlov.

Thus, bioindication can be defined as a set of methods and criteria designed to search for informative components of ecosystems that could:

  • adequately reflect the level of environmental impact, including the complex nature of pollution, taking into account synergistic phenomena operating factors;
  • diagnose early disturbances in the most sensitive components of biotic communities and assess their significance for the entire ecosystem in the near and distant future.

From the point of view of mathematics, the task of bioindication under real conditions belongs to the class of poorly formalized tasks, since it is characterized by the following features:

  • significant multidimensionality of environmental factors and measured parameters of ecosystems;
  • strong interdependence of the whole complex of measured variables, which does not allow to single out in pure form the functional relationship of two individual indicators F(x);
  • the non-stationarity of most of the information about objects and the environment;
  • the complexity of carrying out the entire complex of measurements in the same coordinates of space and time, as a result of which the processed data have extensive gaps.

1.2 Bioassay method

Biotesting is the use of biological objects (test objects) under controlled conditions to identify and evaluate the effect of environmental factors (including toxic ones) on an organism, its individual function or system of organisms.

The most complete methods of biotesting have been developed for hydrobionts and can be used to assess the toxicity of natural water pollution, control wastewater toxicity, express analysis for sanitary and hygienic purposes, to conduct chemical analyzes for laboratory purposes and a number of other tasks.

Depending on the goals and objectives of toxicological biotesting, various organisms are used as test objects: higher and lower plants, bacteria, algae, aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, and others.

1.3 Method for assessing the significance of impacts

The significance of the impact directly depends on its type or nature (noise, radiation, emissions of certain substances into the air, etc.), physical magnitude and probability of its occurrence [Cherp et al., 2000]. The concept of magnitude here encompasses several factors, such as the intensity of the impact (for example, an increase in the BOD5 value in a river to 10 mg/l); duration of exposure; the extent of the impact. At the same time, the scale of spread of the impact is assessed both in terms of the area (for example, the territory on which an increase in the radiation level was recorded), and in terms of the number of biological objects, the presence of specially protected areas, etc., exposed to this factor. An additional aspect that is most often overlooked when assessing the significance of impacts is its context. Impacts that are the same in magnitude and likelihood can be considered more or less important, influence decisions to a greater or lesser extent, depending on where exactly they take place, how they are perceived by stakeholders, what is the current social environment, etc. .

There are many methods for assessing significance: for example, N. Li describes 24 methods. The simplest and most commonly used method for assessing significance is to compare them with universal standards. Standards can be quantitative (for example, maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants) or be qualitative in nature (for example, restrictions on certain types of economic activity within a specially protected natural area or near cultural monuments). However, there are important limitations to the applicability of the standards for assessing significance:

  • there are no standards for many exposures (for example, at the time of this writing, there was no standard for dioxin concentrations or releases in Russia);
  • many standards are based on approximate data (insufficiently verified, inaccurate or incomplete) and thus their scope is limited;
  • the standards are based on the notion of "threshold impact", while many types of exposure (for example, ionizing radiation) do not have a threshold value: it is possible that their influence manifests itself at arbitrarily small values;
  • standards are not always suitable for taking into account indirect, cumulative impacts, the synergistic effect of several factors;
  • standards are rarely applicable to account for the unique conditions specific to a particular situation.

Very close to the comparison with the standards is the method of assessing the significance, based on a comparison of the magnitude of the impact with the average values ​​of this parameter for the area under consideration. Such a method introduces an element of "context" into the assessment of significance, taking into account the local situation. This type of methods includes the comparison of parameters of the state of the environment with background values. Comparing impact magnitudes to standards or representative values ​​is an "objective" method of assessing the significance of impacts (although standards can, of course, be considered subjective).

Objective facts testify to the existence of a close influence of environmental factors on the biotic processes of the ecosystem (population density, dynamics of species structure, behavioral characteristics). Environmental factors such as light, temperature, water regime, biogenic elements (macro- and microelements), salinity, and others are of functional importance for organisms at all major stages of the life cycle. However, it is possible to use the inverse pattern and judge, for example, by the species composition of organisms about the type of physical environment. Therefore, “bioindication is the determination of biologically significant loads based on the reactions of living organisms and their communities to them. This fully applies to all types of anthropogenic pollution.”

2. Main characteristics of bioindicators 1.1 Bioindication method
1.2 Bioassay method
1.3 Method for assessing the significance of impacts
2. Main characteristics of bioindicators
2.1 Main bioindicators for air pollution assessment
2.2 Main bioindicators for assessing pollution of water bodies
2.3 Main bioindicators for assessing soil pollution
3. Bioindication of the environment
3.1 Features of the use of plants as bioindicators
3.2 Features of using animals as bioindicators
4. Use of biological monitoring method in different countries

And local levels of monitoring. It is carried out with the help of television images, photographs, multispectral images, etc. obtained from spacecraft, as well as by collecting data from land and sea stations. Space monitoring makes it possible to promptly identify the sources and nature of environmental changes, trace the intensity of processes and amplitudes of ecological shifts, and study the interaction of man-made systems. A monitoring service has been established in many countries; 1988 The World Conservation Monitoring Center (WCMC) was organized.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2000 .


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Biological monitoring

1) tracking biological objects, the presence of species, their condition, the appearance of accidental alien species, etc.;

2) monitoring based on bioindicators (usually on the basis of bioreserves, as well as a system for tracking and monitoring the reaction of living organisms to environmental pollution

Edwart. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010

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