The activities of the UN are increasingly influencing the nature and development of the most important socio-economic processes at the global and national levels. As an international forum for discussing and making purely political decisions on the most pressing issues in virtually all spheres of human activity and international relations, the UN determines development priorities, goals and strategies international cooperation on the formation of the world economic space.

The UN is characterized by great institutional diversity, which is manifested in the wide representativeness of both members and organizations cooperating with the UN. Firstly, The UN is a collectionorgans(General Assembly, Economic and Social Council, Secretariat, etc.). Secondly, the UN acts as a system of organizations consisting of specialized and other independent institutions (the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the UN Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, etc.).

Many specialized UN agencies play an active role in the development and unification of economic policy measures, analyze the state of international markets and infrastructure, and contribute to the harmonization of rules and procedures of private commercial law. Among the regulatory functions of the UN and the agencies responsible for developing international business regulations, the most important are the following:

    implementation of agreements on areas of state jurisdiction (General Assembly), which helps determine which country has the authority in relation to a particular land and water territory, airspace, stipulating, for example, the conditions for transportation or mining;

    implementation of agreements on intellectual property rights (World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO). The export of high-tech products, the protection of trademarks and patents would be difficult without respect for the strictly regulated intellectual property rights, which are protected through WIPO and TRIPS (Treaty on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights).

    unification of economic terms, systems of measures and indicators (UN Statistical Commission, UN Commission on International Trade Law-UNCITRAL, etc.). Virtually all UN bodies provide some degree of standardization, which facilitates objective international comparisons;

    development and harmonization of the rules of international commercial activity (UNCITRAL, UN Conference on Trade and Development - UNCTAD). The regulation of commercial activities strictly through the proposed tools and procedures undoubtedly promotes trade and logically links the global flows of goods and information,

    prevention of damage to goods and services on world markets and provision of cost recovery (UNCITRAL, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Maritime Organization, International Telecommunication Union, Universal Postal Union). Without effective agreements to prevent damage to carriers and goods, as well as guarantees for the preservation of information, businesses would be less inclined to conduct international business transactions. For companies, it is also important that in the event of accidents during international transport, they can count on compensation for financial losses;

    combating economic crime (United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice). Criminal activity creates an additional financial burden for law-abiding businesses, as it indirectly encourages corruption, limits free competition, and inevitably increases security costs;

    collection, analysis and dissemination of reliable economic information that contributes to the conclusion of international agreements (UNCITRAL, UNCTAD, World Bank), helps countries and companies in evaluating markets, comparing their own resources and capabilities, and developing foreign economic strategies. The UN agencies that provide statistics are regarded as authoritative and reliable sources of official statistics.

In addition to regulatory functions, the UN specialized agencies develop long-term strategies and tools in relation to the problems of the world economy on the basis of international expert consultations and agreements with governments and offer the world community possible ways to solve them.

The issues of investment in developing countries, the development of small and medium-sized businesses are currently among the most pressing. They affect any UN agency with a mandate in economic development. Leading among them are the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). UNIDO is making the necessary efforts to increase the economic potential of developing countries and countries with economies in transition through the development of their industrial enterprises. UNIDO's guidance is intended to help these countries overcome social and economic difficulties and achieve greater and more successful participation in international cooperation.

UNDP promotes business development through financing and support mechanisms for private and public companies in developing countries. UNDP and UNCTAD, among other UN agencies, regularly involve business representatives in forums and seminars on economic issues.

UNCTAD plays a key role in the UN system in dealing with issues of international trade, finance, investment and technology, in particular, assisting developing countries in creating enterprises and developing entrepreneurship. The UNCTAD Commission on Entrepreneurship, Business Facilitation and Development promotes the development and implementation of strategies for the effective development of entrepreneurship, promotes dialogue between the private and public sectors. UNCTAD's technical cooperation projects include the Customs Automated Data Processing System, the Trade Points Network Program, and the EMPRETEC Programme.

The Automated Customs Data Processing System project helps to modernize customs procedures and management of customs services, which greatly simplifies the bureaucratic component foreign economic activity.

The UNCTAD-coordinated EMPRETEC program is designed to help address the challenge of better market entry for enterprises from developing countries.

When conducting economic activities, states and companies must strictly take into account environmental requirements provided by the provisions of a number of international environmental conventions. Such global ecological problems, as desertification, loss of biodiversity, climate change, are within the scope of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). UNEP, together with the World Meteorological Organization, developed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which was adopted in 1992. In the XXI century. it lies at the heart of the worldwide efforts to combat global warming as a result of human activities. The document, in particular, provides for the reduction of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which imposes certain obligations on industrial companies - sources of these emissions, significantly affects agriculture, transport and other sectors of the economy, the impact of which on nature is increasing.

Issues of protection of cultural and natural heritage directly related to the development of the international tourism industry, as well as the reconciliation of economic needs with the need for environmental protection, international information exchange and statistics are part of the mandate of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

A number of UN system entities work with specific groups of private sector actors based on the specifics of their areas of expertise. Other agencies, such as the United Nations Development Program and the World Bank, maintain relationships with a wide range of organizations in the business community. In addition to bilateral relations, the participation of business groups in the activities of the UN can be ensured through the institutionalization of such participation in the structure of an international organization. An example is the International Labor Organization (ILO), which has existed since 1919, in which representatives of workers and employers are given equal opportunities with representatives of governments to influence the development of ILO policy.

The uniqueness of the role of OOHB in the formation of the international economic infrastructure lies in the performance of the most important socially significant functions in the field of global governance. The objects of regulation are numerous connections and relations at the international level, the existence and stability of which are taken for granted.

The norms, rules and regimes adopted within the UN and still in force today ensure compliance with the legally established requirements for ongoing operations, determine the general standards of foreign economic relations, and protect property rights. For example, the UN Convention on the High Seas (1985) guarantees free movement on the high seas outside territorial waters, as well as the laying of submarine cables and pipelines. The UN Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes (1988) regulates credit and financial relations in international settlements.

Many UN specialized agencies play an active role in the development and harmonization of measures economic policy, analyze the state of international markets and infrastructure, contribute to the harmonization of the rules and procedures of private commercial law. Among the regulatory functions of the UN and the agencies responsible for developing international business regulations, the most important are the following:

Enforcement of agreements on areas of state jurisdiction (General Assembly), which helps to determine which country has the authority in relation to a particular land and water territory, airspace, stipulating, for example, the conditions for transportation or mining;

Enforcement of intellectual property rights arrangements (World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO). The export of high-tech products, the protection of trademarks and patents would be difficult without respect for the strictly regulated intellectual property rights, which are protected through WIPO and TRIPS (Treaty on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights).

WIPO determines the procedure for filing applications in all countries in which intellectual property rights are sought and limits the associated costs. WIPO administers treaties that establish internationally agreed rights and common standards that States agree to uphold and apply in their territories. The WIPO treaties covering inventions and related patents, trademarks and industrial designs ensure that a single international registration or application will have effect in any of the states party to the agreements. Recognized and widely used is the Patent Cooperation Treaty, which introduces the concept of a single international patent application with effect in many countries. WIPO has also made specific recommendations on how to secure domain names (address codes) on the Internet, which is a matter of concern and concern for communications and Internet companies;

Unification of economic terms, systems of measures and indicators (United Nations Statistical Commission, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law - UNCITRAL Leader).

Virtually all UN bodies provide some degree of standardization, which facilitates objective international comparisons;

Development and harmonization of the rules of international commercial activity (UNCITRAL, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - UNCTAD). Regulation of commercial activities strictly through the proposed tools and procedures certainly promotes trade and logically links the global flows of goods and information;

Preventing damage to goods and services on world markets and providing cost recovery (UNCITRAL, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Maritime Organization, International Telecommunication Union, Universal Postal Union). Without effective agreements to prevent damage to carriers and goods, as well as guarantees for the preservation of information, businesses would be less inclined to conduct international business transactions. For companies, it is also important that in the event of accidents during international transport, they can count on compensation for financial losses;

Combating Economic Crime (United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice). Criminal activity creates an additional financial burden for law-abiding businesses, as it indirectly encourages corruption, limits free competition, and inevitably increases security costs;

The collection, analysis and dissemination of reliable economic information that contributes to the conclusion of international agreements (UNCITRAL, UNCTAD, the World Bank), helps countries and companies in evaluating markets, comparing their own resources and possibly

and development of foreign economic strategies. The UN agencies that provide statistics are regarded as authoritative and reliable sources of official statistics.

In addition to regulatory functions, the UN specialized agencies develop long-term strategies and tools in relation to the problems of the world economy on the basis of international expert consultations and agreements with governments and offer the world community possible ways to solve them.

The issues of investment in developing countries, the development of small and medium-sized businesses are currently among the most pressing. They affect any UN agency with a mandate in the field of economic development. Leading among them are the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). UNIDO is making the necessary efforts to increase the economic potential of developing countries and countries with economies in transition through the development of their industrial enterprises. UNIDO's guidance is intended to help these countries overcome social and economic difficulties and achieve greater and more successful participation in international cooperation.

UNDP promotes business development through financing and support mechanisms for private and public companies in developing countries. UNDP and UNCTAD, among other UN agencies, regularly involve business representatives in forums and seminars on economic issues.

UNCTAD plays a key role in the UN system in dealing with international trade, finance, investment and technology, in particular by helping developing countries to create enterprises and develop entrepreneurship. The UNCTAD Commission on Entrepreneurship, Business Facilitation and Development promotes the development and implementation of strategies for the effective development of entrepreneurship, promotes dialogue between the private and public sectors. UNCTAD's technical cooperation projects include the Customs Automated Data Processing System, the Trade Points Network Program, and the EMPRETEC Programme.

The project of an automated customs data processing system helps to modernize customs procedures and management of customs services, which greatly simplifies the bureaucratic component of foreign economic activity. The Trade Point Network Program provides information network trade organizations around the world. Entrepreneurs from developing countries, many of whom still find it difficult to find trading partners abroad,

use such centers for successful entry into world markets. The global network facilitates cross-border communications, provides access to international databases and electronic commerce.

The UNCTAD-coordinated EMPRETEC program is designed to help address the challenge of better market entry for enterprises from developing countries. It was established to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries and countries with economies in transition in promoting the emergence of joint ventures and establishing business relations with TNCs, in making their activities international. The main focus of the program is on identifying promising entrepreneurs and providing them with professional training, providing them with advisory services on management issues and attracting partners, including foreign companies. Since 1988, EMPRETEC has provided assistance to more than 20,000 entrepreneurs in several African and Latin American countries.

When carrying out economic activities, states and companies must strictly take into account the environmental requirements stipulated by the provisions of a number of international environmental conventions. Such global environmental problems as desertification, loss of biodiversity, climate change are within the competence of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). UNEP, together with the World Meteorological Organization, developed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which was adopted in 1992. In the XXI century. it lies at the heart of the worldwide efforts to combat global warming as a result of human activities. The document, in particular, provides for the reduction of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which imposes certain obligations on industrial companies - sources of these emissions, significantly affects agriculture, transport and other sectors of the economy, the impact of which on nature is increasing.

In addition to prohibitive and prescriptive regulations, there is a practice of using motivating incentives. For example, the international business award for achievements in the protection environment, established in 2000 under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Program to recognize and reward outstanding achievements in the environmental field of companies operating in developing countries and countries with economies in transition.

The protection of cultural and natural heritage, which is directly related to the development of the international tourism industry, as well as the reconciliation of economic needs with the need for environmental protection, international information exchange and statistics are part of the mandate of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

International economic organizations that regulate the system of the world economy can be classified according to two main principles: according to the organizational principle and according to the sphere of multilateral regulation.

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named after academician Z. Aldamzhar

Faculty of Education

Department of Natural Sciences

Coursework by disciplineEconomic social and political geography

TOPIC: The United Nations, its role in the global economy

Completed by: Kusainova

Nurgul Tanatarovna

specialties Geography

4 courses O/O

Scientific director

Munarbaeva B. G.

Senior Lecturer



Kostanay Social Technical University

named after academician Z. Aldamzhar

Department of Natural Sciences

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Head department _______

"___" _______ 20__


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a) a report on the collected material and the progress of the development of the course work

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b) a report on the progress of writing a term paper until "____" ___________ 20____.

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"___" _____________ 20_


1 International economic organizations……………………………….

1.1 Classification of international economic organizations………...

1.2 General characteristics of economic activity international organizations………………………………………………………………………

2 The United Nations, its role in the world economy……….

2.1 Establishment of the UN……………………………………………………………...

2.3 Main functions and tasks of the UN and its agencies…………………….

3 The General Assembly (UNGA) and its institutions………………………..

3.1 Economic and Social Council…………………………………….

3.2 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)……………….

3.3 Activities of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)……………………………………………………………………




Countries trade with each other, they (and their companies) enter into agreements, agree on common rules for conducting various kinds of business trade in goods and services, building facilities or buying enterprises, loans, credits, etc.

In all these actions, both the simplest and the most complex, in which many countries and companies sometimes act as participants, the essence and content side of bilateral or multilateral international economic cooperation is expressed.

Tasks of international regulation of international economic relations. The main tasks of regulating international economic relations are the following:

  • ensuring stability and sustainability of economic growth and development in all regions of the world, especially in the financial sector, taking into account the extreme sensitivity of this sphere to fluctuations in the global situation, to the impact of foreign policy factors;
  • promotion of economic cooperation between countries through the variety of forms of such cooperation;
  • striving for the complete elimination of discrimination in trade economic cooperation (as it was supposed, for example, at the initial stage of the WTO Trade Round in Doha (Qatar, 2001);
  • providing every kind of assistance in the development of private entrepreneurship in developing and new capitalist countries, assisting them in overcoming crisis situations by those methods that were considered the most reliable (in many cases, these attempts gave negative effect);
  • harmonization of the macroeconomic policy of the states participants in world economic cooperation. This last task, like the previous ones, certainly has a positive intention, but, most likely, rests on naive-romantic expectations that are not justified by real practice. Countries are so strikingly different from each other in terms of the “quality” of the economy that it will be impossible to apply uniform approaches to them in economic policy for many decades to come.

International economic organizations are an important tool for regulating multilateral interstate relations in the field of trade and the economy, they have agreed goals, their permanent bodies, as well as organizational norms, including the charter, procedure and decision-making, etc.

1 International economic organizations

1.1 Classification of international economic organizations

International economic organizations that regulate the system of the world economy can be classified according to two main principles: according to the organizational principle and according to the sphere of multilateral regulation.

The classification of international economic organizations according to the organizational principle as a basis assumes the participation or non-participation of the organization in the United Nations system, and also takes into account the profile of organizations and the goals of their activities. With this approach, international economic organizations can be divided into the following groups:

  • international economic organizations of the UN system;
  • international economic organizations that are not members of the UN system;
  • regional economic organizations.
  • The classification of international economic organizations in the field of multilateral regulation involves their division into the following groups:
  • international economic organizations regulating economic and industrial cooperation and branches of the world economy;
  • international economic organizations in the system of regulation of world trade;
  • regional economic organizations in the system of regulation of the world economy;
  • international and regional economic organizations that regulate business activities;
  • international non-governmental organizations and associations that promote the development of international economic relations.

1.2 General characteristics of the economic activities of international organizations

Methods of interaction in international regulation are resolutions and directives developed and adopted by international organizations that are binding on their members; multilateral agreements concluded at the intergovernmental level; agreements and agreements, consultations and cooperation at the regional level and in non-governmental organizations. The regulation is aimed at creating certain prerequisites that contribute to the further development of world economic relations between interested states, in particular, by achieving stability and predictability of the market access regime.

The main areas of multilateral regulation of economic cooperation in modern conditions include the following:

  • creation by the states concerned of a contractual and legal basis for trade and economic relations, including the most important principles and norms;
  • development of agreements on the use at the national level of a complex of trade, economic and political means of influencing world economic relations, determining the scope and possibilities for using individual instruments of economic policy;
  • the formation and further development of international institutions that contribute to the achievement of agreements and the solution of controversial problems that arise between the participating countries, their associations and groupings;
  • exchange of information and experience in organizing trade and economic relations. .

There are more than 100 international organizations in the world, and more or less involved in the discussion and regulation of economic problems. They differ in composition, size, functions, as well as in their impact on the international economy. International organizations can be classified according to (different criteria. Among modern international organizations, there are two main types: intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. The role of both is significant, they all contribute to the communication of states in various fields life.

An international intergovernmental organization is created in accordance with international law and should not infringe on the interests of an individual state and the international community as a whole. Its creation is based on an international treaty (convention, agreement, protocol, etc.). The parties to such an agreement are sovereign states, and recently intergovernmental organizations have also become participants in international organizations.

The purpose of creating any international organization is to unite the efforts of states in a particular area. The UN coordinates the activities of states in almost all areas and acts as an intermediary between them. Sometimes states refer the most difficult issues of international relations to organizations for discussion and decision. Each international organization has an appropriate organizational structure, which confirms the permanent nature of the organization and thus distinguishes it from other forms of international cooperation. An important feature of an international organization is that it has rights and obligations, which are generally enshrined in its founding act. An international organization cannot exceed its authority.

Another type of international organizations are international non-governmental organizations that are not established on the basis of intergovernmental agreements. Such organizations must be recognized by at least one state, but operate in at least two states. Such organizations are created on the basis of a constituent act. There are currently over 8,000 of them. International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) play an active role in all aspects of modern international relations.

International organizations of any kind are called upon to solve various problems in their fields of activity. To solve economic and other problems, more than 1,000 international conferences are currently held annually, which are convened in order to develop and adopt international treaties, conclude acts, and establish principles of cooperation in a specific area of ​​international relations.

2 United Nations, its role in the global economy

2.1 Creation of the UN

The first step towards the creation of the United Nations was the Declaration signed in London on June 12, 1941, in which the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition pledged to "work together with other free peoples both in war and in peace." In August of the same year, US President T. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister W. Churchill proposed a set of principles for international cooperation to maintain peace and security in a document known as the Atlantic Charter. Of course, this took into account the experience of the League of Nations, which failed to prevent the Second World War. In January 1942, representatives of 26 allied states that fought against the Axis countries (Germany Italy Japan) declared their support for the Atlantic Charter by signing the Declaration of 26 states. This document was the first official use of the name "United Nations", proposed by President Roosevelt. Then, in the Declaration, signed in Moscow on October 30, 1943, the governments Soviet Union, Britain, the United States and China called for the early establishment of an international organization to maintain peace and security. This goal was reaffirmed at a meeting of the leaders of the United States, USSR and Great Britain in Tehran on December 1, 1943. The first concrete contours of the UN were outlined at a conference held at the Dumbarton Oaks estate in Washington. It was this conference that formulated the basic principles of the activities of the United Nations (UN), determined its structure and functions. At the Yalta (Crimean) conference, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to the participation in the UN of the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR as founding states (this was a tribute to the USSR, which fought alone with Germany until o opening second front in 1944). The leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition decided to convene a United Nations Conference on April 25, 1945 in San Francisco to develop the UN Charter. .

The founding conference on the creation of the UN was held from April 25 to June 26, 1945 in the United States. Its convocation even before the end of the Second World War testified that the allies had reached mutual understanding on the main issues of creating a universal interstate organization designed to ensure peace on board, those. The UN Charter officially came into force on October 24, 1945, and this date is considered the birthday of the UN.

The United Nations is the center for solving the problems that all of humanity faces. The activities of the UN are carried out by the joint efforts of more than 30 related organizations that make up the United Nations system. The United Nations is not a world government and does not make laws. However, it provides tools that help resolve international conflicts and develop policies on issues that affect us all. In the United Nations, all Member States - large and small, rich and poor, of different political views and social systems have the right to express their opinion and vote in this process.

The United Nations has six principal organs. Five of them the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council and the Secretariat are located at United Nations Headquarters in New York. Sixth body International Court located in The Hague (Netherlands).

Along with the increasing role of world political problems, economic aspects occupy a large place in the activities of the UN, which is expressed primarily in the expansion of the economic functions of the UN. All new spheres of the world economy, international economic relations are becoming the subject of its study, analysis, search for ways and means of their solution, development of appropriate recommendations. The significance of the economic activity of the UN increases with the complication of the processes taking place in world economic relations and the international division of labor, the aggravation of the problems arising in the world economy, and the further expansion of international economic cooperation.

Article 1 of the UN Charter formulates in a concentrated form the goals of international cooperation, including in the economic sphere: “... to carry out international cooperation in resolving international problems economic, social...” character. Chapters IX and X The charter is entirely devoted to economic and social cooperation. In particular, Article 55 defines the specific goals of economic cooperation within the UN: “creating the conditions of stability and prosperity necessary for peaceful and friendly relations”, “raising the standard of living, achieving full employment of the population”, promoting “the conditions for economic and social progress and assistance” . Fixed in Art. 2 general principles international cooperation within the framework of the UN are fully applicable to the sphere of cooperation on economic problems. One of the central tasks of the United Nations is to promote higher standards of living, full employment and conditions for social and economic progress and development. 70% of the activities of the United Nations system are related to this task. Underlying this activity is the belief that eradicating poverty and improving human well-being everywhere are necessary steps towards creating the conditions for lasting world peace.

At the 60th Anniversary Session (September 2005), a high-level plenary meeting of the Assembly with the participation of Heads of State and Government took a comprehensive review of the progress made towards fulfilling all the commitments contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration. Much attention at the session was devoted to the need to achieve internationally agreed development goals and forge global partnerships to ensure progress at the national, regional and international levels; while emphasizing the importance of fulfilling the decisions and commitments made at international conferences and meetings at highest level United Nations in the economic, social and related fields.

The system of organization of UN agencies is very complex, and many of them deal with issues of an economic nature. In general, the economic activities carried out by the UN can be divided into four areas:

  • solution of global economic problems common to all countries;
  • promotion of economic cooperation between states with different levels of socio-economic development;
  • promoting the economic growth of developing countries;
  • solution of problems of regional economic development.

In practice, work in the above areas is carried out using such forms of activity as:

  • informational;
  • technical advisory;
  • financial. .

The information aspect of the work of the UN is the most extensive work of both the Secretariat and all UN agencies. Issues of the greatest interest, putting on the agenda of political discussions, written reports and references are prepared. All materials are carefully considered in various departments of institutions and only after a thorough preparatory work(including the publication of reports and reports) are submitted for public discussion in the relevant agencies of the UN system.

The purpose of such activities is the overall impact on the economic policies of the member countries. By by and large this is work "for the future", "in reserve". A significant amount of various information and statistical calculations are published, which have a fairly high reputation among specialists in this field. The work on unification, collection and processing of initial statistical data is headed by the Statistical Commission and the Statistical Department. Activities in the field of accounting and statistics are very useful and beneficial for underdeveloped countries, since, on the one hand, they often simply do not have their own economically verified statistical methods, and on the other hand, foreign economic entities, seeking to penetrate the markets of countries, have almost the only opportunity to get real information about the state of affairs in the economic sector of a given country.

The technical advisory activities of the UN are carried out in the form of technical assistance to states in need of it. As early as 1948, some kind of principles for the provision of such assistance were adopted. First of all, she must:

  • ensure the prosperity of the country, but at the same time, assistance cannot serve as a means for foreign economic and political interference in the internal affairs of the state;
  • be provided exclusively through the governments of countries and intended exclusively for this country;
  • be provided, as far as possible, in the form that is desirable for that country itself;
  • have a specific character, meet high quality and technical requirements.

Monetary, financial and credit activities are carried out mainly through the international organizations associated with the UN: the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance Corporation, and the International Development Association. These structures are formally specialized organizations The UN, although little dependent on the UN, actually comes up with independent conceptual ideas that run counter to the recommendations of reports published, for example, by GATT and ECOSOC. .

The main structural units of the economic cooperation organization system within the United Nations are three of the six main bodies specified in the Charter, namely the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and the Secretariat.

2.3 Main functions and tasks of the UN and its agencies

Important role in the system of interstate regulation plays the United Nations (UN), which is universal both in terms of membership and in terms of issues within its competence.

According to the Charter, the UN sets itself the following goals:

  • maintain international peace and security; settle or resolve, in accordance with the principles of justice and international law, international disputes or situations that may lead to a breach of peace;
  • to develop friendly relations among nations on the basis of respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples;
  • to carry out multilateral cooperation and promote the resolution of international problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian nature on the principles of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all;
  • be the center for coordinating the actions of nations in achieving their goals.

Organizations of global importance include, first of all, the specialized institutions of the UN - the IMF and the World Bank Group, as well as the World Trade Organization. The direct role of the UN in international monetary and financial relations is limited.

Principal organs and specialized agencies of the UN, reflecting its structure:

  • General Assembly;
  • Security Council;
  • the Economic and Social Council, which has several specialized agencies (UNCTAD, UNIDO, FAO, etc.);
  • Secretariat.

A separate block in the UN structure is represented by regional economic commissions (JAC, ECA, ECLAC, ESCAP, etc.), as well as functional and special commissions. .

Each of these organizations has its own specific goals and objectives and makes a real contribution to the regulation of international economic relations.

In 2005, the world community celebrated the 60th anniversary of the activities of the United Nations, the leading international forum on the path to solving the problems of global development. The UN is an integral part of the modern world order, in the formation of which it plays an important role. The main goals and principles of the international legal order were for the first time enshrined in its Charter.

3 The General Assembly (UNGA) and its institutions

The UN General Assembly, according to the UN Charter, is responsible for the implementation of the functions of the United Nations in the field of international cooperation and directs specific activities in this area through the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The main task of the Assembly is to serve as the highest forum within the UN for discussing the most important, key problems of an economic nature.

The Assembly exercises its functions in the area under consideration mainly through the Second Committee (on economic and (|financial) issues). This is one of the main committees of the Assembly. The Assembly establishes international cooperation organizations such as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) or the United Nations industrial development (UNIDO), etc.

3.1 Economic and Social Council

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). This organization is the next hierarchical body in the system of the economic mechanism of the United Nations. ECOSOC, established in 1946, coordinates all UN activities in the socio-economic field Among the members of ECOSOC are 54 UN member states elected by the UN General Assembly, with 5 permanent members of the Security Council being permanent members. The highest body of ECOSOC is the session of the Council. Three sessions are held annually:

  • spring on social, legal and humanitarian issues
  • summer on economic and social issues;
  • special on organizational issues.
  • conducting qualified research on general and special problems of economic and social development, international cooperation; generalization of the obtained results. .

Let's summarize the information above. So, ECOSOC coordinates the activities of:

permanent committees (economic, social, etc.);

  • functional commissions and subcommissions (statistical, social development, etc.), regional economic commissions (European Economic Commission EEC, economic commissions for Africa, etc.);
  • UN specialized agencies (FAO, UNIDO, etc.).
  • According to Art. 68 of the Charter, in order to fulfill its functions, ECOSOC has the right to create subsidiary bodies that operate between sessions. Currently, there are 11 standing committees and commissions (on natural resources, on non-governmental organizations, etc.), 6 functional commissions (statistical, social development, etc.), 5 regional economic commissions and a number of other bodies.

Structure of ECOSOC. The Economic and Social Council coordinates the work of 14 UN specialized agencies, 10 functional commissions and 5 regional commissions; receives reports from 11 UN funds and programmes; makes policy recommendations to UN system organizations and Member States. In accordance with the UN Charter, ECOSOC is responsible for promoting the improvement of living standards, ensuring full employment of the population and conditions for economic and social progress; for identifying ways to resolve international problems in the economic, social and health fields; promotion of international cooperation in the field of culture and education; promotion of universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. ECOSOC has more than 70% of the human and financial resources of the entire UN system at its disposal. In carrying out its mandate, ECOSOC organizes consultations with academia, the business world and over 2,100 registered non-governmental organizations. The Council holds a four-week main session each year in July, alternately in New York and Geneva. The session includes a high-level segment, during which ministers of national governments and heads of international institutions and other high-ranking officials discuss a single topic of global importance. ECOSOC has in recent years assumed a leading role in key strategic areas. During this high-level meeting in 1999, the Poverty Manifesto was adopted, which largely predetermined the Millennium Development Goals endorsed by the United Nations Millennium Summit in New York. The 2000 High-Level Segment Ministerial Declaration proposed concrete measures to bridge the digital divide, leading directly to the creation of the ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Task Force in 2001. Since 1998, ECOSOC has been the key committees of the Bretton Woods institutions of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Subsidiary and ECOSOC related bodies include the following.

Functional commissions:

  • Statistical Commission;
  • Commission on Population and Development;
  • Commission for Social Development;
  • Human Rights Commission;
  • Group of Three (established under the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid),
  • Working Group to Study Cases of Persistent Gross Violations of Human Rights;
  • Working Group on Arbitrary Detention;
  • Open-ended Working Group on the Right to Development;
  • Open-ended Working Group on the Development of a Draft Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;
  • Open-ended Working Group to develop a draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
  • an open-ended working group to develop basic guidelines on structural adjustment programs and economic, social and cultural rights;
  • Subcommission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights;
  • Working Group on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National, Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities;
  • Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery;
  • Working Group on Indigenous Peoples;
  • Sessional Working Group on Working Methods of the Subcommission;
  • Sessional Working Group on the Administration of Justice;
  • Sessional Working Group on the working methods and activities of transnational corporations;
  • Working Group on Communications;
  • Commission on the Status of Women;
  • Commission on Narcotic Drugs;
  • Sub-Commission on Drug Trafficking in the Near and Middle East and Related Matters;
  • Meeting of Heads of National Drug Enforcement Agencies;
  • Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice;
  • Commission on Science and Technology for Development;
  • Commission for Sustainable Development;
  • ad hoc open-ended working groups;
  • the Open Ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Expert Group on Energy and Sustainable Development;
  • United Nations Forum on Forests.

Regional commissions:

  • Economic Commission for Africa (ECA);
  • Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP);
  • Economic Commission for Europe (ECE);
  • Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); .
  • Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).

Standing Committees:

  • Committee for Program and Coordination;
  • Commission on Human Settlements;
  • Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations;
  • Committee for Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies.

Special bodies:

  • Ad Hoc Open Ended Working Group on Informatics.
  • Expert bodies composed of government experts:
  • Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals;
  • United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names.

3.2 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD ) is the main body of the UN General Assembly (GA) in the field of trade and development, an important instrument of multilateral interstate regulation of trade and economic policy. It was created as a permanent intergovernmental organization at the First session of the Conference held in 1964 in Geneva. In the context of the collapse of the world colonial systems, the establishment of UNCTAD reflected the desire of developing countries to integrate into world trade on “fair conditions.” Other international institutions created at that time, including the GATT, did not fully represent the interests of countries with weak economies, so the UN General Assembly decided to create permanent organization, the main idea (goal) of which includes the analysis of trends in the development of the world economy and trade, the formulation and implementation of a trade policy that promotes economic growth developing countries.

UNCTAD does not have a statute. Goals, functions, organizational structure, all procedures related to the activities of UNCTAL. set out in UNGA Resolution No. 1995. In accordance with this resolution, the members of the Conference are those states that are members of the United Nations, its specialized agencies or the International Agency for atomic energy. By the beginning of 2004, UNCTAD included 194 states, including all 12 CIS countries.

The Conference defined as its main functions:

  • encouragement of international trade, in particular between countries at different levels of development;
  • establishing principles and policies relating to international trade and related problems of economic development,
  • facilitating the coordination of activities of other agencies within the UN system in the field of international trade and economic development;
  • implementation of the harmonization of the policies of governments and regional economic groupings in the field of trade.

Each State represented at the Conference shall have one vote. Decisions are taken by a 2/3 majority of representatives present and voting.

UNCTAD's annual budget is approximately US$50 million and is allocated from the regular budget of the United Nations. Technical cooperation activities are financed from extrabudgetary resources provided by donors, beneficiary countries, as well as various organizations - about 25 million US dollars per year.

UNCTAD works closely with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), UNDP, the International Trade Center, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the IMF and other organizations. The sessions in Midranta (1996), Bangkok (2001) and Sao Paulo (2004) set out the programmatic directions for UNCTAD's activities at the beginning of this century, the main ones being:

Globalization and development strategies. UNCTAD studies the main trends in the development of the world economy, in particular globalization, and assesses its impact on the process of economic development different groups countries. Specific problems of development and successful experience which may be useful for developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Issues related to financial flows and debt are being studied. Assistance is rendered to developing countries in the settlement of debt relations. Databases relating to trade and development issues are expanding.

International trade in goods and services and commodity issues. UNCTAD develops policies aimed at:

  • improving the functioning of commodity markets by reducing imbalances affecting supply and demand;
  • ensure that developing countries gradually reduce their overdependence on the export of non-processed commodities through horizontal and vertical diversification of production and exports, and crop substitution;
  • the gradual elimination of trade barriers in the area of ​​commodities;
  • minimization of risks associated with fluctuations in commodity prices, including the use of a price hedging mechanism (commodity futures, options, swaps);
  • compensatory financing for reduced export earnings.

Investment, technology and enterprise development. UNCTAD studies global trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) flows and their relationship to trade, technology and development. As part of the activities of the Conference, mechanisms are being developed to support small and medium-sized businesses. It defines policies to encourage the development of technological capacity and innovation in developing countries. The conference provides assistance to developing countries and encouragement of investment inflow and improvement of their investment! climate.

Also of great importance is the development and implementation of programs for the training of qualified personnel to create an infrastructure of services for the establishment of efficient trade. UNCTAD as a whole is doing a lot of work in developing national policies for the development of infrastructure for services, and it is helping to expand global e-commerce by facilitating access to information technology for developing countries.

UNCTAD and the least developed, landlocked and island developing States. UNCTAD coordinates work on least developed country (LDC) issues, including the provision of technical assistance in the form of integrated country programmes.

The Conference participates in the programs of action for the least developed countries, the Barbados Program of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Global Program for Cooperation in Transit Transport among Landlocked Developing Countries. Trust funds for LDCs are being administered.

The fight against poverty. UNCTAD recognizes the need for an integrated approach to combat poverty. The conference focuses its efforts on such areas as the development of human resources and social infrastructure; creating jobs and increasing the productivity of the poor, the distribution of income and social benefits. The impact of trade expansion on poverty alleviation is being studied.

Economic cooperation among developing countries UNCTAD is studying the experience of subregional, regional and interregional economic cooperation among developing countries; develops action programs for the world community to overcome the economic backwardness of the LDCs.

Some results of UNCTAD activity for 40 years of its existence. As a result of the 11 sessions of UNCTAD, a number of important international agreements were adopted for the purpose, including:

In the field of trade:

generalized system of preferences (1971). Thanks to the existence of the GSP, goods exported by developing countries are subject to preferential (preferential) treatment in the markets of developed countries;

  • agreement on the global system of trade preferences (GSTP) among developing countries (1989);
  • a set of multilaterally agreed fair principles and rules for the control of restrictive business practices (1980);
  • the Global Network of Trade Points (GTPC), established as a result of the work of the UN International Symposium on Trade Efficiency (1994); .

In the field of commodities:

  • international commodity agreements on cocoa, sugar, natural rubber, jute and jute products, tropical timber, tin, olive oil and wheat;
  • a common commodity background established to provide financial support for the operation of international stocks and the implementation of commodity R&D projects (1989);

In the area of ​​debt and development:

  • since the adoption by the Council of a resolution providing for a retroactive adjustment of the debt conditions of developing countries with low level Income (1978), the debt burden has been reduced by more than $6.5 billion for more than 50 poor developing countries;
  • Guidelines for International Action on Debt Restructuring (1980);

In support of least developed and landlocked developing countries and transit developing countries:

  • agreement on a global framework for cooperation in transit transport between landlocked and transit developing countries and the donor community (1995);
  • program of action for the LDCs (1990s);
  • program of action for the LDCs for 2001-2003;
  • in the field of transport:
  • the UN Convention on the Code for Conducting Linear Conferences (1974);
  • UN Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (1978);
  • UN Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods (1980);
  • the UN Convention on Conditions for the Registration of Ships (1986);
  • UN Convention on Maritime Liens and Mortgages (1993).

The vigorous activity of UNCTAD contributed to the adoption of the following important decisions by international organizations and governments:

  • an agreement to set targets for PAs including 0.7% of GDP for developing countries as a whole and 0.15% for LDCs;
  • improvement of the mechanism of compensatory financing for the reduction of export earnings of developing countries, created by the International Monetary Fund;
  • reducing the debt of highly indebted poor countries (HIPCs) to international commercial banks.

One of the important functions of the Conference is its publication of annual reports on trade and development. These reports contain an analysis of current international and regional trends and the interaction of trade, investment and financial flows. For example, the World Investment Report provides an analysis of trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) and the activities of TNCs; in the report on the least developed countries (LDCs) an overview of the main problems of the LDCs and measures of their international support. Statistical guide to international trade and Development, published by UNCTAD, contains the main indicators of world and regional development: GDP per capita, growth rates, consist of balance of payments, FDI, financial and debt flows, an overview of trends in maritime transport. UNCTAD's annual Directory of Publications lists other periodic and ad hoc studies that have importance for countries, as well as being a source in the preparation normative documents in national and international law-making activities.

The conference is convened at least once every four years at the ministerial level. The date and place of the sessions of the Conference are established by the UN General Assembly, taking into account the recommendations of the Conference or the Trade and Development Board. Between sessions, the permanent executive body of UNCTAD is the Trade and Development Board (hereinafter referred to as the Board). The Council meets as needed - usually twice a year. In addition, the Council holds special sessions and meetings of commissions on global politics, the interdependence of the world's economies, trade problems and monetary and financial relations, structural adjustment and economic reforms. Since 1997, the working bodies of the Council have been three commissions: on trade in goods and services; on investment, technology and financial matters; on entrepreneurship and business. The Council submits annual reports on its activities to the Conference and the General Assembly of the United Nations. From 1964 to 2004, 11 sessions were held:

  • first session 1964 (Geneva, Switzerland);
  • second session 1968 (Delhi, India);
  • third session 1972 (Santiago, Chile);
  • fourth session 1976 (Nairobi, Kenya);
  • fifth session 1979 (Manila, Philippines);
  • sixth session 1983 (Belgrade, Yugoslavia);
  • seventh session 1987 (Geneva, Switzerland);
  • eighth session 1992 (Cartagena, Colombia);
  • ninth session 1996 (Midrand, South Africa);
  • tenth session 2000 (Bangkok, Thailand);
  • eleventh 2004 (Sao Paulo, Brazil). .

UNCTAD sessions are interstate economic forums dedicated to discussing the most pressing problems of international trade in the context of overcoming the economic backwardness of developing countries. As a result of the session, resolutions, conventions, agreements, codes with different legal effect. The decisions made are advisory in nature (Fig. 22.4 shows the structure of UNCTAD).

However, the role of the organization's analytical reports should not be underestimated. Based on a fundamental research base, they enable different countries and their organizations to track the general trade and economic situation in the world and actually use the published data in their plans for the development of foreign economic relations.

Thus, the creation of UNCTAD was originally due to the collapse of the colonial system and the desire of young politically independent states to integrate into world trade on new parity grounds. UNCTAD was supposed to assist in these tasks. One of the main goals of UNCTAD in modern conditions is to consolidate the efforts of developing countries in their struggle for more favorable conditions for international trade. This will create the necessary basis for strengthening their economic independence and developing national economies. The Conference is financed from the UN budget and from extrabudgetary resources. UNCTAD's work has two central areas:

1) strengthening the positions of developing countries in the world commodity and agricultural markets;

2) gradual overcoming of the existing disproportion in the commodity structure of exports of developing countries in favor of expanding groups of goods of deep processing

3.3 Activities of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The OECD is the successor to the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, OEEC (Organization for European Economic Cooperation, OEEC), which, in turn, was created on the basis of the European Recovery Program (European Recovery Program proposed by US Secretary of State A. Marshall, known as the Marshall Plan ( 1947) In 1948, the OEEC was created to coordinate this program for the economic recovery of 16 European countries.

The members of the organization were Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Great Britain, the Anglo-American and French occupation zones of Germany.

In 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany became a full member of the Organization, and in 1950, Canada and the United States joined as associate members. Although initially the activities of the Organization were mainly limited to the implementation of the European Recovery Program, subsequently, within its framework, programs were implemented aimed at stimulating economic cooperation among member countries through trade liberalization and the creation of a system of multilateral settlements. In 1960, in Paris, the OEEC members and a number of other countries signed the Convention on the Establishment of the OECD, which was ratified by the parliaments of the countries and entered into force in 1961.

OECD includes 31 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, USA, Turkey, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, Slovenia, Slovakia.

The main tasks and functions of the OECD:

  • formulating, coordinating and implementing policies aimed at stimulating economic growth and maintaining financial stability in the participating countries;
  • stimulating and coordinating the efforts of the participating countries in the field of financial and technical assistance to developing countries;
  • promoting the expansion of international trade, excluding the use of discriminatory measures. .

The organization is governed by a Council composed of representatives from all participating countries. The activities of the OECD are carried out by more than 100 specialized committees and working groups, which, together with the international secretariat, study specific problems and formulate policy recommendations, for example, in the fields of economic development, technical cooperation, international trade, energy and environmental protection. Council founded in 1974.

Among the developments carried out under the auspices of the OECD, which are important, we should mention the Code of Conduct for TNCs, as well as the Guidelines on the preparation of financial statements by TNCs. The OECD institutions do a very useful job of facilitating international forums where political, economic, cultural and other global or regional issues modernity.

Several autonomous organizations operate within the OECD:

  • International Energy Agency (IEA);
  • Atomic Energy Agency (ATE);
  • Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA);
  • Center for Research and Innovation in Education (CINO);
  • OECD Development Centre.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is called upon to stimulate international cooperation in the field of energy and reduce the dependence of member countries on oil imports. Operating since 1974

The Atomic Energy Agency (ATE), established in 1958 as the European Atomic Energy Agency, promotes international cooperation among OECD member countries in the development and use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes.

The Center for Research and Innovation in Education (CINO) was established in 1968 to encourage and promote the development of research activities in the field of education. All OECD member countries are members of CINO.

The OECD Development Center was established by a decision of the OECD Council in 1962 with the aim of pooling the knowledge and experience of member countries in the field of economic development, as well as the development and implementation of a common policy of economic assistance; making such knowledge and experience available to developing countries in accordance with their needs. All OECD countries are members of the Center.

An important role in the OECD is played by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC), which is a specialized committee. Its functions include consideration of issues such as assistance to Member States, as well as developing countries; ensuring the necessary amount of resources that can be provided to developing countries; providing support to countries in order to ensure their sustainable development, building the capacity to participate in the global economy. In 1993, the DAC revised the list of developing countries receiving official development assistance; included the countries of Central and of Eastern Europe. In 1995, the document "Partnership in the field of development in a changed world" was adopted, which contains the main directions for the content of the efforts of member states in ensuring sustainable economic and social development. In 1990, within the framework of the OECD, the Center for Cooperation with European Countries with Economies in Transition was established to coordinate relations between the OECD and the countries of Eastern Europe. This center also provides training in the following areas: economic development and structural adjustment; competition; labor market; banks and social policy; banking and finance, etc.

The OECD has developed a multilateral investment agreement (MIT) that is open to member countries. A group of committees also deals with the promotion of the efficient use of the economic resources of industry and Agriculture. Financing of the OECD activities is carried out at the expense of the contributions of the members of the Organization. The OECD has official relations with a number of international organizations - the ILO, UNESCO, IMF, WTO, UNCTAD.

Group 7 Group 8. Group 7 (G-7) was created in 1975 at the initiative of French President Giscard D "Estaing with the aim of annually discussing the most important economic problems by the heads of the leading economic powers of the world. This group included the USA, Japan, Germany, Great Britain , France, Italy and Canada.

It should be noted that the leaders of these countries invariably turned their attention primarily to actual problems world economic development, especially since the beginning of the 1990s, when the world socialist system collapsed and for many new countries that chose capitalist values, an era of cardinal changes began.


The United Nations plays a critical role in forging an international consensus on action for development. Beginning in 1960, the General Assembly promoted the setting of priorities and targets for a series of ten-year international development strategies. In the programs of these decades, aimed at addressing specific issues, the need to achieve progress on all boards of socio-economic development is constantly emphasized. The United Nations continues to identify new dachas in key areas such as sustainable development, the advancement of women, respect for human rights, environmental protection and good governance, and to develop programs for their implementation.

At the Millennium Summit in September 2000, world leaders adopted the Millennium Declaration, which formulated the main goals that provide for the elimination of extreme poverty and hunger, the achievement of universal primary education; promoting gender equality and women's empowerment; reducing child mortality; improving the situation in the area of ​​maternity protection; combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases ensure environmental sustainability by achieving a set of measurable targets by 2015. In particular, it is envisaged to halve the proportion of those who have an income of less than one dollar a day; to ensure universal th education; eliminate gender inequality at all levels of education; dramatically reduce the level of child mortality while improving maternal health care.

The United Nations system is engaged in a variety of activities to promote the achievement of socio-economic goals. The mandates of the specialized agencies cover virtually all areas of socio-economic activity. These institutions provide countries around the world with technical assistance and other forms of practical assistance. Working in partnership with the United Nations, they help develop policies, set guidelines, mobilize support and raise funds. Close coordination between the United Nations and the specialized agencies is ensured through the United Nations System Coordinating Council (CEB), which includes the Secretary-General and the heads of the specialized agencies, funds and programmes, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World trade organization.

Three main functions should be distinguished in the activities of ECOSOC

  • responsible specialized forum of states within the UN for a qualified discussion of international economic and social problems and development of a principled policy line;
  • coordination of all UN activities on economic and social issues, coordination of activities of UN specialized agencies;
  • conducting qualified research on general and special problems of economic and social development, international cooperation; generalization of the obtained results.

List of used literature

  1. Bandurin V.V. Globalization of the world economy and Russia. M, 2005
  2. World economy Khasbulatov R.I. Moscow, Insan, 2005
  3. Basic information about the United Nations. Publishing house Legal literature. M, 2001
  4. International Organizations: Textbook / Ed. I.P. Blishchenko.-M.: RUDN University, 1994.
  5. United Nations: Basic Facts. Handbook M.: Ves Mir, 2000.
  6. Kozyrev A.V. United Nations: structure and activity. - M.: Ak. Ped. Nauk, 1991.
  7. Avdokushin E.F. International economic relations. M.: Jurist, 2006 466 p.
  8. Zaitseva O.G. International organizations: decision making. M., 1989
  9. Ivanov I. Russia and the UN: reliable partners in the name of common goals // Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2004, no. 3, p. 1016
  10. Kovtunov S.G., Titov K.V. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and Russia // Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. 2004, No. 10, 6470 p.
  11. Krivleva E.S. Fundamentals of the theory of law of international organizations. M., 1979

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The UN determines the priorities, goals and strategies for the development of international cooperation in the formation of the world economic space.

The activities of the UN are carried out in four main areas:

1) overcoming global economic problems;

2) assistance in cooperation to countries with different levels economic development;

3) promoting the economic growth of developing countries;

4) search for solutions to problems related to regional development.

Many specialized UN agencies play an active role in the development and unification of economic policy measures, analyze the state of international markets and infrastructure, and contribute to the harmonization of rules and procedures of private commercial law. Among the regulatory functions of the UN and the agencies responsible for developing international business regulations, the most important are the following:

· Enforcement of agreements on areas of state jurisdiction (General Assembly), which helps to determine which country has the authority in relation to a particular land and water territory, airspace, stipulating, for example, the conditions for transportation or mining;

· Implementation of agreements on intellectual property rights (World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO). The export of high-tech products, the protection of trademarks and patents would be difficult without respect for the strictly regulated intellectual property rights, which are protected through WIPO and TRIPS (Treaty on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights).

· Unification of economic terms, systems of measures and indicators (UN Statistical Commission, UN Commission on International Trade Law - UNCITRAL, etc.). Virtually all UN bodies provide some degree of standardization, which facilitates objective international comparisons;

· development and harmonization of the rules of international commercial activity (UNCITRAL, UN Conference on Trade and Development - UNCTAD). The regulation of commercial activities strictly through the proposed tools and procedures undoubtedly promotes trade and logically links the global flows of goods and information,

· prevention of damage to goods and services presented on world markets and provision of cost compensation (UNCITRAL, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Maritime Organization, International Telecommunication Union, Universal Postal Union). Without effective agreements to prevent damage to carriers and goods, as well as guarantees for the preservation of information, businesses would be less inclined to conduct international business transactions.

· combating economic crimes (United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice). Criminal activity creates an additional financial burden for law-abiding businesses, as it indirectly encourages corruption, limits free competition, and inevitably increases security costs;

· collection, analysis and dissemination of reliable economic information that contributes to the conclusion of international agreements (UNCITRAL, UNCTAD, the World Bank), helps countries and companies in evaluating markets, comparing their own resources and capabilities, and developing foreign economic strategies.

The issues of investment in developing countries, the development of small and medium-sized businesses are currently among the most pressing. They affect any UN agency with a mandate in the field of economic development. Leading among them are the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). UNIDO is making the necessary efforts to increase the economic potential of developing countries and countries with economies in transition through the development of their industrial enterprises. UNIDO's guidance is intended to help these countries overcome social and economic difficulties and achieve greater and more successful participation in international cooperation.

UNDP promotes business development through financing and support mechanisms for private and public companies in developing countries. UNDP and UNCTAD, among other UN agencies, regularly involve business representatives in forums and seminars on economic issues

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD) was established in 1962 by decision of the UN ECOSOC. The initiator of the creation were developing and socialist countries in order to fill the lack of attention to the trade problems of the third world.

Tasks of UNCTAD: promoting the development of world trade, ensuring stable peace and equal and mutually beneficial cooperation; development of recommendations, principles, organizational and legal conditions and mechanisms for the functioning of modern international economic relations; participation in the coordination of the activities of other agencies of the UN system in the field of economic development, the establishment of economic ties and the promotion of international trade.

There are 6 committees in the structure of UNCTAD, specializing in the main areas of its activity: committees on commodities; finished products and semi-finished products; for maritime transport; on "invisible" articles of trade; financing and crediting of international trade; on preferences; on commercial technology transfer. A special area of ​​UNCTAD's activity is the control over the activities of international corporations.

The main principle of UNCTAD's work is group based on socio-economic and geographical characteristics: A - Afro-Asian countries; B - industrialized countries; C - Latin American countries; D - former socialist (European) countries. Countries included in groups A and C, as well as Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, Romania, Yugoslavia, created the group "77" in 1975.

United Nations Commission on International Trade Law(UNCITRAL) was established in 1964 to promote the progressive harmonization and unification of the law of international trade. The commission's assets include the preparation of the texts of the UN Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea ("Hamburg Rules"), the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna Sales Convention), etc.

In general, the Commission has given priority to the development of uniform rules of law in areas such as the international sale of goods, international payments, international commercial arbitration and international maritime law.

International Chamber of Commerce(MTP) was established in 1922 and plays a generally complementary and supportive role. It publishes collections of international commercial terms (“INCOTERMS”), disseminates the customs, rules and norms of international trade, and also acts as an intermediary in establishing contacts between merchants and entrepreneurs from different countries and their chambers of commerce and industry.

The second group of organizations specializing in the regulation of international trade in certain types of goods includes:

OPEC- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries;

MOPEM- International Organization of Producers and Exporters of Metals;

APEF- Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries;

SIPEC- Organization of Copper Exporting Countries;

ECSC- European Coal and Steel Organization;

ICCO- International Cocoa Organization;

IOC- International Coffee Organization;

MONK- International Organization for Natural Rubber;

ISO- International Sugar Organization, etc.

30. World Trade Organization: history of development, purpose, objectives, functions. WTO accession procedure.

The WTO plays a decisive role in regulating world trade in goods, services, intellectual property, as well as shaping the trade policy of member countries and regulating trade disputes between them.

The WTO was founded in 1995 and became the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), concluded in 1947. The WTO is both an organization and a set of legal instruments, a kind of multilateral trade agreement that defines the rights and obligations of governments in the field of international trade in goods and services.

The legal basis of the WTO consists of three agreements:

General agreement By Tariffs and Trade (as amended in 1994);

General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS);

Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).

The purpose of the WTO is the liberalization of international trade and giving it a sustainable basis, thus ensuring economic growth and development and improving the well-being of people.

The main tasks of the WTO are:

Liberalization of international trade;

Ensuring its fairness and predictability;

Contribute to economic growth and improve the economic well-being of people.

The specific task of the WTO is to regulate world trade mainly by tariff methods with a consistent reduction in the level of import duties, as well as the elimination of various non-tariff barriers, quantitative restrictions and other obstacles in the international exchange of goods and services.

The WTO in its composition in 2011 has 153 member countries (in 2012 - 157 members).

Decisions at the highest level in the WTO are taken by the Ministerial Conference, which meets at least twice a year. Subordinate to the Ministerial Conference is the General Council, which is responsible for the implementation of current work and meets several times a year at the WTO headquarters in Geneva (Switzerland) as part of representatives of WTO members. Ambassadors and heads of delegations of the participating countries usually act in their capacity. The General Council is responsible for two special body trade policy analysis and dispute resolution. A number of functional committees (on trade and development, on budget, finance and administrative issues) are also subordinate to him.

The WTO Secretariat, based in Geneva, has over 600 employees. The main responsibilities of the Secretariat are to ensure technical support various councils and committees, as well as the Ministerial Conference, to assist developing countries, analyze world trade and explain the provisions of the WTO.

The procedure for joining the World Trade Organization, developed over half a century of GATT/WTO existence, is multifaceted and consists of several stages. As the experience of applicant countries shows, this process takes an average of 5-7 years.

At the first stage, within the framework of special Working Groups, a detailed consideration at the multilateral level of the economic mechanism and the trade and political regime of the acceding country is carried out for their compliance with the norms and rules of the WTO. After that, consultations and negotiations begin on the conditions for the applicant country's membership in this organization. First of all, the negotiations relate to "commercially significant" concessions that the acceding country will be ready to provide to WTO members on access to its markets (fixed in the bilateral Protocols on access to markets for goods and services), as well as on the format and timing of the assumption of obligations under the Agreements, arising from WTO membership (formulated in the Report of the Working Group).

In turn, the acceding country, as a rule, receives the rights that all other WTO members have, which will practically mean the end of its discrimination in foreign markets. In case of illegal actions on the part of any member of the organization, any country will be able to file a corresponding complaint with the Dispute Settlement Body (DRB), whose decisions are binding for unconditional execution at the national level by each member of the WTO.

In accordance with the established procedure, the results of all negotiations on the liberalization of market access and the terms of accession are formalized in the following official documents:

Report of the Working Group, which sets out the entire package of rights and obligations that the applicant country will assume as a result of the negotiations;

List of obligations on tariff concessions in the field of goods and on the level of support for agriculture;

List of Specific Service Obligations and List of MFN (Most Favored Nation) Exemptions;

One of the main conditions for the accession of new countries to the WTO is to bring their national legislation and practice of regulating foreign economic activity in line with the provisions of the package of agreements of the Uruguay Round.

Decisions on the accession of new members are made by the Ministerial Conference, which must approve the agreement on the conditions for the accession of a new country in 2/3 of the votes of WTO members. When any new country joins the WTO, it must always be remembered that it will not be able to do after accession:

Autonomously raise import customs duties;

Discriminate imported goods at all stages of transportation and sale;

∙ apply quantitative restrictions;

Apply maximum and minimum mandatory prices;

Restrict transit and access to transit networks;

Link imports to an export obligation;

Apply export subsidies;

Apply measures restricting trade without their advance publication;

Grant privileges to your state enterprises or monopolies;

Limit current payments on foreign trade transactions;

Limit payments on capital transactions;

Deteriorate conditions for access to the market and activities in the service market;

License or otherwise restrict the activities of the service provider;

Discriminate the service provider or the service itself compared to the domestic provider or service.

At the final stage of accession, the national legislative body of the candidate country ratifies the entire package of documents agreed within the Working Group and approved by the General Council. After that, these obligations become part of the legal package of WTO documents and national legislation, and the candidate country itself receives the status of a WTO member.

The most important functions of the WTO are:

Monitoring the implementation of agreements and arrangements of the package of documents of the Uruguay Round;

Conducting multilateral trade negotiations between interested member countries;

Resolution of trade disputes;

Monitoring the national trade policy of member countries;

Technical assistance to developing countries within the competence of the WTO;

Cooperation with international specialized organizations.

31. International trade in goods and services: forms, volumes, structure.

international trade- the most important and ancient form of international economic relations, which is a combination of foreign trade of all countries of the world. The participation of countries in international trade is based on the international division of labor (MRT) - the specialization of individual countries in the production of certain goods and the subsequent exchange of these goods among themselves.

Basic forms: export (export of goods from the country, sold to a foreign buyer, with the aim of selling on foreign market or processing in another country) and import (import of goods into the country for the purpose of purchase), also re-export - export from the country of goods previously imported into it for the purpose of resale to other countries, and re-import (re-import from abroad of previously exported national goods)

World trade- the totality of foreign trade turnover of all countries of the world: the totality of world exports and world imports . Nominal value international trade is usually expressed in US dollars at current prices, therefore it is highly dependent on the dynamics of the dollar exchange rate against other currencies . Real volume of MT is the nominal volume converted to constant prices using the chosen deflator.

For more than half a century international community is looking for ways to solve problems in the world economy with the help of the UN and its mechanisms, not without reason counting on its global character. An analysis of the fifty-year practice of the UN shows that, along with the all-round increase in the role of world political problems, economic aspects occupy a large place in its activities. The economic activities of the UN include four main areas: 1) solution of global economic problems common to all countries;

2) promotion of economic cooperation between states with different levels of socio-economic development;

3) promoting the economic growth of developing countries;

4) solving problems of regional economic development.

In practice, work in these areas is carried out using the following forms of activity: information, technical advisory and financial. Information activity - the most common type of UN work. Issues of interest are put on the agenda of political discussions, written reports are prepared, etc. The purpose of such activities is the overall impact on the economic policies of the member countries . UN technical advisory activities provided in the form of technical assistance to states in need of it. Back in 1948, they developed principles for providing such assistance, which:

1) should not serve as a vehicle for foreign economic and political interference

2) must be provided exclusively through the government;

3) must be provided exclusively to this country;

4) should be provided, if possible, in the form that is desirable for the given country. Monetary and financial activities are carried out mainly through international organizations: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance Corporation, the International Development Association, the International Monetary Fund.

ECOSOC- Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, under whose auspices most of the other economic bodies of this organization operate. The functions of ECOSOC include the organization of research and the preparation of various kinds of reports and recommendations on the widest range of international economic, social, cultural and related issues. ECOSOC is also empowered to create various bodies, on the basis of which its organizational structure is formed in the sphere of implementation of decisions made.

In the activities of ECOSOC, it is necessary to highlight three main functions:

1) a responsible specialized forum of states within the framework of the UN for a qualified discussion of international economic and social problems and the development of a principled political line;

2) coordination of all UN activities on economic and social issues, coordination of activities of UN specialized agencies;

3) preparation of qualified research on general and special problems of economic and social development, international cooperation.

89. UN organizations related to the problems of the "new international economic Order" - UNDP, UNIDO

In accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly No. 2029 (XX), on the basis of the merger of the UN Special Fund and the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance in 1965, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). UNDP is headquartered in New York (USA).

primary goal The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is to ensure sustainable human development, that is, to eradicate poverty, increase employment and improve the living standards of the population, improve the education system, protect and restore the environment. UNDP is the main channel for providing multilateral technical and pre-investment assistance to developing countries. This assistance is provided in the form of sending consultants, supplying equipment, training national personnel by providing scholarships and grants, and providing financial assistance.

The program operates in virtually all areas of socio-economic development, including agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry, mining, manufacturing, energy, transport, communications, housing construction trade, tourism, health care, education and training, humanitarian aid, economic planning and public administration.

In order to coordinate the activities of the UN in the field of industry, the resolution of the UN General Assembly No. 2152 (XXI) in 1966 was United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) established. UNIDO Member States are 169 countries. The headquarters of the Organization is located in Vienna (Austria).

UNIDO is the United Nations specialized agency dealing with industrial development in developing countries and countries with economies in transition.

Purpose of the Organization– promoting the construction of competitive and environmentally friendly industrial enterprises and the development of international industrial cooperation and infrastructure.

UNIDO assists member countries in the implementation of international principles and norms in the field of industry through the implementation of technical cooperation programs.

general conference determines the guidelines and policies of the Organization, considers the reports of the Industrial Development Board, the Director General and the subsidiary bodies of the Conference, approves the program of work and the regular budget.

Industrial Development Council reviews the implementation of the approved program of work and the regular budget, and reports to the Conference at each regular session on its activities. The Council consists of 53 member countries of the Organization, who are elected by the General Conference: 1) 33 members from among developing countries; 2) 15 - developed countries, the remaining 5 are determined by the Charter of the Organization.

The secretariat is headed CEO Organizations. The Director General is appointed for a period of four years and coordinates the work of the Secretariat.


United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was established in 1964 as an organ of the General Assembly. It is a representative multilateral trade and economic organization. Its members are 186 states, including Russia. Seat of UNCTAD- Geneva, Switzerland). Supreme governing body UNCTAD is Conference, made up of member states. The sessions of the Conference are usually held every four years at ministerial level to determine the main directions of policy and to decide on issues related to the program of work.

The executive body of UNCTAD is Trade and Development Board– ensures the continuity of the work of the organization between sessions of the Conference. In addition to overseeing the entire field of UNCTAD's work, he examines the international implications of macroeconomic policies, issues relating to the interdependence of the world's economies, as well as issues of trade and monetary relations, trade policy, structural adjustment and economic reforms. The Council holds two sessions annually (spring and autumn). It reports to the General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

The main tasks of UNCTAD:

1) encourage international trade, primarily between developed and developing countries;

3) to serve as a center for coordinating the policies of governments and regional economic groupings in trade and related aspects of economic development;

4) to promote the coordination of the activities of other UN agencies on international trade. Membership in UNCTAD open to any state- a member of the UN, UN specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Decisions taken by consensus at UNCTAD sessions are not legally binding. But even at the second session, it was unanimously recognized that they "should lead to actions favorable to international trade." Thus, formally, UNCTAD documents are less binding than the WTO. Such documents include, for example, the Principles of International Trade Relations and Trade Policy Conducive to Development and the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States.

The flagship event of UNCTAD in trade finished goods and semi-finished products, which account for 3/4 of world trade, was the creation of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), which has been operating since 1971. This system provides for a reduction or cancellation in trade with developing countries, all industrialized countries, on a non-reciprocal basis, i.e. without demand from the latter, counter trade and political concessions, customs duties. Although many donor countries have made various exemptions from their schemes of such preferences (in relation to certain groups of goods and countries receiving preferences), the CAP plays a large role in promoting the expansion of exports of manufactured products of economically lagging states.