Soviet cinema. She had many fans, and eminent directors filled up the artist with offers of cooperation. However, soon a black streak began in her life. Do you want to receive detailed information about the biography of Marianna Strizhenova? Find out the date and cause of her death? Now we will tell about everything.

Marianna Strizhenova: biography, family

She was born on November 14, 1924 in Moscow. In what family was our heroine brought up? Her mother, Maria Alekseeva-Bebutova, was a professional actress. Father, Alexander Gryzunov, also graduated from a theater university. Both parents of Marianne served in the Moscow Art Theater. They often took their daughter to performances and rehearsals. The little girl literally fell in love with the scene. Backstage, she watched the actors play. She also wanted to go on stage in a beautiful outfit, take part in the production and hear the applause of the audience.

Early marriage

At the age of 18, the girl got married. Her chosen one was a young lieutenant colonel V. Kirillov. Unfortunately, their family happiness did not last long. Your adjustments to life Soviet people introduced by the war. Marianne's husband went to the front. They were not destined to see each other again. At the end of the war, Kirillov died. Our heroine was very upset by the death of her beloved husband. And only art helped her get out of a deep depression.

Work in the theater

The girl continued her education. She entered the Theater Arts Studio (Moscow). In 1947, Marianna graduated from this educational institution.

The talented actress had no problems with employment. She was accepted into the troupe of the theater. Moscow City Council. She has worked in this institution for 10 years. In her piggy bank there are many bright theatrical roles. For example, in the production of "Handsome Man" Marianna played Susanna Landysheva. And in the play "Special Opinion", the young actress successfully got used to the image of a soda seller.

Introduction to cinema

When did Marianna Strizhenova first appear on the screens? This happened in 1950. Director B. Barnet approved her for the main role in his musical comedy "Generous Summer". And the girl justified his trust. Our heroine managed to convey the character and emotions of her character - foreman Oksana Podpruzenko.

In 1951, the second film was released with the participation of Marianne. It was called "Taras Shevchenko". This time the actress played the role of Agafya Uskova. I must say that in both films the girl was filmed under the name of her mother - Bebutova.

Back in 1952, director A. Feinzimmer decided to film famous work Ethel Lilian Voynich. He approved Marianne for the role of Gemma. And the role of the Gadfly went to Oleg Strizhenov. Due to industrial troubles, the project had to be postponed.

Filming began in 1953. Young actors and Marina Bebutova) pleased the director, having coped with all his tasks. The Gadfly premiered in April 1955. The picture was an incredible success. Only in the first year it was viewed by 35 million Soviet citizens.

Marianna Strizhenova: biography, personal life

The film "The Gadfly" gave the actress not only all-Union fame, but also big love. After all, her relationship with was transferred from the screen to real life. Soon the lovers got married. In 1957, they became the parents of a charming daughter. The baby was named Natasha.

Now, when communicating with directors and screenwriters, our heroine introduced herself as Marianna Strizhenova. She participated in the film adaptation of several world-famous works. In the drama "Gutta Percha Boy" Marianna tried on the role of Countess Listomirova. And in the film "The Blind Musician" our heroine successfully got used to the image of Anna Mikhailovna.

In the USSR, everyone knew who Marianna Strizhenova was. Biography, actresses aroused genuine interest. People wanted to know how her relationship with famous spouse what talents their common daughter has. Our heroine regularly gave interviews to the print media.


Marianna Strizhenova is an actress whose personal life has developed quite well. She had a loving husband and a beautiful daughter. However, in 1968, family happiness collapsed. Oleg Strizhenov announced to his wife that he had met and fell in love with another woman. His chosen one was the actress Lyubov Zemlyanikina. Our heroine did not stop her husband and agreed to a divorce. A couple of months later, Marianne received a certificate of divorce. She decided to keep her husband's last name.


The actress was having a hard time with a divorce from Strizhenov. But she found the strength to continue to develop her film career. Marianna Strizhenova regularly received offers from directors. However, she no longer had such significant works as the Gadfly tape. The actress began to play age heroines. For example, in the adventure film Captain Nemo, she got the role of Jacqueline's mother.

In total, there are 26 film works in her creative piggy bank. In 1984, Marianne took part in the creation documentary film"I will teach you to dream." She also voiced the Polish tape Lokis.

difficult times

The collapse of the USSR negatively affected all areas of activity: the economy, trade and culture. Thousands of servants of Melpomene were out of work. The once popular actress Marianna Strizhenova was no exception. Biography, personal life, children - all this interested her fans. And few people knew that she barely In 1988, the actress starred in the spirit of the films - "The Artist from Gribov" and "Fathers". That was the end of her film career.

In 1987, Natalya Strizhenova gave birth to a daughter, who was named Sashenka. By that time, Marianna Alexandrovna was already on a well-deserved rest. Her monthly income was a small pension + a modest supplement from the Actors Guild. At the same time, the woman did not curse fate and did not complain about her plight. She had a high sense of self-worth.

Where did Marianna Strizhenova live? The actress was the owner of an apartment on the Arbat, in a high-rise building, where the Melodiya store was located at one time. In the same house, but on a different floor, her daughter Natasha and granddaughter Sasha lived. The girl attended school with a theatrical bias. Relatives and neighbors were sure that Alexander had a bright future in the world of cinema. However, fate had its own way.

Since the mid-1990s, Natalya Strizhenova began to abuse alcohol. All attempts to cure her were in vain. May 21, 2003 Natasha passed away. The cause of death of the daughter of Marianna Strizhenova was cardiac arrest. Natalya took Phenazepam tablets and washed them down with alcohol.


The actress couldn't deal with early departure daughters. To alleviate some heartache She began to secretly drink. Alexander's granddaughter noticed this, but decided not to make a huge scandal out of it.

Constant lack of money pushed the actress to a desperate step. Marianna Alexandrovna found a person with whom she concluded a contract on April 29, 2006. She was to be paid 200,000 rubles, and then transferred a small amount every month. And after the death of Strizhenova, the apartment will belong to the new owner.

But the star of Soviet cinema did not wait for the money. On May 12, 2004, 12 days after the signing of the ill-fated contract, Marianna Strizhenova died. No signs of trouble. The elderly actress was busy with the housework all day, talking with Sasha. Suddenly the woman turned pale and clutched her heart. The granddaughter laid her grandmother on the bed, and she herself threw it to the phone to call the doctors. Ambulance arrived only 30 minutes later. Doctors pronounced Strizhenova dead.

The actress, beloved by many, found her last shelter at the Golovinsky cemetery (Moscow). Nearby is the grave of her father, Gryzunov Alexander Ivanovich.


We talked about where she was born, studied and when the actress Marianna Strizhenova died. Personal life, photos and details of her creative biography - all this is presented in the article. May the earth rest in peace...

His parents experienced a romantic drama: his mother was married to his father's boss. Once the husband could not go to the theater with his beloved, and so that the lady would not be bored, he sent Alexander Strizhenov there. He fell in love with a beautiful and graceful graduate of the Smolny Institute at first sight, and after a short period of time it turned out that she reciprocated.

The husband of the mother of the future actor, a man of principles and honor, saw that the couple had real feelings and did not interfere with the divorce. So there was new family Strizhenov, in which, in addition to the already existing son from his first marriage, two more boys appeared - Gleb and Oleg. Together they left their native Blagoveshchensk for Moscow.

The family was military, so both eldest sons went to fight. Boris died in one of his first battles, and Gleb received a shell shock and was commissioned at the very beginning of the war. Oleg at that time was a 12-year-old boy.

When the war ended, it turned out that Oleg studied quite successfully, and also often participated in amateur performances, knew how to make the audience laugh, make them sad, think, and show mercy. But the main talent possessed by the youngest son of the Strizhenovs was a penchant for drawing.

Teachers, and especially friends, predicted the boy a career as an artist, but his older brother was going to enter the theater and in a couple of months he was able to captivate Oleg with the idea. Without difficulty, he entered the Shchukin School, and after graduating he was assigned to the Tallinn Theater of Russian Drama.


Photo: Grigory Vail /TASS/

Even during his studies, the student Strizhenov showed serious potential, and filmmakers often came to see the beginning artists. In parallel with this, director Alexander Feinzimmer decided to film the novel by Ethel Lillian Voynich "The Gadfly".

Assistants in all theatrical universities were looking for the main character - the handsome unbending Arthur. We also went to the Pike. They liked the blue-eyed Strizhenov, and, taking a photograph of the actor, they went to show it to the director. The young boy did not make an impression on that one, and then, due to some kind of red tape, the shooting had to be postponed.

When Feinzimmer returned to the casting of actors, Oleg Alexandrovich was already considered rising star Tallinn Theatre, for the sake of which the Estonian bohemian public began to look more and more often at the Russian Drama Theater. Rumors about the young talent also reached the film crew of "The Gadfly", the second director of the picture went to see the artist. He returned with the thought that he had finally found Arthur, and also with a photograph of Strizhenov!

Realizing that the second assistant already sees the same actor in the lead role, Feinzimmer immediately called Oleg Aleksandrovich to audition. The boy who arrived in brown pants did not fit in the role of an uncompromising and even harsh hero, but Strizhenov gave it his all. After his audition, the director released the rest of the called artists, with the words: “There will be no more auditions”


"The Gadfly" became fatal for Strizhenov. On film set he fell in love with his partner, who played Gemma. actress with nice name Marianne he soon took as his wife. This love was quiet and cautious, and after a while the family was replenished with one more member - little Natasha.

And everything would be fine, but another fatal acquaintance awaited the beautiful Gadfly at the time when he was married to Marianne. In Odessa, where they filmed The Mexican, the actor met a very young Lionella Skirda.

She was just about to become an actress and went to the fence, behind which the film crew was located and the actors played take after take. In the crowd of onlookers, Strizhenov somehow immediately grabbed a charming girl and asked to stay. They did not talk for a long time, and then the girl went about her business. He remembered plump lips and a wasp waist, but then he did not yet know that one day fate would bring him to the beauty forever.

Moscow Art Theater

Photo by Evgeny Kassin and Alexander Konkov (TASS)

But before Oleg Alexandrovich reunites with the girl with rare name, he has to leave his wife - to a completely different woman.

Major changes in the life of Strizhenov happened after his refusal to play Bolkonsky with Bondarchuk. Sergei Fedorovich was on friendly terms with Oleg Alexandrovich, and so close that there was no doubt that a friend should have given him the most luxurious role. But Bondarchuk pulled. He arranged tests, watched other artists for a whole year, and the neighbors were amazed: "How so? Strizhenov is a born Bolkonsky, why hasn’t he been invited yet ?!

Actor who has already experienced copper pipes fame, terribly offended by Bondarchuk, and when, finally, he called to invite him to audition, he decided to take revenge. He tried, he was approved. And then Strizhenov asked to gather the entire film crew, and in front of everyone he said: Bondarchuk will not be filming! He was called to the ministry, asked uncomfortable questions and tried to get him to return to the role, but the actor was adamant.

After this story, Strizhenov had to go first on a long vacation, and then apply for a transfer to the Moscow Art Theater. Around the same time, changes occurred in the heart of the artist. First, having cooled down to his wife, he broke the heart of Lyudmila Marchenko.


Lucy was 18 when he lied to her that he was going to get a divorce and called to live together. According to rumors, Marchenko even became pregnant from Strizhenov, but he persuaded her to have an abortion, citing the fact that she was too young. Because of this operation, Lyudmila was no longer able to have children.

But the legal wife found out about love affairs. While she was worried, Oleg Alexandrovich left for Yalta - to rest before the next responsible shooting. Friends-artists immediately informed him: a real beauty, a student of GITIS, is filming here! The famous womanizer went to meet her and ... ... I immediately recognized in the charming girl the same Lionella whom I had already met in Odessa!

They started romantic relationship, even then Strizhenov fell ill with his delightful Lee - as he called her, but still did not suspect how cruelly the fate of their love boat would unfold.

Soon both went on tour, and met only in Moscow. Uncertainty, a married Strizhenov, longing for peace… Mack soon pulled herself up: you can’t love a married man! And at the same time she met director Ivan Pyryev. She told him everything about her love throwing, and he even undertook to help meet lovers, but he himself fell in love with a young beauty and proposed to her.

And yet Lina

Tired of uncertainty with Strizhenov, Lina finally felt male shoulder nearby. She agreed to marry Pyryev. Oleg Alexandrovich suffered. From another business trip, he wrote a letter to his beloved, in which he admitted that the world collapsed without her, but the faithful wife answered absolutely nothing, realizing that even a slight flirtation could simply kill the emotional Pyryev.

Meanwhile, Strizhenov at the Moscow Art Theater had a new passion - actress Lyubov Zemlyanikina. They quickly got married with her, and after a while their joint son Sasha was born, who later became famous TV presenter. But the marriage did not last long. The newlyweds did not end their claims to each other, moreover, in the heart of Strizhenov, as he later admits, only his little Lee always lived.

And fate brought them together again. By that time, Oleg Alexandrovich was already divorced, and Lionella was a widow. At first, she did not even take his proposal seriously, made in front of everyone: so much time had passed since their first dates! But then I realized that I was married to this man. Now it's forever.

Alexander Strizhenov - Russian actor, film director, TV presenter of the program " Good morning". As a representative acting dynasty, managed to realize his talent on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, as well as in the films "Leader", "Kitty", "My Crazy Family".

Childhood and youth

The summer of 1969 turned out to be hot, but happy for the family of Soviet celebrities Lyubov Zemlyanikina, actress of the Moscow Art Theater, and the future People's Artist THE USSR . This summer, the first-born appeared in their family - the son Alexander Olegovich Strizhenov.

He was destined to choose an acting path. A creative atmosphere always reigned in the parents' house. The guests were exclusively people of art, famous artists theater and cinema. All conversations revolved around the events of the theatrical world and cinema.

The marriage of Lyubov and Oleg Strizhenov broke up 6 years after the wedding. Two stars could not get along under one roof due to mutual claims. After the divorce, Alexander's mother raised her son and daughter from her first marriage alone. In 2008, the actress decided to leave the world and retired to a monastery.

Alexander Strizhenov with his father and his wife Lionella

Creative biography Alexandra Strizhenova started early. As a child, at the age of 7, he played the first role in the television play "Leaving, look back ...". And at the age of 12 he appeared on the screen again, this time in the television play "A Few Drops".

The film debut of Alexander Strizhenov took place in 1984. The audience saw the actor in the family melodrama "Leader" directed by Boris Durov. His partner in the film was 14-year-old Ekaterina Tokman, who a few years later turned into his wife. Alexander played the schoolboy Oleg Khokhlov.

Nothing unexpected happened after Alexander Strizhenov graduated from school: the guy entered the Moscow Art Theater School, where he entered the course of the famous.

Even in his student years, Strizhenov Jr. tried his hand on the stage of the Moscow theater "School of the Modern Play". And after finishing theater university became an artist of the Moscow Art Theater named after.

Theater and films

The most striking works of Alexander Strizhenov on the stage were the performances of Hamlet, in which the artist got the role, Cyrano de Bergerac (played by Christian) and Honoring. The last production, in which the actor reincarnated as the charismatic Jude, is one of Strizhenov's favorites.

Among early work actor in the movie, the role of Timoteo in the action movie "Sniper", a sailor in the melodrama "Child by November", Ivan in the film "Gentlemen Artists" appear. Then the television career of the artist began.

Alexander Strizhenov in the film "Ka-ka-du"

In his youth, Strizhenov first appeared on the screen as a TV presenter. It happened in 1994. Alexander Strizhenov became the TV presenter of the Cinema project. The program was regularly aired on the ORT channel. And from 1997 to 2005, Alexander Strizhenov appeared on Channel One, where, together with his wife Katya, he hosted the Good Morning program.

In 2002, Strizhenov first tried himself as a director. His debut film "Fall Up", which he shot in tandem with, appeared on the screens. They starred in the film, and. It was warmly received by the audience and received rave reviews from film critics.

3 years later, in 2005, Alexander Strizhenov's comedy "From 180 and above" was released. It was his independent work. The story is based on the story "Unfortunate Saturday". He became one of the producers of the film, and key roles played and .

The comedy project of the director "Love-carrot" was watched with pleasure by the audience in 2007. This is a comedy-fiction film about the reincarnation of spouses and the "exchange" of bodies. The main roles went to Evgeny Stychkin and.

And in 2009, Alexander Strizhenov surprised fans of his work. This time, the audience, accustomed to the director's comedy projects, saw the thriller "Yulenka" on the screen. The main characters were played, and Diana Shpak. Wrote music for the film. The tape scored high ratings.

And in 2014, Alexander Strizhenov returned to the usual comedy genre. He gave the audience a hilarious family grotesque story "Grandfather of my dreams", in which the main characters were played by the director's wife, and.

Alexander Strizhenov and Leonid Yakubovich in the Good Morning program

If the number of films in which Alexander Strizhenov acted as a director includes only a few projects, then the filmography of the actor Strizhenov includes dozens of roles.

One of the first "adult" works of Alexander Strizhenov in the cinema is the melodrama of Vasily Panin "If I want to, I will love", in which he starred in a duet with. In 2005, he shone in the TV series State Councilor, playing Grand Duke Simeon Alexandrovich. After 4 years, the audience saw Alexander Strizhenov in the psychedelic comedy film "Kitty", in which he transformed into Viktor Komarovsky (short story "Marriage of convenience").

Alexander Strizhenov in the movie "Kitty"

Alexander Strizhenov gained the greatest success as an actor after the release of the comedy melodrama by Gregory of Constantinople "Female". Here for the first time the artist got the main roleBigfoot Vani. His "snowy" wife Zhanna played. The filming of the project took place in Kandalaksha, a city in the southwest of the Murmansk region of Russia.

Soon, viewers were able to see their favorite artist in the My Crazy Family project. In the film, it was about how a young man decided to introduce his girlfriend not to real relatives, but to hired actors. But the beautiful plan collapsed due to unforeseen circumstances.

Among the performers of the main roles, in addition to Alexander Strizhenov, were,. The film by Renat Davletyarov grossed $2.7 million at the box office.

Alexander also appeared in another comedy "Suicides" about people who unsuccessfully try to commit suicide. The actor played police sergeant Krylov. Strizhenov appeared in the frame along with Evgeny Stychkin,.

Alexander Strizhenov on the set

In 2012, the artist pleased the audience with 2 new projects at once. He starred in the black comedy The Nightingale the Robber and Oleg Shtrom's fantasy comedy The Secret of the Princesses.

In 2016, Alexander Strizhenov appeared in the comedy of Gregory of Constantinople "". The director gathered in this project the constellation of Russian cinema - and many others whose names are known throughout the country. Strizhenov played a hero named Vasily Apelsinov.

Personal life

On the set of one of his first tapes "Leader" Alexander Strizhenov met with his future "half". As soon as he saw 14-year-old Katya, he promised himself that she would soon become his legal wife.

And so it happened. As soon as the couple “reached out” to adulthood, they immediately went to the registry office. It is noteworthy that the marriage took place on the birthday of Catherine's mother. Young people decided so in order to return the holiday to the woman. Katya's early widowed mother hasn't celebrated a birthday since her husband died.

Before the wedding, the lovers visited the Crimea. After resting and getting a beautiful even tan, they returned to the capital. A week before going to the registry office, they secretly got married in one of the churches in Moscow. At the same time, Katya's mother, who worked in the Central Committee, did not even know about it.

A year later, the newlyweds had a daughter, Nastya. Today she already has her own family. Her husband Peter graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Anastasia herself studied in one of best schools design in the USA. After the wedding, which took place in 2013, the couple stayed to live and work in America.

The youngest daughter Alexandra Alexandrovna Strizhenova was born with a large "margin" from her sister - in 2000. The Strizhenovs deliberately took their time with the appearance of children, so the birth of a second daughter also turned out to be desirable. Now the girl is studying at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University.

The personal life of Alexander Strizhenov has developed happily. Strong marriage two sought-after artists and TV presenters - one of the rare examples in the ever-changing world of show business. Their union was not cloudless, but the couple managed to overcome all obstacles and realized early on that marriage is the work of two people, permanent and serious.

In 2014, the press actively discussed the fact that Alexander Strizhenov lost a lot of weight and became like himself in his early youth. The reason for harmony was, fortunately, not a disease, but a desire to bring your figure and health in order. True, Alexander Strizhenov decided to take up his diet after the doctors scared him. Doctors warn about diabetes early stage and heart failure, which can develop if he does not "take up his mind."

Alexander Strizhenov threw off almost 50 kg of weight. To questions about how he did it, he gives a simple and effective answer: “We need to eat less!”. In his free time, which is not so much in the life of an artist, he plays tennis, rollerblades or rides in one of the capital's equestrian clubs.

Today, Alexander Strizhenov, in turn with Leonid Yakubovich, hosts the TV project “Star on Star” and regularly appears among the members of the jury of the “Voicing KiViN” festival.

Alexander Strizhenov - host of the program "Star on the" Star ""

In 2018, the family of Alexander Strizhenov held an important event. Daughter Anastasia first became a mother, giving her parents a grandson, Peter. The news that her daughter would have a child was first announced by Ekaterina Strizhenova on her 50th birthday. Photo of the baby got into open access 2 months after his birth. They were posted on Instagram by Nastya. The boy has already been baptized, and Peter became the godmother youngest daughter Strizhenov, Alexandra.

Now, in addition to family joys, Alexander continues to be realized in creativity. In 2018, the premiere of the drama by Gregory of Constantinople "Russian Demon" took place at Kinotavr, in which Alexander Strizhenov played the role of Father Gregory.

The film was about young man Svyatoslav (), who decided to open his own restaurant. During the realization of his dream, a young businessman faces a number of difficulties. The ensemble cast was represented by the stars of Russian cinema -,. The film was awarded the Best Director Award at the Film Festival.

Filmography (director)

  • 2002 - "Fall Up"
  • 2005 - "From 180 and above"
  • 2007 - "Love-carrot"
  • 2009 - Yulenka
  • 2014 - "Grandfather of my dreams"

Filmography (actor)

  • 1984 - "Leader"
  • 1992 - "Sniper"
  • 1992 - "Baby by November"
  • 1994 - "Gentlemen artists"
  • 2005 - "State Counselor"
  • 2009 - "Kitty"
  • 2010 - "Female"
  • 2012 - Nightingale the Robber
  • 2014 - "Princess Mystery"
  • 2016 - "Drunk Firm"
  • 2018 - "Russian demon"

89-year-old actor Oleg Strizhenov - the star of the films "The Gadfly", "The Queen of Spades", "The Star of Captivating Happiness" - laid the foundation for the famous acting family, whose story is amazing and sometimes tragic. His son, TV presenter Alexander Strizhenov, does not communicate with his niece, who earns surrogacy. And Lyubov Zemlyanikina - the second wife of Oleg Strizhenov and the mother of Alexander - has been serving in the monastery for 10 years ...

Gleb Strizhenov - the elder brother of Oleg Strizhenov, died of lung cancer

There were three children in the Strizhenov family: sons Boris, Gleb and Oleg. In 1942, Boris died near Stalingrad, and Gleb went to the front to avenge his brother. Having received a shell shock, he returned and began to serve in the theater. Gleb Strizhenov was 4 years older than Oleg, but he began acting in films two years later - his debut role was an episode in the drama "An Extraordinary Summer". There has never been competition between the actors - on the contrary, Oleg Strizhenov admitted that he idolized his brother and was very upset by his departure. Gleb Strizhenov died in 1985: he died at the age of 60 from lung cancer.

Natalya Strizhenova - daughter of Oleg Strizhenov from his first marriage, died at 46

Strizhenov met his first wife, actress Marianna Bebutova, on the set of his first film, The Gadfly. After the premiere of the films, the actors got married, and in 1957 the couple had a daughter, Natalia. When the girl was 11 years old, Strizhenov left the family for actress Lyubov Zemlyanikina, in the marriage with whom Alexander Strizhenov was born. Natalia stayed with her mother.

Natalya Strizhenova dreamed of becoming famous like her parents, and it seemed that nothing could stop her. She was talented, inherited from her parents a bright appearance and, of course, a surname. At the age of 15, Natalya starred in an episode of the sci-fi youth film "Moscow - Cassiopeia", after school she entered the choreographic school and later graduated from the theater, but there were no major filming offers. Natalya began to serve in the Theater-Studio of a film actor, in 1987 she gave birth to a daughter, Sasha. With the girl's father, actor Nikolai Kholoshin, the relationship did not work out, and now he does not communicate with adult daughter. And then came the 90s...

Marianna, Natalya and little Sasha lived in a high-rise building on the Arbat - Marianna and Natalya had apartments on different floors. The small family lived on their grandmother's pension and Natalya's theatrical salary. She had to forget about her film career, her personal life did not work out - Natalya began to drink, and her mother took her granddaughter to her. At the end of May 2003, Natalia Strizhenova passed away. The actress mixed alcohol with phenazepam, her heart could not stand it.

Marianna Bebutova - mother of Natalia Strizhenova, died a year after the death of her daughter

The 78-year-old actress and her 15-year-old granddaughter Sasha did not expect help from anyone. Sasha left school with a theatrical bias and went to work in a cafe. The decision of the granddaughter and the loss of her daughter shook the health of Marianna Strizhenova. According to Alexandra, in a desperate attempt to correct financial position her grandmother secretly signed a fraudulent annuity agreement. Strizhenova was supposed to receive 200,000 rubles and monthly payments, and after her death, the housing went to a new owner. And it happened very quickly: the actress died almost a year after the death of her daughter - on May 12, 2004.

Alexandra Holoshina, the granddaughter of Oleg Strizhenov, left the babies in the maternity hospital, whom she bore as a surrogate mother

All famous relatives turned their backs on 27-year-old Sasha

A dramatic story in the STRIZHENOV family became public a couple of years ago. It was then that Alexandra, the daughter of actress Natalya Strizhenova and the granddaughter of the stars of the film "The Gadfly" - Oleg and Marianna, said on television that she lives very poorly with two small children, and her relatives refuse to help her. It would seem that after the wave of those broadcasts and publications, Sasha's position should improve. But no, things got even worse - today the young man is already mother of many children live nowhere and nothing.

Thanks to the Rossiya TV channel, I was able to buy a house two hours from Saransk. In a village with fifteen houses, a village council, chickens, goats, cows. For water you need to go to the well, - says Alexandra. - The house is dilapidated - you can not live there. I bought it only in order to make my youngest son at least some kind of residence permit ( Sasha's older children are from another father and live with his parents in the Vladimir region.- I. G.). We broke up with Ilyusha's dad and now we don't communicate. His mother works as a nurse, and she is also not up to us. So Ilya and I are wandering from one friend to another: today - to Khimki, tomorrow - to Krasnogorsk, and then ... I don’t even know ...

- Sami, as I understand it, do not work anywhere?

And with whom will I leave Ilyusha? He doesn't even have two. It is not yet possible to arrange a kindergarten. Yes, and if by registration, then, you understand, it’s also not an option. As well as taking a nanny: I have no permanent housing, no work. Vicious circle it turns out. But do not think: I do not sit idly by and do not wait for me to the sky will fall money bag. I became a surrogate mother. I found an agent, then I took tests for two months, then they picked up a couple for me and planted seven embryos, of which two took root. Now I carry two boys under my heart. Under the contract, the couple pays me 10 thousand rubles a month. When I said that this was not enough and they could not at least rent an apartment for me, they replied: “These are not our problems!” I told them that I would turn to TV, to the newspapers for help, and these people said: “If you say somewhere who we are, you can’t count on us taking the boys!” But I'm not stupid - I understand everything myself. A woman walks with a false belly and pretends to be pregnant - no one knows about me. And it’s not in my interests to anger clients - I definitely won’t pull two more children! Moreover, I do not consider them mine. - If everything goes well, after the birth of the boys, what are you supposed to do?- Children will be born at the end of summer. I have to feed them for two months breast milk and then they take them away from me. And they will pay 750 thousand rubles. Of course, I won’t buy an apartment for that kind of money, but I can already rent a house without any problems.

Payback for mistakes

Sasha, but it doesn’t fit in my head: why did all your relatives turn away from you? You are not a drug addict, not an alcoholic ... A completely normal girl who just needed support at some stage, but she was not there.

You can't get into someone else's head and understand what's going on there. After articles, TV shows, none of my relatives got in touch. I called Uncle Sasha ( producer Alexander Strizhenov . - I. G.). He didn't want to talk to me. Came to visit my grandfather. “I am Sasha,” she said to the question: “Who is there?” Lionella Ivanovna opened the door to this and blurted out: “I don’t know any Sashas!” - and slammed it shut. Tried to get in touch with Katya ( TV presenter and actress Ekaterina Strizhenova .- I. G.), wrote text messages, called - all without result. Maybe they help strangers, but not relatives. - Lionella Ivanovna, the wife of your grandfather Oleg, once said in an interview that the family would not help you, because, they say, you yourself are to blame: after the death of grandmother Marianna and you have two mothers nice apartments and you could live comfortably with their help. - What are you talking about?! When my mother passed away, my grandmother signed the contract life annuity. And she died a week later. All were taken over by "black realtors" who kicked me out of the house three days after her death. I was only 17 years old, how and with whom to deal, I had no idea. However, when my mother and grandmother were alive, no one helped us either. We existed on grandma's pension. Mom had health problems and a crisis at work ... After the death of her mother, her apartment was rented out, and the Cinema House also helped.

- They wrote that Natalya Strizhenova was ruined by alcohol. This is true?

I think my mother was poisoned by the man who lived with her. She drank phenazepam, a sleeping pill that she was prescribed. And if this medicine is mixed with alcohol, you yourself understand what will happen ... - It is more or less clear with the Strizhenov relatives. And why is there no help on the paternal side? Where is your dad? - I have no idea. He has nothing to do with me. Dad deleted me and other children and grandchildren from his life. I don't want to impose. In general, I'm going to change his last name to my mother's in a month. When I tried to talk to my father, he sang the same song as the Strizhenovs: she is to blame, not our problems ... You know, everyone's life is different. Even if the child is a complete drug addict, you can’t wave your hand at him. That's what adults, the family are for, to save, to point out the right path. It seems to me that parents should give the child a base, a core, and what he will string on him as an adult - THIS will be HIS problems, and then you can brush him aside. And from the beginning they began to dismiss me. You know, I can only say thanks to the parents of my first husband. They are very good people and my kids are totally on them. But they, too, could say: “You, Sashenka, an adult, gave birth to yourself - and educate yourself.” But they understood everything. You know, they even took over all my loans, which I took out in marriage with their son. And, of course, they do not interfere in any way with communication with Romka and Lerochka. I often call them, I come when there is an opportunity. Children go to school there. Of course, I miss them, and they miss me, but it’s impossible now ...

- Do you also not communicate with their father?

For a long time. For me, this person no longer exists. I don’t know if he helps our children financially, how he lives, where he works and whether he works at all. Sasha, what's next?- It is unlikely that my relatives will suddenly kindle with unearthly love for me and for my children. Miracles don't happen. If earlier I had some hope that their attitude towards me might change, now... Why am I telling you all this? Unfortunately, on own experience I realized that the concept of "family" is rather abstract. Don't wait for someone to help you. Yes, I probably made some mistakes in my life, but they are not so terrible that my closest, dearest ones turn away from me. Now I only rely on myself. I will solve the issue of housing, look for a job, a nanny. Never despair! I have someone to live for - for the sake of my children. This is my family. Let's break through!