Wolves are animals that are known to all predators. About wolves there are many tales and sayings that describe him either as a ferocious beast, or as a domesticated animal. In fact, the wolf cannot be attributed to either one or the other.

The wolf is an animal, which is a mammal from the canine order. According to research, it is he who is the ancestor of the home. They grow about 160 centimeters in length and weigh 60 kilograms.

Today, this animal has more than 35 subspecies of its kind. Relatives live in various parts Sveta. All of them different size and color, but one thing unites them - they are predators!

In my own way appearance the wolf resembles a large pointed-eared dog. Paws - high and thin, they can hardly be called massive. The withers are set high, the muzzle is large, which distinguishes this genus from dogs.

Wolves good ability to adaptation. They can travel long distances and still feel at home. These predators have an excellent sense of smell and acute hearing. They can smell their prey for 2-3 kilometers.

Below pictured wolf, has thick and beautiful fur. It consists of two layers: an inner down and outer long hairs. They are tough and repel water well. This representative of the animal world has a large and thick tail, which is always down.

The teeth of the wolf are sharp as a blade, it is with them that he tears apart his prey. Plus, teeth are a wolf's defense against other predators. Speaking of wolves, it is necessary to mention their special voice. Unlike all animals, they can make different sounds:

  • Grunt;
  • Whistling;
  • Squeal;
  • whimper.

Hear the growl of the wolf

Habitat and lifestyle of the wolf

Wild wolves- formidable predators, whose habitat stretches over almost the entire Northern Hemisphere. Representatives of this species could be found in Belarus, Alaska and so on.

Wolves can live in completely different areas, but prefer forest-steppes, tundra, steppes, semi-deserts. They love and forest zones. The wolf will not like the increased humidity. They can easily settle close to people and approach them at close distances.

Wolves live in packs, in which there is always a leader. He chooses for himself the best female. In summer and spring, the flock breaks up, but all animals remain on their territory. The best place goes to the leader and his companion. The remaining members of the pack either pair up or begin to lead a wandering lifestyle. Wolves mark territory like dogs.

Usually one flock takes an average of 50 kilometers. At night, but not every day, the wolves start choral singing. The leader begins to howl, after which the rest join him. Thus, wolves show cohesion and belonging to the pack.

The life of wolves, like animals, can be attributed to the nocturnal. Very often, these predators make themselves felt, starting to howl loudly. When hunting, a wolf can reach speeds of up to 60 km / h and run about 70 kilometers.

Before they start hunting, wolves often begin to howl. Sometimes they thus warn their brethren about the upcoming hunt. The leader of the pack gives a battle cry - this is the beginning of their action.

Wolf character

Wolves, as a rule, do not have a hot temper. Friendly, of course, it is difficult to call them. The wolf pack always defends itself together, in fact, as it hunts.

Males always protect females and young. If a female or wolf cub is attacked by a predator many times larger, not a single wolf will stand aside. He will rush to protect them, no matter what the cost. Takova the life of an animal - a wolf.

In relation to other predators, wolves are indifferent. Of course, they don't like animals that try to prey on their territory. But they don't just jump into a fight.

There are legends about wolves as about bloodthirsty animals, but in reality everything is not at all like that! Animal world wolves arranged so that they are diligent family men who hunt to feed themselves.

Nutrition and reproduction

What animal is the wolf? The wolf is a clear representative of carnivores. He resorts to plant foods in extreme cases when there is no food at all. An adult absorbs from 2 to 6 kilograms of meat at a time. These predators have a habit of saving food for later.

Even though the wolf is very voracious, he is able to for a long time starve. The main diet of wolves includes sheep,,.

In fact, these predators eat all the animals that they can get. The difference in feeding wolves directly depends on their habitat. Wolves are monogamous creatures, so their marriages usually last for many years. From two to three years, the animal is ready for breeding.

mating season occurs in January-April, depending on the habitat. At this time, the situation in the flock is heating up. The dominant male and female protect each other from the rest of the members.

The rest of the males begin to actively care for the she-wolves and fight for them. Usually, a female produces only one offspring per year. Pregnancy lasts about 65 days. There are from 3 to 13 puppies in a litter. During the feeding period, the female does not move far from her hole and guards it in every possible way. Dad - the wolf does not participate in this period in the life of the cubs.

After milk feeding, the whole flock makes sure that the cubs are fed. Any wolf shares his piece with the kids. Depending on the habitat, puppies may stay in the pack or leave to look for new territory.

Varieties of wolves

There are more than 35 subspecies, but only a few of them are worth noting, they are interesting for their lifestyle and behavior. These include:

  • white wolf animal well-known, which differs from its counterparts in beauty. Usually hides from enemies. It has a docile and peaceful nature. He does not like to meet people and often sits in his hole. Being a hermit, he prefers to live in the tundra and the Arctic.
  • The black wolf is an animal which looks like a sharp-eared dog. Because of its appearance, people often confuse it with pets. This subspecies lives in Alaska and in North America.
  • Red wolf - animal, which outwardly may resemble a kutsuyu. Compared to its counterparts, it is small in size. Its weight is only about 21 kilograms. A feature of these predators is their habitat - mountains.
  • Steppe wolf - animal small size, which, judging by the name of the species, lives in the steppes. Favorite places of residence are the lines of cliffs of river banks. They feed on hares, partridges. They live most often in fox holes.

Pictured is a white wolf

Keeping a wolf at home

It is almost impossible to make a pet out of a wolf. You need to be aware that the wolf is a predator that can consider human flesh as food. Taming can take a long time, but if it succeeds, the wolf will become best friend and a protector. He will always be a danger to you, family, guests.

If you have made the decision to get a wolf, then the first thing to do is to surround the wolf cub with love and care. You can't yell at him and, of course, hit him. The wolf is an animal of the forest Therefore, it is necessary for him to provide personal space. Actually, it's hard to imagine wolf as a pet.

It is advised to feed the wolf with fresh meat and fish. Give the animal a lot of time and attention, the animal must feel your love. The wolf needs to be played with like a dog, trained.

Pictured is a red wolf

We must not forget that it is a predator and it is dangerous to humans. AT wild nature people often hunt these animals for their skins, although wolf hunting banned in many countries. Although most of these predators absolutely do not pose a danger to humans.

They are fierce and dangerous. This is probably what someone who knows almost nothing about wolves will say about wolves. In fact, wolves rarely attack people. Like all predators, they hunt for food and live their lives trying to stay away from people.

Ancestors of dogs

Wolves have lived on Earth for over a million years. They descended from carnivorous predators that lived 100 million years ago, and about 20 million years ago dogs originated from the wolf.


The genus wolves (Lupus) unites wolves, coyotes, jackals, wild and domestic dogs - the largest representatives of the wolf family. In addition, all foxes, arctic foxes, the raccoon dog and the maned wolf belong to this family. Like dogs, wolves are very intelligent and easy to train. In addition, each wolf has a special character: there are cautious, impudent or self-confident, they keep themselves freely and naturally in wolf society, and others are not seen or heard.

Wolves live in the mountains, forests and plains of the Northern Hemisphere. Like all living creatures, they, as biologists say, occupy their ecological niche in the wild. In their habitats, wolves are the largest group of predators that prey on large mammals.

Is the wolf big?

"Big" is not a very good term for a wolf. Usually a male wolf weighs about 50 kilograms, a she-wolf weighs 5 kilograms less. Their height at the withers is about 75 centimeters, and the length from the nose to the tip of the tail reaches 1.5 - 2 meters.

Life in the pack

Wolves are social animals: they live in families. Every flock has its own "table of ranks", and in it everyone has their own place. Strong and aggressive wolves rule, and those who need a firm hand obey them. A wolf pack - a group of animals related by kinship and mutual sympathy - is led by a wolf and a she-wolf. The rest of its members are their offspring (from tiny puppies to 2-3 year old teenagers). Usually in a wolf family there are 6 - 7, and sometimes 15 animals. Most strong wolf in the pack becomes the leader. A girlfriend, a she-wolf, helps him to rule. For others to obey, leaders must have strong character. All decisions concerning the life of the pack are made by this couple. In a pack where the leader keeps order, wolves usually do not fight among themselves. However, skirmishes are common with strangers or lone wolves that have violated the border of possessions. Each Wolf Pack hunts only in its own territory. The owners strictly guard and mark it, warning the neighbors that they should stay away. Any uninvited guest will be punished. In large packs, it often happens that a wolf is poisoned by all his relatives. Sometimes the outcast becomes completely unbearable, and he is forced to leave the pack.

Why is an unsociable person called a lone wolf? Because he resembles a wolf that has left the pack and lives on its own. As time passes, changes occur in the flock. Applicants for the role of leader remain in the pack and wait in the wings. Other wolves, having matured, leave to wander alone. But they can also create their own flock if they are lucky enough to meet a lone she-wolf. If the wolf and she-wolf want to rule the pack, they must subjugate all the rest of its members to their will and force them to unquestioningly comply with their laws. The leader dominates the males of the pack, and his girlfriend maintains order among the wolves. The leaders constantly remind their "subordinates" who is the boss in the pack: they growl at them, bite, drive and even knock them down, preferring to do this in front of the whole pack. One stern, intent look from the leader or his mate is enough to subdue those he targets. Smiling ingratiatingly, the wolves fall to the ground, and then, if possible, sneak away. Sometimes they lie on their backs, as if to say: we know who is in charge here. The way a wolf holds its tail speaks of its position in the pack. Among the leaders, it is raised high, among their "subjects" it is lowered, and those who stand at the lowest degree in the wolf family tuck their tail. Members of the pack show love and respect to the leader in a welcoming ceremony. Crawling, with flattened ears and smoothed hair, they approach the leader or his girlfriend, lick and gently bite his muzzle.

Wolves are one of the most loyal animals, they are strongly attached to their pack mates. They express their feelings through facial expressions and body movements. "Wolf tongue" unites the pack and helps it to act as one. In a surge of tenderness, the wolves lick each other and rub their muzzles. The wolf also needs a tail in order to express its feelings. If the tail is up and its tip is slightly curved, this means that the wolf is quite confident in himself. In a friendly wolf, the tail is lowered, but the very tip of it looks up. A wolf with its tail between its legs is either afraid of something or communicates its sympathy in this way. The muzzles of wolves are very expressive. Frightened, the wolf presses his ears and depicts a semblance of a smile. An angry wolf bares his teeth, and turns his upright ears forward. Sensing danger, he turns his ears back, bares his teeth and sticks out his tongue. Comrades understand how to behave in order to keep the peace in the pack.

natural born hunters

Wolves are designed to hunt by nature itself. In winter, the wolf leaves a neat chain of footprints in the snow - he puts his hind paw exactly behind the front. Thanks to this step, he can run on any terrain and even in deep snow. The weapon of the wolf is the teeth. There are as many as 42 of them in his mouth. 4 sharp, crooked 5-centimeter fangs stick out in front - two at the top and bottom. With them, the wolf can bite through the dense skin of the victim. And predatory, or carnivorous, teeth - this is the name of the molars of all predators - an adult wolf gnaws even the femur of an elk. The hunter needs a keen ear, and in this respect the wolves are lucky. When they hear a noise, they move their ears and determine where the sound is coming from. The sound source may be several kilometers away. Wolves hunt almost silently, because they run on the very tips of their fingers. Just like horses and cats, the wolf does not touch the ground with its heel. He has strong muscular legs and a sweeping gait, and he can trot for a long time at a speed of 9 km / h, and in pursuit of deer and elk, accelerate to 60 km / h. When hunting, the nose, not the ears or eyes, is the first to tell the wolves where to look for prey. In the wind, they catch the smell of even the smallest animal, located 1-2 kilometers from them, when it is not yet heard or seen. Thanks to their keen sense of smell, wolves can follow the tracks of their prey. Thick fur up to 8 centimeters long protects the wolf from frost. The layer of fur closest to the body is the undercoat, and the outer layer is formed by hard, long, black outer hairs at the ends. They repel water, and the undercoat does not get wet. In such a raincoat with fur lining, the wolf is not afraid of bad weather.

Pack on the hunt

Wolves are carnivorous (or predatory) animals. They hunt in groups. For a hungry wolf to get enough, sometimes a small animal is enough - a beaver, a rabbit, a mouse or a bird. But the whole flock is not enough, it needs big booty- deer, elk or ram. It is not for nothing that they are called orderlies - after all, as a rule, old, sick or inexperienced animals become their victims. With a sick animal, the focus of the disease disappears; if the old beast is killed, the young and strong get more food. This biological regulation of numbers contributes to the survival of strong, healthy animals, both among hunters and among their possible victims. Although wolves are considered merciless, only every tenth of their hunt ends in luck. It happens that, after spending three days tracking down and chasing a herd of deer or elk, the wolves manage to kill only a few animals. Why? Swift-legged deer can run away, and moose can give a worthy rebuff: these 600-kilogram giants with sharp horns and heavy hooves do not have to break a wolf's skull. Wolves can go without food for two weeks, but if they are lucky on the hunt, they will fill up to satiety. At one time, an adult wolf can eat up to 10 kilograms of meat! Sometimes wolves hide part of the half-eaten prey in reserve - they drag it into a hole and throw something from above. In the event of an unsuccessful hunt, they will return to this cache and dig up the hidden lunch. The survival of the pack depends on the size of its hunting grounds, so the wolves protect them not for life, but for death. The borders of the territory (it can be 50-1500 sq. km, depending on what animals the pack hunts), wolves mark with odorous marks - they spray stumps with urine and large stones- and notify neighbors of their rights by howling.

Wolf games and fun

Wolves do not always hunt, growl and are ferocious. The first thing a wolf will do when its stomach is full is curl up and take a good nap. Waking up, frolic with pleasure. If he wants to play, he will invite relatives to join him. Crouching low on his front paws to the ground, he will approach them and, wagging his tail, will say: “Please!” No answer? Then, in order to attract attention, he will begin to jump from side to side, just like a dog.

Wolves and people

Who is not afraid of the bad wolf? Since childhood, when we were read fairy tales "Three Little Pigs", "Little Red Riding Hood" and "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", we have hardened that wolves are evil and scary. In fact, they do not harm people. But despite this, people kill them.

Wolf, wolves, about wolves, the truth about wolves

Women write about psychology and biology in glamorous magazines, but you can read about the zoology of the weaker sex in men's publications and on thematic forums. The portal offers its own interpretation of animal types, based on read fairy tales and encyclopedias, associations, resemblance and matching characters. In order to avoid accusations of male chauvinism, the process of classification was entrusted to a woman.

From ciliates to jellyfish

Extraordinary personalities in the crowd are rare. Increasingly, we find ourselves surrounded by plankton: we drift freely through life, hang in the depths of the Internet and are one of the components of the food chain. And yet plankton is a collection of heterogeneous organisms. In this environment one can find ciliate woman, whose thoughts are exclusively on shoes. Simple as five kopecks, she practically wants nothing and does not expect anything from life. Well, except to meet the same unicellular, so that you can turn into a ciliate slipper.

Amoebas that have lost their harmony and liveliness of character should also be attributed to the category of protozoa. , disappearing in the eternal queue either in the supermarket for food, or in the executive committee for the improvement of living conditions. amoeba woman calmly goes with the flow, easily adapts to the surrounding reality and actively reproduces.

If the representative of plankton in the ocean of life failed to meet her soul mate, she can easily turn into a jellyfish . It just seems like jellyfish women spineless and characterless. In fact, they have not only character, but also life credo: "Dont touch me!". However, and touchy get married. In addition, not a single man in the world is immune from the fact that, lying down in the evening with a charming beauty, in the morning he can find a real gorgon in his bed. An irritated jellyfish stings without a hitch, can petrify with a single glance, or cause paralysis with a single word.

From mouse to rabbit

Mouse woman can be found on the street, at work and even in the museum in the Greek hall. And pass without noticing. She is sweet, friendly and humble. Therefore, it is easy to fall into mousetraps with free cheese.

The mouse is not untalented. Some women in this category are imaginative and can fly. What often scares men. Therefore, it is not surprising that some bats husbands call them vampires and reproach them for sucking out their vital juices. Although in fact, the strong half of humanity needs completely different women to be afraid.

Any mouse from the point of view of psychology can easily turn into rat. Fortunately, there are enough courses and textbooks on stervology today. Unlike a gray mouse driven into a corner, a rat can not only rush at the offender, but even deliver a preemptive strike.

On the squirrel woman holds the whole office. All day long she turns the impeller, then runs home to feed her family and create a reserve for the winter.

bunny woman serves as an office decoration. She does not forget to change her coat in time for the season. Often cowardly, but always shows ingenuity in order to achieve the desired result. Willingly fulfills the petty whims of her husband or boss. After all, this is what she was created for - white and fluffy. Men often live with bunnies, but dream of completely different women.

From cat to lioness

Hollywood screenwriters love to exploit this female type. Catwoman walks by itself, purrs when in the mood, and scratches for no reason. In fact, cats are also different. Kisonki are not far from bunnies. Such people easily become mistresses and even more willingly the fifth wives of aging oligarchs. The main thing in the content is not to forget to buy fashionable gadgets and other things on time. Forgetful owners, pussy takes revenge - usually crap in shoes.

Advanced pussies go social lionesses. Some are born with them, but still remain the property of the one who feeds them, provides shelter and protection.

Catwoman is bold and determined. But she's a terrible slacker. By agreeing to live in your house, he becomes a full-fledged mistress in it. Now she decides which curtain should hang on the window and which whiskey you will have for dinner. But you will have to nail the cornice and serve it on the table. Do not forget to regularly scratch the cat behind the ear and in any case do not iron against the coat.

The unsatisfied family life cats often blow their minds. She goes on a spree, and instead of warmth and comfort, kittens appear in the house, suspiciously similar to the neighbor's cats.

From dog to wolf

Men have their ideal dog women. They are faithful, faithfully look into the eyes, follow all the commands, bring beer along with slippers, lick the wounds of their souls and guard the owner's sacred dinner dream. Only in the wild such women are rare.

A dog woman can be a friend, or she can put her husband on a short leash. The watchdog Cerberus forbids his man to drink beer, watch football, meet friends and generally move far from the kennel. She can bark for any trifle.

fox woman- the main initiator of office intrigues. Her cunning will help to get out of any crisis situation more than once. Beautiful, smart and self-sufficient, she can invite the man she likes to dinner, pay the bill and use it for its intended purpose.

wolf woman- a loner. But if she finds her mate, she is ready to gnaw through the throat of anyone who looks in the direction of the male. Able to control a pack.

From sheep to cow

Representatives of the ungulate superorder should also be divided into species: they are paired and unpaired, domestic and wild. There are calluses and ruminants among them.

The most harmless female type from this series - sheep. Light curls, the presence of a golden fleece and almost complete absence mind provides them with constant success in the male company.

Nobody wants to live with an old horse, but rarely does anyone get upset when a worker appears in the team. horse. Not only all problems can be put on it, but also the burden of responsibility. And such a woman plows without raising her head, even sleeping on the go.

No less willingly is the woman-horse harnessed to the family wagon and pulls this burden uphill without unnecessary bucks. She is pushed around by all and sundry, periodically tightening the bit. And yet there are pacers in this class. Mustang women are making good progress on career ladder, because, in addition to the ability to work hard, they also have a presentation and a solid character. They can kick the offender and easily gallop away from problems.

Another female type - Milch cow. This is preferred to marry sissies to ride like cheese in butter. Women of this type rarely become high-ranking bosses, as they prefer chewing gum for everyone, they are ready to live in a barn and work in an open field. They love serials.

From canary to magpie

Women and birds have a lot in common. For example, the constant need to clean feathers and twitter incessantly.

canary women willingly live in a cage and please the owner with sweet-voiced trills. These are preferred by men who are insecure and in need of a constant portion of praise.

mother hen keeps under the wing until retirement not only numerous offspring, but also her own husband.

Hummingbird woman bright and exotic, but not found in our forests. Flies in on the road from the south to visit his parents and buys a plane ticket again.

magpie woman cannot live without bright trinkets and will die of envy if a colleague wears a larger brooch.

cuckoo woman he counts the years he lived alone and is angry at the children who have grown up and for some reason do not come to visit their mother, preferring to spend the weekend at their grandmother's in the country.

woodpecker woman capable of driving crazy even a tax inspector.

From butterfly to ladybug

From a chrysalis they turn into butterfly. Light, fluttering through life, such women are pleasing to the eye, but do not bring any benefit.

Unlike bees. These workaholic women are equally indispensable in the office and at home. They are forced to court their drones and take care of the queen, following the established rules day by day.

There are women who are importunate flies. They willingly get jobs as sales representatives and can sit for hours in the client's office, distracting everyone from work until someone rolls up the newspaper and kicks them out.

Distinguish ladybug from others is easy: every marriage leaves a mark on her soul and on her wings. Before the next trip to the altar, she throws her children to her parents on the sky, and she periodically has to be reminded of maternal duties.

From tick to spider

The scariest types. That's what men really need to be afraid of. Tick ​​woman falls on your head, sticks and climbs under the skin so that it has to be removed surgically. Although you can wait until she gets drunk on blood and goes in search of the next victim.

At spider women other habits. She waits in ambush for a long time and weaves her web. If you can still get rid of a female tick, then with a spider everything is much more complicated: those caught in the net have no chance to escape. Especially if a man has a social status and property that can be inherited.

Let's make a reservation right away: in nature, a woman is rarely found who can be 100% attributed to one or another type. Any horse can buck, and an ugly duckling can turn into a beautiful swan. The most important thing, despite all animal instincts, is to always remain human.

A she-wolf is that woman who lives by her own rules, not paying attention to the prevailing social stereotypes and patterns of behavior, to norms, rules, standards imposed from outside. She is a creator: she wants to create, she wants to create. Humor, but captures the essence of things. The she-wolf is self-sufficient, smart, independent, internally strong, free from prejudice, you can’t convince her, you can’t turn off the intended path. In relations with a man, she always rules, although from the outside it may not always seem so. This is a woman about whom men always say that she has a breed and become. The she-wolf is bright, spectacular, and it's not about appearance and clothes, it's about the energy transmitted from within, self-confidence and thoughtful positive. Such a woman always has "burning" eyes, in which "devils" are constantly jumping. Devil, witch, bitch - that's what men like to call me, and, believe me, this is not an insult. That's the kind of woman they're talking about. powers of the world this: “I love and hate her at the same time, but I can’t forget and get out of my head.” The she-wolf lives on her own, the man does not occupy a central place in her life. Good decent girl? Ha! It's not about her. The appearance of an angel, the soul of the devil - that's what a she-wolf is! Fire and ice, love and hate, black and white, bad and good - everything is in it, it plays on contrasts, therefore it always remains elusive, unsaid, misunderstood. The she-wolf is constantly true to herself and her life principles and values. How to become a wolf woman? Difficult, but possible, you just have to really want to! It is necessary to change yourself, and first of all, change the settings in your head, “turn off” goodness in yourself, obsequiousness to everyone indiscriminately, self-sacrifice. It is necessary to understand that the she-wolf lives according to the principle: I live the way I want! And nothing else! A she-wolf can afford the most chic and classy thing in the world, which you will not exchange for anything else - to be yourself, your real self. Not a clone, not a robot living like everyone else. And yourself, living the way you want, no matter what. The she-wolf is not alone, the she-wolf is just a loner in life (that is, a whole person), who has the right to choose: she chooses her own path in life, she chooses for herself the man she wants. Personally, it seems to me that it is worth the effort that a woman will spend on our "re-education", reincarnation and personal growth. I am giving you a tremendous opportunity to adopt some life principles she-wolves, having delved into the essence of which, you can go far. So, the main postulates of a woman hunter: 1. "No one owes anything to anyone." And the main thing here is to understand that you also don’t owe anything to anyone, primarily to manipulative men. 2. "If you want to do something well, do it yourself." This postulate concerns vital things for a woman. Everything else can be delegated and asked for help. But do the fundamental only yourself, do not shift this function to others, especially men, do not fall into dependence. 3. “I am who I am, not perfect, so what!” Embrace your own unique essence, love yourself sincerely. Why be someone you will never be. Enjoy yourself, and men will come into your life. And whoever doesn’t like it, let them nervously smoke on the sidelines. Never forget about the philosophy of "real I". 4. Self-sufficiency. 5. "I'm not good, I'm bad with a good stripe." The she-wolf herself knows how to behave, what to think and what to do. If it does not fit in with generally accepted norms, it does not bother her much. It is impossible for such a woman to label goodness and decency, because she has her own set of rules and laws. 6. Constant self-development and personal growth. 7. “In a relationship with a man, everything will be the way I want, or I won’t have any relationship with a specific man at all!”.

It tastes like wild raspberries. These berries always seemed to me insanely sweet, their sweetness and astringency created an extraordinary feeling of a forbidden fruit. Forbidden fruit - that's what it tasted like! This woman tasted like the fruit that you most want to eat. Like the wild raspberry that grows in the clearings of the forest in the most remote thickets of bushes, this woman had a special smell, in some ways bold, and in others very soft.

Making your way through tenacious sticky bushes, you will definitely come across some insidious prickly branches that cling to your clothes and try to stop you, slippery logs in the foliage and a lot of annoying midges. And when you get to the cherished branch strewn with wild raspberries, you involuntarily stop yourself in anticipation of this pleasure and unprecedented sweetness. This woman was like a wild raspberry. And I wanted to feel it as strongly as those small nondescript, but so expensive and priceless berries.

But wild raspberries have thorns that they plant in anyone who dares to touch their fruit. Mercilessly torn skin, torn clothes, and blood oozing from small scratches await me as I reach out for sweet berries. I begin to look at this woman, evaluate her lips, her smile and her cold blue eyes, when I suddenly realize that it is not at all a victim and not at all that infinitely pleasant young lady who just talked to me so sweetly. A dispassionate lone she-wolf is looking at me, in whose eyes there is no pity, no compassion and warmth. She is looking at me with infinite intentness and attention, as if evaluating her opportunities and the danger that I can create for her. The gaze and the closed lips tell me that I should be wary of this woman. But I don’t leave, I don’t stop responding to her look, as if she attracts me with her behavior, her seriousness.

Sometimes it seems to me that each person belongs to a certain class of people, to a kind of circle into which he enters. And all the people seem to be wearing bandages different colors(or T-shirts), which determine belonging to a particular class. There are people who resemble predators in the habits of eating others, suppressing, devouring and hunting in order to achieve more. They are hunters, ready to go to great lengths to crush their next victim, to surpass it, to be stronger. But there are those who are always destined to be victims, herbivorous defenseless creatures, capable only of flight. And they want to follow. This predatory feeling arises by itself without being tied to social status, opportunities and elitism origin of a person.

But sometimes it happens that you feel like a predator who sees in front of him a weaker predator that you want to attack. I looked at her, peered into her carnivorous blue eyes, closed lips, perfectly smoothed hair, looked at her business suit, expensive watch on the wrist, peered into her habits, into the sharpness of the movements of this lady, and more and more caught himself in a feeling of attraction to her.

She was the ideal of my dreams, she was the one that I always wanted to have next to me, which I want to consider all my life, love and try to understand. A strong character, an imperious animal look, intermittent quick movements, a stormy stream of deep thoughts and the piercing with which she looked, all this struck me, made me tremble inside and smile. I love in a woman precisely this strength, steadfastness and stability of views, emotionality, penetrating a slender female body and reflected in the eyes of aggression. A woman who can be a worthy opponent, who will play on the same field with me and will not yield to me. A woman who will potentially be the perfect mother to my child, instilling in him a sense of fighter. A game that starts with one glance, from the moment you first look into those cold, focused eyes and beautiful facial contours, this game fascinated me more and more.

She earns 10 times more than me, manages an entire department, with one click of her fingers, anyone can be fired from the company without severance pay. I thought about it and chuckled. Why am I not afraid of her? Why don't I feel embarrassed, I don't take a step back, I don't try to get away from her gaze, which so many can not stand characteristic men?

She asked me why I was grinning, but I couldn't explain it to myself. I understood or felt that I had some kind of power over this she-wolf, over her character, over her energy and dominance.

A conversation ensued, from which I realized that for some reason I dominate her, surpass her, feel more comfortable in communication. In her family there were merchants of the first guild, while in my family there were princes. I told her about my ancestors, about the Khavan princes, who were a very significant and powerful family at the court. Perhaps that is why I feel some subconscious power over this woman. As if I was a little higher than her in class, in terms of the internal organization of myself, I was above her, surpassed her, although in this life I did not achieve much at all.

She proposed to me and I didn't refuse her. She quickly crept up to me, like a she-wolf who wants to get her prey, crept up and jumped right at me from the intricacies of her intrigues. I did not want to see her as an object of desire, I did not want to kiss her or sleep with her, but I felt the attraction that a man feels for a strong, powerful woman. I wanted to crush her, from my weak, unsteady position, I wanted to lower her below me, to make this woman want me. And I felt how much she wanted the same.

Her proposal was not a surprise, she said that she wanted me and invited me to her place. And I accepted this invitation, completely forgetting that wild raspberries have very sharp, ruthlessly scratching thorns.

Her Volvo glided smoothly along the road, and it was very comfortable to sit in the soft leather seat of the car and feel how this woman with cold eyes and a voluptuous grin is now running her hand over my knee, swiping her hand a little higher. The eroticism of this woman lay in her cunning, in her pleasant and so flattering attention to me, in her tender look. She seemed to give herself completely to me, gave her body to my hugs, my kisses and my caresses.

The apartment in the very center of the city was somewhat reminiscent of the decoration of a spacious palace, in which everything was subordinated to the cast cold, calmness and alienation. On the vast shelves are hundreds of rare editions of books, many souvenirs from different countries, rare antique porcelain. I was drawn to this woman's ballerina collection because my mom collects porcelain ballerinas! The large bed in the center of the room was like a pedestal, on which she simply fell exhausted as soon as we arrived at her house. Leaning on her arm, she looked at me with the same imperious, hungry coldness in her eyes. And in that look I saw something else, hitherto completely unknown to me. She was the head of the investment department, under her command there were many people who unquestioningly, like soldiers, carried out her orders, were ready to do everything possible so as not to receive a portion of discontent from her. She aspired to the top, she wanted to get a key position in the company, she wanted to build an even more impressive career and make sure that her vision was important to everyone who worked with us. But right now, at the moment when I looked at her, taking off my shirt, I saw a completely different woman: softer, more anxious, fragile and lonely. She wanted to experience something that many do not achieve successful people- warmth and care, attention from a man. I saw a little girl worried about being ignored, a quivering young lady who seemed to have taken off her armor and dropped her sword. She was naked, but this exposure was more internal, symbolizing the accessibility and freedom of my actions.

She held out her hand to me and looked at me with sad hope. I moved closer and touched her palm. In the hands of a woman, I have always been attracted to something special, some kind of grace and softness. For some reason, you always want to kiss women's hands, especially when they are beautiful and well-groomed. On the female palm, you can read the character and fate of a woman, her attitude to the world and to herself, her inner world You can look for hours at the wrinkles on the skin, at the manicure, at the elegance of the fingers and the tenderness with which she clenches her hands into fists. It is said that in the palm of your hand there is a line of life and a line of wisdom. In this regard, my life line bifurcates somewhere in the middle of its path, as if creating two parallel destinies. And then these lines end with the wrist. My line of wisdom, on the other hand, is very short, which means that I am more inclined to throw myself on this bed now and start undressing this one. beautiful woman than to do science.

In her palm I read very strong character, in some ways even rudeness and cruelty. But I did not have time to realize this when she hugged me sharply and threw me on the bed.

Long kisses and attentive glances at each other stretched endlessly. Her lips tasted like wild raspberries, which I love so much. I wanted to kiss her more and more, touch her tongue with my own and feel her lips. This sharpness with which she began to undress me did not let up, and therefore I began to realize that she would not stop, and the decisiveness in her character would always be decisive.

Her sharp claws dug into my back, as if they were the thorns of those wild raspberries I picked as a child. I cooled my ardor by grabbing her head and carefully looking into her eyes. There was a fire in those blue eyes, a cold and calculating flame of a man who wants to get his own way, and for this he will do anything. She was on fire, and it was noticeable, but at the same time a certain smack of her prudence, her internal control what is happening. For me it was a game, one of many that I play and that I really appreciate. And for her, these kisses seemed to me like steps to my goal.

She seemed to be trying to taste my lips, taste my flesh, and there was a feeling that she had little time for this, so she was in such a hurry. I grabbed her wrists and began kissing her neck, cheeks and lips greedily. I wanted to understand why in my hands so Strong woman why she made it so clear to me that she wants to have me by her side. Is it really the passion that is now on her lips? Or something else?

"Do it for me..." she whispered in a fit of emotion. "I want you to do it."

I looked at her a little more closely, a little more seriously.

What do you want? I asked.

She slightly removed her face from my lips and, looking to the side, said in a cold, impassive tone:

You're the only advisor to the Vice President. I want you to tell him that I'm the best candidate for his first deputy. And I want you to solve this assignment problem. Can you do it?....... For me, my cat!