Rash on the forearms: causes

A rash on the forearms appears quite often. Such a rash is distinguished by the ability to transform and modify over time. In the absence of adequate treatment, red dots of standard sizes can eventually take the form of blisters that contain pus and other fluid. Do not squeeze out such abscesses or eliminate them in any other way.

Often, a rash on the forearms burns strongly and dead skin is separated from it.

Among the main causes of a rash on the forearms are:

  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • infectious lesions of acne and the development of inflammation processes in these places;
  • clogged pores on the skin;
  • increased work of the sebaceous glands, resulting in the release of fat on the skin in large quantities.

Small rash on forearms

Such a rash may look like pustules, nodules, spots. Depending on the disease that caused its appearance, it may be accompanied by itching or pain. The appearance of such a rash is characteristic of lichen planus or chronic itchy dermatitis. In this case, treatment is prescribed after a medical examination, which will accurately determine the cause of what is happening and determine the type of rash that appears.
- red rash on forearms

Such a rash is characteristic of lichen planus. The disease is very dangerous because it has an infectious nature and is transmitted from one person to another. The reason, as a rule, lies in the infection of a person with an infection transmitted by airborne droplets or by direct contact.

Another cause of a red rash on the forearms is follicular keratosis. Skin lesions in this case can be quite strong and extensive. The causes of this disease lie in the impact on a person of adverse external environment, and they can also be disorders of the digestive, endocrine and immune systems.

Rash on forearm itches

A rash on the forearms is accompanied by itching quite often. As a rule, this happens with infectious skin lesions. Most often we are talking about the effects of fungal infections. In the majority of cases, the reason is rather banal and it consists in violations of the rules of personal hygiene. It is unwashed hands that most often lead to the appearance of foci of infection on the skin, which causes itching of the skin and is often eliminated only by bath procedures alone. In more severe cases, it is recommended to visit a skin veterinary clinic for a medical examination and appropriate treatment.

Rash with crusts on the forearms

A rash on the forearms with crusts is characteristic of chicken pox. It is the development of this disease that causes the appearance of small round red spots, which eventually turn into blisters. They contain a yellowish clear liquid. The crust appears after the blisters dry. In this case, the appearance of quite severe itching is possible. Children are most often affected by chickenpox.

Often, a rash on the forearms with crusts is accompanied by fever, severe headaches. At the same time, it is best to protect the child from contact with peers and not send him to school or Kindergarten. It is recommended to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is a medical consultation that will help you choose the appropriate method of treatment.

Rash on the forearm of a child

The causes of a rash on the forearms in a child can be very different. Most often, keratosis follicularis and dermatitis are distinguished by dermatologists. If the child is prone to allergies, exposure to pathogens can also cause such a rash. In some cases, even direct sunlight can cause such a rash.

Eczema is a chronic process of inflammation, accompanied by a rash on the forearms. The main reason for the development of this condition by dermatologists is the reaction of the immune system to the effects of external irritating factors.

Rash on the forearm: treatment

If the appearance of a rash on the forearms is associated with the manifestation of an allergic reaction of the body, treatment should begin with the elimination of the causative agent of the allergy. In any case, you should not self-medicate, it is best to entrust the care of your health to a competent specialist. Timely access to a doctor is the key to a quick cure.

AT medicinal purposes creams and ointments are recommended. This is the most effective ways fight against skin rashes. Good results gives the use for medicinal purposes of a three percent alcohol solution of chloramphenicol. The skin should be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in the solution in the morning and evening.

Also effective against skin rashes Zenerite and Metrogil. A solution of oak bark helps well. We must not forget that for effective treatment skin disease it is necessary to accurately establish the cause of its appearance, which is possible only after a medical analysis.

The appearance of a rash on the shoulders can indicate various diseases and health problems, especially if it causes itching, swelling and redness. The rash can be caused by both irritation and infection of the skin. Rashes on the shoulders can manifest themselves with different symptoms, it is important to detect the problem in a timely manner and identify the cause of its occurrence.

A rash on the forearms can take the following forms:

  • nodules;
  • bubbles;
  • pustules.

Skin formations can become inflamed, itching often appears. Nodules on the skin are small rashes. As a rule, they differ in color and are accompanied by swelling of the skin. Bubbles of the rash are small formations with colorless contents inside. When rubbing against clothes, the bubbles break through, as a result of which the rash can become inflamed or take the form of weeping erosions. With proper antiseptic treatment, such rashes respond well to treatment and heal without leaving scars.

Most often, a rash occurs on the shoulders and forearms in the form of small acne. It is a deep-seated acne. Less commonly, large boils form on the skin of the forearms. The purulent contents of such formations are yellow or green tint. With a deep location of the rash, discomfort may occur when pressing on the nodule or bubble.

Vesicles may also appear on the neck and body - deep-seated vesicles, accompanied by itching. This form of rash is dangerous due to the risk of infection and suppuration of erosions that remain after damage to the vesicles.

The causes of rashes on the shoulders that go down to the forearms can only be determined by a dermatologist.

Causes of the rash

The formation of nodules, spots or vesicles can be an independent disease. Rashes on the skin can be due to the following reasons:

  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • blockage of pores;
  • increased sweating;
  • skin irritation when wearing synthetic clothing.

Increased activity of the sebaceous glands leads to an increase in the production of sebum, resulting in clogged pores and the formation of comedones and blackheads. Infection of acne with mechanical damage and extrusion often leads to the formation of deep-seated purulent boils. These rashes cause pain and discomfort and are difficult to treat.

Violation of hygiene rules also causes clogging of pores and the formation of acne.

A blistering rash on the neck or shoulders often occurs after contact with an allergen or irritant, which is often synthetic fabrics that adhere tightly to the body. In the hot season and with high humidity, the formation of rashes on the shoulders is associated with increased sweating.

Among the internal causes of the formation of nodules or vesicles on the skin, there are violations hormonal background and thyroid pathology. Such failures lead to an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands, which can provoke the appearance of a rash on the face and body.

People who are prone to allergic reactions may blister when the epidermis comes into contact with an irritant or allergen.

Possible diseases

The rash can be caused by both a violation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and a number of infectious skin lesions. A rash on the shoulders, forearms, chest and back can be a symptom of the following diseases:

A fungal infection of the skin can appear on any part of the body. A characteristic symptom of this disease is the formation of red spots on the skin. The spots may itch and swell. Inflamed rashes in the form of spots with a scaly center may indicate another infectious lesion of the epidermis, known as lichen.

Syphilis is manifested by the formation of a rash in the form of dense bubbles. A characteristic symptom of such a disease is a chronic course, the rash either appears or disappears on its own without treatment.

The appearance of skin rashes in children may be associated with viral diseases such as chicken pox or measles. It should be remembered that with these diseases, the rash affects the entire skin, and not just a specific area. Red spots on the skin may be due to rubella. In addition to vesicles, vesicles and spots, these diseases are characterized by an increase in body temperature and general malaise. You should know that such diseases are very contagious, so when you find a rash on the body, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner.

In most cases, the appearance of vesicles or nodules on the skin is associated with contact or allergic dermatitis. The reaction often manifests itself when wearing a synthetic fabric that fits snugly to the body and prevents oxygen from reaching the skin. Also, the reaction may occur when using certain cosmetics and household chemicals.

A small rash on the neck and shoulders can be caused by a common allergic skin reaction called contact dermatitis. A characteristic symptom of this disease is the formation of small blisters that itch severely. At the same time, the skin in the affected area swells and turns red. The disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process.

How to get rid of the problem?

Treatment of rashes begins with determining the cause of the disease. With acne, patients are prescribed a special treatment that reduces the production of sebum. At the same time, local treatment of the affected areas of the epidermis is carried out with special antiseptic and exfoliating agents, which allow you to clear clogged pores and avoid further rashes.

Treatment of infectious diseases is carried out with the help of special drugs that are prescribed only by the attending physician. Infections that manifest as a rash on the skin require timely treatment.

With fungal skin lesions, patients are shown special antimycotic ointments that are applied to the affected area. Timely treatment of the rash contributes to rapid healing vesicles, vesicles or nodules.

With the allergic nature of the rash, you must first identify the allergen. With moderate skin damage, the elimination of the action of the irritant is enough for the rash to go away without treatment. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, antihistamines are used.

It is very difficult to independently determine the cause of the formation of nodules or vesicles on the skin due to the similarity of symptoms. various diseases. It should be remembered that some infectious diseases The skin is very contagious, so it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner if you find a rash.

Skin rashes signal problems in the human body. The rash may have different shape, color, be itchy, peel or not.

Types of rashes on the shoulders

Depending on these characteristics, the following types of rash are distinguished:

  1. Bubble (up to 5 mm) and bubble (>5 mm). Hemispheres on the surface of the skin, filled with liquid, become wet after opening. After recovery, traces, as a rule, do not leave
  2. Pustule. Cavity with pus. The depth of penetration into the layers of the skin can be different - from superficial (acne) to deep (furuncle)
  3. Knot (1 - 3 mm) and knot (up to 10 cm). Area of ​​skin that changes color and texture
  4. Spot. Separately taken area of ​​the skin, changing color from light pink to crimson. Possible flaking and itching
  5. Vesicle. Looks like a bubble. More dense. Leaves a mark
  6. Acne. Inflammation due to blockage of pores with sebaceous contents.

These main types can appear singly or in combination with each other.

Causes of a rash on the shoulders

If you find a rash on the shoulders (transferring to the forearms), first of all, the cause should be established.

Until an accurate diagnosis is made:

  • To avoid infecting other people, do not go to public bathing places (pools, natural water bodies)
  • In the family, provide a separate towel and bed linen for yourself
  • Never use exfoliating products
  • Try to stay calm
  • Avoid scratching. If the affected areas of the skin itch and cause discomfort, it is possible to take an antihistamine drug (Zodak, Loratadin).

The problem can be infectious or non-infectious in origin.

Infectious causes of a rash on the shoulders

Consider several options for a possible infection:

  • Lichen. For example, the first stage of pink lichen appears as oval spots. Pink colour with localization on the shoulders, chest, forearms
  • Syphilis. In the presence of this disease, a rash different kind waves can appear throughout the body, including on the shoulders and forearms from the outside
  • Viral volatile infections (measles, chickenpox, rubella). All of them have a 100% probability of morbidity during the primary infection. Characterized by a rapidly spreading papular itchy rash with fever and general malaise.

Non-infectious causes of a rash on the shoulders:

  • solar keratosis. Senior people are susceptible age category. It manifests itself in point roughening of the skin due to a long stay in direct sunlight. initial stage- a finely flaky spot, with a transition to a brown neoplasm. It is considered a precancerous condition. Localization more often - shoulders, arms, forearms
  • Drug toxicoderma. It is expressed in itchy elements of various kinds of rashes. Occurs after prolonged intravenous administration medicines(often on antibiotics)
  • mechanical dermatitis. Skin reaction to a traumatic factor - rubbing straps, fasteners, tight clothing. Causes excessive sweating physical activity. It manifests itself in the form of dropsy, scuffs, redness. Persons with sensitive skin tend to
  • Psychogenic itching. Quite rare. People suffering from depression, hysteria and anxiety. A person itches uncontrollably without realizing it
  • Allergic reaction. The most common type. Reasons - washing powder, care products, food, adjacent synthetic fabric, etc. It looks like bubbles, which, after opening, form weeping erosion. The condition is relieved after the elimination of the allergen - a substance that causes a skin reaction
  • Hormonal acne. Acne is a blockage of the sebaceous gland. Young people in adolescence are often prone to this difficulty against the backdrop of colossal hormonal changes. Concentration - shoulders, back, chest, face. Exacerbated during the premenstrual period in women
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Improper functioning of the liver or kidneys is sometimes manifested by a rash on the back. Also similar reactions gives intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Shoulder rash treatment

Since rashes on the shoulders can be either a reaction to a new washing powder or a serious illness, it is recommended to immediately contact a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis.

May be required:

  • General and detailed blood test
  • Skin scraping
  • Coprogram for dysbacteriosis
  • Blood test for testosterone and progesterone in women
  • Bacterial cultures to determine sensitivity to antibiotics (if necessary).

After the necessary laboratory tests, the specialist will prescribe symptomatic treatment.

A rash on the shoulders and forearms worries no less than pimples on the face. Girls are especially complex with such symptoms. We have to abandon open outfits, use models with long sleeve even in the summer heat. Such manifestations may indicate serious disorders in the body. Postponing a visit to a dermatologist is not advisable.

Main reasons

If the patient is completely healthy, a rash on the shoulders and forearms may indicate a lack of hygiene. On the shoulders accumulate the remnants of the skin secretion, keratinized particles of the epidermis. The pores are clogged, forming an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic microflora. The situation is aggravated by increased mechanical action (friction). After all, it is on the shoulders that the maximum pressure of clothing falls. Large quantity rashes are usually observed on the side where the patient wears the bag.

In some cases, a rash on the forearms is a banal manifestation of an allergy. Unpleasant symptoms can develop when using clothes made from low-quality synthetic materials. Tight tight models often provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Patients with hyperhidrosis often suffer from rashes in these places. Inflammation on the skin is a reaction of the body to increased sweating.

If the patient eats low-quality foods, smokes and is fond of alcohol, the appearance of rashes on the shoulders and forearms is easily explained. Unpleasant symptoms develop against the background of the removal of toxins from the body. It is worth the patient to start leading healthy lifestyle life, as the condition of the epidermis is restored.

In pregnant women, a rash on the shoulders is the result of hormonal changes in the body.

Owners of long beautiful hair often complain about the appearance of pimples in the area of ​​​​the shoulders and forearms. Trouble is especially often disturbing in summer period. The problem is that loose hair does not allow the skin to fully breathe. Pimples are a protective reaction of the body.

Internal factors also play an important role. A rash on the forearms often appears in adolescents, as well as pregnant women. Trouble develops against the background of hormonal changes. The condition of the gastrointestinal tract is also important. With gastritis, stomach ulcers, dysbacteriosis, a rash on various parts of the body is a common occurrence. Diseases can lead to unpleasant symptoms endocrine system, pathology of the thyroid gland, diabetes. Many ailments cannot be called harmless, therefore, when pimples appear on the forearms, it is recommended to go full examination organism.

cystic acne

Such formations disturb the patient much more than small pimples. Cystic acne is the most severe form of acne. It occurs most often on the back, in the area of ​​​​the shoulders and forearms. Sacs (cysts) filled with purulent contents and skin secretions develop in the subcutaneous tissue. Such formations become inflamed, have a red or bluish tint. In the acute period, such a cyst causes a lot of anxiety to the patient. The inflamed area hurts and itches.

Cystic acne is a problem that any patient over the age of 15 can face. Often, the first symptoms develop during puberty in girls and boys. Statistical data indicate that in the representatives of the stronger sex the disease is more difficult and longer, more difficult to treat.

A rash on the shoulders can go through three stages of development. Initially, the pores are clogged, large comedones (acne) with black heads appear. Every day the tubercles become larger, begin to be visible to the naked eye. In the second stage of development, comedones become more and more. Some formations may merge. In the third stage, comedones become inflamed, painful boils form. Such a rash on the shoulders causes great discomfort to the patient. Sleep may be disturbed, the patient becomes irritable, avoids social contacts.

Cystic acne often appears on the shoulders

What are the causes of cystic acne? Great value has heredity. In 50% of cases, it is possible to find out that the patient's parents also suffered from such a disease. To disrupt the production of sebum and the formation of large comedones lead hormonal disorders. In women, on the background of cystic acne on the back, infertility is often observed. The situation worsens in immunocompromised patients.

The rash is very difficult to treat. In most cases, the therapy regimen is signed months in advance. The patient must be prescribed drugs from the group of retinoids. These drugs help remove fatty plugs, normalize the production of skin secretions, and promote the regeneration of damaged areas. Roaccutane tablets show good results.

Proper antiseptic treatment of inflammation is important. It is recommended to use solutions such as Chlorhexidine, Miramistin. Alcohol tincture of calendula dries the knots well.

The patient will have to reconsider the way of life, give up bad habits, fast food, carbonated drinks.

Physiotherapeutic procedures help to restore the skin condition well - darsonvalization, UV irradiation, UHF, electrophoresis.


Any patient can face this disease if vaccination has not been carried out in a timely manner. Acute infection viral nature can be very difficult to proceed in an adult. In this case, one of the common symptoms is a rash on the back or forearms. The incubation period lasts up to 21 days. The source of infection is a sick person. In most cases, it is not possible to find out where and under what circumstances the infection occurred.

In the first days of the pathological process, the patient's body temperature rises sharply to 39-40 degrees. There are symptoms of severe intoxication - dizziness, joint pain, drowsiness. A few hours after the deterioration of the general condition, a small red rash appears on the body, the eyelids swell.

Ibuprofen relieves symptoms of general intoxication, normalizes body temperature

A qualified specialist will easily make a diagnosis already at the first examination of the patient. However, this is not enough to prescribe qualified treatment. In a hospital setting, the patient gives general analyzes urine and blood, bacterial culture of sputum and other mucous secretions is performed.

Treatment of measles is carried out using antiviral drugs and symptomatic agents. Medicines based on Paracetamol, Ibuprofen help to normalize well-being. Areas of rashes are treated with antiseptic solutions.

Chicken pox

Chickenpox is a disease that many faced in childhood. In most cases, small patients develop antibodies and re-infection does not occur. If it was not possible to get sick in childhood, there is a risk of encountering a complicated form of the disease in the adult period. In patients over 18 years of age, chickenpox always occurs in severe form with a significant increase in body temperature, symptoms of general intoxication. The main symptom is watery rashes all over the body, including on the shoulders and forearms.

Chickenpox in an adult is one of the causes of rashes on the shoulders and forearms

Chickenpox is caused by viruses from the herpes family. AT childhood no specific therapy. Rashes are only treated with antiseptic solutions to avoid the addition of a secondary infection. Antihistamines may be used to relieve itching. Adult patients who are difficult to tolerate the disease are prescribed drugs that stimulate the immune system, antiviral drugs. Therapy lasts 7-10 days. In severe chickenpox, the patient must be hospitalized.

Rashes with syphilis on the back

Syphilis - dangerous disease sexually transmitted. Are amazed skin, mucous membranes, internal organs patient. A rash on the shoulders can be the first symptom of a pathological process. The causative agent of the disease is a microorganism called pale spirochete. The most favorable conditions for the rapid reproduction of bacteria are formed in the human lymphatic system. Pathogenic microorganisms are resistant to low and high temperatures, die only at 60 degrees.

Syphilis requires long-term treatment

A rash is one of the first signs of a pathological process. Most often, inflamed elements appear in the area where the infection enters the body. Therefore, often the first pimples are observed on the genitals. However, the infection spreads rapidly. After a few days, rashes appear on the back, shoulders, arms. In parallel, there are symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, deterioration of well-being.

With timely detection of pathology, a favorable prognosis is possible. Therefore, when the first rashes appear, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist for a consultation. Syphilis is treated for a long time. Sometimes a full course can take up to two years. The therapy is based on the use of strong antibiotics from the group of penicillins, macrolides or tetracyclines.

A rash on the shoulders and forearms is not such a harmless problem as it might seem at first glance. The right approach to treatment will avoid dangerous complications.