Goal:1. As a result of performing creative work, determine the role of adjectives in speech;

2. Develop students’ thinking, attention, and speech;

3. Instill love for your native land.

Form of work: work in groups, individual.

Equipment: tests, task cards, cluster, collage, algorithms.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

1.Record the date.

2. Announcement of the lesson topic and target setting.

The theme of the statements is the beauty of our native nature.

3.Psychological attitude.

Now let's look at each other, smile at each other and tune in Good work at the lesson.

2. Syntactic five-minute. "Catch a mistake"

The wind tears the last leaves from the trees and drives the last flocks of migratory birds south. (The wind tears the last leaves from the trees and drives the last flocks of migratory birds south).

The leaves fly, swirl and fall, and cover the ground with a colorful carpet.

(Leaves fly, spin, fall and cover the ground with a colorful carpet).

3. Conversation on issues.

In spring, a haze hangs on the birch tree, curls curl, and the fog sways.

What did I tell you? Can you imagine a birch tree? What is she like? No.There is no precision or expressiveness.

What words would you add? to imagine the birch tree more figuratively?In spring, a soft green haze hangs on the birch tree, dark green curls curl in a light cloud, a transparent green fog sways from

half-rolled leaves.

- What words did you add?(soft green, dark green curls, etc.)

What part of speech do these words belong to?To an adjective.

4. "Snowball" Define an adjective using the snowball type.

An adjective is independent part speech.

An adjective is an independent part of speech that denotes a characteristic of an object.

An adjective is an independent part of speech that denotes a characteristic of an object and answers the questions: which one? Which? Which?

An adjective is an independent part of speech that denotes a characteristic of an object and answers the questions: Which? Which? Which? For example: the water is (what?) cool.

5. Blitz survey: (remember morphological characteristics adjective name)

Name the ways of forming adjectives.

How are compound adjectives denoting shades of colors written?

WhenNot is it written separately with an adjective?

WhenNot is it written smoothly?

How do we write the suffixes in, an, yang?

Name the exception words.

Name the categories of adjectives.

What part of speech does the adjective agree with?

So what problem should we solve?

- why do we use adjectives in speech? ?

Carrying out various tasks, we can answer this question and create an algorithm.

6.Comparative analysis.

Exercise: Let's, guys, read and compare the two texts"Autumn picture" (read)

Autumn picture.

The forest is beautiful in autumn. There are birch, aspen, rowan and maple trees. The autumn picture becomes especially beautiful when spruce and fir meet here. Their peaks stand out sharply against the background of trees. This is real autumn.

Autumn picture.

Beautiful in autumnfoliar forest. They're standinggolden yellow birch,purple-red and pale yellow aspens,crimson rowan,bright yellow Andruddy maples. The autumn picture becomes especially beautiful when spruce and fir meet here. Theirdark green spicy the peaks stand out sharplylight variegated backgrounddeciduous trees. This is realgolden autumn.

What time of year is the text talking about?

Which text did you like best?

Tell me, how do they differ?

ANALYSIS texts are conducted by a strong student.

CONCLUSION : adjectives more fully and vividly describe autumn, the state of nature:

7. Making a collage on the theme “Autumn”, using new vocabulary that we encountered in the text “Autumn Picture” (in groups)

8. Who is faster?

Choose antonyms for these adjectives:

Brave - Cowardly

sad - cheerful

greedy - generous

interesting - boring

rough - tender

early - late

short - long

dry - wet

Conclusion: enrich our vocabulary and make our speech richer.


Using adjectives, determine who this is? What is this?

Blue. clear, clear sky

Bright, spring, hot - SUN

Fatherly, strict, grandfatherly - ORDER

Hot, tender, maternal - LOVE

Old, gray-haired, kind - GRANDMOTHER

Dear, affectionate, caring - MOTHER

Conclusion: used to describe a person.

10. Use adjectives to define and evaluate the following items: (in groups)

Tree- tall, strong, green, slender, beloved...

River - clean, wide, dear, narrow, deep...

11. Editing text. (in groups)


I walked out into a sunny... ... clearing and almost gasped. In the middle of the clearing stood a mighty... ..., majestic... ... spruce. Her wide... ..., shaggy... ... paws sank to the ground. And above these branches it formed

spacious... ..., green... ... tent.


Spring came early this year... ..., friendly... ..., unexpectedly... .... We ran through the village... ... seething streets... ..., brown... ... streams. In the huge... ... puddles reflected the blue... ... sky with white... .... clouds.

The snow has melted. From under it looked out wet... ..., warm... ... earth, full of fresh... ... juices. A light... ... park curled over the black... ... fields. It filled the air with the fragrant... ...smell of earth.

Conclusion: we use adjectives to describe nature.

12. What character traits of a person do you consider negative?

Conclusion: they determine the character traits of a person.

13.Creative work(in groups)

Using these adjectives, describe your mother.

Eyes - blue, big, kind, evil, brown.

The nose is straight, with a hump, large, snub-nosed.

Lips – full, thin, smiling, expressive.

The mouth is big, small, beautiful.

The face is round, elongated, oblong, long.

Hair – dark, curly, blond, braided.

Conclusion: we use it to describe a person’s appearance.

14..An interesting moment.

Guess the joke riddles.

The answer is an adjective.

Which barrel can't you put water in?

What stones can't you find in the sea?

What disease does no one on earth get?

What tree does a crow sit on when it rains?

Which tap can you not drink from?

What comb won't you use to comb your hair?

What year lasts only one day?

15. Sinkwine (in groups)

Group 1 - FROST.

Group 2 - FROST

Conclusion: they help to express thoughts more clearly, to more accurately describe the state of nature.

Addressing the problem, drawing up an algorithm:

Why do we use adjectives in speech?

Readingalgorithm becoming more frequent.

Adjectives make speech: bright, expressive, rich, imaginative, complete.

Research by scientists (teacher's message)

- Scientists have found that in terms of the number of words used in speech, adjectives occupy third place after nouns and verbs.

Having performed various creative tasks, I think you have become convinced that adjectives help to more accurately reveal the properties of an object and more accurately convey the mood.

give the object imagery and brightness.

- A word of praise for the adjective. Reading a poem.

16. D. TASK ESSAY "River in Winter"

17. RESULT LESSON. Self-assessment of your work.

Russian language lesson in 6th grade

The role of adjectives in speech

Prepared by:

Russian language teacher and literature

Molodogvardeyskaya high school

M. Zhumabaev district

North Kazakhstan region

Shevyreva E.S.

Students enter the classroom, receive cards and are divided into groups. (by adjectives related to the seasons. (White, hot, snowy, icy, rainy, frosty, green, sultry.) Choose a leader in each group who will voice the work of the group.

Target: student awareness practical significance use of adjectives in speech.


give an idea of ​​the role of adjectives in speech;

teach the correct and reasonable selection of synonyms and antonyms for adjectives;

contribute to the development of students’ skills to generalize acquired knowledge, conduct analysis, comparisons, and draw the necessary conclusions;

develop skills correct use adjectives;

promote a caring attitude towards the environment.

Strategy active learning:



I. Introductory and motivational stage

1. Greeting. Ready for the lesson.

2. Creation of a collaborative environment. ( Different kinds greetings)


Hello, the sky is blue.

Hello, golden sun.
Hello, Mother Earth,
Hello my friends.

The school morning opens up endless distances for us. And into these boundless distances we must go with good mood.
Are you guys in a good mood today? Give it to each other, smile!

Everyone has emoticons on their desk, share them with someone you want to wish a good mood, with each other or with our guests.

With this good mood we begin today's Russian language lesson, pMay it bring us all the joy of interacting with each other, because language is the main means of communication.


The whole world knows our artist.

The artist will paint every object.

Will always answer questions like this.

Which? Which? Which? Which?

What part of speech will we talk about?

Formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson.


Today in class we will talk about the role of adjectives in our speech.

Your goal: understand the importance of using adjectives correctly in speech.

II. The stage of updating previous knowledge.

1. What does the adjective mean? What questions does it answer?

/An adjective denotes a characteristic of an object. Answers the questions which?- and I? - oh? - eh? Whose? -ya? -ye? -y? Which? -and I? -oh? -s?/


2. Find keyword, hidden in the crossword puzzle.

1) Brand delicious juice. (Kind)
2) Filled with firmness, inflexibility (decisive)
3) A person who knows a lot. (smart)
4) A gift that is very wanted and desired. (desired)
5) Full of strength and human energy. (cheerful)
6) Active, the opposite in meaning to passive. (active)

Who's ready? Voice what happened.(Word friendship )


(Crossword solved)

What associations does this word evoke for you?The children go out and write around this word friendship.(Cohesion, collectivism, help, search for ideas, because it was friendship and cohesion that helped you find the keyword in the crossword puzzle)

What parts of speech helped you find this word?(Adjectives)

III. Information and operational stage.

1. Working with text. Teacher explaining the strategy.

So, guys, it is friendship and the unity of people that help find the right solutions in extreme situations. One day, on the open ocean, the sailors received a message about an enemy torpedo attack. The captain gathered the entire crew on the deck of the ship. And everyone, starting with the junior sailors, answered one question: How to escape in a situation of a torpedo attack? Everyone put forward their own idea. All the ideas were different, even absurd, wild, unrealistic. The ship's cook suggested that everyone blow on the torpedo together to throw it off course. They were lucky. There was no torpedo attack. But the captain came to the conclusion that even the cook’s “wild” idea could lead tothis decision (the torpedo could be slowed down by a powerful jet from the ship's pump). This is how it arosebrainstorming as a way to search for new ideas.


Rules brainstorming are:

    Accept all ideas, even absurd ones.

    No criticism.

2. Group work.

The groups have managers, select secretary, who will capture ideas.
At the first stage creating a bank of ideas. Working groups receive tasks that will help determine the role of adjectives in speech.

    Assignment to the first group: Adjectives did not have their own gender, number, or case. How can we help adjectives acquire these grammatical categories?(Ask nouns, offer him your services in return for these categories)

    Assignment to the second group: Imagine a situation where all adjectives have disappeared from our speech. What can happen?(Catastrophe, everything will turn gray)

At the second stage you need to analyze all your ideas. Prove which ones are the most important!
At the third stage process your results and make a final conclusion.

Summing up the group work:

What conclusion have we reached? What is the role of adjectives? (speech with adjectives is richer, more figurative). Which practical use can find your ideas? Creative tasks will help us with this.


Creative tasks in groups: Autumn can be different. Everyone sees it differently.

You have texts on your tables that need to be “decorated” with adjectives. Make a note in your notebooks. (write down the finished text, with adjectives).

Task 1 group: describe autumn as a wonderful time of year, using adjectives.

« October has come, and with it ____autumn, _____, ____ and _____.

Autumn loves _____ colors. _____wind drives fallen leaves along _____ alleys.

The rain is knocking _____ drops on the roofs. ______and ____ clouds are floating across the _____sky.”

Words for reference: golden, affectionate, sad, beautiful, warm, bright, cool, wide, small, warm, blue, light, fluffy.

Task 2 group: describe autumn as a rainy, cold, dirty, uncomfortable time of year, using adjectives.

« October has come, and with it ____autumn, ____, ____ and ____.

Autumn loves_____colors. _____wind drives fallen leaves along _____ alleys.

The rain is knocking _____drops on the roofs. _____ and____clouds float across the____sky.”

Words for reference: cold, rainy, dirty, uncomfortable, harsh, dark, piercing, wet, icy, heavy, dark, leaden, menacing.

Compare the first and second versions of the text. What conclusion follows from this?

Compare text 1 gr. and 2nd. How do different adjectives change the same text?

conclusion : in artistic description, almost every fourth word is an adjective./Our speech without adjectives will not be accurate, precise, figurative, but will be poor, unemotional, dull./ The emotional nature of the text depends on adjectives.

How else can an adjective help us besides describing nature? (description of the appearance of an object, character, internal state.)


Puppy on the slide

Exercise: I will name the characteristics of this item. If I name adjectives that indicate appearance, - the first group raises their hands, the second group raises their hands.

The teacher names the words cheerful (2), eared (1), sad (2), sad (2), tailed (1), joyful (2), spotted (1), thoughtful (2), small (1).

Well done, you know how to distinguish adjectives that denote a sign of appearance from adjectives that denote a sign of mood.


Literary texts often use antonyms-adjectives, which make our speech more expressive. Remember what antonyms are.

(Antonyms are words with opposite meanings)

Now let's play a little. Each of you has a card on your desk with the words written on it..

I pronounce an adjective and you choose its antonym, raise your hand, say it. Which team will be faster?

SLIDE No. 10

Guys, look at the slide, compare it with what you namedteams. What does the ellipsis at the end of each line mean?

(The series of antonym words can be continued)

1. Cheerful (sad, sorrowful, dreary, gloomy, gloomy, frowning, …)

2.Rich (poor, beggar, …)

3.New (old, ancient, antique, …)

4.Hot (ice, cold, …)

5.Tall (small, short, stunted, …)

6.Rude (polite,delicate, gentle, affectionate, …)

Let's write down 2 examples in our notebook that we like.

What conclusion can be drawn about the role of antonyms-adjectives in speech?

(Antonyms-adjectives enrich our speech, make it more expressive. They are very often used in proverbs to emphasize the opposite. An old friend is better than two new ones. A long rope is good, but a short speech. A small deed is better than a big idleness.)

SLIDE No. 11

2) What are synonyms?

Let's continue our game. I show a colored card, andyou find on the slide the desired synonym or synonyms for a certain type of color. You name it orally.

SLIDE No. 12

(on the slide there are different shades of color with inscriptions)

SLIDE No. 13


    Red (scarlet, crimson, fiery, bloody, purple)

    Blue (light blue, turquoise, sky, cornflower blue, azure)

    Yellow (gold, sunny, amber)

    Green (emerald)

We write down 2 examples in a notebook

Conclusion: synonyms-adjectives eliminate repetition of words and enrich the language.

I V. Reflective-evaluative stage.

1.What new did you learn in the lesson? What important problems have we solved?

Why are adjectives needed in speech?

We today observed the role adjectives play in our speech and came to the conclusion that adjectives make our speech bright, emotional, figurative, antonyms and synonyms eliminate repetition, enrich the language, making it more expressive.

SLIDE No. 1 4

All the diversity of our world is conveyed through adjectives. They are the ones who can make our speech picturesque. Without them, speech is poor and inexpressive. A world without adjectives loses colors, sizes, smells, sounds - it becomes gray and monotonous.

You did a good job today, hand over your notebooks for checking, I will check them and evaluate each of you.

Assessing students' work in class. For oral work immediately.

Try to evaluate your work yourself using adjectives. What are you like?

SLIDE No. 1 5

Intelligent, inquisitive, successful, hardworking, erudite, diligent, smart, attentive. Well done.

Open the diaries, write down D/Z

SLIDE No. 1 6

(picture depicting winter)

V . Homework. write a mini-essay on the topic “Winter”.

Look at the board, let everyone choose an option according to their strengths.

Option 1

I’m writing it myself” (on the board is the painting “Winter”).

Option 2

I ask for a little SOS (help). (In the pocket under SOS there are words - helpers:day, frost, sky, earth, snow, forest, trees, winter).

Option 3

I ask for a big SOS.” (There are cards in the pocket.)

Winter has come. It's ______ and ______ frost. The ground was covered ______ with snow. There are ______ forest. The trees are decorated with _______ frost patterns. ______ Christmas trees hid in the ______ snow. ______ frost froze the water on the river. _______ residents have long prepared for winter.

Teacher. A person is surrounded by different objects, there are many of them and each has many signs.

Give envelopes with the inscription, children read (chocolate, sweet, tasty, crispy, nutty, lemon, orange, tender). What subject do you think about? we're talking about? Open the envelopes, this is candy. How many signs does one small object have?

SLIDE No. 17

A poem about the importance of adjectives.

Very entertaining -
It will be difficult without him
If it disappears.
Well, imagine this:
As without signs of an object
We will argue, we will talk,
Have fun and joke?
What will happen then?
Is it worth it to suffer?
We won't say "beautiful"
Let's not say "ugly"
We won’t tell mom “darling,
Beautiful, beloved."
To father, and brother, and sister,
We won't be able to talk anywhere
These are wonderful

SLIDE No. 18

Thank you for the lesson.

Slide 2

The role of the adjective in speech

Slide 3

Relevance Despite the richness and beauty of the Russian language, our speech sometimes looks very poor. How can you make it more interesting, imaginative, impressive?

Slide 4


Do all styles of speech require adjectives?

Slide 5


Studying texts belonging to different speech styles according to 3 parameters: 1. Frequency of use of adjectives in percentage. 2. The meaning of adjectives (direct or figurative). 3. The role of adjectives in speech

Slide 6

Slide 7


Adjectives are reflected in all functional styles speech, while performing different functions: transmitting more accurate information; creating an artistic image; exchange of information on everyday issues. 2. The number of adjectives in all styles is different. 3. It is impossible to exclude adjectives from speech, as they make the information more complete and the speech figurative and beautiful.

Slide 8

Text analysis It started snowing early in the afternoon. I have always loved watching the snow fall silently. To enjoy this picture more fully, I went out into the field, and a wonderful sight presented itself to my eyes: the entire boundless space around me presented the appearance of a snow flow, as if the heavens had opened up, crumbled with snow fluff and filled the entire air with movement and amazing silence. Dusk was coming; snow flakes They began to cover all objects and covered the earth with white darkness. (According to S.T. Aksakov)

Slide 9

Questions about the text 1.What style does the text belong to? 2.What is the topic? 3. The main idea of ​​the text? 4. Write out the adj. + noun phrases from the text. 5. What adjectives help to paint a figurative picture of nature? 6. What adjectives express the author’s attitude to what he saw? 7. Restate the main idea of ​​the text. 8 Which phrases seemed unexpected to you?

Slide 10


From early lunch, a quiet fall, a wonderful sight, the boundless expanse of snow flow, snow fluff, amazing silence, snow flakes, white darkness

Slide 11

The term Oxymoron - (Greek oxýmōron, literally - witty-stupid), a stylistic device, a combination of incongruous things, for example, “sad joy.” A.N. Tolstoy “The Living Corpse” N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls” A.S. Pushkin “I love the lush decay of nature...”

Slide 12

Creative work No. 1 Restore the adjectives in the author’s text. 1 text And how (...) (...) dawn, (...) dawn, when snow-covered fields and hillocks are illuminated by (...) rays rising sun and the whiteness will sparkle and sparkle (...)! (...) (...) winter, (...) (...) days, (...) (...) nights! (Sokolov-Mikitov “(winter”).

Slide 13

ANSWERS How beautiful is the winter dawn, the morning dawn, when snow-covered fields and hillocks are illuminated by the golden rays of the rising sun and the dazzling whiteness sparkles! The Russian winter is extraordinary, bright winter days, moonlit nights! “Russian Winter” (Sokolov-Mikitov)

The adjective plays a big role in speech because, firstly, it denotes the characteristics of objects, and secondly, it decorates our speech. And finally, they can be a means artistic expression- epithets.

Each item has characteristics that indicate its peculiarity. To name the characteristics of an object, the language has special words - adjectives.

Adjectives help us highlight required item from many identical items. Our speech without adjectives would be like a picture painted with gray paint. Adjectives allow us to convey the beauty, brightness, and diversity of the objects around us, and make our speech more expressive and accurate. With adjectives, speech is like a bright color picture, perhaps even richer than a picture, since adjectives not only denote the colors of objects, their sounds, smells, taste, but also express an attitude towards the objects being talked about (Babaytseva, 1993: 109 ).

A distinctive feature of the use of adjectives in different functional styles is the predominance of relative adjectives in scientific, official and business styles and the abundance of qualitative adjectives in artistic speech. This reveals the influence of extralinguistic factors that determine the semantic and thematic selection of quality words in texts of different content and functional and stylistic affiliation (Golub, 1997: 337).

Thus, the appeal to relative adjectives in legislative documents is due to the need to frequently express in them the relations between persons and the state, persons and objects, etc. Many adjectives serve as terms, and are also part of stable phrases-terms and proper names (about 30%): Commonwealth of Independent States, The State Duma, federal troops. It is significant that in formal business style The most common are short adjectives with the meaning of modality. As a rule, they indicate an obligation or prescription: Every citizen is obliged; Written transactions must be signed by the persons who made them; Calling experts is mandatory(Golub, 1997: 338).

In business documents, adjectives of this group make up 75% of all short forms, while in scientific texts their use is noted extremely rarely, and in artistic speech they practically never occur.

IN journalistic style There is also a specialization of some semantic groups of adjectives, which are given a special place in the composition of evaluative vocabulary, which carries a large expressive load. These are adjectives like dense, unbridled, terry, rabid, landslide etc. IN journalistic speech they act as pointers highest degree quality conveyed by the nouns they refer to.

However, it would be wrong to exclude from the composition of adjectives used in book styles commonly used lexemes, which, as a rule, are presented in any text; for example in a scientific monograph:

The application of mathematical methods in psychology... is associated with enormous difficulties, and primarily because the construction of a probabilistic model of a phenomenon-a rather delicate task, sometimes requiring even more effort than the subsequent work of a mathematician with such a model(Golub, 1997: 343).

In book styles, adjectives that serve a purely informative function are not used in a figurative meaning and do not allow synonymous substitutions in the case of terminology, for example:

A book ready for release includes, in addition to the author’s text, a number of additional texts... Therefore, it became necessary to distinguish the volume literary work, paid to the author, from the full volume of the book. For this purpose, a unit of measurement has been introduced-publisher's sheet. A printed sheet is used to measure the amount of paper used to make a book.

This use of adjectives, which excludes an emphasis on the aesthetics of speech and pursues only a practical goal, corresponds to the functional and stylistic specificity of the use of morphological resources of the language.

The potential figurative and expressive capabilities of the adjective are realized in artistic and journalistic speech, which provides stylistics with extensive material for observation. The stylistic significance of adjectives as a source of speech expression in the named speech styles can hardly be overestimated. “Quality words,” as adjectives are sometimes called, are the most picturesque part of speech. It is no coincidence that writers give important precise use of adjectives and definitions, seeing in this a manifestation of professionalism and skill (Golub, 1997: 350).

The use of adjectives is dictated by the need to describe the hero’s appearance in detail: I see now the owner himself, a man of about fifty, fresh and cheerful, and his long green frock coat with three medals on faded ribbons...(Pushkin). Adjectives are also involved in creating psychological portrait character, description of his habits, way of life, etc.: These much-maligned caretakers are generally peaceful people, helpful by nature, inclined towards community, modest in their claims to honor and not too money-loving(Pushkin).

In Russian fiction There has been a rich tradition of stylistic development of adjectives-epithets in different descriptions, and above all in landscape sketches. Let us illustrate this with an example of a description of a moonlit night: ...The moon appeared, bathing the sea in a silver sheen. Large, gentle, she slowly floated up the blue arch of the sky, the bright shine of the stars paled and melted in her even, dreamy light(M. Gorky). The dominance of adjectives in the system of expressive and figurative means is also manifested in the fact that the nouns, verbs, and adverbs involved in the context are also often associated in their meanings with the concept of quality; compare: shine, light, faded, slowly.

In the Russian language, unique semantic series of adjectives have been defined, which form a rich palette of colors when recreating pictures of nature. For example, the light of the moon in a romantic context is often depicted using adjectives: pale, blue, silver, silver, mirror, lemon, yellow, languid, mysterious, ghostly, enigmatic. To describe a realistic (often reduced) picture of a moonlit night, other adjectives are used: [moon] big, huge, round, red, red, blood red; cf.: The disk of the moon, huge, blood-red, rose behind the trees of the park(Kuprin). The frequency of use of such epithets can lead to the birth of literary cliches that receive a negative assessment in style. However, true masters of artistic speech show great ingenuity in combining words (in the words of A.S. Pushkin). The wealth of semantic groups of adjectives in the Russian language creates ample opportunities for their creative use. So, A.S. Pushkin could select up to fifty adjectives for one word in different contexts (Golub, 1997: 351).

At the same time, writers’ refusal to use adjectives when depicting nature in literary text can become a kind of stylistic device that demonstrates the author’s ironic attitude towards the metaphorical syllable, the desire to “de-romanticize” the landscape. This technique is implemented, for example, in M. Gorky’s story “Revenge”: Nightingales and the moon, shadows, the smell of flowers-all this was available and in quantities much greater than was needed in the course of things. The reader involuntarily compares this phrase with the landscape sketch at the beginning of the story ( This river and the reeds along its banks, and behind it the dark, lush trees are so beautiful, bathed in the wonderful, welcoming light of the moon...): the author’s refusal to use adjectives and epithets is regarded as an expression of protest against the falsehood of “beautiful words”.

The stylistic meaning of the adjective in the system of expressive resources of morphology puts it in a special position in comparison with other parts of speech. The author’s ability to find an artistic definition is often a criterion for a good style. Therefore, comments from experienced writers about the style of young authors especially often concern the use of adjectives.

When using adjectives, it is important to maintain a sense of proportion without overusing epithets that generate verbosity. A.P. Chekhov advised the young Gorky: “When reading the proofs, cross out definitions where possible... It’s clear when I write: “ man sat on the grass"... On the contrary, it is incomprehensible and difficult for the brain if I write: " a tall, narrow-chested, medium-sized man with a red beard sat down on the green grass, already crushed by pedestrians, sat down silently, timidly and fearfully looking around" This does not immediately fit into the brain, but fiction must fit immediately, in a second” (Golub, 1997: 352).

The material we studied about the peculiarities of the functioning of adjectives in different styles of speech became the linguistic justification for the problem of speech development we are developing junior schoolchildren.

As a result of the analysis of linguistic literature, the following was established:

1. The adjective as a significant part of speech does not have a clear solution in terms of considering its volume and content. In a broad sense, the adjective includes ordinal numbers, individual pronominal words, which also denote the characteristics of objects or point to them. Our work presents the traditional understanding of the adjective as a part of speech, denoting a feature of objects and expressing it in the inflectional categories of gender, number and case, in a sentence usually acting as a definition and the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

2. According to their meaning and grammatical characteristics, adjectives are divided into 3 categories: qualitative, relative and possessive. This classification is used in school practice and adopted in our work. We have also considered other classifications of adjectives, in particular, the one proposed in “Russian Grammar”, which involves dividing adjectives into two lexico-grammatical categories: qualitative and relative, relative, in turn, into proper-relative, ordinal and pronominal, proper- relative - into non-possessive and possessive. Another option for classifying adjectives involves dividing them into nominative and pronominal; significant adjectives - qualitative and relative; relative - into proper-relative and ordinal, proper-relative - into non-possessive and possessive.

3. An adjective, like a noun, has the grammatical categories of gender, number and case. The work describes the difference between these grammatical categories for the named parts of speech: for nouns they are semantically significant, for adjectives they depend on nouns, are not related to facts of reality, as a result of which they are inflectional.

4. Adjectives play a role in speech important role. They denote a feature of an object, decorate our speech, and can act as means of artistic expression - epithets. The rich and flexible system of adjectives contains versatile figurative and expressive possibilities, which are realized by the aesthetic function of this part of speech. The adjective also performs an informative function and is used to narrow the scope of the concept expressed by nouns, which makes the adjective indispensable in all styles, but especially when there is a need to specify the meaning expressed by the subject word.

IN diploma work The role of adjectives in various styles of speech is considered. Adjectives make speech more precise; they represent in detail an object, a person’s appearance, his character, actions, etc. This function of adjectives is especially important for the development of speech in younger schoolchildren. Formation of the ability to use adjectives verbally and writing, in addition to expansion and enrichment vocabulary for younger schoolchildren, contributes to their development of the ability to observe and notice various signs of objects in the surrounding reality. The next chapter is devoted to solving the problems of speech development of primary schoolchildren in the process of using adjectives.