The Type 97 Chi-Ha is a Japanese medium tank that was heavily used during the time, along with the more obsolete . In terms of mass, Chi-Ha was rather light - it could only be classified as medium according to the Japanese classification.

The history of the creation of Chi-Ha

By the mid-30s of the XX century, Japan's main medium tank Type 98 was completely outdated. The Japanese command revised the requirements for medium tanks and ordered the development of more maneuverable vehicles. In 1936, the final performance characteristics for the new medium tank were formulated - it had to be faster, more secure, smaller, and at the same time retain the old armament. Two prototypes were made - "Chi-ha" from the company "Mitsubishi" and "Chi-ni" from the arsenal in Osaka.

In 1936-1937, prototypes were tested, and at first preference was given to the lighter and cheaper Chi-Ni. But after the first major military clashes with China, it became obvious that the maneuverable and armored Chi-Ha would show itself better. As a result, he was adopted, designating the name "Type 2597". In 1937, the tank began to be mass-produced.

Tactical and technical characteristics (TTX)

general information

  • Classification - medium tank, although by world standards it was more of a light tank;
  • Combat weight - 15.8 tons;
  • Layout diagram - transmission compartment in front, engine compartment in the back;
  • Crew - 4 people;
  • Years of production - 1938-1943;
  • Years of operation - 1938-1945;
  • The number of issued - 2123 pieces.

Chi-Ha layout


  • Case length - 5500 millimeters;
  • Hull width - 2330 millimeters;
  • Height - 2380 millimeters;
  • Ground clearance - 420 millimeters.


  • Armor type - surface-hardened rolled steel;
  • Forehead of the hull (middle) - 10 / 82 ° -20 / 65 ° mm / degree;
  • Hull board (top) - 20 / 25-40 ° mm / degree;
  • Hull feed (top) - 20 / 67 ° mm / degree;
  • Bottom - 8.5 mm;
  • Hull roof - 10-12 mm;
  • The forehead of the tower - 25 / 10 ° mm / degree;
  • The side of the tower - 25 / 10 ... 12 ° mm / degree;
  • Cutting feed - 25 / 12 ° mm / degree;
  • Tower roof - 10 mm.


  • Brand and caliber of the gun - Type 97, 57 millimeters;
  • Gun type - rifled;
  • Barrel length - 18.4 caliber;
  • Gun ammunition - 120;
  • Angles HV: -9…+21;
  • Sight - telescopic;
  • Machine guns - 2 × 7.7 mm Type 97.


  • Engine type - Twelve-cylinder diesel V-shaped, liquid-cooled;
  • Power - 170 horsepower;
  • Highway speed - 38 km / h;
  • Cross-country speed - 19 km / h;
  • Power reserve on the highway - 210 km;
  • Specific power - 10.8 hp / t;
  • Suspension type - Hara;
  • Climbability - 30-35 degrees;
  • Overcoming wall - 1 meter;
  • Crossable moat - 2.5 meters;
  • Crossable ford - 1 meter.

Chi-Ha modifications

So Chi-Ha was very successful and popular, so several modifications were built on its basis, which were actively used along with the base tank.

Shinhoto Chi-Ha

When the Japanese troops clashed with the Soviets near the Khalkhin Gol River, it became clear that tank guns should have anti-tank properties in the first place. So in 1939, the "ShinhoTo Chi-Ha" was developed - a modification with a new turret and a 47 mm gun. It had a smaller caliber, but due to the length of the projectile, a high initial velocity was given, so that the new gun penetrated the armor of tanks much better. Shinhoto were produced along with the regular Chi-Ha until 1943.

Shinhoto Chi-Ha

Chi-Ha with a 120 mm cannon

On the basis of already "Shinhoto" by order marines created a variation with a naval short-barreled gun with a caliber of 120 millimeters. Such a tank was produced after 1942 in small quantities.


It was command tank- the tower was occupied by radio equipment and there was a 57-mm gun in it, and a 37-mm gun was installed in place of one machine gun.

Vehicles based on the Type 97 Chi-Ha

In addition to various modifications, other vehicles were also created on the basis of the Chi-Ha tank.


  • Ho-Ro is a self-propelled howitzer. Instead of a turret, a 150-mm howitzer was placed. Only about 12 were produced;
  • Ho-Ni - a whole series of self-propelled guns. Similar in design to the Ho-Ro, but the Ho-Ni III had a closed conning tower. They were mainly used for fire support. They were the only more or less massive self-propelled guns of Japan in World War II (about 170 pieces were produced).

Ho-Ni I - self-propelled guns based on Chi-Ha.


  • Ka-Ha - a machine for the destruction of wired communication lines due to the action of a dynamo machine with a DC generator. The creators assumed that he would destroy the means of communication through the telegraph wire. A total of four such machines were built, but there is no data on their use;
  • Ka-So - an armored vehicle for artillery observers. Did not have weapons in the tower;
  • Ho-K - logging machine used in the jungles of New Guinea;
  • Chi-Yu - an armored mine trawl with a turret and weapons.

Repair and technical

  • Se-Ri is a recovery vehicle. A small conical turret with a machine gun was placed on it, and on the stern there was a crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons. Only a couple of copies were produced;
  • T-G - an armored bridgelayer that made it possible to assemble the bridge with the help of two missiles - the bridge flew out of the car in just a few seconds. At the same time, the resulting bridge could hold Japanese tanks, but failed under the American ones. However, the T-G was never mass-produced.

Combat use

In the battles at Khalkhin Gol, the Chi-Ha tanks have not yet been used, but only tested at the front. After the defeat, it was decided to replace many of the "Ha-Go" with Type 97 "Chi-ha", so they began to be produced more actively.

In 1941, the Japanese invaded Malaya and the Philippines. They mainly participated in battles with American tanks, but the medium Chi-Ha were also used by the Japanese troops to escort the infantry and finally break the enemy.

In the battles on Bataan, the Chi-Ha was already used much more actively, but in the end it turned out that their 57-mm weapons were ineffective against the American Stuarts. Therefore, two Shinhoto Chi-Ha were transferred to the islands. For the first time this modification was used in the landing on Corregidor, May 5, 1942.

In Malaya, "Chi-Ha" was also used actively and very successfully, mainly due to the fact that the enemy did not have anti-tank weapons. Tanks played a special role in the capture of Singapore on 15 February.

In 1943, Japan in the Pacific and Asia was forced to switch from offensive to defensive. To do this, all units were actively equipped with tanks, both Chi-Ha and Ha-Go, as well as floating and other modifications.

In the battles on the island of Saipan in July 1944, Japanese tank forces clashed with American tanks. As a result, many Japanese vehicles were lost under fire from the M4 and anti-tank M3. The same thing happened on the island of Guam.

On the Pacific Theater of Operations, these two islands became the places of the most active use Japanese tanks. It was here that it became clear that the Chi-Ha were already outdated - they made their way too easily with American cannons and even heavy machine guns.

Type 97 Chi-Ha with a tanker

Philippines and Japanese islands

In the Philippines, Japanese tanks also did not perform too well - in battles with American tanks, especially Shermans and self-propelled guns, many Chi-Ha and Shinhoto Chi-Ha were lost. Japanese tanks also failed in the defense of Iwo Jima, Okinawa and Formosa. True, one stronghold with three Shinhoto Chi-Ha managed to put up stubborn resistance - the fighting on the island of Iwo Jima went on from February to March 26. But in the end, resistance was crushed anyway. In the fierce battles in Okinawa, tanks almost did not participate. Especially because of the defeat in the Philippines, the Japanese did not take risks and transfer tanks to Okinawa.

Chi-Ha shot down in the Philippines

Continental battles

On the continent, "Chi-Ha" fought in Burma and China. In Burma, the last Japanese tanks were killed in a collision with Shermans in March 1945. In China, tanks performed more successfully, mainly due to the weak anti-tank defense of the enemy. By the way, when Japan capitulated, the third tank division operating in China was not completely disarmed - it was used to defend Beiping from the National Liberation Army.

When the Manchurian offensive operation of the Soviet troops began, the Kwantung Army had several tank brigades and regiments armed mainly with Chi-Ha and Shinhoto Chi-Ha. In total, the grouping had 1215 tanks. In general, their application was unsuccessful, and they were defeated. The same was expected of Japanese tanks in the Kuril Islands - the remains of the Shinhoto Chi-Ha can still be seen on Paramushir Island.

After Japan surrendered, "Chi-Ha" was used in the Third civil war in China, on both sides. They were mainly used to support infantry. In Japan itself, "Chi-Ha" were in service until the 60s, but were used more as training vehicles.

tank memory

Museums today store three Chi-Ha tanks, and there are also 11 vehicles that were badly damaged in battles:

  • Indonesia, Malanga, National Museum;
  • China, Beijing - People's Revolutionary Museum;
  • Japan, Yasukuni Shrine;
  • Japan, Tank School of the Imperial Japanese Army;
  • Russia, Ivanovskoye village in the Moscow region, Military Technical Museum. The tank is on the move;
  • Russia, Kuril Islands, Shumshu island. Several damaged tanks;
  • On the islands of Guadalcanal, Saipan and Duke of York Island there are 9 Chi-Ha tanks abandoned by crews or damaged in battles.

Remains of Shinhoto Chi-Ha in the Kuril Islands

tank photos

Padded Chi-Ha
Type 97 Chi-Ha at the US Army Museum in Aberdeen
Shinhoto Chi-Ha with crew

Tank in culture

Despite widespread use, in popular culture the tank "Chi-Ha" has no significant mentions. It is not mentioned in the films or in fiction, but it can be found in the game World of tanks as a Japanese medium tank of the third level and as a medium tank of the first rank.

Combat use

In the battles at Khalkhin Gol in the spring - summer of 1939, "Chi-ha" were not used, but it was after the defeat suffered there from the Soviet troops that the implementation of the program for the construction of medium tanks received a new impetus, and three companies of the 4th tank regiment, which then had armed with light "Ha-go", they were soon re-equipped with medium "Chi-ha".

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese invaded the Philippines and Malaya. On December 10, the landing of the advanced units of the 14th Army of General Homme on the island of Luzon began, and on December 22 - 24, the main forces of the army landed. In the Philippines, Japanese tanks first encountered American tanks - since November 1941, a tank group of 180 Stuart M3s and 50 75-mm T12 self-propelled guns was stationed in Luzon. The Japanese landed units of the 4th and 7th tank regiments and several tank companies here. Tanks were delivered to the shore on landing barges and immediately went ashore. From the first clashes on December 22 and 31, 1941, until the last battle on April 7, 1942, the light "Ha-go" played the main role here, although the medium "Chi-ha" also participated in the hostilities. Usually the tanks led the attacks of the infantry, sometimes they made quick throws to objects already captured by paratroopers for the final break of the enemy's resistance. Units of the 7th Panzer Regiment captured several light Stuarts. The T12 self-propelled guns (on the chassis of half-tracked armored personnel carriers), which they used in the Philippines against the Americans in 1944-1945, also became Japanese trophies. The withdrawal of the US-Philippine group of troops to the fortifications on the Bataan Peninsula reduced the actions of the Japanese to the assault on the peninsula and the island-fortress of Corregidor. In the battles on Bataan, the Chi-ha were already more active, sometimes using smoke grenade launchers. After the capture of Bataan, a landing party was formed to land on Corregidor. Previous battles have shown the low effectiveness of the 57-mm Chi-ha guns in tank battles with highly mobile, maneuverable "Stuarts", moreover, capable of firing from long distances. Therefore, in addition to the Chi-ha company, the detachment included two Shinhoto Chiha, which were previously delivered to Bataan and introduced into the 7th Tank Regiment. It is curious to note that the commander of this tank company, Major Matsuoka, acted on the captured Stuart. The landing on May 5, 1942 on Corregidor was the combat debut of the Shinhoto Chi-ha.

A column of tanks "Chi-ha" before the march.

The Japanese 25th Army of Lieutenant General Yamashita, which invaded Malaya and had 211 tanks as part of the 1st, 6th and 14th tank regiments, quickly advanced towards Singapore Island. The attack on the island from the north, that is, from the land, the British considered it impossible, especially with the use of tanks. The Japanese thought differently. The rugged, jungle-covered terrain really made it very difficult for the machines to move, they had to move mainly in columns along rare roads. Under these conditions, tanks were also used as a vehicle for transporting property. As a disguise, the crews used "skirts" made of palm leaves or other vegetation, strengthening them on the hulls and towers.

Tank losses were insignificant, which was greatly facilitated by the lack of anti-tank weapons from the enemy and the dominance of Japanese aircraft in the air.

The operation began on December 7, and already on the 11th, the 1st Tank Regiment successfully attacked the Jitra defense line. According to the British, the appearance of Japanese medium tanks of the 6th Panzer Regiment on January 7, 1942 near Kuala Lumpur in Silanogre "brought indescribable confusion." Japanese tanks crossed the river and not only broke through the British defenses, but also captured rich trophies, including serviceable armored cars and light armored personnel carriers. To support the units that crossed on February 9 to Singapore, the Japanese led tanks through the Strait of Johor along the railway dam. On February 15, Singapore was captured by Japanese troops, and tanks played a big role in this.

In the battles in Burma (January 21 - May 20, 1942), General Ida's 15th Japanese Army used tanks of the 1st, 2nd and 14th tank regiments. On April 29, they cut the Burmese road, and on April 30 they entered the city of Lashio, an important communications hub. In Burma, Japanese tankers fought with the Stuarts of the British 7th Hussars. In addition, the T-26s of the Chinese 200th mechanized division also operated here, but they did not participate in tank battles with the Japanese.

After the landing on August 7, 1942, the 1st US Marine Division on about. Guadalcanal (in the group of the Solomon Islands) and moving it deep into the island, on October 16, the Japanese landed Sumimoshi troops on the island, reinforced by the 1st separate tank company, which was equipped with veterans of the 4th company of the 2nd tank regiment. After a series of local skirmishes on October 26, the Japanese tried to cross the Matenika River and attack the positions of the American Marines on the opposite bank. Of the 12 "Chi-ha" who tried to ford the river, most were lost to the fire of 37-mm anti-tank guns. Actually on this tank battles ended. The Japanese did not have time to transfer reinforcements from Rabaul, and on February 1-7, 1943, they secretly evacuated from Guadalcanal.

1943 was a turning point - both Germany in Europe and Japan in Asia and the Pacific were forced to switch to strategic defense. Japanese garrisons in the Marianas, which were part of inner belt defense of the Land of the Rising Sun and of strategic importance, were reinforced by units of the 9th tank regiment of Colonel Hideki Goto: the 1st and 2nd companies (29 tanks "Ha-go" and "Chi-ha") were on about. Guam, 3rd, 5th and 6th - on Saipan. In addition, the Hago of a separate tank company of the landing detachment was stationed on the latter, and the 24th separate tank company (9 tanks) was stationed on Guam. There were also floating Ka-mi, and 47-mm Type 1 guns were used in the anti-tank system.

Medium tanks "Chi-nu" in the assembly shop of the plant.

On June 15, 1944, American troops landed on Saipan as part of the 2nd and 4th Marine Divisions with amphibious tanks, and on June 16, the 27th Infantry Division. The Japanese used their tanks to counterattack in conjunction with the infantry, but suffered heavy losses from the fire of infantry anti-tank weapons and M4 Sherman tanks. On June 16, Vice Admiral Nagumo ordered another counterattack. Under the command of Colonel Goto, 44 ​​tanks were sent to the island along with the 136th Infantry Regiment: "Ha-go", "Chi-ha", "Shinhoto Chi-ha" from the 9th Tank Regiment and "Ka-mi" from the landing tank company. Tanks landed covertly in the rear of the American Marines entrenched on the west coast, but on the pebbly beaches of Garapan they made a lot of noise with their tracks. The Marines managed to call in a platoon of Shermans and several M3 self-propelled anti-tank guns. The Japanese lost 11 tanks already on the beach. Nevertheless, at 2 am on June 17, 40 Japanese tanks with armored infantry (a rare tactic for the Japanese) went on the attack. They had to move across open areas. Some of the tanks reached the positions of the Marine Corps, but in the light of illuminating shells fired from the ships, the Americans knocked out several tanks with fire from Bazooka rocket launchers and 37-mm anti-tank guns. The rest, trying to get around the wrecked cars, got stuck in swampy places and weak ground and turned out to be motionless targets. After the counterattack of the American marines with tanks and self-propelled guns, the Japanese had only 12 tanks left - 6 "Chi-ha" and "Ha-go" each. Some of them died on June 24 in an unequal battle with the "Shermans" (company "C" of the 2nd Tank Battalion of the Marine Corps), the rest - a little later in clashes with the M5A1 "Stuart" of army units (according to other sources - from 37-mm fire anti-tank guns). Saipan was captured by the Americans only by July 9 and cost both sides heavy losses.

Commander's version of "Chi-ha" with an imitation of a gun in the tower.

"Shinhoto Chi-ha", captured by the Americans on one of the islands Pacific Ocean.

When the US 3rd Marine Division and the US 77th Infantry Division landed on Guam on June 21, Japanese forces on the island included 38 tanks "Ha-go" and "Chi-ha", concentrated near the western coast, where the Americans landed. In the first clashes, only Hago participated, although Chiha would have been more useful - light tanks were quickly knocked out. 11 "Chi-ha" of the 2nd company of the 9th regiment, which was at the beginning of the landing as part of the 48th separate mixed brigade near Agana, was pulled to Taraga on the northern coast. They were used to support infantry in night attacks. A successful attack was carried out, for example, by five "Chi-ha" on the night of August 8-9 at the position Marines, whose "Bazookas" were put out of action due to rain. But the very next day, the American "Shermans" attacked the Japanese stronghold, knocked out two tanks and captured seven - those were either out of order or did not have fuel. On August 10, the Japanese stopped resistance on Guam.

Saipan and Guam became the place of the most intensive use of Japanese tanks in the Pacific theater of operations. On June 16, they also carried out their last massive attack on Saipan. The fighting here also demonstrated the complete inconsistency of the Chi-ha with the requirements of the time - these tanks were easily knocked out by the fire of American bazookas, tank and anti-tank guns, there were cases of these vehicles being hit by heavy machine guns and rifle grenades.

The Chi-ha and Shinhoto Chi-ha medium tanks arrived in the Philippines at the disposal of the 14th Army (14th Front) from Manchuria in January 1944 as part of the 2nd Panzer Division. Soon, the 11th Tank Regiment was reinforced by the Shinhoto Chi-ha, renamed the 27th Separate Tank Regiment, and sent to Okinawa. Thus, three tank regiments remained on Luzon Island (each with one company of light and one company of medium tanks) - a total of 220 tanks, including Shinhoto Chi-ha, as well as self-propelled guns Ho-ni and Ho -ro". On Leyte Island there were light "Ha-go" and several obsolete medium "Type 94" of the 7th separate tank company. These forces were to meet with more than 500 American tanks and self-propelled guns.

October 20, 1944 four infantry divisions of the 6th american army landed on the island of Leyte, and by December 28 the fighting there had already ended. Medium "Type 94" were lost while trying to recapture the runways. It is worth noting here that the struggle for the Pacific Islands was not so much an attempt to seize control over the key points of sea communications as to seize airfields. After the Japanese tanks on Leyte Island could not carry out a single more or less successful counterattack and were mostly hit, General Yamashita decided to use them on Luzon as stationary firing points, distributing infantry units among the strongholds and setting the task of delaying the advance American parts. The tanks were dug in and carefully camouflaged, and several reserve positions were prepared for them. For camouflage, the crews pulled wire mesh over the hull and turret, on which branches, leaves, and grass were attached. The protection of the frontal part of the turret was increased by attaching spare tracks, which, in principle, was uncharacteristic for Japanese tankers. The vehicles prepared in this way served as the core of strongholds, which differed from each other in size and strength. Thus, the point at Urdanet had 9 combat units, the Shigemi detachment at San Manuel - 45 (7th tank regiment, mainly Shinhoto Chi-ha), the Ida detachment at Munoz - 52 (6th tank regiment).

Lined "Chi-ha". Noteworthy is the characteristic shape of the turret hatch cover.

Japanese "Ferdinand" - self-propelled gun"Ho-ri."

The landing of the 1st and 14th Corps of the 6th American Army on Luzon began on January 9, 1945. January 17 happened tank battle at Linmangansen - "Shermans" of company "C" of the 716th American tank battalion knocked out 4 "Shinhoto Chi-ha" of the 7th tank regiment of the Japanese. On January 24, the same American tank company attacked the Shigemi detachment at San Manuel, supported by 105-mm M7 self-propelled howitzers.

In the early morning of January 28, the 30 remaining vehicles of this detachment, accompanied by infantry, launched a counterattack, but for the most part they were hit by tank and self-propelled gun fire, and the Americans themselves lost only three Shermans and one M7. On January 30, a convoy of 8 "Chi-ha" and 30 cars breaking through from the encirclement was shot at Umungan.

The Ida detachment also fought in encirclement from 1 February. An attempt to break through was stopped by the fire of American artillery and light tanks - "Stuarts". All Japanese tanks were knocked out. The 10th tank regiment was also unlucky - on January 29, its column came under fire from M10 self-propelled guns of the 637th American anti-tank battalion, which knocked out four Shinhoto Chi-ha.

By May 5, the Americans destroyed 203 "Chi-ha" and "Shinhoto Chi-ha", 19 "Ha-go", 2 "Ho-ro" in the Philippines. The 2nd Panzer Division obeyed the order, delaying the advance of the Americans into the interior of the island, but paid too high a price for this - it simply ceased to exist.

After the capture of the Philippines, the focus of the American command moved to the islands of Formosa, Okinawa and Iwo Jima, which could serve as air bases for a direct attack on the Japanese islands. On February 19, 1945, the 5th American amphibious corps, supported by 200 amphibious tanks, began landing on Iwo Jima. The 27th was deployed here. japanese tank The new regiment, which had 28 tanks - mainly "Chi-ha" and "Shinhoto Chiha". Lieutenant Colonel Nishi, who commanded them, intended to use the Shinhoto Chi-ha as nomadic anti-tank guns, which generally corresponded to the situation and the capabilities of the tanks. However, more often they were used in dug-in stationary positions. Unable to retreat, these tanks were soon hit by artillery fire or US Marine bazookas. However, at least one strong point, in which there were three Shinhoto Chi-ha, put up very stubborn resistance. It is no coincidence that the fighting on the small island continued until March 26th. Following this, on April 1, the Americans landed four divisions of the 3rd Airborne and 24th Corps on the western coast of Okinawa. The landing force included more than 800 tanks and self-propelled guns, as well as a large number of amphibious tanks and armored personnel carriers. The Japanese 32nd Army, on the other hand, had only units of the 27th Tank Regiment already mentioned above, stationed in the northern part of the island - a total of 13 "Hago" and 14 "Shinhoto Chi-ha". Almost all of these vehicles were lost during an attempted counterattack on 5 May. The battles on Okinawa went on until June 21, but tanks no longer took part in the most fierce battles.

"Chi-ha" of the 1st separate tank company, lined up on the island of Guadalcanal in October 1942. Most of the combat vehicles of this unit fell victim to the fire of 37-mm American anti-tank guns.

"Ha something."

After the defeat of the 2nd Panzer Division in the Philippines, the Japanese command did not risk the remaining units and transfer additional tanks to Okinawa (and the very possibility of this, due to the complete dominance of the Americans at sea, was more than doubtful), although the island was considered ethnically Japanese territory. So ended fighting Japanese tank forces in the Pacific.

On the continent, fighting took place in Burma and China. In Burma, after several "trial" operations in 1943, the Allies at the beginning next year went on the offensive. By the beginning of the fighting with the British-Indian and American-Chinese troops, the Japanese tank forces consisted of only the 14th Tank Regiment. Moreover, his 4th company was armed with captured Stuarts, but after the battles with British tanks, the Shinhoto Chi-ha reinforced the company. In this composition, this unit participated in the battles with the Americans near Myitkin in the first days of August 1944. In March 1945, the last Japanese tanks in Burma were lost in clashes with Shermans on the Myitkina-Mandalay road. By May 6, the Allies had completely retook Burma.

The 3rd Japanese Panzer Division was based in China, which included the 5th (8th and 12th regiments) and 6th (13th and newly formed 17th regiment) tank brigades. In 1942 - 1943, the Japanese used tanks occasionally in counterguerrilla operations, in private attacks on the 8th People's Liberation Army of China in the Border Region, against the Kuomintang troops in the Yichang region. The 8th regiment in 1942 was transferred to the island of New Britain.

During the autumn offensive of 1943 in China, units of the 3rd Panzer Division were used to capture airfields, from which B-29 bombers began raids on industrial facilities in Manchuria and Kyushu at that time. In 1944, the 6th tank brigade was withdrawn from the division and sent to the Mongolian border, so that the 3rd division retained only the 12th regiment from the actual tank units. In this form, it was attached to the 12th Army. After the inclusion of two more motorized infantry regiments in its composition, the division turned into a mechanized or reinforced motorized rather than a tank division. But it was at this time that decisive tasks began to be set before the tank units.

At least six Chi-has of the 9th Panzer Regiment were hit during a night attack on June 16, 1944 in Saipan. The armor of this tank shows numerous holes from 37-mm shells fired from the cannons of M5A1 light tanks of the 762nd American tank battalion.

Another "Chi-ha", shot down on Saipan. Attention is drawn to the folding frame with a grid at the stern of the hull, intended for the transport of infantrymen.

In April 1944, an offensive began against the Kuomintang troops in the direction of Luoyang, Xin'an and along the Hankou-Changsha-Henyang-Canton railway. His task was to capture the highway leading to the Korean coast and in the direction of Hanoi, the subsequent defeat of the Chinese troops and the connection of the Northern, Central and Southern fronts of the Japanese expeditionary forces. As part of this "Operation No. 1", the 12th Army operated. The 3rd Panzer Division, following the infantry along with the 4th Cavalry Brigade, took part in a number of battles. At the same time, tanks, motorized infantry and cavalry carried out maneuvering operations, carried out envelopments, long-range (up to 60 km per day) bypass marches. With their active participation, Linzhou was captured on May 5, and Loiang on May 25. By mid-autumn, the Japanese occupied more than 40 cities, including Changsha, Henyang, Guilin, Shaozhou, Nanying, airfields near Henyang, Liuzhou, Gangxiang. This success was largely due to the weakness of the anti-tank defense of the enemy. During the assault settlements the tanks were used to bombard the gates or breaches in the walls surrounding most Chinese cities from machine-gun range. After the infantry entered the city, part of the tanks acted ahead of it, while others went around to cut off the enemy's escape route. The 3rd Panzer Division and the 4th Cavalry Brigade also took part in the attack on the American air base near the Laohe River in the spring of 1945. In the operation that began on March 22 and the capture of airfields, the 3rd Panzer Division solved rather auxiliary tasks, but the tankers played an important role in consolidating success and repulsing Chinese counterattacks (for example, in April in Sichuan). After that, the 3rd division with the rest of the forces was pulled north, to Peiping (future Beijing). Interestingly, after the surrender of Japan, the 3rd Panzer Division was not completely disarmed - the Americans and the Kuomintang used it to protect Beiping from being captured by the People's Liberation Army, until it was replaced by the 109th Kuomintang Division in November 1945. Quite characteristic of the then situation in China - the disarmament of the Japanese troops here ended only in February 1946.

By the beginning of the Manchurian offensive operation of the Soviet troops in 1945, the Kwantung Army under the command of General Yamada, numbering more than 1 million people, included the 1st and 9th separate tank brigades, based respectively in the areas of the cities of Shahe (south of Mukden) and Tieling ( northwest of Mukden), the 35th Tank Regiment, along with the 39th Infantry Division, was located near the city of Sypingai. The 9th Brigade served as the tank reserve of the Kwantung Army. These areas were in the zone of the 3rd West Manchurian Front. Japanese tank forces were significantly weakened by losses in the autumn offensive of 1944 in China and the transfer of part of the units and equipment to the Japanese islands.

Tanks "Chi-ha" of the 34th tank regiment, captured in Manchuria by the Red Army. 1945

Soviet soldiers and officers inspecting Japanese tanks at the exhibition of Red Army trophies at the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Culture in Moscow in 1945. In the foreground are two "Chi-ha", in the background - three "Ha-go".

In total, the Kwantung grouping, together with the 17th Korean Front, had 1215 tanks by August 1945. Soviet troops numbered 1.7 million people and 5200 tanks and self-propelled guns.

On August 9, the Soviet troops of the Trans-Baikal, 1st Far Eastern and part of the forces of the 2nd Far Eastern Fronts went on the offensive. In the battles with the Red Army in August - September, Japanese tanks practically did not show themselves in any way and were captured mainly in the parks. The troops of the Trans-Baikal and 1st Far Eastern fronts, for example, got up to 600 serviceable Japanese tanks in this way.

"Chi-ha" and "Shinhoto Chi-ha" of the 11th Tank Regiment, along with units of the 91st Infantry Division, were on the Shumshu and Paramushir Islands of the Kuril Ridge, occupied by the troops of the 5th Japanese Front. They took part in the battles Soviet troops 2nd Far Eastern Front, who carried out the Kuril landing operation. In addition, the Japanese had two separate tank companies in the Kuriles. To counter the Soviet landing (101st rifle division with a battalion of marines) on the island of Shumshu on August 18 - 20, 1945, the Japanese additionally transferred tanks from the island of Paramushir. Artillery support for the Soviet landing was provided by ships of the Pacific Fleet. The fierceness of the fighting is evidenced by the remains of the Shinhoto Chi-ha, which are still rusting on the island. Shumshu and Paramushir were cleared of the Japanese on August 23, and all the Kuril Islands - by September 1. On September 2, Japan surrendered.

A few words about the tanks intended for the defense of the Japanese islands. In the spring of 1945, the United National Defense Army had 2970 tanks, consisting of two divisions, six brigades and several separate companies. The 1st and 4th Panzer Divisions formed a mobile reserve stationed north of Tokyo. The American-British landing on Kyushu was planned for November 1945, on Honshu - for the spring of 1946. It was to include three armored divisions, as well as a significant number of independent tank battalions. Surely, the superiority would again be on the side of the Americans, but the Japanese tank units located in the mother country, fully manned and well equipped, apparently, would have put up more serious resistance than in other places. However, these are pure assumptions - the surrender prevented these battles. Japanese tanks were handed over intact to the American occupying forces.

After the surrender of Japan, "Chi-ha" and "Shinhoto Chi-ha" continued their military service- during the Third Civil War in China (1945 - 1949). Serviceable vehicles taken from the Kwantung Army, including 350 "Chi-ha", the Soviet troops handed over to the People's Liberation Army. On the other hand, a significant number of Japanese tanks, with the assistance of the Americans, received the Kuomintang troops of Chiang Kai-shek. The limited number of combat vehicles on both sides led to their use for direct support of the infantry when attacking individual strongholds. In Beiping (Beijing) on ​​January 31, 1949 and in Nanjing on April 23, the People's Liberation Army of China entered on Japanese tanks - including the Chi-ha.

In Japan itself, the surviving "Chiha" and "Chi-he" remained in service until the 60s. However, during these years they played rather the role of training vehicles, since the basis of the armament of the “security corps”, and then the “self-defense forces” of Japan, then were American-made tanks.

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Type 97, "Xia Xingxia 2597 Chi-Ha", "2597".

The tank was developed in 1937 using components and mechanisms of previous models. The tank is made according to the usual layout scheme: the power compartment is at the rear, the combat compartment is in the middle, and the control compartment is in the front of the hull. A V-shaped air-cooled diesel engine was installed in the power compartment.

Mechanical transmission and drive wheels were located in front of the tank hull. The undercarriage of the tank, unlike light tanks, had six road wheels of small diameter. The outer road wheels had an independent suspension, and the four middle rollers were interlocked in pairs. As elastic elements here, as in light tanks, springs were used, placed in horizontal pipes. The tank was produced in two versions: the assault "Chi-Ha", armed with a 47-mm cannon, and the "Shinhoto Chi-ha", armed with a 57-mm long-barreled cannon and two machine guns. The armor-piercing projectile of the 47-mm cannon "Chi-ha" had initial speed 825 m / s and from a distance of 500 meters it pierced armor 75 mm thick. Both options had the same performance characteristics and differed only in the design of the tower. They had good mobility and in terms of combat qualities were approximately equivalent to European pre-war models. By the time the hostilities began in the Pacific Ocean, their armament and armor were already assessed as insufficient. The total number of Chi-Ha combat vehicles produced before 1943 is approximately 1,200. They were supplied both to armored units of direct infantry support and to formed armored formations.

The Chi-Ha Type 97 was one of the first Japanese tanks designed by Tomio Hara's group of engineers. This vehicle was a modification of the first two tanks put into service - the light Type 89 Chi-Ro and Type 95 Ha-Go. Taking into account the first experience in tank building, with all its successes and failures, Japanese engineers set about simultaneously developing two subsequent models. One of them was called "Chi-Ha", he is also "middle third", the second - "Chi-Ni", he is also "middle fourth".

The reason for the simultaneous development of two machines was the following: Japanese land army then divided into two camps in relation to combat vehicles. One is headed by the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff of the Ground Forces and the Osaka Arsenal. They considered it more expedient to build as quickly as possible and as many light machines as possible, simpler and cheaper to manufacture. The second camp is the arsenal of the city of Sagami, numerous military experts and officers from the front. They considered it better to build a smaller number of machines, but more advanced - full-fledged, with good armor, maneuverability and weapons. Both sides never came to a mutual agreement, so the engineers were ordered to develop two options that would suit both sides. "Chi-ha" had to meet the requirements of the Sagami arsenal - that is, to be a well-protected medium tank, and "Chi-Ni" - the requirements of the general staff, and be a lighter and cheaper vehicle.

"Chi-Ha" differed from its predecessors in greater maneuverability and "Chi-Ni" in greater mobility, as well as a slightly larger crew - four people. The scheme of the chassis was not chosen for him immediately. The first projects involved eight road wheels (solid double and single spoked) and four support rollers per side. Single solid rollers were blocked by two in a checkerboard pattern and hung on crank arms, and double ones were individually mounted on the same levers. Elastic elements three obliquely mounted helical coil springs served, resting on the upper ends of the crank arms.

The next suspension option included three supporting rollers and six twin-spoked track rollers per side, interlocked by two into three balancing carts. Each such bogie was supported by a spring "according to the Hara scheme" - a horizontal helical spring. For the prototype, presented for final testing and demonstration, a mixed suspension scheme was chosen, which includes the features of the chassis described above. In addition, in the work on the prototype, the shape of the driver's cabin, the commander's cupola, fenders, and the installation of signaling devices changed.

They say that in the armament and design of both prototypes, one can trace the influence of German engineers - at an early stage of the "Chinese conflict", the Japanese managed to capture the German "Panzerkampfwagen I". Such a valuable find was dismantled to the screw, and fully examined. The Germans, as well as the Americans, believe that only thanks to this, the Japanese managed to make such a breakthrough in machine and tank building.

Even before the capture of the German car, the Japanese had already independently developed quite good, their own armored vehicles, which, if inferior to their European counterparts, were not much. And at the moment when "Chi-Ha" was sent into production, even without German influence, it was distinguished by many successful engineering and technical solutions. For comparison, the Type 97 "Chi-Ha" of 1937 was superior to the German "Panzerkampfwagen II" in many respects.

During the war, the Japanese government bought from its German allies late modifications of the Tiger and Panther tanks, as well as all the technical documentation for it, as well as the full right to use the developments of German engineers for their own purposes. What the Japanese did. German engineering solutions were introduced, but in later models of Japanese armored vehicles - in particular in the tanks Type 4 "Chi-To" and Type 5 "Chi-Ri". In 1936-1937, two prototypes "Chi-Ha" and "Chi-Ni" were produced. Since the Japanese General Staff of the Ground Forces preferred tanks of smaller mass and cheaper to manufacture, the Chi-Ni was considered the main contender for adoption. However, during big war with China, the choice fell on the more secure "Chi-Ha". It was accepted into service under the designation type 97.

After successful tests conducted in June 1937 at the training ground of the tank school in Chiba, mass production of both vehicles began, and Hitachi, Nihon Seikusho and the Sagami Rikugun Soheisho arsenal acted as subcontractors. Moreover, "Nihon Seikusho" (the Tokyo branch of "Mitsubishi") took responsibility for the supply of "Chi-Ha", and "Sagami" - for the tank "Chi-Ni". Simultaneously with the linear "Chi-Ha" was adopted and its modification "Ci-Ki" - a special commander's model. It was distinguished by more advanced navigational instruments and radio stations, an enlarged turret without a cannon mount and with an additional hatch, a modified commander's cupola and a large handrail antenna.

Let's also say that in order to compensate for the armament of the C-Ki model, instead of the removed 57-mm cannon and the frontal machine gun, a 37-mm cannon was installed in a frame. Accordingly, the frontal part has also changed. On some C-Ki samples, a 57-mm gun was installed in the same way. Later, in subsequent modifications, the "Ci-Ki" gun mount was nevertheless returned. Since 1934, the Japanese began to install the first domestic diesel engines on their armored vehicles. Most European engineering giants preferred to equip armored vehicles with water-cooled gasoline engines, which were significantly inferior to diesel engines. According to the first experience of the war, it was found that "gasoline tanks", due to their design, burned like matches and consumed more fuel. Also, Japanese engineers came to the conclusion that air-cooled diesel engines are much more efficient, including because in military operations there is not always access to water.

The engine for the "middle third" was also not chosen immediately. Especially for this tank, two variants were developed - one from Mitsubishi with a power of 170 hp, and the second, less powerful, from Igekai. But, ultimately, after a series of tests, "Chi-Ha" received a 12-cylinder Mitsubishi air-cooled diesel engine with a capacity of 170 horsepower (125 kW).

As weapons, both prototypes received short-barreled 57-mm turret guns, exactly the same as their predecessor. The lead developer, Tomio Hara, tried to challenge this decision. He was going to equip both new models with a new, more powerful and long-range weapon, which could be a real lifesaver in case tank battles. The General Staff rejected all his arguments - the Japanese were not going to develop heavy armored vehicles with powerful guns for tank battles, because they used them exclusively to cover infantry. And for this, the already existing weapon was quite enough.

However, the correctness of Tomio Hara was soon proven in practice, in a sad way for the Japanese. During the Nomonhan Incident, when Japanese ground units clashed with Soviet troops, it was discovered that soviet tanks with their 45 mm guns outnumbered the Japanese armored vehicles. After this incident, in 1939, the Japanese began to develop new tank guns, which were completed only by 1941. They were 47-mm guns, which, despite their smaller caliber, were superior to 57-mm guns in terms of power due to a longer barrel.

The Japanese, throughout the war, constantly took into account any experience of military operations, and continuously improved their weapons. For example, early in their invasion of the Philippines, the Japanese first encountered American M3s. During the fighting, again, insufficient range and power were confirmed. turret guns"Chi Ha". The M3 had fairly thick frontal armor, and only three direct hits out of six from a distance of a kilometer pierced an American tank. From a distance of 800 meters, six of the nine frontal hits turned out to be fatal for the American. After that, from 1942, "Chi-Ha" received a new gun - "47-mm Type 1 anti-tank gun" with a longer barrel, higher power and rate of fire. This modification of the tank was called "Shinhoto Chi-Ha". It is believed that the Shinhoto Chi-Ha was the best Japanese tank in the history of the War.

Japan has always been considered a maritime power. Its fleet has successfully competed even with its much larger militarily and economically neighbors for centuries. Later, and in the air, the Japanese gain experience, allowing them to dominate their region.

But as far as the ground forces are concerned, here the Japanese were among the lagging behind over and over again and often suffered insulting defeats. On land, Japan was inferior to the enemy in strength and training of infantry, small arms and artillery. The same was typical for the armored forces of the Land of the Rising Sun.

In the 30s of the 20th century, the Japanese military quickly realized that the Type 89/94 tanks widely used by them did not at all satisfy the realities. The country suffered heavy losses of vehicles battle after battle. Therefore, a decision was made in the face of difficult economic situation design and deliver to the front as quickly as possible new tank, capable of withstanding more successful enemy samples. Thus begins the battle path of the tank "Chi-Ha", which means "middle third".

The history of the creation of the tank "Chi-Ha"

In the period of the 30s and early 40s of the last century in Japan, there was a sharp confrontation between two large groups within the Ministry of Defense. The first cell, which included mainly representatives of the General Staff, was, for obvious reasons, more powerful. She promoted the idea of ​​creating a locust tank.

In their opinion, it was necessary to build light tanks, easy to manufacture and transport. The enemy should have been taken by the number of such tanks, that is, crushed by quantity. Of course, such models were actually easy targets even for anti-tank rifles, not to mention the powerful and often well-trained enemy tank brigades.

The second group was of the opinion to create a medium Japanese tank, with good armor, acceptable running characteristics and great firepower. On their side was the trump card that such a machine is characterized by great survivability. But it was more expensive to produce such a medium tank.
It is not difficult to guess that the first group close to power promoted its idea, and Japan soon began to produce Chi-Ni light tanks on an industrial scale.

But we must pay tribute, the work on the design of the medium tank type 97 "Chi-Ha" was not curtailed, but was carried out in parallel. And this was not in vain, because after the first battles, the losses of the Japanese armored forces with the predominant use of "Chi-ni" turned out to be so high that they exceeded all permissible limits.

The authorities of the country urgently ordered to deliver to the front the medium Chi-Ha that had just passed the tests.

In general, there is such a historical fact that the Japanese managed to make a really qualitative leap in tank building, due to the fact that during the “Chinese” conflict they were able to capture german tank Panzerkampfwagen II. The engineers of the Land of the Rising Sun quickly dismantled the captured sample to the screw, and then were able to set up the production of their own machines.

At the same time, Japanese designs were not exact copies German counterparts. They used developments and innovations, thanks to which it was even possible to surpass the best European models in some respects. But in general, the project 97 "Chi-Ha" was at that time quite outdated, with a lot of vulnerabilities.

Design features of medium tanks "Chi-Ha"


Tank "Chi-Ha" received surface-hardened rolled steel armor. The thickness of the frontal sheets and the mask of the gun reached 25 millimeters. The protection of the stern was of the same thickness.

The tower received 20 mm sheets, and the sides - 22 mm. The roof of the car reached a thickness of 12 mm.

Least of all, the Chi-ha tank was protected by armor from below, from the side of the bottom - the steel sheets there were 8 mm thick.

The side armor was vertical, and the frontal part was stepped. All armor plates were attached to the steel hull with bolts and rivets, which was considered clearly obsolete technology, but made it possible to quickly change structural elements that had become unusable, sometimes right on the battlefield.


The turret was adapted to mount a 57 mm gun with a barrel length of 18.5 calibers. It was often criticized for frankly poor armor-piercing performance, but low penetration was compensated by its low mass and short recoil. This was a very important property given the compactness of the tank's internal space.

Another big disadvantage of the gun was the small angles of pointing the barrel.

In the vertical plane, they reached only from -9 to 15 degrees, and in the horizontal from -5 to +5. For comparison, the most advanced tank of that time - the German "Tiger" - surpassed the Japanese in vertical guidance by 4 degrees, and in the horizontal more than twice - by 14 degrees.

The commander of the "Chi-Ha" was supposed to be to the right of the gun, and the loader to the left. The car was equipped with two machine guns:

  • one ahead of the body (course);
  • the second is in the tower.

The caliber of machine guns was 7.7 mm.


The engine for the Chi-Ha tanks was produced at Mitsubishi factories. Its power was 170 hp. The cooling was air, the launch was carried out using an electric starter. Two fuel tanks are located on both sides of the engine compartment and hold 120 and 115 liters, respectively.

According to the characteristics of the course, the Chi-Ha tank did not have special qualities.

If we consider the installation of rollers, rollers and drive wheels on one of the sides, then the layout looked like this:

  • Double rubber-coated rollers in the amount of 6 pieces (the outer rollers were on a spring suspension, the middle ones were placed on a Hara-type suspension);
  • 3 support rollers;
  • Drive wheel located in front of the machine;
  • Track with small links (96 tracks 330 mm wide and 120 mm pitch).

It is known that in the process of testing "Chi-Ha" two prototypes were created. The chassis of the first of them was immediately approved, and with it the model went into mass production. The second prototype was distinguished by an increased number of rubber-coated support wheels. There were 8 of them, thanks to which the tank got a smooth ride and, accordingly, accurate shooting. But the production of such machines would cost the Japanese leadership even more, so the factories were instructed to build massively cheaper samples.

Combat use

The first appearance of the Chi-Ha tanks on the battlefield can be attributed to the relatively easy battles of the Japanese army at Halkin Gol. Despite the superiority of the Japanese units, the loss of armored forces caused fears of the command.

Completely obsolete at that time, the Ha-Go machines noticeably lost in survivability and efficiency to the still insignificant number of new Chi-Ha. Based on the results of the battles, the leadership decided to mass-produce new models of tanks for the entire army.

In 1941, the full-fledged combat path "Chi-Ha" begins. Japan invades Malaya and the Philippines, where the theater of heavy battles unfolds on numerous islands. Most often, tanks were used to escort infantry and clear territories. But the severity of the battles lay in the fact that now the Japanese were opposed by trained and powerful american tanks"Stuart".

It turned out that the first production models of "Chi-Ha" lose American counterparts in almost all respects. Because of this, the latest, improved Shinhoto Chi-Ha, with new anti-tank guns, began to be thrown onto the islands.

Prior to this modification, the main barrel of the Chi-Ha did not penetrate tank armor. Now the car has received a smaller caliber gun (47 mm), but a longer barrel and projectile. Due to this, the projectile had a higher initial acceleration and powerful penetrating power, capable of incapacitating enemy tanks.

The battles in Malaya for Japan were much easier, since a much worse prepared, weak enemy had practically no heavy weapons damaging armored formations. Therefore, the losses of combat vehicles were insignificant.

But in 1943, on the islands, Japan was forced to go on the offensive, for which various modifications"Shinhoto Chi-Ha", including floating ones. However, units of the enemy, reinforced by American help, offered fierce resistance. In 1944, having got involved in another battle with US tanks, the Japanese again suffered significant losses.

Approximately the same scenario awaited "Shinhoto Chi-Ha" on the island of Guam.

In the final phase of the war, Japanese tanks offered heroic resistance on the Indonesian islands, but the superior enemy forces still broke all the defensive redoubts.

The last battles involving Shinhoto Chi-Ha took place in Burma and China. In Burma, Japanese tanks again, although they offered decent resistance, gave way to power. At first, Japan acted more successfully on the territory of China, but after the involvement of the Soviet side in the battles, it again began to suffer defeat after defeat.

Tank losses were catastrophic. And the war itself was drawing to a close, so the pressure of the allied forces rapidly marching to victory could not be broken.

After the Second World War, "Chi-Ha" could still be found in military conflicts. In China, during the Third Civil War, both warring parties used these combat units in battles. In Japan itself, the tank was used until the 60s of the 20th century, but mainly as training vehicles.


To be objective, the Chi-ha tank was a great help when it came to a poorly trained and unprepared enemy. He successfully fought in China, on numerous islands until serious rivals, like the USSR or the USA, were included in the game. Both superpowers had in abundance capable of fighting formations and, most importantly, machines tested in serious battles.

Japan bought out the projects of the Tiger and Panther tanks, one of the flagships of the tank structure at that time. But the successful solutions of these developments were introduced very late, when the course of the war was finally broken, and Japan was forced to defend more and counterattack, respectively, to suffer heavy losses.

But this does not negate the fact that there was simply no more successful tank "Chi-Ha" in the Land of the Rising Sun. This formed the basis for the fact that many modifications were created on the basis of this medium tank.

The most famous and massive modification of the Chi-Ha tank was the Shinhoto Chi-Ha model. The gun, reduced in caliber, but the increased length of the barrel and projectile, allowed the machine to effectively deal with enemy tanks.

By special order of the Marine Corps, a limited version of the Chi-Ha was also produced with a 120-mm cannon.

The platform was widely used to create self-propelled artillery mounts and howitzers. In total, about 180 of these machines were produced.
Great help to the military special modification"Ka-Ha", which, due to the installed dynamo machine, could destroy wired communication lines.

It is not known for certain whether it was used in hostilities, but 4 samples left the factory. Model "Ka-So" was an armored vehicle for artillery observers and gunners. "Ho-K" - a logging version, which was actively used in the jungles of New Guinea and significantly ensured the rapid advance of Japanese units and formations.

"Chi-Yu" - mine trawl, which also has a tower and weapons for protection.


There is no need to say that the Chi-Ha tank has become a very successful model. Its combat use suggests that the Japanese counterpart was not able to resist the prepared formations of a more powerful enemy.

But military glory entrenched behind him due to the ingenuity and incredible sacrifice of Japanese tankers.

Type 97 Chi-Ha Kai

Main characteristics


in detail

2.0 / 2.0 / 2.0 BR

5 people Crew


15.0 tons Weight

4 forward
1 ago checkpoint


104 shells ammo

15° / 20° UVN

single plane
vertical stabilizer

3,000 rounds of ammunition

20 rounds clip size

499 rounds/min rate of fire



The Type 97 Chi-Ha Kai is a Japanese World War II medium tank based on the Chi-Ha tank from 1939-1941. Partially changed the base tank in production; in addition, a significant part of the "Chi-Ha Kai" was obtained by alteration from the usual "Chi-Ha". The name of the tank translates as "Chi-Ha (middle third) with a new artillery turret".

In the game, it also differs from the original Chi-Ha with a new turret and a different 47mm gun.

Main characteristics

Armor protection and survivability

Tell me about armor protection. Mark the most protected and most vulnerable areas. Assess the layout of components and assemblies, as well as the number and location of crew members. Is the level of armor protection adequate, does the layout contribute to survivability in combat?

If necessary, use a visual template to indicate the most protected and vulnerable areas of the armor.



main gun

Give the reader information about the characteristics of the main gun. Evaluate its effectiveness in combat based on reload speed, ballistics and potential damage. Don't forget about the spread fire rate: how quickly a gun can lock on one target, fire at it, and lock on to the next target. Add a link to the main article on the weapon: ((main|Implement name))

Describe the ammunition available for the main gun. Give recommendations on their use and on filling the ammo rack.

Additional weapon

Some tanks are armed with multiple guns in one or more turrets. Evaluate the auxiliary tool and give advice on its use. If there are no additional weapons, remove this subsection.

Describe the ammo available for the secondary weapon. Give recommendations on their use and on filling the ammo rack.

Machine gun armament

coursework and anti-aircraft guns Not only do they allow you to fight aircraft, they are also effective against lightly armored vehicles. Evaluate the machine gun armament and give recommendations on its use.

Use in combat

Describe how to play the car, how to use it in a team, and tips on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - don't impose a single point of view, but give the reader food for thought. Tell us about the most dangerous opponents and give recommendations on how to deal with them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).

Advantages and disadvantages



Historical reference

Tell us about the history of the creation and combat use of the machine. If the historical background turns out to be large, take it out into a separate article and add a link to it here using the main template. Be sure to include links to sources at the end.


A great addition to the article will be video guides, as well as screenshots from the game and photos.

see also

  • reference to the family of technology;
  • links to approximate analogues in other nations and branches.
  • topic at game forum;
  • page on Wikipedia;
  • page on;
  • other literature.
· Japanese medium tanks
Based on Chi-Ha