for children with handicapped health


Explanatory note

The curriculum for grades 3-4 for children with disabilities (ZPR) was developed on the basis of the current regulatory documents:

1) federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation” (dated December 29, 2012);

2) Federal State Educational Standard, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01 No. 000 (as amended by the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01 No. 000" dated 01.01.01 No. 000; , dated 01.01.2001 No. 000);

extracurricular activities

oral questioning

Independent work


Control write-off

Test tasks

Graphic work


creative work

Attendance at lessons on observation programs

Educational project





Reading technique control

Integrated diagnostic work

Analysis of the dynamics of current academic performance

Participation in exhibitions, competitions, competitions

Activity in projects and programs of extracurricular activities

creative report


Analysis of psychological and pedagogical research

Monitoring studies


for students with disabilities (ZPR)


Spiritual and moral

"The Land We Live In"

general intellectual


"Clever and Wise"

speech therapy classes


Children's rhetoric

Russian language

Sports and recreation

general cultural

"Reading Hour"

"Road alphabet"


"All colors except black"

Total by class


for students with disabilities

(delayed mental development)

Subject areas

Academic subjects

Number of hours per week

Russian language and literature

Russian language

Literary reading

Foreign language

Foreign language (English)

Mathematics and Computer Science


Social science and natural science

The world

Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics





Physical Culture

Physical Culture

Part formed by participants in educational relations

Maximum allowable weekly load

(for a 5-day school week)

Extracurricular activities (including correctional and developmental area)

Correction-developing area

Correction-developing classes:

speech therapy classes


Children's rhetoric

Russian language

Extracurricular activities

"All colors except black"

"Eating Right Talk"

"Reading Hour"

"Clever and Wise"

"Road alphabet"

"The Land We Live In"

Total to finance:

Olga Ivanova
Russian language lesson in grade 4 for children with disabilities (ZPR) on the topic "Adverb"

Russian language lesson in 4th grade

For children with disabilities

(delayed mental development)

By topic« ADVERB»

(initial idea of adverbs as parts of speech)

Lesson prepared and spent: Ivanova O. V., teacher of elementary classes

Tasks lesson:

introduce students to adverb as part of speech;

develop spelling vigilance;

to promote the development of students' speech by enriching, clarifying and activating the vocabulary and exercises in modeling sentences with given words;

repeat the learned parts of speech;

develop the ability to observe and analyze elements language.


moving cards - dictionary words with missing letters

R. poke

polite out

gr. railway nin

d. scold

Nt. woody

moving cards - vocabulary words






be on duty



handouts with assignments

1. Adverb - part of speech, explains most often verbs and adjectives, answers questions: Where? Where? How? When? Where?

2. Read adverbs:

Up, down, above, below, suddenly, first, in front, behind, here, right, right, left, left, from afar, hastily, in the morning, quickly, easily.

Divide adverbs in accordance with the questions they answer, we will write them down in groups.

3. Read by ending the sentence with one of the suggested adverbs:

Guys, let's live ___!

A. modestly

B. amicably

V. fun

G. sparingly

B. sad

V. interesting

G. lingering

B. late

B. together

G. together

B. just

B. hard

G. fast

Write down the sentences put the question in an adverb to which it responds.

4. Pick up adverbs-antonyms for the following words:

calmly -

Write the words in pairs, above the pair indicate the question to which adverbs answer.

Write down a sentence with any of the written adverbs.

5. Pick up :

skillfully -

recklessly -

affectionately -

delicately -

Reference words: nearby, succinctly, skillfully, neatly, enthusiastically, gently.

Write the words in pairs. On a pair, write a question to which adverb answers.

Write a sentence with one of the written adverbs.

6. Write the text. Above write questions in adverbs.

Large polar owl yaros. o attacks the arctic fox, deftly dodges the teeth chi. Nika. The arctic fox has long felt helplessly ahead. nyh owls and strives there. The owl decides to deceive the enemy and soars up. The Arctic fox rushes forward, but suddenly he takes off into the air. It was an owl from above that grabbed him by the back and pulled him off the ground.

During the classes:


Today on lesson Let us examine a certain group of words and try to determine its place in our language.


On the board there are vocabulary words with missing letters.

Let's read the words.

What can you say about this group of words? (Words with unchecked spellings, dictionary words)

Write the words in a notebook, inserting the missing letters; if in doubt, leave a space in the word.

Check your work by checking every word. Make corrections in green, repeat the spelling of the corrected words at home.

The teacher shows alternately shows cards with dictionary words helps some guys organize self-test: “Read the word on the card spelling, syllable by syllable. Say it spelling again, checking the entry in your notebook.

Break the words into groups according to some sign. (Children offer various options the teacher focuses on one: nouns, verbs, adjectives and other words).

Give a description of each group.


A). - Why the words of the fourth group cannot be attributed to nouns? An adjective? Verbs?

This adverbs.

Let's find out what kind of group of words it is, on what grounds they can be combined into one group. Let's write the phrases using the written adverbs:

Ride (Where) …, (How) …, (Where) … .

Polite (When) …, (Where) … .

What part of speech words depend on adverbs? (verbs, adjectives)

What questions are answered adverbs? (Where? How? Where? When)

What we already know about adverbs? (part of speech, depends on verbs and adjectives, answers the questions Where? How? Where? When)

Read the definitions on the handouts.

b). - Let's read adverbs:

Up, down, above, below, suddenly, first, in front, behind, here, right,

right, left, left, from afar, hastily, in the morning, quickly, easily.

Let's divide adverbs into groups according to the questions they

answer, write them down in groups.

V). - Read, ending the sentence with one of the suggested adverbs:

Guys, let's live ___!

A. modestly

B. amicably

V. fun

G. sparingly

And we, cuckoo, my light, so you pull smoothly and ___.

B. sad

V. interesting

G. lingering

Three girls under the window were spinning ___ in the evening.

B. late

B. together

G. together

Work on someone else's backbone ___.

B. just

B. hard

G. fast

Write down the sentences indicate the question in adverbs to which it responds.

Let's check the task: name the question and adverb.

G). - Let's pick up adverbs-antonyms for the following words:

fast - (slowly)

Sometimes - (Always)

It's clear - (Mainly cloudy)

timidly - (boldly)

calmly - (restless, noisy)

Write the words in pairs, indicate a question above the pair, to which adverbs answer.

Let's check the task


Write down one of the sentences.

e). - Let's pick up adverbs-synonyms for these adverbs:

skillfully -

recklessly -

affectionately -

delicately -

write down adverbs in pairs. Above the pair, write the question to which adverbs answer.

Let's check the task: name the question and a couple of words.

Let's make sentences with any of the written adverbs.

Write down one of the sentences.


From what new group did you meet today?

What did you learn about adverbs?

Give examples adverbs.


Write down the text. Above write questions in adverbs.

Large polar owl yaros. o attacks the arctic fox, deftly dodges the teeth chi. Nika. The arctic fox has long felt helplessly ahead. nyh owls and strives there. The owl decides to deceive the enemy and soars up. The Arctic fox rushes forward, but suddenly he takes off into the air. It was an owl from above that grabbed him by the back and pulled him off the ground.

Adapted work program for

English language

for students with disabilities with mental retardation


teacher in English

Grudinina Natalya Alekseevna

Velikiy Novgorod

Explanatory note

Working programm in English was compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Personality of a Russian Citizen, the author's program in English for the teaching materials "Enjoy English" for grades 2-4 of educational institutions, M.Z. Biboletova, N.N. Trubanev (Obninsk: Title, 2014).

The work program is focused on the use of the educational and methodological set English with pleasure "Enjoy English" for the 4th grade general education. establishment - Obninsk: Title, 2014.

The program is focused on the basic English language course for students with mental retardation, which is built on the basis of one hour per week, 34 hours per academic year.

Type of implemented program:

The program is basic general education, adapted to students with mental retardation.

The program provides a differentiated approach to students with mental retardation.

The educational process in is carried out on the basis of the primary program while maintaining a corrective focus pedagogical process, which is realized through allowable changes in the structuring of the content, specific methods, methods of work, additional hours for remedial classes.

Direction of the program:

Teaching children with mental retardation in accordance with the educational standards of primary general education in teaching English on the material accessible to them;

The system of work is aimed at filling the gaps in education, overcoming the negative features of the emotional and personal sphere, increasing efficiency and activating cognitive activity students.
The concept of "mental retardation" (MPD) is used in relation to children with minimal organic or functional damage to the central nervous system, as well as those who are in conditions of social deprivation for a long time. They are characterized by immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere and underdevelopment of cognitive activity.

Students with a diagnosis of mental retardation are characterized by impaired cognitive activity associated with a deficiency in certain cortical functions. Such children have a defective fundamental basis for the development of the intellect and the emotional-volitional sphere. Their learning ability is greatly reduced. In the first place is the task of developing thinking, memory, speech, activating their cognitive activity, enriching them with knowledge about the world around them, to which the English language contributes like no other subject. Practical knowledge of the language becomes not a goal, but a means of solving this problem. When learning English, children with mental retardation experience certain difficulties: the assimilation of lexical material, syntactic constructions and their active use in oral speech; difficult perception grammatical categories and their application in practice. They cannot master grammatically complex speech, since the degree of learning a foreign language depends on general level child development. But they will be able to speak another language, at the level of their development. They are characterized by the occurrence of problems in listening to oral speech, especially coherent texts, dialogic speech, as they experience "difficulties in sound analysis And phonemic awareness". They do not clearly perceive addressed speech, do not differentiate similar sounds. Children with a diagnosis of mental retardation master the main types of speech activity: reading, speaking ( oral speech), listening. The basis of teaching children with mental retardation is learning to read, while in a general education school, teaching is based on an oral basis. The main goal of learning foreign languages ​​in such classes is developing, "not knowledge, but development." On lessons foreign language it is necessary to develop in students: memory, speech, perception, thinking, horizons.

Dear Colleagues! Currently, there is a tendency to increase the number of students with disabilities. To facilitate the work, I propose to use the “individual corrective speech therapy route” compiled by me.

(P.S: the number of hours can be increased - it depends on the individual characteristics of the child)

This correctional route was compiled for a 4th grade student with a mental retardation.

Individual plan of speech therapy classes for ___-___ academic year.

Name of the child: __________________, ______year of birth Class "__"

Target :

Prevention of underachievement due to various violations oral and written speech.

1. Phonemic side of speech: (according to Tkachenko T.A., Lopatina L.V. and others)

  • Development phonemic perception;
  • Development language analysis and synthesis (analysis of sentence structure, syllabic, sound-letter analysis and synthesis of word composition):
  • Differentiation of sounds by deafness-voicedness;
  • Phonemic analysis of disyllabic and trisyllabic constructions;

2. Grammar speeches.

Formation of morphological and syntactic generalizations:

  • development of the function of word formation:
  • development of skills of morphological analysis of the word:
  • consolidation morphological forms in writing:
  1. The formation of verbs - antonyms.
  2. Formation of possessive adjectives.
  3. Work on understanding and using simple prepositions.
  4. Work on the agreement of nouns with adjectives.
  5. Work on the correct agreement of nouns with pronouns.
  6. Work on the correct agreement of nouns with verbs.
  7. Work on the correct agreement of nouns with numerals.
  8. Work on education plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.
  9. Formation of relative adjectives.
  10. Formation of singular and plural nouns in the dative and prepositional cases.
  11. The study of words-exceptions in the formation of the plural.
  12. Formation of diminutive and affectionate and augmentative forms of nouns.
  13. The formation of a diminutive form of adjectives.
  14. Work on understanding and using complex prepositions.

3. Development of HMF and motor skills. (R.I. Lalaeva, A.V. Semenovich and others)

  • development of arbitrary memorization;
  • increase in auditory memory;
  • development of all types of perception;
  • development of auditory attention;
  • development of fine and facial motor skills;
  • development of kinesthetic perception;
  • development spatial representations;
  • development of the imagination;
  • development of visual and constructive activity;
  • development of logical thinking;
  • development of literal gnosis.

Direction of speech therapy work


Type of occupation

By the end of the year

1 Phonemic side of speech 123 – 12 Vowels of the first-second row; The concept of "the concept of consonant sounds and letters" ;S-Z, S'-Z', W-F, S-F, F-Z, R-L, R'-L', Ch-T).

Isolation of vowel sounds among a number of vowels;

Isolation of consonant sounds among a number of consonants;

Isolation of the first stressed vowel in a word;

Isolation of the first consonant in a strong position;

Sentence structure analysis

Sound-letter analysis and synthesis of word composition;

Phonemic analysis of disyllabic and trisyllabic constructions.

Phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis skills: Be able to
    • Compare and distinguish between a system of differential (acoustic-articulatory) signs of sounds;
  • Determine the first stressed vowel in a word;
  • Determine the first vowel in a word;
  • Determine the last vowel in a word;
  • Determine the first and last vowel in a word;
  • Sequential sound-letter analysis of sound combinations (AU, IA, UA, AM, IM, UM, MI, etc.);
  • Determine the first and last consonant sound in a word;
  • Positional analysis of words (beginning, middle, end of a word);
  • Sequential sound-letter analysis of words (OH, ON, NU, BUT, CAT, CURRENT, KOK, COM, KIT, etc.);
  • Sequential sound-letter analysis of one-two-syllable words various types, three-syllable words: consisting of one closed syllable, consisting of two open syllables etc).
2 The grammatical structure of speech 17-2728-2930-31 The concept of "Composition of the word" Root as the main part of the word. Suffix.

Diminutive suffixes.

Occupational suffixes.

Adjective suffixes.


Spatial prefixes.

Prefixes of temporary meaning.

Multiple prefixes.


Unstressed vowels. Definition of an unstressed vowel in the root, requiring verification.

Identification of words with an unstressed vowel.

The words are antonyms.

Phrase and sentence. Extraction of phrases from sentences.

Making sentences from phrases.

Coordination. Matching words in a number.

Gender agreement of words.

The agreement of a noun with an adjective in gender.

Coordination of adjectives with nouns according to cases.

Present tense of verbs. Agreement of verbs with nouns in number.

Past tense of verbs.

The agreement of verbs with nouns in gender.

Matching prepositions and verb prefixes.

The words are synonyms.

Separate spelling of verbs with prepositions, continuous spelling with attachments.

Differentiation of prepositions and prefixes.

Words that answer the questions Who? What? (Nominative case).

Words that answer questions Who? What? (Genitive).

Words that answer the questions To whom? What? (dative).

Words that answer questions Who? What? (accusative).

Genitive or accusative?

Words that answer the questions Who? How? (instrumental case).

Words that answer questions about whom? About what? (prepositional).

Plural of nouns.

Nominative case.




Instrumental case.


Fixing case forms in phrases and sentences.

The concept of subject and predicate as parts of speech. Compilation of sentences on questions and key phrases.

The concept of secondary members of the proposal. Selection of adjectives for words - objects.

Connection of words in phrases. Parsing phrases.

Definition of value. Making suggestions from pictures. Simple sentences.

Making suggestions from pictures. Complex sentences.

Distribution and reduction. Restoration of the deformed text.

Compiling a story from sentences given in a row.

Compiling a story from the beginning. Compiling a story for this ending.

Writing an introduction and conclusion to a story.

Making a story according to this plan.

Consolidate: knowledge of parts of speech and their signs; signs of the main and secondary members of the proposal; morphological composition of the word. Skills:

Actively use different ways word formation;

To master the skills of mastering the morphological composition of the word;

Own phrases, the connection of words in a sentence, sentence models of various syntactic constructions;

Establish logic (connectivity, sequence), accurately and clearly formulate thoughts in the process of preparing a coherent statement;

Plan the text.

3 Development of the WPF Development of spatial representations:
  • Bodily space (both on one's own body and on images of people);
  • outer space;
  • Orientation on the plane;
  • "Quasi-spatial"

(logical-grammatical) speech constructions.

Development of visual memory:

  • "find what you remember";
  • "what is hidden";
  • "restore order";
  • "remember-draw";
  • "accurate memory";
  • "remember the figure";
  • "what is gone";
  • "remember a couple." etc.

Formation of letter gnosis:

  • Find a letter among a number of other letters;
  • Compare the same letters, but written in different fonts (printed and handwritten);
  • Name or write letters crossed out with additional lines;
  • Circle the contour images of the letters;
  • Add a letter;
  • Select letters superimposed on each other, etc.
  • Know how to navigate the diagram own body(development of bodily space);
  • Be able to determine the position of objects in the near and far space, simulate the spatial arrangement of objects, determine the direction of movement, navigate in the scheme of the body of a person standing opposite;
  • Be able to navigate on a sheet of paper;
  • Quasi-spatial (logical-grammatical) constructions;
  • Be able to create a mental picture, a visual image;
  • Correctly perceive color;
  • Accurately perceive the shape, size and size;
  • Differentiate the arrangement of letter elements.
4 Development of fine motor skills
  • Hand massage;
  • Finger gymnastics;
  • Finger games;


  1. Gorbachevskaya N.Yu., Eletskaya O.V. Formation of spatial representations in children with speech disorders. Speech therapist №2, 2005.
  2. Korzhaeva E.E. Speech therapy work with younger students with mental retardation. - Moscow, shopping center "Sphere", 2011. - 64 p.
  3. Pavlova T.A. The development of spatial orientation and preschoolers and younger students. – M.: School Press, 2004.
  4. Semago N.Ya. Methodology for the formation of spatial representations in children of preschool and younger school age: practical guide. – M.: Iris-Press, 2007.
  5. Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction in childhood. - M .: Academy, 2002. - 232 p.
  6. Suntsova A.V., Kurdyukova S.V. Learning to navigate in space. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2008.
  7. Suntsova A.V., Kurdyukova S.V. We study space: left-right, up-down, near-far. – M.: Eksmo, 2009.
  8. Elimination of optical dyslexia and dysgraphia// R.I. Lalaev. Logopedic work in correctional classes. - M.: Vlados, 1998 - p. 153 - 165.

Usova Olga Nikitichna,
teacher-speech therapist of secondary school No. 4,
city ​​of Yalutorovsk

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Prokhladnensky municipal district

Municipal treasury educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2s. Karagach"

"Reviewed" "Agreed" "Approved"

at a meeting of the Moscow Region, Deputy director for water resources management by order of the municipal educational institution "secondary school No.

_____________ (Lyueva M.M.) ___________ (Shalova M.A.) _____________ (Zaptieva T.Kh.)


By mathematics

Forstudents4 classwith mental retardation.

Compiled by: teacher Lyueva M.M.

v. Karagach

September, 2016


The work program in the subject of mathematics was developed on the basis of the author's program in mathematics by A.L. Chekin, R.G. Churakova "Programs in academic subjects", M .: Academic book / textbook, 2013 - Part 1: 240 s) Project "Perspective Primary School”, correlated with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the General primary education(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 373 of October 6, 2009) and adapted for teaching children with mental retardation.

The program is fully consistent with the content of education in primary school general education school. However, its essential difference is the correctional orientation of the educational process.

During the implementation of the program, corrective orientation student learning. The features of the cognitive processes of these students are taken into account:

1. Attention indicators are reduced: switching difficulties, high noise immunity, concentration indicators are reduced.

2. Memory productivity is low. Improved visual and kinesthetic memory. Hence, in the classroom, frequent repetitions and consolidation of the material are used, a large number of handouts, visuals.

      Low cognitive interest and motivation.

Basic approaches to organization educational process for children with mental retardation:

    new material is built and taught in an extremely expanded manner;

    practical activity of students is accompanied by work on diagrams, tables, with handouts;

    the studied material is systematically repeated to consolidate the previously studied and fully master the new;

    the implementation of written tasks is preceded by an analysis in order to prevent errors;

    alternation of activities that contribute to the normalization of attention;

    drafting homework in the direction of small volume;

    systematic work on the development of mental processes;

    the material is given in small doses, with a gradual complication;

    increased the number of training exercises according to the algorithm for independent work.

In teaching children with mental retardation, one should be fully guided by the tasks assigned to the general education school, and also constantly keep in mind specific taskscorrective:

    system mastery mathematical knowledge and skills necessary for application in practical activities, studying related disciplines, continuing education;

    intellectual development, the formation of personality traits necessary for a person to live a full life in modern society: clarity and accuracy of thought, critical thinking, intuition, logical thinking, elements of algorithmic culture, ability to overcome difficulties;

    education of personality culture, attitude to mathematics as a part of human culture, understanding of the importance of mathematics for scientific and technological progress.

Repetition is supposed to be carried out along the main content-methodological lines.

Planned development results curriculum in the subject "Mathematics" by the end of the 4th year of study

As a result of studying educational field"Mathematics" junior student has the opportunity to:

    get an idea of ​​the natural number and zero, understand the features of the natural series of numbers, learn how to write and read natural numbers in the decimal number system;

    learn how to perform oral and written calculations with natural numbers (within a million);

    get an idea about the properties of operations on non-negative integers, about the relationship between operations;

    learn to find an unknown component of an arithmetic operation;

    to learn the meaning of the relations “more by ...”, “less by ...”, “more by ... times”, “less by ... times” and their connection with arithmetic operations; learn how to depict these relationships on diagrams and use such diagrams when solving arithmetic plot problems;

    learn the rules for the order in which actions are performed in numerical expressions with and without brackets;

    learn to write down the solution of a text problem in the form of an expression and by actions, considering these records as unambiguous instructions for a sequence (algorithms) of actions;

    learn to correlate geometric shapes and objects of the world; get acquainted with flat geometric shapes and lines (point, straight and curved lines, segment, polyline, angle, polygon, rectangle, square, circle, circle), the simplest spatial figures (cube, prism, pyramid, ball, cylinder, cone) and some their properties; learn to draw geometric shapes on checkered paper;

    get an idea about the quantities (length, area, volume (capacity), angle, mass, time, cost) and their measurement;

    learn units of quantities and the relationship between them; learn to add and subtract values, multiply and divide a value by a number;

    gain experience in measuring and calculating the length of a segment and the perimeter of a polygon, learn how to build a segment of a given length, calculate the area of ​​a rectangle (square) and a triangle;

    get an idea of ​​the dependencies between the quantities characterizing the processes of movement, work, "buying and selling";

    learn to solve traditional word problems using the knowledge of these dependencies;

    acquire basic skills in building simple logical reasoning, in the performance of mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, etc.

The potential level of student preparation on topics:

"Numbers and Calculations".

The student has the opportunity:

    represent any three-digit number as a sum of bit terms;

    write down numeric expressions, containing 3-4 actions (with and without brackets), and calculate their values;

    verbally perform arithmetic operations on numbers within 100 (or easily reducible to operations within 100);

    to establish connections between the relations "greater by...", "less by...", "more by... times", "less by... times" and arithmetic operations, use them in solving arithmetic word problems;

    perform written calculations (addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers, multiplication and division of multi-digit numbers by single and two-digit number), verification of calculations;

    compare objects by size (length, mass, quantity), find out the time by the clock;

    choose the appropriate units when measuring values; by recording the value using the number and unit of the value, find out what value was measured; compare quantities by their numerical values;

    perform addition and subtraction of lengths, masses and other quantities; multiply and divide a value by a number;

    apply knowledge of the studied dependencies between quantities in solving arithmetic word problems;

    solve simple and compound (in 2-3 actions) arithmetic plot problems.

"Spatial relations. Geometric figures. Measurement of geometric quantities.

The student has the opportunity:

    recognize geometric shapes in the environment; establish relationships between objects of space: higher - lower, the same in height; left - right; bottom - top; closer - farther; front - back; before, after, between, etc.;

    recognize straight and curved lines, segments and broken lines in drawings (drawings); corners; rectangles and squares; circles; spatial figures (cube, pyramid, ball);

    establish relationships between segments (longer, shorter, the same length; consists of two segments);

    depict a segment using a ruler, a circle (circle) - using a compass;

    build a rectangle according to the given lengths of the sides using a ruler on checkered paper;

    build a square on a given side using a ruler on paper;

    measure the length of segments, build segments of a given length, calculate the perimeter and area of ​​a rectangle (square).

"The problem and the process of its solution".

The student has the opportunity:

    highlight the condition and requirement of the task;

    name the objects of the problem and their corresponding values;

    translate the relationships between the quantities considered in the problem into the language of arithmetic operations, using schematic drawings, short notes and other auxiliary models of the problem;

    write down the solution of an arithmetic plot problem in the form of an expression and by actions (with explanation or questions);

    check the found solution of the problem.

Expected results of the formation of UUD by the end of the 4th year of study

personal results.

Task system orienting elementary school student to help the heroes of the textbook (Masha or Misha) or his desk mate will allow him to learn, or get the opportunity to learn how to show cognitive initiative in helping fellow students.

metasubject results.

Regulatory UUD . A system of tasks that guides a younger student to check the correctness of completing a task according to a rule, an algorithm, using a table, tools, drawings, samples, etc. will allow the student to learn or get the opportunity to learn to control their activities in the course or results of the task.

Cognitive UUD . The student will learn or have the opportunity to learn:

-bring under the concept(formulate a rule) based on the selection of essential features ;

- own general methods of solving problems, performing tasks and calculations:

a) perform tasks using material objects (counting sticks, pointers, etc.), drawings, diagrams:

b) perform tasks based on drawings and diagrams made independently;

c) perform tasks based on the use of the properties of arithmetic operations;

- comparison, seriation, classification, choosing the most effective method decisions or correct decision (correct answer);

Build an oral explanation according to the proposed plan;

- use (build) tables, check against the table;

- perform actions according to a given algorithm;

- build a logical chain of reasoning;

Communicative UUD . The student will learn or get the opportunity to learn how to interact (cooperate) with a desk mate, in a group.

Substantive results studying the course "Mathematics" in the 4th grade is the formation of the following skills:

    perform addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers based on the laws and properties of these actions and using the addition table of single-digit numbers;

    determine the type of triangle;

    measure the length of a segment and build a segment of a given length using a measuring ruler;

    measure the capacity of containers by measuring the volume of liquids or bulk solids filling the container.

Requirements for the level of preparation of students in the course "Mathematics" by the end of the fourth year of study

Students should know/understand:

    the use of natural numbers for counting objects, for ordering objects, for measuring quantities;

    name and notation of numbers up to and including the class of billions;

    a series of non-negative integers, its properties and geometric interpretation;

    basic principles of building a decimal number system;

    fractional numbers, their mathematical meaning and connection with natural ones;

    the meaning of the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division;

    relationships between the studied operations;

    the existing dependence between the components and the result of each operation;

    comparison of fractions with the same denominators;

    measurement of capacity using the selected measure;

    connection of capacity and volume;

    standard units of volume (cubic centimeter, cubic decimeter, cubic meter);

    connections of the metric system of measures with the decimal number system;

    features of building a system of measures of time;

    the existence of polyhedra (prism, pyramid) and bodies of revolution (ball, cylinder, cone);

    distinctive features of the plot arithmetic problem;

    various ways abbreviation tasks;

    various ways of writing a solution to a problem;

    rational and irrational ways of solving the problem;

    solving problems using equations;

    tasks with variable answers;

    algorithmic approach to understanding the essence of the problem solution;

    combinatorial and logical problems.

    the names of the components of all studied arithmetic operations (operations), the signs of these operations, the laws and properties of these operations;

    tables of addition and multiplication of single-digit numbers;

    special cases of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division;

    rules for the order of execution of actions in expressions with brackets and without brackets;

    terms related to the concept of "equation" (unknown, root of the equation);

    properties of some geometric shapes(rectangle, square, circle);

    units of length, area, volume, mass, angle, time and the relationship between them;

    terms associated with the concept of "task" (condition, requirement, data, desired, solution, answer);

    conventions used in the summary of the task;

be able to:

    name and write down any natural number up to 1000000 inclusive;

    compare learned natural numbers using them decimal notation or name, and record the results of the comparison using the appropriate characters;

    compare fractional numbers with the same denominators and write the results of the comparison using the appropriate signs;

    compare fractional numbers with natural numbers and write the results of the comparison using the appropriate signs;

    perform addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers based on the laws and properties of these actions and using the addition table of single-digit numbers

    perform multiplication and division of multi-digit numbers into single-digit and two-digit numbers based on the laws and properties of these actions and using the multiplication table of single-digit numbers;

    calculate the values ​​of expressions in several actions with and without brackets;

    perform learned actions with values;

    solve equations by the selection method, based on the relationship between the components and the result of actions and based on the use of the properties of equalities;

    determine the type of polygon;

    determine the type of triangle;

    depict and designate straight lines, rays, segments, angles, broken lines (using a ruler);

    depict and designate circles (using a compass);

    measure the length of a segment and build a segment of a given length with the power of a measuring ruler;

    find the length of an open broken line and the perimeter of a polygon;

    determine the value of the angle and build the angle of a given value (using a protractor);

    calculate the area of ​​a rectangle;

    express the studied quantities in different units;

    recognize and compose text problems;

    analyze the problem in order to find its solution;

    write down the solution of the problem by actions and one expression;

    perform calculations available in the program with multi-digit numbers verbally, in writing and using a calculator;

    carry out the simplest measurements and constructions on the ground (construction of segments and measurement of distances, construction of right angles, construction of circles);

    measure the capacity of containers by measuring the volume of liquids or bulk solids filling the container;

use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and Everyday life in order to:

    solve the simplest problems of calculating the cost of the purchased goods when calculating between the seller and the buyer (using a calculator when making calculations);

    calculate the area of ​​rectangular land plots with the necessary measurements.

    1. Natural and fractional numbers (16 hours)

    The new bit unit is million (1000000). Acquaintance with the numbering of numbers in the class of millions and the class of billions.

    The concept of shares and fractions. Recording fractions and fractions using an ordered pair of natural numbers: the numerator and denominator. Fractional bar as distinctive sign fraction records. Comparing fractions with the same denominators.

    2. Actions on numbers and quantities (34 hours)

    Algorithm for written multiplication of multi-digit numbers by a column.

    Subject meaning of division with remainder. Constraint on the remainder as a uniqueness condition. Methods of division with a remainder.

    The relationship of the dividend, divisor, incomplete quotient and remainder. An integer division like special case division with remainder.

    Algorithm for written division with a remainder by a column. Cases of dividing a multi-digit number by a single-digit number and a multi-digit number by a multi-digit one.

    Addition and subtraction of homogeneous quantities. Multiplying a value by a natural number is like finding a multiple of a value.

    Dividing a value by a natural number is like finding a fraction of a value.

    Multiplying a quantity by a fraction is like finding a part of a quantity. Dividing a quantity by a fraction as finding a quantity by its given part.

    Dividing a quantity by a homogeneous quantity as a measurement.

    3. Quantities and their measurement (22 hours)

    The unit of time is the second. Ratio between minute and second (1 min = 60 s), hour and second (1 h = 3600 s).

    The concept of volume. The volume of bodies and the capacity of vessels. Measurement of the volume of bodies by arbitrary measures.

    Common units of volume: cubic centimeter, cubic decimeter, cubic meter. Relationships between units of volume, their connection with the relationships between the corresponding units of length.

    Liter as a unit of volume and capacity. Vessels of standard capacity. The ratio between a liter and a cubic centimeter, between a liter and a cubic decimeter.

    4. Elements of geometry (24 hours)

    The diagonal of a polygon. Splitting a polygon into multiple triangles. Splitting a rectangle into two equal triangles. Square right triangle as half the area of ​​the corresponding rectangle.

    Finding the area of ​​a triangle by dividing it into two right triangles.

    Acquaintance with some polyhedra (prism, pyramid) and bodies of revolution (ball, cylinder, cone).

    5. Arithmetic plot problems (25 hours)

    Text tasks on the proportional dependence of quantities: speed - time - distance; price - quantity - cost; productivity - time of work - amount of work. Tasks for calculating various geometric quantities: length, area, volume. Algebraic method for solving arithmetic plot problems. Acquaintance with combinatorial and logical problems.

    6. Elements of algebra (15 hours)

    Literal expressions. Introduction to the concept of a variable. A literal expression as an expression with a variable(s). Finding the value of a literal expression given the values ​​of the variable(s).

    Equations. Root of the equation. The concept of solving an equation. Methods for solving equations: by selection, based on the relationship between the result and the components of actions, based on the properties of true numerical equalities.

    Number of hours per year -136.

    Control works -10.

- The following manuals were used to implement the program content:

Student's TMC:

Chekin, A. L. Mathematics: Grade 4: textbook: at 2 pm / A. L. Chekin; ed. R. G. Churakova. - M. : Akademkniga / Textbook, 2013.

 Zakharova, O. A. Mathematics in questions and tasks: Grade 4: notebook for independent work No. 1, 2 / O. A. Zakharova, E. P. Yudina; ed. R. G. Churakova. - M. : Akademkniga / Textbook, 2013.

teacher's teaching materials:

Afonina A.V., Ipatova E.E. Pourochnye development in mathematics: 4 cells. : Toolkit for the teacher. - M. : VAKO, 2011.

Math tables.

1. Perimeter and area of ​​a polygon.

2. Table of Pythagoras.

3. Table of ranks and classes.

4. Table of measures of weight.

5. Table of area measurements.

6. Multiplication and division table.

7. Properties of the sum, difference, product, quotient.

8. Multiply by single digit.

9. Equations.

10. Actions with the number 0.


Universal multimedia disc Mathematics Grade 4.



Internet resources

Educational and thematic plan

Name of sections and topics

Total hours


Test papers

L / p, p / r, excursions, etc.

    Natural and fractional numbers

    Actions on numbers and quantities

    Quantities and their measurement

    Geometry elements

Arithmetic plot problems

Algebra elements


Lesson topic

the date of the

fact. carried out

Repetition of the 3rd grade

Repetition of the 3rd grade

When the result of the difference comparison is known

When the result of a multiple comparison is known

Learning to solve problems

Column multiplication algorithm.

Let's practice column calculations. ICT. Branching algorithm.

A thousand thousand, or a million.

Million unit digit and million class

When three classes are not enough to write a number

Entrance control work No. 1. "Repetition"

Work on mistakes.

Let's practice comparing numbers and repeat what has been covered on the topic "Numbering of multi-digit numbers."

Can the value change?

Let's practice comparing numbers and repeat what has been covered on the topic "Numbering of multi-digit numbers"

ICT. Loop Algorithms

Is a mathematical expression always numeric?

Dependence between quantities.

Relationship between quantities

Let's practice finding the values ​​of the dependent quantity

Unit cost, or price

When the price is constant

Division with remainder and integer division

Incomplete quotient and remainder ICT. Organization of information in the form of a tree.

remainder and divisor.

When the remainder is 0

When the dividend is less than the divisor

When the dividend is less than the divisor

Division with remainder and subtraction

What is the remainder when divided by 2?

Let's practice calculations and repeat what we have covered on the topic "Division with remainder".

ICT. Auxiliary algorithm.

Examination No. 2 on the topic "Division with a remainder."

Work on mistakes. What is the remainder when divided by 2?

Recording a division with a column remainder

Method for bitwise finding the result of division

Let's practice division by a column

Calculations with a calculator

Hour, minute and second

Who or what is moving faster?

Path length per unit time, or speed

The length of the path per unit of time, or speed.

Control work. No. 3. "Relationship between quantities".

Work on mistakes. Which container holds more?

Liter. How many liters? ICT. Performer Algorithms artist Monitor coordinate system.

Capacity and volume

Cubic centimeter and volume measurement.

cubic decimeter and cubic centimeter

Liter and kilogram

Miscellaneous tasks

Miscellaneous tasks

Practice measuring volume

Who fulfilled great job. ICT. Types of information. Graphic information.

Productivity is the speed at which work is done.

Control work number 4.on the topic “Problem Solving. Quantities and their measurement»

Working on bugs. Learning to solve problems

Segments connecting the vertices of a polygon

Splitting a polygon into triangles

Area of ​​a right triangle

Calculating the area of ​​a triangle. ICT Text information Text processing on a computer.

Let's practice calculating the area.

Volume units. cubic centimeter and milliliter

Volume units. cubic meter and cubic decimeter

Volume units. cubic meter and cubic centimeter.

So taught and learned in the old days

Division by a single number by a column

Division by a single number by a column.

The number of digits in the incomplete quotient notation. ICT. Additional features word processor.

Division by a two-digit number by a column.

Algorithm for dividing by a column.

Abbreviated form of column division

Control work number 5.on the topic "Dividing a multi-digit number by a two-digit number of columns

com. Volume units»

Work on mistakes. Let's practice division by a column

Addition and subtraction of quantities

Multiplying a magnitude by a number and a number by a magnitude

Dividing a value by a number. ICT. numerical information. Computing on a computer.

Finding a share of a value and a value by its share.

Finding a part of a quantity

Dividing a magnitude by a magnitude

Dividing a magnitude by a magnitude

Let's practice working with quantities

Test No. 6 "Actions on quantities"

Work on mistakes. Learning to solve problems

When the travel time is the same

When the distance traveled is the same ICT. Object actions.

Movement in the same direction.

Movement in opposite directions.

Learning to solve motion problems

Let's practice calculations and repeat what has been covered on the topic "Problem solving"

When the amount of work done is the same

Collaboration performance

Time joint work. ICT. Influence of actions on the value of object properties.

We learn to solve problems and repeat what has been covered on the topic “Written calculations with multi-valued numbers”

when the quantity is the same.

When the cost is the same

Price of a set of goods

Control work No. 7.