Just typed these interesting thoughts. Each credo is carefully checked for personal experience. Be sure to print this information and read for 30 days 2 times a day!

So, 20 creeds for a successful life:

  1. Implement the received valuable information immediately into life, there is no point in accumulating information without the practice of implementation.
  2. Take responsibility for everything that happens to you in life. Do not try to change the world, everything that surrounds you is a reflection of your inner convictions. By changing your beliefs, you will change the world.
  3. Save time, it is the only irreplaceable resource.
  4. Protect your mind: don't watch TV, don't read negative news, don't associate with negative people.
  5. Consciously shape your environment: surround yourself with people who pull you up to your goals. Do not communicate with people who drag you down, even if you are attached to them, you have one life, do not change your life for imaginary obligations of communication and affection.
  6. Think carefully before giving the floor. Weigh all the pros and cons. Dare to say “no”. But once you've given your word, keep it no matter what.
  7. Be grateful to those who deserve gratitude. Love those who deserve love. Help those who deserve help. By doing the opposite, you lie and harm those you help. deceive them by depriving them of adequate feedback.
  8. Self-confidence develops only as a result of fulfilling the commitments made to oneself. A person who does not keep promises made to himself loses confidence. A person who is rigidly true to his word - increases self-confidence.
  9. Set ambitious goals. Embed your goals in the subconscious, only goals embedded in the subconscious become reality. Once the subconscious mind has accepted the goal, trust your intuition, let the subconscious mind do its job.
  10. Plan on paper the next day on the evening of the previous one.
  11. Make a Visualization Board, place images of your goals on it, write down the monetary income that you want to achieve in the near future. Hang the board next to your computer so you can always see it with your peripheral vision.
  12. Visualize your dreams for at least 3 minutes every day.
  13. Say affirmations, write them down on the player and listen while traveling in transport. Remember that there is a time delay between "subconscious target capture" and reality, be patient.
  14. Expect little results from little effort. Give your 110%. Only SUPER efforts create real results in life!
  15. Be honest with yourself. Self-deception and silence about problems cause the most suffering in life. Tell yourself honestly: “Yes, I have a problem …, in order to solve it, you need to get rid of the following limiting beliefs: …. and replace them with new ones: ... ". The results never lie, if you are poor, then you have negative beliefs about money, if you are sick, then there is a negative about health. By hiding the problem, you deprive yourself of the chance to develop.
  16. Work on your thinking every day. Only by changing your thinking, attitudes, beliefs you change your life.
  17. Do not judge people, they are what they are, take care of yourself. Do not teach, but silently show by example. This is the only way to change others.
  18. Do not lie, lies always come back and hurt their creator very much.
  19. Treat yourself as a part common organism(city, country, planet, universe). Develop and help the body, it will repay you with kindness, resources, money, success.
  20. Don't radiate the energy of "need", but radiate the energy of "gratitude". Need slows down progress, creates restrictions, deprives of freedom. Gratitude frees up resources, improves mood, makes free!

I will be very grateful to you for your comments!

Bill Gates is 63. He now believes that he has become a completely different person compared to who he was when he founded Microsoft to "provide a computer for every desk in every home."

To assess the quality of his life, Gates asks himself various questions. They are different from those that he asked himself in his youth.

For the 25-year-old Gates, there was only one question that mattered to gauge his business success: Is Microsoft's personal computer dream come true?

New questions

In his personal blog Gates Notes, the businessman said that he still continues to evaluate his work at the end of each year, only the questions have changed. Here's what he's asking himself now:

Did I make enough time for my family?

Did you learn a lot?

Have you made new friends and been able to get even closer with old friends?

Gates is ready to admit that at the age of 25 he would have laughed at these questions. But at the age of 63, they acquired special significance for him.

Bill Gates' friend Warren Buffett suggested to him another question that will allow him to assess the measure of success:

Do the people I care about return love?

Assessing the quality of your life

Of course, when evaluating personal success, it is necessary to look at our own career achievements, at the level of income we receive ... But how many of us sit down and think about the quality of our lives?

For Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, the main measure of the quality of life is the quantity and quality of the actions we take that can make a difference. positive influence on the lives of other people. And since you and I are not billionaires, we can start with the members of our own families, friends, colleagues and representatives of local communities. What are we doing to make better life people within our sphere of influence?

Warren Buffett is familiar with this principle. Here is his definition of success, which he once shared with a group of Georgia Tech students:

“When you get to my age, you will really measure your success by the number of people you love yourself and who also love you. This is the real test of how you have lived your life. Love can't be bought and that's what it is the main problem. The only way to receive love is to be sympathetic, kind, caring and loving. How more love you give, the more you get."

As the third richest person on the planet, Buffett lives by promoting philanthropy and doing it regularly. For example, it follows a principle known as "Promised Contributions" whereby the richest people of the world donate most of their wealth to charitable causes.

Bill Gates organized the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife to "give love". He has donated billions of dollars to improve the quality of healthcare, the fight against various diseases, poverty alleviation and educational opportunities.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

“Everything you resist makes you weaker. Whatever resonates with your soul makes you stronger.” — Wayne Dyer

One of the very important life lessons that should be learned by each of us: we need to give up as early as possible the desire to constantly complain about what we don’t like in the world around us, and about other people who behave differently than we think admissible.

We also need to stop constantly complaining about the current life situation or past events. It is worth realizing that sometimes our mind begins to distort reality. And it depends only on us what shade we will give to everything that we see around us - negative or positive.

And most importantly, we need to understand that it is not always worth believing in everything that we think.

You should learn to always keep at least at arm's length everything that makes you unhappy, and everything that you don't really like. And bring to yourself what you really like. When you do this, you will soon realize that by doing so you have begun to attract many wonderful things, events and people into your life.

Simply by learning to switch your attention from the negative, or, let's say, from what you don't like at all, or what you don't want at all, to something positive. What you really like, what you really want. You will learn a lot about what actually leads to happiness, and how to achieve it for you.

In fact, our thoughts are simply incredibly powerful, they have huge force creation and creativity. Therefore, if we manage to direct our mind and way of thinking so that they work only and exclusively for our benefit, we will certainly be able to find happiness in the very near future.

Now read, understand and feel for yourself what the incredible and wonderful James Allen once said:

“When you think, you let your mind go on a journey, and when you love, you attract something to you. Today you are where your thoughts take you, and tomorrow you will be where they take you.”


"Tell me about your worries, and I'll tell you about mine,

Don't forget to make us coffee - it won't be a short moment,

I came here for you, but you appeared for me,

And what are our concerns? On the water, a restless glare.

Complain to me about everything - doubts, fears and pain.

I will listen to everything to the end - such is my role ...

And when you're done and you listen to my life's riddles

You will probably realize that in fact you are in perfect order.

Remember my friend that I took away your pain

I did not just enter your complaints

In a huge book - so that you can start all over again.

And when your chest is suddenly clenched again,

Take your book of complaints off the shelf and read it again.

You will understand that your complaints are complete nonsense.” ~ Anita Brown

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019


But there you will not find death and life, since such specific goods are sold by the main office located in another place.

Visitors to the shop are told the cost of fulfilling their desires. But, despite having a dream, some people never look into the store, thinking about how they can realize them without making any effort.

The range of prices here is simply incredible. So, for the sake of a good job, you need to sacrifice certainty and stability in life, be ready to plan your life, believe in yourself and stop blindly following the orders of other people.

For power, you need to give up beliefs, learn to find a logical explanation for everything, say “no” to others, know your own value, put your own interests above those of others. And also to declare themselves, regardless of support or rejection from the outside.

There are some pretty weird prices too. For example, marriage can be purchased almost for nothing. But happy marriage a very high price, involving personal responsibility for your happiness, the ability to enjoy life, awareness of your needs and what you want to achieve. And also - mastering the art of appreciating what you already have, recognizing your value, rejecting the status of a “victim”. And in some cases - the risk of breaking off communication with some relatives and friends.

Not all store visitors, eager to realize their dreams, are willing to pay this price. At the sight of some price tags, someone simply turns around and leaves. Others consider their “savings” for a long time, trying to figure out where they can collect the required amount.

There are those who complain about inflated prices, asking for a discount for themselves, or simply wondering when a sale is planned. And there are also individuals who are ready to spend absolutely all their money in order not only to get what they want, but also to pack it in a beautiful wrapper.

A separate category of shopper looks on with envy at happy customers who succeeded in getting their wish, mistakenly assuming that they made their dream come true through a personal acquaintance with the store owner. Or maybe because they know the secret of fulfilling desires without any effort.

The store owner has been approached numerous times to revise prices and lower them in order to attract more customers. But he refused, because in the case of a reduction in price, the quality of the desires provided could suffer significantly.

If the owner is asked if he is afraid of bankruptcy, he just shakes his head and says that there will always be daredevils who are ready to take risks and turn their world upside down. Those who are not satisfied with a predictable and routine life, or those who really believe in themselves and are ready to spend energy and time to make their dream come true.

By the way, on the door of this same wishing shop there is a tiny poster on which it was written: “If your dream has not come true, then you have not paid for it yet.”

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

Empaths have skills that everyone else would like to have. Without a doubt, to be an extra sensitive person in modern world- hard. However, it also has its own unique advantages.

Here are 4 superpowers every empath has:

1. Mind reading.

Empaths tend to be very smart. They are able to determine the motives of others. They know how to tell the bad from the good. We can definitely say that this is a superpower!

2. The ability to be aware of emotions and feelings.

Empaths are aware not only of their own feelings and emotions, but also of those around them.This ability may well be called another superpower of empathetic personalities. They are able to help not only themselves, but also others.

3. The ability to turn negative into positive.

Empaths are great at distinguishing the negative from the positive. This skill allows them to find something good in any situation. This is truly a wonderful skill in today's world!

Spending time in the company of an empath will benefit anyone. Are you feeling bad or very upset? A real empath will be able to fix that and lift your spirits. You look at the situation from a completely different angle.

4. Application of skills in practice.

Well, the superpowers of empaths can indeed be successfully practiced. Such people know how to accurately "read" others, so applying their skills, they can achieve great success. For example, in counseling, therapy and healing.

Yes and in Everyday life their ability to empathize and love makes the life of the people around them many times better!

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

More often than not, willpower is a function of success. It's easy to see things through when you like what you're achieving. Here are some tips to help you achieve what you want.

Willpower is also a muscle; The more you train it, the stronger it becomes. But what if you need help getting things done right now? What if you can't wait for motivation to kick in? Start by arranging your life in such a way that it supports your goals.

Eliminate redundant options

We have a limited supply of mental energy that we can use for self-control. Some of us have more, some have less. But, in the end, everyone runs out of enthusiasm that feeds willpower. Therefore than more solutions we need to take over the day, the greater the load on the brain, and the more we need to look for short cuts.

The fewer choices we face, the better our decisions will be. For example, you find it hard not to constantly check email. Then turn off all reminders for new letters and go to the mail only when necessary. Make it difficult to check your mail - then you will do it less often. Choice is the enemy of willpower (as well as accessibility and convenience).

Don't delay for tomorrow

Decisions are easier to make if they are not urgent. For example, choose what you will wear tomorrow or what you will cook for breakfast or lunch the next day - and cook these dishes the night before. Or you can choose when you will play sports tomorrow - and collect sportswear.

In this way, tomorrow your mental energy will be saved for making really important decisions. The power of routine will not only make you more efficient, but it will also make important decisions easier to make. When there aren't too many decisions, it's easy to avoid the fatigue and burnout associated with making them.

Do the hardest thing first

According to science, we have the most energy in the morning. So the best time for making difficult decisions - morning. Decide what difficult things are ahead of you and do them first.

Create reminders of long-term goals

You want to lose weight, but when you have a strong mental fatigue, it is easy to convince yourself that you will start training tomorrow, not today. Mental fatigue forces you to look for the easy way - even though the easy way is usually wrong. The solution is simple: create reminders.

Someone attaches to the monitor a printout from the bank, which indicates the amount of his loan - to remember his obligation. Someone hangs a photo of himself on the refrigerator, 20 kilograms fatter - as a reminder of how he no longer wants to be.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

Feel the inner freedom and your boundless creative potential.

This meditation aims to help us move beyond our habitual boundaries and open up to new possibilities. It connects us to the central channel of the body, where creativity lives and where clarity and self-confidence arise.

Practice it for 11 minutes to make room for energy and fresh ideas.

  • Sit comfortably with your pelvis above your knees. Breathe in through your nose, inhaling deeply into your belly. Feel the light descending with the air. Exhale through your nose from the bottom up, feeling the light moving upward.
  • Then add receptivity and listening skills with a simple mudra that enhances creative clarity. Collect the brushes in the shape of a bowl in front of the heart - the little fingers touch, the palms look up.
  • Breathe deeply into your belly through your nose and feel the quality of acceptance in your hands. Invite the source of your creativity physical body noticing any thoughts or sensations as they arise.
  • Welcome your breath and watch it grow longer and calmer with each breath cycle. As there is more stability in the body and in the breath, you create fertile ground for the seeds of your creativity.
  • At the end of your meditation, imagine that you are breathing in light all the way to the bottom of your belly. Place your palms together in a prayer gesture (Anjali mudra) in front of your chest, at the level of your heart. Exhalation comes from the abdomen, from the bottom up; pull the navel center to the spine, imagining how the light brightly illuminates your entire being and all the surrounding space.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019


Let go of guilt, accept yourself, and feel empowered.

These 3 mantras will give you a sense of inner beauty and balance. You will be able to reveal your creative potential, realize your nobility and feel unconditional love to yourself.

Yogi Bhajan called these 3 affirmations the strongest of all. Watch how the touch of the tongue on the palate causes a vibration that balances all systems. These words will release your power and the power of every woman of your kind from the subconscious.


Sit in a comfortable position with a straight back, close your eyes, repeat affirmations from 3 to 31 minutes:

  • God created me as a woman.
  • To be a woman.
  • Now. Now. Now.

You can repeat it in the original if you know English language: “God made me a woman. I am a woman to be. Now.Now. now."

"God made me a woman"

This affirmation frees from feelings of guilt, brings peace and a sense of contentment. If for some reason this particular wording does not suit you, change it so that you feel inner agreement.

"To be a woman"

This affirmation reveals your Creative skills, self-love, self-respect. It releases from internal conflict and crisis.

"Now. Now. Now"

This affirmation is uplifting and helps you live face to face with the present. It gives strength of self-control and inner peace.

The material is based on information from the book "I am a woman" by Krishna Kaur.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

Use the resource time of spring to feel alive and present.

If you do not feel the joy of life and it seems to you that you are moving in a circle - from dead center These 5 steps will help you get out.

Put things in order

Clear your space of everything that does not please you. Start cleaning from your wardrobe: feel free to get rid of everything that you haven’t worn for a long time, but “it’s a pity to throw it away, the thing seems to be good.” You can donate such clothes to a thrift store or donate to those in need.

Write on a piece of paper all the qualities that you want to get rid of: for example, self-pity, the role of the victim, guilt, resentment, self-doubt, fear. List everything that prevents you from enjoying simple things - and burn this list.

Choose any meditation you like and do it every morning and every evening for 5 minutes for 3 weeks. Set the intention to open up to change, release old limiting programming, and start laughing more.

Group energy to help you - create a community of like-minded people, even if it will only be your sister and best friend. And agree to talk every day about discoveries, share everything that comes to you in meditation.

Keep the promises

Right now, take a piece of paper and write everything that you once promised - and did not finish it. Include in this list promises to yourself, as well as children's desires and dreams.

In return, you will receive a release of energy and an influx of joy. And if the old unfulfilled obligations have completely lost their relevance, write yourself a letter in which you remove old restrictions and obligations from yourself.

Allow yourself all emotions

Watch carefully for all the emotions that come - and do not try to contain them or get rid of them in any way. Allow yourself to feel angry, allow yourself to cry as much as you need to.

Accept and love all your thoughts, decisions. Actions. Get in touch with your inner child and give him unconditional love and understanding.


The main task is to connect movement with breathing. Turn on the music you like and start moving as if you are dancing your own healing and release.

Do not watch your movements - let them be as ridiculous or crazy as you like! But be careful not to hold your breath. After 5 minutes of such a dance, the body itself will begin to direct you - and then the liberation will definitely happen.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019


We are often sent questions: “Why am I not able to achieve the goal? I do all the practices, I work with the intention, but nothing happens! Well, when already ..?

You probably already guessed what the reason is. Yes - in most cases, nothing prevents us from achieving the desired goal low level energy, no pendulums, no evil eye and no spoilage - namely, off scale importance.

“Importances” in Transurfing we call: fears, anxieties, doubts, indignation, dissatisfaction, irritation, anxiety, excitement, depression, confusion, despair, idealization, admiration, delight, disappointment, swagger, disgust, lust, impatience and a strong thirst for something what you want.

However, we do not suggest that you fight with importance and try hard to suppress it, defeat it, get rid of it ... We suggest that you first get to know it better, so that it would be easier for you to “diagnose” one or another of its manifestations.

And, having looked your “importances” and fears in the face, realizing them, it will be much easier for you to get rid of them. Without struggle and suppression of emotions.


There are two types of importance: external and internal. External importance arises when you attach too much great importance some events or objects in the environment.

For example, you are going to an interview, a business meeting, negotiations, a presentation, a speech at a conference, an exam - and you are terribly worried. You overestimate the importance of this event:

  • “What if I don’t succeed? What if everything doesn't go according to plan?
  • “If I fail this exam/interview/negotiation, my life is over!”;
  • "I've been preparing for this all my life!"

In itself, any event is neutral in its essence. And you can just go and get what you want. Get an interview, get a great deal, pass an exam, give a brilliant presentation... But you artificially inflate the importance and create excess potentials that can ruin the whole thing.

If you realize this in time, you can bring your feelings and emotions into balance by doing the Transurfing practice to reduce the importance or by internally adjusting and changing the state to a more effective one.


Inner importance manifests itself as an overestimation of your strengths or weaknesses. It can greatly inflate your self-esteem or, conversely, give you a whole bunch of complexes.

In life, inner importance can take many different forms. For example, you decide that you are doing a very important job, that you are the most valuable employee in the company, and that everyone else is no match for you.

Sooner or later, this position will lead to the fact that the arrow of your self-worth will start to go off scale, balancing forces will arise, and you will get a flick on the nose. For example, make a serious mistake in your work and lose your bonus.

Or another example. Someone once told you that you have an ugly face/too tall/too short/unpleasant voice. Or that you are bad at your job / incapable of anything / complete mediocrity.

Yielding to a sense of inner importance, you begin to look everywhere for confirmation of this, criticize yourself and engage in self-blame, thereby programming yourself for failure and driving you into fear and depression.

Also, internal importance is the case when it seems to you that everyone is looking at you, because: you have a stain on your jacket / an arrow on your pantyhose / a pimple on your forehead, and so on. In fact, no one really cares about you - everyone is fixated only on themselves.

Manifestations of inner importance:

  • “I am a very important person!”;
  • “I am doing a terribly important job, no one can do it except me”;
  • “Everyone notices what an ugly, squeaky voice I have, everyone laughs at me.”


Any importance - internal and external - greatly complicates your life. They are the same strings of puppets that pendulums cling to you. But there is good news: any importance is contrived. And you can refuse them at any time, simply by changing your attitude to what is happening.

“Reducing the importance will not only significantly reduce the number of problems in your life. Rejecting external and internal importance, you get such a treasure as freedom of choice” (Vadim Zeland, “Reality Transurfing. Stage I”).

Think about it: maybe you don’t even notice how in everyday life this notorious importance becomes a stumbling block in the realization of your true goals?

Right now, we invite you to dive into yourself - and write down all your "importances" on a piece of paper in order to become aware of them and "look them in the face."

When you do this practice, the sheet of paper can be burned, and the "importance" can be reduced with the help of Transurfing practices.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019


Dear women! This article is dedicated to you. Dear men! This article will help you better understand women in the New Time.

Each woman is unique in her essence, she is beautiful with her special beauty, endowed with unique talents, has her own individual virtues and beautiful traits of character, appearance, Soul. However, in our world of pendulum systems that absorb our attention and impose stereotyped standards of beauty and success on us, it is very easy to lose yourself and forget about your uniqueness.

Many girls and women constantly stumble over the same questions:

  • “How to love and accept my body if I have a big nose / overweight / crooked legs?”
  • “Do I deserve more if I still don’t understand what my purpose is?”
  • “The years go by, wrinkles appear on my face, and it seems that I am missing something important”
  • "How can I find myself, my way?"
  • “Will I be able to meet the man of my dreams and create a happy relationship?”
  • “Is it possible to be absolutely healthy and stay young?”

At some point, you begin to feel that everything that happens to you is not your life. You feel that there is another reality where you can be happy. But you don't understand how to get there. How to create another life filled with joy, love, harmony and prosperity?

Even if you are told: “It is possible, especially now, in the energies of the New Time!”, your mind will not believe it. He will say "No" and bring great amount arguments. And only your Soul knows and feels that before our very eyes, a time of powerful changes and positive transformations is coming, in which everything is really possible!

Trust and faith are related concepts. But there is another word that is not at all similar to them, but has a very close meaning. Credo is the Latin form meaning "I believe". And then it says exactly what the person believes. It is easy to see the similarities between the words "credit" and "creed" - what do they have in common? When a person is given a loan, it means that he is trusted. It is no coincidence that banks so carefully check everyone who comes Decide whether to trust.

They are all so...

Creed is, in modern meaning, a short expression of human values. Some knowledge about the world that has already been experimentally tested in life. A developed system of credo develops in a person by the middle of life, and individual elements begin to form at the age of 21-28 years.

Of course, beliefs can be absurd. For example, that all men are separate view equids. Or that all women are necessarily bad people of easy behavior. This is also a credo.

Vital Information

From actual knowledge of reality, the concept differs in that it has practical value. Both men and women who profess the beliefs indicated above try not to communicate with the opposite sex, or at least not be very fascinated, so that later there will be no disappointments. That is, mere knowledge about something, even having a basis in practical experience man, can not always be considered a creed. A mandatory practical component is required. Otherwise, the word will be mentioned out of place.

Good taste in the tongue

You should not mention the concept in everyday conversations - it sounds too pretentious. However, in solemn situations or in letters, it is quite possible to afford it. The meaning of the word credo implies the position of the teacher in relation to the student. Not everyone will agree to endure instructions, so only the appropriate use of this, undoubtedly high, concept will be considered good form.

Quote contemporaries!

If your taste is not offended by "quotes dead people"It is quite possible to use the word" credo "with them. This, of course, is debatable - is it even worth indulging in other people's phrases taken out of context.

It seems that this justifies itself only in cases of deep and little-known thoughts, but there are few such in the age of the Internet. However, we can recommend pulling apart our contemporary Niklas Nassim Taleb for quotes. He has very bright and strong thoughts, at the same time, individual phrases have not yet been erased.

So different

And now for the examples. What are the creeds? that credos should be short. Aphorism is good, but sometimes it is impossible to simplify. Of course, the classic “as long as I breathe, I hope” is fine, but there can also be such a creed: “Love created our world, it moves with its breath, and lives, and continues.” Long, but very close to the beliefs of Dante, who believed that love is the cause of the movement of the sun and other luminaries.

Created by pain

Creeds are never easy, they come from multiple mistakes and failures, not victories at all. That is why young people have so few creeds. And the mature ones have a whole system.

Moreover, the higher the intellect, the more complex the credo, the more profound the concepts. In old age, a person comes to simplicity, but this simplicity must be endured - that is why it is interesting to communicate with older people who have lived a rich and active life. People high level development, even in old age, do not slide into the repetition of the same boring stories for everyone. Sometimes it remains only to wonder how many and simple the creeds of some bright personalities who lived to old age.

Creed can support you in a difficult situation. From the point of view of psychology, this is not a word, it is a model, a model of response. And only you decide how best to achieve your goal, what beliefs to use in order for life to be worthy.

We live according to social laws, without them our life would turn into chaos. But do we ourselves have our own internal laws, some kind of life credo that we are guided by in life? Surely there are, only these principles are not clearly defined and formulated. We think little about what guides us when we make our choice, when we decide what to do.

  • Having formulated our life credo, we will be able to clearly identify for ourselves our principles and life values, that is basis own life.
  • We will get a kind of compass that will enable us to see where we want to go (our goals) and how we can get there, that is orientation own life.
  • We will find support in life's troubles, that is, the necessary strength.

We do not always remember our values, our plans, falling into the trap of things that are not important to us, not subordinate to our goals and true desires, imposed on us by other people or circumstances.

But seeing our guide clearly in front of us, we will be able to weed out those things that run counter to our goals and true desires.

I believe that a person should have a certain Code in which he will write down not only his life principles, but also his successes, accumulated experience, as well as his own expectations from life.

By consulting it every day, we can act as a whole person, make the right decisions without reacting to other people's emotions or adverse circumstances.

How to make your life credo?

The life creed is:

  • the way you want to be (character)
  • what you want to do (achievements and contributions)
  • your principles and values ​​(the basis of actions and life in general)

Think over each of the three points, describe them in detail. Let everything be simple and extremely honest.

These provisions will become the standard and basis for making important and everyday decisions. They will give strength, the ability to withstand life's adversities, changes and upheavals. This is the core, your core, which is not subject to change.

Often we take on some tedious task that will bring us neither joy nor benefit, so when you are approached with such requests and suggestions, go through your list of goals and values ​​\u200b\u200band ask yourself if this activity will move you towards your goals .

Principles don't always help in life. Strictly following them, we miss new opportunities, become less flexible, they interfere with communication and relationships. But they are necessary, because it is on them that we can rely in Hard time, in times of doubt. After checking with them, make a difficult choice.

“Principles are like a hard bed that is uncomfortable to sleep on, but which forms a good spine.”

For those who decide to work on themselves, I offer the Success Diary - a classic diary with applications for achieving success and working on yourself

Life credo, examples.

For men:

No compromise on honesty. Be mindful of the people around you. Make judgments after listening to both sides. Listen to the advice of others. Intercede for those who are absent. Be sincere and at the same time decisive. Develop a new ability every year. Plan for tomorrow today. Waiting, do not sit idle. Maintain a positive attitude. Maintain a sense of humor. Maintain order in your personal life and at work. Not to be afraid of mistakes - to be afraid only of the lack of a creative, constructive and corrective reaction to these mistakes. Contribute to the success of subordinates. Listen twice as long as talk. Concentrate all your abilities and efforts on the task at hand, without worrying about the next one or about promotion.

For women:

I will try to maintain a balance between my family and official duties because both are important to me. My home will be a place where I and my family, our friends and guests will find joy, comfort, peace and happiness. I will not go too far, taking care of cleanliness and order, since the house, in addition, should be habitable and comfortable. I will be wise in choosing what we eat, read, watch and do at home. In particular, I want to teach my children to love, learn and laugh, as well as work and develop their talents. I will always try to keep myself from harmful and destructive habits. I will develop skills that will free me from old labels and limitations and empower me. My money will serve me, not dominate me. I will strive to achieve financial independence. I will subordinate my desires to my needs and possibilities. I will spend less than I earn and regularly save a portion of my income.

A few quotes that can form the basis of a life credo:

Push your boundaries! I always do what I don't know how to learn it. (Pablo Picasso)
Inspiration exists, but it must come during work. (Pablo Picasso)
The one who can be happy alone is real personality. If your happiness depends on others, then you are a slave, you are not free. (Osho)
The most important thing is to bring order to the soul. We observe three “not”: we do not complain, we do not blame, we do not make excuses. (Bernard Show)
Most people are only as happy as they choose to be. (A. Lincoln)
People who do not have very few virtues. (A. Lincoln)
Those who wait passively, in the end, receive what they expected, but only what was left after those who acted energetically. (A. Lincoln)
I don't have a good enough memory to lie. (A. Lincoln)
If you want to succeed, keep believing in yourself even when no one else believes in you. (K.Marx)

look life principles that I try to follow in my life. Quotes about can also form the basis of life principles and your personal credo.

How to write a life credo for a resume

Some things that guide you in life and work.
To create a life credo for a resume, you need to build on the specifics of the job you are applying for, but there are also universal qualities that are welcomed by employers. As a rule, these are: energy, initiative, efficiency, stress resistance, ability to analyze, creativity, ability to work in a team, communicate with people.

Which are valued, it is not difficult to know from official duties and draw up your life credo based on the required skills and personal qualities. For doctors, teachers, lawyers, a life credo can be written based on the ethical codes of these professions.

For example, to work as a copywriter, you need the following skills:

The ability to quickly dive into an unfamiliar topic, search for the necessary literature, work with various sources, analytical mindset, curiosity, the ability to approach the solution of a problem outside the box, creatively, competent oral and written speech, the ability to express one's thoughts figuratively and intelligibly, the ability to work in a team, and in any situation and in a state of time pressure. Interpersonal communication skills, the ability to convince, prove, competently defend one's point of view.

Based on this, a life credo for work might look like this:

The principles that guide my work are: “Learn something new every day, be open to gaining new knowledge and experience so that life is filled with meaning. Think creatively, as creativity makes the result of any activity unique, and makes you feel happy from the process itself. Avoid stereotypes, because they limit opportunities, and the results of labor become the same and are of little value to others.

Everything I learn, I analyze, as this gives me the opportunity to find something truly valuable in the abundance of information. With the help of analysis, I can effectively and quickly decide challenging tasks, draw correct logical conclusions, see the problem with different points vision and find the best solution. Always weighing the pros and cons, I try to convince readers to listen to my point of view without imposing it. I strive for literacy, as it is a manifestation of politeness to readers, as well as scrupulousness and scrupulousness in the selection and verification of facts. I try to remain calm in any situation, because emotions and impulses prevent me from making an important decision, to act rationally, deprive me of strength and self-confidence. But I also see the benefit of stressful situations, which contribute to the mobilization of internal resources and a creative breakthrough, help to find new, unexpected ideas.

Life credo for business, universal principles:

Obligation: Promised - fulfill.
Organized: I maintain order in affairs and plans.
Constructiveness: Without emotions for mutual benefit (win-win).
Stress resistance: Be self-possessed, and be able to repel an attack.
Impartiality: To be on the side of the truth.
Resourcefulness: Looking for opportunities in any situation.
Flexibility: I can adequately respond to the variability of the world.
Eloquence: I express my thoughts clearly and concisely.
Calculation: Calculate options, evaluate risks, act.
Cooperativeness: I create trust in relationships with colleagues and partners.
Initiative: Spotting an opportunity - take the first step.
Diligence: The basis of success, prosperity, self-confidence, patience.

It's no secret that the life credo of great people is one hundred percent faith in themselves and success. The great ones never doubt and know for sure that sooner or later they will find themselves in the destination that they have planned for themselves.

All great people had a dream. Some people think that dreams are a waste of time, but the more we dream, the closer we are to total improvement. own life. The thing is that if a person does not have a dream, he does not know which way to move in order to achieve happiness and inner harmony. A dream energizes us and gives us the strength to overcome obstacles.

The life credo of great people can also be described as an opposition to stereotypes. For example, society may be dominated by the delusion that one cannot become an artist without a higher artistic education. But in reality, many great artists had little to no education. Perhaps such a minority, but no one prevents you from becoming outstanding person if you really want it.

One of the main qualities successful people is stress tolerance. If you don't know how to deal with stressful situations you will not be able to achieve high results in life. Your self-esteem should always be adequately high, otherwise you will always doubt yourself and depend on the assessment of other people, you will always lose heart when someone says a rude word to you in public transport, and you will constantly seek the praise of others instead of realizing your own life plans. Support must always be sought in oneself. Remember that only you can the best way evaluate your personality, if only because no one knows more about you than you do.

Any problem is a source of development and reaching a new level. Look back in the past, and you will surely see dozens of situations where problems motivated you for personal growth.

If you have made a decision to achieve a goal, follow this decision relentlessly, even if the whole world is against you. If you easily retreat and listen to the opinions of the losers, you will sit in the same swamp in which they sit. Remember that most of the people around you do not want you to surpass them in some way. They are more comfortable sitting in a swamp when there are many others sitting there.

There will be many failures on the way to success. This truth must be accepted from the very beginning. Although, maybe you will be lucky and you will be able to get to your goal without a hitch. But even if you fall, you must get up and continue on your way. After all, life is a journey, not a destination. And only the one who has proved that he is worthy of success wins big victories. And this can only be proved by steadfastness, firm faith and an iron will. Those who give up quickly are not entitled to any life bonuses, because they are simply unworthy of them.

In order to get what you want out of life, it is important to constantly learn and learn new things. Life is development. If there is no development, then death is not far off. What a pity that most people forget this and stop learning after graduation.

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