Invented by the great aircraft engine designer

After passenger and cargo ships began to sail along the Moscow-Volga Canal, river Moscow began to be called with pathos the “port of five seas.” From Khimki it became possible to sail to Leningrad, Rostov-on-Don, Astrakhan... For the new port, architects Rukhlyadev and Krinsky built the Northern River Station in 1937 on the bank of the Khimki reservoir. Its image resembles a multi-deck river ship with a captain's bridge and a mast under a star.

In the squares and streets of Moscow in the pre-war years, former employees of the First State Workshop of Ivan Zholtovsky distinguished themselves with outstanding structures. Shchusev became famous for the Lenin Mausoleum and the Moscow Hotel, Melnikov for the sarcophagus for the Mausoleum, the club in Sokolniki, and the garage, which recently became the Jewish Museum.

River Station.

Krinsky and Rukhlyadev did not get a place in the city center; they worked far away from it, near the Moscow River and the Moscow-Volga Canal. The Northern River Station, like the Moscow Hotel and the stations of the first metro lines, became an architectural symbol of socialist Moscow. Against the backdrop of the station, decorated with a panel with a view of the Palace of the Soviets under construction, the musical comedy "Volga-Volga", which thundered before the war, was filmed with songs by Isaac Dunaevsky and Lyubov Orlova in leading role. The picture proved with every frame Stalin’s formula, which he derived from the rostrum in the Kremlin: “Life has become better, life has become more fun!”

A spire with a star rose on the tower above the station. A little earlier, he crowned the Spasskaya Tower, after the double-headed eagles were removed from it and all the Kremlin towers. The stars were encrusted with Ural gems, but they were difficult to see at night. Therefore, the stars with gems were replaced with ruby ​​stars, which are still shining today, despite the desire of zealous radicals to replace these symbols of the USSR with double-headed eagles, symbols of autocracy and, at the same time, free Russia.

A clock taken from the bell tower of the Ascension Cathedral in Volokolamsk was installed on the tower. I went up to the clock, saw a frozen ancient mechanism and a numb bell with an inscription that it was cast in Moscow at the famous Finlyandsky factory. Intended for the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. When the cathedral was blown up, the bell was preserved, not melted, taken to Khimki and combined with the clock, turning it into a chime that sounded, as it should, every quarter of an hour. The spire had a mechanism that rose and fell to signify the beginning and end of navigation. There is hope that during the upcoming restoration of the architectural monument, the chimes will play again, as before, and the spire will regain its lost mobility.

In addition to the River Station, which brought fame to the architects, Krinsky and Rukhlyadev built control towers for locks No. 7 and No. 8 of the canal, which was named after Moscow. They artistically conceptualized the Volokolamsk Highway tunnel under the canal bed and the railway bridge across the canal. In the city, the lobby of the Komsomolskaya metro station in the Kazansky railway station building reminds of them.

Airplane ANT-25.

After well-deserved success, Vladimir Fedorovich Krinsky lived for 35 years; he died in 1971. At that time Moscow was built up with standard residential buildings, standard cinemas, standard schools and clinics, and there was no place for him in such primitive architecture.

Local historian Viktor Vasilyevich Sorokin wrote that on Petrovka, 26, aircraft designer Alexander Mikulin lived in apartment No. 325. He stayed here until 1943, at the height of his glory, when he moved from here to a new one. multi-storey building on Gorky Street, where order bearers and Stalin Prize laureates, factory directors, military leaders, academicians and people's artists received free apartments.

I once visited Academician Mikulin’s apartment when he left, apparently after another divorce, a house on Gorky Street and lived in Khamovniki as a personal pensioner. But during his well-deserved retirement, the former aircraft designer did not rest, he worked constantly and knew that he had a future quite comparable with the past, as interesting and necessary as airplanes needed his engines.

Alexander Mikulin devoted his life to aircraft engines and succeeded in this matter like few others. The Moscow Encyclopedia calls him “the founder of the domestic aircraft engine industry.” Before the war, he was awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor number three in the Kremlin. When the Patriotic War was going on, in 1941, 1942, 1943 and after the victory, in 1946, they were awarded the Stalin Prize of the first degree. Tupolev bombers, the legendary Il-2, Ilyushin’s “flying tanks”, Mikoyan and Gurevich MiG fighters flew and beat the enemy with Mikulin engines.

Overstrain during the war made itself felt at fifty years old. Then, for the first time in his life, finding himself in a hospital bed, the academician felt the inexorable approach of old age and illness. He, as a design engineer, passionately wanted to know why people become decrepit and what needs to be done to postpone the inevitable, to feel like a full-fledged person in the decline of life.

For a long time now, before my eyes there has been a dining table in the middle of the room with dishes and a scarlet watermelon cut in half. It seemed that this was the home of a lonely, cheerful bachelor with the bald, handsome skull of a thinker. Besides the fact that Alexander Alexandrovich Mikulin is an “academician and hero,” I, a novice reporter, knew little about him. What was interesting was not his past involvement in secret affairs, his closeness to the country's top officials, in a word, his glorious past, but what he did after his forced, high-profile retirement at the age of 60, causing ridicule from his colleagues by invading the alien sphere of medicine.

At that time, all Soviet reporters, including me, did not cultivate the desire to find out the secrets of their personal lives from their heroes, or to write about scandals, as has become fashionable now. An intimate part of Mikulin’s biography was accidentally discovered in a hospital room by his bedmate Alexander Bek, the author of “Volokolamsk Highway,” a classic story about the war.

The writer did not forget anything that was said to him in confidence. Based on that confession and other materials, he composed a novel called “Talent. From the life of Berezhkov." Beck knew that Mikulin married actresses three times. I knew the thought of my roommate that the older a man gets, the younger his wife should be. But the prototype did not want to be recognized as the hero of the novel. Mikulin rejected the writer’s work and used all his influence, which had weakened by that time, so that the novel would not be published. He failed; “Talent” appeared in a thick magazine. I had to quarrel with the editors and complain to the Central Committee, where Mikulin knew the route well in the recent past.

The academician didn’t talk to me about anything like that, because I wasn’t worried about the marriage formula, but about the “health machine” he invented, which I accidentally found out about. With the permission of the inventor, I sat down on a movable seat with a lever. He grabbed the handrails and made several movements back and forth, reminiscent of rowing a boat. Mikulin, as he told me, made a batch of such simulators from good wood and metal at his aircraft engine plant No. 300 and presented “health machines” to members of the Politburo with wishes of longevity. They were not on sale at that time.

The composition of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee changed dramatically after Stalin's death. His closest associates, who had known Mikulin for a long time through business and awards, lost immense power. The former secretary of the Central Committee, Malenkov, who was considered the leader’s successor, oversaw aviation. Molotov, heading the government of the USSR before the war, led meetings of the State Defense Committee - GKO, where the fate of new weapons was decided, and until the end of his days he did not forget Mikulin’s daring speeches, when, regardless of their faces, the designer scolded academicians and plant managers: “He even criticized party organizations ! No one allowed themselves to do this in the GKO meeting room in the Kremlin. Those who spoke in response called the non-party Mikulin “a tyrant who doesn’t understand a damn thing, but demands everything for himself...”

And after everyone he will come out and put everyone on his back again,” concluded the story about Mikulin former prime minister THE USSR. The “tyrant” was tolerated in the Kremlin because they knew that the best engines were Mikulin’s. If airplanes in the Soviet Union began to fly farthest, highest and fastest before the Patriotic War, then this was due not only to the great aircraft designers, but also to the designer of the world’s best aircraft engines, who surprised Europe and America with long-distance “Stalinist” flights.

Creators of the AM-34 engine.

Mikulin could come to an appointment with “Comrade Stalin” and start talking about, it would seem, some small detail, say that aviation will perish if we do not make valves with sodium salts: “Comrade Stalin, you are a genius in politics, but for technology, rely on me.” And everyone heard the answer: “If Comrade Mikulin asks to make diamond valves and this will benefit our aviation, we will make diamond valves.”

Due to his maternal kinship, Mikulin was the favorite nephew of the “father of Russian aviation,” Professor Nikolai Zhukovsky. According to his notes, when his strength left him, he instructed Alexander, who did not have the right to do so, to give lectures to students of the Moscow Higher Technical School. But the nephew did not dream of becoming a professor like his uncle. He did what he was passionate about and could not live without. He was engaged in dressage of Oryol trotters, participated in horse racing at the hippodrome, switched from a horse to a motorcycle and became interested in motorcycle racing, and participated in the design of the first Soviet passenger car NAMI-01. Only then did I find myself.

“When “whatnots” were still flying in our skies, Nikolai Evgrafovich told me that aviation would develop due to engines. Probably, here we need to look for the origins of the business that I serve,” said Mikulin. (In this regard, he acted in the same way as at the dawn of astronautics the engineer who became the general designer rocket engines, academician Valentin Glushko. Our satellites and spaceships flew into space using its engines. From a young age until the end of his life, Glushko was engaged in the design of engines, not rockets, about which I heard from him: “Tanks are tanks!”)

Engineer without higher education became the designer of the engines of the ANT-25 aircraft, on which Chkalov and then Gromov surprised the world by flying non-stop from Moscow through the North Pole to America. The engines designed by Alexander Mikulin were designated by his initials “AM” before the serial number. In 1943, Mikulin was elected full member The Academy of Sciences of the USSR, bypassing the degree of corresponding member, was awarded the rank of major general of the engineering and technical service, appointed general designer of aircraft engines and chief designer of plant number 300. (The plant disappeared before our eyes, in 2001, the empty workshops were sold to a businessman. )

The academician joined the party late - at the age of 59, at the peak of his career, having everything one could dream of: a chest covered in orders and gold medals, the rank of general, an enviable position, membership in the USSR Academy of Sciences. The Tu-104, the world's first passenger aircraft with a Mikulin jet engine, flew over the ground. But suddenly his star set due to circumstances that were not fully understood, when the curator of aviation, Politburo member Georgy Malenkov, who was sent into exile to manage a provincial power plant, fell in a struggle for power with Khrushchev. Then, obviously, the “tyrant” got revenge for his impudent statements in the Kremlin.

The doors of the aircraft engine plant and design bureau he created were closed before the general designer. After his resignation, the disgraced academician lived for another 30 years without orders, medals, high positions, but with the consciousness of fulfilled duty. When he was 80, he said that he felt better than at 50. They believed him because they saw in front of them a man who knew no peace. He became “his own doctor”, the author of the book “Active Longevity. My system for fighting old age." The book was published several times. Its text hangs on the Internet, where it ended up without the knowledge of the author’s heirs.

Before writing the book, Mikulin studied anatomy and delved into physiology, as before in engine building. I read what Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, and Leonardo da Vinci wrote about. To obtain permission from the USSR Ministry of Health to publish the book, the academician, as they write about him, entered a medical institute, received a diploma with honors, and defended his Ph.D. thesis based on the book. Earlier, Mikulin was awarded a diploma with honors at the anniversary by the Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy, where, without having a higher education, he lectured.

To “shake yourself up from fatigue” in the morning, Mikulin recommends a simple method. I will quote it in full: “Rise on your toes so that your heels lift off the floor by 1 centimeter, no more, no less, and immediately drop sharply onto your heels, but this must be done so that the blows do not reverberate in your head.”

In the preface to his book, Mikulin cited the titles of two works that amazed him. One called “Anatomy.” Notes and Drawings” belongs to Leonardo da Vinci. Another, entitled “Biorhythms and the Biosphere,” was published in Moscow by Doctor of Technical Sciences G.A. Sergeev. I saw him in Leningrad in the uniform of a captain of the first rank - an engineer. Gennady Aleksandrovich served in the navy and designed certain, as he told me, “sensors” of high sensitivity that submariners needed. With them, at the behest of his soul, he investigated the telekinesis of Ninel Kulagina and was the first to defend her from the attacks of ignoramuses who declared that she rotated the compass needle “with a magnet hidden under her clothes,” and moved objects without touching her hands with “the thinnest threads” visible on film.

One such burning “thread” got into Sergeev’s eye during the experiment. I met him in Moscow, where he had moved blind in that eye. One thing consoled and pleased Sergeev - he managed to discover an unknown effect of the brain, radiation recorded by his sensors.

In the house on Petrovka, 26, before the war, Alexander Mikulin had a son, who was named in honor of his father and grandfather. In his youth, Mikulin Jr. rode a bicycle around the track and earned the title of Master of Sports. Like his father, he sat on a motorcycle, entered the Automotive Institute, studied four courses and, without completing his engineering degree, began acting in crowd scenes. When actor Evgeny Urbansky died during the filming of the film “Director,” the master of sports was asked to duplicate the main character. Mikulin Jr. found himself in cinema as a desperate stuntman and inventor of machine devices for filming. He starred in about 70 films. As they write about him, “until the mid-80s, all stunt filming using equipment took place under his leadership.”

The centenary of Academician Mikulin in 1995 was not celebrated in Russia on a state scale, perhaps because in the “hard years” in the country others became heroes in the state famous people. “No tales will be told about them, no songs will be sung about them.” Heroes such as Academician Mikulin deserve eternal memory. In Moscow, on our empty squares, there is no monument either to him or to aircraft designers Tupolev, Ilyushin, Yakovlev, Admiral Kuznetsov, Marshals Vasilevsky, Rokossovsky, Konev, to whom we owe the Victory.

...And as for the “health machine” donated by the inventor to members of the Politburo (inventor’s certificate No. 65930), I got exactly the same machine with serial number 138 thirty years ago. On it, perfectly preserved, I sometimes row, depending on the mood, and follow Mikulin into longevity.

Here is the exact work schedule of Academician Mikulin - from Mikulin himself. The alarm clock rings at 7 o'clock. I wake up. I remove the grounding from my feet and turn on the room ionizer. I stretch and, lying in bed on my back, begin breathing exercises

Alexander Alexandrovich Mikulin lived to be 95 years old. Throughout his life he promoted active longevity. This article introduces the main postulates of Mikulin’s system of active longevity.

Mikulin on artificial aging of the body

In 1978 A.A. Mikulin in the magazine “Physical Culture and Sports” said this: “At work, they sit in their pants for eight hours, and in the evening they add three or four hours of sitting in front of the TV. A person experiences on himself the artificial aging of the body and the development of sclerosis. Without thinking that there may not be a way back from such a disastrous experiment if you don’t come to your senses.” In his work “Anatomy. “Notes and Drawings” by Leonardo da Vinci described the cause of human aging as follows: “Old people living in perfect health die from lack of nutrition. And this happens because their path to the veins of the mesentery is constantly narrowing due to the thickening of the membrane of these veins up to the capillary veins, which are the first to close completely. It follows that old people are more afraid of cold than young people, and that those who are very old have skin the color of wood or dry chestnut, because this skin is almost devoid of nutrition. And with this membrane of the veins in humans the same thing happens as in oranges, in which the skin thickens and the flesh decreases as they become decrepit.” This opinion of Leonardo da Vinci, despite being “old,” can still serve as confirmation of the existing arguments of many physiologists about the causes of premature aging of a person who did not bother to understand these reasons and take basic measures to maintain the healthy state of his arteries and veins until old age. We pay life a tribute for the omissions that we make, relying too much on it, on the reserves it provides. Do not delude yourself: nature did not strive to ensure human longevity. And this is confirmed by numerous facts. For example, fragility of teeth, leading animals to premature death from starvation. Sudden weakening of vision and hearing has repeatedly led to defenselessness and death of many individuals. And what can we say about the uncontrolled accumulation of toxins and poisons in the intercellular spaces or about an incomprehensible disturbance in the activity of the central or vegetative nervous system? It seems that nature’s calculation was simple: it sought to accelerate the change of generations on the planet in order to quickly achieve the process of self-improvement (evolution). But you need to know a person who did not agree with his mother’s intentions. He leans on, fights, seeks opportunities to live and survive. Instead of teeth, he learned to make dentures. To help weakening eyesight he invented glasses. Suppresses pathological infection due to strong chemical compounds, and deals with old age through physical education and sports. However weak will and laziness is main enemy man in the fight against old age. It was under the blows of this serious rival that they met their untimely death from nervous stress and excessive slagging of the body of many, many millions of earthlings. Because they were too lazy to do gymnastics and hardening procedures in the morning.

The reason for the aging of the body is toxins!

In the work of scientists at the University of Chicago in 1973, research materials were published that explained the cause of human aging by the gradual sedimentation of waste in the intercellular spaces, incl. and medulla.

But there must be some mechanical forces at work, pumping these waste products through myriads of living cells. Yes, of course, such forces exist. According to Mikulin, there are three of them. Firstly, this is the strength of vibration of the cells themselves. But it is very small. Secondly, it is the compression of cells that occurs during muscle contractions. And thirdly, these are inertial forces that arise in the gravitational field when the human body is shaken while walking, running, jumping. The conclusion can be drawn the same as we did before: run, jump and fight!

Mikulin active longevity system

In order to turn on the mentioned mechanisms of self-cleaning of cells and intercellular spaces, you need to take walks - for older people, or light jogging - for younger people. But this shouldn't be just a walk. You need to walk (run) quickly, cheerfully, trying to step on the ground as hard as possible, resting on your heel and placing your entire foot on the ground. It is such strong muscle contractions, as well as shocks and tremors of the whole body that cause a sharp and complete cleansing of the body of toxins. And after this walk (jog) and the subsequent cool shower, a person experiences not fatigue, but vigor and a surge of strength - the best indication of the usefulness of your efforts. Run“on tiptoe” is less useful, because tremors are weakened by tension in the foot. To gain maximum vigor and health, you should run (or strive for this) every day for 15-20 minutes, 3-4 km, trying to place your foot on the ground with your entire foot on the heel. G. Gilmore with his book “Running for Life” turned out to be only partly right. In fact, we run (or try to run) mainly for health reasons. And under no circumstances should you give your body a full load at once. You need to get used to running or fast walking gradually, slowly. On day 1, take 10 quick steps. Then, bending your elbows, run 5-10 steps. You need to breathe calmly and make sure that your breathing does not spiral. For 2 steps, inhale through your nose, for 2 steps, exhale through your mouth. And when the second wind appears, you can switch to longer inhalation and exhalation - after 4 steps. As your body adapts to running, reduce the walking distances in steps. Elderly people should alternate these segments every 1.5 minutes. Vibration gymnastics. Rise on your toes so that your heels lift off the floor by just 1 cm, and then throw yourself with your heels on the floor. The human body will experience a slight shock or shock. In this case, the same thing will happen as when running or walking: the blood in the veins and venous valves of the legs will receive an additional impulse to move upward. Such a concussion should be done slowly, no more than 1 time per second. After 30 exercises you need to take a break of 5-10 seconds. And do not raise your heels above the floor higher than 1 cm. This will not make the exercise more effective. For each exercise, you should do no more than 60 shakes (8-10 one-minute exercises per day). And don’t worry: vibration gymnastics does not pose any danger to the spine or its discs. But it will be very useful for people with a standing and sedentary way of working and living, for example, dispatchers, PC operators, scientists, secretaries and others. Heaviness in the head, resulting from a rush of blood as a result of prolonged and intense mental work, goes away after 2-3 minutes of vibration exercises. This is explained by the fact that with the help of inertial forces we increase the metabolism in the brain: venous, slagged blood is more energetically driven downwards, and arterial blood is driven upwards, to the brain.

Volitional gymnastics Mikulin

Mikulin's volitional gymnastics is useful even during illness. First you need to relax your whole body, and then gradually, using volitional impulses, tense your muscles 10 times without moving. The fingers should be tensed first, then the legs, then the muscles of the abdomen, chest, neck, and arms. This kind of gymnastics has a complex effect on the body and does not require any equipment. On the one hand, it stimulates bioelectric chemical reactions in cells, which enhances metabolism, and on the other hand, it helps muscles and veins get rid of toxins. Do this gymnastics for 3-4 minutes. We should not forget that during volitional gymnastics classes it is necessary Special attention Give regular and calm breathing. For every 5 muscle contractions you need to take 1 breath, and for 5 – exhale.

Breathing exercises by Mikulin

Breath plays very important role in Mikulin’s volitional gymnastics classes. As, indeed, in any other exercise system. After waking up. Lie on your back, if you were lying otherwise, and relax all your muscles as much as possible. But don’t fall asleep, but take as deep a breath as possible, sticking out all your mighty chest. When you succeed, by contracting the pectoral muscles, pull the diaphragm as far as possible to the lower abdomen. Its pressure will also extend to internal organs: kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas - how under pressure the toxins accumulated overnight will be displaced and removed from the cells and intercellular space. Pressing the diaphragm on abdominal cavity should be accompanied by distention of the abdomen, and the more the better. You can master the art of “playing” the diaphragm down and up only by repeating the exercise many times and talking, well, at least to yourself. But let's return to the practice of breathing exercises. Lying on your back, you first need to take a deep breath, then use your diaphragm to inflate your stomach. Now you should hold your breath for 3-5 seconds so that, under the pressure of the intestines, the toxins have time to leave the places that they managed to occupy overnight. But you need to exhale air in ten small portions, pushing it through tightly compressed lips so that the entire stomach vibrates intensely. This massage is where the main benefit of breathing exercises lies! By the way, a person gets a similar effect when laughing. From here it becomes clear why in all centuries it was believed: healthy is the one who laughs well and a lot. So, in order not to overwork, you can perform these exercises in the morning and evening - 10 deep breaths and pulsating exhalations. This takes a maximum of 3-4 minutes. By the way, a breathing exercise allows you to stop heart attack. To do this, immediately after the start of an accelerated heartbeat, you need to take a deep breath, stick out your stomach and try to hold it in this position for 2-3 seconds. Then repeat this technique 2 more times. It is rarely necessary to resort to the fourth cycle. Regular breathing exercises twice a day ensure that the elasticity of the diaphragm is maintained into old age.

Nutrition according to the Mikulin system

Our ancient ancestor ate irregularly, however, as many animals eat now. Therefore, nature tried to design the mechanism for using food in such a way that not all of it nutrients were absorbed by the cells immediately and stored in reserve. And she located these “bins” as close as possible to the areas where they are quickly absorbed into the blood and away from the muscles that could often use them. This is how “fat depots” appeared: intestines, abdominal wall, hips, neck, face - where the muscles contract most rarely and weakly. If you eat food without feeling hungry, then body weight and fat reserves will begin to increase daily and the person will gradually gain weight. And this is already dangerous for health, performance and longevity. Based on this, we can formulate the basic rules of nutrition and fasting. First rule: Do not sit down at the table until you feel very hungry. Second rule: The entire meal must be mentally divided into three phases. The first of them is satisfying strong hunger, the second is satiation. Get up from the table when you can eat the same amount of food with your appetite. The third phase is “gluttony.” This is when, after being full, you eat up what’s left tasty on the plate, or when relatives persuade you to eat another piece. A healthy person should exclude this phase from his daily routine! Then your body will learn to use most of the food you eat. Starvation. It is useful to carry out 1-2 seven-day fasts annually. The scheme is as follows. The night before, you need to do an enema with water at room temperature. The next morning, repeat the procedure. Then - daily morning work-out and a walk of 1-2 km. You will feel a “sucking” in the pit of your stomach. But this does not mean that this “spoon” needs to be fed. Drink 1-2 glasses boiled water, and the feeling of hunger will disappear. Continue with your normal work life during the day. Any hunger that appears must be extinguished with the same water. This is how you need to live during the entire 7 days of fasting: evening and morning enemas and 10-12 glasses of water instead of solid food. Any medications or consumption of food, tea, sugar and other products are strictly prohibited! One cup of tea negates the benefits of the entire event, as it causes immediate release of gastric juice. If the above conditions are met, already on the 3rd day the juice stops being released, and the body begins to eat its cells. Which ones come first? Tissue, fat? Wrong! First of all, it eats diseased cells. It is because of this that healing from diseases is so often observed. If weakness suddenly appears during fasting, you need to do an enema as quickly as possible, preventing self-poisoning of the body with decay products. You should start eating on the 8th day in the morning like this: juices, yogurt, cottage cheese, tea, a lump of sugar. On the 9th day, boiled vegetables and crackers are added, and all this in small quantities every 2-3 hours. On the 10th day, supplement your menu with boiled chicken, potatoes, and rice. Next - normal nutrition without excesses.

Mikulin about harmful foods

A.A. Mikulin calls junk food a time bomb. He advises avoiding the following foods. Yeast products cause active fermentation in the intestines (it is better to eat yeast-free cakes). Animal fats promote sclerosis (replace them vegetable oil). Milk can be replaced with any type of bacterial derivatives (milk fungus is best); curdled milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk. Boiled meat or fish - in moderation. Meat soups poorly broken down by the liver. More vegetables and cereals. Don't forget about the benefits of vitamins. Take ascorbic acid 1 g per day, as well as strawberries, rose hips, black currants, etc. Salt and sugar – less. During your life, you need to carefully monitor the regular bowel function and, if a disturbance occurs in the evening of the first day, help it by taking chewed rhubarb tablets or drinking half a glass of laxative tea. This way you can avoid many serious diseases.

How much sleep does a person need?

You got laid. I don't want to get up. It seems that you need to lie down a little more, and vigor and strength will return to you. Nonsense! Don't believe the wrong feelings! The longer you lie awake, the more you lose strength, and the more slagged you become. It has been proven that during sleep, cells are charged with electrical charges and are well cleansed by fresh arterial blood from lactic acid and by-products of oxidation and metabolism. This is useful! On the other hand, waste products gradually accumulate in the cells while lying down, which is certainly harmful.

Mikulin's daily routine

Here is the exact work schedule of Academician Mikulin - from Mikulin himself. The alarm clock rings at 7 o'clock. I wake up. I remove the grounding from my feet and turn on the room ionizer. I stretch and, lying in bed on my back, begin breathing exercises. Inhale deeply, strive to direct the diaphragm to the lower abdomen, hold for 3 seconds and exhale abruptly through pursed lips in 8-10 portions. I do 10 such exercises, each for 6 seconds, total time- 1 min. Next I do volitional gymnastics – 1 minute. Then, continuing to lie on my back, I do an exercise called “bicycle.” I keep my hands under my hips on my belt. The legs are raised up and perform the movements of a cyclist - they pedal 20 revolutions with each leg. Then the legs straighten, describe the widest possible circles 3 times, and again “bicycle” - 20 times. And so - 3 cycles. Each cycle is 25 seconds, the entire exercise is 2 minutes. I get out of bed and begin freestyle gymnastics with 2-kilogram weights. First, exercises for the arms, then squats, bends, turns, etc. - just 5 minutes. I really love the complex developed by Yu. Shaposhnikov, senior coach of the Moscow Chaika swimming pool. Complex gymnastic exercises Shaposhnikova I.p. – basic stance, dumbbells in lowered hands. Raise your arms straight up while simultaneously raising your body on your toes – inhale. Lowering your hands down, return to IP. - exhale. 10-15 times. I.p. – basic stance, dumbbells in lowered hands, palms facing forward. Alternate flexion and extension of the arms at the elbow joints. During arm curls, the dumbbells touch the shoulders and the elbows remain motionless. Breathing is voluntary. 15-20 times. I.p. – extend your arms with dumbbells forward. Extend your straight arms to the sides until they fail so that your shoulder blades come together - inhale, bring your arms in front of you - exhale. 10-15 times. I.p. – standing, the torso is tilted forward to a horizontal position, arms with dumbbells are lowered down, palms inward. Raise your arms straight to the sides - inhale, lower your arms into a standing position. - exhale. 10-12 times. I.p. – sitting on a chair, feet secured to a fixed support, hands with dumbbells behind the head. Slowly lean back, turning your torso to the left - inhale. Return to i.p. - exhale. Do the same, turning your torso to the right side 6-8 times. I. p. - lying on your back on the floor or on a bench, arms with dumbbells along the body, palms down. Raise your straight arms forward and lower them back until they touch the floor – inhale. Return to the ip position with the reverse movement of the hands - exhale. 10-15 times. I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells at the top. As you inhale, tilt your torso while simultaneously swinging your arms down and between your legs - exhale. Straightening your torso, raise your arms up - inhale 8-12 times. I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms outstretched with dumbbells at the top. Rotation of the pelvis in one direction and the other. Do not hold your breath. I personally, after gymnastics, proceed to exercise on the “health machine” and do 3 cycles of 15 full movements of the body forward and backward. After each cycle - rest with deep breathing (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth), each cycle - 2 minutes, and a total of 6. Then I turn off the ionizer. I put on a training suit and run along the alleys and boulevards for 3 km, alternating between running at a fast pace every 5 minutes, stepping hard on the entire foot, mainly on the heel. After the “second wind” appears, I inhale and exhale for 4 steps. To cleanse the lungs, after every 25-30 steps I take a deep “ventilation” breath. Note. If the weather is very bad, I jog at home on the spot or along the corridor for 10 minutes. Then it’s the turn of vibration gymnastics. Remember 60 shaking-lifting on your toes 1 cm and hitting your heels on the floor in the doorway? This is done for complete cleaning veins from toxins. I only spend 2 minutes. If there was no sweating during exercise, then I proceed to a room bath in the bathroom - 5 minutes, then a shower - 1 minute (first warm, then cool). Total, 6 min. And if I don’t have time to shower, I make sure to wipe my entire body with a furry mitten. Water is at room temperature. After that, I shave, wash and dress – 10 minutes. So, the morning time necessary for healthy physiological preparation of the body, a person for working day, is: 10 breathing exercises in bed – 1 min. Volitional gymnastics – 1 min. Gymnastics for legs – “bicycle” – 2 min. Freestyle gymnastics with dumbbells – 5 min. Lesson on the “health machine” – 6 min. Running in the air 3 km – 20 min. Vibrogymnastics – 2 min. Artificial bath in a home steam room – 5 min. Shower, shave, wash – 10 min. Breakfast – 10 min. Unforeseen loss of time - 10-12 minutes. Total: about 1 hour 15 minutes. This is an inexpensive price to pay for longevity! I mostly have breakfast oatmeal, which is not prepared by Barrymore, but by myself. During breakfast I turn on my ionizer again. At work and at home during the day, I am mainly occupied with my mental home. To rest the brain cells, I try to get distracted every 1.5-2 hours and 5 minutes and do vibration exercises - 2 cycles of concussions. This “strangeness” of mine allows me to dramatically reduce lethargy and tension in stagnant areas of the body. In addition, I try to walk daily at a fast, brisk pace for at least 2-3 km. To relax my brain in the evening, I don’t download it, but read fiction for 1 hour. Before going to bed, take a 10-15 minute walk at a brisk pace. I go to bed at 11 pm. To acquire work activity, I consider it quite sufficient to spend about 1.5 hours a day on your health, which is only 9% of your waking time per day. Every person at any age who has mastered such a regime, which does not present any difficulties, can be proud of his willpower. Give it a try. I wish you good luck, good health and longevity in your working life.

Mikulin on negative ions

The presence in the air of an optimal amount of light negatively charged ions (from 500 to 5000 per 1 cm3 of air) is explained healing properties atmosphere of many resorts, incl. in Abkhazia, where many centenarians live. In 1953, authors A.A. Mikulin, G.P. Golovanova and A.G. Tseitlin was the first to create the IM-5 hydroionizer, which can significantly reduce the number of pathological bacteria in the air. Nowadays there are many variations of household air ionizers, both foreign and domestic.

Mikulin Alexander Alexandrovich - chief designer of the Moscow Aircraft Engine Plant named after M.V. Frunze of the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry of the USSR.

Born on February 2 (14), 1895 in the city of Vladimir in the family of a mechanical engineer. He graduated from a real school in Kyiv. Having seen the demonstration flights of one of the first Russian aviators S.I. Utochkin, Mikulin became interested in aviation. He studied at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, where a course of lectures was then given by an outstanding scientist, the “father of Russian aviation” N.E. Zhukovsky, to whom Mikulin was his maternal nephew. Due to lack of funds, Mikulin was unable to complete his studies.

Then he moved to Riga and entered the Russian-Baltic Plant there, where at that time they were mastering the production of the first aircraft engines. There Mikulin worked as a mechanic, shaper, and assistant to the head of the assembly department. In 1914, Mikulin moved to Moscow, where he entered the Moscow Higher technical school, from which he graduated in 1922. During his studies, Mikulin participated in the creation of the country's first aerodynamic laboratory; his colleagues at work and study were A.N. Tupolev, V.P. Vetchinkin, B.S. Stechkin, B.N. Yuryev, A.A. Arkhangelsky . During their studies, Mikulin and Stechkin created a two-stroke motor with a power of 300 Horse power, in which fuel was to be supplied directly to the cylinders. This principle of fuel supply was subsequently used in all piston engines.

Since 1923 - draftsman-designer at the Scientific Automotive Institute, since 1925 - chief designer of this institute. The first design work was the NAMI-100 automobile engine. And then Mikulin began creating the first domestic aircraft engines, one of which - a 12-cylinder V-engine, created in 1928, in 1933 received the name AM-34 and was launched in mass production.

The creation of the AM-34 was a breakthrough for the Soviet aircraft engine industry. This engine was made at the world level. AM-34s were installed on the ANT-25 aircraft of A.N. Tupolev, which flew over the North Pole to the United States of America, on the giant Maxim Gorky aircraft, as well as on the TB-3 and TB-7 bombers. The successful design of the AM-34 made it possible to make it the base engine for modifications installed in various types airplanes.

In 1930-1936, A.A. Mikulin worked at the Central Institute of Aviation Engine Building named after P.I. Baranov, at that time the only organization where the scientific and design forces of aviation engine building were concentrated. Since 1936 - chief designer of the Moscow Aircraft Engine Plant named after M.V. Frunze.

In 1939, A.A. Mikulin created the AM-35A engine, which at an altitude of 6000 m developed a power of about 880 kW (1200 horsepower). It was installed on fighters designed by A.I. Mikoyan and Pe-8 bombers.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 28, 1940 for outstanding achievements in the field of creating new types of weapons that increase defense power Soviet Union, Mikulin Alexander Alexandrovich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

During the Great Patriotic War A.A. Mikulin led the creation of powerful AM-38, AM-38F and AM-42 engines for Il-2 and Il-10 attack aircraft, GAM-35F engines for torpedo boats and river armored boats.

Since 1943, A.A. Mikulin was appointed general designer of aircraft engines and chief designer of the experimental aircraft engine plant No. 300 in Moscow. He owned a number of new ideas in engine building: he introduced control of superchargers with rotary blades, two-speed superchargers, high boost and air cooling in front of carburetors; developed the first Soviet turbocharger and variable pitch propeller.

In 1943, A.A. Mikulin was elected academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, bypassing the level of corresponding member. The paradox is that Mikulin only had a secondary technical education. A diploma of graduation from the Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy was awarded to him only in 1950 in recognition of his scientific achievements.

In the post-war period, under the leadership of A.A. Mikulin, the TKRD-1 engine (the first turbocompressor jet engine) with a thrust of 3780 kgf was created (1947), then engines that for a long time remained the most powerful in the heavy bomber and passenger jet aircraft of the USSR. Following him, powerful turbojet engines AM-1, AM-2, AM-3 were created (the latter worked successfully on the Tu-104 aircraft for many years), as well as turbojet engines for Mikoyan fighters and A.S. Yakovlev reconnaissance aircraft. In total, in 1943-1955, under the leadership of A.A. Mikulin, dozens of types of aircraft engines were created, of which 8 were put into mass production. In 1935-1955, simultaneously with his enormous employment in design and production work, he taught at the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N.E. Bauman and at the Air Force Engineering Academy of the Red Army.

The outstanding activity of the largest Soviet aircraft engine designer ended suddenly in 1955. After the removal from the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR G.M. Malenkov, who highly valued the activities of A.A. Mikulin, the Minister of Aviation Industry P.V. Dementyev decided to get rid of him. Mikulin was not only removed from the post of chief designer, he was generally removed from work in the aviation industry.

Mikulin’s old comrade and colleague, Academician B.S. Stechkin, hired Mikulin research fellow to the engine laboratory of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where he worked until 1959.

In retirement, Mikulin remained just as restless and creative person, which he always was. He took up the problems of maintaining health and proposed a number of new ideas, some of which were used in sanatorium treatment of patients. When the Ministry of Health refused to publish Mikulin’s book on medical topics, the academician, at the age of 76, entered the medical institute and in 1975 passed the state exams with excellent marks. IN next year He defended his PhD thesis in medicine based on the book he prepared. Then it was published under the title “Active Longevity”. He tested all his medical ideas on himself, and having serious health problems in the middle of his life, he managed to strengthen his body and reach the 90-year mark.

Laureate of the Stalin Prizes of the USSR (1941, 1942, 1943, 1946).

Major General of the Aviation Engineering Service (08/19/1944). Awarded three Orders of Lenin (28.10.1940, 2.07.1945, 24.01.1947), Orders of Suvorov 1st (16.09.1945) and 2nd (19.08.1944) degrees, three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (10.07.1943, 10.06) .1945, 02/14/1975), orders of Friendship of Peoples (02/14/1985), Red Star (02/21/1933), “Badge of Honor” (08/13/1936), medals, including “For Military Merit” (11/05/1954) .

A. A. Mikulin

Active longevity


A story about academician A. A. Mikulin and his book “Active Longevity”

And in large lecture halls, embarrassments sometimes occur. The speaker's speech was suddenly interrupted by the rumble of the board on which he had just drawn another graph falling off the hook. Two students rushed to put her in her place. A sympathetic noise ran through the audience: the guys were sweating from the effort, but the heavy structure did not give in to their joint efforts. The lecturer at first watched the actions of the young people with some irony, then looked impatiently at his watch and said:

Friends, leave the board alone for a minute. We need to organize labor differently. “You,” he turned to one of the students, “hold the board so that it doesn’t fall off the other loop and knock off your legs, and you stand on the side and make sure that the loop lands exactly on the hook.” And I…

And the venerable professor easily lifted the edge of the board.

The student, stunned by this turn of events, apparently remembering his summer practice in a construction team, commanded:

Stop! Now mine little by little, a little more... done, sit down!

The professor wiped his hands with a handkerchief and calmly returned to the pulpit:

Thank you, young people, for your help. But before we continue our conversation, let me make one remark. You both are probably about forty years old in total, no more. I'm eighty. Hence the conclusion: I strongly recommend doing physical exercise. Now let's return to the jet engines used in domestic aviation.

The lecture was given by academician Alexander Alexandrovich Mikulin. Enviable health and strength! But - it’s hard to believe this today - about thirty years ago medicine had great difficulty bringing him back to life. Not to mention lifting weights - moving was strictly prohibited. A life calculated by the minute, a life in which there was no time to take care of oneself, to listen to the beat of one’s own heart, suddenly suddenly slowed down its rapid pace.

“Until the age of fifty, I, like most people, did not attach special significance physical culture, writes A. A. Mikulin. “However, when I became seriously ill and ended up in the hospital, I had the desire and time to understand the complex structure of the human body. Having studied many books on this topic, I developed my own system, corrected and supplemented by criticism and experimental verification my friends. This system has allowed me to overcome illnesses, stop aging and remain functional for many years, including the present.”

You need to look back into the past to understand not only why, but also, most importantly, how this person began to fight for his health, for his mind, because the answer would be too unambiguous, banal and fundamentally wrong: simply because he wanted, how all people, live longer.

As is customary among designers, he gave himself a “technical specification”, formulating it very briefly and clearly from the very beginning. Here it is:

1. Figure it out yourself and help everyone understand how the body works.

2. Help yourself and help everyone.

3. Longevity must be active.

According to the latest statistics, more than three hundred thousand people have crossed the ninety-year age limit in our country. There are many millions of those over seventy. This is the result of increased prosperity Soviet people, a consequence of medical advances. Helping such a huge army of knowledgeable, experienced people find the strength and opportunity to give back their knowledge, work, and experience to society for as long as possible is an important task.

... Let us turn to the beginning of the 20th century. An extensive office, the walls seem to be made of books. There is a green sofa, and two people are squatting near the sofa: the boy Sasha Mikulin and old man with a huge sculpted forehead and a bushy graying beard. A man brings some kind of toy mechanism back to life.

You have to love cars,” he tells his nephew with gentle edification.

We are in the office of Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky, the father of Russian aviation. Subsequently, this office will become Alexander Mikulin’s home for many years, and the green sofa will become his bed. He will spend the most difficult times next to Nikolai Egorovich last years his life, filled to the limit with scientific activity and organizational work for the benefit of the young Soviet state.

We remember this not at all in order to illuminate Alexander Alexandrovich Mikulin with the brilliance of the glory of a person close to him. After all, the main thing is not the great relative, but the fact that the best was taken from him to build his own life, that the young man became a friend, assistant and continuer of his work...

At the Moscow Higher Technical School N. E. Zhukovsky reads his famous course of lectures on aeronautics. The table lamp in the office, covered with a newspaper, is burning until late. But when the hand of a scientist weakens, his nephew acts as a diligent copyist of his lectures and articles. And when a scientist falls ill, the course of lectures is not interrupted. A young student enters the department, so far only in the role of a reader. And no one in the audience smiles ironically. Everyone knows: Alexander Mikulin has a moral right to this reading, because he himself is a member of the aeronautical circle organized on the initiative of Zhukovsky at the school, which, by the way, includes such brilliant young people as A. Tupolev, A. Arkhangelsky, K. Ushakov , V. Vetchinkin, B. Stechkin.

In 1918, Zhukovsky sent a memo to the leadership of the Red Air Force, c. which proves the need to create an Aviation Design and Test Bureau:

“True, the calculation and testing bureau represents some expense for the Air Fleet Administration,” he writes, “but maintaining a calculation bureau for a year costs the same as three crashed combat airplanes. In fact, over the past five weeks, eight aircraft have been destroyed at the Moscow airfield.”

Zhukovsky's idea was immediately accepted. You can staff your staff. They were already there - students of Zhukovsky and his like-minded people. The first aeromechanical engineers A. Arkhangelsky, A. Tupolev, B. Stechkin, V. Petlyakov, A. Mikulin completed the MVTU course.

The team's first work was a glider. Glider and aviation? No need to be surprised. This is the basis of tomorrow's seaplanes. Boris Stechkin and Alexander Mikulin are working on the engine.

In 1919, again on the initiative of Zhukovsky, KOMPAS - the Commission for the Construction of Snowmobiles - was created. And again, among the founders of this business, we see the young engineer A. Mikulin. Several designs of snowmobiles were used by the Red Army and the fight against the Whites, and then, in the twenties and thirties, snowmobiles began to successfully serve polar explorers.

When slow-moving “whatnots” were still flying in our skies, Nikolai Egorovich told me: “Aviation will develop due to engines,” recalls Academician A. A. Mikulin. - Probably, here we need to look for the origin of the business that I serve to this day.

Today, asking the question who is the designer of aircraft with the TU or ANT emblem is awkward even for a schoolchild. Everyone knows - these are Tupolev cars. The famous attack aircraft, the “flying tank”, came out of the Ilyushin Design Bureau - everyone knows this too. The family of fast MiGs is Mikoyan and Gurevich...

But do you remember the pre-war song?

The mind gave us steel arms-wings, And instead of a heart - a fiery engine!

Who is the designer of the engines of these aircraft, reliable, powerful, ahead of the engineering thought of their time by several years and allowing them to put forward and implement a bold slogan; “Fly highest, farthest, fastest!”?

This question can be safely asked not only to schoolchildren. The names of the creators of “fiery hearts” are much less known.

...The legendary flight of Valery Chkalov across the North Pole to America on the Tupolev ANT-25. Repetition of this flight by M. Gromov on the same type of machine. Let's add: with engines of the highest reliability and power for their time. Their designer is A. A. Mikulin. He is the creator of the first aircraft engines of original domestic design, both piston and turbojet, which entered widespread use in the air fleet.

    Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    Mikulin Alexander Alexandrovich- A. A. Mikulin Mikulin Alexander Alexandrovich (1895-1985) Soviet aircraft engine designer, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1943), major general engineer (1944), Hero of Socialist Labor (1940). Studied at Moscow Higher Technical University, student... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    MIKULIN Alexander Alexandrovich- (1895 1985) Soviet designer of aircraft engines, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1943), major general engineer (1944), Hero of Socialism. Labor (1940). He studied at the Moscow Higher Technical School, a student of N.E. Zhukovsky. From 1923 he worked at the Scientific Automotive Institute (since 1925 chief... ... Military encyclopedia

    - (1895 1985) Russian designer, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1943), major general engineer (1944), Hero of Socialist Labor (1940). Under the leadership of Mikulin, engines (piston, turboprop and turbojet) were created for many aircraft.… … Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    - [R. 2(14).2.1895, Vladimir], Soviet aircraft engine designer, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1943), Major General of the Engineering and Technical Service (1943), Hero of Socialist Labor (1940). Member of the CPSU since 1954. In 1923 he began working as a designer in... ... Big Soviet encyclopedia

    - (1895 1985) Soviet aircraft engine designer, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1943), major general engineer (1944), Hero of Socialist Labor (1940). He studied at the Moscow Higher Technical School, a student of N. E. Zhukovsky. Since 1923 he worked in... ... Encyclopedia of technology

    Mikulin, Alexander Alexandrovich- MIKULIN Alexander Alexandrovich (1895 1985), designer. Creator of the first liquid-cooled aircraft engine in the USSR, the M 34, with high power (about 600 kW), used on ANT 25, TB 3, etc. aircraft. During the Great Patriotic War... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Alexander Aleksandrovich Mikulin (1895 1985) Soviet aircraft engine designer and leading designer of the Mikulin Design Bureau. Created the first Soviet aircraft piston engine with water cooling Mikulin AM 34 and Mikulin AM 3 ... ... Wikipedia

    - [R. 2 (14) Feb. 1895] Sov. scientist, aircraft engine designer, academician. (since 1943), Major General of Engineering and Technical. services. Hero of Socialist Labor (1940). Member CPSU since 1952. Since 1923 he began working as a designer at the Scientific Automotive In... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - (1895 1985), designer, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1943), major general engineer (1944), Hero of Socialist Labor (1940). Under the leadership of Mikulin, engines (piston, turboprop and turbojet) were created for many aircraft. State... ... encyclopedic Dictionary