Each of us is destined to meet old age. Among the unpleasant signs of age - deafness, poor eyesight, chronic diseases there is a violation of the mental function. It is impossible to cure the condition completely, but there is a prevention of Alzheimer's disease, which contributes to the improvement of a person's condition.

To begin with, it is necessary to at least briefly understand what it is - the syndrome of senile dementia. Alzheimer's disease, the prevention of which is a vital measure, is the result of irreversible processes in the human brain. The condition progresses, speech and thinking are disturbed, intellectual and social skills are lost. There are many types mental illness leading to dementia, dementia. Approximately 60% of mental disorders develop the disease we describe. By 2015, the number of those suffering from the syndrome approached 30 million, 7% of whom do not live more than 7 years, and only 3% are able to overcome the 15-year milestone.

The problem with treatment is that the condition appears gradually. Often, the patient's behavior is mistakenly associated with age, as well as poor vision, hearing, forgetfulness.

There are methods to reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's

There are no drugs that can cure the disease. There are only means that affect the psychosomatics of the patient, they are especially necessary in an aggressive, life-threatening and environmental condition. It is for this reason that it is important to know how to prevent Alzheimer's disease. According to the findings of scientists conducting research on this topic, you should follow the recommendations for a disease caused by:

  • brain tumors;
  • chronic stress, depression;
  • head injuries;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • menopause.

Important: the weakening of the mental function is affected by smoking, alcohol consumption, genetic predisposition, excessive activity, lack of social contacts.

The debut of senile dementia mainly falls on people who have crossed the 50-55-year mark. Doctors have identified 3 stages of the disease:

  • initial;
  • focal;
  • terminal.

Alzheimer's disease: how to prevent

The similarity of the signs of the disease with other mental disorders hinders the identification of pathology. Pay attention to the symptoms should be at the initial stage, when the harbingers of the disease appear.

Alzheimer's disease: symptoms and signs

bad memory

Memory loss is an important, disturbing and main symptom of senile dementia.. Often, patients are asked to repeat the same sentences, phrases, they cannot immediately perceive the information, they have to use written reminders. Forerunners also include occasional forgetfulness. A person can remember where he put the phone, car keys.

Memory loss is one of the most important symptoms of the disease.


Complete indifference to once favorite hobbies develops, the patient loses interest in communicating with friends and relatives. illustrative example, a person with dementia stops watching exciting programs, rooting for his favorite team, and communicating with his grandchildren.

The symptoms cannot be attributed to the desire to take a break, to take a break from work due to fatigue.

Waste of time and space

We all know the feeling of complete disorientation. It happens that when you wake up deep sleep, we cannot remember the date, time and place where we are. In patients with dementia, this phenomenon occurs frequently. If the symptom recurs several times, it makes sense to consult a doctor.

Difficulties associated with the perception of space

This feature also applies to alarm calls. Patients find it difficult or not at all to recognize their loved ones, they cannot determine the depth of an object, interpret images. For this reason, it is difficult for them to read books, go up or down stairs, take a bath, find their place of residence.

Changes in mood and personality

Sudden changes in the mood of a person who some time ago was kind, sociable are also associated with disruption of the brain. Patients may react aggressively to trifles or be indifferent to major events.

Changes in oral and written communications

Persons suffering from dementia forget banal things, are not able to call an object by its proper name. For example, he cannot remember the name of objects: stove, TV, sofa, etc.

Problems with planning

Especially this sign shown when bills are paid. Just a couple of months ago, a person paid receipts on time and without delay, and now he simply forgets about them. Or was he the best specialist in my work, but Lately forgets the basics of the craft.

Monotonous actions

A person with dementia is anxious if an object is not in the place where he put it. At the same time, he does not understand how his glasses or slippers ended up in the oven, in freezer where they were put by forgetfulness.

Problems with judgment

Someone in the family believes scammers, spends money on nonsense, looks untidy, untidy, dresses out of season - it's time to contact a specialist. There is a sign of dementia.

How to Avoid Alzheimer's

The main way to avoid dementia or minimize its course is to prevent the disease. That is, take all measures in which the number of destroyed neurons will be minimal. For this you need:

  • prevent head injuries
  • protect themselves from the effects of radiation, chemical toxic substances;
  • treat thyroid diseases in time;
  • protect against excessive overstrain, depression, stress;
  • think positively;
  • regularly visit a doctor, in case of diseases, examine and treat them in time;
  • stop drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs;
  • contact with society;
  • engage in an exciting business, hobby;
  • eat a healthy, complete and nutritious diet;
  • do physical gymnastics;
  • train the mind, memorize poems, solve crossword puzzles;
  • develop psychomotor skills: knit, play keyboards, etc.

Exercises for the mind help prevent the development of the disease

Important: the component of a healthy mind is a healthy and active image life. This also includes nutrition. natural species products, drinking plenty of water, passion for yoga, Chinese gymnastics, evening walks, positive impressions and emotions.

How to prevent Alzheimer's disease through nutrition

An integral part common sense considered the human diet. To curb dementia, one should take medical nutrition, a diet that preserves sound thinking, prevents the destruction of neurons. The list includes healthy drinks, juices, food with omega acids.

Important: it is necessary to monitor the level of sugar in the blood, since carbohydrates directly contribute to the destruction of brain cells.

  • antioxidants: herbs, onions, garlic, Bell pepper(green);
  • omega acids: sea fish, fish fat, any kind of nuts;
  • carotenes: apricots, carrots, pumpkins, gourds, apricots;
  • chicken meat, veal, turkey meat, rabbit meat;
  • dairy products with a low percentage of fat.

Important: flour products, fatty, sweet, spicy foods, alcoholic beverages contribute to the development of dementia. They should be excluded from a healthy diet.

From alcoholic beverages must be discarded: they promote dementia

Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease in Women

The female hormone estrogen is produced by the ovaries throughout the reproductive years. As soon as menopause occurs, production stops, which affects the development of dementia. If the disease has already begun, additional hormone therapy is not able to slow down the process. Moreover, there are types of drugs with estrogens that exacerbate the situation. There is only one way out - to prevent the onset of dementia. Beginning with young age, follow all the points above. They have the same, high efficiency, both for the weaker sex and the strong half of humanity.

Senile dementia is exposed to more and more people who have crossed the 50-55 year mark. Experts say that in the past, thinking problems affected a smaller number of people. The blame for everything is the rapid development of society, an excessive load of information, negative news, stress, the abuse of medications, smoking, etc. To keep your mind clear - live healthy life. Do not refuse to communicate with friends, get pleasant emotions in contact with loved ones.

healthy image life is important, regardless of age

Set aside time for rest, get rid of great physical and mental stress. You don’t need to occupy all the time with problems and troubles, share them with your friends, find a solution to a difficult issue together. Then everyone will understand that the saying “A healthy mind in a healthy body” is not without common sense.

Alzheimer's disease is characterized by a gradual loss of memory and usually affects the elderly. Such patients remember well the events of the distant past, but they constantly forget what happened to them recently. This condition is called fixative amnesia.

According to available statistics, more than 26.5 million people suffered from Alzheimer's disease in 2006. If incidence trends continue, by 2050 this indicator will be in the region of 100 million patients.

With the development of Alzheimer's disease, long-term memory is completely lost, speech functions and cognitive functions are impaired. Patients are unable to navigate their surroundings. Ultimately, the loss of bodily functions leads to death.

Today there is no consensus on the causes of Alzheimer's disease. Modern therapeutic methods provide relief of symptoms, but are not able to stop and slow down the progression of the disease.

Today, there are many ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Traditional recommendations are to exercise, use a balanced diet, develop thinking, including through reading books, doing various calculations, etc.

Major psychological causes of Alzheimer's disease

The studies of many authors allow us to say that the metaphysics of Alzheimer's disease lies in the desire of a person to escape, to abstract from reality and the events taking place around. Such diseases often occur in those who, in old age, showed an increased interest in absolutely everything. It is clear that the person did not like some of the information, and therefore the patient subconsciously decided to close himself from it.

A common cause of Alzheimer's disease is mental information overload. A person remembers and strives to remember absolutely everything without filtering information.

Often people with Alzheimer's require increased attention from others, they believe that they are being treated unfairly. Memory loss and disability make it possible for such patients to achieve their pseudo goals, that is, to relieve themselves of all responsibility for what is happening around, reduce mental stress, and stimulate the care of others.

Can Treating Alzheimer's Disease Help?

Realizing psychological reasons Alzheimer's disease, you can significantly improve your condition and stop the progress of the disease. Such violations occur in the head, are completely connected with the thinking of a person, his understanding of life, therefore, it will not work to eliminate them without correcting thinking.

If you are suffering from Alzheimer's disease in early stage, that is, still able to think and make decisions, urgently change your attitude towards others. Stop taking revenge on people close to you, “knock out” care from them. You and your family have a chance to be happy, so show indulgence and stop torturing yourself and others.

pure consciousness, positive emotionsThe best way stop the progress of Alzheimer's disease. Others already love and appreciate you. Understand and accept this and you will immediately see how the symptoms began to go away.

Highly effective treatment for Alzheimer's disease can be achieved by daily repeating the following phrases to yourself:

  • "I love and appreciate those around me."
  • "I happy man who enjoys life."
  • "Others care about me because they love me."
  • “I will be cured of the disease, because I have already learned to think differently.”

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Prevention of Alzheimer's disease and dementia should be the #1 issue for everyone who is not in a hurry to write themselves off, planning to enjoy life after retirement.

There is something to fear.

Dementia is becoming epidemic.

In 2014, there were 36 million people on the planet suffering from Alzheimer's disease, the most common cause of dementia. Moreover, only 25% of patients are aware of their problem.

Dementia is one of the most terrible diseases in which a person loses control over his own logic, memory and behavior.

In addition to the indescribable suffering of patients and their loved ones, dementia causes enormous damage to the entire society. The financial burden of dementia is enormous: in America alone, Alzheimer's disease costs $220 billion in direct and indirect costs annually!

While the numbers are shocking, the future gives us hope.

New research is giving rise to unexpected ways to prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Healthy lifestyle , proper nutrition, dietary supplements - all this can protect you.

Here are 15 evidence-based ways to prevent Alzheimer's and dementia:

1. Learn a second (third, fourth) language

In addition to expanding your cultural horizons and access to information, learning foreign languages promotes the activation of thought processes and memory.

Scientists have proven that polyglots suffer from dementia less often, and the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease develop in them on average 4-5 years later than their "mono-lingual" peers.

2. Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices

Researchers and doctors constantly talk about the benefits of fruit and vegetable juices (especially beetroot). These unique vitamin and mineral cocktails have a beneficial effect on all functions of our body.

A 2006 study from Vanderbilt University confirmed that drinking fresh juice more than 3 times a week reduced the chance of Alzheimer's by as much as 76%.

3. Get More Vitamin K

In the West, vitamin K has been nicknamed the “forgotten vitamin,” but it plays important role in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and premature aging.

Since many manufacturers "forget" to add vitamin K to their multivitamins, click on green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale).

4. Manage stress

Some studies show that psycho-emotional stress predisposes to the development of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. It is especially dangerous to be nervous if you have other risk factors.

It was recently reported that people with mild cognitive impairment who are exposed to stress have a 135% increased risk of dementia.

5. Exercise regularly to protect against Alzheimer's

Physical exercise help preserve the volume of the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain that is primarily affected by Alzheimer's disease.

The best ways to prevent dementia are walking, swimming, cycling, running, and dancing. If you have a large farm and a lack of free time - don't worry, gardening is also on the list!

6. Laugh more

No wonder Russian folk wisdom calls laughter medicine. Scientists have proven that a positive mood and laughter are good for our thinking. Sometimes you can just fool around with children, or even become a child yourself.

7. Run 25 kilometers a week

In continuation of point #5, it has long been known that avid runners are significantly less likely to suffer from dementia. How much less often? The answer was given by a study by American scientists conducted in 2014.

8. Eat more fruits

Many fruits and berries contain the flavonoid fisetin, a substance with anti-inflammatory properties that prevents cell aging and dementia. Particularly valuable sources of fisetin are mangoes and strawberries.

9. Meditate to Prevent Dementia

Sometimes it's good to step away from reality and relax your nerves. A 2013 study showed that yoga and meditation enthusiasts are less prone to brain atrophy.

Meditation helps reduce nervous tension, which is confirmed by tests for the “stress hormone” cortisol before and after classes. And stress, as we said, is extremely unhealthy. Relax more!

10. Love sea fish

Sea fish is a well-known source of omega-3 fatty acids. These irreplaceable natural substances are involved in the construction of cell membranes, prevent the formation of blood clots, and protect neurons.

It has been scientifically proven that a high content of omega-3 in the body reduces the incidence of dementia and delays Alzheimer's disease.

11. Quit cigarettes

If you regularly read the news section of the site, then it is unlikely that you continue to smoke. Cardiovascular disease, several types of cancer, diseases digestive tract, COPD, neurodegeneration - cigarettes destroy the body from several sides at once.

October 2014 World Organization Health has officially confirmed that smokers suffer from dementia 45% more often than non-smokers. Up to 14% of all cases of dementia on Earth are on the conscience of tobacco companies!

12. Follow the Mediterranean Diet

The basis of the Mediterranean diet is fish, poultry, vegetables, nuts, seeds and olive oil. This diet is perfect for of cardio-vascular system and the brain.

It is reliably known that supporters of the Mediterranean diet are less likely to suffer not only from Alzheimer's disease, but also from vascular dementia.

13. Sleep 7-8 hours a day

American doctors recommend that every adult sleep at least 7-8 hours a day so that the nervous system has time to recover.

Chronic lack of sleep leads to hundreds of big and small disruptions in our physiology. Among them is an increase in the production of the "stress hormone" cortisol, which is directly associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Sleep deprivation causes the brain to be more slowly cleared of cellular waste, including beta-amyloid, a marker of dementia.

14. Limit Sugar

Recently, physicians have closely associated diabetes with Alzheimer's disease. Some even try to introduce the term type 3 diabetes mellitus - this is Alzheimer's disease, which occurs as a result of insulin resistance of brain cells.

Control your sugar if you want to meet a healthy old age!

15. Know the enemy by sight

Early diagnosis of dementia is the key to effective treatment.

On our website you will find detailed description early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. By noticing something was wrong in time and applying for an examination, you will give yourself long decades of a full life and will not become a burden for your relatives.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

: Master of Pharmacy and Professional Medical Translator

Represents a serious problem and ranks fourth among the deadly ailments.

The disease was first described by the famous German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer, and the disease was named after him.

Most often, the disease affects patients over 60 years of age. The disease is treated by psychiatrists and neurologists.

In addition, the disease can occur as a result of various injuries, inflammatory diseases of the brain.

The disease is organic. A toxic protein (beta-amylod) is deposited between neurons in brain cells.

Amyloid plaques appear, destroying connections between neurons. Neurofibrillary tangles are formed in the cells, which provoke the complete death of the cell.

Another participant in the destructive process is ApoE lipoprotein.

Unfortunately, to date, there are no drugs that can cure dementia completely.

Alzheimer's disease is an irreversible process. It will inevitably progress. In the absence of adequate treatment, the degradation of the personality and the death of the patient will occur much faster.

Is Alzheimer's disease curable? Completely cure such patients modern medicine unable.

Treatment is aimed at prolonging the initial stage, maintaining intellectual skills for as long as possible.

Effective therapy combines the use of modern medicines, means traditional medicine and methods of psychological assistance.

The success of treatment depends on correctly selected complex techniques.

Alzheimer's disease is a disease that occurs mainly in presenile age, steadily progressing and ending in complete dementia, the disease, which is based on atrophic processes in the brain. For the first time, it was described as an independent disease by the German psychiatrist A. Alzheimer in 1907. The debut of the disease, as a rule, occurs at the age of 50–55 years, and women suffer from it 8 times more often than men.


The essence of Alzheimer's disease is the gradual atrophy of brain cells.

Medical science does not give exact answers to questions regarding the etiology of Alzheimer's disease.

  • It is assumed that there is a genetic predisposition to this disease - the so-called familial form gene has been isolated, in the event of a mutation of which the disease develops.
  • It is likely that some slow viral infections also play a role in the development of the disease, since lesions nervous system in Alzheimer's disease are in many ways similar to other nervous diseases caused by the above viruses.
  • The role of poorly studied vascular disorders in the brain, which are found both at the onset of the disease and in the course of its course, cannot be ruled out.

What happens in the body in Alzheimer's disease?

Under the influence of etiological factors, the process of atrophy of the cerebral cortex starts, as a result of which the intellectual abilities of patients gradually fade away.

Clinical manifestations

As mentioned above, the onset of the disease occurs at the age of approximately 50–55 years. In the clinical picture, it can be conditionally noted 3 stages: the initial stage, the stage of focal disorders, the terminal stage.

Early stages of Alzheimer's disease

At this stage, the symptoms of the disease are nonspecific. Patients may complain of:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • decreased attention;
  • decreased intelligence;
  • some loss of memory.

Memory disorders are carried out with the progressive disintegration of past life experience from the most complex to the simplest, from late to early. In such patients, orientation in a place is disturbed and, as a result, despite the safety of the intellect at this stage of the disease, a person easily loses his way home, cannot reach his destination.

Often patients are aware of their mental incompetence, try to avoid difficult questions (for example, about dates), and become embarrassed. In general, they are irritable, sometimes angry.

Stage of focal disorders

At this stage, the above signs of dementia gradually develop into focal dysfunctions of the brain.

  • Patients cannot make a whole out of parts.
  • Cannot build geometric shapes.
  • The ability to perform automated actions familiar to the patient (cooking, washing, etc.) is lost.
  • The order of words is violated when writing, and later the semantic writing is replaced by repeating circular and wavy lines.
  • The ability to count is lost.
  • In later stages, patients cannot even dress themselves or light a match.
  • Motor reflexes are disturbed (gait is uncertain, slow, the patient cannot climb stairs, sit down, walk).
  • Speech disorders also increase from complex to simple: at first the patient forgets names and dates, it is difficult for him to pronounce long words, later he does not understand the meaning of the words he utters at all. The patient's speech becomes incomprehensible, turning into just a set of words.
  • A person does not recognize his relatives, his surroundings - he is completely helpless.

Terminal stage of the disease

All of the above disorders reach their maximum severity.

  • The patient cannot stand up, sit, walk.
  • Is in the fetal position.
  • Reflexes of oral and grasping automatism appear (everything is pulled into the mouth, when an object approaches, it opens the mouth, grabs the object with teeth or hands).
  • Since the ability to speak is lost, a person makes inarticulate sounds, laughs, cries, and can scream for hours.
  • There comes a complete exhaustion of the body and the patient dies in a state of insanity.


Help diagnose Alzheimer's disease modern methods imaging - CT, MRI, PET.

The diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is based on the history of the patient's life from his words or the words of relatives, hereditary history data, an objective examination of the patient (neuropsychological and neurological signs are taken into account). To spend differential diagnosis and to distinguish Alzheimer's disease from others, are carried out:

  • photon emission CT;
  • positron emission tomography.

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease

This disease, unfortunately, is incurable. There are only palliative measures that can slightly alleviate the patient's condition.

Medical treatment

  • Cholinesterase inhibitors (Galantamine, Donepezil) increase the concentration of the mediator acetylcholine in the brain, which probably somewhat slows down the progression of the disease.
  • The drug Memantine reduces the activity of the mediator glutamate, which, in its excess, can kill the cells of the cerebral cortex. Moderately effective in the middle and severe stages of the disease.
  • Antipsychotic drugs reduce aggression and suppress psychosis - they are used as a means of symptomatic therapy.

Psychosocial Intervention

This method of therapy is not covered in scientific literature and is aimed at treating not specifically Alzheimer's disease, but any type of dementia.

The method is aimed at determining the prerequisites for the patient's problematic behavior and its consequences and, of course, correcting these problems.

The emotional sphere of patients is affected by the following interventions:

  • supportive psychotherapy;
  • validation therapy;
  • memory therapy (discussing the memories experienced by patients using photographic and video materials and other objects from the past);
  • "presence simulation" (playing recordings of the voices of close relatives);
  • sensory integration (the patient is offered exercises that stimulate the senses).

For improvement Everyday life people suffering from Alzheimer's disease, the following methods are used:

  • orientation in reality (the patient is provided with information about his personality, place, position, time ...);
  • cognitive retraining (aimed at improving the patient's impaired abilities);
  • art therapy;
  • animal therapy;
  • music therapy, etc.


Unfortunately, there are no officially announced measures for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease by researchers. It is believed that it is possible to prevent or somewhat slow down the progression of the disease by regularly engaging in intellectual activities, as well as correcting some of the disease-provoking factors:

  • nutrition (Mediterranean diet - fruits, vegetables, fish, red wine, cereals and bread);
  • control blood pressure, lipid and blood sugar levels;
  • to give up smoking.

Which doctor to contact

Alzheimer's disease is treated by a neurologist. Additionally, the patient is examined by a cardiologist, if necessary, a psychiatrist.