By 2016, people born under the auspices of this zodiac sign will approach with a head full of thoughts and plans. Some will think that this collection of ideas is ready to "explode". Everyone has fruitful periods, but your prospects will just turn your head, unsettle. This is both good and bad at the same time.

The fact is that the Lions (for the most part) were not very quick last year. New ideas will be imposed on old debts. At the same time, all of them, regardless of the area in which you allowed negligence, will have to be addressed. This must be done "urgently and without delay." But after all, the soul of Lions in a creative impulse will rush forward to new heights! Get ready, such a "roller coaster" will be approximately until the middle of the period. Further it will be easier. Some will cope with the fuss, others will get used to it.

One way or another, you will be able to streamline those issues that need to be addressed. There will even be time for yourself. And it will be wonderful: Leo horoscope promises intrigue and adventure, filled with passion and tenderness. The crown will not fall from your head. On the contrary, those around you will finally notice your inherent virtues, they will treat you with great respect.

The task of the year for Lviv will be to develop the ability to spin among a variety of facts, events and circumstances. They will need to be gradually subjugated to their will. This lesson was prepared for you by the Fire Monkey in 2016. Don't doubt you can do it.

Love horoscope Lviv for 2016

Unfortunately, business matters can distract some representatives of the sign from matters of the heart. This is not recommended. The fact is that 2016 is especially good for harmonizing existing relationships or building new ones. The stars converged in such a way that your soul, having caught the necessary wave, will sing, saturating the body and the surrounding space with extraordinary energy.

The task of the Lions is to feel and tune in early. Further, miracles will burst into life literally "in droves." Just have time to rejoice! Especially such a development of events will be pleasantly lonely (for now) Lions. They will bathe in the attention of the opposite sex. They will even find time for a few intrigues, not very serious, but extremely exciting. You should not think about anything serious in the first half of the year on a personal level. Move important decisions to the fall, when the stars will favor the creation of a family.

And here family lions you have to overcome yourself. Your eternal employment can play a cruel joke. The second half, tired of inattention, decides to leave you alone for a while. No change, just give you time to deal with own problems. But you may take it completely wrong. Jealousy will gnaw at the soul, so it is better to talk openly with your loved one. So you will avoid many troubles.

Stars about finance

Best of all, Lions will succeed in career and financial matters, new ideas will develop perfectly. The funds necessary for the start will literally come into your hands. Some (especially creative) personalities of this sign have generous and grateful sponsors.

Lviv will be even more pleased with the completion of old projects. What you didn’t want to take on earlier, what seemed hopeless, will turn out to be very profitable. You yourself will scold yourself for your former sluggishness and laziness. One of the unfinished projects may open up new, previously unseen prospects. A serious career take-off looms ahead. Your task is not to miss such an advantageous moment. You will have to show off your royalty, proving that you can handle the role of a leader. Dare! Everything will work out!

Lions will have no time to think about finances, so many things will fall on their shoulders. By the middle of the year, they may be surprised to see that their wallet has become noticeably heavier, the accounts are rounded up with zeros. Well, you deserve it. The only thing that the horoscope does not recommend is all kinds of loans. Giving back will be very difficult. Try to manage on your own.

Health Lviv in the Year of the Monkey

Here the body in all the fuss of 2016 may turn out to be the “Achilles heel”, which, as you know, can let down any brave hero. Chronic ailments may worsen, especially those associated with digestion. Lions need to take care of their body. Failures in its work are likely throughout 2016.

The stars advise you to remember the royalty of your totem. Do crowned heads dine on the run? Do they allow their body to plow without rest? So, remember this all year long. Be sure to follow the diet. Don't skip breakfast. The first meal of the day is especially important at such a stressful time. And for relaxation and distraction, arrange hiking. Nature will quickly restore strength.

Of the unfavorable periods, one can point to spring and autumn. At this time, exacerbations of chronic diseases caused by overstrain are likely. There are a lot of important tasks ahead of you in 2016. You simply have no right to lose sight of anything. So let health always come first. Regularly consult a doctor, rest, avoid bad habits. Everything will work out for you.

Horoscope of Leo women for 2016

It will not be easy for beautiful Lionesses to enter the rhythm of the year. Even without the presence of ambitious goals, which are not particularly recommended to set for yourself in given period enough fuss. We'll have to deal with "last year's" affairs, some will require alteration. It will be very stressful, infuriating. Ladies-cats are encouraged to communicate more with children. It does not depend on marital status. You can play with younger relatives. Lionesses just need from time to time to be saturated with the optimism of youth, devoid of negative experience.

The romantic side won't excite you much. No major changes are planned in this area. Communication will be smooth and pleasant. Lonely Lionesses will be surrounded by intense attention. They don't have to worry about wedding bells. Only a few representatives of this sign will receive the desired offer. But, most likely, only if the relationship with the chosen one did not begin in 2016.

Lionesses will be pleased with income. It will be possible to count on serious receipts from the second half of the year. The stars believe that it is necessary to plan a vacation for this period. August-October are the best months for this.

Leo male horoscope for the year of the Monkey

The lions will, like real heroes, “carry mammoth carcasses” into the caves. They need to focus on business. 2016 is a very promising year. It is advisable to explain this to your beloved in advance. Then there will be no scenes and showdowns. Tell her that you care about your common future. She must understand. That is, everything should be presented in such a way that it penetrates. The thing is, you don't have time to take care of yourself. Provide yourself with a “strong rear” ahead of time. So that her beloved was there, she cooked breakfast, ironed shirts, looked after her health.

This year, her behavior will not be a concession to your royalty, but an urgent need. You really have to spin like a squirrel in a wheel, so as not to lose the profit that can become the basis of future well-being. Only, since you receive such loving care, then keep the fidelity yourself. Your success will be noticed not only by influential bosses, but also by the opposite sex.

But intrigues do not suit respectable people. Remember this. You are in the public eye in 2016. Give in once to a fleeting whim, you may lose respect influential people. But they came into life not for one night, but forever! The stars recommend that Leos (both married and single) take a critical look at opportunities to get easy love prey. Only the queen should be next to you!

Horoscope 2016 Leo

a lion in 2016 will always be in the spotlight! People around him can experience the most diverse range of feelings towards him - and envy, and love, and be jealous - the main thing is that their attention will be constantly focused on his person.

The most interesting thing is that for such an increased interest in Leo a year Red Monkey you won't have to do anything at all.

It doesn’t matter if he has real prerequisites for someone’s delight, someone’s envy or someone’s love: people in 2016 will unconsciously reach out to him, trying to unravel the secret of his imaginary (or real) success.

The stars of the horoscope advise representatives of this zodiac sign to take advantage of this favorable feature of 2016, captivating others with their ideas, infecting with enthusiasm, offering joint participation in projects, building their personal lives.

The magical magnetism of Leo will make many believe in his lucky star and follow him wherever he calls ... Even if Leo himself is not too sure of the direction he has chosen.

One of the important parameters this year should be saving, reasonable spending, because so many representatives of the sign will tend to overspend throughout the year.

Although you will be presented with excellent opportunities for growth in life and will overwhelm you with optimism, in euphoria you will not be able to fully control your whims and spontaneous desires.

This year it is advisable to use your innovative abilities to help you move forward.

First three months of the year will be very difficult for both business activity and romantic affairs. Anxiety related to studies or travel will arise.

Work, despite the fact that you make a lot of effort, will be ineffective. Financial difficulties and losses are also possible. Relations with partners both in business and in the family will come to the fore, and the success of your actions in business will largely depend on them. February and March .

During this period, you may encounter unpleasant actions of competitors or envious people. Someone will spread rumors about you, gossip behind your back.

Mid and late spring good time to make important trips, especially those related to professional duties. You will be able to gain the necessary experience and advice from people who have authority in their field of activity. This time can serve as an impetus for career development, popularity and fame.

Summer will calm, business activity will subside a little: it is worth devoting more time to already launched projects, and start new business not earlier mid July.

August will be difficult financially: unpredictable expenses may appear that can hit your wallet.

At the beginning of autumn such problems will lead to a deterioration in well-being, the emergence of new ailments, especially those associated with vision.

October and November for professional affairs they will be neutral, and for family affairs, on the contrary, they will be very turbulent. Friction between close people will often arise because of mere trifles.

This situation will continue until end of the year. But in december need to pay more attention to costs.

In summer according to the horoscope 2016 a storm of romance, love and passion awaits you. At this moment, representatives of the sign can also expect a second honeymoon, and perhaps even the emergence of love triangles.

Lonely Lion We should expect a return to the life of old relationships. Although it's tempting, beware: it won't do any good for your nerves.

Think things through before making a decision. If possible, it is recommended to spend time with small children. This will help you to know harmony and peace.

Early summer may be marked for you by the loss of vital energy. But this is not a reason for despair - take a vacation. It is best to go there together with your loved one. So you do not have to play any roles, but just be yourself and accumulate vital energy.

After you gain strength, you will august get back to work. However, stand up for your opinion and do what will be beneficial for you. This will allow you to get the maximum benefit.

By the beginning of autumn Lviv may expect a promotion in a career or an increase in salary. But spending the money you earn will be best with your family - this will bring a lot of pleasant and memorable moments.

By rallying your loved ones, you will be able to get through November, as things will start to take most of the time and sometimes you will not even be at home. Even if it will be very difficult, do not despair and do not give up anything halfway. Soon, all things will begin to bring income and joy from what has been done.

December it will be possible to afford to relax and enjoy the stay with family members. But lonely Lions will be able to meet that same person.

Unusual surprises and attention from the opposite sex await you this year.. Don't miss the chance to find your happiness.

Lions of the 1st decade (23.07-2.08). At the beginning of the year Lviv of the first decade ends the annual period of healing loneliness and self-knowledge. Therefore, expect an exacerbation of sexuality.

Lonely Lions This year promises the creation of strong and fulfilling relationships. But this does not mean that all free time need to spend on finding a partner. It is highly likely that you will meet your soul mate during a trip, trip or mass festivities.

But those who already have a couple can dramatically change priorities in relationships. It is important at this time to decide what exactly you want.

Lions 2 decades (3.08-12.08). Resist the urge to indulge in all serious and plunge into romantic entertainment. So you will quickly deplete your energy reserves and, when the time comes for a serious relationship, there will be nothing to give to your loved one.

Lions who are already in a relationship, this year may bring unexpected surprises, such as a marriage proposal.

Lions 3 decades (13.08-23.08). This year, attention from the opposite sex will increase. Try not to splurge on frivolous relationships to save energy, but don't give up innocent flirting either.

Lonely Lionesses the stars promise a relationship with an older and more experienced partner that will allow them to give up leadership in a pair. But the Lions, who are already in a relationship, this year will be able to strengthen and rethink them, they are aware of their responsibility.

Sensitive intuition will help them decide what exactly they want from their partner, and improve mutual understanding in a couple.

Unexpected situations may entail similar unforeseen costs. And all because of Jupiter, Mars And Pluto, which are in opposition.

To avoid unnecessary risks, listen to what he says financial horoscope for 2016 Leo and refuse loans yourself and do not lend, forget about money fraud.

All year long you will have the opportunity to "scrub", but this is still not a reason for unnecessary spending. Perhaps at the end of the year you will receive a large amount of money, although you will not expect this.

Career aspirations will not run into obstacles, but the horoscope for Leo for 2016 focuses on the fact that you should not expect ups in February and June, as well as in October.

Second part of the year marked by the release of a new professional level, so after that you can safely set yourself goals - ambitious and difficult - and start moving in the right direction, relying on the horoscope for 2016 for Leo.

Financial horoscope for 2016 Leo promises dynamism and speed of reaction. It is necessary to be as careful as possible in money matters.

The lion can easily fall into material bondage if it will often take risks and get involved in adventures.

By the way, you should not lend money to anyone either. Beware of dubious offers and deposits of money in various enterprises. Otherwise, Leo is on the verge of bankruptcy.

Leo will be able to adequately pass all the tests and settle the financial situation. It is important not to lose sight of the subtleties.

This is how you can normalize the monetary situation in your life. Do not spend money on small and large purchases.

In the spring Leo will strike up an acquaintance with a person who will help him increase capital.

Health problems are not expected this year, so direct your efforts to strengthen the body.

Lions of the 1st decade (23.07-2.08). Avoid stress and don't burn out at work.

The energy of this year contributes to the successful disposal of bad habits. Active recreation in nature will help you rejuvenate, and at the end of the year, a vacation in tropical climate beneficial effect on the body.

Lions 2 decades (3.08-12.08).

Lions 3 decades (13.08-23.08).

Lions of the 1st decade (23.07-2.08). Health problems this year will bypass you. Accumulated for last year energy will protect you from negative influences.

Avoid stress and don't burn out at work. The energy of this year contributes to the successful disposal of bad habits.

Active recreation in nature will help you rejuvenate, and at the end of the year, a vacation in a tropical climate will have a beneficial effect on the body.

Lions 2 decades (3.08-12.08). Health will not let you down this year. If you unquestioningly adhere to the right lifestyle, you will be full of strength.

The alternation of static and dynamic will have a beneficial effect on health. physical activity. Swimming is especially useful this year.

Lions 3 decades (13.08-23.08). This year you will be able to successfully get rid of long-standing chronic diseases. This is especially true for the period from the end of July to the end of August.

At this time, your immunity will be at its strongest. In addition, any kind of cosmetic procedures for body.

Among all the signs of the horoscope, Leos are considered the strongest in terms of health. There is only one big danger - not always Lions can correctly calculate their strengths and capabilities, which is fraught with trouble in the form of ailments.

When Lions are passionate about something, they can forget to eat on time or go to bed at the specified time, and for several weeks in a row they can spend time at work without days off.

Such a lifestyle can seriously undermine health, and vitality may just suddenly disappear. Remember this and don't forget to relax.

This year, Lviv can be pursued by colds with a very high temperature. Is it true, Lions do not know how to get sick for a long time Therefore, all efforts will be directed to recovery.

The best medicine for Lviv will be herbal teas, fruits and vegetables, and rest. This year, Leos are advised to stick to and eat more plant foods, to minimize the consumption of fatty and spicy foods.

Diseases are very likely of cardio-vascular system because of the inability to relax and rest. And this in general can affect the immune system. Pain in the spine and joints may also occur.

lions should give the body time to rest, and at the end of the year, the stars recommend at least partially giving up bad habits. The intense rhythm of life can seriously undermine Lviv by the end of the year, and then health will have to be restored for a long time ....

Family horoscope for 2016, Leo predicts a critical attitude from the people around him. Many you yourself will condemn and not be taken seriously.

Leo will constantly argue with older relatives about everyday issues. This is especially true for those who live with their parents. To resolve the conflict, Leo can make repairs in the apartment or change housing for a larger area.

The horoscope for 2016 advises Leo to go on a long journey with his spouse. On the trip, your relationship will become much more sincere and stronger.

Someone will decide to improve their qualifications, and some will go to study in higher institution. Questions of religion will thoroughly interest Leo.

The spouses will have a mutual desire to consolidate their union not in public institution and get married in a church.

Leo must himself distribute responsibilities in the house. But, he should not ascribe to himself the role of commander in chief. After all, your spouse will not take this position calmly. Please note that if you do not find a common language with your spouse, then divorce is inevitable.

Your loved ones will surround you with love and care this year.

Cancers of the 1st decade (23.06-2.07). Realizing how important it is to you career this year, your loved ones will give you all kinds of support and even take on some of your household chores.

Be grateful and spend enough time with them. This year will be a real test for family relationships - your family will show how much they love you.

Cancers 2 decades (3.07-12.07). You will seek solitude, but this is only the result nervous tension and accumulated fatigue. Reach out to your family for help and support. This year, communication with parents will be positive.

Horoscope 2016 Gemini

A lion. Horoscope for Leo for 2016.

2016 promises a lot of unexpected events and changes for Leo.. Some representatives of the sign can radically change their lives, the direction of their activities. New acquaintances, meetings, friends and ideas are expected. And in an environment of rapidly changing events, the Lions will feel great. Representatives of the sign are unusually active, but if they are kicked out of the saddle active life become gloomy and embittered. With excellent organizational skills and strong ambition, lions will be able to subjugate others, to lead them. One thing is bad, having taken on all the responsibility and an obviously overwhelming burden, the representatives of the sign may not be able to cope, although they will fight to the last.
Year of the Fire Monkey Leo will face various difficulties. Many situations are expected in which it is necessary to show diplomatic skills or even cunning. However lions- very straightforward and frank people who make many enemies for themselves with careless statements. Representatives of this sign hate undercover fights, secret intrigues and everything that smacks of deceit and tricks. Betrayal, infidelity and deceit can break the proud nature of the representatives of the sign.

Leo's career and finances in 2016

In the field of career activities in 2016, Lions will try to rise above others, to be the first in everything. But, unfortunately, not all dreams are destined to come true.
In January 2016 in professional activity Leo sign representatives all our efforts must be directed towards completing some of the affairs of 2015, fulfilling the promises made and correcting the mistakes made.
February 2016- the month of making important decisions, searching for new areas of activity.
In March 2016 the Lions face competitors. You will need the support of colleagues, friends and relatives.
April 2016- a good time for advanced training, trips, business trips.
May, July 2016- a great time for a vacation.
In June 2016 Lions tend to do extraordinary things. Life can start with a clean slate.
In August 2016 representatives of the sign will be in the center important events. Perhaps something will need to be sacrificed in order to achieve what you want.
In September 2016 your projects will gain momentum.
October 2016auspicious month to implement new plans, strengthen ties with partners.
November 2016- an unstable month, when you want to draw a line, quit everything, but still, by an effort of will, it will be necessary to continue or finish the work you have begun.
December 2016- Month of summing up.
In 2016, in matters of finance, the Lions will be quite lucky.. The stars predict success in any legitimate business.
But speculative scams will not bring the desired results.
In the year of the Fire Monkey, representatives of the Leo sign, in all likelihood, will be able to increase their fortune through friendship and connections with people much older or occupying a higher position.

Leo's personal life in 2016

2016 for Lviv- a period of romance and creative self-expression. You will develop a craving for glamor, you will try to look as attractive as possible and seriously improve your own image.
The behavior of representatives of the sign in Year of the Fire Monkey will be highly emotional. It will be difficult for Leos to hide their feelings and emotions from others, and therefore for both relatives and a loved one, you will definitely be an open book.
Lonely representatives of the sign will look for a partner to match themselves: majestic, charismatic and spectacular, with whom it is not a shame to go out.
At the end of winter 2016 Lions feel a strong need for violent feelings.
In the spring, representatives of the sign will be attracted to romantic partners. Dates should be bright, unusual, and gifts should be exclusive.
summer lions will pay attention not so much to the appearance of the partner as to the inner world. Intelligent conversations, witty jokes - that's what will interest the representatives of this sign.
Autumn Lions become more aware of the importance of family life and family ties. Representatives of the sign will become more critical and meticulous in choosing a partner.
In December 2016 Leo there will be no time for personal life, since all forces will have to be directed to professional activities.

Leo Health in 2016

In 2016, diseases of Lviv in general, they can occur from failures of cardiac activity caused by the fact that you do not spare yourself at work. This can lead to circulatory disorders.
An unfavorable and inharmonious environment can also undermine the health of people of this sign. In addition, the combination of planets indicates the danger of attacks of rheumatism with a high temperature.
The good thing about health is that lions have an excellent ability to recover.
Representatives of the sign should try to overcome their craving for luxury and delicious food. Unfortunately, this will be all the more difficult because in a year Fire Monkey on duty you will have to attend many banquets and official receptions.

The main forecast periods for the horoscope for 2016 Leo

Speaking more specifically about the beginning of 2016, it should be noted that between January and the end of March, the Lions will experience, figuratively speaking, the peak of their power. At this time, you will be like the legendary Julius Caesar. Moreover, we are talking not only about the oratorical abilities of this historical figure. You can safely start several things at once and have no doubt that you will finish them all to one right on time. It is vital to take this point into account, because there may not be a second chance to achieve similar results in the foreseeable future. Among other things, at the beginning of 2016, Mercury, the lord of earthly and heavenly trade routes, will be on your side, so in terms of the financial side, the situation will be ambiguous. It is difficult to say how successfully or unsuccessfully events will develop on the “love front” at this time. Probably, some outstanding, special situations will not happen, but here it is necessary to take into account the individual aspect, because just as you cannot enter the same river twice, you cannot find two identical Lions. You will have to rely on intuition and, if possible, overshadow the seemingly logical arguments of reason. This is not a panacea, but a fairly confident and clear beacon, following which you will be able to achieve all your goals.

From April until the end of June 2016, the situation will not change in any drastic way. Solar positive will continue to confidently supply Lviv with everything necessary - resources, opportunities, good luck. The only thing that the representatives of this zodiac sign will have to do on their own is not to lose faith in themselves. Despite the fact that Lions usually do not suffer from such an "ailment", closer to the middle of summer, protracted depressions may occur. The reasons can be very different, and even total success on all fronts of life will not necessarily stop such moods. In this situation, the stars are not able to advise you something specific, you will probably have to figure out the intricacies of your own sensory-emotional experiences on your own. In fact, temporary blues will not have a significant impact on the life of Leo, so it is recommended to pay attention to family relationships, which, although they will not be characterized by any complex or ambiguous moments, will still require close attention to themselves. In fact, this moment will be closely connected with the next stage of life, which will begin with the arrival of August.

Extreme summer month- August 2016, will mark a new phase, which will be radically different from all previous periods of the year. Starting from this moment, the Sun will no longer be so favorable to your Zodiac sign, in connection with which the Lions will feel a sharp outflow of vital energy on virtually all fronts. This will be expressed in a strong decrease in efficiency, but fortunately, the critical aspect of the situation that is growing at this moment will be minimized, since by the end of the summer the Lions should already have completed most of all the projects planned for 2016. It is worth noting that in this moment representatives of the zodiac sign Leo may wake up with unusual features that are generally characteristic of all “felines”. Have you ever seen what a lion does with carton box? In this regard, except for the size, it does not differ at all from an ordinary cat! That is, this massive beast, a full-fledged king of nature, will simply climb into it, into a box, and will enjoy the situation. So in the fall of 2016, the Lions (now we mean the sign of the Zodiac) will intuitively look for a “box” where you can hide from everything with your head, and, of course, we are not talking about any specific physical object at all. At this time, many of you will feel an irresistible desire to hide, hide from the outside world, like a classic man in a case. Fortunately, this is not the worst thing that can happen to a member of the homosapiens species. In addition, according to the horoscope for 2016 for Leo, no serious problems are expected either on the work front or in the family circle. In some places it is worth paying attention to minor quarrels, since their timely resolution will be a real guarantee of the absence of major problems in the future, but you will solve all this automatically, without having to pay attention to the situation a large number of resources. The main thing is that by the beginning of winter you are able to cope with your blues, everything else, as they say, will follow.

Take the reins of government into your own hands. Act confidently and ignore the dissatisfied.

2016 will be rich in events. You will meet new people, both wonderful and completely empty; get a lot of impressions - unpleasant and joyful, invigorating and depressing.

In any circumstances, try to keep a sense of humor, says the horoscope for 2016 Leo woman. Remember that often a smile can achieve more than a stern tone or a menacing look. Be open, honest, cheerful, and you will receive what you want on a silver platter.

Career horoscope for 2016 Leo woman

At the beginning of the year of the Fire Monkey, the workplace is likely to intensify competition. You will have to be at war for at least 2-3 months. Do not stoop to dishonest deeds. Be yourself even if your opponents forget about decency. If you do not stain yourself in the heat of the struggle, then on the day of the sextile of the Moon and Pluto, you will receive a worthy reward. Financial position is unlikely to be satisfactory - a salary delay at the main place of work is likely. You will have to enter a austerity regime or spend part of the savings. The situation will begin to improve by the end of 2016: you will be offered a small hack, for which you will be paid generously and without delay.

Love horoscope for 2016 Leo woman

The Leo couple will need guidance this year. So boldly take on the role of a leader in solving a variety of issues. Be sure to take into account the opinion of a loved one, but do not put him in front of a choice, recommends love horoscope for 2016 Leo woman. He will certainly begin to rush from one option to another. Strictly control your partner's actions in the summer, otherwise he may be at the epicenter of the conflict or lose a large sum of money.

New relationships will most likely begin in the workplace. Everything will start in a friendly and modest way - cultural trips to theaters and museums, trips out of town in the company of other employees. But then the flame of passion flares up.

Health horoscope for 2016 Leo woman

Pretty warmed up under the sun, do not rush to stand under a stream of cool air. Air conditioners and fans can cause serious colds. If you want to freshen up, take a shower or dry yourself with a damp towel. Do not sit in a draft and do not walk in the wind on the 6th lunar day.

Lions who practice herbal medicine should exercise caution in last decade of the year. There is a possibility of purchasing low-quality raw materials. So do not make purchases in unfamiliar places, especially with your hands.

Be very careful when making your own medicines. There is a danger of an error in dosage, which will lead to allergic reactions.

The world

In the coming year, the past will often return to you. You will meet childhood friends; visit well-known, but somewhat forgotten places; get back to the things that you once abandoned. All these events will bring you only joy and create a pleasant retro mood, says the horoscope for 2016 Leo woman.

The summer period of the Fire Monkey year is not very good for traveling by sea or river. And in general, to water activities at this time should be extremely selective. Water park trips, motorboat trips and water diving high altitude better to postpone. Swimming should only be done when sober.

Talisman for 2016 Lion woman

Mercury will travel through your sign throughout the year. This will give the life of Leo women dynamics, especially in intellectual sphere, as well as in matters of travel, communication, training. Moreover, in the middle of 2016, Mercury will move back, which will force you to return to the things and thoughts that you started earlier. And then the Sun will visit the sign, shifting the focus to the topic of unleashing creativity. Use all the chances to realize your capabilities, avoid self-doubt and intellectual stagnation will allow a horse figure (you can also use a chess knight). In Feng Shui, this animal denotes fame and success, and is also a symbol of speed and endurance. Place the horse for the whole year on your desktop.