Truth is that which stands the test of experience. Einstein.

Outstanding personalities are formed not through beautiful speeches, but by their own work and its results. Einstein.

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Destruction (d degradation) personalities

Destruction (degradation) Personality in people occurs quite often. For this process, the person himself and the environment, there are many reasons and opportunities.

Often they write or say that - alcohol, drugs, nicotine and other "pleasures" lead to destruction(degradation) personality. And as a result, spend(moderate) agitation and actions to combat the "pests" of mankind.

But human nature is so vulnerable and incomprehensible to people themselves that they see the cause of their imperfection in alcohol, drugs, nicotine and other temptations. At the same time, few people seriously realize or do anything in order to human personality became full, strong and harmonious.

One of the reasons for the "degradation of many individuals in our society" is that in people's minds, "human personality" is separated from the person himself as a whole. And sometimes, in the understanding of people, personality is the definition of a person. In order to understand the meaning of these phrases, it is necessary to know and understand “what a person is”, and how “it” differs from “personality”.

As long as a person does not realize himself as a "man", he will always be vulnerable as a "man". And, of course, if a person does not realize himself as a “personality”, then he will also be vulnerable, but already as a person.

When we talk about cruelty in people, what do we mean, "human cruelty" or "personal cruelty"? - if you look at this link, what do you say? Was it done by a cruel person or a cruel person?

Surely, most of us will say, "that this was done by a cruel person." And they will be right, because we assign “global” qualities to a person, and not to his personality. It is common for a "personality" to be selfish and cruel, cold-blooded, especially if this personality is strong, mature, well-formed.

IN modern world who dictates and imposes his own rules on us, we all try to protect ourselves as a “person”. Because to protect ourselves as a "person" we often do not have enough strength or time. Information is also lacking. psychologist advertising, fitness centers promise us a wonderful modern life. The church is separated from society. And psychologists and fitness centers are completely far from God, since everyone has to pay for the rent of the hall and office. “Personalities” work everywhere and these personalities need to succeed in this life. And they, just like those who come to "non-believing" psychologists and fitness workers, were taught how to "live right." And the circle closes.

Our society is intensively producing "personalities" while completely forgetting about the "person".

A person can perfectly live and not think about God. For example, this is a lot of animals. Dogs, tigers, domestic cats, bears, monkeys, they all have personalities, each of them has its own characters, almost like people. And in some cases, the personalities of these animals are so greasy that they surprise us very much and make us think about them and remember them all our lives. But these animals don't think about God. Although we(even) we don't know this for sure.

And when we constantly encounter in our daily life with people who, just like others, are determined to "survive", we come across deceit, fraud, corruption, rudeness, cynicism. And we are forced among these personalities to “survive” as well, to become stronger personalities. And if this fails, then often, in some people, personality degradation begins. As a result, parasitism, laziness, drunkenness, brawls arise. And this is called “degradation of the youth”, “degradation of the individual”, “degradation of society”. This is how the world and all nature works, among all personalities, the strongest personalities survive, and the weak degrade and die out or vegetate. And if we had a sociological account of all degrading personalities in the past, present and future, we would probably be able to draw additional conclusions.

What is personality degradation?

The degradation of the personality is the loss of mental balance, stability, weakening of activity and efficiency. The loss of a person's inherent properties with impoverishment all her abilities feelings, judgments, talents, activity, etc. The degradation of the personality indicates increased irritability, attention and memory disorder, reduced adaptive capacity, and narrowing of interests. The degradation of personality can also be expressed in the development(note) complacency , carelessness, lack of will. The heaviest kind personality degradation- insanity - a kind of carelessness, deep dementia when you lose contact with environment, complete (note) indifference to the environment . One of the causes of personality degradation is alcoholism, in which there are severe somatic and neurological disorders caused by alcohol abuse. Patients lose social ties and the ability to professional, and then in general to any kind of labor activity.

Most people have signs of personality degradation. Not only among brawlers, drunkards, in a word, among losers. And this is perhaps the saddest thing, which confirms that "a person is very vulnerable, and his personality is even more so." Depression, a common form of a person's mental state, which can easily indicate the degradation of the personality or can contribute to the degradation of the personality.

Any problems of a mental or psychological nature indicate a weak personality or a weakened personality that lives more in feelings than in the mental. And any weak personality is a victim of another stronger personality in society. And weakness, as you know, leads to the degradation of the individual, if no action is taken.

And so, we have identified some of the reasons leading to the degradation of personality. This is a progressive weakness, a lack of understanding of oneself as a “person”, and secondarily as a “person”. This is an endless struggle for survival with other personalities, which very often turns out to be a distracting hindrance in order to realize oneself as a “human”.

It would seem that in the struggle a person should “harden” and become stronger. But, if a person does not recognize himself as a person, then in this struggle of “personalities”, he, on the contrary, will exhaust his entire supply of strength, and his personality will begin to degrade. Since the energy of individuals who are not aware of themselves as a person ends very quickly. Only people who recognize themselves as “human” have additional forces that come from God. And this is very important to understand. A person who is aware of himself as a man is aware of himself with God and God. "Personality", on the contrary, never thinks about God, since she herself must be stronger than everyone else. The “personality”, which is still aware of itself as a person, will never have pride either before people or before God. And, conversely, a "person" who does not realize himself as a "person" will have constant pride or depression, which indicates the degradation of the personality.

You can endlessly enumerate the "reasons" for the degradation of the individual. Drug addiction, gambling, laziness, lack of will, alcoholism, cruelty, sadism, masochism.But the global and main reason for the degradation of the individual is the lack of spirituality, lack of soul, lack of mind, lack of compassion, lack of love. - everything that makes a person a person.

Of course, one should not be mistaken in the fact that even without a soul a person can flourish, can be smart, multifaceted and absolutely not even degrading. But in order to be strong personality Initially, being a “human”, it is necessary to form and grow into such a person.

. Einstein.

Capitalism, market relations very well reveal the nature of man, his essence, his essence. In nature, equality exists only before God. We are all important and valuable to God equally. There are no living beings and creatures that would not be needed or important for God. But in the world of people, in human society, in our society, there can be no equality as long as people have a “personality”.

"Personality" (from the occult we know) exists thanks to just a few vehicles, which animals also have. This is physics, ether, astral, mental. They, in turn, form the karma of the "personality."

It is important to note that it is these vehicles that make us look like animals. Animals are made to look like people. People, of course, in comparison with animals, have a huge advantage in the development of these vehicles. But it should be noted that these conductors are different for people. This difference defines CONSCIOUSNESS and the "choice" that everyone has. All this, in a word, is called "evolution" and "development". And also, this "gentleman's set" determines and forms the "karma" of the individual.

It is impossible to solve the problem at the same level at which it arose. You need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.. Einstein.

If the first meditation on money was more about the mental and ether, then

The page about meditation is primarily written for those who live far from Moscow.

Lord! Do not copy my texts and do not post them without my permission and a backlink on your sites and blogs, because before posting them on the Internet, I take into account and protect my copyrights, I know how to do it. In addition, many texts are taken from my book. If you do not respect my copyright, I can sue you at any time. Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

Life in absolute happiness, in absolute freedom, in the absolute presence of God, or life as you know it?

How not to sit "in contact". Priest Maxim Kaskun “how to get rid of contact mania? which leads to the degradation of the individual

"If freedom did not work out," proclaims the progressivenayaEuropean thought - let's try freedom and equality, or, since they are rather difficult to combine, equality instead of freedom. Brotherhood is impossible to realize, so we will replace it with an industrial association. "But this time, I think, God will not be deceived" Sri Aurobindo.

Degradation is the process of deterioration of the characteristics of an object or phenomenon over time, a gradual decrease in quality, decline, destruction of matter due to external influences according to the laws of nature and time.

There is ecological, telecommunication, biogender, chemical degradation, degradation of personality, society, culture.

The phenomenon of personality degradation is studied in psychology. This actual problem closely related to the degradation of society as a whole.

As a psychological phenomenon, personality degradation includes the following processes:

  • narrowing of intellectual abilities,
  • deterioration of mental activity, the ability to think critically,
  • decrease in the quality of mental processes and functions (problems with attention, perception, memory, speech),
  • decrease in social and physical activity,
  • disability,
  • loss of acquired abilities and skills,
  • lack of manifestation of positive properties and personality traits,
  • the appearance of negative personality traits and qualities,
  • impoverishment of the sphere of feelings and emotions, deterioration of the ability to understand others, to communicate.

Thus, the degradation of personality is the process of destruction of its structure, qualities and properties.

The people say about the degraded that he "sank", "lost his human appearance", "disappeared", "took a step back in development." Such definitions succinctly characterize the process of personality degradation.

Forms and causes of personality destruction

Degradation of personality is a process opposite to its growth and development, opposite to progress.

It is noticeable to the environment of a person more than to himself. Degradation is visible in the behavior and appearance of the individual. A person ceases to take care of himself, his speech becomes scarce, the circle of communication and interests narrows, emotional restraint is manifested in combination with indifference to the feelings and opinions of loved ones.

Degradation can be expressed in the form:

  • frivolity, carelessness, irresponsibility;
  • infantilism, lack of will, cowardice, chronic laziness;
  • indifference to society, loss of ties with the outside world;
  • neglect of social requirements, rules of conduct, morality and ethics;
  • addictions (alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc.);
  • illegal behavior (misdemeanors and crimes);
  • dementia, insanity, mental illness.

It becomes clear what degradation is, and why it is not uncommon in our time, when understanding the causes of its occurrence. The reasons are closely related to the forms of degradation:

  • When life seems meaningless to a person, he neglects it. Apathy, boredom, laziness, lack of initiative appear.
  • A person who does not know how to set and achieve goals, has no aspirations and desires, is passive and pessimistic. If there is a choice to act or not to act, he chooses the second: why do something, if you can also relax?
  • Work on oneself is everyday work, degradation of the personality is a consequence of a stop in development, refusal of self-realization.

Loneliness, depression, grief, psychological trauma, guilt and similar suffering can become the causes of personality degradation:

  • In depression, a person does not accept life and himself in it, engages in psychological "suicide".
  • When a person is alone and no one needs, his strongest need is not satisfied - the need for love and belonging. A person does not understand why, for what, for whom to try to be better and develop.
  • Guilt pushes a person to realize his insignificance, gives rise to self-hatred and many other negative experiences that “corrode” the psyche.
  • Feeling of powerlessness, self-doubt, low self-esteem can also be the cause of personality regression.
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction and all other types of diviant behavior are, as well as forms and causes of degradation.

The degradation of the personality of an elderly person is often due to the peculiarities of age, age-related changes in the structure of the brain; retirement, deprivation of the opportunity to work and be an active member of society.

Reversibility of degradation and its prevention

To prevent the process of destruction of the personality, it is necessary to engage in self-education, self-development, self-affirmation. This is sometimes difficult, but interesting everyday work.

No matter how hard it is to overcome shortcomings, it is easier than reversing the process of "fading" of the personality. Those people who managed to do this deserve great respect. You should not be shy about asking for help and support from loved ones and contacting professional psychologists.

When a person copes with grief and suffering, does not forget about humanity in inhuman conditions and in other similar difficult situations, he fights for the right to be himself, for his "I", for the integrity and harmony of the personality and for the right to be happy man. He chooses the path of development, not decline, life in every sense of the word, and not social death.

The degradation of the individual must be, at a minimum, stopped. It is necessary to recognize it as a problem in time and stop it by eliminating the causes of occurrence, correcting behavior, changing the worldview.

You need to be able to accept life as it is in cases where it is impossible to change it, in all other cases, a person is the creator of his own history and happiness.

Get rid of degradation

To regain a sense of the value of life, increase self-confidence, learn to set and achieve goals, regain the desire to develop, grow above oneself, can help:

  • Cultural development

Talk about benefits cultural development possible indefinitely. Culture and art are the source of wisdom. There are many works that tell about the formation and development of personality.

The main characters of books and films often have to face and successfully overcome significant life difficulties, perform feats, change in better side as a result of self-improvement. Such prominent people a lot. A role model can be a relative or ancestor.

  • Love and altruism

When a person helps others, takes care of them as of himself, does good deeds, makes selfless friends, he gets pleasure and joy from this, self-esteem grows, confidence in his abilities, in his value and importance for people is added.

Love is a healing, life-affirming feeling. It gives a sense of the fullness of life, fills it with meaning. True, priceless and selfless love gives happiness.

  • Active life position and work

You need to love life, live actively, work, work for the good of society, strive to make the world a better place, benefit others, loved ones, help yourself become a Human.
All of the above at the same time and the prevention of personality degradation can stop its progression.

Each person is given the opportunity to become a holistic and harmonious personality. Take advantage of it or miss this one chance - the choice of each person.

Degradation is a disease and by no means rare. Many of us are already on our way to this personal "grace" without realizing it. The degradation of personality is nothing but the loss of efficiency, will, interests, feelings, principles. In a word, the global primitivism of a person who is advancing is not by the will of God, but brick by brick is being built by itself.

Best Examples complete degradation of the personality - these are alcoholics (we will not touch drug addicts, they are still even less than those who like to rinse their throats). Their thoughts are superficial, their ideals are unshakable, the phrases and words of all are similar in simplicity and unpretentiousness. The brain works only in the name of obtaining the main vital need - alcohol. But we will talk about them in more detail.

Causes of degradation

In the world you can find a lot of reasons for lowered hands and loss of faith in oneself. That is why there are countless reasons for the degradation of the personality, each has its own, each is similar.

Often people begin to degrade as a result of the loss loved one, a series of failures, the collapse of hopes. A person commits a slow and sure suicide, as he takes revenge on life for the fact that she acted so meanly and dishonestly with him. “To the evil” of life, he descends, ceases to follow himself and the events in the world, does not develop intellectually, forgets about his once interests. Often - it goes into a binge, because with the degradation of the personality it can be not only a cause, but also a consequence.

Degradation after retirement is also characteristic. Young employees are escorted to a "deserved rest", which is psychologically equivalent to a wake. Spiritual death sets in: there are no more duties and responsibilities, no worries and deeds, no headaches, and the brain is not overtired – but for some reason life is not beautiful.

Psychologists say that retirement is actually very harmful. Only a few manage to avoid the spiritual degradation of the individual by retiring, but only if a person always finds a job even without work. A well-deserved rest is useful only for those who are a versatile person, whose life does not end with leaving work, but on the contrary, free space opens up for a lot of new things. There are few of them.


The degradation of the personality has a number of characteristic stages that the psychologist Maslow described.

  1. A person perceives himself as a pawn, on which nothing depends either globally or personally.
  2. The basic human needs come to the fore.
  3. The world is divided into “us” and “them”. The patient protects himself from "strangers".
  4. The person is overcome by feelings of guilt and shame. The patient blames himself for all mortal sins, even those to which he has nothing to do.
  5. The ideology of the degrading is unshakable, it is not subject to discussions, criticism and discussions.
  6. Simple language, elementary, easy to pronounce and remember turns. With degradation, the brain does not want to waste energy even on verbal functions.

There is only one way to protect yourself from degradation - to develop, between new experiences and comfortable old ones, always choose new ones, make decisions independently, regardless of the stereotypes of society.

Behavior is known to be drinking man is inappropriate. Anyone who is familiar with such people can see the limitations of their thinking. How more people drinks, the more his character and mentality change. The degradation of the personality in alcoholism is a serious complication of dependence that has become chronic. The drinker is not interested in anything, loses moral values, communication with him becomes impossible. Noticing the symptoms of personality change, you should immediately take measures to save the person.

The degradation of a person's personality under the influence of alcohol is characterized by a pronounced decrease in mental abilities and a loss of life values. Such effects are caused by long-term exposure toxic substances contained in ethyl alcohol on the cerebral cortex. This pathology develops in people who have been drinking for several years. The result is mental and physical disorders in the body and complete asociality of a person.

The word "degradation" is translated as "reverse movement; backward development. In relation to personality, this means that a person rolls back from the stage on which he was originally. Even people with high intelligence, as a result of alcoholism, cease to think adequately and logically. Their memory deteriorates, their behavior becomes sharply negative.

The degradation of the personality of men and women changes their worldview, overturns the system of values. A person ceases to be interested in the life of relatives and friends, to listen to their opinion. His circle of contacts is greatly narrowed due to the fact that normal people do not want to interact with him. An alcoholic starts dating other drunkards like him, who can only think about drinking.

The human brain is destroyed. He has psycho-emotional disorders, depression, insomnia. The person becomes rude, inattentive, irritable. hallmark An alcoholic is that he does not take responsibility for his actions and blames others for all the troubles.

Psychiatric disorders appear in appearance. A person suffering from a chronic dependence on alcoholic beverages ceases to take care of himself, loses shame. He loses his sense of duty to his family, work team, does not fulfill his daily and professional duties.

The problem with the alcoholic is that he is not aware of the changes taking place in him. It seems to him that he remains an honest and decent person, while others treat him badly. Chronic drunkards are distinguished by familiar behavior, importunity, false promises that he makes to his loved ones.

Noticeable changes in personality are observed after about 6-8 years of systematic drinking. After 2-3 years, these violations can no longer be hidden, deterioration is seen by everyone around.

It has been observed that people with low level intelligence degrade faster than individuals with high IQs. This is due to the fact that a person a high degree awareness until the last tries to control himself.

It is a generally accepted fact that in women degradation develops faster than in the male half of the population.

Stages of change

The degradation of the personality of a chronic alcoholic begins gradually, developing in several stages. There are three main stages of disease progression:

  • initial;

  • average degree;
  • final decline of personality.

Moving to the first stage of the disease, a person begins to drink more often, motivating this by severe physical or psychological fatigue. Many turn to chronic drinking, starting with one beer after work. A man or woman explains his actions by the need to relax after a hard day's work.

A person drinks more and more often, and the habit develops into addiction. He does not perceive criticism, the questions of those around him anger him. It seems to an alcoholic that he drinks a little and can easily quit. At this stage, changes in mentality relate to the inability to soberly assess the situation.

At the second stage, a person begins to lose sympathy for loved ones, loses responsibility to them. He becomes callous and soulless. The drunkard regularly meets with drinking companions to spend time in their company. All attempts by friends to convince him of the wrong actions are in vain.

The alcoholic begins to lie to relatives, trying to cover up his drinking. He makes promises that he cannot keep. There is a loss of self-control. Many people at this stage try to stop drinking, but a weak will prevents them from doing so.

At the final stage, the addiction completely absorbs the person. He no longer manages his life, his thoughts are only occupied by booze. Alcoholics develop such qualities as cruelty, aggression. He may begin to raise his hand to his family members, friends.

A completely degraded person cannot perceive the suffering of loved ones, he does not think about them. At this stage, the patient completely loses himself as a person. Irreversible changes may begin in his psyche.

Causes of degradation

It is well known that alcohol negatively affects the entire body. Alcohol used in large quantities, adversely affects many systems and organs. The brain is the most damaged. This explains the change in the personality of a person with alcoholism.

When ethanol is absorbed by the walls of blood vessels in the body, the process of hematopoiesis is disrupted. In normal functioning, erythrocytes (red blood cells) should bounce off each other. Due to friction in the vessels, electrification occurs. Red bodies, having a negative charge, repel each other, producing movement.

Ethanol, when released into the blood, dissolves the protective layer that covers the walls of red blood cells. The electric charge disappears, the cells stick together. There is a blockage of blood vessels, blood circulation is disturbed.

The brain is entangled in a network of capillaries through which it is supplied with oxygen. Since the blood vessels are clogged, the cells do not receive the necessary substances and die. Oxygen starvation develops. This leads to gradual atrophy of the cerebral cortex.

At the physical level, a person feels relaxation. Intoxication is expressed in a pleasant feeling of euphoria. An alcoholic is unaware that death is happening in his brain nerve cells. At in large numbers destroyed neurons, extensive dead areas appear. The brain shrinks and may develop cysts and ulcers.

Scientists have found that the reflex functions of the body return to normal only 7-12 days after drinking alcohol. They are considered a manifestation lower forms brain activity. Higher functions can fully recover in 15-20 days. These include:

  • sensory perception;
  • ability to learn;
  • emotions;
  • mental activity;
  • memory.

That is, within two to three weeks after ethanol enters the blood, there is a weakening of these functions in the body.

Ethyl alcohol also removes beneficial substances from the body. Alcoholic compounds wash out the B vitamins that are vital to humans. This causes a violation of the intercellular metabolic process. Vitamin deficiency adversely affects the functioning of the nervous system.

degradation symptoms

There are a number of signs that determine the deterioration of a person's condition. It is possible to identify changes both in his character and in his way of thinking. The former are expressed in the following states:

  • unwillingness to monitor their appearance;
  • neglect of other people, inability to empathize;
  • tactless behavior;
  • increased selfishness;

  • intrusiveness, attracting undue attention to oneself;
  • pathological lies;
  • self-confidence, expressed in attributing to oneself fictitious virtues;
  • the desire to justify drunkenness with supposedly good reasons.

Due to the destruction of the brain of an alcoholic, his thinking changes. The following negative conditions may indicate this:

  • apathy for everything that happens;
  • lack of goals in life;
  • decrease in intellectual abilities;
  • inability to make a connection between cause and effect;
  • memory impairment, the inability to recall recent events.

If these signs are found in a loved one, it is necessary to start taking measures for his treatment. Further ignoring the disease will lead to irreversible consequences.

Types of alcohol degradation

Negative personality changes in people who have become addicted can manifest themselves in different ways. This is influenced by the individual characteristics of a person, his ability to withstand destructive actions. The higher the degree of awareness of a person, the more time passes before his degradation. Some people are able to rethink their lifestyle and give up alcohol in the first or second stages.

There are several types of personality degradation:

  • astheno-neurotic;
  • alcoholic;
  • alcohol-organic;
  • psychopathic.


This type is expressed in the states of a person characteristic of its name. Under asthenia understand the weakening of the body due to neuropsychic reactions. It is also called chronic fatigue syndrome. A person constantly feels depressed, exhausted.

The slightest movement makes him overtired. The individual does not have any desire to do daily work, to perform any duties. This leads to excessive nervousness, irritability. A person, coming home in the evening, feels great fatigue, which he tries to get rid of by drinking alcohol.

Signs of personality degradation of a neurosis-like type of disease:

  • emotional instability;

  • fast irritability;
  • deterioration in performance;
  • inability to concentrate on anything;
  • forgetfulness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • doubts about good attitude surrounding;
  • decrease in libido;
  • frequent migraines.

A distinctive feature of astheno-neurotic patients is that many of them understand the perniciousness of their habit. They have a desire to recover from alcoholism. Some visit the clinic on their own and try to get rid of the addiction. It is important for such people to get the support of others.


This type of disease is also common in people with nervous disorders, however, it differs somewhat from the previous one. Man with alcoholic kind degraded may feel that he is inadequate, but he has no desire to change anything. He is more aggressive towards others. Signs are expressed in the following states:

  • narrow circle of interests;

  • absolutely irresponsible behavior;
  • lack of understanding of the life process;
  • cynical judgments;
  • swagger, lack of shame;
  • commercialism;
  • inability to think critically.


Personality changes of this type are observed in people with brain diseases. This may be facilitated by past trauma to the skull. Also, this pathology develops in people with atherosclerosis and encephalopathy (death of neurons) of the brain. Characteristic features are:

  • inability to think normally;
  • delayed reactions;
  • apathetic state, immersion in oneself;
  • empty chatter about nothing;
  • memory losses;
  • excessive sentimentality;
  • lack of self respect.

A person in this state can confuse fiction and reality. Patients of the alcoholic-organic type often invent events that did not actually happen, fantasize. From the outside, they give the impression of absolutely inadequate people.


This type mainly includes young people who abuse alcohol. They are distinguished aggressive behavior, increased irritability. On the other hand, there is an indifferent attitude towards relatives, indifference to their feelings.

When sober, the patient is usually withdrawn and uncommunicative. In a state of intoxication, he becomes cheerful, talkative. However, as the amount of alcohol consumed increases, he begins to show signs of aggression. The young person may lash out at others or injure himself. These people are potentially dangerous to society. Therefore, their loved ones should pay attention to such behavior and take drastic measures.

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The degradation of personality is a process caused by the reverse development of the psyche. Gradually, a person loses his former judgments, hobbies, motivation, his social activity, mental balance and efficiency decrease. The personality loses its individuality and character traits inherent in it. There is impoverishment not only in the social, but also in the creative sphere. In advanced cases, the quality of judgments, talents and activity decreases.

What is personality degradation

Personality degradation is a serious mental condition. A person subject to this disorder loses all his abilities. This refers to the professional, creative and social components. The individual experiences a loss of balance in the first stages, then the performance suffers, and the last stage is the loss of activity.

If a person has become more irritable, it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing and remember new information, and the meaning of former judgments loses all meaning, this indicates an upcoming degradation. As a result of the ongoing changes, the development of opposite traits is observed: carelessness, lack of will, dependence.

Insanity is a severe case of degradation. It clearly demonstrates the complexity of the disorder. Marasmus is a pathological state of the intellect called dementia. A person ceases to maintain contact with others and leads a carefree life.

In the modern world, signs of personality degradation are observed not only in the older generation, but also in people of mature age. The disorder occurs with the same frequency in representatives of all social strata. This is main danger states.

Senile insanity is a progressive disease. It causes an irreversible mental disorder - atrophy of the brain and changes in the structure of blood vessels.

Theory of Abraham Maslow

The American psychologist and creator of humanistic psychology identified the main qualities of a degraded personality:

  • The patient has learned helplessness. He believes that in this life nothing depends on him, he is only a pawn in the game of external forces.
  • The patient lacks goals and aspirations. Only basic needs remain: food, sleep, physical comfort, survival.
  • Sometimes the patient feels ashamed of himself.
  • Society is divided into two categories: close people are good, strangers are bad.
  • Own opinion is considered the only true one and is not subject to discussion. Dialogues seem to the patient a waste of energy.
  • The patient's speech is poor in adjectives, which are responsible for the sphere of emotions and fantasy.

Symptoms of the disease

The first signs of a disorder are grumpiness, inattention, selfishness. Suspecting degradation in yourself or others, you need to check heredity. If close relative or the parent has been affected by the disorder, the risk of developing the disorder is increased.

Alcoholic degradation is widespread. Dependence completely destroys the personality. Symptoms appear immediately:

  • Touchiness.
  • Emotional instability.
  • Tearfulness.
  • Outbursts of anger.
  • Anger that gives way to guilt.
  • Lack of a real assessment of life's difficulties.

The development of the disease is built in a certain sequence:

  • Suffering appearance. The desire to take care of oneself and perform basic procedures disappears: cut nails and hair, maintain hygiene, change clothes.
  • Addictions appear: drug addiction, gambling, alcoholism.
  • Interest in life is gradually fading away.
  • Moral principles lose their significance for the individual.
  • Low instincts take precedence over common sense.
  • Everything is lost social contacts and place in society. There is no desire to find yourself.
  • The understanding of the difference between decent and indecent is lost.

Society has important role for the formation and development of the individual. The people with whom an individual surrounds himself in life significantly slow down or accelerate his progress towards goals.


There are many reasons that can provoke the development of the disease. For each person, this factor is individual. It is believed that a person begins to degrade when spiritual guidelines and the desire to develop are lost. Without receiving new information, the brain atrophies and starts the mode of self-destruction. The loss of faith in oneself and one's strength provokes a decrease in interest in the surrounding reality and events in the world.

One of the most serious causes contributing to the development of the disorder is the loss of a loved one or a tragic life situation. The loss of loved ones and a series of failures can significantly shake the psyche of any individual. Without proper support and help, many can not cope. Often victims resort to drinking alcohol. Alcohol is not always only the cause of the disorder, but can act as its consequence. The condition is aggravated with manic-depressive psychosis - in this case, the help of a specialist is required.

Lonely people are more susceptible to the onset of the disease, including previously strong and independent people.

Regression personal development especially characteristic of the older generation. In the absence of various events in retirement, a person's condition worsens. If self-realization at work long years was the only important goal, rest in old age is associated with the loss of life values. In order to keep the intellect, it is necessary to lead active image life, have hobbies and hobbies. This is important at any age.