from Plutarch:
Ancient customs of Spartans

1. Everyone part of the SESCIDE, pointing to the doors, warns:
"No word comes out for them."

3. On his support, Spartans drink little and diverge without torches. Them
Not allowed to use torches in this case, nor when they go on other roads. It is established so that they are learned boldly and fearlessly
Walk on the roads at night.

4. Spartans studied diploma only for the sake of life needs. Nevertheless, the remaining types of education were expelled from the country; not only themselves science, but also people
They are engaged. Education was aimed to ensure that young men were able to
obey and courage to transfer suffering, and in battles die or
To seek victory.

5. Spartans did not wear chitons, using one-sole gymiam. They walked unwashed, abstaining for the most part, both from the bath and from being able to deviate the body.

6. Young people slept together by iax on the lodges who themselves were prepared from the reeds grew by the euro, breaking it with their hands without any tools. In winter, they added a plant to the cane, which is called the ecophone, as it is believed that it can warp.

7. The Spartans were allowed to fall in love with honest soul of boys, but to join them was considered disgraced, for such a passion would be a bodily, not spiritual. The man accused of shameful communication with the boy, was deprived of life civil rights.

8. There was a custom on which the older age asked the younger
Where and why they go, and scolded those who did not want to answer or invented excuses. The same, who, at the same time, will not enter the violator of this law, was to be punished as the intruder himself. If he was outraged by the punishment, he was even more renovated.

9. If someone has gone down and was found, it was supposed to get around
the altar, which was in the city, and sing at the same time the song that became chosen to him
There is a mission yourself.

10. Young Spartans were to read and obey not only their own fathers, but take care of all the elderly people; At meetings, give them the road, get up, freeing the place, and also not to raise the noise in their presence. Thus, each in Sparta managed not only by its children, slaves, property, as it was in other states, but also had the right to
Property of neighbors. It was done so that people act together and
Tested to other people's business as their own.

11. If anyone punished the boy and he told his father about it,
That, having heard the complaint, the father would consider a shame for himself to not punish the boy again.
Spartans trusted each other and believed that none of the faithful deceo laws
Not ordains children anything wrong.

12. Boys, where only the case is provided, steal food, learning how to attack sleeping and lazy guards. Cuts are punished with hunger and spanking. Dinner they have such a meager that they, fleeing from needs, are forced to be bold and never stop.

13. This is what the lack of nutrition is explained: it was scarce to make young men accustomed to constantly hunger and could carry it. The Spartans believed that the young people received such education will be better prepared for war, as they will be able to live almost without food for a long time, to do without any seasonings and
Featuring what falls at hand. The Spartans believed that scant food makes young people heavily, they will not be prone to obesity, but will become rosy and even beautiful. They believed that the dry physique ensures the flexibility of all
members, and loading and completeness impede this.

14. Very seriously the Spartans belonged to music and singing. In their opinion, these arts were intended to encourage the spirit and mind of a person, to help him in his
actions. The language of Spartan songs was simple and expressive. They did not contain
nothing but praised people who noblely lived their lives who died for Sparta and revered as blissful, as well as convicted of those who ran from the battlefield, about
which it was said that they conducted a sorrowful and miserable life. In songs
Praised the valor inherent to each age.

17. Spartans were not allowed anyone at least to change settings
Ancient musicians. Even the Terpendra, one of the best and oldest kifedov
His time, praising the feats of heroes, even his emines were punished, and his kifaru was punched with nails for the fact that, seeking to achieve a variety of sounds, he pulled on it an additional one more string. Spartans loved only simple melodies. When Timofey took part in a Karnets holiday, one of the eloors, taking the sword into his hands, asked him, from which side the strings added from above the laid seven on his instrument.

18. Licharg committed to the superstitions, which were surrounded by the funeral, allowing to bury in the city and near the Sanctuary, and decided not to consider anything
associated with the funeral, bad. He forbade putting someone with the dead
Property, but allowed only to wrap it in the leaf of plum and purple bedspread and so burned, everyone is equally. He forbade the inscriptions on the grave monuments, with the exception of those who were erected in the victim in war, and
Also crying and sobbing at the funeral.

19. Spartans were not allowed to leave the world's limits so that they could not
Acquisition to foreign people and lifestyle of people who did not receive Spartan

20. Likurg introduced xenolacia - exile from foreign countries to coming to
The country, they did not teach local citizens to anything bad.

21. Which of the citizens did not pass all the boys' fourths, did not have
Civil rights.

22. Some argued that if someone from the ingenians kept the lifestyle,
mounted by a likurg, it could be included in the appointed from himself
Beginning Moir.

23. Trade was prohibited. If the need arose, it was possible to use the servants of the neighbors as their own, as well as dogs and horses, if, only they were not needed by the owners. In the field, too, if anyone experienced a disadvantage in something, he opened, if it was necessary, someone else's warehouse, I took the necessary, and then, putting back the seal, left.

24. During wars, the Spartans wore red clothes: first, they
I thought this color was more courageous, and secondly, it seemed to them that the bloody-red should be harruy on the non-combat experience of opponents. In addition, if some of the Spartans are injured, it will be unnoticed by enemies, since the similarity of flowers will allow to hide blood.

25. If Spartans manage to defeat the enemy with cunning, they sacrifice the bull to God, and if the victory is won in the open battle, then the rooster. Thus, they are involved in their military leaders to be not just warlike, but also to master the chronical art.

26. The Spartans also join their prayers to give them the strength to transfer injustice.

27. In prayers, they are asked to adequately reward noble people and more

28. They reveal Aphrodite armed and generally all the gods and goddes are depicting with a spear in hand, for they believe that the military valor is inherent in them.

29. Lovers of sayings often lead the words: "Without attaching hands, do not call the gods," that is, it is necessary to call on the gods only if I started and working, but
Otherwise it is not worth it.

30. Spartans show children drunk hards to turn them away from drunkenness.

31. The Spartans had a custom not knocking on the door, but to serve a voice from behind the door.

33. Spartans do not look at no comedy, nor tragedies, so as not to hear something, who has been said in a joke or seriously coming against their laws.

34. When the poet of archives came to Sparta, he expelled him on the same day, as he wrote in the poem that throwing a weapon better than to die:

Wears now proudly sauie my shield flawless:
The will of the unill had to throw it in the bushes.
I myself avoided the dead. And let it disappear
My shield. No worse than a new one can get it.

35. In Sparta, access to the sanctuary is open equally both young men and girls.

36. Ehofori punished Skirafid for the fact that many offended him.

37. Spartans executed the person just for carrying her rubbish, he decorated
Its colored stripe.

38. They made a reprimand to one young man just for the fact that he knew the road leading from the gymnasium to Pill.

39. The Spartans expelled from the Ceffesophone country, who claimed that he was able to speak any topic all day; They believed that a good speaker the size of the speech should be consequeled with the importance of the case.

40. Boys in Sparta Poroli Beach on Altar Artemis Orfia during
A whole day, and they often died under blows. Boys proudly and fun
Competed, who of them will take the beatings longer and more decent; The winning Gloria, and he became famous. This competition was called "diabastigosis", and it happened every year.

41. Along with other valuable and happy establishments provided for by the Liburg for their fellow citizens, it was important that the lack of classes was not considered reprehensible. Spartans were forbidden to engage in any kind of crafts, and needs in business and in money accumulation
They were not. Likurg made ownership of wealth and unquestless and inglorious. Ilota, treating their land for the Spartans, made them the lifts established in advance; Require a large rental fee was prohibited under the fear of curse. This was done so that the Ilota, to benefit, worked with pleasure, and the Spartans would not strive for accumulation.

42. Spartans were forbidden to serve sailors and fight the sea. However, later they participated in sea battles, but having achieved domination at sea, refused him, noting that the people of citizens vary from this to the worst.
However, the morals continued to deteriorate into it, and in the whole. Earlier, if
Anyone from Spartans accumulated richness, the drive sentenced to
of death. After all, it was still predicted by Alkamen and Feopompa with Oracle: "The passion for the accumulation of wealth ever spare is ruined." Despite this prediction, Lysander, taking Athens, brought home a lot of gold and silver, and the Spartans accepted him and surrounded the honors. As long as the state adhered to the laws of Likurg and the data of the oath, it was over the past five hundred years in Eldead, differing good in the shortages and using good glory. However, gradually, as the laws of Licharge began to violate, the country penetrated into the country and the desire for enrichment, and the state of the state decreased, and the allies for the same reason began to relate to the Spartans hostile. So there were cases when, after the victory of Philip, with Heronee, all Hellenes proclaimed him commander-in-chief on earth and at sea, and later, after the destruction of FIV, his son Alexander was recognized. Alone Lactedamyana,
Although their city was not strengthened by the walls and because of the permanent wars, they had quite a few people, so to overcome this lost military power
It was absolutely not difficult, alone with Lactedamyona, due to the fact that the weak sparks of likurgovy establishment were still growing in Sparta, dare not to take
participation in the military enterprise Macedonian, not to recognize these nor the rules in
Subsequent years of the Macedonian kings, do not participate in Sedrinion and do not pay
Foros. They did not completely retreat from the likurgification, while their
Own citizens, capturing tyrannoe power, did not rejected at all lifestyle There were no ancestors and thus not brought up Spartans with other peoples.
Refusing the former Glory and free statement of their thoughts, Spartans
began to keep slave existence, and now, like the rest of the Ellity, turned out to be
Under the rule of Romans.

In the next, classic, period of the Ellinian history, the main leading centers of the Greek world are becoming the fields of Balkan Greece -Sparta and Athens. Sparta and Athens represent two peculiar type of Greek states, in many respects opposite each other and at the same time excellent and from the colonial-island Greece. The history of classical Greece, mainly and focuses on the history of Sparta and Athens, especially since this story is fully represented in the tradition that has reached us. For this reason, in general courses of the history of these societies, more attention is paid to than other countries of the Ellinsky world. Their socio-political and cultural features will be found out of further presentation. Let's start with Sparta.

The originality of its social system and life of Sparta is to a considerable degree. natural conditions. Sparta was located in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula-in Peloponnese. South Peloponnes, where the ancient Sparta was held, take two plains-Lacan and Messenskaya, divided by a high mountain range Taiguet. Eastern, Lacan, Valley, irrigated by the river Evrotom, Actually, the main territory of Sparta. From the north, the Lacon Valley closed high mountainsAnd in the south was lost in the space of malaria swamps, stretching to the sea. In the center there was a valley of 30 kilometers long and 10 in width - this is the territory of the ancient Sparta, the resistance is fertile, rich in pastures and comfortable for crops. Taigaet's rates are covered with forests, wild fruit trees and vineyards. However, the Lacon Valley is small in size and does not have comfortable harbors. The cutness from the sea predisposed Spartans to the closetness, on the one hand, and the gripful impulses in relation to their neighbors, especially the fertile Western Valley of Messenpy, is another.

The oldest history of Sparta, or Lakefemon, is little known. The spartes produced by the English archaeologists of the excavation indicate the closer response of Sparta with mycken than it was supposed earlier. Dodorian Sparta-City of the Mycena Epoch. In Sparta, according to legends, lived Basille Melani, Brother Agamemnon, Elena's husband. As the settlement was traced in the laconic conquered by them and in what initial relations they were with the native population, modern condition The question is impossible to say. Only a vague story was preserved about the campaign of heraklides (the descendants of Hero Hero) in Peloponnese and the conquest of them of Argos, Messia and Laconiki, as the inheritance of their great ancestor Hercules. So, according to legend, Danian was established in Peloponnese.

Both in other communities of Greece and in Sparta, the growth of productive forces, frequent clashes with neighbors and internal struggles led to the decomposition of generic relations and the formation of a slave-ownership state. The state in Sparta arose very

Valley of Evrost. There were snowy tops of Taigaet.

early, it was formed as a result of the conquest and there were much more generic remnants in it than in any other policy. In combination of strong statehood with the generic institutions and is main feature Spartan, and partly and generally Dorian building.

Many Spartan institutions and customs are associated with the name of the six-year-old Spartan wisers legislator LikurgaIn the image of which the features of a person and God of Likurg's light merged, whose cult cope in Sparta and in historical times. Only in V c. Licharg, whose activities are approximately by the VIII century, began to be considered the creator of the Spartan state system and therefore was placed in one of the Spartan royal surnames. From a dense fog, enveloping the activities of Likurg, nevertheless, there are some real features of the legislator. With the weakening of the generic unions and the release of the individual from the blood, local, tribal and other constraints, the appearance on the historical arena of such personalities as Likurg is quite believable. This is proved by the whole of Greek history. The legend represents Likurg's Uncle and the educator of the young Spartan king, who actually managed to all the state. On the advice of the Delphian oracle, Likurgus was published as a performer of the Divine Will retro. Retras were called brief sayings in the formula formulas who concluded any important decrees and laws.

Pronounced archaic lapidarity Likurgova Retralaid the foundation of the Spartan state.

In addition, Likurgu was attributed to a large land reform that committed to the land inequality existing inequality and the predominance of aristocracy. According to legend, Likurg has allocated the entire Sparta territory to nine or ten thousand equal sites (clarines) in the number of sparteate men who constituted the militia.

After that, he tells the legend, Likurg, considering its reform and the purpose of their life performed, left Sparta, preliminarily obliging citizens an oath not to violate the adopted II Constitution.

After the death of Likurg in Sparta, he was built by the temple, and he himself was declared a hero and God. Subsequently, the name of Likurg for Spartans became a symbol of justice and the perfect leader who loving his people and their homeland.

Throughout its history, Sparta remained an agricultural, agricultural country. The seizure of neighboring lands was the driving force of Spartan politics. Half VIII century. This led to a long war with neighboring Mesenia ( first Messenskaya War), Threw by the conclusion of the messenger and the enslavement of its population. In VII-century. followed by a new one second Messenskaya War,having caused by the difficult position of the conquered population of Ilotov, also addressed the victory of Sparta. Spartans were owned by his victory to the new state system established during the Messensky Wars.

The orders who have developed in Sparta in the period of Messensky wars remained for three hundred years (VII-IV centuries). The Spartan Constitution, as already noted above, was a combination of generic remnants with strong statehood. All capable of carrying weapons and arm a spartan account, members of the battle phalanx, were " taxhish community.In relation to the SPARTIA citizens, the Spartan Constitution was democracy, and in relation to the mass of the dependent population-oligarchy. e. The domination of a few. The number of equal spartists was calculated at nine or ten thousand people. The community equal was represented by a military community with collective ownership and collective labor. All members of the community were considered equal. Material base The communities of equal was the land processed by the conquered population of ilotos.

Stroy the ancient Sparta in the main thing seems to be in this form. The Spartans have long been divided into three Dorian (generic) films. Each sparteate belonged to any fillet. But the farther, the more and more labor system was supplanted by state and generic divisions were replaced by territorial. Sparta shared for five about. Each both He was a village, and all Sparta, according to the ancient authors, was not a city in his own sense, but was a compound of five villages.

Many archaic traits also kept also tsarist Powerin Sparta. The Spartan kings took place from two influential births-agyads and eurgriides. Tsari (Arhagheta) commanded the militia (and one of the kings went to the campaign), they disassembled cases concerned, mainly family law and performed some priestly fuppies. The highest political authority in Sparta was Council of Elders, or georia. Georusia consisted of 30 people-2 kings and 28 Heronts elected by the People's Assembly from influential Spartan childbirth. People's Assembly itself ( apella) I collected once a month, made decisions on all issues related to war and the world, and choose members of Georusia and efors. The Institute of Elooms (observers) is very ancient, ascending back to the "Dolpcurgovsky Sparta". Initially eforat. was a democratic institution. Ehofors in the number of five people were chosen by the People's Assembly and were representatives of the whole people-Spar "Tiatov. Subsequently, (V-IV centuries) they were degenerated into the oligarchic body, which defended the interests of the top layer of Spartan citizenship.

The functions of Spartan Ehofors were extremely extensive and diverse. From them depended a set of militia. They accompanied the kings on the campaign and controlled their actions. In their hands there was all the highest politician Sparta. In addition, eforms have a judiciary and could even be responsible for the kings, striving to expand their powers and get out of the control of the community. Each step of the kings was under the control of EFOROV, who performed a peculiar role of tsarist guardians.

Spartan organization has many similar features with men's houses Modern backward peoples. The whole system and all the lives in Sparta had a kind of military. The life of the peaceful time of Spartans little was different from the life of wartime. The spartains-warriors spent the blurred part of his time in a fortified camp on the mountain.

The campaign organization remained in peaceful time. As I campaign, so during the world, Spartans shared on eneoticcamps, engaged in military exercises, gymnastics, fetal goods, struggle, exercises in running, etc. And only at night) returned home to their families.

Each Spartan brought a certain amount of products from his home for general friendly dinners who were called sistemi or fidium. At home only wives and children dined. The rest of the routine of the Spartan life was also entirely subordinated to the interests of the entire community. In order to make it difficult to enrich some and ruin of other free citizens, exchange was hampered in Sparta. In the go there were only bulky and uncomfortable iron money. C. Birth itself and to the end

Gymnastic exercises. An image on a zero vase. In the center two fist fighters. They gives instructions, holding a long rod in hands, head. Left young man holds a rope, serving for measurement


life Spartan did not belong to himself. The father of the newborn baby could not educate him without prior to the permission of the Geronts. The father brought his child to the geronts, who, after examining a child, or left him in "alive, or sent to" apophos ", in the cemetery in the crew of Taigaet. Alive was left only strong and strong, of which good soldiers could leave.

Military imprint lay on all upbringing Spartan. This upbringing was based on the principle: to win in the battle and obey. Young Spartans round year Walked without shoes and wore gross clothes. Most of the time they spent in schools (gymnasiums), where they were engaged exercise, sports and led literacy. The Spartan should have said simply, briefly, Lacon (Laconically).

Spartan gymnasiasts drank, spruce and slept together. We slept on rigid bedding from the cane, cooked with their own hands without a knife. To verify the physical endurance of adolescents, they were arranged in the temple of Artemis under a religious pretext of real bichs. * 3A Execution observed a priestess, holding a statuette of God in his hands, then tilting, then raising it, pointing out this the need for strengthening or weakening strikes.

At the upbringing of youth in Sparta addressed special attention. They looked at them, as the main power of Spartan system, both in the present and in the future. In order to accustom young people to endurance, adolescents and young men appointed difficult works that they had to / fulfill without any objection and ropot. Beyond the behavior of the young man was charged to watch not only the authorities, but also to individuals under the threat of fine and dishonor for negligence.

"As for the youth, the legislator has paid special attention to him, considering that for state well-being is very important, if the younxiety is properly brought up."

To such attention to military training, undoubtedly contributed to the fact that Sparta was a military camp among the enslaved and always ready to rise to the uprising of the population of the surrounding regions, mainly the messenger.

At the same time, strong physically and well disciplined Spartans were armed perfectly. The military equipment Sparta was considered exemplary in the whole of Elad. The large stocks of iron having experienced in Tortiete gave the opportunity to widely deploy the production of iron weapons. The Spartan army was divided into squads (suckers, subsequently by the marine) on five hundred people. A small combat unit was an eminoity, which consisted of approximately forty person. Heavily furnished infantrymen (goplites) were the main military power Sparta.

Spartan army went on a slim march of iodine sounds Flute and choral songs. Spartan choral singing enjoyed great fame throughout Eldead. "In these songs, there was something that melted the courage, exciting enthusiasm and called for feats. Their words were simple, undisputed, but their content is seriously and instructive. "

In the songs, the Spartans fallen in battle were glorified and denied "pitiful and dishonest panties." Spartan songs in poetic processing enjoyed great fame in all Greece. Sample of Spartan military songs can serve as elegances and hiking marches (Embatteria) of the poet Tirtay (VII century), who arrived in Sparta from Attika and infamous Spartan system enthusiastically.

"Do not be afraid of the enemy hordes, do not see the fear!

Everyone let keep his shield directly between the first fighters.

The life of the hated count and the gloomy harbingers of death as many cute, how cute we are rays ... "

"It's nicely to lose life, the medium of warriors of the valiant fear, - a brazing husband in battle for the sake of his sake ..."

"Young men, stand up, standing in rows, do not be an example of the flight of a shameful sniffing pathetic to others!

Do not leave the oldest, # Koi is wearing knees,

And do not run, betraying elders enemies.

Scary shame to you when among the warriors the first fallen elder lies ahead of the young days of the fighters ... "

"Let the widespread step and legs in the land,

Every in place is standing, pushing her teeth lips,

Hips and lower legs from below and breasts together with the shoulders convex circle of the shield, strong copper, cover;

Right "let him shock a mighty peak

Putting my leg with the foot and the shield of the shield opira

Grozny sultan-about Sultan, helmet-on comrade helmet,

Tightly closed with breasts with breasts, let everyone fight with enemies, grieved a spear hand or a sword handle " one .

Until the very end of the Greek-Persian wars, the Spartan phalanx of Goplites was considered an exemplary and invincible army.

Armament of all Spartans was equally, which even more emphasized the equality of all Spartans in front of the community. The robe of the spartists served the bugs, the armament consisted of a spear, shield and helmet.

Considerable attention in Sparta was also paid to the upbringing of women who occupied a very peculiar situation in Spartan strictly. The young Spartans before marriage were engaged in the same physical exercises as the men, they ran, fought, threw a disk, beat in a fistful battle, etc. The upbringing of women was considered as the most important state functionfor their responsibilities lay birth healthy children, future defenders of the Motherland. "Spartan girls had to run to ride the body, fight, throw a disc, throw a spear so that their future children were strong in the ward of their healthy mother so that their development was correct and that the mother themselves could be resolved from the burden and easy, . Thanks to the fortress of your body. "

At the entry of marriage, Spartan was completely given to family responsibilities and the birth and raising children. The form of marriage in Sparta was a monogamous family. But at the same time, as Engels notes, a lot of remnants of an old group marriage remained in Sparta. "In Sparta, there is a paired marriage, a changed by the state in accordance with local views and in many respects still resembling a group marriage. Careless marriages are terminated: the king of Anaxandrid (650 years BC. E.), who had a childless wife, took the second and kept two farms; near the same time king

Ariston, who had two fruitless wives, took the third, but but let go of one of the first. On the other hand, several brothers could have a common wife; A person who liked his friend's wife could share it with him ... Actually violation of the married loyalty, the infidelity of wives behind her husband, was therefore unheard of business. On the other hand, Sparta, at least

Girl, competitive in running. Rome. Vatican.

in the extent to the best era, did not know the domestic slaves, the fortress Ilota lived apart in the estates, so the Spartians had less temptation to use their women. Naturally, therefore, that, due to all these conditions, a woman in Sparta occupied a much more honorable position than the rest of the Greeks. "

The Spartan community was created not only as a result of a long and persistent struggle with neighbors, but also due to the peculiar state of Sparta among the numerous enslaved and the union population. The mass of the enslaved population was ilota, farmers painted in the clem of sparteate groups for ten-fifteen people. Ilota paid natural lifts (apophore) and carried various concerns against their Lords. The price of the lifesta includes barley, shepherd, pork, wine and oil. Each Spartan received 70 medimans (measures), barley, Spartanka-12 Medimans with an appropriate amount of fruits and wine. Ilota was not released and from carrying military service. The battles began usually by the performance of the Ilotov, who had to upset the ranks and rear of the enemy.

The origin of the term "ILOT" is unclear. According to some scientists, "Ilot" means conquered, captured, and in the opinion of others, "Ilot" comes from the city of Gelos, the inhabitants of which were with Sparta in unequal, but union relations who bought them to pay Dani. But what would be the origin of Ilotov and what formal category-slaves or serfs or to attract them, sources do not leave any doubts that the actual position of Ilotov did not differ from the position of slaves.

Both Earth and Ilota was considered community property, individual property in Sparta was not developed. Each full-fledged sparty, a member of the community of equal and a member of the battle phalanx of Goplites received a certain one from the community along the lot (Claire) with Iloti sitting on it. Neither the cholera nor the rafts could be alienated. Spartiat could neither sell nor release the ilota or change its contributions. Ilota were in the use of Spartapto and his family until he remained in the community. The total number of claires by the number of full-fledged spartists was ten thousand.

The second group of the dependent population was pericles,(or Perisika) - "Around the living" men allied with Sparta regions. Among the pericles were farmers, artisans and commercial people. Compared to absolutely powerful Ilota periodics were in a better position, but they did not have political rights and were not part of the community of equal, but served in militia and could have land ownership.

The "community of equal" lived on the present volcano, the crater of which threatened constantly unfold and absorb everyone on it living. In no Greek state in such a sharp form, antagonism was manifested between the dependent and dominant population, as in Sparta. "Everything, - places Plutarch, - who believes that in Sparta is free uses the highest freedom, and slaves are the essence of the slave in the full sense of the word, absolutely determining the situation."

This is the reason for the conservatism of the Spartan order and an extremely cruel relationship of the dominant class to the powerless population. The appeal of Spartans with Ilotov was always severe and cruel. By the way, Ilotov was forced to drink extraordan, and after that the Spartans showed young people to what disgust could bring drunkenness. The effect of one Greek policy antagonism between the dependent population and the gentlemen did not appear so sharply as in Sparta. The cohesion of Ilotov and their organization did not contribute to the very nature of their settlements. Ilota ZHHLP with solid settlements on the plain, along the shores of Evrost, which strongly overgrown with the reeds, where they could in case of need to hide.

In order to prevent the carnal uprisings, the Spartans arranged from time to time cryptia, i.e. punitive expeditions on Ilotov, destroying the strongest and strong of them. The essence of cripies was as follows. Ehophores declared the "sacred war" by Ilotam, during which the detachments of Spartan youth, armed with short swords, went beyond the city. In the afternoon, these detachments were hiding in the deaf places, at night they came out of the ambush and suddenly pounced on the settlements of Ilotov, created a panic, killed the most stronger and dangerous of them and hid again. Other methods of reprisals with ilotos are also known. Fuchidid says that during the Peloponnesian war, Spartians gathered Ilotov, who wanted to get liberation for their merits, they put on their wreath heads in the sign of early liberation, led to the temple, and after that these Ilota is unknown where they disappeared. Thus, two thousand Ilotov immediately disappeared.

The cruelty of Spartans, however, did not protect them from ilot's uprisers. The story of Sparta is full of large and small uprisings of Ilotov. Most often, the uprising occurred during the war, when the Spartans were distracted by military actions and could not with normal inquiry to monitor Iloti. It was especially strongly the uprising of Ilotov during the second Mesheensky war, as stated above. The uprising threatened to see the most "community of equal." Since the time of Messensky wars, Cryptia arose.

"It seems to me that Spartans have become so inhuman with those. Pores, when a terrible earthquake occurred in Sparta, during which Ilota rebelled. "

Spartans have invented all sorts of measures and means to keep the historically established public order in equilibrium. From here there was their fear of all the new, unknown and emerging from the framework of the usual, building of life, a suspicious attitude towards foreigners, etc. And nevertheless, life still took her life. The Spartan order for all his disadvantages was destroyed both from the outside and inside.

After the Messen wars, Sparta tried to subordinate other areas of Peloponnese, primarily Arkady, but the resistance of the mountain arcade tribes forced Sparta to abandon this flaps. After that, Sparta seeks to ensure its power by unions. In the VI century by wars I. peace treaties Spartans managed to achieve the organization Peloponnesian Union Which covered all the areas of Peloponnese, except Argos, Ahaya and the Northern Districts of Arcadia. Subsequently, the Kazinf commercial city, an opponent of Athens, entered this union.

The Greco-Persian Wars, the Peloponnesian Union was the largest and strong of all Greek alliances. "Lacadeda Deemon after his sequence of Dranny, living now in this area, for a very long time, as far as we know, suffered from internal unrest. However, from a long time, he was already governed by good laws and was never under the rule of tyrants. IN The course of four hundred and small years, proceeding until the end of this [Peloponnesian] war, Lactedamias have the same state device. Thanks to this, "they became powerful and organized cases in other states."

Spartan hegemony continued to the Salaminian battle, i.e., to the first major maritime battle, which put forward Athens and moved to the fore economic Center Greece with mainland at sea. From that time begins internal crisis Sparta, in the end, led to the decomposition of all the agencies of the Old Institution of the Education.

Orders similar to those were observed in Sparta existed in some other Greek states. This concerned primarily areas conquered by Dranny, especially cities about. Crete. According to the testimony of the ancient authors, Likurg borrowed a lot of Christians. And indeed, in Crit's strictly, which has developed after the Dorian conquest, known to us on the inscription from Gordin, a lot of common features with Sparta. Three Dorian Filters are preserved, there are public lunches, which, unlike Sparta, are arranged at the wrong state. Free citizens enjoy the work of non-free farmers ( clarotov), which are largely reminded by Spartan Ilotov, but have more rights compared to the last. They have their own property; Manor, for example, was considered their property. They even had the right to the property of Mr., if he had no relative. Along with the Clames in Crete, there were "purchased slaves", which served in city houses and not distinguished from slaves in developed Greek polishes.

In Fessaly, a provision similar to Spartan Ilotoch and Cretan Clarmites occupied penes, Fastened lifts to Fessalians. In one source it is said that "Pensa passed themselves to the power of the Fessenians on the basis of a mutual oath, according to which they will not endure anything bad when working and won't leave the country." On the position of the Penes, and the same can be attributed to IlotoTs and ClareTame-Engels wrote the following: "Undoubtedly, a fortress attitude is not a specific medieval-feudal form, we meet it everywhere where the conquerors make the old residents treat the land, for example, in Fessals at a very early time. This fact darkened me and many other views on medieval fortresses. It was very seductive to substantiate him with a simple conquest, so everything went out unusually smoothly "2.

Fukidide, I, 18.! Marx and Engels, letters, social associates, 1931, p. 346.

Sparta was one of the most important Greek states-states in ancient world. The main difference was the military power of the city.

Professional and well-prepared Spartan goplites, with red cloaks characteristic of them, long hair and big shields were the best and most terrible fighters in Greece.

Warriors fought in the most important battles of the ancient world: in both the board, as well as in numerous battles with Athens and Corinth. Spartans also distinguished themselves during two protracted and bloody battles during the Peloponnesian War.

Sparta in mythology

The myths say that the founder of Sparta was Lacadenemon, Son. Sparta was an integral part and its main military stronghold (this role is especially indicative of the city in).

The Spartan Tsar Menelia declared war after Paris, the son of the Trojan rulers of Pria and Hekuba, kidnapped his future wife - Elena, who was taught the hero.

Elena was the most beautiful woman in Greece, and the applicants for her hand and the heart were very much, including from Spartans.

The history of the appearance of Sparta

Sparta was located in the fertile Valley of the Eurotas in Laconia, in the south-east of Peloponnes. The area was first populated in the Neolithic period and became an important settlement created in the era of the Bronze Age.

Archaeological evidence suggests that Sparta was created in the 10th century BC. At the end of the 8th century BC, Sparta joined most of the neighboring Messia, and its population increased significantly.

Thus, Sparta took about 8500 km² of territory, which made it the largest policy in Greece, the city-state, which had an impact on the general political life of the entire region. The conquered peoples of Messia and Laconia did not have any rights in Sparta, and they had to obey harsh laws: for example, to serve as free mercenaries in hostilities.

One more social Group Residents Sparta are the Ilota that lived in the city and were mainly engaged in agriculture, Popping the reserves of Sparta and leaving only a small percentage of work.

Ilota had the lowest social status, and in the case of the declaration of military situation, became military-obligated.

The relationship between full-fledged citizens of Sparta and Ilotov were not easy: the city often raged in the city. The most famous happened in the VII century to our era; Because of him, Sparta was defeated in a collision with Argos in 669 BC. (However, in 545 BC, Sparta managed to take revenge in the battle under the tag).

The instability in the region was settled public figures Sparta by creating a Peloponess League, uniting Corinth, Teghe, Alice and other territories.

In accordance with this Agreement, existed from about 505 to 365. BC. The members of the League were obliged to provide their soldiers in Sparta at any necessary moment. This union of the land allowed Sparta to install hegemony almost all Peloponnese.

In addition, Sparta expanded more and more, winning more and more new territories.

Reunion with Athens

Sparta's troops managed to overthrow the tyranans of Athens, and as a result of democracy, it was established almost in all Greece. Often, Sparta Warriors came to the aid of Athens (for example, in a military campaign against the Persian king of Kerks or in the battle of Fermopils and Panel).

Often, Athens and Sparta argued for possession of the territories, and one day these conflicts turned into Peloponess Wars.

Long-term military actions caused damage to both parties, but Sparta finally won the war thanks to the allies of Persians (then almost the entire Athenian fleet was destroyed). However, Sparta, despite its ambitious plans, did not become the leading policy in Greece.

The continued seducing policy of Sparta in Central and Northern Greece, Malaya Asia and Sicily again dragged the city in a protracted military conflict: Corinth wars with Athens, Fouves, Corinth and from 396 to 387. BC..

The result of the conflict was the "Tsarist World", in which Sparta gave way to his empire to Persian control, but still remained the leading city in Greece.

In the III century BC, Sparta was forced to join the Ahasey Confederation. The final end of the authorities of Sparta came in 396 AD, when the King of Vestprepre Alarik captured the city.

Spartan Army.

Great attention in Sparta was paid to military training. From the seven age all the boys began to learn magnificent art And lived in barracks. A mandatory set of objects was light and heavy athletics, military strategy, mathematics and physics.

Since 20 years, young people have come to the service. Severe training has turned Spartans with cruel and strong soldiers, goplites, at any time will demonstrate their battle power at any time.

Therefore, Sparta did not even have any fortifications around the city. They simply did not need them.

Among the many ancient Greek states were allocated two - Laconics or Laconia (Sparta) and Attica (Athens). In essence, these were antagonist states with the opposite to each other with a public system.

Sparta of ancient Greece existed on the southern lands of Peloponnese from IX to the II century BC. e. It is noteworthy in that two kings ruled in it. They were inherited by their power. However, real administrative power belonged to elders. They were chosen from among the respected Spartans aged no more than 50 years.

Sparta on the map of Greece

It was the Council that solved all state affairs. As for the kings, they performed purely military functions, that is, were the commander of the army. At the same time, when one king went hiking, then the second remained in the city with part of the warriors.

An example here can serve as the king LikurgAlthough it is not exactly known whether he was king or simply referred to the royal family and possessed a huge authority. The ancient historians of Plutarch and Herodotus wrote that he was the ruler of the state, but did not specify which position this person occupied.

The activities of Likurga referred to the first half of the 9th century BC. e. It was with it that laws were adopted that do not give citizens the opportunity to enrich. Therefore, there was no property bundle in Spartan society.

All the land suitable for plowing was divided into equal sections that were called cleers. Every family got put on. He provided people with barley flour, wine and vegetable oil. According to the legislator, this was enough to lead a normal life.

Luxury was ruthlessly pursued. There were even seized from the appeal of gold and silver coins. The craft and trade also imposed a ban. Forbidden to sell agricultural surplus. That is, in Likurg, everything was done so that people could not earn extra.

The main occupation of the Spartan state was considered war. It was the conquered peoples that provided conquerors to all necessary for life. And on the land put on the Spartans worked slaves, which were called ilota.

All Sparta Society was divided into military detachments. In each of them, joint meals were practiced or sissiism. People ate from a common boiler, and products brought from home. During meals, the detachment commanders watched all the portions to be eaten. In the event that someone eating badly and without appetite, there was a suspicion that a man had tightly attempted somewhere on the side. The guilty could be expelled from the detachment or punish a large fine.

Spartan warriors armed with spears

All the Sparta men were warriors, and their military art was taught from early childhood. It was believed that the deadly wounded warrior must die silently, without making even a quiet moan. Spartan phalanx, topped with long spears, was horrified by all states of ancient Greece.

Mothers and wives, accomplishing sons and husbands to war, said: "With a shield or on a shield." This meant that men were waiting for home or with a victory or dead. The bodies of the dead colleagues always carried on the shields. But those who ran from the battlefield, was waiting for universal contempt and shame. Parents and wives, and their own children were turned away from them.

It should be noted that the residents of Laconiki (Laconia) never differed in many-way. They were concreted briefly and not apt. It is from these Greek lands that such terms as "laconic speech" and "Lankonism" have spread.

It must be said that Sparta ancient Greece had a completely small population. His number has not exceeded 10 thousand people for centuries. However, this small number of people kept in fear of all southern and medium lands of the Balkan Peninsula. And this superiority was achieved at the expense of cruel customs.

When the boy was born in the family, he was examined by elders. If the baby turned out to be too sick or patients, then he was thrown from the rocks on sharp stones. The corpse of the unfortunate immediately fell predatory birds.

The customs of the Spartans were extremely cruel

Alive remained only healthy and strong children. At the achievement of 7 years, the boys were taken from their parents and united in small detachments. Iron discipline dominated them. Future warriors were taught to endure pain, courageously demolish the beatings, unquestioned to obey their mentors.

The periods of children did not feed at all, and they had to independently extract food, industrial by hunting or theft. If such a child was caught in someone's garden, then cruelly punished, but not for theft, and for the fact that he caught.

Such a barren life lasted until 20 years of age. Thereafter young man Land was issued, and he received the opportunity to get a family. It should be noted that Spartan girls were also trained to military art, but not in such harsh conditions like young men.

Sunset Sparta

Although the conquered peoples and were afraid of Spartans, but periodically restrained them. And the conquerors, though possessed the magnificent military learning, but did not always turn out to be the winners.

An example here is an uprising in the messenger in the VII century BC. e. He headed his fearless warrior Aristomy. Under his leadership, Spartan phalanards caused several sensitive lesions.

However, traitors were found in the ranks of the rebels. Thanks to their treason, Aristomen's archer was broken, and the fearless warrior himself began guerrilla War. In one of the nights, he resulted in Sparta, penetrated the main sanctuary and, wanting to put the enemies before the gods, left the weapon on the altar taken into the battle of Spartan warriors. This shame remained in the memory of people for centuries.

In the 4th century BC e. Sparta ancient Greece began to gradually weaken. Other nations came to the political arena, at the head of which were intelligent and talented commander. Here you can call Philip Macedonian and his the famous Son. Alexander Macedonsky. Laconic residents have fallen into complete dependence on these prominent political figures of antiquity.

Then the cereals of the Roman Republic came. In 146 BC e. Spartans submitted to Rome. However, freedom has been preserved formally, but under full control of Romans. In principle, the specified date is considered to be the end of the Spartan state. It has become a story, but has been preserved in the memory of people to this day.

Slava Sparta - the Peloponess city in Laconia - in the historical chronicles and the world is very loud. It was one of the most famous policies of ancient Greece, who did not know and civil shocks, and his army never retreated before the enemies.

Sparta was founded by Lacada Demon, reigning in Laconia for a half thousand years before the Nativity of Christ and called the city with the name of his wife. In the first centuries there were no existence of the city around him: they were erected only with Tirana Navise. True, later they were destroyed, but the Appia Claudius will soon erect new ones.

The creator of the Spartan state ancient Greeks considered the legislator of Likurg, the lifetime of which is approximately the first half of the 6th century BC. e. The population of ancient Sparta in its composition was divided into three groups: Spartans, Pericles and Ilotov. Spartans lived in Sparta itself and enjoyed all the rights of citizenship of their city-state: they needed to fulfill all the requirements of the law and they were admitted to all honorary public posts. The occupation of agriculture and craft, though it was not prohibited by this class, but did not answer the image of the upbart of Spartans and therefore despised them.

Most of the land of Laconia was at their disposal of her for them cultivated Ilot. To own land plot, Spartan It was necessary to fulfill two requirements: in accuracy to follow all the rules of discipline and provide a certain part of income for the Sissyness - Public Table: Barley Flour, Wine, Cheese, etc.

Game mined hunting in state forests; Moreover, each bringing the sacrifices to the gods sent a part of the sacrificial animal carcass in the sissium. Violation or failure to comply with these rules (for any reason) led to the loss of citizenship rights. All full-fledged citizens of the ancient Sparta, from Mala to Velik, were to participate in these lunches, and no one had any advantages and privileges.

The circle of pericles also made up people free, but they were not full of Sparta citizens. Perieka inhabited all the cities of Laconia, except Sparta, which belonged exclusively to Spartans. They did not constitute a politically whole city-state, as the Office in their cities received only from Sparta. Pericles of various cities were independent of each other, and at the same time, each of them was depending on Sparta.

Ilota was a rural population of Laconia: they were slaves of those lands that were treated in favor of Spartans and Periek. Ilota lived in cities, but urban life was not characteristic of Ilotov. They were allowed to have a house, wife and family, selling an ilota outside the possessions was forbidden. Some scientists believe that the sale of Ilotov was generally impossible, since they were the property of the state, not individuals. Until our times, I had some information about the ill-treatment of Spartans with Ilotov, although again some of the scientists believe that contempt for contempt more.

Plutarch reports that every year (by virtue of the decrees of Likurg), EFOR was solemnly declared war against Ilotov. Young Spartans, armed with darkens, went throughout the pancie and destroyed unhappy Ilotov. But with time, scientists have established that such a way of extermination of Ilotov was not pronounced during the Likurga, but only after the first Messenskoy war, when the Ilota became dangerous for the state.

Plutarch, the author of the lives of outstanding Greeks and Romans, starting his story about the life and laws of Likurg, warned the reader that it is impossible to report anything to report anything. And he still did not doubt that this politician was a face historical.

Most of the new time scientists consider Likurg's legendary personality: one of the first in the 1820s was lit into its historical existence of a well-known German historian K.O. Myuller. He suggested that the so-called "laws of Likurg" is much an ancient of its legislator, since it is not so much laws as ancient folk customs, leaving its roots in the distant past of Dorians and all other Ellinov.

Many of the scientists (U. Vilamovitz, E.Mayer et al.) The biography of the Spartan legislator preserved in several options is viewed as the late processing of the myth about the ancient Lacon Divine of Likurg. The adherents of this direction cast doubt on the very existence of "legislation" in the ancient Sparta. Customs and rules that regulated daily life Spartans, E. Meyer classified as the "Laintish way of Dorian Tribal Community", from which, almost without any changes, and classic Sparta rose.

But the results of archaeological excavations, which were conducted in the 1906-190s of the English archaeological expedition in Sparta, served as a reason for the partial rehabilitation of an ancient legend about the legislation of Likurg. The British examined the sanctuary of Artemis of Orfia - one of the most ancient temples of Sparta - and found a lot artistic works Local production: Wonderful samples of painted ceramics, unique terracotta masks (no bigger anywhere), items from bronze, gold, amber and ivory.

For the most part, these findings were mostly not knotted with ideas about the harsh and ascetic life of Spartans, about almost perfect isolation of their city from the rest of the world. And then scientists suggested that Likurg's laws in the VII century BC. e. still not allowed and economic and cultural development Sparta went as well as the development of other Greek states. Only by the end of the 6th century BC. e. Sparta closes in itself and turns into the city-state, how he knew the ancient writers.

Because of the threats of Ilotov, the situation was then restless, and therefore "initiators of reforms" could resort (as it often happened in ancient times) to the authority of some hero or deity. In Sparta, a likurg was elected to this role, which was not enough from the Divine to turn into a historical legislator, although the ideas about His divine origin remained before Herodota times.

Likurgu was able to put in order the people cruel and outrageous, therefore it was necessary to teach him to resist the onslaught of other states, and for this make everyone skilled warriors. One of the first Likurg reforms was the organization of the Office of the Spartan Community. Antique writers argued that he created the Council of Elders (Georusa) from 28 people. Elders (Geronts) were elected by Appella - the People's Assembly; The two king, one of the main responsibilities of which was the command of the army during the war.

From the descriptions of PAsania, we know that the period is the most intense construction activities In the history of Sparta was the VI century BC. e. At this time, the city of Athens Mednodomnaya on the Acropolis, the Skiada portico, the so-called "throne of Apollo" and other buildings were erected in the city. But on Fukidid, who seen Sparta in the last quarter of the V century BC. er, the city made the most impressive impression.

Against the background of the luxury and grandeur of the Athenian architecture, the pericles of Sparta's pericla seemed an already inflating provincial town. Spartans themselves, not afraid to choose old-fashioned, did not cease to worship the archaic stone and wooden idols at the time when in other Ellen cities, they created their masterpieces of fidi, Miron, Praxitel and other outstanding sculptors of ancient Greece.

In the second half of the 6th century BC. e. There was a noticeable cooling of Spartans to Olympic Games. Before that, they took in them the most active part and amounted to more than half of the winners, and in all major types of competitions. Subsequently, for all time from 548 to 480 to N. E., I won only one representative Sparta - Tsar Demarat - and only in one form of competitions - jumps on the racetrack.

To achieve consent and peace in Sparta, Likurg decided to eradicate wealth and poverty forever in his state. He forbade the use of gold and silver coins, which enjoyed in all Greece, and instead introduced iron money in the form of Obol. They were bought only what was produced in Sparta itself; In addition, they were so heavy that even a small amount should have been transported on the wagon.

Likurga prescribed and strengthening domestic life: all the Spartans, from a simple citizen to the king, should have lived in absolutely the same conditions. In a special prescription, it was indicated which ways to build at home, what clothes to wear: she had to be so simple so that there was no luxury place. Even the food was supposed to be the same one.

Thus, in Sparta, gradually wealth lost all meaning, as it was impossible to use it: citizens began to think less about her own, and more about the state. Nowhere in Sparta, poverty has not neighboring riches, as a result, there were no envy, rivalry and other boreholeous passions, exhausting man. There was no greed that private benefits opposes the state good and arms one citizen against the other.

One of the Spartan boys, who acquired land for a snot, betrayed the court. In the charge, it was said that he was still very young, and already seduced by the benefit, while the carriast was the enemy of every resident of Sparta.

Raising children was considered in Sparta of one of the main responsibilities of a citizen. Spartan, who had three sons, was freed from carrying a guard service, and Father of five - from all existing responsibilities.

From 7 years of age, the Spartan has no longer belonged to his family: the children were separated from their parents and began public life. From now on, they brought up in special detachments (Agelah), where they oversaw not only fellow citizens, but also specially attached censors. Children were taught to read and write, they were traced to be silent for a long time, and talk concisely - briefly and clearly.

Gymnastic I. sport exercises should have developed adity and power in them; So that the movements were harmony, the young men were obliged to participate in choral dances; Hunting in the forests of Laconia produced patience to grave tests. They fed the children quite poorly, because they were focused on food not only the hunt, but also the theft, since they were taught and to theft; However, if someone came across, they beat merciless - not for theft, but for awkwardness.

The young men who achieved the 16-year-old age was subjected to a very severe test from the altar of the goddess Artemis: they were cruelly sequels, they should have been silent. Even the smallest scroll or moan contributed to the continuation of punishment: some could not stand the tests and died.

In Sparta, there was a law on which no one had to be fulnent than necessary. Under this law, all young men who have not achieved more civil rights were shown to the effects of the election commission. If the young men were strong and strong, they were honored by praise; Junior, whose body was considered too flabbed and loose, beat sticks, as their species disgraced Sparta and her laws.

Plutarch and xenophon wrote that Licharg legalized that women perform the same exercises as men, and became strong and could give birth to strong and healthy offspring. Thus, Spartan women were worthy of their husbands, as they also obeyed harsh education.

Women of ancient Sparta, who killed her sons, went on the battlefield and watched where they were injured. If in the chest, then women looked at the surrounding and honorable and honorably buried their children in the pulpits of tombs. If you saw the wounds on the back, then sobbing from shame, in a hurry to hide, providing to bury the killed others.

The marriage in Sparta was also subordinate to the law: personal feelings did not have any meaning, because all this was a state-owned business. Marunys and girls could enter marriage, physiological development which corresponded to each other and from which healthy children could be expected: marriage between persons unequal complexes were not allowed.

But Aristotle about the situation of Spartan women speak quite differently: while Spartans led a strict, almost ascetic life, their wives indulged in their home of extraordinary luxury. This circumstance forced men to extract money with dishonest ways, because direct funds were prohibited. Aristotle wrote that Likurg tried and Spartan women subjugate the same strict discipline, but met on their part with a decisive story.

The women granted to themselves, women were delayed, betrayed luxury and promiscuity, they even began to interfere in public affairs, which eventually led in Sparta to real gynecocracy. "Yes, and what's the difference, - with bitterness with Aristotle, - whether the women themselves rule themselves or the leaders are under their power?" In the guilt of Spartans was set that they behaved boldly and cheekily and allowed themselves to be lossed than challenged the strict standards of state discipline and morality.

In order to protect its legislation from foreign influence, LIKGG has limited the relations of Sparta with foreigners. Without permission, which was given only in cases of special importance, the Spartan could not leave the city and go abroad. Foreigners were also forbidden to appear in Sparta. The non-sensitive Sparta was the most famous phenomenon in the ancient world.

Citizens of Ancient Sparta were something like a military garrison, constantly exercising and always ready for war or with ilotos, or with an external enemy. Likurgign legislation took exclusively military character also because there were times when there were no public and personal security, there were no all the principles in general, in which state calm. In addition, the Dorians in a very small number were assieved in the country conquered by their Ilotov and were surrounded by semi-cooked or not at all conquered aheits, because they could only hold the battles and victories.

Such severe education, at first glance, could imagine the life of ancient Sparta very boring, and the people himself are unhappy. But from the compositions of the ancient Greek authors it is clear that so unusual laws made Spartans with the most prosperous people in the ancient world, because only rivalry was dominated in the acquisition of virtues.

There was a prediction in which Sparta will remain a strong and powerful state until it follows the laws of Likurg and remain indifferent to gold and silver. After the war with Athens, the Spartans brought money to their city who were seduced by the Sparta residents and forced them to retreat from the laws of Likurg. And from now on, the valor of them began to gradually fade ...

Aristotle believes that it is the abnormal position of women in the Spartan society that led to the fact that Sparta in the second half of the 4th century BC. e. It dismissed and lost his former military power.