"Golden mean" - the character is so named because he knows how to get along with all the other characters. It will be correct to dominate over the weaker one, and skillfully adapt to the stronger one and even sometimes argue on equal terms. However, he often shows himself to be very conflicted, challenging other leaders and society.

Examples 111

◦ Kim Jong Yr - former ruler North Korea
◦ Bill Gates - CEO of Microsoft Corporation, one of the the richest people peace, philanthropist
◦ Pavel Durov - creator of the social network Vkontakte and its former owner
◦ Artemy Lebedev - founder of design studio number 1 in Russia, public figure, blogger

Energy, charisma - 2

"Energy shortage" - the batteries are only enough to catch the most necessary things. Large groups, audiences and noisy parties are exhausting. Multi-day hikes and monotonous work - there too. But moderate sports, fitness, yoga, well, or at least walking and normal sleep are vital.

Cognition, creativity - 33

"Basic abilities" - with such a potential, you can, if desired, master it deeply enough exact sciences, technique, algorithms or knowledge system. Or follow the path of art and invent novels, music, films. And even just thanks to imagination, such a person is sometimes able to generate original ideas. But self-realization along this path will require a lot of work and skill development.

Examples 33

◦ Mikhail Bulgakov - Russian classic, writer, playwright, director
◦ Boris Strugatsky - a classic of Soviet science fiction of the 20th century
◦ Vladimir Vernadsky - scientist, philosopher, creator of the noosphere theory

Health, beauty - No

“Low health” - health is weak and it is not worth exposing it to unnecessary stress. fitness, yoga, proper nutrition, prevention - best friends. Such a person should not bet on external data and beauty. It is better to pay attention to other strengths and focus on them in finding yourself.

Logic, intuition - 5

"The makings of logic" - logic is present in a person. If he didn’t master something the first time, then he will definitely figure it out with a calculator and paper. Quantum physics is unlikely to submit to him, but for elementary life tasks it should be enough. The channel of intuition is open, these people make fewer mistakes.

Diligence, skill - 6

“The makings of diligence and skill” - according to the mood, a person can quite well cope with any work that requires the application of diligence, accuracy and process technology. Of course, he won’t become a jeweler right away, but whether it’s building a house, repairing it, or something that doesn’t require super skillful skills, it will most likely work out. And in the process, he will also be able to hone his skills.

Luck, luck - No

“There are not enough stars from the sky” - you need to achieve everything yourself. At the same time, make many attempts, not expecting sudden success. But you must admit: to achieve honest success with your own work and random success at the behest of fortune are two different things. So look at your other strengths and realize yourself by revealing them. A person will become talented in his subsequent transformations. And in his present life, a difficult fate awaits him.

Call of Duty - 888

"Pravdorub" - for them, the desire to convey themselves and their ideas (of course, "correct" and "kind" from their point of view) to society is often placed above their own or family interests. And, of course, all this is done, ostensibly, for the public good. In general, the social orientation of people of this type can sometimes go off scale. And sometimes, no matter how strange it looks from the outside, such people may experience a period of isolation. Until the moment when they again sharply enter a stormy social life.

Examples 888

◦ Confrontation during World War II between two pairs of chiefs and their commanders:
Stalin-Zhukov vs Hitler-Lindemann - all 888 in the code and the strongest ideology of "truth" behind them
◦ Natalia Vodianova - supermodel, public figure, actress and philanthropist
Man is called to serve the people

memory, mind 99

"Bright head" - any study or work with information is very easy. And this often causes boredom and reluctance. It is easy for such a person to become an erudite and intellectual. But in fact, you should look for a really interesting and deep subject of applying your mind. And the more difficult it is, the greater will be the interest and, accordingly, the result.

Examples 99

◦ Sergey Brin - co-founder of Google, mathematician
◦ David Beckham - soccer player, playmaker, known for smart strategic game
◦ Dmitry Medvedev - Prime Minister, founder of the Skolkovo innovation center

Self-esteem - 6

"Inflated" - most often a person inadequately appreciates himself. In addition, positions in the spirit of “I deserve more”, etc. are characteristic. Well, in this case, you must either work to achieve what you deserve, or reduce your ardor. Note that high and inflated self-esteem is the most real incentive to achieve something in life. But most of these people will face a crisis at some point, when they look back from the height of their years and realize that they have not become what they would like to become. And here they either go into a deep depression, or make a leap forward with renewed vigor.

Goal-aspiration - 3

"Unpredictable" - likes to set goals, and then suddenly change them. By the way, achieving a goal is not part of his favorite pastime - it is much more pleasant for him to dream of patronage over the world than to conquer it. Sometimes he tends to overestimate himself, first putting something heavy on his shoulders, and then throwing it halfway.

Spirit - 6

“Higher spirituality” - an example of the purity and high orientation of their thoughts can be a person with 5 numbers in this diagonal. Oddly enough, but there are many examples of businessmen and public figures with this sign. And this suggests that they are doing their job not just for the sake of money, but also for something higher.

Family - 5

The “family man-idealist” presents the family and everything that happens in it as a kind of ideal. Therefore, first he carefully checks his partner for ideality, and then, already in marriage, he tries to bring himself, his partner and family relationships to that very ideal. Not always the partner is ready to withstand this.

Body - 3

"Impulsive" - ​​this temperament can adapt to almost any partner: moderate your ardor with a partner whose temperament is lower, and, conversely, be hotter with someone whose temperament is higher. If the partner is temporarily absent, then he can rush into promiscuity. Often this temperament tries to appear very hot in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Stability - 5

"Very stable" - habits and environments do not change much. Trust what he's used to. It may not change the familiar, even if the new is better. What is it: tediousness or predictability? One way or another, some of those around him appreciate it, and some people hate it. But it is believed that such a person can be trusted.

Making money - 2

"Worrying" - the thought of the need to provide for oneself introduces anxiety. On the one hand, if possible, I would be glad not to work at all. On the other hand, if there is a need, then he agrees to work, as long as they pay.

Talent potential - 5

If a person has talent, i.e. it is clearly expressed (you can pay attention to other cells) and the person is working on it, then this figure indicates the potential for the development of this talent.

Each tree has a different effect on a person. For some it gives a rush vital energy, while others, on the contrary, take away strength. There are breeds that can accumulate great amount cosmic energy, give it to a person and quickly restore reserves. Such trees are called "donors", if everything happens the other way around, then they are called "vampires".

According to astrology, each tree corresponds to its own zodiac sign. Therefore, jewelry made from such “correct” breeds can bring well-being to a person’s life, help to recover from ailments, find family happiness and protect from energy influence from outside.

Trees according to the horoscope of zodiac signs

Let's look at which breeds, presented in our assortment, will be mascots and patrons for different signs.

What tree has the zodiac sign Capricorn - 22.12-20.01

Practical, ambitious, hardy Capricorn is always focused on a clear goal and specific actions. These are inflexible and in a sense uncompromising people who rarely take into account the opinions of others.

In order to speed up the progress career ladder, which is of fundamental importance for capricorns, you will need an oak talisman. Powerful and centuries-old, it “sympathizes” with stubborn and persistent Capricorns, therefore it helps them at every step, inspiring and adding vitality. He will help his owner overcome fear, despondency, not succumbing to a sense of insecurity and a pessimistic mood.

an example of our capricorn products

Severe and somewhat dry Capricorns need a talisman that will help them build bridges with others. For these purposes, a hornbeam may be suitable, which will add a little romance and sensuality to pragmatic Capricorns.

Which tree has the zodiac sign Aquarius - 21.01-19.02

Magnanimous, unforgiving, distinguished by non-standard thinking and approach to solving many problems, Aquarius is largely focused on the spiritual side of life. This makes Aquarius people incredibly sensitive.

Fruit breeds, such as plum, enhance humanism, make them even more cordial, develop altruistic impulses.

what kind of jewelry suits aquarius

In love, Aquarians prefer freedom and independence, which is why they do not seek to limit themselves in choosing partners until they find their soul mate. All kinds of ash elements can serve as nourishment, which contribute to the birth of the brightest feelings in his heart, developing a spiritual community and romantic affection between partners.

Ash will help to "put in order" the financial side of Aquarius's life. Ash wood will help him learn how to properly manage his earned capital, without throwing it to the wind and without investing in dubious adventures.

What tree for the zodiac sign of fish - 20.02-20.03

Rich imagination and fantasy, sensitivity to the problems of people around, sentimentality and a tendency to solitude are characteristic of people born under the influence of the Pisces constellation. However, the duality of personality inherent in all representatives of fish sometimes prevents them from living, pushing them to rash acts causing nervous tension.

Juniper is a type of wood that will serve as an excellent talisman for fish. It will make dreamy fish more rational, responsible and mundane, help to establish harmony in the inner world.

what jewelry suits fish

In order to realize their inner potential, to reveal talents, people born under the constellation Pisces will need some kind of amulet that will push them to decisive, active actions. Here, a miraculous hornbeam will help to cope, decorations from which not only charge melancholy fish with optimism and determination, but are also able to transform their appearance.

What tree has the zodiac sign Aries - 21.03-20.04

Aries, as fire signs, are subject to the strong energy influence of Mars, so their talismans help them improve their health and overcome everyday difficulties. One of these species is oak.

Known in ancient times as a symbol of strength and power, the oak becomes one of the most powerful amulets for people under its care. This wood gives rams optimism, helps to remove the fatigue accumulated during the day, fills its owner with good spirits, and can help both in a career and in personal life.

example of jewelry for rams

Extremely useful for rams are all varieties of conifers, which in the spring produce luxurious green shoots. Juniper for them can become the very universal talisman that gives strength.

What tree according to the sign of the zodiac is Taurus - 21.04-20.05

The mighty oak will help the calves survive any adversity, find the right solution even in the most hopeless situation. For those who suffer from a lack of energy and strength, this wood will return optimism and determination. The unique feature of oak is to preserve and increase the results achieved - it is these qualities that it will provide to its owner.

what jewelry suits calves

On the love front, ash will be an indispensable patron for the calf. He will fill with an incredible feeling that will make his soulmate the happiest person. This talisman is for those who want to strengthen family relationships.

Gemini - which tree is suitable for the sign of the zodiac - 21.05-21.06

Gemini should pay attention to jewelry made from fruit varieties. For example, cherry helps develop intellectual abilities, intuition and instincts. It not only gives its owner the necessary qualities to achieve their goals, but also helps to reveal their hidden talents.

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Gemini, who pay close attention to their appearance, just need to turn their eyes to the hornbeam. It will become a real talisman for creative people, provide them with inspiration and a thirst to create.

What tree is the zodiac sign cancer - 22.06-22.07

If cancer suffers from constant stress, even a small piece of ash jewelry or a souvenir can help them calm their nerves and relax. It perfectly relieves fatigue and is most useful for weakened, unhealthy people. Ash wood gives its owner a sense of hope for the best, a sense of perspective.

jewelry in our catalog for the sign Cancer

Since cancer is endowed with an incredibly sensitive character, he should choose a talisman that will provide him with a sense of security and self-confidence. In this regard, oak will be a good talisman for crayfish.

Which tree according to the zodiac sign is Leo - 08/23-09/22

For an active lion, the talisman should not only bring something new to life, but strengthen his character traits. So, ash helps them achieve what they want in their careers and love, gives them self-confidence, helps get rid of negative thoughts and increases self-esteem.

Lions, tired of the endless, exhausting modern rhythm of life, can look after themselves a souvenir made of oak. He will help people born under this powerful constellation become more realistic and wise, find their path and devote their lives to it. Oak often makes people more determined and persistent in their efforts to achieve what they want.

what jewelry suits lions

In order to harmonize your temperament, a lion can pay attention to an exquisite cherry, which will add restraint, tolerance and flexibility in communicating with other people. She will teach you the ability to calculate your steps in advance.

Zodiac sign Virgo - tree donor - 23.08-22.09

Charming and unique virgins, with a rich inner world and a certain mystery, like no other sign of the zodiac needs amulets and talismans.

If a virgin wants to learn to trust her inner voice, she can always resort to using plum talismans. She will bring a certain piece of romance into their stable life, make her pay attention to her sensual side, help to look at any component of the relationship from a completely different angle.

example of products for the Virgo sign

Pride and courage are qualities that are largely inherent in virgins, but due to certain circumstances they can fade away. Again, draining will help you regain your much-needed personal virtues today. She will help her master to establish a family life and help to follow the chosen course of life.

Zodiac sign Libra, patron tree - 23.09-23.10

Any fruit trees with stones can serve as potential amulets for scales. It is worth choosing them, starting from personal feelings and intuition, one of the most favorable types of wood is cherry and plum.

Jewelry created from these breeds will help develop the ability to make quick decisions even in extreme situations, help get rid of unnecessary fears. They have a beneficial effect on the mood of the scales, these varieties of fruit trees will also protect a person from ailments and all kinds of diseases.

what jewelry suits the sign of scales

A fairly popular wood for those born in October is ash. She gives Libra the ability to gather at the right time, organizational skills, observation and sociability. Ash will help to cope with bouts of unreasonable jealousy, harmonize the emotional background of a person.

Zodiac sign Scorpio, patron tree - 24.10-22.11

Oak is a fairly popular amulet for scorpions, it helps them direct their inexhaustible energy in the right direction, save strength and not lose confidence in their own abilities.

In relation to scorpions, this wood can neutralize negative thoughts and attitudes, and help in the fight against one's own personality flaws. Judgment, a clear correspondence to the task, quick wit - all these are the qualities inherent in people born under the sign of the scorpion, which the oak can only strengthen.

an example from our catalog for scorpio women

Pessimism is a common trait of a Scorpio. He tries hard to hide her from others, but with a close acquaintance, the truth still becomes clear. In order for anxieties and doubts to go into the background, the bodies need constant contact with juniper products.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius, patron tree - 23.11-21.12

Ambitious and purposeful archers are usually quite successful in the professional field, but in their personal lives they are often unlucky. For family relations this is a rather complex and ambiguous partner, who, due to his high demands on a potential soul mate, can be left alone.

To harmonize this sector, archers can purchase a small ash product for themselves, which will serve as a kind of stabilizer for a fastidious disposition.

jewelry for women archers - bright or dark red;
  • - wood of a greenish tint with a rather strong pattern;
  • - natural woody color with wavy overflows, an indescribable smell.
  • Any of the tree species listed here is in our catalog. Dear readers, if you are looking for sandalwood, mahogany or ebony, remember that this wood is considered rare and costs a lot of money. does not grow in Russia, so if you are offered to buy products from these breeds, then most likely you are being deceived.

    Each tree has a different effect on a person. For some, it gives a surge of vital energy, while for some, on the contrary, it takes away strength. There are trees that can accumulate a huge amount of cosmic energy, give it to a person and quickly restore reserves. Such trees are called "donors".

    According to astrology, each zodiac sign has its own tree - the patron. And jewelry made from such rocks can bring well-being to a person’s life, help to recover from ailments, find family happiness and save them from outside energy influences.

    A talisman tree can charge a person with energy, get rid of negative emotions. To do this, it is enough for at least five minutes to hug the desired tree in a forest or park. Not all signs of the zodiac are sensitive enough to feel the effect of an amulet or talisman from the wood of a patron tree, but contact with a living plant has a positive effect on everyone.

    Aries - 21.03-20.04

    Aries, as fire signs, are subject to the strong energy influence of Mars. And the trees - the patrons of this sign help them to improve their health, overcome everyday difficulties. Beads and bracelets from such rocks can become powerful amulets. One of these trees is oak. Known in ancient times as a symbol of strength and power, the oak becomes one of the most powerful amulets for people under its care. Oak bracelets or beads endow Aries with optimism, help relieve fatigue accumulated during the day, endow their owner with good spirits. Oak is able to help both in a career and in personal life.

    Extremely useful for Aries are all varieties of conifers, which release luxurious green shoots in the spring. Juniper for Aries can become the very universal talisman that gives strength. He can endow a person with such qualities as perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties, courage, purposefulness. A person will stop going with the flow, will begin to move through life with his head held high. He will easily overcome any difficulties. Juniper helps in interpersonal relationships- makes a person friendly and sociable. If there is an urgent need to add organization to life, juniper jewelry will help solve the problem.

    In order to maximize the restoration of vitality and replenish the energy balance, Aries need to "communicate" with the trees in the summer. Conifers are definitely their true allies, especially spruce and pine. In addition to them, you should pay attention to alder, linden, oak. It is desirable that the trees have a well-developed crown, and it is better to stop the choice on the specimen that stands apart, away from the rest.with a beautiful and lush crown.

    Taurus - 21.04-20.05

    For a rational and pragmatic Taurus, trees and fruits containing tannins are useful, and an oak amulet is ideal. The mighty oak will help Taurus survive any adversity, find the right solution even in the most hopeless situation. For those who suffer from a lack of energy and strength, oak will return optimism and purposefulness. The unique feature of oak is to preserve and increase the results achieved - it is these qualities that it will provide to its owner. In addition, oak decoration will help Taurus to create a solid material base.

    From among the fruit trees, Taurus is suitable cherry And plum. They will protect a person from the energy blows of envious people, the evil eye and damage, and will make those born under this sign generous, optimistic and active. Possessing incredible aesthetic properties, these types of wood will help add grace and charm to solid Taurus.

    Spectacular ash jewelry is a great gift option for Taurus. Ash will help the representatives of this sign in love. He will fill a person with an incredible feeling that will make his soulmate the happiest person. This tree is a talisman for those who want to strengthen family relationships.

    In Taurus, the patron tree is rather peculiar. Poplar cleans the human energy field very well, but you need to communicate with it with caution, because it can also take the necessary energy. It is preferable for Taurus men to choose chestnut, but for women - walnut. Other trees of the sign are mountain ash and oak.

    Gemini - 21.05-21.06

    The talisman tree for active Gemini is a juniper that can bring into his life new round development. This plant endows its owner with a thirst for discovery, determination and incredible energy. Juniper will become a source of inexhaustible strength for those born under this sign of the Zodiac. It will be enough for career achievements, and for personal happiness. Beads, bracelets or juniper souvenirs are a must-have for Gemini.

    In addition to juniper, Gemini should pay attention to jewelry made from fruit trees. For example, cherry helps to develop intellectual abilities, intuition and instincts, especially if you have chosen the profession of a lawyer or a merchant. It not only gives its owner the necessary qualities to achieve their goals, but also helps to reveal their hidden talents.

    Gemini, who pay close attention to their appearance, just need a distinctive hornbeam decoration. exquisite hornbeam will make the already original Gemini even more stylish and attractive in the eyes of others. Decoration from this type of wood will become a real talisman for creative people. He will provide them with inspiration and a thirst to create.

    The tree of the zodiac sign Gemini is primarily a fruit tree, mostly an apple tree or a pear tree during its flowering period.

    But maple can become a faithful assistant in prevention various diseases, but it is best to contact your Gemini trees at the end of summer.

    Cancer - 22.06-22.07

    A talisman made of wood for the wards of the constellation Cancers must perform two main functions: to suppress depressive moods in it and to energize it, setting it up for constant intellectual development. And juniper can cope with this task. In addition to the above properties, juniper can become a true talisman for Cancers in love. He will fill the heart with the brightest feeling, maintain harmony between lovers, protect from envious people.

    Because the given sign The zodiac is endowed with an incredibly sensitive character, he should pick up a talisman tree that will provide him with a sense of security and self-confidence. In this regard, a good talisman for Cancers will be oak. Notable for their excellent aesthetic and psychological impact, oak jewelry activates hidden reserves in Cancers, improves well-being, fills with faith in oneself and others.

    If Cancer suffers from constant stress, even a small piece of jewelry or a souvenir from ash help them calm their nerves and relax. It perfectly relieves fatigue and is most useful for weakened, unhealthy people. Ash wood gives its owner a sense of hope for the best, a sense of perspective.

    Cancer, choosing a tree according to the sign of the zodiac, you need to pay attention to alder, willow and elm, which work as filters energy flows. They are especially effective in the last months of spring and summer.

    Leo - 23.08-22.09

    For an active Leo, a talisman tree should not only bring something new to life, but strengthen its character traits. So, ash helps Leos achieve their goals in career and love, gives self-confidence, helps get rid of negative thoughts and increases self-esteem.

    Lions, tired of the endless, exhausting modern rhythm of life, can look after themselves a souvenir made from oak. He will help people born under this powerful constellation become more realistic and wise, find their path and shine their lives on it. Oak often makes people more determined and persistent in their efforts to achieve what they want. However, purposeful Lions should be careful - an oak filled with energy can enhance their emotionality a hundredfold. A certain inflexibility and firmness in one's own rightness has its advantages, but for Lviv it can also become a stumbling block. In order to harmonize your temperament, Leo can pay attention to the exquisite cherry, which will add a sign of restraint, tolerance and flexibility in communicating with other people. She will teach you the ability to calculate your steps in advance. Cherry jewelry will add femininity and charm to their owners.

    Elm is also the main tree of the zodiac sign Leo. Cypress has protective and healing properties, but Leo men must definitely interact with oak.The ideal time to talk to a tree is September and April.

    Virgo - 23.08-22.09

    Charming and unique Virgo, with a rich inner world and a certain mystery, like no other sign of the Zodiac needs amulets and talismans made of wood. Natural amulets enhance their innate virtues and help get rid of personality flaws. Virgo can draw her life force from juniper, which will enhance their seriousness and efficiency, hiding under a pretty appearance. Juniper enhances the already rich fantasy of the Virgin, helps to reveal acting talents.

    If Virgo wants to learn to trust her inner voice, she can always resort to using talismans from plums. She will bring a certain piece of romance into their stable life, make her pay attention to her sensual side, help to look at any component happy relationship from a completely different angle. Pride and courage are qualities that are largely inherent in Virgos, but due to certain circumstances they can fade away. In order to regain the personal virtues that are so necessary today, again, it is worth resorting to plum wood products. She will help her master to establish a family life and help to follow the chosen course of life.

    The practical Virgo is not always spiritually stable, so alder and hazel, as well as fruit trees: plum and apple, will become her faithful patrons, especially when the fruits ripen on them. July, August, and also October - best time for the contact of the Virgin with her tree.

    Libra - 23.09-23.10

    Potential amulets for Libra can be any fruit trees with seeds. It is worth choosing them, starting from personal feelings and intuition. One of the most favorable types of wood for this zodiac sign is cherry And plum. Jewelry created from these breeds will help develop the ability to make quick decisions even in extreme situations, help get rid of unnecessary fears. Having a beneficial effect on the mood of Libra, these varieties of fruit trees will also protect a person from ailments and all kinds of diseases.

    A fairly popular tree for those born in October - ash. It endows them with the ability to assemble at the right time, organizational skills, observation and sociability. Ash will help Libra cope with bouts of unreasonable jealousy, harmonize the emotional background of a person. If a person wants to develop in himself such qualities as efficiency, attention to detail, pragmatism, oratory, he should definitely take a closer look at ash talismans. A properly selected ash tree decoration can become a full-fledged source of bioenergy.

    In Libra, the main tree according to the sign of the zodiac is a birch, a real healer of the body and soul,which allows you to get rid of ailments and stress. Linden will also heal and relieve fatigue, but you can also pay attention to maple and mountain ash.

    Scorpio - 24.10-22.11

    Oak- A fairly popular tree for Scorpio. It helps the representative of this sign to direct their inexhaustible energy in the right direction, save strength and not lose confidence in their own abilities. In relation to Scorpions, oak can neutralize negative thoughts and attitudes, help in the fight against one's own personality flaws. Judgment, clear compliance with the task, quick wit - all these are the qualities inherent in people born under the sign of Scorpio, which the oak can only strengthen. We recommend wearing jewelry made of this type of wood for important business meetings or negotiations.

    Pessimism is a common trait of a Scorpio. He tries hard to hide it from others, but with a close acquaintance, the truth still becomes relevant. In order for anxieties and doubts to go into the background, representatives of this sign need constant contact with products made of juniper. They will help to breathe into him a bit of optimism, faith in the best. A rare Scorpio does not cope at work - usually their career is going well. But if there are problems on the horizon in this environment, again, a juniper talisman can come to the rescue.

    Scorpions are favored not only by tall and tall chestnut and pine trees, but also by shrubs - wild rose and hawthorn. Spruce and mountain ash are also great for Scorpio for "communication", for which perfect time it will be early spring, when the buds have just begun to swell.

    Sagittarius - 23.11-21.12

    Ambitious and purposeful Sagittarians are usually quite successful in the professional field, but in their personal lives they are often unlucky. For family relationships, this is a rather complex and ambiguous partner, who, due to his high demands on a potential soul mate, can be left alone. To harmonize this sector, Sagittarius can buy even a small product from ash, which will serve as a kind of stabilizer for the fastidious disposition of representatives of this zodiac sign. If Sagittarius still fell in love, then he throws himself into the pool with his head. Plunging into the whirlpool of passions, he behaves like the most passionate lover. If the second half is not yet on the horizon, an ash amulet will help its owner improve the situation in this area.

    The sincerity and openness inherent in Sagittarius can sometimes work against them - not every person is ready to listen to the truth about himself. Hot temper and impulsiveness of this fiery sign also brings many problems. In order to reduce the negative impact of these personality traits, Sagittarians need a full-fledged amulet from hornbeam, with the help of which a person can overcome any obstacles and difficulties without destroying relations with others.

    In March, August and October, Sagittarians should definitely turn to any of their two main talisman trees: cedar or hornbeam, which protect and restore the spiritual forces of this sign.

    Capricorn - 22.12-20.01

    Practical, ambitious, hardy Capricorn is always focused on a clear goal and specific actions. These are inflexible and in a sense uncompromising people who rarely take into account the opinions of others. In order to accelerate career advancement, which is of fundamental importance for these signs, you will need a talisman from oak. A powerful, centuries-old tree "sympathizes" with stubborn and persistent Capricorns, therefore it helps them at every step, inspiring and adding vitality. He will help his owner overcome fear, despondency, not succumbing to a sense of insecurity and a pessimistic mood.

    However, harsh and somewhat dry Capricorns need a wooden talisman that will help them build bridges with others, including potential partners. For these purposes, it may be hornbeam, which will add a little romance and sensuality to pragmatic Capricorns. If representatives of this sign meet on their way with unrequited love and disappointment, a hornbeam jewelry will help them to go through this stage with dignity and faith in the best. Such an amulet will help to find family happiness, even if the rational Capricorn decides to marry by calculation.

    Those born under the sign of Capricorn have as many as three strong patrons who have powerful healing properties. These are fir, beech and birch. It is best to contact them at the moment when the first snow has just melted, or in late summer, when collection in progress harvest.

    Aquarius - 21.01-19.02

    Generous, unforgiving, distinguished by non-standard thinking and approach to solving many problems, Aquarius is largely focused on the spiritual side of life. This makes the representatives of this sign incredibly sensitive people. That is why wooden amulets for them are rather not a luxury, but a necessity. Fruit trees, for example, plum, strengthen the humanism of Aquarius, make them even more cordial, develop altruistic impulses. Plum talismans, such as beads or pendants, are suitable for people of this sign who prefer to work in a team.

    In love, Aquarians prefer freedom and independence, which is why they do not seek to limit themselves in choosing partners until they find their soul mate. All sorts of gizmos from ash, which contribute to the birth of the brightest feelings in his heart, developing a spiritual community and romantic affection between partners. Such talismans will help to "put in order" the financial side of Aquarius's life. Ash wood will help him learn how to properly manage his earned capital, without throwing it to the wind and without investing in dubious adventures.

    Poplar will give Aquarius an energy balance, and linden and euonymus will become a life-giving force for them. The best time to contact these trees is late spring.

    Pisces - 20.02-20.03

    Rich imagination and fantasy, sensitivity to the problems of people around, sentimentality and a tendency to solitude are characteristic of people born under the influence of the constellation Pisces. However, the duality of personality, inherent in all representatives of this sign, sometimes prevents them from living, pushing them to rash acts, provoking nervous tension.

    Juniper- This is a good type of wood from which talismans for Pisces can be made. It will make the dreamy Pisces more rational, responsible and mundane, it will help to establish the harmony of the inner world. In love, juniper will help Pisces to nullify unexpected changes in mood and desires, which often cause conflicts within a couple.

    In order to realize their inner potential, to reveal their talents, people born under the constellation Pisces will need some kind of amulet that will push them to decisive, active actions. This question can be dealt with by a miraculous hornbeam, decorations from which not only charge the melancholic Pisces with optimism and determination, but are also able to transform their appearance. Such an amulet will strengthen the natural craving for the unknown and mysterious for Pisces, and will strengthen the already developed intuition.

    Who has the most diverse set of tree patrons is Pisces - a sign of the zodiac, whose tree must bear fruit in order to achieve the maximum effect of "communication" with it. For these purposes, the middle of summer is best suited. Viburnum, honeysuckle, yew and larch are Pisces' best friends. The fruits from the patron trees are of particular importance for this sign. But the aspen will take away all the negative energy, but you should be careful with it.

    Among the many varieties of horoscopes, one of the most mysterious remains the horoscope of the Druids. This ancient tribe has not existed for a long time, despite this, after millennia, we still have their secret knowledge. Scientists all over the world have deciphered them to pass this knowledge on to us. The Druid calendar is trees by date of birth, which are the talisman of each person, protecting him.

    The Celtic tribes lived in the forest and mostly idolized nature and everything connected with it. They had developed astronomy, astrology, mathematics and other sciences, with the help of which the Druid tribes were able to create their own calendar for dividing by the dates of birth of each person. Every living being has its own soul- they believed, and even trees and flowers.

    Druids believed that the whole world came from the energy of wildlife. They worshiped forest spirits and performed rituals in the thickets of the forest. At the same time, they spiritualized every animal, plant or tree, considering it a living embodiment of a deity. The Druids compiled special calendars, according to which they determined which ritual should be performed during this period. Usually, events were tied to the summer and winter solstices, as well as the equinoxes.


    Thus, the entire annual period was divided into several segments, which was patronized by one or another spirit. A person born in a certain period of time was called by the name characteristic of his patron tree. So each person had his own guardian spirit in the form of a plant.

    Unlike conventional astrological the druid horoscope contains not 12, but as many as 22 signs. This is due to the different division according to the dates of one or another zodiac sign. According to Celtic horoscope the same zodiac sign can fit different types trees.

    These 22 signs include four symbols depending on the equinox and solstice, they have only one period of activity. The remaining 18 signs have two periods of activity each. Despite the seeming difficulty, it is very simple to determine who you are according to the druid horoscope. Let's take a closer look at the calendar.

    Important dates

    1. Apple tree. Periods (23.12-01.01 Capricorn 1 day) and (25.06-04.07 Cancer 1 day).
    2. Fir. Periods (02.01−11.01 Capricorn 2d.) and (05.07−14.07 Cancer 2d.).
    3. Elm. Periods (12.01-24.01 Capricorn 3 days) and (15.07-25.07 Cancer 3 days).
    4. Cypress. Periods (25.01-03.02 Aquarius 1 day) and (26.07-04.08 Leo 1 day).
    5. Cedar. Periods (9.02−18.02 Aquarius 3 days) and (14.08−24.08 Leo 3 days).
    6. Pine. Periods (19.02−29.02 Pisces 1 day) and (24.08−2.09 Virgo 1 day).
    7. Hazel. Periods (22.03−31.03 Aries 1 day) and (24.09−4.10 Libra 1 day).
    8. Rowan. Periods (1.04-10.04 Aries 2 days) and (4.10-13.10 Libra 2 days).
    9. Maple. Periods (11.04-20.04 Aries 3 days) and (14.10-14.10 Libra 3 days).
    10. Nut. Periods (21.04-30.04 Taurus 1 day) and (25.10-2.11 Scorpio 1 day).
    11. Chestnut. Periods (15.05-24.05 Taurus 3 days) and (12.11-21.11 Scorpio 3 days).
    12. Hornbeam. Periods (4.06-13.06 Gemini 2 days) and (2.12-11.12 Sagittarius 2 days).
    13. Figs. Periods (14.06-22.06 Gemini 3 days) and (12.12-21.12 Sagittarius 3 days).


    All signs of the zodiac in the horoscope of trees are divided by date of birth into three decades (1, 2 and 3 days), respectively at the beginning, middle and end. Depending on what period of the location of the constellation you were born, it also depends on what sign you are according to the druid horoscope.

    • Apple tree. Sentimental people whose feelings and emotions often take over reason and logic. They can be very generous, they always like to give gifts and forget debts. But their extravagance often leads to a financial crisis. Apple trees are sentimental and vulnerable, they always focus on what their partner wants, and are ready to give all of themselves for his beloved.
    • Fir. Proud and independent people born under the sign of fir delight those around them with their beauty and elegance. They are always impeccable in clothes and accessories, they are not careless. They always pay attention to the little things. These people, as if carved from stone, are calm, independent and firm in their convictions. However, due to their perseverance, they may not succeed in love, because not everyone can get along with such a person.
    • Elm. Always conservative and constant. In almost everything they love stability and comfort. So, being carried away by something in childhood, the elm can calmly devote his whole life to it. Their hobbies do not pass fleetingly, and if such a person decides to study something, he will bring his work to the end. They are also permanent in marriage. These people, having found a friend of life, remain faithful to him all his life, they do not like to switch from one to another. They do not seek to change their lifestyle, habits or work, even if it does not quite suit them.
    • Cypress. Somewhat melancholic and calm people. They are ready to do anything for their soulmate. They can often be restrained, do not like conflicts and quarrels. At the same time, they are optimists always think about the good and try not to lose heart. In order not to fade in the gray everyday life, these people find themselves in a fantasy world and are happy to be creative. They often make excellent writers or musicians. However, non-enthusiastic professions are not for them. On office work they begin to languish, and most likely will not succeed.
    • Poplar. These people are usually very beautiful especially in childhood. They have an elusive charisma that allows them to attract others. Always brave and can stand up for themselves and others. Despite this, in ordinary life they are calm, not conflict. In adolescence, they very often fall under the influence of bad companies, so they should be protected from unwanted influence from others. In more adulthood they, having taken place as a person, feel their superiority and independence. They often achieve success in their careers and bloom only after 35 years. They always have high requirements for a partner, so it is not easy for them to find their life partner.
    • Cedar.Optimists in life, these people rush everywhere like a hurricane with great energy. Their innate intelligence and charm allow them to stand in the spotlight and be an excellent leader. They often achieve success in their careers, but in their personal lives they often cannot find a permanent partner in life.
    • Pine. People under this sign are characterized by kindness and sincerity. They are great friends, the ones who are always ready to help. These people are very sensitive, prone to narcissism. They do not tolerate criticism and are very fond of compliments. Having found their soul mate, they immediately lose their heads, giving her all of themselves without a trace.
    • Willow. These people love to show off. From childhood, they have artistic abilities that they boldly apply in life. May cry in public or seem overly cheerful. Often they are not taken seriously, but they are very smart, and all their theatricality is just an attempt to hide their deep, sensitive world.
    • Linden. People born under this sign are quite chaotic in nature. They often do not understand where they should move, they can change their place of work many times and, starting to study a profession, quit it and rush into trip around the world. They do not like to burden themselves with duties and worries, it is important for them to have a person nearby who will take all the responsibility.
    • Hazel. People have good intuition. Always confident in yourself and your superiority. They are excellent leaders. However, in personal relationships with them it can be difficult. He can plan far ahead, foresee far-reaching events and be at his best in various fields activities.
    • Rowan. Diplomatic natures, perfectly understanding their interlocutor. Thanks to innate intuition, they can know well when and how to act. Sensual and faithful natures, they are faithful in marriage, but require love and attention.
    • Maple. People are cheerful and energetic, always ready for exploits. They can be great friends and comrades. They always have many acquaintances. Their sociability and optimism attracts the people around them like a magnet. Despite this, they often cannot choose a partner for themselves because they are very fickle and can even marry several times.
    • Nut. Energetic and impulsive, these people always know their worth. They may think they are superior and act somewhat arrogant and overly determined. He is always very selfish, loves to be complimented. Their passion, determination and high intelligence allow you to quickly achieve high office even at a young age.
    • Jasmine. Always very soft and sensitive. Their pleasant docile nature makes them excellent conversationalists. Inborn charisma and sense of style gives them a special charm. These people always strive for family comfort and warmth. Having chosen a partner for themselves, they remain with him all his life, preserving love and giving himself completely.
    • Chestnut. These people are quite closed, and unsociable. Their introversion makes them find a narrow circle of friends to communicate with. Usually they have only one or two friends whom they cherish very much.
    • Ash. The person is narcissistic, loves praise and compliments. He often exalts himself over others. Their manner of communication and beauty makes them excellent leaders in society. They can be very generous, they are not greedy, they always like to give expensive gifts surrounding.
    • Hornbeam. This sign is quite conservative. Doesn't like to change his habits. Faithful to the traditions of his family and always honors his elders. He has special respect for family values. These people are very familial, they become attached to their partner, with whom they keep warm relationship all life.
    • figs. This sign is very sensitive and gentle. There is some tendency to depression, they can consider the surrounding people as enemies. Fig people do not tolerate criticism. They require a lot of attention. They need constant support and approval from others. They can be offended over trifles, so it is very difficult to find your soul mate.

    For druids, trees had great value: In their cult, they were considered living beings with unique characteristics. The Druids firmly believed that humanity took its beginning from a tree. On the basis of this worldview, as well as the tree calendar, the horoscope of the Druids appeared, according to which each person was endowed with a guardian tree at birth.

    In total, there are 4 unpaired and 18 paired signs in the druid horoscope. This is due to the fact that each plant has two points of implementation - flowering and fruiting.

      Show all

      Druid calendar and combination of signs

      According to the Druid calendar, each person has his own tree symbol, depending on the date of birth:

      tree symbol Date of Birth Compatibility
      Apple tree December 23–January 1; Pine, walnut, oak, cypress, hazel, ash, beech
      Elm January 12–24; Linden, chestnut, olive, cedar, maple, fig, apple tree
      Poplar 04–8 February; Rowan, hornbeam, fir, willow, jasmine, birch, elm
      Pine February 19–28; Poplar, walnut, oak, cypress, hazel, ash, beech
      Linden March 11–20; Chestnut, olive, cedar, maple, fig, apple, pine
      Rowan April 1–10; Hornbeam, fir, willow, jasmine, birch, elm, linden
      Walnut April 21–30; Rowan, poplar, beech, ash, hazel, cypress, oak
      Chestnut June 15–24; Olive, cedar, maple, fig, apple, pine, walnut
      Hornbeam June 4–13; Fir, willow, jasmine, birch, elm, linden, chestnut
      Oak 21 March All signs
      Olive 23 September All signs
      Fir January 2–11; Willow, jasmine, birch, elm, linden, chestnut, olive
      Cypress January 25–February 3; Hazel, ash, beech, poplar, mountain ash, hornbeam, fir
      Cedar February 9–18; Maple, fig, apple, pine, walnut, oak, cypress
      Willow March 1–10; Jasmine, birch, elm, linden, chestnut, olive, cedar
      Hazel March 22–31; Ash, beech, poplar, mountain ash, hornbeam, fir, willow
      Maple April 11–20; Fig, apple, pine, walnut, oak, cypress, hazel
      Jasmine May 1–14; Birch, elm, linden, chestnut, olive, cedar, maple
      Ash May 25–June 3; Jasmine, beech, poplar, mountain ash, hornbeam, fir, willow
      figs June 14–23; Apple, pine, walnut, oak, cypress, hazel, ash
      Birch June 24 All signs
      Beech December 21–22 All signs

      The presence of 4 unpaired signs in the horoscope of the Druids (oak, olive, birch, beech) is associated with such dates as:

      • spring equinox (oak);
      • summer solstice (birch);
      • day of the autumn equinox (olive);
      • day winter solstice(beech).

      Characteristics of tree signs by date of birth

      Each sign of the zodiac, according to the horoscope of the druids, is characterized by a certain behavior.

      Apple tree

      A person born under the sign of the apple tree is easy-going, cheerful, has a philosophical mindset. According to the horoscope of the Druids, people who are patronized by the apple tree are endowed with outstanding intellectual abilities, have a broad outlook, and are very well-read. However, they do not seek to impress others and prefer not to flaunt their erudition.

      By nature, apple trees are quick-tempered, but have the ability to quickly cool down. The apple tree is a sensitive, unforgiving person. For a comfortable life, she definitely needs to share her experiences with others, to be in the center of events. She needs emotional uplift and lack of silence. He loves fresh flowers very much. He tries to get as much space as possible in the house with plants.

      The motto of the man-apple tree: "Live one day."

      Gemini man - characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility


      Among people born under the auspices of fir, introverts predominate, as well as individualists. Such salient feature does not speak of fir as an arrogant person. She just needs a certain amount of time to start trusting a person and let him into her life. A woman born under the sign of fir is not able to flirt. Her pride and tact do not allow her to flirt with the opposite sex, and therefore it may seem that the fir woman is a very cold and arrogant person. She does not seek to attract everyone's attention. She has many acquaintances, but almost no real friends.

      Exaggerated demands, emotional coldness - these are the main decals a person born under the symbol of fir. The fir-man often sets himself challenging tasks. His determination and ability to sacrifice personal comfort in order to achieve the goal guarantee success in any endeavor. IN love relationship fir is devoted and faithful to its soulmate.


      One of the calmest tree signs. Elm does not tend to complicate everything in its path, high goals, passions and fussiness are alien to it. Permanence, stability and practicality are the three main life principles this sign.

      Elm needs to be kept under control, it will make an excellent leader. He knows how to gather his courage in time and meet any troubles with optimism. In a relationship does not seek thrills. For complete happiness, reciprocal romantic feelings are enough for him.


      Most people born under this sign have an attractive appearance. By the cypress beautiful body He is constantly looking after himself. Caring for his appearance is elevated to the rank of a cult. Cypress is sociable, he usually has many friends. By nature, he is a dreamer and always has his head in the clouds. The highest happiness for a cypress is a strong family and many children.

      Cypress is lucky in many endeavors, he is able to receive income from nowhere. Therefore, despite some idleness and negligence, cypress is never left without a livelihood. The cypress man has excellent intuition, is able to see people through and through. And thanks to his charisma, he is always surrounded by reliable people who are ready to help at any time.


      According to tree horoscope, this sign is very fond of experiments with appearance. He easily changes his hairstyle, clothes, gets better or loses weight, tries on various images and styles. He values ​​his youth and fears old age. He understands that old age will entail a loss of beauty, and in every possible way tries to slow down this process. Poplar is very susceptible to the influence of the world around it. And this influence is not always positive.

      Under the guise of brightness and originality, poplar most often hides complexes and a sense of inferiority. This sign needs constant support and encouragement. Otherwise, he becomes gloomy, languishes before our eyes and falls into a prolonged depression. But among his friends there is never anyone like him.

      The thing is that the poplar surrounds itself exclusively strong personalities With positive thinking, selecting friends long and scrupulously. Inclined to present claims and unreasonable demands to others. In conflict situations, hides emotions behind a mask of indifference and jokes. Depending on the period of the year, it can change the emotional state.


      Kind, sympathetic, cheerful and optimistic sign. Not prone to self-digging and depressive mood. Does not create or think up problems from scratch. Sociable and attractive. At the same time, cedar is distinguished by vulnerability, inability to laugh at oneself and sensitivity. Very trusting, which ill-wishers willingly use. Does not tolerate the role of a subordinate and often conflicts with superiors. The cedar man is the embodiment of true masculinity.

      He is reliable and able to solve the problems of both his own and his family. He knows how to rely only on his own strength, solve important issues and resolve problems. He is purposeful and always knows how to solve the problem. However, in the case when he tries on other people's principles and goals for himself, he is able to start fighting for an idea that will not bring him happiness.


      A very stubborn and persistent sign. On any issue he is able to enter into a discussion, on any argument he has a personal opinion. Favor is shown only to those who fully agree with his every word. As a result, sycophants and flatterers predominate in pine society, who want to earn her approval at all costs.

      He has a very peculiar manner of communication. He always knows what he wants, achieves what he wants in any way. The pine woman is a wonderful hostess, she cooks well and knows how to create a special comfort in her home. The cedar man is not prone to treason. He knows how to earn, so his family always lives in abundance.


      Born under the sign of willow is an unsurpassed actor. A person by nature is a player and an adventurer. He always lacks passion, so he creates them himself. Willow lives according to her own script, often running counter to the world around her. A person who is patronized by a willow has extraordinary abilities in creativity. It will make a wonderful poet, musician or artist.

      A distinctive feature of the creations of the willow man is that they are all imbued with the melancholy mood of their author. Most often, the willow prefers to solve its problems by proxy, relying on others. Rarely makes decisions personally. At the same time, this is a person who is able to determine the consequences of any step even before it is taken. Using a strategic approach to life, the willow avoids serious difficulties and troubles. Has a weakness for gems.


      Realist by nature, with a certain flair for fatalism. Workaholic, can not stand lazy and negligent people. Tries to avoid conflict. Strives to secure a beautiful life for herself, but is not ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of the goal. Lipa is great with people. At the same time, it is quite difficult for her to understand herself.

      Her character is changeable and unpredictable. A person born under this symbol does not have specific goals in life. He prefers to go with the flow, sometimes making adjustments to his life. Often needs an experienced mentor who can direct his energy in the right direction.


      Hidden and silent person. Prefers to keep his opinion to himself. Rarely shows emotion. Because of the fear of losing control over himself, he does not drink alcohol. Cannot stand noisy gatherings, prefers solitude.

      Unsociable, has difficulty in communication. As a result, he has practically no friends. Sincere in your feelings. Will always be a reliable friend and partner. Does not strive for a secure life. Unwilling to work hard at work to achieve wealth.


      Energetic, sociable and cheerful personality. Rarely loses control. Excellent control of his emotions. Easily gets rid of bad mood.

      He has a keen sense of justice, always comes to the aid of loved ones, protects the weak and unjustly offended. Rowan does not tolerate marriage of convenience. Down the aisle will go only in case of sincere and strong love.


      Curious, well-read, interesting and sociable personality. Maple is talented, but the inability to persevere and thoughtfulness does not allow him to develop. A born leader, but often forgets his promises.

      Doesn't like to help others. He has a great sense of humor and is an excellent speaker. He is not inclined to value friendship and family, which is why he often remains alone in old age.


      The most difficult and controversial sign in the tree horoscope. His character is extremely unstable. A person born under the symbol of this tree is not able to control his emotions, is subject to frequent emotional swings. It is extremely difficult to get along with him. Physically strong, iron force will. At the same time, he is compassionate, often helping those in need.

      Can do charity work. He treats close people with indifference, but requires all kinds of praise for himself and the complete subordination of others. Calculates each action a few steps ahead. The walnut is a born leader. Very jealous. Shows jealousy even to children. An insidious and dangerous enemy.


      It has the ability to adapt to any conditions and situations in life. His character is able to change depending on where he is and what surrounds him. Able to instantly turn from a sweet, kind person into an insidious, vicious and vindictive villain.

      It all depends on the situation in which he finds himself. He achieves all the blessings in life with his own hands. Easily finds an approach to people. He will make an excellent diplomat.


      Ironic, sociable person. Always in the center of everyone's attention. It has a bright, memorable appearance. Protestant by nature. It follows exclusively its own rules, does not recognize generally accepted principles.


      Materialist and pragmatist. Has iron willpower. Makes tough decisions without hesitation. Respects generally accepted laws, principles and rules. Great parent, responsible partner.

      Treat relatives and friends with respect. Absolutely non-controversial. In a dispute, he begins to panic and loses self-confidence. He prefers not to change anything in his life. Extremely difficult to tolerate forced changes.

      Fig (fig)

      Differs in eccentricity and frivolity. Prefers a lazy, idle lifestyle. The life of a fig is a chain of battles with one's own laziness and weaknesses. He is capable of falling into a deep depression for no particular reason. Needs constant support and sympathy, but prefers not to talk about it, afraid of seeming weak.

      A person born under the symbol of a fig, like no one else, needs warm and trusting relationships in the family. He is sincerely grateful to his relatives for their participation and tenderness. Before getting married, he starts numerous novels. A life partner chooses for a long time and scrupulously.


      Oak can be easily recognized by its emotional endurance and physical health. He is strong in body and strong in spirit. Oak is a male symbol. Therefore, a woman born under his patronage will have a masculine mindset. He always emerges victorious from conflicts, straightforward, incapable of compromise. Doesn't tolerate arrogance. Makes every effort to maintain a good name.

      Prefers to act openly. Never hides his feelings. Almost all oaks are in management positions or head their own business. Responsible and obligatory. Never allow himself to be manipulated. It won't let you sit on your neck. Clearly keeps a professional distance.


      Leads an ascetic life. A woman patronized by a birch is the best wife and mother in the world. Sociable, beautiful and generous.

      Always ready to meet her beloved, knows how to forgive mistakes. Birch trees are rarely bred. But her frugality sometimes borders on stinginess.


      He cannot imagine his life without the sun. Always trying to settle where all year round the weather is clear. Does not tolerate cloudy weather and rain. Oliva is an optimist. She firmly believes that a black stripe will definitely be followed by a white one.

      Responsive and compassionate. Never refuse to help someone in need. It is completely devoid of all ambitions, as a result of which it becomes an ideal subordinate. Not inclined to show emotions. She is very fond of animals.


      Athlete man. Always maintain excellent physical form. Maximalist, does not recognize half measures. There is no middle ground for him.

      His goals are quite mundane: create a family, build a house, raise children. Never stops there. Not dreamy - believes that this activity is absolutely useless.