27.05.2014 16:11

Galina Yudashkina Biography (Galina Udashkina Biography) model, daughter of designer and fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin

A sweet girl, a student of Moscow State University and an aspiring designer and photographer, Galina Yudashkina was born on December 22, 1990 in the family of Marina and Valentin Yudashkin.

Galina's dad - Valentin Abramovich Yudashkin - is famous Russian designer and a fashion designer, and his wife Marina Vladimirovna - a top manager family business Yudashkin's house.

Galina is her dad's daughter, she is the same creative person, like him, therefore, is predominantly engaged in humanitarian pursuits. So, Galina graduated from the “Parsons School of Design”, managed to make two photo exhibitions, worked with famous photographers and completed an internship at Vogue magazine.

Galina works mainly in the genre of fashion photography: she inherited from her father an understanding of fashion as an art. Attending shows, watching the creation of the collection, Galina forms her own artistic vision of the fashion industry, which is reflected in the original photographs of the photographer. Despite her young age, on December 22, 2012, Galina Yudashkina presented an exhibition of works entitled “I don’t know why.” There were presented a series of photographs taken by Galina over the past few years. The works are characterized by thematic and genre diversity: at the exhibition you can see not only staged photographs, costumed stories, backstage shots, but also a series of photographs taken on film - vintage photographs, referring to the aesthetics of the old masters of photography.

The projects of Galina Yudashkina are of interest to the stars domestic show business: the photographer is happy to shoot such stars as the owner of the title of Miss World Ksenia Sukhinova and the famous young actor Ivan Nikolaev.

Galina Yudashkina in this moment studies at the department of art history at Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 2009, Galina has an internship with the famous American portrait photographer Patrick Demachelier, and in the summer of 2010 she is studying film photography at the Parsons School of Design.

In September 2010, Galina, together with Gilia Restoin-Roitfeld, supervises the shooting of a denim collection at NY Valentin Yudashkin.

At the moment, Galina continues active image life, travels and does not deny himself anything.

Personal life

In March 2012, it became known that 21-year-old Galya was dating 25-year-old businessman and millionaire Ruslan Fakhriev. But in the end, the couple broke up, although rumors about the wedding circulated for a very long time.

In February 2014, it became known that Galya began dating her peer, MGIMO graduate Pyotr Maksakov. The girl is with him to this day.

Operations of Galina Yudashkina

In October 2012, Galina decided to have an operation and tried miracles on her face. plastic surgery. For the first time after operations, Galya appeared at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia show, then she was 22 years old.

The procedure for lip augmentation is very painful, but quite simple. At the same time, it should be done by a professional plastic surgeon, given anatomical features the patient's lips. Galina Yudashkina began to look too voluminous and added years to her.

Updated 05/27/2014

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Galina Yudashkina, daughters

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How the pregnancy of Galina Yudashkina proceeded was closely followed on Instagram by hundreds of thousands of it-girl fans. The daughter of the famous designer was happy to tell subscribers about how she changed herself while waiting for the baby. Later it turned out that . And this means that now everyone can also see how she was preparing to become a mother. We met with Galina a few days before the premiere of the show and asked her our questions.

The fact that Galina Yudashkina and her husband Peter Maksakov will become parents for the first time became known in the fall of 2015. In early October, the most attentive fans of the couple saw a rounded belly in the daughter of Valentin Yudashkin. Guesses were soon confirmed by Galina's mother, Marina. that her daughter is in her third month of pregnancy.

Only on recent months pregnancy, Galina decided to take a time out. At the end of January, Yudashkin. It-girl walked a lot, met friends and went shopping, buying clothes for the future baby.

Of all the kids who were born during the filming of the project, the son of Galina and Peter is the eldest. On June 4, he will be 2 months old. Having met with a young mother, we remembered how the days passed in anticipation of a miracle...

I was lucky - I had practically no toxicosis, and there were no specific preferences in food. Only in the last two months, I was very tired and dreamed that this would end as soon as possible ...

How hard it was for Galina, her fans also noticed. Two weeks before the birth, Yudashkin posted a picture on Instagram that seriously worried the followers. In the photo, the belly of the daughter of the famous designer looked huge -.

website: How much did you get better while you were expecting a baby?

G. Yu.:“I gained quite a lot - 20 kilograms, but a month after giving birth I already managed to get rid of 11 of them.”

What is true is true. With such a rapid weight loss, Galina Yudashkina surprised many. As soon as her son Anatoly was two weeks old, the couturier's daughter went to the gym to lose weight. To her subscribers on Instagram, the girl then. Today Galina returned to her usual exercises.

website: In what ways do you now maintain a slim figure?

G. Yu.: Part excess weight leaving thanks to breastfeeding, and so I stick to the Sistema Me program. This is not the first time I have followed it, and it seems to me that this is the most fast way get in shape, not starving, but eating right. The most convenient thing is that it includes not only detailed plan nutrition and recommendations for sports at home and in gym, but also the supervision of a specialist - his support helps to avoid breakdowns.

As for sports, I work out with a trainer in my own Life Cycle studio - I do functional exercises in the fresh air. And, of course, do not forget about special massages that help keep the skin in good shape.

Galya: dress, Brusnika; hours (here and below), Lady Diver Ulysse Nardin
Peter: polo, Atelier Portofino; pants - the property of the hero; hours (here and below), Marine Diver Ulysse Nardin

Photo: George Kardava
Producer: Arina Lomteva
MUAH: Ani Stepanyan

Thank you restaurant Christian
for help in organizing the shooting.

Young, beautiful and successful - Galina and Peter have been together not so long ago, but from the first day of their acquaintance they have not parted for a minute: over the three years of their relationship, they managed not only to play the "wedding of the century", get married and give birth to a son, but also join the family business breathed new life into an already successful enterprise.

Finding spouses in Moscow is not an easy task: employed in several projects at once, they change places of stay almost with the same frequency and regularity as outfits for gossip columns. Totally agree last year Galina managed to visit over 20 places - and the lion's share of flights fell on business trips. Finally finding themselves in the capital, Galina and Peter devote all their time to work, and after completing a long working day, they rush to their son, one and a half year old Tolya, who pleases his parents not only with a light disposition, but also quick wit (and there is someone!). According to Galina, not only they notice the baby's giftedness - wherever the young family is, Anatoly invariably collects compliments - and whether there will be more! “Tolya really grows up as a very smart guy,” says the proud mother. - And this is noted not only by us, but also by strangers. For our part, we are trying to contribute to its development, but, of course, in an easy game form. Husband speaks to him from birth English language, so many English words are given to the son more easily than the Russians. Favorite is, of course, car - “car”. We are thinking of introducing Chinese - I am convinced that until the age of three, a child is receptive to several languages. “In general, we have big plans for Tolya,” Galina continues, laughing. “I don’t know if he will be pleased, but I’m sure that big investments will certainly give a return. And, of course, I'm not talking about the financial side of the issue now. In general, I will support my son in any decision - the main thing is that it be a conscious, deliberate choice. I would really like Tolya to grow up responsible and purposeful, after all, the position obliges.

The pressure only spurs me on - I love to overcome obstacles and achieve what I want.

Galina knows what she is talking about - both she and Peter, the heirs of high-profile surnames, had to prove their own importance since childhood. And if it was a little easier for Peter - he spent part of his youth in England, where, in particular, he studied at the third largest school, Oundle, then Yudashkina spent her youth in Moscow - first at an elite school, then at the art history department of Moscow State University. Lomonosov: “All my life I have to prove something to someone. I have always been asked twice as much as others. It was especially difficult at the university - after relatively relaxed school years the load was enormous! I had to try - I could not let my loved ones down, especially my parents. But I perfectly understood that there was no other way - mom and dad would not come and would not take the rap for me. But, to be honest, such pressure only spurs me on - I love to overcome obstacles and achieve what I want.

Galya: dress, Ermanno Scervino
Peter: clothes are the property of the hero

Speaking about the fact that she is not afraid of obstacles, Galina does not seem to be disingenuous. And this applies not only to work tasks. The history of the acquaintance of Gali and Peter is indicative in this sense. Young people sympathized with each other for a long time in absentia, but it was Galina who decided to make contact first. “I thought about her a lot, even asked my friends, asked them to introduce her,” recalls Peter. - And one day, going to work, I look - a message came from her on Facebook. Correspondence began, and the very next day we went to the Van Gogh exhibition together - it was the first multimedia project of its kind in Moscow, and Galya really wanted to see what it was like, why such lines lined up. It took us about twenty minutes to inspect the exposition, but then we moved to Coffeemania, where we talked, it seems, for about eight hours. “Is it the proverbial love at first sight?” I clarify. “I would not call the feeling that arose between us “love” - at first it was, after all, just sympathy,” Galya explains. - But, in my opinion, at the first meeting you immediately understand whether this is your person or not, whether you can continue to communicate, whether chemistry has arisen between you or not. I immediately liked Peter - we turned out to have a lot in common: from the sign of the zodiac (we are both Capricorns, birthdays are a couple of weeks apart) to the area where we lived in childhood. We even walked in the same yards! In general, topics for conversation were born by themselves, there were no awkward pauses.

Since then, the lovers have not parted - after a few months, Peter made an offer to Galya, and soon they got married. The painting was modest and even intimate - preparations for a large-scale celebration were postponed for almost a year, so that everything would turn out as Galina (and, what to dissemble, the parents of the newlyweds) dreamed of. The wedding turned out to be grandiose - it seems that all cultural and secular Moscow walked on it. And then there was a wedding and soon - the news that the couple was expecting an addition to the family. Unlike many peers who, in the Western manner, postpone the birth of children indefinitely, Galya and Peter did not delay the continuation of the family - according to the spouses, they had more than enough time “for themselves” during the year that they were preparing for marriage. “For almost a year we lived for our own pleasure,” recalls Galina. - Could go on a trip, spontaneously break somewhere or just spend the weekend at home, just the two of us. Therefore, we approached the issue of the appearance of a child in the family consciously, and thoughts - whether we are in a hurry, whether the baby will be a burden - did not even arise.

Galya from the very beginning dreamed of a son, an heir, but Peter, like Galina's mother, wanted a girl more. In early April 2016, the couple had their first child, Anatoly, named after Petya's grandfather. The appearance of the baby turned the life of the spouses upside down, but both were ready for the changes that had happened. “It is absolutely impossible to predict what kind of parent you will be,” says Galya. - You imagine yourself in some familiar social roles- daughter, student, worker. The appearance of a child reveals a person in a new way. And I am infinitely happy that Petya turned out to be such a wonderful dad. He is very loving, caring and responsible. I, unlike him, is more strict - I can scold, insist on my own. Petya plays with Tolya more, he has fun. According to the spouses, the son has an extremely inquisitive character, so they always have to come up with new entertainment for him. “Every weekend we try to surprise him with something,” says Peter. We go out of town, to the parks. Recently we were in the aquarium - the son was delighted.

It is absolutely impossible to predict what kind of parent you will be, says Galya. - You imagine yourself in some familiar social roles - daughter, student, worker. The appearance of a child reveals a person in a new way.

Galina, like many working mothers, is familiar with the feeling of guilt: work takes a lot of time and effort, not to mention constant traveling. “Of course, it can be very difficult: sometimes the only desire is to come home and go to bed, but you have to rush to a meeting, go to an event or fly away on another business trip. Many are ironic: they say, oh, what hard work- Go to events! But, honestly, it’s not so easy: we don’t come there to have fun with a glass of champagne, but to work - and to work, including the face, which means that we need to prepare for the exit: do styling, makeup, put together an outfit. It sounds easy, but finding time for this in a busy work schedule is not always possible. Especially when a one and a half year old baby is waiting for you at home!

Galina is just learning the art of time management - according to the girl, she doesn’t have any special secrets for organizing time: the main thing is to be able to prioritize and clearly plan your schedule. “I try to schedule my affairs in advance in order to understand how long the road will take, where to arrive on time, and where you can be late.” However, Galya does not like to be late: according to her, everyone in the family has a “fad” on the topic of punctuality - this happened with Galina’s grandmother, and now all family members, including Peter, follow the principle “accuracy is the courtesy of kings”. “Sometimes I want to be late, but it doesn’t work! We always arrive first at any meetings, events, ”Galina laughs. Smartphone helps her navigate time wrist watch for a girl, rather, a beautiful status accessory. Unlike Peter, who appreciates not only design, but also functionality.

The main thing that is in our couple is love, the spouses confess. We grow and develop together.

The couple are together almost around the clock - and this does not bother them! On the contrary, if you have to part even for a day, they are terribly bored. The secret of family harmony, according to the couple, is the ability to share: only personal issues are discussed at home, all work aspects remain within the walls of the office. “My dad and I built relationships on the same principle: at work, I am an employee, not a daughter. If there are conflict situations, we solve in working order. We don’t accumulate insults, we don’t hush up disagreement, ”Galina shares her experience. At the same time, quarrels in their family happen: according to the couple, both have explosive temperaments, which are not so easy to pacify. “It so happened that Peter, as a rule, goes first to the truce,” Galya admits. “But we don’t know how to be offended for a long time!” A quarrel can quickly flare up and just as quickly - in a couple of minutes - subside. Family life has taught young people not only to resolve conflicts, but also to respect each other's opinions. Mutual respect is one of the pillars on which their relationship is built, and, of course, trust. “The main thing that is in our couple is love,” the spouses confess. “We grow and develop together, building relationships on the principle of mutual assistance — what one person doesn’t remember, the other will remind, and vice versa.”

Despite the fact that Galya and Peter practically do not part, everyone also has personal time. “Even being in the same room, we can be busy with our own business,” says Galya. - Especially when Petya watches football - this is generally sacred, you can’t touch him at such moments! As for me, if I have a couple of free hours, I can go to the spa or call a massage therapist at home: I have my own master who does both relaxing and lymphatic drainage massage - the latter helped me recover from pregnancy. To return to the previous form of miniature Galina (the height of the heroine is only 152 cm!) Was not so easy: the gained kilograms were in no hurry to leave by themselves. But, being a motivated girl, Yudashkina resolutely pulled herself together: she switched to a strict diet, moved a lot, and a month after giving birth she returned to regular training. “Unfortunately, I don’t have that constitution - I had to work hard. Proper nutrition, sports, massages - the result was achieved only thanks to an integrated approach. Now Yudashkina keeps in shape thanks to healthy eating(“I’m indifferent to flour, but I can afford excesses in a restaurant”), running and functional training, which, however, do not happen as often as we would like: “Just get into the rhythm - and again an urgent business trip!”

And, since we are talking about nutrition, I can’t help but ask: how does the young wife feel about household chores? “I love to cook and when I have time I do it with pleasure. Breakfasts are always on me - both for the child and for my husband and I. I love these mornings! When I get tired, I can afford to relax: go to a restaurant, order food at home. As for such an everyday aspect as paying bills, we both always forget about this - as a result, we have to do everything in a hurry at the last moment, ”Galina laughs. Weekend spouses, as a rule, spend together - walk in the park or go to visit, and more often - relax in country house enjoying the measured rhythm of life. “We are homebodies: going to hang out in a club is not about us,” Peter explains. - We love TV shows very much: we “eat up” everything - from the historical “Crown” to comedies like “Modern Family”. Of the latter, I really liked Narcos. Now we are watching James Franco's project "Deuce" - about the sex industry in New York in the 1970s and 1980s. We love El Chapo, Silicon Valley."

Galya: dress, Max Mara

Like everyone else, Galina has “lazy days” when she wants to take a break and drop out of the crazy Moscow rhythm for a while: “Fortunately, unlike most people, I can sometimes afford such days of relaxation - though not more than a few times in year. Usually at such moments I stay at home and enjoy peace: I lie on the couch, watch a movie, drink tea and eat something tasty. This helps to restore strength and quickly return to duty. I don’t know how to sit back for a long time - it’s important for me to stay in good shape, grow and develop, otherwise what will my son be proud of when he grows up? There is something to be proud of: in addition to working in her father's company, Galina launched own business- Life Cycle cycling studio. Unfortunately, now it had to be postponed - it is impossible to break into two large projects. But Galya does not lose hope that sooner or later she will be able to return to him - it hurts interesting idea: "I'm really infinitely sorry to abandon the Life Cycle studio, but there is a catastrophic lack of time, and given that we all work in the same company, there is no one to transfer to this project."

The everyday life of the spouses is inextricably linked with fashion, however, according to Galina, they treat things calmly - without passions and attachments: “When you work in the fashion industry, you see from the inside how this or that product is made, how much effort and work is invested in it, you see everything in a new light. I have never been dependent on material things. My favorite decoration is wedding ring that my husband gave me: I never leave the house without him. As if to confirm her words, Galina glances at the elegant diamond ring, presented by Peter, and I pay attention to her impeccable manicure. The question logically arises: “When do you feel especially beautiful?” Contrary to my expectations, Galya honestly admits - after careful preparation: “Preparing for some kind of exit, I do professional makeup and styling and at such moments I feel especially comfortable and confident. Of course, I always want to be beautiful - and I strive for this; I want my husband and son to have the most attractive wife and mother, so that my men are proud of me. And, judging by the look Peter gives his wife, these efforts are fully justified.

Pyotr Maksakov, whose biography and personal life is known to few, until some time he was generally famous only in the circles of golden youth. He is one of those few people who became famous for his personal life.

Peter Maksakov was lucky to be born in an elite family. His biography began in Moscow. He was born in 1990. Peter's childhood passed in the very center of the capital. The boy inherited a well-known surname from his grandmother - famous.

Her eldest son, Maxim, (Peter's father) is a big businessman. However, he brought his own fly in the ointment in his personal life. famous family. The fact is that he was accused of fraud and spent some time in prison.

Petr Maksakov

Peter's mother - Ekaterina Dobrynina - granddaughter of Anatoly Dobrynin. This is the Soviet ambassador to the USA. According to the press, it was he who stopped the start of the third world war at one time. Thanks to his negotiations with President Kennedy's brother, a peace treaty was concluded.

Little is known about this. In general, the great-grandfather of Peter Maksakov was taciturn and calmly achieved his goal, so few people know about his biography. This personal quality he passed on to his descendants.

Peter's school life began in an elite Moscow school. But then the parents decided that their son should receive a secondary education abroad. The boy graduated from high school in England.

Peter's father Maxim Maksakov with his grandmother Galina

If we continue talking about the famous relatives of Peter, then the outstanding personality in their family is. This is his father's sister, daughter. Her biography is known to many. She is an opera singer, leading soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre. Personal life is always on the pages of the press.

Recently, her husband, a prominent political figure, as a result of which their common children were left orphans.

Getting a profession and meeting with Galina

Pyotr Maksakov, after graduating from school, decided to get higher education right there in England. He entered english university to the Faculty of Psychology. After graduating from this university, his biography continued in Russia. There he decided to get a second higher education and entered the Moscow State Institute international relations. Having successfully completed it, the young man takes his first steps in entrepreneurship.

Aunt Petra, famous opera singer and State Duma deputy Maria Maksakova

It was then that a fateful change took place in his personal life. Peter saw a photo of Galina Yudashkina several times, and he liked it. He was waiting for an opportunity to meet this beautiful girl. But what was his surprise when he saw a message from her on Facebook. She was ahead of him in acquaintance.

Peter Maksakov, as is known from his biography, disclosed on the pages of the press, met with other girls before. In his personal life, there was an affair with Tatyana Mamiashvili (daughter of the President of the Wrestling Federation). But it broke off for unknown reasons.

It becomes a tradition - children from elite families begin to meet. Galina also met with Nikita Presnyakov before meeting with Peter. According to the press, she was even going to marry the millionaire Fakhriev.

Pyotr Maksakov and Galina Yudashkina

The next day, after meeting on the Internet, Peter invited Galya to an exhibition of Van Gogh's works. Then there was another meeting. Young people found a lot in common in each other. They have similar tastes and interests. And finally, they decided that they should be together.

The chosen one of Peter Maksakov

Beloved Peter Maksakov - Galina Yudashkina was born in Moscow in rich family. Galina's father is a famous fashion designer. Mom - Marina Yudashkina - a charming woman, works as a top manager in her husband's Fashion House.

Her biography deserves special attention. She, having received the profession of a hairdresser and a cutter of fashionable clothes, got a job at a garment factory, where she met her future husband. A friendship began between them, which grew into a passionate dizzying romance.

Galina's father famous designer clothes Valentin Yudashkin

Soon all colleagues learned about the changes in their personal lives. Their wedding was stunningly beautiful. Valentin sewed a wedding dress for his beloved unimaginable beauty. Since then, it was an unusual luxury.

And since then they have been together for more than thirty years! The love between them does not fade away, just as Marina's youth and beauty do not disappear. They have always dreamed of children. And in 1990 they had a daughter, who was named Galina.

Valentin Yudashkin with his wife

In the photo, the family looks luxurious against the backdrop of a rich, elite setting. But there were also difficult times for this married couple, when they experienced a financial crisis. I even had to sell the car. But then things picked up again. In difficult years, the couple supported each other. Galya from childhood was a witness to their amazing strong love and mutual respect. She always dreamed of finding the same love as her parents.

Galina Yudashkina

And finally, the dream has come true! Her chosen one is young, handsome and rich. In May 2014, they got engaged. By that time, Galina graduated from the history department of the university and worked in her father's company as an art director. She is a pretty, modest, very smart girl. stunning eyes of blue color Galina inherited from her mother, and Bottom part faces - in dad.

Petr Maksakov with his family


Everyone understands that the wedding of the daughter of a famous fashion designer is not an easy event. Preparations for it began long ago. The best banquet organizers, florists, hairdressers and cooks were gathered. The dress for Galina, of course, was designed by her father. But the creation of the bride's hairstyle was taken over by her mother (after all, she is a wonderful hairdresser!).

Despite the fact that in fact Pyotr Maksakov and Galina Yudashkina became spouses (signed in the registry office) in September 2014, the wedding was scheduled for June 2015.

The wedding dress for Galina was personally sewn by her father designer

As it turned out, the biographies of the young had a beginning very close by! They grew up together in Bryusov Lane in Moscow. Only the family of some lived in house number one, and the others lived in house number seven. It turns out that they were taken for a walk to the same square - near the Church of the Ascension of the Lord. This coincidence could not leave anyone indifferent! But for some reason, before they were not lucky enough to meet each other and get to know each other.

Wedding famous people, like their personal lives, cannot remain in the shadows. The attention of many representatives of high society and ordinary citizens of the country was riveted to her. Firstly, I wonder what outfit for the bride will create the best couturier? Parents, of course, tried.

Petr Maksakov with his wife and parents

The bride's wedding dress weighed almost seven kilograms! It took fifty meters of high-quality expensive silk. It was hand-decorated with beads and pearls. The number of these jewels was measured in hundreds of thousands. Of course, it's scary to think about the price of such an outfit.

The bride's make-up was entrusted to Alexandra Kim. Because Galina is too vertically challenged- meter fifty two, she was picked up by special shoes from Jimmy Choo. They increase height by ten centimeters.

The young people got married in the Church of St. Clement on Pyatnitskaya Street. The grandiose bell ringing could be heard several blocks away. Then the newlyweds were taken away by a Rolls-Royce.

The Symphony Orchestra was invited especially for the wedding ceremony.

Galina Yudashkina in a wedding dress with her mother Marina

The bride before the wedding day arranged a grand bachelorette party, to which her best friends. He passed in expensive hotel. The fun was overflowing. were there and famous people And simple girls. Anya Maksakova, Peter's sister, was also included in the girl's company. Despite the fact that she is not yet eighteen years old, the girl looks older than her years. A tall, long-legged beauty is also waiting for her worthy groom. Peter, however, refused to hold a bachelor party, considering it an unnecessary event.

For wedding dress Galina was spent a large number of expensive silk

Pyotr Maksakov specifically for this important point of his biography, he flew to New York to famous jewelers in order to fit his grandmother's family engagement ring for the bride.

The table was, as expected, splendid and abounding with delicious dishes. The personal interest of all aroused the wedding cake. He was two meters high and weighed about three hundred kilograms! Nobody has ever tried this in real life! They say that such a magnificent table was organized by the groom's relatives. It had a lot of exotic dishes, worked on by the best restaurant masters. The dishes were made of elite porcelain.

Pyotr Maksakov with his wife Galina at a wedding celebration

The groom's aunt, Maria Maksakova, wished the newlyweds happy life and the best kids. She presented a monetary gift, and then performed famous arias from operas. They look amazing in the photo! Their dance was unusual - a mixture of rock and roll and Charleston.

Their joint biography started with honeymoon trip. The young went to Los Angeles.

Life after marriage

It's been two years since the wedding. How did their subsequent life turn out? Peter works at the Valentin Yudashkin Center as a business consultant. Simultaneously develops several independent projects. One of them is a joint production with Ilan Shor (husband famous singer Jasmine). The other is an independent company that he created with his friends.

After the wedding, Peter Maksakov and his wife live in America

Peter does not exalt himself above the rest of the citizens. He drives to work in a simple Chevrolet. He builds his own house next to the house of his wife's parents.

And most an important event happened in April 2016. They had a son, who was named Anatoly. He, of course, uses special attention from parents and representatives of both elite families. Grandmothers pamper him to the point of insanity. After all, they dreamed of grandchildren for so long! The kid has already managed to visit with his mother at the grandfather's fashion show in Paris.

Pyotr Maksakov with his wife and newborn son

Great open spaces are open to the new member of the Maksakov family. What will he choose? What path will he follow when he grows up. Perhaps a singer? Or will he replace his grandfather in the field of fashion? The choice is his.

Young people live a happy, quiet family life. All disputes that arise during the difficulties of everyday life are resolved peacefully with the help of love. Although they do not hide the fact that both have a quick-tempered nature. But love conquers all omissions and disagreements. As for further procreation - not young, but only after a few years. It is necessary to give a rest to mother Galya and save up strength for the next restless successor of the elite family.

Pyotr Maksakov with Galina Yudashkina at home

Galina left her career when she realized that she was expecting a child. Now its main goal is to create peace and harmony in the family. Meeting her husband from work, she feeds him a delicious dinner, removing from him the burden of fatigue and worries of the day.

Petr Maksakov with his family

Galya never takes off her engagement ring and never lets anyone measure it. And this is not only because of the value of the jewelry (although, of course, it costs fabulous money!), but rather because of the special attitude to her status - a married woman.

It remains to wish Peter and Galina happy family life, more children and health for years to come.

The daughter of designer Valentin Yudashkin Galina and the grandson of actress Lyudmila Maksakova Peter got married on September 3, 2014. Registration of marriage took place in the Griboedovsky registry office in Moscow. The celebration was modest, it was attended only by close friends and family couples. Galina and Peter played a magnificent wedding in the summer of 2015, at the same time they got married. In April 2016, Tolya, the first-born of the couple, was born in one of the US clinics.

In July, Peter and Galina became the "Couple of the Month" according to the jewelry brand SOKOLOV. The brand launched a romantic project that collected 12 stories star couples. The project was opened by Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota, who are now preparing to become parents for the first time. Now Peter and Galina have told their love story.

According to the couple, they met in in social networks. A spark ran between the young people at the first meeting. “It seems to me that at first glance you can immediately understand whether a person is nice to you or not. We immediately got along, some kind of “chemistry” was felt, ”Galina admitted. “Even in psychology there is something on this topic: a person, looking at the external data of another, makes a decision in the first 15 seconds. I think we were even faster. On the first day we met, we talked, in my opinion, for 8 hours in a row! Peter adds.


The first date of the couple took place at an exhibition dedicated to the work of Van Gogh. Then it was Galina who invited Peter. “I had heard a lot about this exhibition - it was then the first multimedia exhibition with video projections on the walls and, interestingly, not in the Pushkin Museum or the Tretyakov Gallery. I was curious why people stand in line for so long to get in. And I decided to use the opportunity to invite Petya, ”says Yudashkina. According to Maksakov, they passed the exhibition in 20 minutes, as they were more passionate about each other than the exhibits.

The couple also spoke about a luxurious wedding in Moscow's Gostiny Dvor. About 500 guests were invited to the celebration. Galina shone in a dress that her father, designer Valentin Yudashkin, created especially for her.

“We, like everyone else, were preparing for the wedding for a long time: we started almost 8 months in advance, including because of the dress. Of course, on this day, everything is not perfect: something can go wrong, something can not be liked. But the guests don’t notice this, you see it and get nervous, and after everything you think: “It’s good that the wedding has already passed!” Of course, it was a very beautiful event - it’s nice to look at photos, videos and know that you can show it all to the child later. We prepared a special wedding video and rehearsed the dance, ”said Yudashkina.

After the birth of her son, Galina did not fully devote herself to motherhood. The girl continues to work, but tries to give the baby as much of her time as possible. The couple considers themselves calm parents who do not raise a panic on any occasion.

“We are very calm parents in this regard: I myself don’t like to impose anything, and I don’t like it when someone imposes on me, so for a very long time I was looking for a pediatrician who would not annoy me with his “Soviet” views. I think the simpler the better. This is how we live, and everything is still excellent, ”said the young mother.

Like Valentin Yudashkin, SOKOLOV has grown into a giant brand Russian market from a family business. Galina, what is your current area of ​​responsibility in your father’s fashion house and how important is the continuity of generations in your work for you?
Galina: We can say that in our company everyone is responsible for everything. As an art director of a fashion house, I also do castings, fittings, and the accessories department, which I manage.

Petr: I am the executive director of the company: I deal with both financial issues and international contacts, communication with clients.

Galina: As for the continuity of generations: both dad gives us advice, and we give him advice. Time passes, everything changes and does not stand still. For example, before you had to think about how to place an ad in a newspaper so that everyone would write about you, but now one post on Instagram is enough, and you already get advertising.

While we're on the subject of fashion, I'd like to ask you both how you would describe your own style? Are there any favorite things in your wardrobe that you can say “this is definitely mine”?
Peter: And fashion is changing, and we are changing. To be honest, there is absolutely no attachment to some things.

Galina: I also always have a different style: I can wear jeans, an evening dress, anything - I don’t get hung up on one thing.

Galina, as a fashion expert, can you advise girls what trends are in the top right now and what, on the contrary, should definitely not be worn?
Galina: It seems to me that you just need to select everything according to the figure. When they put on something, for example, not in height - this is not at all. I really like high boots, but they don’t fit me - they are as tall as me! (Laughs) So I won’t wear them, but someone will try to fit into them.

Peter: Can I express a man's opinion? Girls, when will you finally stop dressing in sporty style? I hate those hoodies and pants from the 90s - it looks weird. You can put on such things when you are flying somewhere, but when you wear it all every day, and even on various events... I have a question: where do such girls try to find a husband? (Laughs) You can't even see that a woman is walking in front of you!

Galina: I agree. I love more feminine things. These oversized long sweaters and hoodies never suited me. Although I understand that someone wants to be in trend - they have their own reason.

When it's time to take a break from the clutter of everyday activities and work meetings, where do you go together? Do you have any favorite places in Moscow or abroad that you would like to recommend to friends and acquaintances?
Galina: We are sitting in the country, we are homebodies (smiles). Abroad, we like to rent a car and travel by ourselves. Recently I was in Italy for work and traveled around the country.

Peter: We drove from Milan through small towns, then we spent two days in Florence, from Florence we drove past Forte dei Marmi and returned back to the suburbs of Milan - we have a factory there.

Galina: It was rather a working trip - we often combine work with leisure.

Peter: We can just go to America to relax, for example.

Do you make each other jewelry gifts? Which ones are your favourites, and do you have any special stories associated with them?
Peter: Yes. My engagement ring, which Galya gave me, in the form of a nut, she brought me from New York. So, what's your favorite piece of jewelry that I gave you?

Galina: All the favorites! (Smiles). Peter and I, in fact, are not so romantic. He's not the type to secretly surprise me for months. Petya usually asks what I want, waits for my birthday or some holiday, and I get my gift.

Peter: Wow! And just like that, on vacation, for example?! Or bags and the like don't count? (Laughs).

Peter, do you wear a watch? Can you call them an indispensable stylistic component of the image of a modern man? How important is their design to you and what is closer - classic or avant-garde?
Galina: He can't live without them at all.

Peter: I wear watches, I look at the time on them: I always put my phone somewhere, and the watch is a functional accessory that is always with me. I believe that if the watch is comfortable, reliable, then you can wear it for years and then even give it to your son as a gift. In watches, I prefer classics or something in between “sports” and “classics”.

We got a really amazing atmospheric shoot with SOKOLOV jewelry. Which of them did you particularly like and why?
Galina: I chose rings from white gold with diamonds, gold hoop earrings, long gold earrings, chain necklace, silver bracelets and three different watches. All these jewelry and accessories can be worn under anything and anytime: in the morning - to work, in the evening - to meet friends.

In summer, you especially want to wear jewelry that is easy to combine. Earrings, rings, necklaces and bracelets are easy to put together in one look: both gold and silver. For the first look at the shoot, I chose a watch with a white strap, again, because in the summer you always want light colors, and they also went well under the dress.

A few of the rings I have chosen have a diamond scattering, it looks very beautiful, and combining such a ring with other, simpler ones is always a good combination.

Peter: My choice is SOKOLOV watches with classic Swiss design. This is a stylish watch made of gold, with a real "masculine" case, which can be worn every day, for any meeting, under any suit.

If you were approached on the street asking for an autograph and asked to ascribe some inspirational advice to your memory,


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