trout fish is one of the most beautiful representatives of its salmon family. Her body is covered with multi-colored dots, which distinguishes her from other representatives.

The trout is densely built and looks rather massive. Not so long ago it became fashionable to breed this fish in artificial reservoirs for subsequent sale.

The body of a trout is compressed, the scales are arranged in a certain order. Her muzzle is blunt and may appear truncated. Compared to the body, the head is really out of proportion, it is an order of magnitude smaller than it should be.

The teeth of the fish are sharp and massive, located on the bottom row. There are only 3-4 teeth of irregular shape on the coulter. Price for live fish trout varies from 4 to 7 dollars per 1 kilogram, depending on the type.

Trout fish varieties

There are three types of trout:




Brook trout can grow more than half a meter in length and reach 12 kilograms at the age of 10 years. This is a large member of the family. The body is elongated, covered with very small but dense scales. Has small fins. Her large mouth is full of numerous teeth.

The lake trout has a stronger body than the previous subspecies. The head is compressed, the lateral line is clearly visible. It is distinguished by color: red-brown back, and sides and belly are silvery. Sometimes you can see black spots on it.

Rainbow trout is a fish, which, according to scientists, refers to freshwater. The body is quite long and grows in weight up to 6 kilograms. Her scales are very small. It differs from its counterparts in that it has a pronounced pink stripe on its belly.

Pictured is a rainbow trout

Trout habitat and lifestyle

According to the habitat, sea and river trout are distinguished. The main difference between them is the size and color of the meat. sea ​​trout is a big fish with dark red meat. Occurs in small numbers along Pacific Ocean V North America. As mentioned earlier, it is distinguished by its large size.

River trout includes all types of freshwater fish of this family. A favorite habitat is mountain rivers, so there are a lot of this fish in Norway. River fish trout prefers only clean and cool water. It can often be found in lakes. This fish is widespread in many reservoirs of the Baltic states, as well as rivers that flow into the Black Sea.

Prefers to keep to the mouths of rivers, rapids, as well as areas near bridges. In mountain rivers, he likes to stop in the area of ​​whirlpools and mountain rapids. Of the lakes, it prefers deep-water ones and often rests on the bottom.

Red fish trout prefers rocky bottom. In danger, it begins to hide under stones and tree roots. In hot weather, trout can even be found near clean springs and springs.

The lifestyle of the brown trout trout is well researched, due to the fact that this fish is excellent for fishing and breeding. After spawning (during the winter season), the fish swims downstream and, as a rule, ends up near springs and at great depths. It will be quite difficult to meet her on the surface of the river at this time.

Nutrition and breeding of trout

Spawning is the most interesting period in life fish of the salmon family - trout. During spawning, fish can be seen on the surface of the reservoir in which it lives. She will splash and swim at an extraordinary speed quickly.

On the surface of the river and these mating games. After them, the youngest individuals will return to their usual habitats, and the rest will remain in the river to increase the population of their species. The fecundity of female trout is not great. Maturity in trout occurs already in the third year of life.

The larvae hatch from the laid eggs in early spring. At first, they do not move, but remain in their pouch, from which they feed. And only after a month and a half the fry begin to gradually get out of the shelter.

During this period they feed on the larvae of small insects. From this moment on, the trout begin to grow very quickly and actively, and in a year they become more than 12 centimeters in length. The growth rate of the fry depends on the body of water in which it is located.

The larger the pond - the more food for trout in it - the faster it will grow. In small streams you will not find a big fish, it basically reaches a size of 15-17 centimeters.

What kind of fish is trout? The answer is simple! Trout - predatory fish. The food for the river variety of this fish is crustaceans, mollusks, insects and their larvae, as well as small fish. Trout prefers to feed 2 times a day: early in the morning and in the evening.

Often, the eggs of other fish become her delicacy. According to research, trout are able to eat their own eggs if they are not well hidden under rocks. And the largest representatives can even feed on fry or young of their own species.

Growing fish - trout in artificial reservoirs

If you decide to breed trout, you should understand that simply organizing a pond for such fish is not enough. Judging by photo, size of fish - trout directly dependent on water.

If you breed this species in sea ​​water, then the individuals will grow quickly and will be large, if the water is fresh, then the fish will be small. The water in the reservoir should always be clean and cold. Never use chlorinated water. Chlorine is poison for trout.

It is advised to breed trout in cages - a metal floating frame that is attached to the shore. You can place cages in any ready-made reservoir: a river, a pond. Trout is launched in the amount of 500-1000 individuals.

Trout do not breed in ponds, so a broodstock is launched there. You need to feed the fish with natural food (at least 50%). Fry and young must be kept separate from large fish, otherwise they can be eaten.

Buy fish - trout You can have breeders on the Internet at specialized forums. Do not forget that trout is a fish, price which has not fallen for many years, but rather only grows.

Interesting Facts about trout

    In hot weather, trout falls into a coma and can be caught with bare hands.

    Trout are cannibalistic, devouring their own kind.

    Marine fish are much larger than river fish.

    Salt water speeds up the metabolism of trout.

    During the spawning period, all fish swim on the surface of the reservoir and are not afraid of humans.

Trout - freshwater fish salmon family. Its habitat is the lakes and rivers of Russia, Transcaucasia, the European coast from the Atlantic. Trout is sensitive to environmental factors: it does not survive in muddy, polluted water bodies. Fish meat is white or pale pink. This real delicacy. The color depends on the diet, the composition of the water, the habitat of the individual.

Trout is a cold-water fish that needs a high concentration of oxygen in water bodies. Juveniles feed on invertebrates, larvae and insects, and as they grow, they switch to fish. In its natural habitat, the size of a trout does not exceed 50 centimeters, and its body weight is 1.8 kilograms. However, in aquaculture conditions, the growth of an individual is faster and the weight can exceed 6 kilograms.

At present, the volume of trout rearing is 550,000 tons per year, which is 3 times lower than the volume for salmon.

Representatives of the salmon family contain a large number of useful fatty acids, macro- and microelements, which are very valuable for the human body: they prevent the appearance and relieve depression, prevent the accumulation of harmful toxins. In addition, they clean blood vessels, improve blood circulation, brain function, and normalize metabolism. And the lecithin, iron, vitamins A, E, easily digestible fats and high-value proteins included in the trout regulate blood pressure, improve the condition skin, maintain hemoglobin within normal limits, enhance human sexual functions, slow down the aging of the body.

In addition, offal sea ​​fish contains iodine, which strengthens the immune system, nourishes the thyroid gland, fights vascular diseases.


Most representatives of trout are fish, weighing 200 - 500 grams and with a body length of up to 30 centimeters. Some specimens in the wild gain up to 2 kilograms.

Sea trout are larger than freshwater trout.

The classic color of the fish is dark olive with a greenish tinge. Light colors are clearly visible on the sides. transverse stripes with spots of black, crimson color. The color of an individual depends on the habitat, season, food, transparency of the reservoir. Fish living in lime water has a light silvery back, in depths where the bottom is covered with peat or silt - dark brownish.

With an abundance of food in the river and lakes, spots, stripes on the sides of the trout may be absent, and after changing the reservoir, appear or disappear. The meat of sea fish is red, freshwater - pink. The protein content in it reaches 18%.

The body of the trout is laterally compressed, covered with matte scales, the head is truncated, short, the eyes are large, the teeth are located on the vomer.

Trout - commercial fish, which is grown in cage farms, special farms. Norway is considered the leader in salmon breeding.

Due to the genetic proximity to the variety, the name "trout" is carried by predatory fish belonging to three genera:

  1. Pacific salmon:
  • "Biva";
  • "Apache";
  • Rainbow;
  • Gold;
  • Caucasian;
  • Gila.
  1. Atlantic (noble) salmon:
  • Amudaryinsky;
  • Adriatic;
  • Flathead;
  • Sevan;
  • Marble;
  • Ohrid;
  • Brown trout.
  1. Charr of the subfamily Salmonidae:
  • Silver;
  • "Malma";
  • Ozerny;
  • Big Head;
  • "Palia".

Red fish spawn exclusively in clean running waters. The female trout are larger than the males. They have fewer teeth and a smaller head.

Chemical composition

The meat of representatives of the salmon family is tender, oily, bright red or milky-cream in color with a fragrant intermuscular layer of fat. Trout lends itself to all types of heat treatment: frying, smoking, boiling, marinating, stewing, steaming, skewering. It can be dried and served as an appetizer for alcoholic beverages. Delicious meat is baked whole or stuffed with nuts, fruits. On its basis, fragrant oily first courses (ear, soups) are obtained. Sashimi, tartar, Japanese sushi are prepared from raw fish.

100 grams of trout fillet contains:

  • - 71.87 grams;
  • - 19.20 grams;
  • - 2.10 grams;
  • ash - 1.31 grams;
  • - 0 grams.

The ratio B: W: U is equal to 80% : 20% : 0%.

Table No. 1 " Chemical composition trout fillet»
Nutrient name Content nutrients in 100 grams, milligram

The nutritional value of trout depends on the method of cooking. 100 grams of boiled royal fish contains 89 kilocalories, smoked - 132, canned - 162, slightly salted - 186, fried - 223.

Trout benefits

Red fish meat is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and.

  • depression
  • osteoporosis;
  • oncology;
  • psoriasis;
  • allergies;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart disease.

Boiled fish has a low calorie content, so it is included in the weight loss menu.

Why eat trout?

Substances that make up red fish have a complex effect on the human body:

  1. Take out the extra.
  2. Regulate blood levels, secretion of gastric juice, water metabolism.
  3. Improve blood circulation, keep the heart healthy.
  4. They participate in the breakdown of fats, the metabolism of amino acids, the synthesis of hormones, and energy metabolism.
  5. Reduce the risk of developing myocardial infarction (primary or repeated).
  6. Activate mental activity.
  7. Strengthen the immune system, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  8. Slow down the aging of the body.
  9. They prevent the formation of tumors of the malignant spectrum (fight free radicals).
  10. Improve the absorption of iron and the condition of the skin and hair.
  11. Increase the strength of tooth enamel.
  12. Break down and remove carcinogens.
  13. Fight stress, relieve fatigue, have a tonic effect.
  14. Support reproductive function.
  15. Reduce blood pressure.

Thus, trout meat has a healing effect on the human body. Nutritionists recommend eating fish 3-4 times a week, 200-300 grams per day.


Trout meat does not cause serious damage to human health, since it is recognized as hypoallergenic. However, fish may contain mercury, which is dangerous for pregnant and lactating women, as it causes poisoning of the baby's body and can cause miscarriage.

Apart from natural environment trout are grown on fish farms, where unscrupulous entrepreneurs use chemical additives to speed up the growth of individuals and give the meat a presentable pink hue. Allergy sufferers should be wary of such fish, first of all, since artificial dyes can cause an attack.

Contraindications for use: diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive organs in acute and chronic form, individual intolerance.

Due to the low calorie content, fish is not recommended for people doing heavy physical work and athletes. Otherwise, a poor diet causes a breakdown, loss of vigor, lack of energy. To avoid depletion of the body, combine the intake of trout with vegetables, cereals,.

The piquant taste of trout is emphasized by greens and lemon.

In the Caucasus, red fish meat is usually served with pomegranate sauce. In oriental dishes, it is used to create sashimi, rolls, sushi, stews, soups.

Salted fish goes well with strong alcoholic drinks, and smoked - with dry wine, beer.

Interestingly, in Japan, trout is not subjected to prolonged heat treatment, while in the West it is customary to boil and fry the product well.

In European countries, spicy fish meat is baked with nuts and fruits, marinated in spices, lemon juice and cooked on a barbecue or grill.


For the food industry, for industrial purposes, trout is artificially grown in clean ponds and cages in the pools of fish farms.

Species most suitable for breeding fish of the salmon family: stream (river) or rainbow.

It takes 1.5 years to grow a trout weighing 500 grams. Larger specimens are bred as a mother flock in order to obtain red caviar, which is subsequently subject to processing (salting) for sale.

The fish becomes sexually mature in the fourth year of life. In one female, the number of eggs does not exceed 3000 eggs. Because of this, the product belongs to the category of delicacies and is highly valued.


For the angler-athlete, the following types of trout are of greatest interest: brook (pied), sea (trout), lake. Salmon spend most of their lives sedentary, with the exception of small movements to search for spawning grounds (rifts). Trout spawn during the cold season, when the water temperature drops to 1 - 6 degrees Celsius (October to February).

Fishing gear

The choice of devices for the extraction of a skilled predator depends on the planned place of fishing. For river fishing you will need a compact rod or spinning rod. When fishing for trout in a lake or pond, give preference to a telescopic rod of the middle class, 5 meters long with a safe reel. Fly fishing is also used.

When fishing for trout, take off your bracelets, wrist watch, shiny objects, because they reflect the glare from the sun and this scares off the underwater inhabitant.

For trout fishing, high-quality hooks No. 6 - 10 and tackle line 016 - 018 are used.

Fishing methods

The traditional method of fishing for trout with a float rod is used in the calm part of mountain rivers and streams. The ideal place for catching red fish is considered opposite side from the rocky shore of the reservoir. In this case, the bait is thrown upstream, so it slowly melts, swimming near the lurking individual, and the bite immediately occurs.

As with whitefish, the "Drazkovic method" is widely used, which involves fishing with dead bait.

When hit on the hook, the trout behaves aggressively, putting up strong resistance at the moment of capturing the bait. She makes powerful jerks down, abruptly jumps out of the water, tries to stop behind a stone, which often leads to a bend in the tip of the rod, a break in the fishing line.

Trout are well caught all year round, however, in order to lure and fish it out, you need a lot of endurance and skill. In the cold season (in winter), the caution of the fish increases. Despite the fact that in given period the trout is in a state of inhibition, it instantly reacts to the slightest sound and movement of the angler. When danger is detected, the individual hides in the depths of the reservoir and lies on the bottom. To catch trout, fresh holes are drilled, since they are not found near old ones.

With the thaw and the appearance of the first glades on the surface of rivers, lakes, and seas, its activity intensifies.

In spring, the fish remain in the "wintering pits" or move to the riffles, where the water is more quickly saturated with oxygen. In summer, it rarely appears off the coast. The most likely places where it can be found are spring rivers with tributaries, streams. The optimum water temperature for trout is 18 degrees Celsius. On hot days, fish come out to bite at night when the pond cools down.

Spawning begins in autumn, and she is constantly on the move, actively feeding, gaining weight. At this time, different baits work: tadpoles, spinners, wobblers, and juveniles.

Trout's favorite bait: larvae, fish roe, crustaceans, insects, minnows.

How to feed the fish?

Mix eggs, milk and pour into a heated pan. Don't add oil! Stir the mixture until the liquid evaporates. Cool a third of the "omelette" to 50 degrees.

Pass fatty and salty canned meat through a meat grinder, add to the mixture, mix. Trout loves salt, so complementary foods can be supplied with it.

A traditional component for winter fishing is canned corn. Drain the liquid, grind the grains into a homogeneous mass, add the raw materials to the mixture. Wrap the resulting mass in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator overnight. Ready lure has a uniform taste and a pronounced aroma that attracts fish. Transfer the required amount of the mixture into a thermos in the morning, and place the rest in the freezer, where it can be stored for a month from the moment of preparation.


Most often, trout is sold in salted or frozen form. At the same time, the cost of these products differs significantly. To save money, you can salt the fish yourself at home using a dry or wet method.

Regardless of the cooking technology, pre-wash, dry and cut fresh fish into thin plates. Place the fillet in a ceramic or enamel bowl.

For dry salting, mix granulated sugar And table salt in a ratio of 1:2, add seasonings, pepper and carefully sprinkle each layer with the resulting mixture. Place the container with the fish in the refrigerator. You can use it after a day. If desired, add lemon juice or vegetable oil to the marinade.

To get rid of the taste of raw fish, increase the salting time. To do this, sprinkle the trout carcass with salt and sugar, observing the indicated proportions, and wrap it in a damp towel, then in plastic wrap and wrapping paper. Place in the freezer for 5 days.

"Royal" recipes


  • onions - 1 head;
  • - 1 piece;
  • broccoli;
  • trout fillet - 600 grams;
  • white wine - 200 milliliters;
  • lemon - 0.5 pieces;
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • salt;
  • a set of spices (rosemary, savory, oregano, mustard seeds, allspice, cardamom, paprika, fennel).

Cooking principle:

  1. Cut the fish meat into portions.
  2. Mix salt and spices. Generously supply the trout with a fragrant mixture, cover with lemon rings.

So that the fish is saturated with spices and acquires a pleasant aroma, leave it in the marinade for 30 minutes.

  1. Prepare vegetables. Peel them, cut the carrots into strips, onions into rings, tomatoes into slices.
  2. Preheat the oven.
  3. Line a baking sheet with foil (15 x 15 cm squares). Put a vegetable pillow in portions, on top of which place pieces of trout, a slice of lemon.
  4. Pinch the edges of the foil, so the juice does not leak out, and the fish will be baked in its own marinade.

To enhance the taste and spice up the dish, pour 50 milliliters of wine into the resulting "pockets".

  1. Place a baking sheet with fish in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Fish pie


  • trout fillet - 2 kilograms;
  • dough - 1 kilogram;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • Bay leaf;
  • allspice peas;
  • salt.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Divide the dough into 3 pieces. Connect the first two and roll out an oval, 1 centimeter thick. From the third part, make a small circle.
  2. Wash and cut the trout into pieces. Salt and pepper it.
  3. Cut greens, mix with fish.
  4. Peel the onion from the peel, cut into rings.
  5. Put the dough in a baking dish, spread the fish with herbs on top of it, then the onion rings. Raise the edges of the oval with a “side”.
  6. Grate the butter on a grater and put it on the filling.
  7. “Close” the pie with a small oval, pinch the ends of the dough with sides.
  8. Poke holes in the center with a fork to release steam.
  9. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  10. Place the pie dish in the oven for 60 minutes.

Before serving, cut the hot fishmonger into portions.


Trout - valuable fish which contains essential amino acids, fats, vitamins and minerals. All its components have a beneficial effect on fat, cholesterol, protein metabolism, improve absorption, and participate in the formation of red blood cells. Trout meat resists oxidative processes, prolongs the youth of the body, and normalizes blood pressure.

The uniqueness of fish lies in the high content of useful omega-3 acids, which the human body is not able to produce on its own. These compounds have an anti-inflammatory effect, maintain vascular tone, increase immunity, improve the condition of mucous membranes, slow down the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots. In addition, omega-3 is included in the structure of cell membranes, the properties of which determine the efficiency of the heart, retina, brain and signal transmission between nerve cells.

In fresh fish, the skin is shiny, the eyes are clear and bulging, the gills are red, moist, the flesh is white or light pink, dense. Frozen carcasses can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months. To prevent the fish from breaking apart and losing its piquant taste, the pieces are boiled or fried for no more than 10 minutes.

Japanese sushi, main courses, soups, sashimi, tartare, sauces are prepared on the basis of trout.

Trout is a generalized name for several types of salmon fish that inhabit various water bodies and are found throughout our country. It is of commercial value, as well as of interest to amateur fishermen and sportsmen. It is considered a noble underwater inhabitant, which is not easy to catch, requires considerable skill and experience.

This representative of salmon has the highest culinary value. Its meat contains many vitamins and minerals that promote health. From it you can cook the most diverse dishes. This fish is smoked, fried, stewed, salted, boiled and even eaten raw. Her caviar is considered a delicacy. In some regions, the so-called amber trout baked in the oven is popular.

Types of fish

In our conditions, there are three main types of this fish:

  • Karelian trout or lake;
  • stream;
  • iridescent.

Karelian trout inhabits mainly deep cold water reservoirs of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula; it is massively found in Lake Ladoga and Onega. This is a large schooling fish that can live at depths of up to 100 meters. Grows up to a meter in length.

Brook trout is a freshwater form of sea trout, an anadromous fish. But unlike her, she leads a sedentary lifestyle, prefers streams and rivers with cold clear water and a strong stream. Usually grows up to 1-2 kg, but there is information about individuals weighing under 10-12 kg.

The rainbow trout is considered a freshwater form of the saltwater Pacific steelhead salmon. The most common type in our country. Many fish farms are engaged in its purposeful breeding. This predator is stocked with paid ponds, where spinning is especially popular.

Description of the fish

All species of trout have a similar body shape. It is slightly elongated, compressed from the sides. The head is medium in size, truncated. The mouth is medium, the eyes are small. Males are slightly smaller than females, but have more teeth. With age, their lower jaw can bend upward.

The trout is covered with dense small scales. On the back there are two fins - the main and false, which are also called fat. This is true for all salmon. Abdominal, pectoral, anal and tail are medium in size.

The color of this fish is very variable and depends on the habitat and the specific species. On a light bottom, trout often have a silvery body with small black spots and a light olive back. On muddy or peaty soil, it is darker. Also, the predator changes color for spawning, its colors become more saturated.

Brook trout has a brownish color, its head and back may even be black. Numerous black and red spots are randomly located on the body. Sometimes it is called a pied. Rainbow - lighter. She has a purple-red stripe along the lateral line. Thanks to her, this species got its name.


Trout spawn in different ways, depending on species and specific water bodies. Ozernaya spawns twice a year: December-February and June-August. This process takes place at a considerable depth, sometimes up to 100 meters, so ichthyologists have little studied. The female lays up to 1500 larvae, from which fry up to 15 mm in size hatch.

Brook trout reaches sexual maturity at 3–4 years of age. It spawns from November to December, when the water temperature is about 6 degrees. Spawns eggs in shallow rocky-pebbly areas with a fast current. At a time, the female lays from 200 to 5000 eggs. Malek hatches only in early spring.

Rainbow trout begin spawning at 3–4 years of age. IN vivo this process takes place in March-April. Large bottom caviar, up to 4.5–6.0 mm in diameter, matures for about two months. The fecundity of the fish is about 2000 eggs.

Rainbow trout grow faster than brook trout. In addition, it tolerates an increase in water temperature up to 20 degrees. Therefore, it is this species that is bred in paid ponds and fish farms, since it is not required to create special conditions for the content.

What does it eat

Trout is predatory fish. Her juveniles feed mainly on plankton at the beginning of life, but as they grow older, they switch to a more varied diet, which consists of:

  • small benthic invertebrates (molluscs and worms);
  • crustaceans;
  • larvae of near-aquatic insects;
  • frogs;
  • beetles, butterflies, grasshoppers and other insects falling into the water;
  • small fish.

Large individuals attack even small mammals who inadvertently swim across the pond. Trout can also eat plant foods. On many paid ponds, she is caught on canned corn, dough, bread and others.

Where does it live

Brook trout loves cool places, so they try to stick to places where the springs beat, and the water temperature does not rise. She can stand behind various shelters on the riffles, as well as in areas with a slow current: before or after them.

IN summer time the predator prefers local pits with a slow current under overhanging crowns of trees or shrubs.

The behavior of the rainbow trout differs little from the way of life of the brook. She likes to stand in the area of ​​​​any shelters. These can be large stones or snags at the bottom, various uneven terrain. On sunny days, the fish is usually inactive, but with the onset of cloudy weather, its behavior changes dramatically, and the predator becomes active.

Lake trout inhabit deep lakes where it lives at depths of 50–100 meters. Fish can be at the bottom or move in the water column. IN summer period it often approaches the coastal zone.

Trout - common name applicable to a number of species and forms of fish from the abundant Salmonidae family - salmonids. It is present in 3 out of 7 genera. This:

  • Salmo - Atlantic species;
  • Oncorhynchus - Pacific species;
  • Salvelinus or loaches, which are found off the coast of Europe, Asia, America.

Trout never reach a very significant size, although there are very great views. Among the characteristic parameters of the trout is the compression from the sides with the elongation of the body.

Experts count the rays in the fins. The trout has a short, truncated snout. Look into the mouth and see rows of powerful teeth on the coulter. 3 or 4 rows are located on the back of the anterior triangular plate, on the palatal surface - 2 rows.

For many centuries, the people of the salmon family, including trout, have been called "red" fish by the people. Obviously, this word does not refer to color. He's in the muscles (meat) different types it can be white, and yellowish, and reddish, and saturated red. The name meant the highest degree the importance of the product and its enduring beauty.

Where is trout found in Russia

Trout really surprises many and many. This is a rare species of fish that is able to live in both fresh and salt water, instantly adapting to changing habitats. The only requirement is the purity of the water, because this is an aristocratic fish!

The places where trout live and are even still caught are usually as beautiful as the fish itself. Apparently, this is why anglers strive to preserve the pristine beauty of both nature and fish when cooking.

Connoisseurs note that the most delicious trout is found in mountain streams and lakes in ecologically clean regions of the country. Not without reason, according to experts, the best trout (lake) is found in Karelia and on the Kola Peninsula, on Ladoga, where the Svir and Vuoksa carry their waters, on Onega.

Where else is trout found in Russia? Brown trout, one of the most common types of trout, and its subspecies are found in the northern part of Atlantic Ocean, in the basins of the Barents, White, Baltic, Black and Caspian seas. Along the White Sea and Barents coasts, it goes to the Cheshskaya Bay.

It is found in the Neva, Narova, Luga and in the Gulf of Finland. There are also migratory forms of brown trout in Kaliningrad, Pskov, Novgorod, Vologda, Tver, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Kirov, Perm and in the northern part of the Orenburg region.

Ciscaucasian, endangered due to a violation of the natural reproduction of trout from the Caspian Sea basin, still comes from the Terek and Samur rivers, rarely, but still found on the Volga and the Urals. It is referred today to the brook trout. It was once common Saratov region to the upper reaches of the Volga, including the basins of the rivers Kama, Sura, Oka, etc.

In addition to the question of where trout is caught: alas, it has completely disappeared in Mari El, Mordovia, in the Yaroslavl and Saratov regions.

Trout species

There are lake, river, stream, mountain stream species of trout. It is customary to distinguish trout in the genus Salmo:

  • Adriatic;
  • stream, lake (trout);
  • iridescent;
  • Turkish flathead;
  • marble;
  • Amu Darya;
  • Caucasian;
  • gold, but there are many others.

The freshwater trout (Kemzha) stands apart. This migratory lake or stream fish bright representative salmon. In this family, the establishment of varieties is extremely difficult, due to their proximity to each other and their amazing ability to adapt to the salinity of the water. That is why river trout is often identified with lake and even sea trout.

What is more expensive salmon or trout

It is difficult for an ignorant person to distinguish trout from salmon. It is also quite problematic to determine which fish is tastier. These are two subspecies of salmon fish, and outwardly they are similar. It is recommended to distinguish already because trout is more expensive than salmon by about $ 1.5 per 1 kg, if we are talking about wholesale purchases.

With a single purchase, the difference will result in 3-4 dollars. Agree, this is serious at the current rate. What is better, trout or salmon? The taste of trout is more tender, so connoisseurs prefer to choose this expensive pleasure.

  • Specialists distinguish by color: the trout has lighter skin with pinkish sides, and the meat is richer in color, brighter in pattern.
  • On the sides of the salmon there are no stripes characteristic of trout.
  • The scales of the salmon are larger in size.
  • The trout is rounder, its head is smaller than the salmon, more truncated, and the tail has a square shape (the tail of the salmon is triangular).
  • The fins also differ in shape: in salmon they are more elongated.

What is fatter trout or salmon

Trout is fatter than salmon. This is especially noticeable in the specific "fatty" smell if the fish has been frozen.

It is not recommended to eat a lot of this oily fish if there are problems with the liver, a diagnosis of "stomach and / or duodenal ulcer" has been made. Limit the use of fatty trout for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, unless an increased calorie content is indicated. There are no carbohydrates in the product.

What can be cooked from trout

Trout dishes are present in many cuisines of the world. She has always been a favorite dish of the Russian nobility. A luxurious Russian lordly feast could not do without this fish. Professional chefs didn't ask what trout could be made or how to cook it. Recipes have been passed down from century to century, from cook to cook. Her:

  • salted and smoked;
  • boiled and steamed (least calorie)
  • fried in a pan;
  • baked (most nutritious) in the oven and on the grill.

Masters recommend pre-holding the fish in the marinade to give the trout a spicy taste. Lemon, ginger, various greens go well with trout. With any method of cooking, the meat of this gift of nature, unique in all respects, always remains tender and juicy.

Trout is used both with enhanced nutrition and dieting, since this fish contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the entire spectrum of amino acids that are most important for humans, vitamins of all groups.

In trout, iodine, iron, phosphorus, and selenium are present in a completely harmonious, balanced state. There is no longer such an ideal product on earth, which would contain substances that are responsible for all the vital functions of the human body! All components of trout affect the functions of the body. They affect the formation of red blood cells, protein and fat metabolism, glucose uptake and cholesterol metabolism.

As numerous studies confirm, people who often include trout (as well as any red fish) in their diet are 3 times less likely to apply for cancer, hypertension. They retain their memory, experience little to no depression, and can even sunbathe on beaches with less risk of sunburn.

What to do with trout caviar

Not only trout, but also its caviar is included in the list of the most delicious, elite fish delicacies. Her presence on the table in all ages was considered a symbol of prosperity. There were times when trout caviar was eaten with spoons, but then hazel grouses were served on huge dishes, and not in portions that had to be examined through a magnifying glass.

Trout caviar is quite salty, so chefs recommend combining it with butter and cream cheese.

On sale sometimes you can find uneviscerated trout. Experienced housewives and cooks know how to distinguish a male from a female and accurately choose fish with caviar. In this case, they become the owners of an invaluable product in the volume of an impressive jar. Caviar gets almost free, because in the case of milk, basically all the insides are simply thrown away.

There are many recipes for salting caviar. It remains only to choose the preferred one and get a female. She is always inconspicuous. She is grey, she has a blunt nose and a small head, smoother outlines. The male is brighter, rougher, longer, looks more predatory. Either way, luck comes with practice.

How to choose a trout

Trout is difficult to choose. An unenlightened person will not be able to distinguish a fish from its salmon "relatives". Size doesn't matter. Females and males go on sale, and each individual can be both large and small, regardless of gender.

For example, the huge size of the Caspian variety of brown trout, which is considered a real giant in the family (individuals up to 51 kg are found) and similarity with salmon (it is cheaper than trout, see above), even experts are baffled. When classifying by weight, they are trying to make it a subspecies of salmon! Traditionally, belonging was determined by the structural features of the embryo in the egg and the number of chromosomes, but evolution is gradually doing its job with trout.

In order not to be mistaken and not to buy cheaper fish, experts carefully study all the signs. One of them is color. Alas, it is also not an option to distinguish trout by it. There are specimens that are completely light, and almost black, and with dark spots on a light background, and iridescent, and silver. The color depends on the place of fishing and the variety.

Sea trout differs from freshwater trout both in size and in the bright, red color of the meat.

It can have all shades from white to deep purple. It all depends on the type, habitat and nutrition of the fish. In any case, river trout have lighter meat. In calcareous water, trout is also more silvery, and in rivers with a muddy or peaty bottom, it is darker.

Many researchers argue that the uniform color and the minimum number of spots and stripes on the sides are just a sign of satiety during life. Professional anglers say that lake and river trout are paler because their diet lacks the plankton and shrimp they feed on. sea ​​views. Gourmet connoisseurs claim that red meat tastes better, but this is a controversial claim.

In size, lake trout are usually large, and brook (pied) are small. Apparently, it owes its size to fearfulness and a complex lifestyle. She always has to be frisky and be able to hide in stones and rapids, holding herself in fast-flowing, icy water.

In general, when choosing a trout, salmon or other representative of salmon, one has to rely on the correctness, professionalism and honesty of the seller (supplier). Hopes are illusory these days.

Like any product of nature, civilization spoils the trout. Modern producers feed fish to accelerate the growth of individuals and increase the profitability of enterprises. food additives. Add antibiotics, growth hormones, dyes. As a result, the color of the meat is enhanced, the usefulness of the product evaporates, and harmful substances appear in its composition. Of course, all this leads to the debunking of the former positions of the trout, which can only cause regret.

Not only manufacturers sin with counterfeiting. Add fuel to the fire dealers and sellers. When salting, any meat loses its color, and therefore, to maintain brightness, unscrupulous businessmen additionally soak trout in dyes.

One of the rules - do not buy fish with bright pink meat - this is a sign of artificial rearing conditions.

Pay special attention to the veins in the trout fillet. If they are white, the characteristic “pinkness” does not show through, most likely the fish you have chosen has not been treated with dyes.

If you are buying fillets, look for bones. In a quality product, they are pulled out by hand, and therefore the meat has some damage.

There are also standards for dissolving bones with tartaric, citric, acetic acid. This is always indicated in the accompanying documentation. Pay attention to the label, do not miss the presence of prohibited acids and so-called ripening agents, the use of which is unacceptable by law.

No less forbidden polyphosphates are used to increase weight. The fillet with them has a strong shine. When buying frozen meat, be sure to press down on it after defrosting. If a lot of water flows out, polyphosphates were present. You've been hung up. It is preferable, of course, to buy fresh or chilled trout.

Obviously, the selection process is incredibly complex. IN modern world too many cheating factors. Bought salmon instead of trout? This is not the worst evil! It remains to be advised to find a trusted seller who takes his duties responsibly and checks the manufacturer when concluding a contract for the supply of trout.

The second option is to become a fisherman and send to reserved places Russia, where there is no waste, and trout eat the cleanest food! In our country they are still preserved!

Trout is a very interesting fish, which is good not only on a dish, but also, first of all, on a hook.: belonging to the salmon family, when catching, it shows remarkable abilities in dodging, being considered the most valuable trophy for the angler. Trout fishing is extremely popular in many countries as a sport fishing.

Trout Description

The body of the trout is slightly flattened on the sides, so the fish looks a bit flat. The muzzle is truncated, short. The standard size of a trout is from 25 cm to 35 cm in length and from 0.2 kg to 0.5 kg in weight. The largest specimens of trout are found in Karelian streams and rivers, which are rich in food - some trout individuals can reach from 1 kg to 2 kg of body weight (a 5-kg record weight is also known).

The trout has teeth on the opener: two rows - on the palatal part of the opener handle and three or four teeth - on the back of the anterior triangular plate. The dorsal fin has 910 branched and 3-4 simple rays, the caudal - 17-19, anal - 317, ventral - 118, pectoral - 112. The dorsal fins are covered with dots, the ventral fins are yellowish.

Trout color

The color of the trout is unstable and prone to transitions: from the back, its body usually has a greenish-olive hue, on the sides it is yellowish-green, with black, white or red spots (sometimes with a bluish border), along the abdomen it is grayish-white, often with yellow-copper tint. It often happens that there is a predominance of any one tone - for example, a dark color that turns almost black, or, conversely, a light color that reaches colorless.

Generally, trout body tone depends on several factors - bottom color, water conditions, season and food. It was noted that in the presence of lime water, the fish is dominated by a light and silvery color, and in reservoirs with a peat or muddy bottom - dark. The color also characterizes how the trout feeds: a well-fed fish is more prone to uniformity and the absence of spots. The color also changes when the trout is moved from natural water sources to artificial ones. In this case, stripes and spots appear or disappear.

Differences between male and female trout

Trout females differ from males in their larger body size, smaller head size, and fewer teeth. Therefore, males, on the contrary, smaller body, with a large head and abundant teeth. In mature males, the end of the lower jaws is often bent upwards, which makes them just as easy to distinguish from females. The meat of both can be colored in different colors - white, yellowish or reddish.

Trout species

Trout is a capacious concept that includes several species of fish (all of them are included in the subfamily Salmonidae of the salmon family). Trout is recorded in 3 out of 7 genera of the subfamily.
  1. Char - the genus Salvelinus includes the following species:
    Salvelinus fontinalis agassizi - silver char (now extinct)
    Salvelinus namaycush – lake Christivomer char
    Salvelinus malma - Dolly Varden
    Salvelinus confluentus - bighead char
    Salvelinus fontinalis - American char
    Salvelinus fontinalis timagamiensis
  2. Pacific salmon - the genus Oncorhynchus consists of the following species:
    Oncorhynchus mykiss – rainbow trout
    Oncorhynchus aguabonita - golden trout
    Oncorhynchus gilae – Gila trout
    Oncorhynchus clarki - Clark's salmon
    Oncorhynchus masou rhodurus - Biwa trout
    Oncorhynchus caucass - Caucasian trout
    Oncorhynchus apache - Apache trout
  3. Noble salmon - the genus Salmo includes the following species:
    Salmo ischchan - Sevan trout
    Salmo letnica – Ohrid trout
    Salmo trutta oxianus - Amu Darya trout
    Salmo trutta marmoratus - marbled trout
    Salmo platycephalus - flathead trout
    Salmo trutta - lake trout (trout) and brook trout
    Salmo obtusirostris - Adriatic trout

Trout habits

Trout is a cautious and fast fish that requires increased patience from the fisherman.. Distinguished by excellent eyesight, she perfectly sees everything that is happening on the shore, so it is very easy to scare her. It is extremely demanding and pretentious in relation to water, which leaves an imprint on the behavior of fish: the habits of trout change depending on the water bodies and the conditions in which it has to live.

However, a pattern can also be traced in its behavior - the trout goes out for food (hunting) at dawn and at sunset, and prefers to hide during daylight hours. In places of shelters, where she stops, she chooses areas near depressions and rifts. There, the trout is located with its snout against the flow of water, counting on the prey accidentally brought by the water. In this position, it is easiest for the fish not to frighten away and not to miss it.

What do trout eat

In terms of nutrition, trout is completely unpretentious, therefore it grows very quickly.. She knows how to find the larvae of any aquatic insects and catch moths fluttering over the river, boldly jumping out of the water. In the spring-summer season (especially in May-June), flying "feed" allows the trout to fatten up again after the spawning period. At this time, her food is made up of mayflies.

As they grow and age, the trout begins to feed on fish, becoming a real predator. Everything gets into the trout diet - fry, frogs and even smaller individuals of their own relatives. In general, its menu is very diverse and consists mainly of animal food - small fish, tadpoles, insect larvae, beetles, mollusks, crustaceans. Not bad trout enough and all the insects that have fallen to the surface of the water or flying too low. She is a huntress to fish offal and any meat waste.

Where is trout found

The abundance of trout is celebrated in the United States, where it is a popular sport fishing target. A similar situation is observed in Norway. There are even special fishing and tourist centers dedicated to trout. In general, trout occupies a leading position in countries where a large number of mountain rivers flow.

It is also found in other areas - for example, lake trout is not uncommon in Lake Ladoga, Lake Onega and in deep and cool water bodies of Karelia, as well as the entire Kola Peninsula. The habitat of the brook trout is even wider - it covers the vast majority of forest, mountain streams and rivers with a sandy bottom and water that is enriched with oxygen. The water in such reservoirs is usually clear and cold. Trout also lives in many rivers of the Baltic region, in rivers and lakes that belong to the basins of the Aral, Caspian, Black and White Seas.

Trout habitats

In large reservoirs (lakes and rivers), trout prefers to keep to estuaries, whirlpools, whirlpools, rapids, under waterfalls and places located in close proximity to bridges. In forest and mountain streams, in cool streams it stops in the area of ​​whirlpools and pits. In case of danger and the risk of attack, it swims under stones, in the rhizomes of trees, under coastal washouts. In general, this is a very cold-loving representative. aquatic environment, therefore, it chooses depths, cool springs, and cold waters as its main habitats. In the hot season adheres to springs and springs.

Trout spawning

Pied trout spawning takes place at the very beginning of autumn - in September. For spawning, it selects shallow water zones, pebble-stony soils and rapid current. The laid eggs reach a diameter of 4-5 millimeters and have a reddish or yellowish tone. It has been noted that during the development of the trout embryo, various deviations from the natural course are most often observed. These include albinism, hermaphroditism, deformities in the form of two-headed individuals, and so on.

Trout is a peculiar fish, requiring no less peculiar approach at the moment of catching. Therefore, it is caught with a spinning rod and a float rod, using a variety of methods for fishing - by floating, from the bottom to a plumb line, wading, fly fishing, using a wobbler and a slow-submersible bait.