If you need to prepare as efficiently as possible for the IELTS test in short term, and it is not yet possible to attend courses, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with these on-line resources for preparing for the exam and start studying on your own as soon as possible.

Be sure to plan your daily activities. In order to better assimilate the material, we recommend that you go through the same lesson at least twice.

Only by repeating and practicing the material covered, we can achieve a good result of assimilation of information.

IELTS preparation video lessons:

Lessons with Margaret Polites are simple and unpretentious. They give an idea about the exam, train listening and writing.
Margaret also gives helpful tips on reading and speaking. By devoting just 10 minutes a day to a new lesson and 10 minutes to reviewing the last “yesterday” lesson, you can significantly improve your skills.

a useful resource on Dmitry Kashkanov's website:

  • kashkanov.ru

Dmitry Kashkanov's website great amount valuable information, especially regarding the writing part. The mere idea of ​​creating an “Essay Formula”, which allows you to master the basic turns in a short time, and be able to arrange information into text, helps to significantly reduce the time for writing an essay.

Alternatively, you can create your own formula by memorizing key phrases.
In your cliche, each sentence can already have a beginning, and the continuation can be completed according to a given topic.
In my formula, while preparing for the exam, I even included a Churchill quote that would be appropriate for any topic.
As a result, without preparing for writing for a particularly long time, I got 7.0 on the exam.

To train speaking, you need an interlocutor

Find a friend or teacher on skype - talk at least 20 minutes a day.
If this seems difficult, then use the following recommendations:

  • Load various topics into the player (for example, we can recommend this resource

Hello my friends!

Today the post will be of interest to those who are going abroad, but not as a tourist, but to study or work, and, as a result, preparing to takeinternational exams.

Here in in the presentation you can learn about the most popular international exams. Today rlet's talk about the exam IELTS— International English Language Testing System.

IELTS - what kind of exam, who and why take it?

Information about this exam is now a dime a dozen, and you can easily find full information in the Internet. In short, the IELTS exam includes testing 4 skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing.

There are 2 exam modules: academic And General. Both modules test the same skills, in the same format and at the same time.

Only the level of difficulty in two skills differs - Reading and Writing; while Speaking and Listening are the same. Academic module much more difficult, since those who are going to enter universities, postgraduate studies abroad take it. General module(significantly) mainly for work and other non-academic purposes.

Here is a video that goes into great detail about the exam. I recommend starting to prepare for the exam on it. Here you will also hear very useful tips on how to properly approach the exam, what to look for Special attention to get the best result.

When should I start preparing for the IELTS exam?

This is the most common question students usually ask. I usually start answering it with the exam grading scale. It looks like this: The table clearly shows that a more or less decent score (6.0 - 6.5) starts from the Upper-Intermediate (B2) level.

Moreover, many universities and employers do not have enough sixes, they need "sevens", and this already requires a very decent level, not lower than Upper-Intermediate.

Therefore, before starting to prepare directly for the exam format, I recommend bringing your a basic level of to Upper-Intermediate, and then to “train” on the exam format based on the materials of previous years.

Drawing on the format

It is very important to prepare directly for the format before the exam, put yourself in the real conditions in which you will find yourself on the exam - stress, time limit, the ability to listen to audition only 1 time, a certain format of tasks, filling out answer forms, etc.

So, after you have brought your basic English to the level of Upper-Intermediate, start “training” on the format. And there is only one secret here - the more tests of past years you redo, the more likely you are to get a good score. This is very important point, which is simply impossible to overestimate. Fortunately, materials for preparation are now apparently invisible!

What materials to prepare?

The abundance of textbooks for preparing for IELTS causes confusion for many - one another is better, brighter, more meaningful. From the whole variety, several categories of benefits can be distinguished:

1. Teaching aids that are comprehensively prepared for all parts of the exam. New Insight into IELTS , IELTS Express , Objective IELTS etc.

2. Teaching aids that prepare for certain skills - parts of the exam. Listening and Speaking Skills for IELTS , Reading Skills for IELTS , Writing Skills for IELTS . They are also very nice to me - all skills are worked out very clearly.

There is also a good series of books for practicing individual skills from Collins. They give a good step-by-step study of skills in the format of an exam.

3. There are separate tutorials that focus on expanding vocabulary or practicing grammar, but all tasks are given in IELTS format.

5. Free Online Materials - Plenty useful tips from professional English-speaking teachers on the sitewww.engvid.com 4. Collections of tests of past years. For example, collections Cambridge IELTS

How to try your hand in real conditions?

I strongly advise you to try your hand at IELTS in advance, that is, leaving yourself a margin of time until it is too late to retake.

What I mean? If the IELTS result is needed, say, in June, then I would advise you to go through the actual procedure for passing the exam in 2-3 months.

The Internet also offers a good opportunity to try out IELTS online - that is, this does not mean that you, sitting at home, can pass the exam and receive a certificate. No. However, you will be able to complete the exam procedure at a limited time, like an exam. Here you can try your hand at everything except Speaking.

For what? Feel the real atmosphere of passing the exam, see what results you can show in conditions of serious stress and tight time limits. As practice shows, the second time the result is much better.

My friends, if there are any questions about the IELTS exam that have not been covered in this article, write them, and I will be happy to reveal them in the following posts.

Good luck on your exam! 🙂

Many people underestimate the importance of self-study for the IELTS exam. Everyone lives with the confidence that it is necessary to prepare not only by raising the level of English proficiency, but also by studying the features of the exam format. Of course, a teacher who has previously taken this test himself will be able to tell you about all the nuances and pitfalls of the exam. But you can prepare constantly, using every free minute, only you yourself, having taken up self-preparation.

Many native English speakers take a test score that is lower than that of people learning English as a second language. This happens for the simple reason that speakers are confident in their knowledge and do not prepare for a special exam format. About that, we talked about earlier. In addition, we even told you about . It is worth noting that self-preparation can help to successfully pass the test. It is not at all necessary to choose one thing: training in English courses or self-training. Self-preparation may well be an additional technique for improving your knowledge and skills.

Benefits of self-preparation for a language exam:

  • can be combined with training courses
  • you can practice in a convenient place at a convenient time
  • costs less than English courses (you only have to pay for textbooks and study guides)
  • you can choose the pace that suits you best

Disadvantages of self-preparation for IELTS

  • materials for preparation will have to look for yourself
  • you set the class schedule (this is both bad and good: everything will depend on your willpower)
  • you are not familiar with the exam format
  • you cannot objectively assess your level of English, weak sides
Overcome the disadvantages of self-study with dedicated IELTS preparation resources. Even if you have chosen courses in English, additional classes and new information never bothered anyone.

IELTS Self-Study Resources

A special resource of the British Council for everyone who decides to prepare for the test on their own. Here you will find answers to questions: what is IELTS, how to properly prepare for the test format, what textbooks and educational materials use how to prepare for each individual part of the exam. More than 30 hours of free information and a lot of interesting and useful materials. The British Council always offers the highest quality and up-to-date information, so you should pay attention to this resource.

Another resource that you will definitely need. The portal offers you a 10-hour Road to IELTS Test Drive intensive preparation course. You can listen to materials and answer questions at any time. free time. Thus, preparing for the test will turn into a daily exciting activity.

Having prepared well, you will feel confident in the exam, especially if you read about. If, nevertheless, you are not completely sure that you can prepare for the test yourself, you can study.

1. My language background.
2. Watching movies in English.
3. Online English courses.
4. Full-time courses to prepare for IELTS.
5. Preparation for Writing.
6. Preparation for Speaking.
7. Results of preparation and summary.
8. Further plans.
9. Materials that I used.

The score for which my husband and I passed the first IELTS after six months of preparation:
listening 8.5 Reading 7.0 Writing 6.5 Speaking 6.5
listening 8.0 Reading 8.0 Writing 6.5 Speaking 7.0

  1. My language background.

So, to begin with, I will say a few words about my language background, in order to make it clear how useful this article will be specifically in your situation.

I studied English at school, it cannot be said that nothing was taught there, but general level English after school was, I think, the same as that of most other schoolchildren in our country. At the university (and I graduated from the St. Petersburg "Voenmeh") English, despite all the efforts of the teacher, it was impossible to learn, because the level of English in the group was completely different and I would even say that I had the highest. Consequently, after the University, I left with approximately the same level as after school, I simply did not lose the level over these five years. After university, at work, I occasionally had to read and write in English, mostly done using Google Translate, because, despite the seemingly good vocabulary, it was difficult to formulate my thoughts into a sentence. So another 2 years passed without learning English, but at least maintaining the general level.

2. Watching movies in English.

Around May 2014, I decisively and completely refused to watch films in Russian. In general, our family has a tradition in the evening before going to bed to watch at least one episode of the series or a whole feature film if it is a weekend. The decision to forego films in voiceover was not for the sake of learning the language, just decided that watching films in the original is great and, as it turned out, this was one of the key decisions to help improve the score. The first months (!) of films were very difficult, I occasionally understood individual words, phrases, in general, this was enough to understand the general meaning of the film, together with the picture on the screen, but most often I just fell asleep without watching the film. After a couple of "not caught" films, we started watching with English subtitles. Yes, things went more fun this way, without subtitles, the words mixed up for me in a heap, but with them I already began to watch films and understand them. My husband and I have reviewed almost the entire top IMDB, all the films that we have already watched in Russian look like brand new films in English and it is a pleasure to watch them. Sometimes we came across films without subtitles, and if six months ago nothing was clear to me in them, now I could already understand and sometimes understand entire sentences. Now, 2 years after I started watching films in English, I don't have any difficulties watching films at all, with the rare exception of super-accents, I understand them perfectly. From this we can conclude that even without making any effort to learn the language in the classical sense of this process, you raise your Listeneng skill pretty quickly. I want to note that I didn’t pause the films to “google” an unknown word, I didn’t rewind to listen again, I just watched them and that’s all, leaving part of the film incomprehensible.

3. Online English courses.

And so, it was February 2016 when we decided that we need to take the IELTS exam. The target score was: Listening 8, Reading 7, Speaking 7, Writing 7 in the General module. This is a level that, in combination with a master's degree, will give us the very necessary + 50 points to the immigration application to Canada. I started reading forums, groups, websites, getting acquainted with the format of the exam and trying to understand how we should prepare. We consulted and decided that we needed online courses for learning the language and the first thing we found and what we chose was English First online courses. We were interested in these courses in the first place famous name“English First”, which I think is heard by everyone, even those who do not study English, and secondly low price for the first month. Only 100 rubles, in addition, since we planned to study together with my husband together, we registered a second account using a referral link, we received another month of classes for free. Alright, let's get to work. To begin with, we passed a small test, which determined the level of the language as Upper-Intermediate (level 11 out of 16 for me and 12 out of 16 for my husband) and offered us a training program, a goal, everything is as it should be. The lessons are interactive school, where you can read tests, practice pronunciation, learn new words, watch videos, there were a lot of useful activities. Once a day, it was possible to participate in a webinar with a teacher, based on the results of which he graded and talked about what needs to be worked on. such webinars started every half an hour 24 hours a day, which was very convenient, I came home from work and took part. The topics of the webinars changed every day, could be such as home renovation, household chores, travel and hometown… Of the minuses, I would like to note that the teacher did not always have a good microphone, and sometimes some other participants from other countries were not heard at all, this is not very convenient. The teachers at the webinar are native speakers, and the composition of the participants is very different, there were guys from China, Japan, Eastern countries, India and from Russia too. It was also necessary to write an essay of ~150 words at the end of each section, which was checked by the teacher for 1–2 days and, with his comments and assessment, was displayed in personal account. The overall impression of the school was extremely positive, but we got the feeling that we were moving in the wrong direction. We wanted to prepare more for the IELTS exam format, and not just learn English, because at that time it seemed to us that we good knowledge language, you just need to train for the exam, so after a “trial” two months, we abandoned this school. In fact, now, looking back, I will say that if you know what exactly you need to prepare for the exam, then this school may well help. But if the goal of learning a language is passing IELTS, then it can rather be a good addition to other preparation methods to raise the general level of the language.

4. Full-time courses to prepare for IELTS.

April 2014 came and after a semi-successful experience with online courses, we decided that we should try to work out in the classic face-to-face courses, but sharpened for IELTS. Therefore, our next step was to find IELTS courses in our city, St. Petersburg, and the main criterion was their distance from our home. Our choice fell on the IELTSnow school, which is located on Udelnaya. I read the reviews and they didn't seem to be bad. The requirements for course participants were Upper-Intermediate. As a result, we came, paid for a month of group classes and began to study. The courses consisted of 4 academic hours of classes once a week on Saturdays only for Speaking and Writing, since we decided that we could train Listening and Reading on our own at home. It turned out that the course was not just recruited, but works according to the ongoing system, i.e. the teacher considers various aspects of the exam in a circle, students constantly join and “fall off”, having listened to the full cycle. In theory, this sounds good, but in reality, the weight turned out to be not so beautiful. Firstly, the main praise was directed at one teacher, Alina, and the teacher who taught our courses was not that “touted professional”. Secondly, the courses had a policy that if you can't come to class, it's okay, skip a couple, join later. As a result, for a month (4 lessons) we constantly studied with different people, the teacher could not read the material normally, because he could not base the lecture on information from the previous material, since half of the students did not know that this had already been dealt with in the last lesson, questions asked in a circle. Of course, the governor did not like it very much, it seems that in a month we received some knowledge, but we did not improve our level of the language. The most important thing that we took away from this course is that our Speaking and Writing teacher estimates about band 5.5, or even less. This was cause for panic! Our fairly good performance on the Reading and Listening tests gave us hope that we could also speak and write about as well on the target score. We decided to change the policy of classes and next month we studied with the teacher Alina personally, me and my husband together. Yes, Alina turned out to be a really good teacher, we trained mainly Speaking, because I never had any communication practice and this turned out to be critical. Alina chose a topic for the lesson and asked a bunch of questions on this topic, listened to the answer and suggested how best to rephrase this phrase using complex tenses, complex speech turns, idioms. As a result, our classes were interrupted by a vacation in May, and after our return, for some reason, we did not go back to study with Alina, we decided that we would work out ourselves and, in which case, we would return to her. Now I can say that regarding Speaking, 4 classes with Alina for 3 academic hours did an incredible thing, phrases appeared in my head, set expressions, grammatical constructions that are ready to fly out of me at a convenient question. In a separate article dedicated to Speaking, I will definitely share these phrases.

5. Preparation for Writing.

After our return from May vacation, we decided that for the time being we would suspend face-to-face classes with a teacher and try to work out on our own. I started scouring the forums again and looking for the best ways to prepare, books, tips. We began to practice writing essays, it took us a week (!) to write one essay. It was not at all clear what words to use, I wanted to complicate the essay as much as possible by adding complex revolutions, non-trivial words and grammatical constructions. As a result, we got terrible “monsters” that were simply filled with all sorts of errors. In pursuit of complicating the text, I could translate the phrase “uncomfortable shoes” as “arudous shoes”, instead of the standard uncomfortable, which in the end turned out to be completely unacceptable from the point of view of native speakers, because these words are never used together. In the end, I came to the conclusion that something needs to be changed, I don’t understand how to write these essays! And then I stumbled upon an absolutely amazing Youtube channel IELTS Ryan. I have not seen someone better, easier and more understandable to explain how to write an essay. In the evening after work, armed with a laptop, I watched video after video, repeating in my Worde how Ryan writes an essay. At first, it seemed that his essays were too simple, but he gradually complicates them, giving an understanding of the structure at the beginning, and then “winding up” complex constructions. This channel, like his website, was a breakthrough in essay writing. Now I could write an essay in one evening, yes, I spent 2 hours instead of the prescribed 40 minutes, but all parts of the essay fell into place. Thanks to Ryan, I created my own “fish” for an essay, in which you just need to change the sentences a little depending on the topic. I occasionally submitted my essays to former IELTS examiner Mike Wattie, who lives on the IELTS Answers website, for review. Such a check is very convenient, since Mike lives in Australia, which means that his time is very different from our Moscow one. By sending 4 essays to Mike in the evening ($30 for 4 essays), I received verified papers in the morning. I liked the way Mike checks essays, he gives a score for each part of which builds a score for Writing: Task response, Cohesion and coherence, Vocabulary and Grammar and a comment on what needs to be improved in addition to just finding errors.

6. Preparation for Speaking.

Since I am very tired after work, despite the advice from the Internet, I could not study all parts of the exam at the same time. Reading and Listening have not been practiced for a long time, because there was a realization that the main problem of getting the target score was not in them. After Mike Wattie confirmed that my essays were eligible for a score of 7, I began to think about how I could improve my Speaking. I already had a stock of phrases in my head, after full-time courses, I just needed to practice speaking in the form of a dialogue. Without hesitation, I decided to find a teacher from Canada on italki and just start talking to him. My choice fell on a nice middle-aged Canadian, who seemed to me adequate for the price and his video presentation. We didn't do Speaking with him on questions from IELTS, training for the exam, we just talked about Canada, about life, he corrected my mistakes and pointed out shortcomings that needed to be corrected. And there were not many such classes, about four to five, until the moment I felt some confidence in my speaking.

7. Results of preparation and summary.

As a result, all this preparation, which lasted from February to mid-July, we decided that it was time to test our first IELTS exam. Until I knew my real level, I got a little demotivated in learning, started to be lazy and limited my language learning again to just watching movies and series. Therefore, in mid-July, together with my husband, we registered for our first exam, which took place on August 20, the results of which, on the whole, suited us. I will separately tell you how the exam was passed, here I will only note what has already been discussed many times in blogs and forums. When preparing at home, you should write, read, speak and listen at least half a point higher than your target score, as there will be a couple of questions on the real exam that will put you in a dead end. When preparing for IELTS, I identified several factors for myself, which I consider to be the main ones as a result:
1. Watching movies and series in English every day really raises the general level of the language without any effort.
2. There must be motivation, without it, classes once a week will not give a really strong increase in points.
3. Before you study, you need to figure out exactly how the exam is assessed, this will help you prepare faster and not waste precious time studying what is not a priority.

8. Further plans.

The current score seems to be enough for us for our program, but I plan to retake IELTS this winter so that I have backup options. After passing the exam for the first time, I realized where my weaknesses are and now, when I already understand the format of the exam and the parameters from which the grade is formed, I want to improve my general level of the language by continuing to train for the test. Preparing for IELTS has greatly improved my general level of the language, so I think that I will continue to study in the context of preparing for IELTS in all four of its main sections.

9. Materials that I used.

As with any article on Wikipedia, it is not so much the information on the page itself that is valuable as links to the sources used, so I want to attach a list of useful resources to my article that helped me a lot along the way and I think they will continue to help. I am compiling the list in the order in which I would advise them to get acquainted with them so as not to get messy in my head, because from a large number of different opinions on different sites, I had a mess in the first days, without which I would have prepared to the current level for a couple months faster, that's for sure.
1. IELTS Ryan Youtube channel.
His playlists are divided into separate topics, and first of all, I would advise you to listen to the section on the rules and methods for assessing the exam, it is called “Ryan’s Videos about the IELTS Assessment Process and the Writing Skills Demonstrated at Different Bands”. After it appears in my head overall picture, you can start watching videos about writing essays, letters and other sections of the exam.
2. How I took IELTS.
On the GDay forum dedicated to immigration to Australia, I came across a very useful post by a user called Ili4, who tells his process of preparation and, most importantly, shares a link to his GoogleDrive with materials that he has accumulated in the process of preparation. There you can find books, examples of his verified essays with comments from teachers and invaluable experience.

For a qualitative assessment of the level of English proficiency, there are many different exams, both national and international. If desired, each person can test their strength and try to pass them. Based on the test results, a certificate - official document, confirming the level of knowledge of English. One of these international exams is IELTS. It is considered one of the most popular and most difficult, so if you need to prepare for IELTS from scratch, you need to do it right. Read more about the features of preparing for IELTS and will be discussed in this article.

What it is

IELTS stands for international system English language testing. This method allows you to assess the level of proficiency foreign language and is used in many countries. People resort to passing such an exam at, and other English-speaking states. IELTS is also mandatory for admission to foreign universities.

Note! High performance has made IELTS one of the most popular language tests in the world. Therefore, almost 150 countries recognize the results of the exam, and more than 12,000 different organizations have made it a mandatory program.

Purpose of the test

Successfully passing the exam can open the door for a person in various fields of activity, providing a lot of new opportunities. But most often, obtaining a certificate is required for internships abroad, moving to permanent place residence in English-speaking countries, as well as when applying for a job in a foreign company.


IELTS has many advantages which made this species exam so popular. Let's consider the main ones:

  • everyone can test their strength;

  • There is no such thing as "failed". Upon completion of the exam, you are given a certificate that indicates the level of language proficiency (from 1 to 9);
  • there are no quantitative restrictions for passing the test, so even with failed attempt you can try the exam again. This test is carried out every week;

  • the exam has an "academic" and a "general" module, so that the test can meet the goals of each applicant;
  • You can pass IELTS in many countries of the world, or rather, in 140. These include government bodies, commercial organizations, universities, etc.;
  • the received certificate is of great value, which is confirmed by the guarantee of its application.

The development of the IELTS system was carried out by representatives of the world's leading organizations, for example, the British Council, Cambridge and others. All this was done with one goal - an adequate check of the level of knowledge of the English language and fixing the corresponding results in the form of a special certificate.


Despite the huge number of advantages, IELTS has several disadvantages, which are mainly related to self-study:

  • all the materials necessary to prepare for the exam, you need to look for yourself;
  • there is no set schedule of classes, so people do not always devote enough time to preparation, which is bad for results. In this case, much depends on willpower;
  • the applicant does not know what the format of the exam will be;
  • man cannot give objective assessment his knowledge of the English language, if he prepares without an assistant.

Specialized courses will help to cope with all of the above disadvantages. Even if you decide to hire a tutor or sign up for additional English courses, it won't stop you from getting a higher test score.

Features of preparation

Before you start preparing for the exam, you need to assess your level of knowledge, and then choose the most suitable date for the exam. For example, if you have an exam in 1-2 weeks, and the level of foreign language proficiency leaves much to be desired, then you risk scoring an insufficient number of points.

Consider the ratio of English proficiency and the recommended time to prepare for the upcoming test.

  1. Elementary. To achieve maximum results in the exam, you need to spend about 12 months preparing.
  2. Pre-intermediate. This is a higher level, but still not enough to get good results. Therefore, the preparation in this case will have to spend at least 10 months.
  3. intermediate. According to statistics, more than 50% of people with higher education are at this level. The preparation will last from 5 to 6 months, depending on the success.
  4. Upper Intermediate. If you speak English at this level, then you can start the preparatory course about 2-3 months before the exam. This time should be enough.
  5. Advanced. The highest level of English proficiency, which does not require special training or learning new material. You only need to spend 1-2 weeks to repeat the material.

All times above are approximate and depend on several factors. First of all, you should decide how much time you are willing to spend on the preparatory stage, because sometimes people who speak English at a high level take a preparatory course for 2 weeks in 1 or 2 months. Therefore, experts recommend allocating about 3 hours for preparation per day. This is the secret to passing the test successfully.

Where to start

As soon as the calculation of the preparation course has been completed, and the date IELTS exam becomes known, you need to proceed directly to the preparation. Of course, there are a few nuances to consider, such as where it is best to prepare or which books will be the most informative. Let's try to figure this out.

Training center or tutor

Of course, preparing for the exam requires an individual approach, especially when it comes to learning English. But if you have a choice: a tutor or group lessons in the training center, then each of these methods has its own characteristics. Many people, preparing for IELTS, hire a private tutor, because in this case all the information is provided to only one person, which allows you to solve all the difficulties. But not all English tutors are able to fully prepare for a particular test.

On a note! If we touch on the issue of cost, then training in specialized classes will cost much less than private lessons with a tutor. Therefore, if finances do not allow, it is better to refuse the services of a tutor in favor of group classes.

Training in training centers is an opportunity to master or improve the level of English proficiency for all people, regardless of their initial knowledge in this area. Despite the lack of an individual approach, training centers offer the study of all the subtleties relating specifically to IELTS, which is much more effective than the general expansion of horizons when studying English with a tutor. In addition, groups are usually small and consist of several people (no more than 5).

Based on all this, we can conclude that training with a tutor is best suited for those people who plan to finish learning English in parallel, and group classes are for preparing exclusively for IELTS. But we must not forget about the possibility of preparing for the exam on your own, through regular training in oral and writing, watching foreign films without translation and reading educational literature. This will speed up the learning process.

What books can help

Due to the fact that IELTS is a very popular testing format, there are now a lot of books and articles for preparation on the Internet and bookstores. It's about about collections of tasks in English, dictionaries and textbooks. When choosing a book for training, you need to pay attention to its relevance and the connection of the manual with IELTS (among the authors of the book there should be representatives of organizations supervising IELTS). Below are the most informative and useful books.

Table. Review best books for the IELTS test.

Book titleDescription
An excellent guide for self-study, which is a comprehensive material. Here you can find many tests and exercises of varying difficulty, as well as the correct answers to evaluate the results.
An excellent express benefit, which is ideal for people who do not have much free time. All necessary information presented here in the most condensed form. There are various examples.
Studying the information presented in this book helps to increase vocabulary, which increases the chances during the exam. It is mainly used by beginners who speak English at a low level.
This copy is produced in different options that are meant for more high levels language proficiency. In addition to the collection, you also receive a CD containing useful materials.
Another one useful book for exam preparation, designed to improve the grammatical foundations of the English language. The manual contains a large number of practice tests and explanations for them.

This is not the whole list of popular books used for the period of preparation for IELTS. If you wish, you can independently visit the official certification website and select the most suitable option from the list.


IELTS consists of separate modules - general and academic. If we consider common module, then it is lighter, therefore it is intended for employment abroad. Academic module needed for an internship or study abroad. But regardless of the module, the exam is divided into several stages, each of which requires careful preparation.


With self-preparation, this stage is characterized by increased difficulty due to the lack of an interlocutor. But this should not be a serious problem, because English texts can be spoken aloud. Moreover, in big cities it is not difficult to find a native speaker with whom you can practice the correct pronunciation of different phrases.


One of the most difficult parts of the exam is spelling. To develop the habit of writing in English, you need to regularly write various texts by hand. It is not necessary to compose something, you can rewrite the text from another source. Try to keep the style and sequence of the story.


Today, there are no problems with the search for English-language literature. It is enough to go to the Internet and order or download a suitable manual (the most informative books for IELTS have already been mentioned above). You just need to set aside a little time every day to read books. So that the lesson does not seem boring, you can pick up more interesting books like detectives. But you also need to read scientific articles.


Everything is quite simple here: listen to dialogue programs, audio books and other types of programs. This is the essence of preparation. But on the test itself, you need to be very careful, because there are many pitfalls. Compilers of texts and assignments do not get paid in vain, so get maximum amount scores for the exam is very difficult, especially the first time.

When will the results be ready

After IELTS is passed, the results will be known not earlier, than 13 days after the exam. To see the results, just go to the official website, where all the data will appear on the 14th day.

To obtain a paper certificate, you must visit the BKC IELTS Center, which is located in Moscow on the street. Tverskaya 9a. If you took the exam in another city, then supporting documentation will be sent to you by mail, so there is no need to go to the capital for this.

Video - How to start preparing for IELTS