I moved to the apartment where I now live after marriage. The most important thing to say is the historian's apartment. And historians are Plushkins. They especially value their archive. They never read all these papers they keep. But they are simply confident in the importance of things, magazines on their shelves. But I am a minimalist - everything is only the most necessary. And this huge presence of rubbish (we will call everything by its proper name) depressed me very much.

The first task was to persuade my husband and show him how the house is transformed when you get rid of unnecessary things, so I started with his dressing table. I did it relentlessly. Everything I didn't use for a long time, I put in a bag: hairpins, spare parts from who knows what, even cosmetics that I don’t like. As a result, two plastic bags that were given to different people. Honestly, no regrets. And it started...

Divide the apartment into zones. Don't take on everything at once. I started with the dressing table. Then she took on bookshelf. When you do it this way, gradually, and not all at once, it turns out better.

How to clean up:

  • Cloth. If you don't wear it because you don't like it, give it away. If it’s small, give it away (if you lose weight, buy a new one). If it’s big, give it away (you definitely don’t need to get fat). Old - throw away. Torn - throw away. But here you have to be careful, of course. Our climate is harsh. Therefore, you need to have a varied wardrobe. You only need to give away what is definitely not your size, looks bad and you don’t like it.
  • Dishes. I got rid of a huge pile of unnecessary plates and mugs. I have one holiday service left, a set of identical plates ( different sizes), the same number of soup bowls. The required number of mugs (6 pcs.) And the same number of glasses. Plus a couple of plates for cooking. All chipped, old, worn things were mercilessly sent to the landfill.
  • What is in memory. This is the most terrible thing: postcards, figurines, letters and all that. They are the main source of dirt. What did I do? I scanned everything on paper, photographed the rest. Yes, especially sentimental people will say: the main thing is the mood. In every thing and writing there is a soul. Maybe, but I want a clean house.
  • Books and papers. I found all the magazines on the Internet - which means that the paper version goes into the trash can. All individual articles, papers scanned and in the trash can. I gave books to those who needed them, I found them on the Internet for myself. Well, of course, I didn't throw them away.

  • Toys. I managed to reach an agreement with my son. I played on his kindness very ugly =) I said that my girlfriend has a boy who has almost no toys (it's true). She offered him something that his son does not play with and give the read books to this boy so that he would have something to play with. The son caught fire and with great pleasure took away everything that he did not need. As a result, the nursery became a room again, and not a warehouse of toys.

  • Tools. This is also one of the not very simple areas of purification. Because it seems that this may someday come in handy. This is because the word "tools" we mean not only a hammer and a saw, but also great amount spare parts, bolts and all kinds of items whose purpose we do not even know. Of course, various kinds of nails, self-tapping screws should definitely be left. But! Anything you don't even know the name of is trash.
  • The most difficult. It's easy to throw away small things. But there are things that are harder to give away. What was bought in a fit of inspiration: simulators, kits for creativity, equipment. Money spent on this. And it doesn't occur to me that we need to get rid of them. But at one point you have to make a decision. And just give. Say goodbye and give (sell) if you think that the attitude towards this subject will not change.

Editorial opinion

Elena Kalita

Magazine editor

For those who doubt: just make one today small step. Tomorrow is another one. Within a week, your house will become much warmer and more comfortable.

  • Small decor. It sometimes becomes excessive. I want to somehow decorate my house and we start buying all kinds of pictures, calendars, napkins, figurines. Sometimes it becomes a kind of fetish. Firstly, this is relevant only when the apartment has some kind of interior style, and various decorative items are bought for it. Endless purchases of various things you like and exhibiting them in all the free places that are still not decoration. Yes, all this is beautiful, but still it should be abandoned.
  • Stop saving. What you buy must be used. Some super-beautiful things - wear them. Why do you wear old shirts when you have new ones in your closet? Why do you use the same perfumes when you have a whole bag of those that are “sorry” to use? Don't buy if you're sorry.

  • Everything is broken and old. This includes everyone from all groups. This shouldn't even be discussed at all. broken toys, broken dishes, torn things, soaked in grease with a terrible smell of towels. All this should not lie in your home. It leads bad energy and the wrong mood in your home. Get rid of it.
  • Medicines. In all your first aid kits, whether it is a small box or a huge box, you need to periodically take an inventory. What to throw away: expired medicines; medicines that require preparation (for example, some suspensions made from powder) and have been lying there for more than a few months; medicines that have not yet expired, but you know for sure that you will not get sick with this disease until that time. They should be given to someone who might need them.

  • Receipts. We are used to being afraid of dishonesty. We are always afraid of having to prove our case. In principle, this is logical. But it can be extended to two or three years. But documents 5-6 years old should be sent to the trash.

The general principle is that what is not used, not liked, not needed is given away and thrown away. Everything old, broken bad looking must leave your home immediately. But, of course, this should be agreed with all tenants. No need to go against the grain and throw away the things of your relatives. There are many ways to negotiate all this. When you get rid of the trash, they will see for themselves how comfortable and beautiful it becomes.

There is such a well-known system of reference household flylady. The system suggests throwing out 27 items every weekend. And when deciding to throw out any, it is suggested that you ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you or someone in your household like this item?
  • Is she helpful?
  • Have you used it in the past year?
  • Does the household have the same thing, but better?

If the majority is YES, then you need to get rid of it. But, to be honest, I didn’t ask any questions, but without hesitation I threw it into the bag.

What can be said in the end? Buying is nice. This is especially true for women. But you need to buy what you need. Think twice before spending money.


Now a few slightly mystical things that, in my opinion, are associated with cleaning the apartment from trash:

  • Not always things are reminiscent of the good. They can also remind you of the bad. You need to get rid of this.
  • They say that old things that are not used carry frozen energy. Therefore, they bring something not very good to your apartment.
  • When your home is dirty and cluttered, so is the mind and soul.
  • When there is a lot of trash at home, there is no room for something new and good.
  • When you cleanse your home, you cleanse your mind.
  • The old eats energy. Sometimes literally. Because by removing it, we get tired.
  • hanging new thing closet, throw away the oldest one.
  • When we leave a thing for some emergency just in case, we attract it.
  • By collecting things that are not needed now, we are programming ourselves for poverty. Collecting old things is exactly her sign.
  • A broken technique is another source of your energy leaving.

"Throw trash out of the house and call old friends"- an excellent chorus from Alexander Ivanov's song, under which it is good to get rid of trash. Listen.

What happened in the end?

As a result, at the very beginning, I already carried out 12 bags. And I am happy. Drawers are easy to open. Things have stopped falling off the shelves and out of the closet. Everything became comfortable and good. Do not spare the trash and you will see how useful it is.

We continue to put things in order together with the author of the book Happy at Home. Last time we discussed, and force yourself to throw out the unnecessary. Today, here is a list of things that are usually the first to be thrown away.

When I know exactly where to find what I need, and can easily put a letter in a folder and a towel on a shelf, I get a pleasant (if illusory) feeling of complete control over my life. Getting rid of junk makes life easier. When a friend says, “I sorted through our closets, and it seems to me that I lost five kilos,” I know exactly how she feels.

junk formula

In progress cleaning using the “shelf by shelf” method, I was able to derive a formula for the appearance of trash in the house. It became easy for me to identify and eliminate problematic items. Here is a rough list of the first things to leave your home.

  • "Cute" kitchen utensils that work no one knows how.
  • Broken things. Well, why can't we admit that the thing is broken - a burnt toaster, a cracked vase, three umbrellas with holes in them, etc.?
  • Things that seem potentially useful but are not being used are an oversized water container or a complex corkscrew. Or duplicates - well, how many glass jars do we need?
  • Things you want to save. Well, why do you need a pretty shower gel if you never use it? Why "save" the bright tin trays inherited from the grandmother? A friend once gloomily confessed to me: “I saved expensive truffle oil for so long that it went bad.” After spending money, use what you bought, and then throw it away.
  • Items that should have been used but were not used due to reluctance or laziness. A few years ago I bought a digital voice recorder - I was going to do an interview. But something did not work out, and the recorder was not useful. And the expensive exercise equipment my girlfriends bought that gather dust and take up space?..
  • Things that should have been thrown away a long time ago. Fortunately, there was no place in our apartment to store such things: no attic, no pantry, no utility room - only part of the basement, where we kept Christmas tree decorations, spare filters for the air conditioner and several high chairs. We didn't even have a garage, which many people use as a home storage. According to the Department of Energy, 25% of Americans with two-car garages don't park their cars at all.
  • Items that ended up in the house according to the "grandmother's right". Grandmothers always have their own rules about what our children Eliza and Elinor need. My mother-in-law never buys anything new for herself, but gives the girls solar-powered prisms, sets of miniature colored pencils and all that. All these things are funny, but gradually the apartment becomes littered with them.
  • Things we never used. It's time to get rid of the rice cooker I gave my husband for his birthday. He loves to cook, but he continues to cook rice in an old pot.

Throw away or organize?

Accumulation is expensive in every way. Possession takes time, space and energy. And sometime you will have to decide how to get rid of this property.

I told a friend about my shelf-by-shelf approach.

“I know that feeling,” she nodded. My apartment is full of rubbish. (True. I know for sure that she has real warehouses in three states: in the city where she grew up, where her grandmother lived, and another 40 minutes from her apartment.)

“I need to deal with all this, too,” added a friend.

- No, just don't get it! I exclaimed. "Don't think about organizing this junk!"

And then I stopped. I didn't mean to be rude to my friend.

- What are you talking about? she wondered. You saw my apartment. I really need to organize everything properly.

“Well,” I said carefully, “try to get rid of everything unnecessary first. And then you don't have to organize.

- Like this? my friend asked suspiciously.

- Unnecessary papers can be thrown away, and not put in folders. Donate the clothes you never wear to a charity and you won't have to find a place for them in your closet!

“No, I use almost everything,” the friend objected. I don't have to throw away much. I just need to buy a few things to better organize everything.

I couldn't find anything to say. I've noticed that the people who have the biggest problems with clutter are the ones who most often buy clever hangers, furniture with handy drawers, and colored plastic boxes. The organization of property can be very useful - if, of course, it streamlines the necessary, and does not contribute to the accumulation of junk.

As I dismantled shelf after shelf, I mentally answered a lot of questions. Do we use these things? Do we love them? And felt big difference between what we do not use and what is useless. Eliza no longer wears her animal rubber stamps, and I don't wear the bright vintage hats my mom gave me. We have a lot of things that are dear to us that we do not use. I wanted my home to be filled with things that had a symbolic and sentimental value, not just a practical one. Unlike a broken crepe maker, they always have a place in my house.

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I also quite easily part with things, if a thing has not been touched for some long time, then you can part with it without problems, which means it is not needed.

Once every half a year I get rid of things, etc. (usually I take them to the trash cans in bags where the size of shoes / clothes is written) they quickly take them away. people are taking. But damn it's so pitiful to part with every little thing)))))))))))) it seems to me - from this you can do something, then cut it off there to sew / alter)))))))))))) ) I noticed one thing --- when I unload it becomes easier to breathe NOOOO immediately thinking in my head --- well, now you can buy something else, the place is free!))))))))))))))) And more. ....... maniacal spontaneous purchases are all the fucking world of consumption... We are forced to throw away things (although they will serve us for a long time) and buy more and more..... Be vigilant comrades!!! It's hard but... hold on!

16.10.2016 12:02:16, elit.tigra1

I myself easily part with unnecessary, in my opinion, things, but my husband does not. In his opinion, everything is useful. We agreed that I put the unnecessary in a box and on the balcony for six months, if during this period they are not in demand, then we get rid of them.

My friend says that if she doesn't use something for a year, then it's time to throw it away)

oh, don’t feed me bread, let me throw out junk stuff)) however, sometimes after that exactly what was lying around all the time turns out to be a very necessary thing)))))

I sort through all things and papers from time to time. I throw something away almost every time. I don't like hoarding rubbish.

Comment on the article "What to throw away during cleaning: 8 types of unnecessary things"

November 16 - phase of the moon: I quarter (young moon), from 12:04 6 lunar day: On the sixth lunar day only goods that are related to creativity and intellectual activity should be purchased. These can be books, notebooks, notepads, pens, drawing supplies, music CDs, theater tickets, museum tickets, and so on. With the acquisition of everything else, problems may arise. Due to the fact that the day inclines people to think, you have every chance of encountering two problems ...

September 16 - phase of the moon: I quarter (young moon), from 9:20 4 lunar day: B given period it is recommended to refrain from shopping, especially if the desire to purchase a particular product arose spontaneously. Today, hasty decisions do not lead to a positive result, and first of all it concerns the purchase of expensive things. It is better to devote the fourth lunar day to thinking about whether it is worth spending money or not. The only exceptions to this rule are small purchases related to ...

August 19 - phase of the moon: I quarter (young moon), c 10:15 6 lunar day: On the sixth lunar day, only goods that are related to creativity and intellectual activity should be purchased. These can be books, notebooks, notepads, pens, drawing supplies, music CDs, theater tickets, museum tickets, and so on. With the acquisition of everything else, problems may arise. Due to the fact that the day inclines people to think, you have every chance of encountering two ...

SCHOOL WITHOUT MATHEMATICS Livanov suggested taking the basic exam in mathematics after the tenth grade. Behind this "innocent" proposal (see [link-1]) is an indirect recognition of the failure of the experiment with the division of the Unified State Examination in mathematics into two levels. Teachers of "ordinary" schools, focusing on preparing graduates for basic USE, “forgot” about the profile exam, which led to a landslide decrease in its average scores (see [link-2]). It looks like the Ministry of Education has taken care to release the teachers...


I agree that the school should be separated from passing the exam. Schools should teach, not coach. Examinations in general should become a matter of voluntary and independent.

And this idea seems to me extremely reasonable. It is quite possible to complete a school mathematics course in 10 years, and in the 11th grade, devote more time to core subjects. Again, for those who did not cope with the basic exam, it is possible to organize in the 11th grade individual groups, where instead of higher mathematics they will be engaged in repetition, and give children the opportunity to retake the exam in a year.

April 20 - phase of the moon: I quarter (young moon), from 6:26 3 lunar day It is highly undesirable to make any purchases on the third lunar day. But if you still want to do this, then repeatedly check the quality of the purchased product so that there are no problems later. The exception to today's rule is the purchase of items such as weapons, cutlery, garden tools, and so on, i.e., which implies "aggressive" use. Also note that if...

March 23 - phase of the moon: I quarter (young moon), from 7:28 4 lunar day During this period, it is recommended to refrain from shopping, especially if the desire to purchase a particular product arose spontaneously. Today, hasty decisions do not lead to a positive result, and first of all it concerns the purchase of expensive things. It is better to devote the fourth lunar day to thinking about whether it is worth spending money or not. The only exceptions to this rule are small purchases related to items...

January 24 - phase of the moon: I quarter (young moon), from 10:10 5 lunar day Today you can buy anything - from small items before household appliances, from children's toys to apartments. But at the same time, you should be careful, carefully study everything before you finally pay the seller. The fifth lunar day is a changeable time, then. what seems good today, tomorrow, the hour is not even, will appear before you from a different side. So do not rush, but carefully inspect everything and only then ...

Pregnancy is one of the most amazing moments in every woman's life. Literally everything changes - habits, preferences, states and moods, relationships and the body. Not so long ago, the news of pregnancy bore a largely negative aftertaste for a woman. Many put an end to themselves, leaving their development entirely in diapers and household chores. Thoughts about himself, his appearance and career were reprehensible and vulgar. However, time has changed and pregnancy is by no means a reason to put an end to ...

Do you really like discounts? This is a banal question, there is no one who does not like various discounts that provide a very good opportunity to buy the product you are interested in at a significant discount. This opportunity is provided to you by the Sale4ru website, which now specializes in collecting all kinds of promotions and discounts from all online stores in the Russian Internet. The portal provides all kinds of promotions for the purchase of various goods with big discounts, which will give unique opportunity buy the necessary goods for ...

1. There is a law of abundance - for the new to come, you need to get rid of the old. Otherwise, for the new, the Universe (God, as you wish) does not see a place where you can “send” it. 2. There is a saying in China, "The old will not go away, the new will not come." 3. According to Feng Shui, old things (trash, garbage) do not allow the life-giving energy of Qi to flow freely, and therefore there can be no talk of any changes in life or new things. 4. Another conclusion: when we put on an old thing, or splash perfume that we haven’t used for a long time, or ...

Marla Seeley is an American housewife. She made a small career - she worked as an instructor in fishing for an artificial fly. But in the late nineties, she attacked a bigger fish: she came up with the Flylady system. More than a million women around the world use her household tricks. ReadRate has gone through the Flylady's School textbook, which comes out in mid-March, and publishes the most good advice. The FlyLady system offers a whole philosophy so that homework does not...

Well, just absolutely nothing. Or it turns out, but not enough. It seems that the goals have been worked out and there is motivation, but the matter stands still. What to do??! Rule #1: DON'T PANIC! Now we will figure out where the program failed :)) In fact, there are a lot of cheat sheets - helpers that move us forward. Some are just magical! Honestly! To begin with, let's do one more work with our goals, but now more detailed. A wonderful table of actions will help us with this. I got this idea from a book...

From your goals, I realized that the topic of getting rid of excess in the house is very relevant. Therefore, I decided that this would be the task for this week :) In order to let fresh energy into our house, or as the Chinese say "QI", we will be engaged in littering according to the Fly Lady system (Fly-lady) " Rubbish can not be ordered, if you want comfort - learn to get rid of the excess "- this is our motto for this week! Personally, I'm always happy to throw the trash out of the house. And you? So, we throw out the unnecessary ...


I support this occupation (throwing out trash) with both hands! I rarely have something delayed, I throw out everything unnecessary, old, etc. without regretting it. Here is Plyushkin's husband!

I have already dismantled things and five bags were taken away.
I want to throw out the old pots. the rest will leave in December, when we continue the repair.

I want to tell you about the vacuum cleaner from aliexpress .. I got it in exactly a month, taking into account the New Year's blockage. It was well packaged and was not damaged in transit. Weight with box 5 kg. It sucks up even the smallest dust particles very well. The kit includes additional brushes, a replaceable HEPA filter, charger, remote control and a virtual wall. Can be programmed to clean at the same time every day by choosing from four cleaning programs. What I liked: - copes even with long hair and pet hair...

1. This is a Mo//zer/.....-) hair clipper..-)) Thank you very much to Katya Smexfamily for a bargain purchase. At first I wanted to order in Germany, but I saw the purchase, calculated everything - that's what it turns out to be, I decided not to bother with delivery. I bought this clipper for my white Angora treasure. There is no limit to his and mine joy !!-)) And most importantly, there is no wool now !!-)) Neither on the floor, nor on things - beauty !!-) 6 millimeters all over the body - the cat is crazy ..-)) 2. This is my...

You need to get rid of old things - this is not advice, this is a rule. But, as with absolutely any rule, there are exceptions. It can be a pity to get rid of unnecessary, but dear to the heart things. If this happens, then how to do it? Keep for decades frank, trash that has long lost its relevance or find a new place for it, or maybe transform it in the most radical way, thereby bestowing " new life»?

It is impossible to create the new without getting rid of the old. For something to come, something must first go. For the new, you need to create a void, free space, free the shelves in the truest sense of the word. This works in every area of ​​life.

In this article, you will learn how to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment in order to free up space.

Why do you need to get rid of unnecessary things in the house?

First you need to understand why you need to get rid of old things. Do not be surprised, but the space is able to attract people and money.

Do you want a man to appear in the house? Look around. Do you have a place for him? In the living room, in the bedroom, in the kitchen… And what about a place for his things in the closet? Even if you think that it is in his house that there should be a place for you, then for a start a man must still enter your life. Even if he never needs those free shelves in the closet that you carefully freed for him. Open your space for change!

Have you been dreaming about a child? Then you all the more need how to get rid of unnecessary things and do it as quickly as possible. Create space for it in your home. It is not necessary to prepare the nursery in advance, a couple of free shelves will be enough. The main thing is to tell your subconscious that you have a place where the child will live.

dreaming about new job? And there is a place for "magic". Do you want to get a good position in the office? Prepare a place for appropriate office attire. Should work be related to creativity? You need to get rid of old things, as you need to organize a space where you can create - a workshop or a functional work area.

It has long been a tradition to prepare the house for the arrival of guests or for a holiday: clean something, decorate something, cook something. Thus, you subconsciously set yourself up, prepare for certain events - and they happen. Your subconscious mind remembers this and, having received a signal: "the place is free, I'm ready for change," it will start the process of long-awaited changes. You need to get rid of unnecessary things: this is the magic of space. And it works.

Tip: pay attention to where you store your savings. Is there a place in the box where the money is to fit another decent stack of bills? Even if you keep funds in a bank account, a spacious box in the house does not hurt either. A box, or a safe, not a flat envelope!

Tips on how to get rid of old things without regret

Almost every house has accumulated a large number of absolutely unnecessary things. Clothes that are out of fashion (“but I loved this blouse so much!”) or don’t fit in size for a long time (“what if I still manage to lose weight and “fit” into my favorite dress, or, conversely, suddenly I get better, and there will be nothing to wear?”), children’s things and toys, grandmother’s legacy in the form of deposits of “new” fabrics, threads and other good things, broken appliances (“can you fix it someday”), old dishes (which “just don’t like, but everything is whole) and kitchen utensils. An internal prohibition does not allow many to part with all this goodness: you cannot throw away something that can still serve. How to get rid of trash and unnecessary things so as not to injure your psyche?

Separately, gifts can be distinguished. These things can even be presented wholeheartedly and with love, but they absolutely do not suit you. You keep them out of courtesy, especially if they are gifts from loved ones. And they lie for years, take up such precious space or even spoil the interior and, of course, annoy you.

Sometimes, having received “something” as a gift, you cannot understand: how can this thing suit you at all? However, gifts can be used to judge how people see, understand and appreciate you. Analyze and draw conclusions!

And how to get rid of old things if you categorically do not want to offend your mother, grandmother, husband or beloved friend? In this case, at least hide "something" in a distant drawer. Perhaps they themselves will not remember their gift, and over time it can still be removed from the house. All other stocks must be decisively said goodbye.

It happens that it is not possible to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment, since it is psychologically difficult to throw something that is dear to you into the trash, even if you are sure that it will not be useful. Try to find new owners for them. There are many online resources where you can sell or give away things. You can take them to the church, where everything will be accepted with gratitude (and this is a completely different feeling). Some will be happy to receive things that you no longer need (even if they are not new). Toys, a children's scooter or a bicycle will be able to please some kid.

If you get rid of unnecessary things as quickly as possible, you will free up your space, give new life to some objects and make someone happy. And this is a great energy boost. By the way, you can also take the unnecessary to the trash, but do not throw it into the tank, but carefully fold it next to it. There are people who even guard until someone takes out something necessary.

How to get rid of unnecessary things if it is a pity to throw them away?

Sometimes getting rid of unnecessary things in the house is absolutely impossible. Probably, it is genetically inherent in us - to stock up and store for years what may someday come in handy. Our grandmothers and mothers lived in conditions of total scarcity and knew how to appreciate and keep what they had. It was justified by time. On occasion, they bought up fabrics and yarn according to the principle: I don’t know now what can be sewn or knitted from this, but I will certainly sew or knit something. The stock pocket does not pull. And something really came in handy, especially since it was problematic to buy ready-made clothes. And something safely lay down to our days, and such a supply is already very pulling. These things are the hardest to part with. Everything that you can put your hands on subconsciously evokes special feelings in a woman, even if she can neither sew nor knit. Such things are loaded with great meaning, they broadcast a family history - and on the other hand, they fill the space and take away such necessary energy. So is it necessary to get rid of old things that are a pity to throw away?

If the fabrics are left from your grandmother, then they can only come in handy if you are a fan of vintage things. Then you will not be embarrassed that the fabric has long been outdated both in terms of pattern and texture. Or maybe you don’t know how to sew at all, and it is your genetic memory that dictates to you to store all this? Then it is all the more necessary to part with these "strategic" reserves. Perhaps someone dreams of just such a fabric and is already desperate to get it? So give this person such a gift. This will make you happy in the first place. If we correctly attach things we do not need, then we show them respect and prolong life. And this is a big positive for us.

Surely, even after clearing, there are many things left in your house that you categorically do not want to part with. As a rule, these are some memorable trifles, decor items and books. Often all this is called dust collectors. But someone can not imagine life without all this. It is the things that delight and energize him - especially if we are talking about books. Today, many are getting rid of the libraries that the older generation of the family carefully collected. Why books, if there are modern gadgets? One eBook accommodates the entire library, and in the house such valuable space is freed up, and there are fewer allergens. But not everyone thinks so. For example, a kinesthetic student would only part with a library as a last resort.

No need to get rid of old things that delight and energize you. After all, you create a new space for this, so that it pleases you. You can free up space in other ways, namely, organize it. Look around, think - and you will surely find additional storage places. No floor space? But there are walls where you can hang additional shelves and whatnots (albeit very shallow ones). For small things, boxes, caskets and baskets are suitable, which can be beautifully arranged. Many storage ideas can be found in chain hypermarkets like Ikea. Everything you need can be bought there. It is possible that the layout allows you to organize something like a warehouse wardrobe and get rid of a couple of cabinets at the same time. Let the dressing room take up part of the space, but the rest of the room will be free. In addition, it is much more convenient to take things from the dressing room than from the closet.

How longer man lives in one place, the more he accumulates unnecessary things: cute souvenirs, boxes of appliances, old things that should be thrown away a long time ago, and other garbage that “may come in handy”. The well-known blogger Leo Babauta, who promotes minimalism as a lifestyle, also suffered from this bad habit- to accumulate mountains of rubbish at home, but he managed to get rid of it. Read his advice on how to “declutter” your home and why every person needs to do it.

One of my favorite habits I've picked up since I changed my life nine years ago is keeping my house in order without clutter. Now I understand that I always hated clutter, but I did not allow myself to think about it, because such thoughts were unpleasant.

The thought of having to clean up so much just scared me, and I always found something to do or suddenly felt tired - in general, I procrastinated.

But then I decided to get rid of the rubbish after all; gradually, one pile of things at a time, began to clean the house, and everything worked out. It was just a discovery, mostly because I didn't know I could do it until I did. What is even more amazing and beautiful - along with the rubbish, irritation and devastation left my life.

That is, putting things in order in the house meant not just cleanliness, but also a peaceful life in the spirit of minimalism. Now I spend less time cleaning, maintaining order, and even looking for the right things. I spend less money on things and I keep less things. I don't really get attached to things.

Here is a little guide for anyone who has long wanted to get rid of junk in the house. Of course, this process will not be instantaneous, and you can’t even call it fast - it can take months before your house gets rid of trash. But if you do it right, the process itself will be exciting and fun, and ultimately it will lead you to inner freedom and empowerment.

1. Start small

Mountains of rubbish can be simply overwhelming, and therefore we postpone clearing it up for later, which will never come. The best thing I've come up with is to concentrate on one small spot in the house and start from there.

A good example is a kitchen set, table or shelf. Clear everything at the intended point, leaving only what is really needed. Put things back neatly and sort the rest. Something will have to be thrown away, something - to give or sell. Sorting will take you only 10 minutes, and you can give away things that you do not need later.

2. Take it apart

So, you have freed a small part of the house from the trash. Excellent, you will feel pride in yourself and pleasure in the work done. But what about the rest of the house? It's still full of rubbish. Give this activity 10 minutes a day or more if enthusiasm awakens.

if you have free time on the weekend you can big piece work and clean much more than on weekdays. If you wish, you can generally spend the whole day off raking trash.

3. Use a simple method

Put all the things from one part of the house, for example from all the drawers of the table, into one pile. Take one thing out of this pile and ask yourself, “Do I love her? Am I using it?" If not, feel free to throw it away. The main thing - do not postpone the decision for later.

If the answer is "yes", find a specific place for her, her "home". If you love something or really need it, it deserves to have its own place where you will return it every time you use it.

As soon as you decide on one thing, take out the next and repeat all over again. If you work fast and make decisions quickly, you can sort through a bunch of things in 10 minutes (unless the bunch is huge, of course).

4. Immediately put in the trunk

Items that are no longer needed should leave your home as soon as possible. To do this, put them in a bag and in the trunk of the car. On occasion, you throw them away or give them to someone. If you don't have a car, put your trash bags next to the door so you don't forget to throw them away.

5. Talk to relatives (cohabitants)

If you live with other people, they will be surprised when you start getting rid of the trash. You must talk to them before you start. Explain why you are doing this and let them also participate in making decisions about things.

No need to pressure or persuade, just try to talk, tell, maybe show this article. If they don't agree, no big deal. Put away your personal junk, just your stuff, and show them the result. Perhaps, when they see all the benefits, they will agree to change.

6. Track your resistance

In the process of getting rid of trash, you will most likely experience internal resistance. Even if you don't use the thing, when the time comes to get rid of it, there may be a strong reluctance to do so.

For example, it could be a photo of a loved one, a gift from a family member, wedding or travel memorabilia, or something else. It's amazing how we associate objects with memories and love for other people.

In fact, there is no love in these useless things - it is inside you. So getting rid of trash, leaving only feelings inside, is a useful practice.

7. Enjoy the process

If you start to think of getting rid of junk as just another boring homework, there will be no progress. With a high degree of probability, you will come up with excuses for yourself to get rid of this optional routine.

Instead, think of getting rid of the trash as a process of release, a step towards inner fullness and clarity. Smile while sorting and throwing away unnecessary things, focus on your breath, on your body, on movements, on your feelings about the things you are sorting out. This is a useful practice, and I recommend it to every person.

These steps will not help you get rid of junk in one weekend. But you can enjoy the process itself until you completely get rid of the trash and your home is transformed. You will love these changes as much as I love them.

In the house of each person there are things that he does not need at all. It can be books, CDs, souvenirs, clothes, cosmetics, dishes and much more. People who have lived through years of scarcity or deprivation are accustomed to storing old things for a rainy day, with the idea that they will come in handy someday. As a rule, this does not happen, and things that accumulate in a house, office, garage or country house simply absorb the life resource of their owners. In this article, we will learn how to get rid of junk and unnecessary things, and find out why it is important to do this as quickly as possible.

Why are old things bad?

When there is too much in the house, it is very difficult to put things in order in it. Moreover, no matter how much you clean, a house littered with old things will not be clean, since all this rubbish will collect a lot of dust. At the same time, to find something really necessary, you have to spend a lot of time. Clutter has an amazing ability to grow on its own.

In a room that is overflowing with unnecessary things, it is difficult to concentrate and relax, as they all constantly appear before our eyes and fall under the arm. Feng Shui adherents believe that the accumulation and clutter of unnecessary things in the room prevents the free circulation of energy, disrupts the positive life processes of households and depletes their lives. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of trash in the house as quickly as possible. Everything old closes us from the new. This problem is especially felt in small apartments and houses.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that living in a spacious, bright room filled with only pleasant things is much better. So let's figure out how to force yourself to get rid of the trash and thereby make your life much easier.

Strategies for getting rid of unnecessary things

In Europe and America, companies have been operating for more than ten years that specialize in getting rid of unnecessary things and streamlining the necessary ones. In our latitudes, such a business is not yet common, but this is not a problem, because everything can be done independently. When the premises are cleared of rubbish, people, as a rule, begin to experience some excitement and can no longer stop. So the main thing here is to start.

It is advisable to get rid of the trash as quickly as possible, but if time is short, this activity should be given at least 2 hours a week. Cleaning should be carried out systematically, dividing the house into several problem areas. An example of such a zone would be a closet filled with trash.

Unnecessary things found during the cleaning process can be divided into several categories:

  1. Those that need to be thrown away or disposed of. These are morally or physically obsolete things that do not carry material or emotional value. They should be sent to a landfill or recycling without remorse.
  2. Those that can be given to other people. This category includes things that are in good condition but are of no value to the owner. For example, toys can be given to an orphanage, and books to a library. Charity is a good option for those who feel guilty about throwing away good but unnecessary things. What is junk for one may be treasure for another, so before you send something to the landfill, consider whether it would be useful to someone else.
  3. The ones that can be sold. This includes things that you do not need, but still have material value. There are many convenient services for selling such things on the Internet. In order for the sale to take place, the owner of the thing will need to post a photo of it, receive calls from buyers and deal with the delivery of the sold goods. If all these efforts are justified, then why not? In addition, in many cities there are so-called "flea markets" where you can sell everything you don't need for a small fee. And in some cities, so-called garage sales are gaining popularity, which can bring good income.
  4. The ones that can be fixed. This includes broken items that may still be usable. When deciding to leave such a thing, you need to ask yourself the period for which it is worth repairing. If nothing changes over time, then you need to get rid of this rubbish as quickly as possible.
  5. Those about which there are doubts. All things about which it is difficult to make a quick decision should be collected in one package and postponed for a certain period, for example, for a year. If after a year this package remains intact, you can safely throw it away without even looking inside.

By getting rid of the trash in the apartment according to the strategy given above, you can largely unload your home. It remains only to organize the remaining things in a practical way and enjoy the space. But that is not all. Everyone has things that, while not having practical value, are endowed with great spiritual value. If you store them indiscriminately, then you can force the whole house. We'll talk about this below.

Dear soul, but unnecessary things

Each house has items that remind the owner of a particular period of his life, some important person, achievement, and so on. For example, men keep a soldier's tunic, and girls keep a bridesmaid's dress. It can also be gifts that a person does not throw out of a sense of duty to the one who gave them. There are a huge number of similar examples, but the point is not this, but the fact that some of these things must certainly be got rid of.

It is natural to cherish things that cause a sentimental mood. Especially when they are associated with especially important people, any memory of which can cause pleasant feelings. However, it is impossible to keep everything that reminds of the happy moments of life. The collection of such things requires too much space, time and energy. Getting rid of such rubbish, as a rule, is the most difficult thing. However, you don't have to throw everything away. You can leave the most expensive, and arrange everything else using one of the above methods.

Photo for memory

As a rule, the image of an object has the same emotional charge as the object itself. Therefore, to make it easier to throw away, you just need to take a picture of it and save this photo on your computer. At the same time, it is desirable to write with which person or event this item is associated, when it was acquired, and so on. To prevent especially important photos and files from being lost in the event of a computer breakdown, it is worth copying them to an additional hard drive.

Leave the best

There is no need to leave too many symbolic things, it is enough to select the best of them, and quickly get rid of the rubbish. This is especially true if you have a large number of approximately the same things, for example, inherited from your grandmother. Leaving one cup out of it, you can largely unload the space, while retaining pleasant memories.


If the house has accumulated a lot of paper relics and photographs, they can simply be scanned and stored digitally. Agree, it is much easier to have a folder on your computer than a box on the cabinet, which only does what it collects dust. If you don't have time to do it yourself, just find a company to do it. this work fast and relatively inexpensive.

After scanning photographs, letters and other paper values, you can send them to people who are directly related to them. It's much nicer than just throwing things away. Most likely, the addressee will get acquainted with it, smile, remember the past and throw the thing away, because it has not been kept in his house and soul all this time. It will be easier for him to say goodbye to her, and this is worth taking advantage of.


If a thing is not used for its intended purpose, then this does not mean that it is time to put an end to it. By changing the purpose of items to a more practical one, you can unload the house and important points leave in memory. For example, from old clothes that the owner wore especially important days, you can make a blanket. This duvet will not only keep you warm. cold winter, but also serve as an original decor item. If expensive clothes are not enough, you can make a pillow out of it.

Help a friend

American scientists have established that by touching an object, even the most extraordinary and ordinary, a person enters into emotional connection with him. This is especially pronounced in the representatives of the weaker sex. As this item is stored, the bond grows stronger. If you do not want to part with something, but understand that it needs to be done, ask a friend to take this item to you for a while. Over time, you will wean yourself from this thing and will be able to clear conscience throw her out.

Giving gifts

Gifts are a special category of things. When a person gets rid of old rubbish, they are almost main problem. With his present, the donor tries with all his heart to please his dear person. Therefore, gifts always carry great emotional value and occupy a special place in the house. However, most of them have no practical value, but only litter the house, from time to time reminding themselves of themselves with another layer of dust. To get rid of such a thing without a twinge of conscience, you can give it to another person or donate it to charity. Most likely, the donor, if he has a sense of tact, will never ask you about the fate of the thing presented to him. And if he asks, then you can always carefully avoid the question.

Don't hesitate

If you decide to get rid of the trash in the apartment, you should implement your plan as soon as possible. This is especially true of things that cause sentimental emotions. As long as a person knows that a thing that was once dear to him lies in a garbage bag and claims to be thrown away, he can change his mind.

Remaining things

Everything that you decide to keep in your home after getting rid of excess trash should be in plain sight and used regularly. Such things do not belong in a box in a closet or attic. If the things claiming such storage remain, then the cleaning was of poor quality. You should not store in the house something that you cannot take with you to a new life, for the sake of which, in fact, people are wondering how to get rid of excess rubbish in an apartment or house.

You need to know the measure

Wanting to change their lives and throw out everything unnecessary from it in order to open themselves to new purchases and emotions, many flirt and throw everything away. Then it turns out that among the discarded rubbish there was something really important, for example, some kind of document. For example, the wife got rid of the old trash and did not notice that among it were things that were important for her husband, or vice versa. This often happens to those who use boxes when moving from one house to another. Even if you remember that a certain box contains really unnecessary things, and that you have not looked into it for several years, it is still recommended to check the contents before throwing it away!

Computer cleaning

Speaking about how to get rid of junk and unnecessary things, many people forget that the computer also needs regular cleaning. “Why not fill your computer with unnecessary files if it doesn’t increase in volume?” - a thought that one day comes to most users. Indeed, you can easily store thousands of files on your computer with the confidence that if they come in handy, they will always be at hand. But, as a rule, only dozens of files are of real value. A cluttered computer works slower and at the most inopportune moment can fail, as a result of which the user risks losing what is really valuable to him (photos of loved ones, electronic documents And so on). Therefore, cleaning the computer should be treated as responsibly as cleaning the house. Clutter in a computer is just as much a hindrance to our productivity as clutter in a room.

It is especially not recommended to leave on the computer everything that can be found on the Internet or downloaded at any time. Also, it will not be superfluous to get rid of programs that are not used in Everyday life but take up a lot of space. It is recommended to store the most important files in two copies: one on the computer, and the second on removable media.


Today we have learned how to get rid of trash in your home and make the surrounding space more conducive to work and leisure. Extra things not only take up a lot of space and create discomfort, but also accumulate energy. Thus, they close a person from everything new and unknown. Therefore, from time to time it is worth reconsidering the expediency of finding certain things in your home. For residents of a private house, it would also be useful to get rid of trash on the site.