Impact of the first phase

Read after new moon and ends when the glow of the disk increases to half. At this time, the energy is filled and everything around awakens.

Affairs. This is the start cycle, so the energy reserve is at the minimum point. Don't rush in with something new. You can do planning, and in a few days start implementing the points. Be sure to take care of household chores, meet someone and invest if possible. cash to promising projects.

Haircut and hair care. After shearing, the curls grow much faster, and the roots become stronger. Now the paint is holding extremely well, so it's a great time for toning procedures and color changes. But choose something familiar. Hair needs nourishing health masks.

Beauty, self care. Take the opportunity to visit a beautician. Any procedures return a healthy appearance and make you younger.

Health. You can take vitamins and medicines without fear, because now medicines act with increased activity and are absorbed by the body faster. But this time is dangerous, as there are more cases of poisoning, exacerbations of chronic diseases, as well as allergy attacks. If necessary, you can get rid of negative habits and switch to healthy lifestyle life with sports activities.

Nutrition. Fats are actively accumulating, so keep an eye on what is on your plate if you have problems with extra pounds.

In life, often, despite all the efforts made, things do not turn out as successfully as planned. IN difficult situations people begin to blame themselves, the lack of financial investments, poor specialists, but they do not at all attach any importance to the fact that any undertakings should be planned only when the moon is growing.

In the deepest antiquity, the moon was the only true guide in solving fundamental issues. The whole life of the ancestors was arranged in a cycle heavenly body. Depending on which moon, waxing or waning, they hunted, cultivated the land, performed rituals.

The lunar month is 29 or 30 days. Over this period of time natural satellite our planet goes through four phases, each of which lasts a little more than seven earth days and corresponds to a certain element of nature. From what moon is in the sky today, the mood of a person and his behavior, good luck in undertakings and successful completion of business, plant growth and getting rid of ailments depend.

The cycle begins with a new moon. The element of the phase is earth. At this time, a person has an energy crisis, he is not capable of active actions and heavy physical exertion. Beginnings are not recommended. This period is a time for rest and relaxation, planning things.

2nd phase - the growing moon. Her element is water. This is the time for the implementation of plans, new discoveries and achievements. The body is full of energy, its ability to work is unlimited. When the moon grows, a person becomes strong, active and emotional. This good time to improve health.

Then comes the full moon phase. The element here is air. The accumulated forces are completely sufficient to bring the work begun to completion. Energy overwhelms a person, and in order to avoid conflicts, it is better to direct it into an active channel, for example, go in for sports. In this phase of the lunar cycle, you can go on a diet, carry out cleansing procedures.

The fourth phase is the waning moon. Its element is fire. Actual forces and energy are not enough to plan and implement new projects. For any undertaking, this time is considered wasted. With the waning moon, it is more logical to complete the work. But in this phase, a person gains spiritual strength, becomes wiser.

How to determine when the moon is growing: folk signs

Our ancestors did not have a special calendar. They could not find out every day which moon is waxing or, conversely, waning. But even without the help of a calendar, you can always look at the sky and determine the phase of the cycle. To do this, it is enough to attach a pencil, stick or finger to the silhouette of an incomplete night luminary. If the result is the letter "P", then this means that the moon is growing.

If it is not possible to attach a stick to the silhouette, and the letter “C” looms in the sky, this is a waning phase.

What is the use of the lunar calendar?

This question is quite interesting. The lunar and terrestrial months have different durations and never coincide. In order to always have the opportunity to control the phases of the cycle and use them in their own affairs, a special calendar is being developed. When compiling it, it is important to take into account not only the phases of the moon, but also in what sign of the zodiac it is on a certain day. Together with this, every day has its own symbolism - this is the most old information about the calendar, which has come down from the ancestors. All days are divided into good and bad. This information should be taken into account when planning certain cases. The lunar calendar is used in business, gardening, fishing, cutting hair and making basic purchases.

For convenience, the calendar indicates both the earth day and the lunar day, which corresponds to it. This method of compilation helps to plan events for the whole month. This is very important, for example, for a gardener.

Having information about when the waxing moon will be in March, he can safely plan planting plants that stretch up.

What to do on the growing moon?

It has long been seen that the same work is better obtained in different time. For example, when the moon grows, the time of creation comes. This period is suitable for starting new businesses, launching projects, investing funds, opening bank accounts and deposits, looking for work, planting seeds and transplanting plants, as well as cutting hair. At this time, it is good to make acquaintances, make appointments, and establish personal life.

The influence of the moon on man

The location of the natural satellite of the Earth in the sky depends on the financial and peace of mind. The time when the moon is growing will favorably affect not only the material side of a person’s life, but also his physical and psycho-emotional state. During the period of the new moon, the actual forces are still not enough to start active actions. But every day the energy gradually accumulates in the body, a person begins to feel a surge of vigor, he has a desire to work, to achieve his goals.

During the growth of the moon, emotional stress is at a minimum, which affects the mood. Relationships born during this period are developing well. Men and ladies contemplate one in the other only the best traits of character.

A special energy surge appears in a person at a time when the growth phase of a heavenly body coincides with the vernal equinox. The waxing moon in March, simultaneously with the increasing sunny day, gives a surge of active actual forces.

By rationally spending your energy as the moon grows, you can avoid psycho-emotional overload and effortlessly bring all the work started during this period to the end.

The moon is a natural satellite of the earth, but also, it heavenly body endowed with special magic. It is very easy to determine when the period of the growing moon begins - the “horns” of the young satellite are directed to the left.

The influence of the Moon is undeniable not only on the planet as a whole, but also on the state of each individual person. Any phase affects both the physical and mental state of people.

What can and can not be done with the growing moon

This is a great period for rest, when you can relax and immerse yourself in the abyss of pleasure. Especially active rest.

In addition, the period of the growing moon will favorably affect the following actions:

  1. Rehabilitation course. They say that when the moon rises, the wounds will begin to heal. Therefore, patients, after operations, during this period, are recovering sharply.
  2. You can start building a house: lay the foundation and start planning.
  3. The move to a new place will also go well.
  4. This is a good time to change your appearance: haircuts, hair dye and other image changes.

But there are actions that are highly undesirable during the growing moon:

  1. It is better not to harvest when the moon is waxing.
  2. You can not borrow and lend money, make large gifts.
  3. Do not harvest firewood with the growing moon.
  4. Attempts to go on a diet, stop smoking or other bad habits will not give the proper result if you start them during this period. Attempts to eat less will suffer a special fiasco: during the period of the growing moon, the body digests food faster, requiring more and more to function.

The influence of the growing moon on health

The general well-being of people varies greatly depending on the phases of the moon, so do not neglect the lunar calendar. Sometimes, we do not understand the reasons for a sharp improvement or deterioration in health, headaches and general weakness. And if we knew more about the current lunar phase, the questions would disappear by themselves.

During the period of the growing moon, the body better absorbs all the vitamins and nutrients that it receives from food and environment. Therefore, with a lack of any trace element or vitamin in the body, feel free to take up its replenishment precisely at this time. favorable period. Magnesium, calcium, iron preparations work much better.

The body and body are ready for wellness and cosmetic procedures. Special benefits will come from sports hobbies and cleaning. At the same time, redundant exercise stress or stress will greatly deplete the body and rehabilitation may take an unacceptably long period of time.

It is very difficult to pass in this phase of poisoning. The movement of fluid in the body changes and, if you get poisoned, you do not need to rely on your own strength, but consult a doctor or take medication.

The influence of the growing moon on appearance and beauty

As mentioned earlier, the phase of the growing moon favorably affects the haircut and the overall change of image. After shearing, the hair grows much faster and any, even the most daring, experiments succeed successfully.

Influence of the first phase

After a haircut, in the first phase, the hair grows back much faster. If the Moon is now waning, then the paint keeps very well and for a long time, and nourishing masks are doubly effective and strengthen the roots.

Any procedures at the cosmetologist in this lunar phase will greatly improve the appearance.

Impact of the first quarter

This time is neutral with respect to the rest of the phase. If you change your appearance in the first quarter, this will not affect the length and structure of the hair.

Influence of the second phase

If you want your hair to grow faster and have a healthy appearance, shorten the length of your hair as much as possible. Do not be afraid of experiments and remember that all of them, during the period of the growing moon, end in a positive result.

If you want to change the color of your hair, be guided by a color with which you want to walk for a long time. The fact is that the staining carried out during the growing moon lasts for a very long time.

Hold off on a deep cleansing of the face, otherwise, you may be left with small marks and scars. You also need to postpone depilation, because during this period the hairs grow too quickly.

Waxing moon calendar for 2018

To paint your moon calendar by months when they are desirable and undesirable necessary actions, use this list of waxing moon periods for 2018:

During this period, take care of your nerves: people are especially subject to nervous strain, during this period.

In any business in which success is associated with patience, luck will pursue the stubborn and diligent. Monotonous routine things will go much faster and more fun than usual, but you need to learn how to focus.

This auspicious time for business and tourist trips, signing contracts and negotiating with important clients. They will be lucky.

At creative people, in this phase, new ideas for projects may appear that will change their lives and attitudes forever.

During this period, new ideas may also arise, but they need to wait. Put the idea aside, wait until the emotions subside. After that, with a cool head, take up the consideration of the project again.

Favorable time to make purchases, even unintentional ones. All expenses, over time, will pay off, so do not be afraid to please yourself with those trinkets that you have been looking at in the store for so long and did not dare to buy.

Time to sort out your relationship with your partner. Do not be afraid to express to his face everything that you think is necessary and try to find a common language with him.

If it doesn’t work out in any way to find common ground, you will have to accept that this is not your person and let him go.

Change the scenery, have fun: re-read your favorite book, watch a series. Do not bother yourself with problems: everything in life happens as it should and, sooner or later, everything will work out favorably.

The best time to travel that you have been putting off for a long time. Forget about everything, just relax and enjoy the views of a distant country.

Also, this is a time for emotions and spectacular situations: concerts, entertainment and performances. Let your emotions go to your head!

During this period, the tide is felt business activity. The main thing is to skillfully manage this surge of strength and then a promotion or salary increase is just around the corner.

If you are too overwhelmed by your energy and direct it in the wrong direction, the situation can end dramatically.

Remember charity. You don't have to donate half your salary to shelters, kennels or a fund for the disabled: just give a nice little gift to your loved ones or help an old lady carry the groceries home. Be kind and then good will return to you doubly.

During this period, be especially careful with your health. There is a high risk of poisoning from low-quality medicines.

If you feel unwell, go to a trusted doctor, do not fall for the tales of impostors who promise you "instant recovery after a single pill."

Remember that you are a Human, not an insensitive machine. At work, we all sometimes forget about relatives and friends who are bored and do not know how to reach out to a robot thinking only about office affairs.

Spend time with friends or family, just take a walk without thinking about work. You will see, life will immediately sparkle with new colors.

A good time to change the image or new haircut. Each phase of the growing moon favorably affects this, but November is especially good.

Time to take stock of the outgoing year and a possible change of image, if not done in the previous lunar phase.

Whether we follow the moon phases or not, they affect our lives and well-being. Therefore, it is quite logical to keep a lunar calendar, or at least sometimes look at the sky: it is not so difficult to determine at what stage of growth or aging the Moon is.

It is important to know what actions are favorable during the waxing or waning moon in order to make life easier for yourself and not waste time in vain.

Consistent change of the visible moon in the sky

The moon goes through the following phases of illumination:

  • new moon- a state when the moon is not visible. New Moon is the phase of the Moon when its ecliptic longitude is the same as that of the Sun. Thus, at this time, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun approximately on the same straight line with them. If they are exactly on the same straight line, then solar eclipse. The moon at the new moon is not visible in the night sky, since at that time it is very close to the Sun in the celestial sphere (no further than 5 °) and at the same time turned to us by the night side. But sometimes it can be seen against the background of the solar disk (solar eclipse). In addition, after some time (usually about two days) after or before the new moon, with a very clear atmosphere, you can still see the disk of the Moon, illuminated by weak light reflected from the Earth (ash light of the Moon). The interval between new moons averages 29.530589 days (synodic month). On the new moon the Jewish New Year and Chinese (Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese) New Year of the 60-year cycle.
  • young moon- the first appearance of the moon in the sky after the new moon in the form of a narrow sickle.
  • first quarter- a state when half of the moon is illuminated.
  • waxing moon
  • full moon- a state when the entire moon is illuminated as a whole. The full moon is the phase of the moon when the difference between the ecliptic longitudes of the sun and the moon is 180°. This means that the plane through the Sun, Earth and Moon is perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. If all three objects are on the same line, then moon eclipse. The moon in the full moon looks like a regular luminous disk. In astronomy, the moment of a full moon is calculated to within a few minutes; in everyday life, a full moon is usually called a period of several days, during which the moon visually almost does not differ from the full one. During a full moon, the so-called opposition effect can occur for several hours, in which the brightness of the disk noticeably increases, despite its unchanged size. The effect is explained by the complete disappearance (for a terrestrial observer) of the shadows on the surface of the Moon at the moment of opposition. The maximum brightness of the Moon during a full moon is -12.7m.
  • waning moon
  • last quarter- a state when half of the moon is again illuminated.
  • old moon
Mnemonic rule for determining the phases of the moon

To distinguish the first quarter from the last, an observer located in the northern hemisphere can use the following mnemonic rules. If the lunar crescent in the sky looks like the letter "C (d)", then this is the moon "Aging" or "Descending", that is, this is the last quarter (in French dernier). If he turns to reverse side, then, mentally putting a wand to it, you can get the letter “P (p)” - the moon is “Growing”, that is, this is the first quarter (in French premier).

The growing month is usually observed in the evening, and the aging month is usually observed in the morning.

It should be noted that near the equator the moon is always seen "lying on its side", and this way not suitable for phase detection. In the Southern Hemisphere, the orientation of the crescent in the corresponding phases is opposite: the growing month (from new moon to full moon) looks like the letter "C" (Crescendo,<), а убывающий (от полнолуния до новолуния) похож на букву «Р» без палочки (Diminuendo, >). Interesting Facts Usually, for each calendar month there is one full moon each, but since the phases of the moon change a little faster than 12 times a year, sometimes there are also the second full moon in a month, called the blue moon.

It is called the growing (young) moon.

Growing Moon (young moon) and its influence

The growing Moon shows the way, accepts, builds, creates, accumulates energy, prevents the earth from receiving moisture, accumulates strength, positively affects everything that it can save, and helps to relax.

Growing Moon (young moon) - health

All activities and procedures for the restoration and strengthening of organs and parts of the body are favorable for the young moon.

Everything that you want to introduce into the body, that strengthens it and builds it, all this is doubly effective during these two weeks.

Deficiencies are easier to eliminate with a growing moon than with a waning one, it is especially useful at this time to make up for a deficiency. minerals and vitamins. Magnesium, calcium, iron preparations work much better.

With a young moon, the body accumulates energy, gains strength, and it is undesirable to waste them at this time, since even a slight load can lead to exhaustion. At that time weaker immunity, we endure even minor ailments more difficult, wounds bleed more and heal worse. With an increase in the crescent of the moon, the likelihood of a successful outcome of any operation decreases, wounds and injuries begin to heal worse. It leaves a lot of scars. The closer the day of the full moon, the stronger this influence.

With the growing moon, more fluid accumulates in the body and, in particular, in the legs, it is difficult to remove it even with diuretics. Any poisoning from a wasp sting to mushroom poisoning is very strong. But the body also perceives therapeutic ointments with a young moon much better.

With the growing moon, the body tries to assimilate the food received as much as possible and save as much as possible in reserve. With always the same eating habits, we are much more likely to have a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and we gain weight more easily.

Therefore, you need to limit yourself in nutrition, if you do not want to get better.

Growing Moon (young moon) - beauty, haircut

With the growing moon, the body is tuned to absorb energy, to absorb and preserve everything that enters it. The skin more easily perceives everything that nourishes it, which supplies it with the necessary substances - that is, nourishing and moisturizing creams and masks. It is very auspicious to cut hair on the growing moon, hair cut at this time grows faster. Especially and, and should be skipped.

Waxing moon calendar for 2019 contains information about the dates and times of the beginning and end of the growing Moon.

Growing Moon (young Moon) in the signs of the zodiac

Waxing Moon in Aries

This is the time of excess emotional stress overcoming various obstacles. Listen to your common sense more and take care of your nerves.

Waxing Moon in Taurus

The motto of this period is "practicality". You can successfully engage in any business that requires diligence and patience - from cleaning an apartment to buying a country house. Examination financial reporting or inventory will go easier and more fun than usual.

Waxing Moon in Gemini

Favorable time for short trips, business meetings on the road. Get a strong impression, notice a lot of interesting things, new ideas will appear.

Waxing Moon in Cancer

During the period of the growing Moon in Cancer, you will especially urgently need the help of other people. Feeding new ideas is necessary, but they all require careful consideration.

Waxing Moon in Leo

If you love jewelry, pay attention to these expensive trinkets. Walk around the salons, antique shops. During this period, the aesthetic impressions from the contemplation of jewelry, as well as works of art, turn into new ideas.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Time is boring, you can feel some emptiness in your head and soul. In each of us, even in ourselves busy person lies a vulnerable soul, subject to various human weaknesses, and the young Moon in Virgo once again reminds of this.

Waxing Moon in Libra

These days we strive to distinguish between business and personal. It's time to sort out your relationships, so you just need to discard emotions and start with analysis.

Waxing Moon in Scorpio

This is a period of personal experience. Take care of problems that require emotional stress. You can meet with friends, talk about your personal affairs.

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

If you have been planning to go abroad for a long time, but have not yet gone, then it is time to put aside all your business for the sake of this trip. The Young Moon in Sagittarius is a good time to combine business with pleasure.

Waxing Moon in Capricorn

At this time, a surge of business activity is clearly felt. The main thing is to skillfully manage the resources granted to you - an offer for a promotion, a salary increase, benefits, a privilege, etc. The situation can become dramatic if you are not ready for it.

Waxing Moon in Aquarius

Consider charity. It is necessary to share with others, and emotional contact with a needy person or team is required, and not just a transfer of funds.

Waxing Moon in Pisces

Now the best thing is to go headlong into work and not think about how you feel. Since taking medications during this period is very harmful, you can get poisoned.