As all of Europe tunes in for a cloudy autumn, the Greek island of Crete remains one of the sunniest places in the Mediterranean. With the advent of September, here begins the Velvet season, which has a lot of advantages over hot summer months. And even if the sea cools down by mid-October, Crete will offer alternative types of recreation - from sightseeing and gastronomic to eco-tours. An original island in autumn time ideal for exploring: you can devote time to visiting architectural and natural attractions and not be afraid of the scorching sun.

Crete in autumn

It is no secret that Crete is famous for its long tourist season. In Northern and Central Greece coastal resorts see off the last tourists at the end of September. And most of the tourists leave Crete only in October. There are many reasons to choose the famous island for holidays in the velvet season. There are fewer tourists at this time than in high season, there is no sweltering heat, but the air is still warm (about + 29 ° C) and it is much easier to breathe, and the sea warms up perfectly - on average up to + 24 ° C. And only at the end of October there is a high probability of seasonal rains, which will not interfere with excursions.

Crete in September

In September in Crete, the weather pleases with summer warmth. The average daily air temperature is about +30°C, the water is warmed up to +26°C until the end of the month. It should be borne in mind that on the south coast the water is always a couple of degrees cooler than on the north.

The main advantage of the first autumn month is the weakening strong wind. The coast of Crete is under its influence throughout the summer, so by September the sea becomes calmer. IN separate days storms are possible on beaches where there are no sheltered bays.

As for precipitation, the first rains come to Crete at the end of the month, or they can completely bypass the island.

In September, Crete almost does not feel the end of the season. Tourists continue to come to the island - charters fly throughout the month.

Hotels operate as usual, gradually reducing prices for accommodation. In early autumn, accommodation in Crete is on average 20% cheaper.

Taverns, shops, clubs and rental offices continue to work according to the summer schedule - only a few establishments are closed.

Some attractions stop working, but this happens only at the end of the month. After about September 25, the Samaria Gorge is closed for visiting. September 30 - Cretan Aquarium. The Watercity water park is also closed. But in general, the month is favorable for visiting the most iconic places of Crete without any problems and visiting the famous beaches of Elafonisi, Balos, Falasarna.

Crete in October

In early October, the weather in Crete still allows you to comfortably swim, although the beaches of the island are almost deserted. The air is warmed up to +26°C, water - up to +23°C. But by the middle of the month, more and more precipitation falls, the amount cloudy days and the likelihood of a storm - especially weather changes are noticeable in mountainous areas.

In early October, charters still fly to Crete. The last flights usually take place on October 6-10. In the second half of the month, you will have to get to the island with a transfer. As for hotels and shops, many of them close for the winter or offer significant discounts.

Instead of the Samaria Gorge, which closed in September, in October you can take a walk along the Imbros Gorge or go to the cave of Zeus. October - best time for relaxing walks in cities that are usually crowded in summer time. The route should include picturesque Rethymnon, Chania, Elounda, Agios Nikolaos.

Crete in November

November in Crete is no longer suitable for a beach holiday: the water cools down to +20°C, the air - up to +21°C. The sun is shining, but the clouds are increasingly appearing over the island, the number of rainy days is increasing. Hotels in resort villages are closed, but in major cities The choice of options for accommodation is still not limited. Most of the working stores are also concentrated in Chania, Heraklion, Rethymno. It is better to rent a car at the airport - many offices stop working in October.

Closes in November Botanical Garden in the region of Chania. But many popular attractions are open all year round. For example, the Palace of Knossos, Archaeological Museum in Heraklion, Arkadi is one of the most beautiful monasteries of Crete. The cool season can be used to get to know the culture and traditions of the island better. In November, you should go on a gastronomic tour with a visit to mountain villages. Many of them are also suitable for ecotourists. Together with local residents tourists visit farms, watch and take part in the production of cheeses, and also get the opportunity to live in village houses and feel like real Cretans.

Autumn sunset in western Crete.

Autumn in Crete can bring a lot of interesting moments. September is the best time for families with children, for elderly tourists or simply for those who cannot stand the heat. October is a good month for sightseeing, combined with relaxing on the beach. And November, as the end of the season, gives alternatives to beach holidays, which many tourists simply forget about in the hot summer.

Greece has a fairly diverse climate. Big influence on weather the country has the proximity of mountains and the sea. The coastal regions have a subtropical (Mediterranean) climate, where winters are mild with rain, and summers are sunny, dry and very hot. In the area of ​​the mountains opposite is tough Cold winter, warm summer. The climate in the internal historical regions of Greece - Epirus, Macedonia, Thessaly is more severe. Frequent snow storms are possible here, and summers are very hot.

Climate in different parts of Greece

IN highlands winters are cold and snowy, and summers are quite mild, although there are periods of strong heavy rains with thunderstorms. The higher the mountains, the more low temperature, and large quantity precipitation. In regions where mountains exceed 1 km in the north and north-east of the country, snow falls at a height of 0.5-0.6 km, and summer, unlike the plain part, is not so dry, since the ridges stretching from north to south block the path damp westerly winds.

Unlike the eastern part, a more humid and mild climate prevails in the west of Greece. On the windward side of the mountains, the amount of precipitation is about 1200-1400 mm, and on the leeward side it is a couple of times less. On flat terrain - up to 350-500 mm of precipitation per year. Falls in November-December maximum amount rainfall, as this is the period of more frequent cyclones over the Mediterranean Sea. Aridity in the regions of Greece begins to increase from north to south, as well as from west to east.

IN winter time due to proximity mediterranean sea, there is quite heat air. In the north of Greece, on average, the temperature is +4 ° C in January, and in the south Aegean Sea temperature - +11 - +13 ° С. Below zero in January, the temperature is only in the mountains: in the north - at an altitude of 0.7-0.8 km, in the south - from a height of 1.4-1.5 km above sea level. In the low-lying parts of the country, frosts occur periodically, but they are short-lived.

Additional Information! Greece in winter tourist season officially closed. Hotels all close at the end of autumn - in November, and open in the spring - in April. Transport flights are also becoming more infrequent.

Spring comes at about the same time throughout the territory. The weather begins to change smoothly from the southern to the northern regions. May is the time of constant showers with thunderstorms in the highlands, and also the northeast and north winds begin, which are called "meltem" and "etesian". They continue to blow until the very end of summer.

Greece in winter

Summer in modern Hellas is sunny and hot. The drought comes from the beginning of June. The hottest and driest months of the year are July and August. average temperature in the lowlands at this time it is + 40-45 ° С. On the coast, things are somewhat better, because summer heat soften sea breezes.

Note! It is not very desirable to plan a vacation in Greece in the midst of summer period because the heat won't let you get good impressions from the area.

September at home Olympic gods almost summer weather reigns, especially in the southern and insular parts. This weather continues until November, except for the mountainous regions. The northern winds subside, and until the end of October the weather is warm and fine, and the water temperature is the most comfortable for swimming. The rainy season starts only at the end of October.

Climate conditions in Crete

Crete is the largest Greek island, located in the southern part of the country, surrounded by three seas.


Trips to the island can be planned from April. The tourist season ends in October. The year on the island can be divided into seasons:

  • high season lasts from June to August, the temperature ranges from +28 °C to 30 °C. In the very south of the island, up to +40 ° C and above, which is due to the influence of the Sirocco wind (from the Sahara desert);
  • low season is from December to March. During this period, the number of visitors to the island drops sharply. The weather during this period is quite changeable, the main daily air temperature is up to +16 °C - 17 °C. It must be taken into account that it can suddenly become colder or warmer. However, it is quite comfortable to visit sights at this time;
  • beach season. Starts from mid-April. At this time, all beaches are officially open. However, the water becomes acceptable for swimming in the Mediterranean at the end of May and is +19 ° C - +21 ° C. In July and August, when it is very hot weather, water temperature - +25 °C. Being in the sun during the day is very dangerous, so it is advisable to visit the beaches in the morning and in the evening. The most pleasant vacation becomes in September, when the sun does not bake so much anymore, and the sea is still as warm (+24 ° C);
  • the Velvet season September October. The weather during this period allows you to stay on the beach for a long time. Temperature sea ​​water in September - +24 °C, and in October - +23 °C. Crete at the end of September - the weather is still pleasing. The only drawback: in October it is cool at night - up to 16 ° C, so it is advisable to swim only at the height of the day.

Important! A little secret for lovers of the midsummer season: you can find not crowded beaches during this period. They are a little far from the usual places of tourist congestion and offer a minimum of amenities, but give the opportunity to be alone. Best of all, in the height of summer, go to the north of the island, to the Aegean Sea.

Weather in Crete in September

In the first half of September, Crete is very favorable period to relax on the island - travelers are greeted by a warm, pleasant sea, as well as a not so scorching sun. The sea is stormy from time to time.

In September in Crete, in comparison with the previous one, it becomes not so hot. The temperature in Crete in September during the day is about +27 degrees. At night it is quite warm - +19 degrees. In windy weather, dress warmer. The sea temperature in September is +26, by the end of the month - up to +23 - +24 degrees. In September, there is practically no rain (two or three rainy days), and the humidity is moderate - 60%.

September is the beginning of the velvet season, but the weather at this time is not the most predictable. Storms from time to time. By the end of September, the nights become cooler.

Beaches in Crete in September

Crete: weather for today and tomorrow

Consider the weather on the island of Crete using the example of the city of Heraklion. Today is 09/09/2018: sunny, air temperature during the day is +29 degrees, and at night - +22 degrees. The water temperature is +26 degrees. IN coming days weather forecasters do not promise any special fluctuations in temperature: the temperature during the day is + 26-27, at night - +22. No precipitation.

To monitor further changes in weather conditions, you should use one of the weather forecast sites, for example: Gismeteo, official site.

Tips and recommendations from experienced tourists and travelers V

Many beginner tourists do not know some basic things when organizing their holidays. You should listen to the advice of experienced tourists. Here are some of them:

  • when visiting religious sites, do not forget about culture and customs - consider when choosing an outfit for an excursion;
  • during the velvet period, prices for housing, food, and various services begin to fall significantly;
  • on the island you should be on your guard - the weather can change dramatically, so you should carry a jacket and an umbrella with you;
  • it is best to exchange currency in banks that are open from 8:00 to 14:00–14:30. Friday is a shortened working day, and banks are closed on weekends. Some may work 7 days a week, but they often have unfavorable conditions;
  • calling to other countries is much cheaper from special pay phones located near large public institutions, stops public transport, as well as shopping centers. They work according plastic cards sold at newsstands and post offices. Calls from a hotel are expensive;
  • tips should be left in restaurants and cafes.

There is something to see in Crete at any time of the year. The number of attractions will allow you to replenish your home photo archive well. Therefore, it is advisable to focus on personal preferences when choosing a vacation time to visit these places.


Resting on the islands of Greece is a pleasure. Beautiful beaches, large coastline, lots of sun and positive. Tourists prefer the island of Crete, which is one of the best. Flying here from April to October. And the main influx of tourists in the first autumn month. Where is the best place to relax in Crete in September? – reviews of tourists will help you choose the best place on the island to make your velvet season memorable and to your liking. See photos and videos from the island and plan your trip.

Also we have interesting article- Crete or Rhodes - which is better in September. In the article you will find reviews, read the arguments in favor of each skeleton and be able to choose a place where you go on vacation.

Everyone already knows that Crete is the largest island that is part of Greece. But this is not the only reason why tourists come here. There are others more important points which should not be overlooked.
For example, the fact that Crete washes three seas at once! Few other islands can boast of such, and maybe there are no more islands in the world that are washed by three seas.

It is also worth noting that the air on the island is soft and clean. There is no factory here, and the nearest mainland is 111 kilometers away. Therefore, the wind does not bring smoke from factory chimneys here. Rest in Crete is good for health. Fresh air, a lot of green trees, excellent ecology.
Crete is also different in that there are practically no cloudy days. Throughout the year, the sun shines, which pleases tourists. True, you can still swim only in the season from May to October, since in the remaining months the sun does not warm so much, and the seas cool down. But everything is a fact - here the sun shines 365 days a year.

All the beaches on the island are gorgeous and sandy. They are very similar to each other. The beaches are picturesque, it is pleasant to relax and lie on them. The sand is fine and soft. Walking on it is very pleasant, and even children enjoy playing in it.
Crete has a lot of resorts. Each of them is interesting and beautiful in its own way. And the temperature of air and water in the sea is practically the same. In general, the weather conditions on the island, even though Crete is large, are the same throughout the island. And the choice of the resort depends solely on your choice and your desires.

Weather in the resorts of Crete in September.
To better understand what the weather is expected in Crete in September, look at the summary table with temperatures at all resorts on the island:

As you can see, the weather differs by 2-3 degrees. At the same time, there is rain in most parts of the island. But they are short-term, and heavy rain can go once a month.
As for the water temperature in the seas, no matter which side of the island you choose, no matter which sea you swim in, the water is still the same temperature of +25 degrees.

Crete in September
In September, the velvet season begins on the islands of Greece. The heat is gradually subsiding, but the sea is still warm. Barely noticeable winds begin to blow, which so far do not interfere with tourists. There are no waves on the sea, only a boat sailing along the shore causes waves that reach the shore and create a pleasant sound of water.

September is still good in that prices begin to slowly decline. And if from 1 to 10 you can relax here at summer prices, then after September 10 you can ask for a discount, and it will be. Yes, and the hotels themselves make discounts, as the horses understand that the season is coming to an end and you should try to keep customers as long as possible.

The beginning of autumn is the best time to travel around Greece, especially if you are planning not only beach holiday, but also long day trips to ancient temples, legendary sites and remote monasteries.

September in Greece is beautiful: the August heat begins to recede, the gentle sun warms, but does not burn, the air is no longer hot and dry, but filled with the aromas of ripening fruits and a light sea breeze.

Harvest time and wine festivals, a real velvet season with moderately hot days and warm evenings.

In Greece, the high season ends in the first decade of September, and with the first days of autumn, the flow of tourists is significantly reduced, and with it, prices for hotel rooms and excursions are slowly decreasing.

If you don't like crowded beaches and restaurants, or want to save some money on your trip, go to Greece in September!

Water and air temperature

Do not be afraid that your September holiday in Greece will be spoiled by bad weather.

The Mediterranean climate is very mild, summer here goes slowly, not giving up its position to autumn dampness and coolness for a long time.

Open until at least mid-autumn bathing season almost all Greek resorts. The water temperature in the Mediterranean stays within + 25-27 ° C throughout September, and in October you can still swim to your heart's content.

The air temperature depends on the region and differs slightly both inside mainland Greece and on the islands.

Sea resorts will please you with a temperature of +28-32 °C, and in the northern regions and in the mountains the temperature usually stays within +24-27 °C.

The Greek islands are more stable in terms of weather, it is believed that it is always a little warmer here than on the mainland.

Weather in September on the island of Rhodes

The island of Rhodes in September is a real find for beach lovers who are not used to the sweltering heat.

The air temperature at this time rarely rises above +27 ° C, and the sea remains warm and gentle. The water on the coast is warmed by the sun up to 25 °C.

The velvet season in Rhodes means that the majority of tourists have already subsided, and no one will stop you from enjoying sandy beaches, going on excursions to ancient fortresses or having an active night out - after all, there are plenty of clubs, restaurants and cafes here.

The island is washed by two seas at once - the Aegean and the Mediterranean, and is famous for its mild climate almost all year round.

But visiting historical monuments And Orthodox churches it is best to plan for the beginning and middle of autumn or early spring when the sun does not shine as much.

The temperature after sunset on Rhodes in September is more than acceptable and does not exceed +22-23 °C. East Coast the islands are usually slightly warmer than the western one, due to sea currents and winds.

Do you know what the weather is like in Greece in January? you will find reviews of tourists.

Precipitation at this time of the year in Crete is still extremely small, the sea still keeps the temperature up to +25 ° C. Despite the approaching formal end of the season, there are many tourists, especially from the harsher northern countries.

Crete in September is ideal for visiting beaches, hiking in picturesque mountains, trips to nearby islands and exploring ethnographic sights.

September weather in Santorini

The Santorini group of islands is located in the southern part of the Cyclades archipelago.

This is a true paradise of the Aegean Sea, where it almost always shines bright sun, the water is crystal clear and the beaches are filled with vacationers.

The volcanic origin of the islands is reminiscent of red-black rocks that grow straight out of the water and colorful rocky beaches.

September in Santorini is not much different from August - there are almost no rainy days, the air temperature during the day ranges from +25 ° C to +30 ° C, at night it can drop to +20 ° C.

The calm sea warms up to an average of +25 ° C, which contributes to visiting the beaches. There are fewer tourists in Santorini in September than in summer, the beaches are noticeably empty, especially towards the end of the month. Breezes from the sea bring coolness, making it easier for those who do not like the hot climate.

Pros and cons of holidays in September

Have you still not decided to go on a trip in September?

Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of vacationing this time of year.

  • occasional showers possible

  • weather forecast and even statistics are not a guarantee, nature can decide in its own way

  • a storm is possible at sea, which will prevent swimming

Perhaps this is all the shortcomings that can be found. Naturally, no one is able to give you a guarantee that all 7 or 10 days of your vacation the air will be exactly +28 ° C and the sea will be calm.

But Greece is not only a beach holiday, and if it's a cloudy day, you can get a lot of pleasure from a tour of the legendary sights or a walk around the neighborhood - the nature of Greece is stunningly beautiful.

To finally decide on a trip, read the reviews of tourists about the weather in September - many were in Greece at that time and willingly describe their travels in blogs and guidebooks.

If your weather in September is associated exclusively with yellow leaves and the first autumn slush, then the inhabitants of Crete - with sunscreens and beach parties. September on Greek island- this is a continuation of a bright, noisy and hot summer. Crete is a successful combination of historical and cultural wealth, comfortable climate and unforgettable emotions. After all, it is very difficult to meet a person who would not like this island.

At the beginning of autumn, you can become a happy witness and participant in a whole galaxy of holidays and festivals, and the simplicity of the Greek character will immerse you in a wave of true friendliness and fun.

The weather in Crete in September is not much different from August, especially at the very beginning of the month. The daytime air temperature still rises to +32, although the nights are getting a little colder. The September weather in Crete is poor in rains, however, in the second half of the month, the island begins to be overcome by rather rainy days. Starting from the 16th, the weather in Crete changes its orientation from summer to autumn: the temperature drops three degrees lower. But since the northern meltemi winds also subside slightly, the decrease is felt weakly.

Crete in September becomes a little comfortable for visiting many excursions, but it is still better to explore its territories at the end of the month. But for unforgettable days on the shores of the azure sea, September is perfect.

And, of course, Crete in September continues to celebrate, have fun and celebrate memorable events. For example, at the very beginning of autumn, namely, September 1, the Greeks celebrate the Orthodox New Year. On September 8, the country celebrates Christmas Holy Mother of God, which is especially remembered by tourists with many pilgrims and small markets, which are established on the way to one of the most ancient temples.