From alcohol and alcoholism. Alcohol ruined the lives of many people, destroyed families, caused the development of dangerous diseases. Furthermore, often alcohol abuse leads to death and the development of fatal dangerous diseases. All the troubles that alcohol causes cannot simply be listed. Alcohol is especially dangerous for those who are addicted. It is contraindicated for such people to drink strong drinks even in small doses, as this can lead to the most tragic consequences.

Famous actors of the world who died from alcohol

Andrei Ivanovich Krasko (August 10, 1957, Leningrad, USSR - July 4, 2006, Ovidiopol, Ukraine) - Soviet and Russian actor. Andrei Krasko died at the age of 49. The cause was heart failure - a heart attack on the background of alcohol abuse. IN Lately Krasko suffered from alcohol addiction.

Alexey Leonidovich Fomkin (August 30, 1969, Moscow - February 24, 1996, Vladimir) - an actor who became famous main role in the film "Guest from the Future", as well as participation in the filming of the newsreel "Yeralash". After serving in the army, he began to have problems with alcohol and drugs. On the night of February 23 to February 24, 1996, he died during the celebration of the Day Soviet army. Everyone who was in the apartment during the fire was able to escape, except for Alexei Fomkin, who was fast asleep and as a result suffocated with smoke. According to one version, all the celebrants were drunk, because of this, the actor could not wake up.

Viktor Ivanovich Kosykh (January 27, 1950 - December 22, 2011) - Soviet and Russian actor. The Elusive Avengers star has recently been abusing alcohol amid depression. An autopsy showed that the cause of death was a large dose of alcohol, which the body could not cope with.

Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky (January 25, 1938, Moscow - July 25, 1980, Moscow) has suffered from alcohol and nicotine addiction over the past years. It is also known that Vladimir Vysotsky used narcotic substances. Died of a heart attack. According to close people, Vladimir Vysotsky was killed by drugs.

Vladislav Borisovich Galkin (December 25, 1971, Moscow - February 25, 2010, Moscow) is a famous Soviet and Russian actor. He died at the age of 39 from cardiac arrest. As a result of the autopsy, the doctors concluded that the artist's body was badly worn out due to nervous exhaustion and alcohol abuse.

Elena Vladimirovna Mayorova (May 30, 1958, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - August 23, 1997, Moscow). Recently, she has been drinking alcohol, which ended in tragedy. On August 23, 1997, she doused herself in fuel and set fire to her dress. She died from her burns at the Sklifosovsky Institute. The exact reason for what happened remains unknown. According to the official version, there was an accident. There are also versions that Elena Mayorova deliberately set fire to herself.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Eremenko, Jr. (February 14, 1949, Vitebsk, Byelorussian SSR, USSR - May 27, 2001, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian actor. Died of a stroke in the hospital. Relatives of the actor said that Nikolai Eremenko Jr. drank a lot and died from the fact that he could not get out of another binge.

Oleg Ivanovich Dal (May 25, 1941, Lyublino, Moscow Region - March 3, 1981, Kyiv) died at the age of 40. Despite poor health and a sick heart, he abused alcohol, although he tried with all his might to overcome his addiction. Died from heart attack. According to the widespread version, the heart could not stand it after the next use of alcohol, moreover, at that time the actor was “sewn up” with an anti-alcohol capsule.

Pyotr Martynovich Aleinikov (April 12, 1914 - June 9, 1965) - Soviet actor. Due to lack of demand in the cinema, he began to abuse alcohol. IN last years He drank a lot, because of which his health was greatly shaken.

Richard Burton (November 10, 1925, Pontridifen - August 5, 1984, Seligny) - Welsh actor, winner of many prestigious awards and prizes. He suffered from chronic alcoholism. He died at the age of 58 from a cerebral hemorrhage, which was the result of a severe hangover syndrome.

Whitney Elizabeth Houston (August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012) was an American singer, actress, and fashion model. The star abused alcohol and also took drugs. In an unconscious state, she was found in the bathroom of a hotel room. They tried to bring Whitney Houston back to life with the help of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but it was not possible to save her.

It cannot be denied that alcoholism is a complex disease that causes severe harm to a person. However, in our time, not only ordinary homeless people or average inhabitants of the planet suffer from it. But also a lot of celebrities. And history can remind of talented people who were drunkards.

Hollywood alcoholics

  • List famous alcoholics-actors are opened by the handsome pirate Johnny Depp. In his interviews, he repeatedly confessed his love for alcoholic beverages. And even demanded that after he dies, they put him in a barrel of whiskey. His drunken stories have been retold by word of mouth for years. He even tried to go to the doctors, but it is still unknown whether he managed to quit this addiction.
  • Robert Downey Jr. The love of alcohol almost deprived him of his career. Film studios one after another severed all relations with him. And once, in a drunken stupor, he climbed into the house of his neighbors and fell asleep in their daughter's bed. They expelled him from there with the help of the police.
  • Mel Gibson. Actor with a long history of alcoholic. I met with drinking at the age of 13. Since then, he has been waging an unsuccessful war with this addiction, almost bringing himself to suicide.
  • Zac Efron. This handsome, slender actor, having got rid of drugs, became addicted to alcohol, ruining his life with incredible zeal.
  • Shia LaBeouf. The star of the epic "Transformers" has repeatedly admitted that alcohol ruined his life and career. Alcoholism scandals horrified the audience at the play, the patrons at the club, and colleagues at work.
  • Former spouse Avril Lavigne was admitted to the hospital in serious condition due to alcohol. The vocalist of Sum 41 was on the edge of the abyss and almost died.
  • Christian Slater. The actor often ends up in the police for drunken scandals. Also, everyone knows about the frequent binges of this handsome man.

Russian alcoholics

Russian alcoholics are no less famous. Among them are actors, singers, honored figures of our country.

  • Mikhail Efremov. The talented actor considers the fight against alcohol a useless exercise. And I stopped wasting time on it a long time ago.
  • Philip Kirkorov. Even he complained about the "king of the stage" ex-wife Alla Pugacheva. And it's no secret to anyone that he is a fan of sipping strong drinks.
  • This singer's voice is amazing. But Leps himself does not at all try to hide his addiction, and he is not going to treat cravings for alcohol.
  • Sergei Shnurov. outrageous singer admits that alcohol helps him in his work. Therefore, on stage, he always performs drunk.
  • Alexey Panin. The Internet is full of videos with a drunken actor. His antics are so immoral that many already doubt his mental state.
  • Marat Basharov. The actor was recently seen drunk driving a car with his daughter in it. And when he beat his wife, they say that he was also drunk.

Other famous Russian alcoholics include Alexei Nilov and Alexander Domogarov.

Alcoholic Writers

  • It is known that Edgar Allan Poe got drunk to delirium tremens, fought with ghosts and was sent to the hospital more than once. As a result, he died from blockage of blood vessels in a drunken stupor. Until now, unknown people leave a bottle of whiskey on his grave.
  • Erich Maria Remarque. Author famous work"On Western front no change" was also a big drinker.
  • Sergei Donatovich Dovlatov. Russian writer. He wrote ironic stories about emigrants abroad, at the same time kissing the coveted bottle.
  • Ernest Hemingway. American writer and journalist committed suicide. However, during his lifetime he adored mojitos and games with death.
  • The Czech writer drank a lot and wandered. Died at the age of 39.
  • Sergey Yesenin. All the newspapers of those times wrote about the drunken antics of the famous Russian poet. He drank to the point of epileptic seizures and had absolutely no control over himself.

  • Jack London. His creativity was inseparable from whiskey. He sincerely told about this in his book "Jack Barleycorn".
  • Taras Shevchenko. Ukrainian poet who looked for inspiration in wine.

Also, this list is supplemented by Yuri Olesha, Yuri Nagibin, Nikolai Rubtsov, Mikhail Sholokhov, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Yuri Kazakov, Vasily Belov, Charles Bukowski, Alexander Kuprin and Alexander Blok.

Scientists Drunkards

There are famous alcoholic scientists in history.

  • Famous Russian physicist, popularizer of science. He drowned his genius talent in a glass of booze. That, however, did not prevent him from becoming a significant person in the history of science.
  • Omar Khayyam. Only the lazy one does not quote this famous scientist and poet. But he also liked to take a bottle of alcohol.
  • Paracelsus. Medical scientist. It was he who invented the first pill in the world. He liked to drink very much, and even wrote his scientific work in a state of intoxication.
  • Diogenes. Philosopher Ancient Greece could not refuse wine. And he wrote down his views under the influence of a harmful drink.

World famous alcoholics

  • In the list of the most famous alcoholics in the world, Alexander the Great undoubtedly occupies the first place. Being a big fan of Dionysus, great commander conquered half the world. However, he also became famous for his binges. After another such binge, he died.
  • Anacreon. The ancient Greek poet was famous for orgies and feasts. Ironically, the grape seed in the wine was the cause of his death.
  • Peter the First. The reformer, who brought a lot of new things to Russia, loved feasts and feasts. Before him, vodka did not know such popularity in Russia and was considered a German drink.
  • Alexander III. This is a king who loved his wife and ... vodka very much. Why he died, ruining his liver.
  • Frank Sinatra. A mind-blowing career, millions of fans and a beloved wife could not keep him from sinful addiction. Even into the afterlife, he left with a bottle of whiskey, which was placed in his coffin.
  • Vincent Van Gogh. Perhaps the most famous alcoholic in the world. The Dutch impressionist was famous for his drunken brawls, in one of which he cut off his earlobe. He adored absinthe and drank it a lot, like his colleague Picasso. He eventually committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.
  • Francis Scott Fitzgerald. The author of "The Great Gatsby" was on a rampage, and together with his wife, who survived him, but in psychiatric clinic.
  • Stephen King. The Greatest Writer of our time admitted that he wrote many of his works in a drunken stupor.
  • Lord Byron. A very controversial figure, about which there were many rumors. But his love for alcohol, alas, is not a rumor, but the true truth.
  • Nero. The Emperor of the Roman Empire followed his passion for the rest of his life.
  • Benjamin Franklin. His portrait is depicted on dollar bills. This American politician suffered from syphilis and was very fond of Madeira.

On the Internet you can find many photos of famous alcoholics, in which they are depicted with a bottle or a glass.

Long-lived alcoholics

Probably every person has heard the phrase "alcohol kills" at least once in their life. But there were also famous long-lived alcoholics who proved by their own example that this is not always the case.

  • Queen Elizabeth. The wife of George VI drank a large amount of various drinks during the day. alcoholic beverages. Despite this, the favorite of the people lived to a ripe old age and died at the age of 101.
  • Politiman. The surgeon lived for 140 years. However, he drank every day.
  • Henry Miller. A writer whose works described the life of promiscuous women, the elite of society, their addiction to alcohol and other vices. He died despite libations at the age of 88.
  • Winston Churchill. The famous politician ruled Britain with one hand, and in the other he held a glass of cognac. It is difficult to imagine this man without a glass and a cigar. He lived to be 90 years old.

They conquered drunkenness

Fortunately, there are many famous alcoholics who have quit drinking and are living fulfilling lives.

  • Anthony Hopkins. The famous Hannibal Lecter got drunk as hell. And this would have continued for a long time, if not for the incident that happened to him after another booze. He just woke up in the morning in a completely different state and did not remember anything. After that he joined A.A. alcoholics anonymous). And since then I have never drunk alcohol.
  • Eminem. There was a time when the rapper almost died from an overdose. But he managed to pull himself together in time, which is a considerable merit of Elton John. Now he is famous again and has regained his first positions in the charts.
  • Elton John. The famous homosexual distinguished himself not only by his alcohol addiction, but also by the drugs to which his manager taught him. A friend, Ryan White, helped him restore it. And for more than 20 years, the artist has not been drinking.
  • Ian McGregor. The Trainspotting actor decided to stop drinking when he lost almost everything and became ashamed of his reflection in the mirror.
  • Stephen Tyler. The vocalist of Aerosmith used drugs and alcohol. After the group began to lose its popularity, he went through rehabilitation.
  • Ben Affleck. He was treated for alcoholism in 2001. 10 years later, he failed at the Sundance Awards. But he was able to pull himself together again and cope with addiction. The magnificent actor and director won an Oscar for the film Operation Argo.
  • Daniel Radcliffe. "Harry Potter" sometimes came to the shooting drunk. He was treated several times, but again went into a binge. Now he does not drink, but how long he will be able to hold out - no one knows.

  • Alec Baldwin. For almost 10 years, he fell asleep with a bottle. He was helped by a man whom he passed almost every day. The pity in his eyes sobered the actor, and with the help of AA he stopped drinking.

Politics in a bottle

Among the mighty of the world this can also be found lovers of the green serpent.

  • Boris Yeltsin. This ruler has repeatedly dishonored Russia with his drunken antics. The whole country was watching him when he danced drunk at receptions or played on the head of the Kyrgyz president.
  • George Bush Jr. In America, he was known not only as a president, but also as an example for people who want to stop drinking.
  • Kim Jong Il. Ruler North Korea a great lover of cognac and cigars, which reminds him of Winston Churchill.
  • Reformer, first president, Turkish Lenin. As soon as this famous politician was called. He died of cirrhosis of the liver, which he received from his beloved crayfish (aniseed vodka).

From modern politicians who are clearly friends or were friends with the glass, note M. Poroshenko, S. Nakagava, L. Kuchma and others.

women and wine

There are many famous alcoholics and women on the list.

  • Betty Ford. President Ford's wife struggled with alcoholism for many years and founded a clinic for others with the same problems.
  • Edith Piaf. This talented singer was accustomed to wine as a child, which led her to alcoholism.
  • Galina Brezhneva. This woman had everything one could dream of. But the passion for vodka was stronger. Having lost everything she had, she died in a psychiatric hospital.
  • Tatyana Dogileva. A beautiful woman and a beautiful actress has been under the influence of alcohol for a very long time. More recently, she was able to overcome this addiction in herself, but external changes are too obvious.
  • Lera Kudryavtseva. She managed to stop thanks to her son, whom she was afraid to leave as an orphan.
  • Larisa Guzeeva. The lover of feasts was able to quit the addiction and now leads a healthy lifestyle.

Of the Western beauties who have overcome alcoholism, Britney Spears, Kelly Osbourne, Drew Barrymore, Paris Hilton, Lara Stone, Lindsay Lohan, Courtney Love and others are distinguished.


It would seem that sports and alcohol are incompatible things. But no, not in this case.

  • Mike Tyson. Known for his addiction to alcohol and drugs.
  • The player promised to stop, but...
  • Adriano. The Brazilian football player combined night parties with morning workouts.
  • Cicinho. The Brazilian defender does not justify himself to society and claims that he would take drugs if he were not afraid of doping tests.

A. Bugaev, G. Tumilovich, P. Gascoigne, A. Milevsky, T. Adams also like to drink.

Departed from life

Many celebrities who are no longer alive were famous for their familiarity with alcohol: V. Vysotsky, V. Galkin, Yu. Bogatyrev, A. Panin, V. Tsoi, O. Dahl, N. Eremenko, Y. Khoi and many a lot others.

Bill Wilson and AA

In 1935, Bill Wilson and his friend Bob Smith founded Alcoholics Anonymous. Being a malicious drunk, Wilson achieved great heights in his career, but did not become happy even with great wealth. Only AA saved him.

Today it is one of the best organizations, whose activities allowed many famous alcoholics to get rid of addiction.

Famous alcoholics - who are they? Even the greatest and famous people Mira: rulers, politicians, actors, writers could not protect themselves from alcoholism. In some cases, alcohol addiction has led to health problems and impoverished old age. How is it, being a famous and rich person, to suddenly become a useless alcoholic? Consider which of the famous people of the world and Russia was remembered for his addiction to alcohol.

Great people and alcoholism

Male alcoholics

In the history of mankind, there are many famous people who were addicted to alcohol. How is that modern politics, and great generals, reformers and writers.

Here is a list of alcoholics:

  1. Alexander the Great. He is known as the first great person who liked to drink. It was alcohol that ruined his life, he died at only 33 years old.
  2. Diogenes. Despite the fact that he was a philosopher, he could never refuse wine. Drinking alcohol did not prevent him from thinking logically and discovering new theories. He lived to be 85, despite his addiction.
  3. Peter the First. He was a great alcoholic of Russia. He could never give up alcohol.
  4. Joseph Stalin was also very fond of feasts. He gave preference to wines, he could drink them every day, despite the fact that he constantly had to solve issues of national importance.
  5. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. This famous commander created modern Turkey, and died not in the war, but from alcohol, because of which he earned himself cirrhosis of the liver.
  6. Prince Vladimir. He could not refuse intoxicating drinks and loved fun and holidays.
  7. Bohdan Khmelnytsky. He considered wine the best cure for all problems, so he liked to drink himself. Hetman became famous for his drunken celebrations.

May be, constant stress and the lack of opportunities for recreation and became the reason that the great rulers and writers, quite intelligent people, became alcoholics.

  • Among modern famous people can be distinguished Ukrainian politician Yuri Lutsenko. His addiction to alcohol is constantly noticed by the press and ridiculed in various humorous shows.
  • The great actor of the times of the USSR Radner Muratov (he can be remembered for his role in the film "Gentlemen of Fortune") died in poverty and loneliness, because in old age he began to drink heavily.

Many talented writers and poets of Russia suffered from alcoholism. Sergei Yesenin began to drink heavily at the age of 24, but this did not stop him from writing. Throughout his life, he was treated several times in the hospital for alcohol addiction and also examined by psychiatrists.

The world's greatest classics of foreign literature such as Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, Ernest Hemingway and Erich M. Remarque drank heavily.

  • So, Edgar Allan Poe died of inflammation of the brain due to severe alcohol intoxication. He drank himself insane.
  • Ernest Hemingway and Erich M. Remarque did not even hide their addiction to alcohol, they fell out regularly. Since Hemingway committed suicide, his death is associated with alcohol.
  • Other great alcoholic writers of the world include Jack London and Omar Khayyam.

Among Russian and Ukrainian writers addicted to alcohol were:

  • Alexander Blok.
  • Alexander Kuprin.
  • Sergey Yesenin.
  • Taras Shevchenko.

King of horror Stephen King also liked to drink in his younger years. He did not hide his addiction and said that he wrote most of his horror films in alcoholic delirium.

The great artist Vincent van Gogh treated his alcohol addiction in a psychiatric clinic. And the world-famous composer Modest Mussorgsky died of delirium tremens.

Alcohol has prevented many composers and writers from writing a huge number of great works.

Alcoholic women

Among famous people there are many women who like to drink. This and Russian celebrities, and world stars.

  • So, the famous French singer Edith Piaf drank herself unconscious and died at a young age.
  • One more famous woman in history, which was remembered as an alcoholic, was Galina Brezhneva. Her addiction to alcohol led to a complete loss of her mind, which caused her to die in an insane asylum.
  • Tatyana Dogileva - Russian actress can't give up alcohol. It was a deep depression that led to alcohol addiction.

Despite the fact that women's alcoholism is a terrible thing, because it is much stronger than men's, many women managed to recover.

good examples recovery were such women:

  • TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva. The woman has always loved fun and did not refuse alcohol. She started drinking when she lived with her first drug addict husband. But she was able to completely overcome her addiction.
  • TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. The girl began to drink after the divorce and plunged into depression. But she was able to pull herself together and give up alcohol, now she does not drink even on holidays.
  • Actress Drew Barrymore. Despite its successful career, the girl began to drink, but over time she managed to get rid of the addiction.
  • Kelly Osbourne. The woman coped with her addiction. She became an example of how you can change by leading. From fat woman, not very attractive appearance, she turned into a slender, beautiful and very successful.
  • Britney Spears. The singer can also be used as an example. After an unsuccessful divorce, she began to lead a rather wild life, not even without drugs, but the singer managed to get rid of her addictions and return to her career.
  • Kristin Davis is also among the former alcoholics. At 25, she had no idea, but once in the circle of anonymous alcoholics, she managed to recover and build an amazing career as an actress.
  • Paris Hilton. The girl has been seen driving while intoxicated more than once. In recent years, Paris has not caught the eye of the paparazzi while intoxicated, she probably decided to quit her addiction and not spoil her image.

  • Lara Stone. The fashion model admitted that she could not do without strong drinks. The work caused the girl a lot of stress. Realizing her addiction, Lara turned to specialists for help and was cured.

Unfortunately, the above examples are isolated. Plenty of celebrities don't want to admit they have a drinking problem and don't seek treatment, slowly sinking to the bottom.

Alcoholism among famous women very common. Stars such as Lindsay Lohan and Courtney Love plunged into rampant drinking.

Famous alcoholics of the World and Russia

Almost every third celebrity has problems with alcohol, perhaps the reason for this is solid fees or awareness of their greatness. Alcoholism is especially common among actors.

  • Often the smell of alcohol could be heard from such actors as Yuri Bogatyrev, Andrei Panin and Vladislav Galkin. It was Galkin who became a prisoner of the green snake, because he died of depression alone at the age of 39.

  • Also famous singer Vladimir Vysotsky could not cope with his addiction, his heart stopped. Despite the fact that everyone knew about his alcoholism, after his death he had crowds of fans of his music.
  • Actor Georgy Yumatov survived many upheavals, so in his old age he became addicted to alcohol.
  • Many modern talented people in Russia cannot overcome alcohol addiction. These are Mikhail Efremov, Alexander Domogarov, Alexei Nilov and Marat Basharov.

But not only Russian famous people drink too much, many foreign stars are also not alien to this problem. Mostly in the press you can see female names, such as Whitney Houston, Britney Spears (who also overcame her addiction), Demi Moore and many others.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to get rid of alcohol addiction, many celebrities of Russia and the World were able to do it.

  • Among the singers are Mick Jagger, Sergey Shnurov, Alexander Rosembaum, Elton John, Valery Kipelov, Kostyantin Kinchev.
  • Of the actors, David Bowie can be distinguished.
  • Mikhail Boyarsky also became an example for all drinkers. At the age of 30, he could drink a liter of vodka. After undergoing treatment, he forever tied up with an addiction.

But not all famous people managed to overcome addiction to alcohol:

  • Famous American actor Christian Slater often goes into drinking bouts, which is why he even got into the police.
  • Mel Gibson, in a state of intoxication, is always trying to perform feats, because of which he also has problems with the police. This American actor started drinking at the age of 13. Therefore, he rightfully deserves the title of an alcoholic.

Nevertheless, all the celebrities remain very talented people. For many actors and singers, alcohol does not interfere with their professional career, of course, if not in question about athletes. So, many famous football players cannot resist a bottle of vodka or beer.

Such people include:

  • Paul Gascoigne.
  • Tony Adams.
  • Adriano.
  • Cicinho.
  • Artem Milevsky.

Alcohol ruined their sports career.

Why do people who have money and fame start drinking, is that really all they lack in life?

Actor Gary Oldman, who was treated for alcohol addiction, said that money is the reason for drinking alcohol. Celebrities drink to get new sensations, inspiration, relieve stress or hide from annoying paparazzi.

Alcohol seriously affects the image of famous people, especially those who are forced to go out. They lose their popularity, health and good looks, therefore, become unclaimed in their profession, and this leads to even greater psychological dependence drinking alcohol in in large numbers. The paparazzi do not leave such stars alone, because they expect a new sensation from them in the form of a drunken trick.

To regain their image, material status, fans and respect of relatives and colleagues, celebrities will need a huge amount of time.


Alcoholism serious illness. It destroys not only ordinary residents of our country (and other states), but also famous people. Artists and stars who died of alcoholism have been at all times and among all peoples. Many people have heard tragic story Valentina Serova, Mussorgsky, Savrasov, Vysotsky. Talent did not become their salvation from addiction. Which of the celebrities and why is addicted to the "green snake"?

Poets and writers

The list of famous alcoholics includes many deceased figures of Russian literature. These are pre-revolutionary, and Soviet, and modern masters of the word of Russia. And the names of most of them are known to everyone.

The first is to name Sergei Yesenin. "Blond Lel" spent most of his time in taverns. Sergei Alexandrovich began to drink when he moved to the city and began to gain fame in the literary circles of Moscow. His life ended early: he died at the Angleterre Hotel. Experts are still arguing whether it was suicide or murder.

In foreign literature, the "green serpent" killed Charles Baudelaire - he became addicted to drinking and beautiful women during student years. Then he began to study law at the College of Saint Louis. Drunkenness and syphilis ended with his death in 1867 at the age of 46.

Edgar Allan Poe, an American writer and founder of the detective genre, described the drinking owner of the "Black Cat" not from observations of other people. He himself was fond of strong liquor, as a result of which he died in the hospital from a disease of the cerebral vessels. Although there is a version that he fell ill with rabies at that time. However, in any case, the writer led a wandering lifestyle - this was the cause of his death. And it was drunkenness that led him to such a life.

Edgar Allan Poe died of vascular and head disease due to alcohol

Ernest Miller Hemingway was fond of liquor, especially wine and daiquiris. In the last years of his life, he suffered from cirrhosis of the liver and suffered from depression. Before his death, he was treated, but on his return from the hospital he shot himself.

William Faulkner was fond of punch from his youth. As a result, in maturity, he turned into a real alcoholic. It came down to white fever. As a result, the writer died.

However, these are not all the writers who were killed by the "green serpent". There are other great people who suffered from this disease. These included:

  • Erich Maria Remarque;
  • Tennessee Williams (he was fond of not only alcohol, but also drugs);
  • Mikhail Sholokhov;
  • Olga Berggolts;
  • Alexander Tvardovsky;
  • John Steinbeck;
  • Yuri Olyosha.


Artists are also prone to addictions. And both men and women. Which of the actors suffered from drunkenness? Let's name some Russian actors:

Name Cause of alcoholism Circumstances of death
1 Valentina Vasilievna Serova Addiction started in the process life together with Konstantin Simonov - in the late 1940s. Serious workloads and problems at work could have affected or complicated relationship with mother and husband, survived the war Found dead at home. Circumstances of death still not clear
2 Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky He not only drank, but also abused drugs. In his memoirs, they write that he began to drink only in order to remove cravings for the latter. Vladimir Semyonovich experienced serious problems at work and in relations with family, friends and colleagues because of this. He died in his own apartment. The cause of the tragedy was heart failure. However, there was no autopsy, so a definite diagnosis has not been made.
3 Viktor Kosykh He drank because of the overload associated with the acting profession. And it started at a young age. In adulthood, the situation worsened. He lived only 61 years. The cause of death was an alcohol overdose. The result was a cerebral hemorrhage.
4 Georgy Yumatov Difficult relationship with his wife - Muse Krepkogorskaya. The latter's unwillingness to understand her husband, domestic tyranny. Another reason is the lack of desired children for him (Muza Viktorovna had an abortion) There was an aortic aneurysm - already after the cure for drunkenness. In old age, the actor no longer acted in films. But before that there was a scandalous case with the janitor he killed.
5 Vladislav Galkin Vladislav started drinking because of depression. He had difficult relationships with women. This led to a tragic outcome. Due to the constant exposure to alcohol, the actor developed problems with the pancreas. Then he gave up drinking. But he managed to undermine his heart (death was due to heart failure).
6 Oleg Dal He was demanding of himself and those around him. Also, the star had problems with his personal life. This led to immoderate libations. From alcohol, the actor had cardiac problems. At the age of 38, he went into cardiac arrest. This was the cause of Dahl's death.

However, the addiction was not only domestic, but also foreign film actors. An example is the fate of the American actress Billie Holliday. The celebrity died of cirrhosis of the liver, provoked by alcoholism.

Also, the press reports on alcohol addiction among the late actors Vasily Shukshin, Andrei Krasko, Nikolai Eremenko Jr., Georgy Burkov and others. Universal love did not save them family dramas and, as a result, drunkenness. The result was health problems (especially with the heart) and death.


Sport is good for health, but it is not a panacea for drunkenness. Among the famous athletes of the world, the "green serpent" killed the football player George Best. He was known as a playboy in the sports world. Because of this lifestyle, the man became addicted to alcohol. The result was death from cirrhosis of the liver and kidney disease at the age of 59.

In the history of the USSR and Russia, Anatoly Kozhemyakin was a similar well-known example. He often attended feasts. On one such day, when he (he was drunk and with drunken friends) got stuck in the elevator in the evening after drinking and signing autographs, a tragedy occurred. The elevator started moving when Kozhemyakin tried to get out of the cab - the man was torn apart.

show business stars

The concept of representatives of show business includes not only actors, but also singers and musicians. Among famous examples- Whitney Houston. She fell into a coma at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. In this state, her aunt saw her, but it was not possible to save the singer. Whitney abused alcohol and drugs.

Of the domestic representatives of the stage, drunkenness killed Yuri Klinsky. He developed liver problems (hepatitis) and heart problems. The latter led to his death - it happened on July 4, 2000.

Of the great people of the musical world of the past, Modest Mussorgsky became a victim of alcohol. The composer died of delirium tremens - the consequences of alcohol addiction. He started drinking because of the bohemian lifestyle.

The artist Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov also drank drunkenly. It was because of drunkenness that he broke up with his wife. And the children of this famous person from another love - his cohabitant E. Morgunova - died in infancy. He himself lived 67 years. The cause of problems with alcohol (dependence) was the lifestyle inherent in creative personalities.


Nothing human is alien to scientists. They also drank alcohol, especially on holidays. Some even abused it. Two examples can be given here.

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev invented 40-degree vodka for a reason. He himself liked to drink. However, addiction to alcohol did not prevent him from doing science. And he lived for 72 years.

Mendeleev - the inventor of vodka, also liked to drink

Omar Khayyam, a Persian poet and alchemist of the Middle Ages, was also a wine lover, who encouraged his readers to drink it. However, he also lived a long life. Omar Khayyam died at 83.


The most famous alcoholics are singers, writers and poets, actors, artists. In other words, bohemian drunkards are called people creative professions. There are especially many of them in show business - among actors, singers and composers. Often the causes of the disease are problems in personal life, hard work and features of a stellar lifestyle.

However, there are far fewer drunkards among scientists. This is due to the fact that scientific activity requires concentration and attention. In addition, scientists are aware of the dangers of alcoholic beverages. For this reason, it is more correct to call them simply drunkards, but not alcoholics.

There are also few alcoholics among athletes. Usually stormy feasts are the destiny of football players, and even then not always. We were able to give only 2 examples of football players who died due to alcohol problems. Otherwise, athletes try not to drink alcohol. However, they have another problem - a tendency to use doping.

Representatives of the creative intelligentsia who died from alcoholism are found at all times and among all peoples. This problem is the same in Russia and in the West, in Soviet time in the 19th century and now. However, often even cured people have weakened health, so long-term consequences make themselves felt. Let us recall the story of the death of Georgy Yumatov.

Prominent personalities suffering from drunkenness both suffer because of their problem and create trouble for their loved ones. For this reason, it is so important for a person with a penchant for creativity to take care of themselves. Especially since long life will give more roles, paintings, songs, books to humanity.

The most common cause of death for an alcoholic is damage to the heart (attacks), liver (cirrhosis) and nervous system(delirium tremens). In one of the cases - with the athlete Kozhemyakin - an accident occurred. The death of a man was the result of his alcohol intoxication and the resulting disorientation in the situation.

However, one should not condemn people who suffer or have suffered from alcohol addiction. Alcoholics and drunkards need the help of loved ones. Only then the patient will be able to decide to be treated and stop drinking. And then there are chances for a real rejection of alcohol. This applies not only famous actor or a writer, but also your loved one if he suffers from drunkenness.

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Actress and TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva openly talked about how she started drinking in her first marriage - to spite her drug addict husband. Coding for a year and, of course, willpower helped her return to normal life.

Grigory Leps

Grigory Leps was 30 years old when he moved to Moscow from Sochi: “... I just already understood that if I stay singing in the restaurants of Sochi, I will run out of steam as an artist. Worked all night long. And he relieved fatigue with alcohol ... ”The singer practically stopped drinking, and once he even made a bet with his friends for a very large sum that he would not touch alcohol for two years.

Dana Borisova

In 2008, Dana Borisova was going through difficult times: she broke up with her civil husband Maxim Aksenov, went through the courts on the division of property and was afraid that the former beloved would want to keep their daughter Polina. Due to stress, Dana gained a lot of weight and was too addicted to alcohol, but was soon able to pull herself together.

Natalia Andreichenko

Beloved by Russian viewers, Mary Poppins tells how she almost died due to her passion for alcohol when she was 24 years old. While in "Sibiriada" by Andrei Konchalovsky, she earned a lot of money for a student - and skipped them on a grand scale: her career was in jeopardy, and the doctors persuaded Natalya to code. Later, after breaking up with Maximilian Schell, the actress again gave up alcohol in order to look better and feel happier.

Tatyana Dogileva

Actress and director Tatyana Dogileva was able to get rid of alcohol addiction already at a critical moment - she lost control of herself, could disrupt the shooting. She was helped by the support of loved ones, and later Dogileva spoke frankly about her problems in the press in order to help others cope with this ailment.

Mikhail Boyarsky

Of course, the actor did not suffer from alcoholism, but he himself repeatedly admitted that he appreciates "spree" for the sake of courage and mood. But alcohol consumption once led Mikhail Boyarsky to severe pancreatitis, so the actor had to seriously think about his future: now he is trying to stick to healthy lifestyle life.

Yuri Nikolaev

The famous TV presenter does not hide the fact that he was treated for alcoholism for several years, trying to get rid of addiction in different clinics. “For me, alcoholism was not just a problem, but a real disaster!” Yuri Nikolaev admitted. In 1983, he was able to cope with the disease and return to television.

Mikhail Efremov

According to the actor, in the 90s he even coded from alcohol, but this did not help him stop drinking - on the contrary, the spree only became longer. His wife Sofya said in an interview that she was used to her husband's passion for alcohol and learned to live with it.

Alexander Domogarov

Problems with alcohol appeared in the life of the actor a long time ago, several times he was even hospitalized. But work in the theater and cinema turned out to be more important, where he was able to cope with addiction.

Ivan Okhlobystin

Today Ivan Okhlobystin exemplary family man And father of many children, but before he gained faith, he was seen in alcoholic sprees.