Hello dear readers! Today I would like to talk about such a terrible problem as female alcoholism.

When a man drinks deeply, it is terrible, but a woman subject to such destructive passion is a disaster.

Children suffer the most from alcoholic mothers

The female body is designed to bear and give birth to children, but it can cope with an addiction to alcohol in exceptional cases.

Vivid examples are the famous female alcoholics, to whom the love of alcohol disfigured everything: their careers, personal lives, and deprived many of them of the opportunity to become a mother.

I think it's no secret to anyone that addiction to alcohol has its roots in childhood. Many famous women acquired this habit through the fault of their environment.

For example, in the case of the "Paris sparrow" - a miniature woman named Edith Piaf. She had an incredibly powerful voice, especially given her height and build. Personally, when I hear her voice, goosebumps always run through my body. And you?

Edith Piaf "The Sparrow of Paris"

But this talented woman was devoured from the inside by a terrible addiction - Piaf was a drug addict and an alcoholic. If she was able to overcome addiction to drugs, then she could not cope with alcohol. The reason for this may be the fact that she, still a tiny baby, was constantly given wine so that she would sleep and not scream if she wanted to eat. Can you imagine what damage the next of kin caused to the child's body? Naturally, in her case, the passion for alcohol was in literally imbibed with mother's milk.

Edith Piaf suffered from alcoholism and drug addiction

Another woman who can be categorized as a famous drunkard is Galina Brezhneva. In her youth, she had everything she could wish for, even large diamonds in her vase, like candy canes. But the love of vodka ruined her health, destroyed her mind, ruined and killed her.

Galina Brezhneva with a famous father

Brezhneva ended her turbulent life in a madhouse, alone, useless, sick.

Alcoholism destroyed happy life Galina Brezhneva

Female alcoholism

A woman is outwardly a very fragile and delicate creature, but by nature her body is designed for serious overloads - she must endure, give birth and feed a child. A woman even lives longer than a man, but she cannot drink on a par with him. Her body is not designed to deal with alcohol, so a woman becomes addicted to alcohol much faster and holds on much stronger.

Our beloved Tatyana Dogileva was able to defeat alcoholism

Celebrities who have recovered from alcoholism

We all know celebrities who have quit drinking. A prime example is Britney Spears, a young American singer whose love of booze, drugs, and partying led to the near-destruction of her successful career, infamy in the press, the collapse of her marriage, and the loss of custody of her two sons.

Britney Spears and alcohol

Now it is gradually leveling off and changing for the better, but what has been done cannot be returned - the stamp of rejection will forever remain on it. It's a shame that the flight that started so well ended at the very beginning, and Britney herself, a wounded bird, was left to reproach herself and fate for the tragic events in her life.

An equally notable example from the life of stars who have permanently quit drinking is Elizabeth Taylor.

elizabeth taylor quit drinking for good

This incredibly beautiful woman slowly got involved in a booze, trying to save her husband, the artist Richard Burton, but soon she herself began to drink no less than him. She quickly gained weight, grew ugly and began to lose roles. But the fighting spirit took its toll, and she was able to cope with alcoholism. What can not be said about her husband - a handsome and talented actor, whom we know from his roles in "Cleopatra" and "Young Lions", Burton died suddenly, before he even reached the age of sixty.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of women suffering from alcoholism in the artistic environment. The availability of booze, a pernicious example and the environment caused the unrestrained drinking of such stars as actresses Drew Barrymore, Lindsay Loan, singer and artist Courtney Love, Larisa Guzeeva, supermodel Lara Stone, and many other famous women. However, if Drew Barrymore, Guzeeva and Stone were able to overcome addiction, this is not yet available to other women.

How sobriety changes can be demonstrated by the example of Kelly Osbourne, the daughter of the “great and terrible” Ozzy Osbourne.

Kelly Osbourne was hampered by alcohol

She was a monstrously overweight, ugly girl with excellent vocal abilities, who simply killed herself with alcohol because of the painful perception of her own appearance. As soon as she realized that vodka would not help her, she just needed to take care of herself, as the result was not long in coming. Kelly lost weight, fell into the hands of a talented stylist and literally changed - a very attractive and talented young woman with a bright and successful future opened up in her.

Kelly Osbourne became a beauty thanks to sobriety

To do this, she had to realize that she herself had value, and not the alcohol she had drunk.

Alcohol kills a woman

Don't expect alcohol to solve all your problems. Where a glass of cognac relieves stress, a bottle will become a step into the abyss. Consider whether you are ready to take this step.

I am very glad that you were with me today.

Addiction to alcohol affects not only simple people but also celebrities. Next, we suggest remembering 10 domestic stars who were killed by alcohol.

Vladislav Galkin

The death of Vladislav Galkin in 2010 shocked the whole country. He was only 38 years old. The viewer remembered Vladislav Galkin primarily for his roles in the series "Truckers" and "Saboteur". The main cause of death was acute heart failure followed by cardiac arrest. During the autopsy, the doctors came to the unequivocal conclusion that the actor's body was seriously worn out due to nervous exhaustion and alcohol abuse.

Georgy Yumatov

The star of the films "Officers", "Admiral Ushakov" and "They were the first." The actor drank heavily. Once, while intoxicated, he even killed a man. In 1995, he underwent a severe operation to remove an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, and in October 1997 he died from a rupture of this same abdominal aorta.

Yuri Bogatyrev

All-Union fame came to Bogatyryov after the release of the film “At Home Among Strangers, A Stranger Among Our Own”, in which he played Yegor Shilov. He was an unmercenary and an idealist. He didn't hold onto money. In recent years, the actor became addicted to alcohol, lost his shape, and he was less invited to the cinema. Friends explained this by the actor's feelings about his homosexuality. Lack of demand and creative dissatisfaction, he tried to fill with alcohol. Died at 41. Diagnosis - acute heart failure.

Oleg Dal

The actor died at the age of 39 from a heart attack. I drank heavily. So, he was eventually expelled from the Moscow Art Theater. And this despite the fact that, according to the testimony of Oleg Ivanovich's widow, Elizabeth, he had poor health and a sick heart. Oleg Dal died on March 3, 1981 in a hotel room during a creative trip to Kyiv. According to the popular version, heart attack was provoked by the use of alcohol, which was contraindicated for the patient, "sewn up" with an anti-alcohol capsule.

Oleg Efremov

Like many creative people, alcohol helped him create and inspire fellow artists. But at the same time, naturally, shortened his life. The actor tried many times to get rid of addiction, but to no avail. He died at 72 years old.

Andrey Krasko

From childhood, Andrei grew up as a sickly child. His mother even had to quit her job in order to spend a lot of time with her son. And yet, already an adult actor Andrei Krasko suffered from alcohol and nicotine addiction in severe form. And this despite the fact that he had asthma. He died at the age of 49 from heart failure, the so-called alcoholic heart attack.

Georgy Burkov

Talented Soviet actor died at the age of 57. The official cause of death was thromboembolism - a blood clot broke off from him. But by that time, Georgy Burkov's health had been severely undermined by alcohol. So much so that after the autopsy, the doctors said: "How did he even live with such vessels ...".

Nikolai Eremenko Jr.

Brave handsome Soviet and Russian cinema, Russian macho. Women literally fell at his feet. But he, the favorite of millions, was ruined by alcohol. The official diagnosis of doctors is a stroke. But only a few years later, Nikolai's relatives revealed the secret of his death. He simply could not get out of another binge. And he drank a lot before that.

Vladimir Vysotsky

Last years of his life, alcoholism and drug addiction began to greatly interfere with Vysotsky's work. Quite shortly before his death, he decided to finally and irrevocably quit drugs, but did not have time - he was overtaken by a heart attack at the age of 42.

Yuri Klinskikh

Founder and permanent leader of the Gaza Strip group. I was never a teetotaler, I drank a lot and often. Officially, the cause of death was a heart attack, although he had not previously had any heart problems. According to the unofficial version, Yuri suffered drug addiction and was ill with hepatitis, which caused death.

Artists and public figures who died from alcoholism make it clear that this disease does not depend on social status, financial situation or success.

Alcoholic beverages are the best-selling product on the market today. After all, almost everyone consumes alcohol to one degree or another. IN general view all people are divided into 3 types: those who do not drink alcohol at all, those who occasionally drink (on holidays) and those who no longer represent themselves and their own. The last group suffers from alcoholism.

Many lives have already been ruined by alcohol. He also managed to put an end to the careers and lives of many famous people. After all creative people due to their vulnerable nature, more than anyone else are subject to this craving. In their photo you can see the imprint of excessive drinking.

Alcoholism: causes and stages

The disease that arose as a result of excessive drinking is called "alcoholism". In addition to the fact that it is characterized by a significant deterioration in human health, alcoholism is addictive, which is practically impossible for a person to overcome on his own.

There is still debate among doctors about recognizing alcoholism as a disease, but the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has long decided on this issue, and consider drunkenness a serious disease that needs to be treated.

After all, addiction never ends. To it are added cancer, liver disease, stomach ulcers, nervous and mental disorders, high blood pressure and heart pathology, a high probability of stroke, which, one way or another, will lead the patient to premature death.

The reasons leading a healthy person to alcohol abuse are:

  • Dissatisfaction with one's own life;
  • Feeling of loneliness, misunderstanding on the part of society;
  • Low quality of life;
  • Lack of cultural and spiritual development.

Analyzing the above reasons, we can say that it is the absence of loving and understanding people around that pushes you to drink. Unfortunately, in modern world a person can often feel lonely. After all, everyone is running somewhere, in a hurry, no one cares about other people's problems. And when drinking, a person finds himself in a completely different world - the inner one, where he can talk heart to heart with several of his "I", where he will always be listened to, understood and not reproached for anything.

After leaving this state, the realities outside world once again they “beat” a person, and he has no choice but to return to the ideal environment again and again.

Experts who agree with the point of view that alcoholism is a disease divide it into 4 stages, arguing that, having reached the third stage, there is no turning back:

  1. Unconscious weak dependence. If a person has free time and opportunity - he will surely fill the void with alcohol; with distraction, addiction quickly disappears.
  2. Conscious tolerant dependence. Permanent intrusive thoughts about drinking, even when it's not the time or place for it; the amount at which vomiting begins as a natural reaction of the body to poison is constantly increasing.
  3. Physical pathological dependence. When refusing to drink, the patient experiences a "breakdown" similar to drug addiction; healthy liver cells begin to turn into connective tissue, which indicates the onset of cirrhosis.
  4. Pathological uncontrollable dependence. The only thing the alcoholic is worried about at this stage is the next dose of alcohol, and it does not matter if it is vodka, cologne or glass cleaner. Forced withdrawal from alcohol can lead to cardiac arrest; only 5% of patients survive this stage, and even they will never have a full, long and happy life.

The main sign by which an alcoholic is distinguished from a healthy person who periodically drinks is the presence of dependence. You can also name such manifestations as prolonged binges, an increase in the rate of alcohol, at which a person has a gag reflex, the presence of hangover symptoms; external signals, observed even in the photo.

Many famous people also suffer from the problem of alcoholism, and struggle with the diseases that it provokes. After all, it is they who most often feel lonely and useless. Glory, recognition and love of the audience are combined with long binges, which subsequently ends in death in young age when many roles and images have not yet been played.

Perhaps the most famous person who was ruined by alcohol is Vladimir Vysotsky. He is an outstanding poet and musician, a talented actor. Perhaps there is no person in Russia who would not recognize him from a photo. He died at the age of 42 due to excessive intake of alcohol and drugs.

Honored Artist of Russia Vladislav Galkin died at the age of 38 from acute heart failure. He was in a state of prolonged depression due to problems with women. Shortly before his death, Vladislav was diagnosed with pancreatitis, after which he went on a strict diet and refused alcohol. The actor's father suspects that his son did not die on his own, and even presented to the investigation Required documents and a photo, but the case has not moved.

The genius of Russian cinema Oleg Dal also suffered from this disease. According to his acquaintances, the reason for this was constant failures in his personal life, in addition, he was too demanding and picky about people. This led the artist to solace by drinking. Oleg died due to cardiac arrest at the age of 39.

Viktor Kosykh (the hero of The Elusive Avengers) died at the age of 61 due to an overdose of alcohol. A lethal dose of alcohol led to a brain hemorrhage. Experts say that a lethal dose is considered to be an average of 1.5 liters of vodka. However, this indicator depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

More long life Oleg Efremov, an outstanding director and actor, succeeded. Throughout his life, he struggled with alcoholism, his life was cut short at the age of 72 due to blockage of blood vessels.

Andrey Krasko, Nikolai Eremenko, Georgy Yumatov, Georgy Burkov and many other domestic stars also had a similar fate.

Today, such famous people as Marat Basharov, Alexander Domogarov and a number of other stars are fighting this disease. Among this list, one can also single out Mikhail Efremov.

Mikhail Efremov, son of his famous father Oleg Efremov, completely inherited his father's lifestyle. He is rightly attributed to alcoholism and excessive love for women. And the actor himself does not deny his illness. According to him, he drinks for the sake of a hangover, in which the stage performance is much better. But at the same time, the artist considers his craving a "black spot" in his life. Despite what seems to be such difficult situation, Michael's fourth wife has come to terms with his peculiarities, and fully accepts him for who he is. In the photo you can see quite happy family. The couple has three beautiful children and they are not going to stop there.

But not all alcoholic stars died from this. Some have managed to overcome this addiction. For example, the artist Tatyana Dogileva, whose life almost ended due to constant drinking. The attending doctors of the actress prescribed treatment in a psychiatric hospital. She had a serious depression caused by the absence of the joy hormone serotonin in the body, the production of which was blocked by alcohol. The actress did not want to admit that she was sick, although fans in some of her photos can clearly see all the signs of alcoholism. Despite the fact that the female, Tatiana managed to overcome him and proceed to a full-fledged healthy life, restore your status.

Alcohol is considered the cause of death Soviet actress Natalia Kustinskaya, who died at the age of 75. In the hospital where she was taken with pneumonia, her heart gave out. Although this is not surprising, because fate presented Natalya with many severe trials, the most terrible of which is considered the death of his son, after which the star had a tendency to drink. But this did not last long, the artist was able to pull herself together and live on.

Abroad, there are also famous people who have suffered from alcoholism. These are, for example, Whitney Houston and Amy Wyehouse. Also, perhaps, many have seen photos of Britney Spears, Demi Moore, on which traces of alcohol are clearly visible. According to official statistics, 8 out of 10 Hollywood celebrities have problems with alcohol.

How to recognize alcoholism by photo, treatment of the disease

Even without communicating with a person live, you can see that he suffers from this. It will be enough just to look at the photo of a celebrity.

First of all, it will be noticeable on the face: the skin will be flabby, sagging or swollen, with pronounced redness, traces of broken capillaries, bruises and swelling under the eyes are visible in the nose and cheeks. Sometimes in the photo you can see that the skin has acquired a yellow color. This is all due to disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys and gallbladder.

It is believed that alcoholism is an incurable disease, a companion of a person’s entire life. But modern medical methods give a person the opportunity to get rid of misfortune, the main thing is to want it very much. Don't count on folk medicine- in most cases it is inactive.

Among the methods of struggle are the following:

  • Aversive treatment - the patient is prescribed medications that, when interacting with alcohol, cause severe vomiting and exacerbation of all symptoms of a hangover. This method is effective even if the patient resists therapy.
  • Cleansing the body of toxins - the patient's body is completely cleansed of the decay products of alcohol, as a result of which the physical dependence on it is suppressed, but cravings at the psychological level do not disappear.
  • Psychotherapy - will give the desired results only if the patient realizes his addiction and his desire to get rid of it.
  • Social factors - the interaction of an alcoholic with society, his family or people with whom he will not be bored and lonely.

Perhaps the most important thing in the treatment of addiction is the desire of the patient himself, and in order for it to appear, close people need to be shown how important their family is, how the patient is valuable in his family, and will always receive the necessary support in it.

Alcohol is an addiction that affects millions. It is not only about ordinary inhabitants, this global problem and brilliant people, celebrities, world stars, idols of any generation. It is difficult to understand the cause of the toxic dependence of actors, it is even more difficult to admit that today these talented people no longer alive. Despite the fact that they made a colossal contribution to the development of world culture and art, ethyl alcohol took them ahead of schedule.

Famous women with alcohol addiction

Popular in Soviet times, actress Yelena Mayorova, known for the romantic comedy “The Lonely Are Provided with a Hostel,” has died at the age of 39. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, the woman doused herself with gasoline, and then set herself on fire. The ambulance that arrived at the scene could not help the celebrity, Mayorova was buried. According to her relatives, in such an alcoholic way, the woman struggled with mental trauma, unrequited love and loneliness.

Life famous actress and singer from the UK Amy Winehouse ended at 28 in one of the city hotels. The girl was treated several times for alcoholism, but constantly returned to such a destructive habit. Preceded by such a toxic addiction complicated relationship with a spouse and the so-called "creative crisis". In the hotel where the woman's body was found, three empty bottles from strong drinks, and the doctors' verdict is unequivocal - alcohol intoxication.

On February 11, 2012, another legendary actress and singer died - Whitney Houston herself died. The woman's body was found in the bathroom of a hotel where Lately celebrity lived. She drowned in her sleep, because the day before she had taken a large dose of drugs, antidepressants, and alcohol. It was such an explosive mixture that was found in her body after an autopsy, the medical conclusion was alcoholism.

Many great people have died of alcoholism, and the brilliant French singer Edith Piaf was no exception. The death of a woman came after prolonged binges, which in the fifth decade became the norm of everyday life. In a state of intoxication, she lost control over her actions, from which she often suffered in society and family life.

These are the famous women who have made a colossal contribution to the development of world culture. They were gone too soon, but in the hearts of the fans and in their work, they are still alive, loved and not forgotten. Critics and stories have classified them in the unpromising category of "Alcoholics", and not a single generation has heard of exploits while intoxicated. Despite the fact that female alcoholism is rapidly progressing and practically incurable, there are examples in history when the drinking bouts of male celebrities led to the inevitable death of legendary people.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at the dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva helped. ACTIVE METHOD

Famous men with alcohol addiction

The dead artists are alive in the cinema and on the screen, but not all devoted fans and admirers know that most of the domestic and foreign bohemians suffer from alcoholism, and some have already gone to the next world. These great people, ingenious in their work, by nature could not resist the temptations of the "green serpent".

Complete a short survey and receive a free brochure "Culture of Drinking Drinks".

What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

Do you have a desire to "hangover" the day after drinking alcohol?

Which of the systems do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

In your opinion, are the measures taken by the government to limit the sale of alcohol sufficient?

The star of "Pirates of the 20th century" Nikolai Eremenko Jr. died on May 27, 2001. He died from a massive stroke, which provoked a long binge. In the press, this information was carefully concealed for a long time, telling the masses that the actor had serious heart problems.

At 42, the heart of such a legendary celebrity as Vladimir Vysotsky stopped. The Soviet director, bard, singer and actor was only 42 years old at the time of his death. Close circle and fans knew well that Vysotsky suffered from chronic alcoholism, and Vladimir himself did not hide this fact from anyone. The last years of his life, the actor is completely immersed in drinking, and the binge has become for him habitual state body and soul.

At the age of 38, another died, already Russian actor and director Vladislav Galkin, who was destined to live only 38 years. The star had serious problems with the pancreas, and drinking alcohol and one of the forms of alcoholism only aggravated the disease. Today he adds to the list of "Famous People", and the fans live only in good memory.

At the age of 49, another brilliant actor died, who was destined to play the inimitable role of Gena Janissary in the tragic work on the naval theme "72 meters". Other famous works of Andrei Krasko are also known, but fans remember the filmmaker only in words, they live in good memory. He often abused alcohol, was treated for alcoholism, but then this is how he relieved tension after a working day and stress.

The famous poet Nikolai Rubtsov is practically unfamiliar to modern youth, but historians know that this particular man of genius at one time suffered from alcoholism. He often drank with his wife, after which both were in a state of unconsciousness. In one of these binges, in a state of delirium tremens, a woman killed him.

John Barrymore - another actor - an alcoholic with experience, who by the end of his life did not spend a single day without alcohol. He drank himself into unconsciousness, went into long drinking bouts, often became the cause of ridicule and gossip of colleagues in the shop. After one of these festivities, the world cinema star died.

Richard Burton is a Swiss actor who, at the age of 58, suffered from chronic alcoholism. Such people cannot stop, and a fatal denouement is inevitable. The star died after another hangover, which was more acute than usual and became the main cause of the inevitable death of the body.

The brilliant actor Oleg Dal died at the age of 39. He could not come to terms with the fact that he was publicly kicked out of the theater, so he began to systematically go into drinking bouts. On one of those days, his heart failed, and the doctors simply did not have time to come to the rescue. This is how they die famous people with great creative potential.

Actor Georgy Burkov became another victim of chronic alcoholism. Your most best years he spent on stage, but only close people knew about the presence of an addiction in his offscreen life. After another binge, the artist had a blood clot in his heart, and an autopsy showed that everyone was significantly affected by ethyl alcohol. internal organs and systems. People with chronic alcoholism do not live long, but Burkov was a little more fortunate.

Elvis Presley is another longtime alcoholic. There were a great many versions and reasons for his sudden death, but the most common among them were suicide, poisoning, and aggravated murder. In fact, an autopsy showed that the dose of sleeping pills that the singer took after the next performance was fatal. Everything would be fine, but at that time a huge amount of ethyl alcohol was present in the blood of the "king of pop".

This is how famous people, legendary actors, talented singers, and other artists addicted to alcohol died. Many are still alive, but in their Everyday life this destructive habit is also present. If it is not timely discarded into the background, the fate is unenviable. To understand what in question, it's time to give some eloquent examples of screen alcoholics.

The famous Russian actor and "bourgeois" of the national cinema Valery Nikolaev began to appear often in a state of intoxication

Modern celebrities are alcoholics

Yuri Nikolaev is a famous Russian showman, the host of the "Morning Star" does not hide from the press that he has a weakness for alcoholic beverages. For a long time he tried to overcome this destructive habit, but still periodically returns to it. Forgetting about chronic alcoholism helps him work, a young wife and a clear understanding that every year he is no longer getting younger.

His namesake, the famous Russian actor and "bourgeois" of the national cinema, Valery Nikolaev, also began to appear often in a state of intoxication. Moreover, under the influence of alcoholic beverages, he does not do the best deeds, violates public order, threatens the lives of the civilian population. Not so long ago, the media published information that Nikolaev, drunk, hit a pedestrian and was detained. Later he was released, but he did not stop his illegal actions, he again ended up in a bullpen. Today, Valery Nikolaev is under investigation, and even former fans demand a well-deserved punishment for him.

"Bourgeois" Nikolaev did not settle down, but other actors, after long drinking bouts, were able to overcome such a destructive habit. The well-known "cop" Alexei Nilov was a chronic alcoholic for a long time, but after he had a chance to survive a clinical death, he got rid of this destructive addiction forever. Today, the actor considers himself an absolutely sober person, acts in films, and lives a full life.

Actor Alexander Domogarov, despite his rapid and successful career also systematically abuses alcohol. In a state of intoxication, he behaves inappropriately, often raises his hand to women, which causes a lot of indignation from colleagues in the shop. Like Nikolaev, he was involved several times for his illegal actions, but administrative penalties did not have the proper effect on him.

Both drinking alcohol and drinking narcotic substances does not lead to anything good. So far, there is no such person who would rejoice at the consequences of alcohol.

And among those who suffered alcohol addiction too many people who got serious illness or even died.

Many celebrities could have lived much longer if they hadn't started drinking alcohol. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

Alcoholism is a disease of modern society

We often do not think about how many people have died from this addiction. On this moment Russia's statistics are simply amazing.

About 30% of all deaths are due to alcohol dependence.

And you probably don’t know and don’t guess how many fatal crimes are due to alcohol.

Why do celebrities get drunk?

Many creative personalities and popular people often go through crises in their lives, professional activity. The constant ups and downs of a career, fans, personal life and everything else is imposed on a celebrity more than on an ordinary person.

Still, these are public people, which means that their fans tirelessly follow their lives. And if some relieve stress with a glass of wine once a week, others have to do it every day.

There was even an opinion that actors and other artists drink more than people of other professions. And they themselves agree with this.

Reasons for drunkenness of celebrities:

  • Loss of inspiration. Quite often, actors and singers may drink a little before performing. They claim that it relaxes and "reveals" the talent. But it can also lead to addiction. Naturally, some drink after the concert to relax.
  • Alcoholic gifts from fans. When you become famous, there is recognition from fans. Stars often receive flowers, candy and, of course, alcoholic beverages. Some invite them to their banquets, performances and other events.
  • Removal of stress. Famous people always have a lot of work and various other projects, especially often it needs to be occupied at night. Concerts, banquets, performances, recording songs and videos and much more. Artists very often get tired of such a schedule, fall into depression and begin to get addicted to the bottle.

Alcohol is really relaxing and they are increasingly addicted to this method of stress relief. Moreover, fans always give good alcohol, which means this can continue indefinitely.

Actors who died due to alcoholism:

  1. Vladimir Vysotsky. Dal left. He was fond of alcohol and drugs, did not have time to be treated and encoded because of heart problems. For this reason, he died.
  2. Georgy Yumatov. The actor drank heavily and a lot, once even killed a man in this state. He underwent a severe operation on the abdominal aorta, two years later he died from its rupture.
  3. Oleg Efremov. Alcohol helped in creative life. But gradually it turned into an addiction. Died at 72.
  4. Andrey Krasko. I worked very hard, and later I got stressed because of work. Tried to de-stress with alcohol. Alcohol dependence developed. He died of a heart attack at 49.
  5. Georgy Burkov. He died at the age of 57. Doctors described the cause of death of a celebrity as vascular thrombosis. His health was severely undermined by alcohol.
  6. Yuri Klinskikh. He was never a teetotaler, suffered from drug and alcohol addiction. According to the official version, he died of heart problems.
  7. Yuri Bogatyrev. Fame came to him in the Soviet Union, after that he began to receive money and immediately spend it on alcohol. Alcohol addiction appeared, he was no longer invited to act in films. Lack of demand in the profession led him to an even greater addiction to alcohol. He died at the age of 41 from acute heart failure.
  8. Isolda Izvitskaya. It's time to talk about actresses. IN Soviet time she was quite popular, but her luck and fame played a cruel joke on her. She was in love with her husband, who suffered from alcohol addiction. Later, the actress herself began to drink with him. Because of this, she lost her job, and later her husband, who left her for another. After all this, Isolde finally fell into depression, lost hope of returning to the film industry and drank herself. She died at the age of 38.
  9. Nikolay Cherkasov. The actor who brilliantly played Nevsky in famous movie. According to him, he never went on stage without a drink.
  10. Petr Aleinikov. He acted in films a lot, he is quite famous in the USSR. Died at 50.

Our idols, of course, are not all perfect. Many of them have serious flaws, and often those that their fans should not use on themselves. This includes alcoholism.

Celebrity work is quite hard, it is associated with a lot of stress and return. Yes, and public people have more than enough critics. So it's doubly hard for them. In this case, it is not difficult to sleep at all.

Which of today's stars has an alcohol addiction, is he struggling or not, and is he planning to undergo treatment?

Which Russian stars suffer from alcoholism now?

  1. Grigory Leps. Surely everyone has already seen the drunk actor. And he openly declares his addiction, and also says that he will continue to drink more.
  2. Ivan Okhlobystin. He also has an alcohol addiction. In the summer of 2014 was delivered to medical Center for treatment. It is unknown if he passed it completely.
  3. Natalia Andreichenko. IN Soviet years was quite a popular actress. After a divorce from her husband and moving to Russia, she began to drink a lot of alcoholic beverages. She does not hide her addiction. Went to a rehab center.
  4. Alexander Domogarov. He underwent treatment in a drug treatment clinic to get rid of addiction. Doctors had to spend a lot of time and effort on the rehabilitation of his condition.
  5. Sergei Shnurov. The singer himself admits that he likes to drink well. He never went out to perform sober, justifying this with the appearance of talent.
  6. Alexey Panin. IN currently this is the most controversial figure. While drinking, something strange happens to the actor. Journalists have repeatedly recorded his strange drunken antics, which gives him a very dubious reputation.
  7. Mikhail Efremov. He doesn't hide his addiction, but he doesn't do anything to get rid of it either. He says he drinks to get a hangover. This allows him to play as much as a specific role requires him to.

It often happens that a celebrity can be brought out of a deep drinking bout. They were helped by relatives, friends, lovers or admirers. But they, unlike their colleagues in drunkenness, managed to get off this path in time.

They all deserve respect in this regard, because it is not easy to get out of such a heavy addiction. It requires will, perseverance, the desire to improve. Some of them were helped by relatives and friends.

Russian actors who have overcome alcohol addiction:

  1. Tatyana Dogileva. In the USSR, she was a fairly popular artist. Then alcoholism almost cost her her life. Due to constant drunkenness, the actress was no longer invited to work in the cinema. Thanks to the support of her daughter, the woman managed to get out of hard drinking and continue her career.
  2. Lera Kudryavtseva. Popular Russian actress and the TV presenter in all interviews openly talks about her addiction to alcohol in the past. Due to the divorce and subsequent depression, she began to drink heavily. But friends came to her aid and helped to recover from this disease. Now the star does not drink at all.
  3. Larisa Guzeeva. She started drinking alcohol because of her husband, who suffered from drug addiction. Thus, she tried to rid him of his addiction. I began to use it to spite him, as a result, this drunkenness lasted 7 years. After that, she underwent a course of rehabilitation in a center for alcoholics for 10 years. She was coded, then she managed to defeat alcohol addiction. Now the actress does not drink.
  4. Dana Borisova. Due to problems in her personal life, she often began to drink, later with many friends, problems began in her personal life and her mother died. Alcoholic drinks only aggravated the situation. However, the girl was able to overcome the addiction. She went in for sports, lost weight and now does not drink at all. Such a positive strong-willed example cannot but rejoice!
  5. Alexander Rosenbaum. He drank heavily for a long time, which adversely affected his health. This led him to clinical death, after which Alexander decided to stop drinking alcohol.
  6. Ekaterina Vasilyeva. She never refused to drink, and being not sober often cheated on her first husband. With the second, her occasional drunkenness became permanent. According to him, the actress had a bad heredity - her father drank heavily before her. Vasilyeva was treated in various clinics, but medical specialists could not help the woman. However, she was cured thanks to the church. He still works at the temple and occasionally acts in films.
  7. Irina Pechernikov. The personal life of the actress did not go well at all, because of this, problems with alcohol began. Later there were two divorces and the death of the mother.

There was also a period when she was unclaimed in theater and cinema. Then the actress fell into depression and began to drink heavily. But once in the hospital, she met her love there. The couple went through all the trials in the treatment of alcoholism together, and after that they got together and began to live together. This is such a beautiful but unhealthy love story.

Alcoholism - it is a disease that is important and needs to be treated. And our artists and celebrities are no exception, they can also suffer from alcohol addiction.

The main thing is not to condemn such people, but to try to help and cure them. People abuse alcohol definitely not from a good and carefree life. And everyone should understand this.