• II. General requirements for determining the cadastral value
  • III. General requirements for the design and defense of course and final qualifying work
  • Introduction

    During the preparation and during the battle, the commander is obliged to organize all types of its support.

    Comprehensive combat support includes combat, technical, logistic and moral and psychological support. Combat support is organized and carried out in order to increase the effectiveness of the use of friendly units and reduce the effectiveness of the use of troops, forces and means of the enemy.

    species combat support battalions (companies) are: reconnaissance, security, tactical camouflage, engineering support (IO), electronic warfare (EW) and radiation, chemical and biological protection (RCBZ).

    The disguise is very ancient view ensuring combat operations. The history of wars and military art gives a lot good examples successful use of camouflage techniques by the warring parties, including in combination with fortification. “To surprise is to win,” they said in antiquity. This, to a certain extent, retains its significance today. Misleading the enemy during the preparation and conduct of hostilities is one of the ways to gain an advantage over the enemy.

    Camouflage (from the French masquer - to make invisible, invisible to anyone) is a type of support for military operations and daily activities troops - a set of measures designed to hide from the enemy the presence and location of our troops, the actions and intentions of our troops, or to mislead the enemy about the number, actions, location, intentions of our troops.

    Question 1. Purpose, tasks, requirements for camouflage and methods of camouflage

    Purpose of disguise- hiding the actual location, composition and activities of their units, fortifications, installed barriers, crossings and other objects from all types and means of reconnaissance of the enemy (optical, radio and radio engineering, radar, etc.) and his homing high-precision weapons, reducing the the most losses in manpower and military equipment. These goals are achieved:

    Using the masking properties of the terrain, dark time and other conditions of limited visibility;

    The use of fumes and aerosols, service and local camouflage;

    Camouflage painting of the material part and crucifixion of the terrain;

    The device of false areas, positions and structures;

    Timely detection and elimination of unmasking signs;

    The strictest observance of camouflage discipline and the implementation of other measures.

    The disguise must be active, persuasive and diverse, constantly updated and modified in accordance with changes in the methods of action of units, the surrounding area and the season.

    The main objectives of camouflage carried out by the divisions are:

    Hiding an object so that the enemy cannot detect it;

    The device of a false object with the expectation of imposing on the enemy the idea of ​​the presence of a real object where it does not exist;

    Hiding individual features of an object to distort it or disguise it as another object that has no value for the enemy; for example, due to the impossibility of hiding a low-water bridge across a river, it can be disguised as a destroyed bridge.

    Camouflage contributes to achieving surprise in the actions of troops, maintaining their combat readiness and increasing the survivability of objects.

    Unfortunately not only civilian people, but many military leaders also imagine disguise in the form of a primitive dressing of soldiers in camouflage overalls (which for some reason are called "cloaks"), covering military equipment twigs, grass or camouflage nets, illiterate painting of equipment with multi-colored spots with loud name"camouflage", and fencing, located in the very sight of command posts with fences from camouflage nets.

    Meanwhile, camouflage can often play a decisive role in achieving success in battle, in winning the whole battle. When the command of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War managed to fully appreciate the role of camouflage and widely deploy camouflage measures in the preparation of hostilities, then managed to achieve decisive successes. Thus, the measures taken managed to hide from the Germans the construction of a railway on the left bank of the Volga to Stalingrad, which made it possible to a short time transfer and concentrate near the city a large number of troops. Reports of their scouts on the concentration Soviet troops near the city, the German command regarded it as disinformation. They knew that the command of the Red Army had nothing to send many troops there, and the new Railway, along which the transfer took place, was reliably hidden from German air reconnaissance. It is not worth talking about the result of the battle on the Volga.

    In preparing the defense on the Kursk Bulge, the engineering troops created great amount false objects (trenches, tank trenches, airfields, roads, places of concentration of troops, tanks, artillery). German reconnaissance, air reconnaissance, stumbling upon these false objects along with genuine ones, reported to their command, and the Wehrmacht High Command decided that the Red Army, guessing about the intention of the Germans to strike near Kursk, was trying to mislead them and give the impression that the Soviets had a sufficient number of troops near Kursk. Meanwhile, the Red Army did create a large grouping of troops there, but it was hidden among a huge number of false objects. The German historian F. Mellenthin, describing the events of 1943 on the Kursk Bulge, wrote: “... one should once again emphasize the skillful disguise of the Russians. Not a single minefield, not a single anti-tank area could be found until the first tank was blown up on a mine or the first Russian anti-tank gun opened fire.

    General Gromov, during one of the operations against the dushmans in Afghanistan, disguised his plan by dropping a false airborne assault. Not people descended on parachutes, but dolls. Dushmans transferred their forces to the landing area of ​​the "landing", with intense fire on the "paratroopers" made it possible to identify their firing points. Thus, by the beginning of the real attack, the enemy forces were not located in the best way, part of the ammunition was wasted, the firing points were covered with Soviet artillery fire. The result of the battle was predetermined. What General Gromov did is called operational camouflage.

    Engineer troops carry out only their part of camouflage measures. For this purpose, there are camouflage battalions in the RGK (reserve of the main command). One such battalion, with the help of the means at their disposal, can deploy to a false tank corps.

    For example, up to 20 inflatable rubber tanks are transported on one vehicle. Such a rubber tank is inflated in 5-7 minutes from a car compressor and becomes indistinguishable from a distance of 200-300m. from the real look, and the metallized coloring gives exactly the same mark on the locator screen as from a real tank. The same machine can tow these inflated tanks behind it, giving the impression of two tank companies moving forward. The imitator installed on the same vehicle creates on the air the impression of a lively radio exchange of a tank column.

    Camouflage nets are gradually becoming a thing of the past. The fact is that modern facilities even optical reconnaissance makes it possible to very clearly distinguish artificial greenery against the background of natural greenery and it is no longer possible to hide objects behind nets. Moreover, it is impossible to hide the pontoon bridge on the river. But deploying a few false bridges and hiding the real one among them is relatively easy. The enemy will be forced to disperse his forces to destroy all the bridges in a row, which will drastically reduce the effectiveness of strikes.

    In service engineering troops there are various simulators of the operation of radio facilities, simulators infrared radiation objects, radar reflectors, easily assembled sets of false objects (equipment, buildings, bridges).

    For example, a camouflage airfield platoon deploys a false military airfield with imitation of a fighter air division based on it in 1-2 days on unprepared terrain. Moreover, not only ground objects and aircraft on the ground are simulated, but also aircraft flights near the airfield.


    Protection is organized and carried out in order to prevent the penetration of enemy reconnaissance into the area of ​​​​operations (disposition) of friendly troops, to exclude a sudden attack on them by a ground enemy, his air (airborne) assault forces, sabotage and reconnaissance groups, irregular armed formations and to provide a protected formation (units, units) time and favorable conditions for deployment (bringing to combat readiness) and entering the battle.

    The main tasks of security are: organizing and carrying combat duty; warning protected troops of the immediate threat and danger of an attack by a ground enemy; identification, defeat and destruction of the enemy's reconnaissance forces and means, his sabotage and reconnaissance groups and irregular armed formations; conducting combat operations in front of the front, on the flanks and in the rear of subunits with forward detachments, infiltrating enemy groups, irregular armed formations and providing conditions for the deployment and entry into battle of the main forces and reserves; ensuring traffic safety; implementation of the access control.

    On the defensive in the absence of contact with the enemy, guarding is carried out by units operating at the positions of combat guards and specially designated units, and in conditions of direct contact with the enemy, by units occupying the first trench of the first position.1 1 Tactics (platoon, squad, tank): Textbook. Book. 1. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1985.

    Security organization includes: determination of the goals and tasks of guarding by stages of preparation and conduct of combat (combat operations); issuing instructions and setting security tasks; organization of interaction between units (forces and means) of protection among themselves and with protected troops; preparation of forces and means for the fulfillment of assigned tasks, their deployment and comprehensive support; management organization; practical work to prepare for the fulfillment of assigned tasks and other activities.

    tactical disguise

    Tactical camouflage is organized and carried out in order to mislead the enemy (deceive) about the composition, position, state, purpose and nature of the actions of subunits (weapons and military equipment), the concept of upcoming actions and is aimed at achieving surprise actions, increasing survivability and maintaining the combat capability of troops.

    The most important requirements for masking are complexity, continuity, reliability, diversity and activity. Main tasks tactical camouflage are to ensure the secrecy of the activities of units (weapons and military equipment), the plausibility of the false intentions of the command and the activities of the troops.

    Covert activity is achieved by preventing (excluding) the leakage of information about the activities of subunits, eliminating (weakening) the unmasking signs of their actions, creating conditions under which the use of enemy reconnaissance forces and means becomes impossible or ineffective. The plausibility of false intentions is achieved by showing the location of units and the nature of their actions (functioning) on ​​false (secondary) directions (in areas), equipment and maintenance of false objects.

    The methods of performing tasks of tactical camouflage in a battalion (company) are concealment, imitation and demonstrative actions. By decision of the senior commander, the personnel of the battalion (company) may be involved in disinformation activities.

    Hiding consists in the elimination or weakening of unmasking signs of the position, composition, condition and activity of commanders, battalion headquarters, subunits, use of weapons and military equipment. It is carried out by the forces and means of subunits, crews, crews and is achieved by: the use of personal means of concealment and local materials; camouflage painting, the use of radio-absorbing materials and masking foam coatings, aerosols and other materials to reduce the optical, thermal, radar, acoustic and other visibility of weapons and military equipment; placement and movement of units, taking into account (using) the masking properties of the terrain, natural and artificial shelters, weather conditions, time of year, day and other conditions of limited visibility; using vegetation and other methods. Concealment is carried out constantly, without special instructions from the higher headquarters.

    Exercise experience shows that masks made of radio-dispersive coatings reduce the probability of detecting objects by means of radar reconnaissance in open areas by about 2 times. Heat-reflecting coatings (screens) reduce the probability of detecting tanks by means of thermal intelligence by 3 times. When military equipment is placed in trenches, the probability of its detection decreases by 2-3 times. For protection against precision weapons it is recommended to use dummy traps that would lead homing ammunition towards themselves. To do this, they must have a brighter contrast than the protected object.

    Imitation consists in reproducing unmasking signs of the actions of units, weapons and military equipment, elements of engineering equipment of the area to show the presence or change in their position, composition and condition in certain areas.1 1 Tactics of a motorized infantry platoon: Textbook. - Minsk: VA RB, 1999. It is carried out by equipping false positions and lines, creating false objects of weapons and military equipment using mock-ups, imitators and reflectors, and setting up false structures.

    In order to mislead the enemy as to the direction of delivering false strikes, imitation of initial areas, advance routes and deployment lines of second echelons (reserves) can be carried out. It is advisable to simulate the accumulation of military equipment with radar reflectors, and moving columns - with simulators of moving targets. Thermal unmasking signs should be reproduced by false thermal targets.

    Calculations show that, as a result of skilful imitation, losses in personnel and military equipment from enemy fire can be significantly reduced.

    But imitation is a technically complex undertaking that requires the involvement of significant forces and resources. In addition, there is a danger of inept imitation to cause harm, to reveal one's true goals, to attract the attention of the enemy. In order to make the activities of the troops plausible, it is necessary to show, with the help of false measures, at least 70% of the number of real assets of the concealed group. Moreover, 15-20% of this amount should be real objects. The task of simulating columns is usually solved by the forces and means of higher authorities. By experience local wars to simulate the advancement of a tank unit over a distance of 50 km along two routes, it was necessary to install up to 200 thermal and radar simulators, up to 100 different corner reflectors, up to 30 camouflage kits and models of equipment, and also to attract 15-20% of real equipment planned for advancement. But imitation should also be used in subdivisions.

    Demonstrative actions consist in deliberately demonstrating to the enemy by specially designated subunits, forces and means of the activities of subunits on false (secondary) directions (in areas) and provide for the demonstrative deployment of subunits (fire weapons) and equipping areas (places) of their location, movement, conducting classes and exercises with deliberate violation of concealment measures.

    It should be borne in mind that demonstrative actions, imitation and the creation of false objects of one subunit should not violate similar measures of another and not conflict with the corresponding measures according to the plan of the senior commander. Camouflage activities are carried out in accordance with the tactical camouflage plan of the senior commander.

    In defense, it is of particular importance to carry out measures that create a distorted idea in the enemy about the system of fire, obstacles, the outline of the forward edge, the places of trenches of the main combat weapons, about the joints and flanks. It is necessary to ensure that the enemy has a distorted idea of ​​​​the construction of the defense or there is a constant uncertainty about one or another of its state. It is important to carefully hide the main forces and means, the outline of the fire bags, the places of firing ambushes, the location of reserves and command posts.1 1 Tactical preparation tank crew and platoon: Proc. allowance. - M.: Military Publishing, 1988.

    When choosing methods and means of camouflage in defense, one should take into account the peculiarities of the specific conditions of the situation: the relief, the color of the vegetation, the color background of the grass stand. In open areas, trenches and shelters must be disguised as patches of bare ground. The number of spots on the ground must be greater than the number of hidden objects.

    637. When organizing electronic warfare, the battalion (company) commander indicates: the procedure for setting up aerosol curtains, using active and passive jamming equipment installed on protected vehicles; tasks and measures for radio-electronic protection of subunits from the effects of enemy electronic weapons and unintentional (mutual) radio interference (ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility of radio-electronic means of friendly troops), as well as for protecting troops and facilities from technical means enemy reconnaissance; deadlines for their implementation and attracted forces and means.

    tactical disguise

    638. Tactical camouflage is organized and carried out in order to mislead the enemy (deceive) about the composition, position, condition, purpose and nature of the actions of units (weapons and military equipment), the concept of upcoming actions and is aimed at achieving surprise actions, increasing survivability and maintaining combat capability. troops.

    The main tasks of tactical camouflage are to ensure the secrecy of the activities of units (weapons and military equipment), the plausibility of the false intentions of the command and the activities of the troops.

    Covert activity is achieved by preventing (excluding) the leakage of information about the activities of subunits, eliminating (weakening) the unmasking signs of their actions, creating conditions under which the use of enemy reconnaissance forces and means becomes impossible or ineffective.

    The plausibility of false intentions is achieved by showing their location and nature of actions (functioning) on ​​false (secondary) directions (regions), equipment and maintenance of false objects.

    639. Ways to perform tasks of tactical camouflage in a battalion (company) are concealment, imitation and demonstrative actions. By decision of the senior commander, the personnel of the battalion (company) may be involved in disinformation activities.

    Concealment consists in the elimination or weakening of unmasking signs of the position, composition, condition and activities of commanders, battalion headquarters, units, weapons and military equipment. It is carried out by the forces and means of subunits, crews, crews and is achieved by: the use of personal means of concealment and local materials; camouflage painting, the use of radio-absorbing materials and masking foam coatings, aerosols and other materials to reduce the optical, thermal, radar, acoustic and other visibility of weapons and military equipment; placement and movement of units, taking into account (using) the masking properties of the terrain, natural and artificial shelters, weather conditions, time of year, day and other conditions of limited visibility and other methods. Hiding is carried out constantly, without special instructions from the higher headquarters.

    Imitation consists in reproducing unmasking signs of the actions of units, weapons and military equipment, elements of engineering equipment of the area to show the presence or change in their position, composition and condition in certain areas. It is carried out by equipping false positions and lines, creating false objects of weapons and military equipment using mock-ups, imitators and reflectors, and setting up false structures.

    Demonstrative actions consist in deliberately demonstrating to the enemy by specially designated subunits, forces and means of the activities of subunits on false (secondary) directions (in areas) and provide for the demonstrative deployment of subunits (fire weapons) and the equipment of areas (places) of their location, movement; conducting classes and trainings with a deliberate violation of concealment measures.

    640. Camouflage measures are carried out in accordance with the tactical camouflage plan of the senior commander, in a complex combination with measures to counter enemy reconnaissance, ensure secrecy, communication and information security, which contribute to the effective implementation of tactical camouflage tasks.

    Tactical camouflage in a fortified area additionally provides for: observance of the regime of activity of the garrisons of a fortified area and the operation of radio and wire communications equipment while on combat duty; conducting seasonal camouflage events.

    641. When organizing tactical camouflage the battalion (company) commander indicates: the tasks and measures for tactical camouflage, the volume, timing and procedure for their implementation; involved forces and means; order of observance by subdivisions of camouflage discipline. The battalion commander, in addition, sets tasks for the battalion headquarters to monitor the implementation of tactical camouflage measures by subunits and to observe camouflage discipline.

    642. Control over the quality of the implementation of tactical camouflage measures is organized and carried out by the battalion headquarters.

    The quality of tactical camouflage is checked by periodic direct inspection of subunits and objects. In addition, the control data of the senior boss is used. During the control, the identified shortcomings of tactical camouflage are immediately eliminated, the broken camouflage is restored.

    Engineering support

    643. Engineering support is organized and carried out in order to create subdivisions necessary conditions to carry out combat missions, increase their protection from weapons of destruction, as well as to inflict losses on the enemy with engineering ammunition and complicate his actions.

    The main tasks of engineering support in a battalion (company) are: engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects; fortification equipment of areas, strongholds, lines and positions occupied by subunits, and areas of deployment of command and observation posts; arrangement and maintenance of engineering barriers; preparation (production) of destruction;

    making and maintaining passages in barriers and destruction; clearance of terrain and objects; preparation and maintenance of maneuver routes for subunits; equipment of crossings when forcing (overcoming) water barriers; equipment and maintenance of field water supply points; participation in countering the systems of reconnaissance and guidance of enemy weapons, concealment (camouflage), imitation of troops and objects, providing disinformation and demonstrative actions; elimination of the consequences of the impact of various weapons enemy and dangerous factors of natural and man-caused character.

    The tasks of engineering support for the operations of units in a fortified area, in addition, are to maintain long-term firing and field fortifications in combat readiness, and, if necessary, to repair and restore them.

    644. Engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects conducted in order to establish: the nature and extent of the engineering equipment of the positions and areas of the enemy, the system of his engineering obstacles; terrain, condition of roads and bridges; places and nature of destruction, fires, floods and other obstacles, directions for overcoming or bypassing them; the nature of water barriers and the conditions for their forcing; locations and states water sources; availability of local building materials, as well as funds that can be used for engineering support; masking and protective properties of the terrain.

    645. Fortification equipment areas, strongholds, lines and positions is constantly carried out during the preparation and during the performance of a combat mission with the maximum use of the protective and camouflage properties of the terrain, engineering equipment, prefabricated structures, industrial structures and local materials.

    646. Engineering barriers(mine-explosive, non-explosive, combined) are arranged in all types of combat operations with the aim of inflicting losses on the enemy, delaying his advance, restricting maneuver or forcing him to advance in a direction favorable to our troops and increase the effectiveness of fire weapons. They include: minefields, groups of mines, single mines, land mines, obstacle blocks, non-explosive obstacles, as well as important objects prepared for destruction (destruction).

    Engineer barriers cover areas occupied by troops, lines, positions of fire weapons, open flanks, gaps (gaps) in order of battle, deployment areas for command and observation posts and other important facilities.

    Engineering barriers are used according to a single plan in accordance with the battle plan,

    taking into account the maneuver of their subunits and in close coordination with the system of fire and natural obstacles. The effectiveness of engineering obstacles is achieved by their separation, sudden and massive use with high density in the areas of action of the main enemy forces.

    The basis of engineering barriers are mine-explosive barriers. Subunits begin to install obstacles with the beginning of the organization of the fire system or on special instructions from the senior commander. Maintenance of engineering barriers includes: security; fencing; designation and fire cover of obstacles, passing through them of their units; transfer of minefields and explosive devices to the required degree of readiness, bringing them into action; restoration of damaged barriers.

    647. Making and maintaining passages in barriers and demolitions are carried out by units of the engineering troops, as well as by non-standard mine clearance teams of units.

    In mine-explosive barriers, passages are made by subdivisions of engineering troops with the help of mine-clearing units, elongated mine-clearing charges and manually, and in minefields remotely placed by the enemy - by mine-clearing companies (batteries), created from among specially trained and equipped

    demining kits for compartments (crews, crews). tanks and combat vehicles infantry, equipped with minesweeps, overcome minefields on their own.

    Passages in destruction and crossings over obstacles are arranged by units of engineering troops using tractors and tanks with bulldozer equipment, engineering barrier vehicles, bridge layers, track builders, mechanized bridges, demolition charges, bridge and road structures, entrenching tools and local materials.

    In mass barriers and demolitions, passages are made, as a rule, by a barrier detachment (groups) created by the decision of a senior commander from engineering troops and combined arms divisions equipped with appropriate equipment and means.

    648. Demining of terrain and objects carried out by subdivisions of the engineering troops, as well as by non-standard demining groups of subdivisions. First of all, the routes of movement, crossings on water barriers, areas of deployment of command posts and main units are cleared.

    649. Preparation and maintenance of maneuver routes for subunits are carried out in order to carry out maneuvers in the course of performing combat missions, advancing to designated lines.

    The preparation and maintenance of the routes of movement and maneuver of troops, as a rule, is carried out by the forces and means of the engineer troops. Individual tasks within the defense area of ​​a battalion (stronghold of a company) can be carried out by subunits.

    650. Equipment and maintenance of crossings when forcing (overcoming) water barriers, they are carried out taking into account ensuring that troops overcome water barriers without reducing the overall rate of advance (movement) of troops.

    Equipment and maintenance of crossings on standard floating military equipment, wade and tanks under water include: determination and designation of directions (sections) of crossings and directions (routes) of access to them, arrangement of congresses into and out of the water; camouflage and protection of crossings, commandant service on them; making passages in the barriers on the banks and in the water.

    When operating in the forward detachment, vanguard, or in the direction of the regiment's main attack, the battalion usually carries out equipment and maintenance of crossings with its own forces and attached units of engineering troops. Acting as part of the main forces, the subunits cross the water barrier, as a rule, using standard floating military equipment and along crossings equipped with the forces and means of a senior commander.

    651. Equipment and maintenance of field water points carried out in order to provide troops with water. To this end, the engineering troops are equipping and maintaining field water supply points with the maximum use of stationary water supply systems, as well as surface sources and groundwater using field water supply facilities. Distribution, control, quality of the produced and purified water, its delivery to consumers are organized and carried out by the corresponding subdivisions of the rear.

    The extraction, purification of water and the equipment of a water supply point in a battalion can be carried out on their own using standard field water supply equipment. In the absence of local water sources, as well as in low-water areas, water supply is organized by the forces and means of the senior commander.

    In fortified areas, field water supply points are equipped in advance by the forces and means of a senior commander, as a rule, at the rate of one per company (battery), platoon, and for each permanent structure. In addition, in subdivisions and long-term fortifications, a supply of water is created for ten days, for which

    water is used in metal containers inside each structure, and for technical needs - reinforced concrete wells near the structures (in the courtyard or in the trench).

    652. The use of engineering weapons to counteract enemy reconnaissance and targeting systems, concealment (camouflage), imitation of troops and objects, provision of disinformation and demonstrative actions includes: camouflage painting of weapons, military equipment and structures, coatings, models, imitators, the device of masks from local materials and imitation masks, the construction of false structures.

    653. Elimination of consequences of application various kinds enemy weapons and natural and man-made hazards include: engineering reconnaissance; arrangement of passages in the rubble and destruction; restoration of destroyed fortifications and engineering barriers; participation in rescue operations, localization and extinguishing of fires.

    654. The tasks of engineering support are carried out by all units of the battalion (company). They are erecting structures for firing and observation, shelters for personnel, weapons, military equipment and other materiel on their own; cover with engineering barriers and mask their positions and areas of location; lay and designate the path of movement; overcome barriers and obstacles; equip crossings over water barriers; equip points of water supply with the use of personnel funds.

    Engineering units perform the most complex tasks of engineering support, requiring special training of personnel, the use of engineering ammunition and equipment.

    655. Organization of engineering support includes: definition of goals, tasks of engineering support; collection, analysis and evaluation of engineering environment data; giving instructions on engineering support; organization of interaction; practical work and other activities.

    When organizing engineering support the battalion (company) commander indicates: the purpose, main tasks, volumes and deadlines for the implementation of engineering support measures, indicating the sequence of their implementation by stages of preparation and conduct of combat (combat operations). In addition, he distributes the assigned units of the engineering troops according to tasks and directions, gives instructions on the organization of their implementation.

    The battalion chief of staff, on the basis of the decision of the battalion commander and instructions on engineering support from the senior commander, clarifies to the subunits the tasks of engineering support, the volume and timing of their implementation, the forces and means necessary for this, controls the fulfillment of the assigned tasks and the provision of units with engineering ammunition and engineering equipment.

    656. On the defensive the main efforts of engineering support are focused on: engineering enemy reconnaissance, terrain and objects in front of the forward edge, on the approaches to the defense, on the lines of the expected actions of the units; fortification equipment of defense areas (strongholds) and firing positions, deployment areas of command and observation posts; arrangement and maintenance of engineering barriers, preparation (production) of destruction; preparation and maintenance of maneuver routes; countering the systems of reconnaissance and guidance of enemy weapons, concealment (camouflage) and imitation of troops and objects; elimination of the consequences of the impact of various types of enemy weapons and dangerous factors of a natural and man-made nature; equipment and maintenance of field water supply points.

    The features of the engineering support for the defense of a water barrier are: the installation of barriers on the approaches to it and in the water, at existing crossings, fords and areas convenient for forcing; coastal scarification. Hydraulic structures that can be used to flood the area are taken under protection and prepared for destruction. If it is impossible to use them and there is a threat of capture by the enemy, with the permission of the senior commander, they are destroyed. In winter, extensive polynyas are arranged in areas accessible to the enemy forcing.

    The features of engineering support for the defense of a settlement are: the adaptation of individual buildings to defense, taking into account protection from all means of destruction, the construction of blockages, barriers and destruction on the approaches to the settlement and in it. For maneuver, passages and driveways are arranged inside the quarters and underground structures are adapted. In underground structures not used for maneuver, engineering barriers are set up, and the exits from them are covered by fire. Basements of stone buildings are equipped for shelters. Separate buildings not occupied by subunits, especially in the gaps between strong points, are mined or prepared for destruction. To supply the troops with water, water points are being equipped using the city water supply network, and provision is made for the installation of water supply points at sources not connected with the city water supply.

    During the withdrawal, the installation of engineering barriers and the destruction of roads, bridges and other objects, especially on the flanks of the withdrawing units, are additionally carried out.

    657. In an offensive, the main efforts of engineering support are concentrated on: engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects in front of the forward edge and in the depths of the enemy's defense; fortification equipment (additional equipment) of positions occupied by subunits before the offensive; making and maintaining passages in barriers and destruction and arranging passages through obstacles; clearance of terrain and objects; preparation and maintenance of movement and maneuver routes; equipment and maintenance of crossings when forcing (overcoming) water barriers.

    The main tasks of engineering support for forcing (overcoming) a water barrier are: conducting engineering reconnaissance of a water barrier and ways of advancing to it; equipment, maintenance and camouflage of crossings on regular floating military equipment, fording, tanks under water and ways of approaching them; making passages in barriers on the banks and in the water; organizing and carrying out commandant and rescue services at crossings, guarding crossings from floating mines and enemy sabotage; engineering equipment of the captured bridgeheads.

    658. During the actions of the battalion (company) in tactical airborne assault additionally, the following is carried out: mine clearing of landing areas, making passages in obstacles and destruction in the directions of landing operations; destruction (disabling) of destroyed (captured) objects.

    659. When making a march, the main efforts of engineering support are concentrated on: engineering reconnaissance of the terrain and objects on the routes of movement; fortification equipment of designated areas; making and maintaining passages in barriers and destruction, arranging passages through obstacles; clearance of terrain and objects; equipment and maintenance of crossings over water barriers; concealment (camouflage) of troops on the routes of movement.

    During transportation, the main efforts of engineering support are concentrated on: engineering reconnaissance and fortification equipment of designated areas; demining areas of unloading and concentration after unloading, as well as temporary transshipment areas; preparation and maintenance of troop movement routes; concealment (camouflage) of troops and objects.

    660. When located on the spot, the main efforts of engineering support are concentrated on: engineering reconnaissance of the terrain and objects in designated areas; fortification equipment of areas of location, lines and positions occupied by security units, and areas of deployment of command posts; arrangement and maintenance of engineering barriers; clearance of terrain and objects; preparation and maintenance of movement routes (delivery, evacuation) and maneuver; concealment (camouflage) of troops and objects.

    661. Engineering features under special conditions are:

    in the northern regions and in winter - maintaining engineering barriers in constant readiness, taking into account the depth of the snow cover; preparation for the destruction of the ice cover on water barriers, the construction of ice crossings; preparation and maintenance of maneuver routes in deep snow conditions; equipment and maintenance of water supply and heating points for personnel;

    in wooded and swampy areas - clearing lanes of vision and shelling; arrangement and making passages in forest blockages and other barriers, including mine-explosive ones; covering of borders, road junctions, paths and clearings with engineering barriers; designation by pointers of ways of maneuver; carrying out measures to combat forest fires and clearing paths from the rubble formed as a result of nuclear strikes;

    V mountainous areas- adaptation of caves, mine workings to accommodate fire weapons and subunits; preparation and creation of landslides, blockages and destructions on roads, installation of barriers on passes, in tunnels, passages and other mountain narrownesses with the use of directional mines; equipment, camouflage and maintenance of passages (crossings) through canyons and

    crossings, mountain rivers, in stone blockages and landslides, in deep snow and during avalanches; ensuring the movement of troops on steep ascents and descents;

    in desert areas - conducting reconnaissance of water sources, equipment and maintenance of field water supply points and protecting them from sand drift; reconnaissance of roads, trails, laying and maintenance of maneuver routes and their designation; strengthening the steepness of fortifications in soft sandy soils and protecting structures, entrances and air intakes from sand drift; periodic inspection and reinstallation or installation of new minefields when they are covered with sand or unmasked.

    When organizing engineering support in special conditions, the following are taken into account: the disunity of areas available for action by units, off-season (daily) change climatic conditions, terrain features. Special attention it is given to covering the paths leading to the flanks and to the rear of the defending subunits, as well as individual areas not occupied by troops, with engineering barriers. Fortifications are installed outside the areas of possible collapses, rockfalls, landslides, mudflows and floods. The fortification equipment of positions that cover the main road directions, road junctions, passes, tons-

    li, oases, water sources and other important objects. In heavy (loose) soils, fortifications are usually arranged in bulk or semi-bulk type using sandbags, curved reinforced shells, corrugated steel elements, fabric frame and other structures.

    Radiation, chemical and biological protection

    662. Radiation, chemical and biological protection in the battalion (company) is organized and carried out in order to reduce the impact on the units of the damaging factors of weapons mass destruction, high-precision and other types of weapons, destruction (accidents) of radiation, chemically and biologically hazardous objects, inflicting losses on the enemy using flamethrower-incendiary means.

    The main tasks of radiation, chemical and biological protection in a battalion (company) are: identification and assessment of the radiation and chemical situation; protection of troops damaging factors weapons of mass destruction and radioactive, chemical and biological contamination; reduced visibility of troops and facilities; the use of flamethrower and incendiary means; implementation of measures for radiation, chemical and biological protection during the elimination of consequences

    accidents (destructions) at radiation, chemically and biologically hazardous facilities.

      Radiation, chemical and biological protection in a battalion (company) includes: radiation and chemical reconnaissance and control; collection and processing of data on radiation, chemical and biological conditions; warning troops about radioactive, chemical and biological contamination; the use of means of individual and collective protection, the protective properties of the terrain, weapons, military equipment and other objects; special treatment of units (subdivisions), disinfection of terrain, military facilities and structures; aerosol countermeasures against enemy reconnaissance and weapon control means; the use of radio absorbing materials and foam coatings; the use of flamethrower and incendiary means.

      Radiation and chemical reconnaissance and control are carried out in order to obtain data on the fact of use and on the actual radiation and chemical situation necessary for timely notification of subunits about radioactive and chemical contamination, for them to take protective measures, and also to determine the most expedient actions in the current situation. Intelligence data is immediately reported to the higher headquarters and communicated to subordinate units.

    during the actions of the battalion in the conditions of an immediate threat of aggression

    The tasks in the field of defense and security, which are present stage development of the Russian Armed Forces are exceptionally responsible and large-scale. This is dictated by the complexity of the international situation, a whole range of traditional and new threats to which adequate responses must be given.

    At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the traditions of military construction, which are followed by the leading countries of the world. By reducing the size of the armed forces, they are simultaneously qualitatively increasing their combat potential, equipping the troops with advanced command and control, reconnaissance, communications, and strike systems. Literally before our eyes, the nature of military conflicts, the methods of their unleashing and conducting are changing. Robotic combat systems and high-precision weapons are being developed.

    At the same time, it should be noted that high-precision weapons are almost as good as strategic weapons and ultimately affect the global balance of power. Based on this, in Military Doctrine Russian Federation determined that the Armed Forces must prevent a surprise attack, purposefully use Peaceful time and the period of an immediate threat of aggression in order to prepare for its reflection, create conditions for the strategic deployment of the Armed Forces, the timely transition of the country's economic complex from a peaceful to a military position, cover state border, protection of important state and military facilities, extensive use of forces and means of psychological warfare, countering the information and psychological impact of the enemy on the population and personnel of the troops.

    To solve peacetime tasks, the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation outlines a fairly wide range of basic tasks.

    In a period of direct threat of aggression, in addition to tasks characteristic of peacetime, formations, military units and subunits can also solve other tasks, but in more short time. It should not be ruled out that during the period of a direct threat of aggression, hostilities may also begin immediately, i.e., we may not have such an "introductory" period, or it will be rather short-lived. Its duration will depend on the quality and intensity of strategic deterrence measures.

    Before presenting proposals for tactical camouflage in a period of direct threat of aggression, it is necessary to turn to historical experience, and, above all, the experience of the Great Patriotic War. The success of ensuring the secrecy of the battalion subunits and the plausibility of their false actions during the period of the immediate threat of aggression will largely depend on the effectiveness of tactical camouflage measures carried out even in peacetime.

    For example, events initial period The Great Patriotic War showed how the low effectiveness of operational and tactical camouflage measures carried out at all levels in peacetime can significantly affect the survivability of troops. The enemy, already in the first hours of the invasion, delivered powerful blows to reliably opened airfields, command posts, communication centers, troop deployment points and other important objects not only in the border zone, but also in the depths of the country.

    This adversely affected both the advancement of reserves from the depths and the creation of defensive and counterattack groupings of troops. In the Arab-Israeli wars of 1967 and 1973, as well as during the war in Lebanon, Israel used the underestimation of camouflage issues by the Arab military leadership and launched massive air strikes on airfields, air defense systems, command posts and other objects, which had a decisive influence on the course and outcome war in general. fighting in the Persian Gulf zone (1991) also confirmed the direct dependence of the results of military operations on the effectiveness of operational and tactical camouflage measures. So thanks okay organized system With operational and tactical camouflage measures, Iraq managed to significantly reduce the losses of its troops from attacks by the US Army and its allies during their air offensive operation.

    Consequently, for the successful operations of the battalion during the period of the threat of direct aggression, it is necessary to create favorable conditions even in peacetime, including the preparation and implementation of the necessary tactical camouflage measures. The complexity of performing tasks of tactical camouflage during the period of an immediate threat of aggression will lie in the fact that its duration is quite difficult to determine. The duration of this period will depend on many factors (the international situation, a set of measures taken by the aggressor country, the degree of preparation of the country to repel aggression, the theater of military operations, etc.). It can be assumed that its duration under modern conditions can be from several weeks to several months. The scope of tactical camouflage measures will primarily depend on the tasks that can be assigned to the battalion both in peacetime and in times of direct threat of aggression.

    The main ones include: actions as part of interspecific and interdepartmental groupings of troops in the theater of operations to perform various tasks (for example, to participate in the implementation of the complex side events aimed at reducing the level of the threat of aggression and increasing the level of combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces and other troops, in order to conduct mobilization and strategic deployment); participation in the implementation international obligations of the Russian Federation on collective defense, reflection or prevention in accordance with the norms international law an armed attack on another state that has applied to the Russian Federation with a corresponding request; participation in ensuring the regime of martial law; participation in the implementation of measures for territorial defense, as well as the implementation of measures in the prescribed manner civil defense; protection of important state and military facilities, facilities on communications and special cargo; participation in the protection of public order, ensuring public security, combating terrorism, etc. Considering the high capabilities of space and air reconnaissance of NATO member countries in opening troops and facilities, their interface with high-precision weapons and reducing the time from the moment a target is detected to its destruction the importance of tactical camouflage as a type of combat support in modern conditions is increasing many times over. The means of space and air reconnaissance of such countries as the USA, Great Britain, China are capable of round-the-clock reconnaissance of certain sections of the territory of the Russian Federation and can reveal the intention of the actions of our units by various unmasking signs.

    During the threatened period, the main unmasking signs by which it is possible to reveal the intention of the actions of our units will be: bringing the units to various degrees of combat readiness, an increase in the number of people arriving for service after hours, strengthening the protection of military facilities; change in the composition and mode of operation of radio electronic means and the nature of radio traffic; exit of units to areas of concentration (waiting, assembly, etc.) or to areas of exercises (training centers); the arrival and placement of units in areas where they were not previously deployed; fulfillment by subdivisions of tasks on engineering equipment of the terrain in areas of possible forthcoming actions; increasing the intensity or changing the focus of combat training activities; intensive transportation of units and military equipment by road, its accumulation in areas, stations, airfields, ports of loading and unloading; conducting reconnaissance, unscheduled exercises, exercises, training sessions, especially those related to the withdrawal of units and the withdrawal of military equipment from permanent deployment points, firing, missile launches and other events; redeployment of units, their deployment in new areas; closure of areas of the area for access by the local population, visits by foreign citizens and the organization of commandant service in them and other signs. Performing tasks as intended during the period of an immediate threat of aggression, the battalion will carry out tactical camouflage measures to achieve surprise and ensure the survivability of units, mainly according to the plan of the senior commander, since the battalion is most likely to operate as part of a brigade.

    Although the possibility of independent actions of the battalion is not ruled out, for example, when performing tasks for the protection and defense of important state and military facilities. However, the volume and timing of their implementation will depend on the specific task assigned to the battalion. Tactical camouflage measures during this period are very limited in their capabilities, since they mainly include only passive measures to hide troops and objects, so their implementation requires creativity and high discipline.

    At the same time, measures are provided for tactical camouflage of the daily activities of troops when they are deployed at points of permanent deployment, training centers, at training grounds, during combat training and during other events. The main measures for tactical camouflage in the period of an immediate threat of aggression include: eliminating the leakage of information about the activities of the battalion, the timing of its bringing to combat readiness, the purpose and nature of further actions both at the points of permanent deployment and in the areas of exercises, the organization of reliable protection; involvement of a limited circle of officials admitted to planning activities for combat training and actions of troops; timely notification of units about the appearance of carriers of technical means of intelligence of foreign states, as well as the introduction of appropriate regimes for restricting their actions; limiting the use of radio communications, fulfilling the requirements of covert command and control of troops and ensuring secrecy in preparation for and during ongoing activities; selection of areas for carrying out combat training activities, routes for the movement of units, taking into account the masking properties of the terrain, which impede the possible actions of forces and means of intelligence of foreign states; different-time exit of units from military camps (points of permanent deployment), as a rule, in conditions that limit the capabilities of technical means of intelligence of foreign states; demonstrative deployment (concentration) of units on false directions (in areas), creation of false areas, objects and imitation of their life activity; timely elimination of unmasking signs identified in the course of monitoring the implementation of tactical camouflage measures.

    The exit of battalion units from the point of permanent deployment can be carried out under the guise of checking combat readiness or for conducting exercises and training. With the release of units from the points of permanent deployment, it is advisable to imitate the previous mode of operation of radio equipment in them, to maintain a daily mode of life. It is possible to leave models of weapons and equipment in the open areas of military vehicle parks.

    This will mislead enemy reconnaissance about the location of units. When simulating openly located equipment in points of permanent deployment, tarpaulins and covers can be widely used. Activities for simulating equipment with their help can be performed by crews (crews) in 25–30 minutes. The high efficiency of this imitation technique is confirmed by the practice of the Israelis taking measures to mislead the Syrian side regarding the withdrawal of an armored division from the permanent deployment point to the combat area in 1982.

    The use of tarpaulins and covers to imitate the departed equipment of the division allowed them to hide the fact of its departure to the combat area for three days. The aggressor country, most likely, will not know the procedure for bringing units to combat readiness, and therefore every event related to the withdrawal of units from military camps will obviously alert it and attract increased attention. Therefore, at the stage of bringing the subunits to combat readiness, it would be advisable to start carrying out false (simulated) measures ahead of the true ones. For example, to carry out demonstrative actions to show the concentration of units in a false initial area, followed by a covert occupation of the true area. Advancing from military camps to the true concentration area through a false one, in which part of the forces is left, immediately proceeding to equip it and recreate all the unmasking signs, can mislead the enemy as to the location of the units.

    If, for some reason, such a procedure is not possible, then work on equipping the false area can begin after the occupation of the true area (original, concentration, waiting, collection, etc.) and be carried out in parallel with the engineering equipment of the true area. We must not forget that when creating a false area and simulating life activity in it, one of the most important requirements for deceiving the enemy must be observed, namely: the composition of the main unmasking signs and the sequence (dynamics) of their appearance in the false area must correspond to their composition and the dynamics of appearance in similar real ones. areas for specific situations. Fulfillment of this requirement will make it possible to achieve credibility and credibility when creating false objects, i.e., to mislead the enemy about the true location of the units and, thereby, will allow them to maintain their combat effectiveness.

    The advance and occupation of a true area should be carried out covertly, using natural masks, weather conditions and time of day in order to minimize the enemy's reconnaissance capabilities. To do this, it is advisable to break the battalion into small columns, increasing the linear and time interval between them. The occupation of the area (of the starting point, concentration, waiting, collection, etc.) should be carried out at night or in other conditions of limited visibility in order to be able to carry out the fortification equipment of the area before the onset of daylight and hide its traces. The area (original, concentration, waiting, collection, etc.) should be selected taking into account favorable conditions for organizing protection against high-precision weapons, have natural masks that make it possible to hide battalion units and ensure, if necessary, a quick maneuver. The basis of hiding in areas of location is the use of masking properties of the terrain. The correct choice of the area and the covert occupation of it can significantly reduce the likelihood of detecting battalion units.

    To hide the battalion units while in the areas, it is necessary to carry out both organizational and military-technical measures of tactical camouflage, which include: the use of hiding terrain features; the designation of the main and spare areas and the periodic change of units in them; the use of the dark time of the day and meteorological conditions that make it difficult for the enemy to conduct reconnaissance; compliance with the regime of sound and light camouflage and the modes of operation of the troops; improving the hiding properties of natural masks, camouflage coloring and the use of masking foam coatings; fortification equipment of the regions; the device of artificial masks from standard means of concealment and imitation and local materials; crucifixion of the terrain, the use of aerosols. In peacetime, camouflage painting is carried out from the listed activities, masks can be installed various designs, in some cases, the crucifixion of the area is carried out. During the period of an immediate threat of aggression, advance preparation of areas can be carried out (preparation of paths and exits from roads, clearing of clearings, etc.), additional receipt of personal means of concealment and imitation; preparation of structures and accumulation of materials for hiding troops and objects. The tasks and volume of concealment measures are determined primarily by the nature of the fortification equipment of the areas (initial, concentration, waiting, collection, etc.).

    If the units of the battalion will be in the area for less than a day, then fortification equipment is usually not produced. Under these conditions, hiding in natural masks is quite easy. If the battalion units stay in the area for more than a day, it is necessary to build trenches and shelters for equipment along with the blocked slots for personnel, which significantly increases the amount of concealment measures due to forest clearings, the work of earthmoving equipment, and the appearance of large patches of disturbed soil. etc. Achieving the secrecy of the process of fortification equipment is largely ensured by carrying out work at night, as well as in conditions of limited visibility. In addition to the above measures, deforming painting of weapons and military equipment can be carried out (if it has not been carried out), ground coatings and masking foam coatings can be used to hide equipment.

    In addition, combat and special equipment is equipped with cut vegetation, and, if available, with deforming radio-scattering (absorbing) covers. Command and staff vehicles can be equipped with mock-up masks that look like less important transport equipment. It should be noted that all of the listed tactical camouflage measures should be carried out throughout the entire time the battalion units are in the areas (starting point, concentration, waiting, gathering, etc.). The movement of vehicles in the area should be strictly limited.

    Withered vegetation and improvised materials used to hide weapons and military equipment must be renewed, and their harvesting must be carried out in specially designated areas. The work of communication means for transmission should be limited. Restriction on the modes of operation of electronic means should be controlled by specially allocated forces and means of the electronic warfare and communications units of the senior commander. Management in the area should be organized using wired or mobile communications. The security of the area should be organized in such a way as to exclude access to the units of the battalion of unauthorized persons from the local population. Thus, a clear and thoughtful organization, consistency, purposefulness, activity, persuasiveness and accuracy in the implementation of planned tactical camouflage measures are decisive factors contributing to the achievement of stealth and misleading the enemy during the actions of the battalion during the period of an immediate threat of aggression.

    TOPIC: 7 TACTICAL camouflage Educational questions 1. The purpose and essence of camouflage 2. Methods and techniques of camouflage 3. Disguising signs of targets 4. Fundamentals of obtaining information by forces and means of foreign intelligence

    Purpose and essence of camouflage Camouflage is a set of measures aimed at hiding troops and objects from the enemy and at misleading him about the presence, location, composition, condition, actions and intention of troops.

    camouflage is achieved by: maintaining military secrecy; covert placement and movement of troops and objects using the masking properties of the terrain and conditions of limited visibility; the use of standard-issue camouflage, local materials, fumes and aerosols; camouflage painting of weapons and equipment; the creation of false areas for the location of troops, positions and objects; the use of other methods and means of disguise from all types of enemy reconnaissance; the strictest observance of the requirements of camouflage discipline.

    THE OBJECT OF MASKING ARE: personnel, equipment and weapons of units; fortifications, positions, control posts, barriers, crossings, airfields, pipelines, reserves material resources etc. ; especially important landmarks in the area of ​​masked objects. Camouflage objects are divided into: single (tank, trench, bridge, etc.); group (strong point, battery firing position, command post, etc.).

    THE WAYS OF DISCOUNT ARE: concealment; imitation; demonstrative actions; disinformation. Concealment consists in preventing the appearance or elimination of unmasking signs of troops and objects. Imitation consists in creating false areas for the location and movement of troops, false objects by means of false information about the state of the object. Demonstrative actions consist in deliberate real actions of units and subunits allocated for this purpose, aimed at misleading the enemy. Disinformation consists in bringing false information to the enemy with the help of technical means of communication, print, radio through unofficial channels and other methods and means.

    CLOUDING MUST BE: active; persuasive; continuous; diverse; complex; efficient. The activity of camouflage is achieved by persistently imposing on the enemy a false idea about the intentions of the command, the state, disposition and activity of troops and objects. Convincing camouflage is achieved by the plausibility of measures and their compliance with the conditions of the situation, taking into account the real possibilities of all types of enemy reconnaissance. The continuity of camouflage is achieved by carrying out camouflage measures in any situation, constantly. The diversity of camouflage is achieved by eliminating the template in the organization and implementation of camouflage activities, as well as the use of new techniques and means of camouflage. The complexity of camouflage is achieved by simultaneously carrying out various camouflage measures that counteract all methods and means of enemy reconnaissance or those of them that are of decisive importance in a particular situation. The effectiveness of camouflage is ensured by the comprehensive and high-quality implementation of ORGANIZATIONAL, ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL camouflage measures.

    ORGANIZATIONAL MEASURES INCLUDE: dispersal of troops and periodic change of areas and positions; the use of camouflage terrain and conditions of limited visibility to hide the actions of troops and especially to carry out engineering tasks; restriction of clearings of vegetation, laying of new ways of movement; the use of camouflage terrain features that help hide and reduce the visibility of troops and military installations; constant management of camouflage and systematic control over its timeliness and quality; observance by personnel of the rules and requirements of camouflage discipline, etc.; maintaining military secrets; demonstrative actions of the troops.

    ENGINEERING MEASURES INCLUDE: camouflage painting; the use of artificial optical, thermal and radar masks; methods of concealment and imitation of light unmasking signs; masking techniques from enemy sound reconnaissance; the use of models of equipment and devices of false structures; the use of cut vegetation and the processing of the terrain; giving structures and objects masking forms, in which they differ little from local objects and objects available in the area.

    To carry out engineering camouflage measures, the troops use SERVICE CAMO MATERIALS, CONSUMABLES AND LOCAL MATERIALS. PERSONAL MASKING EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: means of individual camouflage for personnel; camouflage kits and masks; models of military equipment and imitators; radar corner reflectors; light camouflage devices; special machines and equipment (field painting stations, sound broadcasting stations).

    CONSUMABLE CAMO MATERIALS AND MATERIALS ARE: camouflage paints and solvents; fabrics, wire, ropes, nails, lumber, plywood; smoke bombs, shells, mines and pyrotechnics. LOCAL MATERIALS ARE: poles, branches, brushwood, straw, reeds, reeds, slag, sawdust, etc.

    METHODS OF OBJECTS AND TECHNIQUES OF MASKING: camouflage painting; the use of artificial masks; methods of concealment and imitation of light unmasking signs; the use of models of equipment and devices of false structures; the use of cut vegetation and the processing of the terrain; giving structures and objects masking forms; installation of smoke screens.

    Camouflage painting camouflage painting is used: to reduce the visibility of an object or distort it appearance; for the formation of spots on the ground, facilitating the masking of objects; to give mock-ups and false structures the appearance of real objects. Depending on the conditions of the situation, the type of object, the nature of the terrain, the availability of forces, means and time, the following TYPES OF MASKING COLORS are used: protective; deforming; imitating.

    Deforming painting Imitating painting of a box for equipment under a residential building (imitation by painting windows, doors, plinth, dormer windows): 1, 2, 3, - imitation of grass cover with camouflage coatings, according to the textured layer; 4 - porch layout.

    Artificial masks are called special engineering structures designed to hide weapons, equipment and structures from enemy reconnaissance equipment. Artificial masks are supplied to the troops in the form of service camouflage kits and masks, or are made on the spot by the troops from local and consumable materials. Personal camouflage kits and masks. To mask weapons and equipment and structures from optical reconnaissance means, the FOLLOWING SERVICE EQUIPMENT is used: camouflage kits MKT-T, MKT-S, MKT-P, MKS-2 M (TS-75, MKS-2), MKS-2 P, MKT -2 L, MKT-2 P; universal frameless mask "Tent"; universal frame mask UMK; deforming mask "Umbrella-1"; radio transparent mask MRS Tower.

    Universal frameless mask "Tent": a - camouflage of equipment outside the trench; b - disguise equipment in the trench; 1 - fast-opening splint seam; 2 - guy; 3 anchor stake; 4 - racks; 5 - local camouflage material.

    ENGINEERING SIMULATION TOOLS ARE: models of weapons, military equipment and local items; service camouflage kits; corner reflectors; thermal simulators, etc. Depending on the conditions of the situation and the capabilities of enemy reconnaissance to open troops and objects, the means of imitation can be used in a complex and separately.

    Corner reflectors are designed to create radar masks and simulate metal, reinforced concrete structures, as well as bridges, dams, dams. Corner reflectors reproduce radar unmasking signs of simulated objects. Can be installed both on land and water. Thermal simulators are intended as targets (dummy thermal targets) for missiles with thermal guidance sensors. The thermal simulator (catalytic furnace) KFP-1-180 works on the principle of flameless gasoline oxidation with heat release, and can also work using an electrical network.

    Unmasking signs of targets The enemy, using a complex of various reconnaissance means, detects and identifies objects by their inherent characteristics. Such signs are called unmasking. The essence of disguise is to eliminate or weaken when hiding objects, and when creating false objects, to reproduce their main unmasking features. THE MAIN UNMASKING SIGNS OF THE PERSONNEL ARE: a characteristic silhouette of a person; the cut and color of the uniform, the circumference of the steel helmet; the presence of weapons, items of equipment; thermal radiation, reflection of radio waves; specific activities (traces of movement, sounds and flashes during firing, noises, smoke from fires, light from lanterns, fire from matches, cigarettes). Personnel are detected visually with the naked eye at a distance of 1.5-2 km, using binoculars and other optical means - at a distance of 8-10 km, thermal reconnaissance means - at a distance of 0.5 km, ground-based radar reconnaissance - at a distance of 4 km .

    The unmasking signs of targets include: - characteristic outlines of objects; - the color of objects, if it differs from the color of the surrounding area; - shadows on the objects themselves and shadows falling on them; - characteristic location of objects; - reflections of glass and unpainted metal parts; - signs of activity - movement, sounds, flashes of fire, smoke, etc.; - traces of activity - trampled places, new roads and paths, traces of fires, remnants of building materials, etc.

    The unmasking signs of an observation post are: periodic short-term appearance on certain place of people; projected against the background of some local object (or against the background of the sky) the head of the observer or the observation device; telephone wires approaching the NP, periodic movement of telephonists along them, correcting the line; the appearance of new local objects, changes in the shape and color of local objects and vegetation as a result of their use for camouflage; viewing slit, observed in the form of a dark horizontal stripe on some local object; a dark spot against the general background of tree foliage, a camouflaged observation platform, a ladder or steps cut into a tree trunk, the swaying of a tree top in calm weather; periodic appearance due to any cover of a periscope or other observation device; glitter glass optical devices; the presence of sources of infrared radiation at night.

    Signs of the location of the headquarters (command post) are: the movement of special and light vehicles, single soldiers, cyclists, motorcyclists (communicators, messengers) to the location of the headquarters (command post) and back; approach to one place of several wired communication lines from different directions, the presence of radio stations; enhanced protection of the area and its cover anti-aircraft artillery; presence near the area landing pad for communication aircraft and helicopters; complete or nearly complete absence local residents in small towns; there are barriers and guards at the entrances to the settlement.

    The unmasking signs of the firing position of an anti-tank gun are: the characteristic outlines of the barrel and the upper part of the shield cover, visible through the camouflage; disguised loopholes in buildings and fences; the sharp sound of a gunshot. recoilless rifles can be detected by the flames and the cloud of smoke and dust that forms when fired. anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) are located mainly in those places where anti-tank guns are. The unmasking signs of an ATGM position are: launchers observed through masks; a jet of gases or a track when fired; a cloud of dust at the launch sites.

    The preparation of the enemy for the offensive can be detected by the following signs: increased movement of enemy troops towards the front line; increased movement of vehicles from the rear to the front with cargo, in the opposite direction - mostly empty; intensive activity of enemy reconnaissance groups, reconnaissance in force, activation of aerial reconnaissance and redeployment of aviation closer to the front; carrying out engineering work: equipping positions and new observation posts, repairing and strengthening bridges, laying column tracks, etc.; laying communication lines; the appearance of new artillery and mortar batteries and a change in the nature of firing (zeroing); clearance by the enemy of minefields (making passages); the noise of tank engines while they occupy their starting positions; revival in trenches (trenches), a change in the behavior of the enemy, the appearance of reconnaissance groups.

    Fundamentals of obtaining information by the forces and means of foreign intelligence The purpose of intelligence is to reveal the beginning of the direct preparation of the enemy for war, the probable intention of groupings and the most important objects Classification of intelligence Classification BY THE SCALE AND NATURE OF THE OBJECTIVES PERFORMED STRATEGIC OPERATIONAL AND TACTICAL METHODS OF OBTAINING INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION: 1. Analysis of available information. 2. Observation (space, air, land, sea). 3. Intelligence (DRG, agents, etc.) 36

    Classification of reconnaissance By type of information provided By degree of detail By scope and location

    Ground reconnaissance makes a significant contribution to the total volume of reconnaissance information on an operational-tactical scale. Ground reconnaissance is carried out by the regular forces and means of the enemy Ground Forces. For this, optical and electron-optical means, television systems, radar stations, thermal sound and laser reconnaissance means are used. Ground reconnaissance optical equipment includes binoculars, monocular periscopes and stereo tubes, laser rangefinders, compasses, and theodolites. Infrared equipment provides a range of action at night up to 2.5 km with illumination and up to 1.2 km without terrain illumination. Can detect uncamouflaged equipment up to 2 km, and personnel up to 600 m. 38

    Ground reconnaissance Radar for ground reconnaissance of moving targets of long range (up to 40 km), medium (up to 20 km), small (up to 10 km) and short-range up to (2 km). The main ones determine the azimuth of the target with an accuracy of 0.15. . . 0, 6 ° and measure the range with an error of no more than ± 20 m. Long-range radars are mounted on armored personnel carriers, reconnaissance vehicles and trailers, the rest of the stations are portable. According to the sound of shots, traffic noise and missile launches, under favorable weather conditions, acoustic reconnaissance stations detect the positions of batteries at a distance of 4 to 20 km, the movement of tank columns up to 8 km, and individual pieces of equipment up to 4 km.

    Ground reconnaissance Laser means of ground reconnaissance are currently used as target designators and artillery rangefinders. They provide a range of up to 5 km with a distance accuracy of 1 to 2 m. 40

    Opportunities of enemy reconnaissance means in terms of range GROUND RESINTANCE MEANS OF ECO Radar RNDC Radar field artillery up to 4-6 km up to 30 km up to 50 km -tact. ECO UAVs on TA aircraft up to 200 km up to 150 km up to 50 km ECO SPACE INTELLIGENCE EQUIPMENT and radar on artificial satellites and spacecraft For the entire depth of troops formation 42

    Tasks of engineering support 1. Engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects; 2. Fortification equipment of areas, lines and positions occupied by troops, areas of deployment of command posts; 3. The device and maintenance of engineering barriers and the production of destruction; 4. Destruction of enemy nuclear mines; 5. Making and maintaining passages in engineering barriers and destruction; 6. The device of transitions through obstacles; 7. Destruction of detected reconnaissance and signaling devices; 8. Mine clearance of terrain and objects; 10. Preparation and maintenance of troop movement routes, transportation and evacuation; 11. Equipment and maintenance of crossings when forcing (overcoming) water barriers; 12. Engineering measures to camouflage troops and facilities; 13. Engineering measures to ensure the actions of helicopter units assigned to the formation; 14. Engineering measures to eliminate the consequences nuclear strikes enemy; 15. Extraction, purification of water and equipment of water supply points.


    Examination Prepare a plan-outline for conducting a camouflage lesson with a personal platoon according to the standards. Development of the standard for solo training. Name of the standard: Preparation for use and launch of the catalytic furnace (heat trap) KFP-1 -180 Conditions for fulfillment and content of the standard: one soldier Procedure for the implementation of the standard: catalytic wick furnace KFP-1 -180 is ready for use. Run it up and running. Estimated indicators: excellent - 3 min. , well - 3 min. 10 sec. , satisfactory - 3 min. 30 sec. Development of the standard as part of the calculation (department). Name of the standard: Camouflage of military and special equipment with a service camouflage kit Conditions for fulfillment and content of the standard: calculation Procedure for the implementation of the standard: The vehicle (with a camouflage area of ​​12 -18 m 2) is located outside the shelter. The camouflage kit is in the packaging on the machine. Unload and deploy camouflage kit. Prepare support stands. Install overlay mask. Fit the mask to the terrain background by adding local materials. Evaluation indicators: excellent - 30 min. , well - 32 min. , satisfactory - 40 min.