Camouflage is an integral part of the combat activity of all branches of the armed forces in any form of combat, therefore, a military trick is to skillfully hide the true state of affairs in oneself and mislead the enemy, passing false for real, forcing him to make the wrong decision, obviously beneficial to us.
There are two main types of camouflage: natural and artificial. Natural camouflage provides for adaptation to the terrain: the use of camouflage properties of forests, groves, ravines, crops, settlements, lighting conditions, shadows from local objects, rain, fog, heavy snowfall, limiting visibility and reducing the possibility of enemy observation. Artificial camouflage is achieved by technical means and consists in the construction of artificial masks, mock-ups, coloring objects to match the color of the surrounding area, the use of camouflage clothing, the installation of smoke screens, the creation of anti-radar interference masks and screen masks.
According to the scale of application and the nature of the tasks to be solved, camouflage is divided into strategic, operational and tactical.
Depending on which means of reconnaissance camouflage measures are taken against, there are optical, thermal, radar, radio and radio engineering, sound (acoustic), hydroacoustic, and other types of camouflage.
First of all, consider tactical disguise. Tactical camouflage is carried out in formations, units, subunits and at individual objects in order to hide the preparation of battle or the presence (location) of objects. It is organized by the commander of a platoon (squad, group, tank) in accordance with the received combat mission.
Tactical camouflage must be active, convincing, continuous and diverse, constantly updated and modified in accordance with changing modes of action of units, surrounding terrain and seasons. In all conditions of the situation, it is carried out by the forces of a platoon (squad, tank crew), while weapons and military equipment are masked in the first place. The restoration of the broken masking and the elimination of unmasking signs are carried out immediately.
Activity camouflage aims to create in the enemy an incorrect, desirable idea of ​​our forces and means, their deployment, intentions and to force the enemy to make wrong decisions. Every active camouflage action, every false structure, every false maneuver must resemble real ones.
Plausibility. Disguise only then does not arouse suspicion in the enemy, if it is plausible, natural. Any artificial camouflage structure will only then be difficult to recognize if, in its position, shape, size and color, it more closely matches the objects surrounding it. An experienced warrior will always use the old, tried and tested methods of the art of believability, which nature has taught him. As in nature, the plausibility of disguise in military affairs is achieved by giving all masked objects an appearance that does not arouse suspicion of naturalness. Everything must correspond to the surrounding area, not to introduce alien into it, sharply different from those available on it. natural objects. To a large extent, this is facilitated by the skillful use of vegetation cover (grass, crops, reeds, moss, shrubs, tree branches).
Using vegetation cover, each warrior is able to make all kinds of improvised camouflage means on his own, and by attaching branches, tufts of grass, straw to clothes and equipment, he can create such a camouflage suit that will merge with the surrounding background. To achieve credibility, military equipment and structures are masked with special camouflage nets, into which branches, tufts of grass, hay, straw are woven in summer, depending on what is more suitable for the surrounding landscape, and in winter - a ribbon of white fabric.
Diversity. If the most perfect camouflage techniques are repeatedly repeated, then they can easily be guessed by the enemy. The template in this case is not only unacceptable, but even dangerous.
Ways to implement masking: concealment, demonstrative actions, imitation and disinformation.
Hiding consists in eliminating or weakening the unmasking signs of troops and their actions.
Demonstrative actions represent a deliberate demonstration by real units (subdivisions) of the movement of troops (forces), the concentration of groupings, the conduct of combat and other actions with the task of creating a false idea in the enemy about the intentions of the command in battle (operation).
Imitation consists in the construction of false positions of areas where troops are located and other false objects with the help of engineering, radio-electronic, smoke and other technical means.
Disinformation It is achieved by spreading false information with the help of technical means of communication through the press, radio broadcasting, and television.
The means and methods of camouflage depend on the methods of armed struggle used military equipment and are determined primarily by the capabilities of the means of reconnaissance and destruction of the enemy.
Techniques for masking objects and equipment:

  • - camouflage coloring;
  • - use of artificial masks;
  • - methods of concealment and imitation of light unmasking signs;
  • - application of models of equipment and devices of false structures;
  • - the use of cut vegetation and the processing of the terrain;
  • - giving structures and objects masking forms;
  • - installation of smoke screens.

Camouflage staining is used:

  • - to reduce the visibility of the object or distort their appearance;
  • - for the formation of spots on the ground, facilitating the masking of objects;
  • - to give mock-ups and false structures the appearance of real objects.

Depending on the conditions of the situation, the type of object, the nature of the terrain, the availability of forces, means and time, the following types of masking colors are used:

  • - protective;
  • - deforming;
  • - imitating.

Protective coloring- one-color color, the closest in color to the prevailing background of the area. It is used for painting moving objects, as well as structures located on the backgrounds of the terrain that are uniform in color.
Warp coloring- multi-color staining various shapes, similar in color to the main spots of the terrain background. It is used to camouflage weapons, military, special, and transport equipment during the actions of troops on terrain backgrounds of various colors.
imitating coloring- a color drawing, which is a continuation of the drawing of the surrounding background on the object. It depicts destruction while disguising an object as destroyed, or reproduces the appearance of another, less important object. This type of camouflage is used when camouflaging structures of command posts, observation posts, firing structures, airfields, warehouses, storage facilities, buildings, and in some cases equipment.
When disguising military equipment and weapons, open areas with a monotonous background should be avoided. The location of military equipment and weapons against the sky or against a light background is not allowed. On terrain with a small amount of natural masks, the technique is positioned in such a way that its shadows are distorted. At the same time, take into account the movement of shadows during the day. With the location of military equipment and weapons in rare plantations to hide from aerial reconnaissance, the crowns of trees are pulled together, the crowns are compacted by fixing cut vegetation on the branches. Equipped with horizontal and inclined masks. Cut branches are thrown onto the cover of the masks.

In settlements, equipment is camouflaged in outbuildings.

Camouflage of personnel is achieved using:

  • - concealing and specific properties of the area;
  • - limited visibility conditions;
  • - compliance with the requirements of camouflage discipline.

Also, for the individual camouflage of a scout, standard camouflage equipment is used: camouflage uniforms, camouflage overalls (summer) and camouflage suit (winter). The effectiveness of masking increases significantly when grass is additionally attached to the surface of these funds, small branches - in the summer (coniferous branches are used, deciduous trees and bushes, tufts of grass, in dry hot weather, cut vegetation quickly fades, loses its masking properties and needs to be replaced with fresh every 2-3 hours), pieces of white fabric - in winter, parts of weapons, equipment, etc. are closed. Any materials at hand can be used for camouflage. It is recommended to attach these materials vertically, as this way they blend in better with the surrounding vegetation. To mask a steel helmet, in addition to vegetation, deforming stains are used, as well as pieces of service camouflage coatings. The colors of the spots of deforming coloration and the type of camouflage coating are chosen depending on the background of the terrain on which the troops are deployed and operate.
When acting in close proximity to the enemy, the face is hidden by a mask or masked along with open parts of the body with paints or improvised materials (soot, coals, chalk) so that the protruding parts (forehead, nose, chin, cheekbones) are darkened, and various kinds of depressions (eye , ear, neck, mouth) were highlighted, thereby making the face flat, indistinguishable to the eye.
When acting in close proximity to the enemy, the face is hidden by a mask or masked along with open parts of the body with paints or improvised materials (soot, coals, chalk) so that the protruding parts (forehead, nose, chin, cheekbones) are darkened, and various kinds of depressions (eye , ear, neck, mouth) were highlighted, thereby making the face flat, indistinguishable to the eye.
The weapon is also disguised by attaching improvised materials to it (vegetation or a bandage from IPP, adhesive plaster - white in winter, dyed with iodine, brilliant green, grass juice, etc. - in summer), personnel funds. Moving parts of weapons and parts that require quick replacement are not subject to camouflage.

Tactical camouflage is one of the important types of support for the combat operations of units and subunits. Its main purpose is to force enemy reconnaissance to receive false data about our troops and facilities.

Camouflage is a set of coordinated measures taken to mislead the enemy about combat strength, combat readiness, location, intentions and actions of troops, regarding the location, purpose and condition of objects.
Tactical camouflage aims to ensure the surprise and effectiveness of military operations of units and subunits, to help maintain their combat capability and to increase the protection of troops and facilities from enemy weapons. To achieve this, camouflage measures are carried out in all types of combat, in any situation.
Using various types and methods of reconnaissance, the enemy can identify troops, determine their composition, actions and intentions, detect and identify military objects by characteristic unmasking signs, the main of which are:
- the location of units on the ground, the nature of the materiel, the amount of military equipment, weapons and vehicles;
- the number, size and position on the ground of areas, positions, their distance from the enemy and from each other;
- the nature and intensity of the engineering equipment of areas and positions;
- the movement of units, the length and composition of marching columns, the direction of their movement;
- the mode of conducting reconnaissance and fire, the operation of communications and the content of the transmitted information;
- the vital activity of units (movement of personnel, individual vehicles, the appearance of traces, trails, noise caused by the operation of engines, the light of headlights and lanterns at night, light and smoke from bonfires, etc.)
The solution of tactical camouflage tasks is carried out by concealment, imitation and demonstrative actions.
Concealment consists in the use of camouflage measures and techniques that exclude or make it difficult for the enemy to identify unmasking signs, and, according to them, the troops themselves, their actions and objects. It is achieved by observance of camouflage discipline, the use of camouflage properties of the terrain and conditions of limited visibility, the use of engineering and technical methods and means.
Imitation is the reproduction of unmasking features inherent in real objects. It provides for the creation of false positions and areas for the location of units and subunits, false objects using mock-ups of equipment and other camouflage means, by arranging false structures, as well as marking signs of troop activity.
In the summer of 1943, units of the Voronezh Front, improving their defensive positions south of Kursk, created false concentrations of tank units, false positions of anti-aircraft combat guards.
Successfully imitated anti-aircraft weapons sappers Major Gudimov. They made nine models of guns and during the night on the edge of the forest they equipped false positions for anti-aircraft batteries. Wheels from broken tractors, hewn and painted poles were used to make mock-ups. The dummies were installed in prepared false trenches and carelessly disguised.
In the morning, a fascist reconnaissance plane appeared over the forest. With the help of smoke powder, the sappers imitated the shots of individual guns. Half an hour later, nine Yu-88 bombers appeared. The sappers on duty at the mockups set fire to pre-prepared packages of gunpowder, marking the shots, and hid in shelters. The Junkers turned around, dropped their bombs one by one and flew away.
As soon as the sappers restored the overturned and damaged mock-ups, replenished the stocks of packages with gunpowder, a reconnaissance aircraft appeared again, followed by two units of the Junkers. During one day, fascist bombers bombed the false object six times, dropping 117 bombs on it.
Demonstrative actions are a deliberate display of movements, concentrations, and combat by real units. They are carried out to pin down enemy forces in a secondary direction or to show the concentration of a large number of troops in certain areas. The demonstration is usually carried out with limited forces and means provided by units and subunits. The units conducting the demonstration may not be aware of the true purpose of their actions. For them, this is a combat mission.
Here is one example of demonstrative actions during the years of the Great Patriotic War. For interception railway Velikie Luki - Rzhev and the exit of the Toropetsk group of the enemy on the withdrawal route, the Soviet ski detachment was tasked with capturing the Staraya Toropaya railway station.
Having marched across impassable roads, forests and using the gaps in the enemy’s defense, the skiers approached Staraya Toropya at night, where a large enemy garrison was located, consisting of a company of the 512th railway battalion and other Wehrmacht units. In order to capture the station, the detachment commander decided to partly intercept the road to Ilyino (south of Staraya Toropy), demonstrate an attack on the village from the north in a small group in order to attract the attention of the Germans here and lure them out of the village, and then strike the main forces of the detachment from the east along the railway capture the village and destroy the enemy garrison.
The appearance of a small group of skiers from the north attracted the attention of the Germans. At this time, the main forces of the detachment struck from the forest along the railway to the rear and the right flank of the Nazis and crushed them with an unexpected attack. The enemy, taken by surprise, could not hide in the village. Offering no resistance, he fled in a panic along the only road to Ilyino, where he stumbled upon an ambush set up and carried big losses. Having captured the village and the station, the detachment destroyed the remnants of the enemy.
Concealment can be most effective when concealment is combined with imitation or display. However, if concealment is carried out by troops without instructions from a superior commander, then imitation and demonstrative actions must be used carefully: by creating false objects and false actions, one can force the enemy to concentrate large forces. Carrying out such measures without coordination can seriously complicate or completely disrupt the fulfillment of a combat mission by neighbors.
In carrying out camouflage missions, troops must be guided by certain requirements, the most important of which are: activity, persuasiveness, continuity and diversity.
The Great Patriotic War gave many examples of the active influence of camouflage on the enemy. You can bring one of them.
In September 1942, in one of the sectors of the North Caucasian Front, the rifle company of Senior Lieutenant Didenko received the task of defending an important mountain pass. Reinforced with several anti-tank guns and mortars, the company blocked the road leading to the gorge. Ahead was a good natural obstacle - not wide, but stormy mountain river 1.5-2 meters deep with a steep, inaccessible to enemy tanks opposite shore. The bridge over the river was destroyed. At the direction of the company commander, anti-tank weapons crews prepared platforms for direct fire on the front slopes of the heights in order to cover the only possible direction for the movement of tanks - the road. Prior to the opening of fire, the guns were located in equipped and camouflaged shelters on the reverse slopes. There were also mortarmen who kept the approaches to the river under fire. Calculations of heavy machine guns dug trenches also on the reverse slopes, which allowed them to conduct flanking fire along the river. Part of the rifle squads took up positions at the foot of the heights, and part - on the front slopes. The shooters dug out single trenches for themselves and camouflaged them well with branches and grass. A small supply of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines was used to cover approaches to the river from the enemy.
By the end of the day, a reconnaissance group of German motorcyclists, accompanied by three tanks, approached the destroyed bridge. The sudden fire of the company stunned the enemy. Two of his tanks were knocked out, and the third was blown up in a minefield. Having lost 30 people killed and wounded, the fascist scouts retreated.
The company commander correctly concluded that an enemy attack would follow in the morning. He ordered to connect single trenches with communication passages for crawling, to equip observation posts for himself and for platoon commanders, and to carefully camouflage all structures. At the same time, false firing positions for artillery and false trenches for riflemen were prepared nearby. By morning, all work was completed.
At dawn, an enemy reconnaissance aircraft appeared, and soon fascist bombers appeared. Nine aircraft dropped their deadly cargo on a false stronghold in several passes, without noticing the real one.
Following the air strikes, up to a battalion of motorized infantry with crossing facilities advanced to the river. The Nazis, confident that our defense was crushed, began to build a crossing, but were unexpectedly met with strong artillery-mortar and machine-gun fire. Having suffered significant losses in people and crossing property, the enemy abandoned the attempt to force the river and retreated.
The credibility of camouflage lies in the justification of the camouflage measures being carried out by the conditions of the situation, in imposing on the enemy the impression of reality, plausibility. For example, when hiding objects, it is necessary to give the appearance of the area or the most characteristic local objects on it that do not attract attention to themselves. False objects should be created in such places where it is justified by the situation; they must bear sufficient resemblance to real objects, not only in outward signs but also on the basis of activity.
To illustrate the persuasiveness of camouflage carried out with the use of demonstrative actions, one can give an example from military experience.
In 1943, during the Battle of the Kursk Bulge, a rifle platoon, having captured one of the villages, entrenched itself in it. From a commanding height, the enemy looked over the road that ran along the bottom of the ravine from the settlement to the forest. The platoon commander decided to take advantage of this to demonstratively show the concentration of significant forces in the captured village. The platoon commander, under the cover of a bush, took part of the soldiers into the forest, and then again sent them along the ravine to the settlement. So, during the second half of the day, groups of soldiers of various sizes demonstrated several times the approach to the settlement and indicated the concentration of a significant number of troops in it. With the onset of darkness, the platoon, opening intense fire, went on the attack. Considering that large forces were concentrated in the village, the Nazis did not accept the battle and hastily retreated. The platoon captured the positions of the enemy, while capturing prisoners. The prisoners said that, according to the estimates of their observers, up to 200 soldiers with heavy and light machine guns had concentrated in the village by evening. This example shows how convincing demonstrative actions allowed just one rifle platoon to win over an enemy superior in strength.

The continuity of camouflage provides for the constant and timely implementation of camouflage measures in any situation: in preparation and during the battle, on the march and when deployed on the spot.
Unlike the Great Patriotic War, when camouflage measures were skillfully carried out in preparation for battle, but were not always provided for in the course of hostilities, in modern conditions the requirement of continuity is of particular importance.
Diversity means the exclusion of a template in the implementation of camouflage measures, in the choice of techniques and means of camouflage. The same methods of hiding or creating false objects, repeated several times, will sooner or later be revealed and identified by the enemy. Repetition is inadmissible both in the camouflage of troop actions and in the camouflage of individual objects.
In camouflage, the use of troops and objects to the terrain, which consists in the skillful use of its concealing and visual properties, is of decisive importance.
Here is one example of the skillful use of the concealing properties of the terrain.
During the withdrawal of our troops in August 1941, the division of the howitzer artillery regiment received the task of preventing the enemy from crossing to the left bank of the Dnieper River in the area of ​​the city of Nizhnedneprovsk. One of the batteries was supposed to take up a firing position in the area of ​​the Igren station. To the west of the station there were two small groves, and between them a young garden, not marked on the map and not visible from the enemy. Taking into account this circumstance, firing positions were chosen: the main one was in the garden, the spare ones were on the outskirts of the village, and in the groves two false ones (with the permission of the division commander). By the appointed time, in the actual position, the artillerymen dug and carefully camouflaged the trenches, and at the false positions they prepared false platforms and put up models of guns.
For three days the battery fired, causing great damage to the enemy. Noticing false positions and mistaking them for real ones, the enemy launched several heavy fire raids on them. The battery's invulnerability infuriated him. The eight Junkers called by him circled over the gunners for a long time and, not finding the battery, dropped the entire deadly load into false firing positions. So right choice natural masks and their skillful use for concealment and imitation allowed the battery to successfully complete its combat mission and avoid losses.
In the absence of natural masks, the specific properties of the area are used - its color and pattern. On a flat, monochrome terrain, devoid of natural masks, camouflage is difficult. The camouflaging properties of such terrain can be improved by artificial crucifixion, i.e., by creating spots that differ in color and brightness from the surrounding background.
The use of artificial masks should be considered as an additional measure to the use of hiding and specific features of the terrain. In areas where natural masks are not available at all or are scarce, artificial masks are the main means of concealing troops and installations.
When placing units and subunits, as well as objects on the ground, it is important to ensure that they are not located near sharply visible local objects that can serve as a guide for the enemy. If such a neighborhood cannot be avoided, it is advisable to destroy the landmarks.
Night time and other conditions of limited visibility contribute to the camouflage of troops and their actions. However, acting at night and under adverse atmospheric phenomena, it is necessary to take into account the increased reconnaissance capabilities of the enemy and use camouflage techniques from his radar equipment and night vision devices.
The camouflage of troops and facilities also includes the observance by personnel of military secrecy and camouflage discipline.
Camouflage discipline is the rules and requirements for the behavior of troops, generally accepted or established for a specific situation, aimed at achieving the goals of camouflage.
Depending on the nature of the actions of the troops and the conditions of the situation, the movement of people and vehicles in certain places(in districts or along roads), laying tracks in open areas of the terrain, using headlights and lanterns without blackout devices, burning stoves and making fires, operating radio communications for transmission. A certain regime of firing is also established, which excludes the disclosure of its system before the start of the battle, the regime for the use of night vision devices and radar stations, the procedure for the movement of troops, the transport of materiel and engineering equipment of positions and areas.

Means of disguise

When performing engineering and technical methods of camouflage, the subdivisions use various means, which can be conditionally divided into means of concealment and means of imitation. The means of concealment include means of individual camouflage (camouflage clothing), service camouflage kits and masks for hiding from optical reconnaissance equipment, corner reflectors designed for the device of radar interference masks, means of light and smoke camouflage; to the means of imitation - models of equipment and radar reflectors that reproduce radar unmasking signs of equipment and structures. In some cases, smoke products are also used to indicate the vital activity of false objects.

Camouflage clothing

To hide personnel from visual observation, photography and other methods of optical reconnaissance, camouflage clothing is used, which is provided to snipers, scouts, miners, etc.
Camouflage overalls are used in snowless periods of the year. It consists of trousers, a jacket and a hood sewn in one piece and is made of cotton fabric in two versions: with double-sided and single-sided coloring. With double-sided coloring, the overalls can be used against the background of greenery or sand, with one-sided coloring, only against the background of greenery or only against the background of sand (grass scorched by the sun), depending on the color of the overalls. The overalls, used against the background of green vegetation, give a particularly high effect when local camouflage materials are attached to its surface: grass, small branches and other improvised means - with the help of braid patches on the overalls. Depending on the type of fabric from which the overalls are made, its weight ranges from 500 to 1000 g. It is worn either over uniforms and equipment, or under underwear. For the use of equipment in the overalls there are corresponding slots. It does not restrict movement, including when crawling. The face is hidden by a mask that is worn over a bare head when operating in close proximity to the enemy. After that, a steel helmet is put on, hidden by a hood.

A soldier in camouflage overalls, successfully applied to the terrain, is not visible to the naked eye from a distance of 20-30 m. The color of the overalls is chosen so that it cannot be deciphered when observed in the infrared zone of the spectrum.
A camouflage suit is designed for camouflage against the background of snow. It is made of white cotton fabric and consists of a shirt with a hood and bloomers. The sleeves of the shirt end with two-fingered mittens. The shirt and trousers are placed in a bag made of gray, khaki or brown fabric. The camouflage suit is made in three heights. It weighs 0.6-0.7 kg.

Service camouflage kits

Concealment of military equipment, vehicles and fortifications from optical reconnaissance equipment of the enemy is carried out with the help of service camouflage kits of fabric MKT-2 and the universal frameless mask "Shater".
Camouflage kits are produced in three types: MKT-2L - summer (for camouflage against the background of green vegetation and bare ground); MKT-2 T - transparent (for camouflage against the background of green vegetation); MKT-2 C - winter (for camouflage against the background of snow). The main parts of the MKT-2 kit are the camouflage cover and the pins.
Most often, MKT-2 is used for the installation of masks-overlappings that hide equipment and structures. The covering of the set is also used in the manufacture of horizontal, vertical and other masks by the troops.
In addition to service camouflage kits, the troops still have service masks (model 1949) and camouflage nets that were produced earlier. The coating of such a mask is similar in design to the coating of the MKT-2 T kit.
Universal frameless mask "Shater" is designed for masking large-sized military and special equipment. It consists of two camouflage coverings (made of cotton or synthetic materials) each 12 x 18 m in size, 18 rack links, 6 rack headbands (umbrellas). When assembling the mask, the camouflage covers are connected to each other using a quick-opening split seam. The mask weighs 250 kg. In summer, it is installed by a calculation of five people in 15-20 minutes.
Personal camouflage kits and masks are used repeatedly, so they should be protected from contamination, and after use, dried and stored sheltered from rain and snow.

Radar corner reflectors

Corner reflectors are used to counter enemy radar reconnaissance. Corner reflector is a structure made of mutually perpendicular planes (faces) forming trihedral angles. The reflector usually has four or eight corners, the edges of each of them can be in the form of a triangle, square or sector. They are made of sheet metal or other material that reflects radio waves well. The reflector reflects radio waves in the opposite direction to radiation.
When performing camouflage measures, as a rule, reflectors are used industrial production. The metallic corner reflector (OMU) supplied to the troops is used to create radar jamming masks on land and to simulate equipment.
The supply of troops is also a corner reflector "Pyramid". It is used to simulate and hide bridges, to mask lakes, river bends and other water features.
Troops can make their own reflectors using blocks of wood and sheet metal. Each corner reflector must be designed so that the angles between its faces are straight and the planes do not have dents. If these requirements are not met, for example, in the presence of dents even a few millimeters deep, the ability of reflectors to reflect radio waves is sharply reduced. Making high quality reflectors can be difficult. Therefore, they resort to this only in case of emergency. To reduce visibility, reflectors are painted to match the color of the surrounding terrain or water.

Equipment layouts

Models of equipment are intended to imitate tanks, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as other combat and transport vehicles when creating false positions, areas of location of units and other false objects. They are also used to simulate troop movements. These funds are prepared according to drawings or from nature by subdivisions engineering troops. At present, inflatable models of military equipment are widely used in the troops. Models can be collapsible or stationary, detailed or simple.

If the task is to simulate the march of a unit (unit), towed or self-propelled models can be made.
Stationary models are made at the place of their use from soil or snow. To reduce the amount of work, they are arranged, as a rule, in trenches (shelters). Compared to inflatable and collapsible mock-ups, stationary mock-ups require a lot of effort and time to manufacture them. They have another drawback - their orientation relative to the surrounding local objects all the time remains constant.
In order for the enemy to take mockups for real equipment, they are in shape, size in plan and appearance should not differ from the corresponding real technology. Models in most cases are intended to mislead enemy aerial reconnaissance. Therefore, those surfaces and parts of the model that are observed from the air should be made with special care.
Models should be perceived as real objects not only by optical, but also by radar reconnaissance equipment. This is possible only when two or three WMD reflectors are installed inside a collapsible layout located in an open area. When placing models in trenches (shelters), in a forest, bush or near local objects, this is not necessary, since combat (transport) equipment located in similar conditions is not detected by enemy radars.
Great resemblance to real technology is achieved when the models are masked. It is expedient to imitate camouflage with the coating of the MKT-2 T kit that has faded in the sun or has a low filling density with camouflage material (so that the mock-up can be seen through the coating). Qualitatively executed parts of the layout are not masked.
With the help of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers or in other ways, traces are laid to the mock-ups.
Skillfully and carefully made models of tanks (guns, vehicles) do not differ from military equipment when observed with the naked eye from a distance of 200-300 m.
Models of equipment were widely used by our troops during the Great Patriotic War. For example, in December 1944, south of the Sandomierz bridgehead, when creating false concentration areas tank units 400 models of tanks, 500 models of cars, 1000 models of guns were manufactured and installed.

Means of light camouflage for cars and tracked vehicles

Means of light masking of automotive equipment are light-camouflage devices (SMU) for headlights, signal lights and ceiling lights, underbody lights for cars and an on-board screen with electric illumination for caterpillar vehicles. SMUs reduce the luminous intensity of the lighting devices of cars. Due to this, the visibility range of the light spots created by the headlights is reduced several times.
The underbody lamp is installed under the body of the car (trailer) to create a light spot under it, which, when moving in a column, orients the driver of the car behind (the spot is visible at a distance of 30 m).
The on-board screen with electric illumination is mounted on the left side of the tailgate of tracked vehicles, has the same purpose and is visible from the same distance as the underbody lamp of the car. It consists of a screen and an illuminator.

Aerosol smoke masks

Military equipment (tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, etc.) has onboard means for setting up aerosol screens: a unified system for launching smoke grenades (system 902) and thermal equipment. In addition, the troops are supplied with hand-held smoke grenades, smoke bombs and artillery smoke shells and mines used for smoke screens. Smoke machines and devices can also be used to mask important objects.
System 902, thermal smoke equipment of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, smoke bombs and grenades are used by units to set up aerosol screens in all types of combat. Large smoke bombs are used to mask the areas where troops are located, objects and crossings. All these means, if used skillfully, make it difficult or impossible for the enemy to search for, aim and use all types of weapons, including guided and homing weapons. Experience shows that the use of aerosol agents reduces the loss of military equipment by 10-15 times, and of personnel by 5-7 times. Aerosol camouflage is used to cover personnel and military equipment from enemy aimed fire.
Hand smoke grenades RDG-2 b (RDG-2 x, RDG-2 h, RDG-P) are designed to mask single soldiers and small units in close combat with an aerosol screen, to mask the exit of the crew from damaged objects. They weigh 0.5-0.6 kg, flare up in about 15 seconds, create a smoke screen 25-35 meters long in 1-1.5 minutes. Grenades RDG-2 and RDG-2 x give white smoke, and RDG-2 h - black. RDG-2 h can be used not only to lay a smoke screen, but also to simulate the burning of tanks and other vehicles during enemy strikes against false troop areas.
The incendiary-smoke cartridge (ZDP) is designed to set fire to flammable materials in various buildings, structures and on the ground, to dazzle with aerosol (smoke) fire weapons and enemy observation posts, as well as to self-camouflage personnel and small units in close combat.
Smoke bombs are divided into small, medium and large. When burning checkers, smoke is emitted that is harmless to humans (white with a yellowish tinge or yellowish-brown, turning into white smoke as it moves away from the checkers). Small smoke bombs DM-11, DMH-5 and ShD-MM are designed for manually setting camouflage aerosol screens in all types of combat. They can also be used as an aid in masking thermal objects. Small smoke bombs consist of a cylindrical tin body (filled with smoke mixture), a diaphragm and a lid with a handle.
The unified smoke bomb UDSH is designed for setting masking aerosol screens manually, as well as using mechanization means: a movable mine layer PMZ-1, helicopter mine spreader VMP-1 and systems remote control chimney SDU-D.
Large smoke grenades BDSH-5 and BDSH-15 are designed to create smoke screens of great length manually, as well as using the SDU-D smoke control remote control system. They are buoyant. In this case, the chimney opening always remains in the upper position.
Artillery smoke shells and mines differ from high-explosive fragmentation ammunition only in that their body is equipped not with an explosive, but with a smoke-forming substance. At the site of a smoke projectile (mine) rupture, after 1-3 seconds a cloud of white smoke forms, which, depending on the caliber of the projectile, lasts 10-30 seconds.
With the help of smoke shells and mines, smoke screens can be created suddenly in the enemy's position. Shooting is carried out from conventional guns (mortars). When setting smoke screens in this way, a large number of smoke shells (min) are required. Local smoke products - pine branches, raw birch and alder leaves, moistened straw (hay), grass, rags, fuel oil, lubricants and others - are burned in special foci.

Local camouflage materials

Hiding equipment, structures and other military objects, subunits of military branches use turf, cut woody vegetation, grass, soil, snow and other local materials.

The turf is used to mask parapets and sprinkling of fortifications located in the meadow. Most often, it is harvested by hand in the form of individual sods (20 x 40 cm in size, 8-10 cm thick) or ribbons (up to 2.5 m long, 25 cm wide).
For better survival of turf in a new place and obtaining a high camouflage effect, it is advisable to take turf in places similar in soil composition, humidity, relief to masked places. It is undesirable to use turf with tall grass, as the grass dries quickly.
When storing, transporting or carrying the turf to the place of application, the turf is laid with grass against the grass. At the places where the sod is laid, the soil is leveled, and the sods are laid tightly one to the other.
When camouflaging shelters at command posts in the defense and other critical structures, these surfaces are loosened and sprinkled with plant soil (a layer 1-2 cm thick). It is advisable to water the laid turf with water, especially in dry weather, after two to three days. Cut tree and shrub vegetation is widely and effectively used to mask equipment and structures. Branches of maple, oak, birch, linden, ash and poplar in summer time retain their green color for no more than two days, the leaves on the branches of aspen, acacia, hazel coagulate and turn black after a few hours. Pine and spruce branches last 10-12 days in summer, up to 80 days in winter.
It is advisable to take branches from trees grown on the edges, as well as on dry sandy and sandy loamy soils. For masking, it is preferable to use large branches (0.7-1 m or more in size). They fade more slowly. Before use, cut vegetation should be stored in the shade.
When camouflaging combat and transport equipment, cut vegetation can be used to make simple deforming masks. The branches are arranged vertically and are held with the help of staples, pipe trimmings, wire loops (fabric tape) and other devices attached to the surfaces of the machines. Cars camouflaged by cut vegetation in parking lots (positions) merge well with the terrain.
Grass, moss, cereals are used to adjust masks to the background of the terrain, as well as to hide combat, special and transport vehicles, structures and other objects.
Straw, corn stalks, reeds, small brushwood, tall grass can also be made into mats for use as mask coverings. In this case, the bundles of stems are successively fastened to each other with a thin wire or cord. Straw, reed and brush mats can be coated with clay mortar. In this case, their non-flammability from napalm and from the light radiation of a nuclear explosion is ensured.
In winter, snow can be used to adjust cover masks to the background of the terrain, hide traces, mask ejected soil, and make trench masks and mock-ups.

Photo from the archive of the author and the editors

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War experience teaches that the implementation of tactical camouflage requires great skill from commanders, staffs and troops.

In the first years of the Great Patriotic War, there were many significant shortcomings in this area. In the course of subsequent combat operations, with the growth of the combat skills of commanders and staffs, and personnel, these shortcomings were eliminated. The effectiveness of camouflage measures in the Battle of Kursk can be judged from the memoirs of General F. Mellentin: “We must once again emphasize the skillful camouflage of the Russians. Not a single minefield, not a single anti-tank area could be found until the first tank was blown up on a mine or the first Russian anti-tank gun opened fire. This experience was given to our generals, officers, soldiers at a very difficult price. It was paid for with great blood, thousands of lives. It would be a crime not to use this invaluable experience of the Great Patriotic War, the experience local wars and conflicts of the late XX - early XXI century.

Camouflage measures are very laborious. Combat practice has shown that it is impossible to carry out disguise somehow. Proper results are achieved only when it is carried out purposefully, actively, diversely, continuously, convincingly and plausibly, applied in a complex manner, taking into account ground, air and space reconnaissance. The tasks and volume of tactical camouflage in a future war will become much more complicated and will grow exponentially.

Sample images from space

Rice. 27. Fig. 28.

Ground surface Aerodrome

Rice. 29. Fig. thirty.

City. Military base.

If during the Second World War it was necessary to hide troops from 5-6 types of reconnaissance, now from 18-20, including from very effective and mobile space reconnaissance.

The standard-issue camouflage equipment in service with our army has long been morally obsolete, capable of performing only 15-20% of the required volume for masking and simulating objects, labor-intensive to manufacture, have a low degree of detail, and require more time to install.

A potential adversary will definitely take advantage of this advantage, because. Modern means of reconnaissance and WTO make it possible to carry out the "reconnaissance-destruction" cycle in a matter of minutes.

Under these conditions, commanders of all levels must find new, effective means of tactical camouflage that are unexpected for the enemy.

The conducted studies show that with the use of new forms of use of forces and means, methods, techniques, the effectiveness of tactical camouflage can increase by more than 2 times. At the same time, the degree of opening by enemy reconnaissance of objects of our troops will decrease to 30-35%, and the probability of accepting false objects as true ones will increase to 80-85%.

Some of the methods and techniques will be discussed below.

experience of war and local conflicts The 20th - early 21st century showed that the existing constellation of military satellites of the United States and its allies provides reconnaissance, control, navigation, communications, provide meteorological data and aim high-precision weapons at targets. The integrated reconnaissance equipment of satellites makes it possible to as soon as possible, with a high degree of probability to open objects almost anywhere in the world, transmit this information to ground (air) reception points, automatic control systems, or to weapons of destruction if necessary.

Only deep knowledge of commanders of all levels, headquarters of the potential enemy's capabilities to inflict damage on our troops will make it possible to successfully counter his aspirations.

Tactical disguise -

1. A set of measures to ensure secrecy and mislead the enemy regarding the movement and position of forces and means of military units (subunits), firing (starting) positions of missile troops and artillery, the location of command posts and other important objects using the masking properties of the terrain, conditions of limited visibility and camouflage, as well as false positions, areas. It is carried out by decision of the commanders of formations (military units, subunits) by all personnel without any instructions.

2. One of the types of support for hostilities and daily activities troops, the goals of which are to achieve their surprise and effectiveness, maintain the combat capability of the forces and means of formations (military units, subunits) and increase their protection from enemy weapons. It is a set of interconnected measures taken by the troops to hide from the enemy and mislead him about their true composition, location, condition, combat capabilities, intentions and nature of actions. Tactical camouflage is carried out in all types of combat activities of troops, in any situation, both in peacetime and in war time. Tactical camouflage measures are carried out in all formations ( military units subdivisions), as a rule, by their own forces and means.

Camouflage is carried out by subunits, units and formations during the preparation and conduct of combat operations, when performing special command assignments, during the preparation and conduct of exercises with troops, when units and formations are on combat duty of constant combat readiness.

The objects of disguise are:

Personnel, equipment and weapons of units;

Used by troops and newly created fortifications, positions, command posts, barriers;

Crossings, pipelines;

Stocks of material resources and other objects.

Camouflage objects are divided into single (tank, infantry fighting vehicle, trench, etc.) and group (strong point, battery firing positions, command post, etc.).

Masking methods are:



demonstrative actions,


Concealment consists in preventing the appearance or elimination of unmasking signs of troops and objects. It is carried out by units and subunits constantly, without special instructions from the senior commander.

Main ways:


Secrecy and vigilance;

Opposition to enemy reconnaissance;

Ensuring the security of communications and information.

Imitation consists in creating false areas for the location and movement of troops, false objects by means of false information about the state of the object, reproduction of the corresponding unmasking signs.

Main ways:

Equipment of false areas, positions, control points, traffic routes, crossings and other objects;

Arrangement of false engineering structures;

Creation of false groupings of troops;

The device of false targets, the use of imitators, targets-traps, models of weapons and equipment;

Reproduction of physical fields inherent in simulated objects.

Demonstrative actions consist in deliberate real actions of units and subunits allocated for this purpose, aimed at strengthening the concealment of the disposition and actions of troops and at misleading the enemy about their intentions.

Basic tricks:

Creation (display) of false groupings of troops and demonstrative equipment of areas of their concentration (dispersal, deployment);

Demonstrative preparation and conduct of combat operations by specially allocated forces and means;

Distracting actions of troops on false or secondary directions (areas);

Engineering equipment of the terrain and the activation of troops in secondary directions;

Organization of movement in false directions (showing life in false areas);

Construction of facilities and defensive positions with deliberate violation of camouflage measures.

Disinformation consists in bringing false information to the enemy with the help of technical means of communication, print, radio, unofficial channels and other means and methods.

Basic tricks:

Conducting specially prepared official negotiations through communication channels designed to intercept, retrieve information by enemy reconnaissance technical means;

Bringing false combat documents to the enemy;

Dissemination of false information (rumors, information) among the population and troops;

Careful organization of information leakage;

The transfer of agents under the guise of deserters, prisoners, sympathizers local residents with false information;

Return sending (return) of misinformed prisoners.

The enemy, using a complex of reconnaissance means, can detect troops and reveal their condition by their characteristic unmasking signs.

All objects by their nature and number of unmasking signs are divided into simple and complex.

Simple objects - individual compact items, weapons and equipment, such as a tank, car, gun, trench, etc.

Complex objects - a set of several identical or different simple objects that are located in a limited area and are functionally interconnected, for example, a command post, a motorized rifle battalion, an artillery battalion, etc.

Complex objects, in addition to the unmasking features inherent in simple objects, are also characterized by the types and number of simple objects included in them, as well as the relationships between them and the features of mutual placement.

These features are decisive for complex objects, because types, quantity, placement and interconnection of simple objects form a single whole, which is understood as a specific complex object.

Organizational arrangements for tactical camouflage include:

The dispersal of troops and the periodic change of areas and positions, the use of masking properties of the terrain and conditions of limited visibility (fog, rain, snowfall, low clouds) to hide the actions of troops, and especially to perform engineering tasks;

Limiting cuttings of vegetation, laying new routes of movement, trampling grass in areas where troops are located;

Carrying out demonstrative actions of troops;

Compliance with the requirements of camouflage discipline by personnel;

Preservation of military secrets;

Systematic control over the timeliness and quality of camouflage.

Engineering activities include:

camouflage coloring,

The use of standard equipment and military-made masks,

The device of false structures and the use of engineering simulation tools,

Application of vegetation and crucifixion of the terrain.

Technical measures include the application of:


Pyrotechnic and other means.

The existing old standard-issue and home-made means of protecting military equipment from the enemy's WTO are capable of performing only 15-20% of the required amount of camouflage and imitation of objects. Let's consider some of them.

To protect military equipment located in the initial area from ammunition with a thermal homing head, as a rule, provision is made for the installation of thermal screens over the power compartments of the vehicle. As a material for them, it is necessary to use wattle fences from branches of freshly cut vegetation, straw and brush mats, plywood and wooden shields, as well as coverings from tarpaulin, roofing material or a camouflage kit, folded in four layers. The heat shield is usually located 30-60 cm above the motor part of combat vehicles.

The use of thermal screens a) - a camouflage coating of the MKS type (or tarpaulin) in 4 layers, b) - a wickerwork of brushwood branches.

A mask made of radio-scattering and heat-reflecting coatings involves the use of a standard camouflage kit MKR-L

(MKR-P), which is on the supply of units ground forces. The camouflage of a combat vehicle with the MKR-L (MKR-P) kit does not differ from the use of other camouflage kits.

The MKR-L camouflage kit is used on green plant backgrounds and backgrounds of bare ground, and the MKR-P kit is used on desert-steppe and desert-sand backgrounds. The kit includes: two radio-scattering coatings measuring 9x12 m; two heat-reflecting coatings measuring 3x4 m; ZIP. The mass of the set is 150 kg, the installation time for 3 people is up to 25 minutes.

At a distance of 10-15 m from the camouflaged equipment, false thermal targets are set. A false thermal target is a metal (wooden) frame covered with a tent fabric that serves as a re-emitter. Four KFP-1-180 catalytic wick furnaces are installed inside the frame, which operate on the principle of flameless gasoline oxidation with heat release.

Thermal simulator KFP-1-180.

Corner reflectors produced by the industry are intended for reproducing radar unmasking signs of imitated objects. Standard corner reflectors include metal reflectors "OMU", "Pyramid", "Ugol" and "Sphere-PR".

Radar moving vehicle simulator (RMS) is used to simulate the movement of armored vehicles and vehicles. It consists of 6 corner reflectors driven in rotation at a given speed by an electric motor through a gearbox. The kit includes a 50 m power cable and a stowage box.

Corner reflectors.

Moving vehicle simulator.

a) a packing box with an electric motor and a gearbox,

b) - corner reflectors.

Protection of retractable equipment from ammunition with a thermal seeker is provided for by the use of trailed false thermal targets towed behind military equipment.

BTVT protection on the move

2 - towed LTC,

3 - heat-reflecting screen.

Masking a tank with a mask from optical, radar and thermal reconnaissance:

1 - heat-reflecting coating;

2 - radio scattering coating;

3 - laser reflector for quantum sights;

4 - false thermal target (4 catalytic wick furnaces KPF-1-180 each).

Plan view of a trench equipped with attached and extended cells:

a - without disguise;

b - disguised as an unequipped position:

1 - remote platform for a machine gun;

2 - remote cell for a grenade launcher;

3 - cells for shooters;

4 - structures disguised as the background of the area;

5 - structures disguised as a parapet background.

Silencer pit device for mobile power plants:

1 - mobile power station;

2 - exhaust pipe;

3 - masking coating;

4 - pipe for exhaust gases;

5 - shield from boards.

The device requires: 5 man-hours; one camouflage coating 3x6 m.

Disguise of stacks with property under the steepness of a ravine:

1 - camouflage coating;

2 - anchor stake;

3 - a stack of boxes with property;

4-drainage ditches.

Disguise for some reason in post-war years gradually turned into a "stepdaughter" in comparison with other species combat support, is often planned and conducted in the old fashioned way, without taking into account the realities of a modern air-ground battle (combat).

Old methods of disguise are useless with high-tech intelligence, which is on present stage far ahead of camouflage in its development. So, intelligence, in addition to its usual functions (opening, identifying, tracking objects, informing about them), began to perform a new one - pointing weapons at reconnoitered targets.

Concealment, in terms of its functions (concealment, imitation, demonstrative actions and disinformation), can no longer fully counteract intelligence. It is obvious. Take, for example, one of the main functions of disguise - concealment. However, in practice, hiding is often performed with characteristic drawbacks.

Some of them can be eliminated by training personnel and establishing a hard camouflage regime in hiding areas. But, nevertheless, the main obstacle in the implementation of concealment measures is the technical ignorance of many commanders and a misunderstanding of the physical principles of the operation of enemy reconnaissance equipment. Indeed, it is not difficult to achieve visual stealth from optical reconnaissance, but enemy optoelectronic means use other areas electromagnetic spectrum. And since they become the main ones for reconnaissance and guidance of weapons, there is a need to consider them in more detail.

Thus, masked objects invisible to ordinary optics are clearly “manifested” on color, stereoscopic, infrared photographic materials. In this case, the camouflage coatings themselves sharply unmask the objects, standing out in contrast against the background of fresh greenery. The fact is that the foliage, giving off moisture and spending heat on the formation of chlorophyll, cools, while the artificial maskset, which heats up both from the object and from the sun, naturally does not.

All objects with a temperature above absolute zero. At the same time, the temperature difference of 7-16 ° is most recorded by devices. Thermal imagers are effective in conditions of limited visibility and at night, since it is at this time that the vigilance of those who use camouflage is blunted.

IR image of the tank "Leopard" after the run on the road.

The heating of the rollers and the engine compartment is clearly visible.

IR image of the Leopard tank at the time of the cannon firing.

You can see the heating of the gun and the turret space.

Laser-location IR systems operate in the same parts of the electromagnetic spectrum as thermal imaging devices. The difference is that IR systems use the principle of classical location, albeit in the optical range. Both thermal imaging and IR systems have disadvantages.

Thus, thermal imaging cameras have a limited range (the best samples are up to 5000 m), they are especially effective at night, when there is the greatest contrast between the target and the terrain background. The capabilities of laser-location infrared systems can be sharply reduced if the sent energy is absorbed, or scattered, or reflected, but not towards the receiving device. In addition, their work can be detected by coherent narrow-frequency and pulsating (10–20 pulses/s) radiation.

Radar stations operate on the same principle as IR systems, but in the radio range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The main unmasking feature, for example, of military equipment is the so-called effective scattering surface (ESR) of its body. And the EPR, in turn, depends on the configuration of the object. And if the RCS of a tank and the RCS of a long-range bomber are 15-20 sq.m each, then the difference in the total areas of their surfaces is huge. The fact is that on the body of the tank there are about 300 protruding elements, which are essentially two- or three-sided radar reflectors. You can eliminate them by giving the surface of the tank rounded (streamlined) shapes. This, although it will justify the costs with less losses, is currently apparently not feasible. At the same time, the use of rounded masks made of metal meshes on frames remote from the body can be quite effective. In this case, the diameter of the cell of such a grid (for the effect of absorption of radar radiation should be no more than half the length of the emitted radar wave.

Thus, knowing the vulnerabilities and technical shortcomings of thermal and radar reconnaissance and guidance systems, enemy weapons, one can find effective means and ways to counter.

This is, firstly, the use of various types of coatings and paints, absorbing, non-conductive or scattering thermal radiation surfaces of equipment and weapons.

Secondly, the installation of screens that delay, distort or reject thermal radiation and marker spots of laser location systems.

Thirdly, the elimination from the designs of military equipment and weapons of characteristic structures, curvature (angular) and reflective surfaces that enhance the reflection of the laser infrared beam.

Based on this, it is easy to come to the conclusion about the possibility of using various kinds of heat-absorbing materials and coatings (including the so-called "local" or "improvised"). Of greatest interest are materials made of plastics, which are more preferable due to their low weight and, most importantly, compliance when applied to the radiating surface of an object.

For example, foam can reduce heat radiation by 40 times. Of course, for a combined arms commander, getting and using foam plastic is a big problem, but there are a lot of other means, which can be determined by looking through any reference book on the thermal conductivity of materials.

In the range of operation of laser homing heads (LGSN), soot, as well as rubber-bitumen materials and coatings, have good absorbing and scattering properties. Finally, good thermal insulation is provided by composite materials based on foams and polyurethanes. The latter are manufactured by the domestic industry for thermal insulation of household heat-emitting objects (heating boilers, gas and electric stoves, hot radiators, etc.) in the form of sheets (rolls) 5-10 mm thick and 1.5-2 m wide with one-sided metallized foil insulation. These fabrics are highly resistant to high temperatures, non-combustible, easy to process, highly flexible and at the same time durable and wear-resistant, easy to stick (with Moment glue) on various surfaces and coated with nitro, oil and bituminous coloring materials. The properties of the listed materials make it possible to create the "STEALTH" technology of AME and air defense from available materials.

To hide weapons and military equipment from TV GOS, use deforming masks (camouflage nets) with simulating (to match the color of the surrounding area) or deforming (spotted, hiding the shape of an object) seasonal coloring with the obligatory elimination of characteristic shadows cast by equipment;

To hide weapons and military equipment from TPV and LGSN, cover the cabins themselves and elements of weapons and military equipment with foam or polyurethane sheets, followed by their painting with rubber-bitumen materials that have a matte black scattering color. Black matte color is the safest when making night marches to new positions and in case of exposure to laser radiation from the target designator. Exhaust pipes, mufflers of diesel power plants and sleeves for them should be covered with silver paint, and even better covered with a screen made of polyurethane cloth;

For the comprehensive concealment of weapons and military equipment, perhaps the most appropriate guide to action is the phrase "tanks are not afraid of dirt," and the more similarities weapons and military equipment with the vegetation and soil background, the better. We can also talk about creating adhesive-based powders on the surface of the booths from elements of vegetation and soil of the surrounding area, which significantly reduces the temperature and visual contrast between weapons and military equipment and the background. This camouflage technique was very successfully used by air defense combat crews during the Vietnam War.

And a professional is obliged to know, in addition to the principles of reconnaissance and guidance of enemy weapons, means and methods of protection against them.

Fig.42. Option for cutting an individual kit against reconnaissance and weapon guidance: a) for a tank hull; b) for a turret with a gun.

However, skillfully applying coatings is not all. After all, the use of heat-insulating materials against, for example, thermal homing heads is effective only when they do not “see” the target. But this cannot be said about cases where the enemy detects this target using several reconnaissance means at once, including visual, infrared systems and radar stations, etc. Then other means of detection can fix a covered object as a secondary target. At the same time, in order to avoid visual or other detection of an object, its contrast should not exceed (according to American experts) more than two percent, which is very difficult to achieve.

However, some effect can be achieved by proper camouflage staining with special paints. And not only them. Contrasting differences between technology and the surrounding background are evened out if, for example, clay and sand coatings with adhesive additives are used.

Water has a high ability to absorb infrared radiation. It has been established that a film made of it with a thickness of only 1 mm completely absorbs them. Therefore, it is possible to use water-drop curtains over the equipment, and on its body - moistened burlap or tarpaulin.

Good results against visual reconnaissance by optical means can be achieved using camouflage nets. But they only apply when located on site. However, this drawback can be eliminated if the same maskset is pre-cut, as suggested in Fig. 43.

Fig.43. A variant of the use of an individual kit against visual, IR, radar reconnaissance and targeting weapons of the enemy.

In addition, under such a masknet it is possible to place various kinds of heat and radio absorbing fillers or mats made of them. Main advantage this method is that such overalls for a tank can be tailored even in a company.

By the way, the filler is not needed if there is an air gap between the tank body and the network, for which wire or plastic frames are used. In this case, it becomes possible to further improve the heat-hiding characteristics by using freshly cut greens as absorbers. In addition, the task of distorting (deforming) the characteristic contours of military equipment is facilitated. To do this, it is advisable to use artificial branches that deform masks with clamping devices. Special attention it is necessary to give shelter to the most radiating parts - guns, transmissions.

Rice. 44. Disguised tank "Leopard-1"

Even in the visible wavelength range, such masking makes it impossible to identify the type of combat vehicle.

The effectiveness of camouflage measures can be significantly increased if the terrain features are constantly and competently used. So, under the crowns of trees, the air has more low temperature. Branches and leaves dissipate heat from the engines, absorb the side and rear lobes of the radar radiation pattern. All this dramatically reduces the likelihood of destruction of military equipment and weapons with munitions with thermal, infrared and radar-guided heads.

Considerable masking effect gives the use of smoke products. According to the experience of the Great Patriotic War, the creation of smoke screens to blind the enemy reduced the effectiveness of his fire by 10-12 times, and reduced the effectiveness of bombing by 15-20 times. The advancing units, covered by smoke, suffered 8-10 times less losses than without a smoke outlet.

But the use of smoke products for camouflage purposes requires careful organization.

The smoke screen should exceed the size of the covered object by at least 1.5 - 2 times. The number of smoke screens should be 2-3 times greater than the number of company-battery objects. For one object, it is required to allocate 2-3 smoke machines or a set of smoke bombs of the UDSH (BDSH) type at the rate of burning 20-30 pieces in each queue.

Particular attention should be paid to the tactical camouflage of command posts in all military instances. Often, openly laid telephone lines lead reconnaissance and sabotage groups directly to the communication center (according to the experience of the exercises), which, as a rule, is located near the command post. Working in in large numbers mobile power plants, generators on a relatively small area also unmask command posts. It is necessary to lay telephone communication lines in compliance with the rules of masking, for mobile power plants, generators to equip shelters, silencer pits (see Fig. 17). Elements of command posts must be located not according to the template, on a larger territory, communication nodes should be located at a greater distance from the command post.

When creating false areas for disposition of troops, such a number of units (subunits) and headquarters are indicated that, if the enemy discovers false areas, he would take them for a true formation (unit).

The occupation of a false area is carried out by demonstrative actions of troops and imitation of the movement of columns on the way to the area and in the area itself. False objects, models, imitators, corner reflectors are installed and masked. Traces of equipment are laid from a false route of movement to the layout itself, a false object. During an air raid, false objects are smoked, and the fire of anti-aircraft systems is simulated.

False areas are covered anti-aircraft units, military protection.

Active samples of military equipment and weapons must be placed at the outer borders of the location area. To protect the simulation teams, shelters are arranged for them.

In modern conditions, there is an urgent need to develop new and improve existing methods of camouflage,

To better train personnel in new methods of camouflage, taking into account complex counteraction to various types of enemy reconnaissance, to teach them to show creative initiative, to apply military cunning techniques in order to mislead the enemy.


A WWII soldier's proverb says, "It's better to have a face in mud than in blood." The war showed that in those sectors of the front where the most serious attention was paid to the engineering equipment of positions, there were significantly fewer losses among personnel and equipment. The fortification equipment of districts and positions has not lost its relevance, its significance and scope of work has become much more complicated and has increased significantly. Among the most effective measures to protect the enemy from WTO, the fortification equipment of positions and areas stands out.

Their use makes it possible to reduce the area of ​​reflective radiocontrast surfaces of the object. It is known that when military equipment is located in a trench (shelter), the area of ​​its destruction decreases by 1.5-2 times, and radio contrast - by 3-4 times. This reduces the range of its detection by radar side-scan stations by 2 times.

In this case, the enemy will be forced to bring his reconnaissance assets closer to reconnaissance targets, which increases the possibility of fighting them.

The experience of tactical exercises shows that the main trenches for military equipment, fire weapons and open structures for personnel can be equipped in 5-6 hours, provided that all regular earth-moving equipment of formations and units are involved for this, as well as up to 70-75% of personnel combined arms, artillery units and up to 40% of the personnel of missile and anti-aircraft missile units. However, when equipping positions and shelters in rocky ground, in winter, the time for engineering work increases significantly.

According to the experience of the exercises, it was necessary to allocate additional personnel of motorized rifle units to assist rear units, repair units in equipping shelters for wheeled vehicles, stocks of MTS.

IN modern war with the use of WTO, WMD, weapons on new physical principles the volume of engineering work will increase by at least 60% or more. This is due to the equipment of spare positions for air defense systems, artillery, missile units, command posts, false positions and objects. The enemy's ability to open objects and deliver immediate strikes against them with the advent of reconnaissance satellites, RUK and ROK, automated control systems for weapons and troops, and the WTO has grown revolutionary.

The cycle "reconnaissance - defeat" has minutes.

Under these conditions, commanders of all levels must pay the most serious attention to the engineering support of the troops.

During military operation"Freedom to Iraq" (March 20-April 13, 2003) Iraqi troops were stubbornly defending a number of settlements. For two weeks, with complete superiority in space, air, radar control of the entire territory of the country, the Anglo-American troops were unable to capture a single major city. This example shows that positional defense remains the main, key type of defense in initial period war.

Among other tasks of engineering support in modern combat, fortification of field installations should be highlighted. Appearance precision weapons dramatically increased their vulnerability. Hence, the requirements for the fortification construction of positions, defense lines, defensive lines, areas for the deployment of troops and rear facilities have grown.

In this matter in Lately major changes have taken place. After a comprehensive study of the experience of combat training of troops, it was concluded that the system of fortification equipment in the defense practiced in the recent past in the form of creating trenches does not provide reliable protection of personnel and equipment from newest species weapons. Therefore, it was considered expedient to return to the system of trenches that justified itself during the Second World War, equipped in company strongholds, battalion defense areas and in units' defense areas.

This is due to a significant increase in the volume of engineering work. The length of trenches connected by communication lines only in the battalion defense area increases 3.6 times in comparison with the focal system. However, there is simply no other way to ensure the protection of units from high-precision and other weapons. In this regard, there is an acute problem of increasing the mechanization of engineering work, the saturation of the troops with small-scale mechanization.

It is required in many ways to solve the important problem of engineering support in a new way, as protection from the WTO and weapons based on new physical principles. Now there are not enough closed structures at the rate of one per platoon, company. It is required to erect such structures for each compartment, calculation, crew. This will further increase labor costs.

The problem of special importance of engineering support is the maximum reduction in the terms of fortification equipment and the implementation of camouflage and protective measures. The requirement of time is such that a unit (military unit) could create a strong defense within two, maximum three days. The enemy may not give more time for these events.

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The purpose of camouflage is to achieve surprise in the actions of units and maintain their combat capability. The tasks of camouflage are to ensure the secrecy of friendly subunits and to mislead the enemy as to their composition, position, and battle plan. The most important requirements for disguise are continuity, persuasiveness, variety and activity. Camouflage measures are carried out by subunits immediately with the occupation of one or another position and are carried out in all types of combat and other actions.

The tasks of camouflage are solved by a set of measures to hide the imitation and demonstration actions. The complex of these measures includes: the use of masking properties of the terrain and conditions of limited visibility, the use of standard camouflage, local materials and aerosols (smoke), modification (deformation) of weapons and equipment (by installing various structures on them that change the appearance of the object), painting weapons and equipment under the background of the surrounding area, equipment (construction) of false objects, structures, trenches, etc.

The objectives of camouflage are also served by timely notification of subunits about the actions of enemy reconnaissance means, compliance with the rules of covert command and control, and especially the previously established regime of activity in an area or position. An important role is played by the strict implementation of the measures and rules of light, thermal, sound, radio, radio engineering and radar camouflage, the requirements of camouflage discipline, the timely identification and elimination of unmasking signs.

The unit commander organizes the camouflage. At the same time, he indicates the main camouflage measures, the scope, timing and procedure for their implementation, the forces and means for the implementation of camouflage measures, the procedure for observing camouflage discipline in the unit.

An important role is played by the adoption of camouflage measures in order to protect weapons and military equipment from high-precision weapons. For this, ravines, reverse slopes of heights, fields of radar invisibility and other masking properties of the terrain should be used, measures should be taken to reduce the radar, thermal and optical contrast of combat vehicles in relation to the surrounding background of the area. It is advisable to install heat-dissipating screens (visors) over heat-radiating surfaces (places) of combat vehicles (tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, etc.). Thermal simulators (traps), radar and laser reflectors should be widely used.

In the interests of secrecy, it is necessary, when organizing a battle, to keep preparatory measures secret, to exclude leakage of information about upcoming actions - place, timing, methods, especially measures to deceive the enemy. At the same time, it is important that camouflage measures, in turn, do not attract the attention of the enemy (for example, by their simultaneous active implementation in certain areas).

In this regard, in order to mislead the enemy, all camouflage measures should be carried out, taking into account the probability of their perception by the enemy, i.e., to assume what he can take for an imitation, for a false object, and what for a real one. Particularly effective in this regard are demonstrative actions, the deliberate display of the activity of real forces and means in a false direction or area, as well as the imitation of real objects, positions, strong points by creating false ones, where, due to the reproduction of appropriate unmasking signs, the alleged presence and functioning of certain funds or departments. These measures must be determined and carried out in accordance with the plan of the battle, with the idea of ​​deceiving the enemy.

It should be borne in mind that demonstrative actions, imitation, creation of false objects of any one unit should not violate similar measures of another and not conflict with the corresponding measures according to the plan of the senior commander. Therefore, they must be carried out with his permission.

In defense, it is of particular importance to carry out measures that would give the enemy a distorted idea of ​​the system of fire, obstacles, cutting edge, the outline of trenches, the location of the trenches of the main military equipment, about the joints and flanks. For this purpose, the appropriate order of firing by various means before the start of the battle, their maneuver, change of location, change of camouflage devices in order to deform the general background on positions, in the defense area, strong point, in the intervals between them should be thought out. It is necessary to ensure that the enemy has a distorted idea of ​​​​the construction of the defense or there is a constant uncertainty about one or another of its state. It is especially important to carefully hide the main forces and means, fire bags, fire ambushes, and reserves.

When choosing methods and means of camouflage, one should take into account the peculiarities of the specific conditions of the situation: the nature of the relief, the color of the vegetation, the color background of the herbage. In open areas, for example, it is advisable to disguise trenches and shelters as spots of bare ground. At the same time, areas open and not occupied by units will be crucified for the purpose of camouflage. The number of spots on the ground must be greater than the number of hidden objects.

At present, camouflage painting of equipment and structures is widely used: protective, imitating, deforming, for example, three-color camouflage coloring (black, brown, green) of military equipment almost doubles the time to detect an object and reduces the probability of its visual detection by one and a half times compared to single color painting.

In all types of combat, the strictest observance of camouflage discipline is necessary. For example, being on the defensive, especially in conditions of direct contact with the enemy, one must constantly monitor the prevention of unmasking signs. You should not allow unnecessary movements, exclude them in open places, do not give commands in a loud voice, do not light fires at night. Even a smoldering cigarette in this case can be seen at a distance of up to 500 m, and a lit match - up to 1.5 km.

During a defensive battle, a broken camouflage should be immediately restored. Movements, change of positions to carry out,

using hidden paths. At the same time, either part of the means or their imitation should be left in the previous positions so as not to arouse the enemy's suspicions about a possible maneuver.

In defense, in order to disguise its true formation, the creation of false strongholds, positions, objects, and movement routes is especially effective. It should always be borne in mind that false objects should not differ from true objects, and their number should be such that it reliably misleads the enemy.

In an offensive, it is important to hide the preparation for it, the place and time of the attack, and to ensure its surprise. To do this, it is necessary to use natural masking properties, and where they are not enough, apply smoke, install masks. Moreover, smoke and the installation of masks should be especially actively used also in the wrong direction, where an attack is also possible. Moreover, it is precisely on such a false direction that it is necessary to show that it is the main one - through intensive shelling, engine noise, movements, radio communications, reconnaissance, etc.

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Methods for masking equipped fortifications to protect personnel and equipment

The role of camouflage in increasing the combat effectiveness of fortifications, positions of troops and objects is very significant.

Even the simplest methods of camouflaging engineering equipment (sanding the surfaces of structures, replanting vegetation, etc.), with the obligatory and strict observance of camouflage discipline, made it possible to hide structures and actions of troops from enemy observation, and significantly reduce the effect of his fire impact.

Camouflage of individual elements of a fortified position and order of battle troops, carried out on the scale of subunits and units (the so-called tactical camouflage), contributes to the successful implementation of camouflage measures on an operational scale, ensures that the enemy is misled about the plan of the combat operation, the scale, time and place of its conduct.

At the present stage of development of enemy equipment, including new technical means of reconnaissance, the tasks of camouflage have become extremely complicated. Space reconnaissance carried out with the help of artificial satellites Earth and orbiting spaceships, has the ability to view vast expanses in a short time, and the received information is immediately transmitted to the ground.

Various means of reconnaissance of the enemy (optical, radar, infrared, laser, etc.) impose new very complex requirements on the technical means of camouflaging military installations, equipment and weapons. To this should be added the development in last years various systems weapons control, providing self-guided bombs, shells, missiles to the intended targets.

Modern camouflage should provide the necessary effect both from enemy reconnaissance and from his weapon control systems. To do this, camouflage must be carried out continuously, comprehensively, using various technical means.

Camouflage includes measures to hide the actual areas where troops (objects) are located and measures to imitate them (by displaying false ones). They should be carried out, as a rule, simultaneously (according to a single plan).

The effectiveness of camouflage is achieved if it is carried out continuously, at all stages of preparation and implementation of fortification measures on a fortified position (reconnaissance, equipping a position, occupying it with troops, etc.), with strict observance of camouflage discipline.

First of all, all measures should be taken to make full use of the masking (concealing) properties of the terrain - relief, vegetation, local objects. Taking into account this requirement, directions are chosen for excerpts of trenches and communication passages, the places for constructing barriers, the location of firing structures, command and observation posts, shelters for personnel, equipment and materiel are determined.

The means and methods of camouflaging fortifications and their complexes are very diverse and depend on the conditions of the terrain and the combat situation.

To mask fortifications, barriers and other elements of a fortified position, various means, methods and techniques are used to reduce their visibility against the background of the surrounding area. First of all, the natural masking properties of the terrain are used. Skillful inscribing of structures and barriers into the terrain, their location among the surrounding vegetation (trees, bushes) significantly reduces their visibility. After the construction of each structure, the disturbed grass cover is usually restored by sodding, and for stationary structures - by sowing grasses and planting trees and bushes. If cut vegetation is used, then it must be updated in a timely manner. In many cases, such plant camouflage is quite enough to hide a fortification from observation and enemy fire.

But for some types of structures, such as structures for firing and for sheltering armored vehicles, plant camouflage is supplemented with artificial masks from various materials. Such masks usually mask the embrasures and the entrances of firing structures, the entrances to the trenches and shelters for equipment.

The mask is a structure in the form of a frame made of metal or other elements with a camouflage coating laid on them. The covering is made of a synthetic film, the color and texture corresponding to the background of the surrounding area and fixed on a coarse mesh network.

Artificial masks that hide the embrasures of firing structures are lowered during firing, and in shelters for equipment and ammunition, they move apart or lower (raise) during the passage of equipment.

In the absence of special camouflage kits and coatings, local materials are used, laying them on frames and other supporting structures. In some cases, masks can be placed over structures in the form of mock-ups of outbuildings, haystacks, if such objects are located near the masked structures.

The use of artificial masks to hide or reduce the visibility of fortifications can be supplemented by camouflage painting of their parts protruding above the ground.

Camouflage painting as a camouflage technique is mainly used for camouflage of long-term stationary structures - reinforced concrete and armored firing structures, entry devices for shelters for equipment, ammunition depots.

Camouflage staining is usually performed in the form of large irregularly shaped multi-colored spots. The size and configuration of the spots, as well as their colors, are selected in such a way as to distort the appearance of the object, making it less noticeable against the background of the surrounding area. As a result, this technique is sometimes called deforming coloring of an object. The military equipment placed on the object or near it is also subjected to deforming coloring.

Armament and equipment in position should have the same deforming camouflage color as the engineering structures of the facilities. Camouflage painting is carried out with special camouflage paints, which make it difficult to recognize objects and equipment when observed with optical instruments and to decipher objects in aerial photographs.

Camouflage painting is a simple and relatively cheap method, which, in combination with other camouflage techniques, can have a good effect, removing the visibility of the object, and, therefore, the likelihood of it being hit by the enemy.

In order to hide from the enemy the moment when troops occupy fortified positions, maneuver them into threatened directions, measures to improve the engineering equipment of positions, and sometimes to make it difficult for the enemy to conduct aimed fire at individual fortifications or throughout the entire position, it is recommended to use smoke masking . It is carried out by setting up a camouflage smoke screen, which excludes observation by the enemy of the hidden object.

Smoke masking should be carried out at the right time and taking into account the direction and strength of the wind in order to reliably hide the object from the enemy in the shortest possible time and at the same time not interfere with friendly troops to carry out combat missions. The duration of the smoke release should be determined by the combat situation.

Smoke bombs are used as smoke generators. various kinds, as well as special mobile smoke generators on a car base. In some cases, smoke shells, mines, and grenades can also be used (both to create camouflage curtains near camouflaged structures, and to blind enemy observation posts).

Recently, smoke masking tools have been developed and improved. With the help of smoke agents and other aerosols, it became possible to mask objects not only from optical, but also from radar, thermal and laser reconnaissance, as well as to create additional protection from the light radiation of a nuclear explosion.

Along with hiding actual objects great importance has a display of false ones of interest to the enemy.

Methods for arranging false structures can be different. However, in all cases, these installations must be plausible both in appearance and in their location, and the enemy's reconnaissance capabilities must also be taken into account.

False trenches and communication passages are the most common type of false structures. They are torn off by trench machines, but with a shallower depth (0.6-0.8 m). In the system of false trenches and communication passages, it is easier to hide the location of the strongholds of subdivisions, observation and command posts.

False trenches for tanks, guns, mortars and other fire weapons should not differ in configuration and size from actual firing structures. You can only slightly reduce the depth of the excerpts to reduce the time for their device.

We should not forget about the reproduction of specific features inherent in the actual firing position. To do this, traces of tanks and guns are shown near the trenches, false shell magazines are arranged, etc.

At false firing positions and lines, in addition to extracting false structures, models of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (APCs), guns, mortars with their partial camouflage should be installed. Various pyrotechnics, as well as "roaming" tanks, guns, etc., can be used to revive positions. their combat activities.

False dugouts, shelters and other shelters for personnel are equipped in the system of trenches and communications or separately. To show the structure, it is enough to indicate the soil filling and the entrance, as well as the communication passages leading to the structure, trenches, paths.

On false command posts all are reproduced characteristics, closed structures, communication passages between them, shelters for control and communication equipment, vehicle parking, checkpoints, etc. are indicated. All this should be enlivened by the installation of mock-ups, the operation of communications equipment, and the movement of equipment.

The creation of false fortification complexes (positions, concentration areas, command posts, etc.) is challenging task. With skillful, technically competent execution, false objects can be mistaken by the enemy for real ones and force him to fire at them.

Thus disguise in fortification plays important role, increasing the survivability and stability of positions and facilitating the performance of combat missions by troops.