The ability to manage your emotions and stay calm in stressful situations directly affects your productivity.

The TalentSmart portal conducted a study and interviewed more than a million people. As a result, it turned out that 90% of successful people are able to manage their emotions in stressful conditions in order to remain calm and in control of the situation.

If you've read our newsletter, you're probably already aware of research findings that confirm that stress can damage a person's mental and physical health (for example, a Yale University study that found that prolonged stress causes atrophy of the brain area responsible for self-control). Stress and its accompanying anxiety is an integral part of our lives. Our brain is not capable of making important decisions without being under pressure. Moreover, being in a state of mild stress, we work with maximum productivity. If this condition does not last long, it is absolutely harmless to the human body.

A UC Berkeley study reveals the benefits of mild stress. Scientists also emphasize the need to control stress levels. Study leader Elizabeth Kirby found that stress affects the proliferation of brain cells responsible for improved memory. However, this effect is only noticeable at low levels of stress. Once the pressure reaches certain level cell regeneration stops.

"Periodical stress keeps our brains on alert so we can be productive," says Kirby. For animals, stress is a direct consequence of their personal experience, a reaction to a physical threat posed by the world around them. Once upon a time, people experienced something similar. As the human brain has evolved and become more complex, we have acquired the ability to be constantly nervous. Prolonged tension of the nervous system is called severe stress.

In addition to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, depression and obesity, stress reduces a person's cognitive abilities. Luckily, stress is easily manageable (unless you're being chased by predatory beasts, of course). All successful people have developed their own stress reduction techniques. Regardless of the events that happen to them, these people can be sure that they are in control of the situation and are not subject to long-term stress.

I present to your attention 10 effective ways to deal with stress. Some of them may seem obvious to you, but under stressful conditions, many of us forget the obvious statements.

1. Appreciate what you have

Take some of your time to identify what you are thankful for. This will cheer you up as your blood levels of the stress hormone (cortisol) will drop by about 23%. A study conducted by the University of California at Davis shows that people who develop the habit of thanking fate for what they have are always in high spirits, experience a surge of energy and enjoy excellent well-being. Perhaps not the last role is played here low level cortisol.

2. Avoid Subjunctive Moods

Expressions like "What if....?" only add to our stress levels and make us worry. Any situation can take an unexpected turn. The more time

you will think about how things could be, the less time you will have for real actions that require focus and complete control over the situation. Calm people know that success does not tolerate the subjunctive mood.

3. Stay positive

Positive thoughts help you take your mind off problems and focus on what is absolutely not causing stress. Help your brain by getting rid of gloomy thoughts. Any positive emotions contribute to the rapid switching of attention. If you are doing well, following this advice will not be difficult. If something goes wrong and you can't get rid of bad thoughts, you have to work a little. At such times, try to think of the pleasant moments that happened during the day, no matter how small they may be. If nothing good happened that day, increase the interval to a week. You can also think about upcoming events that you are looking forward to. In any case, you should learn how to switch from negative thinking to the positive.

4. Get distracted

Remember that in order to reduce stress levels, it is extremely important to organize the right rest. By forcing yourself to work 24/7, you expose yourself to negative factors. By turning off your computer and mobile phone, you eliminate the main sources of stress and allow your body to get some rest. Studies show that even a small break can reduce stress levels.

Modern technologies allow us to easily communicate with colleagues and clients who expect us to be available to them 24/7. Sometimes it can be so difficult to distract from an important activity when the phone is ringing nearby, and email notifications invariably return your thoughts to work. If you can't bring yourself to distract yourself on weekdays, use the weekend to do so. Determine the time intervals in which you will turn off all equipment. You will be surprised how effective such a holiday can be, and you will certainly want to include it in your schedule on a weekly basis. If you're worried about missing an important call or message, start by scheduling a break for a period of time when other people are less likely to text or call you (Sunday morning, for example). Once you get used to the "silence", gradually increase the time and frequency of the time slots that you will spend away from high-tech devices.

5. Limit your caffeine intake

Caffeine consumption stimulates the release of adrenaline, which in turn triggers the fight-or-die survival mechanisms. Faced with danger, the body sacrifices rational thinking in favor of a quick reaction. It's great if you're being chased huge bear, but not applicable in practice. Under caffeine, our stressed brain and body are unable to control themselves properly. This condition is not normal and should therefore be avoided.

6. Get more sleep

The importance of sleep for emotional stability and stress management cannot be overstated. When you sleep, your brain is literally energized by processing the information received during the day, forgetting it or storing it (which causes dreams), and you wake up refreshed and with a fresh head. If you don't get enough sleep, your self-control, attention, and memory suffer. In addition, lack of sleep raises or lowers hormone levels in the blood uncontrollably, even when the body is not under stress. Stressful projects often don't leave us with enough time to rest, but good sleep is what will help you to be in complete control of the situation.

7. Never blame yourself

If you want to manage stress, you should stop internal conversations in which you analyze your own mistakes and blame yourself for them. The more you focus on negative thoughts, the more they will take over. Most of them are just thoughts, not facts. Thinking about the bad, you set yourself up in a negative way. It's time to stop this. By learning to stop negative emotions and gloomy thoughts, you will be able to more rationally and soberly evaluate their validity.

Any statement that includes the words "never", "always", "worst" is not 100% true. Write them down and then show them to a friend or colleague and ask if they agree with you. Together you can find the truth. If it seems to you that some event never happens and cannot happen, most likely you simply underestimate its frequency. By identifying and writing down your thoughts, you can separate them from the facts and get rid of negative thinking.

Stress and anxiety often distort our perception of certain events. Unrealistic project deadlines, strict managers, and constant traffic jams are just some of the factors that cause stress. You cannot control everything around you, but you can control how you react to what happens. Instead of thinking carefully about this or that thought, try to put the situation in perspective. It is possible that the scale of your expectations and experiences do not correspond to reality. If you tend to exaggerate, claiming that "It's not going according to plan" or "It's definitely not going to work out," it's time to rethink the situation. If you are determined to change a wrong behavior pattern, make a list of processes and ideas that you think are "going wrong" or "won't work." Most likely, you will come to the conclusion that not everything is bad, and the problems are not at all as big as you thought.

9. Breathe deeply!

The easiest way to reduce stress levels is to breathe as deeply as possible. This stimulates brain activity, forcing yourself to focus on getting the job done. When you feel a strong tension, take a short break and focus on your breathing. Close the door, eliminate all possible irritants, sit in a comfortable chair. During this time, try not to think about anything. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. It sounds pretty simple, but after a couple of minutes you will notice that it becomes more and more difficult to focus. It is possible that various thoughts will distract you from the very beginning, but you should chase them away. To make this easier, try counting each breath from 1 to 20 and back. If you mess up, you can always start over.

This method may seem too easy or stupid to you, but after the exercise you will feel much calmer and will be able to get rid of unnecessary thoughts more easily.

10. Get the support you need

The desire to resolve all issues on your own is commendable, but it leads to rapid overwork. To stay calm and productive, you will need to acknowledge your shortcomings and ask for help if you really need it. If things get out of control and you feel like you can't handle it, reach out for support. Surely in your environment there is a person who can facilitate your work. Designate such assistants for yourself in advance and try to win them over to you. In some cases, a simple conversation about experiences will help, in which the interlocutor can offer a new, alternative vision of the situation. Often other people see a way out that is not available to you, simply because they are not so emotionally involved in solving this problem. Asking for help will reduce your stress levels and strengthen your relationships with those you can rely on.

Travis Bradberry, President at TalentSmart
Translation: Airapetova Olga

  • Career, Work, Study

Stress- a term literally meaning pressure or tension. It is understood as a human condition that occurs in response to the influence of adverse factors, which are commonly called stressors. They can be physical (hard work, trauma) or mental (fear, frustration).

The prevalence of stress is very high. AT developed countries 70% of the population are in a state of constant stress. Over 90% suffer from stress several times a month. This is a very worrying number, given how dangerous the effects of stress can be.

The experience of stress requires a lot of energy from a person. Therefore, prolonged exposure to stress factors causes weakness, apathy, a feeling of lack of strength. Development is also associated with stress 80% known to science diseases.

Types of stress

pre-stress state anxiety, nervous tension that occurs in a situation where stress factors act on a person. During this period, he can take measures to prevent stress.

Eustress beneficial stress. It can be stress caused by strong positive emotions. Also, eustress is a moderate stress that mobilizes reserves, forcing you to more effectively deal with the problem. This type of stress includes all the reactions of the body that provide an urgent adaptation of a person to new conditions. It provides an opportunity to avoid an unpleasant situation, fight or adapt. Thus, eustress is a mechanism that ensures human survival.

Distress- harmful destructive stress, with which the body is not able to cope. This type of stress is caused by strong negative emotions, or physical factors (injury, illness, overwork) that affect long time. Distress undermines strength, preventing a person not only from effectively solving the problem that caused stress, but also from living fully.

emotional stress- emotions accompanying stress: anxiety, fear, anger, sadness. Most often, it is they, and not the situation itself, that cause negative changes in the body.

According to the duration of exposure, stress is usually divided into two types:

acute stress The stressful situation lasted for a short period of time. Most people bounce back quickly after a brief emotional jolt. However, if the shock was strong, then dysfunctions of the NS are possible, such as enuresis, stuttering, tics.

chronic stress Stress factors affect a person for a long time. This situation is less favorable and dangerous for the development of diseases. of cardio-vascular system and exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

What are the phases of stress?

Alarm phase- a state of uncertainty and fear in connection with an approaching unpleasant situation. Its biological meaning is to “prepare weapons” to deal with possible troubles.

Resistance phase- the period of mobilization of forces. A phase in which there is an increase in brain activity and muscle strength. This phase can have two resolution options. In the best case, the body adapts to new living conditions. At worst, the person continues to experience stress and moves on to the next phase.

Exhaustion phase- a period when a person feels that his strength is running out. At this stage, the body's resources are depleted. If a way out of a difficult situation is not found, then somatic diseases and psychological changes develop.

What causes stress?

The reasons for the development of stress can be very diverse.

Physical Causes of Stress

Mental causes of stress



Strong pain




backbreaking physical work

Pollution environment

Inconsistency of expectations with reality

Unfulfilled hopes


Internal conflict - a contradiction between "I want" and "I need"



Low or high self-esteem

Difficulty making decisions

Lack of diligence

Impossibility of self-expression

Lack of respect, recognition

Time pressure, feeling of lack of time

Threat to life and health

Human or animal attack

Conflicts in the family or team

material problems

Natural or man-made disasters

Illness or death loved one

Getting married or divorced

Betrayal of a loved one

Employment, dismissal, retirement

Loss of money or property

It should be noted that the reaction of the body does not depend on what cause caused the stress. And the body will react to a broken arm and a divorce in the same way - by releasing stress hormones. Its consequences will depend on how significant the situation is for the person and how long he is under its influence.

What is susceptibility to stress?

The same impact can be evaluated differently by people. The same situation (for example, the loss of a certain amount), one person will cause severe stress, while the other will only be annoyed. It all depends on what meaning a person betrays this situation. The strength of the nervous system, life experience, upbringing, principles, life position, moral assessments, etc. play an important role.

Individuals who are characterized by anxiety, irritability, imbalance, a tendency to hypochondria and depression are more susceptible to the effects of stress.

One of the most important factors is the state of the nervous system on this moment. During periods of overwork and illness, a person's ability to adequately assess the situation decreases, and relatively small impacts can cause serious stress.

Recent studies by psychologists have shown that people with the lowest levels of cortisol are less susceptible to stress. As a rule, they are harder to piss off. And in stressful situations, they do not lose their composure, which allows them to achieve significant success.

Signs of low stress resistance and high susceptibility to stress:

  • You can't relax after a hard day;
  • You experience excitement after a minor conflict;
  • You repeatedly scroll through an unpleasant situation in your head;
  • You can leave the business you started because of fears that you will not be able to cope with it;
  • Your sleep is disturbed due to the excitement experienced;
  • Anxiety causes a noticeable deterioration in well-being ( headache, trembling in the hands, rapid heartbeat, feeling of heat)

If you answered yes to most of the questions, this means that you need to increase your resilience to stress.

What are the behavioral signs of stress?

How to recognize stress by behavior? Stress changes a person's behavior in a certain way. Although its manifestations largely depend on the nature and life experience of a person, there are a number of common signs.

  • Binge eating. Although sometimes there is a loss of appetite.
  • Insomnia. Sleep superficial with frequent awakenings.
  • Slowness of movement or fussiness.
  • Irritability. It can be manifested by tearfulness, grumbling, unreasonable nit-picking.
  • Closure, withdrawal from communication.
  • Unwillingness to work. The reason lies not in laziness, but in a decrease in motivation, willpower and a lack of strength.

External signs of stress associated with stress individual groups muscles. These include:

  • Pursed lips;
  • Tension of chewing muscles;
  • Raised "squeezed" shoulders;

What happens in the human body during stress?

Pathogenetic mechanisms of stress- a stressful situation (stressor) is perceived by the cerebral cortex as threatening. Further, the excitation passes through the chain of neurons to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Pituitary cells produce adrenocorticotropic hormone, which activates the adrenal cortex. The adrenal glands release large amounts of stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisol - into the blood, which are designed to provide adaptation in a stressful situation. However, if the body is under their influence for too long, is very sensitive to them, or hormones are produced in excess, then this can lead to the development of diseases.

Emotions activate the autonomic nervous system, more precisely, its sympathetic department. This biological mechanism is designed to make the body stronger and more resilient for a short time, to set it up for vigorous activity. However, prolonged stimulation of the autonomic nervous system causes vasospasm and disruption of organs that lack blood circulation. Hence the violation of the functions of organs, pain, spasms.

The Positive Effects of Stress

The positive effects of stress are associated with the impact on the body of the same stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Their biological meaning is to ensure human survival in critical situation.

Positive effects of adrenaline

Positive effects of cortisol

The appearance of fear, anxiety, anxiety. These emotions warn a person of possible danger. They give the opportunity to prepare for battle, run away or hide.

Increased breathing - this ensures the saturation of the blood with oxygen.

Heart rate increase and rise blood pressure- the heart supplies blood to the body better for efficient work.

Stimulation mental capacity by improving delivery of arterial blood to the brain.

Strengthening muscle strength through improved blood circulation of the muscles and increased muscle tone. This helps to realize the fight-or-flight instinct.

A surge of energy due to the activation of metabolic processes. This allows a person to feel a surge of strength, if before that he experienced fatigue. The person shows courage, determination or aggression.

An increase in blood glucose levels, which provides cells with additional nutrition and energy.

Decreased blood flow in the internal organs and skin. This effect allows you to reduce bleeding during a possible injury.

A surge of vigor and strength due to the acceleration of metabolism: an increase in blood glucose levels and the breakdown of proteins into amino acids.

Suppression of the inflammatory response.

Acceleration of blood clotting by increasing the number of platelets helps stop bleeding.

Decreased activity of secondary functions. The body saves energy to direct it to combat stress. For example, the formation of immune cells decreases, the activity of the endocrine glands is suppressed, and intestinal motility decreases.

Reducing the risk of developing allergic reactions. This is facilitated by the inhibitory effect of cortisol on the immune system.

Blocking the production of dopamine and serotonin, “happiness hormones” that promote relaxation, which can have critical consequences in a dangerous situation.

Increased sensitivity to adrenaline. This enhances its effects: increased heart rate, increased pressure, increased blood flow to the skeletal muscles and heart.

It should be noted that the positive effect of hormones is observed with a short-term effect on the body. Therefore, short-term moderate stress can be beneficial for the body. He mobilizes, forces to gather forces to find the optimal solution. Stress enriches life experience and in the future a person feels confident in similar situations. Stress increases the ability to adapt and in a certain way contributes to the development of the personality. However, it is important that the stressful situation is resolved before the body's resources are exhausted and negative changes begin.

The negative effects of stress

Negative consequences stress forpsyche due to prolonged action of stress hormones and overwork of the nervous system.

  • The concentration of attention decreases, which leads to memory impairment;
  • Fussiness and lack of concentration appear, which increases the risk of making rash decisions;
  • Low performance and increased fatigue may be the result of a violation of neural connections in the cerebral cortex;
  • Negative emotions predominate - general dissatisfaction with the position, work, partner, appearance, which increases the risk of developing depression;
  • Irritability and aggression, which complicate interaction with others and delay the resolution of the conflict situation;
  • The desire to alleviate the condition with the help of alcohol, antidepressants, narcotic drugs;
  • Decreased self-esteem, disbelief in one's own strength;
  • Problems in sexual and family life;
  • A nervous breakdown is a partial loss of control over one's emotions and actions.

Negative effects of stress on the body

1. From the side of the nervous system. Under the influence of adrenaline and cortisol, the destruction of neurons is accelerated, the well-established work of various parts of the nervous system is disturbed:

  • Overstimulation of the nervous system. Prolonged stimulation of the central nervous system leads to its overwork. Like other organs, the nervous system cannot work in an unusually intensive mode for a long time. This inevitably leads to various failures. Signs of overwork are drowsiness, apathy, depressive thoughts, cravings for sweets.
  • Headaches can be associated with disruption of the brain vessels and deterioration of blood outflow.
  • Stuttering, enuresis (urinary incontinence), tics (uncontrolled contractions of individual muscles). Perhaps they occur when the neural connections between nerve cells brain.
  • Excitation of parts of the nervous system. Excitation of the sympathetic nervous system leads to dysfunction internal organs.

2. From the immune system. Changes are associated with an increase in the level of glucocorticoid hormones, which inhibit the functioning of the immune system. Susceptibility to various infections increases.

  • The production of antibodies and the activity of immune cells are reduced. As a result, susceptibility to viruses and bacteria increases. There is an increased risk of contracting viral or bacterial infections. The chance of self-infection also increases - the spread of bacteria from foci of inflammation (inflamed maxillary sinuses, palatine tonsils) to other organs.
  • The immune defense against the appearance of cancer cells decreases, the risk of developing oncology increases.

3. From the endocrine system. Stress has a significant impact on the work of all hormonal glands. It can cause both an increase in synthesis and a sharp decrease in hormone production.

  • Failure of the menstrual cycle. Severe stress can disrupt the functioning of the ovaries, which is manifested by a delay and soreness during menstruation. Problems with the cycle can continue until the situation is completely normal.
  • Decreased testosterone synthesis, which is manifested by a decrease in potency.
  • Slowdown in growth. Severe stress in a child can reduce the production of growth hormone and cause a delay in physical development.
  • Decreased synthesis of triiodothyronine T3 with normal levels of thyroxine T4. Accompanied by increased fatigue, muscle weakness, fever, swelling of the face and extremities.
  • Decreased prolactin. In lactating women, prolonged stress can cause a decrease in the production of breast milk, up to a complete cessation of lactation.
  • Violation of the pancreas responsible for the synthesis of insulin causes diabetes mellitus.

4. From the side of the cardiovascular system. Adrenaline and cortisol increase heart rate and constrict blood vessels, which has a number of negative consequences.

  • Blood pressure rises, which increases the risk of hypertension.
  • The load on the heart increases and the amount of blood pumped per minute triples. Combined with high blood pressure, this increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • The heartbeat accelerates and the risk of heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia, tachycardia) increases.
  • The risk of blood clots increases due to an increase in the number of platelets.
  • The permeability of blood and lymphatic vessels increases, their tone decreases. Metabolic products and toxins accumulate in the intercellular space. Tissue swelling increases. Cells are deficient in oxygen and nutrients.

5. From the digestive system disruption of the autonomic nervous system causes spasms and circulatory disorders in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract. This can have various manifestations:

  • Feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • Difficulty swallowing due to spasm of the esophagus;
  • Pain in the stomach and various parts of the intestine caused by spasm;
  • Constipation or diarrhea associated with impaired peristalsis and secretion of digestive enzymes;
  • Development of peptic ulcer;
  • Violation of the digestive glands, which causes gastritis, biliary dyskinesia and other functional disorders of the digestive system.

6. From the side of the musculoskeletal systems prolonged stress causes muscle spasm and deterioration of blood circulation in bone and muscle tissue.

  • Spasm of muscles, mainly in the region of the cervicothoracic spine. In combination with osteochondrosis, this can lead to compression of the roots of the spinal nerves - radiculopathy occurs. This condition is manifested by pain in the neck, limbs, chest. It can also cause pain in the area of ​​​​the internal organs - the heart, liver.
  • Bone fragility - caused by a decrease in calcium in the bone tissue.
  • decline muscle mass Stress hormones increase the breakdown of muscle cells. During prolonged stress, the body uses them as a reserve source of amino acids.

7. From the side of the skin

  • Acne. Stress increases the production of sebum. Clogged hair follicles become inflamed on reduced immunity.
  • Violations in the work of the nervous and immune systems provoke neurodermatitis and psoriasis.

We emphasize that short-term episodic stresses do not cause serious damage to health, since the changes they cause are reversible. Diseases develop over time if a person continues to experience acutely stressful situation.

What are the ways to respond to stress?

Allocate three strategies for dealing with stress:

Rabbit- a passive reaction to a stressful situation. Stress makes it impossible to think rationally and act actively. A person hides from problems because he does not have the strength to cope with a traumatic situation.

a lion- Stress makes you use all the reserves of the body for a short period of time. A person violently and emotionally reacts to the situation, making a "spurt" to solve it. This strategy has its drawbacks. Actions are often thoughtless and overly emotional. If the situation could not be resolved quickly, then the forces are depleted.

ox- a person rationally uses his mental and mental resources, so he can live and work for a long time, experiencing stress. This strategy is the most justified from the point of view of neurophysiology and the most productive.

Stress Management Techniques

There are 4 main strategies for dealing with stress.

Raising awareness. In a difficult situation, it is important to reduce the level of uncertainty, for this it is important to have reliable information. Preliminary "living" of the situation will eliminate the effect of surprise and will allow you to act more efficiently. For example, before traveling to an unfamiliar city, think about what you will do, what you want to visit. Find out the addresses of hotels, attractions, restaurants, read reviews about them. This will help you worry less about your trip.

Comprehensive situation analysis, rationalization. Assess your strengths and resources. Consider the difficulties you will face. Prepare for them as much as possible. Shift your attention from the result to the action. For example, analyzing the collection of information about the company, preparing for the questions that are asked most often will help reduce the fear of an interview.

Reducing the importance of a stressful situation. Emotions make it difficult to consider the essence and find an obvious solution. Imagine how this situation is seen by strangers, for whom this event is familiar and does not matter. Try to think about this event without emotions, consciously reducing its significance. Imagine how you will remember the stressful situation in a month or a year.

Strengthening the possible negative consequences. Imagine the worst case scenario. As a rule, people drive this thought away from themselves, which makes it obsessive, and it comes back again and again. Realize that the probability of a catastrophe is extremely small, but even if it happens, there is a way out.

Setting for the best. Constantly remind yourself that everything will be fine. Problems and worries cannot go on forever. It is necessary to gather strength and do everything possible to bring a successful denouement closer.

It must be warned that during prolonged stress, the temptation to solve problems in an irrational way increases with the help of occult practices, religious sects, healers, etc. This approach can lead to new, more complex problems. Therefore, if you cannot find a way out and situations on your own, then it is advisable to contact a qualified specialist, psychologist, lawyer.

How to help yourself during stress?

Various ways to self-regulate under stress help to calm down and minimize the impact of negative emotions.

Autotraining- a psychotherapeutic technique aimed at restoring the balance lost as a result of stress. Autogenic training is based on muscle relaxation and self-hypnosis. These actions reduce the activity of the cerebral cortex and activate the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. This allows you to neutralize the effect of prolonged excitation of the sympathetic department. To perform the exercise, you need to sit in a comfortable position and consciously relax the muscles, especially the face and shoulder girdle. Then proceed to repeat the formulas autogenic training. For example: “I am calm. My nervous system calms down and gains strength. Problems don't bother me. They are perceived as touching the wind. Every day I get stronger."

Muscle relaxation- skeletal muscle relaxation technique. The technique is based on the assertion that muscle tone and nervous system are interrelated. Therefore, if you manage to relax the muscles, then the tension in the nervous system will decrease. With muscle relaxation, it is necessary to strongly strain the muscle, and then relax it as much as possible. Muscles are worked in a certain order:

  • dominant hand from fingers to shoulder (right for right-handers, left for left-handers)
  • non-dominant hand from fingers to shoulder
  • back
  • stomach
  • dominant leg from hip to foot
  • non-dominant leg from hip to foot

Breathing exercises. Breathing exercises for stress relief allow you to regain control over your emotions and body, reduce muscle tension and heart rate.

  • Belly breathing. While inhaling, slowly inflate the stomach, then draw air into the middle and upper sections of the lungs. As you exhale, release the air from the chest, then draw in the stomach a little.
  • Breathing for a count of 12. While inhaling, you need to slowly count from 1 to 4. Pause - at the expense of 5-8. Exhale for a count of 9-12. Thus, the respiratory movements and the pause between them have the same duration.

Autorational Therapy. It is based on postulates (principles) that help to change the attitude towards a stressful situation and reduce the severity of vegetative reactions. To reduce the level of stress, a person is recommended to work with his beliefs and thoughts using well-known cognitive formulas. For example:

  • What does this situation teach me? What lesson can I take?
  • “Lord, give me the strength to change what is in my power, give me peace of mind to come to terms with what I am not able to influence and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.”
  • It is necessary to live "here and now" or "Wash the cup, think about the cup."
  • “Everything passes and this will pass” or “Life is like a zebra”.

Psychotherapy for stress

Psychotherapy for stress has more than 800 techniques. The most common are:

Rational psychotherapy. The psychotherapist teaches the patient to change his attitude to exciting events, to change the wrong attitudes. The main impact is aimed at the logic and personal values ​​of a person. The specialist helps to master the methods of autogenic training, self-hypnosis and other self-help techniques for stress.

Suggestive psychotherapy. The patient is instilled with the correct attitudes, the main impact is directed to the subconscious of a person. Suggestion can be carried out in a relaxed or hypnotic state, when the person is between wakefulness and sleep.

Psychoanalysis under stress. It is aimed at extracting from the subconscious mental trauma that caused stress. Speaking out these situations can reduce their impact on a person.

Indications for psychotherapy for stress:

  • stressful condition disrupts the usual way of life, making it impossible to work, maintain contact with people;
  • partial loss of control over one's own emotions and actions against the background of emotional experiences;
  • the formation of personal characteristics - suspiciousness, anxiety, grumpiness, self-centeredness;
  • the inability of a person to independently find a way out of a stressful situation, to cope with emotions;
  • deterioration of the somatic condition against the background of stress, the development of psychosomatic diseases;
  • signs of neurosis and depression;
  • post-traumatic disorder.

Psychotherapy against stress is an effective method that helps to return to a full life, regardless of whether it was possible to resolve the situation or have to live under its influence.

How to recover from stress?

After the stressful situation is resolved, you need to restore physical and mental strength. The principles of a healthy lifestyle can help with this.

A change of scenery. A trip out of town, to the country house in another city. New impressions and walks in the fresh air create new foci of excitation in the cerebral cortex, blocking the memories of the stress experienced.

Switching attention. Books, films, performances can serve as an object. Positive emotions activate brain activity, encouraging activity. Thus, they prevent the development of depression.

Complete sleep. Get as much sleep as your body requires. To do this, you need to go to bed at 22 for several days, and get up without an alarm clock.

Balanced diet. Meat, fish and seafood, cottage cheese and eggs should be present in the diet - these products contain protein to strengthen immunity. Fresh vegetables and fruits are important sources of vitamins and fiber. A reasonable amount of sweets (up to 50 g per day) will help the brain restore energy resources. Nutrition should be complete, but not too plentiful.

Regular physical activity. Especially useful are gymnastics, yoga, stretching, Pilates and other exercises aimed at stretching the muscles to help relieve muscle spasm caused by stress. They also improve blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

Communication. Chat with positive people that charge you good mood. Personal meetings are preferable, but also suitable phone call or chatting online. If there is no such possibility or desire, then find a place where you can be among people in a calm atmosphere - a cafe or a library reading room. Communication with pets also helps restore lost balance.

Visiting the spa, baths, saunas. Such procedures help to relax muscles and relieve nervous tension. They can help you get rid of sad thoughts and tune in a positive way.

Massages, baths, sunbathing, swimming in ponds. These procedures have a calming and restorative effect, helping to restore lost strength. If desired, some procedures can be carried out at home, such as baths with sea ​​salt or coniferous extract, self-massage or aromatherapy.

Techniques for increasing stress resistance

Stress tolerance- This is a set of personality traits that allows you to endure stress with the least harm to health. Stress tolerance may be innate in the nervous system, but it can also be developed.

Increasing self-esteem. The dependence has been proven - the higher the level of self-esteem, the higher the resistance to stress. Psychologists advise: form a confident behavior, communicate, move, act like a self-confident person. Over time, behavior will develop into internal self-confidence.

Meditation. Regular meditation several times a week for 10 minutes reduces the level of anxiety and the degree of reaction to stressful situations. It also reduces the level of aggression, which contributes to constructive communication in a stressful situation.

Responsibility. When a person moves away from the position of the victim, and takes responsibility for what is happening, he becomes less vulnerable to external influences.

Interest in change. It is human nature to be afraid of change, so unexpectedness and new circumstances often provoke stress. It is important to create an attitude that will help you perceive changes as new opportunities. Ask yourself: “what good can a new situation or life change bring me.”

Striving for Achievement. People who strive to achieve a goal experience less stress than those who try to avoid failure. Therefore, in order to increase stress resistance, it is important to plan your life by setting short-term and global goals. Orientation to the result helps not to pay attention to minor troubles that arise on the way to the goal.

Time management. The correct distribution of time eliminates time trouble - one of the main stress factors. To combat the lack of time, it is convenient to use the Eisenhower matrix. It is based on the division of all daily tasks into 4 categories: important and urgent, important non-urgent, not important urgent, not important and non-urgent.

Stress is an integral part of human life. It is impossible to completely eliminate them, but it is possible to reduce their impact on health. To do this, it is necessary to consciously increase stress resistance and prevent prolonged stress, timely starting the fight against negative emotions.

Speaking of stress, first of all it is necessary to define what we mean by this concept. Stress- this is a state of psychophysiological stress that occurs in a person under the influence of any strong influences and is accompanied by the mobilization of the body's and psyche's defense systems.
The concept of "stress" was introduced in 1936 by the Canadian physiologist Hans Selye. The author of the concept singled out eustress- the so-called "normal" stress, which serves the purpose of preserving and maintaining life, and distress- Pathological stress, manifested in painful symptoms. The theory of stress became popular, but the word itself came into use in the second meaning - as a pathological phenomenon.

If we understand stress as a psycho-physiological stress (which can be normal or pathological), then it is an essential attribute of life. In the process of functioning, the human body perceives a large number of signals, and during the processing of these signals, our body "switches" into the appropriate mode - eustress. If the intensity and number of stimuli increases, and the body does not have enough resources for effective processing, or it has to work in the mode of mobilizing all its forces for a long time, a state of distress arises that can lead to somatic diseases and various mental disorders.

Let us consider in more detail what changes in the body mark the beginning of stress (in this case we are talking about eustress). First of all, the level of hormones rises - the hypothalamus gives a signal for the production of adrenaline and cortisol, which help to adequately respond to any stimulus that indicates a threat. Adrenaline leads to an increase in heart rate, an increase in blood pressure and the production of additional energy. Cortisol (also called the “stress hormone”) affects the excretion of glucose into the blood, which also increases energy resources. All other body functions that are secondary to the ability to instantly respond - for example, digestion or sexual desire - are suppressed at this moment. Such regulation occurs automatically, and with a decrease in the level of these hormones in the blood, all indicators return to normal.
The state of distress, or pathological stress, or stress as we are used to understanding it, occurs when the body is forced to produce "stress" hormones for a long period (more than optimal for timely recuperation). This increases the risk of getting various physiological problems: headaches, digestive disorders, pressure problems. In the long run, this increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
Experiencing a long period of stress can lead to a depleted immune system and a risk of contracting viral infections. Modern research show that people who are in a constant state of stress by occupation are more likely to develop metabolic syndrome, which is a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.
Such a mode of functioning has no less impact on the human psyche. Stress can cause unreasonable suspicions, bouts of anger, anxiety and fear, and is also one of the main reasons for the development of anxiety disorders and depression.

If the organic mechanism of stress is understood, then what causes stress? Which conditions lead to the fact that the natural mode of functioning becomes pathological?
Many aspects and elements of daily activities can lead to stress. These are not only negative events, such as divorce, job loss, lack of financial resources, etc., but also positive events, such as a wedding, the birth of a child, a promotion at work, the appearance of a new pet, vacations in exotic places. The feeling of stress can be short-lived, or it can become chronic - for example, when a person has to look for a job for a long time or when he is in a difficult, exhausting relationship. Moreover, the impact of certain factors is exclusively individual: what for someone will be felt as motivational and pushing for development, for another person may be felt as stressful.

In early 2012, a community survey was conducted on a scale of stressful life events, known by the acronym SRRS, Social Readjustment Rating Scale (proposed by T. Holmes and R. Rahe in 1967), quoting further from there (below is a link to the post itself):

Try to remember all the events that happened to you during the year, and calculate the total number of points:
No. Life events Points
1. Death of a spouse (wife) 100
2. Divorce 73
3. Departure of spouses (without filing a divorce), break with a partner 65
4 . Imprisonment 63
5 . Death of a close family member 63
6. Injury or illness 53
7. Marriage, wedding 50
8. Dismissal from work 47
9. Reconciliation of spouses 45
10. Retirement 45
11. Changes in the health status of family members 44
12. Partner's pregnancy 40
13. Sexual problems 39
14. The appearance of a new family member, the birth of a child 39
15. Reorganization at work 39
16. Change in financial position 38
17. Death close friend 37
18. Change of professional orientation, change of job 36
19. Increased conflict in relations with a spouse 35
20. Loan or loan for a large purchase (for example, a house) 31
21. Loan or loan due date, growing debts 30
22. Change of position, increase in official responsibility 29
23. Son or daughter leaving home 29
24. Problems with relatives of the husband (wife) 29
25. Outstanding personal achievement, success 28
26. Spouse quits job (or starts working) 26
27. Starting or ending education at an educational institution 26
28. Changing living conditions 25
29. Refusal of some individual habits, change in stereotypes of behavior 24
30. Problems with superiors, conflicts 23
31. Changing conditions or hours of work 20
32. Change of residence 20
33. Change of place of study 20
34. Changing leisure or vacation habits 19
36. Changing religious habits 19
36. Change in social activity 18
37. Loan or loan to buy smaller things (car, TV) 17
38. Changing individual habits related to sleep, sleep disturbance 16
39. Change in the number of family members living together, change in the nature and frequency of meetings with other family members 15
40. Changing eating habits (amount of food consumed, diet, lack of appetite, etc.) 15
41. Vacation 13
42. Christmas, New Year's Eve, Birthday 12
43. Minor violation of law and order (fine for violation of traffic rules) 11
Those who scored more than 200 points fall into the risk group for the development of psychiatric symptoms.

There are certain signs by which you can understand that you are in a state of distress:
- inability to concentrate;
- frequent mistakes in work;
- memory impairment;
- frequent occurrence of a feeling of fatigue;
- fast speech;
- thoughts often disappear;
- quite often there are pains (head, back, stomach area);
- increased excitability;
- work or a favorite thing does not deliver the same joy;
- loss of sense of humor;
- a sharp increase in the number of cigarettes smoked;
- addiction to alcoholic beverages;
- constant feeling of malnutrition or loss of appetite;
- inability to complete work on time;
- panic attacks, anxiety;
- allergic reactions;
- Difficulties with sleep.

What are methods of struggle with stress? The most important method sounds like this: if you understand that you are experiencing stress, then also recognize the fact that changes are needed - in the current life situation or in how you perceive what is happening.

You can deal with acute stress by:
1. Anti-stress breathing: Breathing can become labored and heavy in a stressful situation. Consciously controlling breathing, a person gets the opportunity to use it to calm and relieve tension - both muscular and mental.
2. Relaxation.
3. Rational perception of the environment.
4. Change of scenery.
5. Any distracting activity - in a stressful situation, such an activity will act as a "lightning rod", helping to distract from internal tension. Exercising, walking, dancing also help to remove internal stress.
7. Local concentration, which helps to force out the internal dialogue from consciousness - pronouncing thoughts saturated with a feeling of stress.

The method of autoanalysis of stress helps to detect and explain the reactions of your body to stressful situations through the maintenance of a special “Stress Diary”. This method consists in recording when and under what circumstances signs of stress were detected. Analyzing diary entries can help you determine which events or life situations are causing stress.

In conclusion, I would like to recall the hypothesis of Hans Selye that aging is the result of all the stresses that the body has been exposed to throughout life. Aging corresponds to the "wasting phase" of the General Adaptation Syndrome, which is, in a sense, an accelerated version of normal aging. Any stress, especially that caused by fruitless effort, leaves behind irreversible chemical changes; their accumulation leads to the appearance of signs of aging in tissues. Successful activity, whatever it may be, leaves fewer consequences of aging, therefore, according to Selye, one can live happily ever after if one chooses a job that suits oneself and copes well with it.

Dear accomplices, what are your methods of dealing with stress? Do you have your own tricks that you resort to in a state of acute stress? Are you able to successfully manage stress?
Thanks for the post idea.

The situation in the country, the weather, living conditions, personal experiences and simply unpleasant news about something can cause stress that does not bring anything positive to our body and condition! How can you quickly minimize stress or get rid of it altogether, says psychologist Vlada Berezyanskaya.

Learn to relax

As soon as you feel that your body is about to enter a stressful state or you realize that you have already entered it, switch yourself and try to relax. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to breathe! Take five very deep breaths in and out. As you exhale, think about the fact that with the exhalation, everything bad, everything you do not need, everything that causes you suffering and stress leaves you. You can act in several ways - with each exhalation, let go of one problem from yourself, get rid of it. And if there is only one problem that puts you in a stressful state, then take one breath and exhale with it, and in the other four - replace the problem with something good and imagine how good it is for you to be on the seashore, how good it is when all the family is happy, how good it is when you achieve your goals and so on.

Physical exercise

Sport is one of the best stress relievers. He removes the clamps and liberates. It doesn't matter what sport you choose - running, dancing, swimming. And yet, while playing sports, you can completely switch off or, at least, switch to another, positive wave. It has been verified that even after a 30-minute run, the state of stress and anxiety goes away, everything falls into place.

beat the pillow

One of my favorite stress relief methods is to beat the pillow. Why? Because this way not only calms, but also completely frees you from negative energy. For example, due to the fault of your subordinate, you had some kind of problem at work. You are very angry, you are on edge, but, of course, in no case can you beat a colleague! How to get rid of stress and anger? With a pillow. We take a pillow, remember the stressful situation and beat it with all our might until your hands hurt, until you feel that you feel better!

Pleasant body treatments and imagination

How long has it been since you had a massage, a spa, or an oil bath? If you're feeling stressed right now, now is the time to do it! Choose what you like best or what you can do right now and go relax and have fun. The main thing here is to drive away all negative thoughts and experiences from yourself. After all, you must admit that a massage with thoughts about what else needs to be done today or how to solve a problem will not be very pleasant and inspiring.

Here is one way to get rid of unpleasant thoughts that I often use. As soon as a negative thought appears in my head, I immediately ask myself some stupid question. For example, what would happen if people could fly? Was it possible to fly Atlantic Ocean on your own or would you still need to use the services of airlines? And if on your own, did you have to take it with you? special clothing? What about food on the go? Would they set up some snack points in the air over the ocean? Thus, negative thoughts go away and your imagination begins to work. Who knows, sometimes talking about such unusual and fantastic topics, people come up with brilliant ideas.

Calling a loved one

We all have close people who will support in any period of life. True, it is important to understand which of your loved ones is capable of doing this. For example, mothers generally, having heard from a child about his problem, begin to worry even more. Someone worries silently, at the same time encouraging you, while someone, on the contrary, winds you up even more. Call someone close who you consider a balanced and wise person. Tell us about your problem and just hear that everything will be fine! Sometimes that one offer from someone you trust is enough to calm you down.

The desire to lead a healthy full-fledged lifestyle, characteristic of people, sometimes stumbles upon the vicissitudes of the life path. The abundance of stress factors and their increasing pressure, caused by the acceleration of modern realities, brings a person to the need to increase the threshold of stress resistance.

The higher this threshold, the easier the adaptation in society, the greater the social achievements of a person, and simply the happier his days. The ability to regulate the inner life has been known for a long time, and a huge variety of methods allows you to find a shortcut to peace of mind and balance of feelings.

Basic relaxation (relaxation) techniques that allow you to better endure stress

The desire and thoughtfulness of actions for one's own recovery, purposeful steps in the intended direction will help to find effective means - Learn how to manage stress better which to warn, and subsequently to defeat him.

Deep breathing

Deep breathing is a simple yet powerful relaxation technique. Its strength is in direct connection with emotions - the main irritants of the human nervous system. Deep breathing is a way to convince the nervous system to calm down and begin to relax.

Great variety breathing techniques allows you to choose the right help in each case. Breathing rhythms affect the body, exciting or calming it. The combination of breathing exercises with relaxation techniques, of which there are a large number, will allow you to better endure stress.

One of the techniques that allows you to better endure stress is to work out the breathing exercises of the diaphragm.

Deep breathing allows you to relax, regardless of the thoughts that overcome a person., works like meditation, redirecting attention to the breathing process. The time spent on the practice of exercises will pay off with help at the right time, and the ease of implementation will make it a universal means of relaxation.


  • sit down lie straight or lie on the floor with your eyes closed;
  • Arms put on the stomach;
  • Inhaling slowly through the nose, feeling how the stomach is filled;
  • Having counted up to 5 exhale slowly through the mouth;
  • Repeat inhale and exhale for 5 minutes.

Note! When choosing techniques that allow you to better endure stress, remember that breathing exercises, no matter how diverse they may be, are easy to remember and perform. They do not require special equipment, space or clothing.

Visualization of a safe place

Visualization - the art of volitional creation of visual images in the mind involving in the process of imagination, sensation, knowledge and feelings. You can control the visualization by managing the created images and directing them to the desired development of the plot.

To create a safe place in your imagination, sit down, relax, try to use all your senses and all your imagination.

sense organs The work of the imagination Techniques for better stress management
VisionDistinguish objects: size; form; Colour.Mental presence in a beautiful, beloved place.
HearingListen to sounds.We hear pleasant, soothing sounds.
TasteFeel the taste.We feel the desired taste.
SmellSmell.Enjoy pleasant smells.
TouchFeel: touch; warmly; cold.We feel pleasant touches, warmth, coolness.

A safe place can be familiar or imaginary, the main thing is to concentrate on comfort and safety.

If stress is of a chronic nature and is caused by low self-esteem, then you can use a visual collage. Your photo is placed in the center, and around is what needs to be achieved to establish a comfortable psychophone. This collage is used as an object of meditation before bed. This technique is very effective in dealing with stress, regardless of the implementation of visualized desires.

Which female figures are most liked by men and why.

Imagining positive images

The human imagination has the ability to deliberately build ideas, concepts and images in the mind. A great opportunity to model goals and guide steps in the intended direction along life path. Building positive images in the imagination not only improves mood, but also helps to endure stressful situations more easily.

Self-hypnosis with soothing words and phrases

Self-hypnosis with soothing words and phrases involves assuring oneself of the necessary settings., getting rid of far-fetched phobias, achieving your goals.

There is no doubt that there is a relationship between internal state man and the outside world, though not fully understood connection, but no one doubts its existence.

Two methods of using self-hypnosis to suppress stress.

Remember! A calm atmosphere of self-hypnosis involves setting the inner world to a positive perception of the world around. Gives peace and self-confidence.

Self massage

Massage is a targeted effect on the skin, soft tissues, and muscles of the body. Very useful and immediately beneficial effect on the body. Under various stressful conditions, it brings a double benefit, acting both on the body and on the human psyche.

Well relieves nervous excitement and normalizes sleep. The need to go to a massage master may not be necessary if, after trying to learn some movements, you become a good massage therapist for yourself.

With severe stress, a light massage of the temporal region and active massaging of the LV-3 point using the shiatsu method helps well.

Self-massage is a technique that allows you to better endure stress and has a healing effect on the body. Increases sweating, improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism. With chronic stress, relieves accumulated muscle tension.

Additional techniques to reduce stress

A change of scenery

The desire for a change of scenery when stressed is a natural and effective step towards calming down. A person on a subconscious level is trying to get away from the hated place in which he is.

Most psychologists believe that it is necessary to start dealing with stress by eliminating contact with the cause or place of stress, moving to another room or going outside, sometimes just step aside. It is important to switch attention from the irritant to the contemplation of calm, positive things.

A change of scenery brings fresh emotions, energizes. Fresh air and sunbathing have a beneficial effect, it is difficult to fall into sadness and despondency in nature. Active rest has a beneficial effect on the physical condition, normalizes the nervous system and paints life with new colors.

The change of scenery should be the opposite of the type of stressful stimulus.

It is not always necessary to make cardinal changes in life, such as changing jobs, moving to permanent place residence in another city. It is quite enough to take a vacation or go on a trip, the main thing is to look with new eyes at the problems leading to stress.

A change of scenery sometimes implies a change of environment. In communication, it is useful to choose good, sparkling positive people. Acquiring a hobby is another great option to decorate the gray everyday life and spend your holidays in an interesting, relaxing atmosphere.

Important to remember! In the fight against stressful conditions, one should not abuse the discharge with alcohol or other simulators. This does not solve problems, but adds new diagnoses - alcoholism, dependence on drugs.

creative pursuits

Wanting to succeed in society, it is important for a person to find out what helps and what hinders in his campaign and what techniques allow him to better endure stress.

Creativity is a gift from nature to a person, releasing emotions, leading to self-confidence and a systematic exit from a stressful state.

Art therapy is a method of treatment, the principle of which is based on visual art classes. In the classroom, negative emotions, coming out, become available for purposeful visualization, it is possible to remove them, express them in a drawing, sculpture, collage.

Attention! Even half an hour of creativity a day helps to learn a lot about yourself and cope with stress.

Laughter therapy

A simple smile helps to forget about the problems that have piled up and helps to relax emotionally. The more often a person smiles, the longer and happier his life is. Laughing is easy to relieve negative emotions and nervous irritation, get rid of resentment and anger.

Laughter is an emotional outburst, a positive energy blocking the entry of stress. and destructive, negative programs in human life.


Aromatherapy is the use of volatile aromatic substances by affecting the body. Aromatherapy uses essential oils derived primarily from plants. Smells bring into the world of man internal order, harmony and inspiration, have a healing effect on the body.

Fragrant, light and clean smells are attractive and pleasant. More importantly, the positive impact on the body and soul of a person. The aromas emitted by essential oils are perceived by the sense of smell, which reacts faster than the rest of the senses of our body.

The results of aromatherapy affect the body in a complex way. Moreover, the smells of one plant can have miscellaneous action, depending on the part used.

Properties rendered by oils in aromatherapy:

  • Antibacterial;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Stimulant;
  • Regenerating;
  • Anti-stress;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antifungal;
  • soothing;
  • General strengthening;
  • Relaxing;
  • Exciting.

Great opportunities for aromatherapy, give many pleasant moments and offer a wide scope for experimenting with smells.

Relaxing music

Listening to your favorite music has an overall relaxing effect on the body and mind, reduces the level of the stress hormone. Singing also effectively affects the body during stress, allowing you to forget your fears and turn off nervous tension. People like a variety of music.

The same style of music affects different listeners in completely different ways. A melody that calms some, brings dislike to others and emotional stress. With fatigue, with an increase in the emotional background, you need to boldly put on headphones and go into the musical space.

Important! Listening music is recommended to be soothing and pleasing to the listener.

Physical activity

Stress gets in the way healthy lifestyle human life. Weakens the muscular and immune system, depletes the energy reserve. The first thing experts advise is to take a walk in the fresh air. In nature, blood circulation increases, the body is enriched with oxygen, thereby reducing the chance of falling into depression.

Quickly and effectively clears stress from an easy-to-learn ancient Indian complex "Surya Namaskar".

Cycling, jogging in the morning, walking up the stairs, swimming, gym, any workout at home, if you can’t go out, will help restore normal body work and brighten your thoughts.

Communication with people

The human nervous system is constantly being tested: positive or negative. In everyday life, it is recommended to train your stress resistance. The most difficult thing is communicating with people who are both good and not so good.

With negative people, once again, it's not worth talking, but always be ready for a close conversation. It is most pleasant to communicate with positive people who bring hope, joy and energy. To say goodbye to stress forever, you need to find the strength to direct the flow of your thoughts in a good direction.

Healthy sleep

To normalize internal reserves, people need sleep. For an adult, sleep time should be 8 hours. Stress provokes insomnia, headache, increased nervousness. Healthy sleep must enter into a permanent, necessary regime that must not be disturbed.
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Meditation (relaxation) is an inside look at oneself, as an outside observer. The opportunity to think about your actions, looking at yourself, on the other hand, to transfer the mind to positive thinking, to slow down the sequence of events.

When stressed, meditation helps to relax, calm the nervous system, which makes us commit many rash, wrong actions. There are many meditation techniques. You can meditate sitting or lying down with or without music., visualize pictures in different directions, depending on the internal mood.


The search for recovery and the answer to the question of what methods allow you to better endure stress will inevitably lead to acquaintance with your inner world. The easiest way to enter it is yoga.

Yoga is not only a physical exercise for stretching, but also a lifestyle. The totality of the exercises included in the system requires concentration of attention, thereby leading a person away from the persecuting intrusive thoughts. Yoga relieves muscle tension.

It is important to know! Everyone can do it, regardless of age and health status.

Exercises for Better Stress Transfer

Relaxation according to Jacobson

Stress leads to muscle tension, which increases anxiety, which further tightens the muscles and sets off a perpetual vicious cycle. The Jacobson relaxation technique is a set of exercises that relieve tension.

The system of exercises is built on the alternation of tension and relaxation. used in the exercise of muscle groups. After a strong tension, the muscles tend to relax, which leads to a general emotional calm and relaxation of the body.

Muscle relaxation according to Jackson

Belonging to the group of behavioral techniques, Jacobson exercises (often the surname is translated as Jacobson), with the help of concentrated attention, form the ability to feel muscle tension and develop the skill of voluntary relaxation of tense muscle groups.

There are 16 muscle groups in the human body and it is recommended to start work from the upper muscle groups, gradually going down. Exercises should be started with a short tension of the first muscle group in line, which subsequently completely relax, and all attention is directed to the feeling of complete rest in this part of the body.

Repeat exercises on the first of the muscle groups until you are completely relaxed., and only then proceed to the next group. Having consolidated the skill of complete relaxation of a certain muscle group, the intensity of mental influence decreases and attention slowly focuses on the memory of it.

Edmund Jacobson (Jacobson) deduced the dependence of the success of relaxation on the degree and duration of tension. This discovery formed the basis of his methodology.

Subsequently, by analyzing the muscle tension that occurs with fear, stress or excitement, an independent, complete muscle relaxation, the ability to smooth out an emotional outburst is developed. The course is aimed at teaching this excellent technique, which allows not only to better endure stress, but also to control its onset.

The course lasts from 5 months to 1 year. A person who has mastered the course belongs to self-control.
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Psychological techniques for stress relief

"Screams into Space"

There is a good practice - cry therapy. Each person has experienced an emotional outburst in which a conversation or quarrel occurs in raised tones and even shouting.

After that, inner emptiness, purification from the inside and balance are felt. This is how it should always be when emotions come up. You can scream any words, sounds, until you feel relieved.

Attention! It is better to shout in nature: in the mountains, near water bodies, in the forest, where there will be no bystanders.

Describe or draw the problem on paper and burn

The Problem Burning Technique is another way to banish stress. Many people carry a heavy burden of resentment, disappointment, failure, unfulfilled expectations on their shoulders all their lives. And they do not know how to get rid of them in order to make room for new energy.

However, a problem is a task that needs to be solved. On a piece of paper, you need to state, in any words, all the fear, any negativity and mentally think about how to deal with it. It is convenient to part with your fears and images of phobias by drawing them on paper.

Then this paper must be burned, and the ashes scattered in the wind. Relief may not come immediately., but moving in this direction, a person will definitely come out a winner.

“Questions to yourself about the importance of the problem”

The epidemic of the 21st century is stress and depression, which have global dimensions and occur in people of various social groups. To start it is necessary to deal with the current situation, which depends entirely on the type of psyche break down the problem into components. How and what happened? Then, having considered it from all sides, proceed to the solution.

Attention! When dealing with stress, it is important to find main reason imbalance and systematically begin to rectify the situation.

Write an action plan to overcome the problem

Any problem that has arisen cannot be ignored or forgotten about for a long time. Especially when it comes to stressful tension. This is a serious issue that requires balanced and correct decisions and immediate action.

For a systematic movement towards recovery, experts recommend drawing up an action plan to overcome the problem and strictly observe it.

Algorithm for dealing with the onset of stress:

  1. Neutralize excess bad emotions by any possible means, using the methods proposed above;
  2. form confidence in itself. Choosing which techniques allow you to better endure stress, use them, constantly increasing self-esteem;
  3. Determine the structure of stress having fully understood its causes, what is worth reconciling with, what a positive moment can be found in, what needs to be changed in the current situation;
  1. Finding resources, the use of existing developments, the acquisition of new abilities to manage one's own personality - which ones are already available, which ones need to be obtained and how, to draw up a plan of decisions for the near future;
  2. Planned and immediate start executing the plan.

The fight against stress is a vital necessity for almost every person, and victory will give a calm, full of joyful days, a life controlled own desires and deeds.

Useful videos on how to relieve stress and nervous tension

At the end of the article, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with selected videos that describe some of the other effective methods for better stress management:

Healthy mentality and a calm atmosphere for every day!