In the modern world, along with the expansion of the range of political freedoms, there is a tendency towards a versatile understanding of the truth. To some extent, this corresponds to the achieved level of development of science, which allows presenting a complete picture of being from various points of view. There is nothing more important and more mysterious than the truth. Every person is endowed with nature amazing property- the desire to tell the secrets of being, to look beyond the horizon of the observed world and thereby to know the truth. Known truth is greatest power humanity. Everyone strives for truth, but it is revealed only to a few. It is very difficult to climb to its top. To these seemingly obvious statements, one can add many others that were expressed by thinkers of different times and peoples and which turned into sayings and proverbs. Let's take a look at some of them. In disputed matters, judgments are different, but the truth is always the same (Petrarch Francesco (1304-1374)). The soul of the universe is truth (Avicenna (980-1037)). The truth was only daughter time; truth does not remain hidden in the end (Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)). The speech of truth is simple (Plato (428/427-348/347)). Be a friend to the point of martyrdom, but do not be her protector to the point of intolerance (Pythagoras (6th century BC)). It is a duty - for the sake of saving the truth, to abandon the dear and close (Aristotle (384-322 BC)). Buy the truth, and do not sell wisdom and doctrine and reason (Bible, book of parables of Solomon ch. 23, p. 23). Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, enlightenment of the mind; the mind, with the help of science, penetrates the secrets of matter, indicates where the truth is (M.V. Lomonosov (1711–1765)). The truth is open to everyone, but no one has taken possession of it (Seneca (c. 4 BC - 65 AD)). The main obstacle to truth is not a lie, but a semblance of truth (L.N. Tolstoy (1829–1910)). The truth for us is covered with an impenetrable fog (N.M. Karamzin (1766–1826)). It is difficult for one who walks the beaten path to find the truth. Often frivolity and delusion hinder finding the truth. It is difficult to find the truth, it is easier to find a mistake, especially someone else's. The Bible says that we have strayed from the path of truth, and the light of truth did not shine on us, and the sun did not shine on us. Two things make a person godlike: life for the good of society and truthfulness (Pythagoras). The true sage is convinced of this truth: “Everything in this world goes for the better” (Clement of Alexandria). Reflections on Truth. It seems to many that the word "truth" has a clear and understandable meaning. Each person understands this word in his own way, by virtue of his ability to cognize the world around him. In everyday life, the word "truth" means truth and its derivatives: truthfulness, justice, justice, rightness. Seeing injustice, people believe that a just cause will triumph: the truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. It is unpleasant to hear the bitter truth: the truth hurts the eyes. When one does not have to hope for the truth, then they say: the truth is good, but happiness is better. Everyone has their own truth, and this means the relativity of the truth of everything that is accepted as truth. "Everything in the world is only relatively important or unimportant." “How,” we will be told, “are truth and virtue relative concepts?” – No, as a concept, as a thought, they are unconditional and eternal; but as a realization, as a fact, they are relative. The idea of ​​truth and goodness was recognized by all peoples, in all ages; but what is an indisputable truth, what is good for one people or century, is often a lie and evil for another people, and in another century, ”said the Russian critic and philosopher V.G. Belinsky (1811–1848). Truth, like truth, has been perceived and is perceived differently at different times, starting from antiquity. Thus, the greatest ancient Greek philosopher Plato (428/427–348/347 BC) believed that truth is an eternal unchanging absolute property of ideal objects. His disciple Aristotle (384-322 BC) held a slightly different point of view: truth is the correspondence of knowledge to things. Augustine the Blessed (354–430), a Christian theologian and philosopher, was close to Plato in defining truth. Truth is the correspondence of thinking with the sensation of the subject, as the English idealist philosopher D. Hume (1711–1776) believed. The German philosopher I. Kant (1724–1804), one of the founders of German classical philosophy, interpreted truth as the agreement of thinking with itself, with its a priori forms. In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by the Russian writer and lexicographer V.I. Dahl (1801–1872), truth is defined as the opposite of falsehood, everything that is true, genuine, accurate. Here is an explanation: truth is from the earth, the property of the human mind, and truth is from heaven, a gift of goodness; truth belongs to the mind and understanding. In the modern view, truth is the correspondence of knowledge to reality, the objective content of empirical experience and theoretical knowledge. Different and at the same time mutually complementary approaches to the definition of truth indicate that truth is a complex concept, despite the fact that well-known widespread statements are often called hackneyed truth, and what is beyond doubt is holy truth. The greatest truths always seem simple and obvious. The above definitions of truth reflect the diverse assets of the human mind, through which the world around is known. However, they do not affect the spiritual world, which goes beyond the limits of our knowledge of the mind. “There is no knowledge that would not have a connection with faith; just as there is no faith that would not depend on knowledge, ”said the Greek philosopher Clement of Alexandria. Developing this idea, he noted that a person should strive to know God not because of the desire to be saved, but for the sake of divine beauty and majesty, holiness, superiority and supernaturalness of knowledge itself. Indeed, in any field of knowledge, including the knowledge of natural scientific truth, the criterion of which is experiment and experience, some statements are accepted without evidence (for example, in the form of postulates) and, therefore, are elements of faith. According to the English philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872–1970), truth is a property of faith and, as a derivative, a property of sentences expressing faith; truth consists in a certain relation between belief and one or more facts other than belief itself; when this relation is absent, the belief is said to be false. The brilliant French scientist Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), mathematician, physicist and philosopher, recognized the superiority of faith over reason: “The last step of reason is to recognize many such things that are beyond our knowledge, and if reason does not come to this knowledge, then he is a very weak mind.

Faith as an integral element of the most complex process of cognition does not contradict the scientific understanding of truth. The famous German naturalist, doctor by profession, Robert Mayer (1814–1878), who was the first to mathematically substantiate the law of conservation of energy, had no doubt that if superficial minds flaunt the denial of something higher, supermaterial and supersensibly perceived world, then such a pitiful admission individual minds cannot be blamed on science.”
Any person, no matter how great opportunities he possesses, is able to cognize with his mind only a small part of the surrounding world - the visible world, called in cosmology the Metagalaxy, which is limited by the cosmological horizon. Over time, this horizon expands - the circle known by mankind is gradually increasing. However, the wider the circle of the known world, the greater the boundary of its conjugation with the unknown world. In addition, even in the Metagalaxy, only a little is known that relates to natural scientific knowledge. And only a small part of the Metagalaxy is the most accessible to such knowledge - the macrocosm - the world of objects and phenomena that a person encounters in everyday life and in which one can measure, weigh and thus set up an experiment and conduct an experiment. It is much more difficult to cognize the microworld - the world of atoms, atomic nuclei, elementary particles and phenomena related to them, since in this case it is necessary to use the most complex technical devices - charged particle accelerators. Experiments in the field of the microcosm are given at a great price, and their implementation becomes possible thanks to the scientific cooperation of scientists from many countries. Gradually, the largest part of the Metagalaxy, the megaworld, the world of planets, stars and galaxies, reveals its secrets. The past century has armed humanity with the most powerful means of observing mega-world objects. Opportunity to observe celestial bodies not only in optical, but also in other ranges electromagnetic radiation. Modern space technology significantly expands the boundaries of natural scientific knowledge megaworld. Undoubtedly, the microcosm, the megaworld, and the macrocosm are learned step by step. However, what is known by mankind is only a tiny part of the invisible world, even the macrocosm, for which many laws are already known. And in our time, you can repeat the frank words of the outstanding ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (c. 470–399 BC): “I only know that I know nothing,” said by him about two and a half millennia ago. Until now, the cognizable visible world is full of mysteries, full of the mysterious and incomprehensible to the mind. The great thinkers of antiquity: the ancient Greek philosophers Anaxagoras (500–428 BC) and Democritus (r. approx. 470 or 460 BC), as well as the Roman writer and orator Cicero (106–43 BC). ) and others came to the conclusion: our feelings are limited, the spirit is weak, the passage of time is short, and the truth lies deep; only opinions and habits dominate everywhere, there is no place left for truth, everything is covered with darkness. Trying to penetrate the secrets of the surrounding world, the ancient Greek thinker Plato said: "We will wait for that, whether it be God or a God-inspired person, who will teach us religious duties and take darkness from our eyes." And this means that even in ancient times, many understood that without revelation from above, the darkness that covers the secrets of the world around us will not dissipate by itself. According to the definition of V.I. Dahl, revelation means enlightenment from above, the discovery of truths that a person does not reach with his mind; the beginnings of spiritual or moral concepts and beliefs. Faith in God and in the future life is given to us by revelation; conscience itself is revelation. Inspiration, inspiration, enlightenment from above - these words also reveal the deep meaning of revelation. Known are the revelations of the prophets, the Revelation of John the Theologian, the Apocalypse. “And when the rays of Divine revelation reach the human eye, then the Truth opens, then a person contemplates God in heaven and the Divine on earth, and his sufferings are enlightened,” said the Russian philosopher I.A. Ilyin (1882–1954), professor at Moscow University.

At all times there have been people who do not need Divine revelation, because they deny everything supernatural, to which revelation also applies. They deny everything that cannot be known by the human mind and everything that contradicts it. Such people do not want to understand that a person, having the ability to discover the secrets of the universe, is able to know only a small part of the visible world. But there is a boundless material world, unknown to man, and a boundless spiritual world, governed by laws unknown to us. In the surrounding world, phenomena are sometimes observed that are inexplicable within the framework of logical reasonable reasoning, that is, what is commonly called a miracle occurs. Is there any reason to assert: since we do not understand how this could happen, then this cannot be? Of course not. There is much we do not understand and much we cannot explain. Revelation is the greatest miracle of God. It must certainly contradict human reason and lead much further than a person can go, obeying only reason. Revelation leads us into the great mysteries of being. The holy Apostle Paul spoke of the divine origin of the Gospel: “I proclaim to you, brethren, that the Gospel which I preached is not human; for I received it and learned it not from man, but through the revelation of Jesus Christ.” The Holy Church teaches about the divine inspiration of all Holy Scripture, that in its books, and above all in the Gospel and the apostolic writings, the Holy Spirit himself tells us. This is not just a story, it is a divine revelation. “It can be fully assumed that if the Gospel had not taught us universal moral laws in their uttermost purity, then the mind would not have understood them in such perfection until now,” argued one of the greatest philosophers of the 18th century, I. Kant (1724–1804), highly appreciating the immeasurable moral superiority of the Gospel over everything that the human mind can understand. He said: “Two things fill my soul with new surprise and growing reverence: the starry sky above my head and moral law in my". Indeed, the moral wealth of a person is capable of lifting him to heaven. The presentation of truth as an object of cognition by the mind of the world and the unknown world reflects the definition of the outstanding French philosopher, mathematician and physicist Rene Descartes (1596-1650): means that these things can serve as objects of true thoughts - ours or God's; however, we cannot give any logical definition that helps to know the nature of truth.
Indeed, to know the nature of truth is no less a difficult task than to find truth as a great treasure. What qualities should a person who knows the truth have? The answer to this difficult question is contained in the statement of I.A. Ilyin. In his opinion, indifferent people lack “the power of evidence, this magnificent ability to finally understand something and recognize it as truth, this creativity to be so caught up in the truth that the whole soul dissolves into it.” A lot is needed for this: a depth of perception that excludes slipping past a great cause; the gift to collect, concentrate, so as not to break into pieces, faced with a diverse noisy world; prophetic, intuitive giftedness, as if an unclouded spiritual eye, which without interference correctly perceives the rays of light in the world; the integrity of the inner essence, which does not allow to wage an eternal "civil war" between thinking and feelings, will and old age, fantasy and activity. The path to evidence, as I.A. Ilyin lies through doubts. If they are true, deep, then this is nothing else than the “thirst for evidence”, that is, the primordial truth that fills a person with the light of awareness of being and the high meaning of one’s own aspiration. Then the object itself shines on us, "witnesses" about itself, speaks in a silent but powerful language and finally convinces us. Then we experience complete clarity, "clear certainty" (Leibniz), the happiness of meeting, after which there will be no separation. What is natural scientific truth? The ability to deeply perceive a cognizable object, composure and prophetic intuition - all these qualities are important for the knowledge of natural scientific truth. Among them, intuition plays a special role - the ability to comprehend the truth by direct observation of it without foundation with the help of evidence. Intuition originates in the subconscious without prior logical reasoning. "There is no clear logical path to scientific truth, it must be guessed by some intuitive leap of thought,” said Albert Einstein (1879–1955). At the heart of the natural-scientific knowledge of the surrounding world lies a complex creative work, including the conscious and subconscious activity of the brain. The features and specifics of such activities give an individual character to the solution by different scientists even of the same natural science problem. “And although representatives of different schools consider their style to be the only correct one, different directions complement and stimulate each other; the truth does not depend on how it is approached,” said the Russian theoretical physicist A.B. Migdal (1911–1991).
Despite the individuality and specificity of solving different and even the same scientific problems, one can still name quite certain rules of scientific knowledge:

- do not accept anything as true that does not seem clear and distinct;
- Divide difficult questions into as many parts as necessary to resolve them;
– start research with the simplest and most easily cognizable objects and gradually ascend to the knowledge of difficult and complex ones;
- stop at all the details, pay attention to everything, to be sure that nothing is missed.

These simple and clear rules were first formulated by the French scientist René Descartes. They constitute the essence of Descartes' method of cognition. As the scientist himself wrote, it was these four rules that he preferred among the many rules that form logic - the science of methods of proof and refutation. Descartes' method of cognition is equally applicable to both natural science and humanitarian knowledge. Natural science knowledge, or knowledge about nature, plays an important and decisive role in the process of cognition. “As for the material sciences, they seem to me to be a direct road to any scientific truth... The amount of knowledge takes a significant share of its value from ideas obtained by drawing analogies with the material sciences...”, said the outstanding English physicist J.K. . Maxwell (1831–1879). One of the main goals of natural science knowledge is the discovery of truth. With such a statement, one can assume that the truth exists regardless of the will and purpose of the cognizer, and it must be found as a kind of treasure. Great Philosopher antiquity Democritus as early as the 5th century. BC e. said: "The truth is hidden in the depths (lies at the bottom of the sea)." What does it mean to discover natural scientific truth in the modern conception? In answering this question, two mutually complementary approaches are possible: empirical and theoretical. The empirical approach consists in determining the essence of the object of knowledge through an experiment or experience, followed by their theoretical generalization, including a quantitative description of the causal relationship of the results of the experiment or experience. In the theoretical approach, the causal relationship of phenomena or properties of natural objects is first established and quantitatively described, and then the theoretical conclusions obtained are confirmed by experiment or experience. Both approaches are often intertwined and end with an assessment of the truth of the results obtained - the definition of the relativity of natural scientific truth. The most important task of natural science knowledge is to explain the phenomena, processes and properties of natural objects. To explain, it is necessary to understand, for example, the properties of a cognizable object. To understand the property of an object is, firstly, to find out what is defining in this object and, secondly, to reveal the reason that determines this property. What does a person usually mean by saying: “I understand the property of this or that object”? As a rule, this means that he knows what this property is due to, what its essence is and what it will lead to, i.e., he can explain the relationship between the cause, the cognizable object and the effect. A quantitative description of the causal relationship is the basis of scientific theory. Such a description is based, as a rule, on the mathematical apparatus using special terminology, a system of scientific concepts that have an unambiguous meaning and are interconnected by the rules of logic. In this case, known laws, principles, definitions are taken into account and a strict logical proof is carried out, leading to specific conclusions. If the quantitative description uses not facts that characterize phenomena or properties of objects of nature, but axioms - unprovable propositions, then the results obtained (through proofs in accordance with the rules of logic) constitute the essence of mathematical truth. To establish the natural scientific truth, a quantitative description of the causal relationship with the obtained theoretical statements and conclusions is not enough - it is necessary to confirm them with an experiment or experience, i.e. e. to connect with the "actual course of things." If an experiment or experience confirms the theoretical results obtained, then a quantitative description of the causal relationship passes from the category of a hypothesis into a scientific theory, and theoretical statements, confirmed by experiment or experience, are a natural scientific truth. In empirical knowledge, the results of an experiment or experience, together with their theoretical justification, also constitute a natural scientific truth. A theoretical description with conclusions not confirmed by experiment or experience is of a hypothetical nature. Only when proven by experiment or experience from a theoretical description is born a true natural-scientific theory. Unfortunately, at present, many scientific journals, especially domestic ones, are full of articles on so-called theoretical studies, the results of which rarely find experimental or experimental confirmation. The authors of such articles refer their theoretical exercises to theory, to fundamental science, although in essence they are a description of hypotheses using most often a complex mathematical apparatus with an intricate scheme of proofs, and they can hardly be classified as serious fundamental research. The practical significance and usefulness of such studies is highly questionable. According to the French philosopher P. Holbach (1723-1789), some researchers prefer the ravings of their imagination and their absurd hypotheses to real experiments, which alone can wrest from nature its secrets; ... they are accustomed to consider these hypotheses as sacred, universally recognized truths, which they are not allowed to doubt for a moment; as soon as we leave experience, we fall into the void, where our imagination leads us astray; ... let us beware of rampant imagination, let us take experience as our guide, turn to nature, and try to draw from it itself the correct concepts of the objects contained in it. In the modern scientific field, such a rampant imagination with mathematical delights becomes a serious obstacle in the development of natural scientific knowledge, which is based on experiment and experience. Scientific theory, experiment and experience, or, in a generalized sense, science and practice, are two whales on which the branchy tree of knowledge rests. “He who is in love with practice without science is like a helmsman who enters a ship without a rudder or compass; he is never sure where he is sailing... Science is the commander, and practice is the soldier,” said the outstanding Italian scientist, painter and sculptor Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519). Conducting an experiment or experience is the most important stage of natural scientific knowledge. Experiments and experiments most often involve measurements. emphasizing important role measurements, the outstanding Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev (1834–1907) wrote: “Science began when people learned to measure; exact science is unthinkable without measure. However, there are no absolutely accurate measurements, no matter how carefully the experiment or experiment is carried out. The inaccuracy of the results of an experiment or experience is due to two factors: objective and subjective. One of the objective factors is the dynamism of the cognizable world. Let us recall the words of the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus (c. 544–483 BC): “Everything flows, everything changes; You can't step into the same river twice." Indeed, the properties of material objects of nature change over time. Although such changes during the course of an experiment or experiment are usually insignificant, they still do not allow obtaining absolutely accurate results. Another objective factor in the inaccuracy of the results of the experiment and experience is associated with the imperfection of technical measuring instruments. The higher the sensitivity and resolution of instrumentation, the closer the results of experimental measurements to the absolute truth of natural science. The experiment and experience is carried out by a person whose sense organs and intellectual abilities are far from perfect. Errare humanum est - to err is human (a well-known Latin expression). This is the subjective factor of the inaccuracy of natural scientific results. For example, a person through vision is able to perceive information in an extremely narrow range of electromagnetic waves - only in the visible spectrum. This means that the ability of the organs of vision to perceive information in a fairly wide range of electromagnetic waves is limited. Of course, a person can perceive information in radio, x-ray, and other ranges of electromagnetic waves. However, in this case, technical means are used, which, like any measuring technique, do not allow obtaining absolutely accurate results, and we are talking about a factor that limits the accuracy of the results.
Let us formulate three main provisions of natural science knowledge:

- the basis of natural scientific knowledge is a causal relationship;
- the criterion of natural scientific truth - experiment, experience;
- any natural-scientific truth is relative.

These provisions correspond to three stages of natural scientific knowledge. At the first stage, a causal relationship is established and quantitatively described according to the principle of causality. The first and fairly complete definition of causality is contained in the statement of Democritus: "Nothing arises without a cause, but everything arises on some basis and because of necessity." In the modern understanding, causality means the connection between the individual states of the types and forms of matter in the process of its movement and development. The emergence of any material objects and systems, as well as the change in their properties over time, have their grounds in the previous states of matter in the process of its movement and development; these grounds are called causes, and the changes they cause are called effects. The process of natural scientific knowledge is a long chain of cause-and-effect relationships, which, in addition, form the basis of any other human activity. The second stage of natural science knowledge is to conduct an experiment and experience. Natural scientific truth is the objective content of the results of experiment and experience. For all natural scientists, experiment and experience are the highest authority: their sentence is not subject to revision. All natural science knowledge: experimental results, concepts, ideas and even laws are limited and relative. Determination of their boundaries of correspondence to true knowledge and their relativity is the third stage of natural scientific knowledge. For example, the correspondence boundary, sometimes called the adequacy interval, for classical mechanics means that its laws describe the motion of macroscopic bodies whose speeds are small compared to the speed of light in vacuum. Determination of the relativity of experimental results consists in establishing an interval of inaccuracy, which narrows as the methods and technical means of the experiment improve. Natural scientific knowledge is a consistent approach to the absolute natural scientific truth. The knowledge of natural-scientific and divine truth gives rise to the most precious thing - freedom. A person's desire for divine truth awakens moral purity in his heart, makes him free from frivolity and delusions, paves the way to the sublime and enlightens the mind for natural scientific knowledge, which frees a person from rash, hasty actions and raises him to new round development of civilization.

Ilyin I.A. Collected works. T.8. Moscow: Russian book, 1998.
Archbishop Luke. "My strength is made perfect in weakness." M.: Rest of a Christian, 2001.
Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. M.: GIINS, 1956.
Karpenkov S.Kh. Sustainable development and natural science education // Higher education today. 2004, No. 8.
Karpenkov S.Kh. Ecology: textbook. M.: Logos, 2014.
Karpenkov S.Kh. Concepts of modern natural science. Textbook for high schools. Ed. 12th. Moscow: Direct-Media, 2014.
Karpenkov S.Kh. Concepts of modern natural science. Short Course. Ed. 4th. Moscow: Higher school, 2004.
Karpenkov S.Kh. Basic concepts of natural science. Ed. 3rd. M.: Higher education, 2007.
Karpenkov S.Kh. Concepts of modern natural science: a Handbook. Moscow: Higher school, 2004.

Professor Karpenkov Stepan Kharlanovich

Only in a cheerful hot impulse,
in passionate love for his country,
courage and energy, victory will be born ...

M.V. Lomonosov

The history of mankind knows many examples of versatile gifted people. The largest Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci was also a talented scientist. Alexander Porfirievich Borodin was at the same time a physician, an outstanding chemist and a wonderful musician. Although the number of examples talented people could have been significantly increased, we would not have found among them a person so versatile gifted by nature as the great scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

The traditions of the college have developed so that the small Lomonosov readings are the first event in academic year where students present their teaching and research experience. On November 21, 2017, this event took place in the college!

The work took place in two sections. Section 1 brought together students who presented research in the field of the history of the region and college, local history. In the second section were research work general humanitarian direction.

In the first section, students presented research papers on the development of gastronomic tourism in the Arkhangelsk region, on the Ustyansky district, on Evgeny Ivanovich Ovsyankin, on the achievements of our region in the development of diamonds.

The research topics of the participants of the second were relevant, interesting and very diverse. A variety of topics were considered: from floral motifs in the interior and sketching in the training of designers to the activities of M.V. Lomonosov in Marburg and the peculiarities of music education in the UK.

It is especially important that all participants tried to approach the presentation very responsibly, and for some it was the first experience of a scientific presentation. The methodological apparatus was formulated in detail, the theoretical part of the study was briefly disclosed, but attention was focused on the practical part, which, of course, is important for future professional activities. At the end, the results were summed up, conclusions were drawn. By the way, the audience actively participated in the work of the section, and at the end of the speech, all participants were asked questions. The jury members noted that every year the research work of students becomes deeper in content, compete with each other. In conclusion, the jury members made the following recommendations: to work on a "live" free speech during the speech, to follow the scientific style of presenting the material.

Based on the results of the work of the small Lomonosov readings, the winners and prize-winners were determined:

Migunova Olga, gr.21(9), specialty "Teaching in primary school". Topic: "Color and sound symbolism in the poem by S.A. Yesenin." Scientific adviser - Sukhondyaevskaya Ekaterina Sergeevna, teacher.

Savelov Sergey, group 30, specialty "Tourism". Topic: The development of socio-patriotic tourism on the example of the "Verkhnetoemsky tourist complex". Supervisor - Semenova Larisa Ivanovna, lecturer.

Home Catherine, c. 27(9), specialty " Documentation support management and archiving. Topic: Is it worth studying to become a document specialist!?. Scientific adviser - Opehtina Irina Igorevna, lecturer.

Bondareva Diana, group 11 (9), specialty "Teaching in elementary grades". Topic: The meaning of the titles of stories-miniatures of the collection of F.A. Abramov "Grass-ant". Scientific adviser - Sukhondyaevskaya Ekaterina Sergeevna, teacher.

Fedorova Anastasia, gr. 33, specialty "Music education". Topic: Integration of music education and environmental education children. Scientific advisers - Tikhomirova Natalya Nikolaevna, lecturer; Kudryavtseva Nelli Arkadievna, teacher.

Potapov Artem, group 22f(9), specialty "Pedagogy of additional education". Topic: Sport in the lives of great people. Supervisor – Ovsyankina Marina Alexandrovna, lecturer.

We thank you for the fruitful work and wish you success in your research!

Yu.A. Spekhina, Head of Innovative and Methodological Development,

Kuznetsova E.V., lecturer

Science is the best, strongest, brightest support in life, whatever its vicissitudes.
K.A. Timiryazev

Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, enlightenment of the mind, immaculate amusement in life, praise of youth, help to old age.
M.V. Lomonosov - 1748

Science is the knowledge of the most necessary and most important objects of knowledge for human life.
L.N. Tolstoy

Science is the basis of all progress that makes life easier for mankind and reduces its suffering.
Maria Sklodowska-Curie

A scientific genius leaves a much deeper imprint on humanity than a statesman or a military leader.
Paul Johnson

Who in 1820 paid attention to Oersted's report that the compass needle deviates sharply towards the wire through which the current is passed? People were then worried about the fate of Napoleon, who was living his last days on the island of St. Helena, the murder of the Duke of Berry. And the compass needle is a sort of, God forgive me, nonsense. But History shuddered from it, a new industrial era began, electricity entered life and changed it, the world has changed, we ourselves have changed.
Vladimir Tendryakov. – 1987

The scientist is more important than the king of Israel, because if the scientist dies, there will be no one to replace him, and if the king dies, then all of Israel can replace him.
Talmud (Horayot, 13a)

Sine doctrina vita est quasi mortis - Without science, life is like death (lat).

If there were no sciences and arts, there would be no man and human life.
L.N. Tolstoy

Where science stands high, man stands high.
A.I. Polezhaev

But there will be a time - if only it would come sooner - when the conviction will penetrate into everyone and everyone that everything is there in Russia, and only three things are needed: science, science and science.
V.F. Odoevsky

Science should be the most exalted embodiment of the fatherland, for of all peoples the first will always be the one that outstrips others in the field of thought and mental activity.
Louis Pasteur

The one who follows others will never get ahead of them.
Michelangelo Buonarroti

Science is necessary for the people. A country that does not develop it will inevitably turn into a colony.
Frederic Joliot-Curie

In the cage of bureaucracy, science cannot move forward.
Karl Liebknecht

A terrible manifestation of our backwardness is bureaucracy in general, and in science in particular.
V.L. Ginzburg. – 1988

According to one of the leaders of a prominent American company, the competence of those responsible for research and development falls rapidly as they climb the rungs of the hierarchical ladder up to its highest level - the board of vice presidents of the company, which manages to be wrong in all cases.
A.A.Silin. – 1983

Science has its own specific logic of development, which is very important to take into account. Science must always work in reserve, for the future, and only under this condition will it be in its natural conditions.
S.I. Vavilov

The new always emerges from the underground of the present.
V.V. Nalimov

The fate of the new truth is this: at the beginning of its existence, it always seems to be heresy.
Thomas Henry Huxley

Many great truths were blasphemy at first.
Bernard Show

The whole history of science at every turn shows that individuals were more right in their statements than entire corporations of scientists or hundreds and thousands of researchers who adhered to dominant views.
The vitality and importance of ideas is known only by long experience. Meaning creative work scientist will be determined by time.

A delusion does not cease to be a delusion because the majority shares it.
L.N. Tolstoy

The measure of justice cannot be a majority of votes.
Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller

To explore is to see what everyone has seen, and to think in a way that no one has thought.
Albert Szent-Györgyi

Discovery is always the destruction of an established idea.

Any doctrine goes through three stages: first it is attacked, declared absurd, then it is admitted that it is obviously true. Its true importance is finally recognized, and then its opponents dispute the honor of its discovery.
W. James

But the progress of science is such that what causes noticeable skepticism after a decade and a half already seems like a banal truth.
N.V. Lazarev

Among other things, scientific achievements, unlike artistic ones, inevitably age. Even greatest discoveries fade over time, dissolving in subsequent theories and experiments. Otherwise the progress of science would be impossible.
G. Gorelik. - 1989

Science moves forward, constantly crossing itself out.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

My followers must precede me, contradict me, even destroy my work, while at the same time continuing it. It is only from such consistently destroyed work that progress is created.

Truth is an instrument of cognition, and to give the meaning of “eternal” to temporal truth means to turn an instrument of cognition into fetters of critical creative thought.
Maksim Gorky

By accepting dogma, science commits suicide.
Thomas Henry Huxley

There is no revelation in science, there are no permanent dogmas, everything in it, on the contrary, moves and improves.
A.I. Herzen

Don't think, dear Ivan Ilyich, that while writing this I am delighted with my work.
On the contrary, I see that these theoretical conclusions of mine are temporary and must soon go away, as many more important things have gone. But it is strange that this temporary influence came so late: they will soon have to be replaced by other constructions that others will provide. But it was impossible to avoid them.
V. I. Vernadsky (from a letter to I. I. Petrunkevich, Paris) - 1924

Science does not know how to stop there.
Vladimir Pokrovsky

Science is not and never will be a finished book. Each new success brings new questions.
Albert Einstein

Explore every hour, everywhere, what is great and beautiful, what the world has not yet seen.
M V. Lomonosov

At the beginning of all philosophy lies wonder, its development is research, its end is ignorance. It must be said that there is ignorance, full of strength and nobility, in courage and honor in no way inferior to knowledge, ignorance for the comprehension of which requires no less knowledge than for the right to be called a knower.
Michel de Montaigne

You know why I forgive smart people a lot - except meanness, of course - it's because they don't know a lot and never hide it. And the fool - did you notice it? - always knows everything. Always and everything...
A.T. Tvardovsky

Unfortunate are those people to whom everything is clear.
Louis Pasteur

The key to all science is the question mark.
Honore de Balzac

Science is always wrong. She never solves an issue without adding a dozen new ones.
George Bernard Shaw

What we know is limited, and what we do not know is infinite.
Pierre Simon Laplace

Truths are clear and deep. Clear truth is opposed to falsehood. Profound truth is opposed by another truth, no less profound.
Niels Bohr

Under every abyss there is a deeper abyss.

The knowledge of a secret is the deepening of a true secret.
Nikolai Berdyaev

The book of science never has a last page.

The limits of the sciences are like the horizon: the closer one approaches them, the more they move back.
Pierre Buast

The mind must not stop where the eye stops, for the spirit sees much further than the body.
N. Malebranche

A feature of a living mind is that it needs only a little to see and hear so that it can then think for a long time and understand a lot.
Giordano Bruno

But for a penetrating mind, these faint traces are enough, and you can already know the rest from them with certainty.
Titus Lucretius Car

From one drop of water, a logical thinker can infer the possibility of the existence of the Atlantic Ocean or Niagara Falls, even if he has neither seen nor heard of either. Every life is a huge chain of causes and effects, and we can know its nature by one link.
Arthur Conan Doyle

A scientific hypothesis always goes beyond the facts that served as the basis for its construction.

Scientific thoughts are always paradoxical, if judged on the basis of everyday experience, which catches only the deceptive appearance of things.
Karl Marx

You may not be eaten by the bear you see.
Eskimo proverb

Myopic evidence obscures from people all the time true meaning and the truth of events, their perspectives, beauty and significance.
A.A. Ukhtomsky. - July 18, 1929

It is difficult to know everything in the world as it is. Because in the world, what seems right turns out to be wrong, and what seems wrong turns out to be right. Foolish people cannot understand this world.
Buddha's teaching

Everything that we see is only one appearance.
Far from the surface of the sea to the bottom.
Consider the unimportant obvious in the world,
For the secret essence of things is not visible.
Omar Khayyam

All this is a shell, the most important thing is what you do not see with your eyes.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The eye hurts against the shell of nature,
Looking for the cherished core of the move.
Seeing the world in all its glory,
He does not see the springs that secretly move everything.
Albrecht von Haller

In reality, everything is completely different than in reality.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Logic suggests the unexpected.
Osip Mandelstam

Logic is one of the powerful means of thought, but by no means the only one. There is also imagination, which makes it possible to grasp the complexity of specific phenomena.

Imagination is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited, while imagination embraces everything in the world. Strictly speaking, imagination is the real factor in scientific research.
Albert Einstein

It is much more difficult to see a problem than to find a solution. The first requires imagination, while the second requires only skill.

Science wins when fantasy unfetters its wings.
Michael Faraday

Rutherford was the first to find that the physical phenomena associated with radioactivity are immediately explained by assuming that radioactivity is a process of decay of matter. In order to see this, Rutherford did not need deep erudition, but, most importantly, he needed imagination, insight and courage. In these early stages of science, the precision and punctuality of professional scientists may rather prevent such bold assumptions from being made.
P. L. Kapitsa. – 1956

How much we know and how little we understand.
Albert Einstein

Whoever thinks that he knows anything knows nothing as it should be.
The First Epistle to the Corinthians of the Holy Apostle Paul. Ch. 8:2

The eagles that fly so high are no closer to the sun than the reptiles, they are so far from it. Similarly, scientists and ignoramuses are far from the first causes.
Claude Adrian Helvetius

Then I saw all the works of God and found that man cannot comprehend the works that are done under the sun. No matter how much a person labors in research, he still will not attain it, and if any wise man says that he knows, he cannot attain it.
The book of Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher. Ch. 8:17

From the most correct premises, people often draw the most false conclusions.
Anatole France

To what extent people who consider themselves sages do not understand how unsteady their reasoning is, and all because they start from concepts that are completely obscure, if we evaluate them by mathematical standards.
Alfred Renyi. - 1967

At the opening of the university, we completely missed the department of mathematics.

Science only reaches perfection when it succeeds in using mathematics.
Karl Marx

Measure everything that is measurable, and make measurable everything that is immeasurable.
Galileo Galilei

But here it is necessary to constantly keep in mind the following circumstance: when a specific question is reduced to a mathematical question, one always has to make a number of assumptions, because mathematics, together with mechanics, operate on ideal objects, only more or less close to real objects ... It is clear that, no matter how much no mathematical solution can be exact, it cannot be more accurate than the approximate premises on which it is based. This is often forgotten, first some rough approximate assumption or assumption is made, often without even mentioning it, and then the resulting formula is given much more confidence than it deserves, and this is because its derivation is complex.
A.N. Krylov. - 1938

Garbage in - garbage out. - Garbage in - garbage out (eng).

Mathematics, like a millstone, grinds what is poured into it, and just as by pouring quinoa you do not get wheat flour, so by writing whole pages with formulas you do not get truth from false premises.
Thomas Henry Huxley

There is nothing more harmful to a new truth than an old error.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Nothing is more contagious than a delusion supported by a big name.
Georges Buffon

The motto of science is tolerance and humanity, because science is alien to fanaticism, admiration for authority.
L.S. Berg

One person lied, and a hundred people pass off this lie as the truth.
Chinese proverb

One dog will bark in vain - the rest will pick up seriously.
Japanese proverb

Each person can and should use everything that the total mind of mankind has developed, but at the same time, he can and should check the data developed by all mankind.
L.N. Tolstoy

A belief should be expensive only because it is true, and not at all because it is ours.
V.G. Belinsky

In 1643, the physician Canbier opposed the anatomist Virzung, who had discovered the pancreatic duct the year before. The latter publicly proved that he was right after all. Then Canbier killed him with a direct shot from a gun for this alone.
Lev Etingen. - 1982

Never consider yourself right more than others. Respect other people's, even hostile opinions.
A.I. Solzhenitsyn

All honest and real scientists do not consider it a shame to change their minds if plausibility and clear proof require it.
William Harvey

Intelligence is conscientiousness, it is primarily a moral concept, a tolerant attitude towards other people's opinions.

Better restlessness in doubt than calmness in delusion.
Alessandro Manzoni

Conviction is not the beginning, but the end of all knowledge.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Oddly enough, the most firm, unshakable convictions are the most superficial. Deep beliefs are always mobile.
L.N. Tolstoy

It seems to you that I look upon the work of my life with calm satisfaction. Up close, it all looks different. There is not a single concept in the stability of which I would be convinced. I'm not sure at all that I'm on the right track.
Albert Einstein. – 1949

In science, you have to believe and doubt at the same time.
Ludwig Hirschfeld

I value one experience more than a thousand opinions born of the imagination alone.
M.V. Lomonosov

Words and illusions perish, facts remain.
D.I. Pisarev

All scientific phenomena are reproducible, they can be repeated under certain conditions.
Immanuel Kant

Prjvando e riprovando (By evidence and again by evidence).
Dante Alighieri

"Proof" is a very vague word in itself, it is completely unjustified: nothing can be proven completely. Real scientists know that in any field, especially in exact sciences, in the end everything goes to axiomatics: where does the axiom begin, which is not proved, and entire systems are built on it.
Father Alexander Men

I have no doubt that a man who, like a philosopher, has a great ability to penetrate into the secrets of nature and guessing by means of hypotheses the mode of its manifestation, will be able, for his own interest, to distinguish the mode of knowledge, which consists of theories and hypotheses, from knowledge itself, which includes facts. and laws.
Michael Faraday

We value facts because they are imperishable and form the ground for ideas, but a fact receives its true meaning only through an idea that can be developed from it.
Justus Liebig

Alexei Maksimovich Gorky once uttered words that personally helped me a lot and continue to help me in my work.
- Fact, he said - a fool. The logic of the fact is important.
Boris Kamov. – 2011

With the complete elimination of the hypothesis, that is, the guiding thought, science would turn into a heap of bare facts.
K.A. Timiryazev

Of all the hypotheses, choose the one that does not prevent further thinking about the things under study.
James Clerk Maxwell

Contemplation without thinking is tiring. When I don't have more and more ideas to work with, I'm definitely sick.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Knowledge comes before conjecture.
Alexander Friedrich Wilhelm von Humboldt

Philosophers believe that certain facts give rise to ideas, and in a sense this is true. But I find the following in the history of natural science: in order to understand the facts, it is necessary to have certain ideas in the head, and that with the eyes one can not see what the mind sees.
Justus Liebig. - June 29, 1865

Anyone who moves away from ideas ends up with only sensations.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The facts we have received must be correct; for hypotheses, if they are fruitful, this is not necessary, and being fully confirmed, the theory loses its fertilizing power. It brings to life experiments that give new facts, only as long as we doubt its validity.
Hans Selye

Great ideas must be developed immediately, without waiting for their conscientious verification by natural phenomena.
Albert Einstein

Nothing succeeds without a preconceived idea. It is only necessary to have prudence so as not to draw conclusions from it that are not confirmed by experience. Preconceived ideas subjected to the strict control of experience are the animating flame of the observational sciences.
Louis Pasteur

Newton demanded that any statement obtained from experience by means of induction, that is, by reasoning from individual facts and provisions to general conclusions, be considered correct until other phenomena are discovered; that limit or contradict this statement.

When a fact comes across that contradicts the prevailing theory, one must accept the fact and reject the theory, even if it is supported by big names and accepted by everyone.
Claude Bernard

The fact has more power than the Lord Mayor of London.
English proverb

Exceptions do not always confirm the old rules. They may be harbingers of a new order.
Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

The advance of our knowledge of nature occurs when contradictions arise between theory and experience. These contradictions provide the key to a broader understanding of nature, they force us to develop our theory. The larger these contradictions, the more fundamental is the restructuring of those laws by which we explain the processes occurring in nature and on the basis of which we use nature for our cultural development.
P. L. Kapitsa. – 1966

Contradiction is the criterion of truth, the absence of contradiction is the criterion of error.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

It is not so much the laws themselves that are interesting, but the deviations from them.
P. L. Kapitsa

If I came across a new observation or thought that contradicted my general conclusions, I made sure to make a short note about them, for, as I have seen from experience, such facts or thoughts usually slip from memory much sooner than those favorable to you.
Charles Darwin

Facts that can't be explained existing theories, the most expensive for science, their development should be mainly expected to develop in the near future.
A.M. Butlerov

The development of science is possible under the condition of constant attention to new facts, to new knowledge and patterns unknown at the previous stage.
V.V. Parin

Pioneers are driven by curiosity, followed by science.
Jacques Yves Cousteau

It doesn't matter what you're looking for, what matters is what you find.
Blaise Pascal

In life, as in science, almost every goal is reached by roundabout ways, and the direct road to it becomes clear to the mind only when the goal is reached.
I.M. Sechenov. – 1866

Random discoveries are made only by trained minds.
Blaise Pascal

The main feature of every new idea that has arisen in science is that it connects in a certain way two different kind phenomena.
Max Planck

Oil slicks are collected by a magnet
Once David Gurevich asked Shlomo Bam: “Listen, I got a powder from all sorts of waste, which does not sink in water and is not wetted by it, but is attracted by a magnet.” The petrochemist Shlomo Bam recommended in response: "Try to see if it will be wetted by oil." We tried it - it gets wet.
Roman Efimov (Information magazine "First Steps". - 2002. - No. 16)

On the other hand, back in the thirteenth century, Roger Bacon noticed that all sciences study the same thing. We explore patterns that exist in the same material world. They not only coexist, but are extraordinarily interconnected (the doctrine of the universal connection of phenomena in nature and society). And from here, even simply as a logically inevitable consequence, a conclusion follows, to which all those who study the laws of the development of science often empirically come. What is new in one or another area of ​​science is very often born from ideas and facts that have already become firmly established in other areas.
N.V. Lazarev, R.O. Amirov. - 1968

Science is organized knowledge.
Herbert Spencer

Science consists not only in the establishment of single facts, but also in the correct grouping, in the discovery of their connection and, thus, in their explanation.
Carl Schorlemmer. – 1889

Science consists in grouping facts in such a way that it is possible to deduce from them general laws or conclusion.
Charles Robert Darwin

Knowledge of certain principles fully compensates for ignorance of certain facts.
L.N. Tolstoy

Any branch of science cannot be called science as long as it remains only a set of unrelated facts. Only when general laws have been formulated and experimentally verified can it be said that the transition from mere description to science has taken place.
E. Cornish-Bowden

Without the belief that nature is subject to laws, there can be no science.
Norbert Winner

The basis of all scientific work is the belief that the world is an ordered and knowable entity. This conviction is based on a religious feeling. My religious feeling is a respectful admiration for the order that reigns in a small part of reality accessible to our weak mind.
Albert Einstein

In science, we invariably observe that the more fundamental the discovered pattern, the shorter it can be formulated. So, for example, to formulate the basic law of mechanics for the balance of inertial forces with ordinary ones, Newton needed four letters. To describe the quantum regularity of the photoelectric effect, Einstein needed only three letters.
P. L. Kapitsa. - 1979.

After all, the greater the achievements of a scientist, the shorter and more accurately they can be described.
P. L. Kapitsa

One must be able to look at the most complex phenomenon in such a way as to immediately find the simplicity underlying it. The talent to find the simplest in the most complex - that's what a real scientist needs.
Mitchell Wilson

Simplify the complex and you will get the most significant result.
Henry Buckle

Everything should be presented as simply as possible, but not simpler.
Albert Einstein

Not everything complicated is false.
Not everything simple is empty.
Nikolai Glazkov

Nature is all the more amazing because in its simplicity it is multi-sly and from a small number of reasons it pronounces innumerable images of properties, changes and phenomena.
M.V. Lomonosov. – 1756

When dealing with transcendental matters, be transcendentally clear.
Rene Descartes

Science should be fun, exciting and simple. Scientists should be like that too.
P. L. Kapitsa

Truth is what simplifies the world, and not what creates chaos, it is a language that singles out the common from the diversity.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Truth has a simple language.
Grigory Skovoroda

Where it is simple, there are a hundred angels, and where it is tricky, there is not a single one.
Elder Ambrose

Nature is quite simple; anything contrary to this must be rejected.
M.V. Lomonosov. – 1752

Blessed be the Lord, who made everything necessary simple, and everything complicated unnecessary.
Grigory Skovoroda

The more one goes into the workings of nature, the more visible becomes the simplicity of the laws that she follows in her doings.
A.N. Radishchev

You need to turn the edge of your mind to the most insignificant and simple things and dwell on them for a long time until you get used to clearly and clearly see the truth in them.
Rene Descartes

When one day, immersed in thought,
Newton saw an apple fall,
He deduced the law of attraction
From this simple observation.
George Byron

The goal of scientific thinking is to see the general in the particular and the eternal in the transient.
Alfred North Whateid

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And the cosmos is all in one blade of grass, And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And in a fleeting moment eternity And Eternity in an hour
William Blake. – 1794

The greatest truths are the simplest.
L.N. Tolstoy

The truth is so simple that they do not believe in it.
Fanny Lewald

The beauty and greatness of the human mind lies in the eternal search for truth.
Anatole France

Truth is a spiritual conquest. Truth is known in freedom and through freedom.
Nikolai Berdyaev

There may be truth outside of science, but science does not exist outside of truth.

From a genius we demand above all a love of truth.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The love of science is the love of truth, so honesty is the main activity of a scientist.
Ludwig Feuerbach

A scientist must be honest in everything. The slightest deviation from this quality is the gravest crime.

This idea, voiced even before our era by the Roman statesman, orator and writer Cicero, resonated not only with the great M.V. Lomonosov. On September 3, 2012, immediately after the ceremonial speeches had ended, in the office of the Rector of IGUMO, Doctor of Law, Professor M.V. Volynkina, a scholar of the Areopagus gathered: Vice-Rector for academic work Institute - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor K.A. Magomedov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Projects - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor G.N. Gumovskaya, Chief Researcher of IGUMO - Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor Yu.M. Antonyan. The topic of discussion was scientific research at the institute, prospects for the development of IGUMO scientific schools.

Almost traditionally, during the conversation, a working scientific discussion arose: what fundamental science different from applied And is it possible in higher educational institutions, focused mainly on the humanities, to conduct fundamental scientific research? The point of view of Professor Yu.M. Antonyana was categorical: many humanitarian studies can and should be classified as fundamental, fundamental science cannot be considered only in the aspect of exclusively global research carried out on the basis of empirical data. Professor G. N. Gumovskaya also believes that fundamental science is the basic one, on the basis of which scientists create new theories. The absence of clear formulas should not exclude humanists from the ranks of fundamentalist scientists.

The age-old dispute between "physicists" and "lyricists", which does not detract from the merits of either side, took place in a businesslike and at the same time relaxed atmosphere. And it is important to note that the indicated discussion can continue indefinitely, because the flight of scientific thought cannot be interrupted.

The main outcome of the meeting pundits was the decision to hold on November 27, 2012 the final scientific and practical conference, obliging all doctors of sciences on the staff of the institute, as well as heads of departments, to make scientific reports on the topics of their research conducted in 2012. Previously, they will have to arrange their speeches at the final conference in the format of scientific articles and submit them for publication in the collection of scientific Proceedings of IGUMO 2012 (until November 20).

Scientific Secretary of IGUMO Professor M.I. Mogachev will summarize this work in a detailed report on the publication of the results of scientific research conducted by IGUMO scientists (articles in foreign and national professional publications, in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission; as well as monographs, textbooks and teaching aids).

Similar scientific meetings with debriefing on the scale of the institute are held at IGUMO once every 5 years - on the eve of the next state accreditation. They allow you to create a complete picture of scientific work at the university, evaluate achievements, and determine guidelines for the future.

The upcoming conference, during which reports on all the research conducted by the IGUMO scientific corps will be heard, will make it possible to identify promising areas in terms of nomination for grants: their award has become a good tradition of the institute.

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Natural scientific truth does not contradict divine truth many eminent scientists who have made a significant contribution to world science believe so


reflections on the work of N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky

Here I will allow myself to cite one of the main provisions of 156 of the work of P. A. Florensky "The Pillar and Ground of Truth": Florensky combines several postulates - the knowledge of Truth is the knowledge of God, the knowledge of Truth is possible only in the love of one ...


Now in China, in many universities where there is a faculty of the Russian language, they open lectures or classes for teaching Russian literature. Only the study of the biography of the writer and the explanation of the works, this is far from teaching literature. I think that lectures or classes in literature are a lesson with a huge cognitive and educational potential, a lesson that implements the principles of science, historicism in the approach to literary phenomena and, of course, is focused on the development of intellectual, emotional and volitional qualities of students, on the formation of their worldview, aesthetic consciousness, tastes and needs.

Members of the Kingdom of God are completely free from selfishness and therefore they create only absolute values: moral goodness, beauty, knowledge of the truth, indivisible and indestructible blessings that serve the whole world.


STUDYING the Russian language course in basic school based on a competency-based approach is designed to ensure the formation and development of communicative, linguistic and cultural competencies. Cultural competence implies awareness of the native language as a form of expression of national culture, understanding of the relationship between the language and the history of the people; the formation of skills to identify language units with a national cultural component of meaning in the works of oral folk art, in fiction and historical texts. about personal development, possible ways This development of the domestic methodology speaks not only in connection with the new standards. A look at the formation of a person's image through the prism of culture is characteristic of Russian philosophers, humanists, educators, and psychologists. For N.A. Berdyaev, culture is an obligatory personal baggage accumulated by the past historical and cultural experience of mankind. The main ideas of P.A. Florensky regarding education are that the latter takes on the mission of educating a person of culture, who acts as the main force in the preservation, revival and development of culture as a backbone environment

ABOUT scientific research Mikhail Lomonosov Text 1 (1) Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, Russian scientist, educator, poet, said about the main work of his life: “Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, enlightenment of the mind, immaculate amusement of life, praise ...


The article is devoted to the analysis of one of the main principles of early prevention of juvenile delinquency - the principle of the priority of spirituality. Its content is determined, the inextricable link between spirituality, legal awareness and juvenile delinquency is emphasized. It is indicated that today the implementation of this principle in practice is manifested in the formation of "deferred" needs of minors.

Will in a person as knowledge of the Truth and following it. Belyaeva in her work offers a visual diagram of the relationship of spirituality with other personal characteristics5: As can be seen from the diagram, the spiritual ideal and values ​​form the core of the personality, on ...



There is a tendency towards a systematic convergence of the intuitive and the deductive.

“The concept of intuition in Descartes,” notes V.V. Sokolov, “is the main expression and even a synonym for “natural light” (lumen naturale), which guarantees the knowledge of truth”6. Perception of the mind.


the article deals with some problems of modernity, arising from the specific philosophical problem of epistemological reflection on the surrounding reality

These reflections may seem very abstract, but we are talking fully about a specific question: do we have the opportunity, with a given degree of complexity, to claim to know the truth, and even more so the essence, which we have almost forgotten ...


The article is devoted to the philosopher Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin and his philosophical thinking

His philosophy merges with theology, reason - with will, knowledge of truth - with the experience of beauty and goodness.


Commemorative medals, as a rule, are dedicated to various events of human activity, represent architectural monuments and sculptural monuments. These are medals with images of the buildings of the Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University and the Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences, the Bolshoi and Maly Theaters, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Likhachev and Lenin Komsomol factories, monuments to Pushkin and Lermontov, Luzhniki sports complexes and Domodedovo Airport, the State Historical Museum and the Museum Fine Arts and others. We will focus on the architectural monuments of Moscow, which reflected the main milestones in the history of the capital and are its calling card.

The medal depicts the facade of an old building on Mokhovaya with all its architectural features. Above the building on an unfolded scroll are the words of M. Lomonosov: "Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, enlightenment of the mind .."


The dramatic consequences of the failed reforms of domestic science and education are considered. It is shown that by restoring the vertical of development based on a cause-and-effect relationship, it is possible to solve many problems of domestic science and education and thereby strengthen the strength and power of our state.

“Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, enlightenment of the mind, immaculate amusement of life, praise of youth, old age, a support, a builder of cities, regiments, a fortress of success in misfortune, in happiness an ornament, a faithful and unceasing companion everywhere”, so ...



The article discusses the specifics of creative (performing) groups, highlights their main features; Special attention paid to the specifics of the phenomenon of leadership in relation to creative teams; the stable features of the leader of the creative team (musical/dramatic) are determined.

Art is the knowledge of truth, artistic truth. The truth of art is different from the truth of science.


There is a European tradition of differentiation into love of the mind and love of the body. The pagan intoxication with corporality has become the paradigm of the modern West, love is understood exclusively in a romantic way, as opposed to sex. Compared to the previous one, Russian love between a man and a woman is of the same nature as love for the motherland. But "morals deteriorate," said I. Ilyin, and modern researchers, - that the "new Russian nation" broke away from the soil - the "bearer of the matrix". However, the "thick people" remains committed to traditional values ​​as opposed to the elite. The question "Will the choice remain with the majority?" - remains open.

“The lover really sees, visually perceives not what others do,” said Vl. Solovyov. P. Florensky determined that “essential knowledge of the truth ... real entry into the bowels of the divine trinity is possible only through ...


The question of the aesthetic value of art is quite complex and determined its content depending on the temporal categories of the development of the state and society. It was determined mainly in the cultural and historical context, in connection with the acute problems of the time, when there was a need to explain the artist's relationship with the world.

Knowledge of truth never lies on the surface, every artist must strive to discover it. And the task of the teacher in the lesson becomes the opportunity to convey the voice of the artist, the poet to the heart and consciousness of the student.


Shining Quran. The view of the biblical scholar. email edition

Moscow: Terevinf

“He is merciful: he opened to Mohammed / He opened the shining Koran, / Let us also flow to the light, / And let the fog fall from our eyes” - these Pushkin lines served Starting point for a commentary on the Koran written by a well-known biblical theologian, author of the multi-volume "Introduction to the Old Testament" and a large number of publications on the history and teachings of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The book compares the teachings of the Koran with the revelations of the biblical prophets, reveals those aspects of the Muslim tradition that are little covered or ignored by other researchers.

2, 21) 255 ... If we, having received the knowledge of the truth, sin voluntarily, then there remains no more sacrifice for sins, But some terrible expectation of judgment and the fury of fire, ready to devour opponents. (Heb.

Preview: Shining Quran. Biblical perspective. - 4th ed. (el.).pdf (0.3 Mb)


Foundations of Islamic Mysticism: Genesis and Evolution

M.: Languages ​​of Slavic culture

Preview: Foundations of Islamic Mysticism Genesis and Evolution.pdf (7.9 Mb)


Fundamentals of Islamic Mysticism (Genesis and Evolution)

M.: Languages ​​of Slavic culture

The work is devoted to the study of the ontological and epistemological foundations of one of the leading areas of classical Arab-Muslim philosophy - Sufism. The book examines the causes of the emergence of a mystical current in Islam and its transformation into philosophical Sufism. On the basis of extensive textual material, Sufism is considered in all historical forms of its existence as a single phenomenon. The author focuses on the exposition of the main Sufi concepts in the light of their formation and development. The book is provided with subject and nominal indexes, a list of Arabic terms and concepts.

Sahl ibn 'Abdallah, driven by the desire to protect the Sufi knowledge of the Truth from speculation and abuse, argued that everything is in a state of "finding God" (wajd), which does not find justification in the Koran and the Sunnah - a lie (batil)5 ageless Arabic. ..

Preview: Fundamentals of Islamic Mysticism.pdf (0.7 Mb)


Code of basic laws of thinking Logic. Psychology.

Fatherland type.

Complete, accessible to the human mind, knowledge of the truth is only in B. Such knowledge leads a person to the correct and righteous glorification of Truth itself, which is God, and glorification cannot be expressed otherwise than in words. ...

Preview: Code of Fundamental Laws of Thinking.pdf (1.1 Mb)


No. 8 [Humanities, socio-economic and social sciences, 2014]

Electronic Science Magazine illuminating actual problems educational process, social and human sciences. Its correspondents are both eminent scientists and young authors. The journal is included in the VAK List.

Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the knowledge of the truth cannot be the goal of the defense side. The duty of the defender is to know the truth only to the extent that this contributes to the protection of the rights of the accused.

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Anthropologism of Russian religious ethics of the nineteenth century studies. ...

Publishing house of ZabGGPU

Task study guide- to draw the attention of readers to the theme of man, not only "physical", but also "internal", "metaphysical" (this topic varies in the works of the above thinkers), to the question of the meaning and purpose of his life. Appeal to the essence and history of such ethical categories as conscience, heart, "external" and " inner man”, “mind”, “mind”, “reason”, etc. allows to reveal, to a certain extent, the secret of man as a spiritual and moral being.

Knowledge of the truth is impossible without heartfelt faith, which is one of the foundations of human morality. The Slavophils believed that a believing person is not yet a whole person, but strives for this ideal.

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No. 3 [Mashinostroitel, 2014]

The magazine is intended for a wide range of managers, specialists and employees of enterprises in various industries. It highlights various aspects of the production activities of enterprises. Articles on economic and legal issues related to the development of industry and production are presented in a significant volume. Information and technical materials on developments in the field of mechanical engineering are published. Issues under consideration social relations in production. Analytical reviews of thematic events are presented.

M Karpenkov S.Kh., Doctor of Engineering. sciences KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH Natural scientific truth does not contradict the divine truth, as many eminent scientists who have made a significant contribution to world science believe.

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The main stages in the history of the development of Western philosophy [proc. ...

SSAU publishing house

The main stages in the history of the development of Western philosophy. Programs used: Adobe Acrobat. Proceedings of SSAU employees (electronic version)

Knowledge of the truth is undemocratic, it is not available to everyone in the learning process. Hence the high appreciation of the personality and its creativity. Man realizes himself as a person in history and culture.

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History of Philosophy. Book. 1. Ancient world. Antiquity textbook


A meaningful description of the main stages and trends in the development of philosophical knowledge is given. The most significant ideas of the main philosophical schools and teachings of prominent philosophers of the Ancient World ( ancient india and Ancient China) and Antiquity: early, middle and high classics, Hellenistic-Roman philosophy, religious philosophy of late Hellenism and early Christian heresies. better understanding educational material schemes help.

So, according to Pythagoras, the meaning of philosophy (love of wisdom) is the study of the nature of things and the knowledge of truth. Therefore, the etymology itself this concept reveals the nature of the philosophical comprehension of being and a certain thought process of comprehension of the truth.

Preview: History of Philosophy. Ancient world. Antiquity. Book 1. Textbook. Vulture UMC Professional textbook. (Series Cogito ergo sum)..pdf (0.8 Mb)


History of Philosophy. Book. 2. Middle Ages. Renaissance. New...


A meaningful description of the main stages and trends in the development of philosophical knowledge is given. The most significant ideas of the main philosophical schools and teachings of prominent philosophers of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation and Modern times are outlined. Main sections: "Medieval Philosophy in the Countries of the Arab Caliphate and Western Europe", "European Philosophy of the Renaissance" and "European Philosophy of the 17th-18th Centuries". Schemes contribute to a better understanding of the educational material.

The last inclinations are an attribute of the higher part of the soul and are aimed at the knowledge of the truth and moral guidelines for the life of people. Ethics and socio-political doctrine.

Preview: History of Philosophy. Middle Ages. Renaissance. New time. Book 2. Textbook. Vulture UMC Professional textbook. (Series Cogito ergo sum)..pdf (0.9 Mb)


Orthodox worship: translated from Greek and...

Moscow: St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute

The publication was prepared at the Moscow St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute prof.-priest. Georgy Kochetkov with a group of philologists. These translations are the fruit of many years of scientific, theological and spiritual-pedagogical work. They are made from Greek and Slavic sources. They are entirely focused on the tradition existing in the Russian Orthodox Church and can serve as a unique guide not only for students of theology and catechists, but also for all those who seek the fullness of spirit and meaning in the worship of the Christian Orthodox community.

blazed with a spiritual flame and in order to more clearly appear the seal depicted on him / them. Imprint in the heart/s and thoughts of him/them with the sign of the Cross of Your Christ the hope in You and the knowledge of the Truth, so that he/they would know/-and You, the only true...

Preview: Orthodox liturgy translated from Greek and Church Slavonic. Vol. 4 The following of the sacraments of Baptism and chrismation and other rites of churching with the appendix of Church Slavonic texts.pdf (1.0 Mb)


M.V. Lomonosov: “I see the past time with my spirit...”: meeting...

Northern (Arctic) federal university named after M.V. Lomonosov

Based on the analysis of the works of M.V. Lomonosov published in his full assembly works, systematized and presented sayings of the great scientist on a variety of topics. In the personality and work of M.V. Lomonosov, the heroic traits of the great Russian people, the desire to transform Russia, his passion for science, deep faith in the talents and creativity of his people, found a vivid expression. They are of great educational value for young scientists, for young people.

Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, enlightenment of the mind, immaculate amusement of life, praise of youth, old age, a backwater, a builder of cities, a fortress of regiments, a joy in misfortune, an ornament in happiness, a faithful and unceasing companion everywhere.

Preview: M.V. Lomonosov "I see the past time with my spirit..." collection of quotes.pdf (1.0 Mb)


The article deals with the ecological problem as a global problem of our time; its dependence on the values ​​of technogenic civilization is analyzed. The forms of the ecological movement are characterized - this is not only the activity of the "green", but also the schools of ecological ethics, new practices, such as deep ecology, numerous ecological scientific disciplines. It is shown that ecology becomes a philosophy when the aspect that connects it with the formation of a new consciousness of the individual and society is realized. The ways of overcoming the global ecological crisis through the ecologization of consciousness, the formation of a new philosophy of nature are analyzed.

The cognition of truth is conjugated with the state of "doing oneself" under the sign of truth. Truth is understood here not in the form of a person's relationship to reality, but as a relationship in reality itself.


Speech before the funeral of Professor of Philosophy Vasily...

Type. Department of appanages

This means that the mind, the researcher and bearer of truth, does not have in itself the truth of its knowledge; it means occupation with science, even the most persistent, knowledge of the mind, even the deepest, by themselves, by themselves, do not undoubtedly lead to truths ...

Preview: Speech before the funeral of Professor of Philosophy Vasily Nikolaevich Karpov, spoken by the rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Archpriest I. Yanyshev.pdf (1.0 Mb)


Religion in the interpretation of postmodern philosophers and symbolists: the development of spiritual culture, the spiritual emancipation of the creative forces of the individual.

R. Barth defines artistic activity as an independent mode of philosophizing. Poetry appears to the philosopher as a universal sphere of manifestation of the creative spirit. The knowledge of the truth requires a spiritual life, and the word is a "constructive...


The article deals with one of the most relevant and discussed topics in modern cognitive science - the problem of the origin and meaning of the concept of "cognitive unconscious", as well as the origins of this concept in Plato's philosophy. The author cites the views of such philosophers and psychologists as J. Piaget, J. Kilstrom, G. Hunt and V.M. Allahverdov. The article demonstrates that general concept"cognitive unconscious" combines many psychological phenomena that imply the possibility of unconscious cognitive activity. The author also draws analogies between the concept of the cognitive unconscious and Plato's doctrine of knowledge as recollection (anamnesis). In the ancient tradition, the inner world of a person and his processes are identified with the soul. According to Plato, the activity of the soul is in the sphere of the unconscious, it is also the repository of human knowledge. At the moment of its interaction with the outside world (extraction of knowledge) with the help of the senses, we can talk about conscious activity. According to Plato, cognition is the process of extracting unconscious knowledge located in the area of ​​the unconscious into the area of ​​the conscious. Conscious and unconscious in Plato's philosophy are attributes of the human soul, which stores the knowledge of all previous reincarnations.

The heart of the soul is, most likely, the highest feelings of the soul (faith in the knowledge of truth, love of wisdom), in unity with rational thinking, create true knowledge.


N. Belevtseva. Science as Religion, or Religion as Philosophy...

Dispute in absentia between liberal Boris Chicherin and Slavophile Ivan Aksakov.

It was only said that the knowledge of the truth is given only to the whole mind, that not only the logical mind, but also Love (feeling) is an instrument of knowledge. "And in one more place.

Preview: N. Belevtseva. Science as Religion, or Religion as Philosophy.pdf (0.1 Mb)


This is hypocrisy, which is hateful to God. “According to the power of life, there is knowledge of the truth,” says Isaac Sirin. The power of life is acquired in trials, struggle, in the variety of life situations.


(Letters from Siberia) Correspondence

It's strange and last message between our minds is a sign that he remembered me, and a portent of our imminent union in a world where the knowledge of the truth does not require any more sacrifices or efforts.

Preview: (Letters from Siberia).pdf (0.1 Mb)


The significance of the works of Professor L. D. Kokorev for the development of moral guarantees of criminal procedural activity, without which legal guarantees are ineffective, is substantiated. It is concluded that the content scientific works L. D. Kokoreva, as well as his life in science (directly and indirectly), were a significant guarantee of the morality of domestic criminal justice. Some memories of the professor are given, illustrating his high moral qualities as a teacher and scientist.

Clearly realizing that the criminal proceedings necessary for society are unthinkable without the moral health of society, L. D. Kokorev considered the educational tasks of justice to be paramount, even if their solution complicates the knowledge of the truth.


the article analyzes the place of romanticism as a universal socio-cultural trend in the history of social and philosophical thought, substantiates its close connection with the philosophical, scientific, social, political, aesthetic, ethical and other forms of artistic, figurative, rational and irrational exploration of the world, evaluates the role of romantic traditions in development of literature, music, theater, economic theory, hermeneutics, sociology as a science

In his opinion, the task of art is truth, beauty, 2011. № 1 Scientific reports goodness, knowledge of truth and creation in oneself of the eternal beauty of divine perfection. Art is the way...


the article discusses the interpretation of the famous Polish historian Vl. Tatarkevich (1886–1980) of the philosophy of Marxism as a philosophical direction in the philosophy of the 19th - first half of the 20th century. The ideological, political and epistemological foundations are considered; the origins, the influence of Hegelianism on the formation of the main ideas of Marxism, its methodological guidelines in ontology, theory of knowledge, social philosophy are analyzed

Class and partisanship manifest themselves and are related to the knowledge of truth, to the selection of its criterion. In Marxism, the criterion of truth is practice, social practice. The knowledge of truth is based on it.


The philosophy of V.V. Rozanov, his judgments about the imaginary and true goals of life. His ideas can be perceived as a kind of warning to humanity of the 21st century, which has largely turned its back on higher values ​​in favor of satisfying utilitarian needs.

V.V. Rozanov refers to them truth, goodness and freedom. Knowledge of the truth is the main vocation of man as a rational being. This is his natural duty and at the same time the right to the joy of knowledge.


Criminal proceedings are based on the knowledge of all the circumstances of the crime committed with the adoption of subsequent procedural decisions, including the main decision on the guilt or innocence of the defendant in the crime. In accordance with Art. 73 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation in the course of criminal proceedings, the following circumstances are subject to knowledge: the event of the crime (time, place, method and other circumstances of the crime committed); the guilt of a person in committing a crime, the form of his guilt and motives; circumstances characterizing the personality of the accused; the nature and extent of the harm caused by the crime; circumstances excluding criminality and punishability of the act; circumstances mitigating and aggravating punishment; circumstances that may entail exemption from criminal liability and punishment, etc. In the theory of the criminal process, it is customary to call the circumstances subject to knowledge in the course of criminal proceedings the subject of proof1.

AI Grishin Cognition of the truth in criminal proceedings is complicated by the fact that knowledge in it is always retrospective.


The specifics and various forms of manifestation of the convergent tradition of the relationship between religion and science (dialogue, dialectic and complementary models) are analyzed. The ideological, ethical, ecological, anthropological, methodological grounds for their convergence are singled out. It is proved that the integration of the indicated aspects allows us to formulate a generalized-universal cognitive-cogital (cognitive-thinking) aspect of the study of the relationship between religion and science, which allows us to translate the indicated problem into the plane of studying faith and reason.

On the first pages of his Science of Logic, the thinker writes: “Religion is that form of consciousness in which truth is available to all people, whatever their degree of education; scientific knowledge of truth is a special form of its realization, work on ...


The problem of truth in the philosophical concept of V.S. Solovyov. The problem of a specific relationship between truth, meaning and reality is considered. The significance of the categories "all-unity" and "existing" is revealed. Attention is drawn to the difference in approaches to understanding "being" in the philosophical concepts of V. Solovyov, G. Hegel and M. Heidegger. Attention is paid to the unity of knowledge, creativity and morality in the concept of "whole knowledge". The problem of the relationship between truth and subject in the work of the "late" V. Solovyov is analyzed.

According to Solovyov, in Cartesian philosophy, the subject is given a self-contained meaning, irrespective of the truth itself. Of course, from the moment of its inception, the new European thought in the person of the same Descartes set as its task the knowledge of truth.


One of the forms of the book's cognizability is the study of such property as gravity, understood as attraction. This property is universal, it is inherent in both printed and e-books. It is proposed to study the manifestation of gravity through the processes of reading. Reading determines the level of attraction of the text to the person. The article discusses the types of reading and the reader's reaction to the perception and understanding of the book.

This means that the knowledge of the truth is still ahead, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts on the way to its comprehension. 2 Reference is made to: Russel B. The principles of mathematics. 2nd Allen & Unwin, 1937.


What is good and what is bad is ethics. What is good and what is better is aesthetics. And what is good and who needs all this is our life. Life engineering is our task. If earlier (in the era of rural life) everyone could be the blacksmith of their own happiness, now (in the era of technical omnipotence) everyone can become an engineer of their happiness or their misfortunes - depending on the rational organization of their lives, the rules for managing their lives and on the level of control over the process of its life production. The principles, rules and laws of life production form the “I” as a living cybernetic system, correlating it with nature as a living organism, with the social organism of its own kind and with the spiritual organism of itself as a divine environment. Human dignity is the ability to own and manage oneself: the engineering of human dignity is our task. To do this, we need truth and a factory for its production, which is called science.

The concept of intuition in Descartes is the main expression and even a synonym for “natural light” (lumen naturale), which guarantees the knowledge of truth and is opposed to the “supernatural light” of mystics from religion.


The article reveals the social context that actualizes transdisciplinary issues, considers various ideas about transdisciplinary research, due to the epistemological preferences of the participants in the discourse, offers the author's understanding of the features of transdisciplinary research as a special type of cross-disciplinary research

Transdisciplinarity" as " modern type the production of scientific knowledge, which is a hybrid of fundamental research, focused on the knowledge of truth, and research aimed at obtaining a beneficial effect.


The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the concepts of integral knowledge of the outstanding representatives of Russian philosophy - V.S. Solovyov and P.A. Florensky. The author examines in detail the foundations and essence of the philosophical methods of V.S. Solovyov and P.A. Florensky, gives their critical assessment in relation to the problems of searching for the whole truth and the foundations of human creative activity.

The comprehension of antinomy as the essence of truth and the essence of reality is, according to P. Florensky, a feat of personal faith. “Knowledge of the truth requires spiritual life and, therefore, is a feat. And the feat of reason is faith, that is, self-renunciation.


The article is devoted to the literary and religious-philosophical current of the Russian public thought, which took shape in the 40s of the XIX century, focused on identifying the identity of Russia, its typical differences from the West, whose representatives came up with the justification of a special, different from the Western European Russian path, developing along which, in their opinion, Russia is able to convey the Orthodox truth to the fallen into the heresy and atheism of the European peoples.

However, outside the sphere of religion, rational thinking is quite acceptable for comprehending particular truths. Kireevsky wrote: “All the false conclusions of rational thinking depend only on its claim to a higher and complete knowledge of the truth.


And such a supreme good, as natural reason alone shows, even apart from the light of faith, is nothing other than the knowledge of the truth from its first causes, that is, wisdom; occupation of the latter is philosophy.


Homo sapiens is a person who contemplates and reflects, homo intellectus is a person who thinks and does, but homo rationalis is not only both taken together, but also in addition - a person who evaluates and calculates in terms of life significance, target strategy and personal meaning . A wise person is a rational person

“The concept of intuition in Descartes,” notes V.V. Sokolov, is the main expression and even a synonym for "natural light" (lumen naturale), which guarantees the knowledge of the truth ". Perception of the mind.


The moral teaching of Spinoza draws different types of morally perfect personality. One of them presents the sage as a kind of hedonist who perceives life as a holiday. Another characterizes the sage as a free man who is endowed with intellectual virtues and is able to overcome affects.

Descartes speaks of "universal" or "higher" wisdom, which aims to "know the truth from its first causes." It is the subject of philosophy as such [Descartes, 1989, p. 78, 303].


The ideas about astrology and magic in the early works of the Italian philosopher Giovanni Pico della Mirandola are analyzed.

From the "Theses" it follows that there is a whole range of magical practices based on various ancient philosophical teachings, and all types of these practices have one goal - the knowledge of the truth by penetrating into the innermost secrets of the world.