Do you prefer a measured defense play from convenient positions to an aggressive offensive? Are good accuracy, high mobility and the ability to deal damage from afar more important to you than thick armor and high one-time damage? Then tank destroyers- the right class for you.

The first tank destroyers

As the name implies, the main task of tank destroyers (IT) is to fight enemy armored vehicles. IT appeared during the Second World War, when tank wedges of hundreds of combat vehicles cut through the front lines. And since there are a lot of tanks, something is needed to deal with them.

Initially, this “something” was anti-tank guns. However, for all their advantages, anti-tank guns also had a significant drawback - low mobility, as a result of which it was difficult for them to change position right in battle. And accompanying attacking infantry in battle or keeping up with tanks on the march is even more difficult. In addition, the calculation of an anti-tank gun in battle is extremely vulnerable - only a small shield covers it from bullets and fragments.

“So, we need to improve the protection of the anti-tank gun and make the gun more mobile. And we just have tank chassis. Why not cross them together, it will turn out just fine, ”those who, at the beginning of World War II, created the first anti-tank self-propelled guns, like the Panzerjager I, Marder or SU-76 (although it’s difficult to call the latter a purely anti-tank self-propelled guns), reasoned something like this. However, the designers were not going to stop there. Yes, placing an anti-tank gun on a cheap or outdated tank chassis is good idea. However, such anti-tank self-propelled guns were protected mainly only from fragments and bullets, and they often had no armor on top. Not at all, just a tarp.

Therefore, soon mass production went tank destroyers - fully protected combat vehicles designed specifically to deal with armored vehicles. Now a powerful cannon with good ballistics and breakdown was installed in a completely closed wheelhouse, welded from fairly thick armor sheets, especially in the frontal part. Such vehicles were protected not only from bullets and shrapnel, but also from small and medium caliber guns, and most tank destroyers had a relatively low profile, which made it possible for them to be less noticeable in an ambush or even just in a firing position. Examples of such tank destroyers are the Soviet SU-100 or the German Hetzer.

It is also worth mentioning that not all anti-tank self-propelled guns were located in a fixed wheelhouse. So, american self-propelled guns The M18 Hellcat, M10 Wolwerine and M36 Jackson all had full turrets.

Classic fades away

died down recent fights World War II, the Cold War began. And the classic tank destroyers have somewhat lost their relevance - medium tanks began to carry powerful enough guns to independently fight enemy combat vehicles. In addition, tank destroyers have a new competitor - anti-tank guided missiles.

The Soviet SU-122-54, ASU-57, ASU-85, the German Kanonenjagdpanzer or the Swiss MOWAG Taifun II, already presented in the Armata Project, can be called classic tank destroyers.

Tank on wheels

However, quite soon there was a need for a relatively light and cheap vehicle with the firepower of a tank. This niche was occupied by three types of vehicles - self-propelled anti-tank guns, wheeled tanks and self-propelled anti-tank systems. We will not talk much about the latter, since vehicles like the Swingfire or Shturm-S in Armored Warfare: Armata Project belong to the AFV class (armored fighting vehicles).

Of the self-propelled anti-tank guns, the most famous Russian development Sprut-SD, capable of landing with airborne forces and support them with your 125 mm smoothbore gun. It is worth noting such projects as the Chinese "Type 89" with a 120-mm gun and the Soviet 2S15 "Norov". All these guns are placed on a tracked chassis, although here we can recall the famous "Sting-S" - although it is in many ways similar to a wheeled tank, they still wanted to make it a self-propelled anti-tank gun on a wheeled chassis.

Most of all in Armored Warfare: Project Armata in the line of tank destroyers is represented by vehicles that can be attributed to wheeled tanks, or, as they are also called, to infantry fire support vehicles. This type of vehicle comes from the armored vehicles of the Second World War, such as the German Puma or the Soviet BA-11, which were armed with guns of 50 and 45 mm caliber, respectively.

Much later, wheeled combat vehicles began to appear, armed with 90-105 mm caliber guns. In many respects, the appearance of wheeled tanks was due to the fact that large-scale wars in Europe were replaced by local conflicts in distant countries, for example in Africa, and opponents often did not have heavy weapons capable of dealing with armored vehicles. Therefore, there was a need for fast, very light and cheap wheeled vehicles that could carry a powerful gun. One of the first swallows was the French armored vehicle AML 90 Panhard.

Further more - and the French themselves came up with something new, for example, AMX 90RC or ERC 90F4, presented in the game at level 5. Other countries followed suit. So, Italy created the B1 Centauro - a tank destroyer armed with a 105-mm rifled gun. But they did not stop there - a modification of the Centauro with a 120-mm cannon, a 155-mm howitzer, and even a B1 Draco self-propelled anti-aircraft gun with a radar and a 76-mm automatic cannon (which, by the way, are on this moment is under development and is planned for the 9th level of tank destroyers). In addition to Italy, the United States also contributed with its famous M1128 MGS Stryker and several wheeled tanks based on LAV-150, LAV-300 and LAV-600 combat vehicles. Other countries such as South Africa, Japan and China also have their own developments in this area. Russia also had an interesting development at one time - it was planned to create a wheeled tank based on the BTR-90, armed with a 125-mm smoothbore gun. The project was named 2S28 Sprut-K, but, unfortunately, was frozen.

Wheeled tanks, unlike some main battle tanks, had to fight. So, the Italian B1 Centauro was used in Somalia, in Lebanon and on the territory former Yugoslavia. And the American M1128 MGS Stryker took part in the campaign in Iraq. Based on the results of the application, it was noted that wheeled tanks are very mobile if they can move along highways and roads or on sufficiently hard ground. But if the terrain becomes difficult, problems begin, then the wheelbase is inferior to the tracked one.

Another problem of wheeled tanks is weak protection - a fee for the wheelbase, for low weight and high mobility. In terms of protection, BMTVs are often inferior not only to main battle tanks, but also to some modern infantry fighting vehicles. Although evolution does not stand still, and they are trying to increase the protection of wheeled tanks, especially against hand-held anti-tank weapons and mines.

And the question is still open whether wheeled tank destroyers can replace main battle tanks. At the moment, such a technique is certainly interesting, but mainly for local conflicts against irregular armed formations: wheeled tank destroyers are not designed for a full-scale war.

Features of tank destroyers in the game

Now it's time to step back from history and find out what the Tank Destroyer class in Armored Warfare: Project Armata is all about and how to best play it.

The game currently has one IT branch, from the tier 3 Dragoon 300-90 to the M1128 MGS Stryker. There is also a branch from the main leveling tree in the face of the Centauro 120 and three premium cars.

A distinctive feature of all tank destroyers is their high firepower, which translates into a high rate of fire and damage per minute. Because tank destroyers have the ability to literally "suppress" the enemy with shots. In addition, when fully aimed, IT receives a significant bonus to damage dealt. And if an enemy MBT turns sideways to several tank destroyers, it can prepare to enter the hangar. At the same time, the average penetration of most tank destroyers is slightly lower than that of MBTs. This means that when meeting with a well-protected enemy, it is necessary to target weak areas or try to shoot not in the forehead, but in the side of the hull or stern. However, the lack of armor penetration is more than compensated by good aiming speed and better accuracy in the game. Even from 400-500 meters or more, tank destroyers are able to shoot without a miss.

With armor, IT is not so good - they all belong to lightly armored vehicles, which can only withstand the fire of 20-30 mm caliber guns in the forehead, and even then not always. In addition, tank destroyers do not have a lot of hit points.

But this class of vehicles is very mobile - tank destroyers are able to accelerate to speeds comparable to those of AFVs, quickly change positions, make detours along the flanks and throws to the base.

As for camouflage and visibility, here IT performs better than MBT, but worse than BBM. When driving, the camouflage of the IT decreases slightly, but when fired, it “flies” completely, which you should always remember. The stealth coefficient of tank destroyers is somewhat lower than that of AFVs, the situation is the same with the review. However, all the same, these indicators for IT are not bad and are significantly higher than those of the main battle tanks.

How to play them

Perhaps the most important thing that is required from a player who went into battle in a tank destroyer is to remember that you have no armor and not too many hit points. From the very first minute of the battle, going towards the enemy with a "blank sword" is a big mistake, since 3-4 enemy shots will immediately send you to the hangar. Remember, IT is built for ranged combat. Greater distances. Fortunately, high accuracy allows you to shoot and hit from 400-500 meters.

Therefore, an experienced player on this class of vehicle should always know the map on which he plays. Analyze the results of battles, memorize good positions and covers from which you can conduct effective fire, take them first thanks to your high speed. But don't turn into a kind of stone. If the combat situation requires you to move, change position, move to the other flank or raid the enemy base - do it. If your team is losing and a lot of enemies are coming towards you, don't stand around waiting for death. Move, break the distance with them, shoot enemy vehicles one at a time.

There is also one curious nuance, because of which you need to carefully study the map. For the most part, tank destroyers have low gun depression angles. And therefore, if the position is chosen incorrectly, the player often cannot even aim at the enemy - the gun simply does not go down. Always keep this in mind.

Discovered IT is dead IT. If a warning is lit above you that you have been seen, immediately leave the position and leave for cover, move to where enemy shells will not reach you. The tank destroyer will immediately attract the attention of everyone - MBT, LT, AFV and even artillery. Therefore, when making a shot, always be ready to leave, because within 3-5 seconds after the shot your disguise will “fly off”, and it will be much easier to notice you.

If there is an enemy in your sight, wait for full information, so you will inflict even more damage on him. Also, always remember that breaking through IT, although good, is not the best. Therefore, if you see an MBT, try to attack it from the sides, you will have enough speed to complete the maneuver. If you hit from the sides - use your accuracy, aim weak spots. In the event that this becomes impossible, switch to high-explosive shells. At the same time, try to fire at the roof of the tank, the cannon and those places where there is simply less armor. Well, or choose another flank or another target for shooting.

You should also be aware that wheeled vehicles do not have the ability to turn around on the spot - this requires a large area and more time. Therefore, be careful and do not get into such situations when you cannot even turn around and escape from the shelling. We should not forget that wheeled vehicles often have considerable dimensions and height. So, on the map "Lost Island" there is a stone on one of the flanks, which can become a shelter. But a fairly large tank destroyer cannot be completely hidden there, which makes you play more carefully in this place and either maneuver under fire or remain undetected.

As for the platoon game, you can try out a combination of two tank destroyers and an armored combat vehicle or main battle tank. In the first case, a reconnaissance vehicle or infantry fighting vehicle will serve as a “light” for you, help you detect the enemy and open fire on him in advance. In the second version, the main battle tank acts as a "ram", will take on the blows and help push through directions due to one-time damage and security. Your task is to cover it and protect it from the threats that appear before the MBT.

With all these tips, you will be able to fill a large number of damage and experience and bring solid victories to your team.

Tank T-14 "Armata" / Photo:

Several foreign experts immediately concluded that at the moment the Russian T-14 Armata tank is the best in its class. Experts came to this conclusion by comparing the Russian car with the undisputed leader of recent years, the German Leopard 2. The German tank lost the virtual duel - primarily due to the lack of shells capable of penetrating the Ural armor.

Leopard 2 very good gun - much better than the American one M1 Abrams (there is also a German one, but an old model). The machine itself is thought out and balanced with German scrupulousness. But the German authorities decided to abandon armor-piercing shells with a depleted uranium core - this reduced all the advantages Leopard 2 to zero. Without the ability to hit the enemy, the most beautiful tank in battle is no more than a moving target.

The tungsten-core ammunition adopted in exchange for service is not capable of penetrating the armor of modern Russian tanks, believe in the Bundeswehr. Moreover, the protection of "Armata" is not limited to one armor. The defense of the tank is organized into several echelons. The materials and paint used in the construction make the tank invisible to enemy radars. The optoelectronic suppression system blinds laser rangefinders - having noticed the beam, the automation hides the Armata behind a smoke screen.

A phased array radar monitors the area around the car, a special on-board computer program analyzes threats, identifies the most dangerous ones and responds to them. Managed anti-tank missiles take away the means of electronic warfare. Mortars located along the perimeter of the tower destroy shells and grenade launchers at a safe distance. The entire defense complex works automatically, without distracting the crew from the combat mission.

Those who manage to break through the barrier of high technologies are met by composite armor specially designed for the Armata. Shell made of armored ceramics, synthetic materials and steel is lighter and stronger than metal.

"Armata armor is invulnerable to all modern and promising tank ammunition, which today have a caliber of 120 millimeters, for anti-tank guided missiles and hand grenade launchers with a caliber of 100-150 millimeters," the Steel Research Institute said.

The main difference between the T-14 and other tanks was the uninhabited turret and the armored capsule in which the crew was imprisoned. In the latter, three tankmen: the driver, the operator and the commander have comfortable workplaces. They sit next to each other, each with multifunctional monitors to monitor the situation.

T-14 "Armata", tank / Infographics: presented by InfoStep

The movement of the tank is controlled by a steering wheel, adjustable for tilt and reach - like a steering wheel in a foreign car. A set of indicators with information about the state of the machine's systems is also similar to the dashboard of a car. The gunner-operator has a joystick and touch screens. The sound of a tank gun firing in the capsule is, of course, audible, but much quieter than with the classic layout. In addition, powder smoke does not penetrate into the armored capsule. “Very soft and comfortable machine,” say the factory testers.

The engine and transmission of the "Armata" are assembled in a single unit - this greatly facilitates the repair and replacement of the unit in the field. By the way, on Leopard 2 applied the same solution. The power of the T-14 engines is not disclosed, but it is known that it is greater than that of all other Russian tanks.


Representatives of Uralvagonzavod recently promised to raise it by another 300 Horse power. The gearbox is automatic, 8-speed and reverse - it allows you to move forward and backward at the same speed. The maximum speed of the tank has not been officially announced either, but judging by the maneuvers at the Victory Parade, it can reach 100 kilometers per hour. When leaving Red Square, the tankers of the extreme vehicles had to accelerate to the limit in order to keep the formation in a turn.

Finally, the gun is what the tank was created for. The smoothbore 125mm cannon can fire guided missiles, strike targets at a range of seven kilometers, and is capable of firing on the move. A heat deflection sensor is mounted on the barrel to be taken into account in ballistic calculations.

The modular design of the machine and the weapon control system interface make it possible to install 152-mm weapons on the T-14 (this is currently being done at UVZ). With such a powerful cannon and specially designed ammunition for it, the Armata will not only outperform enemy tanks, but become their killer.

Armored Warfare: Project Armata- action online, allowing anyone who wants to fight with opponents on military equipment. The armored vehicles presented in the game were developed in different eras, starting from the 50s of the last century and ending with our days. All classes of vehicles have their own special characteristics, their own management style. Also, all armored vehicles are divided into levels (1-10), suppliers, each of which represents their country.

There are 124 combat vehicles in the game, of which only 70 are light tanks and main battle tanks, the remaining three types are AFVs, tank destroyers and self-propelled artillery mounts.

Tanks in "Project Armata"

Light tanks in "Project Armata"

Light tanks in the game "Project Armata" are one of the lighter variations of the MBT. They are equipped good weapon, also high-speed, but their main drawback is weak security. It doesn't allow light tank fight at the forefront.

The main advantage of this type of equipment is speed and maneuverability. Such tanks can continuously fire at the enemy, constantly moving. Also, these tanks have high accuracy. Such a tank can activate such an engine mode, which allows you to increase speed and reduce the time it takes for the tank to accelerate. This type of vehicle also has a large supply of smoke grenades.

These tanks are designed for reconnaissance missions, flank protection and low armored targets.

Of the light tanks, the first available - PT-76. Its purpose is reconnaissance + fire support. It is not very fast, its penetration is 140, and its damage per minute is 1835.

Available on the second level M41(USA) and T92(USA). The damage that the M41 - 2003 can deal per minute. The T92 is a tank equipped with a semi-automatic reloading system - it reloads in 5.39 seconds.

3rd level - FV101 Scorpion(Britannia). The damage that the tank does for a minute is -2185, and it takes 5.93 seconds to recharge.

4th level - M551 Sheridan, on the fifth Begleitpanzer 57, the sixth level gives access to VFM Mk. 5, Stingray, VFM Mk. 5 MERC, RDF-LT, Expeditionary Tank. These models are characterized by an even higher level of mobility compared to their predecessors.

Stingray 2- tank, available at level 8. more advanced version Stingray. Its reload time has increased from 5.93 to 6.77 seconds. Also, the damage and the level of protection became higher.

The ninth and tenth levels make available the best models of the class light tanks "Project Armata" - This M8 Thunderbolt II, PL-01.

Main battle tanks "Project Armata"

This is one of the main instances of the game's military equipment. It is characterized by: high fire power, good armor, good mobility. MBT is a real universal technique. In addition to the main equipment, this tank has rockets that can be controlled. It is best to fight with such tanks in the first positions.

There are 55 of them in the game "Project Armata".

Those players who want to play only this technique should pay attention to the following factors:

  • You should always keep in mind your task and characteristics of the MBT - it is designed as an offensive force capable of ramming through any enemy, so you should not try to squeeze out of the MBT what a light tank or AU should do. A high level of armor allows your tank to be the first to take enemy hits.
  • Although this class is much better protected than others, main battle tanks have some disadvantages. Thanks to their presence, these tanks become a vulnerable target for enemies. At MBT low level review, therefore, the player needs to constantly interact with representatives of your team. Here you need to be a good tactician and be able to predetermine moves for the whole team in advance.
  • In addition to the characteristics of your MBT, study the strength of the enemy. The versatility of your tank will help you crush anyone if you know where and when to shoot.

One of the MBTs

Initially, the player is given T-54 and M48 Patton. They are of medium durability and have a cooldown of about 8 seconds. Approximately the same characteristics have the following models of the third level - "Object 155", "Object 430", Type 59 Legend, "Object 430" ICE, Type 59, M60, T-62 [Veteran], Leopard 1, T-62.

Depending on the level, the damage level increases, but the tank reload time is kept within 8-9 seconds.

The most perfect members of the class start at level nine. This M1A2 Abrams, Leopard 2A6, Challenger 2, T-90MS. These models have powerful engines and are very good protection. There are also improvements to the tower, the latest high-tech weapons.

The tenth level gives access to the most modern samples of this type of armored vehicles.

For example, British Challenger 2 TES equipped with good armor and a device for detonating mines at a distance.

M1A2SEPv3,Leopard 2A7+- improved samples previous versions, and the highlight of the MBT was T-14 "Armata" - Russian tank of 2015, which is equipped with many technical innovations, for example, an armored crew capsule, an original KAZ and a turret that does not require the presence of a crew.

Tank on the battlefield in the game "Project Armata"

Some models of the class are also full-fledged tanks. "Tank Destroyers".

Their characteristic feature is powerful anti-tank weapons, this technique also has a high rate of fire and high level damage. For those who want to play IT, you need to know the strengths and weak sides MBT and LT of the enemy.

In 2015, at a military parade in Moscow dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the latest Russian development, the T-14 Armata tank, was presented to the general public, which should radically affect the equipment ground armies Russia and determine the concept of their application for the coming decades. This tank, positioned as a 4th generation tank, aroused great interest both in our country and around the world. In this article, we will look at the history and background of the creation of the Armata tank, its distinctive features and technical characteristics, as well as prospects for use in real combat operations.

History and prerequisites for the creation of a new tank "Armata"

Another way

At the turn of the 2000s, 2 projects of a promising main battle tank, which should have been a replacement for the current Russian MBT - T-90. One of them is "Object 460" or(see photo above) - was the development of the Omsk Design Bureau. It had an elongated modified chassis from the T-80U tank, in which another one was added to six rollers, as well as a narrower turret of a new design, armed with a standard 125 mm smoothbore gun that had already proven itself. It was assumed that the mass of the tank would be about 48 tons, and it would be equipped with a 1500-horsepower gas turbine engine, which would give it a specific power of more than 30 hp / t and make it one of the most dynamic tanks in the world.

The second project is "Object 195" or(see photo below) - was the development of the Ural Design Bureau and the Uralvagonzavod corporation. It was an "Ubertank" for its time, in which an uninhabited (unmanned) turret, armed with a formidable 152 mm smoothbore gun, was also installed on a seven-roller chassis. The crew of the tank (a total of 2 people) was housed in an isolated armored capsule in front of the hull. The weight of the tank was not small - about 55 tons, and it was supposed to be equipped with a 1650 hp diesel engine, which would also give it good dynamic characteristics.

It was assumed that the kinetic energy of the projectile fired from the 152 mm Object 195 smoothbore gun was so great that if it hit the enemy tank turret, it simply tore it off.

But in 2009-2010, both projects had to be curtailed for several reasons. Firstly, the development of both tanks was not very active, and during the design and testing period (which is about 15-20 years), they simply became obsolete. Secondly, the transition to the use of such supertanks as the T-95 - quite expensive and resource-intensive in production - would be, to some extent, a transition to the German path of development of tank building during the Second World War, i.e. absolutely unjustified "way royal tigers and mice." What we needed was a universal, mass-produced tank with the best value for money, like our famous T-34. And, thirdly, both of these tanks did not quite correspond to the concept of network-centric warfare.

The concept of network-centric warfare

Network-centric warfare is a modern military doctrine focused on increasing the combat effectiveness of various military formations participating in armed conflicts or modern wars, by combining all combat and auxiliary units into a single information network and, as a result, achieving infocommunication superiority over the enemy.

Those. it turns out that by combining and almost instantaneous communication of command and control means, reconnaissance means, as well as means of destruction and suppression, a more accelerated control of forces and means is achieved, an increase in the effectiveness of defeating enemy forces and the survivability of their own troops, and each combatant receives full and timely information about the real combat situation.

Tank formations must also be adapted to the modern realities of network-centric warfare, for this the tanks themselves must be able to connect to a single information network and be able to almost instantly transfer to it information received by the tank from the outside due to its own "overview" modules. In fact, this is practically one of the requirements for the new 4th generation tanks.

Tank 4th generation

"Object 195" in the view of the artist.

The classification of tanks by generation is actually not official, it is very conditional and looks something like this:

To the first generation include tanks from the 1950s and 1960s, such as the Soviet T-44 and T-54, the German Panther, the English Centurion, and the American Pershing.

Second generation associated with the emergence of the so-called main battle tanks (MBTs). It includes tanks of the 1960-1980s, such as the Soviet T-62, the American M-60, the English Chieftain, the German Leopard and the French AMX-30.

To the third generation include the latest modern tanks, such as the Soviet T-80 and Russian T-90, the American Abrams, the French Leclerc, the English Challenger, the Ukrainian Oplot, the South Korean Black Panther, the Israeli Merkava, the Italian " Ariete" and the German "Leopard-2".

It is clear that later generations of tanks were distinguished by stronger armor, more advanced protection and more formidable weapons. This also applies to the 4th generation of tanks, the appearance of which is long overdue. But besides this, as mentioned above, tanks of the 4th generation should be maximally adapted to network-centric warfare, and also, if possible, meet a number of other requirements:

- have an uninhabited tower and an automatic loader;
- the crew must be isolated in an armored capsule;
- the tank must be partially robotic.

By the way, a fully robotic unmanned tank can be considered a 5th generation tank.

Approximately with such a list of requirements, our designers approached the development of a new tank, when in 2010, after the phasing out of the Object 195 and Object 640 projects, they were given the task to design a new generation tank as soon as possible.

Platform "Armata"

The order for the design, testing and production of a new tank was received by the state corporation UralVagonZavod, located in Nizhny Tagil and engaged in the development and production of various military equipment. When developing a new tank in the Ural Design Bureau, tied to UralVagonZavod, ready-made promising developments were actively used on the Object 195 already being developed here, as well as on the project of the Omsk Design Bureau - Object 640. Both closed projects to a large extent helped our designers to quickly cope with the task.

But the most important thing is that this time our designers (as well as our military leadership) saw the problem of building a new tank more widely, and it was decided to develop not just a 4th generation tank, but a universal tracked platform that could be used for the design of the most diverse military equipment, which would solve the above-described problem of universality, mass character and value for money.

Thus, "Uralvagonzavod" designed and implemented the so-called unified combat heavy tracked platform "Armata", on the basis of which it is planned to create about 30 different types of military equipment. Moreover, not only the platform will be common to them, but also general system combat control, a common communication system, a common active defense system, and many other nodes and modules.

The universal heavy combat platform "Armata" has three engine layout options: front, rear and middle. This allows you to use the platform for the construction of almost any type of military equipment. For a tank, for example, they use the rear engine placement, but for an infantry fighting vehicle, on the contrary, the front one.

At the moment, our defense industry has already received the first pieces of equipment based on the new platform - this is armored recovery vehicle BREM T-16(so far only as a project), and of course the main combat one, which we could already see at the Victory Parade in Moscow.

The T-14 tank is the latest Russian tank of the 4th generation on the Armata universal combat heavy tracked platform. The tank received the index "14" as usual for the year of the project - 2014. At the project stage, the tank had the designation "Object 148".

It is believed that the T-14 "Armata" tank is the world's first tank of the 4th generation, the first tank in the framework of the concept of network-centric warfare, and that it has no analogues at all. In general, according to many of our and foreign experts, today the Armata is the best tank in the world.

To begin with, let's take a quick look at what this new Armata tank is like, what Constructive decisions embodied in it by our design engineers, what main features it has:

The main features of the T-14 "Armata" tank

- The tank has an uninhabited tower. It is equipped with the already proven remote-controlled 125 mm smoothbore gun with an automatic loader.

- The design of the tank allows you to install on it a 152 mm gun, already tested on the "Object 195".

- The crew of the tank is located in an isolated armored capsule that can withstand a direct hit from all existing modern anti-tank shells.

- The armored capsule with the crew is securely separated from the ammunition and fuel tanks.

- Active suspension will allow the tank to conduct accurate aimed fire at speeds up to 40-50 km / h.

- It is assumed that the active suspension will allow the tank to move at speeds up to 90 km / h, not only on the highway, but also on rough terrain.

- The new type of combined multilayer armor used in the tank is 15% different than that used in domestic tanks 3rd generation. The armor thickness equivalent is about 1000 mm.

- All tank modules are controlled by the latest tank information and control system (TIUS), which, in the event of any malfunction, notifies the crew of this by an appropriate voice message.

- The Armata radar complex uses active phased array radars capable of conducting about 40 ground and 25 air targets at a distance of up to 100 km.

- If a projectile flying into the tank is detected, the Afghanit active defense system automatically turns the tank turret towards this projectile in order to meet it with more powerful frontal armor and be ready to strike at the enemy that fired this projectile.

- The range of destruction of 125 mm guns is up to 7000 m, while for the best Western models this parameter is 5000 m.

- The Armata tank uses a large number of effective stealth technologies that make it practically invisible or difficult to detect for many types of weapons.

TTX tank T-14 "Armata"

Infographics and location of modules in the T-14 tank

A good infographic of the T-14 tank with the location of the modules was made by the RIA Novosti agency:

Video review "Multi-purpose tank T-14 on the tracked platform Armata"

For the 80th anniversary of Uralvagonzavod, an interesting mini-video review about the T-14 Armata tank was released:

Radar complex

The T-14 is the first tank in the world to use an active phased array radar (AFAR radar). Radars of the same type are being installed on the new Russian fifth-generation T-50 multirole fighters, which are to replace the SU-27. Unlike radars with a passive array, AFAR radars consist of a large number of independently adjustable active modules, which significantly increases the tracking ability and reliability, since in the event of a failure of one of the radar modules, we will get only a slight distortion of the “picture”. True, the cost of such radars is somewhat higher.

Armata uses 4 AFAR radar panels located along the perimeter of the tower (see photo above). They are protected by bulletproof and anti-fragmentation screens, but, nevertheless, can be easily replaced in the field (the photo shows plastic loops for removing radar panels).

The radar complex of the T-14 tank can simultaneously track up to 40 ground moving and up to 25 airborne aerodynamic targets, which makes it one of the key elements on the battlefield within the concept of network-centric warfare. The target tracking distance is up to 100 km.

If, for the purpose of camouflage, the main surveillance radar of the tank is turned off, then at close range it is replaced by two ultra-fast reaction radars, which are also used to trigger destructive elements of active protection against projectiles fired at the tank.

Target detection systems in the infrared and ultraviolet range

On the T-14 turret, on the same axis as the machine gun mount, a panoramic sight is installed, which serves to determine the coordinates of targets received by various survey modules, while it rotates 360 degrees regardless of the machine gun.

The panoramic sight includes a camera in the visible range, a camera in infrared range and a laser rangefinder. When capturing each new goal Radar panoramic sight automatically rotates in her direction to determine its exact coordinates. The information received is displayed on the monitors of the tank crew in the form of a tactical map with the coordinates of fixed targets, and if necessary, you can specify the coordinates of a particular target by pressing your finger on the image on the touch screen.

In addition to the panoramic sight, the T-14 tank is equipped with six autonomous high-definition cameras that allow the crew to monitor the situation around the tank along the entire perimeter. These cameras allow tankers to assess the situation when the radar is turned off and in the conditions of the enemy's electronic warfare, and also record laser pointers aimed at the tank.

In addition, these HD cameras can see through a smoke screen (in infrared), giving a significant advantage to Armata using this species disguise. This gives the following example:

When the T-14 tank is surrounded by enemy infantry, it can put a smoke screen around it, making it invisible to enemy grenade launchers, and shoot them from a machine gun mount according to infrared HD cameras.

Active protection complex "Afganit"

Both the radar complex of 4 AFAR radars and 2 high-speed radars, and infrared HD cameras are part of the active tank protection complex, which serves not only for reconnaissance of targets, but also for the timely detection of threats to the tank and their elimination. Here are the features of the Afghanit active protection system installed on the Armata:

- When an enemy projectile flying towards the tank is detected, the Afghanit automatically turns the tank turret towards this projectile in order to meet it with more powerful armor on the one hand, and on the other hand, to be ready to strike at the object that fired this projectile.

- When shells flying up to the tank are detected, Afghanit automatically controls the machine gun mount to destroy them.

- If increased camouflage is required, Afghanit can operate in passive mode with the radar turned off, focusing on HD camera data.

- "Afghanit" is safe for its infantry, located near the tank, as it uses to a greater extent the means of electronic warfare and smoke-metal curtains to counter enemy missiles.

- In addition, according to the latest data, "Afganit" successfully resists modern armor-piercing projectiles with cores.

The Afganit active defense complex is capable of hitting projectiles flying up to the tank at speeds up to 1700 m/s. But our designers are already developing a new active protection - "Barrier", which will be able to intercept shells flying up at speeds up to 3000 m / s.

Complex of dynamic protection "Malachite"

On the T-14 tank, the Malachite dynamic protection complex is also installed. Here are the features it has:

- "Malachite" successfully resists not only various HEAT shells, but is also capable of destroying the latest NATO sub-caliber shells, which were specially designed to penetrate such pre-Malachite dynamic defenses as Relikt and Kontakt-5.

- Malachite is much better at resisting the most advanced anti-tank missile systems (ATGMs).

- By reducing the amount of explosive in the dynamic protection "Malachite", the option of hitting one's own infantry and damaging the tank's observation devices is practically excluded.

Armament of the T-14 tank

The fire control system of the T-14 tank is connected to the Afghanit active protection system and its radio-optical modules. With their help, the tank's weapons are guided to the detected targets. Besides, aiming uses data from the following sensors:

— gyroscopic sensors of the angular orientation of the tank in space;
- air temperature and humidity sensor;
- wind direction and speed sensor;
- barrel bending sensor from heating.

The tank receives its own coordinates using the GLONASS satellite system.

As we wrote above, the T-14 tank can be equipped with both a standard 125 mm gun and a 152 mm cannon. As standard, the Armata is equipped with the already proven 125 mm 2A82-1C smoothbore gun, which has a 17% higher muzzle energy and 20% greater accuracy than the best examples of Western tank-mounted guns.

It should also be noted that the range of destruction from this gun is about 7000 m, which exceeds the performance of foreign tank guns, for the most part of which the range of destruction does not exceed 5000 m. This again gives the Armata a significant advantage - it is our tank that will own the right to "long hands”, i.e. he will be able to shoot enemy tanks without even approaching them at their range.

In addition, the 2A82 gun has the ability to fire ammunition up to 1 meter long (for example, such as high-powered armor-piercing shells "Vacuum-1"). The T-14 is equipped with an automatic loader for 32 rounds, due to which a rate of fire of 10-12 rounds per minute is achieved.

Some of the Armata tanks are going to be equipped with a 152 mm 2A83 gun, which has an armor-piercing capacity of sabots of more than 1000 mm, and their speed is 2000 m / s, which leaves no chance for all known modern tanks. In addition, as the leaders of the Uralvagonzavod corporation say, the kinetic energy of the 152 mm gun projectile is such that more often it will simply tear off the turret of the enemy tank being hit.

Both guns allow their barrel to be used to launch guided missiles. It is assumed that for 152 mm guns, missiles with armor-piercing up to 1500 mm and a range of up to 10,000 m can be used, which can hit both ground and air targets.

At the same time, some experts point to the possibility of using guided active-rocket projectiles with a range of up to 30 km on T-14 tanks armed with 152 mm guns, which turns such an “Armata” into a fire support tank using both against enemy infantry and against heavily protected enemy targets.

Of the machine gun armament, the Armata is equipped with a large-caliber 12.7 mm Kord machine gun, remotely controlled by the crew and included in the Afganit active defense complex, as well as a 7.62 mm Kalashnikov machine gun, coaxial with a tank gun. Moreover, for reloading the Korda, there is a special automated system that does not require the participation of crew members.

Reservation of the T-14 tank

As we pointed out above, one of the main features of the Armata tank is the presence of a special isolated armored capsule, separated from the rest of the tank by armored partitions and serving to accommodate the entire crew with control computers. In addition, the armored capsule protects against weapons mass destruction and has an air conditioning system and a fire extinguishing system. All this significantly increases both the survivability of the crew and the survivability of the tank itself. It is stated that the maximum duration of the continuous stay of the crew in the armored capsule is about 3 days.

In the production of Armata tanks, a new type of armored steel with ceramic inserts is used, which has increased armor resistance. This made it possible, with the same armor thickness, to achieve a smaller mass of the tank, and, accordingly, better dynamics. Nevertheless, it is expected that in the frontal projection, the T-14 has an armor equivalent of more than 1000 mm against sub-caliber projectiles and about 1300 mm against HEAT projectiles. This makes the tank resistant to hits on the forehead of any modern ammunition and capable of withstanding such formidable anti-tank weapons as the American heavy and American portable .

Tower T-14

The structure of the tower is classified information, however, it is assumed that it consists of an external anti-fragmentation casing, under which the main armor of the tower is hidden. The anti-fragmentation casing performs several functions.:

- protection of tank instruments from fragments, high-explosive shells and bullet penetrations;
- reduction of radio visibility to counter ATGMs with radar guidance;
- shielding of external electronic fields, which makes the tower devices resistant to various kinds of magnetic impulses.

Below is a video with a possible device for the T-14 tank turret:

stealth technology

Another significant feature of the T-14 is the use of various stealth technologies, which drastically reduce the visibility of the tank in the infrared, radar and magnetic observation spectra. Here are the stealth tools used in "Armata":

- unique GALS-coating, which reflects a wide range of waves and protects the tank from overheating in the sun;

- flat reflective edges of the hull, reducing the visibility of the tank in the radio range;

- a system for mixing exhaust gases with ambient air, reducing the visibility of the tank in the infrared range;

- thermal insulation on the inside of the case, which also reduces the visibility of the T-14 in the IR range;

- heat traps that distort the "signature" (the visual image of the tank) in the infrared range;

- distortion of one's own magnetic field, which makes it difficult to determine the location of the tank for magnetometric weapons.

All this causes significant difficulties for the enemy in detecting the "Armata", in determining its coordinates and in general in identifying it as a tank.

Many experts believe that the T-14 Armata is the world's first stealth tank.


The T-14 tank is equipped with a multi-fuel 12-cylinder four-stroke X-shaped turbocharged diesel engine (12N360), which was designed in Chelyabinsk and is produced there at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. The engine has a switching power from 1200 to 1500 hp, but on serial vehicles it is planned to install an engine with a maximum power of 1800 hp. This will provide the tank with excellent dynamic characteristics - so maximum speed on the highway will reach 90 km / h. In addition, this four-stroke engine is much more economical than the old two-stroke ones, which ensures a cruising range of 500 km without refueling.

The box on the T-14 is automatic robotic with the ability to switch to manual control.

It should also be noted that the exhaust gases are removed through pipes passing through additional fuel tanks. This provides them with additional cooling and ultimately reduces the visibility of the tank in the infrared range. The tanks themselves are covered with armor plates and anti-cumulative screens, and they are protected from fire by an open-cell filler.

The engine and transmission are combined into a separate module, which makes it possible to replace a failed power unit in less than an hour.

active suspension

If earlier on Russian tanks a 6-roller chassis was used, then the Armata platform has a 7-roller one, which makes it possible to build equipment with a maximum weight of up to 60 tons on its basis. Therefore, the T-14 tank has a huge potential for all kinds of upgrades.

The suspension used in the T-14 tank is active, that is, it is capable of detecting irregularities under the tracks using sensors and automatically adjusting the height of the rollers. This feature not only increases the tank's speed over rough terrain, but also significantly (by about 1.5 - 2.0 times) improves aiming accuracy on the move. High-precision shooting while moving quickly across the battlefield is another indisputable advantage of the "Armata" in the event of a possible "meeting" with such pretty potential adversaries like or, which still use an uncontrolled hydropneumatic suspension, developed more than 30 years ago.

Tank information and control system

One of the best tank information and control systems (TIUS) is installed on the Armata, which monitors all the modules of the tank in real time and automatically checks them for malfunctions. In the event that any problems are detected, the TIUS system informs the crew about this in voice mode and gives recommendations for their elimination.

Defense Order

At the parade in Moscow in 2015, T-14s from the first pilot batch (20 tanks) were presented to the public. Serial production of "Armata" began in 2016 and by its end it is planned to produce about 100 more machines, which will be actively used in various tests and exercises to identify shortcomings and determine the necessary improvements.

In total, by 2020, it is planned to commission 2,300 T-14 Armata tanks. This is how the state order was presented by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to the state corporation Uralvagonzavod. Moreover, it was separately indicated that the serial production of Armata tanks would not be stopped even in the conditions of a severe economic crisis.

By the way, the management of Uralvagonzavod indicates the cost of the tank at 250 million rubles (this is about 4-5 million dollars). This means that the entire batch of T-14s in 2300 tanks will cost our state 10 billion dollars.

Other combat vehicles on the Armata platform

Fighting machine infantry (BMP) T-15 "Armata"

In addition to the T-14 tank, on a unified heavy tracked combat platform, it is planned to produce the T-15 armored infantry fighting vehicle, the first copies of which were also demonstrated at the Victory Parade in Moscow. I must say that this is the first heavily armored infantry fighting vehicle in Russian army. Its tank armor level is impenetrable for modern ATGMs with a caliber of up to 150 mm and BOPS with a caliber of up to 120 mm, as well as the presence of active protection "Afghanit" allows it to operate in one tactical group along with T-14 tanks and makes it a "network-centric" combat vehicle.

The mass of the BMP T-15 is about 50 tons, the crew is 3 people, in addition, it has a landing module for 9 people behind it.

The versatility and modularity of the Armata platform allows the T-15 BMP to have several combat configurations:

- The main version with the Boomerang-BM combat module, the armament of which includes an anti-tank missile system Kornet-EM, a 30 mm 2A42 automatic anti-aircraft gun and a 7.62 mm PKTM machine gun, allows it to successfully counter various ground and air targets at a distance of up to 4 km (universal air defense configuration).

- Option with the Baikal combat module, the armament of which includes a modified ship 57 mm anti-aircraft installation with higher firepower and range up to 8 km (long-range air defense configuration).

- Option with 120 mm heavy mortar (anti-personnel configuration).

Below is an infographic from the performance characteristics of the BMP T-15 "Armata":

Armored recovery vehicle (BREM) T-16 "Armata"

Above is a photo of the BREM-1M armored recovery vehicle, created on the basis of the chassis of the T-72 tank and designed to evacuate damaged or stuck equipment in combat conditions. On the basis of the Armata universal heavy platform, it is planned to release a new BREM under the T-16 index, which will be equipped with a more powerful cargo crane and a whole range of various special equipment.

Self-propelled artillery mount (SAU) "Coalition-SV"

In order to include equipment with powerful and long-range fire support in the same group with T-14 tanks and T-15 infantry fighting vehicles, it is planned to transfer equipment to the heavy combat platform "Armata" and our latest self-propelled artillery mount 2S35 "Coalition-SV", which replaced the outdated self-propelled guns 2S3 "Acacia" and 2S19 "Msta-S". Developed by the Central Research Institute Burevestnik and produced at the Uraltransmash plant, also part of the Uralvagonzavod corporation, 152 mm self-propelled howitzer has the most diverse range of goals: from the destruction of enemy tactical nuclear weapons and the destruction of its fortifications to counteracting its manpower and equipment.

When designing the Coalition-SV, they also adhered to the principle of modularity and versatility, so this howitzer can be installed on almost any platform, including a ship one.

The main feature of the new self-propelled guns is its range - up to 70 km, which significantly exceeds all known foreign analogues in this parameter. Ammunition "Coalition-SV" is 70 shells, rate of fire - 10-15 rounds per minute.

Besides, on the basis of the universal platform "Armata" it is also planned to build the following types of equipment:
- Fighting vehicle of flamethrowers (BMO-2)
– Heavy flamethrower system (TOS BM-2)
- Multi-purpose engineering vehicle (MIM-A)
- Transport-loading vehicle of a heavy flamethrower system (TZM-2)
- Mine layer (UMZ-A)
– Floating conveyor (PTS-A)
– Bridgelayer (MT-A)

Prospects for the use of the tank "Armata"

As we wrote above, the T-14 Armata tank was developed as part of a network-centric concept, therefore it is designed to conduct combat operations as part of a tactical grouping, including equipment and systems of a very different nature: other Armata tanks or tanks upgraded for network-centric warfare T-90S, several T-15 infantry fighting vehicles, a battery of self-propelled guns "Coalition-SV", attack helicopters KA-52 "Alligator" and other equipment. At the same time, the T-14 "Armata" in this group is assigned one of key roles, namely the role of the scout, target designator and command tank, controlling the battle through unified system management.


All this is good that in terms of military projects we do not lag behind, but somewhere we are ahead of other leading military powers of the world, and the development and implementation of the Armata universal heavy platform should significantly improve the defense capability of our country in case of a major (third world) war. The only question is what kind of big war it will be and whether it will be possible to emerge victorious from it?

P.S. Below is a video of recent history of our tank troops, presented by the Ministry of Defense on Tankman's Day, in which you can also see the hero of our review - the T-14 Armata tank.

Several foreign experts immediately concluded that at the moment the Russian T-14 Armata tank is the best in its class. Experts have come to this conclusion. The German tank lost the virtual duel - primarily due to the lack of shells capable of penetrating the Ural armor.

The Leopard 2 has a very good gun - much better than the American M1 Abrams (there is also a German one, but an old one). The machine itself is thought out and balanced with German scrupulousness. But the German authorities decided to abandon armor-piercing shells with a depleted uranium core - this brought all the advantages of the Leopard 2 to zero. Without the ability to hit the enemy, the most beautiful tank in battle is no more than a moving target.

The tungsten-core ammunition adopted in exchange is not capable of penetrating the armor of modern Russian tanks, according to the Bundeswehr. Moreover, the protection of "Armata" is not limited to one armor. The defense of the tank is organized into several echelons. The materials and paint used in the construction make the tank invisible to enemy radars. The optoelectronic suppression system blinds the laser rangefinders - having noticed the beam, the automation hides the Armata behind a smoke screen.

A phased array radar monitors the area around the car, a special on-board computer program analyzes threats, identifies the most dangerous ones and responds to them. Guided anti-tank missiles take away the means of electronic warfare. Mortars located along the perimeter of the tower destroy shells and grenade launchers at a safe distance. The entire defense complex works automatically, without distracting the crew from the combat mission.

Those who manage to break through the barrier of high technologies are met by composite armor specially designed for the Armata. Shell made of armored ceramics, synthetic materials and steel is lighter and stronger than metal.