1. What river flows from the letter "A" to the letter "Z"?

("From the letter A to the letter I flows the Amu Darya river." S.Ya. Marshak.)

2. What continent stretches from the letter "A" to the letter "Z"?


3. What animal is there in every village in the world?

(Donkey - n-donkey-ok.)

4. What occupies exactly half of any island?

(Ditch - island.)

5. Which river fits in the palm of your hand, which in a glass, which in an inkwell, and which in a canister?

(Don in the palm of your hand, Oka in a glass, Nile in an inkwell, Istra in a canister.)

6. What is in the river, in the pond, in the lake, in the sea, but not in the ocean?

(Letters "R".)

7. What country is always remembered and called when saying goodbye?

(Denmark - goodbye.)

8. What Russian river flows in London?

(Don - London, but seriously, the Thames.)

9. Which tributary of Samara flows... through wires?


10. In the Amur region there is a river in which ... mice are hiding! What is this river called?


11. What tributary of the Volga flows out in spring from ... a wounded birch?


12. What river ... is caught in the sea?

(River Cod.)

13. Name the thinnest and sharpest cape.

(Cape Agulhas.)

14. Is it true that in India you can see a dream with open eyes without going to bed?

(Yes, because the Son is a river in India, the right tributary of the Ganges.)

15. Where are the bridges with streets, parks, houses, schools, hospitals, shops, factories?

(In the Czech Republic - the city of Most, in Belarus - the city of Bridges.)

16. Which sea bay does each geographer consider his own?

(Geographer's Bay in the Indian Ocean off the southwestern coast of Australia.)

17. Where does the "parliamentary river" flow?

(In the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the Seim River flows - the left tributary of the Desna. The Seim is the name of the parliament in some countries.)

18. The name of which Siberian river do all children pronounce in the cradle, long before they get to know geography?

(The Mama River, a tributary of the Vitim.)

19. Which river has a building for airplanes?

(In the Angara - Angara.)

20. Name the "smartest" mountain range in the world.

(Ridge of the Academy of Sciences, in the Western Pamirs, in Tajikistan.)

21. What peninsula of our country is named after the distant rows of desks in the classroom, the audience?

(The Kamchatka Peninsula - "Kamchatka".)

22. What city Krasnoyarsk Territory has a mathematical name?


23. The name of which of our rivers is the first word in the title of a work by a Spanish writer and an opera by an Italian composer?

(Don: "Don Quixote", "Don Carlos".)

24. What does a boot, a mountain, and a wave have?


25. Will geography help you find happiness?

(Yes, she will tell you that the city of Happiness is located in Ukraine, in Lugansk region, on the river Northern Donets.

This quiz will be useful for teachers, parents and all those who organize leisure activities with children.

Questions on the topic Geography for high school students

1. Which island nation off the coast of America is a freely annexed territory to the United States? (Puerto Rico)

2. Which country do they belong to Commander Islands? (Russia)

3. What was the name of the atoll in the Pacific where the Americans tested hydrogen bomb? (Bikini)

4. What is the name of the island that Christopher Columbus called Hispaniola now? (Haiti)

5. How many seas washes the coast of Turkey? (Four seas: Black, Marmara, Mediterranean and Aegean)

6. What oceans does the Suez Canal connect? (Indian and Atlantic)

7. What is the largest lake in the Americas? (Upper)

8. Which African river has the most large swimming pool second only to the South American Amazon? (Congo River)

9. What is the name of the most big desert Eurasia? (Gobi)

10. What is the largest sea in the world? (Sargasso)

11. What is the largest peninsula in Europe? (Scandinavian)

12. What is the old name of the Ural River? (Yaik - until 1775)

13. What continent are the Rocky Mountains on? ( North America)

14. On what island, according to ancient Greek legend, was the labyrinth of the Minotaur? (On Crete)

15. Which islands are separated by the La Perouse Strait? (Sakhalin Island and japanese island Hokkaido)

16. On what lake is the island of Kizhi - a monument of wooden architecture? (On Lake Onega in Karelia)

17. On the border of which two countries is Mount Everest (Chomolungma)? (Nepal and China)

18. What was the name of the ancient single continent from which all continents were formed? (Pangaea)

19. What is the name of the largest peninsula in the world? (Arabian)

20. What is the name of the greatest of the alpine lakes of our planet? (Lake Titicaca in South America, on the border of Bolivia and Peru)

21. On the shore of which lake is the ancient Russian city of Rostov the Great? (Lake Nero in the Yaroslavl region)

22. Name the strait between the mainland South America and the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. (Strait of Magellan)

23. Name the largest island mediterranean sea? (Sicily. Territory of Italy)

24. What is the name of the island, which in 1811 was discovered by the expedition of Gedenshtorm, in 1902 the geologist Tol re-discovered, but the expedition of Academician Samoylovich, specially organized in 1937, could not find it? (Sannikov Land)

25. The name of which large desert in China is translated into Russian as; "Who gets here always disappears"? (Takla Makan)

26. What straits separate the European and Asian parts of Turkey? (Bosphorus and Dardanelles)

27. Between what seas does Asia Minor lie? (Between the Black and Mediterranean Seas)

28. What territory did the UK return to China in 1997? (The Hong Kong peninsula (Chinese name Xianggang) was a British colony for 155 years)

29. What is the name of the main island of Japan? (Honshu)

30. What is the largest island in Europe? (Great Britain)

31. They can take the form of an arch, wing, dome, pyramid, table, and their largest draft can be more than half a kilometer. About what in question? (About icebergs)

32. The name of which islands literally translates as "Turtle Islands"? (Galapagos Islands in the South China Sea)

33. The Sandwich Islands archipelago consists of twenty-four islands: Mauk, Mol okai, Oahu and so on. What is the name of the largest of the Sandwich Islands? (Hawaii. The Sandwich Islands are otherwise called Hawaiian)

34. Mount Tonga is only slightly inferior to Everest: its height is 8,690 meters. However, it does not appear among the eight-thousanders of the Earth, and the climbers did not make a single attempt to conquer it. Why? (She is underwater in the Pacific Ocean)

35. Most high mountain in the world can be considered the Muna Kea volcano. Its base is under water at a depth of 5,500 meters, and the top rises to four thousand three hundred meters above sea level. The total distance between the sole and the top is 9,800 meters. On which islands is this volcano located? (in Hawaiian)

36. What port is called the "ocean gate" of our country? (Port city of Nakhodka in Primorsky Krai)

37. What lands of Ukraine are named after the trees that grow there? (Bukovina)

38. Which cities have the word "salt" in their names? (Sol-Iletsk ( Orenburg region), Solvychegorsk (Arkhangelsk region), Solikamsk and Usolye ( Perm region), Usolye-Sibirskoye (Irkutsk region), Soltsy (Novgorod region), Sol (Donetsk region, Ukraine), Staraya Sol (Lvov region, Ukraine))

39. What famous mountain range and river have the same name? (Ural)

Quiz #1

1. Most big ocean? (Quiet.)

2. Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica.)

3. Most deep lake? (Baikal, 1620 m.)

4. Large estate in Brazil? (Fazenda.)

5. Tourist travel on water? (Cruise.)

6. A guide to some historical place, museum, tourist route? (Guide.)

7. Frozen crust on the snow after a short thaw? (Inst.)

8. In what sea do the inhabitants of the three parts of the world fish? (In the Mediterranean.)

9. Rotating model the globe? (Globe.)

10. An inscription on a postal envelope indicating the place of the recipient? (Address.)

1 1. The region of stable low atmospheric pressure? (Cyclone.)

12. Gaseous shell surrounding the Earth? (Atmosphere.)

13. A large, uninhabited space, devoid of vegetation? (Desert.)

14. The hardest mineral? (Diamond.)

15. Significant flooding of the area as a result of a rise in the water level in the river during the snowmelt period? (Flood.)

16. Which river crosses the equator twice? (Congo.)

18. Where does a river flow into a sea, lake or other river? (Mouth.)

19. The line of apparent contact between the sky and the earth or water surface? (Horizon.)

20. The highest point of a mountain peak? (Peak.)

Quiz #2

2. Where is the Arabian Desert located? (In Africa.)

4. Cattle farm in the US? (Ranch.)

5. A group of pack animals carrying people and goods? (Caravan.)

6. A person who accompanies tourists and introduces them to the area and sights? (Guide.)

7. A drifting ice mass that broke away from a glacier with a deeply submerged underwater part? (Iceberg.)

8. What part of the world is washed by all four oceans? (Asia.)

9. A period of time equal to the period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun? (Year.)

10. Collection geographical maps? (Atlas.)

1 I. Area of ​​stable elevated atmospheric pressure9 (Anticyclone.)

12. Molten mass in the depths of the Earth? (Magma.)

13. A stream of water rapidly falling from a height? (Waterfall.)

14. Piece iron ore, which has the property of attracting iron objects? (Magnet.)

15. Tremors and fluctuations of individual sections earth's surface? (Earthquake.)

16. Into which sea does not a single river flow? (Red sea.)

17. The smallest ocean? (Arctic.)

18. A recess in the ground through which a stream of water flows? (Russo.)

19. Sunset below the horizon line? (Sunset.)

20. A device for determining the sides of the horizon? (Compass.)

MOU IRMO "Khomutovskaya secondary school No. 2"


"This is interesting"

(Collection of questions on geography)

for grades 5-11

The work was compiled by: Bolyakova L.A.

Explanatory note

Geography quizzes are educational in nature. By answering questions, students get a lot of useful and interesting information recognize the unknown, remember the forgotten. Also, through various quizzes, games, entertaining crossword puzzles and questions, students expand their horizons and develop interest in the subject. The quizzes are differentiated. For students in grades 5-7, a quiz with questions about Baikal is offered, it develops ideas about the "pearl" not only of Siberia, but of the whole world. For students in grades 8-9, it was proposed to answer questions about Russia - the country in which we live, for grades 10-11 questions about the Earth, as about the house in which we all live.

Quiz questions about Baikal. (5-7 grade)

    "Pearl" of Siberia. Why?

    The maximum depth of Baikal?

    The only "daughter" of Baikal?

    Unique fish of Baikal?

    There is a tree in Siberia, a village on the coast is named after him
    Baikal. Which?

    Amazing, the only mammal living in
    Lake Baikal. Which?

    What rivers flow into Baikal?

    The largest and most interesting island in Lake Baikal?

    Name the fish that Lake Baikal is famous for?

    When is Baikal Day held?

Quiz questions Russia - the country in which we live (8-9Class)

    Russia Square? How many time zones is it
    located? How many times does its inhabitants celebrate the New Year?

    In the forests of this region live: reindeer and a tiger, an inhabitant of the taiga: sable and leopard. Where is this place in the country?

    In 1733-1743, the Great Northern Expedition for the first time studied in detail and mapped the coast of the Arctic Ocean. By whom and for what purpose was this expedition conceived?

    Our country is washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans. What are these seas?

    This region of Russia does not border with other regions and
    remote from Russia by a distance of several hundred kilometers .
    Name this area?

    This peninsula is called the "country of volcanoes", "the land of ice and fire" name this peninsula and its volcanoes.

    Name the most big river in the European part of Russia and the largest in Europe. People affectionately call her "mother".

    Lake of Wonders, the oldest of the earth's lakes, the deepest of all in the world. Name the lake and what is it famous for?

    The world's largest reservoir is 570 km long and 25 km wide. It took Angara two years to bring 180 billion. m cubed required; to fill it out. Name this reservoir.

    This city is the gateway of the Motherland to the Pacific Ocean. Favorable geographical position, convenient harbor contributed to its transformation into a major port. What's the name of this town?

    The 180th meridian passes through this northern island, and as you know, it delimits the eastern and western hemispheres. Therefore, the island lies in 3 hemispheres - northern, western and eastern. Name this island.

    This peninsula, translated from German language means

"End of the Earth" Name this peninsula.

13. The heart of Russia, the largest city in the world, a port of 5 seas, the capital of the largest state on the planet. Name the city.

14. Name the border "neighbors" of Russia?

15. It is called "the island of treasures", "the king of the island." It is the center of the country's only island region. Name the island.

Questions of the quiz "Earth is our common Home»

(grade 10-11)

    The northernmost point of Europe is Cape Nordkin, the southern one is Cape Marroki, the western one is Cape Roca. In the east, Europe is limited by the Ural Mountains. In which countries are capes located?

    The names of these countries differ by one letter.

    There are 186888 lakes in this country. Which country is called the “land of a thousand lakes?” Name its capital.

    Where is geographic center Asia?

    This island used to be called Ceylon. This is a country of pineapples, but an apple for the inhabitants of this country is a delicacy. Name this country?

    Name three countries in North America?

    What is the capital of Honduras?

    The name of the country was given by the lake, with which, in essence, his whole life is connected. Name the country and the lake?

    Wherever you move to this point, the north will be behind you, the south in front. It is enough for you to cross it and continue your movement from this point, as you will have the south behind you, and the north will be in front ... where on the globe is such a place? What is it called?

    The largest and only mainland country on the globe?

    Where is Greece located?

    Tears of the Baltic Sea.

    Which country can be called the largest open-air history museum?

    What is the name of the capital of the largest populated country in Asia?

    What are the three lakes of the globe, which are usually called seas?

    What is the name of currency unit in Germany?

    What peninsula is Seoul on?

    The capital of which state is Ankara?

    What kind of fish is found in the Red Sea?

    Which river has three notes in its name?

Miscellaneous questions on geography and astronomy

    Who first suggested that the Earth is spherical? (Pythagoras.)

    How many planets make up the solar system? (9 and Sun.)

    What is internal structure Earth. (Core, mantle, earth's crust.)

    What are volcanoes? (Extinct and active.)

    How many continents are on Earth? (6 Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica.)

    What is the name of the highest mountain? (Everest, or Chomolungma.)

    What is the ozone layer? (This layer is formed by three atomic oxygen, protects from the harmful rays of the sun.)

    When is the day shorter: winter or summer? (Same, 24 hours.)

    What is a boulevard? (Street lined with trees.)

    They were conquered by Hannibal, and later by Suvorov. (Alps.)

    The air shell of our planet. (Atmosphere.)

    Air movement in a horizontal direction. (Wind.)

    What instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure? (Pyrometer, aneroid barometer.)

    Can an ant's home help you navigate the forest? (Yes, since it opens to the south.)

    What is the name of the person who is watching starry sky, photographs, studies the life of stars and planets? (Astronomer.)

    How else "is often called the Cosmos? (The Universe.)

    Name the closest star to us (the Sun.)

    Is the moon the only natural satellite of the earth? (Yes.)

    Day turns into night, and night into day, because: (The earth rotates on its axis.)

    Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica.)

    The most big bird. (African ostrich.)

    How to know about the approach of rain, watching the anthill? (Ants clog the entrances to the anthill.)

    Which lake is the deepest in the world? (Baikal - 1940 meters.)

    Which city is built on five mountains? (Pyatigorsk,)

    Which preposition is the name of a river in Spain." (River Po.)

    What is south of Magadan or Leningrad? (Both at the same latitude - 60.)

    What is the name of the highest ocean wave? (Tsunami.)

    Name the largest island in the world. (Greenland.)

    What is the name of strong wind? (Hurricane.)

    Name the saltiest body of water in the world. (Dead Sea.)

    The longest Mountain chain. (Andes)

    The largest peninsula. (Arabian.)

    The highest ocean trench. Name an ocean. (Marianskaya 11022 m in the Pacific Ocean.)

    What is the name of the place, the river does not start? (Source.)

    The largest plain in the world. (Amazon lowland.)

    The place where the river flows into the sea. (Mouth.)

    This optical instrument serves to observe the surface of the ocean from a submarine. (Periscope.)

    What is called the top of the earth? (Pole.)

    He happens by the river and by the clothes. (Sleeve.)

    Capital of Spain? (Madrid.)

    The territory of Russia is washed by 13 seas. Name them. (Baltic, White, Barents, Laptev, Chukchi, Bering. Okhotsk, Caspian, Azov, Black.)

    What more than half of the world's population has never seen, and you see it every day now? (Snow.)

    What is the reason for the change of seasons and the change of day and night on Earth. (With the rotation of the Earth around the Sun and its axis.)

    direction to a specific point. (Azimuth.)

    A large area dedicated to geographic location And natural conditions where certain peoples live. (A country.)

    Where is the day equal to the night? (At the equator.)

    Who are these people: Dezhnev, Kruzenshtern, Season. Bellingshausen? (Sailors are travelers.)

    Which modern state South-East Asia named after the capital? (Singapore.)

    What is the lowest layer of the atmosphere? (Troposphere.)

    What is a meteorite? (a - a star burning in the Earth's atmosphere; b - a space rock falling to the Earth.)

    What are astronauts called in America? (Astronauts.)

    On whom did the Moon fall head over heels in K. Chukovsky's poem "Cockroach"? (To the elephant.)

    Which of the terrestrial planets is closest to Earth? (Venus)

    How many constellations are there in modern astronomy? (88)

    With what speed does our Galaxy revolve around its center if the Galactic year is 225 million years? (at a speed of 800 thousand km per hour;

    On which planet are riverbeds found? dry rivers? (Mars.)

    Which planet has the most moons? (Saturn)

    The smallest continent. (Australia.)

    The largest island. (Greenland.)

    What is the name of the Portuguese navigator who made the first ever circumnavigation of the world, proving that the Earth has the shape of a ball. (Fernand Magellan (1480-1521).)

    Who was the first Russian navigator to make trip around the world? (Kruzenshtern.)

    Can the highest mountain in the world sink in the ocean? (Yes. Everest 8848m. Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean 11022 m.)

    Which sea has no shores? (Sargasso, in the Atlantic Ocean.)

    How long will a match burn on the moon. (Only the match head containing oxygen will ignite. Normally, combustion in an airless space cannot occur.)

    When we are closer to the sun in WINTER go in summer? (In winter. At this time of the year, the Earth is at perihelion.)

    Where can you build a house with all sides facing north? (At the south pole.)

    Name five constellations you know. (Lyra. Orion. Gemini, Taurus, Charioteer, etc.)

    Name all the planets that make up solar system. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.)

    What constellation is the North Star in? (In the constellation Ursa Major.)

    Name the most bright star sky. (Sirius from the constellation "Big Nes".)

    Which planet is known as the "morning (or evening) star"? (Venus.)


    Atlas "Irkutsk and Irkutsk region" 2nd edition, updated and enlarged. – FSUE “VostSib AGP”, 2010

    Bolotnikova N.V. Geography: Lessons - games in high school. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2004

    Bolotnikova N.V. Geography integrated lessons. 6-10kl.-Volgograd: Teacher, 2004

    Boyarkin V.M., Boyarkin I.V. Geography of the Irkutsk region. - ID Sarma LLC, 2011

    Krylova O.V. An interesting geography lesson: Book. For the teacher. - 3rd ed. - M .: Irosveshchenie, 2003.

    Geography: from lesson to exam: Sat. tasks: Book for the teacher / A.S. Naumov et al. - M.6 Education, 1999.

    Evdokimov V.I. Collection of assignments and exercises in geography. 7 cells - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2011.

    Kasatkina N.A. Geography: Entertaining materials for lessons and extracurricular activities in grades 6-8 - Volgograd: Teacher, 2004.

    Kasatkina N.A. Natural history. Grade 5: Materials for lessons. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2004.

    Cartel L.N. Didactic materials on physical geography: A guide for the teacher. - M .: Education, 1987.

    Kostina S.A. Geography. Continents and oceans. Grade 7: Lesson plans according to the textbook by Krylova O.V .. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005.

    Kozachek T.V. Natural history. Grade 5: Lesson plans according to the textbook by A.A. Pleshakova, N.I. Sonina.-Volgograd: Teacher, 2005.

    Krylova O.V. Geography lessons in grade 6: Book. For the teacher. - M .: Education, 2002.

    Ladilova N.N. Didactic materials on physical geography. 6 cells M.: Enlightenment

    Maksimov N.A. Behind the pages of the textbook of geography: Book. For reading students 5kl. cf. school - 3rd ed., revised and additional - M .: Prosveshchene, 1988.

    Naumov A.S. Tasks in geography: A guide for teachers.-M .: MIROS, 1993

    Nikitina N.A. Universal lesson developments in geography grades 6-7.-M .: VAKO, 2011

    Pivovarova G.P. Through the pages of entertaining geography: Book. For students in grades 6-8. - 2nd ed., revised - Enlightenment, 1990

    Razumovskaya O.K. Interesting geography. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Crystal", 1998

    Romanova A.F. Subject weeks at school: Geography. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2004.

    Fadeeva G.A. International environmental actions At school. 7-9 cells - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005.

Imagine a situation, you are stopped on the street by a reporter of some local channel, with an unobtrusive offer - to answer a number of simple questions about the country where you live, study, work… If you doubt yourself, in your knowledge, you will find thousands of reasons to avoid questions, want to retire, pass by, thereby avoiding a very delicate situation bordering on shame. It's one thing to disgrace yourself in front of one person, and quite another - to the whole country.

Recently, on the air of one of the state channels, a video of just such a situation was shown - in a crowded place, in the center of Moscow, a survey was conducted on the topic: "how do you know the geography of Russia." The simplest questions were asked, and unfortunately most of the "test subjects" were embarrassed ...

In this regard, we decided to introduce the “All about Russia” section, dividing articles into questions - answers on geography, history, and so on ... Today we will start with geography. Test your knowledge here and now:

10 simple questions on the geography of Russia

1 Russia is the most big country in the world by area. Where is most of the territory of Russia located?

Answer: Eastern Europe and Northern Asia

The European part of the country occupies about 23% of the area. Its boundaries are Ural mountains, the border with Kazakhstan and the rivers Kuma and Manych.

The Asian part of Russia, which occupies about 77% of the territory, lies to the east of the Urals and is also called Siberia (however precise definition borders of Siberia is a moot point) and the Far East.

2 How many subjects are there in the Russian Federation?

Answer: The Russian Federation consists of 85 subjects

Subject Russian Federation or abbreviated subject of the federation - the name of the territorial unit in the Russian Federation. According to the Russian Constitution of 1993, Russia is a federal state and consists of equal subjects of the Russian Federation. In total - 85 subjects. Of these, 22 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, 3 federal cities, 1 autonomous region, 4 autonomous districts.

3 How many time zones are there in Russia?

Answer: 11 time zones

Time in Russia is regulated federal law"On the calculation of time", in accordance with which, since October 26, 2014, 11 time zones have been established. It is curious that the Republic of Yakutia occupies as many as three time zones, Sakhalin region two, while the rest of Russia lies within a single time zone.

4 How many countries border Russia?

Answer: 18 states

Russia recognizes the existence of borders with 18 states: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and the USA, as well as those partially recognized by the Republic of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

5 How many rivers and lakes are there in Russia?

Answer: More than 2.8 million rivers and ∼ 2,747,997 million lakes

There are more than 2.8 million rivers in Russia with a total length of 12.4 million km. Large quantity these rivers are relatively small and their length is usually no more than 100 kilometers. But as for the big rivers, they are truly huge and reach shocking sizes. More about the most big rivers Russia -

There are 2,747,997 lakes in Russia with total area 408,856 km (excluding the Caspian Sea). largest lake- Caspian Sea. From the lakes in the traditional sense largest by area are Baikal (31,722 km²), Ladoga (17,872 km²), Onega (9,693 km²) and Taimyr (4,560 km²), and in terms of volume, Baikal (23,516 km³), Ladoga (838 km³), Onega (292 km³) and Khantai (82 km³), while about 96% of all lake water reserves are concentrated in only eight largest lakes, of which 95.2% falls on Baikal alone. About the most beautiful lakes in Russia according to our magazine -

6 How many seas washes Russia?

Answer: Russia is washed by 1 closed sea and 13 seas belonging to three oceans

Seas Atlantic Ocean washing Russia:

  • Baltic Sea
  • Black Sea
  • Sea of ​​Azov

The seas of the Arctic Ocean washing Russia:

  • Barencevo sea
  • Pechora Sea
  • White Sea
  • Kara Sea
  • Laptev sea
  • East-Siberian Sea
  • Chukchi Sea
Seas Pacific Ocean washing Russia:
  • Bering Sea
  • Sea of ​​Okhotsk
  • Japanese Sea
Enclosed seas washing Russia:
Sunset over the Caspian Sea, shot from Space

7 How many people live in Russia?

Answer: More than 146 million people

Russia is considered the most big country in the world in terms of the size of its own territory, but as for the population, here our country is located only on the 9th line of the planet.

  • China 1,339,450,000
  • India 1,187,550,000
  • US 310,241,000
  • Indonesia 237 556 000
  • Brazil 193,467,000
  • Pakistan 170,532,000
  • Bangladesh 164,425,000
  • Nigeria 158,259,000
  • Russia 143,300,000

According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2017, the total population of Russia is 146,804,372 people.

And yet, the Russian Federation is the most populated state in Europe. The average density is 8.36 people per square kilometer However, the fact is that the population density is distributed extremely unevenly. So, about 80 percent of our compatriots live in the European part of the country, which makes up only 23% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. If the population density, say, in Chukotka is 0.07 inhabitants per square km, then in Moscow, the capital of our country, the numbers are completely different - about 4,700 people per square km!

8 How many federal districts are there in Russia?

Answer: 8 counties

All subjects of the Russian Federation are united in 8 federal districts.

The legal basis for the creation of federal districts of the Russian Federation is the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2000 No. 849 On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district.

In accordance with this Decree, seven federal districts were formed:

  • Central (administrative center - Moscow)
  • Yuzhny (administrative center - Rostov-on-Don)
  • Severo-Zapadny (administrative center - St. Petersburg)
  • Far East (administrative center - Khabarovsk)
  • Siberian (administrative center - Novosibirsk)
  • Ural (administrative center - Yekaterinburg)
  • Privolzhsky (administrative center - Nizhny Novgorod)
  • In 2010, the North Caucasus was separated from the Southern Federal District federal district. He became the eighth (administrative center - Pyatigorsk).
  • By the decree of President Vladimir Putin dated March 21, 2014, the ninth federal district, Crimean, was formed. (administrative center - Simferopol), however later, in 2016, Vladimir Putin incorporated the Crimean Federal District into the Southern Federal District.

On the map of districts there is no Crimean district - old map.

9 How many cities are there in Russia?

Answer: 1113 cities

As of October 10, 2015, the number of cities in the Russian Federation increased to 1113, as the urban-type settlement of Uglegorsk, Amur Region, is being transformed into the city of Tsiolkovsky.

However, it belongs to the so-called closed cities of Russia (ZATO). After all, it is here that the full-scale construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome is underway.

The Vostochny cosmodrome will be located near the Svobodny cosmodrome, which was disbanded in 2007. About the closed cities of Russia -

largest cities Russia are:

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Volgograd, Voronezh.

Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, October 14, 2015

Answer: Elbrus / Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed body of water on Earth, which can be classified as the largest closed lake, or as a full-fledged sea, due to its size, and also due to the fact that its bed is folded the earth's crust ocean type. Located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia.

The lowest point in Russia located far to the south - near the Caspian Sea, where on Caspian lowland absolute marks reach -28 meters! In other words, this territory is located almost thirty meters below the level of the oceans.

Of course, it is far from the absolute champion - the Dead Sea, which lies another 400 meters below the ocean shores, but the height of a nine-story building is also a lot.

The Caspian lowland was once the bottom of a vast sea, the memory of which we have left the vast Caspian.