If you are a woman, you are chosen. Even when you choose. How are they chosen? Without wisdom. First - the face and figure. Then - a rich spiritual world. True, even an enchanting portfolio will not save a profile that “did not hook” or left an unpleasant aftertaste. Let's find out how to correctly fill out a profile on a dating site for a girl so that the search does not last for years, and its intermediate results do not become the reason for a visit to a psychotherapist.

What to write in the application


what to write about yourself: examples

who are we looking for

why are we looking for

bait for a guy

more optimism

no photo anywhere

What not to write in the application

don't demand

don't go too far

soul wide open

details matter

Summing up

What to write in the application

Take your time. Beautifully and concisely writing a self-presentation about yourself is more difficult than it seems. Let's agree right away, discussing advantageous positions, we will keep in mind the prospect of serious relations. If you are interested in sex, one nude photo and two words in essence will be enough. Go!


And although Oscar Wilde said that “a woman was created to be loved, not to be understood,” make a clear and intelligible picture of yourself. First, you will be “understood” (identified). Then - "love". It does not matter which portal the profile is on - a dating site, Facebook or VK. Positioning is the foundation of any virtual self. Keep in mind, guys are still attracted to femininity, softness and mystery. And still repel "bitches", "queens" and "glamorous".

Write about yourself beautifully, concisely and thoroughly in the column "information about yourself" or any other where freedom of speech is granted. Here charisma has the opportunity to speak loudly. But watch your image. Having declared yourself “faithful and devoted”, do not pose for a photo in a negligee.

  • Don't make a man think who you really are. The conclusions will always be against you. Draw a specific and understandable image.
  • Even if you claim premium quality, you don’t need to talk about it out loud. The Right Strategy- not to ask for a price, but to present a "product".

And don't forget, a name makes a person beautiful. Be honest (Anna) or draw attention to yourself (Game of Life) - decide for yourself. The main thing - without vulgarity (Cat), insinuations (Take-Me-I-Your) and abbreviations (qwerty123).

What to write about yourself: examples

A good example of what you can write about yourself on Instagram, VKontakte, on a dating site:

“At the buffet is an elegant lady. In life - a mischievous girl. I turn weekdays into holidays. You want to meet? If you love life and are ready for a bright, but serious relationship, we will understand each other perfectly. Write!

The next girl will probably be lucky too:

"In any difficult life situation I remain optimistic. I believe in people and that I will meet a worthy person here who needs love and support. To the man I love, I will give all my care and tenderness. Let's get acquainted!".

“Do you also think that without love, even in the brightest life, something is missing? Are you looking for a devoted companion and hostess who knows how to create comfort? You can be congratulated! You found me. Tell us about yourself - it is very important for me that you are interested. I'm waiting for your message! By attaching a photo of a smiling girl to such a profile, you will get married in the near future. By the way, about marriage.

Who are we looking for

Husband? Lover? Sponsor? Order, but without "require". Everyone wants perfect. Identify the key traits that will resonate with everyone: reliable, smart, strong. "Wealthy", "financially secure" - will scare away even the "sponsor". One in 100 wealthy men will agree to be a cash cow. 99 will give a villa in Nice to those who are looking for "smart", "strong" and "independent".

Why are we looking for

Don't get carried away literary creativity. It is important not just to describe yourself in an interesting way, but to get a return on the questionnaire. beautiful romance, marriage, sex - your right to pursue any goal. Your responsibility is to reach the right audience. Be careful when filling out the "Purposes of Acquaintance" column. Marriage and sex for 1-2 times in one questionnaire are inappropriate. Explore our rating of dating sites - and find the dating portal that best suits your needs. Is our detailed description site and reviews of real users will help you navigate the choice.

Bait for a guy

Wise girls understand that interests are the most advantageous place in the questionnaire. Do not rush to write in the section what is interesting to you. The goal is to anchor. Instead of shopping and ballet, indicate: travel, hiking, cooking, football. And only then - crochet: “I can talk about hockey, fishing and your other hobbies. I prefer to share the interests of my man than to spend time shopping. Or: “I love men who love home cooking, scrambled eggs and pancakes for breakfast and baked meat for dinner. And what do you like? I'm sure I can cook it!" Appetizing?

More optimism

We are not talking about what is usually written in the profile: “I have a great sense of humor.” The questionnaire should be permeated with humor. Can not humor, take optimism. It is difficult to fill out the questionnaire with light and light text, but work hard. You are His outlet, not the problem.

No photo anywhere

Whatever you write, men love with their eyes. I recommend ordering studio photography instead of another pair of shoes. The investment will pay off. Do you want yourself? Forget duck lips, selfies and "guess me" photos. Pictures are clear good quality at least ten. Smile, play with your eyes, present yourself from different angles. Don't dig into the archives. Only fresh photos. As for erotica, light is appropriate. Instincts must be used, but skillfully. Not "nude", but "but", "maybe". Like Marilyn Monroe at Kennedy's birthday party.

What not to write in the application

Self-presentation can scare off potential life partners for various reasons. An example of a 100% positioning failure is narcissism (“Am I in the world?”). Of course, there is no doubt about it, but there are millions of profiles on the dating site. The competition is wild. Keep royal manners with you: “I am a woman, and all roads in the world lead to me, and not to some kind of Rome. I am a woman, I chosen by God...". There are a million roads on the dating site, and they try to bypass the “chosen ones”. Don't make other common mistakes like not writing about anything.

about nothing

Sample questionnaire “about nothing”: “I am sincere, sociable, with a sense of humor. I like to communicate with friends, go to the cinema. I love traveling and learning new things." The characteristic of this girl is “about nothing”. Only youth and outstanding external data will save her from a fiasco.

Don't demand

Some girls demonstrate an indestructible passion to demand. How interesting it is to write about yourself, they care about the last. Rule: do not submit more than two requirements. A real woman does not demand, but receives. Because he knows how to present himself. Unlike the girl who wrote the following: “Give me the very best, dear. Not that in pants, but also jewelry. Carry me in your arms, and I will climb on my neck.” It is unlikely that anyone will give her such an opportunity. And the next girl will be offered opportunities with a vengeance: “I don’t have long list requirements for a man. I'm not looking for an ideal. I just want to meet a person with whom we will have common interests.

Don't go overboard

What can you write about yourself if you are a bright, successful and ambitious girl? Don't try to be even more perfect. Get down to the ground so as not to scare everyone. Before you write “I am a beautiful diamond that needs an expensive setting”, think about what you really want - a setting or a life partner. What do you think, a successful girl should “keep the bar” and “set the level”? Successful men, by the way, do not like competitors. As well as those who, in an attempt to present themselves in an original way, sort out and evoke a strong association with the heroes of Lewis Carroll. And it's good if it's Alice, not Hatter.

Soul wide open

Do not rush to lay out everything at once, including the details of the figure. It is possible to interest a guy in nude photography, but the strong sex does not consider girls with such a portfolio as life partners. Pedigree, wealthy inner world, difficult financial situation, sexual fantasies, “I love”, “I don’t love” ... Keep the intrigue. Be an enigma. Let him find out later. However, tell me something now.

Details matter

Do not hide your height and weight. What about the meaning? Subtly showcase your figure in your portfolio. And candidly admit weaknesses that are of fundamental importance. Casinos, cats, tobacco, tattoos - everything you can't live without and don't intend to bring out.

Summing up

  • When wondering what to write about yourself on a dating site, start from the goal. “I want to get married” and “I want sex” are different profiles.
  • Be original. The competition is high. Highlight yourself. Write about yourself briefly, succinctly and beautifully. You must be remembered.
  • Find a balance between the real and the virtual self. Keep it simple - be honest, and embellishing - comply.

Choose a dating site. But before you start a profile on the site, study its features. Our reviews will help you choose, and our advice will save you from common mistakes. The rest is in your hands. Good luck!

And finally, we present successful and bad examples questionnaires.

This is what most profiles look like:

  • I am affectionate, romantic, caring, loyal, sincere and very sociable. Great hostess with a great sense of humor. I love listening to music, reading, traveling and chatting with friends. I dream of meeting an honest, decent, financially secure man in order to create strong family which will be based on love and mutual understanding. (A lot of epithets and a blurry image)
  • I have a lot of interests in life. IN free time I like to meet friends, we have a great time in restaurants and cafes. Quite often I go to the theater, I like to watch ballet. On weekends I go to museums, cinema, beautiful parks. I love to travel. I have already visited many countries, but there are still so many places where I would like to go. My favorite sport is swimming. (You certainly won’t be interested in restaurants, cafes and ballet, but for the love of travel - a plus)

And such profiles are quite rare:

  • Romantic, pretty and friendly girl. A little sentimental. I don't like being lied to. I love reading books and falling asleep to the sound of rain. I want to meet a guy for whom main value life is family. (Short but capacious description)
  • I am a journalist, model and just good man. Only until I have the only one to whom I want to devote my life! I like to order Americano coffee in Arabica, the first greens in spring, summer rain, and in winter - freshly fallen snow creaks under my feet. I love it when life is in full swing around me, because I myself am very active and sociable. I don't like it when people try to manipulate me, I don't like it when I'm scared or cold... I want to find a serious young man With strong character who is self-confident, knows how to appreciate, respect and love a woman. The one that can turn the most ordinary day into a holiday. Having met my special man, I would like to create such a relationship that I can always understand each other without words. (Frankly and beautifully, but a bit long)
  • I would rather remain a mystery than write platitudes or embellished reality in order to get married as soon as possible :-) I want to meet a young man in order to create a family with him in the future, which will be a small kingdom, where relatives and friends are very welcome, but most of all they value time spent alone with each other. (Unusual and humorous)

A resume is one of the main components required for a job search. It is important to draw it up correctly, because according to the text presented, the employer will create the first impression of a potential employee and conclude whether it is worth scheduling an interview or not.

How to write a resume?

Many people are irresponsible about writing a resume and this is a big mistake. There are some tips on how to write a resume correctly so that it gets noticed:

  1. It is important to indicate only information that corresponds to the selected vacancy.
  2. Think of the resume as a marketing tool because employers are buyers and the product should be presented well.
  3. Provide clear information without unnecessary details.
  4. Use action words in the text, for example, prepared, checked, presented, and so on.
  5. Even if the applicant knows many different terms, you should not try to insert them into every sentence, as the text should be easy to read.
  6. If possible, show the written resume for review to a competent person.

Personal qualities for a resume

HR managers assure that an empty item on personal information is a serious mistake, since it is often decisive in making a decision. It is important for the employer to see how the applicant evaluates himself. There are several recommendations on how to write a resume correctly, that is, a paragraph about personal qualities:

  1. You do not need to specify more than five characteristics.
  2. Do not use formulaic and meaningless phrases, as the main goal is to interest.
  3. If a person does not know what to write, then two universal options can be used: excellent learning ability and willingness to work above the norm.
  4. The main thing is to meet all the declared qualities.

Business qualities for a resume

When compiling a resume, you must remember that this is a kind of offer of yourself, as an investment in the future for the development of the company. A good resume must include a list professional qualities the job seeker, as it makes clear the effectiveness of his work and the value to the company. Given the intense competition, a good education and work experience is not a guarantee for employment. There are tips on how to write a resume and describe business qualities:

  1. You should not write all the known qualities, as this raises doubts about the veracity of the information presented.
  2. Enough of 4-6 positions, and they will certainly need to be demonstrated at the interview.
  3. If you want your resume to be noticed, then discard the template words and state the information from yourself.

Knowledge and skills in resume

Many employers Special attention pay to the knowledge of the applicant, as they allow you to understand whether you need to continue working with him or not. To interest an employer, you need to know what to write about yourself in a resume.

  1. The text should not be boring and stretched. State the information clearly, concisely, giving an unambiguous answer.
  2. Indicate the knowledge and skills for the resume that you really have, because sooner or later they will have to be demonstrated.
  3. Do not use abstruse phrases and terms, the information should be presented in simple language.

Weaknesses in resume

Not everyone can talk about their shortcomings, but for their own presentation, this will have to be done. According to information provided by HR managers, a huge number of people make mistakes when describing their weaknesses. To write a resume for a job correctly, consider the following recommendations:

  1. No need to write a huge list of your cons, 2-3 positions will suffice.
  2. To create a good resume, write about the shortcomings that can be corrected by working on yourself.
  3. Many bosses look at the item " weak sides” to understand the adequacy, sincerity and self-criticism of the applicant.

Strengths in resume

In this column, employers want to see not business qualities, but positive features that distinguish the applicant from others. To increase your chances of being selected and getting an interview, it is important to know how to write a resume, taking into account some of the nuances:

  1. Be sincere and do not attribute to yourself non-existent abilities, as deceit can be a reason for rejection.
  2. Choose 2-3 and write about each sentence. For example, sociable (she was engaged in journalism and interviewed different people, worked on conducting polls).
  3. It is better to describe a couple of qualities in an original and detailed way than to offer a banal list.
  4. Describe strengths for a resume, focusing on the requirements of the vacancy.

Key skills on a resume

Recruiters argue that if the applicant writes the usual list of banal qualities at this point, then the risk that the paper will end up in the bin increases significantly. To understand how to write the right resume, you need to know precise definition skill, since it means a type of activity that has been brought to automatism.

  1. As you complete this section, think about what you can do for the position you have chosen and why I am a good fit for the job.
  2. Drawing up a resume implies an indication of professional (functional, and managerial), personal qualities and habits.
  3. Be specific and concise. For example, extensive experience in trading (10 years of experience and 5 of them - head of department)

Personal achievements in the resume

In this section, the applicant must indicate their own advantages in comparison with other applicants. Achievements in the resume show that a person is ready to achieve results and develop the company.

  1. Use the following formula when describing: "problem + action = result."
  2. Indicate professional and personal data, but they should somehow contribute to the work.
  3. Avoid common phrases and write in the language of business, and specifically without unnecessary information.
  4. Describe events as fact.

Purpose in resume

Here the applicant shows his requirements, so you should indicate the position or several that are of interest. If several vacancies are described, but they should be close in functionality. Here you can specify the desired salary.

  1. Creating a resume implies a clear and concise presentation of information, so this section should not take more than 2-3 lines.
  2. Do not write vague phrases, for example, "I want to get a job with a high salary and a good prospect."

More info on resume

This section gives you a chance to characterize yourself as a professional and to interest the employer. If it is not filled in, then this may mean that the person has nothing more to tell about himself. When figuring out how to correctly compose a resume, it is worth noting that there are no strict rules for the design of this section. Here the applicant writes what is not included in other sections, but is, in his opinion, important. Please note that additional data should not overload the resume. There is an approximate list of what to write in a resume about yourself:

  • Family status;
  • knowledge of languages;
  • computer skills;
  • driver license;
  • participation in seminars, conferences and so on;
  • additional education;
  • desired work schedule.

Hobbies for resume

Given the great competition in the labor market, HR managers are increasingly paying attention to information about how the applicant spends his free time, as this can say a lot about his personality. Ideally, if personal interests correspond to the chosen position, for example, a designer likes to take pictures and draw. You can write in your resume about such hobbies:

  1. Sports that demonstrate endurance, perseverance, perseverance and activity. As for extreme sports, they indicate a person's willingness to take justified risks.
  2. Creative classes say that the applicant is creative and talented.
  3. The love of travel shows that a person can plan his actions, is versatile and active.

In addition to the basic standard information about age, education, etc., you need to tell about yourself in the resume. In this paragraph, you should indicate your personal qualities.

The percentage of the manager's decision to hire you depends on how well and correctly you can present yourself with the help of a resume. The better you present yourself, the higher this percentage will be.

Most people, when compiling their resume, find it difficult to answer this question, what to write about, so they often just recklessly skip this point. You should not do this, since it is information about your personal qualities that can play a rather important and even decisive role.

Of course, it is worth pointing out a number of mandatory qualities that a good employee should have. For example, these may be qualities such as:
- responsibility;
- discipline;
- high efficiency;
- communication skills;
- performance.

Important are such personal qualities as an adequate attitude to criticism and the ability to compromise.

However, it should be remembered that when compiling a resume, you should not indicate all positive traits that may come to mind. It is necessary to highlight only a few of the main ones. At the same time, your task is to disclose information about yourself in your resume so that the employer singles you out from the general mass of potential employees. If you wish, you can present your positive qualities in a more original form. However, it is important not to overdo it here.

Indicate only those personal characteristics that correspond to you in reality. If you cannot attribute any of the qualities to yourself, it is better to keep silent about it. Otherwise, the employer will be able to reproach you for the fact that the information you provided is not true.

Additional qualities

In addition to all the above qualities, you can include in the list some non-standard, but eye-catching and important features. These include qualities such as:
- initiative;
- creativity;
- easy learning;
- mobility;
- activity;
- purposefulness;
- stress resistance.

With such a list, your resume will have a great chance of successfully presenting you as a potential employee.

Follow our resume writing tips and be sure you will be invited for an interview!

Summary - this is the document, having glanced at which, the employer will quickly decide: it is worth meeting with you in order to take a closer look at you as a potential employee, or not worth it.

The maximum time during which the resume "works" or finally and irrevocably "does not work" is two to three minutes. Therefore, the resume should be written simply, formatted in the manner familiar to the employer, contain only useful information and clearly explain to the employer why you should be preferred to other applicants for the current vacancy.

Ideally - 1 page of standard A4 format. IN last resort- 2 such pages. If it seems to you that all the information does not fit into such a volume, it means that you have not separated important information from not very important.

Separate the unnecessary! Do not create discomfort for a potential employer at the first contact.

Paper and printing
Use thick white paper. Print only with non-branded black ink, it is certainly preferable - on laser printer. Your resume can be faxed, photocopied, put in a folder with other papers. It should look good. In no case do not write by hand - no one wants to parse someone else's handwriting!

Print on one side of the paper. Leave large enough margins. No photos, shading, patterns, frames - all this will be smeared when copying and faxing. Refuse decorative fonts, italics, underlining - this clutters up the text.

Try to avoid horizontal and vertical lines as much as possible. Use standard Times New Roman or Arial fonts in sizes 10 to 14. Use bold font and size (remaining within the specified limits) for the necessary headings and subheadings. Maintain a consistent style throughout the document.

The CV must necessarily be drawn up primarily in Russian, even if it is intended for a foreign employer. Indeed, in most cases, it will first pass through the hands of Russian-speaking recruiters.

In necessary cases (foreign employer, work with fluent knowledge of a foreign language), a copy in the relevant language should be attached. In no case should there be spelling and syntactical errors in the resume (that is, all letters and punctuation marks should be strictly in their places). The text should be stylistically literate and homogeneous, that is, it should not give the impression that different sections or phrases were written by different people.

If you are not sure of your literacy, let your friends, whose literacy you trust, or specialists check the text. It is desirable that the version on foreign language finally edited by a native speaker or, in extreme cases, a person with sufficient experience in domestic and business communication in this language.

Re-read your resume several times after breaks in working with it. A fresh look will immediately catch on to flaws!

Resume distribution

If you have a specific employer in mind, contact him first.

Submit your resume to recruiting agencies. Don't limit yourself to one agency - the employer you are interested in may be associated with another!

fabricate electronic version summary. Place it on specialized sites for job searches and job offers. Never limit yourself to one site - there are many of them, and new ones are constantly appearing.

Remember: the employer looks at mostly fresh resumes. Therefore, once a week, re-send your resume to specialized sites.

Summary content

Surname, Name and Patronymic. The word "resume" is not required. It is better to write large (font 18-20), in the center, on top of your last name, first name and patronymic. Such a title will help you quickly find your resume in a pile of hundreds of similar papers. The words "Surname", "Name" and "Patronymic" do not need to be written.

Briefly, but very specifically, describe what position you are applying for. This is the defining point of the resume. After reading it, the employer will immediately think of you from a certain angle. The entire text of the summary that follows is proof that your candidacy meets precisely this specific goal.

If you consider yourself capable of applying for one of several positions, list them all, putting the most suitable for you first.

Contact coordinates
Indicate your postal address, phone numbers with contact time (for example, from 10.00 to 19.00 on weekdays), e-mail, fax. Remember: the employer can read your resume at any time convenient for him.

He should be able to reach out to the phone or type your address on the keyboard - and contact you. If he postpones the communication session, tomorrow he may be interested in other candidates for the position.

List the schools, courses, technical schools, institutes that you graduated from or where you study. Mention only places of study that are significant in terms of the job you are looking for.

List educational institutions either in reverse chronological order (first - the latest, in the end - the earliest), or according to the principle of significance: from the most important for the job you are looking for to the least important.

About each educational institution inform: year and month of the beginning and end of study; accurate name; location (city, country); the department where you studied - if this information is useful for the job you are looking for; the qualification assigned to you (diploma, certificate, certificate, title).

Work experience in reverse chronological order
This is the main part of the resume. Places of work should be listed in reverse chronological order, from latest to first. You need to indicate the years and months of the beginning and end of work, positions (there may be several of them at one job if, for example, you had a career growth) and main duties (it is advisable to describe them as completely as possible, because this is what the employer will be interested in) and production achievements (write using action verbs: developed, implemented, increased, reduced, saved, etc.; strive for specifics: increased by 20%, introduced technology "X", etc.).

It is not necessary to describe your entire track record. The employer is really interested in your last 3 - 5 jobs in the last 10 years or so. Do not upset the employer by mentioning places of work where you stayed for a short time. It is desirable at the same time to have as few gaps in seniority as possible.

Work skills
In this section, you should indicate your opportunities that may be useful at the intended place of work, although they do not relate to direct official duties. Here you can mention the possession of a driver's license, possession of any software, familiarity with one or another "iron", knowledge of a foreign language (if these skills are only indirectly related to your work). This section should not be overloaded with information that has nothing to do with future work.

Additional Information
awards, social activity, hobby - if it positively characterizes you as an employee. Indicate the possibility of providing recommendations - if you have recommendations from people whose opinion may be of interest to the employer. If there is nothing of the kind, it is better not to enter this section in the Summary.

And now let's look at this issue from a different point of view and take a more thorough approach to compiling our own resume.

Before writing a resume (CV), try to put yourself in the place of your future leader and imagine what kind of person you would like to see in your team. This will help you highlight your work biography highlight key points, emphasize skills and abilities that are in high demand, choose the right words to describe your achievements.

Do not hesitate - the one who reads the resume will definitely notice your interest!

Thinking outside the box and out of the box

When looking for a job, it is easiest for job seekers to fill out a template that is offered on job sites or recruitment agencies. A resume template has its pros and cons. On the one hand, it is clearly structured, unified and compiled based on the requests of personnel services. On the other hand, a universal resume is not focused on a specific company and a specific vacancy, so you need to adjust it every time, taking into account the situation.

First of all, you should accurately indicate the name of the position for which you are applying, and in the wording of the employer. Even if you can work in different specialties with equal success, do not make the HR manager guess which position you are best suited for.

Before submitting your resume, carefully read the requirements for applicants and the duties to be performed. The employer will pay attention to you if your qualifications and experience correspond to the vacancy as much as possible.

Some HR managers even advise you to literally copy the description of the functionality given by the employer and paste it into your resume with some amendments. If you use this technique, do not forget that you are responsible for the veracity of the information about yourself, and if it is not true, it will inevitably come to light during the interview, testing or during the trial period.

Chronological or functional?

Templates, as a rule, involve the compilation of a chronological resume, in which the experience of a specialist is described starting from the last place of work. At the same time, information about the main additional education usually placed at the end of the text. This type of resume is certainly suitable for those for whom each previous position can serve as a good springboard for a new career jump.

For example, as the head of human resources in small company, You are quite competitive among applicants for the position of HR manager in a well-known firm and can find a job with better conditions.

In some cases, a chronological resume turns against the applicant. For example, a representative of an employer company looking for a person for the position of "legal consultant" is unlikely to take seriously a resume whose author has worked as a decorator for the past three years, even if he graduated from the law faculty of a prestigious university.

In this case, the applicant will have a chance if he makes a functional resume, while emphasizing not only his specialty in accordance with the diploma, but also special knowledge in the professional field.

The candidate is right!

What should be the resume to interest the employer? Some personnel officers answer: "It must be adequate." In other words, you should not overload it with unnecessary information, at the same time, you should not allow noticeable gaps. The exorbitant amounts of the expected remuneration are not welcome, however, the dumping level of wages also casts doubt on the competence of the applicant.

When looking for a job in Moscow, keep in mind that resumes, the authors of which are “lazy” to clearly write about what they can do, make a very unfavorable impression. A person who changes jobs every six months is suspicious.

If over the past ten years you have changed 20 positions, it is unlikely that the employer will have enough time and patience to study the entire list. At the same time, the fact that you worked in any successful company, which enjoys the undeniable respect of the new employer.

Complete ignore?

What resumes are being ignored? Oddly enough, there are people who forget to write their first name, last name, phone number. Some believe that knowledge of spelling is not necessary for them and make monstrous mistakes. Others do not consider it necessary to indicate the names of the companies in which they worked, but list all their hobbies and hobbies.

Often, the employer is frightened off by the listing of personal merits and awards, especially if their owner did not bother to clearly describe his skills. And although personnel officers will never admit that the age and gender of a candidate matter, in fact, these criteria are decisive for many companies and positions.

We follow the rules

Eat certain types resumes that are written according to their own rules. For example, an intern or student might describe skills learned during an internship or educational practice, specify subject term papers and presentations at scientific conferences.

Looking for a job in foreign company? You must demonstrate knowledge of the relevant language. If the description of the vacancy and job responsibilities is given in a foreign language, then the resume must be written in it.

Resume Requirements

If you decide not to use ready-made templates and write a resume yourself, consider the basic requirements. Be sure to indicate the last name, first name, patronymic and contact details (telephone, e-mail, postal address). It is advisable to state the date of birth.

In the "Education" section, indicate the period of study, the name of the educational institution, the faculty, the specialty received and the title. A noticeable advantage can be provided by information about additional education, completion of advanced training courses, special trainings.

Work experience is described in chronological order, starting with the most recent job:
work period
Company name
job title
official duties
major achievements

Do not forget that employers are interested in your professional skills, since in different organizations the functions of employees with the same job title can vary markedly. Your success largely depends on how clearly and specifically you describe your competencies.

Let's analyze two resumes for the vacancy of a director.

First candidate
Organization of the work of a team of more than 500 people, development and implementation of new projects for the organization of production and sales of new products; holding business meetings, conferences, presentations, round tables, seminars and exhibitions. Business correspondence, planning, work with contracts, contracts, databases. Personal contacts in state structures. Confident user of office equipment and PC (Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet, Outlook).

Second candidate
Implementation of various projects "from scratch" in the field of production, including a business plan, specifications, IRD, design and technical solutions.

As you can see, the first description is more detailed and detailed, it allows you to judge the priorities of a person. Most likely, this person will be invited to a meeting with the head of the organization.

On other people's mistakes

To write a winning resume, take a look at the resumes of your colleagues, that is, competitors applying for a similar position. Define your competitive advantages and be sure to describe them. Pay attention to what you thought was inappropriate in other resumes, and try not to repeat the mistakes of others.

Often people who are looking for a job ask themselves the question: is it worth posting your resume in open access if it can get lost among thousands of similar ones? Experience shows that many employers, in case of urgent need, look for fresh resumes on the Internet on job sites. Therefore, if you have chosen this tactic, you need to "raise" your resume at least once a week.

More effective way job search is considered to be mailing to suitable vacancies. If the employer indicated not only his email address, but also a phone number, be sure to call, introduce yourself, inform about the sent resume and express your interest in becoming an employee of this company. You can also write about this in a cover letter.

Get it done in 3 minutes

To the question “what is an HR filter?” hiring managers laugh it off: “This is when there is a stack of resumes on the table, you take the top two, and throw the rest away. They just got unlucky today." In reality, an experienced recruiter does not need more than three minutes to look at the resume and determine: "Perhaps this is our person, we need to invite him for an interview."

For a personal meeting with the employer, you will need a more detailed resume. In it, you can list not only the main, but also additional competencies, talk about achievements, indicate the trainings and special courses completed, note the possession of special technologies, describe successful projects implemented with your participation.

So, now you know the recipe for how to write a resume that will interest the employer. To increase your chances of getting the job you want, register and post your resume on job search sites. This will allow you to find a highly paid and prestigious job in the shortest possible time!

Resume Sample

Ivanov Sergey Ivanovich

Obtaining the position of a regional sales manager in a large trading company

1997 - 2001

Aksenov Institute of Economics and Law, Faculty of Economics. Specialty: marketer.
Sales training. Nizhny Novgorod Training Institute
1983 - 1984
Courses in English at GSU
1975 - 1980
Gorky State University, Faculty of Economics. Specialty: economist.


07.1998 - present temp.
"WEST PRODUCT" (wholesale and retail sale of chips), Moscow Nizhny Novgorod. Sales Assurance Specialist.

- work with points retail;
- establishing links between retailers and wholesalers;
- promotion and expansion of the WEST PRODUCT product range on the market;
- signing contracts for the installation of commercial equipment at retail outlets;
- Organization and control of advertising campaigns.

Results of work and achievements:

Increased the presence of the company's product in the Nizhny Novgorod and Zarechny districts of Nizhny Novgorod at retail outlets. Expanded the sales network outlets from 20 to 44. Increased sales volumes by 133% per month.

05.1996 - 06.1998
The company "Nizhny Novgorod owner" (a diversified company, one of the directions is the sale of consumer goods), Nizhny Novgorod. Commercial Director.

- contacts and correspondence with foreign firms and city administration;
- marketing research.

Results of work and achievements:

Established contacts and received real offers of cooperation from eight foreign companies.
11.1993 - 04.1996
OOO "FORTUNA", Nizhny Novgorod. Commercial representative.
09.1981 - 10.1993
NPO Electron, Nizhny Novgorod (development and implementation of electronic devices). Head economist.

Additional Information

technical skills

MS Windows 2000, Word, Excel, DOS.
Office equipment (fax, modem, server, copiers), Internet browsing

Foreign language skills

English - fluent.
German language - reading, translating with a dictionary

Driver license

Driving license category "B", driving experience 15 years. Personal car VAZ 2111 (year of manufacture 2001).

Possible business trips

Passport, business trips are possible

Physical training

I go in for sports (football, hockey, swimming). I do not smoke.

Personal qualities

Energetic, good organizer. Examples of writing a resume in Word format:

Sample resume #1 (

It would seem that this is the simplest item in the resume, but for some reason it is the story about yourself that causes difficulties for applicants? Most of them do not pay due attention to filling out this section at all and have no idea what information should be included in it.
It's time to correct this unfortunate misunderstanding once and for all.

What should not be included in the "About Me" section?

  1. Work experience and education
  2. ZUN is an abbreviation that literally means the following: W nania, At menia, H habits
  3. Personal qualities

“Are you sociable, stress-resistant and easily trained? Forget about it! And most importantly, delete it from your resume, because these very words no longer mean anything to recruiters and annoy them,” advises Natalya Golovanova, head of the Superjob.ru research center.

What should be included in the “About Me” block?

By completing this section correctly, you can take your resume to the next level and increase your chances of getting an interview.
The main task is to tell why you might be of interest to this particular company. There is no need to tell the same thing that is already on your resume, even if in different words. You still won't be noticed if you just submit a list of where you worked and studied, and what you did before. Today "Who" And "How" much more important than "what" and "where".
You must answer the most main question employer:

Who are you and what do you offer?

Who are you? How do you do your thing? Focus on how you are going to help your future employer.

The authors of the book "Summary for the Winner" B. Faust and M. Faust proposed to name the block "About Me" promising qualities.

What are these promising qualities?

Promising qualities This is a guarantee of the employee's future efficiency. Your perspective qualities clearly show What exactly you offer and why should you continue read your resume. Promising qualities are the highlight of your resume.

Here are a few examples of promising qualities from the book:

  1. “I find new solutions because I understand what needs to be done in the first place to achieve the maximum result. I have 18 years of experience in implementing many marketing ideas in various industries, from advertising to the telecommunications business, which have been successfully implemented in practice.
  2. “A specialist who is willing to take risk, carefully weighing it. I set the general direction in the preparation of innovative solutions.
  3. “I never make personal promises or statements that I cannot keep. I am ready to get to work and lead the company to the desired result.
  4. “I achieve high results thanks to a creative approach to projects, the right motivation of my team members and a strategic approach.”
  5. “The desire to overcome large-scale problems, both in business and in finance and technology. 14 years of work in the field of marketing and management in situations where it was necessary to change the direction of activity drastically, as well as start a business from scratch.
  6. “18 years in the world of fashion and business have allowed me to accumulate excellent experience. I have a positive attitude and drive to always succeed.”
  7. "A creative yet grounded leader who has a sound judgment and is able to go beyond the analysis of what lies on the surface, which helps to develop and implement the company's strategic plans."
  8. “Achieved a personal goal - an MBA degree at Henley Management College, a leading educational institution. This was achieved thanks to determination, strict discipline and the presence of analytical skills.
  9. “I am an idea generator capable of making dreams come true. With my attitude and enthusiasm, I inspire others and help build professional teams. I am determined and never give up. my strong point is to achieve high results. 12 years in business as a developer and entrepreneur."
  10. “20 years of experience in the investment industry as a fund manager, economist, strategist and director of scientific research. This experience has been gained almost everywhere the globe. A strong track record of working in leading teams thanks to excellent analytical and communication skills complemented by a world class Sloan Fellowship course at London Business School.”
  11. "Experience for 27 years in public service ranging from positions related to operations and project management to strategy development and management consulting. Efficient implementation analysis and drawing up plans for solving the tasks and increasing the motivation of the staff.
  12. “A determined young man, a clear leader, always striving to achieve success at his very best. high level. I am currently studying for a master's program natural sciences specializing in investment.
  13. “I carefully consider every step I take. 12 years in positions closely related to customers, starting from the system retail sales to a product demonstrator on television and the promotion of fashion models.
  14. "Skillful, energetic business leader with a wealth of international experience who achieves high results by bringing out the best in subordinates. Worked as manager for 5 years.

I bring to your attention easy way filling out the "About Me" section

How to describe yourself in a few words?

Come up with a short description of 15-20 words that accurately conveys what you do and how you do it.
Create a sentence of 15-20 words

  1. Your multi-word self-description should answer the question "What do you do?": what are you doing, who are you doing it for, and what final product your activities. Complete the following formula.

What are you doing:………………………………………………………..

For whom:……………………………………………………………….

What they get:…………………………………………………….

  1. Turn this information into a sentence of 15-20 words.
  2. Now write it in terms of helping someone.

I help (who?) ...………………………………………………

I create / develop (do what?)………………………………

Outcome (what can they…)……………………………………

  1. Now write it in terms of solving the problem.

I work with (who?)...………………………………………

Problem solving (what kind?)…………………………………

As a consequence (that they can…)………………………

  1. Now write a version that your mom or a neighbor you enjoy talking to can understand. Make it as clear as possible, because the recruiter who reads your resume may not fully understand the details of your activities. Use as few professional terms as possible.

OK it's all over Now. Now you not only know what to fill in the "About Me" section, but also know how to do it.

Change your resume today to get the best job for you tomorrow!

I am glad to present to the readers of my blog my book How to Write a SMART Resume without Effort. This book reveals the secrets of writing a sales resume and cover letter. In the book you will find working tools in the form of cases and a large number of examples that will help you write a SMART resume yourself without putting extra effort. All you need to transform your regular resume into a SMART resume is to complete 3 case studies and pay attention to opinions and opinions illustrative examples that accompany each part of this book.

You can buy my book for 220 rub. on Or purchase e-book on my site with a 20% discount.

The cost of the book on my site - 176 rub.

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Job search and career development coach. The only trainer-interviewer in Russia who prepares for all types of interviews. Resume writing expert. Author of the books: "I'm afraid of interviews!", "To strike on the spot #Resume", "To strike on the spot #Cover letter".