It starts to get heavy and hurt, which can lead to stress and tension. To get rid of this, it is best to comb your hair for 10-15 minutes, and do a light facial massage. This will relax the muscles and disperse the blood.

To get rid of tension, you need to eat something containing omega-3 acids, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Great option - oily sea ​​fish. If you don't like seafood, you can try banana or ice cream. These products do an excellent job of acting as antidepressants.

There is another way, tension and stress. With all your strength, start rubbing your palms together until they become hot. This will allow you to relax and not be distracted by a short time. The same can be repeated with the ears. With this exercise, you will cheer up, as blood flow to the head will increase. This is the most suitable way to work.

If you are at home, then a shower will help you relieve tension and stress. Warm jets should massage the shoulders and head. Imagine that water takes away all your experiences. Don't think bad. Soon tension and stress will disappear.

Try to apply one Eastern wisdom. According to her, to get rid of any negative thoughts, you need to move 27 things in the house. It is believed that this will free up space. During such a rearrangement, your thoughts will be freed from the shackles of negativity.

Intense jogging also fights tension and stress well. Run up and down stairs for 1 minute. Your muscles will tone up, and all the negativity will go away. You will be able to focus better on your work and become more efficient.

Stress is perfectly destroyed with the help of paints. Spend 5-10 minutes coloring some extraordinary ones. It is believed that it is creativity that helps to overcome the majority psychological problems. That is, it is not necessary to draw. You can compose music, lyrics or knitting. It will not take much time, a maximum of 15-20 minutes. Creativity helps to better concentrate on the tasks at hand, and the work will be completed faster.

Hibiscus tea will help relieve stress quickly. Due to the concentration of free radicals, a person's condition begins to gradually deteriorate. There is even a small chance of panic. Hibiscus tea does not give free radicals concentrate. This can be compared to liquefaction. One cup allows you to relieve nervous stress and relieve you of lethargy.

If the problem of nervous stress lies in the fact that the muscles of the shoulder girdle, lumbosacral and neck have lost elasticity, then best solution problems will be common physical exercise. Playing tennis or swimming regularly will keep your body in good shape. At work and at home, you can use any simple exercises like hand rotation.

nervous stress great for cleaning. By putting things in the right order, the brain focuses and eliminates all negative thoughts. In addition, the order creates an interesting psychological effect - organization is transferred to human behavior, which allows you to quickly cope with the intended goals. This is especially important at work.

To quickly relieve stress and tension, free your head from unnecessary thoughts for exactly one minute. Focus on your breath. Imagine that you are breathing in pure energy and exhaling all the negativity that has accumulated inside you. Turn on your favorite music, eat something tasty. Write down all your goals, dream. In general, try to relax as much as possible.

Aromatherapy also allows you to quickly deal with tension and stress. Find and purchase a scent that reminds you of your good times. As soon as you feel that your mood is getting worse, be sure to smell it. If you are at home, you can take an aromatic bath. You can also purchase scented candles and arrange them throughout the apartment.

Dance more often. Any rhythmic movement is great for dealing with stress. Our subconscious perceives dancing as entertainment, which means it will allow the body to relax. This is their main difference from any physical training. Usually you have to force yourself to start exercising, but here there is no internal resistance. Just turn on some energetic music and surrender to its rhythms.

Many people see only a negative background in stressful situations, but in reality everything is not so. It is stress that helps the body to mobilize in emergency situations and rush to fight against troubles, whatever they may be, full of strength and sure of victory. However, relieve nervous tension, as well as properly recover peace of mind, returning to a state of rest, not everyone knows how. So how to calm your nerves and relieve stress if the situation does not want to “resolve” on its own?

Nervous strain and ineffective stress relief

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Each of us is accustomed to one or another, established and established order of the course of life. When this measured and unhurried flow is disturbed in any way, the person begins to react, the brain gives the order to hormones to be produced more intensively, pressure rises, the head becomes clear, and seemingly completely exhausted forces return to fight. In the short term, stress is beneficial, it makes it easy to get out of any difficulties, but after such shocks, you need to know exactly how to relieve stress and nervous tension, otherwise problems in the future cannot be avoided.

Any person would dream of living without stress and upheaval, but unfortunately, no matter how hard you try, you can hardly avoid the pressure of circumstances. Therefore, it is very important to figure out how to relieve stress so that negative emotions do not poison life, making it completely unbearable. The sooner you learn how to do this, the better, because a “long jump” into a state of stress can result in such consequences for mental health that depression will seem like childish play.

Which definitely won't help.

In time, you can find out from a useful article on our website, but knowing the enemy in person is only half the battle, you still need to understand exactly how to deal with him in order to win for sure. Many people think that salvation can only be found in a twenty-hour sleep or a flight to Hawaii, but there are many much simpler, more affordable and acceptable methods of stress relief that anyone can implement.

First of all, it is worth remembering what exactly cannot be done in order to protect yourself from all sorts of complications, including psychological ones.

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  • Many mistakenly believe that the use of alcoholic beverages it has a relaxing effect on a person, therefore this is how they prefer to “escape” from stress. The effectiveness of this method can be easily called into question, because alcohol has only an inhibitory effect, allows you to temporarily forget about the problem, which will surely pile up again when you sober up, and everything will be added headache, nausea and guilt.
  • The second, among the "folk" remedies for stress, many consider tobacco. But a smoked cigarette will not save you from an obsessive state and nervous tension either, and the substances contained in it can lead to a strong addiction, from which it will then be impossible to get rid of.
  • There is hardly a universal pill "for everything", drinking which you can get rid of stress in one fell swoop. Medications, especially those prescribed to oneself, cannot solve personal problems in any way, as well as eliminate the causes of a stressful state. Even drugs prescribed by a doctor can only temporarily create an illusion of calmness, drown out inner suffering and pain, and the cause of stress has both affected you and will continue to put pressure on you, catching up an atmosphere of hopelessness.

Other types can be added to the general list drugs which will definitely not lead to good. They will surely aggravate the situation, leading it into such a dead end, from which only the most strong personalities who do not need any cure for stress at all, because they are able to fight it with a simple effort of will. Miracle pills, universal potion or procedure to relieve stress simply do not exist, but there are several enough. simple methods, which will definitely help to stop the situation, bring yourself to your senses and give yourself new strength in order to “virulize” from any problem, without harm to your physical and psychological health.

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Constant fatigue and lack of sleep, problems at work, piles of unsorted correspondence, rising prices and quotes, turmoil and family troubles - all these are the real harbingers of prolonged stress, which cannot be left unattended. Irritability, nervous exhaustion, as well as excessive nervousness, these are not all the “charms” that can await us by the evening. Let's figure out together how to quickly relieve stress or nervous tension at home, what tips and tricks professional psychologists it was not bad to follow and what words ordinary people from the street are also true.

1. The head should be bright and thoughts clean

At first glance, such advice sounds trite, since everyone understands that the negative should be immediately thrown out of the head, while starting to look for a rational solution to a particular problem. In fact, it turns out differently and our brain tirelessly continues to “digest” a portion of the received negativity, constantly returning us to the same thought. A person begins to think about what happened and it is simply not in his power to stop. Such thoughts can plunge even the most persistent into despair, and it will hardly be possible to find a solution to the problem in this way.

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In order for everything to work out, that is, you stop thinking about unpleasant events, you should try to actively switch your brain to something else. Remember the famous heroine of the cult film "Gone with the Wind"? She skillfully coped with stress, deciding to postpone thinking about the problem until tomorrow, it makes sense to do the same.

True, the brain sometimes stubbornly returns us precisely to those negative thoughts, then you can try to deceive it, as psychologists recommend. Promise yourself that tomorrow, from the very morning, before you have had time to wash your face and brush your teeth, you will already think over and find a solution to the problem. By the time you rest, most likely, the situation will no longer seem so hopeless and dead end.

2. Meditation and relaxation: the perfect stress reliever

If you want to find the perfect remedy for stress and excessive nervous tension, pay attention to Tibetan monks and Indian yogis. It is difficult to imagine more imperturbable people in the world, and all because they know how to manage their own thoughts, forcing the mind to clear, and the consciousness to float like a full-flowing and calm stream, among endless green meadows and fields. Everyone can learn to abstract from problems, relax even in the most stressful situation, meditate and apply various relaxation practices, in any case there will be no harm from this.

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Over time, if you practice all this regularly, you will become much easier to endure a wide variety of life troubles, problems in the family and at work, and the stressors that seemed so weighty and serious, which made an incredibly strong impression, will become blurry and vague. Soon you will begin to look at others with surprise, not understanding how you can give so much attention to trifles and get annoyed over trifles that absolutely do not deserve attention.

Even one single session of meditation at the right moment can bring enormous benefits. It will allow you to completely relax and let go of the situation, and with it the creeping acute stress. It makes sense to learn a special mantra, if thoughts stubbornly refuse to leave the subject of experience, this will help to switch and achieve the goal.

3. Physical education for everyone: exercises to relieve stress and tension

Many people long years They mistakenly believe that physical activity can in no way help to cope with stress and completely in vain. Here you need to ask not even psychologists, although they have been talking about this effect for a long time, but those who are professionally engaged in physical labor. They will definitely tell you that after throwing sand with a shovel for a whole day, bad thoughts immediately stop crawling into your head, you want to take a shower, have a hearty meal and soak up in a snow-white soft bed.

During any physical activity, if they are not excessive, special hormones are released - endorphins, which are responsible for the feeling of happiness. That is, by doing physical exercises, you not only benefit your body in physical plane, but also significantly improve your mood, and athletes can vouch for every word written here. Sports and physical education can form a special resistance to stress, which will help you cope with problems throughout the day. There are also special exercises that are suitable for everyone to relieve stress and bring yourself to life quickly and without much stress.

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  • First of all, to relieve stress, you need to calm your breathing, which sometimes does not allow you to calm down and come to your senses. To do this, free your stomach, for example, slightly relax the trouser belt. Sit comfortably, straighten your back and slowly inhale the air, sticking out your stomach. After inhaling, freeze for a few seconds, and just as slowly release the air, drawing in the stomach gradually. After about three minutes, breathing returns to normal, and along with it, blood pressure and confusion of thoughts.
  • Sit on a chair and firmly grasp the seat with your hands from different sides. Pull the seat up as hard as you can until you count to seven. After that, let go of the seat and shake with relaxed brushes.
  • Stand up or sit down, clasp your hands in the castle and put them behind your head, placing them in the region of the cervical spine. Press your hands on your neck while resisting with your whole body for a count of three, and rest for four.
  • Walk up to the wall and lean back against it with your feet shoulder-width apart. Exhaling, slowly squat down so that the knee is bent at a ninety degree angle. Exhale in the same way. Repeat the exercise for three to five minutes.
  • Take an emphasis lying down or stand in a bar. If physical abilities allow, push up from the floor, according to the scheme: inhale, push out, exhale, rise. It will be enough fifteen or twenty times to get the desired effect. If you can’t do push-ups, then just stand in the bar, shifting the weight from one hand to the other.

You can come up with a wide variety of exercises, and any of them will definitely help. You can conduct several experiments and you will see that after them not only it became easier to breathe, but also in the head it became much brighter.

4. Favorite music and best books: how to quickly relieve stress

It happens that neither meditation nor physical exercises are available, although it is difficult to imagine such a situation, but let's consider this option. Then it makes sense to take time for pleasure and listen to your favorite pieces of music, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a Beethoven sonata or a trashy melody of the scandalous Merlin Manson. The main thing is that you like it, and the rest is completely unimportant here. Only fifteen minutes of listening and the mood improves, the head clears up, and the problem no longer seems as insoluble as before. Listening to your favorite songs can be combined with sports and even meditation, so you should definitely try it.

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Readers also have good news. Plunging into the world of a good book, you seem to be moving away from own problems, experiencing a different life, as if you are in another dimension. Your consciousness, especially in stressful situation, glad to be deceived and it is worth using this opportunity.

5. Prevention is better than cure

By studying stress itself and methods of stress relief, scientists have reached a consensus that there is a golden rule that should be learned by every person on the planet. It consists in the fact that it is much easier to prevent and prevent any problem than to look for its solution later, which can be not only quite difficult, but also completely unrealistic. In order not to look for painful ways to get rid of stress later, it’s worth setting yourself a great tone from the very beginning of the day, and it doesn’t hurt to use a number of tips from psychologists.

Photo from the site:

  • Work is just a way to get money, nothing more and nothing less. You should not elevate it to the degree of a cult, otherwise stress and nervous breakdowns are worse, just not to be avoided.
  • Don't overthink what other people say about you. As long as you do not invade their personal space and do not interfere with their lives, you are free to do whatever you want.
  • Never and under no circumstances take an active part in squabbles and showdowns, it will not bring anything good.
  • Do not spread gossip, do not discuss colleagues and neighbors, and you will be happy.

Smile more often, no matter what. Imagine that negativity is dripping off you like water off a duck's back, stay calm and good mood, like the apple of an eye, let no one be able to interfere with this and stress will stop by itself, without causing you much trouble and inconvenience.

Every third person lives with constant nervous tension. It is not surprising that the current rhythm of life leaves such an imprint. We are all the time in business, worries, and even on weekends we cannot relax calmly, because we are immersed in thoughts about the negative emotions received during the week.

Do not rush to get hooked on antidepressants if you notice symptoms of chronic stress and overwork. There are many ways to relieve nervous tension without drugs, following which you will gradually achieve harmony with yourself.


  1. Loss of activity during the day
  2. Constant desire to sleep
  3. Frequent irritation and dissatisfaction with others and oneself
  4. Lack of desire to keep in touch with people
  5. Headache with nervous tension can be felt almost constantly
  6. Apathy, depression, unwillingness to live.
  7. The temperature rises from nervous tension due to the fact that during this period of life the body is weakened and susceptible to many diseases, the most common of which are SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza, heart disease and nervous system.

More than one item can be added to this list, but if you have a strong nervous tension, you will feel it right away.

We will talk about medical methods and methods that do not include drugs.

  1. Say what's bothering you

The effectiveness of psychoanalysis has been confirmed for more than a dozen years. We are not talking about the need to enroll in a course with a psychologist (although if you want free time and Money, this is very effective method). Most of those who have constant nervous tension are unlikely to decide to go to a specialist. We will tell you how to deal with your stress yourself.

  • You can talk about all your problems to a pet, toy, or imaginary friend.

It sounds crazy, but the effectiveness of the exercise is not to keep everything in yourself, starting such a monologue, you can better understand yourself, because one described problem leads to another. So, you can “unwind” the whole bunch of problems by determining what became the root cause of stress.

  • Write down on paper what is bothering you

This is an alternative to speaking out loud. Don't limit yourself, write whatever you want. You can write down the impressions of each day. You will get a clear picture of what worries you the most. However, it takes some courage to rid your life of this depressing factor.

  1. turn on your imagination

During emotionally difficult periods of the day, allow yourself to switch off for a few minutes and imagine yourself in a happy state. You are on the ocean, at a concert of your favorite band, in a restaurant with your loved one. Breathing will become smoother, the pulse will normalize and you can continue the working day in a more balanced state.

  1. Don't forget to rest

At least 4 days a month, give up your everyday difficulties. Rest can be anything: watching a good old movie, sleeping, going to the theater, a trip to the country. The main thing is that it really gives you pleasure and distracts from negative thoughts. 5 days a week to work like a robot and sleep completely on weekends, falling into a "sleepy coma" - this does not contribute to release from nervous tension.

  1. Please yourself

Fulfill your big dreams and small whims. Become your own wizard, fairy and best friend. Remember that you understand yourself best, do not expect gifts from fate or loved ones. At least once a month reward yourself with: chocolate cake, new shoes, being alone for a couple of days, buying a new book, the list is endless.

  1. Walk more often

The brain cannot function normally if its cells are depleted of oxygen. Hiking light helps to restore harmony, as well as sound restful sleep.

Effectively such exercises for relieving nervous tension:

Walk fast for a minute, slow for a minute, take long steps for a minute, take small steps for a minute. Such a simple physical workout will help distract from bad thoughts and cheer you up.

  1. smile

You may have heard about this more than once: a smile, even a forced one, can improve your mood.

Scientists have proven that the muscles of the face send impulses with a positive attitude to the brain, as a result of which a smile that is strained at first becomes sincere.

It's time to try this method of relieving nervous tension on yourself. When the first symptoms of nervous tension appear, smile despite all the troubles.

Persen is an excellent assistant if you need to learn how to relieve nervous tension from your head.

  1. Meditate

Do not be intimidated by this technique, it does not involve years of training and intensive yoga. Meditation is concentration. You can start using this technique with a simple one: follow your breath and keep thoughts out of your head. It's quite difficult, but it makes it more interesting.

By mastering the techniques of meditation one by one, you will increase your productivity and learn how to turn off the negative. At first, 8 minutes a day is enough to practice this technique to learn how to cope with your emotions.

  1. Preparations for relieving nervous tension

We would not recommend taking strong antidepressants and tranquilizers without using the techniques described above. If you understand that it is necessary to do this, before you relieve nervous tension with their help, consult your doctor, he will prescribe the most effective and suitable pills for you.

Good support for the nervous system - natural remedies. Decoctions of chamomile, lemon balm, sage or oregano are recommended to drink a little during the day or a glass at night.

Valerian in drops or tablets will help you react more calmly to aggressive events in life.

Glycine is a natural remedy with a calming and nootropic effect. It improves memory, concentration and has a positive effect on brain function. Glycine can be drunk even by children.

Magnesium B is a vitamin that is freely available in a pharmacy and contributes to the normalization of the nervous system.

We hope you received all necessary information about how to cope with nervous tension and henceforth you will not succumb to the action of irritants.

If you have something to add on the topic of the article, leave your comments below.

How to relieve nervous tension and stress

Nervous mental tension, symptoms, stages and how to relieve nervous tension in its various stages, what you need to know, treatment.

Good time everyone! Let's talk about nervous tension. The tension that arises as a result of various psycho-emotional stresses, whether it is a solution to some problem or experience.

It is very important for anyone to learn to recognize this or that tension in time and throw it off in time. Know how and what to do in a situation of mild or strong tension, which can easily turn into neurosis. This is primarily our health, both mental and, of course, physical. Everything is nearby.

How to relieve stress, what methods and what stages of stress are in general. In order to control your emotions, manage them and timely catch yourself on the occurrence of tension, you need to know yourself well and your individual characteristics. Only this will allow you to respond positively and correctly and switch. And of course, this will require some strength and energy from you.

I will write in my own words, without any scientific expressions, it will be easier for me and I think more understandable to you.

1) Light tension which occurs quite often. We can experience such tension many times during the day. It arises as a result of various reasons, ranging from the usual disappointment in something; irritation; dissatisfaction with something not so significant; not a very disturbing, unpleasant memory something; excitement when meeting with some person who causes us not the best feelings.

And even when meeting someone we like, something can bother us. In this case, a slight tension can even flow into a stronger one.

But now oh light tension which occurs as a result of something unpleasant, but few significant for us. Have you noticed, felt this tension in your head (body), how can it be removed?

Such tension is removed quite easily, almost always we ourselves do it unconsciously - we were distracted by something that made us switch our attention and the tension and the very cause of its occurrence remain outside our head, without images and thought processes.

I don't think any more words are needed here. it was important switch your attention. And since the problem was insignificant, it was not difficult for us to do this.

But another scenario was also possible. You kept your attention on this unpleasant moment. They got hooked mentally and began to scroll through the negative in my head, perhaps looking for an answer, or simply analyzing. But after all, this situation is unpleasant for you, which means that by holding it, even if it is a minor nuisance, you mentally draw it in images and see some kind of internal dialogue with yourself, gradually raising the tension.

Often this can happen when a person, while doing some business, got distracted, deliberately forgot, but at the same time kept the negative inside himself, in the images and feelings that he experienced then and began to experience now. At that moment, it was best to stop and let go of all this unnecessary information in my head, but it didn’t work out. As a result, consciously or not, you went into a state of overvoltage.

2) Increased voltage. Tension, which noticeably takes away our strength. We will feel, after some time, a decline in energy, even weakness and, very possibly, unpleasant sensations in the head. Such tension arises during a significant emotional experience or if a person is in a state of thought process over the solution of some important problem for him, solves some tasks he needs, is in a mental search for something.

In principle, this is a normal state in which we all stay from time to time. Especially those people who are engaged in business, politics and many others who are in constant search, make some important decisions, etc. Yes, this is not the most beneficial tension in terms of health, but it does not become intrusive.

A person realizing that he is tired and he needs to rest, may well collect his thoughts, let go of the problem and relax. Or, if it was some kind of trouble, it’s enough to calmly push it out of your head by being busy and switching your attention to some pleasant or attention-demanding activity.

You may have to make some efforts on yourself, but it is important that this state is controlled and, with everything else, very well suited for working on yourself, searching and analyzing yourself.

Here the main thing you need to understand for yourself, to determine the point when you begin to feel significant fatigue and regardless of the positive or No solving some problem let go for a while and give it to your brain to rest. With a fresh head it is always easier to find a solution. Yes, and problems and troubles do not look so scary if you step back a little and let them go.

Many do not know how to stop in time and continue to search for a solution or scroll through the trouble, hoping to still solve the problem for themselves, to find the answer so that first of all calm yourself down but by doing so, they only bring themselves into a state of intense tension. And not only does a strong, exhausting tension arise, but also intrusive thoughts . The problem simply does not go out of my head, even if you try very hard to switch to something, occupy yourself and thereby be distracted.

3) Strong nervous tension and obsessive thoughts. This condition, not only has a strong negative impact on the human psyche, but also on the whole organism as a whole. The nervous system is literally exhausted. And the longer this state lasts, the more difficult it is to get out of it. The body weakens, there is a strong, both physical and mental fatigue, there is a possibility of a state.

Moreover, the more persistently and quickly you try to solve the problem, because you really want to calm down as soon as possible, the faster and more you exhaust yourself. In this state, it is difficult to concentrate on work, concentrate attention and remember something.

In this state, we are not able to solve and look at the problem in a constructively correct way. This is because no matter how smart you think you are, your intellectual abilities in this obsessive and nervous state are significantly lowered. By the way, a person may not perceive it consciously and think within himself that he acts and thinks correctly. Plus to all this - a huge psycho-emotional fatigue.

You, I think, have noticed for yourself that in different states, looking at the same problem, we relate to it differently. If something has bothered you, you are exhausted and instinctively let go of the problem, you were able to do it, then already returning to it, for example, the next day, it does not seem to be such a problem for you. And the decision, as a rule, is found quite quickly, and without much stress and deliberation.

If the obsessive state continues long enough, the person becomes very sensitive to any, even minor stresses and desperately, nervously reacts to the most trifling troubles and problems. Real .

How to relieve stress

And now about how to relieve nervous tension and get rid of obsessive thoughts before it comes to neurosis.

So, how can we get out of this very unpleasant and harmful state for us. To begin with, the most important thing is to understand for yourself that it is not possible to solve the problem because of which you have brought yourself to such a state.

Plus to this, even finding appropriate answer, thoughts about the problem itself won't let you calm down, but the solution itself will still be questionable. Therefore, first of all need to relieve stress. Already understanding this will make it easier for you to perceive the situation.

Now I need to focus on something else. In this case, it is best to do what you love, exactly what makes you positive emotions. At the same time, negative and obsessive thoughts will continue to stick in your head.

And here is the most important point. - don't resist obsessive thoughts if they don't go away and let them be while not analyzing calmly ignore them.

Any disturbing, obsessive thoughts, if you try not to think about them, will overcome even more and more. Trying to argue or get rid of them, you provoke a fight and thereby only increase internal tension.

You can watch thoughts, but without trying to get rid of them without fail and as soon as possible, let everything go naturally. Without conflicting with them, these thoughts will gradually resolve themselves.

As a result, without thinking, without struggling with oneself and without looking for a solution to the problem, everything bad will slowly lose its strength, and positive emotions, which you will gradually begin to experience from doing what you like, gain strength. It will take time and, depending on the strength and duration of the obsession, less or more. But this is a great way to get out of this state.

If possible, you can take a contrast shower, good removes nervous tension and unpleasant symptoms of stress how and what read in the article "". Or go to the pool, physically active, swimming and the water itself is what you need.

Also very helpful such activities, even if they are not quite to your taste, like drawing, knitting, wood carving, etc. It is important that this does not require a lot of mental process from you. If you draw, then you draw calmly, easily and not too zealously, so that everything will certainly turn out well. As it turns out, so be it.

Like at school in the classroom, with diligence and passion, but without unnecessary temperamental emotions and without twisting, from diligence, tongue on its side. Although it is possible that at school some people tried very, very hard. Now this is not necessary, another time. Engaged in woodcarving or embroidery, the same thing.

These exercises are methodical, calm the brain well and do not require excessive mental activity. Unless you, like the great Surikov, paint a picture for the Tretyakov Gallery.

Another effective way get out of nervous tension and obsessive state is similar to the previous one. Smoothly transfer attention to some another problem the solution of which is just as important for you, but less hectic and requires rather than emotional costs, but some kind of action.

You will need some will power and that negative energy accumulated in the process of finding a solution to the first problem. And even somewhere anger. It is important to try to solve this problem with enthusiasm, with the search and study the best option her decisions.

Your thought process will again take your energy, but the most important thing here is that you remove the sharpness of that first negative situation that led you to an obsessive state and thereby not concentrating on it, gradually free your mind from obsessive thoughts.

That is, by using the energy of strong tension in solving another problem, you take yourself out of the obsessive state, and this in itself, although costly in terms of energy, will calm the inflamed brain. And the very solution of this second problem will give you already positive energy.

But again, always remember that whatever you do, if the intrusive thoughts don't go away, you don't fight them. Thus, you learn to live when there are some such thoughts and when they are not, you simply do not run away from them. Gradually, your perception of them will change from hostile to more calm and you will no longer be afraid of their appearance and these thoughts themselves, the anxiety will go away and they will stop putting pressure on you.

Friends, if you feel that you have fallen into such a state of mental stress and at the same time have not been able to solve some of your problems, find an answer, will be 100% correct refrain from making any further decisions.

Leave it for later, give your overheated thinking a chance to rest, cool down. And better sleep with her. Morning evening is wiser, it is very smart and useful expression. You will be able to look at the problem that bothers you a little from the outside and with a rested, cold brain.

Sometimes you really need get away from the problem,afford leave it unresolved in order to see it clearly later real essence is it really important to you. It often happens that the problem was not at all so important that it was so bothering and worrying about it. At the same time, this break and a fresh look will allow us to see new options and possibilities for solving it.

And in order to most effectively and easily deal with nervous state you can learn something interesting and useful for yourself, as well as learn how to change some old beliefs that interfere with you, learn about how to do a reassessment of values, find out how it happens and understand how and what it is.

There are excellent tutorials and books for this. effective techniques and relaxation techniques, you can find some of them on my website. And in order not to miss updates on this topic, you can subscribe to the newsletter.

Nervous state and tension. Finally.

listen less to various words. Some evil languages ​​can say something about you that can be very unpleasant for you, insults, or tell you all sorts of nasty things that are not necessarily true, for example, your husband or wife is cheating on you.

Without thinking, you rush headlong into your experiences without even really knowing whether this is true or not. Instead, first talk to her (him), and then draw conclusions!

There are enough envious people and dirty tricks in the world, so be independent of the words of insult by some and be more reasonable in the gossip of others. Think first of all about your health, because life will continue anyway and after the black stripe there will definitely be a bright, blue stripe.

A story about an ostrich. I’ll tell my friends right away, don’t associate this story about an ostrich with what I wrote above, it’s true, just for your mood. Though there are a few things to keep in mind..

The ostrich is not a stupid bird, when danger arises, it hides its head in the ground. For what? And why should he take all the problems into his head. He thinks that no matter what happens, it cannot be avoided, but I will not worry.

Just think, the ass will remain on the surface. Well, it’s better to take all the problems with your ass than with your head, the head is still more important. And the ass, ... well, what can happen to her? Yes, nothing terrible and can not.

Just a little, he hides his head in the ground and rests, does not see anything, does not see what is happening with his ass. And if there is no problem, then there is no problem.

Well, if, nevertheless, such a thing arises in the form of a masochistic elephant, what can you do, the main thing is the head in the sand - it relaxes, the ass has taken the problem, it’s no stranger to it, then it’s an ass to seek adventures for itself, but there is peace in the head, no tension and everything is great.

The main thing is that the relatives do not see the problem that has arisen, otherwise explain later what's what - head, ass, elephant ....

Sincerely, Andrey Russkikh

P.S. Details about obsessive states and thoughts, their treatment, read here ()

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Folk wisdom is right - all diseases are from nerves. Any strong emotion generates a stress reaction of the body and must be short-term so that our psyche and the whole body have the opportunity to recover.

The first signs of nervous tension:

Loss of activity and energy;

Constant feeling of awkwardness;

difficulty sleeping;

Irritability for no reason;


If you feel that your nervous tension is also growing, start fighting it right now.

1. Control yourself

Do you think that your strongest experiences are related to family troubles and work conflicts? Nothing like this! Almost a third of the negative emotions we get due to the fact that we do not control ourselves. If you learn how to do this, then, according to doctors and psychologists, you can reduce stress levels by 27%. If humanity one day got rid of stress, depression and insomnia, 90% of patients would be cured of chronic ailments.

2. Sit quietly

City noise is one of the most powerful stress factors. Moreover, delicate female ears are much more sensitive to it than the locators of bulletproof machos, accustomed to the roar of a skidding SUV. To save patients from nervous tension, British doctors immerse them in silence.

3. Drink a cup green tea

Tea is an excellent natural tranquilizer, having a calming effect on the body, it relieves tension and anxiety. These properties are explained by the presence in the tea leaf of unique elements (catechins, flavonoids, vitamins E and C, carotene), which strengthen and support the nervous system.

In terms of relaxing effect, it surpasses all plants known to medicine. In ancient times, mere mortals did not have a chance to try this drink. In the 4th century, it was brewed by monks in Zen Buddhist temples in China before going into meditation. It was then that the healing properties of green tea were discovered, and most importantly, its ability to help a person achieve inner harmony, wisdom and enlightenment.

4. Take up watsu

In the resorts of Europe, as well as in Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt and United Arab Emirates, V last years Especially popular is watsu, a type of shiatsu performed in a pool. True, the new health-improving method turned out to be a well-forgotten old one. Its developer, American rehabilitation specialist Harald Dall, enhanced the relaxing effect of the world famous Japanese acupressure with a calming effect. warm water in combination with passive stretching of the muscles.

5. Listen to soothing music

Experts in acoustic therapy are convinced that this is perhaps the most effective way to get rid of nervous tension. Moreover, relaxation will be much more complete and successful if you perceive music not only with your ears, but also ... with your whole body: then it will not only delight your ears, but also have a healing effect on organs and systems. To calm down and relax, 2-3 times a day for 30-40 minutes, listen to music that is in tune with your condition, Mozart is best: according to scientists, his melodies have the greatest anti-stress and healing effect.

6. Do gymnastics

Set aside 20 minutes for the anti-stress complex in the morning, 15 minutes in the evening, about 1-2 hours before bedtime, and 5 minutes before going to bed. Stand up, smoothly, without jerking, stretch your joints and neck, do a few bends, stretches, rotations.

7. Re-prioritize

Stress destroys our good intentions and good habits. Here's an example: women who often stay at work, working overtime, eat more fatty and sugary foods, exercise less, drink more coffee, smoke than their equally busy male counterparts. However, all of us in a state of stress are able to forget about the acquired good habits and harm our health. So as soon as you're after a hard labor day suddenly, instead of visiting the gym, there will be a desire to stay at work for another couple of hours, remember: it's not you, but your stress makes the choice for you. Once you understand this, the right decision will be much easier.

8. Have a big breakfast

Do not limit yourself to traditional sandwiches - have a full breakfast: be sure to have hot dishes and a salad of fresh vegetables and fruits. Nutritionists say that those who eat well in the morning are more resistant to stressful situations. Conversely, a person who skips breakfast is more likely to get irritated and react inadequately to situations that arise.

9. Take a contrast shower or water treatment

What makes people in severe frosts commit such, at first glance, a mockery of themselves, like swimming in an ice hole? And what stretches a satisfied smile on the bather's ruddy physiognomy? The answer is endorphins, the well-known "happiness hormones" that are released when the body is suddenly cooled. It would seem that they would stand out here?

A contrast shower is a much softer and more affordable means of hardening the body than winter swimming, everyone can do it. This procedure is not only able to relieve nervous tension and improve mood, but also greatly tempers the body.

Not only a contrast shower, but also any water procedures can help relieve stress.

Soothing baths perfectly and quickly relieve nervous tension, are a good prevention of nervous disorders and help with sleep disorders. The recommended duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. The water temperature is not higher than 39 degrees. You can use baths daily or two to three times a week. These procedures can be taken if there are no contraindications.

10. Pleasant communication

The need for positive communication must be met. But don't talk to just anyone. Better alone good friend, with whom it is easy and pleasant to spend time, than many acquaintances who are dissatisfied with life.

It is especially good to communicate with people with whom you have common interests that support you. If there are no such people, you can find them. For example, do something like your own support group. Find a few like-minded people and meet with them on weekends, arranging a tea party and talking on good positive topics, inspiring each other.

11. Keep a diary

Journaling is a healthy habit that can help you deal with stress by sharing your worries and concerns with a sheet of paper. negative thoughts, as well as analyzing their problems and difficult situations and find a way out of them.

1. You write whatever you want, whatever you want to throw out of yourself.

2. You are learning.

3. You end up working off negative experiences.

Here is an example:

Hello diary! Today I felt uneasy. I spent the whole day thinking about what decision to make. It's so hard for me. Nothing works. It seems to me that any choice I make is a mistake. It's just a nightmare.

I can't figure out which direction to go. And that's it. It's so wearing out. Sometimes I think it's better to do something than just think and do nothing.

But it's still scary. And difficult. On the one hand, I want to go to medical school. I'm interested in treating people. On the other hand, I want to study journalism. And I like it too. And you can't do it all at once. You have to make a choice. And this is the problem. So, I have already missed a whole year ... We urgently need to make a decision.


Not decisiveness, fear of making mistakes.

The lesson is decision making and action.

Affirmation - I make decisions with ease. I know that every choice I make is right choice. I listen to my heart.

Working off: - I ask forgiveness from myself and God for indecisiveness and fear. I forgive myself.

Assignment - Meditate, imagine as if I had already become a doctor, and then a journalist. Understand which role is closer to me. And make a decision before 15 hours.

This diary is a good way to work on yourself. Its plus is that you not only speak out, but also learn lessons. And then try to forgive the wrongs.

12. Contemplative exercise while walking will help

To relieve stress, you can walk a little and get some fresh air. It is better to choose a calm and quiet place, such as a park. Avoid hype and large crowds. During the walk, try to relax, free yourself from thoughts, look around more, direct your gaze outside, and not inside yourself and your problems. Contemplative exercises are good for calming. Sit on a bench and look at the tree, peer into its every bend, try not to let anything else occupy your attention for a while. This is a subspecies of meditation practice that can be done at any time, even during a lunch break at work.

13. Smile more

There is a direct relationship between the blood supply to the brain and the activity of the muscles of the face. During a smile and especially laughter, the flow of blood and oxygen increases, the brain works better, which has a beneficial effect on the mental state.

It is for this reason that a smile and laughter relieve fatigue, help to switch to another state, disinhibiting the protective reaction of the body.

Many scientists consider laughter to be an excellent natural relaxation technique, its effectiveness is comparable to meditation. Constantly look for reasons to laugh, read humorous stories and visit funny websites, watch comedies and communicate with positive people able to "infect" you with a good mood.

In general, a smile is a magical thing. She is able to disarm anyone and discourage him from sending waves of negativity in your direction. Believe me, if you need to get something from someone, except for some special occasions, the best effect, the symbol of goodwill is a smile. A defensive reaction is activated in the person’s response, and he begins to answer you in the same way, even if he knows that you are wrong, he simply cannot do it differently. Positive causes only positive.

At the same time, you yourself should treat with condescension people who are overwhelmed with tension and negativity, who do not know how to

restrain your emotions and keep the situation under control: it is hardly worth responding with an immediate rebuff to their abuse and “attacks”. Smile at swearing and ignore it where possible. Let your thoughts not be occupied by some petty disassembly.

We smile and laugh. If you can smile even when bad mood, then nervous tension does not threaten you. Of course, there are situations when it is difficult to do this, but it is still very necessary to squeeze a smile out of yourself. Your body will be genuinely surprised by the “wrong” reaction. He will be surprised and agree that everything is not so bad, but it will be even better.

14. Quit bad habits

Learn to relieve tension without cigarettes, without alcohol and other things. Use healthy ways to relax! Drink less coffee!

15. Practice breathing exercises

The simplest breathing exercise:

inhale for 4 counts (or 4 beats of the pulse, you must first feel it, it is more convenient to do this on the neck, and not on the wrist)

hold your breath 2 counts/beats

exhale for 4 counts/beats

hold breath for 2 counts/beats and then inhale again for 4 counts/beats - all over again

It's easier, as the doctor says: breathe - do not breathe. 4 seconds inhale - 2 seconds hold - 4 seconds exhale - 2 seconds hold.

You need to breathe with the diaphragm, that is, the stomach. During nervous tension, we breathe rapidly from the chest, while diaphragmatic breathing calms the heartbeat, suppressing the physiological signs of nervousness, bringing you into a state of calm.

During the exercise, we think only about breathing! There must be no more thoughts! It is most important. And then after 3 minutes you will feel that you have relaxed and calmed down. The exercise is done no more than 5 minutes, according to the sensations. With regular practice, breathing practice not only helps you relax "here and now", but also generally puts the nervous system in order, and you are less nervous already without any exercises.

This exercise, to relieve nervous tension, is recommended by humorist Nikolai Lukinsky.

Put your hands on your waist. Inhale deeply through your nose, counting to 8 and puffing out your belly. Then exhale through your mouth, counting up to 16, while pressing your tongue to the sky, as if saying “Sssss”, this makes the exhalation even. Repeat at least 3 times. Better yet, do this exercise for 15 minutes.

Exhalation through tension relieves all spasms, relaxes all muscles, not only nervous tension is eliminated, but also fatigue.

16. Pets

To get rid of nervous tension, take a walk with the dog down the street, stroke the cat, watch the fish in the aquarium, etc. If you do not have a pet, you can go out and feed a homeless cat, dog, birds.

Animals act on us in a strange way, a certain relaxation is immediately felt.

17. Call close person

If you feel that you are getting nervous, pick up the phone, call a loved one and just talk. You can remember some pleasant events that unite you.

18. Check out an old photo album

Most likely, you have a children's photo album somewhere. Scientists have proven that looking at a photo, a person gets rid of nervous tension. Bad thoughts are replaced by good memories.

19. Sing and dance

Music is the real cure for all diseases. We remind you again. It relaxes, uplifts and makes you smile. Therefore, we recommend turning on something from the “favorite” and singing along, you can also dance.

20. Get creative

Keep your hands busy with painstaking work: sorting through small things, typing on a computer, holding an anti-stress toy or pillow in your hands. The fingertips are equipped with many nerve endings, the stimulation of which we relieve tension.

The more creativity in our life, the more interesting it is. Surely it happened to everyone: they decided to spend the day off in complete idleness and were tired as if they had been unloading wagons all day. The fact is that employment, some kind of exciting activity, helps to get rid of fatigue. In addition, we are developing and growing, especially in our own eyes.

The field for self-expression is huge: you can find yourself in painting, learn to ride horses, play tennis, sculpt from clay, cross-stitch, knit, sew, weave beautiful jewelry, etc. The main thing is the desire to start and try!

21. Let off steam

If emotions are running high and you cannot retire, give vent to feelings, do not hold them back in any way! There are many ways to do this, choose the one that suits you: scream at the top of your voice, beat a pillow or other object, break it, throw something, etc.

By the way, German scientists have proved: women who scream during family quarrel and breaking dishes, reduce the risk of premature death from a heart attack or stroke many times over.

22. Eat extreme food

If your health permits, eat something "spicy", such as a piece of red hot pepper.

There are many other spices that have other properties as well.

Cinnamon is good for rheumatism, arthritis and many other diseases associated with muscle pain.

Coriander fights internal infections and can help with heartburn.

Fennel will help lower blood sugar levels and throw off an extra couple of pounds.

Ginger is not a substitute for colds and does not cleanse the blood badly.

According to Dr. Furman, an American scientist, eating extreme food causes a rush of endorphins, hormones of joy.

23. Touch.

Ask someone close to hug you. Hugs will help you feed on positive energy and restore peace of mind.

Efficient and very useful way reducing nervous tension. Pleasure hormones released in the process have a positive effect on the nervous system, relieve spasms and muscle tension, which always accompany prolonged nervous tension.

25. We yawn.

With reduced efficiency and mental tension, we instinctively begin to yawn. In this way, the body helps us cope with the situation by launching an ancient reflex for this.

When yawning, the tone of the whole organism increases, blood flow improves, metabolism accelerates, carbon dioxide is removed faster. These processes normalize brain activity and improve the functioning of the nervous system. Yawning should be induced artificially in moments of tension.

26. Making faces.

Remember, in childhood, they “built” grimaces, and “grimaced” faces, mimicking people? Thus, it is intuitive to get rid of excessive nervous tension.

It will not hurt you now to build faces in front of the mirror. Such mimic gymnastics will help get rid of emotional stress and, possibly, will cheer you up.

27. Don't demand too much.

Don't expect too much from yourself or others. Why demand from others that they will live by your rules, and then sincerely wonder why they do not act as you ordered, but as they see fit? The same applies to the demands placed on oneself.

28. If not often, then you can

Talk to yourself using positive words. This will help to avoid nervous breakdowns. Who, besides you, knows how wonderful you are and a kind person. The main thing is everything in moderation. There is no room for selfishness.

29. Why Exaggerate

Little troubles are bad to translate into great difficulty. Why waste time exaggerating petty quarrels, dealing with negative people,… And if there is a big problem, then “solve” it in parts, dividing it into several small ones.

30. Be yourself.

Why seem better, while straining and spending a lot of energy. There are no perfect people, we are not robots. The effort of an article by an ideal person can only lead to disappointment and stress. Do you need it?

Health to you and useful peace of mind!

Gubanova S.G. psychologist