Are you losing weight for no apparent reason and do not understand what it is connected with? In this article, we will look at the most common causes of weight loss, as well as figure out which doctor you need to see.

Sudden weight loss as a symptom

Often, losing weight is a conscious choice - we change the diet and increase physical activity in order to get rid of extra pounds and be healthier. In this case, even for sudden loss weight is the norm.

On the other hand, some lose weight precisely when faced with a serious illness. With the development of the most severe diseases, one or more other symptoms appear that appear even before losing a kilogram. In this situation, the reasons for a sharp weight loss are quite understandable and even expected.

Sometimes it happens that the first symptom of the development of a serious illness is precisely the loss of a kilogram. Other symptoms in this case appear a little later. Below we look at the most common diseases in which weight loss May be the first symptom. Remember that all of the following violations are not related to the planned weight loss.

What diseases cause weight loss?

Possible causes of unexplained weight loss include:

Oncological diseases

In the vast majority of cases, the patient develops other symptoms before weight loss. They can be very different - depending on the type and location of the malignant process. Sometimes a sharp weight loss with oncology is the first symptom that a person notices.

Why do people lose weight with cancer? Weight loss in this case is partly due to increased activity of cancer cells that require nutrition. In the later stages of the disease, the weight "drops" due to a combination of various factors.

weight loss in diabetes

Often unexpected weight loss is a sign. In people with this condition, the hormone insulin is unable to force cells to use glucose as an energy source. When this happens, the body "burns" fat and muscle tissue, thus getting the necessary energy. This partly explains why there is a sharp weight loss in diabetes.


In this disorder, the thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. An excess of this substance causes an increase in metabolic processes ("accelerated" metabolism). The symptoms of this disorder are:

  • Anxiety, nervousness, anxiety,
  • heightened emotionality,
  • Irritability,
  • Feeling a strong heartbeat
  • Trembling in the hands (tremor),
  • Diarrhea.

Why does a person lose weight dramatically even despite a very good appetite? This can be explained by increased energy consumption due to nervousness, anxiety and constant “running around”. All of these are possible signs of hyperthyroidism, which you will read about in.

The presence of a chronic infection or inflammatory process

Usually, with a chronic infection, a person is faced not only with weight loss, but also with other symptoms. Although with some infections, such as tuberculosis or, the first visible symptom is a sharp weight loss.

In some conditions, an inflammatory process is formed in one or more parts of the body. Again, in this case, the person will encounter other symptoms. But in some inflammatory disorders, such as polymyalgia rheumatica, the first symptoms may be ill health and rapid weight loss.

Malabsorption syndromes

There are many diseases that affect the absorption of food in the intestines. Usually they provoke the appearance of a symptom such as diarrhea. In some patients, the first noticeable sign of malabsorption syndrome is weight loss. Among the malabsorption disorders, celiac disease (gluten disease) and peptic ulcer are noted.

Dementia (mental decline)

On early stages people with dementia may feel well, but in reality they are not able to take care of themselves properly. They cannot independently compose and adhere to a normal diet, which is why they eat poorly and subsequently lose weight.

Reasons for weight loss also include:

  • Disease ,
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
  • Diseases of the heart and kidneys
  • hypercalcemia ( elevated level calcium in the blood)
  • Parkinson's disease,

Other reasons for weight loss

Sometimes weight loss is not directly related to diseases, but is the result of taking certain substances or psychological state person.

Eating disorders

The reasons for losing weight may include some conditions that are the result of a lack of perception of one's body. With such a violation as anorexia, a person strictly controls his diet and actively tries to get rid of extra pounds in his opinion. Anorexic people are severely underweight. This is a dangerous condition, which in most cases requires the intervention of not only clinical, but also other doctors.

Side effects of taking medication

Sometimes medication causes side effects that lead to weight loss. Some drugs cause loss of appetite and dry mouth, and some cause heartburn or mild symptoms. There are also drugs that affect the sense of taste and smell. Any of these side effects can lead to reduced calorie intake and dramatic weight loss.


In this condition, people very often lose their appetite and do not want to eat, which ultimately leads to weight loss. In addition, there is such a thing as weight loss on nervous ground. If a person often faces stressful events and is constantly nervous, he can also lose kilograms.

Alcohol abuse / alcohol addiction

Many people with alcohol addiction eat poorly and lose weight without realizing it. In this case, only relatives or friends can notice the changes.

What to do with sudden weight loss?

If you or your family for some unexplained reason began to lose kilograms, consult with. American experts recommend sounding the alarm if over the past 6-12 months a person has lost more than 5% of his total body weight for an inexplicable reason. If the patient is an adult and has one or more serious illnesses, even a few pounds lost is a reason to go to the doctor.

At the appointment, the specialist will analyze the medical history, as well as conduct a thorough physical examination. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe other diagnostic procedures.

In this article, we looked at what diseases people lose weight and which doctors you need to contact to find the root cause. Although, in most cases, the cause of weight loss or problems with weight gain is banal malnutrition. If a person eats a lot and cannot gain weight, do not look for hidden reasons. The best option- get professional advice from.


  1. Unexplained weight loss, Mayo Clinic,
  2. Unexplained Weight Loss,,
  3. unintentional weight loss, NHS,
  4. Weight Loss (Unintentional),

Weight loss is a common symptom of disease. Sudden weight loss is called wasting or cachexia (the latter term is more often used to refer to extreme exhaustion). Moderate weight loss can be not only a symptom of the disease, but also a variant of the norm, due to the constitutional features of the body, for example, in people with asthenic body type.

The basis of weight loss may be insufficient or malnutrition, impaired absorption of food, increased breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body, and increased energy consumption (exogenously and endogenously caused). Often these mechanisms are combined. At various diseases the time of onset, severity and specific mechanisms of weight loss differ significantly.

Reasons for weight loss

Causes of weight loss can be external factors(limitation of food intake, injury, infection) and internal (metabolic disorders, digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body). What diseases cause weight loss:

The weight of each person fluctuates depending on the quantity and quality of food, hormonal status, physical activity. Weight loss (losing weight) - often beneficial process, but if it starts suddenly and without visible reasons, this is a symptom of a serious illness, the cause of which must be found out. Rapid weight loss is often seen with a strict diet, an inability to eat (for example, after surgery or during a serious illness), or a lack of appetite. However, it happens that the reasons are not so obvious, and it is necessary to be examined for food intolerance or pathology. digestive tract(peptic ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, enterocolitis, etc.). A person often loses weight also with depression or neurosis.

If you have a tendency to lose weight, make sure you eat right. Eat appetizing meals in small portions often, take your time and chew well. Take precautions in advance so you don't go hungry. For example, when going to places where the likelihood of a normal lunch is low, take food with you. Try not to leave the house without a hearty breakfast. Take a multivitamin and mineral supplement that provides the body with nutrients, including B vitamins and zinc, which also stimulate appetite.

Sudden weight loss

Sudden weight loss or cachexia (wasting) is most often observed due to insufficient or malnutrition, poor digestibility of food, increased breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body, as well as excessive energy consumption.

A sudden loss of body weight can be caused by an energy deficiency, the causes of which are a long-term diet or taking medications for weight loss. Restricted nutrition can cause imbalance throughout the body. And as a result, the body begins to independently look for the nutrients it needs in its reserves.

Factors leading to dramatic weight loss

  • Violation of the digestive processes: occurs with colitis, enteritis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, atrophic gastritis.
  • Restriction of food intake: is the result of intoxication, anorexia nervosa, decrease or loss of appetite, stroke or the presence of a tumor, impaired consciousness in traumatic brain injuries, narrowing of the esophagus or larynx.
  • Metabolic disorders: in this case, the processes of destruction (catabolism) in the body prevail over the processes of synthesis. The causes of metabolic disorders can be connective tissue diseases, burns, problems with the thyroid gland, severe injuries, malignant tumors.
  • Experiences accompanied by stress: psychological trauma can cause strong weight loss even if the body is generally healthy. Sudden weight loss during stress is caused by an increase in the level of cortisol (stress hormone).
  • Worm invasion.

In addition, sudden weight loss can be a symptom of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), AIDS, and other diseases. Treating individual symptoms, such as sudden weight loss, without identifying a specific disease and making a correct diagnosis is in most cases not correct and can harm your health.

weight loss treatment

Treatment of weight loss should be started as early as possible, preventing the development of severe malnutrition, which is difficult to treat, until the stabilization of clinical, laboratory and somatometric parameters.

First of all, you need to improve nutrition. It should be fractional 6-8 times a day, balanced, contain an increased amount of proteins, vitamins, have sufficient energy value, in combination with medicines that improve digestion and assimilation of food.

It is necessary to limit coarse vegetable fiber, exclude fried, salty, pickled foods, alcoholic beverages, spicy seasonings. In case of impaired consciousness, severe nausea, vomiting, enteral nutrition (through a probe) or parenteral (intravenous) nutrition is carried out with special nutrient mixtures.

Questions and answers on the topic "Weight loss"

Hello! This question worries me: a couple of years ago, my weight was 50-53 kg, with a height of 154, while my chest was 88; waist 67; hips 96, no excess was seen anywhere. Then, after a severe course of the flu, I began to lose weight by a couple of kilograms, my periods went off and I just felt unwell. Everything seems to have recovered and returned to normal, but gradually, without doing anything for this, I lost weight to 44 kg with volumes: chest 83; waist 59; hips 87. Build-normal (I mean, bone. Those are not big-boned, rather the opposite). Nutrition is always not very good, I eat selectively, at will, but I do not limit food. Is this ratio of height-west-age-body-factors normal or is there ground for concern? Thank you! According to your body mass index (18.6), you have this moment hypotrophy of the 1st degree is noted, which should be worried. Your ideal body weight is 51.3 kg. If you have lost weight up to 44 kg in a short period of time and at the same time you are not fond of active physical exercises, then I strongly recommend that you contact your local doctor to undergo full examination organism, because such symptoms can give serious illness. Hello. The question is about my mother. She is 52 years old. She is now in menopause (more than a year). The problem is that she has lost a lot of weight. Previously weighed 63-64 kg, now weighs 56 kg. IN Lately the changes have stopped, but her condition is depressed, often weakness, anxiety, often crying over trifles. They took blood tests: general, for hormones, all tests are in order. What is it can be and to what specific doctor you will advise to address? The local therapist prescribed sedatives, such as Gedazepam. While she drinks, the condition stabilizes, as she stops drinking, it becomes worse again. I am very concerned about weight loss. Could this be related to the menopause? Thank you in advance. Hello! Your mother's condition may be related to hormonal changes in the body, characteristic of her age. Perhaps in this situation, you can not do without the help of a psychologist. Hello. Is weight loss during pregnancy normal? Slight weight loss during pregnancy early dates can be considered a variant of the norm. However, with vomiting that repeats more than 4 times a day, and with a sharp deterioration in well-being, you should consult a doctor. There is no need to be afraid of hospitalization, the unfavorable period will soon end, and the child will be healthy. If there has been a sharp loss of several kilograms, then do not be afraid to tell the doctor about it. His task is to find the cause and do everything so that mom and baby are healthy. It is recommended to regularly weigh yourself, visit a doctor, take tests and conduct necessary examinations(ultrasound, dopplerography) to be sure of the normal development of the fetus. Weight loss of 1-2 kg per recent weeks pregnancy is a sign of imminent delivery. After giving birth, I stopped breastfeeding in August 2013, menstruation came in November 2013, the cycle was established on average 34 days. When four cycles had passed, I, with a height of 164 and a weight of 80.9 kg, began to lose weight according to the "minus 60" system. For 1.5 months, 7 kg has already gone, but the periods have disappeared, now the 29th day of delay, the tests are negative. I believe that this is due to a sharp weight loss. How long can you wait before going to the doctor? Can I prescribe duphaston myself? Healthy weight loss, which does not negatively affect the woman's body, including disruption of the reproductive system, is 10% of body weight within 3 months. So, with a weight of 81 kg, you could lose 8 kg during this period, but you lost almost the required weight in half the time. Considering that before that you went through two serious energy stresses - pregnancy and lactation, then the reaction of the body is quite understandable. So far, there is no need to take any medication. Try to improve your diet, making it healthy and balanced. You can continue to exercise, but not intense. If there is no menstruation for 3 months, go to the doctor, rule out pregnancy, and then you can use one of the artificial menstruation calling schemes. Diagnosis - chronic hepatitis C. Biochemical analysis of blood - all parameters are within the normal range. But after some time, an inexplicable sharp weight loss began with a normal appetite and healthy way life and nutrition (up to 800 grams per week). Weight 47 kg with a height of 170 cm. What tests should be taken or what examination should be done to establish the cause? Thank you. I would advise taking tumor markers, especially alpha-fetoprotein, as it is considered organ-specific for liver diseases. And so come the ultrasound of the organs abdominal cavity and to hand over the analysis on PTSR gep. C - i.e. control how the virus behaves in quantitative terms (analysis for HCV gives only a qualitative assessment). And, of course, contact an infectious disease specialist. Hello. I am 16 years old. After weight loss, menstruation disappeared, the doctor prescribed to drink 2 menstrual cycles of Regulon or Novinet. Please tell me which is better? I really don't want to gain weight again. Thank you. In this case, if there was a failure of the menstrual cycle against the background of a sharp change in diet and weight, menstrual irregularities are possible. In such a situation, any of these drugs is suitable. These funds will not lead to weight gain with short-term use. I advise you to adhere to the opinion of your attending physician, who examined you, is familiar with the results of your studies and anamnestic data. Tell me, please, I lost weight after pregnancy and breastfeeding, and I can’t restore it in any way, I eat balanced. The thyroid gland has always been reduced. What thyroid hormones should be tested? Thyroid dysfunction may be one of the causes of weight loss. I recommend that you do an analysis for thyroid hormones: TSH, T3, T4 and antibodies to TPO.

This means that a person has an excellent metabolism, a gift from nature. But do not abuse this gift, because neglect of healthy eating can lead to serious and even incurable diseases of the internal organs.

According to statistics, about 40% of people on our planet spend most of their lives striving for an ideal fit figure. Most of them have problems with being overweight, but there are those who cannot gain the body weight necessary for health. A person who has lost weight quickly for no apparent reason begins to worry seriously about his health. The reason for such drastic changes and it is not always obvious. People who quickly lose kilograms of weight must definitely find the cause of such an ailment, the cause of this condition can be the cause of drastic changes in the body itself. Then you should choose the optimal diet to bring the situation back under control.

For what reasons does a person begin to have a sharp thinness?

The most common reason that causes unhealthy weight loss that causes anxiety is illness. A person goes in for sports every day, eats only healthy food, gets enough sleep and tries to avoid bad habits. And despite this, he still loses many kilograms of weight. What should he do in this situation? There is only one way out of such an unpleasant situation - to identify and begin to fight the cause of such a disorder.

Why does a person lose weight in old age?

Doctors have long proven that men lose weight much faster than the female half of the population. This may be due to the fact that the male body is designed for heavy loads during life. An accelerated metabolism produces more energy, so weight is significantly reduced. In the event that weight loss occurs suddenly, then weight loss may be associated with a serious illness that needs to be diagnosed as quickly as possible.

In old age, due to metabolic disorders, people not only lose a lot of weight. There is a danger that a person can suddenly gain weight.

If a person loses weight quickly during adolescence.

Increasingly, nutritionists are hearing the question from teenagers: “Why am I losing weight for no reason?”. You should not worry too much about this if the child grows quickly, develops, eats properly, is active and healthy. appearance.

A teenager who has dramatically lost weight is healthy, and the reason for the rapid loss of extra pounds is associated with physiological characteristics developing organism. In this case, there may be a disproportionate weight loss, for example, they can lose weight and stretch their legs, and much later the face will be haggard. But people can lose weight a lot different ages due to a number of illnesses.

Diseases of a person, the signs of which are a sharp loss of body weight.

Medicine "knows" a lot of psychological disorders and diseases of the internal organs, which are the result of a sharp and rapid weight loss in patients. Many of them are very serious, so it is not possible to cure them on your own by turning to the old recipes of our ancestors for help. You need to see a doctor for help. Let's look at the most common and dangerous disorders.

Diseases in which a person abruptly loses kilograms are divided into classes:

.First grade- these are the ailments that provoke the refusal of food. As a result, the patient's body does not receive the necessary substances and vitamins. This type of disease includes pancreatitis, anorexia, ulcers, cancer of internal organs, etc.

. Third class- these are diseases that severely affect the patient's motor functions: oncology and paralysis;

. fourth grade diseases that cause dramatic weight loss associated with psychological disorders. Most often, such disorders are diagnosed in women, as they are more emotional, respectively, more prone to stress and mental exhaustion. It happens that girls ask themselves: “Why did I lose weight after I got very nervous?” The answer to this question is simple - energy is spent on solving human problems, moreover, during psychological stress, appetite disappears;

. By the fifth grade include people who have suffered severe injuries (fractures of limbs and others, after which a long recovery is ahead), as well as operations on internal organs. After surgery, as a rule, a few postoperative recovery days, the patient recovers. The body is fed only through a dropper. Naturally, in such a situation, it will be impossible not to lose weight.

Specific examples of diseases that cause sudden weight loss.

1. for what reason they lose weight in diabetes? It's all about the specifics of this disease. The patient loses weight only when diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. In this case, the disease interferes with the proper absorption of sugar. Even if a diabetic has a great appetite, he tries to follow a diet, he still feels hungry all the time.

Who is affected by this disease?

The most vulnerable to this disease are people with overweight body. main reason chronic disease is severe obesity. The latter leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of soft tissues to the substance - insulin.

Young sick people are affected by a slightly different type of diabetes, the cause of which is the destruction of cells in the pancreas. They are responsible for processing and saturating the body with insulin. The disease manifests itself as follows:
. significant weight loss;
. increase in appetite.

2. tuberculosis is the cause of weight loss. The infected person loses interest in food. This disease is characterized by constant fatigue, active sweating and a strong cough;

3. absolutely everything oncological diseases cause critical weight loss. The tumor sucks out almost all the glucose from the blood. In the final stages of the disease, a person is exhausted to a critical state;

4. dysbacteriosis in the intestine often causes complete absence appetite. As a result, the affected body loses weight very quickly. Such an infection appears due to disorders of the microflora in the intestine.

5. disease thyrotoxicosis causes ailments such as daily diarrhea or constipation. There is also an increase blood pressure, the pulse noticeably quickens, dyskinesia begins. Such an ailment in a sick person causes a strong appetite, which is impossible to resist. Even if a person consumes a crazy amount of food, it will still be difficult for him to restore the weight that is typical for healthy people.

When a rapidly losing weight person turns to the attending physician for advice, he undoubtedly does the right thing. Even if there are no signs of illness other than this problem, you cannot trust folk remedies treatment. First of all, you need to find out the cause of such an indisposition, because this can be the first call and the beginning of an intractable disease. Therefore, the sooner the specialist takes care of your health, the more likely it is to recover from the disease without harming yourself.

The reason for this is a change in the balance of sex hormones, starting after 45 years. At this time, the woman's reproductive system is preparing for rest, the ovaries stop producing estrogens. Female hormones are responsible in the body not only for childbearing, they affect all body systems. And when hormones begin to be released intermittently, many organs may not function properly. Weight loss during menopause in women is one of the consequences of the imbalance of female and male hormones, but there may be other reasons for thinness.

Rapid weight loss is a process when the body seems to “melt” before our eyes, and the weight is significantly reduced. A weight of 45 kilograms is critical for health and life-threatening. Moreover, the woman did not change her lifestyle, did not starve. At first, the state of health is normal.

But after some time, weakness comes, sometimes intoxication, fever and other signs of ailments begin.

A thin woman is not necessarily sick. There are women predisposed to slimness with an asthenic type of structure, but in this topic we will talk about unhealthy thinness. Some women are even happy about their unexpected weight loss, but in fact this can be a dangerous sign of formation. internal problems. Emotional breakdowns, a lot of stress, a tendency to give up, fears, life problems leave an imprint on women's health:

emotional problems

The time of premenopause and menopause is accompanied by a special emotional sensitivity of a woman. Hormonal fluctuations affect her feelings, thoughts. At this time, depressions, despondency due to aging and the accompanying menopause, such as hot flashes, loss of strength, are not uncommon. Weight loss during menopause can come from the loss of loved ones, after a change of residence.

But most likely the opposite happens, and the representative of the weaker sex in the same circumstances is more likely to gain weight by 10 kg or even more, especially during the onset of menopause.

With a lot of stress inside, there is a frequent release of adrenaline, which strongly burns fat from the subcutaneous tissue, increases metabolism, causing muscle spasms, as a result, a woman has no appetite. The characteristics of the organism can influence here, unless a hidden disease lurks inside it.

Prolonged depression during the menopausal stage, if severe ones are still superimposed life situations, can lead to drowsiness, weight loss. Lost appetite and interest in life, comes the desire for suicide. In this case, the help of a psychotherapist and the help of loved ones is needed.

Hard labour

Since there is less strength in menopause, you have to rest more often, and she is not able to overcome the work that a woman could do before. She may try to overpower herself and work, but then the whole body works in emergency mode and does not have time to recover.

Then a strong weight loss is possible, but this is fraught with violations of pressure, heart health, musculoskeletal corset and general well-being.

Violation of the daily routine

One of the main problems of the 21st century is a rush, a lot of things to do, work, work... A woman of middle age cannot cope with the stresses of the day, skips meals, thinking that it does not matter, works late without getting enough sleep after that, and loses body weight. But the calories not received by the body can provoke a lack of nutrients, and this even more provokes a disorder in the balance of hormones.

We already know how dangerous it is in menopause, when hormonal hunger can bring a complete mess in the body, and bring bad consequences. Hormonal failures disrupt the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, central and peripheral nervous system, bone structure, heart and blood vessels.

Addiction to smoking, alcohol, drugs

Bad habits contribute to the depletion of the body, because these substances contain many poisons that kill the organs little by little.

They accelerate the energy exchange in the body, the work of the heart, exciting the psyche, bringing stress, reduce the desire to eat. Also, the taste buds suffer from these toxic substances as well as from flavoring chemicals, and the food becomes unattractive.

These facts should not push you to decide to take these bad habits, If you - fat woman and decided to lose weight. Health is more valuable than harmony, dear readers!

Can a lady lose weight after treatment?

If you were treated for certain diseases before menopause, you could be prescribed drugs, after which you can dramatically reduce weight.

There are many medicines that treat one thing but cripples another. This is chemistry, and it is hostile to our body. To heal from diseases of the thyroid gland, brain, oncology, substances that deplete the body are used. Entering menopause can exacerbate the effects of even antibiotics, not to mention other serious dosage forms.

  • Increase in metabolism. Metabolism, or the exchange of substances in the body, is chemical reactions inside the body in order for it to function properly. Metabolism usually decreases with age, and this leads to weight gain. But with an imbalance of hormones or emotional breakdowns, it can grow, and then an unexpected loss of body weight occurs. The body does not have time to recycle the incoming batteries, as they say: everything goes "in passing".
  • Disease diabetes . In the first type of the disease, there is a strong weight loss, in the second type, obesity. In the first type of disease, there is an irresistible hunger due to a violation of the production of glucose in the body, which is too much in the circulatory system, and there is not enough insulin. Signs of type 1 diabetes:
  1. constantly thirsty, the mouth is dried up;
  2. strong sweat;
  3. weakness, nervousness;
  4. constant feeling of hunger;
  5. visual impairment;
  6. smells like acetone in the mouth;
  7. frequent urge to urinate.

  • Hypocorticism. The adrenal cortex is the site of production of important hormones for the body. Violation of the adrenal glands is a real blow to a woman's health. The manifestation of the disease is as follows:
  1. weakening of muscle strength;
  2. general fatigue;
  3. the skin darkens;
  4. lowering blood pressure;
  5. addiction to salty foods;
  6. lack of appetite;
  7. soreness of the abdomen.
  • Malignant tumors. With these diseases, it is not immediately possible to make a diagnosis, but there are still signs of early cancer. Losing weight helps to find out that the patient has an oncological problem, although there is no pain yet. Neoplasm that appeared in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, lymph nodes, female organs usually gives symptoms, accompanied by weight loss from the very beginning of the disease. Leukemia and blood cancer, among other things, gives a symptom of exhaustion. The signs are:
  1. weight reduction;
  2. wounds do not heal;
  3. compacted areas are palpated;
  4. urination and feces are not normal;
  5. voice change, presence of cough;
  6. feeling of weakness;
  7. fragility of nails;
  8. hair loss;
  9. swells the stomach, colic, constipation - in the case of the formation of tumors in the female organs;
  10. skin, iris changes color.
  • Thyroid pathology. The disease is called thyrotoxicosis. The thyroid gland intensively throws out certain hormonal substances. No matter how much a person eats, he is not satiated and loses weight, because thyroid hormones in large quantities cause an increased metabolism. Another name for the disease is hyperthyroidism, its symptoms are as follows:
  1. a person cannot bear stuffiness;
  2. rapid pulse;
  3. shiver;
  4. diarrhea;
  5. constant feeling of thirst;
  6. disruption of menstrual cycles;
  7. scattered attention.

  • Tuberculosis disease. The clinical picture of the disease is abundant, weight loss is at the head at the onset of the disease. It is difficult to cure this disease, but you can pay attention to weight loss, and to completely destroy the tubercle bacillus. In addition to paroxysmal cough with blood, purulent clots, tuberculosis has other features:
  1. the presence of impotence, weakness, drowsiness;
  2. profuse sweat;
  3. pain in the chest.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A decrease in the body's production of the hormone serotonin during menopause not only affects the deterioration of mood, this hormone is also involved in the digestion of food. The result of this is a predisposition to given period life to gastrointestinal diseases.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, starting with gastritis and ending with various ulcers, inflammation of the intestines, polyps on it, cause the weight to rapidly decrease.

With inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, the absorption of food is blocked, the presence of diarrhea and vomiting further remove useful substances from the body and dehydrate it, and suffer from constipation. It steals energy and strength from a person. The onset of menopause with a lack of hormones can lead to these diseases.

Diagnosis of weight loss

To determine the cause of weight loss, a serious diagnosis is needed. With an incomprehensible etiology of your condition, a woman should go to the following doctors, depending on the manifestations in health:

  1. to the therapist;
  2. to the gynecologist;
  3. to the endocrinologist;
  4. to the oncologist;
  5. to a gastroenterologist;
  6. to an infectious disease specialist;
  7. to a psychotherapist.

After examination by doctors, the woman will be prescribed an appropriate examination:

  • ultrasound examination of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, pelvic organs;
  • fluorographic picture;
  • gastroscopy;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • analyzes of urine, feces, blood for hormones, leukocytes, sugar and others;
  • analyzes of scrapings of female organs;
  • analysis of thyroid tissue for TSH;
  • oncology tests.

After a complete examination, doctors will identify real reason weight loss in women. In accordance with the diagnosis, the patient will receive recommendations for qualified treatment.

Weight loss treatment for menopause

Depending on the diagnoses identified, the treatment will correspond to them, but the woman's age and hormonal background. Medical procedures should not aggravate the lack of hormones. It makes no sense now to describe the treatment of all these diseases - a competent doctor himself will determine the set of medicines and procedures that are necessary for you.

Prevention of weight loss

When reaching menopause, you need to pay attention to your health, visit your doctor every year, and do body examinations to detect hidden problems.

It is better to find the disease early and cure it than to become disabled or die prematurely.

Recommendations for psychological causes of weight loss

  • Good rest, adequate sleep.
  • Aromatic treatments.
  • Soothing fees: herbs such as chamomile, oregano, mint, Ivan tea, sage.
  • Relaxing massage.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Physical education, dancing, swimming, walking before going to bed.

Nutrition for sudden weight loss

If you have not found serious diseases, then you can take care of your diet by setting a new regimen and composition of products:

  1. Divide your meal into six to eight small meals.
  2. Sufficient amount of protein products.
  3. Lots of fruits and vegetables, but not with coarse fiber.
  4. Kashi.
  5. Reducing salty, spicy, fried foods in the diet.
  6. In menopause, good food is fatty ocean fish and seafood.
  7. Eat mostly brown bread than wheat.
  8. Dairy products.


To avoid infection with helminths, wash vegetables and fruits, keep hands clean, order in the house. Take care of your pets too: deworm them regularly, wash them.

Herbs that increase appetite

  • bird mountaineer;
  • fennel;
  • thigh;
  • elecampane;
  • dandelion.

Statistics show that in 4/5 of all cases of sudden weight loss, the culprit is a disease of the internal organs.

With a rapid decrease in body size and a change in well-being, it is better not to wait for deterioration, but to quickly make an appointment with a doctor to determine the cause of what is happening to you.

Useful and interesting video on this topic:

Weight loss- a sharp spontaneous decrease in body mass index in a wide range. Despite the often used definition of "unreasonable weight loss", it is never truly unreasonable. Factors are either pathological (which happens more often) or physiological. According to medical statistics, approximately 15% of healthy men meet with the described problem. Another 15% suffer from endocrine and other pathologies and do not suspect this until a certain point. Why does the weight of a seemingly healthy man begin to decline?

Sudden weight loss is an alarming symptom that requires immediate medical attention.


The most obvious answer to the question of why weight is plummeting may be simple: diet. A certain diet is not always a conscious choice of a person: a revision of the diet is possible for objective reasons, a banal lack of time for food, and the like. If a man is obese, and there are no metabolic problems, weight can drop rapidly. In the first few days, the mass becomes smaller due to the convergence of edema. You should not be afraid of such a sharp weight loss - it is quite physiological. However, it is impossible to lose weight too quickly: this is fraught with the appearance of stretch marks and skin problems. Aesthetic medicine is not cheap, and it is almost impossible to cope with the problem on your own. The alimentary factor and nutritional errors are one of the main reasons.

Psycho-emotional stress

Stress, depression. long psycho-emotional stress It is quite capable of causing unplanned weight loss. In this case, two factors play a role:

  1. The first is malnutrition caused by a depressed state of a person. During periods of high stress and depression a large amount of adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol is produced. These substances block the center of hunger, suppressing and dulling the desire to eat. The state, as they say, "a piece in the throat does not climb."
  2. On the other hand, the production of these stress hormones in itself contributes to the burning of body fat and weight loss in men. The body seeks to draw energy from reserves in order to bring the body into a state of homeostasis and normalize the functioning of the nervous and other systems.

With alcoholism and smoking, the metabolism in the body worsens, which leads to weight loss.

Bad habits

Smoking and alcohol abuse. As a result of smoking and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, lipid metabolism in the body is disturbed. Nutrients are no longer absorbed normally, there is a deficiency of many important connections. This doesn't happen right away. The factor is encountered by smokers and alcoholics "with experience" when a physiological dependence develops.


Worm infestation


Everyone knows that cancer in the later stages leads to dramatic weight loss. The oncological process is a huge stress for the body. Malignant cell structures are characterized by great "gluttony". In the later stages, the proliferative activity of pathogenic tissues and cells increases so much that all the nutrients are required for their own growth. In addition, the body desperately mobilizes all the reserves of the body to restore functions and strengthen the immune system. Hence the sharp weight loss and painful thinness of cancer patients.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Gastritis, ulcers, hepatitis, cholecystitis in a neglected state lead to the impossibility of normal absorption of nutrients. There is a shortage of carbohydrates and fats. This condition is fraught with loss of normal body weight.

Diabetes mellitus and other endocrine pathologies

- a real disaster for the body. The normal synthesis of insulin is disturbed, glucose is constantly elevated, a total violation of lipid metabolism is observed. Often this condition leads to obesity, but in 20% of cases (the data are approximate), the opposite effect is observed.

The cause of weight loss can also be. The thyroid gland acts as a kind of boiler human body. If the "heating boiler" starts to work too intensively, the body produces too much energy and, accordingly, heat. For such a fast energy metabolism, you need a lot of resources that the body draws from destroying body fat. A patient with hyperthyroidism experiences a constant feeling of heat, there is a measurement of the relief of the neck, exophthalmos (bulging eyes), the body temperature rises.

Problems of infectious origin

Infectious diseases "undermine" the body from the inside. How more serious disease, the stronger the body mobilizes all the resources. The most serious disease in this group is tuberculosis. If there are: cough, hemoptysis, difficulty breathing - you need to think about your own health. Weight loss is also characteristic of HIV infection in the later stages.

What to do if the weight has dropped sharply?

It is recommended to contact a specialist immediately. The first step is to consult a therapist. Then an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist. Problems of endocrinological and gastroenterological profiles are the most common. You may need to consult an infectious disease specialist, an oncologist. Next, you need to complete a full course of examination. Depending on the type of problem, this may include:

  • Radiography of the lungs. Detects tuberculous changes in the lung tissue, neoplasms.
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. Necessary for the study of the state of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • endoscopy. Bronchoscopy, FGDS.
  • Analysis of feces for worm eggs.
  • General and biochemical blood tests to determine the presence or absence of inflammation.
  • to rule out sexually transmitted diseases.
  • tuberculin test.
  • Hormonal analyzes (T3, T4, TSH).
  • Sugar Curve.

It is required to identify the factor that caused weight loss in a timely manner. If all tests are negative, the cause should be sought in the alimentary component - malnutrition.


Weight loss is a serious sign, often indicating the presence of pathological processes in the body. What kind they are and how serious - these questions should be answered by the doctor. It's impossible to figure it out on your own.