Times change, we change, technologies change. More recently, wars have been on a massive scale. Soldiers (warriors, warriors, vigilantes) fought as part of large units. Accordingly, their uniforms were bright, because it was easier for the commanders to navigate the battlefield, distinguishing where theirs was, where they were. In conditions contemporary conflicts the emphasis is on the quality of the weapon and the secrecy of the fighter, rather than on beauty and catchiness. Increasingly, special operations are carried out by small detachments that do the job not only thanks to knowledge and professionalism, but also due to high-quality equipment, weapons, communications and navigation.

In this article we will talk about the latest equipment Russian production"Warrior". Let's single out the main elements of this equipment, their features, and compare them with the combat kits of other countries. We will also evaluate the prospects for the development of this equipment.

What is the equipment "Warrior"

The name "Warrior" was given to the domestic set of combat equipment (KBEV), which can be called a new generation of equipment. This complex uses advanced scientific developments aimed at improving the combat capability of a soldier in battle.

This is achieved with the help of completely new terrain orientation systems, devices for movement and observation at night, equipment for monitoring the physical and psychological health of a fighter. In addition, the latest generation materials are used in armor and clothing, designed specifically for extreme conditions.

The Ratnik kit includes the latest elements that allow the fighter to observe the situation much better, aim, maintain communication, and fight with advanced weapons with the appropriate ammunition. More than one defense company is working on this kit. According to the idea of ​​the developers, the Ratnik system will be able to compete with foreign analogues.

The package includes about ten subsystems, it will stand out from the rest due to the fact that it consists of interconnected modules. This will allow the soldier to fight under any weather conditions and time of day. The equipment "Warrior" is complemented by two new Kalashnikov assault rifles: and AEK-971.

History of creation

Initially, in Russia and the USSR, attention was paid to uniforms not as much attention as to weapons and equipment. From period civil war and up to the war in Afghanistan Soviet soldier changed slightly. New types of weapons and equipment appeared, but the appearance of a soldier changed little.

For example, bulletproof vests in the Red Army began to be widely used only during the war in the DRA, although the United States used them in Vietnam. Here it should be noted that the Soviet special forces did not use body armor in all operations. This was considered ignoble and uncomfortable in the extreme Afghan conditions.

In Afghanistan, it also became clear that the one who knows how to hide better wins the war, which proved the superiority of quality over quantity and the need for covert and jewelry work.

Many countries are striving to create more comfortable conditions for their soldiers. The Russian command, on the other hand, focused more on efficiency than on comfort. Perhaps the time has come for our unspoiled warriors to try themselves in the role of a soldier of the future. For such purposes, the Ratnik kit was created on the basis of the Barmitsa kit.

Due to the use of the latest scientific developments, this kit significantly increases the efficiency of a soldier in battle and increases his survival rate.

Field tests were carried out at the end of 2012 at the Alabino training ground near Moscow. The life of the Ratnik kit was determined at 5 years, it will be transferred from one soldier to another until the warranty period expires.


The equipment "Warrior" includes:

  • armored helmet;
  • protective glasses;
  • body armor;
  • overalls;
  • universal backpack;
  • protective shields;
  • weapons and optics.


Multilayer helmet weighing about 1 kg. Designed to protect the head of a soldier during the battle (it is able to withstand a pistol bullet even from a short distance), but not only.

The helmet has a built-in communication system and a monocular screen, which transmits the image from the sight of the weapon. The eyes are protected by special glasses, the glasses of which are able to withstand a 6-mm fragment at a speed of 350 meters per second. An electric lamp and a soundproof device are also attached here.

The device protects the soldier from the noise of shots and explosions, enhances human speech, it is possible to mount a walkie-talkie.

Bulletproof vest

Bulletproof vest 6B43, weight - 15 kilograms (complete set), without overhead elements - 9. Provides protection for the upper body from bullets, shrapnel, edged weapons.

Protective shields are made of latest materials, designed to protect elbows, knees, shoulders, groin from splinters and bullets. Sufficiently convenient and rational protection that saved more than one life.


The composition includes a standard camouflage robe, the material of which is impregnated with a special substance that conducts air and protects against moisture.

Thanks to this, the fighter's skin "breathes", the equipment can be worn for at least two days. In the winter version, a heating system is provided. It is represented by an autonomous heat source AIST-1 or AIST-2.

In fact, this is a chemical heating pad that looks like a powder in a sealed package. It also contains instructions for use, safety measures and disposal rules. Although this way heating has its own nuances, in general it is quite convenient.

In addition to the overalls, the kit includes a life support system: a water-purifying filter, an army watch protected from water and impacts (for the first time in the kit), a Bumblebee knife, a lightweight sapper shovel, as well as equipment power supply elements.

Provided for blocking the armor of ultraviolet and infrared radiation, thanks to which the soldier cannot be seen with a thermal imager.


Summer and winter versions of shoes that fit snugly on the foot. Can be worn for several days.

Main armament

As the main weapon, a special improved model of the AK-12 Kalashnikov assault rifle (less often AEK) with a thermal imager and a special unit for firing from behind an obstacle is used.

The kit also includes collimator sights different models.

In this modification, it is possible to adjust the length of the butt, as well as to mount all kinds of additional elements (sights, underbarrel grenade launchers, mobile flashlights and much more). Created in 2012.


Sagittarius system

The whole complex, located directly on the body of a soldier. With the help of it, the fighters can keep in touch not only with each other, but also with the headquarters, send photos and videos to the command, and determine targets. The system has a built-in GPS and GLONASS location device.

Tactical Backpack

As part of the "Warrior" backpacks of different types can be used. The volume of the main backpack is 50 liters, the small one is 10 liters. It also fits a tent or a sleeping bag.

Advantages and disadvantages

Although the kit is called the uniform of the "soldier of the future", it cannot but have its drawbacks. At the same time, one should not forget about the advantages that generally cover negative sides.


  • vest is very comfortable. According to the servicemen, it is light enough, convenient for movement and landing. In addition, there is the possibility of a second armor reset. A useful measure in case of a fighter getting into the water. For the Navy, a life jacket was introduced into the Ratnik kit;
  • quality weapons;
  • relative ease. All uniforms weigh about 20 kilograms (without weapons and ammunition), which is much lighter than the American and German prototypes;
  • aesthetics. Equipment by appearance not inferior to foreign counterparts, but in some ways even surpasses them;
  • differential and convenient protection combination. The fighter's body is reliably protected by ceramic-metal coating, armor or Kevlar fabrics. It depends on the task at hand;
  • modularity. On unloading fastening of any pockets is possible. In general, the complex is quite convenient for carrying ammunition.


  • helmet structure. According to the soldiers, the helmet does not fit tightly on the head and “crawls”;
  • the bulkiness of backpacks and sleeping bags;
  • difficulties in the use of electronics.


Needless to say, other countries have similar combat kits? In fairness, it is worth noting that in most countries they appeared earlier than in Russia. Let's briefly consider some of them.

American complex LandWarrior. Weight - 50 kg. The complex includes a computer, a monitor located on the helmet, and the image from the video camera and infrared camera, which are installed directly on the weapon, is transferred to it. In addition, the kit includes: a GPS device, a walkie-talkie, an electric charging module, a sniper search device, control of all weapons.

German complex IdZ. Weight - 43 kg. The complex includes a laser target designator, a computer communication and control system, eye and hearing protection, night vision goggles, a navigation device with the search for mines and soldiers. The weapon is protected from mass destruction.

French complex FELIN. The complex consists of body armor, weapons, ammunition, protective helmet with walkie-talkie and monitor, GPS devices, dry rations for one day, information exchange devices.

Prospects for the development of "Warrior"

This set is used quite successfully in combat conditions. But there is no limit to perfection, there are already serious modifications in the plans. A new kit is being developed, called "Warrior-3".

It is planned to reduce the amount of electronic filling, while increasing its efficiency. According to Oleg Faustov, chief designer of the Ratnik life support device, new complex will include an armored helmet with a built-in aiming, communication and control device, combat overalls, special shoes.

The Ratnik-3 outfit will come with a built-in exoskeleton. Thanks to him, the soldier is able to carry equipment weighing up to 100 kilograms (three times the standard). Although these are only plans and ideas, but technologies are growing, which means that "soldiers of the future" after two or three five-year plans will already enter our lives.

The future starts tomorrow. Although the pace of production is not too high, in the two years of 2014 ... 15, 71 thousand Ratnik complexes were put into service. The government plans to supply the army every year with 50 thousand complexes.

It is also planned mass production"Warrior-3", described above. Considering that the number of Russian armed forces is about 1 million people, the full staffing of this uniform will take some time.


The most famous equipment of the Russian army is, of course, the "Warrior", and.

However, in the Russian army there are several more types of equipment that are designed to solve certain problems. Today we will talk about what suits for engineering special forces, combat vehicle crews and army aviation pilots consist of and why modern equipment is of such tremendous importance for the Russian army.

Engineers vs Snipers

Heavy weapons and equipment in engineering special forces are closely adjacent to

For combat operations, assault and barrage engineering units use a special modular suit, the protection class of which directly depends on the armor plates used in it. The most reliable are removable panels created according to the standards of the sixth class of protection: such armor can withstand a direct hit from an SVD rifle with an armor-piercing incendiary bullet, and the panels themselves protect not only the chest and back of the operator, but also the groin area, as well as the body on the sides. In this equipment, in terms of its characteristics, it is close to the “Warrior”.

The visor of the armored helmet protects the face and organs of vision of the fighter not only from fragments and other products of the explosion, but also from pistol bullets of 9 mm caliber.

Special mention deserves the fabric from which the OVR-3Sh suit is sewn or, more correctly, assembled. Flexible elements of outer clothing, of course, do not have the same strength as armored panels, but the dense structure allows you to protect the operator's body not only from cuts, but also from contact with an open flame for a short time. The same properties are also characteristic of other items of equipment: shoes and gloves not only perform the functions of comfortable overalls, but also preserve the health of the operator.

Separately, the developers of the equipment worked on comfort: inside the underwear made of dense fabric there is a special radiator - silicone tubes, which, together with a container for liquid, make up the cooling system.

All work to improve such suits, according to Mikhail Barabanov, a military expert at the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, will be focused on reducing the size of devices and simplifying the use of the system as a whole.

“All electronic systems, including sensors and much more, will be miniaturized and brought to an “individual” level, in which each fighter will be able to move and work as autonomously as possible,” Barabanov said in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel.

Oxygen for the pilot

Subdivisions ground forces are not the only ones developers are using modern technologies and materials are actually “dressed again”. Pilots were among the first to try on fundamentally new equipment.

For fighter pilots, Zvezda specialists developed and handed over for operation to combat units unique ones, which, taking into account the solutions implemented in them, would be more correctly called “equipment with artificial intelligence”.

The load on the pilot's legs and arms is predicted, calculated and carried out by a special on-board computer, which, based on flight data - speed, angle, engine thrust, breathing mixture composition and much more - independently makes decisions about the supply of oxygen to the mask and air to the suit , allowing the pilot to remain conscious during colossal overloads.

Retired pilots of the Air Defense Forces note that thanks to a simple and reliable hardware solution, it was almost completely possible to solve the problem that manifested itself in many foreign fighters. The product will be used including

“The more parameters are taken into account and processed by the system, the faster it (the system) will select the optimal oxygen supply parameters. This solution makes it possible to almost completely eliminate the risk of hypoxia - the so-called oxygen starvation, which pilots suffer in American fighters fifth generation," retired Air Force Major Mikhail Alekseev said in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel.

Army aviation pilots were also not left without attention. For combat helicopter crew members by Armocom. In addition to an impressive wearable ammunition in case of damage to the side and emergency evacuation, Vulkan-VKS is carried out using a special anti-fragmentation fabric capable of withstanding an open flame with a temperature of a thousand degrees for 30 seconds.

According to Roman Samofalov, Chief Marketing Specialist at Armocom, suits can be completed according to different types helicopters.

“The pilots of combat helicopters are often under fire because they fly at low altitudes. Often snipers work on them. And if the Ka-52 and Mi-28 helicopters are well enough protected, then the older modifications have a much lower booking class. Therefore, they need protection, including from fragments,” said Samofalov.

Russian "Cowboy"

In many ways, it was from the crew members of combat vehicles in service with the Ground Forces that the process of re-equipping several branches of the military began at once. Along with the KBE "Warrior", in the interests of the Ground Forces of the RF Armed Forces, they began to develop a suit 6B15 "Cowboy" -

The specially designed equipment protects 80% of the operator's body and allows, if necessary, to survive contact with an open flame for 15 seconds without health consequences.

After successful testing of a set of combat equipment for the Russian Ministry of Defense, personal protection kits drew attention to the leadership of the Russian Guard.

At the end of January 2018, it became known that the detention groups and private security guards of the Russian Guard would receive Vityaz equipment, consisting of a helmet that protects the head and face of an employee from bullets and shrapnel, as well as body armor.

This suit, according to experts, will be able to provide a high level of protection for the employees of the National Guard and will partially abandon the use of bulkier body armor, which significantly reduces the mobility of combat groups.

In addition, a special helmet is being developed for the Russian Guard, which allows, depending on the need, to change the protection class using removable panels. This is necessary in order to change the weight of the product,.

We are accustomed to measuring equipment by wearing comfort and security, but in the equipment of the 21st century, these criteria are no longer key. The main difference between Ratnik-2 and its predecessors lies in its network-centric capabilities and increase bandwidth data exchange systems, experts say.

Equipment price "Ratnik-2"

General Director of TsNIITochmash Dmitry Semizorov announced the price of equipment "Warrior-2". The base cost of the kit, including weapons, is estimated at 200,000 rubles, while the cost of the French analogue of equipment called "Fellin" in his words is about 200,000 dollars.

“French specialized websites write that the cost of one set of Fellin today is about 42,000 euros or 50,000 dollars. In any case, it turns out to be much more expensive than ours, although not by orders of magnitude. Why are we so cheaper? Firstly, for an objective comparison, you need to look at the package - what elements are included in it, in what combinations, and so on.

The second point rests on the presence or absence of electronic components, which make up the largest share in the cost of all equipment. This includes communication, positioning and information transmission systems. Clothes, body armor and a helmet are not so expensive compared to electronics, and we also have them a little cheaper than foreign ones. Although we still continue to import individual fabrics,” comments FBA "Economy Today" Chief Editor magazine "Arms Export" Andrey Frolov.

As for the capabilities of modern Russian and foreign equipment, it is not easy to compare them. As the military expert notes, we are used to measuring equipment by ease of wearing and security, but today this is far from the most important criterion, although, of course, it is also present.

The principle of network-centric warfare

“On the one hand, new kits are evaluated for ergonomics and convenience, and on the other hand, for the possibility of using such equipment in network-centric military operations. A serviceman must easily and successfully interact in electronic and cyberspace with his partners and commanders. The question is rather subtle, since open access there is no information about the throughput of the data exchange system of modern equipment,” our interlocutor continues.

As military experts explained to us earlier, the so-called principle implies continuous processing and transmission of information, as well as the availability of well-protected communication channels. Among the advantages of new equipment in military conflicts of the 21st century, in addition to reliability and security information networks awareness is also highlighted, which allows servicemen to act as a single organism in the course of military operations, which significantly increases the efficiency of solving problems.

TsNIItochmash also assures that by 2020 the Russian army will be fully equipped with Ratnik-2, and at present more than 200 thousand sets have already been delivered to the troops. Frolov adds that in the future it will be possible to easily distinguish the modern army from the army of the twentieth century by equipment. But the expert also names a number of pitfalls of such re-equipment. Firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, electronic systems can be drowned out. The main question is how modern equipment will be able to strike a balance between efficiency, security and convenience.

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Completely new combat equipment of the latest generation. At present, the equipment "Warrior" has already passed a series of military tests in various climatic zones Russia.

Those times when a motorized rifleman went into battle, at best, having only a bulletproof vest, and at worst, without protection at all, are in the past. The equipment of modern military personnel increasingly makes them look like characters science fiction films. A modern soldier is not an ordinary shooter, but a full-fledged combat unit, which has modern means protection and individual control system. Combat equipment modern warfare includes structurally and functionally interconnected elements of 5 main systems: means of destruction, means of protection, means of reconnaissance and control, life support and even energy supply.

Ratnik is a second-generation combat equipment system. As part of the development work on this project, more than 50 domestic industrial enterprises, as well as more than 10 polygons and military units Ministry of Defense. Especially for the "Warrior" was re-created 21 elements of the equipment of a soldier, another 17 elements were modernized. Thanks to the work done, it was possible to increase the efficiency of combat missions by military personnel by 1.5 times compared to the use of equipment of the previous generation. The general designer of the Ratnik equipment is Vladimir Nikolaevich Lepin.

In its appearance, the new Russian military equipment is quite aesthetic, it is no worse, and in some ways even prettier than modern American equipment. "Warrior" is distinguished by differentiated and combined protection of a serviceman. All the vital organs of a soldier are covered either with cermet, or with special armor, or with protective fabrics such as Kevlar, depending on the tasks assigned. IN new equipment synthetic protection is widely used. The familiar helmet was replaced by helmets of various configurations, which also change depending on the tasks at hand. Helmets can also be made from a variety of materials: steel, composites, titanium. They are able to save a soldier's head in those situations when the old helmet definitely made its way right through.

In the "Warrior" was implemented such an innovation as an instant reset of all equipment when a soldier enters the water. That is, equipment with considerable weight will not drag a soldier to the bottom. And the body armor created for the Navy is generally a know-how. Russian specialists managed to combine both body armor and a life jacket. In the event that a sailor who is on watch suddenly finds himself overboard, he will not drown, but will remain floating on the surface thanks to such a bulletproof vest.

Combat equipment "Warrior" is literally crammed with a variety of electronics. Electronic maps of the area, satellite positioning, individual communications for each fighter, night vision systems and lighting devices, and much more will do Russian soldier an integral part of a single combat system, which will be controlled by the most modern network-centric technologies.

Specially for the "Warrior" is being developed and weapon new generations. A thermal imaging targeting system has already been developed, which has no analogues in the world, as well as a special video module that allows you to fire from around a corner or from a suitable shelter. At the same time, the transmission of information from the sight of the weapon to the screen of the soldier's eyecup occurs wirelessly. At present, in many foreign analogues of the “soldier of the future” combat equipment, data transmission from the small arms sight to the eye indicator is implemented in a wired mode.

In addition to the equipment that is being created in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry, samples of equipment that are already being produced for fighters and employees of anti-terrorist special forces were demonstrated. These are Gladiator, Legionnaire, Centurion, Sherp. According to the creators of this equipment, they are significantly better than the one that is in service with foreign special forces.

At present, the Ratnik equipment is being tested in motorized rifle troops. State tests of the Ratnik kits, which are intended for military personnel of various specialties of the Ground Forces (SV), are carried out on the basis of a separate motorized rifle brigade of the Western Military District (ZVO) under the leadership of the High Command of the SV. In February 2014, at the Alabino training ground in the Moscow region, the military personnel of the reconnaissance unit of the brigade, during combat training, began intensive use of the Ratnik equipment sets.

The basis of the Ratnik kits is bulletproof vests, armored helmets, combat overalls, goggles, a headset with an active hearing protection system, a set of elbow and knee joints fighter, machine guns, sniper rifles, a grenade launcher, ammunition for them, a new combat knife, as well as a day-night sighting system, all-day reconnaissance devices, unified optical and thermal imaging sights, small-sized binoculars and other samples. In total, the Ratnik combat equipment kits include 59 items of equipment for military personnel: a gunner, a driver, a scout, and soldiers of other specialties. All of them are conditionally divided into elements of the system of destruction, protection, life support, energy supply and means of control, communications and intelligence.

In addition, the Ratnik combat equipment set includes a multifunctional knife, a watch, a flashlight, a universal shelter, an autonomous heat source, double-sided camouflage kits, a raid backpack, a small infantry shovel, an individual water filter, respiratory protection equipment, and equipment intended for chemical and radiation control, means of special treatment and first medical care, filter clothing. As part of the ongoing testing and refinement of equipment, it was possible to reduce the total mass of the kit to 24 kg, which allows the soldier to remain mobile when solving combat missions. At the same time, the level of protection was increased, the accuracy and accuracy of fire were improved, the target detection range was increased both at night and in fairly difficult weather conditions, and the overall ergonomics of the kit was improved.

The main goal of the development of combat equipment "Warrior" is to increase the efficiency of the performance of assigned combat missions by soldiers while reducing the number of casualties among the personnel of the units. The adoption of the "Warrior" into service should occur in the summer of 2014. According to available information, this year 5-7 units will switch to a new set of combat equipment, over the next 5 years, all other units will have to switch to the Ratnik.

As part of the work on the Ratnik combat equipment set, more than 100 different items of equipment were tested during a series of preliminary tests. Only the best of the created samples were allowed to state tests. The state defense order for 2014 involves the supply of ground forces, units marines The Navy and airborne troops of several tens of thousands of sets of combat equipment "Warrior".

The average warranty period of operation of the Ratnik kit is 5 years. At the same time, this kit will be transferred from one soldier to another until it falls under the write-off procedure. For example, if only one soldier wears a T-shirt with flaps, then summer uniform clothing is designed for two, more owners will have a winter uniform. Bulletproof vests, helmets, knives and small arms will last much longer.

While working on the "Warrior", as part of preliminary tests, more than 100 individual items of equipment were evaluated, including helmets, body armor and various protective equipment. Best in their own way performance characteristics 40 samples were approved for state testing.

In the state defense order for 2014, it is planned to supply several tens of thousands of sets of combat equipment for the military personnel of the Ground Forces, Airborne Troops and Marine Corps of the Navy.

The average warranty period for the use of the "Warrior" is five years, the kit will be transferred from one serviceman to another until it falls under decommissioning. And let's say, if only one soldier wears a T-shirt with valves, then the summer uniform is designed for two. Winter uniforms will also have more owners, helmets, body armor, small arms and knives will last longer.

The current field uniform clothing is noticeably different from the "Warrior" uniform in color, cut and structure of materials. According to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, by 2015 Russian army will switch to a new unified form of clothing designed for everyday wear. The servicemen will not need to change into "ratnikov" clothes to use the combat kit - it will be the same for everyone.

While creating new form clothes, we did without fashion designers and couturiers, ”says Colonel Romanyuta, hinting at Yudashkin’s uniform, which was not loved in the army. - We managed on our own, which did not prevent her from becoming much better than many foreign analogues in appearance and ease of use.