The longest mountain range in the world is the Andean Cordillera or simply the Andes. From the Inca language, this short word is translated as Copper Mountains. The length of the Andes is not comparable to any other mountains on the planet. They stretched for a record 9,000 kilometers. In addition to the incredible scale, the Andes are famous as the birthplace of plants that have dramatically changed the lives of people on the planet. After all, it was the Andes that became the birthplace of coca, cinchona, tobacco, tomatoes and potatoes.

Andes starts around caribbean and reach Tierra del Fuego. The highest peak of the mountain range is Mount Aconcagua (6962 meters). In the Andean Cordillera there are places where the width of the mountain range stretches for 500 kilometers, and the maximum width of the mountain system is 750 kilometers. Most long mountains in the world they play the role of the largest inter-oceanic watershed.

The Andes are extremely diverse and picturesque. And in every country that crosses mountain system, has its own flair. For example, in the Andes of Venezuela, deciduous forests and shrubs grow on red soils. The lower parts of the slopes from the Central to the Northwestern Andes cover humid tropical and equatorial forests. Here there are ficuses, bananas, palm trees, cocoa tree, bamboos, creepers. However, there are numerous moss swamps and lifeless rocky spaces. Well, everything above 4500 meters is already eternal ice and snow.

Top of the Andes - Mount Aconcagua (6962 meters)

No less interesting and animal world Andes. Exotic alpacas, llamas, chain-tailed monkeys, as well as pudu deer, relic spectacled bears, vicuñas, sloths, blue foxes, chinchillas and hummingbirds are found here.

Usually people are used to judging mountains by height, but mountain systems and ranges can also be compared by length. Here, with a huge advantage, the Cordillera will lead, which stretch from north to south almost across the entire continent of America, located on the territories of a dozen and a half states. The longest mountains in the world are 18,000 kilometers long. That part of the Cordillera, which is located in South America, is also called the Andes, which are put at the head of this list.

1. Andes (9000 km)

The Andes or Cordilleras of South America are exactly half the length of the Cordilleras. Walking along west coast South America, the Andes cross the territories of seven countries. Geographers distinguish between the Northern, Central and Southern Andes, located in various climatic zones therefore, their fauna and flora are very different. The Andes, like a high impregnable barrier, protect the mainland from wet fronts, constantly brought westerly winds from the Pacific.
In the Andes there are a lot of minerals, and places with fertile soil. Therefore, local residents are engaged in the extraction of oil, iron, copper, silver and gold, while others specialize in agriculture, growing wheat, barley, corn, grapes, olives and bananas. High in the mountains, llamas and alpacas are bred on farms. But the abundance of the mining industry causes serious environmental problems: soil erosion, water pollution, deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions. All this is the price for the generosity of the Andes, which gave the inhabitants of South America so much wealth. In general, the situation with the environment is not so critical yet, but if such a policy is maintained, it is only a matter of time.

greatness and extraordinary beauty mountains leave few people indifferent. Sometimes snow-covered ridges inspire fear, sometimes they fascinate, inspire, beckon...

2. Transantarctic mountains (8105 km)

The Transantarctic Mountains look completely different, which are not even easy to see from the side because of the many kilometers of ice covering them. This mountain range, passing through the entire mainland, divides Antarctica into eastern and western parts. It includes separate mountain systems, divided into smaller ridges.
The Transantarctic Mountains are much older than the other mountains of Antarctica, which are mostly of volcanic origin. In the era of the formation of the West Antarctic Rift located to the east, tectonic uplift led to the formation of a ridge, and this was in the early Cenozoic - about 65 million years ago. Geologists still cannot figure out the structure of these mountains. It is only known that in their upper layers there are layers of coal, but no one in this moment does not even think about it - firstly, it is too expensive, and secondly, the special status of Antarctica does not allow.
Although the lion's share of the mountains of the Transantarctic Range is covered with eternal ice, there is a corner - the Dry Valleys, in which there is no ice or snow at all. This is a variant of the Antarctic desert, which receives almost no rainfall.

3. Rocky Mountains (4830 km)

For residents of the United States, the Rocky Mountains have become one of the natural symbols of the country - also part of the Cordillera, but in North America. They pass through Canada and the United States. The flora and fauna of the Rocky Mountains is not inferior in diversity to the Ural Mountains. In the distant past, indigenous people already settled in this area - the Indians, who were engaged in gathering, hunting, and equipped their settlements. With the advent of Europeans, man began to actively interfere in the existing ecosystem, which led to its significant impoverishment.
In the Rocky Mountains there are huge reserves of a wide variety of minerals, the extraction of which was often carried out barbarically. After the impoverishment of the deposits, abandoned mines and toxic waste remained here. But now the situation is gradually changing - the governments of both countries have begun to develop measures to eliminate negative consequences resource extraction, so the mountains have hope for the restoration of natural diversity.
The Rocky Mountains are extremely picturesque. People come here to go fishing skiing, enjoy the views of nature. Here are the best in the USA ski resorts, organized everywhere National parks, nature reserves, including the famous Yellowstone.

4. Great Dividing Range (3244 km)

This mountain range, composed of volcanic rocks, limestones and granites, is not very picturesque. For Australia, where it is located, it is more important as a source of minerals than a tourist attraction. The mining of coal, gas, oil and gold flourishes here. On the slopes of local mountains are the sources of many rivers, on which dams and hydroelectric power stations are built. Although the Great Dividing Range has mainly industrial uses, the Australians also staged several national parks. A Blue Mountains, which are part of it, were included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

Mountains are not in vain called one of the most grandiose creations of nature, they have always fascinated and delighted people. This is not surprising, high ...

5. Kunlun (3000 km)

One of the largest mountain systems in Asia is the Kunlun Mountains, located in China. They stretch from the Pamirs to the Sino-Tibetan mountains, bypassing Tibet from the north. In these mountains are the origins of many big rivers, including Yurunkash (White Jade River) and Karakash (Black Jade River). The Kunlun Mountains originated about 250 Ma (Late Triassic) when the Laurasia continent collided with the Cimmerian Plate, which also led to the disappearance of the ancient Paleotethys Ocean.
Even in ancient times, caravan routes were laid along the transcendental passes of the Kunlun, connecting China with India and Tibet. Along the northern slope of the Kunlun, the southern Silk Road passed from Dunhuang, heading through the pass to the Pamir plateau. Currently, there are only three roads in these mountains, and in 2006 Kunlun was connected to Tibet by the Kunlunshankou Tunnel.
Due to the lack of heat and moisture, as well as poor soils, the Kunlun flora is scarce - mainly wild cereals and different types wormwood. In some places, at altitudes of 3500-4000 m, there are forests of tree-like juniper and Tien Shan spruce. Of the animals here, mainly rodents and ungulates are represented, but sometimes there are also wolves, foxes, snow leopards.

6. Appalachians (2400 km)

In the east of North America across Canada and the United States are the Appalachian Mountains. To the north of the Hudson and Mohawk rivers lie the Northern Appalachians, which are a hilly plateau with separate massifs, for example, Mount Washington (1916 m), traces of ancient glaciation are visible on them. The axis of the Southern Appalachians consists of parallel massifs and ridges separated by valleys.
It produces coal, gas, oil, titanium, iron ore. The mountains are overgrown with coniferous, broad-leaved and mixed forests. They arose in the Permian period as a result of the formation of the mainland Pangea.
Geomorphologically, the Appalachians consist of two parts. The most ancient are the mountains of New England (Northern Appalachians), which have now turned into a fairly flat plateau 400-600 m high, among which rise rare ridges and blocky massifs. Later, the Southern Appalachians arose (the era of the Hercynian folding), so they still retain a more diverse relief.

On our planet, only 14 mountain peaks have a height of more than 8000 meters. Most of the peaks are located in the Himalayas and are known to everyone under the name "laqu...

7. Himalayas (2330 km)

Between the Tibetan Plateau located to the north and the Indo-Gangetic Plain to the south is the highest mountain system of the planet - the Himalayas. They are located on the territory of 5 Asian countries. The name of the mountains has Sanskrit roots - “himalaya” is translated as “the kingdom of snows” or “gentle abode”.
There are also many minerals in the Himalayas: copper, chromium, arsenic ores, gold placers. In the intermountain basins and in the foothills, reserves of brown coal, gas, oil, rock and potash salt have been explored.
The best climbers of the world come to the Himalayas, whose cherished goal is to conquer the local eight-thousanders. There are peaks here that have not yet been conquered by man.

8. Atlas Mountains (2092 km)

This mountain system is located in northwestern Africa, stretching from Atlantic coast Morocco to the coast of Tunisia through Algeria. Initially, only the mountains in medieval Mauritania, which are now located in the center and western side of the Atlas Mountains, were called the Atlas Mountains. Mountains separate the Atlantic coast and mediterranean sea from the inner desert of the Sahara.
Different sections of the Atlas Mountains lie in different climatic zones- tropical and subtropical. The predominantly Arab population lives here. On the peaks northern mountains traces of the ancient glaciation that came here, the Sahara ridge passes through the desert, in which there are flowering oases, rivers and salt lakes. In the west and north of the mountains, up to about 800 m, the vegetation resembles typical Mediterranean forests of cork oak and evergreen shrubs. In the south and in the interior, the climate is arid, so only more drought-resistant cereal species, wormwood and feather grass have survived here.

Seamounts, in contrast to land, are a separate rise of the underwater bottom and are characterized by clearly defined peaks or peaks ...

9. Ural Mountains (2000 km)

The Ural Mountains stretch from north to south of Eurasia, naturally dividing it into two continents - Europe and Asia. The beauty of the Urals is confirmed by almost all the people who were lucky enough to visit there. It is incredibly picturesque and varied nature, which just asks to be captured in pictures or paintings. Especially good are the local lakes, scattered throughout the Urals. Every year, lovers of this silent hunting, and just to relax in the bosom of such a magnificent and healing nature.
Since the time of Peter the Great, the Ural Mountains have been a pantry with inexhaustible reserves of minerals. Here, for the first time in Russia, gold was found, as well as various semi-precious stones: jasper, malachite, amethyst, emerald and many others. In the Urals, logging bases produce a lot of industrial timber.

10. Altai Mountains (1847 km)

From the Turkic dialects, the word "Altai" is translated as "Golden Mountains". Indeed, there are not so many places on our planet that are so abundant in natural wealth. clear waters and amazing landscapes. The system of ridges included in Altai mountains, distributed over the territory of 4 countries: Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and China. Altai nature is incredibly generous - the cleanest lakes, rapids mountain rivers, alpine meadows and endless sea coniferous forests- all this forever fascinates and is imprinted in memory.
UNESCO has included in its list of World Heritage a significant part mountain Altai, called "Altai - Golden Mountains": Altai and Katunsky reserves, the Ukok plateau, Mount Belukha and Lake Teletskoye. There are over 300 caves here. In the Altai mountains, an incredibly diverse animal and vegetable world. On its relatively small territory, most species of Asian vegetation, as well as Kazakhstan and the European part of Russia, grow. Depending on the height of the mountains, here you can see taiga, steppe, mountain tundra, and alpine meadows.

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Majestic mountain ranges, these natural masterpieces will always attract great amount travelers. Climbing the mountains can be distinguished as a separate area of ​​tourism, which many people are fond of. Mountain ranges beckon not only with their beauty, but also with their height and inaccessibility. However, there is also such a parameter as the length of mountain ranges. Everyone knows that the highest mountain in the world is Everest, but not all travelers know which are the longest mountains on Earth. Maybe it doesn't have of great importance for a tourist who decided to climb any peak. And for some, the length of the mountain ranges will be crucial when choosing a travel destination. Visiting the country through which the longest mountains in the world pass can be a source of special pride.

Top 5 longest mountains on Earth

  1. The Andes is the longest mountain range in the world.
  2. Rocky - the main mountains of the American continent.
  3. The Great Dividing Range is the main decoration of Australia.
  4. Transantarctic - cold mountains of Antarctica.
  5. The Urals are the longest mountains in Russia.

Andes - the longest mountain system in the world

The Andes are located in South America. This longest mountain range in the world stretches along the entire western coast of the mainland. The length from north to south is 9000 kilometers. Another name for the mountains is the Andean Cordillera. This is a giant natural formation. The largest width of the ranges reaches 750 km ( central District Andes). The mountains are very high, the average height is 4000 meters. Here is the most high mountain world outside of Asia. This is Aconcagua (6961 meters). In the gorges of the Andes are the mouths of the largest rivers on Earth, such as:

  • Amazon;
  • Orinoco;
  • Paraguay;
  • Parana.

Another notable feature of the Andean Cordillera is that they are a watershed between 2 oceans: the Pacific and the Atlantic. They protect the lands lying near the mountain range from the influence of ocean winds. The Andean ridge is so long that it is located in 5 climatic zones at once, from equatorial to temperate. It passes through the territory of 7 countries: Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina. The longest mountain system on Earth is also the largest of all, having a folded structure. The Andes formed during the Jurassic period tectonic plates. The belt is characterized by mobility, tectonic activity. The South American plate is creeping over the Antarctic and Nazca, which calls for the creation of new mountain slopes. These include a large number of volcanoes, so earthquakes are frequent in these regions. On the territory of the Andes there are many deposits of copper and iron, as well as oil, gas, and precious metals.

The climate of the Andes is very diverse. The northern region of the world's longest mountain range belongs to subequatorial belt(Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador). Wet seasons alternate with dry ones, and there is a lot of precipitation. The climate of the central part of the mountain system is characterized by cooler air. Here are deserts, mountain plateaus. Lake Titicaca is located in this area, which has the largest reserve fresh water on the continent. Chile, Argentina lie in the southern part of the Andean Cordillera, in the subtropical zone. It's more humid here warm climate, the amount of precipitation increases strongly as you move south. On the archipelago of Tierra del Fuego, it rains most of the year, the air temperature is low. The flora and fauna of the longest mountain system on Earth is extremely rich and diverse. In connection with the development of industry, problems such as air pollution, coastal waters, and soil pollution arose. Deforestation is also a serious threat to the environment. valuable breeds trees. Many species of animals and plants are disappearing.

The Rocky Mountains are the second longest in the world

The Rocky Mountains are the main part of the Cordillera - a mountain system located in North America. They stretch along the western coast of the continent, covering Canada and the United States. Their length is 4,830 km. This is a major natural watershed between Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic, as well as the Andes. They are one of the highest - the size from the foot to the top of the highest Mount Elbert is 4,401 meters. The system consists of southern and northern parts, differing in mountain building. The northern ones are granite mountains up to 4000 meters high. southern mountains consist of sandstone, sedimentary rocks, clay shales. The Rocky Mountains are rich in oil, gas, and precious metals. They are seismically active, earthquakes happen here. There are geysers and hot springs on this land.

The Rocky Mountains were originally inhabited by Indians. They were engaged in hunting, fishing, gathering on these lands. From the beginning of the 16th century, Europeans began to oust them. When gold reserves were discovered in the mountains, people from all over Europe rushed here. The mining industry began to develop. The region was populated by people, developed infrastructure appeared. The US government took care of the preservation unique nature Rocky Mountains. Many national parks and reserves have been created. At present, tourism is well developed here. Especially popular are mountain climbing, skiing, snowboarding. There are many areas for hunting and fishing.

The landmark of the mountain is the Lower Yellowstone Falls. This is the longest waterfall in the range, its height is 94 meters. On the slopes of the mountains there are coniferous forests, in the foothills - deciduous and mixed. Steppes and semi-deserts predominate in the valleys. Yellowstone is located on this land national park. This is the first park of its kind in the world, created in 1872. This is a world-famous object that attracts many tourists. It is located on the territory of three American states. There are many geysers here thermal springs, lakes, rivers, waterfalls. The park has a very picturesque landscape. Canyons, caves look great against the backdrop of slopes overgrown with dense forests. Also located here are famous parks, How:

  • Yoho;
  • Rocky Mountain;
  • Jasper;
  • Waterton Lakes.

Great Dividing Range - the most beautiful on Earth

The Great Dividing Range is located on the territory of the Australian continent. English name- Great Dividing Range. Its length is almost 2 times less than the Andean Cordillera. The Great Dividing Range is about 4,000 kilometers long. This is the third longest mountain system on Earth. Mountains consist of volcanic, igneous, sedimentary rocks, minerals. There are large oil, gas, coal deposits, deposits of minerals. Copper, gold and iron ore are mined here.

Mountains of the Bolshoy Dividing Range less high than the Andes. The highest point is Kosciuszko. This mountain is located in the south of New South Wales. Its length from the foot to the top is 2228 meters. This is the highest peak in Australia. It is part of the Australian Alps. In the west of the range, the mountains are gentle, turning into hilly terrain. In the east, the mountain chains are very steep, cut by gorges, with many peaks. The width of the ridge reaches 650 km. The most beautiful are the Blue Mountains. The eucalyptus trees growing on them emit specific fumes that stand above the mountains. From afar, they seem to be shrouded in a blue haze, which is why they got their romantic name. Start in the mountains deep rivers Australia providing the population clean water(Darling and Murray). Murray is the most long river continent, the length of which is 2,508 km. The Darling is its tributary, it is the largest after the Murray. The nature of the Great Dividing Range is very beautiful. Eucalyptus forests, many evergreens and deciduous plants grow on these lands. The Blue Mountains are part of the protected part of Australia, which includes several national parks.

Transantarctic mountains are the coldest in the world

The Transantarctic Mountains lie in the coldest part of the world - Antarctica. They run in the middle of the continent and divide the west and east in half. They include several mountain ranges. The length of the Transantarctic Ridge is 3500 km. These are the fourth longest mountains in the world. To the west of them is the Ross Sea with the glacier of the same name, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

The Transantarctic Mountains were discovered by James Ross during a scientific expedition (1841). These are the oldest mountains in Antarctica, they are of volcanic origin. They are predominantly composed of igneous rocks, minerals. Water from the melting glaciers of the East Antarctic Shield flows through the Transantarctic chain and forms new glaciers. They form rapids that divide the range into several mountain systems. Despite the fact that the Transantarctic Mountains are located on a snowy continent, there are quite large areas free of snow and ice. These are the McMurdo Dry Valleys. This area is a snowless area located on Victoria Land.

Ural Mountains - the largest mountain range in Russia

The Ural Mountains are located on the border of the East European and West Siberian plains. Their length is approximately 2000 km. Their basis is a folded belt, which finally took shape in the Jurassic period. More ancient deposits are formed by sandy, limestone rocks, dolomite. The mountain range is located near the Deep Ural Fault. Seismic activity is low here, so earthquakes in this region can not be. Geographically, the Ural Mountains are divided into 5 regions. These are the Southern, Middle, Northern regions, as well as the Subpolar, Polar Mountains. The mountains are small in height, they are quite far behind the American Cordilleras. The highest mountain in the Urals is Narodnaya. Its height is 1895 meters. Next come Yamantau (1640 meters), Manaraga (1662 meters). There are many beautiful lakes in the region in the mountains and foothills. The most famous of them: Uvildy, Turgoyak, Tavatui.

The Ural Mountains are rich in minerals. Copper, jasper, and many types of precious minerals are found in their depths. Gems are mined here - stones that have an unusual and very beautiful appearance. Souvenirs, jewelry are made from them, they are inlaid with interior items. The most popular gems mined in Ural mountains: aquamarine, rhodonite, malachite, emerald. Also, this area is a bauxite deposit - aluminum ore, potassium salts. There are many deposits of coal here. It is mined on the territory of the Pechora, Kizelovsky basins. There are oil and gas fields.

Copper mountains. So in the language of the Incas, the name of the longest mountains in the world sounds. This is the Andean Cordillera or just the Andes.

The length of this mountain range is not comparable to any other on the planet. The Andes stretched for a record 9 thousand kilometers. They start at the Caribbean Sea and reach Tierra del Fuego.

The highest peak of the Andean Cordillera is Mount Akonkagau. It rises exactly 6962 meters. By the way, there are places where the Andes are 500 kilometers wide, but the maximum width of the mountain system is 750 kilometers. This value is registered in the Central Andes, in the Andean Highlands.

However, most of the Andean Cordillera is occupied by a plateau called Puna. It has a very high snow line. It reaches 6500 meters, but the average height of the mountains is about 4000 meters.

As experts say, the Andes are relatively young mountains. Here the process of mountain building ended several million years ago. The origin of fossils began in the Precambrian and Paleozoic periods. Then land areas began to appear in place of the boundless ocean. For a long time the area where today's Andes are located was either land or sea.

The mountain range has finished being formed by the uplift of rocks, as a result of which huge folds of stone have advanced to an impressive height. By the way, this process is still going on. Sometimes in the Andes there are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

The longest mountains in the world are also the largest inter-oceanic watershed. The famous Amazon River, as well as its tributaries, originates in the Andean Cordillera. In addition, the tributaries of other major rivers in South America - the Parana, Orinoco and Paraguay - begin here. Mountains for the mainland serve as a climatic barrier, in other words, the Andes isolate the land from the west from any influence Atlantic Ocean, on the other hand, from the east, protect from the Pacific Ocean.

It is not surprising, given the extent of the mountains, that the Andes are located in six climatic zones. Subtropical temperate, equatorial, southern tropical, northern and southern subequatorial. On the western slopes, unlike the southern slopes, up to ten thousand millimeters of precipitation falls annually. Therefore, the landscape different parts radically different.

According to the relief, the longest mountains in the world are divided into three regions. These are the southern, northern and central Andes. The Ecuadorian Andes, the Caribbean Andes and the Northwest Andes belong to the North. The main Cordilleras are divided by the depressions of the Cauca and Magdalena rivers. And there are many volcanoes. For example, Huila grew to 5750 meters, Ruiz to 5400 meters, and the current Kumbal rises to 4890 meters.

The longest in the world - Andes mountains (Very beautiful)

A volcanic target with the highest volcanoes hit the Ecuadorian Andes. What is worth only one Chimborazo with a height of 6267 meters. No less giant Cotopaxi breathes down his back - its height is 5896 meters. The chain crosses seven states of South America at once. These are Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Argentina. And the highest point of the Ecuadorian Andes is Mount Huascaran with a height of 6769 meters.

As for the Southern Andes, they are divided into Patagonian and Chilean-Argentinean. In this part, the highest peaks are Tupungato with a height of 6800 meters and Medcedario with a height of 6770 meters. The snow line in this part reaches 6 thousand meters.

Diverse and wonderful

Andes is unique natural place. The longest mountains on the planet are extraordinarily picturesque. And each country that the mountain system crosses has its own zest. For example, in the Andes of Venezuela, deciduous forests and shrubs grow on red soils. The lower parts of the slopes from the Central to the Northwestern Andes are covered with humid tropical and equatorial forests. There are ficuses, bananas, palm trees, cocoa trees, bamboos, creepers. However, there are numerous moss swamps and lifeless rocky spaces. Well, everything above 4500 meters is already eternal ice and snow. By the way, the Andes is the birthplace of coca, cinchona, tobacco, tomatoes and potatoes.

No less interesting is the animal world of the Andes. There are alpacas, llamas, chain-tailed monkeys, as well as pudu deer, gaemal, relic spectacled bears, vicuñas, sloths, blue foxes, chinchillas, hummingbirds. In a word, those whom the inhabitants of Russia can only meet in zoos.

A feature of the Andes is a large species diversity of amphibians - there are more than 900 species of them. There are about 600 species of mammals and almost 2 thousand species of birds in the mountains. Almost 400 species of freshwater fish are found in local rivers.

tourist treat

The Andes, with the exception of difficult and remote areas, are not at all an untouched nature reserve. Literally every piece of land here is cultivated by local residents. But still, for most tourists, the road to the Andes means the same thing as "leaving" from modernity. The local way of life, which has been preserved for centuries, helps to return to the past.

Travelers will immediately catch the eye of a patchwork of crops that cover the mountain slopes. And its color changes from dark green to golden. Tourists are invited to move along the ancient Indian trails, where sometimes, however, they will have to stop to miss a herd of goats, sheep or guanacos. And no matter how many times the Andes are visited, for the first or hundredth, nature will never leave you indifferent.

Unforgettable will be meetings with local residents. You can talk to them both in their language and with gestures. However, some mountain dwellers are not very willing to engage in dialogue. In the event that a contact resident is caught, it will not be bad to look at his lifestyle. Huts here are made of raw bricks, people sometimes live without electricity, and draw water from a nearby stream.

Well, hiking in the mountains is not quite reminiscent of mountaineering. These are most likely walks along steep trails. But they also need to be performed only by well-trained and absolutely healthy people with special equipment.
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In fact, we will not talk about one mountain at all, but about a whole mountain system called the Andes (Andean Cordillera). The length of this system is as much as 9000 km, the width is 750 km, and the height at the highest point is 6962 m. It is located in South America, penetrating almost the entire continent from north to west through seven states.

According to the data that were obtained by scientists, the beginning of the formation of the Andes refers to Jurassic, which began about 200 million years ago. Moreover, we are talking exclusively about the beginning of formation, since many deflections, massifs, etc. were formed much later. Moreover, the process of mountain building of the Andes is still going on.

The mountain system is rich in such non-ferrous metals as lead, molybdenum, vanadium, tungsten, etc. In the region of Chile are large deposits copper, next to Argentina and Venezuela, gas and oil are hidden in troughs, and Bolivia is rich in iron.

Since the Andes stretch over almost the entire continent, both soil and vegetation cover are extremely diverse. So, here you can find plants such as palm trees, ficuses, bananas, evergreen shrubs, cacti, lichens, etc. In a word, we are talking about almost any plants that only grow in South America.

As for the animal world, there are about 600 species of mammals in the mountain system, just over 1,500 species of birds, 400 fish and almost a thousand species of amphibians, which is an incredible large number (in our country, for example, there are only 28 species of amphibians). Some of the birds and animals are on the verge of extinction, including due to poaching, some have already become extinct. However, there is another problem - air pollution. But more on that below.

Of course, the mountain system has a number of environmental issues. So, since agriculture near the passing Andes is well developed, various chemicals constantly get into the soil, and somewhere desertification occurs due to overgrazing. Fortunately, such situations are rare. The environment is also polluted due to various factories in close proximity to the Andes. Another important issue is what happens cutting down the wet rainforest for planting rubber and coffee trees in the vacated areas, which support the economy of states.

Speaking of agriculture. The cultivation of coffee, barley, bananas and potatoes is most developed here. On high altitudes grow corn, wheat and quinoa (an annual grain crop, which is eaten by the local Indian community), cocoa, sugar cane, and tropical fruits grow well on wet slopes. Plants imported from European countries, including some citrus fruits, olives and grapes.

Animal husbandry is well developed, but its main direction is sheep breeding. The Indians breed llamas. Fishing is underdeveloped.