Scenario development for the New Year for high school students "Leapfrog for the New Year"

Description: High school students, like junior schoolchildren are also looking forward to the New Year. For them, it means not only school holidays, gifts and entertainment, but also the opportunity to touch the childhood that has not yet gone far. Scenario development "Leapfrog for the New Year" will help to entertain even adult students. It is possible to show this performance at New Year's events for the middle level (where the artists are high school students), and for high school students (where the artists are the same age). The production of "Leapfrog for the New Year" was a success at the New Year's Light for 8th and 9th grades, the artists were eighth graders. Teachers of Russian literature and music workers were involved in the work on the script and production.
Scenario development may be of interest to educators additional education, teachers-organizers, class teachers, music workers.
Danilchenko Oksana Anatolyevna, Head of the Department for Main Activities, State Educational Institution "Slutsk Ecological and Biological Center of Students", Slutsk, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus.
Target: involvement of students in the tradition of celebrating the New Year.
- create a festive mood;
- create conditions for self-realization of the individual;
- create conditions for artistic creativity students.
Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Baba, Grandfather, Ryaba Hen, Mother, Little Red Riding Hood, five Robbers, five Butterflies-hedgehogs, Mouse, Voice-over.
1. It is desirable that male roles be played by females, and female roles by males.
2. To involve musical workers in the production.


It sounds polka. A guy dressed as a Snow Maiden runs out. Dancing.

Snow Maiden:
Hello! Why are you laughing so much? Did you recognize me? Yes it's me, forest beauty. I wish you a Happy New Year. Dancing and running off the stage. The light goes out. Then it ignites.
Mother and Little Red Riding Hood appear on the stage.
My daughter, you hear me
Take the pie to your grandmother.
To my grandmother, to my grandmother.
Don't forget about grandpa.

Little Red Riding Hood (preening):
Leave me alone, don’t you see that I sharpened my skis for a date.
Well, shame on you
You answer rudely
You don't respect your mother
All just for a walk.
Little Red Riding Hood:
We do not care,
We do not care
We are not afraid of either the wolf or the owl...
Anyway. So be it. I'll take the pies.
That's good. That is great. Just watch, Little Red Riding Hood, be careful.
Little Red Riding Hood (takes a basket and sings while dancing):
If long, long, long
If for a long time on the track,
If you drive along the path for a long time, stomp and run ....
Leaves the stage. Darkness. Sinister sounds.
According to the reports of the ROVD.
A band of robbers appeared in the forest.
Robberies and attacks increased.
Comrades! Be careful!
Robbers emerge from the darkness.

They say we are byaki-buki,
How does the earth carry us?
Give me some cards
Fortune on the king.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
Fortune telling on the king
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
The robbers are dancing.
Hear the voice of Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood:
If it's long, long, long
If for a long time on the track,
If long on the path
Stomp, ride and run
That, perhaps, then, of course,
That's probably right, right
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible
You can come to Africa!
Ah, the rivers in Africa are so wide!
Ah, in Africa, the mountains are so high!
Ah, crocodiles, hippos,
Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,
Ah, and the green parrot!
Ah, and the green parrot!
The atamansha orders the robbers to hide.
Little Red Riding Hood appears on stage. The robbers surround her.

Oh what a pretty girl! Shall we take it for ourselves?
Let's take it!
The robbers grab the girl and carry her away. Little Red Riding Hood screams. The Snow Maiden appears.
Snow Maiden:
And where is our grandfather and grandmother?
A tall fat woman and a little grandfather come out.

Do you remember how I used to go mowing?
Do I remember how you went to mowing!
I remember your thick girlish braid!
I remember your head was not bald!
Hugging together:
Even if it was only a dream, it is dear to me.
Where is our granddaughter? Let's go meet her.
They leave dancing the waltz.
Snow Maiden:
And they had a Ryaba Hen. And a neighbor's rooster got into the habit of visiting her, and this is what came of it all ...
A chicken runs out onto the stage, clucking and flapping its wings. Behind her importantly comes a rooster. The chicken flirts with him.

You wake me up at dawn
You will go out without shoes.
Will you never forget me?
You will never see me!
The rooster turns around and leaves. The hen is crying.
Voice behind the scene:
The bird cried, grieved, and a day later she laid an egg.
The hen takes the egg, begins to rock.

Dark glade
The night is bright as the day
Sleep, my testicle, sleep as I slept.
The chicken falls asleep.
Snow Maiden:
And here is our hooligan Mouse.
And I'm a little bastard
And I'm a little bitch.
And I ate grebes
And I strive for mischief.
And I'm such a bully, I love shame and disgrace,
And I'm a little nasty, and I'm a little rubbish.
What would be wrong for me to do?
Well, what would be wrong with that?
Ay! egg!

Sneaks up and breaks the egg. The chicken jumps up and starts crying.
Again misfortune, again trouble.
No, never return my eggs.
Oh mouse, mouse! Oh demon of evil!
She broke the testicle and took away happiness.
The hen, sobbing, runs away.
Snow Maiden:
And here are the Grandmothers-hedgehogs!
Grandmothers-hedgehogs run out.

Stretch the bellows.
Hey, let's play
Sing ditties, grandmother-hedgehog
Sing don't talk!
1st Grandmother - hedgehog:
I flew on a broom
The devil got attached to me.
The man thought, what the hell!
Chorus all together:
Stretch the bellows.
Hey, let's play
Sing ditties, Granny-Hedgehog
Sing don't talk!
2nd grandmother-hedgehog:
I walked through the woods, walked home,
The devil is following me again
Spit on his baldness
And sent to the devil!
Chorus all together:
Stretch the bellows.
Hey, let's play
Sing ditties, Granny-Hedgehog
Sing don't talk!
Grandfather and Baba come out. Grandfather stops them singing.
Beauties, young women! Have you seen our granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood, here?
The healthiest Baba Yaga comes out, goes up to her grandfather, hugs him, and he hugs her.
Baba Yaga:
Come with me. I'll show you the devil, and the goblin, and Little Red Riding Hood
Baba tries to stop Grandfather, but Baba Yaga pushes her away.
Grandmothers-hedgehogs run away with a song, and Baba, crying, trudges after.
Snow Maiden:
The New Year is coming soon, but my Santa Claus is still gone and gone. But wait, I hear his voice.
Santa Claus enters the stage.

Father Frost (referring to the audience):
Well, dear guests, are you ready to celebrate the New Year? Ready? Well done!
Is everything good in our fairy forest, Snow Maiden?
Snow Maiden:
No, Santa Claus, we cannot celebrate the New Year. Trouble is in trouble in our forest! The robbers stole Little Red Riding Hood, they took Grandfather away from Baba, they broke the Hen's egg ...
A whistle is heard.
(Appearing on the stage, the actors remain on it)
Father Frost:
Well, wait, Snow Maiden, let's hide, let's see ...
Robbers come out, lead Little Red Riding Hood with their hands tied.
Let there be no stake and no yard,
But they don't pay taxes to the king
Knife and ax workers,
Romance from the high road.

We walk along the edge of our native land.
We are looking for passers-by from night to morning,
Alien boots rubbed their feet
Knife and ax workers,
Romantics from the high road.
We do not want to live, oh, differently
We do not want to live, oh, differently,
We walk, we walk along the edge, we walk along the edge
We walk along the edge of our native land.
We walk, we walk along the edge, we walk along the edge
We are walking on the edge.
The tongues of the fire lick our heels,
Why do they dislike so many ugly people
Knife and ax workers
Romantics from the high road.
We do not want to live, oh, differently
We do not want to live, uh, differently,
We walk, we walk along the edge, we walk along the edge
We walk along the edge of our native land.
We walk, we walk along the edge, we walk along the edge
We walk along the edge of our native land.
Father Frost:
Well, let go of Little Red Riding Hood, otherwise I will freeze you!
On, on, take it, girl, just don't freeze!
Father Frost:
Promise that you will never bring evil!
We promise, we promise.
Baba comes out and weeps bitterly.
Oh, woe, woe to me. The bad guys have been taken away! But such a good old man was!
Father Frost:
Grandmothers-hedgehogs! Well, fly here!
Grandma-hedgehogs run out.
Yes, we joked, we do not need it. Take your old man!
Father Frost:
That's better!
Ryaba Hen appears.
Again misfortune...
Evil Mouse broke our testicle.
Grandfather and Baba begin to sob.
Father Frost:
Do not cry Baba, do not cry Grandfather, the Hen will lay you not a simple, but a golden egg.
Gets golden egg and gives it to the hen.
Everyone joins hands and sings:
No need to be sad, your whole life is ahead of you.
All life ahead, hope and wait!
Father Frost:
Happy new year friends!
With new happiness!
The artists make a general bow and leave the stage.

Scenario New Year's Eve for high school students"Once upon a New Year's Eve..."


Presenter 1

Presenter 2

high school student




Baba Yaga




Snow Maiden

Father Frost

Grandma Zima

New Year

Event goals:

Educational: acquaintance with the culture of the country with its customs and traditions

Educational: formation positive relationship in the class team, the development of a culture of communication with classmates in the process of implementing a common cause;

acquaintance with Russian traditions and education of respect for them

Developing: formation

    cognitive interest in the world around;

    cognitive independence based on creative work in preparation for the event;

    development creativity and work skills of students.

HOST: Hello, dear high school colleagues, our dear teachers and long-awaited guests!

HOST: The New Year is already knocking on our doors, on the pages social networks, on billboards and shop windows of the streets. Indeed, this holiday has long been considered the most long-awaited, most beloved, everyone is looking forward to it with impatience and hope for a miracle - naive and always young adults, not childishly serious kids, and, of course, we,
HOST: The New Year 2015 will certainly bring warmth and harmony to every family.

HOST: Health is like the greatest treasure.

LEADING: Good luck - to be lucky all year in everything.

LEADING: Love - so that the heart is filled with tenderness and mercy.

HOST: A huge bundle of gifts and New Year's wishes!
HOST: We gathered here for a walk, it's time to start the holiday!


Quietly, humming a fairy tale, winter floats in the twilight.
A warm blanket covers the earth and trees, and houses.
Light snow swirls over the fields, as if the stars are falling from the sky.
Lowering the shaggy eyelashes, the dense forest slumbers in silence.

Golden owls sleep on the Christmas trees. In the fabulous glow of the moon.
At the edge of the forest, snowdrifts sleep like big white elephants.
Everything changes shape and color, the windows of sleepy houses are extinguished
And winter, telling a fairy tale, falls asleep slowly by itself ...

Senior student: Oh! New Year is coming soon! I bought a clapperboard, we'll shoot at the New Year's Eve. Let me try one. Pulls the string, the clapperboard explodes
A man who looks like an astrologer appears

Senior student: Who are you? Where did it come from?

Wizard: -From crackers. I'm actually a wizard from the 18th century, I can fulfill any one of your wishes

Senior student: - Not a fig to yourself, but why one desire? In fairy tales, wizards grant several wishes.

Magician: -You understand inflation, there are not enough funds, the limits have been cut, the energy potential is only enough for one wish per month.

Senior student: Yes. You have to think about what to order. No matter how much money I order, it will end someday. Need power. In, I came up with, I want to see a fascinating fairy-tale performance, such that it will take your breath away

Wizard: - Be your way. Abracadabra, sim salonym.

Music "Visiting a fairy tale"

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived - there was Tsar Pea, and with him - the Pea Jester. And when It was? But who knows! Probably a long time ago. And maybe - recently!
Lights up against the background of music. The king sits on the throne, his legs float in a basin, and next to him is the Jester. She pours water from the kettle and holds a towel. The king looks bored. The jester tries all the time to pour on the king hot water, but he pushes him away.

Tsar . - Oh, what a bore! Neither you the raids of the Tatar yoke, nor you the Serpent Gorynych. No entertainment! Go hang yourself in a shtol?!

Jester . - Go - go, since you have nothing to do. What kind of raids do you have - the Tatar ones, if you, the old horseradish, Khan - then you don’t owe anything now. “Tribute” - then you gave your daughter, Ulyanka, a “beauty” written (Aside: “Ugh, God forbid me”, baptized), you betrothed blood. Probably, your son-in-law, I am grateful to you for the grave of my life.

Tsar . (pretty) - A FAQ? And he's fine, and I'm up to the mountain.

Jester - Where is he not well - then ?! I thought I took a wife - a shy woman, thirty-third in a row. And now he turned out to be with one, after all, he exhausted the whole harem, dispersed your Ulyanka!

Tsar . Well, one is enough for him. Not young anymore. You better tell me, your foolish head, well, in my kingdom - the state there are absolutely no emergency situations at all? And the evil spirits - then where did all the things go? A?

Jester - Well, what is evil? No one now encroaches on the Zmey Gorynych, so he drank out of boredom.

Tsar. - Himself, right?

Jester . - Well, how can I tell you, he has three heads.

Tsar .(On reflection) - Ah, yes. Where did Yaga go? She doesn’t fly, she doesn’t smoke with her mortar, and she hasn’t done any dirty tricks for a long time.

Jester . - Why Yaga? She got married, she was not up to dirty tricks. You are the king - father, then wash your legs out of the water, otherwise you will completely become limp.
Tsar . (Takes her feet out of the water) - Look, she wanted to get married! How many centuries she herself cuckooed, and in her old age give her a husband! And the beast will drive away from my kingdom! No, and don't dissuade me, I'll go, I'll strangle myself!

Jester (wiping the king's feet) - Yes, you wait: "I'll strangle myself, yes I'll strangle myself!" . She will not go anywhere, she goes for the local, I don’t know, she seems to have some kind of problem.

Tsar. - What is the problem? If I have money for a wedding, I will lend it at interest. And if the toastmaster is at a feast, then you go. Nothing will happen to you.

Jester (listening) - Yes, do not make noise, the king - father! Do you hear? Say the stupa is flying. Probably, to land, thought up. Let's step aside, away from sin, otherwise you never know what.

The king and jester quickly leave.

On the background __________________________________________
Baba Yaga “flies” onto the stage in a mortar. Makes a circle around the stage, stops near the microphone. Gets out of the stupa and bypassing it, sits on top. He sits, moths with his feet.
At this time, Leshy passes to the Christmas tree, pretends to clean up near it, decorates, etc.

B.Ya. - Wow! Say it went well! Not deceived on entot time, wet his soul. This is me about the water. Sits in his puddle, sells marsh slurry. He has a gas station. Entrepreneur, a toad in his liver! Duck after all dilutes the same, you bastard! Just now I was going to see Leshem for a date. Well, why am I going on foot? I'm in transit. Well, he refueled me through an acquaintance, a long time ago. Well, it was young! (coquettish). In general, while he powdered my brains with his memories, he poured nasty things! So for the time being I flew to Leshy, knocked all the tops off the pines and fir trees! Nearly died of fear! In general, I cursed a lot. Come on, this Waterman in the swamp! I have a date again!

Against the background of Rus.nar. music ___________________________________________
Leshy comes out from behind the tree, dancing. In his hands he carries a bouquet of dried flowers and a box of sweets. Baba Yaga stands with her back to him and preens, looking into a piece of mirror. Goblin comes up from behind and grabs her by the “interesting” place.

B.Ya. (jumping in fright)
Oh, you, Leshy, a prankster!
Where did you come from?
And what do you grab?!
I'm shy, you know!
LESHIY. What are you arguing about, honey?
Al not happy to see a friend?
I spank lovingly
I love you!

B.Ya. Okay, I'm sorry
Now, say mercy
Where so long, as many as three days
Have you been hiding from me?
Maybe you go to the "left"
Are you leading me by the nose?
So know you for it

I will punish. Be afraid of the answer.

L. (scared)
Beauty, God be with you!
From you I'm not a foot!
Yes, what sense of me
I'm not a goer for girls!

B.Ya. Not a walker, you say?
Why are you silent?!
And what the hell for
I got stuck at the parade?!

L. Do not make noise, Yagulya, that's enough,
I didn't want to laugh
Invite you old lady
In my bachelor hut.
After all, today all the people
Will soon meet the New Year.
Duck I wanted you and me
With the beautiful Yaga,
We celebrated this holiday together
And as it should be noted!

B.Ya. Izh, how famously twisted,
Almost shed a tear!
Why, tell me, dear
Are you hiding behind your back?

L. (embarrassedly takes out a box and a bouquet from behind his back)

Here, Yagulechka, flowers,
Extraordinary beauty!
B.Ya. (looking at bouquet)
What did you give me?!
You dried up the herbarium!
And now, he gives to the grandmother,
Like a goat - an armful of hay!

L. (justified)
I've been going since the summer
I didn't make up my mind anyway.
Here are the flowers withered a little,
But the beauty is not lost.

B.Ya. OK. What's in the box?
(to the hall) What a timid fool!)

L. Yes, sweets here for you,
I signed: "Yage".
Maybe eat one?
And I'll help you open it.

B. Ya.

What else is this?!

L. Ai-ai-ai! This is grief!

B. Ya. Are you stunned, rotten?!
Where are you candy cases?

L. The box was full,
It was the moth that ate them!

B.Ya. Have you bought the same since the summer?
That's it, Goblin, you got me!
You deliberately mocked
So that the whole room laughed at me?
So know that I won't forgive you
I will greatly avenge you!
I'll twist the plot like that,
I won't miss New Years!
You won't have a holiday

(shows a fig in the hall)

I'll arrange dirty tricks now!
Help Koshcheyushka is always happy to help me,
Together we will turn back the clock!
Now I will call him...

L. Oh, I'm tired, I can't!
Your koshchey will never come -
Frost will break him.
And how you, fool, do not understand -
You can't turn back the clock!
Let's bet on a click
That the New Year will come on time!

B. I Again you lay softly, okay,
It's hard for me to argue with you.
How can you deceive me?
Will you give a click, and fuck, for three days ?!

I'll go now and enchant the Snow Maiden. You will not see the holiday as your own ears.

Goblin: Nothing, nothing Let's see who tricks whom


Leading: And at this time in a forest clearing ...

9th grade performance


There is a timid knock on the door, Goblin enters.

Father Frost: Yes Yes! Come in, it's not locked!

Goblin: Hello! Grandfather Frost, Grandmother Winter, and you have a telegram from the city!

Grandfather Freezing: Telegram, you say? Come on, give it quickly. So, so, we read: "The granddaughter Snegurochka is coming to visit you. I kiss you firmly, your daughter Metelitsa."

Grandma Winter: Fathers! What a joy! We haven't seen our granddaughter for a long time. Come on, she has changed, grown up.

Father Frost: Thank you Leshy for the good news.

Goblin: Is the Snow Maiden coming to visit?! I really want to see what she has become.

There is a knock on the door.

Grandfather Freezing: Yes, yes, come on!

A brightly painted, disheveled girl enters, chewing gum.

Grandma Winter: Snow Maiden, is that you?

Snow Maiden: Yeah. Only now I am not the Snow Maiden, but Snegi. The Snow Maiden is a fool, some kind of not fashionable name! Well, hello, ancestors!

Grandfather Freezing: Didn't understand! Who is Hello?

Snow Maiden: Well, you fucking give! Completely wild in the forest! Hello is our way of saying hello! Darkness!

Grandma Winter: Well, hello, dear granddaughter! Tell me, dear, how are you in the city, live .... Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: What am I explained incomprehensibly?

Grandma Winter: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name now?

Snow Maiden: Snow, I told you!

Grandfather Freezing: Snow-gi, say mercy! So how are you at school?

Snow Maiden: Oh, yes, her school! There is nothing interesting there. Why go into it, I already know everything.

Grandma Winter: So you, probably, study for one five, my good?

Snow Maiden: Well, why immediately on the top five! It hurts me to show off - like everyone else, so do I!

Grandfather Freezing : Yes, grandma, things are serious. We need to call Leshy, he is the best student in our school, let him help out of this miracle - to make a normal child.

Goblin : Hello, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: Well, here's more! There will be some Goblin to teach me the mind-reason!

Grandfather Freezing: Listen, dear granddaughter! I'm starting to lose my patience! You came to visit us, be kind and respectful to us and our friends!

Snow Maiden: Think! I'm tired of you with your moralizing! I'll go for a walk in the woods.

He slams the door loudly and leaves.

Grandmother Winter: Fathers! But where did she go, looking at the night! She will get lost in the woods!

Goblin: And if she meets a wolf or Baba Yaga with Koshchei?

Grandfather Freezing: There is nothing to judge, but to row. Get ready. We need to find this capricious girl and bring her back.

The Snow Maiden walks through the forest, sings a song (“Well, why are you so scary ....”) Ahead, the New Year sits on a stump and cries.

Snow Maiden: What are you doing here?

New Year: I played and got lost.

Snow Maiden: Wow played. In my opinion, this is a forest, not a tear-off calendar. And what, no one can help you?

New Year: Only Santa Claus can help. But where can I find him in this forest?

Snow Maiden: So this is a couple of trifles. Consider the job done! After all, I am Snegi, the granddaughter of Santa Claus!

New Year : Is it true?! And will you help me?

Snow Maiden: Of course I'll help. Only a little later. In the meantime, we will walk with you.

The Snow Maiden leaves with the New Year. The musical screen saver "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.


Snow Maiden meets Baba Yagu and Koshchei. New year from a distance watching.

Snow Maiden : Hey guys! Wow, what a cool outfit you have! Stunned!

Koschey: Somehow I don't recognize you in makeup. What is an unfamiliar face in our deep forest?

Baba Yaga : This one is definitely not from our forest. Ours are much more modest.

Snow Maiden: Actually, I am Snegi, the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

Koschey: Wow! Yes, you girl are deceiving us! The granddaughter of Santa Claus is called Snegurochka. Everyone knows this. And she's all so...

Snow Maiden: What is it like?

Koschey: Like creme brulee ice cream...

Snow Maiden: Here's more like ice cream! For everyone to bite and lick me? And who will you be? Are the real Baba Yaga and Koschei the Deathless?

Baba Yaga: Well, what are you thinking, baby? I am Agata Kuzminishna. An old sick woman.

Koschey: And I'm Koshche ... (B. Yaga pinches him, he screams).

Baba Yaga: And this is just Kostya. (B. Yaga begins to whisper something in Koshchei's ear).

Snow Maiden: What are you whispering there?

Woman Yaga and Koschei pounce on the Snow Maiden and tie her up.

Snow Maiden: What are you doing? Are you out of your mind? What do you want from me?

Woman Yaga: Yes, we decide with Kostya when to eat you: for lunch or for dinner?

Koschey: Or maybe let's just let it go? Maybe she really is a Snow Maiden?

Woman Yaga: I'll let you go! Snow Maiden, not Snow Maiden, what's the difference. Let's go and that's it. Take it and drag it. It's New Year's Eve and we don't have dinner yet.

Snow Maiden: Release me now! You have no right! I will complain.

B. Yaga: Complain even to the Commission on Human Rights!

Snow Maiden : Help! I am not tasty! I can't eat! I have a lot of bones! A-a-a-a-! Grandmother grandfather! Help!

They take the Snow Maiden and carry her away.

The New Year is running around the stage in confusion and shouting: "Help, help!" Father Frost, Grandmother Winter and Goblin come out.

Grandfather Freezing: And what is this miracle Yudo loud-mouthed?

New Year: I am not a miracle and not a Yudo. And it's not about me. Help free my girlfriend. Her name is Snegi, she came from the city for the holidays. And some monsters stole it. They want to eat it.

Grandfather Freezing: What - such monsters in my forest wound up?

Goblin: Maybe he is talking about Baba Yaga with Koshchei?

New year: Exactly! There was an old woman and a man of indeterminate age with her.

Grandma Winter: Ah, rascals! Again they are ugly! Let's hurry Santa Claus to help his granddaughter. And you, Goblin, run ahead, show the way, you know all the paths in this forest.

Grandmother Winter, Santa Claus and Leshy leave.

Baba Yaga and Koschei bring the Snow Maiden and seat her on a stool.

Woman Yaga: Fu, I'm tired. Yes, and something entered the lower back.

Koschey: So what are we going to do with her, Yagusya? Maybe, let's let go. There is a pity for her.

Woman Yaga: It's a pity for him to see it there! The unfortunate philanthropist. What kind of Koschey are you?! Mutated completely, switched to plant foods.

Koschey: I'm worried about my health. And, by the way, I do exercises in the morning, unlike some who have a backache.

Woman Yaga: Be silent, do not argue. I am in command of the parade. We will demand a ransom for her. Go, score an arrow to Santa Claus.

Koschey: Of course, I’ll go, but I just feel that Santa Claus will score such an arrow for his granddaughter that it won’t seem enough.

Woman Yaga: Haven't you left yet? Come on, quickly evaporated!

Koshchey runs away.

Snow Maiden: Well, what will you do with me?

Woman Yaga: Shut up, girl, in your position, talking is harmful. And don't make me sick.

Snow Maiden : Agata Kuzminichna! Well, shame on you! The 21st century is going on in the yard: rockets fly into space, computers and Cell Phones, Internet. Do you want to eat the baby?

Woman Yaga: Do you think are we that stupid? Only I don't care about your Internet! When you want to eat, no computer will help - you will not be virtually full. And what kind of child are you? Scarecrow scarecrow. No, I will definitely eat you.

Snow Maiden: Agata Kuzminichna! But still you fairy tale character. And in fairy tales, the guest must first take a steam bath, feed, drink, and then everything else.

Baba Yaga : Look, you are literate, she knows fairy tales, she will teach me. I know order. Okay, let's go steam.

Baba Yaga and the Snow Maiden leave.

The musical screen saver "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.


Baba Yaga and the Snow Maiden take the stage

Baba Yaga : Oh well steamed

Santa Claus and Grandmother Winter come out

Grandfather Freezing : Oh, you old rascal! Look what you've made up, steal my granddaughter and demand a ransom!

Snow Maiden : Grandmother grandfather! It's good that you found me! I'm so ashamed of my behavior! Please forgive me! (Hugs) Grandpa, don't be angry with Agata Kuzminichna and Koshchei, they're just very lonely. A Agata Kuzminichna is also very sick. She should go to a sanatorium for treatment. May be, Will you arrange a ticket for her as a New Year's gift?

Grandfather Freezing: Well, Snow Maiden, you are just a "box with a surprise." I don't even know what to answer you.

Grandmother Winter: And what is there to think! After the holiday, we will send Baba Yaga to the sanatorium, let Koschei lead the drama circle, he is a creative nature, he will succeed. And now invite everyone, Moroz Ivanovich, to the New Year's carnival.

Grandfather Freezing: AND, really something we delayed. It's time, friends go to the Ice Palace. Yes, but where is the New Year? After all, he helped you, Snow Maiden, find.

Snow Maiden : Grandfather Frost, you know, New Year lost, and I promised that you would help him.

Grandfather Freezing: Ah, there it is! So there is nothing to be sad about! As soon as the clock strikes 12 times, he will come into his own.

Snow Maiden: .May you have a young New Year
Happiness brings new.
Will give joy, jokes,
Not sad moments.

Father Frost:.The arrows rose to the top,
We agreed on twelve.
The time has come! Twelve strikes!
Be happy New Year!

Grandmother Winter: Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a Happy New Year.
So that neither anxiety nor misfortune
They didn't guard at the gate.

Baba Yaga: So that the sun gently shines,
Everything that the heart is waiting for came true,
And just to be gratifying
All your life, like this year!


B.1: We want to tell you about New Year traditions in different countries peace

B.2: NoffensiveNew Year in Russia for a long time celebrated September 1st. By decree of Peter the Great, since 1700, the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1.

V.1: This holiday with a Christmas tree, decorations, carnivals was very fond of the Russian people. Now it is one of our favorite holidays.

V.2: Do you know that before, other trees were decorated instead of the Christmas tree. These were cherries specially grown in tubs.

V.1: But the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree is also great, over 2000 years old. Previously, people believed that all trees are endowed with good forces that good spirits live in them. And hanging treats on trees - gifts, they tried to appease these spirits. Well, evergreen spruce occupied a special place among all trees. She was a sacred center symbolizing life itself.


AT 2:For Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russians, pancakes and sweet porridge were a ritual dish for the New Year.

B.1: Porridge was cooked from several types of whole grains. It was believed that if holiday table a plentiful meal, then, therefore, you will not have to starve all year. From here comes the tradition of laying a rich table, which people still adhere to.

V.2: It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the century in Rus', for the New Year, domestic animals were baked from dough - bulls, cows and horses. And when they came to the house to carol, the guests were presented with these figurines, various sweets, nuts.


B.1: B new year's eve emotional Italians get rid of old furniture and rubbish in an unusual way: they throw the unnecessary from the balconies.

B.2: The Befana fairy comes to Italian children on New Year's Eve and fills empty stockings hung by the fireplace with sweets. But only if the children behaved well last year. And pranksters instead of gifts in the morning find only coals


IN 1: The last leaf is torn off
The calendar has been removed from the wall.
Waiting for a long time congratulations
January behind the door.

AT 2: The old year is leaving
His last page rustles.
Let the best that was not go away
And the worst cannot happen again.

IN 1 : Let it be generous New Year,
Let him not skimp on happiness
Let the stars light up on time
To make all wishes come true.

AT 2
: Let the frost play more fun,
Let it freeze your cheeks.
Happy New Year to you,
With a year of joy, happiness, love!


V.2: For a long time, many different signs associated with the New Year and winter have accumulated. - Snowy winter - rainy summer.- On New Year's Eve, the starry sky is for the harvest.- Winter is frosty - summer is hot. - If there are blizzards in winter, bad weather in summer. - A dream on the night before January 1 is prophetic and characterizes the coming year.

    For a prosperous year do not take out the trash before the New Year .

    Visit elderly relatives or parents - a good omen for the New Year 2014.

    In order to maintain family unity, tie the legs of the New Year's table with a rope .

    If celebrate the holiday in a new dress , then there will be many new clothes during a year.


But there are other signs

To make everything in chocolate, it is enough for yourself to put a tile under your pillow at night.

If there is no news from relatives for a long time, then everything is fine with them.

If you felt a blow from behind while driving a car - to a financial increase, and from behind - to a loss of money.

Low flying pigeons for washing.

If you woke up in the morning in shoes, then your head will hurt all day

Take an umbrella with you just in case for sunny cloudless weather.

If you see smart children with flowers everywhere on the street, then it's time to dig potatoes

If mom laughs at dad's jokes, then there are guests in the house

If you come face to face with polar bear this is the last sign in your life.


Father Frost

It's time to say: "Before new meeting!"

The New Year's carnival is over.

We were visiting friends of the heart,

Everyone has been in a wonderful fairy tale.


We wish everyone sports health,

Five school, interplanetary routes.

We will follow you with love

And you, friends, do not forget us.

Grandma Winter:

What else would we wish for?

Perhaps peace in your families!

To divide everything in half:

Sadness and joy and delight.

Well, in general, everything that God gave you!


What to wish for the New Year?

More joyful chores

More jokes, swarm of laughter,

At least even above yourself.

Baba Yaga

What else? Perhaps yes...

Good health, and there ...

Let everything that you dream about

And whatever you want -

May it all come true!

Snow Maiden May the New Year that you celebrate
A happy year will enter your life.
And all the good things you dream of
Let it come true and it will definitely come.

Together: Happy New Year!

FINAL SONG: _________________

Scenario of the New Year's Eve for students in grades 9-11 "Around the world trip on New Year's Eve"


1. Form for the presenter.

2. Balloons.

3. Pacifiers - 6 pcs.

4. Prizes for the winners of competitions.

5. Prizes for the lottery.

6. Bananas - 2 pcs.

7. 2 x blindfolds

8. Toilet paper - 2 rolls.

9. The costume of the old man Hottabych.

10. Surprise gift bags.

11. Cards with the names of heroes literary works.

12. Lototron.

13. Phonograms.

The course of the evening

The hall is festively decorated with garlands of lights, serpentine, rain and openwork snowflakes. The DJ's stand is designed as a captain's bridge, where a helm is installed and a ship's bell is suspended. The hosts' costumes may contain elements of a sailor's uniform (peakless cap, cap or sailor's collar).

Leading. Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you in this cozy hall.

How long have we been waiting for this most romantic, mysterious and fabulous holiday. They waited and prepared for it: the chefs heatedly discussed the menu, the waiters rubbed the already shining appliances, the artists rehearsed day and night! Ladies probably spent half a day at the mirror, and men..., men today are more elegant and fit than ever!

And so Christmas tree friendly winks at all of us, is a spark Have a good mood, like serpentine ribbons, fly from one to another, and this is already the beginning of our New Year's Eve evening!

We wish you a pleasant stay and will try to make this magical evening memorable for you for a long time!

Leading. December has passed in the bustle of New Year's Eve, and a magical night is approaching. On the calendar ... December, and the festive mood does not leave us for a minute. And rightly so, because everything is just beginning!

Leading. Today we have unique opportunity take a New Year's Eve cruise exotic countries, and now is the time to give all of you gift bags - surprises that will be very useful to you throughout our journey!

So, full speed ahead!

The ship's bell sounds and the roar of the departing ship.

Background music plays. The assistant distributes surprise gift bags, in which 2 sets of sparklers, New Year's whistles, 5 crackers and 2 packages of serpentine.

Leading. The coming year brings a lot of unknown and unknown for all of us. On New Year's Eve, everything always comes true, everything will always happen. So, make a wish - and it must certainly come true on this magical night!

Leading. Well, well, the hands on the clock are inexorably running forward and there is very little left before the New Year, and in order to meet it “fully armed”, I suggest everyone to carefully prepare for this. So, I invite you to take part in the New Year's quiz! The correct answer gets a token.

Gift collection of Santa Claus (Bag.)

A prop that allows Santa Claus to fight off wolves. (Staff.)

Cold in the ocean (Iceberg.)

Roof candy. (Icicle.)

A place where fish big and small are caught. (Hole.)

Sheepskin coat, which skaters have a triple. (Sheepskin coat.)

The object of artistic creativity of Santa Claus. (Window.)

Nickname of Santa Claus. (Red nose.)

What did winter salt in a birch tub? (Snowballs.)

Why did the little man cut down our Christmas tree? (Under the spine.)

How far are 3 white horses carried? (Into the ringing snow.)

Leading. Well done to those who answered the questions correctly. I congratulate you! You have become participants of the New Year win-win lottery. And those who did not give a single correct answer, I ask you not to be upset, because you will still have the opportunity to become the winner of the competition, but that will be later. And now... we are starting the New Year's lottery, and everyone who has tokens, I ask you to be careful!

A musical background sounds. There is a lottery.

Mask for your carnival

So that no one would know.

Helps you become more beautiful

And he can cheer

Comes in handy in the cold

That wonderful red nose!

You got an interesting prize,

Christmas ball, elegant!

In the New Year, to be more beautiful,

Decorate with blue tinsel.

I will give you today

New Year's bell.

Difficult trinket -

New Year's Eve!

They get you -

Lights from Bengal!

To happiness, not straying,

It's come to you for the New Year,

You light this candle

And put it on the window!

Just to everyone's surprise

Here is the decoration:

And sparkles and shines

Let it hang on the tree!

You are incredibly lucky

Get a nice prize

He spins and twists,

It's called Serpentine!

So that you do not get sick in winter,

And bloomed and prettier,

It contains a vitamin

Get a tangerine!

This rain is not real

It's not wet, it's shiny!

He is not a woman, not a man,

It's called the snowman!

You have a cool toy -

Spruce cone!

Receive a humble gift -

This amazing calendar!

So that the New Year leads the way,

We give you confetti!

Leading. Thanks to everyone who participated in our New Year's lottery! Is our trip around the world continues.

The ship's horn sounds.

Leading. So, dear friends, we did not notice how we arrived in the country rising sun- Japan. In this country they celebrate the New Year like this: they have fun for a whole week. And everyone should launch their own kite into the sky.

And I suggest you launch the dragon.

The game "Dragon" is being played.

2 teams are recruited, 10-15 people in each. Then the participants of each team line up in a column, at the back of each other's head, put their hands on the waist (or shoulders) in front of the one standing. The first number of the column is the "head" of the dragon. The last one is the tail. The task of the game is to catch someone else's dragon "tail" with your "head". In other words, the first number of one column must catch the last number of the other column. The dragon cannot be unhooked. The dragon is considered defeated if its tail is caught or if it falls apart.

The host announces the concert number.

Leading. Everyone knows that in different countries different trees are decorated for the New Year: in Africa - a palm tree, in Japan - sakura, in Russia - spruce.

And now I would like to know if you know everything about our Russian beauty - the Christmas tree.

A quiz is being held.

1. Elochkina homeland. (Forest.)

2. What color do gingerbread and cones grow on a Christmas tree at home? (Pink and gold.)

3. The process ending with the fall of the Christmas tree. (Cutting.)

4. Ancient, but not aging dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance.)

5. Performer of songs for the Christmas tree. (Blizzard.)

6. A person running past the Christmas tree at a trot is gray in all respects. (Wolf.)

7. Elochkin snow heater. (Snowball.)

8. A Christmas tree decoration that hurts the household budget on more than just the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

9. A peasant's anti-Christmas tool. (Axe.)

10. What quality of a Christmas tree makes it related to every real woman. (The desire to dress up.)

Leading. Dear friends! There is very little left before the new year, and I propose to leave everything bad and unpleasant in the old year. Let in next year we will have as many good and joyful events as there are lights on our New Year's garland!

Leading. May the coming year bring a lot of new and interesting things to all of you, and it is in your power to make sure that your most cherished desires come true this year!

dance block.

Leading. Throughout December, we live in anticipation of a miracle. We wait, we prepare, we hope. Always remain a little child, and then the doors to fairy tale will always be open to you.

I suggest you send a telegram to the main character of the holiday - Santa Claus! And maybe he will visit us!

The text of the telegram is almost ready, but I need your help: name the adjectives, what is Santa Claus like on New Year's Eve.

The guests make a comic telegram to Santa Claus. The written text is read to the guests.

Telegram for Santa Claus

Father Frost! All _____ guests are looking forward to your ____ arrival! New Year is the most holiday of the year. With ______ mood we will sing songs for you, dance _____ dances, play ____ games! It's finally _____ new year!

As much as I don't want to talk about education. But we promise that we will work hard and get only good grades.

So come quickly, open your ___ bag and give us ___ gifts.

With respect to you _____ ladies and ___ men!

Leading. In the meantime, our telegram is sent to Santa Claus, I invite everyone to the dance program.

dance block.

Dear friends!

Let's celebrate the New Year

Cheerful, kind look!

It's good that we are now

Everyone is gathered here!

Sweet smiles from the heart

There is nothing more beautiful

Santa Claus has come to us, friends!

And with him fun, happiness!

The game program of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

dance program.

The ship's horn sounds.

Leading. So, dear friends, our journey continues and we arrive in India. This mysterious, full of secrets and amazing wonders country. In India, the new year begins on the spring equinox. And today, the kind Old Man Hottabych, known to everyone since childhood, greets us.

Oriental music sounds, Old Man Hottabych comes out, welcomes all the guests.

A quiz is held, Hottabych gives prizes.

1. What are the names of the heroes of the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs"? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.)

2. To whom such a song was sung: “Bayu-bayushki, oink-oink, calm down, I say!” (Stupid mouse.)

3. In which fairy tale do nightingales do not sing for pigs? (“Telephone” by K. Chukovsky.)

4. The pigs meowed: “Meow-meow!”, And who grunted? (Kits.)

5. Who wrote the lines: “A pig will grow out of a son if the son is a pig”? (V. Mayakovsky.)

6. In what fairy tale G.-Kh. Andersen sang a song about Augustine? ("Swineherd".)

7. Who pronounces the following words: “Oh, you are ugly, oh, you are a dirty, unwashed pig!” (Moydodyr.)

8. In what fairy tale do piglets sing: “You are a pig and I am a pig, we are all brothers of a pig”? ("Cat house".)

9. A kid with a pig character. (Pig.)

10. Halfback pig. (Fang.)

11. Pork layer. (Salo.)

12. Pig bath. (Puddle.)

13. Brutal Piglet. (Boar.)

14. An event that increases piggy. (Farrow.)

15. The prominent part of the pig's face. (Piglet.)

16. One of the popular TV presenters of the evening program. (Piggy.)

dance block.

The ship's horn sounds.

Leading. Well, dear friends! Time inexorably flies forward, and we arrive in next country, the most romantic and fabulous. And that country is France!

Paris, Triumphal Arch, Eiffel Tower. These names are simply breathtaking. And this is the most suitable place for all lovers.

Do we have lovers in the hall?

The audience responds.

Leading. And now is the time to look into our surprise packages and find cards with the names of the heroes of literary works and just famous personalities.

Each of you now has such a card, and now, literally for 5 minutes, we will try to create new pairs. The couple that I name goes to the center of the hall and performs the dance that will sound for her.

There is a dance competition for couples.

Couple is a winner dance competition- receives prizes. In honor of her, volleys of firecrackers sound from each table.

The ship's horn sounds.

Leading. So, dear friends, we are arriving in the next country. This is Africa. You know, in one of the tribes, in Kenya, on New Year's Eve, when they meet, the tribesmen spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit on each other, but we’ll try to congratulate our friends in African style.

A pacifier competition is being held. That one wins. who will spit out a dummy farther than others.

Leading. Well, well, we have 3 winners (boys) who will now go to the hall and choose a lady for themselves.

With three couples, the game "Feed blindly" is played. The participants-ladies are blindfolded, and they, in turn, try to feed their man with a banana. The winning couple receives prizes. In honor of her, volleys of firecrackers sound from each table.

Leading. Papuans do not have the right to eat pig meat, as they consider it a member of their family, and yet they kill it for meat. What way out of this situation was found? (They killed pigs from neighbors, then they already ate this meat with a clear conscience.)

In their New Year's customs, an important place is occupied by a ritual dance around a palm tree. Let's try and do that.

A ritual dance is performed around an impromptu palm tree.

Leading. And in Africa, on New Year's Eve, the strongest man of the tribe is chosen.

The game "Burst the ball" is held. Each team member inflates balloon until it bursts. The winner is the one whose balloon burst first. Fanfare is played in honor of the strongest man in the tribe.

Leading. I bury to celebrate the New Year at a party, but at home it’s still better, we are returning home to Russia.

It sounds like "Lady".

What is the Russian New Year without a snowman? Let's try to build a snowman!

There is a contest for the best toilet paper snowman. 2 pairs of participants are called. Ladies "sculpt" a snowman from their gentleman, i.e. wrap it around toilet paper. When conducting this competition, it is important to remember that the main thing is not speed, but quality!

The winning couple will receive prizes. Firecrackers sound.

dance block.

Leading. Dear friends! People say: "The best song that has not yet been sung, best city, which has not yet been built, best year which euje has not lived". So let the new year bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Dance block with sparklers.

Leading. Dear friends! I have a feeling that all the funniest, smartest, beautiful people, and, taking this opportunity, I would like to award especially distinguished ones!

So, we begin the awarding in the nominations:

- "The best dancer";

- "Wasp waist";

- "Courage of the city coast";

- "Miss Surprise";

- “My years are my wealth”;

- "The most cheerful";

“Beauty is a terrible force.”

Leading. We thank everyone who traveled today with us! After all, we not only met the New Year, but also made many new friends, and this, as you know, is a good omen!

Happy New Year again, friends! See you soon!

New Year's songs are played. The guests leave the hall.

Leader 1 . Good evening to everyone in this room!

Leader 2 . Hello dear guests!

Leader 1 . Hello everyone who came to this hall, and even those who were late for the ball. We congratulate everyone, invite everyone to let only laughter sound in this hall!

Leader 2 . Happy New Year, with new happiness, we congratulate you again. The holiday is cheerful and the evening is beautiful, it's time for us to start.

Leader 1 . Listen! As if in a magical dream, lights will shine at school today, music will sound here and laughter is a festive evening for everyone today.

Leader 2 . Whoever loves laughter, who knows how to joke, let him come to this hall. we invite everyone, we invite everyone to the New Year's carnival.

Leader 1 . Festive, cheerful, full of healing smiles on every face. Winter, joyful, exciting, it is not repeated twice.

Leader 2 . Listen, listen to the highest order: it's time to have fun, it's time for us to rejoice. in the one who fulfills these precepts, now all dreams come true.

Leader 1 . Happy New Year, we congratulate you, we wish you all happiness, so that you can live this year both sadly and without troubles, so that you work willingly, but have fun on the holiday. And success to you in business, smiles on everyone's lips.

Leader 2 . This is our opening speech, we all started well, and now we ask everyone to make noise and laughter in the hall, so that you meet the artists and sincerely applaud them. We didn’t sleep for more than one night and prepared a fairy tale for you, don’t blame me, somehow it’s not in harmony, because this fairy tale is in a new way.

Leader 1 . We ask you, do not sleep! Get in the hall and whistle! They are already sitting on the needles under the tree fairy-tale heroes, we will invite them to this hall for a festive carnival.

Leader 2 . Listen, it's time for us to shut up and start our fairy tale! And so, the wonderful tale of Little Red Riding Hood and gray wolf we are shown the honored artists of our school, students of grade 9

(Fairy tale)

Leader 1 . We thank the 9th graders for their fairy tale. Our festive New Year's program continues. therefore more jokes, more laughter, are allowed with us, everyone dance, have fun, because the time has come for this.

Leader 2 . Today we have fun, we are celebrating the New Year, and we warmly welcome everyone who came to us.

Leader 1 . Waiting for surprises for everyone in the new year, in the year of _____! 11 classes will soon be finishing school, there are only chores ... do not worry, certificates will be issued in June days!

Leader 2 . It will be difficult for you to go to college in the year ___! Your troubles are completely useless, I want to give advice politely: a lot of good, bright changes await you in the new year, so work, don’t be lazy and the bell will strike good luck!

Leader 1 . Happy New Year, tenth grade! happiness to you! heat in the house! good deeds to you, good friends and best assessments, be strong, strong, courageous, hardworking in health.

Leader 2 . Helmet best congratulations class we are nine! let love warm your heart, all your life and everywhere, and everywhere! may hope not fade away in you, people always respect!

Leader 1 . Let the beauty of the girls not fade. Let fate bloom luxuriously! let love be for everyone, like the plants of the sun in the field!

Leader 2 . We wish our teachers that there is mutual understanding, that the seeds of sciences germinate with a high harvest!

Leader 1 . We wish you to start new business in the new year, and such that your stubborn deeds already thundered about!

Leader 2 . Let life in the country become both stable and prosperous, so that the life given to us by God can be lived with dignity by everyone! Together: Happy New Year! With new happiness! Happy New Year you are greeted by the melodious voices of our school

Leader 1 . It's time to call those without whom the new year does not happen, I think that everyone guessed who in question? Therefore, all together, we will call together: “Santa Claus! Snow Maiden"

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter the hall)

Snow Maiden: Good evening, dear friends! Happy New Year! With new happiness! Let me congratulate you and sincerely wish you the best in the world!

Father Frost :
God bless, have a good time
For goodness to visit you!
To have a lot
For your life to flourish.
We sow, we sow, we sow.
Happy New Year to you!

Snow Maiden :
May the new year be in every school
Bring good enough
Full of sun, full of laughter
All for joy and pleasure.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
And best wishes:
Everyone should live in health -
Both big and small!

Father Frost :
May your dreams come true
All this year
Let fate smile on you
At every step!
So that in happiness and health
From now your time has come!
Happy New Year!

Leader 2 . Well, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are in place. You can move on to entertainment.

Leader 1 . Oh, and I caught a snowflake, I need to make a wish.

Leader 2 . And what?

Host 1: Listen! All my life I dreamed of attending a real ball, well, at least for 5 minutes, so that there were real beauties, princes and a waltz.

Leader 2 . On New Year's Eve, all wishes come true, so you will have a waltz.

(Dance "waltz" from students of ___ class)

Leader 1 . Well, how are you tonight?

Leader 2 . Seems ok! but I want something super fun.

Leader 1 . Then it's time to move on to games, competitions and entertainment.

(Games, contests and entertainment are held)

Before celebrating the New Year and leaving for the winter holidays, all schools begin to conduct mass matinees for students. If a couple of competitions with gifts are enough for kids, then for older children, the organizers try to pre-create a modern and funny scenario for the New Year.

Pupils sometimes prepare funny scenes for the holiday themselves. But in order not to come up with a script for the New Year for high school students on your own, you can use several ready-made options. It is easy to swap the prepared New Year's scenes or add others to create a cool and modern scenario that takes into account the interests and hobbies of teenagers.

Scenario for the New Year 2019

A mass matinee is held for high school students: 9, 10 and 11. The event takes place in the form of a costume ball, where the guys do not walk like kids around the Christmas tree, but sit at tables or on chairs in the auditorium. Sometimes in the process of action they are involved in the game, but more often they act as passive participants, watching the unfolding events.

Children from parallel classes or teachers who wish to participate are suitable for the role of leaders.

The students are divided into pairs, to the sounds of classical music they enter the prepared Assembly Hall. They sit down in pre-scheduled places, and the event begins.

Presenter 1:“So we met all those gathered in this decorated hall!”
Host 2:“Happy New Year 2019 to everyone! Let the coming a year will pass without sorrows, worries, as easy and fun as today's holiday!
Presenter 1:“Today everyone is ordered to have fun, celebrate, laugh, have fun, but I don’t hear any trampling, or whistling, or laughter at all.”
Host 2:"It's time to start today's show. A wonderful fairy tale will now be shown by the artists of our school - students of the 10th grade.

On a note!

In the skits for the matinee of high school students, it is more interesting to involve students from younger classes. Then the event will be held in a friendly and "kindred" atmosphere of fellow students of the same educational institution.

Scene based on the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"

Everyone knows the fairy tale "Snow Maiden". This scene is perfect for celebrating the New Year. Moreover, they will be played in a modern way. It involves several schoolchildren who have to choose the right outfits. The scenery is prepared in advance, as the events take place in the house and on the street.

The old man and the old woman are sitting in the house. It is snowing outside the window, the children are making snowmen and snowmen, they are driving each other on a sleigh. The old man and the old woman are having a leisurely dialogue with each other.

Old man: “Old woman, maybe we can make ourselves a snow girl? I really want children's laughter to be heard in our house.
Old woman: « Good idea. Well, let's go, blind ourselves a daughter.
The old man and the old woman go out into the yard and fashion a daughter for themselves. As snow, you can use pieces of cotton wool, behind which the heroine will then quietly hide. The old people stand and admire her.
Old woman: "She came out beautiful!"
Old man: "I agree, we did a good job."
Old woman: “Look soon, my daughter's cheeks are reddened and lips. This is a miracle!”
The Snow Maiden looks at the Old Man and the Old Woman with a smile, and then tries to move her arms and legs and steps over the snowdrift.
Old man: "She is alive! I'm so happy! Let's go to the house!"

Music begins to play, the old people and the Snow Maiden enter the house. There they sing songs, dance, dance. After some time, the music is changed, now the birds are singing, the sound of drops from melting icicles.

Old woman: “Spring has come to us. It'll get warmer soon."

The old man and the old woman notice that the Snow Maiden is sad.

Old man: "What happened, daughter? You spent the whole winter having fun, singing and dancing, and now you are sad. Maybe something hurts you?
Snow Maiden: "It's all right, I'm healthy."

The old people do their work: they cook, clean. Summer is coming. Girlfriends come to call the Snow Maiden for a walk. The Snow Maiden refuses, hiding from the sun, continuing to be sad.

Old woman: “What are you, daughter? Go for a walk, have fun."

The girls go outside, go to the forest, sing, have fun, but the Snow Maiden continues to be sad. Gradually it gets dark, the girls collect brushwood and kindle an impromptu fire. Everyone takes turns jumping over it, and the Snow Maiden, jumping over, disappears behind the scenery. Everyone starts looking for her and calling to no avail. The process lasts 1-2 minutes.

And then she appears. During the search by the rest of the heroes, the Snow Maiden manages to change into the costume of the girl Elsa from the cartoon "Frozen". At the same time, the second actor appears in the form of the funny snowman Olaf. Both have umbrellas in their hands with bundles of cotton wool attached. Appearing on stage, she says: “Now I will never evaporate, because I, like Olaf, have my own snow cloud!” The old man and the old woman embrace their transformed granddaughter. The scene comes to an end, the actors bow, the audience clap their hands.

On a note!

After the completion of one action and before the start of another, the attention of unused schoolchildren must be switched from the stage to another part of the hall. For this, it is more convenient to place the presenters away, for example, near the Christmas tree. Then between different episodes it will be much easier to remove the beaten props and install a new one.

Presenter 1:“Thanks to our actors for such beautiful scene! And we continue to have fun!
Host 2:“The coming year of the 11th grade dirt pig is tough, but we hope you won't wallow in the dirt as hard as she did. And we wish you to successfully pass all the exams and enter the best universities!”
Presenter 1:“We wish the tenth graders excellent grades and good friends and buddies nearby! May kindness always warm your hearts! And the pig squeal of happy friends does not distract from the transfer exams.
Host 2:“May the coming year for the ninth grade be successful, may everyone around you respect and support, and may there always be a spark of hope in your soul! And the Pig will give you perseverance, and you will achieve your goals. Those who decide to leave the school of success in vocational guidance. For those who remain, try not to completely destroy the school!”
Presenter 1:“Well, now let’s be goodies! After all, the time has come to invite those without whom no New Year can be celebrated. Let's meet Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with applause!

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka enter the hall and wave to everyone.

Snow Maiden:"Happy New Year! I wish you all great happiness!”
Father Frost:“Let all dreams become a reality, and let health never leave!”
Presenter 1:“Grandfather, you probably love the famous Soviet classics of cinema. "The Irony of Fate" is a traditional New Year's film. And for everything good films they usually make remakes. The students of our school have prepared a scene based on this wonderful movie especially for you and the Snow Maiden.”

Scene based on the film "Irony of Fate"

Students show how they shoot one scene from the film "Irony of Fate". Several people take part in the skit, playing the role of Zhenya, Ippolit, Nadia, the director and the Christmas tree. It's funnier if all the roles are played by the same boys.

Director:“Sooooo. Everyone in their places, let's start shooting!

The music from the film "The Irony of Fate" is playing, Zhenya is sleeping on a mattress in the form of a bed. Nadia enters the apartment and notices stranger. The Christmas tree stands defiantly independently in the corner. All actors pronounce their words insipidly and casually, without emotional overtones, like news on the radio.

Nadia:“What are you doing? Get out of my house!"
Zhenya:"Leave me alone, I want to sleep."

Nadya takes a kettle from the table and starts pouring water on Zhenya.

Zhenya:“Stop! Are you taking me for a lawn? Where did you take the headset from Poland?

A call rings out. Nadia goes to the door. Hippolyte enters the apartment with flowers.


Director:"Stop! Enough! Where are the emotions? A young woman finds a completely unknown person in her house! She is sad and terrified at the same time! The man is also upset, someone took his Polish headset! Show your emotions!

Behind the scenes, sad music is turned on, the tree hangs its branches in frustration. A sad Zhenya lies on the mattress. Nadia enters the apartment, notices him.

Nadia:(in a very sad tone) “What have you lost here? Who are you?"
Zhenya:(almost sobbing) “What are you up to? I want to sleep."

Nadia chokes on tears, trying to pour water on Zhenya.

Zhenya:“Enough, am I a lawn or what? Where is my headset from Poland?

Someone rings the doorbell, Nadia runs into the hallway to open the door as soon as possible. Hippolyte, wiping her tears with a handkerchief, enters the apartment.

Hippolyte:(sobbing sadly) "Nadya!"

Director:"Enough! Set up a crazy house here! We're doing comedy! Elka did a great job! So, only about her and we will make a movie! All in place! Let's start again."

Sounds like funny music, Zhenya reads a magazine with jokes under the covers, chuckles. Nadia comes in, sees Zhenya and starts laughing.

Nadia:"Who are you?"
Zhenya:(also bursts into laughter): “A horse in a coat! Where did my headset from Poland go?

Hippolyte enters the apartment, laughing loudly.

Hippolyte:(bursting with laughter and breaking into hiccups) "Nadya!".
Director:“What a disgrace this is! What am I paying money for? I'm messing around with you, and I'm a genius! Do you understand, fools? Elka is well done again! Let's do it again!"

Ominous music is playing, someone is rustling and suspiciously fumbling under the rug. The tree grins evilly and looks around. Nadia enters the apartment and cautiously walks to the bed.

Nadia:(in a frightened whisper) "Who are you?"
Zhenya:(displeasedly awake) "Well, I want to sleep."

Nadya takes the kettle off the table and pours water on Zhenya.

Zhenya jumps up sharply, his protruding vampire fangs can be seen.

Zhenya:(advancing aggressively) "Where's my headset?"

Something hits the door, the lifeless Hippolyte tumbles into the apartment.

Director:(tired and doomed) "Okay, that's enough. Let's try fantasy."

All the lights are burning near the Christmas tree, Zhenya is jumping around the room with a lightsaber. Nadia enters the apartment.

Nadia:"Who are you?"
Zhenya:"I am a Jedi. I need to pick up my Polish headset.”

The door swings open. Hippolyte is walking in the guise of Darth Vader.

Director:“No, it's not all that. We need a reliable option - Indian cinema!

An Indian song is playing, the tree is dancing, wriggling with its entire “trunk”, Zhenya is already sleeping under the mattress. Nadia enters.

Nadia:(moving in dashes, in a singsong voice) “Who are you? Give me an answer!".

Douse Zhenya with water from a teapot.

Zhenya:"What are you doing?"

He gets up and rolls up his sleeves. Nadya sees a large painted stain on Zhenya's hand.

Nadia:“I have a birthmark of the same shape! Brother!".

They both begin to sing and dance. Somebody's knocking on the door. Nadia unlocks the door, Hippolyte comes to them and stretches his arms to the girl. Nadia sees the same birthmark.

Zhenya And Nadia:"Father!".
Director:“Okay, not so bad now. We are all tired today. Will see you tomorrow".

The actors take the stage and bow to the audience.

Host 2:“What our actors are great! They made such a cool remake!
Presenter 1:“Yes, the students did their best, came up with wonderful scenes for the New Year for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.”


More than two scenes featuring involved characters to hold at the event school level impractical. Because the time for the matinee is regulated and you must definitely meet it. In addition, it is time for teenagers to stretch themselves and participate in more dynamic events than just being spectators.

Host 2:"Now let's get to the fun!"
Presenter 1:“Oh, I caught a snowflake! Now I'll make a wish."
Host 2:"Tell us all what you want."
Presenter 1:“All my life I dreamed of attending a ball where princes and princesses are present, and that they would definitely dance a waltz. At least 5 minutes to visit there!”.
Father Frost:"No problem! On this day, all desires become a reality, so here's a ball for you!

Students begin to dance to old classical music.

Host 2:"Well, how do you like our ball?"
Presenter 1:“I am satisfied, I like everything so much! Now it would be nice to start having fun."
Host 2:"Then let's move on to the competition!".


Presenter 1:“Santa Claus needs help packing presents. Girls, which one of you knows how to do it beautifully?

1 - Competition "Gift Wrapper". The hosts choose several girls, report that for the Snow Maiden best gift- this is a man. Therefore, girls choose guys as a gift and pack them with toilet paper. For a certain amount of time, they wrap the guys in paper. The girl who wraps her gift the most beautifully and fastest of all wins. The hosts give her a badge.

Host 2:"Next competition for those who love to watch movies."

2 - For the competition, those who wish are chosen, who take turns saying the names of films related to the New Year holidays. The one who does not remember in time is eliminated, and the one who names the most films wins. The hosts give the winner a token as a reward.

Presenter 1:"Now it's a marksmanship contest, you need to throw snowballs into the basket."

3 - The hosts divide the participants equally into two teams, give each a few snowballs. Each player takes turns throwing their balls into the basket. When everyone has done this, the presenters count the number of balls. The team that throws the most snowballs wins. All participants receive a token.

4 - Those who wish are given a hoop. They twist it with their hands clasped behind their heads. At the same time, they sing an excerpt of eight lines from the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." The hosts give out a token to those who do not drop the hoop and do not open their hands during the hula hoop and singing.

Host 2:"And the rest of the guys will hold a casting for the symbol of the year."

2-3 participants are selected, who will have to run around the hall, portraying the animal of the upcoming 2019. You can kneel down, defiantly lie in the mud, and chew on the depicted food. But if classmates still didn’t guess, make a characteristic grunt. The winner is determined by audience voting, he is given a patch on an elastic band.

Presenter 1:“Now everyone can test their knowledge about the New Year in a quiz! Grandpa, take the last survey this year, check what students are preparing at this school?

On a note!

Before the quiz, it is necessary to organize the event in such a way that the maximum number of children have tokens. Therefore, Santa Claus will have to hand them over 2-3 or more pieces, to everyone who answers as quickly and correctly as possible.


Santa Claus and his granddaughter are holding a quiz consisting of several questions. For each correct answer, the student is given one token. You can choose joke questions:

  1. What is the home of the Christmas tree called? (Forest)
  2. What is the name of the ritual dance around the Christmas tree, which has been carried out since ancient times? (Round dance)
  3. What suspicious woodland personality is trotting past a Christmas tree? (Wolf)
  4. What is this called a natural phenomenon that causes massive falls, broken noses, or fractures? (Ice)
  5. What kind of ball is this, where everyone hides their real personality? (Masquerade)
  6. What is the name of the drink, opening which guests risk? (Champagne)
  7. What is the name of the only fish that is dressed in a fur coat for the New Year? (Herring)
  8. What kind of sculptures from natural natural material white color symbolize the New Year? (Snowman)
  9. What is the name of the special New Year's lighter? (Fireworks, Bengal candle)
  10. When there is a great need for it, they must throw it away, and when it becomes unnecessary, they take it with them. (Anchor)
  11. A transparent sieve hangs, de knitted or crocheted. (Gossamer)
  12. We do not have time to escort one out the door, as the other is already entering. (New Year)
  13. New Year's salary of a forester, if there is a crisis in the country. (Christmas tree)
  14. Why do all pirates have only one eye? (Drank champagne for the New Year, the cork was knocked out)

The quiz is over, Santa Claus announces the lottery. He calls the numbers, and the students compare them with those written on the tokens received earlier. If the number matches, Grandfather gives the student a gift with that number.

Presenter 1:“Well, 2019 is starting and our holiday is ending.”
Host 2:“Father Frost and the Snow Maiden go further, and we wish everyone success in any endeavors in the coming year!”