Famous all over the world tourist centre- The Indian state of Goa annually receives millions of tourists from all over the world, incl. Russians. There really is something to see and where to relax.

How to determine best season to Goa? What is the best time for a sightseeing or beach holiday? When is the best time to go to Goa for a vacation? This important information you need to know before you go to distant India.

This Indian state is located on west coast subcontinent. The climate in Goa is such that you can distinguish winter from summer only by humidity, you will surely like it here even during the rainy season in Goa.

Holiday seasons in Goa

When describing the local climate, it should be remembered that the state is divided into two parts: northern and southern, and has different climatic features in these parts. In the north of the state, young people have fun, and the south is more respectable, families with children rest here.

When deciding when is the best time to go to Goa, remember that the weather in the state is divided into winter, summer and monsoon seasons. Winter comes in November and ends in March. Further, the whole Vienna until the end of June, June lasts the Indian summer.

And the rainy season in Goa lasts from July to October. This time is also quite suitable for relaxing in this wonderful place, where even today you can find pure natural corners, untouched by human civilization.


Winter in the state lasts from November to March. There is a wonderful sunny, warm and mild weather, so winter here is the High Season, i.e. When is the best time to visit Goa?

In winter, there is no sweltering heat, the air temperature during the day approaches +32 Celsius, which is optimal for residents of our northern latitudes. The water in the sea warms up to + 28C, which is ideal for swimming and diving.

This is the best time for a beach holiday and the most comfortable season for holidays in Goa. Therefore, it is in winter that most Russians purchase vouchers or book rooms in local hotels.


In March, the air slowly warms up to +35-+36C. Humidity also begins to grow steadily, it becomes more difficult to breathe and endure the heat. It's not the best time to go to Goa.

The water in the sea is very overheated - + 30- + 33C - it does not refresh the bathing people. There is a sensation of bathing in a warm bath. The heat, together with the humidity, does not recede even at night; it is impossible to sleep without an air conditioner.

For northern Russians, the Indian summer is hard, but for southern Russians, it may turn out to be quite the right time when it is best to relax in Goa to warm up well under the hot Indian sun.


In late June - early July, monsoon showers begin. It rains for many days in a row, and the air temperature reaches +40C. In dwellings and other premises, the humidity is at least 90%. Swimming in the sea is almost impossible due to storms.

The rainy season in India in Goa is for those who are interested tropical flora, blooming at this time in all its glory. The monsoon rains fill it with natural beauty and life force. And prices for vacationers are noticeably cheaper.

The rainy season in Goa lasts until October, after which the precipitation gradually stops, the monsoons leave, and the dry, warm and sunny season great beach holiday.

And when is the best time to relax in Goa for months? Let's try to paint monthly air temperature and sea ​​water, air humidity and precipitation. According to these indicators, it is easier to choose an individual holiday season in this state.


By the end of autumn, monsoon showers and long storms stop, the weather is set, comparable to July or August in central Russia. Most tourists consider November the time when it is best to relax in Goa.

At noon in November, the air temperature rises to +32C, and at night it becomes cooler - +22C. The water in the sea warms up to + 29C, the air humidity is about 70%, the weather is dry, calm, there is almost no precipitation.

Since November, local hotels and beaches have been filled with tourists from all over the world, which means that prices for tourist services are rising. The resting public has fun at discos, festivals, folk holidays etc.

Season in Goa: which month to choose to fly to where there is "unsanitary-dirt-horror" (quote from couch tourists), but warm sea and low price tag?

Who doesn't want to go to the sea at all? Forest of hands, I thought so. Why do many travelers go/fly/rush to go to Goa? Because the most party and European state of India. Plus, to the best of palms, exotics and this hipster atmosphere “you will not return the same!”. Therefore, remember: when it starts tourist season?

The first visitors take sunbeds In November when the season starts. And light up all the way I'm at home when it ends. At this time, there is an excellent beach holiday and a calm sea, the temperature of which does not drop below + 26 ° С.

The heat is +35°С and the tourist season comes in winter. December, January and February - best months for a holiday in Goa, judging by the thermometer and lack of precipitation.

This mini-table hastily will help you answer the questions: When is the rainy season in Goa?, a when can you fly.

January February March April May June July August September October november December

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When is the best time to go on vacation to Goa?

When is the best time to go? Depends on your expectations and wishes. Consider each season in Goa by months:

➢ Since October, connoisseurs of antiquities and excursions have been pulling up: it doesn’t pour anymore, it doesn’t bake yet. In addition, mid-autumn + calm sea = diving

➢ from December to March - bathing season in Goa. Are coming couples with children, old and young, hungry for parties

➢ April and May - the time for surfers and everyone who wants to save on vacation

low season(summer) suitable for fans of Ayurveda and other wellness methods

In February 2019 when beach season Goa is in full swing, you can snatch vouchers (flight + transfer + accommodation) from 60,000 rubles for 10 days. To this figure, do not forget to add a visa for two (5498 rubles). Taking into account all the costs, the cost of a tour for two in Goa will cost at least 65,500 rubles.

Review of prices in Goa for 3, 7, 11 and 14 days catch ↓

The price is for one person when buying a tour for two

Season at popular resorts in Goa

  • north goa
  • south goa

The climate in both parts is the same, it is difficult to say where the sea is warmer. And holiday season starts the same way in October-early November. Prices for food and accommodation (from cheap guest houses to expensive all-inclusive fives) in both the north and south are also quite even. What is the difference?

north goa

The northern beaches of Goa (Arambol, Kerim, Mandrem) are, first of all, dark volcanic sand, and therefore cloudy water. Also, I look at the reviews of tourists, I see: "very noisy and crowded = dirty." The beach season in Goa begins at the end of autumn, but hunters come to the northern part on excursions already in October.

Who cares here? Young and active: discos, nightclubs and inexpensive guesthouses - you can find anything in the north. The abundance of the latter has cemented the reputation of a cheap resort for this part of the state. Although hotels for fans all inclusive are also available.

south goa

The sand on the banks of Patnem, Benaulim or Varka (south) is white, the sea is clear, and life is quiet and measured even in hot season. charms nightlife(clubs only in Palolem) replace natural beauty: mountains and richer tropical vegetation.

Like the rest of India, Goa freezes and lives a different life during the monsoon season. But for the south, this is the beginning of health tourism: if the season begins in spa hotels, it means that it is raining outside.

Who should pack their bags? Families with children and vacationers in age.

Weather in Goa by months - 2019

Now in detail about Goa by month: when is it cold in the state and where is it warmer?

Goa in September, October and November

In Goa, in the fall, long precipitation is replaced by the holiday season. Already in September you can fly to the coast without fear of being washed away by tropical downpours.

Many tourists consider the first month of autumn to be one of the best for holidays:

✓ air humidity decreases from 100% to 86%

✓ the temperature rises to +30°С

✓ on beaches without crowds

Only the sea is still stormy, swimming is prohibited!

In October the elements are calming down, clear water is waiting for divers. Short-term rains no longer frighten tourists who come for the sake of Indian antiquities. By the way, autumn is the best time for excursions.

In November Finally, it's time to tinker! Humidity is less, rains come to naught, the sea is filled with bathers. The thermometer column creeps up to + 33 ° C during the day.

Goa in December, January and February

Goa in winter is crowded and noisy. We will analyze traditionally by months.

Goa in March, April and May

Winds come to Goa in the spring, humidity increases, which means the weather will roar (rainy season).

In March still swimmable. The air temperature (+34°C) and sea water (+28°C) is high, there is still no precipitation, but vacationers are gradually leaving the state. March winds, which can hardly be called storms, drive waves to the coast (surfers are delighted).

In April the heat persists even at night. The sun loungers are empty, the wave hunters remain. Such a the Velvet season, still get some rest.

In May officially the end of the beach season. India, and Goa in particular, are preparing to meet the rains. In early May, there are no showers yet, but the high air temperature, coupled with high humidity, makes staying in the country unbearable for many.

Good news! If you can easily bear such climatic conditions, you're lucky. This month, as in December, you can find quite a budget tour - from 60,000 rubles for two (10 days).

When is the rainy season in Goa?

In the summer, when the rainy season in Goa is in full swing, only the most desperate tourists can be found here. Yes, there are those too.

Goa in summer (June, July, August)

In June the rains are just warming up sunny days at least half, but the sea is already muddy, garbage and algae are washed ashore. Water in June - fresh milk (+29°С). In July real tropical downpours begin. Less rain only in August . But the monsoons are still blowing in full, swimming is prohibited.

We summarize: when and where is it better to go to Goa without compromising the budget?

When is the cheapest time to go on vacation to Goa?

March to September. Tour prices, public transport, taxi, rental, products in the markets and food in cafes are significantly lower. Only it’s better not to meddle in the sea since May: the waves are raging, the waves are beating, and the water is like a wall from the sky at any moment.

But! There are always budget tours in Goa, and in December and February, this is the direction. You can save even before Christmas and New Year, when tour operators make promotions and discounts on tours.

Is it worth buying a tour in the off-season?

It depends on what "off season" we are talking about.

◊ Is it worth it to go in September or May - I will answer: “yes!”. If you don’t succeed in swimming, then the rest of the delights of an exotic vacation will completely overshadow this trouble: the hot sun, ripe fruit all year round and “Oh, this view of the ocean!”

◊ Gathered in the summer? Not the best season for a holiday in Goa in India. Tropical showers are still the scenery for a dream vacation ... Yes, and health, in order to survive them, you need a heroic one. Ironic. After all, it is at this time that they go to the state for treatment

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The climate of the state is considered subtropical, regardless of whether you are planning a trip to the south or to north goa. There is no change of seasons that we are accustomed to. Goa's climate can be divided into two main seasons: the dry season and the rainy season.

High season (Dry season)

The dry season in Goa lasts from October to May and is considered best time for active tourist holiday. The amount of precipitation at this time of the year is reduced to almost zero, which attracts a huge number of people who like to swim and sunbathe here. Air humidity during these months averages 60-70 percent, which is quite comfortable for residents. middle lane Russia and Europe.

Vacationing in Goa high season, you must use sunscreen with a high UV protection factor. The sun in the tropics is very active and you can get burned here in the first days of rest very quickly. Also carry a bottle of clean water with you. drinking water, it will relieve you of thirst.

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Early booking and last minute tours

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Rainy Season (Low season)

From June to September, monsoons begin to blow in Goa, waves appear on the sea and the rainy season begins. This is the most not auspicious time for holidays in India. It rains almost all the time during these months, sometimes for several days without a break, and the air humidity is often around 100 percent. Tourists at this time of the year usually prefer to leave for other regions, so many restaurants, bars and hotels are closed during these months until the start of the new tourist season. Rental prices in Goa fall sharply during the rainy season.

Even though during the day average temperature air is approximately 25 - 35 degrees Celsius, at night it can quickly drop to +20. If you are planning evening walks along the beach, it will not be superfluous to put something like a windbreaker in your suitcase.

Average temperature in Goa at night all year round keeps in the region of 20-25 degrees Celsius.

The water temperature in the Indian Ocean on the coast of Goa (Arabian Sea) remains almost the same throughout the year - about 26-28 degrees Celsius. On some days it can warm up to +35.

When is the best time to visit Goa?

Citizens of European countries usually rest in Goa from October to March, while our compatriots and Israelis have a slightly longer tourist season - from September to April. It is worth warning you that recent times, the climate on planet Earth is changing and the change of seasons in Goa can easily shift by a month in any direction.

For vacationers tropical climate is the endless sun and gentle sea. Tour operators open and close the season in Goa. Their reality is almost no different from the glossy pictures of advertising brochures. Another thing is if you fly to India on your own. In this case, it is very important to decide on priorities and guess with the season.

Should I go to Goa

Seasons in India have a pronounced character. The mass flow of tourists to Goa begins in October and ends in February. At this time, everything works for vacationers. Costs good weather, resort entertainment is available in full, and the load on the Dabolim airport increases many times due to charters from all over the world. In the high season, holidays in India turn into a bright kaleidoscope of oriental culture with a stunning eclecticism of informal movements and esoteric practices.

The rainy season falls on summer months. At this time, there are almost no tourists here. The state of Goa is becoming inaccessible, there are very few direct flights. You have to fly with several transfers. Yes, and you won’t be able to relax in the classical sense: rainy weather leaves no chance for swimming and sunbathing, flooded cities and villages are not available for excursions.

You can fly to Goa for a month or more only for the purpose of recovery. Indian fruits, Ayurvedic centers, meditation and yoga also have their fans.

There is a period between the dry season and the rainy season. comfortable climate like in winter, but already more predictable and calm compared to summer. In September-October and from March to May, there are all conditions for a beach holiday, the infrastructure works, but the flow of tourists is much less.

When is the best time to go to Goa

Depending on preferences, everyone chooses for himself when it is better and what season to relax in Goa. For a beach holiday, excursions, night parties, of course, the period from October to May is suitable. It must be borne in mind that the weather in Goa by month can be very different even within one month. This is especially true of transitional periods: the closer to the monsoons, the higher the humidity and the likelihood of precipitation.


The season in Goa opens in October. Temperature regime is at the level of +31.6 ... +32 degrees during the day, and +24 degrees at night. Feels higher, because of relative humidity about 75%. The waves are not the calmest, but there are few obstacles for a beach holiday, the water warms up to +29 degrees. There is a chance of rain and cloud cover.


In November, there are few vacationers, prices are far from peak values, but the weather is already stable. It may not rain, but on average they last no more than three days. If you wonder when is the best time to go to Goa, then November is one of the best options.

During the day you can expect +33 ... +34 degrees, and at night +22 ... +23 degrees, the air is dry - no more than 65-70%. It takes less time to acclimatize.


December is the peak season in Goa. The flow of vacationers overwhelms the coast in a dense wave, literally from the beginning of the month. The climate is even and predictable. The sea is gentle and transparent, all the conditions for a beach holiday: +28 degrees and 100 km of sand. During the day +32…+33 degrees. It can be cool at night: +20 degrees. Humidity is not more than 65%. Rain - 16 mm.

January and February

With the end of the New Year holidays in Goa, the season in India does not end. Even vice versa. There is no rain at all in January and February. The height of the dry season (moisture in the atmosphere up to 60%). At the end of winter it rises to 65%. During the day +32 degrees, at night +19 ... +20 degrees. A great opportunity to soak up the beach and have a good rest. The ocean warms up to +28 degrees. The climate creates ideal conditions for wintering in Goa. A variety of fruits and a magnificent landscape attracts many holidaymakers.

March and April

With the onset of spring, the climate changes. It becomes less predictable. The infrastructure is still working, but a trip to Goa if there are problems with cardiovascular system or respiratory organs is not desirable. The air humidity increases to 73-75%. The heat is getting harder to bear. There are very few package tourists, mostly vacationers on a long-term basis or those who have not yet left the winter.

Nevertheless, it is quite possible to relax, especially if the accommodation has air conditioning.

In March, the temperature range is within +23 degrees at night and +33 degrees during the day. In April - +25 and +33 degrees respectively. Deviations are on average 2-3 degrees. The water temperature rises to 29 degrees. The sun shines up to 10 hours out of 12, but sometimes there are clouds. There is almost no precipitation - 1-12 mm.


The most difficult transition months Goa. Humidity can be from 75-85%. At the end of the month, the rainy season begins. During the day +33 ... +35 degrees, at night - up to 27 degrees. At sea +30 degrees. Wind gusts reach up to 9 km/h.

The resort infrastructure of Goa is hastily curtailed at the beginning of the month. Prices are falling rapidly. The number of vacationers is gradually fading away. Stuffiness and heat drives even people who have come for the winter from the coast.

Rainy season in Goa by months

A completely different question is whether it is worth going to Goa during the rainy season. Tour operators unanimously reduce prices to a minimum and temporarily "forget" about the western resorts of India. This is largely justified by natural phenomena. If from October to May the weather is relatively predictable, then the climate in Goa from June to September changes quite dramatically and does not better side. No forecast can give accurate information.

In summer, there is a minimum temperature difference, high humidity - up to 85% and strong gusts of wind - about 10-13 km / h. Otherwise, the differences are only in the amount of precipitation and cloudy days. Holidays in Goa in the summer are well suited for meditation, yoga and Ayurvedic treatments. If you are not particularly striving for a beach holiday and calmly endure stuffiness, then the question of when to go should not be for you.


In June, the real element comes to Goa - the rainy season. Precipitation is 800-900 mm. A total of 22 days will be overcast and rainy. Humidity reaches 85%. The coast turns into a real sauna. During the day +29 ... +30 degrees. Twilight does not bring relief: +24…+25 degrees. The ocean is warm: +28 ... +29 degrees, but a beach holiday is simply dangerous.


July is almost the same as the previous month. A little more rainfall. Their level reaches 1000 mm. They pour on average up to 28 days. The sun is not to be expected under such conditions. The rainy season is in full swing. Goa is deserted and time stretches to infinity.


It rains in Goa for at least half a month, although about 500 mm of precipitation falls, but the holiday season is still very far away. The sun appears for no more than 4-5 hours, as in other summer months.


It is better to start wintering in Goa in September because of the minimum prices for rental housing. There are practically no vacationers, the season is far away, so it is possible to choose a house according to taste and means.

The climate at the beginning and end of the month is very different. In the first half of September it rains at night. Goa is cloudy. During the day +29 ... +30 degrees, at night - +23 ... +24 degrees. The beach season is closed, but the sea is warm +28 degrees. Without air conditioning it will be difficult.

Best time to go to Goa

When to relax in Goa depends on personal preferences:

  1. Few vacationers, working sheks, markets, restaurants and discos, the opportunity to admire the beauty and culture in a relaxed atmosphere are guaranteed in October, March-April. The climate creates a slight discomfort, the prices are pleasantly pleasing.
  2. Weak infrastructure, stuffiness and heat, but prices that have fallen to the limit and a minimum of people. A nice bonus in the form of a full set of exotic fruits is provided in September and May.
  3. An endless kaleidoscope of crowded entertainment, holidays and festivals. Magnificent climate and all the available joys of Goa, thanks to the season from November to February. In addition, the highest prices go to the load.
  4. Wellness, yoga, meditation and absolute immersion in yourself are perfectly combined with low prices summer months. It’s not the season for Goa: vacationers have left, the elements are raging on the coast, but they delight with their diversity Exotic fruits and touching the ancient practices of Ayurveda.

Many mistakenly think that a vacation on the island of Goa always looks like a vanilla picture with white sand beaches and a bright blue sea. Vacationers are in for a bit of a disappointment. Not only the contrast of climate in different seasons.

There are islands in Goa, but they are very small. The sea is more of a turquoise hue and does not always please with transparency. The most important: white sandy beaches not in Goa. In the south of the coast there is very light sand, and in the north it is completely dark, of volcanic origin.

When it is better to relax in Goa and how long the beach season lasts are topical issues for many tourists. Not all travelers realize that in India, where summer is all year round, only a few months are suitable for visiting.

India is a huge country with a very diverse climate. In Goa the most favorable climate throughout the subcontinent - mild and without strong temperature fluctuations. In other states, the air temperature in summer warms up to +50 degrees and above, and in winter it drops to +5. The climate in Goa is different from weather conditions in other states. If in November there is already snow in the Himalayas, then a beach holiday is just beginning on the Indian coast.

Conventionally, the weather in India, and in particular in the state of Goa, can be divided into 3 periods:

  • high season: comfortable with moderate heat (October to March);
  • hot, dry and windy (March to May);
  • low season: monsoon season, hot and rainy (June to September).

The tropical climate in Goa allows you to enjoy the favorable weather for exactly six months. October to March is the best time for tourists. But in each of these months the weather will not be the same.

Tourist season

In early October, rains and showers can still be observed in Goa, but from the middle of the month it begins to set. hot weather. Starting from the second autumn month, the humidity decreases, the rains stop, and the air temperature rarely exceeds +30 degrees.

In the middle of October from all foreign countries Millions of tourists flock to Goa. Tall palm trees, crisp sand, velvety sea and tropical sun create an atmosphere of "paradise" life. Increasingly, tourists prefer to go to Goa with children, despite the lack of entertainment infrastructure and children's animation.

From November to February, the weather in Goa is conducive to a comfortable stay. At this time, there are no clouds in the sky, and the air temperature during the day is + 28- + 30 degrees. At night, the air temperature can drop to +20 degrees. The water temperature in the sea during this period is always + 27- + 28 degrees. The most pleasant time for swimming is in the morning. When you swim in the sea in the morning, you can feel how hot the water is.

Going to Goa is worth not only for beach holiday. The period from October to March is great for excursion routes. Indian state is rich historical monuments and nature reserves. Do not forget about the health routes. Ayurveda originated in India, and many groups come to the Indian coast for the purpose of self-knowledge and spiritual balance. Goa has many Ayurvedic complexes and SPA centers with healing massages and relaxing treatments. And in the mornings, groups do yoga on the beach.

The sunniest month is January, with over 320 sundial. During this period, the weather is magnificent, and a festive atmosphere reigns.

It is worth going to India from November to February. The weather in Goa is considered the most comfortable for any type of holiday. The absence of rain and wind allows you to spend time carefree on the beach, rocking on light waves and drinking fresh fruit juices in beach shakes. Clear sky and the bright, but not burning, sun shines. Sometimes the sun is obscured by a light foggy haze; this weather is ideal for sightseeing routes.

From mid-February, the weather begins to change and winds hit the state. This time attracts kite surfers: constant waves and wind create the necessary conditions for this sport.

The night temperature in January-February can drop by 5-7 degrees. Tourists are advised to take a couple of warm clothes with them. They will be needed if you want to go to meet the sunrise on the beach or return late after a night of entertainment.

By the end of February, the daily temperature rises and heat sets in by March. March is considered the first month of summer in India. The temperature in the shade during the day reaches +34 degrees, and at night it does not fall below +28. April and May are the hottest summer months in India. By the end of May, the air temperature rises to 38 degrees during the daytime, weather change and the time of the monsoons comes.

Rain season

When in a good half European countries the calendar summer begins, in India there comes an unfavorable time for rest. Tourists should not go to the resort at this time. As a rule, charter flights finish their flight program in late March - early April.

In June, the rainy season begins - monsoon or mansun in a scientific way - and lasts until September. The monsoon moves from the southwestern state of Kerala across the country to the north. For four months, heavy rains and winds have been steadily falling. The sun, which sometimes peeks through the clouds, is very active. There are practically no tourists, cafes and restaurants are closed in Goa, hotels and guest houses are empty, housing prices decrease during the rains. The beaches are flooded with dirty water and littered with garbage from mountain rivers.

Many Goans enjoy the monsoon season. Festive events welcome the rainy season, countryside lush greenery blooms.

Heavy rains, tornadoes and strong wind- the height of the mansoon. Humidity and high air temperature create a feeling of a greenhouse effect.

In September, it continues to rain, and with the onset of October, mansoon ends. The sun begins to peek out, the vegetation after the rains becomes bright and saturated. The rainy season ends and the dry season begins. Some regions in the northern part of India remain cool: in Delhi, the daytime temperature during this period does not rise above +22 degrees.

Tropical fruits ripen in October: juicy mangoes, heavenly coconuts and sweet pineapples. Nature itself is preparing for the opening of the summer season.

When is the best time to go to Goa?

It's too early to go to Goa in early October, but travel agencies are already selling tickets for this time. The weather in October has not yet settled down and it may rain occasionally. October is considered a transitional month, the tourist influx is just beginning. Europeans prefer to relax in Goa from November to February. Russian tourists open the beach season in September, and the last charters leave the resort in early April.