The most dangerous and "popular" mushrooms include all types of fly agaric and death cap. They are able to destroy the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, nervous systems, completely affect the brain. And no heat treatment will help neutralize the deadly poisons contained in these mushrooms. However, there are other poisonous mushrooms which are no less dangerous. This article will teach you how to recognize non-edible mushrooms.

The most common poisonous mushrooms

The “meat of the earth”, as mushrooms are sometimes called, really has a unique taste that attracts lovers of quiet hunting again and again to look for mushroom places. Experienced "hunters" for the gourmet gift of nature are well aware that the most common and dangerous poisonous ones include:

  • brick-red false foam;
  • gray-yellow false foam;
  • smelly fly agaric;
  • satanic (false white);
  • panther fly agaric;
  • false value;
  • false fox;
  • the toadstool is pale.

It is important to know about the existence of conditionally edible, affecting the body selectively in accordance with the circumstances. In the worst case, such mushrooms can cause moderate to moderately severe poisoning. These include:

  • violinists;
  • pushers;
  • rows;
  • bittersweet;
  • valui;
  • waves;
  • mushrooms.

This category of mushrooms in its composition has poisonous resins that adversely affect the condition digestive system. The role of an antidote can be played by appropriate treatment: long-term soaking in water, which must be changed periodically, salting with aging for at least 1.5 months.

Characteristic signs of poisonous mushrooms

Neither in the world of animals nor plants there are "twins" with similar outward signs but completely different in nature. And that's exactly what happens with mushrooms. For example, the same species is divided into harmless and poisonous, while it is very difficult to distinguish them if you do not know the main false signs.

Each type of poisonous mushroom growing in Russia has its own characteristics, which you need to know about for those who are not ready to exclude from their diet on their own harvested mushrooms. Not to do fatal mistake, you need to study in detail and remember the description of mushrooms harmful to health and life.

Consider carefully appearance mushroom, the color of the cap and plates, the shape of the stem, the state of the pulp on the cut - the main rule.

This is the most famous poisonous mushroom in the world, has a second name - green fly agaric. Appears from mid-summer to late autumn, can grow in groups or alone. Likes pine and deciduous forests, especially on the edges. It is found in Russia, in many European countries and even in America.

At the first stage of development, the hat looks like a bell, then it becomes convex. Its surface attracts with its velvety and perfect smoothness. Hat diameter - 4-11 cm. Hat plates and stem are white.

To distinguish it from an edible mushroom, you need to show exceptional care. Pale grebe is first covered with a solid white film. Then, over time, it is rejected and a rim is formed around the leg, and there is also a basal cover in the form of a saccular thickening.

The danger of toadstool lies not only in the presence of deadly toxins, but also in the fact that it is extremely similar to everyone's favorite champignons or russula. Populations of both are observed in similar places, they have the same color and stem shape as edible mushrooms.

And, unfortunately, they are often confused, condemning themselves to severe poisoning, after which not everyone manages to get out alive. After all, the poisons contained in the pale toadstool are heat-resistant and dissolve in water without losing their destructive properties. It is enough to use 50 g of toadstools, and a lethal outcome is guaranteed.

There is a variety of grebe, like two drops of water similar to champignon. It has a pure white color, which is of interest. But it’s worth taking a closer look, and it becomes clear that this is another trick of these half-living, half-plant creatures. The plates under the hat are the same white and merge with the whiteness of the mushroom. In champignons, they are pinkish at first, and darken during the ripening period.

Exist medications that can eliminate the effects of the strongest toxins contained in the toadstool. But, unfortunately, the symptoms of poisoning with this fungus for a long time hidden (up to 2 days), which most often causes death when precious time is lost to save the victim.

Pale grebe does not have the usual mushroom flavor. They don't call her stinky for nothing.

This giant looks very similar to or, and is just as attractive. Often found in oak or mixed forests Russia. He can be found in middle lane, European countries. The period of active growth falls on June-September.

The hat of this "monster" can reach 25-30 cm, its color is gray or with an olive tint. The leg with a mesh pattern gradually changes its shade - at first it is yellow, then it becomes yellow-red. Its height is from 5 to 15 cm, thickness - up to 10 cm.

The plates under the hat also change color depending on the stage of development of the fungus: first greenish, then yellow, orange, red, brown-red.

Chanterelles are false

They differ in gray in green the inside of the hat, and there is no rim on the stem. They also give off an unpleasant smell, which is extremely far from mushroom.

In order not to confuse gall fungus with boletus or white, also determine its suitability by the state of the cut. The bile will show a pinkish tint, the white will not change, the boletus will darken.

They have hardly recognizable differences from conditionally edible and russula. Poisonous are equipped with a hat in the form of a cone or flat, in the middle - a small sharp tubercle. The color of the cap is from smoky gray, green to bright yellow. If you make an incision, it appears pink color.

It lives in a coniferous forest, is very similar to the honey agaric, but differs from it in the absence of a ring on the leg.

Features of poisoning

When eating any poisonous mushrooms The person has the following symptoms:

  1. Acute pain in the abdomen (stomach and intestines).
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. The head is spinning.
  4. Weakening or loss of consciousness.

When ingested certain types inedible mushrooms other signs may appear. For example, death cap causes a state that can be divided into 3 phases:

  1. Hidden lasts from 60 minutes to 1.5-2 days.
  2. The defeat of the digestive system - from 1 to 2 days.
  3. Violation of the kidneys and liver - the next day.

The first stage is dangerous because of the absence of symptoms. The second entails severe vomiting, pain in the head, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, severe weakness. During this period, it is necessary to take urgent measures, which can guarantee the salvation of the patient. The last phase is the appearance of a tar-shaped stool, the skin turns yellow, blood is found in the urine, vomit looks like coffee grounds. At this stage, it is very difficult to save the patient's life, most often a fatal outcome is likely.

Mushroom satanic is one of the most insidious, because the human body does not give any signals of poisoning for 12 hours. During this time, deadly toxins have time to hit internal organs the victim. Only after half a day the first signs appear: vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness. To these symptoms are added yellowness of the skin, eyeballs, heartbeat interruptions. Urine the color of dark beer, a noticeable enlargement of the liver, clouding of consciousness - this is a critical condition, when it is almost impossible to save a person from death.

Causes severe cutting pains in the peritoneum, loose stools, heavy sweating, excessive salivation, lacrimation, pupils narrowed to the limit. The poisoned person experiences a high fever, increased arousal, hallucinations, and slurred speech are likely.

This video provides visual information about the main features, similarities and differences between inedible and edible mushrooms:

First aid for poisoning

Gastric lavage is the most important thing to do at the first suspicion of poisoning with inedible mushrooms. This procedure can be done at home. It must be repeated up to 5 times. The victim should drink at least 5-6 glasses of water, and then artificial vomiting should be induced. To do this, take a spoon and press on the root of the tongue.

After these manipulations, the patient is sent to bed, the limbs are covered with warm heating pads, they are drunk with strong black tea. At the first stage (shortly after eating poisonous mushrooms), in the absence of diarrhea, mild laxatives are given. Need to follow up blood pressure to prevent the drastic decline that laxatives can cause by dehydrating the body.

All these actions should be done immediately until the ambulance arrives, which must be called in advance.

How many times have the world been told how dangerous poisonous mushrooms are, but, unfortunately, not all people behave wisely by eating dubious species. No one calls for abandoning mushrooms, because it is enough to learn how to correctly recognize them, and the risk of getting poisoned will be reduced to zero.

If you ask the question: “What is the most poisonous mushroom?”, Then many will call fly agaric. However, fly agaric is the common collective name for a whole genus of poisonous mushrooms. Among this genus there is also the most poisonous mushroom in the world - pale grebe.

Pale grebe | depositphotos-merial

This deadly fungus is common in both Asia and Europe, where it occurs from July to October. Inexperienced mushroom pickers confuse the pale grebe with edible floats, russula, and most often with champignons. But it can be easily distinguished from edible mushrooms by the beautiful olive color of the cap, the white ring on the stem and the white shell at the base of the mushroom.

Young pale grebe | depositphotos-merial

The pale toadstool contains dangerous toxins - poisons of biological origin, among which are amanitins (amatoxins, amanitotoxins), phalloidins (phallotoxins) and amanin. Not only the fruiting body is poisonous, but even spores and mycelium - the vegetative body of fungi located underground. For serious poisoning, it is enough to eat a third of the mushroom. Lethal dose 1 g raw mushroom or 0.1 mg of amanitin per 1 kg of body weight. That is, 7 g of amanitins is enough to kill an adult weighing 70 kg. After heat treatment, freezing, drying poisonous properties fungi are preserved.

The great danger lies in the fact that the signs of poisoning sometimes come very late - a few days after eating the mushroom. In the meantime, a person does not feel any symptoms, the poison is already destroying the liver and kidneys.

The poison of the pale toadstool is ahead of the action of many poisonous snakes. In forests temperate zone Europe and Asia, there is no other animal or plant whose poison was so dangerous.

Illustration: depositphotos | syaber

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All life on Earth is usually attributed to either the plant or animal world, however, there are special organisms - mushrooms, which for a long time scientists found it difficult to attribute to a certain class. Mushrooms are unique in their structure, mode of life and diversity. They are represented huge amount varieties and differ in the mechanism of their existence even among themselves. Mushrooms were first attributed to plants, then to animals, and only recently it was decided to attribute them to their own, special kingdom. Mushrooms are neither a plant nor an animal.

What are mushrooms?

Mushrooms, unlike plants, do not contain the pigment chlorophyll, which gives green leaves and extracts nutrients from carbon dioxide. Mushrooms are not able to independently produce nutrients, but extract them from the object on which they grow: tree, soil, plants. Eating ready-made substances brings mushrooms very close to animals. In addition, moisture is vital for this group of living organisms, so they are not able to exist where there is no liquid.

Mushrooms can be hat, mold and yeast. It is the hats that we collect in the forest. Molds are well-known molds, yeasts are yeasts and similar very small microorganisms. Fungi can grow on living organisms or feed on their metabolic products. fungi can create mutually beneficial relationship With higher plants and insects, this relationship is called symbiosis. Mushrooms are mandatory component digestive system of herbivores. They play a very important role in the life of not only animals, plants, but also humans.

Diagram of the structure of a cap mushroom

Everyone knows that a mushroom consists of a stem and a cap, and we cut them off when we collect mushrooms. However, this is only a small part of the fungus, called the "fruiting body". By the structure of the fruiting body, you can determine the edible mushroom or not. fruit bodies consist of intertwined threads, these are "hyphae". If you turn the mushroom over and look at the cap from below, you will notice that some mushrooms have thin plastics there (these are agaric mushrooms), while others look like a sponge (spongy mushrooms). It is there that spores (very small seeds) are formed that are necessary for the reproduction of the fungus.

The fruiting body is only 10% of the fungus itself. The main part of the fungus is the mycelium, it is not visible to the eye, because it is located in the soil or tree bark and is also an interweaving of hyphae. Another name for mycelium is "mycelium". A large area of ​​mycelium is needed for mushroom picking nutrients and moisture. In addition, it attaches the fungus to the surface and promotes further spread along it.

edible mushrooms

To the most popular among mushroom pickers edible mushrooms relate: White mushroom, boletus, boletus, oiler, flywheel, honey agaric, milk mushroom, russula, chanterelle, camelina, volnushka.

One mushroom can have many varieties, which is why mushrooms with the same name can look different.

White mushroom (boletus) mushroom pickers adore for its unsurpassed taste and aroma. It is very similar in shape to a barrel. The cap of this mushroom is like a round pillow and has a pale to dark brown color. Its surface is smooth. The pulp is dense, white, odorless and has a pleasant nutty taste. The leg of the white fungus is very voluminous, up to 5 cm thick, white, sometimes beige. Most of it is underground. This mushroom can be harvested from June to October in coniferous, deciduous or mixed forests and its appearance depends on where it grows. You can use white mushroom in any form.

Common boletus

Common boletus (boletus) also a mushroom quite desirable for mushroom pickers. Its hat is also pillow-shaped and is either light brown or dark brown. Its diameter is up to 15 cm. The flesh of the cap is white, but may turn slightly pink on the cut. The length of the leg is up to 15 cm. It widens slightly downward and has a light gray color with brown scales. The boletus grows in deciduous and mixed forests from June to late autumn. He loves the light very much, so most often he can be found on the edges. Boletus can be consumed boiled, fried and stewed.


boletus(redhead) is easy to recognize by the interesting color of its hat, reminiscent of autumn foliage. The color of the cap depends on the place of growth. It varies from almost white to yellow-red or brown. At the point of fracture, the pulp begins to change color, darkens to black. The boletus leg is very dense and large, reaching a length of 15 cm. In appearance, the boletus differs from the boletus in that it has black spots on its legs, as it were, drawn horizontally, while the boletus has more vertically. This mushroom can be collected from early summer to October. It is most often found in deciduous and mixed forests, in aspen forests and undergrowth.


butterdish has a fairly wide hat, up to 10 cm in diameter. It can be colored from yellow to chocolate, convex shape. The peel can be easily separated from the pulp of the cap and to the touch it can be very slimy, slippery. The flesh in the cap is soft, yellowish and juicy. In young butterflies, the sponge under the hat is covered with a white film; in adults, a skirt remains on the leg from it. The leg has the shape of a cylinder. It is yellow at the top and slightly darker at the bottom. Oilseed grows in coniferous forests on sandy soil from May to November. It can be consumed pickled, dried and salted.


Kozlyak very similar to the old butter dish, but the sponge under the hat is darker, with large pores and there is no skirt on the leg.


Mokhoviki have a cushion-shaped hat with a velvety skin from brown to dark green. The leg is dense, yellow-brown. The flesh may turn blue or green on the cut and has a brown color. The most common are green and yellow-brown mossiness mushrooms. They have excellent taste qualities and can be consumed fried and dried. Be sure to clean the hat before eating it. Mossiness mushrooms grow in deciduous and coniferous forests temperate latitudes from mid-summer to mid-autumn.


Dubovik grows mainly in oak forests. In appearance, it resembles a white mushroom in shape, and in color it resembles a flywheel. The surface of the cap in young mushrooms is velvety, in wet weather it is mucous. From touch, the hat is covered with dark spots. The pulp of the fungus is yellowish, dense, red or reddish at the base of the stem, turns blue on the cut, then turns brown, odorless, the taste is mild. The mushroom is edible, but it is easy to confuse it with inedibles: satanic and gall mushrooms. If part of the leg is covered with a dark mesh, this is not a oak tree, but its inedible counterpart. In an olive-brown oak, the flesh on the cut immediately turns blue, and in poisonous double slowly changes color first to red, and then turns blue.

All the mushrooms described above are spongy. Among spongy mushrooms, only the gall mushroom and the satanic mushroom are poisonous, they look like white, but immediately change color on the cut, and even pepper is not edible, because it is bitter, about them below. But among the agaric mushrooms there are many inedible and poisonous ones, so the child should remember the names and descriptions of edible mushrooms before going on a “silent hunt”.

Honey agaric

Honey agaric grows on the base of trees, and meadow agaric - in the meadows. Its convex hat up to 10 cm in diameter has a yellowish-brown color, similar to an umbrella. The length of the leg is up to 12 cm. In the upper part it is light and has a ring (skirt), and at the bottom it acquires a brownish tint. The pulp of the mushroom is dense, dryish, with a pleasant smell.

The autumn mushroom grows from August to October. It can be found on both dead and living trees. The hat is brownish, dense, the plates are yellowish, there is a white ring on the leg. Most often it is found in a birch grove. This mushroom can be eaten dried, fried, pickled and boiled.

Autumn honey agaric

Summer honey agaric, like autumn, grows on stumps all summer and even in autumn. Its hat along the edge is darker than in the middle and thinner than that of the autumn honey agaric. There is a brown ring on the leg.

Honey agaric summer

The honey agaric has been growing in meadows and pastures since the end of May. Sometimes mushrooms form a circle, which mushroom pickers call the "witch's ring".

Honey agaric meadow


Russula have a round cap with easily detachable skin along the edges. The hat reaches 15 cm in diameter. The cap can be convex, flat, concave or funnel-shaped. Its color varies from red-brown and blue-gray to yellowish and light gray. The leg is white, fragile. The flesh is also white. Russula can be found in both deciduous and coniferous forests. They also grow in the birch park, and on the banks of the river. The first mushrooms appear in late spring, and the largest number occurs in early autumn.


Chanterelle- an edible mushroom that looks and tastes good. Her velvety hat is distinguished by a red color and resembles a funnel in shape with folds along the edges. Its flesh is dense and has the same color as the cap. The hat flows smoothly into the leg. The leg is also red, smooth, tapering downwards. Its length is up to 7 cm. Chanterelle is found in deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests. It can often be found in moss and among coniferous trees. It grows from June to November. You can use it in any form.


breast It has concave hat with a funnel in the center and wavy edges. It is firm to the touch and fleshy. The surface of the cap is white and is covered with fluff, it is dry or vice versa, mucous and wet, depending on the type of breast. The pulp is brittle and when broken, a white juice with a bitter taste is released. Depending on the type of milk mushroom, the juice may turn yellow or turn pink when broken. The leg of the mushroom is dense, white. This mushroom grows in deciduous and mixed forests, often covered with dry foliage so that it is not visible, but only a mound is visible. You can collect it from the first summer month to September. Mushrooms are well suited for pickling. Much less often they are fried or consumed boiled. The breast is also black, but black has a much worse taste.

White mushroom (real)

Dry breast (loader)

aspen mushroom

Black breast


Volnushki they are distinguished by a small hat, which has an impression in the center and a beautiful fringe along slightly tucked edges. Its color varies from yellowish to pink. The flesh is white and firm. This conditionally edible mushroom. The juice has a very bitter taste, so before you cook this mushroom, you need to soak it for a long time. The leg is dense, up to 6 cm in length. Volnushki love wet areas and grow in deciduous and mixed forests, preferring birch. They are best collected from August to September. Volnushki can be eaten in salted and pickled form.


mushrooms similar to volnushki, but larger in size, they do not have a fringe along the edges, they are light orange in color, and the flesh on the cut is also orange, turning green along the edge. The mushroom does not have bitter juice, so you can cook it immediately without soaking it. The mushroom is edible. Ryzhik fried, boiled and marinated.


Champignon grow in the forest, and in the city, and even in landfills and basements from summer to autumn. While the mushroom is young, its cap has the shape of a half ball of white or grayish color, back side hats are covered with a white veil. When the hat opens, the veil turns into a skirt on a leg, exposing gray plates with spores. Mushrooms are edible, they are fried, boiled, marinated without special pre-treatment.


A fungus that creaks slightly when you run a fingernail over it or rub hats, many call it a squeaker. It grows in conifers and deciduous forests, usually in groups. The violinist looks like a milk mushroom, but unlike the milk mushroom, its plates are cast in a yellowish or greenish color, and the hat may also not be pure white, moreover, it is velvety. The flesh of the mushroom is white, very dense, hard, but brittle, with a slight pleasant smell and a very pungent taste. When broken, it exudes a very caustic white milky juice. The white flesh becomes greenish-yellow when exposed to air. Milky juice, drying, becomes reddish. Violin is a conditionally edible mushroom, it is edible in salt form after soaking.

Value (goby) has a light brown hat with whitish plates and a white leg. While the mushroom is young, the cap is bent down and slightly slippery. Young mushrooms are harvested and eaten, but only after removing the skin, prolonged soaking or boiling the mushroom.

You can meet such bizarre mushrooms in the forest and in the meadow: morel, line, dung beetle, blue-green stropharia. They are conditionally edible, but Lately less and less commonly consumed by humans. Young parasol mushroom and puffball are edible.

poisonous mushrooms

Inedible mushrooms or foods containing their poisons can cause severe poisoning and even death. The most life-threatening inedible, poisonous mushrooms include: fly agaric, pale grebe, false mushrooms.

A very noticeable mushroom in the forest. His red hat with white dots is visible to the forester from afar. However, depending on the species, hats can also be of other colors: green, brown, white, orange. The hat is shaped like an umbrella. This mushroom is quite large. The leg usually widens downward. It has a "skirt" on it. It is the remains of a shell in which young mushrooms were located. This poisonous mushroom can be confused with golden-red russula. The russula has a hat that is slightly depressed in the center and there is no "skirt" (Volva).

Pale grebe (fly agaric green) even in small amounts can cause great harm human health. Her hat can be white, green, gray or yellowish. But the shape depends on the age of the fungus. The cap of a young pale grebe resembles a small egg, and over time it becomes almost flat. The stem of the mushroom is white, tapering downwards. The pulp does not change at the incision site and has no smell. Pale grebe grows in all forests with clay soil. This mushroom is very similar to champignons and russula. However, mushroom plates are usually darker in color, and in pale grebe they are white. Russula does not have this skirt on the leg, and they are more brittle.

false mushrooms can be easily confused with edible mushrooms. They usually grow on stumps. The cap of these mushrooms has a bright color, and the edges are covered with white flaky particles. Unlike edible mushrooms, these mushrooms have an unpleasant smell and taste.

gall fungus- doppelgänger of white. It differs from the boletus in that the upper part of its leg is covered with a dark mesh, and the flesh turns pink when cut.

satanic mushroom also looks like white, but its sponge under the hat is reddish, there is a red mesh on the leg, and the cut becomes purple.

pepper mushroom looks like a flywheel or butter dish, but the sponge under the hat is lilac.

false fox- an inedible twin of a chanterelle. In color, the false chanterelle is darker, reddish-orange, white juice is released at the break of the cap.

Both flywheel and chanterelles also have inedible counterparts.

As you understand, mushrooms are not only those that have a hat and stem and grow in the forest.

  • Yeast mushrooms are used to create some drinks, using them in the fermentation process (for example, kvass). Molds are a source of antibiotics and save millions of lives every day. Special types mushrooms are used to give foods, such as cheeses, a special taste. They are also used to create chemicals.
  • Mushroom spores, with the help of which they reproduce, can germinate after 10 years or more.
  • There are also predatory species of fungi that feed on worms. Their mycelium forms dense rings, when hit, it is already impossible to escape.
  • The oldest mushroom found in amber is 100 million years old.
  • An interesting fact is that leaf-cutting ants are able to independently grow the mushrooms they need for food. They acquired this ability 20 million years ago.
  • In nature, there are about 68 species of luminous mushrooms. They are most often found in Japan. Such mushrooms are distinguished by the fact that they glow green in the dark, it looks especially impressive if the mushroom grows in the middle of rotten tree trunks.
  • Some fungi lead to serious diseases and affect agricultural plants.

Mushrooms are mysterious and very interesting organisms, full of unsolved mysteries and unusual discoveries. Edible species are very tasty and useful product, and inedible can cause great harm to health. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish them and you should not put a mushroom in the basket in which there is no complete certainty. But this risk does not prevent one from admiring their diversity and beauty against the backdrop of blooming nature.

Poisonous mushrooms are mushrooms that contain toxins. Toxic substances in them can lead to serious poisoning, and in some cases, to coma or death.

Let's see what are the signs of poisonous mushrooms, what are the symptoms of this type of poisoning? What to do in order not to harm your health? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

dangerous species

Poisonous mushrooms can be divided into 3 types:

  • mushrooms that provoke food intoxication;
  • fungi that affect the central nervous system;
  • mushrooms, the use of which leads to death.

The last one needs to be especially careful. When its representatives only enter the body, the action of toxic toxins at first does not manifest itself in any way. Only over time, they begin to affect the vital organs, causing terrible torment in a person.


The first signs of the described poisoning do not differ much from the symptoms of other food intoxications:

  • diarrhea;
  • temperature;
  • vomit;
  • weakness.

In some cases, this all ends, but it happens that all of the listed signs are followed by severe damage to the kidneys, liver and pancreas. Therefore, in no case do not self-medicate and when the first symptoms of mushroom poisoning appear, immediately consult a doctor!

First aid

While you wait for the professional doctors to arrive, drink 4-5 glasses in small sips. boiled water in which you can dilute a little soda. Then you should induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue with two fingers or the handle of a spoon. This is necessary in order to cleanse the stomach of poisonous products.

Each person should study the list of poisonous mushrooms, consisting of the 5 most dangerous and most common species.

It is the most toxic of all existing mushrooms. Cases of pale toadstool poisoning do not occur so often, but in 90% of all precedents everything ends in death.

This mushroom has a white color of all parts: a leg 15 centimeters long, a bag-shaped Volvo, a strong ring (in some cases erect or hanging), plates (loose, wide, lanceolate, frequent) and spores. Younger grebes have an egg-shaped body hidden under the film. At this stage of development, the cap may have remnants of a flocculent veil.

Toadstools are often confused with russula, rows and floats. But there is still a difference: young floats have pink plates, which become lilac as they grow. In grebes, they always remain white. Also, grebes have a Volvo and a ring on a leg, which russula and ordinary people do not have.

Many people mistakenly believe that absolutely all fly agarics are poisonous. In fact, this is not so: the fly agaric genus has more than 600 species, and some of them are not poisonous mushrooms. We will focus on the most dangerous and common representatives and start with the red fly agaric.

A mature red fly agaric can reach 20 centimeters, and a younger one - 8 centimeters. It has a thick and fleshy leg 1-2 centimeters wide. The color of the cap is red and saturated, covered with white "warts" (in older representatives, the color can be washed off by rain). Mature fly agarics have a hollow white or yellow leg, on top of which there is a hanging membranous ring. Red fly agarics grow on acidic soils in temperate zones northern hemisphere, under birches and firs.

white fly agaric

The cap of this mushroom is 3.5–10 centimeters in diameter, at first it has a rounded conical shape, which becomes half-spread as it grows. The leg is hollow, fibrous, has the shape of a cylinder and is covered with flaky scales. Its length can reach 12 centimeters, width - from 0.7 to 2.5 centimeters. It has pinkish, white, frequent and loose plates and white spore powder. Volvo cup-shaped and free. Grows in moist coniferous and mixed forests in summer.

It differs from the previous brown or grayish-olive color of the hat, covered with the same pimples. It grows mainly under beeches and oaks.

Hat size - 12 centimeters. The hat itself is slightly sticky and has a conical shape. The size of the legs is 7 centimeters long, 1-1.5 centimeters wide. It is white, even, thickened at the base and has a white ring. It grows in coniferous and mixed wet forests on sandy soils from mid-summer to early autumn.

What should be done to avoid poisoning?

If you have concerns that deadly poisonous mushrooms have got into the basket, best solution will get rid of them. There is an opinion that after heat treatment, the poison can be neutralized, but this is true more in relation to the so-called conditionally edible mushrooms - poisonous in their raw form, but edible after cooking. These, for example, include morels, pink wave, black breast. In this case:

  1. Boil the collected mushrooms for 15-30 minutes, then pour the broth and rinse the cooked products well. To further protect yourself, repeat the procedure. In this case toxic substances go into decoction.
  2. Dry the mushrooms in a warm and well-ventilated area, stringing them on a thread (drying on a battery and on a stove should be abandoned). This method will help to evaporate toxic substances.

But! Both of these methods are absolutely useless with pale grebe! There is no antidote for this fungus.

We hope this information has helped you. Remember one thing important rule: If you have doubts about the edibility of a mushroom, then it is better not to put it in your basket.

- bitter gall fungus. We give a description of poisonous and mushrooms.

The largest number poisonous species belongs to agaric fungi. Of the tubular mushrooms, only one is considered poisonous. This - satanic mushroom. It is extremely rare in our forests. There are about 30 species of poisonous agaric mushrooms, and they all grow in the forests of the Dnieper region. It should also be noted that any edible, but flabby or untreated mushroom can cause severe poisoning. Therefore, only suitable for food young, fresh, strong mushrooms.

Description of poisonous mushrooms - Pale grebe

The most poisonous and dangerous mushroom - death cap. All its parts are poisonous: a leg, a hat and even disputes. Neutralize the toxic substances contained in this most dangerous mushroom no processing possible.

Pale grebe, it is also called fly agaric green, grows both singly and in groups from July to October in deciduous and pine forests, often found on the edges. The cap of a pale grebe is first bell-shaped, then slightly convex, smooth, silky, without fly agaric flakes characteristic of the genus, white or slightly greenish in color, 4 to 11 centimeters in diameter. The plates are frequent and always white. The leg is white, slightly greenish at the base, 7–12 centimeters high, has a club-shaped thickening surrounded by a white rim. The pulp is white, has no smell. We do not recommend taste testing..

Pale grebe poisoning affects after a long time (up to two days), when irreversible biochemical processes occur in the body. Medicine has drugs that can prevent death after poisoning with a pale toadstool, but only after the diagnosis of the fungus, which is not always possible, after two days.

If the pale grebe is a small mushroom, not very attractive and often found, then satanic mushroom- its complete opposite.

It is large and beautiful mushroom, which can not be found even after several years of intensive mushroom hunting. Nevertheless, satanic mushroom is also found in our forests.

Here is a description of this poisonous mushroom. The hat of the satanic mushroom is convex, gray or olive gray, diameter up to 25 centimeters. The spore-bearing layer is spongy, yellow, turns red-olive with age, and turns blue when touched. The leg is thick, yellow-red. The flesh is white, turns red when cut, then turns blue, has a pleasant smell. Satanic mushroom grows from July to September in an oak or mixed (with the presence of oak) forest.

For those who have visited at least once autumn forest, certainly caught the eye of bright and elegant, like Christmas decorations, mushrooms. This fly agaric. They can rightly be called the decoration of the forest. But these beauties are very dangerous. Their poison works almost immediately., causing dyspnoea, convulsions, nausea. Fly agaric poisoning for a person with poor health can be fatal.

All types of fly agaric that grow in our forests, classified as poisonous mushrooms. Their hallmark is: a club-shaped thickening and a sheath in the lower part of the leg, white frequent plates, always a white straight leg with a membranous ring and snow-white flesh that does not change color when broken. The fly agaric hat can be painted greenish, pure white ( smelly fly agaric and pale grebe), to gray, greenish-brown or gray-brown ( fly agaric panther), pale yellow ( fly agaric), red ( fly agaric red). Hat diameter - from 6 to 20 centimeters. Sometimes there are white flakes on the surface of the cap.

In the old days, fly agarics were used as a means of combating various kinds of insects, as well as in traditional medicine as a remedy for diseases nervous system. They are today used in homeopathy.

Poisonous mushroom fiber Patouillard

In addition to the previously described poisonous mushrooms: fly agaric, pale grebe and false mushrooms, (more:) in our forests you can find several more types of very unattractive and, moreover, poisonous agaric mushrooms. They have thin legs and caps that contain almost no pulp. In the specialized literature on mushrooms, they are called inocybe and clitocybe(although among the latter there are edible ones). Such mushrooms grow in deciduous, coniferous forests, as well as in plantings, they appear in May.

Among these species, the most poisonous - fiber Patuillard, which can sometimes be mistaken for champignon. hat of this agaric cone-shaped, with a tubercle in the center, with wavy cracked edges, white, with age pinkish, orange, red, red-brown, three to nine centimeters in diameter. The plates are thin, thick, whitish, beige, brown with age, of different shades. Leg with a diameter of up to one and a half centimeters, cylindrical, sometimes curved, smooth, matching the color of the cap. The pulp is pale white, does not darken or slightly turns pink on the cut, has a pleasant fruity smell. It occurs from May to August in deciduous forests, plantings and parks.

Inedible mushrooms should also include the common pepper mushroom. It looks like a small butter dish or flywheel. But if you look closely at it, you can find obvious differences. The pepper mushroom has a convex hat of brown or reddish color. The spore-bearing layer is tubular, yellowish-red or brown (in butterflies - white or light yellow, in mossiness - yellowish-greenish). The pulp of the pepper mushroom is yellowish, sometimes it turns red at the break (it is white, it turns blue in the moss fly). And, finally, the taste of the pepper mushroom, as you can easily guess from its name, is burning-bitter, peppery. Although black pepper may seem like a delicacy in comparison. Pepper mushroom grows singly, in the same places as butter mushrooms.