Stress interview or conflict interview among recruiters is becoming more and more popular. If you have not yet been "lucky" to get to such a test, we recall that the goal of a recruiter for a stress interview is to confuse the interlocutor, try to piss him off and reveal how he is able to navigate in a conflict or ambiguous situation how he reacts to rudeness and whether he knows how to defend his own interests without reciprocal aggression.

Methods for this are used in a variety of ways within those permitted by law. However, the result is the same: the employee should feel as uncomfortable as possible. For the first time, stress test technologies began to be used in the middle of the last century to check the personnel of military departments. Then similar methods began to be used in the selection of firefighters and police officers - in a word, those who, on duty, had to have very strong nerves.

The conflict came to our country relatively recently, and the attitude towards them to this day remains ambiguous. Some recruiters argue that there is no better way to identify weak and strengths candidate, others consider the use of stress interviews as disrespectful to all participants in the process. How to relate to such a check is a personal matter for everyone. But there is a list of people who need to always be ready for such tests. First of all, these are managers and everyone who works in the field of sales, secretaries, call center employees and people applying for a leadership position. Anyone who decides to work in a large corporation will certainly fall into this list: the level of stress and responsibility in large holdings is much higher, and HR specialists want to be sure in advance that you can handle the workload.
How do you know when a stress test awaits you? Typical tricks used by employers.

- Being late. Best check how interested the candidate is in the position. Delaying the start of the interview by more than 10-15 minutes can mean one of two things: you got into a stress interview or the employer at this firm does not have much respect for their employees. So if you leave in half an hour, they are unlikely to call you back with an apology. But here it’s up to you to decide: maybe you will change your mind about getting a job in a company where they don’t value other people’s time. However, before making hasty decisions, politely ask the receptionist if the meeting will take place and what is the reason for such a long delay. Maybe recruiters just want to make sure you have the strength to get into the position.

- Interference, confusing. You just sat down at the negotiating table - and people burst into your interviewer with some urgent questions. No sooner had the door closed behind the uninvited visitor than the recruiter's cell phone rang. Having answered the call, he began to listen to your story about himself, without looking up from some papers ... This unpleasant situation is designed to find out how the candidate behaves when he feels out of his element. Is he able, for example, to continue negotiations with the customer if he is distracted? Will he be able to pick up a broken thought, resume the conversation and bring the matter to the end? It also becomes clear how you react to disrespect and lack of time, which you may encounter more than once at work.

- A painful silence. The interviewer looks at you and is silent or asks a one word question and then holds a long pause. This is a test of whether you can keep up the conversation even if the interlocutor is critical or detached. In such a situation, HR-specialists advise the candidate not to be embarrassed and not to wait for questions, but to start talking about their abilities and skills on their own. Try to bring the interlocutor to the conversation, be friendly, it is not forbidden to ask him questions.

- When it is impossible to insert a word. The reverse situation: the employer talks endlessly, he answers the questions asked of you, and then inserts remarks like: “You see, again you can’t say anything.” This is another way to test your communication skills: can you get in touch with the most difficult client? It is recommended not to succumb to irritation, but also not to make excuses. Wait for the end of the monologue or pause in the conversation, and then kindly and confidently respond to questions asked. Try to remember them all - this is also a kind of test.

- Questions about the shortcomings of the applicant.“What are your biggest weaknesses?” “What did you fail at in your last job?” “What are three reasons why your former boss was dissatisfied with you, ”and similar attacks. This is a test of both the applicant's self-esteem and his ability to present himself (after all, if he successfully passes the interview, he will become the face of the company). Disadvantages can be different: you can veiledly present your own dignity in the form of a disadvantage, for example, answer: “Colleagues noted my excessive perfectionism and self-criticism, as well as the desire to do everything ahead of schedule.” You should not be too frank, admitting that you like to sleep, and in the fall you become depressed.

- Provocative questions, tactless phrases, questions about personal life. Probably the most dubious "tool" from the arsenal of recruiters. “Do you really think that you did a good job?”, “Do you understand that your story is rather boring?”, “Hmm, you are thirty-five, and you are still not married. Why?" (Option - "Why did you get married so early?"). It is recommended to respond calmly and with dignity to attacks on your professional qualities. In no case do not give in to the impulse to somehow belittle yourself, to recognize yourself as unsuitable. But on questions about personal life, according to HR-specialists, almost all people react painfully. This is not surprising: and ordinary laws do not approve of such a violation of privacy. Asking such questions, the recruiter provokes a situation of already practically undisguised conflict, frankly puts the interlocutor in an awkward position. It is within your right to answer the question within the limits that you consider acceptable, or refuse to answer at all, asking how your Family status may affect the outcome of the interview.

By the way, upon completion of a competent stress interview, the employer must warn the employee that he was subjected to “conflict testing”.

The main principle is to remember that a conflict interview is a game according to given rules, a kind of performance. Your goal is to play as well as possible without taking things too personally. But, of course, do not forget that it is in your right to “leave the game” if you think that the employer has allowed himself too much. Why do you need a job in a company where employees are treated like material, testing them for strength by any means? A friend of mine was interviewing for a programmer position. After a short conversation about his professional skills (quite worthy), he was asked how much he had over the past three years. Perhaps if the question was asked by an elderly respectable man, my friend would take it as a trick or a kind of test. But a young girl asked him a question with a defiant look. The young man reservedly said goodbye and left, and the company lost a good programmer.

Because of such cases, many experienced recruiters advise to refuse stress interviews if possible, reminding that the situation of the interview itself is, by definition, stressful, and for verification personal qualities human there are psychological tests, role-playing games and cases and many other methods.

Fast and easy way identify conflict employee

Have you ever met the following characteristics in the resume of a job seeker: “prone to stealing”, “conflict”, “aggressive”, “distinguished by inappropriate behavior”, etc.? It would be at least odd that potential employee wrote at least part of the truth about himself? On the contrary, many candidates write a set of almost identical definitions like a carbon copy: “sociable”, “responsible”, “executive”, etc., trying to create a portrait of practically ideal employee- "great guy" or "girls - members of the Komsomol".

When selecting personnel, hr specialists use various tests. But it also happens that a candidate easily bypasses all the "pitfalls", and as soon as the probationary period ends, then a whole "vaudeville" begins and problems in the team are only a small part of the "iceberg". And no one is safe to hire such a person.

Of course, conflict situations are inevitable. But it is one thing when they happen from time to time, another thing is if they happen constantly and they are deliberately provoked by the same person. But just such a person can have a very negative impact on the well-coordinated work of the company's team, causing a lot of trouble later.

How to avoid such traps and identify conflicting or inappropriate behavior of a future employee in time? How not to make a mistake?

Ask the candidate who came to you for an interview to write a short text by hand - this is the fastest and easiest way to identify both conflict, the presence of unfavorable personality tendencies, and the reasons for their origin. Handwriting analysis, today is one of the most informative methods of personality psychodiagnostics, incl. and in recruitment. Its advantages have long been used by many companies in the European Union, as well as the United States, Canada and Israel.

The conflict of an employee can manifest itself both in an explicit, open form, when a person simply does not know how to restrain it and brightly splashes out on others, and in a hidden form that accumulates inside and leads to self-destruction. To understand exactly what in question, as well as the motives for manifestation, let's turn to handwriting and analyze each situation in more detail.

1. An open form of aggression and conflict behavior, antisociality

Internal impulses and the desire to possess exclusive power push a person to conquer an aggressively dominant position in all areas with which he has to come into contact in any way. Ignores social norms and standards of behavior, seeks to counteract them, as a result of which he does not tend to reckon with the feelings of others. A loner in life, incredulous and suspicious. He expects a constant trick from the outside and for this reason he believes that the best way to protect is to attack first.

He will not be silent and will splash out on the "enemy" - and this is how he perceives others - all his anger, causticity and negativity. Moreover, such a person is inclined to easily turn the event that just happened before your eyes in his direction and insist with full confidence that only his version is the truth, crushing the “enemy” right in front of others who will believe it arguments and take his side.

In handwriting, the tightness between lines, between words, ignoring any organization at all, the harmonious arrangement of text and paragraphs is most clearly seen. A person fills with himself all the available space, his “many”, this is his “territory”, which he clearly designates, wins back and will protect from “encroachments” to the last.

In addition to a strong overload of text, there is an impulsive movement in the handwriting, imperious, dominant, assertive. Emissions are directed to the right forward, with strong pressure. The object of study is active, impatient and will not be silent if it concerns his interests.

Handwriting also shows the high intellectual level of the respondent, which is manifested in high speed and the non-standard form of the letters, which has significant differences from the average copybooks, an individual style, thread-like bundles, and simplification of the writing trajectory are noticeable. But in his case, they are expressed so strongly that we are already dealing with simplification to the point of manifesting inferiority and ignoring the shape of letters in general - as conflict, aggression and total disregard for others and their interests.

This is confirmed by the almost non-existent readability of the handwriting, which indicates the disregard for the social aspect in general and the unwillingness of this person to follow generally accepted norms and rules.

Let's sum up the first results.

    Expansion - the capture of sheet space,

    Impulsive movement of writing: too fast, confident, dominant, progressive lines directed forward,

    Difference from writing standards,

    Simplification of letters, reduction of the trajectory of the letter to inferiority in form.

2. An open form of conflict behavior with the manifestation of physical strength

Before us is another bright adherent of aggressive behavior and conflict. With the manifestation of this form of behavior, we can talk not only about the obvious active aggressive position of this person in relation to other people, but also the manifestation of its extreme degree - physical strength.

The person is impatient, "explosive". It only takes a few words to get him seething and defending his emotionally vulnerable ego. Rudeness, arrogance, vulgarity of behavior, a sense of one's own greatness occupy a dominant role, being, in fact, compensatory defense mechanism personality. Integration in society takes place in the only way familiar to him - venting aggression on others, provoking conflicts, in some cases, expressed in assault. The reason is the desire to dominate and assert oneself by suppressing others. He simply does not know and does not know how to gain authority and express himself in a different way. Such a scenario of relations is laid down in early childhood and bears the imprint of the behavior of the parents.

The first thing that stands out is not just a large, but an abnormally large font size, as a manifestation of compensatory self-esteem, reaching even megalomania - a type of self-consciousness and personality behavior, expressed in an extreme degree of overestimation of one's own importance, power, genius, etc. - up to omnipotence.

The second most noticeable sign is the loaded layout of the text on the sheet. The letter is coming a single continuous array, the sheet is too written, overloaded with text. And for such a person, his own opinion becomes dominant - even if it is incorrect and subjective. He does not know how to listen and hear the people around him, their problems and needs are simply not important. In this handwriting, not only is there no “air”, free space between lines and words, but the lower processes of letters invade the upper next line, passing through the middle zone of the next line as well. This is clearly seen in the words “launched” - the lower parts of the letters “z” and “y” break into the line below, invading the word “given”. In the word "decree" - "z" and "y" pierce the word of the bottom line "domination". The same thing happens in other words, for example, “undividedly”, “protection”, etc.

The next thing is a very strong pressure, pressure in the handwriting. Bright, saturated color in the stroke as a projection of strong internal energy and motivation of the incarnation, but directed in the wrong direction. In combination with the impulsive, unbridled movement of handwriting, frenzied graphomotor speed without any control, outbursts to the outside, it speaks of stubbornness, dominance and dominance, suppressing other people with their “presence”.

And the most important thing is the abundance of sharp, blunt endings of strokes, especially in the lower endings of letters that touch the next line. Here, the stroke line not only does not thin out towards the end, but, on the contrary, breaks sharply and also confirms the presence of such qualities as rejection, aggression in the author of this handwriting.

Characteristic features of handwriting:

    Expansion - the capture of sheet space,

    Loaded text layout - too little white, unwritten space on the sheet,

    Close spaces between words and lines,

    Ignoring or partially ignoring paragraphs,

    Touching the letters of adjacent lines with the lower processes or invading their zone,

    Large or very large letters,

    Impulsive writing movement: too fast, confident, dominant; progressive lines directed forward,

    Strong or very strong pressure,

    An abundance of sharp, truncated strokes, especially in letters that have processes going down - "p", "f", etc.

3. Hidden form of conflict, internal tension, auto-aggression

It often seems that aggressive and conflict behavior has only a pronounced, even public character, but this is not entirely true. It can also have hidden forms of manifestation that are not quite noticeable to others during the initial perception of a person.

We are talking about the type of aggressive behavior in which hostile actions are directed by the respondent at himself. He is in constant tension, a state of chronic anxiety and stress. A tough person, approaching everything from a critical position, stubborn, unable to relax. “There are a lot of them”, next to such a “breathe” it is difficult. Due to the sensory, concrete perception of reality and low level development and intellect, sees the world only from a narrow practical point of view. He perceives the emotional needs of others as whims, in response to which he can be rude and rather harsh. With verbal attacks, he reacts to any criticism directed in his direction, or in the direction of his actions, actions, etc. He accumulates unspent energy inside himself, pinches and splashes out on others in a sharp, negative, categorical form, which, in fact, is a defense against an “attack”.

There are handwritings in which the number of angular forms is within the normal range and, combined with natural fluency, flexibility, productive speed, they will give us assertiveness - the ability to get along with others in the presence of our own position. There are handwritings where there are practically no corners, which can speak both about the excessive compliance of this person, and about “leakage between the fingers” and even negligence. Here is the other side of the coin - there are too many angles and straight lines, which, combined with the slow psychomotor speed of handwriting, indicates a strong level of criticality, rigidity, stubbornness, a categorical attitude towards everything and everyone - when a person lacks naturalness, lightness, flexibility.

The overload of text remains, very little white, clean space, many corners and sticks with strong control and strong pressure, static, frozen movement of handwriting. The undeveloped form of letters is rather primitive and banal, as if a schoolboy wrote lower grades who is only learning the process of writing. Subjectivism of perception of the surrounding world, surrounding reality and interpretation only from one's own point of view. Aggression has a secretive form, a person tries not to show it, to hide it, but from time to time it finds a way out. And any reaction to stressful situation- This aggressive behavior as a method of protection.

Characteristic features of handwriting:

    Heavy text overload

    Close spaces between words and lines,

    An abundance of sharp angles and straight lines in the form of letters,

    Slow graphomotor speed, static movement of handwriting,

    strong pressure,

    Strong handwriting control

    underdevelopment of letters

    Dull, broken stroke endings.

4. Hidden form of conflict, psychological disorders

In this case, we are dealing with hidden, suppressed from time to time, aggression. This person experiences stress and deepest discomfort, being in a society familiar to other people. He accumulates his aggression, clamps it inside himself, tries to control it. But from time to time it still breaks through and splashes out with streams of causticity and neglect on the people around. All this happens due to internal psychological discomfort and trouble. When a person feels bad inside, when there is no harmony and coherence, then, naturally, this finds a way out outside and in other areas, only complicating the life of both himself and the people around him in general.

The first thing that catches your eye in handwriting is, of course, the presence huge amount sharp, sharp, angular letters. The handwriting reminds prickly hedgehog, or a fence consisting of sharp rods and stakes. At a slow speed, an abundance of angles, rather close distances between words are visible. Attempts to write together turn into inept attribution of letters to one another, creating an extra load and fullness of the text. There are also graphomotor difficulties in writing itself. Such a person ignores other people, he lacks flexibility, in expressions he is caustic and cynical, quite aggressive, does not think about what might offend another. All this happens due to the presence of difficulties in adaptation, the inability to adapt in society, the lack of a flexible position. It says the same thing in practice. complete absence readability - as ignoring the social aspect in general, ignorance and misunderstanding of how to properly and harmoniously build relationships with other people.

In addition to these problems, the author of the handwriting has a disastrous psychological condition, the presence of neuropsychiatric pathologies. If you look at the words of the text, you can see that they seem to fall apart, consist of separate parts. For example, the letter “b” in the word “love” is 2 elements detached from each other: a circle and an upper line, only in meaning resembling parts of letters. The same thing happens in the words: “gratitude”, “convert”, “technologies”, “additional”, etc.

Strong graphomotor difficulties in writing are very noticeable. Some letters seem to appear by chance - a person, having written part of a word, suddenly remembered that he forgot one more part of it and attributed it later. This can be seen in the word "company" in the letter "u", the word "quality", "convert". With an increase in this handwriting, there are failures at the micro level - stroke trembling, failures in the regulation of pressure, as if someone was constantly pushing a person while writing. There are also blunt finishing touches.

Characteristic features of handwriting:

    Strong overcrowding of the sheet with text,

    Close spacing between words and/or lines,

    An abundance of angles or straight lines in the form of letters,

    Slow, broken graphomotor speed, static,

    Strong control of signs,

    Strong pressure with drops and fluctuations,

    Dull, broken, end stroke lines,

    Stroke trembling at the micro level (noticeable with a strong increase in handwriting),

    Letters falling apart

    Words made up of separate parts.

    Other signs of psychological distress.

As you can see, despite the different causes and manifestations of conflict, many signs are similar and tend to be repeated from handwriting to handwriting. But it is these characteristics will give you the key to identifying conflict and aggression of potential future employees. And they will show secret workarounds that will protect you as much as possible from the mistakes of hiring people who would bring discord into your existing friendly team.

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Elena Chernikova HR consultant at Oratorika Group, business coach, Moscow

After reading this article, you will know

  • How to find out at the interview stage that the applicant is the most scandalous employee in the future
  • 4 ways to understand that in front of you is a brawler
  • Are you a conflict employee: take the test

Successful managers need to be able to defend the interests or idea of ​​the company, so you need to be able to conflict. But you need to know how to do it right. Because the consequence of random conflicts caused by irritation often turns out to be wrong decisions. But sometimes nothing appears in an employee except conflict - he simply takes away the energy of the team. Consider the main ways to understand the differences in these 2 types of conflict even at the stage of an interview with a potential employee. How to determine that an employee has a potential conflict employee?

1st way - direct. Finding out whether a person is a brawler is important even at the interview stage. If the applicant claims for a high position, his abilities and strength increase, but the tasks that he has to solve also increase. It is not always necessary to use sophisticated assessment methods; sometimes direct questions are enough for the applicant. Among them are:

  • Can you call yourself a conflict employee?
  • What is the concept of "conflict person"?
  • What methods do you usually use to assess the tension in a team?
  • What do you think, what degree of conflict is allowed at work?
  • Do you think it is necessary to go to the conflict?

When considering these issues, a person shows his attitude to conflict situations and the ability to control situations in a team. For example, the answer “Conflicts help in achieving goals” may show that he uses them as pressure on others. “Conflicts hinder the achievement of goals” - it is likely that the applicant is trying to avoid such situations. “Tension is a situation where everyone is screaming” - a person cannot manage the conflict, most likely, this is a scandalous employee.

  • How to deal with conflicts and get out of them for your own benefit

The second way is implicit. All conflict people clearly distinguish between what they should do and what they should not do. When the situation does not correspond to their ideas, active attempts to protect begin. In such a situation, any action or question, with an intrusion into their zone of freedom, becomes the cause of manifestations of aggression or discontent. For example, say the phrase “Did you turn off your phone? It should have been turned off before the interview." If the answer is "No, I'm sorry" - the candidate does not know how to use the conflict situation for his own purposes. "Why do I need to turn it off?" The person is prone to conflict. Silent fulfillment of this requirement or the phrase “I was not warned” - a person does not want to enter into a conflict situation, his opinion remains to himself. “I didn’t turn it off, but I can turn off the sound if necessary” is the best answer to this question.

You can use other implicit ways to understand the level of scandalousness

  • You will need to inform the employee about the postponement of her vacation, but she has already purchased a tourist package. What are you planning to do?
  • Ever had to defend your position? How did they do it?

The third way is secrets. This method is recommended when the degree of conflict of the candidate is given a decisive role in his work. After all, secret methods should not be considered pleasant for people, such methods are classified as unethical. The essence of such methods is to provoke an uncontrolled reaction. One of the most common means is to spill coffee on the candidate. By the response, you can immediately understand his stress resistance and the degree of conflict. Another method is to close the exit of the parking lot for the candidate's car by putting a note with a phone number here. When answering the call, you need to say that you can’t go down right now, asking you to wait a bit. In this case, there will be a completely natural reaction of the applicant, by which one can judge whether this is a conflict employee or not.

The fourth way is reliable. For more high office the candidate prepares more thoroughly for the interview, studying data about the company itself and all employees, using various sources. In this regard, there is no need to lag behind - ask at same place candidate's work reviews of colleagues and subordinates. The process of such preparation turns out to be quite laborious, but it fully justifies such costs.

When selecting an employee, you should take into account your own level of conflict. In the results of the test we have posted, you can find useful tips on how to act in case of high conflict, low degree of conflict, or with a tendency to hidden conflicts. You may also be asked to complete this test. key leaders and interview candidates .

Are you a scandalous employee? Test

Choose one option

1. Which statement best describes you.

  1. I don't like talking to strangers.
  2. I manage to easily communicate and make acquaintances with security guards, waiters, secretaries - they can have valuable information.
  3. I rarely talk to another person if I don’t see the purpose of such communication.

2. What kind of work environment suits you best?

  1. The sound of the keyboard or silence, with the obligatory observance of standards and rules.
  2. Active exchange of ideas, noise.
  3. Tense negotiations, the spirit of competition, with overfulfillment of sales plans.

3. What methods of information search do you prefer to use?

  1. I learn from friends.
  2. They are based only on facts, obvious indicators and open sources.
  3. I ask directly, beating around the bush is not for me.

4. How do you make decisions?

  1. Decisions must be made quickly, as long reflections are detrimental to work.
  2. For a long time. I prefer to carefully weigh the information.
  3. I follow my intuition, only then I check the facts, deciding on the appropriate strategy.

5. When do you feel good?

  1. If everything goes according to plan.
  2. When you move a lot, you give your best at work.
  3. If you can achieve a profitable solution and a suitable compromise.

Test results

It is necessary to determine which letter (B, H, C) corresponds to each answer; the letter most often found in your answers will indicate a tendency to certain level conflict.

High conflict. Pretty bright and impulsive person, who is not afraid of conflict situations - is ready to defend his position. But there is a danger of offending a person by negligence, without even noticing what happened. Pay more attention to the reactions of others to your actions.

Low conflict. A person does not like conflicts, trying to decide on a peaceful way out even in the most difficult circumstances. This can help build long-term relationships with people, but high empathy can be detrimental to protecting your interests. Try to always put your interests first.

Tendency to hidden conflicts. You try to exclude emotional clashes in your life, it is more preferable to wait, to think everything over carefully. If you are not heard, you will not insist on your position. We recommend that you clarify your own position on the issues that have arisen more often, emotionally involving the other side in an effective dialogue.

  • Conflicts with clients: how to deal with brawlers
  • l>


    Oratorika Group LLC

    Field of activity: organizing and conducting business trainings to develop communication skills ( public performance, business negotiations, etc.), project management and leadership strategy formation

    Number of staff: 45

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    Number of trainings: more than 600

Review your usual way of resolving conflicts. Let this be part of your interview preparation. Interviewers want to know how you get along with other people and how you deal with conflict situations. This indicates the ability to evaluate oneself and work with others.

  • Analyze situations from your past work experience characterized by arguments and disagreements. A misunderstanding between you and your employees could cause you to resent it, which could lead to problems with your superiors. The unwillingness of the authorities to make concessions to you could cause you to be late for a friend's wedding. Analyze your work experience to find similar examples of conflict situations.
  • Think back to how you dealt with conflict in each of these instances. Think about the effective and ineffective strategies you have followed. While you won't share your negative conflict resolution experiences in an interview, you should be aware of how to deal with any given situation in the future. Also be prepared for your future boss to ask you to share what you have learned and learned from your past conflict resolution experience.
  • Be attentive to interview questions. The interviewer may have special reasons for asking you questions about conflict situations. You may be asked to describe a common reaction to conflict by giving an example. You must understand the question and the context.

    • Ask for clarification of the context of the question, if necessary. If you are asked to describe your reaction to a conflict, you will probably wonder if the person interviewing you wants to hear an example. life situation or whether the question is only about the workspace. If possible, do not give an example from your personal life, but focus on situations in the workplace.
  • Answer clearly and truthfully. You may be asked if you had a significant misunderstanding or difference of opinion with your superiors or teacher, and what you did to resolve the conflict. If you contradicted the authorities or the professor, this does not mean that you will not be hired. You are required to describe how you expressed your disagreement and whether the conflict led to a stalemate.

    • It is possible to rationally downplay the scale of the conflict. Try to be as objective as possible when describing the situation. Explain the difference of opinion and what problems it caused.
    • Try not to blame or judge people. When you give an example of a conflict, focus on the facts and events, not the negative aspects or bad behavior of others.
    • Find your own way to resolve the conflict. Open-ended questions provide an opportunity to explain how to get along with other people. Passive-aggressive behavior, stubbornness, outbursts of anger and contradiction with others is an ineffective way to resolve conflict. Describe effective conflict resolution strategies based on your past experiences, such as when you listened to other people's opinions, expressed your opinions clearly and calmly, and found a compromise.
  • The TalentSearch HR team, at the request of our readers and subscribers, is launching a series of articles for employers in which we will share, every week for a month, a Collection of Candidate Interview Questions that will aim to clearly identify a specific experience or skill in applicants.

    Today's article will show you how to correctly assess the "behavior of the candidate in various situations."

    We will reveal how to make accurate predictions of the behavior of a future employee in crisis situations, when you need to work after hours, when there is a delay in paying salaries, when the company is going through difficult times and the faith of employees is needed.

    Do you want to know what future employees will do in these situations?

    Want to know how:

    1. How will the candidate behave in conflict situation?
    2. What tactics will he choose in case of defeat?
    3. How will you communicate with colleagues?
    4. Can you work under stress?

    We will provide a checklist of questions that help assess the applicant's behavioral model.
    This part of the collection includes 68 questions.

    1. A colleague told you his salary and asked about yours. What will you answer him, how will you act? (depends on a situation)

    2. Tell us about a conflict situation at work and how you dealt with it.

    3. Tell us about how you managed to solve a difficult problem.

    4. Tell me about a time when you were ashamed of your job. What have you learned from this experience?

    5. Name a time when you set an important goal for yourself and talk about how you achieved it.

    6. Describe a time when you were able to apply what you learned at university in real life or in a work environment.

    7. Tell us about the (last) project you failed. What has this experience taught you?

    8. Tell us about the (last) time you asked a colleague for advice.

    9. Tell me about the (last) time you asked a colleague for help.

    10. Describe a (final) time you didn't get it right the first time.

    11. Describe a (final) time when you needed to gain the trust of your colleagues and instill in them the confidence to succeed. What did you do?

    12. Describe a (final) time when you did not know who in the organization to contact with your question. What did you do?

    13. Describe a (final) time when you were able to notice friction between two co-workers and help them resolve a conflict. (skills)

    14. Describe a (last) time you worked in a team.

    15. Describe a (final) time when your colleague found himself in a much more difficult situation. difficult situation than it seemed at first glance.

    16. Tell us about the situation in your latest work with which you failed, although it was in your power.

    17. Tell us about a (recent) situation you were unable to handle.

    18. Describe a (recent) time when misunderstandings between employees were the cause of problems at work.

    19. Tell us about a (last) time you had a difficult problem and how you solved it.

    20. Describe a time when you had to master new methodology or technology with little or no management help or support. How did you deal with it?

    21. Tell me about a time when you were in charge of a project but your instructions weren't very clear or specific.

    22. Tell us about a time when you were able to clarify a situation and simplify the work on a project by highlighting the main thing.

    23. Tell me about a time when you did more than was required of you.

    24. Tell us about how you achieved some ambitious goal.

    25. Tell us about how you achieved some difficult goal.

    26. Tell me about a time when your performance exceeded all expectations.

    27. Tell us about how you deal with pressure from above. Can you anticipate problems or just react to them?

    28. Tell us about the organization of your office (department, company).

    29. Talk about how you will deal with rude, difficult, or impatient people.

    30. Tell us about how you have dealt with rude, difficult, and impatient people in the past.

    31. Describe several projects that required precision and attention to detail.

    32. Describe a time when you were under pressure but did a good job.

    33. Tell us about the projects you have been working on over the past few years.

    34. Tell us about the tricks you used with great success. Have you ever managed people in positions you previously held?

    35. Can you ask for help?

    36. Can you help other people with their work?

    37. Tell us about how you overcame any difficulties at work.

    38. Complete the sentence: good leader is a person who...

    39. Suppose you disagree with your boss on some issue. How will you do it?

    40. What gives you rivalry with colleagues? Helps, hinders or does not affect your achievements?

    41. Have you ever missed work? If yes, how often?

    42. Have you ever been late for work? How often?

    43. Have you ever fought back against rude, obnoxious or impatient people?

    44. Have you ever spoken at public events to defend your point of view?

    45. How do you force yourself to do boring work?

    46. ​​How many hours a week do you need to do your job?

    47. How many hours per week can you work?

    48. How many hours a week do you devote to work?

    49. How many hours a week do you work?

    50. How would you ask for advice?

    51. How would you ask a colleague to help you?

    52. At your last workplace, you initiated major organizational changes. Tell me how you did it.

    53. I see you failed your first session in your second year. Tell me how it happened.

    54. Looking back, is there anything you could have done to improve your relationship with a bad boss?

    55. Give me an example of a time when you had to stay late at work to complete a project. What can you say about it?

    56. Tell us about a time when you had a dilemma and how you came to a decision.

    57. Tell us about a situation that put you under a lot of stress and how you dealt with it.

    58. Tell me about a time when you had a difficult or uncomfortable conversation with a colleague.

    59. Tell us about a time when you took on responsibility for a difficult or risky business because it was very important to you.

    60. Tell me about some serious failure of your own.

    61. What do you think is acceptable attendance for an employee?

    62. What role do you take on in the group? Give examples.

    63. What, in your opinion, is the satisfactory attendance of an employee at work?

    64. Tell me about a time when oral communication was so fruitful that you moved on to writing down the ideas that were spoken?

    65. Your supervisor sent you a task file and left town for a week. You did not understand the task, you can not contact the boss. What are you going to do?

    66. The boss instructed you to solve the problem using a certain method. You know that this tool is ineffective. What are you going to do?

    67. At your current place of work, you worked for a very short time. Does this mean that you tend to change jobs frequently?

    68. You changed jobs quite often. What can serve as a guarantee that you will stay with us?

    These questions will help you understand how the candidate thinks, what he is inclined to do and what is his usual behavior and norm.

    You do not need to use all the questions, choose 5 from the list, what is the most important indicator for you in the corporate culture of the company, and ask the candidate.

    His answer is the main indicator of his thinking and actions in the future.