There are different views on the multilateral trading system and on the WTO as a forum where countries can resolve their differences on trade issues. Criticism of the WTO, however, is often based on misconceptions about how the organization works. The most common criticisms will be discussed below.

“The WTO dictates public policy to member governments”

This is not true. The WTO does not tell governments how to conduct their trade policies - the organization is run by its members. WTO agreements are adopted as a result of negotiations between the governments of member countries on the basis of consensus and are ratified by parliaments.

The coercive mechanism can only be used in the event that a member fails to fulfill its obligations, a trade dispute arises and is submitted to the WTO. Then the Dispute Settlement Body, which consists of all member countries, decides on it by approving the conclusions made by the dispute resolution panel or the outcome of the appeal. This decision is narrow and represents a judgment as to whether the government has violated any WTO agreement. If a defaulting member of the WTO does not intend to remedy the situation, it may face retaliation, which will be sanctioned by the WTO.

The Secretariat does not make decisions, but rather provides administrative and technical support to the WTO and its members.

Thus, the WTO does not dictate policy to its members; on the contrary, its participants shape the policy of the organization.

“Membership in the WTO leads to the loss of the sovereignty of the participants”

This is wrong. In reality, the WTO is no different from other international organizations that do not involve the delegation of any part national sovereignty supranational international bodies. This is what distinguishes it from integration-type organizations such as the European Union. In addition, the obligations of countries follow from other international agreements of an economic nature, and most of them contain certain restrictions for the signatory governments.

The terms of reference of the WTO are much narrower than the perception of it in public opinion. So the WTO does not regulate property relations, macroeconomic, structural, antimonopoly policy, exchange rate policy, budgetary relations, investment regime (with the exception of investment in the service sector, as well as investment-related trade measures); it does not interfere in matters of defense and security.

The conditions of participation in any trade agreement, including the World Trade Organization, do not prevent the state from exercising its sovereign right to withdraw from the agreement when it deems it necessary.

“Participation in the WTO is a complete liberalization of market access and free trade at any cost”

This is not true. Despite the fact that one of the principles of the WTO system is that countries lower their trade barriers and ensure freer trade, how much these barriers should be lowered, the participating countries agree with each other. Their position in the negotiations depends on how ready they are for lowering barriers and what they want in return from other members. Thus, when joining the WTO, new members can retain required level tariff protection of the market for goods and services.

Subsequently, WTO members retain the ability to apply restrictive measures against imports, for example, in cases where such imports cause serious damage to national producers of goods or lead to a disruption in the normal state of the balance of payments. Special provisions are also provided for developing countries. All such restrictions are imposed on the basis of well-defined rules established by the WTO.

Thus, despite the fact that free trade is one of the main goals of the WTO, ensuring fair trade based on the principles of non-discrimination and transparency is given no less importance.

“Prosecution of commercial interests in the WTO becomes a higher priority than development”

Free trade promotes economic growth and support development. This fact underlies the WTO trading system.

At the same time, whether developing countries sufficiently benefit from the WTO system is a matter of ongoing debate.

The WTO agreements include many important provisions that take into account the interests of developing countries. Thus, they are given a longer period of time to make the changes necessary in accordance with the rules of the WTO. Least developed countries receive special treatment, including exemptions from many provisions of the agreements. The need to address development issues can also be used to justify activities that are normally prohibited by WTO agreements, such as government subsidies.

“Commercial interests in the WTO take precedence over protection environment

This is wrong; in many provisions, special attention is paid to the protection of the environment.

The preamble to the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization includes, among other objectives, the optimal use of the world's resources, the promotion of development and the protection of the environment.

In so-called umbrella provisions, such as Article 20 of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, countries are allowed to take action to protect human, animal or plant life and health; States also have the ability to conserve dwindling natural resources.

“Members of the WTO can, should and are already taking action to protect endangered species and other areas of environmental protection,” says the report on a decision taken in one of the disputes submitted to the WTO regarding the importation of shrimp and protection sea ​​turtles.

Particular attention is paid to the tasks of protecting the environment in the WTO agreements concerning product standards, food safety, protection of the rights intellectual property etc. Subsidies are allowed to protect the environment.

It is important, however, that measures taken to protect the environment are not unfair and discriminatory. One cannot be lenient with one's own producers and at the same time be strict with foreign goods and services, just as one cannot discriminate against various trading partners. This point is stipulated in the provision on the regulation of disputes.

The rules of the WTO system can help countries allocate scarce resources more efficiently. For example, cuts in industrial and agricultural subsidies currently being negotiated would reduce wasteful overproduction and conserve natural resources.

Establishment international norms and rules for the protection of the environment - the task of specialized international agencies and conventions, and not directly the World Trade Organization. However, until now, WTO documents and international agreements on environmental protection have not come into conflict with each other, on the contrary, there are partial coincidences in them (for example, in agreements on import restrictions, etc.)

“Commercial interests take precedence over human health and safety issues”

This is wrong. Key provisions in the WTO agreements, such as Article 20 of the GATT, allow governments to take action to protect human, animal or plant life and health. A number of agreements cover the issues of standards for food products, quality and safety of food and other products of animal and plant origin. Their purpose is to protect the rights of governments to ensure the safety of their citizens.

But these actions are regulated in a certain way to prevent the use of safety rules and regulations as an excuse for protecting domestic producers and discriminating against foreign goods and services, “disguised” protectionism. To do this, the measures applied must be based on scientific facts or standards recognized around the world, for example, the Codex Alimentarius, which establishes the recommended level of food safety standards within the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Organization Health (WHO).

Governments, however, may set their own standards, provided they are consistent with international requirements and are not arbitrary or discriminatory.

“The WTO puts people out of work and widens the gap between rich and poor”

This accusation is inaccurate; it oversimplifies the facts. By promoting economic growth, trade is a powerful lever for job creation and poverty reduction. However, almost always the situation is complicated by the fact that a certain period of adaptation is necessary to deal with the problems of job losses. Protectionism as an alternative is not a solution.

The greatest employment gain from free trade is for a country that lowers its own trade barriers. Countries that export to this country also benefit, especially industries that work for export, in which the situation is more stable and wages are higher.

As trade barriers are lowered, previously protected producers face more competition, and their ability to adapt to new conditions becomes vital. Countries with stronger accommodative policies are adjusting better than those that are missing out on new trade and economic opportunities.

The problem of adaptation of producers to existence in the conditions of free trade is solved in the WTO in several ways.

For example, liberalization under the WTO is negotiated, and when countries feel that certain changes to existing safeguards are unacceptable, they may continue to resist demands for the opening of relevant sectors of their markets.

In addition, the liberalization of markets, in accordance with the agreements already reached, is being carried out gradually, which gives countries time for the necessary adaptation. The agreements also allow countries to take restrictive measures against imports that cause particular harm to the domestic economy, but to do so according to strictly defined rules.

Protectionism as an alternative to trade to preserve jobs is ineffective because it raises production costs and encourages low productivity. Thus, according to OECD calculations, the levy of a 30% duty on imports from developing countries would actually reduce the wages of unskilled workers in the importing country by 1% and the wages of skilled workers by 5%, that is, the application of protectionist measures lowers the level of wages in country.

In addition, there are many factors unrelated to the activities of the WTO that affect changes in wage levels. Thus, the fact that in developed countries the gap between the wages of skilled and unskilled workers is widening cannot be explained by trade liberalization. Much of the change in wages in developed countries is explained by skill-related technological changes, while imports from low-wage countries account for only 10-20% of these changes, according to the OECD.

In addition, the analysis of exclusively imported goods distorts the picture. In developed countries, 70% of economic activity is in services, where foreign competition affects jobs in a different way: if, for example, a telecommunications company opens a business in a country, it in most cases hires local staff.

Finally, while the standard of living of 1.5 billion people is still extremely low, trade liberalization since World War II has helped lift about 3 billion people out of poverty.

“Small countries in the WTO are powerless”

This is not true. In the WTO trading system, everyone adheres to the same rules, which expands the bargaining power of small countries. Thus, under the dispute resolution procedure, developing countries have successfully challenged the actions taken by industrialized countries at the WTO. Outside of this system, these countries would be powerless in their actions against more powerful trading partners.

Both developing and the developed countries concessions must be made during negotiations. Thus, the Uruguay Round (1986-94) became possible only because industrialized countries agreed to reform trade in textiles and Agriculture, and both of these industries were vital to developing countries.

“The WTO is a powerful lobbying tool”

This is not true. This view is associated with a misconception about membership in the World Trade Organization. Business, non-governmental organizations and other lobbying groups do not participate in the work of the WTO, except for special events such as seminars and symposiums, and can influence WTO decisions only through their governments.

Conversely, a government can use WTO membership to resist lobbying for narrow interests. individual groups. During negotiations, it is easier for him to resist the pressure of lobbyists, citing arguments indicating that there is a need to adopt a common package of measures in the interests of the country as a whole.

“Weaker countries have no choice, they are forced to join the WTO”

This is wrong. To be or not to be in the WTO is a voluntary choice of any country, and therefore, at the moment, negotiations are being conducted by both large and small states. The reasons why more and more countries want to join this system are more positive than negative; they are embedded in the key principles of the WTO, such as non-discrimination and transparency. By joining the WTO, even a small country automatically enjoys all the guaranteed benefits of membership.

An alternative to accession would be to negotiate bilateral agreements with each trading partner, but this would require governments more funds, which is a major problem for smaller countries. In addition, their negotiating power in bilateral negotiations is weaker than they might be in the WTO, where small countries form alliances with other states with which they have common interests.

By joining the WTO, the country assumes obligations, without requiring reciprocity, to reduce customs tariffs, thereby contributing to the process of trade liberalization. The form of these commitments is a list of tariff concessions, consisting of duty rates that a Member State undertakes not to exceed. This requirement is the same for all new members, and when joining countries also agree to its implementation voluntarily.

“The WTO is an undemocratic organization”

This is not true. Decisions in the WTO are usually taken by consensus, which is even more democratic than decisions by majority vote. The adopted agreements are ratified in the parliaments of the participating countries.

While not every country has the same bargaining power, the consensus rule means that each member of the organization has a voice and a decision is made only when there are no dissenters.

Thus, the WTO mechanism provides equal opportunities for the governments of all member countries.

The WTO has been operating since January 1, 1995, the decision to establish it was made at the end of many years of negotiations within the framework of the Uruguay Round of the GATT, which ended in December 1993. The WTO was officially formed at a conference in Marrakesh in April 1994, therefore the Agreement Establishing the WTO is also called the Marrakesh Agreement.

While the GATT dealt only with trade in goods, the scope of the WTO is wider: in addition to trade in goods, it also regulates trade in services and trade aspects of intellectual property rights. The WTO has the legal status of a specialized agency of the UN system.

Initially, 77 states joined the WTO, but by the middle of 2003, 146 countries - developed, developing and post-socialist - were its members. The "motley" composition of the WTO member states is reflected in the emblem of this organization itself.

Some ex-Soviet countries also joined the WTO: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan. important event was China's accession to the WTO in December 2001, which is considered one of the most promising participants in world trade. The WTO member countries account for approximately 95% of world trade - in fact, almost the entire world market without Russia. A number of countries have officially expressed their desire to join this organization and have the status of observer states. In 2003, there were 29 such countries, including the Russian Federation and some others. post-soviet states(Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan).

Tasks of the WTO.

The main task of the WTO is to promote unhindered international trade. The developed countries, on whose initiative the WTO was created, believe that it is economic freedom in international trade that contributes to economic growth and an increase in the economic well-being of people.

It is currently believed that the world trading system should comply with the following five principles.

1). No discrimination in trade.

No state should infringe on any other country by imposing restrictions on the export and import of goods. Ideally, in the domestic market of any country there should be no difference in terms of sale between foreign products and domestic products.

2). Lower trade (protectionist) barriers.

Trade barriers are called factors that reduce the possibility of penetration of foreign goods into the domestic market of any country. These include, first of all, customs duties and import quotas (quantitative restrictions on imports). International trade is also affected by administrative barriers and exchange rate policies.

3). Stability and predictability of the terms of trade.

Foreign companies, investors and governments need to be sure that trade conditions (tariff and non-tariff barriers) will not be changed suddenly and arbitrarily.

4). Stimulation of competitiveness in international trade.

For equal competition of firms different countries it is necessary to stop "unfair" methods of competition - such as export subsidies (state assistance to exporting firms), the use of dumping (deliberately low) prices to capture new markets.

5). Benefits in international trade for less developed countries.

This principle partly contradicts the previous ones, but it is necessary to draw into the world economy the underdeveloped countries of the periphery, which obviously cannot at first compete with the developed countries on an equal footing. Therefore, it is considered "fair" to grant special privileges to underdeveloped countries.

In general, the WTO promotes the ideas of free trade (free trade), fighting for the removal of protectionist barriers.

Practical principles of the WTO.

The activities of the WTO are based on three international agreements signed by the majority of states actively participating in world economic relations: the General Agreement on Trade in Goods (GATT) as amended in 1994, the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) . The main purpose of these agreements is to provide assistance to firms of all countries involved in export-import operations.

Implementation of WTO agreements, as a rule, brings not only long-term benefits, but also short-term difficulties. For example, lowering protectionist customs tariffs makes it easier for buyers to purchase cheaper foreign goods, but can bankrupt domestic producers if they produce high-cost goods. Therefore, according to the rules of the WTO, member states are allowed to carry out the envisaged changes not instantly, but in stages, according to the principle of "progressive liberalization". At the same time, developing states usually have a longer period for the full implementation of their obligations.

Commitment to comply with free trade rules , assumed by all members of the WTO constitute the "multilateral trading" system. Most of the world's states, including all major importing and exporting countries, are members of this system. However, a number of states are not included in it, therefore the system is called "multilateral" (and not "worldwide"). In the long term, as the number of WTO members increases, the "multilateral trading" system should turn into a truly "world trade".

The main functions of the WTO:

– control over the fulfillment of the requirements of the basic WTO agreements;

– creating conditions for negotiations between WTO member countries on foreign economic relations;

– Settlement of disputes between states on issues of foreign economic trade policy;

– control over the policy of the WTO member states in the field of international trade;

- Giving help developing countries;

– cooperation with other international organizations.

Since the texts of agreements are drawn up and signed by a large number of countries participating in foreign trade relations, they often cause debate and controversy. Often the parties involved in negotiations pursue a variety of goals. In addition, agreements and contracts (including those concluded after lengthy WTO-brokered negotiations) often require further interpretation. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the WTO is precisely to serve as a kind of mediator in trade negotiations, to promote the settlement of disputes.

The practice of international economic conflicts has shown that controversial issues are best resolved in the manner established by the WTO, based on a mutually agreed legal framework and providing equal rights and opportunities to the parties. It is for this purpose that the texts of agreements signed within the framework of the WTO must include a clause on the rules for settling disputes. According to the text of the agreement on dispute settlement rules and procedures, “the WTO dispute settlement system is a key element in ensuring the security and predictability of the global trading system.”

WTO Members undertake not to take unilateral action against potential trade violations. Moreover, they undertake to resolve disputes within the framework of the multilateral dispute settlement system and abide by its rules and decisions. Decisions on controversial issues are taken by all member states, usually by consensus, which is an additional incentive to strengthen agreement in the ranks of the WTO.

Organizational structure of the WTO.

WTO governing bodies have three hierarchical levels (Fig. 1).

Strategic decisions at the highest level in the WTO are made by the Ministerial Conference, which meets at least once every two years.

Subordinate to the Ministerial Conference is the General Council, which is responsible for the implementation of current work and meets several times a year at the headquarters in Geneva, consisting of representatives of WTO member countries (usually ambassadors and heads of delegations of member countries). The General Council is responsible for two special body– trade policy analysis and dispute resolution. In addition, special committees are accountable to the General Council: on trade and development; on trade balance restrictions; budget, finance and administration.

The WTO General Council acts as a dispute resolution body to resolve conflicts arising from the implementation of the underlying agreements. It has the exclusive authority to set up panels to deal with specific disputes, to approve the reports submitted by such panels as well as the appellate body, to monitor the implementation of decisions and recommendations, and to authorize retaliatory action in the event of non-compliance with the recommendations.

The General Council partially delegates its functions to the three councils at the next level of the WTO hierarchy - the Council for Trade in Goods, the Council for Trade in Services and the Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.

The Council for Trade in Goods, in turn, manages the activities of specialized committees that monitor compliance with the principles of the WTO and the implementation of the GATT-1994 agreements in the field of trade in goods.

The Council for Trade in Services oversees the implementation of the GATS agreement. It is composed of the Committee on Trade in Financial Services and the Working Group on professional services.

The Council on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, in addition to monitoring the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement, also deals with issues related to the international trade in counterfeit goods.

The WTO Secretariat, which is based in Geneva, has about 500 full-time employees; it is headed by the Director General of the WTO (since 2002 - Supachai Panitchpakdi). The WTO Secretariat, unlike similar bodies of other international organizations, does not make independent decisions, since this function is assigned to the member countries themselves. The main responsibilities of the Secretariat are to provide technical support to the various councils and committees of the WTO, as well as the Ministerial Conference, provide technical assistance to developing countries, analyze world trade, and explain the provisions of the WTO to the public and the media. The Secretariat also provides some form of legal assistance in the dispute resolution process and advises governments of countries wishing to become members of the WTO.

Contradictions between WTO member countries.

Although the WTO Charter declares the equality of all member countries, within this organization there are strong objective contradictions between developed and developing countries.

Developing countries have cheap but not very skilled labor. Therefore, the states of the "third world" can mainly import traditional goods - primarily textiles and clothing, agricultural products. Developed countries, protecting their textile and agribusiness industries, restrict imports from developing countries by imposing high customs duties on imported goods. They usually justify their protectionist measures by saying that developing countries are using dumping policies. In turn, developed countries lead the markets for high-tech goods, and now developing countries use protectionist measures against them.

Thus, almost all countries resort to protectionist protection to one degree or another. Therefore, the mutual reduction of protectionist barriers becomes a rather difficult process.

The liberalization of world trade is also hampered by the fact that developed and developing countries differ greatly in economic strength. Therefore, the countries of the "poor South" constantly (and not without reason) suspect the countries of the "rich North" that they want to impose on them a system of world economic relations that is more beneficial to developed than to developing countries. In turn, developed countries rightly point out that many states openly speculate on their underdevelopment, seeking instead of economic modernization to beg for concessions and benefits in international trade relations.

The asymmetry of relations between developed and developing countries is most clearly seen in the issue of the protection of intellectual property rights. It is, first of all, about the fight against counterfeiting - mainly in the countries of the "third world" - trademarks of well-known companies in developed countries. Naturally, the countries of the “rich North” are much more interested in this struggle than the states of the “poor South”.

The liberalization of world trade is still objectively beneficial for both developed and developing countries. It is known, for example, that the accession of developing countries to the WTO sharply increases the flow of foreign investment into them. Therefore, WTO member countries seek and find compromise solutions to difficult problems.

The strategy for the development of the WTO was the gradual attraction of more and more new countries to it, but at the same time, the less developed the country's economy is, the longer the period given to it for the full implementation of the principles of free trade.

Benefits for new member countries are clearly visible, primarily in the level of tariffs on imported goods. If we compare the average level of tariffs of the WTO member countries (Table 1) with the conditions under which some countries entered the WTO (Table 2), then the privileged position of new members is noticeable. They are often allowed to apply higher import tariffs than the WTO average; besides, they introduce these tariffs after a multi-year transitional period. Thus, new members of the WTO can immediately benefit from lower duties on exporting their goods abroad, and the difficulties from reducing protectionist protection are mitigated.

A country Year of WTO accession Tariffs on agricultural goods Tariffs for other goods
Ecuador 1996 25.8%, transition period 5 years, application of special protective measures for some goods 20,1%
Panama 1997 26.1%, transition period up to 14 years, application of special protective measures for some goods 11.5%, transition period up to 14 years
Latvia 1999 33.6%; transition period 9 years 9.3%, transition period 9 years
Estonia 1999 17.7%, transition period 5 years 6.6%, transition period 6 years
Jordan 2000 25%, transition period 10 years
Oman 2000 30.5%, transition period 4 years 11%, transition period 4 years
Lithuania 2001 mostly 15 to 35% (maximum 50%), transitional period 8 years mostly 10 to 20% (maximum 30%), transitional period 4 years
Compiled according to the website of Russia and the WTO:

Fighting against restrictions imposed in developed countries on imports from the "third world", developing countries resort to WTO arbitration and achieve the abolition of "anti-dumping" measures. So, in the first years of the 21st century. India has applied to the WTO to protest against the US and EU, which imposed restrictions on the import of fabrics and clothing made in India; after lengthy proceedings, the WTO ordered the defendants to cancel the protectionist measures. However, conflicts of this kind often arise not only between developed and developing countries, but also between different developing countries. For example, in the second half of 2001, India initiated 51 anti-dumping proceedings at the WTO, of which 9 against China, 7 against Singapore, and 3 against Thailand.

Russia and WTO.

Since the Russian economy is becoming more and more integrated into world trade, there is a need for our country to get involved in the work of international economic organizations. Even in the years of the existence of the USSR, contacts were established with the GATT. Since 1995, negotiations have been underway on Russia's accession to the WTO.

By joining the WTO, Russia will be able to use this entire mechanism to protect its foreign trade interests. The need for it for Russian entrepreneurs grew when, in response to a serious increase in the openness of their domestic market Russia did not see the retaliatory steps of Western countries. Instead, it has, on the contrary, faced trade barriers precisely in those goods where Russia has a comparative advantage in international trade, and unfair competition from a number of foreign firms in foreign markets, as well as in Russia's domestic market.

Russia's accession to the WTO can contribute to strengthening the stability, predictability and openness of the country's foreign trade regime, the shortcomings of which one hears complaints not only from foreign trade partners Russian Federation, but also exporters and importers in Russia itself.

By joining the WTO, Russia will have to take on a number of obligations contained in the WTO agreements. Together with the obligations, Russia will also receive rights that will allow it to better protect its foreign trade interests and accelerate its integration into the world economy.

The main prerequisite for successfully overcoming the difficulties in the field of transforming legislation and using its advantages within the framework of the WTO is the effective continuation of the process of improving legislation within the framework of liberal economic reforms, because this process almost completely coincides with the adaptation of legislation to the norms and rules of the WTO. First of all, we are talking about eliminating excessive administrative pressure on enterprises and increasing the degree of transparency of all legislation.

From liberalization and unification of the Russian system state regulation the following benefits are expected:

– simplification and rationalization of procedures for confirming the conformity of manufactured products international standards, and hence - the acceleration of the turnover of funds;

– increasing the competitiveness of products of Russian firms due to a more flexible system of technical requirements and harmonization of national and international requirements;

– increasing the investment attractiveness of the Russian economy;

– cost reduction and elimination of duplication in oversight and compliance monitoring;

– reducing the number of documents and increasing the transparency of the regulatory system.

But the liberalization of foreign economic relations will inevitably lead to significant negative consequences. This process will affect all spheres of the country's life - political, social, industrial, financial and economic.

In the realm of politics, accepting the obligations imposed by agreements with WTO member countries will lead to an inevitable weakening of national sovereignty. The restrictions will affect all branches of government - the executive (it will constantly be required to comply with international obligations, even to the detriment of national interests), legislative (will have to bring regulations in accordance with the requirements of the WTO), judicial (legal disputes for possible violations will be considered in international courts).

In area social relations accession to the WTO is also fraught with negative consequences: many enterprises, and possibly entire industries, will not be able to compete with the influx of foreign goods and services. It is not yet clear what the scale of job cuts could be, but it is likely that we will talk about hundreds of thousands of unemployed (primarily in light and Food Industry). This will require large expenditures for social support, retraining, creation of new jobs, etc. This requires huge funds, which, however, can be partially obtained from partners in the WTO.

Since Russian producers will have to compete with foreign producers both in the foreign and domestic markets for all product groups in very tough conditions, the crisis in the economic sphere itself can develop in two main directions.

On the one hand, foreign firms will certainly be presented - and, on quite legal grounds - claims about dumping allegedly used by Russian exporters. The fact is that the cost structure of our competitive goods is very different from the world one (primarily due to savings on wages, energy and ecology). Therefore, Russia will be required, for example, to raise domestic energy prices, bringing them in line with world prices.

On the other hand, competition with cheaper and higher-quality goods from foreign firms will sharply increase in the domestic market. According to some expert opinion, only 25% of domestic enterprises will be able to compete in the domestic market with foreign manufacturers. When Russia enters the WTO, the following sectors will suffer: agriculture, light industry, agricultural engineering and the automotive industry, in particular the production of trucks. For the rest, lowering customs barriers is unprofitable, since it can lead to ruin. Therefore, as a condition for joining the WTO, Russia insists on maintaining high customs duties to protect the domestic market from subsidized products from Europe, Asia and other countries.

In this regard, so-called adaptation measures are envisaged, in particular, it is planned to adopt a law on extending the exemption of agricultural enterprises from income tax until 2016 and minimizing VAT.

Since the immediate and complete fulfillment of the conditions for joining the WTO seems impossible for Russia, there have been sharp disputes in our country about the advisability of this entry.

In June 2012, deputies from opposition parties submitted a request to the Constitutional Court to check for compliance with the Basic Law of the Russian Federation international treaty on Russia's accession to the WTO. On July 9, 2012, the Constitutional Court recognized that the agreements with the WTO are legal.

The Russian economy will inevitably suffer major losses after joining the WTO.

Dmitry Preobrazhensky, Yuri Latov


Afontsev S . Accession to the WTO: economic and political perspectives.– Pro et contra. T. 7., 2002
Gorban M., Guriev S., Yudaeva K. Russia in the WTO: myths and reality. - Issues of economics. 2002, No. 2
Maksimova M. Accession to the WTO: win or lose?- Man and work. 2002, No. 4
Dumoulin I.I. world Trade organisation. M., CJSC Publishing house "Economics", 2002, 2003
Internet resources: WTO website (Official WTO website) –
Russia and the World Trade Organization (Russian WTO website) –
World Trade Organization: The Future of Successful Trading Starts Today -

For a long 18 years, the Russian Federation has been seeking entry into the World Trade Organization. In 2012, our country nevertheless entered this union. Such a grandiose event gave rise to many disputes between politicians and public figures. And in 2018, news appeared about a possible withdrawal of Russia from the organization. What could have happened? Why and when did Russia join the WTO? We will try to understand everything in our article.

The role of the WTO on the world stage

Before examining the question of why Russia joined the WTO, it is necessary to give a brief description of the organization itself. The World Trade Union (or organization) was established on January 1, 1995. It aimed to liberalize interstate trade and regulate the political relations of its member countries. The WTO is formed on the basis of GATT - the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

Headquarters trade union located in the capital of Switzerland. There are 164 states in the union. The WTO is responsible for the formation and implementation of new trade agreements. It monitors compliance by its members with all ratified norms. Member countries of the union have a relatively high level of customs and tariff protection. The main principles of the organization are reciprocity, equality and transparency.

Russia's accession to the WTO

The date of the start of negotiations can be called 1986. Even then, the leadership of the Soviet Union announced its intention to conclude an agreement with the GATT. The application was rejected at the urging of the US. The states motivated this by the fact that in the USSR an incompatible free market Planned Economy. However, after 4 years Soviet Union still received observer status.

The USSR collapsed, a new state appeared - the Russian Federation. In 1993 the Constitution was adopted. At the same time, official negotiations began on accession to the WTO. They went on for an incredibly long time. Most of the problems for the Russian Federation were created by the European Union and the United States.

The question of when Russia will join the WTO was complicated by the Russian government itself. 208 people out of 446 who voted strongly opposed the participation of the Russian Federation in the international trade union. However, the law was still ratified. It was approved by the Federation Council and the President. At the beginning of 2012, a number of conditions were presented to Russia, under which the country could enter the union.

Conditions for joining the WTO

The full text of the requirements put forward by WTO members to Russia can be found on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Most of the changes concerned customs duties. Two lists of commitments were presented - for goods and services. Russia was temporarily limited in the admission of foreign persons from WTO members to the domestic market.

Two important principles have come into force. The first is "about the national regime". It means that tax, procedural and private law rules are equivalent for both Russians and foreigners. The second principle is "the favored nation". If Russia provides favorable treatment for certain persons of one WTO member country, then such a regime will automatically work for all other persons of any other member of the organization.

When did Russia join the WTO? On July 21, 2012, the Russian President signed the federal law"On Russia's Accession to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Union".

Why did Russia join the WTO?

"The country has confidently stepped forward to meet the West, and this will affect, first of all, the quality of life of the Russians themselves." Such speeches could be heard from the domestic media when Russia joined the WTO. The authorities also began to assure the people of the importance and epochal nature of the event. Was it all true? Opinions on this issue differ. You can independently form a conclusion for yourself by looking at the main goals that Russia wished to achieve in the WTO

The primary task of the state when entering into a trade union was the modernization of relations with the West in the form of opening domestic markets and lowering tariffs. Russia's goals in the WTO are as follows:

  • participation in the formation of the rules of interstate trade, taking into account national interests;
  • improving the image of Russia on the world stage;
  • access to an interstate mechanism for resolving trade conflicts;
  • obtaining the best conditions for access of domestic products to the world market;
  • expanding opportunities for Russian investors in WTO member states.

In pursuit of these goals, the Russian authorities have developed an important principle for themselves: the rights and obligations of the country in the WTO should contribute to economic growth, but not vice versa.

Russia in the WTO: main advantages

What positive developments should have followed Russia's accession to the WTO? The first undeniable advantage that immediately comes to mind is the improvement of the country's image on the world stage. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to ignore the fact that Russia is an incomprehensible country for many and in many ways even dangerous. This is far from a European state, but there are not so many eastern elements in it. The Russian authorities should try very hard to show how our country can be useful on the world stage. The long-awaited access to the WTO is a clear improvement in the image of the Russian Federation.

When Russia joined the WTO, the Russian media tirelessly reported that prices for most of the products would soon be lowered. Supposedly the cost of goods will fall already a couple of years after joining the trade union. Prices have really dropped. But the decrease was insignificant and it affected far from all goods. Free access to the established trading schemes bore fruit, which was undoubtedly a great advantage for Russia at that time. However, the joy was short-lived. Two years later, the United States and the European Union applied the first package of sanctions against our country.

Economic growth

Russia joined the WTO in a year of optimal economic development. 2012 was marked by presidential elections and new reforms. Numerous sanctions have not yet denigrated the economic and political state of affairs in the country. Thanks to the alliance with the WTO, competition has increased in Russia. The result was the modernization of the domestic economy.

Has been downgraded credit rate- both for the ordinary population and for small and large businesses. Some domestic producers were able to enter the world market. This forced them to pay attention to the quality of their products. This has resulted in increased competition.

Some import duties have been significantly reduced. Medicines, clothing, IT products and other goods have become more accessible to the population. Finally, the principle of transparency in WTO trade law has made it possible to build complex and quality relationships between the parties.

So why did Russia join the WTO? Looking at the listed advantages, it becomes not at all difficult to answer this question. The country could experience a real economic recovery. Unfortunately, this did not happen due to the Ukrainian conflict, in which Russia intervened. Sanctions were imposed on the country, and some deputies seriously thought about withdrawing from the WTO. In their bill, they gave a list of disadvantages that membership in a trade union gives Russia.

Russia in the WTO: main shortcomings

The possibility of unemployment in the domestic market is the first and main disadvantage. Russian enterprises may simply not be able to compete with foreign manufacturers. The situation may worsen in the so-called "factory" cities - where most of the population is involved in production.

Import duties have been lowered. This led to the fact that a number of goods became unprofitable to produce in Russia. These are agricultural products, and most importantly - the automotive industry. Thus, the customs duty on the import of used cars fell 4 times. The authorities are already actively fighting this phenomenon. It diligently, although not very successfully, promotes the policy of "import substitution".

In addition to import duties, export duties may also be reduced. Because of this, the country's budget may be at a loss. However, there is no reason to be afraid of an increase in the state debt: the authorities have created many other problems for themselves.

Consequences of Russia's accession to the WTO

Experts are confident that joining a trade union will entail a reduction in duties on many goods. So, by 2019, the duty on cars should fall from 30 to 15 percent. Following the car industry, alcohol will become cheaper, Appliances, clothing and much more.

It is expected that Russia's participation in the WTO will provide an additional $2 billion per year. The Russian economy will grow at the expense of foreign investment. will change external environment. Competition will rise, tariff barriers will decrease, the state will reduce a number of protectionist measures.

Criticism of Russia's participation in the WTO

The question of whether Russia joined the WTO has worried many political scientists and economists. Experts worried that the losses from joining the union would be much higher than the possible benefits. Back in 2006, experts calculated that the benefits of domestic enterprises after joining the WTO would amount to $23 billion, and losses - $90 billion. However, things turned out a little differently. Russia joined the union on preferential terms, which allowed it not to change its customs policy at all during the first three years.

In 2012, Vladimir Putin did not side with the critics of the WTO. He said that the modernization of the Russian economy would be simply impossible if the government decides to ignore the issue of joining the union. When Russia joined the WTO (date and year indicated above), the main critics of this step were members of the Communist Party faction.

The question of Russia's withdrawal from the WTO

Deputies from the Communist Party faction have already developed a bill aimed at the systematic withdrawal of the Russian Federation from the World Trade Union. The document refers to the year in which Russia joined the WTO and what followed. 900 billion rubles were lost over the five years of membership, and by 2020 the amount of damage will be 12-14 trillion rubles

What threatens Russia's exit from the WTO? Unfortunately, no one knows. Under an international agreement, there is a right of withdrawal, but no one has exercised it. Russia can set a precedent. With a high degree of probability, it will entail the imposition of severe sanctions on the guilty party.

World Trade Organization (English World Trade Organization - WTO)- an international economic organization that creates certain conditions for trade on the territory of the participating countries.

History of the WTO

The WTO was established on January 1, 1995 to regulate trade and political relations between member countries. It was formed on the basis of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), concluded in 1947. The very historical fact of the creation of the World Trade Organization took place in the city of Marrakech (Morocco country) in April 1994. As a result, the agreement of countries on the creation of uniform rules for trade is called the "Marrakesh Agreement". However, the start date of the organization is January 01, 1995, so this date is recognized as the date of creation. At the date of commencement of the functioning of the WTO, 76 countries were members.

The main goal of creating a world trade organization was to introduce common principles of trade on the world stage for all participating countries. However, each of the participants in this association has the right to introduce additional control measures for goods entering their markets.

The application of additional conditions for goods is introduced, to a greater extent, if there is a crisis situation in the country in any sphere of production. And also this principle is applied in case of violation of the WTO partnership principles themselves.

Despite more than twenty years of experience, the WTO has not found favor in a number of countries. The main reason for this was the complexity of the system and structure of the world trade organization itself.

Many enterprises do not see all the possible benefits, and also cannot fully appreciate the global position of the system as a whole. At the same time, for the participating countries, this system provides not only a single market on common rules, but also a considerable list of rights for each participant in trade relations.

To date, the headquarters of the WTO is located in Geneva (country - Switzerland). WTO Director General - Roberto Azevedo (Brazilian economist).

Principles of the World Trade Organization

  • No matter how difficult the WTO rules may seem, in fact, they have three basic principles on which the entire single trade system is built, the most favored nation principle (MFN). This principle says that there can be no discrimination between participating countries.

For example, if the product is imported from the Gambia (serial number 125 in single register WTO member countries) and France (serial number 69 in the unified register of WTO member countries) to the territory of Poland (serial number 99 in the unified register of WTO member countries), then the conditions for the import and registration of these goods will be exactly the same;

  • The principle of nationalism. The most controversial principle It assumes that the conditions for foreign goods, provided that they are imported by WTO members, will be the same as for goods produced in the territory of the host country. However, the terms of participation in the WTO does not prohibit the introduction of procedures that simplify the system of selling national goods. But such rules, most often, apply only to their own manufacturing enterprises. Thereby confirming that this principle of the world trade organization is not perfect;
  • The principle of transparency. This principle is the basis of all legal agreements of WTO members. He says that each participating country must ensure that other participants have full access to its regulatory and legislative framework in terms of trade in its territory. Member countries are required to create information centers, where in an accessible form each interested party could explain for itself all the aspects of interest to it legislative regulation trade relations.

In order to join the WTO, the country's leadership needs to go through a very lengthy and scrupulous procedure, on average it lasts about five years. The main requirement for potential participating countries is to bring international trade to the standards prescribed in the agreement signed at the Uruguay Round.

At the first stage, the economy and trade policy of the country as a whole are assessed, after which lengthy negotiations are held on the potential benefits of the parties from joining a new market to common system trade.

In conclusion, if the parties have come to a mutual agreement, the new participating country signs an agreement on the proposed terms of trade, and it is also assigned an individual unchanging number. Also, a new member country is obliged to pay for membership in this organization in accordance with the current tariffs.

In order to withdraw from the WTO, it is necessary to send a written notification to the Director General of the World Trade Organization, in which it is necessary to indicate your desire to leave this association. After six months, membership will be considered terminated. It is worth noting that in the history of the existence of the WTO there was not a single statement with such a petition.

Functions and tasks of the WTO

The main functions of the WTO are as follows:

  • monitoring the commercial policies of the participating states;
  • control over compliance with all contractual conditions and relations concluded under the auspices of the WTO;
  • organization of negotiations between WTO member countries;
  • provision of member countries with information aids within the framework of the WTO program;
  • maintaining diplomatic relations with other countries and commonwealths for the development of trade relations;
  • resolution of disputes.

Based on the listed functions of the WTO, we can safely say that the main task of the World Trade Organization is to organize the interaction of member countries among themselves, as a result of which there are controversial issues that may arise at the stage of interaction between several parties.

The legal basis of all documents issued by the WTO are sixty agreements that prescribe the three basic principles of the WTO in various forms and cuts.

Structure of the WTO

Since already in 2015 there were 162 participating countries, while the countries are united by one single criterion - trade, while these are countries with different national languages, religions, economic levels, etc.

Therefore, it is so important that all decisions are made purely in order to achieve material well-being, without the use of any targeting.

In order to make this or that decision, large meetings are held in which all participants try to reach a common denominator. The method of open (or closed) voting is also allowed, by means of determining the majority. But this method has never been used in the history of the WTO.

Members of the Ministerial Conference have the greatest number of rights in the World Trade Organization, while members of this structural unit are required to convene meetings at least once every two years.

  1. For the first time this conference was held in 1996 in Singapore (country - Singapore). The agenda of the meeting was the approval of the planned goals and objectives, as well as the confirmation of the basic principles of the WTO.
  2. The second time the conference was held in 1998 in Geneva and was dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the GATT (the community on the basis of which the World Trade Organization was organized).
  3. The third conference was held in 1999 in Seattle (USA) and was called upon to form new goals to determine a new direction for trade, but these negotiations remained fruitless.

The next link in the structure of the WTO, after the Ministerial Conference, is the General Council, which is engaged in daily work on the preparation of standard documents and solving current problems.

The General Council includes ambassadors and heads of delegations of the participating countries, and the frequency of meetings of this structural unit is several times a year. In turn, the General Council is subject to several substructures, between which the main functions of the WTO are divided:

  • Commodity Trade Council. Its main function is to ensure that the principles of the WTO are respected at every level of trade among member countries. Also, the described principles must be observed in all documents concluded under the auspices of the WTO;
  • Council for Trade in Services. This control unit monitors compliance with the GATS rules, which were spelled out in the relevant agreement. The Council for Trade in Services is subdivided into two main divisions, the Committee on Trade in Financial Services and the Working Group on Professional Services. The staff of this council is expanding every year, and the requirements for WTO member countries are becoming stricter;
  • Council on Trade Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. IN this Council WTO arises the most disputes and conflicts, since it is intellectual property that becomes the most controversial object. As in the whole world, in the WTO rules the issue of intellectual property rights has not been fully disclosed, and every time new disputes arise.

If we talk about which of the divisions of the World Trade Organization works directly with all applications from member countries and the public, then this is the WTO secretariat. Several hundred people work in this division. The head of the secretariat is the director general

The responsibility of the secretariat is to organize all the technical aspects that accompany important meetings and meetings, as well as the Ministerial Conference.

Technical support is also provided to countries at the development stage. In addition, specialists of this department analyze the world economy, as well as hold conferences with the media.

Russia in the WTO

In 1995, the authorities of the Russian Federation made a formal request for the right to join the World Trade Organization.

The most difficult stage was the negotiations with the USA, China and the EU countries. However, after Russia supported the countries of Europe in upholding the positions of the Kyoto Protocol, the United States remained the only dissenting member of the WTO.

Negotiations continued with this country for six years. However, after numerous meetings and reforms in the agricultural sector of the Russian economy, a protocol on Russia's accession to the WTO was signed on November 20, 2006.

The signing took place within the framework of the session of the Asia-Pacific Forum in Hanoi (country - Vietnam).

But despite all the work done since 1995, the official entry of the Russian Federation into the WTO was constantly postponed for various reasons, the main of which was the unstable economic situation participating countries, which could become even worse after the accession of the Russian market, the assessment of which was extremely low and unstable.

In June 2009, the Russian Federation took a very unusual decision. In the face of Prime Minister Putin V.V. A statement was made that negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO had been terminated. The initiator of stopping consideration of the issue of joining the Russian Federation was the Russian authorities themselves. However, they also decided to start negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO as part of a single Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

By that time, the Georgian authorities had become anti-supporters of Russia.

In October 2011, with the assistance of the Swiss authorities, an agreement was formulated between Russia and Georgia to resolve disputes, which ensured the support of the Russian Federation even from this opponent. The official date of the accession of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organization is August 22, 2012 with the assignment of a permanent serial number - 156.

Such was not simple story Russia's accession to the WTO.

However, it is impossible not to notice that WTO membership did not help in settling trade sanctions against the Russian Federation.

World Trade organisation (WTO; English World Trade Organization (WTO), fr. Organization mondiale du commerce(OMC), Spanish Organization Mundial del Comercio ) is an international organization established on January 1, 1995 with the aim of liberalizing international trade and regulating trade and political relations of member states. The WTO was formed on the basis of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), concluded in 1947 and for almost 50 years actually performed the functions of an international organization, but was, nevertheless, not an international organization in the legal sense.

The WTO is responsible for the development and implementation of new trade agreements, and also monitors the observance by the members of the organization of all agreements signed by most countries of the world and ratified by their parliaments. The WTO builds its activities on the basis of decisions taken in 1986-1994 within the framework of the Uruguay Round and earlier GATT agreements. Discussions of problems and decision-making on global problems of liberalization and prospects for further development of world trade are held within the framework of multilateral trade negotiations (rounds). To date, 8 rounds of such negotiations have been held, including the Uruguay one, and in 2001 the ninth one started in Doha, Qatar. The Organization is trying to complete negotiations on the Doha Round, which was launched with a clear focus on meeting the needs of developing countries. As of December 2012, the future of the Doha Round remains uncertain: the program of work consists of 21 parts, and the originally set deadline of January 1, 2005 has long been missed. During the negotiations, a conflict arose between the desire for free trade and the desire of many countries for protectionism, especially in terms of agricultural subsidies. So far, these obstacles remain the main ones and hinder any progress to launch new negotiations in the Doha Round. As of July 2012, there are various negotiating groups in the WTO system to address current issues in terms of agriculture, which leads to a stalemate in the negotiations themselves.

The headquarters of the WTO is located in Geneva, Switzerland. The head of the WTO (general director) is Roberto Carvalho di Azevedo, the organization itself has about 600 people.

WTO rules provide for a number of benefits for developing countries. Currently, developing countries - members of the WTO have (on average) a higher relative level of customs and tariff protection of their markets compared to developed ones. However, in absolute terms, the total amount of customs tariff sanctions in developed countries is much higher, as a result of which market access for highly valued products from developing countries is seriously limited.

WTO rules regulate only trade and economic issues. Attempts by the United States and a number of European countries to start a discussion about working conditions (which would make it possible to consider insufficient legislative protection of workers as a competitive advantage) were rejected due to protests from developing countries, which argued that such measures would only worsen the well-being of workers due to a reduction in the number of jobs, decrease in incomes and level of competitiveness .

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    ✪ World Trade Organization (WTO)

    ✪ WTO Marrakesh Agreement (hermeneutical analysis)


History of the WTO

The growing role of world trade forced the industrial countries already in the 19th century to maintain limited cooperation at the international level on customs duties. The global economic crisis that erupted in 1929 and attempts to overcome it in some developed countries by directly protecting the domestic market with high customs duties from foreign imports showed that with increasing volumes of foreign trade, its institutionalization and supranational regulation are necessary within the recognized international legal framework.

The economic foundation of the requirements for the liberalization of foreign trade is the economic theory of comparative advantage developed at the beginning of the 19th century by David Ricardo.

The idea of ​​creating an international organization to regulate international trade arose even before the end of World War II. In 1944, the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development were founded by the efforts of the United States and Great Britain at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. The third pillar of the new economic order, along with the organizations mentioned, was the creation of the International Trade Organization (ITO). To this end, in 1946, an international conference on trade and employment was convened in Havana, which was supposed to develop a substantive and legal framework for an international agreement on tariff reduction, propose to interested countries the charter of this organization, take on a coordinating role in facilitating foreign trade and reducing customs burden on the way of goods from country to country. Already in October 1947, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was signed, which was initially considered only as part of a comprehensive agreement within the new international trade organization. This agreement, regarded as temporary, entered into force on January 1, 1948.

The USSR was not invited to participate in the Havana Conference, as it refused to be a member of the IMF and IBRD. The Soviet government feared that big influence, which the United States had in these organizations, and the beginning of the confrontation between ideological blocs (the Cold War) will not allow the interests of the USSR to be properly taken into account within these organizations.

The US Congress, however, unexpectedly refused to ratify the WTO Charter, despite the fact that the United States was the main driving force behind the organization of the WTO, and the GATT, originally an interim agreement, continued without any of the organizational structure that the WTO was supposed to be.

In subsequent years, the GATT, although cut from its original form, proved to be a fairly effective system, in which the average customs duty decreased from 40% by the time the agreement was signed in the mid-forties to 4% in the mid-nineties. In order to reduce direct customs duties and hidden, so-called non-tariff restrictions on the import of products from abroad, rounds of negotiations between member countries were regularly held within the framework of GATT.

The so-called Uruguay Round of negotiations, which lasted from 1986 to 1994, was the most successful. As a result of long negotiations in 1994 in Marrakech, an agreement was signed on the establishment of the WTO, which entered into force on January 1, 1995. The participating countries have agreed that this organization will not only regulate trade in goods (which has been the subject of GATT since 1948), but also in connection with the ever-increasing role of services in post-industrial society and their growing share in world trade (per beginning of XXI century - about 20%) adopted the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), which regulates this area of ​​foreign trade. Also, within the framework of the Marrakesh Agreement, the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) was adopted, which regulates trade issues of rights to the results of intellectual activity and is an integral part of the legal foundation of the WTO.

Thus, almost 50 years after failed attempts the creation of an international organization and the existence of a temporary GATT structure regulating foreign trade issues, on January 1, 1995, the WTO began to work.

In autumn 2001, the Doha round of WTO negotiations on further liberalization of world trade was launched in the capital of Qatar. Among the issues included in it are the liberalization of world trade in agricultural products, including the reduction of tariffs and the abolition of subsidies, financial services and the protection of intellectual property. However, negotiations are dragging on, largely due to the problem of access to non-agricultural markets. Developed countries want to get more access to the industrial sector of developing countries, the latter, in turn, fear that this may lead to a slowdown in economic growth. Russia joined the World Trade Organization and became its 156th member on August 22, 2012.

Purposes and principles of the WTO

The task of the WTO is not the achievement of any goals or results, but the establishment general principles international trade . According to the declaration, the work of the WTO, like the GATT before it, is based on basic principles, including:

There are three types of activities in this direction:

Articles allowing trade measures to be used to achieve non-economic goals; - Articles aimed at ensuring "fair competition";. Members shall not use environmental measures as a means of disguising protectionist policies - Provisions allowing intervention in trade for economic reasons. Exceptions to the MFN principle also include developing and least developed countries that enjoy preferential treatment in the WTO, regional free trade areas and customs unions.

Organizational structure of the WTO

The official supreme body of the organization is the Ministerial Conference WTO, which meets at least once every two years. During the existence of the WTO, ten such conferences were held, almost each of which was accompanied by active protests from the opponents of globalization.

The organization is headed by the General Director with a corresponding council subordinate to him. Subordinate to the Council is a special commission on trade policy of the participating countries, designed to monitor their compliance with their obligations under the WTO. In addition to general executive functions, the General Council manages several other commissions created on the basis of agreements concluded under the WTO. The most important of these are: the Council on Commodity Trade (so-called GATT Council), the Council on Trade in Services and the Council on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. In addition, there are many other committees and working groups subordinate to the General Council, designed to supply higher authorities WTO information on developing countries, fiscal policy, fiscal issues, etc.

Dispute Resolution Authority

In accordance with the adopted “Agreement on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes” arising between WTO member states, disputes are settled by the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB). This quasi-judicial institution is designed to impartially and effectively resolve conflicts between the parties. De facto, its functions are performed by the WTO General Council, which makes decisions on the basis of reports of arbitration panels dealing with a particular dispute. Over the years since the founding of the WTO, the DSB has been forced many times to resolve complex, often quite politicized trade problems between influential WTO member states. Many decisions of the DSB over the past years are perceived ambiguously.

Individual Solutions

Some decisions of the Dispute Resolution Commission of the World Trade Organization that caused a great public outcry:

  • 1992 GATT decision regarding US law governing tuna imports. American protection law marine mammals banned the import of fish caught using certain types of nets that killed dolphins. The law applied to both U.S. and foreign fish sellers and was considered by the U.S. government to have a "legitimate goal" of protecting the environment. Mexico, as a country in which this method of catching tuna was used, filed a complaint against this law, arguing that it violates free trade agreements and is a non-tariff restriction prohibited under the GATT. The Commission's predecessor indeed recognized this law as inconsistent with free trade standards and pointed out that although the US government pursued the legitimate goal of protecting dolphins with the contested ban, this goal could be achieved by other methods that would not infringe on other countries. Tuna/Dolphin Case I
  • A similar dispute over a law banning the importation of shrimp into the United States that was caught in a method that is dangerous to sea turtles was already before the Commission in the WTO in 2000. The Asian countries (India, Pakistan, Malaysia and Thailand) that used this fishing method were of the opinion that such restrictions on imports to the United States were nothing more than "green protectionism", behind which, in fact, the desire of developed countries to restrict the import of cheap imports is behind. and environmental justifications are just a pretext. In reviewing this case, although the Commission recognized in the reasoning of its decision the possibility that environmental protection measures could theoretically be a legitimate reason for restricting the import of certain products, however, in the specific case, the law on the ban on the import of shrimp, in its opinion, does not comply with the norms. WTO, and the US is ordered to abolish it. Shrimp/Turtle Case
  • The bulk of trade disputes within the framework of the WTO are disputes between the largest subjects of international trade - the European Union and the United States. For example, the conflict over the high duties imposed by the United States in March 2002 on imports of European steel in order to support the American steel industry received wide publicity. The European Union regarded this as discrimination prohibited by WTO rules and challenged these measures with a complaint to the Commission, which recognized the measures to protect the US market as violating WTO rules. The US was forced to abolish discriminatory duties.

Accession and membership in the WTO

The WTO has 162 members, including: 158 internationally recognized UN member states, partially recognized Taiwan, 2 dependent territories (Hong Kong and Macau) and the European Union. To join the WTO, a state must submit a memorandum through which the WTO reviews the trade and economic policy of the organization concerned.

Post-Soviet countries thus joined the WTO:

Four post-Soviet countries remain outside the WTO: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. In 2013, Turkmenistan took the initiative to join the WTO. In 2016, Belarus began active negotiations on WTO accession.

Negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO

Negotiations on Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization lasted 18 years, from 1993 to 2011.

Following the negotiations, a report was prepared working group on the accession of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organization dated November 16, 2011 No. WT / ACC / RUS / 70, WT / MIN (11) / 2.

Act on Russia's accession to the WTO

December 16, 2011 - the Protocol "On the Accession of the Russian Federation to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization of April 15, 1994" was signed in Geneva.

June 7, 2012 - registered in the State Duma of the Russian Federation Bill No. 89689-6 "On Ratification of the Protocol on the Accession of the Russian Federation to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization of April 15, 1994"

July 23, 2012 - Federal Law of July 21, 2012 No. 126-FZ "On Ratification of the Protocol on the Accession of the Russian Federation to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization of April 15, 1994" published in " Russian newspaper» N 166, on the «Official Internet portal of legal information» (, in the Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation N 30 Art. 4177.

August 3, 2012- Federal Law of July 21, 2012 No. 126-FZ "On Ratification of the Protocol on the Accession of the Russian Federation to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization of April 15, 1994" It entered into force (after 10 days after the day of its official publication).

August 22, 2012- according to the message of Pascal Lami - Director General of the WTO, Russia with serial number 156 included in the official list of WTO member countries.

Official reports on the results of Russia's accession to the WTO

Critics also believe that small countries have very little influence on the WTO, and despite the stated goal of helping developing countries, developed countries focus primarily on their commercial interests. Also, according to them, issues of health, safety and environmental protection are constantly being ignored in favor of additional benefits for business, which, however, directly contradicts the goals and charter of the WTO. [ ]

In particular, the activities of the WTO are often criticized and condemned by anti-globalists.

Contrary to its stated aims, WTO membership does not protect member countries from the imposition of politically motivated unilateral economic sanctions.