Self-propelled gun "Condenser-2P"

Self-propelled gun "Kondensator-2P", index GRAU 2A3 - a heavy self-propelled unit weighing 64 tons, capable of sending a 570-kilogram projectile to a distance of 25.6 kilometers. Not mass-produced, only 4 guns were made. For the first time, a self-propelled gun was shown at a parade on Red Square in 1957. The shown self-propelled guns made a splash among domestic viewers and foreign journalists. Some foreign experts suggested that the vehicles shown during the parade were sham, designed for the effect of intimidation, but in fact it was a real 406-mm artillery system shot at the firing range.

The creation of a 460-mm self-propelled gun of special power in the USSR began in 1954. This self-propelled gun was intended to destroy large industrial and military facilities of the enemy located at a distance of more than 25 kilometers with conventional and nuclear shells. Just in case, the USSR began to develop 3 nuclear super-weapons: a cannon, a mortar and a recoilless gun, with calibers significantly exceeding the existing atomic guns. The huge caliber chosen arose as a result of the inability of Soviet nuclear scientists to produce a compact munition. During the development process, in order to ensure secrecy, the artillery system was given the designation "Condenser-2P" (object 271), and later the gun received its real index 2A3. The self-propelled guns were developed in parallel with the 420-mm self-propelled mortar 2B1 "Oka" (object 273), in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers of 04/18/1955.

The artillery part of the self-propelled guns (pointing and loading mechanism, swinging part) was designed by TsKB-34 under the control of I.I. Ivanov, here it was assigned the index SM-54. Horizontal aiming of the gun was carried out by turning the entire ACS, while accurate aiming was carried out using a special electric motor through the turning mechanism. The vertical aiming of the gun was carried out using hydraulic lifts, the weight of the projectile was 570 kg., The firing range was 25.6 km.

Due to the fact that there was no suitable chassis for mounting such a large weapon in the USSR, the Design Bureau of the Leningrad Plant named after. Kirov for self-propelled guns 2A3 "Condenser-2P" on the basis of components, parts, technical solutions for the undercarriage of the heavy tank T-10M (object 272), a new eight-roller undercarriage was created, which received the designation "object 271". When developing this chassis, the developers focused on the need to absorb large recoil forces when firing a shot. The chassis they developed had lowering sloths and hydraulic shock absorbers, which were supposed to partially dampen the recoil energy. The engine-power plant for this self-propelled guns was borrowed from the T-10 heavy tank, practically without undergoing any changes.

In 1955, work was completed at plant No. 221 on the creation of a 406-mm experimental ballistic barrel SM-E124, on which shots for the SM-54 gun were tested. In August of the same year, the first fully equipped artillery unit SM-54 guns. Its installation on the chassis of the Kirov Plant was completed on December 26, 1956. Tests of the self-propelled guns "Condenser-2P" took place from 1957 to 1959 at the Central Artillery Range near Leningrad, also known as the "Rzhevsky Range". The tests were carried out in conjunction with a 420-mm self-propelled mortar 2B1 "Oka". Prior to these tests, many experts were skeptical that this self-propelled gun mount would be able to survive a shot without destruction. However, the 406-mm self-propelled guns 2A3 "Kondensator-2P" quite successfully passed the mileage and shooting tests.

At the first stage of testing the ACS was accompanied by numerous breakdowns. So, when fired, the recoil force of the SM-54 gun mounted on the self-propelled guns was such that the caterpillar self-propelled gun rolled back several meters. During the first firing using simulators of nuclear shells, sloths were damaged in the self-propelled guns, which could not withstand the huge recoil forces of this gun. In a number of other cases, cases were noted with the collapse of the equipment of the installation, the failure of the gearbox mounts.

After each shot, the engineers carefully studied the state of the material, identified weak parts and components of the structure, and came up with new technical solutions to eliminate them. As a result of such actions, the design of the ACS was continuously improved, the reliability of the installation increased. The tests also revealed low maneuverability and maneuverability of the self-propelled guns. At the same time, it was not possible to overcome all the detected shortcomings. It was not possible to completely extinguish the recoil of the gun; when fired, the gun drove back several meters. Also, the angle of horizontal guidance was insufficient. Due to its significant weight and size characteristics (weight about 64 tons, length with a gun - 20 meters), it took a significant amount of time to prepare the positions of the ACS 2A3 "Condenser-2P". The given accuracy of firing the gun required not only accurate aiming, but also careful preparation of the artillery position. Special equipment was used to load the gun, while loading was carried out only in a horizontal position.

In total, 4 copies of the 406-mm self-propelled guns "Kondensator-2P" were made, all of them were shown in 1957 during the parade on Red Square. Despite the skepticism of a number of foreign military and journalists, the installation was combat, although it had a number of significant drawbacks. The mobility of the artillery system left much to be desired, it could not pass through the streets of small towns, under bridges, on country bridges, under power lines. According to these parameters and in terms of its firing range, it could not compete with the divisional tactical missile"Moon", therefore, the self-propelled guns 2A3 "Condenser-2P" never entered service with the troops.


The Cold War prompted the Soviet defense industry to develop unique types of weapons that, even after 50 years, can excite the imagination of the layman. Everyone in the artillery museum in St. Petersburg was probably surprised by the size of the 2B1 Oka self-propelled mortar, which is one of the most interesting exhibits. This 420-mm self-propelled mortar, designed in the USSR in the mid-1950s, is the largest mortar in the history of mankind. Moreover, the concept of its use involved the use of nuclear weapons. In total, 4 prototypes of this mortar were made, it was never mass-produced.

Work on the creation of a powerful 420-mm mortar was carried out in parallel with the development of the 406-mm self-propelled guns 2A3 (code "Condenser-2P"). B. I. Shavyrin was the chief designer of the unique self-propelled mortar. The development of the mortar began in 1955 and was carried out by well-known Soviet defense enterprises. The development of its artillery unit was carried out by the Kolomna Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. The Design Bureau of the Kirov Plant in Leningrad was responsible for the creation of a caterpillar self-propelled mortar chassis (object 273). The development of the 420-mm mortar barrel was carried out by the Barrikady plant. The length of the mortar barrel was almost 20 meters. The first prototype mortar 2B1 "Oka" (code "Transformer") was ready in 1957. Work on the development of the Oka self-propelled mortar continued until 1960, after which, according to the decree of the USSR Council of Ministers, they were stopped. The designations "Condenser-2P" and "Transformer" were used, among other things, to misinform a potential enemy about the true purpose of the development.

The undercarriage of the machine, designed by the Design Bureau of the Kirov Plant, according to the classification of the GBTU, received the designation "Object 273". This chassis was maximally unified with the 2A3 self-propelled guns and met the increased requirements for structural strength. On this chassis, a power plant from the Soviet T-10 heavy tank was used. The chassis of the self-propelled mortar "Oka" had 8 dual road wheels and 4 support rollers (on each side of the body), the rear wheel was a guide, the front wheel was a drive wheel. Chassis guide wheels had a hydraulic system for lowering them in combat position to the ground. The chassis suspension was a torsion bar suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers, which were able to absorb a significant part of the recoil energy at the moment the mortar was fired. However, this was not enough. The absence of recoil devices on the mortar also affected. For this reason, when fired, a 420-mm mortar drove back on tracks up to a distance of 5 meters.

During the campaign, only the driver controlled the self-propelled mortar, while the rest of the crew (7 people) were transported separately on an armored personnel carrier or truck. In front of the body of the machine housed the MTO - the engine compartment, which was installed 12-cylinder diesel engine liquid-cooled V-12-6B, equipped with a turbocharging system and developing a power of 750 hp. There was also a mechanical planetary transmission, which was interlocked with the rotation mechanism.

As the main weapon on the mortar, a 420-mm 2B2 smoothbore mortar with a length of 47.5 calibers was used. Mines were loaded from the breech of the mortar using a crane (mines weight 750 kg), which negatively affected its rate of fire. The rate of fire of the mortar was only 1 shot in 5 minutes. The transportable ammunition of the 2B1 "Oka" mortar included only one mine with nuclear warhead, which guaranteed at least one tactical nuclear strike under any circumstances. The vertical guidance angle of the mortar lay in the range from +50 to +75 degrees. In the vertical plane, the barrel moved thanks to the hydraulic system, at the same time, the horizontal guidance of the mortar was carried out in 2 stages: initially, a rough adjustment of the entire installation, and only after that, aiming at the target using an electric drive.

In total, 4 2B1 Oka self-propelled mortars were assembled at the Kirov Plant in Leningrad. In 1957, they were shown during the traditional military parade, which took place on Red Square. Here, at the parade, foreigners were also able to see the mortar. The demonstration of this truly huge weapon made a splash among foreign journalists, as well as Soviet observers. At the same time, some foreign journalists even suggested that the artillery installation shown at the parade is only a props, which is designed to produce a frightening effect.

It is worth noting that this statement is not so far from the truth. The car was more indicative than combat. During the tests, it was noted that sloths could not withstand firing with conventional mines, the gearbox was torn off its place, the chassis structure was destroyed, and other breakdowns and shortcomings were also noted. The finalization of the self-propelled mortar 2B1 "Oka" went on until 1960, when it was decided to finally stop work on this project and the self-propelled gun 2A3.

The main reason for curtailing work on the project was the emergence of new tactical unguided missiles that could be installed on lighter tracked chassis with better maneuverability, which were cheaper and much easier to operate. An example is the 2K6 Luna tactical missile system. Despite the failure with the Oka mortar, Soviet designers were able to use all the accumulated experience, including negative ones, when designing similar artillery systems in the future. Which, in turn, allowed them to reach a qualitatively new level in the design of various self-propelled artillery installations.

Specifications 2B1 "Oka":
Dimensions: length (with gun) - 27.85 m, width - 3.08 m, height - 5.73 m.
Weight - 55.3 tons.
Booking - bulletproof.
The power plant is a V-12-6B liquid-cooled diesel engine with a power of 552 kW (750 hp).
Specific power - 13.6 hp / t.
The maximum speed on the highway is 30 km / h.
Cruising on the highway - 220 km.
Armament - 420-mm mortar 2B2, barrel length 47.5 calibers (about 20 m).
Rate of fire - 1 shot / 5 min.
Firing range - up to 45 km, using active-reactive ammunition.
Crew - 7 people.

This publication attempts to analyze the anti-tank capabilities of Soviet self-propelled artillery mounts (ACS) that were available in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. By the beginning of hostilities in June 1941, there were practically no self-propelled artillery installations in the Red Army, although work on their creation had been carried out since the first half of the 30s. The self-propelled guns brought to the stage of mass production in the USSR were created on the basis of artillery systems with low ballistics and were considered as means of supporting infantry units. As the weapon of the first Soviet self-propelled guns 76-mm regimental guns of the 1927 model and 122-mm howitzers of the 1910/30 model were used.

The first Soviet serial model of the self-propelled guns was the SU-12 on the chassis of a three-axle American truck "Moreland" (Moreland TX6) with two drive axles. On the Morland cargo platform, a pedestal installation with a 76-mm regimental gun was mounted. "Cargo self-propelled guns" entered service in 1933 and were first demonstrated at the parade in 1934. Soon after the start of mass production of GAZ-AAA trucks in the USSR, the assembly of self-propelled guns SU-1-12 began on their basis. According to archival data, a total of 99 self-propelled guns SU-12 / SU-1-12 were built. Of these, 48 are based on the Moreland truck and 51 are based on the Soviet GAZ-AAA truck.

SU-12 on parade

Initially, the SU-12 self-propelled guns did not have any armor protection at all, but soon a U-shaped armor shield was installed to protect the crew from bullets and shrapnel. The ammunition load of the gun was 36 shrapnel and fragmentation grenades, armor-piercing shells were not provided. The rate of fire was 10-12 rds / min. Mounting the gun on a truck platform made it possible to quickly and inexpensively create an impromptu self-propelled gun. The pedestal gun mount had a firing sector of 270 degrees, the fire from the gun could be fired both straight-back and on board. There was also the fundamental possibility of firing on the move, but this greatly reduced accuracy.

The mobility of the SU-12 when moving along good roads was significantly higher than that of the 76-mm horse-drawn regimental guns. However, the first Soviet self-propelled gun had a lot of shortcomings. The vulnerability of the artillery crew, partially covered by a 4-mm steel shield, during direct fire was very high. The patency of a wheeled vehicle on soft soils left much to be desired and was seriously inferior to the horse teams of regimental and divisional artillery. It was possible to pull out a wheeled self-propelled gun stuck in the mud only with a tractor. In this regard, it was decided to build self-propelled guns on tracked chassis, and the production of the SU-12 was stopped in 1935.

The first Soviet self-propelled guns were successfully used in the fighting in the Far East against the Japanese in the late 30s and in the Winter War with Finland. All SU-12s in the western part of the country were lost shortly after the German attack, without affecting the course of hostilities.

In the 20-30s, the creation of self-propelled guns based on trucks was a global trend, and this experience in the USSR turned out to be useful. But if the installation of anti-aircraft guns on trucks made sense, then for self-propelled guns operating in close proximity to the enemy, the use of an unprotected vehicle chassis with limited cross-country ability was, of course, a dead end solution.

In the prewar period, a number of self-propelled guns based on light tanks were created in the Soviet Union. T-37A amphibious tankettes were considered as carriers of 45-mm anti-tank guns, but the matter was limited to the construction of two prototypes. It was possible to bring the self-propelled guns SU-5-2 with a 122-mm howitzer mod. 1910/30 based on the T-26 tank. SU-5-2s were produced in a small series from 1936 to 1937, a total of 31 vehicles were built.

The ammunition load of the 122-mm self-propelled guns SU-5-2 was 4 shells and 6 charges. Pointing angles horizontally - 30 °, vertically from 0 ° to + 60 °. The maximum initial speed of the fragmentation projectile is 335 m/s, the maximum firing range is 7680 m, the rate of fire is 5-6 rds/min. The thickness of the frontal armor was 15 mm, the side and stern were 10 mm, that is, the armor protection was quite adequate to withstand bullets and shrapnel, but it was available only in front and partially on the sides.

In general, the SU-5-2 for its time had good combat qualities, which was confirmed during the hostilities near Lake Khasan. The reports of the command of the 2nd Mechanized Brigade of the Red Army noted:

"122-mm self-propelled guns provided great support to tanks and infantry, destroying wire obstacles and enemy firing points."

Due to the small number of 76-mm SU-12 and 122-mm SU-5-2 did not have a noticeable impact on the course of hostilities in initial period war. The anti-tank capabilities of the 76-mm SU-12 were low, with increased vulnerability of both the self-propelled guns themselves and the calculation for bullets and shrapnel. At initial speed The 76-mm blunt-headed armor-piercing projectile BR-350A - 370 m / s at a distance of 500 meters, when meeting at an angle of 90 °, it pierced 30 mm armor, which made it possible to fight only light German tanks and armored vehicles. Before the appearance of HEAT rounds in the ammunition load of regimental guns, their anti-tank capabilities were very modest.

Despite the fact that there were no armor-piercing shells in the ammunition load of the 122-mm howitzer, firing with high-explosive fragmentation grenades was often quite effective. So, with the weight of the 53-OF-462 projectile - 21.76 kg, it contained 3.67 kg of TNT, which in 1941, with a direct hit, made it possible to hit any German tank with a guarantee. When the projectile burst, heavy fragments were formed that could penetrate armor up to 20 mm thick within a radius of 2-3 meters. This was quite enough to destroy the armor of armored personnel carriers and light tanks, as well as to disable the undercarriage, observation devices, sights and weapons. That is, with the right tactics of use and the presence of a significant number of SU-5-2s in the troops, these self-propelled guns in the initial period of the war could fight not only with fortifications and infantry, but also with German tanks.

Before the war, self-propelled guns with a high anti-tank potential had already been created in the USSR. In 1936, the SU-6, armed with a 76-mm anti-aircraft gun 3-K on the chassis of the T-26 light tank. This vehicle was intended for anti-aircraft escort of motorized columns. She did not suit the military, since the entire calculation did not fit in the artillery mount, and the remote tube installer was forced to move in an escort vehicle.

Not very successful as an anti-aircraft gun, the SU-6 self-propelled guns could become a very effective anti-tank weapon, operating from pre-prepared positions and from ambushes. The armor-piercing projectile BR-361, fired from the 3-K gun at a distance of 1000 meters at a meeting angle of 90 °, pierced 82-mm armor. In 1941-1942, the capabilities of the 76-mm self-propelled guns SU-6 allowed it to successfully fight any German tanks at real firing distances. When using sub-caliber shells, armor penetration would be much higher. Unfortunately, the SU-6 never entered service as an anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount (PT SAU).

Many researchers attribute the KV-2 tank to heavy assault self-propelled guns. Formally, due to the presence of a rotating turret, the KV-2 is identified as a tank. But in fact, a combat vehicle armed with a unique 152-mm tank howitzer mod. 1938/40 (M-10T), in many respects it was a self-propelled gun. The M-10T howitzer was induced vertically in the range from -3 to + 18 °, with the turret stationary, it could be induced in a small sector of horizontal guidance, which was typical for self-propelled guns. The ammunition load was 36 rounds of separate-sleeve loading.

The KV-2 was created on the basis of the experience of combating Finnish bunkers on the Mannerheim Line. The thickness of the frontal and side armor was 75 mm, and the thickness of the armored mask of the gun was 110 mm, which made it less vulnerable to anti-tank guns of 37-50 mm caliber. However, the high security of the KV-2 was often devalued by the low technical reliability and poor training of the drivers.

With the power of the diesel engine V-2K - 500 hp, a 52-ton car on the highway could theoretically accelerate to 34 km / h. In reality, the speed on a good road did not exceed 25 km / h. On rough terrain, the tank moved at a walking speed of 5-7 km / h. Taking into account the fact that the KV-2's maneuverability on soft ground was not very good, and it was not easy to pull out a tank stuck in the mud, it was necessary to choose the route of movement very carefully. Due to the excessive weight and dimensions, crossing water barriers often became an impossible task, bridges and crossings could not stand it, and quite a few KV-2s were simply abandoned during the retreat.

KV-2 captured by the enemy

On June 22, 1941, in the KV-2 ammunition load, there were only OF-530 high-explosive fragmentation grenades weighing 40 kg, containing about 6 kg of TNT. The hit of such a projectile in any German tank in 1941 inevitably turned it into a pile of flaming scrap metal. In practice, due to the impossibility of completing the ammunition load with regular ammunition, all shells of the M-10 towed howitzer were used for firing. At the same time, required amount bunches of gunpowder. Cast-iron fragmentation howitzer grenades, incendiary shells, old high-explosive grenades and even shrapnel grenades were used. When firing at German tanks, concrete-piercing shells showed good results.

The M-10T gun had a whole range of shortcomings that depreciated its effectiveness on the battlefield. Due to the imbalance of the turret, the regular electric motor could not always cope with its weight, which made the rotation of the turret very difficult. Even with a small angle of inclination of the tank, the turret was often impossible to turn. Due to excessive recoil, the gun could only be fired when the tank was at a complete stop. The recoil of the gun could simply disable both the turret traverse mechanism and the motor-transmission group, and this despite the fact that shooting at full charge was strictly prohibited from the tank M-10T. The practical rate of fire with the clarification of the aiming was - 2 rds / min, which, combined with the low turret traverse speed and the relatively short range of a direct shot, reduced anti-tank capabilities.

Due to all this, the combat effectiveness of the machine, designed for offensive combat operations and the destruction of enemy fortifications, when firing direct fire from a distance of several hundred meters, turned out to be low. However, most of the KV-2 was lost not in duels with German tanks, but as a result of damage from German artillery fire, dive bomber strikes, engine, transmission and chassis breakdowns, and lack of fuel and lubricants. Shortly after the start of the war, the production of the KV-2 was curtailed. In total, from January 1940 to July 1941, 204 vehicles were built.

In the initial period of the war, tank repair enterprises accumulated a significant number of damaged and defective T-26 light tanks of various modifications. Often the tanks had damage to the turret or armament, which prevented their further use. Double-turreted tanks with machine-gun armament also demonstrated their complete failure. Under these conditions, it seemed quite logical to convert tanks with faulty or obsolete weapons into self-propelled guns. It is known that a number of vehicles with dismantled turrets were rearmed with 37 and 45 mm anti-tank guns with armored shields. According to archival documents, such self-propelled guns, for example, were available in October 1941 in the 124th tank brigade, but no images of the vehicles have been preserved. In terms of firepower, improvised self-propelled guns did not surpass T-26 tanks with a 45-mm gun, yielding in terms of crew protection. But the advantage of such vehicles was a much better view of the battlefield, and even in the conditions of catastrophic losses in the first months of the war, any combat-ready armored vehicles were worth their weight in gold. With competent tactics of using 37 and 45-mm self-propelled guns in 1941, they could quite successfully fight enemy tanks.

In the autumn of 1941, self-propelled guns armed with 76-mm KT guns were produced at the Kirov Leningrad plant on the repaired T-26 chassis. This gun was a tank version of the 76 mm M1927 regimental gun, with similar ballistics and ammunition. In different sources, these self-propelled guns were designated differently: T-26-SU, SU-T-26, but most often SU-76P or SU-26. The SU-26 gun had a circular fire, the calculation in front was covered by an armored shield.

Destroyed SU-26

Late versions built in 1942 also had armor protection on the sides. According to archival data, 14 self-propelled guns SU-26 were built in Leningrad during the war years, some of them survived until the blockade was broken. Of course, the anti-tank potential of these self-propelled guns was very weak, and they were used mainly for artillery support of tanks and infantry.

The first Soviet specialized tank destroyer was the ZIS-30, armed with a 57-mm anti-tank gun mod. 1941 Very often this gun is called the ZIS-2, but this is not entirely correct. From the ZIS-2 anti-tank gun, the production of which was resumed in 1943, a 57-mm gun mod. 1941 differed in a number of details, although in general the design was the same. Anti-tank 57-mm guns had excellent armor penetration and at the beginning of the war they were guaranteed to penetrate the frontal armor of any German tank.

Tank destroyer ZIS-30 was a light anti-tank installation with an open tool. The upper machine gun was attached in the middle part to the body of the T-20 Komsomolets light tractor. The vertical aiming angles ranged from -5 to +25 °, along the horizon - in the 30 ° sector. The practical rate of fire reached 20 rds / min. From bullets and fragments, the calculation, which consisted of 5 people, in battle was protected only by a gun shield. The fire from the gun could only be fired from a place. Due to the high center of gravity and strong recoil, in order to avoid capsizing, it was necessary to tilt the openers in the aft part of the self-propelled guns. For self-defense of the self-propelled unit, there was a 7.62-mm DT machine gun, inherited from the Komsomolets tractor.

Serial production of the ZIS-30 self-propelled guns began at the end of September 1941 at the Nizhny Novgorod Machine-Building Plant and lasted only about a month. During this time, 101 self-propelled guns were built. According to the official version, the production of the ZIS-30 was discontinued due to the lack of Komsomolets tractors, but even if this was the case, what prevented the installation of 57-mm guns, which were very effective in anti-tank respect, on the chassis of light tanks?

The most likely reason for curtailing the construction of 57-mm tank destroyers, most likely, was the difficulty with the production of gun barrels. The percentage of rejects in the manufacture of barrels reached completely indecent values, and it was not possible to correct this situation on the existing machine park, despite the efforts of the labor collective of the manufacturer. It is this, and not the "excess power" of 57-mm anti-tank guns, that explains their insignificant production volumes in 1941 and the subsequent rejection of serial construction. Gorky Artillery Plant No. 92, and V.G. Grabin turned out to be easier, based on the design of the 57-mm gun mod. 1941, to establish the production of a divisional 76-mm gun, which became widely known as the ZIS-3. The 76-mm divisional gun of the 1942 model (ZIS-3) at the time of its creation had quite acceptable armor penetration, while possessing a more powerful high-explosive fragmentation projectile. Subsequently, this gun became widespread and was popular among the troops. ZIS-3 was in service not only in divisional artillery, specially modified guns were used by anti-tank units and were installed on self-propelled gun mounts. Subsequently, the production of 57-mm anti-tank guns, after making some changes to the design under the name ZIS-2, was resumed in 1943. This became possible after receiving a perfect machine park from the USA, which made it possible to solve the problem with the manufacture of barrels.

As for the ZIS-30 self-propelled guns, this self-propelled gun, in the face of an acute shortage of anti-tank weapons, initially proved to be quite good. Artillerymen, who had previously dealt with 45 mm anti-tank guns, especially liked the high armor penetration and point-blank range. During combat use the self-propelled gun revealed a number of serious shortcomings: congestion of the undercarriage, insufficient power reserve, small ammunition load and a tendency to tip over. However, all this was quite predictable, since the ZIS-30 self-propelled guns were a typical ersatz - a model of wartime, created in a hurry from the chassis and artillery units that were at hand, not very suitable for each other. By the middle of 1942, almost all ZIS-30s were lost during the fighting. However, they proved to be a very useful means of dealing with German tanks. The ZIS-30 self-propelled guns were in service with the anti-tank batteries of the tank brigades of the Western and Southwestern fronts and took an active part in the defense of Moscow.

After stabilization of the situation at the front and a number of successful offensive operations The Red Army had an urgent need for self-propelled guns for artillery support. Unlike tanks, self-propelled guns were not supposed to directly participate in the attack. Moving at a distance of 500-600 meters from the advancing troops, they suppressed firing points with the fire of their guns, destroyed fortifications and destroyed enemy infantry. That is, a typical "artshurm" was required, if we use the terminology of the enemy. This made different requirements for self-propelled guns compared to tanks. The security of self-propelled guns could be less, but it was preferable to increase the caliber of the guns, and, as a result, the power of the projectiles.

late autumn In 1942, the production of the SU-76 began. This self-propelled gun was created on the basis of the T-60 and T-70 light tanks using a number of automotive units and is armed with a 76-mm ZIS-ZSh (Sh - assault) gun, a version of a divisional gun specially designed for self-propelled guns. The vertical aiming angles ranged from -3 to +25°, along the horizon - in the 15° sector. The elevation angle of the gun made it possible to reach the firing range of the ZIS-3 divisional gun, that is, 13 km. Ammunition was 60 shells. The thickness of the frontal armor - 26-35 mm, side and stern -10-15 mm made it possible to protect the crew (4 people) from small arms fire and fragments. The first serial modification also had an armored 7 mm roof.

The SU-76 power plant was a pair of two GAZ-202 automobile engines with a total power of 140 hp. As conceived by the designers, this was supposed to reduce the cost of production of self-propelled guns, but caused massive complaints from the active army. The power plant was very difficult to control, the out-of-synchronous operation of the engines caused strong torsional vibrations, which led to a rapid failure of the transmission.

The first 25 SU-76s produced in January 1943 were sent to a training self-propelled artillery regiment. A month later, the first two self-propelled artillery regiments (SAP) formed on the SU-76 went to the Volkhov Front and took part in breaking the blockade of Leningrad. During the fighting, self-propelled guns demonstrated good mobility and maneuverability. Firepower guns made it possible to effectively destroy light field fortifications and destroy accumulations of enemy manpower. But at the same time, there was a massive failure of transmission elements and engines. This led to a halt in mass production after the release of 320 vehicles. Refinement of the engine compartment did not lead to fundamental change designs. To increase reliability, it was decided to strengthen its elements in order to increase reliability and increase engine life. Subsequently, the power of the twin propulsion system was increased to 170 hp. In addition, they abandoned the armored roof of the fighting compartment, which made it possible to reduce the weight from 11.2 to 10.5 tons and improved the working conditions of the crew and visibility. In the stowed position, to protect against road dust and precipitation, the fighting compartment was covered with a tarpaulin. This version of the self-propelled guns, which received the designation SU-76M, managed to take part in the Battle of Kursk. The understanding that self-propelled guns are not a tank did not come to many commanders immediately. Attempts to use the SU-76M with bulletproof armor in frontal attacks on well-fortified enemy positions inevitably led to big losses. It was then that this self-propelled gun earned unflattering nicknames among the front-line soldiers: “bitch”, “bare-assed Ferdinand” and “common grave of the crew”. However, with proper use, the SU-76M performed well. In defense, they repelled infantry attacks and were used as a protected mobile anti-tank reserve. In the offensive, self-propelled guns suppressed machine-gun nests, destroyed pillboxes and bunkers, made passages in barbed wire with gun fire, and, if necessary, fought counterattacking tanks.

In the second half of the war, a 76-mm armor-piercing projectile could no longer be guaranteed to hit German medium tanks Pz. IV late modifications and heavy Pz. V "Panther" and Pz. VI "Tiger" while shooting HEAT rounds, used in regimental guns, due to the unreliable operation of fuses and the possibility of a rupture in the barrel for divisional and tank guns, was strictly prohibited. This problem was resolved after the introduction of the 53-UBR-354P shot with the 53-BR-350P sub-caliber projectile into the ammunition load. A sub-caliber projectile at a distance of 500 meters pierced normal 90 mm armor, which made it possible to confidently hit the frontal armor of the German “fours”, as well as the sides of the “Tigers” and “Panthers”. Of course, the SU-76M was not suitable for duels with enemy tanks and anti-tank self-propelled guns, which, starting in 1943, were armed with long-barreled guns with high ballistics. But when acting from ambushes, various kinds of shelters and in street battles, the chances were good. Good mobility and high cross-country ability on soft soils also played a role. Proper use of camouflage, taking into account the terrain, as well as maneuvering from one cover dug into the ground to another, often made it possible to achieve victory even over enemy heavy tanks. The demand for the SU-76M as a universal means of artillery escort for infantry and tank units is confirmed by the huge circulation - 14,292 vehicles built.

At the very end of the war, the role of 76-mm self-propelled guns as a means of combating enemy armored vehicles decreased. By that time, our troops were already sufficiently saturated with specialized anti-tank guns and tank destroyers, and enemy tanks had become a rarity. During this period, SU-76Ms were used exclusively for their intended purpose, as well as armored personnel carriers for transporting infantry, evacuating the wounded, and as forward artillery observers.

At the beginning of 1943, on the basis of captured German tanks Pz. Kpfw III and StuG III self-propelled guns began production of self-propelled guns SU-76I. In terms of security, with almost the same characteristics of weapons, they significantly exceeded the SU-76. The thickness of the frontal armor of captured vehicles, depending on the modification, was 30-60 mm. The forehead of the conning tower and sides were protected by 30 mm armor, the thickness of the roof was 10 mm. The cabin had the shape of a truncated pyramid with rational angles of inclination of the armor plates, which increased armor resistance. Some of the vehicles intended for use as commanders were equipped with a powerful radio station and commander's turrets with an entrance hatch from Pz. Kpfw III.

Commander's SU-76I

Initially, the self-propelled guns created on the basis of trophies were planned, by analogy with the SU-76, to be armed with a 76.2-mm ZIS-3Sh cannon. But in the case of using this gun, reliable protection of the gun embrasure from bullets and fragments was not provided, since cracks invariably formed in the shield when the gun was raised and rotated. In this case, the special self-propelled 76.2-mm S-1 gun turned out to be very useful. Previously, it was created on the basis of the tank F-34, specifically for light experimental self-propelled guns of the Gorky Automobile Plant. The vertical aiming angles of the gun are from - 5 to 15 °, along the horizon - in the sector of ± 10 °. The ammunition load was 98 rounds. On command vehicles, due to the use of a more bulky and powerful radio station, the ammunition load was reduced.

The production of the machine lasted from March to November 1943. The SU-76I, built in the amount of about 200 copies, despite the better security compared to the SU-76, was not very suitable for the role of a light tank destroyer. The practical rate of fire of the gun was no more than 5 - 6 rds / min. And according to the characteristics of armor penetration, the S-1 gun was completely identical to the tank F-34. However, several cases of successful use of the SU-76I against medium German tanks. The first vehicles began to enter the troops in May 1943, that is, a few months later than the SU-76, but unlike the Soviet self-propelled guns, they did not cause any particular complaints. The troops loved the SU-76I, self-propelled gunners noted high reliability, ease of control and an abundance of surveillance devices compared to the SU-76. In addition, in terms of mobility on rough terrain, the self-propelled gun was practically not inferior to the T-34 tanks, surpassing them in speed on good roads. Despite the presence of an armored roof, the crews liked the relative space inside the fighting compartment compared to other Soviet self-propelled gun mounts, the commander, gunner and loader in the conning tower were not too cramped. As a significant drawback, the difficulty of starting the engine in severe frost was noted.

Self-propelled artillery regiments armed with SU-76I received their baptism of fire during the Battle of Kursk, where they generally performed well. In July 1943, based on the experience of combat use, an armored reflective shield was installed on the mask of the SU-76I gun to prevent jamming of the gun by bullets and shrapnel. To increase the power reserve, the SU-76I began to be equipped with two external gas tanks mounted on easily dropped brackets along the stern.

Self-propelled guns SU-76I were actively used during the Belgorod-Kharkov operation, while many vehicles that received combat damage were restored several times. In the active army, SU-76I met until the middle of 1944, after which the vehicles that survived the battles were decommissioned due to extreme wear and lack of spare parts.

In addition to 76-mm guns, they tried to install the 122-mm M-30 howitzer on captured chassis. It is known about the construction of several machines under the name SG-122 "Artsturm" or abbreviated as SG-122A. This self-propelled gun was created on the basis of the StuG III Ausf. C or Ausf. D. It is known about the order of 10 self-propelled guns in September 1942, but information about whether this order was completed in full has not been preserved.

The 122-mm M-30 howitzer could not be installed in a standard German wheelhouse. The Soviet-made conning tower was significantly higher. The thickness of the frontal armor of the cabin is 45 mm, the sides are 35 mm, the stern is 25 mm, the roof is 20 mm. The car was not very successful, experts noted the excessive congestion of the front rollers and the high gas content of the fighting compartment when firing. Self-propelled guns on a captured chassis after installing an armored tube Soviet-made turned out to be cramped and had weaker armor than the German StuG III. The lack of good sights and observation devices at that time also had a negative effect on the combat characteristics of self-propelled guns. It can be noted that in addition to the alteration of trophies in the Red Army in 1942-1943, a lot of captured German armored vehicles were used unchanged. So, on the Kursk Bulge, in the same row with the T-34, the captured SU-75 (StuG III) and Marder III fought.

The SU-122 self-propelled gun, built on the chassis of the Soviet T-34 tank, turned out to be more viable. The total number of parts borrowed from the tank was 75%, the rest of the parts were new, specially made for self-propelled guns. In many ways, the appearance of the SU-122 is associated with the experience of operating captured German "artillery assaults" in the troops. Assault guns were much cheaper than tanks, spacious conning towers made it possible to install guns of a larger caliber. The use of the 122-mm M-30 howitzer as a weapon promised a number of significant benefits. This gun could well be placed in the conning tower of the self-propelled guns, which was confirmed by the experience of creating the SG-122A. Compared to the 76 mm projectile, the howitzer 122 mm high-explosive fragmentation projectile had a significantly greater destructive effect. The 122-mm projectile, which weighed 21.76 kg, contained 3.67 explosives, against 6.2 kg of the “three-inch” projectile with 710 gr. explosive. One shot of a 122-mm gun could do more than several shots of a 76-mm gun. The powerful high-explosive action of the 122-mm projectile made it possible to destroy not only wooden and earthen fortifications, but also concrete pillboxes or solid brick buildings. HEAT projectiles could also be successfully used to destroy highly protected fortifications.

The SU-122 self-propelled guns were not born out of nowhere; at the end of 1941, the concept of a turretless tank was proposed with the full preservation of the T-34 chassis, armed with a 76-mm cannon. The weight savings achieved by abandoning the turret made it possible to increase the thickness of the frontal armor to 75 mm. The labor intensity of manufacturing was reduced by 25%. In the future, these developments were used to create 122-mm self-propelled guns.

In terms of security, the SU-122 practically did not differ from the T-34. The self-propelled guns were armed with a tank modification of the 122-mm divisional howitzer mod. 1938 - M-30S, with the preservation of a number of features of the towed gun. So, the placement of the controls for the pickup mechanisms on opposite sides of the barrel required the presence of two gunners in the crew, which, of course, did not add free space in the self-propelled gun. The range of elevation angles was from −3° to +25°, the sector of horizontal fire was ±10°. The maximum firing range is 8000 meters. Rate of fire - 2-3 rds / min. Ammunition from 32 to 40 shots of separate-sleeve loading, depending on the production series. Basically, these were high-explosive fragmentation shells.

The need for such vehicles at the front was huge, despite a number of comments identified during the tests, the self-propelled gun was adopted. First Regiment self-propelled guns SU-122 was formed at the end of 1942. At the front, 122-mm self-propelled guns appeared in February 1943 and were received with great enthusiasm. Combat tests of self-propelled guns in order to work out the tactics of use took place in early February 1943. The most successful option is the use of the SU-122 to support the advancing infantry and tanks, being behind them at a distance of 400-600 meters. In the course of breaking through the enemy defenses, self-propelled guns with the fire of their guns carried out the suppression of enemy firing points, destroyed obstacles and barriers, and also repelled counterattacks.

When a 122-mm high-explosive fragmentation projectile hits medium tank, as a rule, it was destroyed or disabled. According to reports German tankers, who took part in the battle of Kursk, they repeatedly recorded cases of serious damage to heavy tanks Pz. VI "Tiger" as a result of shelling with 122-mm howitzer shells.

Here is what Major Gomille Commander III writes about this. Abteilung/Panzer Regiment of the Grossdeutschland Panzer Division:

"... Hauptmann von Williborn, commander of the 10th company, was seriously wounded during the battle. His "Tiger" received a total of eight hits of 122-mm shells from assault guns based on the T-34 tank. One shell pierced the side armor The turret was hit by six shells, three of which made only small dents in the armor, the other two cracked the armor and chipped off small pieces of it. building electrical circuit electric trigger guns, observation devices were broken or knocked out of their attachment points. The welded seam of the tower parted, and a half-meter crack formed, which could not be welded by the forces of the field repair team.

In general, assessing the anti-tank capabilities of the SU-122, we can state that they were very weak. This, in fact, served as a result of one of the main reasons for the withdrawal of self-propelled guns from production. Despite the presence of BP-460A cumulative projectiles weighing 13.4 kg in the ammunition load, with armor penetration of 175 mm, it was possible to hit a moving tank from the first shot only from an ambush or in combat conditions in a populated area. A total of 638 vehicles were built, the production of self-propelled guns SU-122 was completed in the summer of 1943. However, several self-propelled guns of this type survived until the end of hostilities, taking part in the storming of Berlin.

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Here is the news today:

Artillery units of the Eastern Military District (VVO) received a batch of 203-mm Pion self-propelled artillery mounts.

This was reported to Interfax-AVN on Thursday by the head of the press service of the district, Colonel Alexander Gordeev. »Today, the Pion self-propelled gun is considered the most powerful self-propelled artillery mount in the world. Its main armament is a 203-mm cannon, weighing more than 14 tons. It is located in the aft part of the installation. The gun is equipped with a semi-automatic hydraulic loading system, which allows this process to be carried out at any elevation angles of the barrel,” A. Gordeev said.

He noted that in the development of the undercarriage of the installation, components and assemblies of the T-80 tank were used. “The self-propelled gun has an individual torsion bar suspension,” the officer specified.

Learn more about this weapon:

On August 29, 1949, the first Soviet atomic bomb was tested: both opposing groups began to possess nuclear weapons. With the build-up by both sides of the conflict of strategic nuclear weapons it became clear that an all-out nuclear war was unlikely and pointless. The theory of "limited nuclear war» with limited use of tactical nuclear weapons. In the early 1950s, the leaders of the opposing sides faced the problem of delivering these weapons. The main means of delivery were B-29 strategic bombers, on the one hand, and Tu-4, on the other; they could not effectively strike at the advanced positions of enemy troops. Hull and divisional artillery systems, tactical missile systems and recoilless guns were considered as the most suitable means.

The first Soviet artillery systems armed with nuclear weapons were the 2B1 self-propelled mortar and the 2A3 self-propelled gun, but these systems were bulky and could not meet the high mobility requirements. With the beginning of the rapid development of rocket technology in the USSR, work on most of the samples of classical artillery was stopped at the direction of N. S. Khrushchev.

Photo 3.

After Khrushchev was removed from the post of First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, work on artillery topics was resumed. By the spring of 1967, a preliminary design of a new heavy-duty self-propelled artillery mount (ACS) based on the Object 434 tank and a full-size wooden model were completed. The project was a self-propelled gun of a closed type with a cutting installation of a tool designed by OKB-2. The layout received negative feedback from representatives of the Ministry of Defense, however, the Ministry of Defense of the USSR became interested in the proposal to create an ACS of special power, and on December 16, 1967, by order No. 801 of the Ministry of Defense Industry, research work was started to determine the appearance and basic characteristics of the new ACS. The main requirement put forward for the new self-propelled guns was the maximum firing range - at least 25 km. The choice of the optimal caliber of the gun, at the direction of the GRAU, was carried out by the M. I. Kalinin Artillery Academy. In the course of the work, various existing and developed artillery systems were considered. The main ones were the 210 mm S-72 gun, the 180 mm S-23 gun and the 180 mm MU-1 coastal gun. According to the conclusion of the Leningrad Artillery Academy, the ballistic solution of the 210-mm S-72 gun was recognized as the most suitable. However, despite this, the Barrikady plant, in order to ensure the continuity of manufacturing technologies for the already developed B-4 and B-4M guns, proposed reducing the caliber from 210 to 203 mm. This proposal was approved by the GRAU.

Simultaneously with the choice of caliber, work was carried out on the choice of chassis and layout for the future self-propelled guns. One of the options was the chassis of the MT-T multi-purpose tractor, made on the basis of the T-64A tank. This option received the designation "Object 429A". A variant based on the T-10 heavy tank was also worked out, which received the designation "216.sp1". According to the results of the work, it turned out that an open installation of the gun would be optimal, while none of the existing types chassis, due to the high recoil resistance force of 135 tf when firing. Therefore, it was decided to develop a new undercarriage with the maximum possible unification of the nodes with the tanks in service with the USSR. The resulting studies formed the basis of the R&D under the name "Peony" (GRAU index - 2C7). "Pion" was supposed to enter service with the artillery battalions of the reserve of the Supreme High Command to replace the 203-mm B-4 and B-4M towed howitzers.

Photo 4.

Officially, work on the new self-propelled guns of special power was approved on July 8, 1970 by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 427-161. The Kirov Plant was appointed the lead developer of the 2S7, the 2A44 gun was designed in OKB-3 of the Volgograd plant "Barricades". March 1, 1971 were issued, and by 1973 approved tactical and technical requirements for new self-propelled guns. According to the assignment, the 2S7 self-propelled gun was supposed to provide a ricochet-free firing range from 8.5 to 35 km with a high-explosive fragmentation projectile weighing 110 kg, while it should have been possible to fire a 3VB2 nuclear round intended for the 203 mm B-4M howitzer. The speed on the highway had to be at least 50 km / h.

The new chassis with a stern gun mount received the designation "216.sp2". In the period from 1973 to 1974, two prototypes of the 2S7 self-propelled guns were manufactured and sent for testing. The first sample passed sea trials at the Strugi Krasnye training ground. The second sample was tested by firing, but could not fulfill the requirements for the firing range. The problem was solved by selecting the optimal composition of the powder charge and the type of shot. In 1975, the Pion system was adopted by the Soviet army. In 1977, at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics, nuclear weapons were developed and put into service for the 2S7 self-propelled guns.

Photo 5.

Serial production of self-propelled guns 2S7 was launched in 1975 at the Leningrad plant named after Kirov. The 2A44 gun was produced by the Volgograd plant "Barricades". 2S7 production continued until the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1990 in Soviet troops the last batch of 66 2S7M vehicles was transferred. In 1990, the cost of one 2S7 self-propelled artillery mount was 521,527 rubles. Over 16 years of production, more than 500 2C7 units of various modifications were produced.

In the 1980s, there was a need to modernize the ACS 2S7. Therefore, development work was started under the code "Malka" (GRAU index - 2S7M). First of all, the question was raised about replacing the power plant, since the B-46-1 engine did not have sufficient power and reliability. For the Malka, the V-84B engine was created, which differed from the one used in the T-72 tank by the features of the engine layout in the engine compartment. With the new engine, the self-propelled guns could be refueled not only with diesel fuel, but also with kerosene and gasoline.

Photo 6.

The undercarriage of the car was also upgraded. In February 1985, the self-propelled guns with a new power plant and an upgraded undercarriage were tested. As a result of the modernization, the ACS motocross resource was increased to 8,000-10,000 km. To receive and display information from the vehicle of the senior battery officer, the gunner's and commander's positions were equipped with digital indicators with automatic data reception, which made it possible to reduce the time it took to transfer the vehicle from traveling to combat position and back. Thanks to the modified design of the stowage, the ammunition load was increased to 8 rounds. The new loading mechanism made it possible to load the gun at any angle of vertical pumping. Thus, the rate of fire was increased by 1.6 times (up to 2.5 rounds per minute), and the mode of fire - by 1.25 times. To monitor important subsystems, routine control equipment was installed in the car, which carried out continuous monitoring of weapon components, the engine, the hydraulic system and power units. Serial production of self-propelled guns 2S7M began in 1986. In addition, the crew of the car was reduced to 6 people.

In the late 1970s, on the basis of the 2A44 gun, a project was developed for a shipborne artillery mount under the code "Pion-M". The theoretical weight of the artillery mount without ammunition was 65-70 tons. The ammunition load was to be 75 rounds, and the rate of fire was up to 1.5 rounds per minute. The Pion-M artillery mount was supposed to be installed on Project 956 ships of the Sovremenny type. However, due to the fundamental disagreement of the leadership of the Navy with the use of a large caliber, they did not advance beyond the project of work on the Pion-M artillery mount.

Photo 7.

armored corps

The 2S7 Pion self-propelled gun was made according to a turretless scheme with an open installation of the gun in the aft part of the self-propelled guns. The crew consists of 7 (in the modernized version 6) people. On the march, all crew members are housed in the ACS hull. The body is divided into four sections. In the front part there is a control compartment with a place for a commander, a driver and a place for one of the crew members. Behind the control compartment is the engine compartment with the engine. Behind the engine-transmission compartment there is a calculation compartment, in which the stacks with shells are located, the gunner's place for the marching and places for 3 (in the modernized version 2) members of the calculation. In the aft compartment there is a folding coulter plate and a self-propelled gun. The hull 2S7 is made of two-layer bulletproof armor with a thickness of outer sheets of 13 mm, and internal sheets of 8 mm. The calculation, being inside the self-propelled guns, is protected from the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction. The case weakens the effect of penetrating radiation by a factor of three. The loading of the main gun during the operation of the self-propelled guns is carried out from the ground or from a truck using a special lifting mechanism installed on the platform, on the right side of the main gun. In this case, the loader is located to the left of the gun, controlling the process using the control panel.

Photo 8.


The main armament is a 203-mm 2A44 cannon, which has a maximum rate of fire of 1.5 rounds per minute (up to 2.5 rounds per minute on the upgraded version). The gun barrel is a free tube connected to the breech. A piston valve is located in the breech. The barrel of the gun and recoil devices are placed in the cradle of the swinging part. The swinging part is fixed on the upper machine, which is mounted on the axis and fixed with basting. The recoil devices consist of a hydraulic recoil brake and two pneumatic knurlers located symmetrically with respect to the bore. Such a scheme of recoil devices makes it possible to reliably hold the recoil parts of the gun in the extreme position before firing a shot at any angles of vertical guidance of the gun. The recoil length when fired reaches 1400 mm. Lifting and turning mechanisms of the sector type provide gun guidance in the range of angles from 0 to +60 degrees. vertically and from -15 to +15 degrees. along the horizon. Guidance can be carried out both by hydraulic drives powered by the SAU 2S7 pumping station, and by manual drives. The pneumatic balancing mechanism serves to compensate for the moment of imbalance of the swinging part of the tool. To facilitate the work of crew members, the self-propelled guns are equipped with a loading mechanism that ensures that shots are fed to the loading line and delivered to the gun chamber.

The hinged base plate, located in the stern of the hull, transfers the forces of the shot to the ground, providing greater stability to the self-propelled guns. On charge No. 3, "Pion" could fire direct fire without installing an opener. The portable ammunition load of the Pion self-propelled gun is 4 shots (for the modernized version 8), the main ammunition load of 40 shots is transported in the transport vehicle attached to the self-propelled guns. The main ammunition includes 3OF43 high-explosive fragmentation shells, in addition, 3-O-14 cluster shells, concrete-piercing and nuclear ammunition can be used. Additionally, the 2S7 self-propelled guns are equipped with a 12.7 mm NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun and portable anti-aircraft guns. missile systems 9K32 "Strela-2".

Photo 9.

To aim the gun, the gunner's position is equipped with a PG-1M panoramic artillery sight for firing from closed firing positions and an OP4M-99A direct-fire sight for firing at observed targets. To monitor the terrain, the control department is equipped with seven TNPO-160 prism periscopic observation devices, two more TNPO-160 devices are installed in the hatch covers of the calculation department. For operation at night, some of the TNPO-160 devices can be replaced by TVNE-4B night vision devices.

External radio communication is supported by the R-123M radio station. The radio station operates in the VHF band and provides stable communication with stations of the same type at a distance of up to 28 km, depending on the height of the antenna of both radio stations. Negotiations between crew members are carried out through the equipment intercom 1B116.

Photo 10.

Engine and transmission

The 2C7 used a V-shaped 12-cylinder four-stroke V-46-1 liquid-cooled supercharged diesel engine with an HP 780 power as a power plant. The V-46-1 diesel engine was created on the basis of the V-46 engine installed on the T-72 tanks. Distinctive features of the V-46-1 were small layout changes associated with its adaptation for installation in the engine compartment of the ACS 2S7. Of the main differences was the changed location of the power take-off shaft. To facilitate starting the engine in winter conditions, a heating system was installed in the engine compartment, developed on the basis of a similar system of the T-10M heavy tank. In the course of modernization on the 2S7M self-propelled guns, the power plant was replaced with a V-84B multi-fuel diesel engine with an HP 840 power. The transmission is mechanical, with hydraulic control and a planetary rotation mechanism. It has seven forward and one reverse gears. The engine torque is transmitted through a bevel gear with a gear ratio of 0.682 to two onboard gearboxes.

Photo 11.

Chassis 2S7 is made on the basis of the main tank T-80 and consists of seven pairs of dual rubber-coated support rollers and six pairs of single support rollers. In the rear of the machine are the guide wheels, in the front - the drive. In the combat position, the guide wheels are lowered to the ground to make the ACS more resistant to the loads during firing. Lowering and raising is carried out with the help of two hydraulic cylinders fixed along the axles of the wheels. Suspension 2C7 - individual torsion bar with hydraulic shock absorbers.

Photo 12.

Special equipment

The preparation of the position for firing was carried out with the help of an opener in the aft part of the self-propelled guns. Raising and lowering the coulter was carried out using two hydraulic jacks. Additionally, the 2S7 self-propelled gun was equipped with a 9R4-6U2 diesel generator with an HP 24 power. The diesel generator was designed to ensure the operation of the main pump of the ACS hydraulic system during parking, when the vehicle's engine was turned off.

Machines based

In 1969, in the Tula NIEMI, by decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 27, 1969, work began on the creation of a new S-300V front-line anti-aircraft missile system. Studies conducted at the NIEMI together with the Leningrad VNII-100 showed that there was no chassis suitable for carrying capacity, internal dimensions and cross-country ability. Therefore, KB-3 of the Kirov Leningrad Plant was given the task of developing a new unified tracked chassis. The following requirements were imposed on the development: gross weight - no more than 48 tons, carrying capacity - 20 tons, ensuring the operation of equipment and crew in the conditions of the use of weapons of mass destruction, high maneuverability and maneuverability. The chassis was designed almost simultaneously with the 2S7 self-propelled gun and was unified with it as much as possible. The main differences include the rear location of the engine compartment and the drive wheels of the caterpillar mover. As a result of the work carried out, the following modifications of the universal chassis were created.

- "Object 830" - for self-propelled launcher 9A83;
- "Object 831" - for self-propelled launcher 9A82;
- "Object 832" - for the radar station 9S15;
- "Object 833" - in the basic version: for the multi-channel missile guidance station 9S32; performed by "833-01" - for the 9S19 radar station;
- "Object 834" - for command post 9C457;
- "Object 835" - for launchers 9A84 and 9A85.
The production of prototypes of universal chassis was carried out by the Kirov Leningrad Plant. Serial production was transferred to the Lipetsk Tractor Plant.
In 1997, by order of the Engineering Troops of the Russian Federation, a high-speed trenching machine BTM-4M "Tundra" was developed for making trenches and digging in frozen soil.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in Russia, the financing of the armed forces was sharply reduced, and military equipment practically ceased to be purchased. Under these conditions, a conversion program was carried out at the Kirov Plant military equipment, within the framework of which, on the basis of the ACS 2S7, civil engineering machines were developed and began to be produced. In 1994, the highly mobile crane SGK-80 was developed, and four years later its modernized version appeared - SGK-80R. The cranes weighed 65 tons and had a lifting capacity of up to 80 tons. By order of the Department of Traffic Safety and Ecology of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, in 2004, self-propelled tracked vehicles SM-100 were developed, designed to eliminate the consequences of rolling stock derailments, as well as to carry out emergency rescue operations after natural and man-made disasters.

Photo 13.

Combat use

During the period of operation in the Soviet army, Pion self-propelled guns were never used in any armed conflict, however, they were intensively used in high-capacity artillery brigades of the GSVG. After the signing of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, all Pion and Malka self-propelled guns were withdrawn from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and redeployed to the Eastern Military District. The only episode of the combat use of the 2S7 self-propelled guns was the war in South Ossetia, where the Georgian side of the conflict used a battery of six self-propelled guns 2S7. During the retreat, Georgian troops hid all six self-propelled guns 2S7 in the Gori region. One of the 5 self-propelled guns 2S7 discovered by the Russian troops was captured as a trophy, the rest were destroyed.
In November 2014, in connection with the armed conflict, Ukraine began the reactivation and bringing into combat condition of its existing 2S7 installations.

In the 1970s, the Soviet Union made an attempt to re-equip the Soviet army with new models of artillery weapons. The first sample was self-propelled howitzer The 2S3, introduced to the public in 1973, was followed by the 2S1 in 1974, the 2S4 in 1975, and the 2S5 and 2S7 in 1979. Thanks to the new technology, the Soviet Union significantly increased the survivability and maneuverability of its artillery troops. By the time the mass production of the 2S7 self-propelled guns began, the 203-mm self-propelled gun M110 was already in service with the United States. In 1975, the 2S7 was significantly superior to the M110 in terms of the main parameters: the firing range of the OFS (37.4 km vs. 16.8 km), the ammunition load (4 shots vs. 4), however, at the same time, the 2S7 self-propelled guns served 7 people against 5 on the M110. In 1977 and 1978, the US Army received improved M110A1 and M110A2 self-propelled guns, which were distinguished by a maximum firing range increased to 30 km, however, they could not surpass the 2S7 self-propelled guns in this parameter. An advantageous difference between the Pion and the M110 self-propelled guns is a fully armored chassis, while the M110 only has an armored engine compartment.

In North Korea, in 1978, on the basis of the Type 59 tank, a 170-mm self-propelled gun "Koksan" was created. The gun made it possible to fire at a distance of up to 60 km, but had a number of significant drawbacks: low barrel survivability, low rate of fire, low chassis mobility and the lack of portable ammunition. In 1985, an improved version was developed, this weapon is appearance and layout resembled a self-propelled gun 2S7.

Attempts to create systems similar to the M110 and 2C7 were made in Iraq. In the mid-1980s, the development of the 210 mm AL FAO self-propelled gun began. The gun was created as a response to the Iranian M107, and the gun had to be significantly superior to this self-propelled gun in all respects. As a result, a prototype ACS AL FAO was manufactured and demonstrated in May 1989. The self-propelled artillery mount was a G6 self-propelled howitzer chassis, on which a 210-mm gun was mounted. The self-propelled unit was capable of speeds up to 80 km/h on the march. The barrel length was 53 caliber. Shooting could be carried out both with conventional 109.4-kg high-explosive fragmentation shells with a bottom notch and a maximum firing range of 45 km, and shells with a bottom gas generator with a maximum firing range of up to 57.3 km. However, the economic sanctions against Iraq that followed in the early 1990s prevented the further development of the gun, and the project did not go beyond the prototype stage.

In the mid-1990s, the Chinese company NORINCO based on the M110 developed a prototype 203-mm self-propelled gun with a new artillery unit. The reason for the development was the unsatisfactory firing range of the M110 self-propelled guns. The new artillery unit made it possible to increase the maximum firing range of high-explosive fragmentation shells to 40 km, and of active-reactive shells to 50 km. In addition, the self-propelled guns could fire guided, nuclear projectiles, as well as cluster anti-tank mines. Further, the production of a prototype development did not advance.

As a result of the completion of the Pion R&D, the Soviet Army received self-propelled guns, which embodied the most advanced ideas for designing high-powered self-propelled guns. For its class, the 2S7 self-propelled guns had high performance characteristics (maneuverability and a relatively short time for transferring self-propelled guns to a combat position and back). Thanks to the caliber of 203.2 mm and the maximum firing range of high-explosive fragmentation shells, the Pion self-propelled gun had a high combat effectiveness: so, in 10 minutes of a fire raid, self-propelled guns are capable of "delivering" about 500 kg of explosive to the target. The modernization carried out in 1986 to the level of 2S7M allowed this self-propelled guns to meet the requirements for advanced artillery weapons systems for the period up to 2010. The only drawback noted by Western experts was the open installation of the gun, which did not allow the crew to be protected from shell fragments or enemy fire when working in position. Further improvement of the system was proposed to be carried out by creating guided projectiles of the "Smelchak" type, the firing range of which could be up to 120 km, as well as improving the working conditions of the ACS crew. In fact, after the withdrawal from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and redeployment to the Eastern Military District, most of the self-propelled guns 2S7 and 2S7M were sent for storage, and only a small part of them remained in operation.

Photo 14.

But look at what an interesting sample of weapons:

Photo 16.

Experimental self-propelled artillery mount. The development of the self-propelled guns was carried out by the Central Design Bureau of the Uraltransmash plant, the chief designer was Nikolai Tupitsyn. The first prototype of the self-propelled guns was built in 1976. In total, two copies of the self-propelled guns were built - with a gun from the Acacia self-propelled guns of 152-mm caliber and with a gun of the Hyacinth self-propelled guns. ACS "object 327" was developed as a competitor to the ACS "Msta-S", but turned out to be very revolutionary, it remained an experimental self-propelled gun. The self-propelled guns were distinguished by a high degree of automation - reloading of the gun was carried out regularly by an automatic loader with an external location of the gun with the placement of the ammunition rack inside the body of the self-propelled guns. During tests with guns of two types, the self-propelled guns showed high efficiency, but preference was given to more "technological" samples - 2S19 "Msta-S". Testing and design of ACS were discontinued in 1987.

The name of the object "puck" was unofficial. The second copy of the self-propelled guns with the 2A37 gun from the self-propelled guns "Hyacinth" since 1988 stood at the training ground and was preserved in the Uraltransmash museum.

There is also such a version that the prototype of the self-propelled guns shown in the photo is the only mock-up image that was also worked out on the topics “object 316 ″ (prototype self-propelled guns “Msta-S“), “object 326″ and “object 327″. During the tests, guns with different ballistics were installed on a rotating platform tower. The presented sample with a gun from the self-propelled gun "Hyacinth" was tested in 1987.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.


Look at the self-propelled guns, but recently. Look at and how it looked before The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -

The self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was created on the basis of the SU-76M self-propelled guns and was put into service in 1944. It had an open turret with circular rotation, was equipped with a rangefinder and a radio station. A total of 75 cars were produced. TTX ZSU: length - 4.9 m; width - 2.7 m; height - 2.1 m; clearance - 315 mm; weight - 10.5 - 12.2 tons; booking - 10-45 mm; engine type - two 6-cylinder, carburetor "GAZ-202"; engine power - 140 hp; specific power - 11.7 hp / t; speed of movement on the highway - 42 km / h; power reserve - 330 km; armament - 37-mm gun 61-K mod. 1939; ammunition - 320 shots; crew - 4 people.

The self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was created in 1941 on the basis of the STZ-3 tractor, sheathed with armor plates with cannon and machine gun weapons installed. The gun had limited firing angles - in order to aim it at the target, it was necessary to deploy the entire tractor. In total, about 100 cars were produced. TTX ZSU: length - 4.2 m; width - 1.9 m; height - 2.4 t; weight - 7 tons; booking - 5-25 mm; engine type - four-cylinder, kerosene; engine power - 52 hp; speed of movement on the highway - 20 km; power reserve - 120 km; main armament - 45-mm tank gun 20-K; additional armament - 7.62 mm DP machine gun; crew - 2 - 4 people.

ACS open type was created by installing the ZIS-2 anti-tank gun on the T-20 Komsomolets artillery tractor and put into service at the end of 1941. For greater stability when firing, the machine was equipped with folding coulters. On the roof of the cabin, a mounting bracket for the gun was mounted in a stowed position. A total of 101 cars were produced. TTX ACS: length - 3.5 m; width - 1.9 m; height - 2.2 m; weight - 4 tons; booking - 7-10 mm; engine type - 6 cylinder carburetor; power - 50 hp; specific power - 12 hp / t; speed on the highway - 60 km / h; power reserve - 250 km; main armament - 57-mm gun ZiS-2; additional - 7.62 mm DT machine gun; crew - 4 - 5 people.

The pilot plant was developed in 1941 on the chassis of the KV-1 tank with two types of artillery weapons. The self-propelled unit was developed as an artillery tank escort vehicle with a high rate of fire of the main weapon. It belonged to the type of fully enclosed self-propelled guns and was a modification of the KV-1 tank, differing from it mainly in the absence of a rotating turret, installed weapons, ammunition, armor protection, crew size and lower vehicle height. The first version had three guns at once: one 76.2 mm F-34 and two 45 mm 20-K guns. The second version of the installation was equipped with two identical ZiS-5 guns. In total, one copy was released. TTX self-propelled guns: length - 6.7 m; width - 3.2 m; height - 2.5 m; clearance - 440 mm; weight - 47.5 tons; track width - 700 mm; booking - 30-100 mm; engine type - 12 cylinder diesel; power - 600 hp; specific power - 13 hp / t; speed on the highway - 34 km / h; power reserve - 225 km; crew - 6 people. Armament of the first variant: main armament - one 76-mm gun F-34, two 45-mm guns 20-K; ammunition - 93 shots for 76-mm guns and 200 shots for 45-mm guns; rate of fire of built-in guns - 12 rounds per minute; additional armament - two main and one spare 7.62 mm DT machine gun; ammunition - 3,591 cartridges. Armament of the second variant: 2 guns 76.2 mm ZIS-5; rate of fire - 15 shots in one gulp; ammunition - 150 rounds per minute; additional armament - three 7.62 mm DT machine guns; ammunition - 2,646 rounds; 30 F-1 grenades.

Self-propelled guns were produced in 1933-1935. by mounting a 76.2-mm cannon of the 1927 model on a pedestal installation on the chassis of trucks with a 6x4 Morland (SU-12) and GAZ-AAA (SU-12-1) wheel arrangement. Of the 99 vehicles produced, by the beginning of the war, 3 installations were in service. TTX self-propelled guns: length - 5.6 m; width - 1.9 m; height - 2.3 m; weight - 3.7 tons; shield thickness - 4 mm; engine type - carburetor, power - 50 hp; speed on the highway - 60 km / h; power reserve - 370 km; rate of fire - 10 - 12 rounds per minute; ammunition - 36 shots; crew - 4 people.

The self-propelled guns were produced in 1935-1937. based on the chassis of a three-axle truck YaG-10 (6x4) and a 76-mm anti-aircraft gun 3-K model 1931. For stability, four "jack-type" coulters were mounted along the sides of the platform. The body was protected by curved armored sides, which folded outward in a combat position. A total of 61 installations were produced. TTX ACS: length - 7 m; width - 2.5 m; height - 2.6 m; clearance - 420 mm; weight - 10.6 tons; speed of movement on the highway - 42 km / h; power reserve - 275 km; engine type - carburetor "Hercules-YXC", power - 94 hp; ammunition - 48 shots; rate of fire - 20 rounds per minute; firing range - 14.3 km; armor penetration - 85 mm; crew - 5 people.

The installation was the most lightweight and simplified version of the SU-76 self-propelled guns. It was developed in 1944. The deckhouse roof is open. A total of 3 cars were produced. TTX ACS: length - 5 m; width - 2.2 m; height - 1.6 m; clearance - 290 mm; weight - 4.2 tons; booking - 6-10 mm; engine type - in-line 4-cylinder liquid-cooled carburetor; engine power - 50 hp; specific power - 11.9 hp / t; speed on the highway - 41 km / h; power reserve - 220 km; armament - 76.2 mm gun ZIS-3; ammunition - 30 shots; crew - 3 people.

The installation was produced in 1943-1945. in two versions: SU-76 (with GAZ-202 engines) and SU-76M (with GAZ-203 engines). The cabin roof is open. A total of 14,292 cars were produced. TTX ACS: length - 5 m; width - 2.7 m; height - 2.2 m; clearance - 300 mm; weight - 11.2 tons; booking - 7 - 35 mm; engine type - two twin in-line 6-cylinder liquid-cooled carburetors; engine power - 140/170 hp; specific power - 12.5 hp / t; speed on the highway - 44 km / h; power reserve - 250 km; armament - 76.2 mm gun ZIS-3; ammunition - 60 shots; firing range - 13 km; crew - 4 people.

The assault gun was built in 1943 on the basis of captured German Pz Kpfw III tanks and StuG III self-propelled guns. A total of 201 vehicles were produced, of which 20 were command vehicles equipped with a turret with an entrance hatch and a high-powered radio station. TTX ACS: length - 6.3 m; width - 2.9 m; height - 2.4 t; clearance - 350 mm; weight - 22.5 tons; booking - 10-60 mm; engine type - V-shaped 12-cylinder liquid-cooled carburetor; engine power - 265 hp; specific power - 11.8 hp / t; speed of movement on the highway - 50 km / h; power reserve - 180 km; armament - 76.2-mm cannon "S-1"; rate of fire - 5 - 6 rounds per minute; ammunition - 98 shots; crew - 4 people.

The tank destroyer was produced on the T-34 chassis and the cabin of the self-propelled guns SU-122. Adopted in 1943. A modification of the SU-85M installation is known, which in fact was the SU-100 with an 85-mm cannon (315 pieces were produced). The installation was intended mainly for direct fire from short stops. The crew, gun and ammunition were placed in front in the armored cabin, which combined the fighting compartment and the control compartment. A total of 2,652 vehicles were built. TTX self-propelled guns: length - 8.2 m; width - 3 m; height - 2.5 m; clearance - 400 mm; weight - 29.2 tons; booking - 20-60 mm; engine type - diesel; power - 500 hp; speed on the highway - 55 km / h; power reserve - 400 km; armament - 85-mm gun - D-5T; ammunition - 48 shots; rate of fire - 6-7 rounds per minute; armor penetration at a distance of 500 m - 140 mm; crew - 4 people.

The tank destroyer was created on the basis of the T-34-85 tank and was put into service in 1944. The self-propelled guns belonged to the type of closed self-propelled guns. On the roof of the cabin above the commander's seat, a fixed commander's cupola was installed with five viewing slots for all-round visibility. The ventilation of the fighting compartment was carried out with the help of two fans installed in the roof of the cabin. In total, 2320 vehicles were produced during the war. TTX ACS: length - 9.5 m; width - 3 m; height - 2.2 m; clearance - 400 mm; weight - 31.6 tons; booking - 20-110 mm; engine type - V-shaped 12-cylinder diesel engine "V-2-34"; engine power - 520 hp; specific power - 16.4 hp / t; speed of movement on the highway - 50 km / h; power reserve - 310 km; armament - 100-mm cannon "D-10S"; direct fire range - 4.6 km, maximum - 15.4 km; ammunition - 33 shots; armor penetration at a distance of 1000 m - 135 mm; crew - 4 people.

The self-propelled assault gun was produced in 1942-1943. as the most simplified design of the T-34 tank. The gun was mounted on a pedestal attached to the bottom of the vehicle. The fully armored hull was divided into two parts. The installations captured by the Wehrmacht served under the designation "StuG SU-122 (r)". A total of 638 cars were produced. TTX ACS: length - 7 m; width - 3 m; height - 2.2 m; clearance - 400 mm; weight - 29.6 tons; booking - 15-45 mm; engine type - diesel "V-2-34", engine power - 500 hp; specific power - 16.8 hp / t; speed on the highway - 55 km / h; power reserve - 600 km; armament - 122-mm howitzer M-30S; ammunition - 40 shots; armor penetration at a distance of 1000 m - 160 mm; rate of fire - 203 rounds per minute; crew - 5 people.

The self-propelled howitzer was produced in 1939 on the chassis of the T-26 tank by dismantling the turret and open installation in its place 122-mm howitzers mod. 1910/30 By the beginning of the war, 28 vehicles were in service. TTX ACS: length - 4.8 m; width - 2.4 m; height - 2.6 m; clearance - 380 mm; weight - 10.5 tons; engine type - carburetor, power - 90 hp; booking - 6 - 15 mm; speed on the highway - 30 km / h; power reserve - 170 km; ammunition - 8 shots; crew - 5 people.

The installation was created on the basis of the IS tank and was put into service in 1944. A modification of the self-propelled guns is known - ISU-122S with a D-25T gun. The self-propelled guns had an armored hull, which was divided into two parts. The crew, gun and ammunition were placed in front in the armored cabin, which combined the fighting compartment and the control compartment. The engine and transmission were installed in the stern of the car. Since the end of 1944, an anti-aircraft heavy machine gun was installed on the self-propelled guns. A total of 1,735 vehicles were built. TTX self-propelled guns: length - 9.9 m; width - 3.1 m; height - 2.5 m; clearance - 470 mm; weight - 46 tons; booking - 20-100 mm; engine type - 12 cylinder diesel; engine power - 520 hp; specific power - 11.3 hp / t; speed of movement on the highway - 35 km / h; power reserve - 220 km; main armament - 121.9 mm gun A-19C; rate of fire - 2 rounds per minute; rate of fire D-25T - 3-4; fire line height - 1.8 m; ammunition - 30 shots; additional armament - 12.7 mm DShK machine gun; ammunition - 250 rounds; direct fire range - 5 km, maximum range - 14.3 km; crew - 5 people.

The installation was created on the basis of the IS-1/2 tank and was put into service in 1943. From the beginning of 1945, an anti-aircraft heavy-caliber machine gun was installed on the self-propelled guns. The self-propelled gun was used as a heavy assault gun, tank destroyer and as a self-propelled howitzer. In total, 1,885 vehicles were produced during the war. TTX ACS: length - 9 m; width - 3.1 m; height - 2.9 m; clearance - 470 mm; weight - 46 tons; booking - 20 - 100 mm; engine type - 4-stroke 12-cylinder diesel V-2-IS; engine power - 520 hp; specific power - 11.3 hp / t; speed of movement on the highway - 40 km / h; power reserve - 350 - 500 km; main armament - 152.4-mm howitzer-gun "ML-20S"; ammunition - 21 shots; armor penetration at a distance of 1000 m -123 mm; direct fire range - 3.8 km; maximum - 13 km; fire line height - 1.8 m; additional armament - 12.7 mm DShK machine gun, ammunition - 250 rounds; crew - 5 people.

The self-propelled assault gun was produced in 1942-1944. based on the KV-1s heavy tank. During repairs, a 12.7-mm DShK anti-aircraft machine gun turret could be installed on the self-propelled guns. A total of 671 cars were produced. TTX ACS: length - 9 m; width - 3.3 m; height - 2.5 m; clearance - 440 mm; weight - 45.5 tons; booking - 20-65 mm; engine type - V-shaped 12-cylinder diesel V-2K; power - 600 l. With.; specific power - 13.2 hp / t; speed on the highway - 43 km / h; power reserve - 330 km; armament - 152.4 mm ML-20S gun-howitzer; ammunition - 20 shots; rate of fire - 1 - 2 rounds per minute; direct fire range - 3.8 km; maximum - 13 km; crew - 5 people.

Self-propelled artillery began to be massively used by the Red Army relatively late - only at the end of 1942. However, the machines produced by Soviet designers made a great contribution to the overall victory. Without exception, all Soviet self-propelled guns of the war period can be attributed to formidable vehicles that were useful in various ways on the battlefield. From a small, but no less effective SU-76, to such a monster as the ISU-152, which could easily hit a pillbox or destroy a house in which the Nazis settled.

Light self-propelled guns SU-76

This self-propelled gun was developed in 1942 by the design bureaus of plant No. 38 in the city of Kirov, the machine was created on the basis of the T-70 light tank well mastered by industry. In total, from 1942 until the end of the war, more than 14 thousand machines of this type were manufactured. Thanks to this, the SU-76 is the most massive Soviet self-propelled artillery installation of the Great Patriotic War, and its output was second only to the production of the T-34 tank. The popularity and prevalence of the machine is due to its simplicity and versatility.

A huge role was played by the fact that a very good ZIS-3 divisional gun of 76.2 mm caliber was chosen as a weapon for arming this self-propelled guns. The gun proved to be excellent during the war years and was distinguished by its high versatility of use. It was difficult to think of a better weapon to support the infantry. When using sub-caliber shells, the gun also revealed its anti-tank properties, however, tanks such as the Tiger and Panther were still recommended to be destroyed by firing at their sides. Against most samples of German armored vehicles, the armor penetration of the ZIS-3 gun remained adequate until the end of the war, although 100-mm armor remained an insurmountable obstacle for the gun.

The advantage, and in some cases the disadvantage of the machine, was its open felling. On the one hand, she helped the crew of the self-propelled guns to interact more closely with their infantry, especially in street combat, and also provided better visibility on the battlefield. On the other hand, the SPG crew was vulnerable to enemy fire and could be hit by shrapnel. In general, the self-propelled guns were distinguished by a minimum level of booking, which was bulletproof. However, the SU-76 was still very popular in units. Possessing the mobility of a light tank, the self-propelled gun had a much more serious weapon.

Not the most powerful weapons, thin armor, a fighting compartment open from above - all this, paradoxically, did not make the self-propelled gun unsuccessful. With its immediate task on the battlefield, the SU-76 coped perfectly. It was used for infantry fire support, acting as a light assault gun and anti-tank self-propelled guns. She was able to largely replace the light tanks of direct infantry support. Almost 25 years after the Victory in the Great Patriotic War Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky noted: “Our soldiers especially fell in love with the self-propelled gun SU-76. These mobile, light vehicles had time everywhere to help out and support the infantry units with their fire and caterpillars, and the infantrymen, in turn, did everything to protect these vehicles.

Anti-tank self-propelled guns SU-85 and SU-100

A separate place among all Soviet self-propelled guns was occupied by the SU-85 and SU-100, which were created on the basis of the most massive tank of the war - the T-34 medium tank. As you can easily guess, they differed primarily in the caliber of their guns and, accordingly, in their anti-tank capabilities. It is noteworthy that both self-propelled guns remained in service with various countries after the end of World War II.

The SU-85 was a medium-weight Soviet self-propelled artillery mount belonging to the tank destroyer class. Its main task on the battlefield was to fight enemy armored vehicles. Fighting machine was developed at the Design Bureau of UZTM (Ural Heavy Engineering Plant, Uralmash) in May-July 1943. Serial production of new anti-tank self-propelled guns was launched in July-August 1943. The 85-mm D-5S-85 cannon, which had good anti-tank capabilities, was chosen as the main gun for the new self-propelled gun. In fact, it was the SU-85 that became the first Soviet self-propelled guns that could fight German tanks on equal terms. From a distance of more than a kilometer, the crew of the SU-85 could easily disable any enemy medium tank. The frontal armor of the "Tiger" using armor-piercing shells could be penetrated from a distance of up to 500 meters, the use of sub-caliber ammunition made this task even easier.

Along with good firepower, the SU-85 was able to maintain the speed and maneuverability of its "progenitor" - the T-34 medium tank, and these good mobility characteristics more than once saved the crews of this anti-tank self-propelled gun in battle. And under enemy fire, the SU-85 self-propelled guns felt much more confident than the SU-76 with its open cabin. In addition, her frontal armor, located at rational angles of inclination, was no longer bulletproof and could take a hit.

In total, 2329 such machines were produced in 1943-1944. Despite the relatively small number, it was the SU-85 self-propelled guns, from 1943 until the end of hostilities in Europe, that was the basis of Soviet self-propelled artillery units armed with medium-weight vehicles. The SU-100, which replaced it, was able to show up in battles only in January 1945. Therefore, it was the SU-85 self-propelled guns and their crews that carried on their shoulders almost the entire burden of anti-tank and assault work of medium self-propelled artillery during the war.

With the advent of new types of armored vehicles among the Germans, such as the heavy tank "King Tiger" and self-propelled guns "Ferdinand", the question of increasing anti-tank capabilities became acute Soviet self-propelled guns. The designers of Uralmash responded to a new challenge and in the middle of 1944 presented the best tank destroyer of the Second World War - self-propelled guns SU-100. The self-propelled gun used the base of the T-34-85 tank and went into serial production in August 1944. In total, for the period from 1944 to 1956, 4976 such self-propelled artillery installations were produced, while in the USSR production was stopped in 1948, but continued under license in Czechoslovakia.

The main difference and the main highlight of the self-propelled guns was its cannon - a 100-mm D-10S gun, which could confidently fight even the heaviest and well-armored German tanks. Not by chance finest hour The SU-100 broke through during the Balaton defensive operation, when the German large-scale tank offensive, codenamed "Winter Awakening", ended in huge losses of armored vehicles and became, in fact, the cemetery of the Panzerwaffe. Also, the self-propelled gun was distinguished by the best booking. The thickness of its sloping frontal armor reached 75 mm. The self-propelled gun felt confident not only in the fight against enemy tanks, but also in urban battles. Often, one shot with a high-explosive projectile from a 100-mm gun was enough to literally "blow off" the detected enemy firing point.

The uniqueness and exceptional combat capabilities of the SU-100 are confirmed by the fact that it was in service Soviet army for several decades after the war, periodically modernized. In addition, the self-propelled guns were supplied to the allies of the Soviet Union, actively participated in the post-war local conflicts, including in the Arab-Israeli wars. The self-propelled gun remained in service with the armies of some countries until the end of the 20th century, and in some countries, such as Algeria, Morocco and Cuba, they remained in service as of 2012.

Heavy self-propelled guns SU-152 and ISU-152

Heavy Soviet self-propelled artillery mounts SU-152 and ISU-152 also made a significant contribution to the victory. The effectiveness of these machines is best indicated by their nicknames - "Deerslayer" and "Can Opener", which were given to these mighty twins in the army. The SU-152 was created on the basis of the KV-1S heavy tank and armed with a 152 mm ML-20S howitzer gun. The self-propelled gun was developed by the designers of ChKZ (Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant), the construction of the first prototype was completed on January 24, 1943, and with next month mass production of the machine began. It is worth noting that only 670 of these self-propelled guns were assembled, since the KV-1S tank, on the basis of which it was built, was discontinued. In December 1943, this vehicle was replaced on the assembly line with the ISU-152, which was equivalent in terms of armament, but better armored self-propelled guns based on the IS heavy tank.

The SU-152 self-propelled gun made its combat debut in the famous battle of Kursk, where it immediately showed itself as a worthy opponent of the new German tanks. The capabilities of self-propelled guns were enough to deal with the new brood of German "cats". The use of the 152-mm howitzer-gun ML-20S assumed the use of all the shells developed for it. But in reality, the crews of the vehicles managed with only two - high-explosive fragmentation and concrete-piercing shells. A direct hit on an enemy tank by concrete-piercing shells was enough to inflict heavy damage and incapacitate it. In some cases, the shells simply broke through the armor of the tanks, tore off the turret from the shoulder strap, and killed the crew. And sometimes a direct hit by a 152-mm projectile led to the detonation of ammunition, which turned enemy tanks into burning torches.

High-explosive fragmentation shells were also effective against German armored vehicles. Even without breaking through the armor, they damaged the sights and observation devices, the gun, the undercarriage of the vehicle. Moreover, in order to put an enemy tank out of action, sometimes it was enough just to close the gap of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile. The crew of Major Sankovsky, commander of one of the SU-152 batteries in the Battle of Kursk, disabled 10 enemy tanks in one day (according to other sources, this was the success of the entire battery), for which the major was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Of course, in the role of tank destroyers, the SU-152 was not used from a good life, but in this capacity, the self-propelled gun proved to be a wonderful machine. In general, the SU-152 was an excellent example of versatility. It could be used as an assault gun, tank destroyer and self-propelled howitzer. True, the use of the vehicle as a tank destroyer was complicated by the low rate of fire, but the effect of hitting the target could easily cross out this shortcoming. The monstrous power of the 152-mm howitzer-gun was indispensable in suppressing pillboxes and firing points of the Germans. Even if the concrete wall or ceilings withstood the impact of the projectile, the people inside received a serious concussion, their eardrums were torn.

The ISU-152 heavy self-propelled artillery mount replaced the SU-152, it was created by the design bureau of the experimental plant No. 100 in June-October 1943 and was put into service on November 6 of the same year. The release of the new self-propelled guns was launched at ChKZ, where it simply replaced the SU-152. The production of self-propelled guns continued until 1946, during which time 3242 vehicles of this type were built. The self-propelled gun was widely used in the final stage of the war and, like its predecessor, the SU-152, could be used in all aspects of the use of self-propelled artillery. These vehicles were withdrawn from the armament of the Soviet Army only in the 1970s, which also indicates their great combat potential.

The ISU-152 self-propelled guns became indispensable during urban battles, literally leveling enemy buildings and firing points with the ground. She showed herself very well during the assaults on Budapest, Konigsberg and Berlin. Good armor allowed the self-propelled guns to advance to a direct shot distance and hit German firing points with direct fire. For conventional towed artillery, this was a mortal danger due to the massive machine-gun and aimed sniper fire.

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