Now they talk a lot about electromagnetic radiation, which any modern person is inevitably exposed to, especially a resident of big city. How does electromagnetic radiation affect the human body? How dangerous is it?

What is electromagnetic radiation (EMR)? This is a special form of matter, through which the interaction between electrically charged particles is carried out, a kind of intangible wave propagating in a medium, consisting of an electrical and magnetic component.

Sources of EMP

Sources that create an electromagnetic field can be both natural and artificial.

The natural sources of electromagnetic radiation include the constant electric and constant magnetic field of the Earth, electrical phenomena in the atmosphere (thunderstorms, lightning discharges), radio emission from the sun and stars, and cosmic radiation.

Artificial sources of the electromagnetic field can be conditionally divided into sources of electromagnetic radiation of high and low levels of radiation. It should be noted that, first of all, the radiation level depends on the power of the source: the higher the power, the higher the radiation level. Near the source, the radiation level is maximally high; with increasing distance from the source, the radiation level decreases.

High EMP Sources:

  • overhead power lines (overhead lines, power lines of high and extra high voltage 4-1150 kV);
  • electric transport: trams, trolleybuses, metro trains, etc. - and its infrastructure;
  • transformer substations (TP);
  • elevators;
  • television stations;
  • broadcasting stations;
  • base stations of mobile radio communication systems (VS), primarily cellular.

Sources of relatively low EMP levels:

  • personal computers and video display terminals, gaming machines, children's game consoles;
  • household electrical appliances - refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, air conditioners, hair dryers, TVs, electric kettles, irons, etc.;
  • cellular, satellite and cordless radiotelephones, personal radio stations;
  • cable lines;
  • some medical diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical equipment;
  • building power supply system.
The impact of EMR on the human body

The human body reacts both to changes in the natural geomagnetic field and to the impact of electromagnetic radiation from numerous and diverse man-made sources. The reaction of the body can vary both with increasing and decreasing EMR exposure, in some cases leading to pronounced changes in health status and genetic consequences.

Experimental data of both domestic and foreign researchers testify to the high biological activity of the electromagnetic field (EMF) in all frequency ranges. The biological effects of EMF exposure on the human body depend on the frequency and wavelength of radiation, intensity of EMF, duration and frequency of exposure, combined and total exposure to EMF, and other factors. The combination of the indicated parameters can give significantly different consequences in the reaction of the body.

No less important is the localization of the impact - general or local, since with a general impact, the risk of negative consequences is higher. For example, the impact from power lines is general for the whole organism, and the impact from a cell phone is local (on certain parts of the human body).

The effect of EMF interaction with the biological environment depends on the radiation dose. It is based on the conversion of field energy into heat; the mechanism that performs such a transformation causes the rotation (displacement) of molecules. This leads to various negative phenomena in the body.

It should be noted that our body is daily exposed to several different electromagnetic fields simultaneously or sequentially.

Such an impact primarily affects the nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems, changes in the functions of which imply adverse consequences for the body.

The biological effect of EMF accumulates under conditions of long-term long-term exposure, as a result, the development of long-term consequences is possible, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, hormonal diseases.

Especially dangerous EMF can be for children, pregnant women (in particular, for the embryo), people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular system, allergies, people with weakened immune systems. At present, specialists from the USA, Sweden, and Denmark have conducted a number of studies within 150 m from substations, transformers, electric lines of railways and power lines, which have shown that with prolonged exposure to EMF, the risk of developing cancer in children, especially childhood leukemia, increases almost 4 times.

Effect of EMF on the human body

The earliest clinical manifestations The consequences of exposure to electromagnetic radiation on a person are functional disorders of the nervous system. Persons who have been in the zone of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) for a long time complain of weakness, irritability, fatigue, memory loss, sleep disturbance. Often these symptoms are accompanied by disorders of autonomic functions (respiration, nutrition, gas exchange, excretory function), various violations from the cardiovascular system. Usually these changes occur in persons who, by the nature of their work, were constantly under the influence of electromagnetic radiation with a sufficiently high intensity (power lines, electric transport, transformer substations, etc.).

Long-term repeated exposure above the maximum allowable EMR standards (especially in the decimeter wave range, for example from television and radio broadcasting stations) can lead to mental disorders.

In the vast majority of cases, exposure occurs with fields of relatively low levels (fields from objects of industrial frequency: electrical wiring, household appliances; computers, cell phones): the consequences listed below apply to such cases.

Effect of EMF on the nervous system. A large number of studies carried out in Russia give reason to attribute the nervous system to one of the most sensitive systems in the human body to the effects of EMF. In people who have contact with EMF, the highest nervous activity memory deteriorates. These individuals may be prone to develop stress reactions such as headaches, constant fatigue, mood swings, depression, skin rashes, sleep disturbances, and loss of appetite.

The nervous system of the embryo shows high sensitivity to EMF. The risk of violation of the formation of the nervous system of the fetus increases.

Effect of EMF on the immune system. When exposed to EMF, the processes of immunity formation are disrupted, more often in the direction of their suppression. There may be a change in protein metabolism, there is a certain change in the composition of the blood. Perhaps the formation in the body of antibodies directed against its own tissues.

Effect of EMF on the endocrine system. In the works of Soviet scientists back in the 1960s, it was shown that under the action of EMF, as a rule, stimulation of the most important endocrine gland located in the brain, the pituitary gland, occurred. This leads to an increase in the production of hormones from other glands - the adrenal glands, including the stress hormone - adrenaline, as a result of which the body adapts worse to physical environmental factors (high air temperatures, lack of oxygen, etc.).

Effect of EMF on reproductive function. The sensitivity of the embryo to EMF is much higher than the sensitivity of the mother's body. EMF of low intensity, rendering negative impact on the body of pregnant women, can be the cause of premature birth, as well as various congenital pathologies in children. The most vulnerable periods are usually the early stages of embryonic development. This primarily concerns women working in conditions of violated electromagnetic safety standards. The occupational safety engineer at the enterprise should inform you about the electromagnetic safety standards for your workplace. Taking care of safety in the first place is for women working in industries serving powerful sources of electromagnetic radiation - antennas, locators, electrical substations, as well as in industries with a large amount of equipment (machines, etc.).

Electromagnetic protection

How to protect your family from such a negative impact? First, it should not be forgotten that all the studies described and the negative effects of EMF exposure were given for cases of continuous long-term or periodic long-term exposure. It is also important to remember that maximum harm is caused by combined and total exposure from several sources. General rule for all harmful effects: reduce them as much as possible, minimize the number of sources of exposure, reduce exposure time.

To protect the population in the Russian Federation, there is a sanitary and hygienic regulation of electromagnetic fields, based on many years of research and established by law. First of all, there should be a sanitary protection zone around the sources of the electromagnetic field, if necessary, measures should be taken to reduce the electric field strength in residential buildings and in places where people can stay for a long time by using protective screens. The size of this zone is determined by law depending on the type of source. Within the sanitary protection zone it is prohibited: to place residential and public buildings and structures; suburban and garden plots; arrange areas for parking and stopping all types of transport; locate car service businesses.

Here are the simplest safety and preventive measures to protect against EMF.

Watch out, power lines! Stay away from high voltage power lines. First of all, a sanitary protection zone should be allocated around the sources of the electromagnetic field of industrial frequency. The size of this zone is determined by law and is set depending on the voltage going through the power line, from 10 to 55 m. keep within a radius of 100-150 m. At the same time, one should not be afraid of power lines running along the roads, since all studies indicate the dangers of prolonged exposure to EMF. So you shouldn't sunbathe on a forest clearing under power lines and have a picnic with children there. It is not necessary to cultivate beds directly under the line or within a radius of 150 m and equip garden plots there. After all, the allowable time spent in the EMF coverage area from "high-voltage" is only a few minutes. Do not buy country and garden plots under power lines, in the sanitary protection zone of power lines. If the site borders on the sanitary protection zone of a power line, invite specialists from accredited laboratories to take measurements and determine a safe zone for people to stay for a long time.

The same precautions are given for large transformer substations. If you have a booth of a small transformer substation in your yard, then it is better not to let the baby play within a radius of 10 m from it.

TV towers and transmitting radio engineering objects of various nature. The same golden rule applies - bypass it. It should be noted that these facilities, as a rule, have a much larger sanitary protection zone than power lines. In this case, we can talk about distances of 1.5-6 km.

Electric transport. The most dangerous zones in this case are located in the driver's cabs and near the edge of the platform. Therefore, when waiting for an electric train or a subway train, it is better to move away from the edge of the platform.

Appliances . Since electrical wiring is everywhere in our homes, like a web, we constantly use household appliances, you need to remember simple safety rules: move away the source of radiation, minimize the number of sources, reduce exposure time. One of the main rules of the house is not to turn on all household appliances at once: you should not make an electromagnetic storm. Use household appliances separately if possible. For example, when vacuuming, turn off the TV.

By placing the food in the microwave to heat up and pressing the "start" button, you can retreat to the room and wait a couple of minutes with the baby while the food is heated.

Also, an electric kettle will perfectly cope with boiling water without your presence. Since it is not always possible to leave the room where household appliances work, it is better to place an electric kettle and a microwave oven at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the dining or cutting table.

During cleaning, we usually hold the vacuum cleaner by the hose and in the process we move quite far (more than 1 m) from the very radiating body of the vacuum cleaner.

The compressor emitting element of a conventional refrigerator is also far enough away from us to harm us. But you can, if necessary, put a dining table at a distance of more than 1 m from the refrigerator.

If the washing machine is not in a pantry or bathroom where you can safely wash when no one needs the room, practice washing while you are away.

Being within 2 m of a running washing machine is not safe from the point of view of radiation - and it doesn’t matter what a person is doing at that moment. Taking a shower or bath when the washing machine is running in the bathroom is also unsafe from an electrical safety point of view. When connecting a washing machine, grounding conditions must be observed, this and all the connection rules are described in detail in the instructions for its use. For connecting large household appliances (washing machine, stove, dishwasher) in order to own security It's always better to call in a specialist.

The electric stove is also a source of industrial frequency EMP. When cooking, do not forget that the higher the power, the greater the radiation level. Therefore, try not to use the maximum heating modes for the burners and the oven, choose medium power modes, and you should not turn on all the burners and the oven at the same time.

It is important to watch TV at a distance of no closer than 2-3 m, and of course, not to abuse the viewing time. Don't use the TV on as a "background" all day long.

Wiring. It is better if the electrical wiring is shielded, i.e. made using special shielded cables with additional windings that prevent the spread of EMP to the outside, and goes along the floor at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the floor, being just at the level of the head of a sleeping person. It is not necessary to place sockets with sconces constantly included in them at the head of the bed. A bed for night rest is recommended to be as far away as possible from sources of prolonged exposure, the distance to distribution cabinets, power cables should be 2.5-3 m, even if they are behind the wall. Therefore, when arranging furniture, look at the drawings of the house from the developer at the entrance to a new building or management company for houses put into operation. If you need to install underfloor heating, it is recommended to choose electrical systems with a reduced level of the magnetic field and multi-level insulation of the heating element of the cable or water floor heating system. To do right choice, it is necessary to compare the technical characteristics of the goods.

Elevator . During the operation of the elevator, a very high intensity electromagnetic field is created. If possible, you should choose an apartment as far as possible from the elevator. If such an opportunity did not present itself, then you need to understand which room and wall in this room the elevator borders on. Do not put a bed near this wall, do not organize a workplace - arrange, for example, a green corner there.

Radio and cell phones. The harmful effect of EMR generated by both mobile and conventional radiotelephones depends on the power of the telephone. More powerful phones have a more negative impact. There are studies that show an increased risk of brain cancer with abuse (more than 3-5 minutes of continuous conversation, more than 30 minutes a day) of a cell phone. Other studies show increased fatigue, nervousness. But in the modern world mobile phone has long been a necessity. Therefore, simple rules are proposed to minimize the impact of electromagnetic radiation of this factor. Try to use a conventional phone more often at work and at home, even if it is a radio, but its power is much less than that of a mobile phone. Use a wired headset, thereby removing the radiation source. Do not use your cell phone as an alarm clock and put it nearby during sleep, it is better to turn it off or keep it away. It is better to carry a mobile phone in a bag, not in a pocket.

Personal computers. Video display terminals. When arranging computers in the office, keep in mind that the radiation comes not only from the monitor, but also from the system unit. If the PCs are one behind the other, then the minimum distance between them should be 2 m, if side by side - 1.2 m. Workplace should not fall into the radiation zone from the back of any monitor, since there it is maximum. It is important to choose a high-quality modern monitor that meets all safety standards. From the point of view of EMR, the LCD monitor is safer for the user, there is radiation from the electrical component from the wall, but it is less. The system unit and monitor should be as far away from you as possible. Do not leave your computer turned on for a long time when you are not using it. Also don't forget to use "sleep mode" for the monitor as there is less radiation in this case.

Try to arrange breaks in work, during which you need to be away from computers.

Game consoles are also a source of EMP.

It remains to be said that poison differs from medicine only in dosage. Thus, EMF are successfully used in medicine for the treatment of many diseases, for example, various tumors, varicose veins, hypertension, treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and respiratory organs, for cosmetic purposes, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the muscles, joints, peripheral nervous system, in the treatment of bruises. , fractures, osteochondrosis of the spine, gynecological and urological diseases and many others. Therefore, the main thing is to be prudent and exercise caution.

User. | 10/18/2017

There is a freezer in the bedroom. Chest. Can it cause frequent headaches? There is nowhere else to put it.

Nina | 30.10.2013

A wonderful article, necessary - opens your eyes to the aggressiveness of the world, which they created with their own hands and introduced "Trojan horses" into their lives, only in the form of domestic "helpers" - enemies, without which we cannot imagine our lives ...

Vladimir | 08/13/2013

From 2006 to the present, 237 people (6-15 years old) were initially examined, of which 156 children are under observation for more than 2 years (58-2 years old, 48-3 years old, 21-4 years old, 14-5 years old and 15 - 6 years). Control group - 67 children, test group (children-users) - 170. Impact of a mobile phone on children The results obtained indicate the multivariance of the possible impact of mobile phone radiation on the nervous system of children. It has been established that in children using mobile phones (MT) the reaction time to sound (VRSS) and light signal (VRZS) increases. In particular, in children of 7 years of age, for SPSS, this effect is manifested if the total time of using the MT is 360 minutes, and for VRZS - 730 minutes. All child users of MT showed the effect of increasing the number of violations phonemic perception, which are signs of incorrect hearing of speech sounds close in sound or similar in articulation. A decrease in the performance index was registered (in 50.7%) and an increase in the fatigue parameter (in 39.7% of cases). In addition, changes in higher mental functions were established. In particular, a decrease in the indicators of the stability of voluntary attention: in 14.3% of cases, a decrease in the productivity indicator of the test task was noted, and in 19.4% of cases, the accuracy indicator. Changes in indicators of semantic memory were also registered: a decrease in the accuracy of task completion was found in 19.4% of students and in 30.1% of cases an increase in task completion time was noted. The effects described above are already reflected in the success of the child in school. Thus, the identified increase in the number of violations of phonemic perception increases the likelihood of errors in speech and writing, and also reduces the efficiency of the speech therapist during the conduct of correctional and developmental classes. Despite the fact that in most cases the change in psychophysiological parameters has been revealed so far within the age norms, however, a steady downward trend has been established in indicators from high values ​​to the lower limit of the norm. Thus, preliminary results allow us to conclude that mobile phone radiation can have a negative impact on the psychophysical health of children. It should be emphasized that the ongoing research has no analogues, both in Russia and abroad. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Biochemical Physics. N.M. Emanuel RAS, Moscow, Russia, Federal Medical Biophysical Center. A.I. Burnazyan FMBA of Russia, Moscow. Khorseva N.I., Grigoriev Yu.G., Gorbunova N.V.

Boris | 21.02.2013

is it possible to leave within 70 km from the s-pb. for measuring emp.

Laboratory №5 | 11/30/2010

If anyone is interested in measuring at home (in an apartment or a private house) electromagnetic radiation from power lines, electrical substations, a computer, household appliances, etc., please contact us. measurements are carried out in the frequency ranges of 5 Hz - 400 kHz and 50 Hz separately. I will indicate the norm in accordance with the current standards, I will give recommendations on eliminating excesses, if any. Also, if necessary, I can measure and evaluate the levels of illumination, noise, vibration and other physical factors (with specialized devices) work in St. Petersburg and Leningrad. area write on the box [email protected]

* - mandatory fields.

Kraft Evgeny, Dyachkova Elena

Since the 60s of the last century, the scientific and technological revolution began. It was at that time that the first computers, radiotelephones were invented, the first satellite communications were developed and launched. In parallel with these innovations, the number of sources of electromagnetic radiation that were common at that time increased: radar stations; radio relay stations; television towers. Around the same time, advanced industrial countries began to be interested in the effects of electromagnetic radiation on human health. Now electronics, without which we can no longer do, accompanies us around the clock both at work and on vacation. TVs, microwaves, mobile phones, computers, on the one hand, help us, and on the other hand, they carry an invisible, but true threat to our health - electromagnetic smog - a set of EM radiation from man-made instruments and devices. Most people are exposed to EMFs of varying levels and frequencies on a daily basis. The greatest danger to humans is the influence of electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 40 - 70 GHz, due to the commensurability of the length of EM waves with the size of human cells. Now it is no secret to anyone that a person is able to absorb the energy of electromagnetic waves of a large frequency range, which subsequently leads to heating of living structures and cell death. Scientists propose to recognize the impact of the electromagnetic field on human health as one of the most dangerous factors and take tough measures to protect the population of the Earth.

Download: Preview: MBOU Matyshevskaya secondary school Research work in physics on the topic “The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body” Completed by: Kraft Evgeny, student of grade 11, Dyachkova Elena, student of grade 10 Supervisor: Kalinina N.V. 2011/2012 academic year Year

Goal of the work:

To study the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.

Tasks :

1. Learn how electromagnetic radiation interacts with the human body.

2. To study how electromagnetic radiation affects the human body.

3. To identify the main harmful factors influencing the computer, mobile phone and microwave oven on the human body.

4. Do your research:

a) To find out the availability of computers for students of a secondary general education school,

b) Determine the impact of PC on the attention, memory, and vision of students.

  • Problem.
  • Effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.
  • Harm of microwaves, mobile phones and computers.
  • Consequences of working on the computer.
  • Our research.
  • How to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation.
  • Conclusion.
  • Applications.
  • Problem
  • Since the 60s of the last century, the scientific and technological revolution began. It was at that time that the first computers, radiotelephones were invented (the first mobile phones weighed about 50 kg and were carried in cars), the first satellite communications were developed and launched. In parallel with these innovations, the number of sources of electromagnetic radiation that were common at that time increased: radar stations; radio relay stations; television towers. Around the same time, advanced industrial countries began to be interested in the effects of electromagnetic radiation on human health.

    The greatest danger to humans is the influence of electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 40 - 70 GHz, due to the commensurability of the length of EM waves with the size of human cells.

    At the beginning of the 21st century, the most high-frequency communication was communication with satellites (11 GHz) and although the power of the transmitted signal was high, only microwatts reached the Earth's surface. In 2009, mobile operators presented another surprise to city residents - by increasing the frequency of communication between base stations up to 25 GHz (to increase the amount of transmitted data and provide better mobile communications). Thus, the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body at frequencies of 40 - 70 GHz has once again increased dramatically and one can only hope that the results will not be very sad. The widespread use of electronic devices in the national economy began around the middle of the last century, but after 10 years, leading scientists realized that it would not be possible to use their advantages with impunity. After all, everything that is plugged into an outlet and conducts electric current is a source of an electromagnetic field, which is not harmless to the body. Over the past 20 years, the number of devices and devices using electricity in the world has increased thousands of times. Now electronics, without which we can no longer do, accompanies us around the clock both at work and on vacation. Televisions, microwave ovens, mobile phones, computers, on the one hand, help us, and on the other hand, they carry an invisible but certain threat to our health - electromagnetic smog - a set of EM radiation from man-made instruments and devices. Most people are exposed to various levels and frequencies of EMF on a daily basis, for example:

  • all day you work with a personal computer that irradiates you at frequencies of 10 - 70 GHz with a very weak electromagnetic field;
  • in the evening at home you are in EMF created by household appliances, etc.
  • As a result of experiments in the 60s, it was found that electromagnetic waves are able to interact with living organisms and transfer their energy to them. Now it is no secret to anyone that a person is able to absorb the energy of electromagnetic waves of a large frequency range, which subsequently leads to heating of living structures and cell death. Scientists propose to recognize the impact of the electromagnetic field on human health as one of the most dangerous factors and take tough measures to protect the population of the Earth.

    That is why the problem of the impact of electromagnetic fields on the human body is relevant today.

  • The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body
  • We are all full citizens modern world, and notice the accelerated pace of development of the electronic industry. This is primarily due to the rapid technical and scientific progress worldwide. For ordinary people, such changes turned into the appearance of a large number of electronic equipment in Everyday life. For example, every person at home can find a microwave, refrigerator, TV, washing machine and other useful devices, not to mention such trifles as a hair dryer, an electric razor, even a shoe dryer consumes electricity. For just some a short time our apartments have turned from a zone of peace and comfort into concrete chambers with increased level electromagnetic radiation. But it is hardly possible to escape from an overabundance of EMR in the workplace, because according to statistics, about 30% of the population spends most of their working time at a computer. It has been established that the electromagnetic radiation of all devices on the planet, created by man, exceeds the level of the natural geomagnetic field of the Earth millions of times! The field strength increases especially sharply near power lines, radio and television stations, radar and radio communications (including mobile and satellite), various energy and energy-intensive installations, and urban electric transport. On this moment All over the world, advanced scientific centers conduct research into the influence of electromagnetic fields on the human body. The facts obtained have forced the World Health Organization to recognize the threat of the influence of electromagnetic fields as the main one for human health and life. Here are some of them: studies conducted by scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm showed that children under the age of 15 are 2.7 times more likely to develop leukemia when in a magnetic field stronger than 0.2 μT. And if the field is more than 0.3 μT, children get sick already 3.8 times more often. The results of their research were confirmed by scientists from the Swedish National Institute of Occupational Diseases, proving that the influence of electromagnetic fields of power lines leads to an increase in the number of cases of blood and brain cancer in children and adults. Statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) show that when working on a computer, children's vision deteriorates at a rate of 1 diopter per year. In a 10-year-old child, negative changes in blood and urine appear 15-20 minutes after the start of working on a computer, in a 16-year-old child - after 30-40 minutes, and in an adult - after 2 hours, bringing the composition of their blood closer to that of cancer patients . At the same time, negative changes also occur in the immune, endocrine and central nervous systems. A strong negative influence of electromagnetic fields of the computer is noted on the reproductive function of both women and men. Swedish scientists have found that pregnant women working on a computer are 1.5 times more likely to have miscarriages and 2.5 times more likely to have children with congenital disorders of the central nervous system and heart disease. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers to work on computers, and women who are about to become pregnant are recommended to minimize the time of working with a computer or completely abandon it 2-3 months before the proposed date of conception of a child. There is a direct relationship in the development of malignant tumors in those people who constantly work with video display terminals, radiotelephones or radio transmitters. So, among the American policemen, a high number of brain cancer cases was recorded and the reason for this was the harmful effect of the electromagnetic fields of radio transmitters, which they constantly used. According to the experts of the World Health Organization, the result of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields, even a relatively weak level, which has been proven by studies conducted in a number of countries, can be: cancer, behavioral changes, memory loss, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's syndrome, sudden death an outwardly healthy person (more often this is observed in the subway, electric trains or near powerful electric power plants), inhibition of sexual function, an increase in the number of suicides in large cities and many other negative conditions. The most dangerous effect of electromagnetic fields for a developing organism in the womb, children, as well as people with allergic diseases.

  • Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the human body.
  • Questions often asked when talking to people are:

  • Is electromagnetic radiation really harmful?
  • how exactly the process of exposure to electromagnetic radiation on the human body occurs;
  • why exactly over the past three to four years, electromagnetic smog has become the number 1 threat in the world.
  • Let's look at how electromagnetic energy can interact with the human body in general. Scientists have identified several types of exposure to electromagnetic radiation on humans.

    First, the human body is sensitive to the electric current flowing through the body. Such an influence is exerted on a person by any electrical device that creates a powerful magnetic field (hair dryer, power lines, household appliances). For example, being in a subway car, a person is inside a strong magnetic field, which causes electric currents in the body, which pose a serious danger to human health. It is against this type of exposure to electromagnetic radiation that public organizations that protect human health are fighting, tactfully keeping silent about other, much more harmful, types of effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.

    Secondly, certain trace elements in the human body are able to absorb electromagnetic energy of certain frequencies from the external environment. We can observe this effect when food is heated in a microwave oven - electromagnetic radiation of high frequencies (2.4 GHz) resonates with water molecules in food, transferring energy to it and heating it. In the same way, various structures in the human body absorb electromagnetic energy from EMP in a huge range of frequencies. It turns out that all human-made electronic devices in one way or another interfere with the human body to perform its functions.

    But the most dangerous is the third type of influence of electromagnetic radiation. Everyone knows that a person consists of the smallest living structures - cells. Inside each cell, chemical processes take place that determine the emotions and thoughts of a person at any given moment in time. As a result of certain chemical reactions human cells generate the electrical current necessary for communication between cells and the nervous system and the proper performance of the functions of the human body. Electric currents in turn, they create an electromagnetic field around each cell, and merging from all cells together form an electromagnetic field (aura) around a person at certain frequencies (40-70 GHz). And if a person is exposed to external electromagnetic radiation at these frequencies, the power of which is above a certain level, then the person's own electromagnetic field is destroyed, as a result of which disturbances occur in chemical processes in human cells. As a result, it turns out that even a small electromagnetic radiation leads to serious disorders in the human body, weakens the immune system and is the cause of all kinds of diseases.

  • Health risks of the microwave oven.
  • In the process of life, a person is constantly in the zone of action of the electromagnetic field (EMF) of the Earth. This field, called the background, has a certain level at each frequency that does not harm human health and is considered normal. The natural electromagnetic spectrum covers waves with frequencies ranging from hundredths and tenths of Hz to thousands of GHz. Power lines, strong radio transmitting devices create an electromagnetic field many times higher than the permissible level. To protect humans, special sanitary standards have been developed (GOST 12.1.006-84 regulates the impact of electromagnetic radiation on humans), including those that prohibit the construction of residential and other facilities near strong sources of electromagnetic radiation. Often more dangerous are sources of weak electromagnetic radiation, which acts for a long period of time. These sources include mainly audio-video and household appliances. Mobile phones, microwave ovens, computers and televisions have the most significant impact on the human body.

    Over 90% of homes have Microwave Ovens (MW). Cooking in them is very convenient, fast, they are economical in terms of energy consumption. Most people do not even think about the safety of food cooked in a microwave oven for human health. Now there are studies that prove that cooking in microwave ovens is not natural, not healthy, not healthy and much more dangerous than we can imagine. Each microwave oven contains a magnetron that generates an electromagnetic field with a wavelength of approximately 2450 MHz (or 2.45 GHz). These waves, in contact with food molecules, change their polarity from + to - and back for each wave cycle, i.e. millions of times per second. As a result of the action of electromagnetic radiation on a substance, ionization of molecules is possible, i.e. an atom can gain or lose an electron - the structure of matter changes. Molecules are deformed, destroyed. However, microwave ovens are being manufactured, sold, and politicians ignore all the facts and evidence that microwaves are harmful. And people continue to use microwave ovens, unaware of their negative effects and health hazards. And given the fact that such a useful device can easily fit into any kitchen, the popularity of microwave ovens is only increasing every day. And official government agencies do not investigate the safety of microwave ovens.

    Mobile phone damage.

    Compared to any other household or office equipment, the mobile phone is more harmful because it creates at the moment of conversation a powerful stream of electromagnetic radiation directed directly to the head. Therefore, in the United States, which was the first to acquire mobile phones, a record surge in brain cancer has been recorded today. The electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range generated by the tube is absorbed by the tissues of the head, in particular, the tissues of the brain, the retina of the eye, the structures of the visual, vestibular and auditory analyzers, and the radiation acts both directly on individual organs and structures, and indirectly, through a conductor, on the nervous system ". Scientists have proven that, penetrating into tissues, electromagnetic waves cause them to heat up. Over time, this adversely affects the functioning of the whole organism, in particular, the work of the nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems, electromagnetic waves have a detrimental effect on vision. Studies conducted in Russia have shown the negative impact of electromagnetic fields of a working mobile phone on the lens of the eye, blood composition and sexual function in mice and rats. Moreover, these changes were irreversible even after more than 2 weeks of exposure to them. If you use your mobile phone like a regular home phone, that is, for unlimited time, your immunity is seriously compromised.

    Scientists warn: children who use mobile phones are at increased risk of memory and sleep disorders.

    The effect of harmful electromagnetic radiation is similar to radio interference, the radiation disrupts the stability of body cells, disrupts the nervous system, causing headaches, memory loss and sleep disorders. Even the most ordinary non-working mobile phone, if it's just lying next to your bed, can prevent you from getting enough sleep. The fact is that the electromagnetic radiation of a mobile phone, even in standby mode, negatively affects the central nervous system, disrupting the normal alternation of sleep phases. As it turned out, not only the electromagnetic radiation of the phone can pose a danger to human health. Recently new round in disputes on this topic caused the events in China, where several people were injured by a lightning strike on a cell phone. In France, the meteorological service also warned all residents of the country that it is dangerous to use a mobile phone during a thunderstorm, because "they are conductors of an electrical discharge and can provoke a person to be struck by lightning." At the same time, you can not call on it, it is enough that it is turned on. In Sweden, they officially recognized the fact of the existence of an allergy to mobile phones and took an unprecedented step: all mobile allergy sufferers can receive a substantial amount from the budget (about 250 thousand dollars) and move to remote areas of the country where there is no cellular communication and television. In Russia, a national program to study the harmful effects of mobile phones on human health is to be adopted in September. However, “it must be understood that the study of long-term consequences will take more than one year. We will be able to put an end to the discussion about the degree of harmful effects of cellular communications only in a couple of decades.” Indeed, in the immediate vicinity of the most important human organs, when talking on a mobile phone, electromagnetic energy is emitted, the power of which is greatest in the near zone. It radiates energy of the same nature that rotates electric motors and cooks chicken in the microwave. Naturally, this energy penetrates the head, affects the brain and other human organs. Therefore, one should expect some kind of response from them to this impact. Moreover, this reaction can be either immediate, simultaneous with the impact, or delayed and manifest itself later, maybe after hours, days and years. In this case, it is necessary to take into account many factors: the age of a person, the presence of pathologies in him, his heredity, the physiological state in general and, especially, at the time of using a mobile phone, time of day, seasonal phenomena, temperature, atmospheric pressure, phases of the moon, the presence of drugs and alcohol in the blood, the type and brand of mobile phone, the standard of cellular communication, the duration of the conversation, the frequency of calls, the number of calls per day, per month, etc., etc. It is also necessary to add: the size and shape of the ears, the shape and material of the earrings, the presence and composition of dust on the ears and behind the ears, ....

    Believe me, this is not a joke ....

    To date, mobile phone manufacturers on the devices themselves or in their passports warn users about possible harmful effects (they are finally forced!) And be sure to indicate the relative power level of electromagnetic radiation SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) measured in watts per kilogram of human brain mass. In most countries, the value of 1.6 W/kg is taken as the maximum permissible level. And now you will not meet cell phones with a SAR level of more than 2 W / kg. About 5 years ago, the first cell phones of the old standards had more powerful transmitters and significantly exceeded these levels, but now these values ​​​​are usually less than 1.5 W / kg, and the most advanced of them have this value below 0.5 W / kg. Expert of the Committee on Ecology of the State Duma Russian Federation, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.Yu.Somov scientifically proved that none of the 32 cell phones tested by him meets the declared safety criteria.

    Useful effects of a mobile phone. It is a myth?

    Over the past few years, information has been floating on the Internet about the benefits of a mobile phone for people who are sick with certain diseases. Israeli scientists from Ben-Gurion University suggest that electromagnetic radiation from cell phones can be beneficial to health. Laboratory experiments have shown that in some cases it slows down the development of cancers. During the experiment, scientists transplanted cancer cells into laboratory mice, and then controlled the rate of development of the tumor node. Some animals were exposed to electromagnetic fields similar to cell phone radiation. An analysis of the results obtained showed that in animals exposed to electromagnetic radiation, tumors developed much more slowly than in those individuals that were not exposed to any effects. After the end of the experiment, the scientists concluded that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields had the same effect on the body of the experimental subjects as the vaccines used to prevent infectious diseases. Electromagnetic radiation causes damage to cells, which leads to the activation of the body's defense systems. And if at this moment a malignant tumor begins to develop in the body, then it is subjected to a powerful effect from the immune system, which slows down its growth. The study is good, but either something is left out, or the conclusions are drawn incorrectly. First, electromagnetic radiation damages ALL cells in the body, especially those located close to the source of radiation, so cancer cells die. Secondly, and most importantly, the immune system is also damaged. Therefore, as soon as the radiation ends, the cancerous tumor will grow even faster.

    We can conclude that the electromagnetic radiation of a mobile phone affects the human body so strongly that even healthy cells die.
    For a full answer to questions about the dangers of EMR for human health, it will be necessary to conduct research for 15-20 years. During this time, the results of all experiments, of which several hundred are already planned, will be collected, the data obtained will be combined into big picture, so that in the end, with 100% accuracy, to say exactly how electromagnetic radiation affects (or does not affect) human health.

    The influence of a personal computer on the human body

    Microwave ovens operate mostly for a short time (on average from 1 to 7 minutes), TVs cause significant harm only when located on close range from the audience. Against this background, the problem of PC electromagnetic radiation, that is, the influence of computers on the human body, is quite acute due to several reasons. The computer has two sources of electromagnetic radiation at once (monitor and system unit).

    In addition, there are several secondary factors that exacerbate the situation, these include working in a cramped unventilated room and the concentration of many PCs in one place. The monitor, especially its side and rear walls, is a very powerful source of EMP. And although every year more and more stringent standards are adopted that limit the radiation power of the monitor, this only leads to the application of a better protective coating on the front of the screen, and the side and back panels still remain powerful sources of radiation. According to the latest research human body is most sensitive to the electromagnetic field at frequencies of 40 - 70 GHz, since the wavelengths at these frequencies are commensurate with the size of cells and an insignificant level of the electromagnetic field is sufficient to cause significant damage to human health. A distinctive feature of modern computers is an increase in the operating frequencies of the central processor and peripheral devices, as well as an increase in power consumption up to 400 - 500W. As a result, the radiation level of the system unit at frequencies of 40 - 70 GHz has increased thousands of times over the past 2 - 3 years and has become a much more serious problem than monitor radiation.

  • The consequences of working for a PC
  • The increased electromagnetic background largely ensures the impact of PC on people's health. As a result of prolonged work at the computer for several days, a person feels tired, becomes extremely irritable, often answers questions with unambiguous answers, he wants to lie down. Such a phenomenon in modern society is called chronic fatigue syndrome and, according to official medicine, is not treatable.

    To date, at least 3 main types of computer impact on humans are known.

  • The first of them is a violation of the functioning of some body systems due to sedentary work. This significantly affected the musculoskeletal, muscular, circulatory systems, etc.
  • The next type of impact is the user's concentration on the monitor screen for a long period of time, that is, the damage to the computer can manifest itself in various problems with the visual system.
  • The third and last type of interaction between computers and humans is harmful electromagnetic radiation, which, according to the latest research in this area, can be one of the most dangerous factors for human health.
  • And although over the past 10 years, manufacturers have significantly reduced the level of radiation from the front of the monitor, but there are still side and rear panels, as well as a system unit, the power and operating frequencies of which are constantly increasing, and therefore the level of dangerous high-frequency electromagnetic radiation is increasing. Although manufacturers make statements such as: harm to a computer is an unfounded fiction, you must be careful with this electronic device, otherwise your health may be at risk.

    Electromagnetic radiation greatest influence affects the immune, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems. The immune system reduces the release into the blood of special enzymes that perform a protective function, the system of cellular immunity is weakened. The endocrine system begins to release more adrenaline into the blood, as a result, the load on the cardiovascular system of the body increases. There is a thickening of the blood, as a result of which the cells receive less oxygen. In a person who has been exposed to electromagnetic radiation for a long time, sexual attraction to the opposite sex decreases (this is partly the result of fatigue, partly caused by changes in the activity of the endocrine system), potency decreases. Changes in the nervous system are visible to the naked eye. As noted above, the signs of the disorder are irritability, fatigue, memory loss, sleep disturbance, general tension, people become fussy. Under the influence of electromagnetic radiation, very serious diseases can occur. These are cases of blood clotting disorders, hypotension, dysfunction of the spinal cord, etc. Not a single scientist or doctor is now able to name all the consequences and symptoms. At the moment, this threat is considered much more dangerous than the impact of half-life products and heavy metals after the Chernobyl accident.

    These are the consequences of the influence of electromagnetic radiation from a computer on human health.

    As protective measures, one can name regular walks in the fresh air, airing the room, playing sports, exercising for the eyes (Appendix 4), following the rules for working at a computer (Appendix 1), working with good equipment that meets existing safety and sanitary standards. It is important to know the rules of working at a computer (Appendix 3)

  • Our research
  • Studying the influence of PC on attention and memory
  • In our time, life without a computer has become impossible, and it has become necessary in work and study. Not so long ago it was believed that since the impact of the computer is not visible, it means that the computer does not affect the body at all.

    Our own research observations indicate that, most likely, the computer brings significant harm to health.

    This work was carried out in two stages

    Stage 1: questioning and analysis of questionnaires.

    Object of study: secondary school students (from fifth to eleventh grade).

    The subject of the study: the provision of schoolchildren with computers, work at computers and the well-being of schoolchildren after working on a computer.

    Methodical research procedure: given sociological research is not continuous, but selective, since not all children have a computer at home. It makes sense to interview several people from different classes in order to get a general detailed idea of ​​​​the issue under study.


    General population - students (from 5th to 11th grade) of a secondary general education school

    The sample is 10 people: students of the 10th and 11th grades.

    The age of the respondents is from 10 to 16 years.

    Social groups - high school students.

    Education - incomplete secondary.

    Survey instrument: questionnaire.

    Stage 2:

    A study of attention in 10 schoolchildren before working on a computer, after one hour of work, after three hours of work according to the methods described in more detail in the relevant chapters.

    Equipment and materials: attention research tables, stopwatch.

    Discussion of the results of the survey (Appendix 5)

    79 people took part in the survey. 53 students (67%) have home computers. In addition, another 23 people use computers with friends or relatives (29%).

    Total availability of computers in school is 67%!!!

    22% of respondents answered - 2-3 times a week. 8.9% - occasionally, 69% - every day.

    The answers to this question were very diverse: from 1 hour to look at the Internet to 8 hours.

    The vast majority of respondents (96.2%) named all three answers, and only 3.8% of respondents said that they were not connected to the Internet. 30 hours - they are fond of games, 51 hours - they are engaged in learning activities, 50h - "sitting" on the Internet

    6. Do you know the rules of working with a computer

    2 people, and this is 2.5%, do not know the rules for working with a computer. The rest answered that they knew, but they could not answer all our questions about these rules. Only 1 person correctly named the basic requirements for working at a computer.

    60 people (76%) of the respondents answered that sometimes a computer helps (for example, in writing essays), and sometimes interferes with their studies.

    Only 73% confidently answered that the computer affects health, 14% of children found it difficult to answer this question, and 13% believe that the computer does not affect health at all.

    56% of students are concerned about their own health.

    The sum of the specified percentages is not equal to 100, since it was allowed to mark several options.

    Thus, in a small school, where children of not very wealthy parents mainly live, the number of computer users is 67%.

    In addition, we conducted an additional study of the vision of students in grades 5-11. Of the 79 people, 22 people have poor eyesight (of which 15 are high school students), which is 27.8%. Approximately one third of them (16 people) associate visual impairment with long sitting at the computer.

    2) Studying the influence of a computer on the stability of attention in schoolchildren in grades 10 and 11.

    To perform this part of the work, we used the Landolt technique. It allows you to quickly and quickly enough, in conditions that provide increased interest of students in the content of tasks performed, to evaluate such indicators of attention as its distribution and stability at the same time. The last circumstance is important in the event that psychodiagnostics is carried out for adolescents who are extremely mobile and, as a rule, are not able to perform relatively uninteresting test tasks for a long time without distraction.

    Stage 1 - control.

    Methodology for assessing the distribution and stability of attention

    using 25-digit one-color numerical tables

    The stimulus material for this technique is 5 black-and-white 25-digit tables presented in fig. In the cells of these tables in random order numbers are placed - from 1 to 25.

    The procedure for applying the technique is as follows. The subject looks through the first table and finds it, indicating in it all the numbers from 1 to 25. Then, he does the same with all the other tables. The speed of work is taken into account, i.e. the time taken to look up all the digits in each table. The average time of work with one table is determined. To do this, the sum of the time required for all five tables is calculated, which is then divided by 5. The result is an average of work with one table. It is the numerical index of the child's attention distribution.

    In order to assess the stability of attention using the same method, it is necessary to compare the time spent on viewing each table. If this time varies insignificantly from the first to the fifth table and the difference in the time spent on viewing individual tables does not exceed 10 seconds, then attention is considered stable. In the opposite case, a conclusion is made about insufficient stability of attention.

    A, B, C, D, E - Matrices for the method of assessing the distribution and stability of attention.

    Stage 1 - control:

    cell A time

    cell B time

    cell B time

    working time with cell G

    working time with cell D

    45 sec

    39 sec

    46 sec

    47 sec

    39 sec


    The results obtained are within the age norm. Attention retention is good.

    Stage 2 - after one hour of work at the computer:

    cell A time

    cell B time

    cell B time

    working time with cell G

    working time with cell D

    Average cell time

    56 sec

    37 sec

    48 sec

    59 sec

    51 sec


    The time spent on working with each cell has increased quite significantly. Attention retention is good.

    Stage 3 - after three hours of working with a computer:

    cell A time

    cell B time

    cell B time

    working time with cell G

    working time with cell D

    Average cell time

    91 sec

    69 sec

    95 sec

    94 sec

    106 sec

    91 sec

    The time spent working with each cell has increased significantly. In addition, the difference in time when working with each subsequent cell is 11 seconds or more, which indicates a very strong fatigue. Of the 10 examined, all had a deviation from the norm after 3 hours of work on the computer. Thus, work on the computer affects the stability of attention in schoolchildren.

  • Studying the influence of the computer on attention span
  • for students in grades 10 and 11.

    To perform this part of the work, we used the Munstenberg technique. The technique is aimed at determining the selectivity of attention; it can also be used to diagnose attention concentration and noise immunity.


    Among the set of letters there are words. The task is to find and underline these words as quickly as possible.

    The study group consisted of 10 people. The study was carried out in three stages.

    Stage 1 - control.

    Stage 2 - after one hour of work at the computer.

    Stage 3 - after three hours of work at the computer.

    Form of the Munstenberg technique

    First option


    Second option


    Discussion of the results

    Stage 1 - control.

    The average time spent on this job is 116.8 seconds. There were no missing words.

    Stage 2 - after one hour of work on the computer.

    The average time spent on this job is 136.5 seconds. Among the ten subjects, there were 3 words not found.

    Stage 3 - after three hours of work on the computer.

    The average time spent on this job is 185 seconds, i.e. over three minutes!

    Thus, work at the computer significantly affects the mental processes of the student, in particular, the distribution and stability of attention.

    4. Conclusions

    1. Provision with computers even at school, where families usually have a small income - 67%.

    2. The main harmful factors when working at a computer include: sitting position for a long time, exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the monitor, strain on eyesight, spine, overload of the joints of the hands, respiratory diseases, allergies, mental disorders.

    3. 27.8% of students in grades 5-11 have poor eyesight, about half of them name the cause of visual impairment - prolonged "sitting" at the computer.

    4. Work at the computer significantly affects the mental processes of the student, in particular, the distribution and stability of attention.

  • Conclusion
  • In conclusion, we can say that many hypotheses are now being built about the impact of PC on health. It is even suggested that radiation causes cancerous tumors. But this has not yet been proven. BYE... But if this is proved in 5-10 years, then those who neglected the simple rules of their own safety will no longer be able to be helped. So many people need to think about the future.

    Another hypothesis, also not yet proven, is that the computer affects the structure of the chromosome apparatus and leads to mutations. If this is so, then in 50-100 years there will not be a single healthy person left on Earth.

    All this makes you think about what will happen next. And should you sit behind a glowing screen extra hours?

    You can replace, repair a computer that has become unusable, but this does not happen to the body. Therefore, when buying another PC, think about what is more expensive for you and, in addition to the performance of your electronic assistant, take care of yourself. We need to take care of our health now so that it is not excruciatingly painful in the future.

    This work aroused extreme interest among all the students of our school. Maybe someone in front of their classmates was cunning, saying that he had a computer. But, anyway, we did not expect such a supply of computers for a modern student at all.

    The children of the whole school showed interest in this work, and in the process of research they themselves became convinced of the harm that the computer causes to the health and psyche of the child.

    In addition, many have finally learned the rules of working at a computer, which makes our work even more valuable and relevant.

    Annex 1

    Rules for working for a PC

    1. Install an optical filter on the screen (if there is no built-in one).

    2. The top edge of the monitor should be at eye level, and the bottom edge of the screen should be approximately 20 degrees below eye level.

    3. The computer screen should be at a distance of 40-75 cm from the eyes.

    4. The illumination of the screen should be equal to the illumination of the room.

    5. When using the keyboard, the elbow joint should be at a 90 degree angle.

    6. Every 10 minutes look away from the screen for 5-10 seconds (for example, towards the window).

    7. Do not use the keyboard continuously for more than 30 minutes.

    8. At the first sign of pain in the hands, immediately consult a doctor.

    9. Organize work in such a way that the nature of the operations performed changes during the working day.

    10. The duration of direct work with a computer depends on the availability of skills and the severity of the work and is: for schoolchildren - 1 hour with a break of 15-20 minutes; for adults - 4 hours with a break of 20 minutes every 2 hours.

    Annex 2

    Here are some helpful tips:

    1. Correct posture. When working at a computer, you need to sit directly in front of the screen, so that the top of the screen is at eye level. In no case should you work at the computer while lying down. You can not work at the computer while eating, and also sit stooped, otherwise the normal functioning of the internal organs will be disrupted.

    2. The distance from the eyes to the monitor should be 45-60 cm. If you play on a TV box, the distance from the eyes to the TV screen should be at least 3 m.

    3. Protective equipment. If you or your child wear glasses, they should also be worn while using the computer. You can also use special protective glasses with lenses-filters.

    4. Proper lighting. The room where the computer is located should be well lit. In sunny weather, cover the windows with curtains so that the monitor does not reflect.

    5. Feeling good. You can not work at the computer in a painful or weakened state. This will further tire the body and slow down the healing process.

    6. Observe the regime of work and rest. From time to time it is necessary to look at foreign objects in the room, and every half hour take a break for 10-15 minutes. When we watch TV or work at a computer, our eyes blink 6 times less than in normal conditions, and therefore are less often washed with tear fluid. This is fraught with drying of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye.

    7. Special gymnastics. During the break, it is recommended to do gymnastics for the eyes. You need to stand at the window, look into the distance, and then quickly focus on the tip of the nose. And so 10 times in a row. Then you need to blink quickly for 20-30 seconds. There is another exercise: look sharply first up, then to the left, down and to the right. Repeat the procedure 10 times, then close your eyes and let them rest.

    8. Nutrition. It is very useful to take vitamin A. It is responsible for the sensitivity of the eyes to bright light and abrupt image change. Just follow the instructions exactly: an excess of vitamin. And it doesn't lead to anything good.

    Annex 3

    Norms of work at the computer for children

    Option 1 - these are standard norms developed by the Ministry of Health based on computer labs equipped with ordinary school furniture and computers manufactured before 1997 - with outdated displays, simple software and lack of dynamic games.

    Option 2 is a more modern norm, focused on lyceums and roughly corresponding to a specialized home workplace. They suggest a high-contrast display, special furniture, air conditioning and dust collection systems.

    Option 3 is the top-of-the-line variant that works on a computer with a liquid crystal display.


    Option 1

    Option 2

    Option 3

    Work on the computer is prohibited

    30 minutes per week

    45 minutes per week

    30 minutes per week

    45 minutes per week

    45 minutes per week

    1 hour per week

    1.5 hours per week

    no more than 45 minutes a day

    2 hours a week

    no more than 1 hour per day

    2 hours per week

    2.5 hours per week

    no more than 1 hour per day

    2.5 hours per week

    no more than 1 hour per day


    4 hours a week

    6 hours a week

    no more than 1 hour per day

    7 hours a week

    no more than 1 hour per day

    Children under three years of age are not recommended to work at a computer and play computer games.

    To kid preschool age It is allowed to spend at the computer no more than 30 minutes a day.

    Appendix 4

    Gymnastics for the eyes when working on a PC

    After each exercise, it is advisable to close and relax your eyes (for one minute).

    1) Frequent blinking of the eyes. Blink quickly and lightly for 2 minutes. Helps improve blood circulation.

    2) Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, and then open your eyes for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 7 times. Strengthens the muscles of the eyelids, improves blood circulation, helps to relax the muscles of the eyes.

    3) Exercise "trainer for the eyes": move your eyes in different directions (in a circle - clockwise and counterclockwise, right - left, up - down, figure eight). The eyes can be opened or closed as desired. If your eyes are open, then when moving your eyes, pay attention to the surrounding objects. Strengthens the muscles of the eyes.

    4) With three fingers of each hand, lightly press the upper eyelids, after 1-2 seconds, remove the fingers from the eyelids. Repeat 3 times. Improves the circulation of intraocular fluid.

    5) Exercise "close - far": attach a small picture or a coin on the window (or find any point on the window), look at the picture for 4-5 seconds, then the same amount at a distant object outside the window. Repeat 10 times. Relieves fatigue, facilitates visual work at close range.

    Annex 5

    Questionnaire for students

    Dear respondent!

    In order to find out the availability of computers for secondary school students and the impact of a computer on your health, we ask you to answer the questions presented in this questionnaire.

    Thank you in advance for participating in the survey!

    1. Provision of computers for school students

    a) have their own

    b) I use my friends computer

    c) I use my parents' computer at work

    d) in an Internet cafe

    e) other options

    2. How often do you sit at the computer

    a) every day

    b) 2-3 times a week

    c) occasionally

    d) other options

    3. How much time do you spend on the computer

    a) 1 hour b) 2 hours c) 3 hours d) more

    4. What kind of work do you do at the computer

    a) for educational purposes

    b) play

    c) surf the Internet

    d) other options

    5. Do you know the rules of working with a computer

    a) yes b) no

    6. Do you follow these rules

    a) yes b) no

    6. Do you think that sitting at the computer affects school performance

    a) yes b) no

    7. How does the computer affect academic performance

    a) better grades

    b) grades are worse

    c) sometimes the computer helps, sometimes it interferes with learning

    8. Do you think that sitting at the computer affects your health

    a) yes b) no

    c) hard to answer

    9. If yes, are you worried about the deterioration of your health after working at the computer

    a) yes b) no

    10. What do you feel after working at the computer

    a) headache

    b) eyes hurt or see worse

    c) dizziness

    d) back pain

    e) sore or numb hands

    g) other options

    Thank you very much for your assistance in conducting this sociological study!

    The work was completed by: Evgeny Kraft, Elena Dyachkova Supervisor: physics teacher MBOU Matyshevskaya secondary school Kalinina N.V.

    Research work in physics "The influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health"

    Purpose: To find out what effect electromagnetic radiation has on the human body. Or should we not be afraid of anything?

    Tasks: 1. The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body. 2. Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the human body. 3. Harm of microwaves, mobile phones and computers. 4. The consequences of working on a computer and how to protect yourself from EMR? 5. Conduct your own research.

    The main sources of EMP 1 . Electric transport (trams, trolleybuses, trains,…). 2. Power lines (city lighting, high voltage, ...). 3. Wiring (inside buildings, telecommunications,…). 4. Household electrical appliances 5. Television and radio stations (transmitting antennas). 6. Satellite and cellular communications (transmitting antennas). 7. Radars. 8. Personal computers.

    Relevance of the topic: We can no longer imagine our lives without cellular communications, microwave ovens, televisions, computers. Currently, the problem of the impact of electromagnetic waves on the human body is relevant.

    A person is made up of the smallest living structures - cells. Chemical processes take place inside every cell. As a result of chemical reactions, cells produce current. Electric currents, in turn, create an electromagnetic field around each cell, and merging from all cells together form an electromagnetic field (aura) around a person. And if a person is exposed to external electromagnetic radiation, then the person's own electromagnetic field (aura) is destroyed, as a result of which disturbances occur in chemical processes in human cells. Aura of a healthy person. Aura of a sick person.

    Cooking in microwave ovens is not natural, not healthy, not healthy and much more dangerous than we can imagine. Most people do not even think about the safety of food cooked in a microwave oven for human health. Is the microwave trendy?

    There is a situation of global exposure to electromagnetic fields of the entire population.

    Scientists warn: children who use mobile phones are at increased risk of memory and sleep disorders.

    Cellular communications and children's health EmFs are especially dangerous for children. During the period of growth, the body is more sensitive to EMR than an already formed adult.

    Harm to a computer Although manufacturers make statements such as: harm to a computer is an unfounded fiction, you must be careful with this electronic device, otherwise your health may be at risk. Under the influence of electromagnetic radiation, very serious diseases can occur. These are cases of blood clotting disorders, hypotension, dysfunction of the spinal cord, etc. At the moment, this threat is considered much more dangerous than the impact of half-life products and heavy metals after the Chernobyl accident.

    Our research Studying the influence of the PC on attention and memory In our time, life without a computer has become impossible, and it has become necessary in work and study. Not so long ago it was believed that since the impact of the computer is not visible, it means that the computer does not affect the body at all. Our own research observations indicate that, most likely, the computer brings significant harm to health. Object of study: students of a secondary educational school Subject of study: provision of schoolchildren with computers, work at computers and the well-being of schoolchildren after working on a computer. Methodological research procedure: this sociological research is not continuous, but selective, since not all children have a computer at home. Survey instrument: questionnaire. This work was carried out in two stages

    2) Studying the influence of a computer on the stability of attention in schoolchildren of grades 10 and 11. Stage 2: Study of attention in 10 schoolchildren before working on a computer, after one hour of work, after three hours of work according to the methods of Landolt and Munstenberg. Equipment and materials: attention research tables, stopwatch. .

    Poll results: Among the students surveyed, boys have an average conversation time of 1 hour a day, girls - 2.5 hours.

    A cell phone, a computer, and various household electrical appliances are like fire. As long as you use them carefully, follow all the rules, they bring benefits and joy. . Conclusion:

    As protective measures, one can name: regular walks in the fresh air, airing the room, playing sports, exercising for the eyes, observing the rules of working at a computer, good nutrition, working with good equipment that meets existing safety and sanitary standards. It is important to know the rules of working with a computer

    Protection against e / m waves in the classroom.

    Thank you for your attention!


    This article is devoted to the influence of electromagnetic fields on the human body. The invention of all new household items that work from the network helps people in many ways, but also does not have the best effect on the human body. This problem is very relevant today.


    Kopteva Nadezhda Nikolaevna
    Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities
    student 4 courses of faculty of mathematics, physics and information scientists

    This article is devoted to questions of influence of electromagnetic fields on a human body. The invention all of the new household items working from a network in many respects help people, but, at the same time, not in the best degree of influence a human body. This problem is very actual today.

    With the beginning of the scientific and technological revolution, new inventions were introduced into people's lives: computers, satellite communications. radiotelephones. This increased the number of sources of electromagnetic radiation - radio relay and radar stations, television towers appeared. People are increasingly interested in the effect of electromagnetic waves on the human body. Electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 40 - 70 GHz poses a great danger to humans, since here the wavelength is commensurate with the size of human cells.

    At the beginning of the 21st century, communication with satellites was the highest frequency - 11 GHz. But before earth's surface only microwatts reached, despite the fact that the power of the transmitted signal was high. In 2009, mobile operators increased the communication frequency between base stations up to 25 GHz. This provided better mobile communications and increased the amount of data transmitted. The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body at frequencies of 40-70 GHz has sharply increased.

    Electromagnetic devices are very widely used and are used in everyday life. Some time later, after the start of the scientific and technological revolution, people began to worry about the effect of electromagnetic waves on the human body. All devices that are plugged into an outlet and conduct current are sources of electromagnetic radiation, which has a detrimental effect on the human body. Today, the number of such devices has increased significantly. Almost everyone has televisions, computers, telephones, microwave ovens - on the one hand, they make our life easier, but on the other hand, they have a negative impact on the human body.

    A modern person is very often under the influence of electromagnetic fields (EMF): at work - at frequencies of 10 - 70 GHz, computers irradiate you, at home - the same computers and household appliances that create EMF do not affect the body in the best way. Electromagnetic waves carry a certain energy, which, when interacting with matter, turns into heat. The transformation of heat is one of the important conditions for the life of living beings, but at low doses. Waves with any frequency and power density greater than 10 W/cm have a negative effect on the body. At various structural levels (from molecular to cellular), various reactions to electromagnetic waves can occur.

    The interaction of an electromagnetic wave with a living organism is determined by:

    • features of the radiation itself - frequency or wavelength, phase propagation velocity, wave polarization, etc.;
    • the physical properties of a given biological object as a medium in which a wave propagates - dielectric constant, electrical conductivity, wave penetration depth, etc.

    Let's consider the mechanism of influence of electromagnetic radiation.

    Electromagnetic waves saturate the air with positive charges, which is harmful to humans. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the room as often as possible.

    The following EMF parameters influence the biological response:

    • EMF intensity;
    • radiation frequency;
    • duration of irradiation;
    • combination of frequencies of electromagnetic fields;
    • frequency of action.

    The combination of these parameters can be dangerous for children and pregnant women, as well as people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, central nervous and hormonal systems, people with weakened immune systems, and allergy sufferers. People who spend a long time in the radiation zone often complain of irritability, fatigue, weakening of thought processes, sleep disturbance. Frequent exposure to the body can lead to cancer and disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

    For example, a cell phone is a very convenient device that allows you to always be in touch, up to date with all the news. He is constantly next to a person and irradiates his body - influencing the physiological state and health of a person.

    Irradiation while working with a mobile phone is exposed primarily to the brain, peripheral receptors of the vestibular, visual and auditory analyzers. When using cell phones with a carrier frequency of 450-900 MHz, the wavelength slightly exceeds linear dimensions human head. In this case, the radiation is absorbed unevenly and so-called hot spots can form, especially in the center of the head. Prolonged exposure to maximum permissible doses of radiation can lead to significant changes in the bioelectrical activity of various brain structures and disorders of its functions (for example, the state of short-term and long-term memory).

    Another example is the microwave oven. They occupy a fairly strong position in the kitchens of most people. Such ovens are very convenient for quickly heating food, cooking certain dishes, defrosting food, etc. But, in addition to useful aspects, microwave ovens also have negative ones.

    Studies have identified the reasons that indicate the dangers of microwave ovens on the human body:

    • Electromagnetic radiation (torsion fields) - it is the content of the torsion component that is the main factor in the negative effect of microwaves on the human body. Very often, a person may experience insomnia, frequent headaches and irritability.
    • Temperature - with constant and prolonged use of microwave ovens, high-frequency radiation begins to heat the human body. This thermal interaction can lead to clouding and destruction of the lens of the eye.
    • Exposure to radiation on food - when food is processed in microwave ovens, ionization of molecules can occur. This entails changes in the structure of matter. Microwave
      capable of creating compounds that do not exist in nature - radiolytic changes - they contribute to the destruction and change in the structure of substances. Microwave rays destroy vitamins D, C, E and reduce the nutritional value and value of food by 60%.
    • Radiation of the body - microwave ovens also have a devastating effect on the cells of the body. This is fraught with the fact that the body will no longer prevent the penetration of various fungi and viruses into the body. Cell regeneration processes are suppressed, food irradiated in microwave ovens

    can cause malignancy in digestive system person.

    Thus, the electromagnetic fields with which a person has surrounded himself pose a serious danger to his health. Experience shows that you have to pay for various conveniences, and at the same time with your own health. It is necessary to try as little as possible to use various devices that emit electromagnetic fields.

    Mechanism of EMR influence

    The human body, like any organism on Earth, has its own electromagnetic field, thanks to which all systems, organs and cells of the body work harmoniously. Human electromagnetic radiation is also called a biofield. The visual representation of the biofield, which some people see, and which can be built by a computer with the help of special devices, is also called an aura.

    This field is the main protective shell of our body from the influence of external electromagnetic fields. When it is destroyed, the organs and systems of our body become easy prey for any disease-causing factors.

    If other sources of radiation, much more powerful than the radiation of our body, act on our natural electromagnetic field, then it is distorted or even begins to collapse. And chaos begins in the body. This leads to disruption of the work of various organs and systems - diseases.

    That is, for any person it is obvious that, for example, a buzzing transformer box or a powerful electric generator are dangerous, because they create a strong electromagnetic field around them. Safety time and distance standards have been calculated for workers when they are near such devices. But here's what is NOT obvious to most people:

    The same effect of destruction of the biofield occurs when exposed to weak electromagnetic radiation, if the body is under their influence regularly and for long periods of time.

    That is, the sources of danger are the most common household appliances that surround us every day. Things without which we can no longer imagine our lives: household appliances, computers, laptops, mobile phones, transport and other attributes of modern civilization.

    In addition, a large crowd of people, the mood of a person and his attitude towards us, geopathic zones on the planet, have a significant impact on us. magnetic storms etc. (see page for more details).

    Among scientists, there are still disputes about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. Some say that it is dangerous, others, on the contrary, do not see any harm. I would like to clarify.

    The most dangerous is not the electromagnetic waves themselves, without which no device could really work, but their information component, which cannot be detected by conventional oscilloscopes.

    It has been experimentally established that electromagnetic radiations have a torsion (information) component. According to the studies of specialists from France, Russia, Ukraine and Switzerland, it is torsion fields, and not electromagnetic ones, that are the main factor in the negative impact on human health. Since it is the torsion field that transmits to a person all that negative information, from which headaches, irritations, insomnia, etc. begin.

    How strong is the impact of the technology around us? We offer several videos for viewing:

    How dangerous radiation surrounds us? Visual demonstration:

    Of course, these are far from all the dangerous items that we use on a daily basis. More information about radiation sources can be found on the page:

    Effect of electromagnetic radiation on human health

    Weak electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of high frequency with a power of hundredths and even thousandths of a watt are dangerous for a person because the intensity of such fields coincides with the intensity of the radiation of the human body during the normal functioning of all systems and organs in his body. As a result of this interaction, a person's own field is distorted, which contributes to the development of various diseases, especially in the most weakened parts of the body.

    The most dangerous property of such effects is that they accumulate over time in the body. As they say: "a drop of water wears away a stone." In people who, by occupation, use a lot of various equipment - computers, telephones - a decrease in immunity, frequent stress, a decrease in sexual activity, increased fatigue.

    And if we take into account the development of wireless technologies and the miniaturization of gadgets that allow us not to part with them around the clock... Today, almost every resident of a metropolis is at risk, one way or another exposed to mobile and Wi-Fi networks, power lines, electric transport, etc. .

    The problem is that the danger is invisible and intangible, and begins to manifest itself only in the form of various diseases. At the same time, the cause of these diseases remains outside the field of view of medicine. With rare exceptions. And while you are healing the symptoms with the achievements of modern medicine, our invisible enemy stubbornly continues to undermine your health.

    The most affected by electromagnetic fields are the circulatory system, brain, eyes, immune and reproductive systems. Someone will say: “So what? Surely this impact is not so strong - otherwise international organizations would have sounded the alarm long ago.


    Do you know that within 15 minutes after starting to work on the computer in a 9-10 year old child, changes in the blood and urine almost coincide with changes in the blood of a person with cancer? Similar changes appear in a 16-year-old teenager after half an hour, in an adult - after 2 hours of work at the monitor.

    (we are talking about cathode ray monitors, which are gradually disappearing from everyday use, but are still found)

    US researchers found:

    • in most women who worked on computers during pregnancy, the fetus developed abnormally, and the probability of miscarriage approached 80%;
    • brain cancer in electricians develops 13 times more often than in workers of other professions;
    Effect of electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system:

    The level of electromagnetic radiation, even without causing thermal effects, can affect the most important functional systems of the body. Most experts consider the nervous system to be the most vulnerable of them. The mechanism of action is very simple - it has been established that electromagnetic fields disrupt the permeability of cell membranes for calcium ions. As a result, the nervous system begins to malfunction. In addition, an alternating electromagnetic field induces weak currents in electrolytes, which are the liquid constituents of tissues. The range of deviations caused by these processes is very wide - during the experiments, changes in the EEG of the brain, a slowdown in reaction, memory impairment, depressive manifestations, etc. were recorded.

    Effect of EMR on the immune system:

    The immune system is also affected. Experimental studies In this direction, they showed that in animals irradiated with EMF, the nature of the infectious process changes - the course of the infectious process is aggravated. There is reason to believe that under the influence of EMR, the processes of immunogenesis are disturbed, more often in the direction of their suppression. This process is associated with the emergence of autoimmunity. In accordance with this concept, the basis of all autoimmune conditions is primarily immunodeficiency in the thymus-dependent cell population of lymphocytes. The effect of high-intensity EMF on the body's immune system is manifested in a depressing effect on the T-system of cellular immunity.

    Effect of EMR on the endocrine system:

    The endocrine system is also a target for EMR. Studies have shown that under the action of EMF, as a rule, the pituitary-adrenal system was stimulated, which was accompanied by an increase in the content of adrenaline in the blood, activation of blood coagulation processes. It was recognized that one of the systems that early and naturally involves the body's response to various environmental factors is the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal cortex system.

    Effect of electromagnetic radiation on the cardiovascular system:

    It can also be noted that violations of cardio-vascular system. It manifests itself in the form of pulse lability and blood pressure. Phase changes in the composition of peripheral blood are noted.

    The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the reproductive system:
  • There is an inhibition of spermakinesis, an increase in the birth rate of girls, an increase in the number birth defects and deformities. The ovaries are more sensitive to the influence of electromagnetic radiation.
  • The female genital area is more susceptible to the effects of electromagnetic fields generated by computers and other office and household appliances than the male.
  • Vessels of the head, thyroid gland, liver, genital area are critical areas of influence. These are only the main and most obvious consequences of EMP exposure. The picture of the real impact on each individual is very individual. But to one degree or another, these systems are affected by all users of household appliances at different times.
  • Effect of electromagnetic radiation on pregnant women and children:

    The children's organism has some peculiarities in comparison with an adult, for example, it has a large ratio of the length of the head and the body, and a greater conductivity of the medulla.

    Due to the smaller size and volume of the head of a child, the specific absorbed power is greater than that of an adult, and the radiation penetrates deeper into those parts of the brain that, as a rule, are not irradiated in adults. With the growth of the head and the thickening of the bones of the skull, the content of water and ions decreases, and hence the conductivity.

    It has been proven that growing and developing tissues are most susceptible to the adverse effects of an electromagnetic field, and active human growth occurs from the moment of conception until about 16 years of age.

    Pregnant women also fall into this risk group, since EMF is biologically active in relation to embryos. When a pregnant woman talks on a cell phone, virtually her entire body is exposed to EMF, including the developing fetus.

    The sensitivity of the embryo to damaging factors is much higher than the sensitivity of the maternal organism. It has been established that intrauterine damage to the fetus by EMF can occur at any stage of its development: during fertilization, crushing, implantation, organogenesis. However, the periods of maximum EMF sensitivity are the early stages of embryonic development—implantation and early organogenesis.


    In the Neurodiagnostic Research Institute in Spain in 2001, they found that in 11-13-year-old children who talked on a cell phone for two minutes, the change in the bioelectrical activity of the brain persisted for another two hours after they hung up.

    The University of Bristol in the UK completed a study last year showing a significant increase in reaction time in 10-11 year old children who used a GSM mobile phone. Similar results were obtained by the Finns at the University of Turku, who observed a group of children 10-14 years old.

    In the USSR, until the 90s, a large number of studies of the biological effect of EMF on the developing organism of animals.

    It has been established that even low EMF intensities affect the embryonic development of offspring. The offspring of irradiated animals are less viable, developmental anomalies, deformities, lag in weight, dysfunction of the higher parts of the central nervous system (slow production and reduced ability to maintain defensive and motor-food conditioned reflexes), and a shift in the pace of postnatal development are observed.

    EMF irradiated adult animals are characterized by a decrease in the number of offspring, changes in the genital organs of females, disturbances in the development of the fetus, a decrease in the percentage of interbreeding, and statistically more frequently observed cases of stillbirth.

    A study of the effect of EMF on the offspring of rats exposed to electromagnetic effects in parameters similar to what a human embryo receives when its mother talks on a cell phone showed that, compared with the control, the embryonic mortality of the offspring is statistically significantly increased, the mass of the thymus gland is reduced, and the number of developmental anomalies is increased internal organs, for the first 4 weeks of the postnatal period, the mortality of the offspring of rats of all experimental groups was 2.5-3 times higher than in the control, and body weight was lower. The development of rat pups also went worse: the formation of sensory-motor reflexes, the timing of the cutting of incisors lagged behind, in female rat pups formation was disturbed.

    Total: Body system Impact
    nervous Syndrome of "impaired cognition" (problems with memory, difficulty in perceiving information, insomnia, depression, headaches)
    Syndrome of "partial ataxia" (impaired work vestibular apparatus: problems with balance, disorientation in space, dizziness)
    Arto-myo-neuropathy syndrome (muscle pain and muscle fatigue, discomfort when lifting weights)
    Cardiovascular Neurocirculatory dystonia, pulse lability, pressure lability
    Tendency to hypotension, pain in the heart area, lability of blood composition indicators
    immune EMF can act as an inducer of autoimmunization of the body
    EmF contributes to the inhibition of T-lymphocytes
    The dependence of immune responses on the type of EMF modulation is shown
    Endocrine Increased adrenaline in the blood
    Activation of the blood coagulation process
    Decompensating effect of EMF on the body through the reactions of the endocrine system
    Energy Pathogenic change in the energy of the body
    Defects and imbalance in the energy of the body
    Sexual (embryogenesis) Decreased function of spermatogenesis
    Slowdown of embryonic development, decrease in lactation. Congenital malformations of the fetus, complications of pregnancy and childbirth

    Electromagnetic waves of various ranges are widely used in radar, radio meteorology, radio astronomy, radio navigation, space research, and nuclear physics. In physiotherapy rooms, during the operation of medical equipment, electromagnetic fields arise, to which the personnel are exposed.

    It is known that the sources of radiation of radio waves are tube generators that convert DC energy into high frequency AC energy. In the working premises of radio and television stations, sources of high-frequency fields can be insufficiently protected transmitter units, separation filters and radiating antenna systems. Microwave fields have the most pronounced biological effect. It has been established that centimeter and millimeter waves are absorbed by the skin and, acting on receptors, have a reflex effect on the body.

    Radio waves - electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies - are part of a wide electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths ranging from a few millimeters to several kilometers. They arise as a result of fluctuations in electric charges. The higher the oscillation frequency, the shorter the wavelength. Decimeter waves, penetrating to a depth of 10-15 cm, can directly affect the internal organs. In all likelihood, waves and the UHF range have a similar effect. There are short, ultrashort (KB, VHF), as well as waves of high, ultra-high frequency (HF, UHF). Electromagnetic waves propagate at the speed of light waves. Like sound, they have a resonant property, causing coincident vibrations in an equally tuned oscillatory circuit. The magnitude of the field generated by generators is characterized by both the strength of the electric field, measured in volts per meter (V/m), and the strength of the magnetic field, which is expressed in amperes per meter (A/m). The unit of intensity of irradiation by centimeter waves is the intensity expressed in terms of power flux density (the value of wave energy in watts incident on 1 cm2 of the body surface per second). The intensity of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the room depends on the power of the generator, the degree of shielding and the presence of metal coatings in the room.


    It has now been proven that the electrical energy absorbed by the body can cause both thermal and specific biological effects. The intensity of the biological action increases with the increase in the power and duration of the EMF, and the severity of the reaction mainly depends on the range of radio frequencies, as well as on the individual characteristics of the organism. Intense irradiation first causes a thermal effect. The influence of high-intensity microwaves is associated with the release of heat in a biological object, which leads to undesirable consequences(heating of organs and tissues, thermal damage, etc.). At the same time, when EMF is below the permissible level, a peculiar specific (non-thermal) effect is observed, manifested by excitation of the vagus nerve and synapses. When exposed to high and ultra-high frequency currents, a cumulation of the biological effect is noted, resulting in functional disorders in the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

    Clinical picture

    Depending on the intensity and duration of exposure to radio waves, acute and chronic forms of damage to the body are distinguished. Acute defeat occurs only in case of accidents or gross violation of safety regulations, when the worker finds himself in a powerful EMF. There is a temperature reaction (39-40 °C); there is shortness of breath, a feeling of ache in the arms and legs, muscle weakness, headaches, palpitations. Bradycardia and hypertension are noted. Severe vegetative-vascular disorders, diencephalic crises, attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia, anxiety, repeated nosebleeds, leukocytosis are described.

    With chronic exposure, patients most often complain of general weakness, fatigue, decreased performance, sleep disorders, irritability, sweating, headache of indeterminate localization. Some are concerned about pain in the region of the heart, sometimes of a compressive nature with irradiation to the left arm and shoulder blade, shortness of breath. Painful phenomena in the region of the heart are more often felt by the end of the working day, after nervous or physical stress. Individuals may complain of darkening in the eyes, dizziness, weakening of memory, attention. An objective examination of the nervous system in many patients shows vasomotor lability, increased pilomotor reflex, acrocyanosis, hyperhidrosis, persistent, often red, dermographism, tremor of the eyelids and fingers of outstretched hands, and revitalization of tendon reflexes.

    All this manifests itself in the form of an astheno-vegetative syndrome of varying degrees of severity. Changes in the parasympathetic nervous system are among the most characteristic reactions of the body to the effects of microwave electromagnetic fields. They are expressed in arterial hypotension and a tendency to bradycardia, the frequency and severity of which depend on the intensity of exposure. Those working with microwave generators may experience violations of thermoregulation and other phenomena of vegetative-vascular or diencephalic pathology (subfebrile temperature, thermoasymmetry, double-humped or flat sugar curve), inhibition of skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays is noted. In rare cases, diencephalic syndrome is observed.

    The clinical symptoms of pathological changes in the cardiovascular system resemble a picture of neurocirculatory dystonia, more often of a hypotonic type, changes in the myocardial dystrophic nature are found in the myocardium.

    Endocrine-metabolic disorders also appear against the background of functional disorders of the central nervous system. Often there are shifts in the functional state of the thyroid gland in the direction of increasing its activity. In severe forms of pathology, the activity of the gonads is disrupted (dysmenorrhea in women, impotence in men).

    Exposure to radio waves is accompanied by changes in peripheral blood parameters, and their instability and lability are often noted. There is a tendency to leukocytosis or, more often, to leukopenia, neutropenia, relative lymphocytosis. There are indications of an increase in the number of eosinophils and monocytes in the peripheral blood and a decrease in the number of platelets. On the part of the red blood, a slight reticulocytosis is detected. Microwaves under especially unfavorable working conditions have a damaging effect on the eyes, causing clouding of the lens - microwave cataract. Changes may progress over time. Turbidity, revealed during biomicroscopy, is noted in the form of white dots, fine dust, individual threads located in the anteroposterior layer of the lens, near the equator, in some cases - in the form of chains, plaques and spots. When diagnosing occupational diseases, the syndromic classification of lesions by the microwave field, proposed by E.A. Drogichina and M.N. Sadchikova, distinguish vegetative, asthenic, asthenovegetative, angiodystonic and diencephalic syndromes.

    General strengthening therapy with the use of sedatives and hypnotics is recommended. Antihistamines, small tranquilizers, glucose with ascorbic acid are shown; biogenic stimulants - tincture of ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, eleutherococcus extract. With a combination of symptoms of autonomic dysfunction with asthenic syndrome, it is advisable to alternate intramuscular injections of calcium gluconate and intravenous infusions of glucose with ascorbic acid. In the case of an increase in blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs are indicated. With a combination of functional disorders of the central nervous system (asthenic syndrome with autonomic dysfunction) with changes in peripheral blood, vitamin B6 is prescribed. With a combination of functional disorders of the central nervous system (asthenic syndrome and autonomic dysfunction) with changes in peripheral blood, vitamin B6 is prescribed.

    Working capacity examination

    In the absence of an obvious therapeutic effect, as well as in severe forms of the disease (sharp asthenization, severe neurocirculatory disorders, diencephalic insufficiency), after appropriate therapeutic and preventive measures, a transfer to work not related to exposure to electromagnetic fields is indicated, referral to medical and social expertise to determine the degree of disability.

    In prevention, systematic monitoring of the level of radio emissions, shielding of installations in order to protect workers from radiation and the use of personal protective equipment, preliminary upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations with the participation of a therapist, neuropathologist, oculist, determination of hemoglobin content in the blood, the number of leukocytes are important , erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Persons employed at work with sources of electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies (millimeter, centimeter, decimeter) are examined once every 12 months; when working with sources of electromagnetic radiation of ultra-high, high, low and ultra-low frequencies - 1 time in 24 months. Additional medical contraindications for employment with currents of high and ultrahigh frequencies are severe autonomic dysfunction, cataracts, drug addiction, substance abuse, including chronic alcoholism, schizophrenia and other endogenous psychoses.