The fate of each person is predetermined by the life scenario. By such a scenario, most of us mean a psychological irresistible force leading, regardless of desire, to fate.

A logical question may arise: “Who writes the script of our life?” The answer to the banal is simple - it's our parents.

A newborn child is born completely free from all complexes and restrictions. Each person perceives his fate differently. For some, this is something plastic, amenable to adjustment, for others it is inevitable and fate..

But it is undeniable that each of us is in awe during the reasoning about the code of fate. Agree, a bewitching phrase is the code of fate, but can it be changed?

Nowadays, if desired, you can find many ways to guarantee a change in fate. Over the millennia, a lot of various methods and techniques have accumulated in the piggy bank of various technologies and techniques.

Let's look at some of them. What do you think most people do when they seek to change their life karma? Almost all of them are in a hurry to resort to the knowledge of religion, go to witches and fortune-tellers, learn to decipher horoscopes and believe in omens.

The numerology of fate for them lies in the ability to understand their life problems, but at the same time they do not neglect the opportunity to shift their troubles and worries onto the shoulders of fortune-tellers, witches, psychics, etc.

Interestingly, many of those who blindly believe in the divine change of their life situation for the better, in the end, they get what they want.

This is the best confirmation of the fact that any way to achieve a better share can be effective.

So, what is the code of fate and how can it be changed? It has long been proven that the date of birth and the name of a person have a significant influence on the character and life stimuli of a person.

Alas, these things are almost impossible to change, we were born with them, we have to live with them. But if fate is a burden, is there still a chance to change it?

I recently had the good fortune to come across such advice of Tibetan teaching in one publication. A person, having been born on one of the days of the year and having received a name from his parents, simultaneously receives, along with these data, his individual abilities, health strength, etc.

If health and abilities are normal, then according to Tibetan teachings, they should be marked with a plus. If there are deviations in these vital areas, then you need to put a minus. After dealing with their weak and strengths fate, you can begin to improve the lagging areas of life.

Thus, by removing holes, we get an improvement in personal life. It's simple, right?

Are you familiar with the numerology of fate? Then you know that with the help of this method you can easily calculate the number of not only your destiny, but also learn about the compatibility of the characters of your and your future partner, about the features of the traits of a particular person, etc.

I hasten to inform the ignorant that the number of fate is not difficult to calculate. It is determined from the date of birth of a person.

In order to get the number of fate, it is necessary to add together the month and the numbers of the date and year of birth, if it didn’t work out single digit, the addition process must be repeated until we get the desired.

For example, July 4, 1968. It is required to add 1+9+6+8+0+4+0+7=35 3+5=8. Eight is the desired number of Fate. If instead of the eight it turned out:

1 - this means that a person sees a career as the goal of his life;

2-the meaning of life of these people is cooperation and communication;

3- the owners of this figure are very gifted, smart, talented and sociable;

4- these people are workaholics;

5- life path fives are very tortuous and thorny, these are fickle and changeable people;

6- love social security, a calm, measured rhythm of life, etc.;

7 are eternal adventurers and romantic dreamers;

8- born businessmen. Money loves them and allows them to live according to their needs;

9-always strive for spiritual perfection and at the same time dream of high ideals.

Calculating the number of the date of birth is quite simple, for this you need to add all the digits of the day of birth.

For example, a person whose birthday is May 11, 1981 needs to do the following: 11 = 1 + 1 = 2.

Values ​​​​of the number of life (birthday)

1 - a person with all the necessary traits of a leader. At any time, in absolutely any situation, you try to bring the matter to the end, not retreating until all possible solutions to a particular problem run out. You are always ready to take the initiative and take control of the situation. You have excellent business skills, you could achieve great results in highly significant areas or big business.

Find your birthday number to find out what it means:

  • Birthday number 1 - for those born on the 1st
  • Birthday number 10 - for those born on the 10th
  • Birthday number 19 - for those born on the 19th
  • Birthday number 28 - for those born on the 28th

2 - this birthday number characterizes you as a reserved, balanced person, a supporter of permission conflict situations by seeking a compromise. You often contradict yourself and often strive to interfere in the affairs of others, which is more often

  • Birthday number 2 - for those born on the 2nd
  • Birthday number 20 - for those born on the 20th
  • Birthday number 29 - for those born on the 29th

3 - since early age you have an amazing ability to grasp everything on the fly. Easily perceive and assimilate new knowledge. An incredibly talented person in many areas of activity, capable of much. However, to achieve your goals, you need significant support from others. You live in the present and do not think about tomorrow.

  • Birthday number 3 - for those born on the 3rd
  • Birthday number 12 - for those born on the 12th
  • Birthday number 30 - for those born on the 30th

4 - you are a person who avoids risks, treats many things with trepidation and caution. You are very hardworking and persistent, able to achieve a lot alone without relying on anyone. With all this, the number 4 does not guarantee you a bright future if you do not set high goals for yourself, but it lays in you a solid foundation for further development and many skills suitable for many specialties.

  • Birthday number 4 - for those born on the 4th
  • Birthday number 13 - for those born on the 13th
  • Birthday number 31 - for those born on the 31st

5 - you are ruled by a constant attraction to everything unusual, previously unknown. You are inspired and enthusiastic, do not like to stay in one place for a long time. Wherever you are, you feel at home. Adventure and travel are like a gulp for you

  • Birthday number 5 - for those born on the 5th
  • Birthday number 14 - for those born on the 14th
  • Birthday number 23 - for those born on the 23rd

6 - the number of the birthday of a sincere, open, reliable person. You are fully prepared to treat the assignments and the work entrusted to you with full responsibility. One of the main tasks in life is to make a name for yourself and achieve high success in anything. That with which restraint and composure you are ready to succeed does not arouse the sympathy of others and creates in you the image of a hypocrite.

  • Birthday number 6 - for those born on the 6th
  • Birthday number 15 - for those born on the 15th
  • Birthday number 24 - for those born on the 24th

7 - you are diligent creative person with a poetic soul and with some oddities. The owner of an analytical mindset, brilliant imagination and a very developed intuition. With a birthday number of 7, people are often born who are inclined to become musicians, composers, artists, philosophers, poets or writers in the future.

  • Birthday number 7 - for those born on the 7th
  • Birthday number 16 - for those born on the 16th
  • Birthday number 25 - for those born on the 25th

8 - a number representing endless possibilities to doing business. You are adventurous and fearless before any kind of activity, especially in a commercial environment. Obstacles and difficulties on the path of life are not obstacles to development, on the contrary, they enhance your ability to work. You have good management skills and the ability to lead a team.

The ancient science of patterns between numbers and events occurring in people's lives is called numerology. Calculated by her laws life code by date of birth determines significant moments in fate: it reflects the inclinations, abilities, aspirations and luck of a man or woman.

The Magic of Numbers

Numbers surround each creature. The date and time of birth are the first numbers that determine fate. They are a combination of a certain universal energy (there are no two identical destinies). To understand, the life code is not just calculated, it is analyzed. For any individual, the following information will be important:

  • talents;
  • abilities that can be used to achieve the goals;
  • luck: if a person is lucky in everything, she may not be afraid of failure in new business;
  • character traits that do not change throughout life.

In a person's life, numerology is a prediction. It is the mirror of conduct that the individual either follows or opposes. If she is ready to fight for herself and her future, she can use numerology as a clue.

The essence of numerology

Numerology is a combination of numbers. They define a person who is gifted with talents or a strong-willed character.

Even people born on the same day and year can differ in temperament. Numerology takes into account exact time birth and the name of a man or woman - all these factors form the basis of an accurate prediction.

Who can benefit from numerology:

  • people who are in search of themselves and their place in life;
  • individuals who have experienced betrayal and do not understand what is its cause (numerology demonstrates problems in their personal lives that occur due to the thinking of the individual);
  • people who are afraid to show themselves and their talents.

To understand himself, his nature, a man or woman studies his destiny. People search in destiny the good side: the inclinations can be developed, but the personality is not always aware of the power hidden in it. The code by date of birth does not change during life: a person can change, change his environment, but his nature remains unchanged, since it is predicted by a digital code.

Formula for code calculation

A simple code by date of birth includes three main indicators - this is the day, month and year of birth. Every adult has such information, so numerology is useful to everyone. The total number is derived by simple summation or additional formulas. But at self-study numerology is important to master the most simple technique. The life code is calculated for adults and children.

How to calculate the first digit of the code

Calculation example:

  • the person was born on May 10, 1997;
  • a number series is written - 10051997;
  • all numbers are summed up: 1+5+1+9+9+7;
  • the resulting number is 32;
  • the resulting number is simplified: 3+2=5;
  • human life code - five.

The total number is calculated for those born in any year (1990, 1966, 2017 or even 2018).

How to calculate the second and third digits of the code

The second number is obtained by other calculations. How to calculate life code 2 by date of birth: the first digit is found in the date of birth (according to the example, one) and multiplied by 2 (1 * 2 = 2). Further, the received secondary number is subtracted from the personal code (32). The second digit (according to the example) is obtained by the following formula: 32-2=30. The resulting number is simplified and turns out to be 3. So, a person born on May 10, 1997 has two simple numbers fate. It's three and five.

The last code (third) is calculated over in a complicated way. To do this, you need to create a new number series. The first two digits correspond to the first unsimplified code (in the example, this is the number 32), the third number is its simplified version - 5. The next two digits are the second code - 30, and the last digit is its simplified version. It turns out such a series: 325303. Zeros in palmistry are not taken into account, so it is converted to 32533. The third number of fate allows you to derive the final individual figure. To do this, the date of birth is again recorded under the last code. For two rows, it is analyzed which numbers are larger. Each number of digits is recorded from 1 to 9 (preferably in a column). The number that prevails in two rows is a characteristic of the individual.

Cipher interpretation

The life code is a unique combination of different character traits. A person can be moderately kind, and moderately warlike. Its uniqueness is revealed by the numbers of fate. It can simultaneously contain both units (a sign of strength) and sevens (a sign of doubt). The value of the number that occurs more often is fundamental. The code from the date of birth is read in descending order of one or another value.


1 symbolizes self-confidence. The owners of such a figure are strong, strong-willed individuals. They know their worth and can withstand any difficulties. The more they work, the more they have. Units occupy leadership positions. They are leaders and spiritual guides.


If the life code consists of twos (more than three), then the person is endowed with a special energy. He is positive, kind and open. These people quickly find friends and associates. Two can represent energy vampires- people who feed on the forces of others.


If the life code consists of triples, a person has a well-developed intuition. These people are talented, wise, with high intelligence. They achieve a lot in the scientific field, but they skillfully combine seriousness and a cheerful disposition. They do not stand still, they need development and progress.


Fours are the most balanced sign. They combine 4 elements - Water, Fire, Iron and Earth. These are people who are looking for harmony. It is important for them to follow their principles and not give in to disputes when it comes to their life principles. These are religious personalities who are distinguished by loyalty to themselves and their loved ones.


Fives are born refined. These are people with a fine mental organization. They think a lot, they know how to analyze everything that happens to them. it creative personalities inclined to trust their own intuition.


6 combines spiritual values ​​​​and material stability. These are people for whom the atmosphere is important, but they never forget about income. They combine a sensual mood and a cold calculation (depending on the situation).


People with many sevens in the code are often tormented by doubts. They analyze a lot, their innate sensitivity does not allow them to take the situation lightly. If desired, sevens can succeed in any business, if they like it.


The figure eight symbolizes good luck and wealth. it good sign, which is reinforced by the efforts of man. If he works hard, he gets the necessary results. People are gifted with talent and luck.


Combines nine all positive values the rest of the numbers. This is a sign of success, luck, perseverance and talent. Number people can achieve any success, but only with a sincere desire. They stick to their principles and cultivate a strong character.


Numerology helps to understand a person's life, to analyze everything that happens in it. A simple or complex code is calculated. The resulting number (from 1 to 9) allows you to see the talents, inclinations and abilities of the individual.

According to numerologists, using ordinary numbers, you can easily find out the karmic code of life that is written in your birth. To do this, you just need to brush up on your mathematical knowledge, stock up on a calculator and a pen, and start doing interesting calculations.

To find out your karmic code of fate, you will need to gradually add up all the numbers of the date of your birth. Here is a specific example:

In this case, there is no need in this case to reduce a two-digit figure to a single-digit one. This means that the number 35 will become fateful in your life, and after every 35 years you will have major changes. Also, this number can tell a lot about you. interesting information.

Deciphering the karmic code of fate

  • Number ten. Lady Fortune patronizes you, all things will end in success: if you wish, you can easily build an excellent career, you will be happy in family life. You have a very light karma, not weighed down by heavy misdeeds. But one should beware of esoteric practices.
  • Number eleven. You will have to face various challenges. You are too trusting of others, easily influenced. In past incarnations, you committed crimes, for which you are now paying. Don't do magic!
  • Number twelve. You are very naive and often take on the role of a victim. Try to worry less about trifles. In previous reincarnations, you arranged conspiracies and intrigues against others.
  • Number thirteen. Your life will be filled with many interesting events. Constant change is your faithful companion, but it will not always be positive. You could be a slave past life and strove for freedom with all their might.
  • Number fourteen. Is a personal Apocalypse. You will be haunted by various extraordinary events, you should be wary of accidents, emergencies. You are recommended to study tarot cards or astrology.
  • Number fifteen. You are very attractive, do not suffer from a lack of admirers. The sphere of your realization is art, but beware of being dishonest towards others.
  • Number sixteen. The number of evil fate. In your life you are often faced with destruction, you cannot achieve predictability. The reason for this lies in past incarnations, when you tortured people. If you turn to magic, you can go crazy.
  • . You are very lucky to have successful relationships with members of the opposite sex. In this area, everything will be fine for you - create strong family and you will be happy. Avoid esotericism!
  • Number eighteen. Your life is one of struggle and violence. Such people often become sadists, take part in various gangster organizations, and are destroyers. You need to work on yourself so as not to go down to the bottom!
  • Number nineteen. It is easy for you to solve any problems, your life is filled with harmony. The main area of ​​implementation is the family and offspring. Runology suits you (especially Celtic).

The following video offers even more interesting information about the karmic code of life

What is destiny for you (numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bfrom 20 to 29)

These numbers will show you how to correct the mistakes of past reincarnations.

  • Number twenty. The most important thing for you is specific goals. Engage in the development of your spirituality, give your love to others. Magic will come to your aid.
  • Number twenty one. In life, you keep up with luck, tend to win in everything. Activity is important to you, so avoid routine.
  • number twenty two. You are by nature a quiet and good-natured person who is distinguished by gullibility and tends to "hover in the clouds." Learn esotericism to improve your life.
  • Number twenty three. Light forces protect you. Various things are easily given to you, luck just follows you around. You can excel in the realm of magic.
  • Number twenty four. You are lucky, both in personal relationships, and in money and in other areas of life. But in no case do harm to anyone, so that luck does not leave you. Develop your intuition.
  • number twenty five. Lots of mistakes in early years life. It is important to realize the cause of your delusions and correct them - then you will receive mercy from above. You have unique magical abilities.
  • Number twenty six. You have a powerful intuition that keeps you safe from danger. You will face many troubles in life, but the sixth sense will take you away from misfortune. Cultivate love!
  • number twenty seven. If you live right, working on yourself and doing good, you will achieve happiness (the financial sector is especially successful).
  • Number twenty eight. You are very talented, have amazing abilities, but often cannot find the right solution to problems. Don't break the law!
  • Number twenty nine. You often face insincerity from your surroundings. You can calm down when you find a soul mate with whom you will find happiness. Magic is not given to you.

Karmic code of life (numbers from 30 to 39)

People who fall into this category are teachers who influence the lives of others. Your purpose in this life is to teach and help others change their reality.

  • Number thirty. You have a developed intellect, but strive only for success and financial well-being. Change your behavior, do not ignore other people - then you can become happy.
  • Number thirty one. Indicates a loner who consciously chose such a life. You feel comfortable when no one is around. In past lives you were a hypocrite, you practiced polygamy. You can develop your magical abilities.
  • Number thirty two. Do you have developed communication skills, you are loved in any team. You, too, must give love to the world around you. Try to talk less about yourself so as not to disrupt the implementation of your plans. You can predict the future.
  • Number thirty three. You feel the support of others in any business. You are also very attractive to the opposite sex. Realize yourself as a spiritual mentor. You are shown to engage in esoteric practices.
  • Number thirty-four. The first part of life is more difficult than the second, which begins at about 35 years old. But first you have to work hard to succeed. Practice magic, but already in the second part of life.
  • Number thirty five. You can hardly be called lucky - there will be a lot of suffering in life. There will be problems with loved ones, various addictions are not excluded. Use magical knowledge only to protect yourself.
  • Number thirty six. This is the number of hard work, you can only receive benefits through great effort. You can often feel lonely, but you don’t need to lose heart - your happiness will definitely find you. Use money magic.
  • Number thirty seven. Promises you a happy and prosperous life. Practice Slavic magic.
  • Number thirty eight. You will often face betrayal and lies. Therefore, carefully double-check any information and be especially vigilant in matters of money. Get rid of mysticism.
  • Number thirty nine. You have a high intellect, but you often suffer from envy. Beware of dependencies psychotropic substances. Runes will help you achieve success in life.

Numbers 40 to 48

They are the highest level. Your main karmic goal is to comprehend the secrets of the universe, spiritual teaching.

  • number forty. You are a rather closed person, you often distance yourself from other people, you are not very lucky with money. Focus mainly on yourself. You can practice magic, but don't overuse it.
  • number forty one. You are distinguished by a tremendous attraction for others and increased emotionality. You are characterized by narcissism and insecurity. Engage in cards and runes, as well as astrology, but only for yourself.
  • number forty two. You are a sane person, so you will be happy in this life. You are an avid materialist.
  • Number forty three. Indicates a not very happy fate, filled with various trials and misfortunes. It is not recommended to engage in esotericism!
  • number forty four. You will often face troubles, threats to your life and health. This is due to past lives in which you killed. Give up magical actions and change.
  • number forty five. Adhere to high moral principles, develop spiritually, then after forty years you will not know the need for anything. But magic is no help for you.
  • Number forty six. Choose a love partner, then you will be very happy. Do not put money above feelings. You can work for yourself and others.
  • Number forty seven. You love to be in noisy companies. But often you suffer from meanness and insincerity. You are forbidden to practice magic so as not to encounter various pathologies.
  • Forty eight. Is the number of struggle. From birth, you have a karmic leadership knot, you can make a dizzying career in sports, military or political sphere. You do not recognize magic in any form.

Knowing your karmic number, as well as those negative aspects that need to be worked on, you can improve your karma, which means turning life in a more positive direction.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

On this page you can calculate Name Number and Destiny Number and understand how numerology affects your life.

Name Number

Name Number shows what a person is capable of. The number of the Name reveals the forms of self-expression to which he resorts due to the development of his inclinations, skill, talents, knowledge, observation, and so on. Being Number of Self-expression, it indicates the vocation of a person - at least the general orientation of the activity that should succeed him best.

Usually relatives and friends call a person simply by their first name. In some circles, he is called by his last name. It is written in the passport full name. For numerology, the “public name” is important, under which strangers know him. Most often, a public name is a given name and a surname. In Russia, this is the name and patronymic, which are important in establishing working relationships.

You can calculate both the number of the first name and the number of the full name, including the last name and middle name. Women in this case can trace how it has affected or will affect Name Number as a result of marriage and change of surname. Name number- the sum of the numbers of your full name of birth - is calculated according to the table: A is 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc. All numbers are added up to a simple number (for example, if you get 48, add 4 + 8 = 12, then 1 + 2 = 3, i.e. your number is 3.) If the number 11 or 22 appears in the intermediate results, it is not add up with the rest of the numbers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Destiny Number

Destiny Number is obtained by summing all the numbers of the date, month and year of birth. In the Western tradition, it is called the life path number. For example, for a person born on April 3, 1978, the path number would be 3+(0+4)+(1+9+7+8)=32=3+2=5. There is an exception to this rule: if, when adding, you get the numbers 11, 22, 33, then they should not be reduced to a single amount, since they are special numbers.

Destiny Number shows what your nature is, and what abilities you have to fulfill the destiny directly. At the same time, the Soul Number is under the influence of the Destiny Number. Interaction in this case can be both harmonious and be in disharmony.

Destiny Number means a life lesson that a person needs to learn; this is the true goal of his current incarnation, the experiences that you need to go through, as well as the way to find harmony in relation to other people, phenomena and circumstances. If a Destiny Number exceeds the Heart Number, the lesson will be difficult. Such a ratio of two numbers implies that the ideals of a person are below the spiritual level of the life lesson intended for him. On the other hand, if the Number of Destiny less number Hearts, a person has enough idealism to rise above everyday experiences and not be very sensitive to them.

Calculate Number of Name or Full Name

Calculate date of birth number

Your name: Birthday:
Your last name: Month of birth (number):
Your middle name: Year of birth (4 digits):
When all fields are filled in, it will automatically calculate Name Number and Destiny Number. Meaning your his numbers you can find out by clicking on your result or the links below.

When Destiny Number coincides with Name Number, it can be assumed that a person is endowed with innate abilities that will allow him to easily learn the lesson of life - in other words, his life path will be fairly even. If the vibration of the Number of Destiny is lower in frequency than the Number of the Name, this indicates that the life path will run through everyday circumstances and spheres of communication that are limited in terms of social and financial opportunities. On the other hand, if the Number of Destiny is greater than the Number of the Name, then circumstances will change in such a way that a person will certainly be able to succeed in the field where his talents will lead - of course, if his ideals are lofty and his will is strong enough. The vibrations of the Number of Destiny have a kind of attracting power, that is, they attract other people and life circumstances to a person in accordance with the spiritual level of these vibrations and the qualities with which they are associated.

Destiny Number more important than Soul Number and Name Number. The soul can desire anything, but fate gives only what a person really deserves. It is connected with the past karmas (deeds) of a person and enters into full force after 35 years. It allows us little freedom of action, but it gives us great freedom to reap the fruits of our own actions.

Destiny Number not subject to any external influences. If it's bad, you can't fix it, but you can change the name to Name Number partly softened the action of the Number of Destiny, to prepare an appropriate talisman, to do charity work. Then a person will still have to go through what fate has in store for him, but this path will be easier for him.

Soul Number

Soul number is the date of birth. According to the Soul Number, one can determine how a person feels in society, whether he needs a partner, what needs, ambitions and desires. For the calculation, the same technology is used to reduce the sum of numbers to a single number. (if the number 11 fell out, it remains so). In the Vedic tradition, if a person was born 2 hours before sunrise, the previous date is taken into account.

The planetary influence on the human soul can be easily understood if one knows Soul Number. This number remains in effect throughout human life and especially shows its strength at the age of 35-40 years. After 35 years, another number comes into play, which is called the Number of Destiny. The number of the Soul, however, does not lose its importance.

Heart Number

In order to calculate Heart Number, you need to mark the vowels of the name with the corresponding numbers, then reduce them to one digit and add them up (remember that the numbers 11 and 22 do not add up and are written separately). total amount and represents the Number of the Heart.

The number of the Heart is an esoteric, subjective and internal number indicating the vibrations of the innermost Self, individuality, the "superconscious" mind of a practical psychologist. It expresses ideals, goals, aspirations, spiritual impulses and impulses aimed at critical issues being. These are the aspirations and dynamic vibrations of the soul, its ideas about life, its spiritual need to express itself in action and form, and in its own way, in a way that is characteristic of it.

Personality Number

Personality Number obtained by adding the numbers that correspond to the consonant letters of the name, after which this sum is reduced to a single digit.

Personality Number symbolizes exoteric, objective vibration. It indicates the external manifestations of individuality - how a person looks in the eyes of others. This is a clear expression of a person's mental activity - his thoughts, feelings, desires, will and life force. It testifies to the activity of the conscious and subconscious mind, the manifestation of individuality, or character, in the manners of behavior and habits of a person.

Number Gift of Fate

Number Gift of Fate obtained from the last two numbers of the year of birth. For example, for a person born on April 3, 1978, the number of a gift will be (7+8)=15=1+5=6. There is an exception to this rule: if, when adding, you get the number 11, then it should not be reduced to a single sum, since it is a special number.

Number Gift of Fate is a gift from birth, additional bonus abilities given at birth.

Jump Number

Destiny Number added to Full name number is yours Transition Number. This number can be influenced by changing the name, with the help of education, initiation into spiritual practices, marriage, etc.

If your full name number is 2 and your birth date number is 7, then your Jump Number- 9 (2+7). There is an exception to this rule: if, when adding, you get the number 11, then it should not be reduced to a single sum, since it is a special number.

The meaning of numbers in numerology

The main rule of numerology is: all numbers are good. Each number has different energy aspects that manifest in people as strong and weak, attractive and disgusting qualities.

Practice shows that some numbers are good as the Numbers of the Soul, but bad as the Numbers of Destiny, while others have the opposite. To get accurate information about a person, one number is not enough. Most numerologists say that it is absolutely necessary to know all your Numbers - all your vibrations.