January 23, 2012 the year of the Black Water Dragon will come, the most mysterious and mystical year, in which not only interesting and wonderful phenomena can occur, but also dramatic events. The Chinese believe that people born this year are incredibly lucky, since the Dragon is the personification of good luck, happiness and a high position in society. The Dragon itself is personified as a wise and decisive creature who loves holidays and parades.

That's why coming 2012 promises us a series of new sensations, events and gives us a huge potential of opportunities. The year of the Black Dragon will present surprises for all representatives of the Zodiac circle, and at the end of the year it will reward the most active and hardworking, not forgetting to punish the evil and lazy people. Workaholics this year will work without rest, which will allow them to significantly improve their financial condition, climb career ladder or start your own business. In the year of the Dragon, hardworking and creative people will be lucky.

Of course it's better all will manifest this year all those who were lucky enough to be born under the sign of the Dragon. These people can be called the minions of fate, the wise and cheerful Dragon will open before them great prospects and great success in all beginnings. The dragon is one of the most powerful, happy and victorious signs of the east. No wonder the Chinese say that people who were born this year "were born with a silver spoon in their mouth." The dragon gives them a lot, but also demands a lot from them. But he asks for less than he gives. Therefore, those born under the sign of the Dragon are constantly in the spotlight, they are loved, respected, admired.

December 21, 2012 there will be a rare astronomical event - a parade of planets. According to the predictions of Maya, Vanga, Nostradamus, Isaac Newton, it is on this day that the end of the world will come. Such a number of coincidences of predictions is alarming, but it is impossible to say that 2012 brings great difficulties and disasters. Indeed, the things that you start in 2012 will be carried out with a great investment of difficulties and efforts, especially at the beginning of the year. The dragon throughout the year will test representatives of all signs for endurance, forcing them to do difficult, intricate and routine work. However, in the spring things will go easier, there will be fewer problems. At this time, you can change jobs and start new business.

To achieve success in the year of the Dragon, you need to show your abilities to the maximum, think outside the box and show creative abilities. At the end of the summer, conflicts and intrigues at work may again arise, and the risk of financial losses increases. But in the fall, you can finish the work you have started with the greatest benefit and plan new ones for next year. The Year of the Dragon is good for clarifying relationships and arranging personal life, it will bring good luck and happiness to those who are ready to work on themselves and change. Let's look at the general horoscope for each sign of the eastern horoscope:

1. The Dragon. year 2012 - finest hour for people born in the year of the Dragon. This year they will celebrate the victory and rejoice. However, they are not recommended to show excessive aggression in achieving their goals, otherwise you can lose the favor of the Dragon.

2. Snake. 2012 for people born in the year of the Snake will be calm and balanced. A wise, purposeful and jealous Snake will be able to foresee his fate in advance and protect himself from mistakes, anxiety, unnecessary fuss.

3. Horse. 2012 will be a good year for people born in the Year of the Horse. A hardworking and honest Horse will be in the spotlight, which will inspire her to new successes and undertakings.

4. Goat. 2012, for people born in the year of the Goat, will be neutral. A careless and capricious Goat will enjoy the benefits that others will present to her, but she herself will invest little in order to achieve great success. And why strain when she already feels good?

5. Monkey. 2012 is a good year for people born under the sign of the Monkey. The dragon needs them. The role of the Monkey in the year of the Dragon is the main one. Therefore, she can not particularly try and load herself with work, but have fun with might and main. The eccentric and quirky Monkey is forgiven a lot this year.

6. Rooster. In 2012, people born in the year of the Rooster will be lucky. The indecisive and timid Rooster waited all 2011, and in the year of the Dragon, he can show himself in all his glory. This year suits the Rooster. Some Roosters will start a family this year, find their soul mate, or receive an inheritance.

7. Dog. 2012 is the year for people born in the year of the Dog, it is better not to stick out. In the year of the Dragon, a fair and faithful Dog is recommended to rest. Of course, this year will seem useless and boring to them, but you should not rebel and anger the Dragon.

8. Pig. In 2012, people born in the year of the Pig should not get carried away with food. The Pig will have many friends and lavish treats in the year of the Dragon. Although all this will oppress her. The main thing is to keep fit.

9. Rat(mouse). 2012 for people born in the year of the Rat will be calm and unremarkable. It is better for the absurd and aggressive Rat to calmly do long-planned affairs this year.

10. Bull. In 2012, people born in the year of the Ox will also have to continue to work hard. Although the Ox, calmed by splendor and brilliance, is waiting for rest and thinks that the year of the Dragon will bring him success and peace, unfortunately, these are just illusions.

11. Tiger. 2012 will be a busy year for people born in the Year of the Tiger. A keen and energetic Tiger will work hard, but it is impossible to say that his life will not be uninteresting. There is glitter in the year of the Dragon, and the Tiger loves it.

12. Rabbit(cat). 2012 for people born in the Year of the Rabbit will be calm and balanced. The Rabbit can go about his business, rather watching the hustle and bustle of others. They won't touch them.

That the coming year?

The pages of the calendar are inexorably melting, marking the arrival of a new year - 2011. In the minds of every person, this is the time of mystical crossing of some invisible frontier, beyond which the door to the future is visible. What will it be like? What will the coming year bring to all of us? People dream of happiness, the fulfillment of all innermost desires. Many turn their eyes to horoscopes, prophecies and predictions about the coming day. It's so simple and natural - on New Year's Eve, to slightly open the door to the future and look into it at least with one eye. Let this be an incomplete picture and not entirely clear, but on the eve of the holiday, you really want to touch the magic.

We have always tried to avoid any contact with the events of the future, since information of this kind is protected by a “permission” to receive it from energy information sources. In addition, it is necessary to understand clearly and unambiguously that the future is multidimensional and the realization of events depends on many circumstances. First, it is the fulfillment of the will of the Creator. Secondly, much also depends on the collective consciousness of the inhabitants of the Earth, as beings with the right of free will. They have the ability to change the future with their good or harmful actions, thoughts and feelings.

The request of the editors of the newspaper "Secret of Life" - to give a forecast of the development of events for 2011 was unexpected for us, but after much doubt, we agreed to fulfill this request. We do this to the extent that we have access to this kind of information. We repeat once again that this is a forecast, not an interpretation of future events, and only the Almighty knows the true course of their development. And, nevertheless, giving in to the general aspiration of people, let's slightly open the door to the future, at least a little, at least a little ...

All of humanity is at the stage of the Great Transition, therefore everything that is happening in 2010 and the impending events of 2011 are somehow connected with this period. There is a great change of eras and great upheavals. The world is being transformed, whether humanity supports expanding change or not. Everything is speeding up, time is speeding up, and as time changes, it will also change the experience of humanity, the visible and invisible forces nature and the face of the earth itself. Every minute that we live in these accelerated energies is important for the Cosmos, the Earth and ourselves. 2011 will not be lighter energy than 2010, in fact it will be twice as powerful. The need for change comes to the fore internal structures each person. Who will be able to find the strength to quickly change, “clarify”, and thereby correspond to the vibrations outside world, he will be able to go through the stage of growth and the acquisition of new opportunities with minimal losses.

The veil between dimensions has thinned and in 2011 the flow of new energy will increase 12 times compared to 2010. This energy has been radiating to Earth for more than two decades. Everything is on the path to improvement.
There have always been doubting skeptics who said that the Shift will never happen, but we are already making the sacred Shift into a higher consciousness. This manifests itself even if humanity does not want to comprehend and know this process. We have become much stronger, and next year is very important in the series of these changes, in self-realization and in all ways that concern the Earth and humanity. During the year, the energy of the transformation of the Earth will give clear signs to each of its inhabitants about the need for rapid changes in the face of upcoming events.

In 2011 there will be significant changes in solar activity. There will be flares on the Sun, exceeding the total of the previous year by 15%. This will create an incredibly powerful energy that will feel like a full moon to people.
Ancient enlightened civilizations have always recognized such powerful events and used such times for prayer, meditation and inner searching.
The Gulf Stream, cooling and slowing down in 2010, will continue to cool further. It may cool significantly by the end of 2011, which will lead to climate change for Iceland, Canada. USA, Scandinavia and Great Britain, in the direction of cooling.

Snow and ice in the Arctic will continue to melt and will decrease by 8% compared to 2010.
The Earth's magnetic field will surprise people. Especially it will feel the animals. Chaotic migrations will begin certain types. There will be a dangerous period for people to move, when many modes of transport will become unsafe.

Space wanderer - the planet Nibiru began moving towards the Earth, its maximum approach is expected in 2017. Its powerful radiation is already exerting a strong influence on the processes taking place on Earth. The activation of volcanoes is a sign of the approach of Nibiru. In the coming year, another wave of volcanic eruptions awaits the earth. Eruptions will begin in the Southern Hemisphere and will be local in nature.

The seer Vanga predicted inevitable climate change in the first half of our century: .. “and time will return, and then a huge body will fly to Earth from Space and the world’s water will wash away all life, and the huge star Sun three long years will be dead."

In 2011, a space rock will fall to Earth, which has not yet caused great harm, as indicated in the prophecy, but it will be proof that the Earth is no longer able to defend itself ... The stone will be small - only a few meters in diameter, and it will fall into a deserted place in northern Alaska.
In the coming year, fear of the future will paralyze many people, and they will turn to magic for help, which will further aggravate their situation.

In the first half of 2011, the intensity of the old military conflicts will cease to increase, they will, as it were, “dim down,” but in the second half of the year, a conflict between Tehran and the Pentagon is possible.
Crop failures in 2010 in the coming year will affect the world - Bolivia, and in Russia - Krasnodar Territory.
Thanks to the Energy Crystal in Western Siberia - in the village of Okunevo, Omsk region, and its partial activation by 50%, this region will become the safest for living. It is no coincidence that the name of the planet Nibiru and the name of the region - Siberia are consonant. In this place, people will be in the field of incredible crystalline energy, and absorb it into their energy fields.

Certain points on Earth will be portals of transformation in accelerating time. These are Places of Power, Holy places, pyramids. They will radiate the energy of the Creator and those who enter them with a spiritual intention will immediately realize this. People will feel close to the Source and once they have accepted the energies will be stored in the Mer-Ka-Ba (Field of Light) of these people. Such places will become "stairways to Heaven." The pyramids will awaken their ancient, light energy for this purpose, and each of us will be able to become a resonator of this energy, having received great opportunities and strength. Therefore, next year it is desirable to visit such places.

Separately, it must be said about the exceptional day of next year - 11.11. eleven.
This will be the Day of Golden Energy, it will be activated on the tops of the mountains of the Earth. This is pure divine energy, a light code that can only exist in the 5th dimension. A person who will be on top of any mountain on this day, with the help of this energy, can change the way in which the human body receives sunlight. It will be a light transformation of the physical body, it will change the nutritional needs of the human body (you can become fully or partially a "sun eater"). The intensity of the light information of the physical body will depend on whether the day is sunny or cloudy.

Of particular importance for the improvement of the Earth on this day will be the power of the Group Consciousness. Gather for group meditations and prayers, for deep introspection.
Regardless of whether the forecast comes true or not, everything is the will of God, people should come to their senses from fears and calmly work on their improvement. We wish everyone happiness in the New Year, do not forget that the Creator of happiness is the person himself and no one else. You create the future.
"If you want to be happy, be happy!" There are incredible transformations ahead, don't doubt it, as it is already set in motion. Feel the joy in your heart!

Vera and Alexander Izmailov

It all started in 2600 BC, when Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first zodiac calendar. In accordance with it, twelve animals formed a symbolic circle and began to replace each other every year. Chinese lunar calendar New Year begins on the first new moon after January 21 different years this event falls on the period from January 21 to February 20. 2018 will start counting on February 16 at 00:06 and will actually be the 4086th in a row. And it will pass under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog. Recall that the Chinese on the 12-year cycle of animals also impose a five-year cycle of the elements - Metal, Water, Fire, Wood and Earth.

The Year of the Dog brings people romantic moods and a great desire to change the surrounding reality so that everyone is honest, friendly and responsive. Since the Dog is Earthy this time, practicality, thoroughness, consistency in actions and decisions, restraint in feelings, conservatism and traditionalism in business and relationships will be welcomed in society.

This year the spheres of construction and finance will develop more actively, the action of economic and environmental laws expand political and diplomatic relations.

Who is the head in this house?

The Year of the Dog is the year of patriarchy and homebuilding. The point is that by eastern horoscope The dog is a masculine sign and ends the cycle of other masculine signs, as well as summing up the events of the past three or six years. This is facilitated by the position of Jupiter in the sign of Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn. These planets will be in favorable aspects to each other throughout the year, therefore government(Saturn principle) and social trends (Jupiter principle) will find more mutual understanding than in the past three years. Politicians who are incapable of evolutionary movement and the development of society will give way to more rational and pragmatic personalities who will pursue national interests to a greater extent than before. That is why the political international arena rigid pragmatism, clarity in observance of laws and previously signed agreements will dominate. Efficient, practical, effective managers will be able to become spokesmen national interests and be remembered for being able to see situations in the world and in own state several moves or even several years ahead.

The main goals for the coming year will be dictated by common sense based on traditional family values and moral convictions. In general, the year of the Dog is favorable for marriage, the birth of children, the search for mutual understanding in relationships, and the preservation of the usual home life. Children born this year can be very bright and extraordinary personalities.

Many will aspire to healthy lifestyle life and properly balanced, and environmentally friendly nutrition, which will significantly increase the income of farming and agro-tourism, as well as various sports and fitness centers. Interest in group sports and creative activities will increase, for example, in dances of various schools and directions. An increase in the number of cyclists nordic walking and those who simply want to actively carry out free time outdoors.

How to meet

It is believed that New Year it is necessary to meet, honoring the animal corresponding to it. The dog loves his element - the earth. Therefore, on the festive table there must be yellow or golden candles in ceramic candlesticks. If there is a dog in your house, put your hand on it to the sound of the chimes and say to yourself three times cherished desire. It will definitely come true.

If you bought a souvenir in the form of a dog or found such a toy in your children, you can touch the figurines when the chimes are chiming, thus welcoming the coming of the Year of the Dog. And you can also cheerfully say in chorus “woof-woof-woof” for festive table. Of course, the Dog will approve the meeting of the New Year in a circle big family with the participation of children.

The dog is not distinguished by ambition and vanity, and yet it is recommended to decorate New Year's table blooming flowers (a symbol of rebirth and flourishing of a career) and arrange vases with oranges and tangerines - the orange color will drive away bad luck.

Main holiday dish- meat. Fish as a sign of abundance should be served with the head, tail and fins. Your hard work and skill in preparing pies with a variety of fillings will be appreciated. For dessert, candied dried fruits and nuts are wrapped in yellow-gold candy wrappers.

But the main thing is not to sleep: to sing, dance, joke and laugh. The Chinese believe that being awake in new year's eve prolongs life. And also allow yourself to be a little child tonight. After all, by by and large, New Year is a holiday of childhood, even if it ended a long time ago.

Old Slavonic rites

In the old days in Rus', before the New Year, a husband and wife smeared their lips with honey, and at midnight they began to kiss. Small children were also smeared with honey on their lips so that the coming year would be sweet, sweet.

And in the villages, the peasants jumped into the barn with grain, sprinkled it with it, frolicked there - this symbolized abundance for the whole next year and a good harvest. Nowadays, the ceremony has been slightly modernized and instead of grain, banknotes and coins are used. You can scatter them on the floor and, when the chimes start to beat, jump right into the money - rustle, ring them and just frolic. This is guaranteed to bring wealth in the coming year. Just do not forget to collect and carefully fold all the bills and pennies.

Slavs on New Year's Eve (as well as on many other holidays) jumped over the fire to cleanse themselves. In modern households, you can do this with the help of candles. You need to light six or eight of them, put them in a circle and jump over them three times, while thinking about internal purification. Imagine how the fire takes all negative energy, illness, trouble and unnecessary confusion. Those who arranged such a ceremony assure that they really felt lightness, purity and clarity of mind after it.

To make your cherished wish come true next year, come up with a special symbol for it and hang it along with other decorations on Christmas tree. Let the character charge. It must be unusual or even funny. For example, if you want to go to the sea in 2018, then hang beach flip-flops or sunglasses on the Christmas tree.

The Year of the Dog marks the beginning of a new frontier of discoveries, surprises, insights. So let all your dreams and desires come true!

All shades of yellow

The color of 2018 is yellow, so you can meet it in all shades of this color. Sandy is also suitable, as it is a diluted yellow. Gold appeals to yellow and orange.

Makeup should be bright colors. But with jewelry, be more legible - do not wear a chain or necklace, because dogs do not like collars. Otherwise, you have a very nervous year ahead of you - someone will always strive to throw his master's leash on you. It is better to decorate an evening dress with an original brooch.

Khartina URANOVA, astrologer

According to Eastern calendar, 2018 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. A dog is a symbol of well-being and happiness, care and devotion, economic housekeeping and prosperity.

The dog represents justice, she will never betray, and in the year of her reign we can calm down - everything will be clear and fair.

In 2018, you can safely take on any business, because the Dog rushes into battle without thinking about the consequences. The element of earth is associated with laws and traditions, so in the year of the Earth Dog it is important to adhere to your principles. Despite the fact that the Dog does not like change, and does not seek to move from the booth to the crystal palace, she will do everything so that the inhabitants of the earth can improve their living conditions. The main thing here is to believe in a miracle - the hostess of 2018 will gladly play along with us.

In 2018, qualities such as friendliness and honesty are welcome. Even in dealing with competitors, we should not be hypocritical and deviate from the rules - in the year of the Dog, no one will dare to deceive us, or come up with some kind of fraudulent scheme. The salary of most people will be "white" - now we will save up a pension, walk like that.

Horoscope for 2018 Pisces

In the year of the Rooster, the Fishes searched long and hard for their luck. But gold fish I decided to make an appointment for the year of the Dog - water creatures can calm down and continue to splash in the blue sea, or in the pool (this is a matter of taste). On February 16, 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog climbed onto the throne and barked three times - Neptune's pets perfectly understood what was at stake.

Horoscope for 2018 Aquarius

Aquarians feel great in any weather, it doesn’t matter to them what month is outside the window, and they don’t pay attention to what animal the year symbolizes - these are such wonderful guys. The Cockerel favored the pets of Uranus, and did not forget about you when he gave way to the Yellow Earthen Princess - all observations were transferred to the Dog against receipt on February 16, 2018.

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn

The ruler of the past year was delighted with the calm and restrained Capricorns - the Rooster favored the earthly guys until the end of his reign. On February 16, 2018, the affectionate Yellow Dog ran to the throne and immediately spotted the charming Capricorns. Until spring, Saturn's pets will finish their business and solve some official problems, and in March you will hear the joyful barking of the Earth Dog - she will not leave the guys from her element unattended.

In order for coins to ring in their pockets and bills to rustle, Capricorns will have to show resourcefulness. You are, without any doubt, professionals in any field, only with advertising your talents you have a hard time. The hostess of 2018 will quickly deal with this issue.

Horoscope for 2018 Sagittarius

The cockerel protected Sagittarius during his reign, and even captured a month and a half next year- so long as you do not cry and do not be sad. But getting closer to February 16, 2018, and the pets of Jupiter fell into concern - how will the Dog rule somehow? Don't worry, the 2018 Yellow Mistress will take you under her wing on the first day of her reign, and even build a booth next to your house.

Horoscope for 2018 Scorpio

You won’t surprise Scorpios with horoscopes, because you yourself know how to predict the future. But the stars are advised to read the forecast - what if you find out something new and interesting? In the year of the Cockerel, Pluto's pets lived, lived without worries and troubles, and on February 16, 2018, a strange squealing will be heard under the windows - yes, it's the Yellow Dog that climbed onto the booth and announced that now she will rule the world.

Horoscope for 2018 Libra

In the year of the Rooster, Libra did not know the troubles and worries, because the kind owner of 2017 brought grains in his beak, and personally stuffed the feather bed with his fluffy feathers. But on the night of February 16, 2018, Libra will get worried - how will the princess of the year, the Yellow Dog, rule? There are no reasons for unrest, as soon as the Cockerel crows 12 times goodbye, the Earth Dog will climb the throne and notify the world of its arrival with gentle barking.

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo

Virgo creatures are neat and careful, and in the year of the Rooster they managed to achieve good results precisely because of these qualities. No doubt, the pets of Mercury can stop a galloping horse, however, before that they will definitely draw a clear movement pattern and draw up an action plan. In the year of the Dog, the Virgos will have a place to turn around - on February 16, 2018, the Earth Dog will give you its yellow paw as a sign of greeting and joyfully barks.

Horoscope for 2018 Leo

Temperamental and impulsive Lions managed to prove themselves in the year of the Fire Rooster, and the bird did not even want to part with you, and plaintively crowed farewell New Year's songs. But on February 16, 2018, a cute dog settled in the entrance of Lviv. Everyone understands that it was the mistress of 2018 - the Yellow Earth Dog.

Horoscope for 2018 Cancer

Whole last year Fire Rooster cherished and cherished dear Cancers, and was very afraid that the Yellow Dog would not be able to take care of you as diligently. But on February 16, 2018, the Yellow Dog appeared, and cheerfully waving its tail, sniffed the water guys - everything is in order, and Crayfish are protected.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini

If in the year of the Red Rooster the carefree Gemini enjoyed life and did not worry about anything, then with the advent of the Yellow Dog the situation will change a little. However, there is no reason to panic - the wards of Mercury cannot but like, and the Earth Dog will be completely delighted with you.

Horoscope for 2018 Taurus

Taurus in the year of the Cockerel did their best - it's time to harvest. The mistress of 2018 is already on the way - the Yellow Dog barks joyfully, announcing the signs of the earth about his arrival. Taurus will be to the liking of the Dog, because her element is earth. Until mid-February 2018, Taurus will say goodbye to the Rooster and listen to all his instructions. But on February 16, you can cut the ribbon on the booth and arrange a magnificent reception for the Earth Dog.

Horoscope for 2018 Aries

In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, Aries will have many miracles and adventures. The owner of last year gathered his courage for a long time before leaving you - the Fire Cockerel liked you very much. But still, Petya whispered to the Yellow Dog what secret desires of the Aries remained unfulfilled.

It will pass without deep shocks, but at the same time it will be generous with a variety of events in the personal and professional sphere. Some representatives of the zodiacal circle are waiting for an intriguing relationship, others - measured stability, others - a motley kaleidoscope of romance, financial success and climbing the career ladder.


In the coming year, Aries become complete masters of their lives and, in order not to miss the chances, immediately after New Year holidays they should get down to business. But with only one condition - it is better to choose worthy means to achieve the goal, since intrigues and tricks will immediately be turned against them.

February is the busiest month of the year. It will require the resolution of many complex and confusing issues and the setting of priorities. But the prudence of Aries and the ability to make informed decisions will help them both in work and in personal relationships.

Waiting attitude and flexibility in dealing with opponents - The best way turn all the mistakes and blunders in your favor. Health will be stable, so rest can be postponed to autumn, which, by the way, will be the most favorable period. With money in the year of the Yellow Dog, Aries is advised to handle it carefully and prudently, since in November and December they may be needed, and a change of job and place of residence will not bring the expected results.

For this zodiac sign, the beginning of 2018 will be the most difficult and controversial. With the onset of spring and until its end, Taurus will need considerable strength to solve the problems of their own and their loved ones. At the same time, they should rely only on their own strengths and means, and if they are not properly distributed, then in May there will be financial difficulties and spiritual devastation.

With the beginning of summer, the element of the Earth will most actively help Taurus. In their lives, everything is stabilizing and getting better, and it will already be possible to count on the help of friends and the patronage of the leadership. Therefore, it is recommended to put things in order as quickly and fully as possible and, if necessary, think about changing activities or asking for a promotion.

In October, the weakening of the immune system is possible, although the entire autumn-winter period of this year will be calm and positive. Only extreme self-confidence and excessive aplomb can cause conflicts and break old ties.

In 2018, healthy risk-taking and the ability to manipulate the environment will bring great dividends to Gemini. But basically it will concern only the spiritual and professional sphere, financial success is not particularly expected.

At the end of March and early April, a new romantic hobby may appear, which will develop into true love. But if the partner turns out to be unworthy, the Gemini will be disappointed for a long time and may hit or even fall under the negative influence of a strong personality.

This year, it is better for Gemini to prepare a springboard for future business development and try to earn the authority of a responsible executor or a reliable partner. The greatest activity is advisable in the second half of the year, and in the spring, representatives of this sign should intensively engage in self-development and their own health.

The end of the year for Gemini will not be particularly generous with events. And don't count too much on the annual bonus either.

With the end of January, which will provoke Cancers to intrigues and rash actions, a period of stability and positive will come. By focusing on work or family, male and female representatives of the sign will be able to:

  • increase your own authority;
  • harmonize relationships with others;
  • to increase financial income, however, not very significantly.

Until August, Cancers should avoid stress and overwork. During this period, it is worth carrying out relaxation procedures, going on a tourist trip and stimulating the body with vitamins. Since in the second half of August and with the first days of autumn, changes and serious trials will enter the life of Cancers. Moreover, the root cause of such a change will not be clear until the very end of the year. So it's best to less people devote to their plans and more scrupulously select business partners.

By December, the situation will calm down somewhat, but nervous tension will affect health. To the delight of Cancers, at the most difficult moment, help from old friends can come, so the year will end favorably.

The egocentrism of Lviv in 2018 is absolutely inappropriate. They will have to constantly make concessions and stop dumping all the problems on subordinates, otherwise they risk being left out of work in the broadest sense of the word. The risk and desire to speed up the course of events will also serve the Lions in disservice. To win the favor of the stars, they should:

  • carefully weigh and plan everything;
  • improve relationships in the team and in the family;
  • moderate your aplomb and desire to always be in sight.

This situation will help the Lions in April and May to avoid financial collapse and betrayal. In June and July, there will be multiple obstacles in their path that will cause irritation and annoyance. But they just need to be experienced. From August everything will start to turn out by itself. And in November and December, a pleasant romantic adventure or a stormy romance is possible.

The winter period will bring Virgos a lot of trouble and sleepless nights. The situation will constantly change and confuse them, and in the most unexpected variations. Those who are accustomed to keeping everything under control of the Virgo will initially be in disarray. But as soon as they understand the reason for this situation, they will immediately find a way out of the situation.

In order to avoid stress and disappointment, in February and March 2018, it is better for them to reduce business activity and pay attention to the recreation of their body, somewhat worn out by hard work. After all, already with the onset of April, intensive work awaits them again.

Summer will be a good time. It will allow you to relax and gain strength, discover in yourself still unknown abilities and make new friends or associates. Autumn can bring a series of surprises, but they will already be pleasant and positive. In December, you should think about changing your profession or about promising investments.

In the year of the Yellow Dog, cardinal changes in the life of Libra will not happen. But perhaps that's for the best. After all, harmony family life, financial stability and peace of mind at work - golden mean, to which representatives of this sign are constantly striving. Only February will be characterized by instability. In addition, this is the best period in 2018 for reasonable and favorable changes in the life of Libra.

In May, you should not indulge in spring romance. On the contrary, you will have to concentrate and try to forestall possible difficulties in the lives of your loved ones. decline business activity V summer months should be turned for good and:

  • go to a resort
  • engage in an unusual hobby;
  • think about new projects.

With the onset of autumn, expenses and worries will increase. Concentration, moderation in desires and loyalty to one's principles will only help to gain the trust of the authorities and avoid material collapse. Libra should make every effort to complete the implementation of plans before the onset of 2019.

Despite the prospects that open up, at the beginning of 2018, Scorpios are better off refraining from new beginnings. The first quarter is more conducive to determining your true goals and desires, accumulating strength and solving household chores. But with the onset of May, you can safely change the direction of activity, accept an offer to move to a promotion or another job. But having made the decision to change their career, Scorpions should be mentally prepared for the period of stagnation that will mark the first half of the summer. Demonstrating diligence and diligence, they will only add confidence to their leadership that they were hired for a reason, although it is better not to rely on the help and understanding of the family at this time.

In September, Scorpios will reap the fruits of their diligence in personal and in business area. Already in October, a change of residence or a radical change in the circle of communication is possible. The end of the year will be good and even small health problems of Scorpios will not overshadow it.

The whole year of the Yellow Dog will motivate Sagittarius to an irrepressible search different ways self-realization. Life and work, hobbies and helping friends - all this will drag them into the cycle of events. But at the same time, Sagittarius should remember their closest environment, which for many years has suffered from a lack of attention and affection.

In general, winter and spring will pass calmly and measuredly for this sign. If they try, they can even save a lot or make good money, but at the first ailment, you should immediately see a doctor. In summer, a period of prosperity and harmony begins:

  • family relationships are improving;
  • money for Sagittarius is enough for life, and for recreation, and for a hobby;
  • enemies and competitors will calm down.

From July to December, a measured life awaits them without positive and negative shocks. Only at the end of October, a small affair and minor quarrels with a partner are possible.

For the representatives of this sign, the year of the Yellow Dog will offer numerous business advantages and bring systematic development in all areas except love. In 2018, emotions and passion come to the fore for Capricorns. And if for some love will end with the creation of a family and become a motivation for creativity, then others will experience unrequited feelings and a painful break in old relationships. Therefore, the main priorities are control of feelings and clear planning of actions.

In the public and business sphere, shocks, as well as dramatic changes and dizzying successes, are not expected. The arrangement of the stars will accompany the improvement mental capacity and display of talent. New skills will help advancement and allow you to combine your favorite business and earning money. From September, all passions will gradually subside, until the end of the year, life will be filled with harmony and stability.

It is likely that for the representatives of this winter months of 2018 will be the beginning of a radically new stage in their lives. The goals and plans outlined in January and February will differ in the reality of implementation and will allow solving long-term problems in various fields. At the same time, it is important to correctly select associates and the environment, because Aquarius are already considered lucky people, to whom money always goes into their own hands. Excessive caution will pre-empt disappointments and subsequent conflicts that are likely in May and July.

During the year, Aquarians will face many troubles, but calmness and rationality will help to overcome them without much difficulty. In the summer, it is recommended to retire a little and remember about physical activity, and from October you can already fully immerse yourself in work or planning new prospects of any nature. Optimism, delicacy and inner intuition will allow Aquarius to win in the most difficult relationships with spouses and business partners.

The influence of the Yellow Dog will help Pisces gain confidence in their own strengths and beauty, strengthen their life positions and choose the best direction for revealing their creativity. In 2018, they will be able to achieve all their goals and maximize their intellectual potential. Everything will turn out well if infectious diseases and operations can be avoided in March. In the spring, it is better to unconditionally accept any help from friends and relatives. Moreover, already in early June, Pisces will be able to repay them handsomely.

Summer time is a great time for professional growth, stabilization romantic relationship and putting things in order in their own thoughts and plans. Autumn will pass positively and without diseases. And the end of 2018 will bring Pisces a new creative upsurge and rational use significant income.