What awaits us in the future? Will the earth burn in a nuclear cataclysm? Will our planet become uninhabitable due to destruction environment? Will the decline of morals lead to complete lawlessness and disorder? These questions terrify many people today.

But the Bible delivers from such painful fears. She assures us that "the earth endures forever." Jehovah did not create our planet simply to watch it be destroyed by irresponsible people. No, Jehovah created the earth as a heavenly home for the one human family. And his intention has not changed. We learn from the Bible that God will ‘destroy those who destroy the earth’. And after that, as the Bible says, "the meek shall inherit the earth and enjoy plenty of peace."

This promise is secure because God cannot lie. Jehovah said through the prophet Isaiah: “My word that proceeds from my mouth does not return to me empty, but does what pleases me and accomplishes what I sent it to do.” Therefore, we can confidently expect the fulfillment of God's promise recorded at 2 Peter 3:13: "According to his promise, we look forward to a new heaven and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells."

The gap between the predictions of science fiction writers, scientists - futurologists, technical prophets of various kinds is shrinking year by year: you will not surprise anyone with either space flights, or robots, or liquid LCD displays. We present to your attention the average attempts to predict what awaits us in the year 2030.

1. Everything you say or do will be recorded. Mankind will be united in a truly global network, consisting not only of computers, but also of the people themselves: each will be assigned its own ip-address, or another constant by means of a sewn-in nano-chip that opens access to the global network to every cog - be it a car or a person. It will be possible to fix each step, and after a while to reproduce if necessary.

2. Genetically modified organisms will appear everywhere, despite the attempts of many scientists and ordinary people stop this process. At present, the development of genetic engineering cannot be stopped by anything, except that nuclear war Or an asteroid will hit the Earth.

Biofarms with genetically modified plants and animals will produce tens and hundreds of times more food than is happening now.

3. Cars as we know them will disappear from our roads. In fact, the roads themselves may disappear from the face of the earth, leaving room only for air transport.

4. Specialization scientific activity, office work will reach a maximum - the position of the head of the stapler or the manager of the mops will cease to be anecdotal. All smaller and specific niches of activity will be occupied by appropriate specialists.

5. Most likely, there will no longer be legislation localized by country and region - a cybernetic legal system will control the life and death of criminals living both in Alaska and in the middle of Australia.

6. Professions and specialties will be updated almost every day - we feel an increasing need for additional training and education today. In the future, retraining and additional training will no longer be innovations.

7. Genetic improvement of the human body is likely to take its rightful place in the system of sciences, despite the current ban on eugenics.

8. Urbanization will reach 60% by 2030. The vast majority of the population will live in metropolitan areas and large settlements, suburbs and small villages will be inhabited by a limited number of farmers engaged in agriculture with robots and automated systems management.

9. The influence of religion on human life will increase. In a completely technogenic, cybernated society, the role of religion will increase many times over: firstly, a person needs to believe in something, and secondly, the methods of preaching are constantly being improved and enhanced by technology.

10. The electrification of our planet will increase by 83%. Electricity will penetrate into the most inaccessible corners of the globe. Naturally, consumption will also increase. electrical energy, however, by that time, alternative energy sources will take their rightful place.

Of course, all these predictions point to general direction development of our civilization, however, all of them are based on research, and trends of progress that are relevant at the moment.

The lending process seems to have begun to wind down again. The peak of lenders and borrowers was last year: it was then, as evidenced by the data of the Bank of Russia, that the increase in the issuance of loans increased. However, already in next month this figure began to decline.

According to experts, this year there is a possibility of a decrease in loan portfolios. Such signals that lending is curtailing come from a variety of quarters.

What does the future hold for us in terms of lending?

Firstly, this is due to the fact that over the previous year and a half, banks had excess liquidity. To date, banks are again faced with the problem of its deficit, which is caused by the deterioration of the situation in the external and internal money markets.

Also, the difference in the balance between the demand for credit and the resources of the banks themselves is increasing. This is due to the fact that the savings motivation of the population decreases and the propensity to consume increases. In such a situation, banks are not up to the distribution of loans.

In addition, the banks themselves "cleaned" their stash and borrowed with success from the monetary authorities. By the end of last year, the share of bank loans increased. And now banks offer loans to their borrowers, as it were, out of nothing.

Secondly, many borrowers were no longer satisfied with what banks offered them. And the growth of interest rates on loans scared away customers from the bank. After all, since the beginning of this year, according to official data, the level of interest rates on loans has increased, although not very significantly, but against the backdrop of falling inflation, such rates are perceived as sky-high. The banks, of course, thought that the borrower would put up with it and accept them.

Third, due to global uncertainty in the economy of the whole world, both banks and borrowers are very cautious about loans.

Fourth, there is evidence that many companies have begun to early repayment loans to reduce their debt burden.

Consumer loans also declined markedly. Borrowers are scared away by the level of rates and their caution, as there are many rumors about the second wave of the crisis. Caution is also associated with the deterioration of the financial situation of people. After all, when there is less money, then large expenses and serious purchases are postponed.

Therefore, it is not worth waiting for record indicators in the future in terms of lending. Because the behavior of borrowers and banks will be super-cautious. According to experts, the increase in consumer loans may be 10 percent, corporate - 5 percent.

We have an online life. Every second, every person, every object in one network, forming a global intelligent space - a giant social network. Biometric passports, first external, then embedded in the body. They are a wallet, bank account, insurance and other communication terminal. Our property is managed from anywhere in the world, but not all of us use it all the time, and so systems of temporary joint ownership will replace our usual - This is my thing.

It will be important which system you enter, which corporation provides your life support. The corporation will take over your security, well-being control, quality control of purchased products, entertainment, education, employment within the corporation if you have nothing to pay for connecting to the system.

The world of the future is too complex to be anonymous and simple enough for everyone to watch everyone. At some point, we will all become volunteer participants in a reality show and will pay for the opportunity to be offline. will die paper documents. Bureaucracy in its present form will practically disappear. The functionality of the state will be reduced to the role of controller, judge and legislator. This is all you will see in a chic and interesting video about future!

Sources: otvet.mail.ru, xage.ru, webmoneycredit.org, xfuture.ru, yablor.ru


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The future is part of the timeline, a lot of events that have not yet happened, but will happen. Due to the fact that events are characterized by both time and place, the future occupies the region of the space-time continuum.
Among the predictors of the future are such famous personalities as Dmitry Silin; great Russian saints - Sergei of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, the elders of Optina Hermitage; holy fools - St. Basil the Blessed, Galaktion Beloezersky. Known prophecies about the future of Russia and its fate famous people people of foreign soothsayers - Nostradamus, Vanga. There is no need to talk about all the prophecies, since among them there are already fulfilled and not related to modern Russia.
Let us dwell on the most interesting and important predictions for the future of Russia.

Particular attention should be paid to the predictions of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, which today have acquired a new meaning. During her lifetime, many of the words of the clairvoyant were incomprehensible to us. For example, at the end of the 20th century, no one could believe Vanga's prediction that Kursk would go under water. However, her words were simply misunderstood. In 2000, the Kursk submarine sank. After this event, Vanga's biographers began to be more attentive to all her prophecies.
It is difficult to imagine that Vanga knew about the current events in Russia and Ukraine in the second half of the last century. Biographer Vanga Boyka Tsvetkova published one of the predictions of the Bulgarian prophetess:
“Increasingly, there will be people who will have eyes, but will not see, who will have ears, but will not hear. Brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children.
In the 20th century, no one could even imagine what in question. However, right now all Vanga's words take on a clear meaning. The prophetess spoke specifically about the situation in Ukraine. "Brother will go against brother" - the confrontation between the two sides in Ukraine. “People do not hear and do not see” - this is the West, which sees and hears only what is beneficial to it.
The following words of Vanga describe the outcome of everything that happens: “What was united will crumble into pieces. It will be next to Russia.” Now it is obvious what the Bulgarian clairvoyant wanted to say then - Ukraine broke up.

After unification of Russia and Crimea many of Vanga's predictions made sense. Back in 1979, the prophetess said:
“Everything will melt like ice. Only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Russia, the glory of Vladimir. Too much has been sacrificed. Nobody can stop Russia. She will sweep away everything in her path and become the ruler of the world.”
Vanga also predicted that the Slavic peoples would unite. A ruler will come to power in Russia, who will unite all the Slavic lands. This association will mark the beginning of Russia's world domination and the cessation of wars and interethnic conflicts.
According to Vanga's predictions, Russia will become the dominant country. US influence will weaken. Moreover, Vanga said that the economic crisis would break her in the future.

For the most part, psychics and soothsayers speak about our country in laudatory tones, stating that Russian Federation after 2016, we expect development and a purposeful path to prosperity and strengthening our influence on the rest of the world.
So, for example, Pavel Globa has repeatedly stated that with the advent of this year, Russia will create a powerful union, which will include more than five countries of the former Soviet space. By the way, this was also confirmed by the well-known American political scientist George Friedman, who said that in 2015 the revival of the USSR began, after which relations between Russia and the United States will begin new round cold war.

According to Pavel Globa's forecast, 2016 will be the time for Russia big changes associated with major upheavals.
Dramatic events will unfold in Ukraine, where already in the spring of 2014 the country split into western and eastern.
At the end of 2015, when Jupiter and Saturn enter the Aquarius constellation, the time will come for unifications and all kinds of integrations, the two countries will leave the European Union, but the most global changes will occur in Russia, which will unite some of the post-Soviet republics around itself, and also take under own wing eastern part Ukraine.
“The third wave of the crisis, which will take place in 2016-2020, will not be the most severe, but the factors of human fatigue from life in conditions constant stress. Only by the end of 2020 will all of humanity finally say goodbye to this crisis, which will be called the Second Great Depression, ”the astrologer assures.
According to Pavel Globa, the end of the crisis is associated with the neighborhood of Jupiter and Saturn, which occurs once every 20 years and marks positive changes. Given that Jupiter will approach Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius, the constellation associated with Russia, indicates that it is Russia, which by then will revive its imperial power, that has the greatest chance of becoming the new world leader.

According to the astrologer, the post-crisis 30 years of 2020-2050 will be the time of Russia's revival. At the same time, Pavel Globa referred to the works of the medieval Russian astrologer Vasily Nemchina, who lived before Nostradamus.
“In 2020-2021, a powerful, new personality, which Nemchin called "Rider on the White Horse." In terms of scale, this ruler will be comparable to Peter I. He will be tall. What "white horse" means, I don't know. But perhaps he will be born in the year of the horse,” said Pavel Globa.
« New leader will rule for a short time, but will leave an outstanding mark. He will be replaced by another great ruler, with whom the revival of Russian culture will be associated. Nemchina called him "The Great Potter". And the revival of Russia will last at least 30 years,” concluded Pavel Globa.

Modern predictors see the future of Russia:
- The European Union - the beginning of the destruction of 2017 - 2221. Provides support to the authorities of Central and Western Ukraine until 2018. Since 2018, he has been forced to cooperate with Russia. At the end of 2119, the Baltic states go into the zone of influence of Russia. Since 2221, the Balkans have been under the influence of Russia. 2226 - Germany and Poland join the New economic education led by Russia.
- The United States - since 2015 ceases to play the role of a world leader. The beginning of the collapse of the American colonial system. The dollar feels insecure. The third (informational) is ending World War. There will be a small war with Mexico in the future. Will end with US concessions. The English-speaking world will gradually lose its dominant influence. It will remain within Australia, New Zealand, the US, the UK and Canada.
- China - will support Russia in all endeavors and will strive to unite the economies. Leadership in the foreign arena will give Russia, while maintaining its individuality. He will maintain a positive, but wary attitude towards Russia.

- Japan - since 2224 gravitates towards a new economic and political alliance. From 1926, political agreements will also be signed.
- India - since 2221, it has been especially close to Russia.
- Islam. 2016 year; active cooperation with Russia of Syria, Iran, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Afghanistan. Pakistan will mass riots in the late 1920s, the threat of war will be felt. In general, the Islamic world will boil, but global conflicts will not, with the exception of Pakistan.

The new leader of Ukraine will be manifested by the end of 2018. The name of the country - "Ukraine" will be called into question. The leader will profess pro-Western values ​​and create more disaster than good for the people. By 2018, he will have to cooperate with Russia.
- 2021 Active economic cooperation Scandinavian countries with Russia.
- 2022 Active economic cooperation with Russia of Central America.

- Dollar - the fall of the dollar will occur at the end of 2019. 2020 - the collapse of the US economy.
The disappearance of the dollar, and hence the US debt of 100 trillion. dollars, will return to the Western economy as a real destructive boomerang that will sweep away the remnants of hopes for economic stabilization, both in the West and in the East.

Only Russia with countries from among former republics The USSR will have a normal economy. However, Russia will have to actually re-create its currency system, relying on its vast reserves of precious metals.
In addition to Russia, the Arab-Muslim Union with its center in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which will rely on the reserves of hard gold in Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
Whether these predictions will come true, we will have to find out very soon, but one cannot but agree that almost all of them give hope for the best.

“Even the most prosperous outcome of the war will never lead to the collapse of Russia, which rests on millions of Russian believers of the Greek confession.
These latter, even if they subsequently international treaties will be corroded, just as quickly reconnect with each other, as the separated droplets of mercury find this way to each other.
This is the indestructible State of the Russian nation, strong with its climate, its spaces and its unpretentiousness, as well as through the awareness of the need to constantly protect its borders. This State, even after a complete defeat, will remain our offspring, an adversary seeking revenge.

Otto von Bismarck

“The US is shooting itself in the foot. The country refuses to share its power with anyone. In 5-10 years, America is waiting for the biggest collapse "

Jim Rogers(American billionaire).

In 2015, in an interview, he said that he was going to invest in the ruble. Moreover, he believes in the Russian economy more than in the American one.

"Incessantly crazy girl

Shouted: - Troy clearly see the fallen dust!

But clairvoyants, however, as well as eyewitnesses

Throughout the ages, people have been burned at the stake."

V.S. Vysotsky, "The Song of Things Cassandra"

Thank God, now is not the time of Troy, and no one burns witches at the stake. In our present time, there are plenty of people who see the future. But do we want to hear them? Here's the question...

Isn't it easier to take the position of the "ostrich" and not know anything in advance? After all, you can't run away from fate...
Or is it still better to know, at least approximately, what lies ahead, and stand on your own life path, turning, finally, with someone else's? At least we have the opportunity to try to do it. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.

Great Foretellers


The quatrains of Michel Nostradamus can be interpreted, of course, as you please. In the days of the medieval Inquisition, a poor French doctor, in order not to get on that fire, had to veil his predictions. Therefore, we will not find any references to the exact events from him.
But still, smart people deciphered what can please us.

For example, Genetic Engineering until the middle of the 21st century will develop by leaps and bounds. What will it give us? Hope. In my opinion, this is the most precious thing that can be given to humanity.
By 2035, doctors will treat malignant oncological diseases at any stage.
HIV-infected people can calm down a little - they will finally find cure for AIDS.
A pill will be invented that can recognize viruses at a distance. That is, we say goodbye to everyone colds.

Sick people can only wish patience and wait for this wonderful moment.


When the question concerns predictions, how can one do without the great Vanga ?! In 2046, she promised us that any organs would be grown, like cucumbers in garden beds. So, there will be no problems with transplantation. And what? Very convenient: something hurts - quickly changed the old organ to a new one and live on!

China will become the world power in the near future. Well, it's enough just to be a seer to predict it.

polar ice are melting. The level of the World Ocean is rising. We are already seeing this trend.

Our parents witnessed the first manned space flight. And you and I can become not just eyewitnesses of flights to Venus, but also direct participants in travels to the planet of beauty! By the way, according to scientists, it is Venus that is the most adapted planet for human habitation. So let's get ready!

Her more interesting predictions concern subsequent centuries and end in 5079, in which Vanga promises us the end of the world. Well, let's hope we don't live to see that.

Edgar Cayce

Let's read what the most famous "sleeping" predictor of the 20th century, Edgar Cayce, tells us. His predictions, alas, are not as rosy as those of the Bulgarian clairvoyant. According to Casey, our Earth is waiting for endless earthquakes and cataclysms. They will be of such magnitude that they will destroy the continents and radically change Earth. Somehow, everything is unhappy with the American soothsayer. He'd better sleep, by God!

But if you dig, you can find here good news. For example, in his book “Memoirs”, Casey writes: “The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and gross material passions, restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom ...” So, Slavs, head up!

Great science fiction

What A. Belyaev, I. Efremov, E. Wells, J. Verne and many others wrote about in their magnificent novels is already becoming a reality. Before we have time to look back, Belyaev's Head of Professor Dowell or Wells's The Island of Doctor Moreau will enter our lives and become something ordinary. I generally keep quiet about the Julvernian submarines, they have been in our lives for a long time. And K. Tsiolkovsky, with three classes of education? Over his ideas about creating space rockets the then secular society laughed. Fucked up. So don't be surprised if homemade nanofactories become a necessity. They will be able to provide us with everything we need, producing food, clothing and medicine, literally, from waste products.

Biorobots can join habitual pets. These new family members will be able to do everything for us. homework and, 24 hours a day. By the way, these same robots are able to replace us at work. So, gentlemen, scientists, please be careful! In addition, the world is already saturated with all sorts of technical bells and whistles. So it is not surprising if, at one fine moment, machines will rise up against their creators. Well, nothing, at that moment we will already be on Venus!

As Ivan Vasilyevich said from famous movie: "I am tormented by vague doubts." So I ask myself the question: I wonder if the writers were so cool that they accurately predicted the future in their books? Or, do scientists use the ideas of science fiction writers?

Wait and see. But let's not forget that the future, regardless of any predictions, will be a direct consequence of our thoughts, words and deeds today.

What awaits us in the near future and if it makes sense to make plans for the future? When we read the words of Jesus in the Bible, we get a specific indication of what to do. Book - Think and Grow Rich!

Is it worth living just for today?

“I never think about the future. It will come soon enough." These oft-quoted words are believed to be from the famous scientist
Albert Einstein.

Many people express similar thoughts. For example, they say: "Why worry about the future?"

Or you can often hear: “Live as you live”, “Do not think about the future”, “Live for today”.

Such views have existed before. “Eat, drink, be merry. The rest doesn't matter" - that was life principle ancient epicureans. Some of the apostle Paul's contemporaries had a similar attitude towards life. They said, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we will die” (1 Corinthians 15:32).

They believed that this fleeting life is all they have, and therefore they were of the opinion that they should take everything from life.

It is worth recognizing that for millions of people "taking everything from life" does not mean at all to indulge in pleasures and pleasures all the time.

Many live in extremely difficult circumstances, and life brings them nothing but a merciless and painful struggle for survival. Why should they think about tomorrow if, most likely, an unbearably gloomy and hopeless future awaits them?

Does it make sense to make plans?

What awaits us in the near future? Even those who live relatively well, see no point in making plans for the future. Perhaps they say, "Why bother?"

Some believe that those who make plans will be disappointed and disappointed. Even righteous Job, who lived in ancient times, experienced
immeasurable despair when he saw that his plans were “destroyed” and everything that should have brought him and his family a happy future was thrown into the dust (Job 17:11; Ecclesiastes 9:11).

Scottish poet Robert Burns compared human misfortunes to what happened to a field mouse, whose nest he accidentally destroyed with his plow.
Saving a life, she ran without looking back when her whole world was turned into ruins.

The poet reflected: “How often we find ourselves helpless before
circumstances beyond our control, so that even the most best plans often doomed to failure.

Is there really no point in making plans for the future? The reality is that the lack of proper planning can lead to catastrophic
consequences - this is obvious when hurricanes and other natural disasters hit.

Consider, for example, what happened during Hurricane Katrina. Of course, it was impossible to stop him. But is forethought and
would proper planning help to minimize the damage done to the city and its inhabitants?

What do you think? Is it reasonable to live only for today, not thinking about what will happen tomorrow?

Why is it worth thinking about tomorrow?

What awaits us in the near future? “Do not worry about tomorrow” - these are the words of Jesus Christ in his famous sermon, which he delivered on a mountainside in Galilee. According to the NT, Jesus continued, "For tomorrow's man will take care of his own" (Matthew 6:34).

What do you think the words “the day…tomorrow will take care of its own” mean? Did Jesus mean that you need to live only for today, not thinking about what will happen tomorrow? Is this consistent with what Jesus and his followers believed?

stop worrying

Read the full words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 6:25-32.

Here are some of his sayings: “Stop worrying about your souls - what you eat or what to drink, and about your bodies - what to wear. […]

Watch the birds of the air: they don't sow, they don't reap, they don't gather into storehouses, but your heavenly Father feeds them. […] Which one of you, worrying,
can prolong his life even by a cubit? And why are you worried about clothes?

Learn from the lilies of the field how they grow: they do not work and do not spin ... […] Therefore, never worry and do not say: “What should we eat?”, Or “What to drink?”, Or “What to wear?” After all, everything this is what other nations think. But your heavenly Father knows that you need it all.”

First, he said:

And secondly:

Your Father knows what you need

Do you think Jesus wanted his disciples, who included farmers, to stop sowing, reaping, and harvesting in storehouses? Or
work and spin so that they have clothes? (Proverbs 21:5; 24:30-34; Ecclesiastes 11:4).

Of course not. If they did not work, they would most likely “beg at harvest time”, because they would have nothing to eat and nothing to wear (Proverbs 20:4).

What did Jesus mean when he said, "Stop worrying"? Did this mean that those who listened to him could get rid of all worries? This was hardly possible. For example, Jesus himself, at night when he was taken into custody, experienced deep anxiety and strong emotional anguish (Luke 22:44).

With these words, Jesus only expressed the obvious truth - excessive worry does not help in solving a single problem.

For example, none of us, by worrying, will live longer and, as Jesus said, “prolong our lives by even a cubit” (Matthew 6:27).

On the contrary, it can shorten our lives.

Jesus' advice was very sound. A lot of the things we worry about never happen.

The British statesman, Winston Churchill, came to the same conclusion as he reflected on the dark days of World War II.

About what worried him at that time, he wrote: “Thinking about those worries and anxieties, I remember the story of an old man. While on his deathbed, he said that his life was full of misfortunes and troubles, many of which never happened.

Therefore, it is wise to take each day as it is, especially if we tend to worry a lot,

Keep looking first kingdom

It is worth noting that Jesus cared not only for the physical and spiritual well-being of those who listened to him. He knew that anxiety about urgent
needs, as well as the insatiable desire to get rich and the desire for pleasure, can overshadow what is more important (Philippians 1:10).

You may have a question: what could be more important than urgent needs?

Of course, about their daily needs - about their daily bread. But first of all, they should have prayed for what was yet to come—that the Kingdom of God would come and that (Matthew 6:9-11).

We should not be like the people of Noah's time. They "ate and drank, married and were given in marriage" and were so busy doing it that they "did not think" about the impending disaster. What did it lead to? The Flood came and swept everyone away (Matthew 24:36-42). What awaits us in the near future?

The Apostle Peter referred to this historical event to remind us why we should think about tomorrow. He wrote: "Because this is so
destroyed, then what ought you to be in holy conduct and devotion to God, looking forward to and holding fast in mind the presence” (2 Peter 3:5-7, 11, 12).

Accumulate treasures in the sky

Therefore, let us “hold fast in our minds” the day of Jehovah God. If we remember the day of Jehovah, this will show up in the way we manage our
time, forces, means, abilities and skills.

We should not be so busy striving to multiply our possessions that we simply will not have time for activities that reflect
"devotion to God" - and it does not matter whether we are trying to acquire the most necessary things or live for our own pleasure.

It may seem to us that by living for today, we will immediately be able to get what we want - but even in the best case, the result will be only
temporary. How much more wise, as Jesus said, “to store up for yourselves treasures in heaven” rather than on earth! (Matthew 6:19, 20).

To emphasize this point, Jesus gave one example. He spoke about a man who made grandiose plans for the future, but did not think at all about
God. His land gave a very good harvest. Therefore, he decided to demolish his storehouses and build others, larger than the previous ones, in order to lead a carefree
life, eat, drink and be merry. Why did he not act wisely?

He died without enjoying the fruits of his labor. But what's worse, he didn't develop . Jesus concluded by saying, “So it is with those who lay up treasures for themselves, but are not rich in the sight of God” (Luke 12:15-21; Proverbs 19:21).

Here comes 2012. What awaits us in the New Year? Probably each of us at least once in his life thought about the future. And not just about your personal future, but about the global, human, universal. Unfortunately, the time machine has not yet been created, so we can only predict our future in fantasies and imagination. Some write books in the science fiction genre, while others try to predict the future through logic and progress in the present. This is done by scientists and publicists around the world. But, one way or another, none of them can come to a common opinion, although they all find their adherents and devoted listeners. At the same time, they were divided into those who tend to believe optimistic forecasts and those who do not believe in a positive outcome.

Professor Michio Kaku is known throughout the world for creating the theory of a positive and audacious prediction of the future. He predicted how the life of mankind will change by the 22nd century. Just a century ago, we still did not know what a TV, computer, Internet, etc. were. Now we are surrounded by the wonders of technology, life is in abundance.

In contrast to Kaku, Doctor of Physics Jonathan Huebner says that human progress will stop in 2 years. Life, of course, will not stop, but there will be much fewer inventions and thus humanity will approach the Middle Ages. Which of them is right? Here are some arguments for and against:

1. By 2020, the progress of mankind will jump so that it will overcome all diseases that were previously considered incurable. How will humanity achieve this? With the help of a universal, continuous, and therefore timely diagnosis of various deviations. Small chips will be installed even in public toilets, they will monitor human health and immediately give results. Thus, people will be able to treat diseases even at the most early stages. This will ensure greater survival of the species.

In contrast to this opinion, there is also a pessimistic forecast. To replace the diseases that humanity will be able to overcome, dozens and dozens of new ones will come, with which a person will again be unable to cope. Of course, technology is changing, but the human psyche and the structure of the brain remains the same. A person continues to harm his body, and until this is consciously stopped, humanity will not be able to step forward to such a large extent. In future medicines, which also destroy human body, will become a habit so much that we will perceive them as food or air, that is, a vital thing.

2. By 2025, every person will buy a flash drive for almost nothing, on which all his DNA will be recorded and decoded. Thus, he will know his entire history of diseases, their course and methods of struggle.
But opponents again bring their word. By this period of human life, the daily diet will densely include genetically modified products, which will cause gene mutations in several generations and reduce the birth rate of the human race by up to 20%.

3. Already in 2030, computers in our modern sense will disappear. They will simply surround us everywhere every day, like electrical impulses. Technology will advance so much that it will be possible to access the Internet using ordinary contact lenses. Automatic translation into various languages ​​will be carried out, a person will automatically learn about some phenomena and events of reality that he is interested in. People will even be able to take part in them themselves, create for themselves a semblance virtual reality. Such a device is already being worked on at the University of Washington.

The other side is perplexed: what about the human unit? Such a device means that people will no longer need schools, teachers, translators, directors, writers, etc. Dozens, if not hundreds of different professions, including creative ones, will disappear. And this means that humanity will no longer belong to itself, it will belong to various microcircuits, chips, computers, depend on them, and this cannot be allowed, since such technological progress will ensure the degradation of man.

4. In 2035, the problem of donation will be solved by growing the organs of the sickest patient in special laboratories. as show Scientific research, organs can be grown practically in "test tubes" without any special material costs. Thus, the patient does not have to wait for years for suitable donors, because it will be his organ, which the body will accept without difficulty.

Other scientists argue that such procedures will cost a huge amount of money and only a few will be able to afford such a luxury. After all, no matter how humanity moves forward, money will not depreciate from this, but rather, on the contrary, scientists who have made such a splash will demand huge sums for their work.

5. 2040. Scientists claim the most fantastic and grandiose ideas: humanity will learn to technically read each other's thoughts! This will allow us not only to better understand those to whom we are close, but also to help paralyzed patients communicate with healthy relatives and with others. This will open up many incredible possibilities. A person will become complete, even without being such. This theory is confirmed by the fact that even now patients are being implanted with microchips that allow them to communicate with others using various signs on the monitor.

Other scientists argue that such opportunities will fuel conflicts and wars everywhere, because no one is allowed to invade the personal space of other people. And if in the near future we will be able to look almost through the walls, then the only personal thing that we will have left is our thoughts. But even they, with the help of such devices, will be open to others, and it will be impossible to get used to this natural way.

6. In 2045, it will be possible to revive species of animals that have died out thousands of years ago, as well as species that have become extinct for the period of the present. Scientists have already managed to clone an animal that disappeared from the face of the Earth 25 years ago, so it is likely that it will be possible to revive not only dinosaurs, but also Neanderthals.

There is also a rebuttal to this opinion. By 2045, the planet will be so overpopulated that the revival of ancient species will be simply pointless and dangerous for natural resources Earth. This has already been proven by scientists: there will not be enough space on the planet even to bury all the dead. Decaying remains will ensure the survival of various new bacteria and viruses, which will lead to deprivation and deformity.

7. In 2050, everyone will be able to travel into space using a special solar-powered elevator. The cable of this elevator will have a length of 100 thousand kilometers and will be able to lift piles weighing more than 100 tons, so hundreds and thousands of tourists will be able to climb up and look at space with their own eyes.

Other scientists argue that by this time the human intellect will already be in a state of regression. The human brain will undergo degradation and cease to function in such a volume.

8. K end of XXI humanity will make such a leap in technical development that it will no longer need money, it will no longer need to work. Food can be made almost out of thin air, and the workforce will be replaced by robots. You will no longer need to pass on the rights, as the cars will manage the traffic themselves, just like airplanes and other modes of transport.

This theory is considered incredible by other scientists. Man is limited by evolution. He is such a natural "invention" like other species, and he has a limit in knowledge and development. Man, of course, will stop at nothing, but you always need to think about the consequences, because there is no guarantee anywhere that he will not destroy the planet long before the onset of 2100.