The meaning of the numbers is based on the doctrine of the connection of material phenomena with mathematical signs. The ancient magic of numbers affects a person's life, so many people want to calculate the number of fate, date of birth or name. Knowing the meaning of numbers is useful to find answers to exciting questions and change lives for the better.

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The meaning of numbers in the date of birth

The number, determined by the date of birth, carries a special meaning and important information about the natural inclinations of a person and his fate.

The number of fate helps:

  • learn more about personality traits;
  • unleash the intellectual potential;
  • develop Creative skills.

The meaning of the number 1

It means:

  • self confidence;
  • vitality;
  • courage;
  • power;
  • strength.

People whose date of birth contains the number 1 are purposeful and ambitious. Winners by nature, they set challenging goals and achieve them.

Owners of this number:

  • fundamental;
  • intellectual;
  • positive;
  • stubborn.

From negative qualities you can note:

  • selfishness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • vanity;
  • impermanence.

The meaning of the number 2

The number symbolizes:

  • delicacy;
  • grace;
  • flexibility;
  • politeness;
  • tact;
  • femininity.

Two is the number of inequality. People with a destiny number of 2 are self-confident, able to convince others. They often face difficult choices and always make decisions on their own.

The owners of this number differ:

  • artistry;
  • imaginative;
  • friendliness;
  • patience;
  • tact.

Negative sides:

  • excessive scrupulousness;
  • craftiness.

The meaning of the number 3

The number determines:

  • fantasy;
  • creation;
  • good luck
  • cheerfulness;
  • inspiration;
  • connection with the underworld.

Numerologists believe that the number 3 is like a pendulum constantly striving for balance. People with this number of fate are successful, although they do not differ in talents and determination. They are used to go with the flow and be content with little. Eloquent, can convince others and lead. They will succeed if they put in a little effort.

The number 3 gives its owners:

  • optimism;
  • imagination;
  • ease of character;
  • sense of humor.

Negative qualities:

  • boastfulness;
  • inattention;
  • talkativeness;
  • restlessness;
  • extravagance;
  • laziness.

The meaning of the number 4

The number symbolizes:

  • subsequence;
  • work;
  • patience;
  • organization;
  • rationality;
  • sustainability.

The number 4 forms the elements, the cardinal points and the seasons of the year. People with a destiny number of 4 stand firmly on the ground, have clear rational thinking. They make scientists and researchers.

Characteristics of the owners:

  • neat;
  • prudent;
  • diligent;
  • reliable;
  • strong;
  • polite;
  • resolute.

Negative qualities:

  • lack of imagination;
  • earthiness;
  • stinginess in emotions;
  • excessive conservatism;
  • sharpness;
  • pessimism.

The meaning of the number 5

The number means:

  • change of place;
  • variability;
  • mobility;
  • curiosity.

Five is a fatal number. Its owners are constantly in search, their life is unpredictable and unstable. These people are psychologically unstable. In order not to fall into depression, they need freedom, movement forward, fresh impressions.

The number 5 forms the following qualities:

  • independence;
  • love of freedom;
  • love for sensations;
  • sociability.

Negative aspects of character:

  • excessive impulsivity;
  • slowness;
  • promiscuity;
  • psychological instability;
  • poor concentration.

The meaning of the number 6

It symbolizes:

  • calm;
  • harmony;
  • family hearth;

A reliable and stable number, it can indicate attachment to home and family ties, cosiness. A person with the number 6 will always help with advice and deed, he is ready for anything for the sake of loved ones. Get used to acting according to a plan and thinking about your behavior.

Holders of the number 6:

  • faithful;
  • good-natured;
  • are able to sympathize;
  • honest;
  • disinterested.

Of the negative qualities can be noted:

  • excessive sacrifice;
  • lust for power;
  • jealousy;
  • suspicion;
  • flattery.

The meaning of the number 7


  • introspection;
  • philosophical attitude to life;
  • unity with nature;
  • wisdom;
  • developed intellect.

Seven is the number of wisdom. Its owners love to learn new things and enjoy the little things. They have great potential and developed analytical skills. They are characterized by perfectionism and the ability to cope with difficulties.

Positive traits:

  • ingenuity;
  • restraint;
  • resourcefulness;
  • self-esteem.

Negative Traits:

  • duplicity;
  • secrecy;
  • nervousness;
  • excessive focus on oneself.

The meaning of the number 8

The number symbolizes:

  • wisdom;
  • confidence;
  • materiality;
  • harmony.

A sacred number, meaning justice and harmony. Eight is a symbol of the infinity of life. The owners of the figure are successful and achieve material well-being.

Character traits:

  • strength of will;
  • organizational skills;
  • self-discipline;
  • ambition;
  • leadership skills.

Negative sides:

  • heavy character;
  • slowness;
  • greed;
  • vanity;
  • obsession with material goods.

The meaning of the number 9

It means:

  • stubbornness;
  • firmness;
  • courage;
  • sociability;
  • versatility.

The number 9 is the strongest of prime numbers at the same time gentle and soft. Filled with love for the world around, connected with the divine. The owners of the number 9 are given a good intellect and outstanding creative abilities.

Positive traits:

  • the capacity for compassion;
  • unselfishness;
  • altruism;
  • devotion.

Negative Traits:

  • naivety;
  • thoughtlessness;
  • selfishness;
  • impracticality;
  • incontinence;
  • gloom.

The meaning of the number 11


  • magical power;
  • religiosity;
  • intelligence;
  • mysticism.

This mysterious number patronizes smart and strong people with a penchant for everything occult and supernatural.

The main features of its owners:

  • intricacy;
  • skill;
  • charm;
  • inspiration;
  • developed intellect.

Negative sides:

  • propensity to fall;
  • excess.

The meaning of the number 22

The number symbolizes:

  • logic
  • law;
  • balance of actions;
  • illusions;
  • dreams.

Owners of this number:

  • proud;
  • practical;
  • honest;
  • have leadership qualities.

Negative qualities:

  • boastfulness;
  • haste;
  • vulnerability;
  • suspicion.

Methods for calculating numbers in numerology

You can determine the number of fate using the calculation by date of birth, by the square of Pythagoras or by the letters of the name. It is based on the addition method, which involves reducing all the resulting values ​​\u200b\u200bto prime numbers from 1 to 9.

Calculation by date of birth

For example, if a person was born on November 27, 1991, the day, month and year of birth (11/27/1991) is considered. Thus, we add 2 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1, we get 31. We add the numbers again, as a result we have 4.

Sometimes the end result is 11 or 22. In that case, you don't need to add any further - you've got a special number.

The video talks about the method of calculating the number of fate by date of birth. Filmed by the OGO FACTS ™️ channel.

Calculation by the square of Pythagoras

By the square of Pythagoras, they learn about the predispositions of a person. Square reveals weak spots and suggests a strategy of behavior that will lead to success.

It analyzes:

  • character;
  • health;
  • energy;
  • aptitude for science.

For digital calculation by the square of Pythagoras, the date of birth is used, from which the calculations are made. It is difficult to calculate it yourself, so there are special online services on the Internet.

Calculation by the square of Pythagoras Square of Pythagoras

The meaning of the name numbers

To find out the number of a name, imagine that each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a serial number (from 1 to 32). Write all the numbers in a row and add them up using the same method as with the date of birth. For example, Catherine is 631269161, that is, 6+3+1+2+6+9+1+6+1 = 35, 3+5= 8.

Each of the numbers of the name affects the fate of a person and his inclinations.

Deciphering the values

Name numbers mean the following:

  1. Owners of the unit are firmly moving towards the goal. Self-confident and principled, they bring the matter to the end. Often they choose the specialty of a lawyer or a politician. One is a difficult number that requires a strong character and will.
  2. A person striving to achieve inner harmony but not knowing how to do it. Often throws things, stopping halfway. Prone to mental disorders, depression, experiencing constant disappointment. Creative person living with inspiration and impulses.
  3. A stable personality that maintains balance in all areas of life - material, spiritual and personal. Can adapt to circumstances and change the line of behavior. Self-confident, successful, achieves the goal without special efforts. Often realizes himself in the profession of a doctor, teacher and others.
  4. Positive people have bright, positive energy. They not only improve their own lives, but also help others. Professions are often associated with social sphere(psychologist, teacher, social protection).
  5. The owners of the five rarely bring their plans to life, do not bring the matter to the end. They are drawn to quit everything and start from the beginning. Holders of the number 5 need constant support and control. They need to pull themselves together and try to streamline their lives.
  6. Lucky and harmonious number. Its owners are able to concentrate and allocate time. Being in the thick of things, they do not lose their heads. Their professions are often associated with jurisprudence. Also have good ability to driving and cooking.
  7. People with the name number seven are adventurers by nature. They are addicted to gambling, spend money on meaningless purchases. At first, they are lucky, but this does not last long. Such people are not suitable for a profession associated with a large cash flow.
  8. The person whose name corresponds to the eight depends on material values. Gives importance to things, money, well-being. Absorbed by earthly vanity and does not think about the spiritual sphere of life. Usually these are businessmen, administrators, politicians. They need to periodically be distracted and experience new emotions.
  9. People with the name number 9 have a special purpose in the world. These are religious figures, prophets. Powers from above help them to carry out their mission.
Even in ancient times, it was known that letters and numbers are united by some kind of magical connection. Numerology - the science of numbers - is one of the most ancient. In the ancient European, Arabic and ancient Greek alphabets, all letters had their numerical equivalents. Modern numerology uses a simplified numeric and alphabetic code using numbers from 1 to 9.
Twenty centuries later, in 1533, Cornelius Agrippa, in his Occult Philosophy, named these numbers and their meaning:
1 - the number of the goal, manifested in the form of aggressiveness and ambition;
2 is the number of antithesis, with extremes like day and night. It stands for balance and contrast and maintains balance by mixing positive and negative qualities;
3 - means instability and is symbolized by a triangle that represents the past, present and future. It symbolizes adaptability;
4 - means stability and strength. Its reliability is represented by the square - the sides of the Cosmos, the seasons and the elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water;
5 - a symbol of risk, achieving results through travel and experience. This is the most unpredictable number;
6 - a symbol of reliability. It is divisible by both an even number (2) and an odd number (3) by combining the elements of each;
7 - symbolizes mystery, as well as study and knowledge as a way of exploring the unknown and invisible. It's seven ruling planets, seven days of the week, seven notes of the scale.
8 is the number of material success. Means reliability brought to perfection, as represented by a double square;
9 - a symbol of universal success, the largest of the elementary numbers. Like the number 3, 9 turns instability into aspiration.

What do the numbers in the date of birth mean?

Meeting in the month, year of birth, the numbers determine the history of the development of mankind, the nature of the era, the features of the decades. It is no coincidence that the twentieth century became the century of intelligence, high technology, technology, science, because every person has the number 9 in his date of birth. And many have two, three or more nines. In past centuries, such people were less common and, ahead of the era, remained misunderstood.
It is noticed that the presence of certain numbers in the number of the year and day of birth affects certain abilities of a person. Each figure found in the date of birth and the sum of figures - the day, month, year of birth - speaks of some kind of gift. The more times a number occurs in the date of birth, the stronger this quality manifests itself.
Here is a description of each number.
1 - Owners of one are able to achieve a lot in the field of sports and on the stage. This bright personalities. They are active, bright and emotional.

2 - They are able to captivate people with their ideas, cause admiration and envy. Non-confrontational and communicative.

3 - These people have a tendency to superpowers: hypnosis, clairvoyance, magic, divination. In art, they are avant-garde. In science - great scientists. They are purposeful and active. Thanks to a strong character, they go to the goal, despite the difficulties.

4 - They are workaholics. They are used to relying only on their own strength.
5 These people have the ability to lead. They are smart, sociable, friendly to people, able to find an approach to them. Successful in business.
6 - Have the ability to foresee. Developed intuition. There is a gift for making money. Able to distinguish between good and evil.
7 - This category is capable of success in many areas. The owners of the seven are talented and emotional. People with a good sense of humor.
8 - They are characterized by wisdom, balance in decision-making. These are extraordinary individuals.
9 - They have a gift logical thinking. This smart people, With strong character. Leaders who can lead. They are courageous.

What does date of birth mean?

You can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself by examining your date of birth. It is very easy to do this.

To do this, add up all the digits of the full date of your birth (day, month and year). If possible two-digit number, its digits are also added until a single-digit number is obtained.

1 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 33 = 6

Now we postpone all the numbers obtained during the calculations on the numerical grid in the form of asterisks:

The numbers in the date of birth and the chain of calculations are responsible for the following qualities of a person:
1 - the person is actively taking vital energy from nature
2 - a person is charged from people
3 - energy is drawn from external (cosmic) sources
4 - a person has natural physical data
5 - a person has the ability to love
6 - a person has a well-developed intuition
7 - a person has a guardian angel
8 - predestination of fate
9 - a person has a high level of intelligence

If some number is not in the calculation chain, you do not need to put anything. The absence of a number indicates a lack or a poor development of a specified quality in a person.

And if there are several numbers in the calculation, the amount that turned out is put. The number of stars enhances the effect of a particular number.

For the example above, the asterisks would be plotted as follows:

The owner of this date of birth has doubled energy from nature, from space, intuition and intelligence, there is a guardian angel, but they are absent or poorly developed physical abilities and the ability to love, there is no predestination of fate and dependence on the energy of people.

On the constructed asterisks, you need to draw all possible straight lines passing through three points. According to them, one can judge the life core of a person.

line 1- God's chosen one
line 2- strength of mind
line 3- striving for family life
line 4- striving to succeed in life
line 5- benevolence
line 6- Creative skills
line 7- solid life attitude
line 8- practicality
all lines- superhuman (!!!)

Since ancient times, people have unraveled the secret language of numbers, considering numbers to be the rulers of the world, to which life is subject. This is how the esoteric science of numerology appeared, linking numbers and the numbers denoting them with people's lives.

Numerology is a language of symbols that describes not so much the objects and phenomena themselves as ways of interacting with the world of a person who is under the influence of a certain number.

Roman numerological magic

If the meaning of Arabic numerals was studied in relation to the character of a person, luck, the ability to comprehend the essence of phenomena and things, then the mystery of Roman numbers was comprehended in the light of physiognomy - the connection between a number and a certain facial feature:

  • The chin was ruled by one and Mars.
  • Lower lip - deuce and Libera.
  • Upper lip - troika and Mercury.
  • The tip of the nose - four and Juno.
  • The middle of the bridge of the nose - five and Minerva.
  • The upper part of the bridge of the nose is the six, Ceres and Jupiter.
  • Eyebrows - seven and Quirin.
  • The middle of the forehead - the figure eight and Liber (husband of Libera).
  • The top of the forehead is the nine and Venus.

If any facial features were highlighted, it was believed that the person was under the auspices of the corresponding numbers and Roman gods.

Numbers as the basis of everything

The magic of Arabic numbers was systematized and popularized by Pythagoras. Expanding the ancient Egyptian numerological system, he came to the conclusion that at the heart of all areas of life - music, color, the character of a person and his fate - are numbers. It is the key to the past and the future. Pythagoras studied in detail what the various numbers mean, and reduced all the numbers in his system of numerology to single digits.

To find out your number, just add up all the numbers of your day, month and year of birth. Bring the resulting amount to single digit through addition.


The most direct and inflexible of all numbers, personifies the impulse, creativity, integrity, impulse, the ability to think and act in only one direction. IN human personality the unit is manifested by unidirectionality - everything that is born inside comes out through a hole of a narrow diameter.

For such people, the impulse to action is the call of a distant trumpet. They break and move, sweeping away everything in their path. Well, if the gates are closed on the road, then the gates are out of luck. A single person is a leader and a warrior, strong-willed and purposeful.


From two numbers, a pair of dots is obtained, symbolizing duality, polarity, opposition, the choice of “either / or”. Two is always a swing between opposites. In character it is manifested by instability - it is very difficult to find golden mean. But if this succeeds, then the person is balanced, knows how to find compromises in any situation.


Synthesis, stability, adaptability - this is the meaning of the triple. In man, this is expressed by the ability to fix itself stably in any situation - three points determine the plane.

A stool with three legs, unlike a four-legged counterpart, never swings. The world becomes more diverse than that of one and two, but is limited by the plane in which the three-man settles comfortably. Outside of it, he sees nothing, spending time in this flat world.


The harmony of the triple is destroyed by the appearance of the fourth component, which takes it out of the cozy plane. A unit has been added, depriving the stability of the three striving for laziness. The meaning of the four is the desire for change and development.

But one desire is not enough, you still need to take it and do it. A person-four is hindered by sluggishness, leading to a lag, much is given by hard work.


In numerology, it is considered one of the lucky numbers.. Creative ideas for their implementation are added to the fruitless aspirations of the four, but they are worth nothing, because they hang in the air. Five unpredictably gives rise to ideas, but one more unit is not enough to implement them.

The Five Man is inventive - when circumstances begin to press, he contrives to figure out how to dodge. Needs variety, so it is fickle. Does not have self-sufficiency, always needs support.


This figure has much more opportunities - it knows how to implement the ideas of the five. Such a person is hardworking, understands a lot about life, condescendingly refers to the shortcomings of others. He does not recognize the existence of higher matters, because a materialist to the marrow of his bones seeks to equip his world so that nothing disturbs its harmony. Responsible parent and great friend.


Numerology gives spirituality to this number - the seven overcomes the isolation on the material plane of the previous figure. The highest meaning is seen in thoughts and actions.

The man-seven is the link between the material and spiritual worlds.. The earthly reality is not denied, but the manifestation of the divine is felt in it. There is a constant search for truth and attempts to understand the meaning of what is happening with the help of religion, science, philosophy.


The symbol of the figure is a cube with eight vertices - a fully marked three-dimensional space. The man-eight is given the opportunity to act not only in the plane of the material world. The doors to heaven are opened to him, to knowledge sent down from above.

People ruled by this figure are not just looking for, but find the highest meaning in everything.. The two contiguous circles that make up the number are the symbol of infinity. In numerology, he is directed upward, indicating that the answers are not ahead, but in higher planes, in the noosphere.


The most perfect of the numbers, including all the previous ones. Gives a person ruled by the nine a good upbringing and education, a lot of energy and the opportunity to succeed, the ability to maintain harmony in relationships, disinterestedness and humanism.

Numerology and eras

IN different times there were various numerological schools, giving all sorts of meanings to the essence of numbers and using different ranges. Therefore, one must always remember that numerology is not mathematics, in which three plus one is always four, but an esoteric science. Depending on the system used numerological numbers may have different meanings.

Antiquity and mystery attract people who believe that when humanity was young, the sages, under the auspices of the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Hindu and other gods, were insightful and omniscient, it was not difficult for them to comprehend the secrets of the soul and the secrets of the universe.

But who knows whether their knowledge of numbers is shadows of the past, dead for a changed humanity, or is it numerical information for the future, the depth of which modern people only comprehend.
Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Each person carries both positive and negative information. If he knows his own abilities, talents, skillfully uses personal qualities can conquer any peak. When, on the contrary, it is lost: it chooses not the right way, does stupid things - he degrades.

The meaning of numbers in numerology has been studied for a long time. Numerology is the study of numbers, which gives humanity a chance to realize its own potential. After all, the world that this moment is - the result of spent and new karma.

The numerical values ​​of vibrations allow you to determine:

  • The purpose of the incarnation of man;
  • his talents and abilities;
  • define best time to make important decisions;
  • choose the right partner for marriage;
  • character;
  • personal qualities;
  • flaws;
  • self-expression tendencies.

This interpretation determines the state of human consciousness, personal actions, standard of living.

Meaning of numbers

In numerology, the main numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. These nine digits form the basis of all numbers. To calculate what number belongs to a person - you need to add full date birth. Next, add up your answer.

For example:

  • Person's date of birth 25-04-1965
  • 2+5+0+4+1+9+6+5= 32
  • 3+2= 5

The meaning of the main numbers:

Number 1. The unit vibrates such positive traits like generosity, dexterity, leadership, masculinity, responsibility. People who are under the influence of this figure: strive for power, like to go the straight way, always on the move, extraordinary. Negative aspects of the unit: greed, pride, laziness, pride, self-will.

Number 2. Two is a number that complements and connects two principles: the relationship between the stronger and the weaker sex, the ability to respect others. People of this number: charming, tactful, refined, spiritual, intellectually developed. They are kind, gentle, cordial natures. Negative aspects: innocence, nervousness, suspicion, inconstancy, dependent on public opinion.

Number 3. Three means - the connection and addition of opposites. Positive aspects: cheerfulness, ingenuity, sensitivity, friendliness, charm. They are bright, talented, with a brilliant mind of nature. Negative aspects: frivolity, frivolity, deceit, idleness, arrogance, talkativeness.

Number 4. Responsible, solidary, serious, accurate, practical and hardworking - these are the owners of the four. Ideally, they are straightforward and concise, intellectually active, have organizational skills and excellent management of funds. Negative qualities: apathy, self-doubt, sometimes cowardice, pettiness, stinginess and aggression.

Number 5. Five symbolizes humanity. Outstanding intelligence, nobility, a rich imagination, a lively penetrating mind, amazing elegance are inherent in people of this number. They are original, too receptive, independent, drawn to beauty, art, with many virtues, striving for the future, lovers of novelty. Negative aspects: irresponsibility, use of other people, impulsiveness, emotionality, impatience, the pursuit of new experiences can lead to promiscuity, bad habits.

Number 6. Six has the power of balance - the physical side and the emotional aspect. People, under the influence of this figure: calm, sensitive, with a delicate taste, methodical, kind-hearted, create harmony and beauty around themselves. Negative qualities: inconstancy, laziness, the desire to evade responsibility, take close to heart any scale of the event.

Number 7. The desire for perfection, the study of everything unknown and mysterious - these are the positive aspects that are driven by the seven. People of this figure: intuitive, with a deep mind, seeking truth, beauty, able to possess superhuman abilities. Negative qualities: pride, arrogance, arrogance, timidity, pessimism, incredulity, complexes.

Number 8. The most powerful number is eight. Those born under this number are people who have a pronounced individuality. They are: talented, energetic, ambitious, balanced, materialistic, active. Negative qualities: selfishness, rudeness, distrust, greed, coldness and prudence.

Number 9. Nine means spiritual maturity. These are intuitive, noble, altruistic, intelligent, active, with a bright appearance of nature. They try to be perfect people in everything. Negative aspects: suspicion, nervousness, irascibility, arrogance, dissatisfaction, hidden vulnerability.

Having calculated an individual portrait of others, a certain picture of human incomprehension and sinfulness emerges. Only the chosen ones can see it. Becoming the driving force of undertakings, numbers invariably affect the subconscious of a person. They carry the chosen energy - evil or good. main feature vibrations of the number - the highly moral or unspiritual side.

Everyone is higher listed number has its pros and cons. It is important to learn to radiate - all the best and most beautiful things in life. With a deep knowledge of your number, you can easily direct the vibrating spiritual frequency.

Numerology and the meaning of numbers in human life is very important. Spiritual achievements and the best blessings are for those who suppress negativity and improve themselves. With the help of great mystical knowledge, one can not only know oneself, but also learn to live brightly, richly, morally. realizing great meaning these words - the individual will comprehend the degree of the universe, the innermost essence of being.

The ancient Greeks, based on their research, found that each number has magical meaning. A certain combination of numbers will certainly affect the fate of a person and everyday life. Modern numerology, using numbers from 1 to 9, gives a simplified code for deciphering the meaning of combinations of numbers.

The meaning of the numbers.

Zero - is associated with gullibility and naivety.

One is the number of a leader striving for his goal, helps a person in business, brings good luck in business, attracts prosperity and frequent wins. One is the number of ambitions. Lucky day is Sunday.

Two - the number of compromise, combines "black" and "white", positive and negative. The number of harmony helps to open strong and weak sides personality. Symbolizes the feminine. Lucky day is Monday.

Three is a symbol of masculinity. An unstable sign, like a triangle, where each corner pulls the palm towards itself. Associated with birth, life and death. It is not for nothing that the number “three” is often found in religion - for example, the Holy Trinity. It is three times at the end of the prayer that the word Amen is repeated. A person who has a triple in his date of birth seems to be constantly in search of truth. Lucky day is Thursday.

Four - the number of stability, balance, it is close to "ideal", combines four elements - Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Lucky day is Sunday.

Five is a number associated with risk, with the ability to rush into a “pool with your head.” People with a five in their date of birth are the most unpredictable, but at the same time, the number five always accompanies a successful marriage, since it is simultaneously a symbol of masculine and feminine principles. Lucky day is Wednesday.

Six - a symbol of reliability, self-confidence. The number six helps to solve the problems of even and odd numbers because of the harmonious combination of the qualities of both. Lucky day is Friday.

Seven - the number of secrets, everything unknown. People with the number six have excellent intuition, which is very important in our lives, they easily study and understand the psychology of other people, and are often associated with extrasensory perception. magic number. Lucky day is Monday.

Eight - is associated with the symbol of infinity, is associated with wealth and prosperity, as well as trust and honesty. The number eight closely borders on absolute stability, as it is symbolized by a double square. Lucky day is Saturday.

Nine - strives for success, prosperity and achieves it. These people are capable of warm feelings for their loved ones, they are brave and active. Lucky day for the nine is Tuesday.

Numerology is the science of numbers in human life and their influence on destiny.
Numerology by date of birth will determine the influence of the date of birth on fate - the so-called number of fate, the numerology of the name and surname determines the so-called number of the name - that is, the influence of the name on the fate of a person.
The compatibility of the name and date of birth is also important.

destiny numerology, destiny number

Destiny numerology will help us understand ourselves, our destiny and our natural abilities. How to develop your abilities, how to build relationships with other people, love partners, spouses, children, colleagues? The value of the date of birth from the point of view of numerology is the number of fate or the number life path. Numerology considers the number of fate - the most important number in human life. Compatibility of numbers of fate will show the potential of relationships between people - spouses, colleagues, friends.

Numerology is the number of destiny. The easiest way to determine the number of fate is to add all the digits of the date of birth into a prime number from 1 to 9. It is believed that prime numbers from 1 to 9 have energy, they emit vibrations that determine the fate of a person.

What does the number of life, the code of fate, the number of fate mean?

Destiny number 1 - Units are ambitious, striving for glory and power. Always first, leaders. Purposefully gradually move towards their goal. People with a destiny number of 1 can achieve a lot.

The number of fate 2 is both contrast and balance at the same time. Two strives for dualism, harmony and balance. Number 2 people are diplomatic, seek compromises, avoid conflicts. Twos are good negotiators, diplomats.

Destiny number 3 - triples are well adapted, trainable, flexible, intuition is very developed. Threes are cheerful, sociable, love easy ways, seek entertainment. They do a lot of things easily. People with the number 3 can succeed if they do not look for easy ways, do not avoid difficulties and strive for the goal.

Destiny number 4 - Fours are always reliable, stable, durable. Such people are very honest, careful, hardworking, good performers.

Destiny number 5 - Fives - adventurers, freedom-loving natures, independent, love to travel, all the time on the move. They have good adaptability, have the ability for languages, are full of optimism, resourceful.

Destiny number 6 - reliable and honest, sixes are good family men, they appreciate coziness, comfort, stability and reliability in relationships.

The number of fate 7 is a symbol of mystery, knowledge. Developed intuition, rich imagination, good intellectual abilities. Sevens are loners by nature, hermits

Destiny number 8 is a symbol of material well-being. People-eights are enterprising, achieve success in business, work. Reliable, strong-willed people with a strong character.

Destiny number 9 is a symbol of success, high achievements and abilities. People with the number 9 have high potential, often 9 are outstanding personalities, great scientists, musicians, inventors, discoverers.

Numerology of Pythagoras and date of birth

Pythagoras is considered to be the founder of numerology. Numerology of Pythagoras believes that many events and phenomena can be expressed in simple numbers from 1 to 9. Each such number has its own energy, affects the fate and character of a person. One of the most important defining dates is the date of birth according to Pythagoras.

Numerology date of birth of Pythagoras. For numerological analysis, it is necessary to add up all the digits of the date of birth. Date of birth 09/14/1980 Sum of digits 1+4+9+1+8+9=32. 32 is the first number. The second number is a prime number of the sum 32 3+2=5 Now you need to subtract the first digit of the date of birth multiplied by 2 from the first number. 32 – 1*2=30 The fourth number is a prime number from the third number 3+0=3 we have four working numbers 32, 5, 30, 3. Now you need to write together the date of birth and four numbers 14 09 1980 32 5 30 3

In the table, you need to enter numbers from the line of the date of birth and working numbers, except for zeros.

Pythagorean table by date of birth Pythagorean square by date of birth

11 4 - 2 5 8 333 - 99

What does the numerology "Pythagorean square" mean?

1 - a person is very selfish

11 - less selfish

111 - a calm person, makes compromises and concessions.

1111 - a strong-willed person, a powerful person

11111 - tough, very strong-willed and domineering person

111111 - rare, characterizes an outstanding personality

2 characterizes the flow of energy from the surrounding world.

2 - actively takes energy from outside.

22 - a person shares energy with others, such people can be healers

222 - characterize psychic abilities

Outstanding psychics have an amount of 2 more than 3.

3 characterizes decency, accuracy, pedantry.

3 - it all depends on the mood

33 - disciplined, capable of doing science

333 - neat, accurate, disciplined, high level aptitude for science

3333 and more people do not develop

4 - characterizes health

4 and 44 - good health

5 characterizes intuition, the more 5, the more it is developed. With 555 or more people with the gift of clairvoyance.

6 characterizes commitment to physical labor.

7 characterizes talent. The more 7, the more talented person.

8 is responsibility.

9 - intellectual abilities. 9 is missing from stupid people.

9 - average intellectual abilities

99 - intellectual abilities are above the norm.

999 - high level of ability

9999 - very high level of mental development

Numerology of the name and the number of the name

The numerology of the name and date of birth suggests that all numbers and letters can be reduced to prime numbers from 1 to 9. Each prime number has certain crucial characteristics. The numerology of the name and surname reveals the individuality of a person. There are many ways to convert dates, first names, last names into prime numbers from 1 to 9. The simplest and most common is to add numbers to get a prime number from 1 to 9.

Numerology number of the name - each letter of your surname, name must be assigned a number from 1 to 9, according to the table. The number of the name must be calculated for the name that you use, for example, for a child, this is the first and last name, for an elderly person, the first name, last name, patronymic.

So, to determine the number of your name, you need to determine the number for each letter of the name, surname, patronymic, then add them up to get a prime number.

For example, for the name Andreev Andrey.

1 +6+5+9+6+6+3+1+6+5+9+6+2=65 The result is a sum with a value of 65. Next, we convert this sum into a prime number 6+5=11, 1+1= 2 As a result, the number of the name is 2 .

The number of vowels in the name means the number of the heart. The number of consonants of the name means - your external manifestation, how others treat you.

Assumes numerology, the number of the name and date of birth mean and show the natural and acquired abilities, temperament, character of a person. The number of the date of birth is the natural data of a person. Developed abilities characterizes the number of the name.

What is the relationship between birth number and name number? If the number of the date of birth exceeds the number of the name, the person develops only his natural inclinations. If the number of the name is greater than the number of birth, then the person is ambitious, purposeful, he creates abilities and conditions. A rare coincidence of the number of the name and the number of birth characterize the harmonious development.

1 - aggressiveness, ambition, desire for leadership, purposefulness and ambition. People with the number 1 gradually, without deviating from the goal, achieve what they want.

2 - balance, softness, compromise, dualism, balance, striving for harmony. Number 2 people are good family people.

5 - characterizes unpredictability, riskiness, adventurism, resourcefulness, optimism, cheerfulness. People with the number 5 are freedom-loving and independent, very active in achieving their goals.

9 is the largest prime number, people with the number 9 are strong and successful personalities, have a high intellectual potential, achieve a high position and status, material well-being, recognition

Surname Numerology

The numerology of the surname analyzes how a person expresses himself outside, characterizes his developed abilities. For analysis, you must use your first name, last name, patronymic, depending on how you use them. For example, to plan business meetings, you need the numerology of the first name, last name, patronymic, if you introduce yourself in business, at work, and you are called by your first name, patronymic and last name. To plan personal affairs, analyze the compatibility of spouses, friends, we calculate the number for the name and surname that your loved ones call you. Analyze your nicknames, nicknames, abbreviations, numbers will show how others see you, what traits of your character they notice.

Parents, calling the child by any name, endow him with a certain energy. Surname and patronymic is an inheritance from parents, ancestors, clan. The surname contains the knowledge and energy of your ancestors, father, his family.

How to calculate the number of the last name? Each letter of the last name, first name, patronymic must be assigned a number from 1 to 9, according to the table. The number of first name, last name, patronymic, we calculate for those that you use, for example, for a child it is only a first and last name, for an elderly person, a first name, last name, patronymic.

To determine the numbers of the surname, it is necessary to determine the number for each letter, then add them up until a prime number is obtained.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K M N O Q R S T U V Y Z

For example, for the name Andreev Andrey Andreevich.

1 +6+5+9+6+6+3+1+6+5+9+6+2+1+6+5+9+6+6+3+1+5=107 Next, we convert this amount into a prime number 1 + 7 = 8 As a result, the number of the last name, first name, patronymic is 8.

In numerology, it is believed that the number of the date of birth characterizes the natural data of a person. Developed abilities are characterized by the number of the surname, the number of the name.

If the number of the date of birth exceeds the number of the surname and name, the person develops only his natural inclinations. If the number of the surname and name is greater than the number of birth, then the person is ambitious, purposeful, he creates abilities and conditions. A rare coincidence of the number of the name and the number of birth characterize the harmonious development.

What does the number of the name, surname, patronymic mean?

1 - aggressiveness, ambition, desire for leadership, purposefulness and ambition. People with the number 1 gradually, without deviating from the goal, achieve what they want. Goals should be clear, understandable, achievable in direct ways

2 - balance, softness, compromise, dualism, balance, striving for harmony.

3 - people with such a number are talented, adapt easily, optimists, they have well-developed intuition, 3 - a triangle symbol, also symbolizes imbalance

4 - stability, poise, reliability, strength, risk avoidance, diligence

5 - characterizes unpredictability, riskiness, adventurism, resourcefulness, optimism, cheerfulness. People with the number 5 are freedom-loving and independent, very active in achieving their goals.

6 is a symbol of reliability, people with the number 6 are honest, reliable, stable, fair, friendly.

7 is a mystery, the desire for knowledge. People with the number 7 are very talented, intellectuals. Well suited for the sevens of the profession - Researcher, teacher, lecturer.

8 - strong-willed strong people, successful in business, characterized by purposefulness, rigidity, strong willed character, sometimes even merciless, often achieve high material well-being, status and success, a symbol of reliability and stability

9 is the largest number of prime numbers, people with the number 9 are strong and successful personalities, have high intellectual potential, achieve a high position and status, material well-being, and recognition.

Name and date of birth compatibility

Helps determine numerology partner compatibility. Analyzing the names, dates of birth, you can get data about the temperament and abilities of a person, about his fate. This knowledge will help to better understand another person, avoid conflicts, and achieve mutual understanding. You can determine compatibility by the numbers of the date of birth, compatibility of the name and date of birth.

How to calculate compatibility by date of birth? First you need to determine the number of fate for you and your partner. We add all the digits of the date of birth to the sum and convert it to a prime number from 1 to 9. For example, she is 08/13/1980, he is 07/11/1980. The number of fate for her is 1+3+8+1+9+8=30 3+0=3 The number of fate for him is 1+1+7+1+9+8=27 2+7=9 It is necessary to find out the compatibility of fate numbers 3 and 9.

1 - leaders, leaders, value independence. Birth number compatibility with 2, 8, 9.

2 - non-conflict, soft, reliable, often shy. Compatibility of people by date of birth with 1, 2, 6, 9

3 - romantic and cheerful, love adventure, travel. Compatible with 3, 5, 6, 9

4 - stable and reliable, very practical. Compatible with 2, 4, 8

5 - freedom-loving and independent, always on the move, constant striving for something new. Compatibility of partners by date of birth from 1, 7

6 - very responsible, devoted. Will fit 2, 6, 8, 9

7 - intellectuals. Fit 1, 7, 9, 2

8 - responsible, practical, organized. Good partners 1, 6, 8

9 - active, kind, cheerful. Suitable partners 1, 3, 6, 7, 9.

Thus, numerology allows you to predict the compatibility of partners by date of birth. Knowing the characteristics of character and temperament, we can better understand loved one skillfully build a relationship with him