Mission is a system of views on the position and role of the company in the market and on the prospects for its development. The mission is a compromise between the interests of the market and the goals of the company.

Mission in a company, a fundamental document that describes the scope of the company, its guiding principles, and its value system. Mission organizations - the most common goal organization as a competitive structure, presented in the most general form and clearly expressing the main reason for the existence of the organization. Options for defining the mission of the organization are characterized by a wide variety of content.

Mission objectives. Mission statement is designed to solve the following tasks:

  • to explicitly present what the company exists for - to reveal the purpose and purpose of the company;
  • avoid losing direction or clear principles of leadership;
  • determine how the company is fundamentally different from all other companies;
  • create a criterion for assessing the performance of all activities carried out in the company
  • harmonization of interests of everyone associated with the company (owners, management, staff, customers, etc.).
  • contribute to the creation of a corporate spirit for employees and stimulate their work

Company mission- a statement of philosophy and purpose, the meaning of the existence of the organization. The philosophy of an organization defines the values, beliefs and principles in accordance with which the organization intends to conduct its activities. A mission defines the activities an organization intends to do and what type of organization it intends to be. An organization's philosophy usually rarely changes. As for the second part of the mission, it may vary depending on the depth of changes that may take place in the organization and in the environment of its functioning.

Company's mission according to F. Kotler should be formulated taking into account the following factors:

  • the history of the company, during which the philosophy of the company, its profile, place in the market, etc. were developed;
  • the existing style of behavior and the way of action of the owners and management personnel;
  • the state of the organization's environment;
  • the resources it can bring to bear to achieve its goals;
  • distinctive features that the organization has.
Well articulated mission clarifies what the organization is and what it aspires to be, and also distinguishes the organization from others like it. To do this, the transcript accompanying the mission should reflect the following characteristics of the organization:
  • targets of the organization, reflecting what tasks the organization’s activities are aimed at, and what the organization strives for in its activities in long term;
  • sphere organization activities, reflecting what product the organization offers to customers, and in which market the organization sells its product;
  • the philosophy of the organization, which is manifested in the values ​​and beliefs that are accepted in the organization;
  • opportunities and ways of carrying out the activities of the organization, reflecting what is the strength of the organization, what are its distinctive opportunities for survival in the long term, in what way and with what technology the organization performs its work, what know-how and advanced technology are available for this.

There are many interpretations of the concept corporate mission- the meaning of existence, the main goal of activity; some higher purpose; expression of the social significance of the activity; the role the company intends to play in the market; quality content of the business, an attempt by a businessman to find the meaning of his professional activity; substantiation of non-financial goals of the organization.

We dare to add our own definition of mission to this collection.

  • Mission (organization, project, institution etc.) - an expression of one's ability and intentions to satisfy or create socially significant and ethically acceptable needs (requests) of humanity, groups of people (territories, states, peoples, communities, enterprises) and individuals.

And if we get rid of unnecessary complexity, let's say even simpler:

  • COMPANY MISSION- this is the social benefit that the company intends to bring (or already brings) to others.


The mission shows how the company's products (goods, services, relationships) shape and enhance qualitative changes in Everyday life consumer and in the worldview of society.

That is, the mission should be directed outward, to society, outside the company, and not to the company and its stakeholders. This is the main criterion for understanding whether the mission is before your eyes or an attempt to justify the purely material interests of business. A vivid negative example of this is the missions of today's Russian banks and insurance companies, most of which have simply forgotten about the interests of the client.

Acceptable for society goals of the mission of the modern Russian business can be:

  • formation of a new quality of life, summarizing the consumer properties of the company's products;
  • the desire to improve the already formed quality of life and expand its distribution;
  • creation of values ​​of a higher level of significance for society than the resources spent;
  • qualitative changes in the company itself, as a result of the emergence and mobilization of additional resources and a new attitude to the world;
  • growth of the company's adaptation to market requirements and its integration into the global community.
Pretty words about profits and dividends or a blatant desire to be a market leader are questionable for the public good and not so modest as to get into the mission statement. There are other, more ambitious documents for them.

There are many opinions about what should be the content of the mission of the organization.
The so-called four-pronged approach involves taking into account the following aspects in the mission statement:

  • market (products, strategies, competition, enterprise goals, markets),
  • social (taking into account the interests of business participants, social groups, references to corporate philosophy, culture),
  • private (business success from the point of view of the personal interests of the owners),
  • qualitative (the desire of business to change the conditions, the quality of life of society, the properties of the social environment).
In our opinion, a well-formulated mission of the organization should reflect precisely the qualitative aspect.
Another approach advises taking into account the main strategic goals facing any company in any market, and voicing business priorities regarding each of them:
  • public (contribution to the local community, solving specific social problems),
  • consumer (satisfying customer requests, taking into account the needs of suppliers and partners),
  • administrative-territorial (satisfying the needs of a particular system in the structure of which the company operates),
  • entrepreneurial (meeting the needs of participants and co-owners).
From the point of view of NLP, the mission of the enterprise includes three logical levels: the purpose of the company, identification, company values.

And, for example, on the website of one domestic state university it is stated that "The content of the organization's mission is:
1) philosophy (basic views, principles and values, system of motives);
2) description of the field of activity, product of the organization;
3) goals of the organization (current and strategic);
4) characteristics of potential and technologies;
5) description of the internal concept, strengths organization, its competitive advantage, development prospects;
6) characteristics of the market where the organization operates;
7) Description external image(image) of the organization".
It’s not clear whether to believe such things or smile.

According to which method your company will formulate a business mission is up to you. Let's add: contrary to some authors, we do not believe that the "Mission of the company" is a document, "the provisions of which must be fulfilled." You need to know the mission of the company, it is desirable to share it, be guided by it, follow it, but fulfill its provisions ..? It is difficult to agree that the mission is "a corporate ideology, the values ​​of which correspond to the company's employees, and the philosophy of which is reflected in their work" (the quote is real). A mission is just a mission.

A well-formulated mission of the organization does not need additional interpretations, additions, does not contain any nested, expanding its interpretations, provisions. It is a full-fledged, independent document, logically included in a set of documents under common name"Company Ideology".


Of course, it is hardly possible to “design” a mission. Recognize, articulate - yes. We agree that each has a purpose (mission, meaning of existence). entity regardless of this awareness. The process of realizing the mission can go gradually, or maybe explosively - by insight.

In the conditions of small and medium-sized businesses, the mission of the organization almost always contains energy, the philosophy of the owners, founders. Without their participation, a full-blooded mission rarely appears.

There are many approaches to mission development.

  • The mission is developed by the owner and top managers whom he trusts. As a result of the discussion, a certain common document is born, reflecting the different interests of the participants. When the “conspirators” reach consensus on all issues, the mission is presented to the team.
  • The "general" of the company considers many options for the formulation of the mission proposed by each employee. Further, the most fruitful thoughts are summarized in a single document and brought to perfection, often with the help of external consultants. The result is a mission born from the very depths of the team.
  • Exclusively top managers of the company, together with the owners of the method " brainstorming"(or similar) under the command of third-party consultants "generate from themselves" a mission, which is later brought to the attention of employees.
  • A working group is formed from executives, specialists, non-standard-minded employees and with the obligatory participation of a coordinator-consultant. The group during the discussions creates a draft document and sends it to the coordinator, who then, in the course of personal discussions with members working group, brings the document to a working state and submits it for approval.
  • The mission of the company is formulated personally by the business owner with the unobtrusive participation of an external consultant. The interests of all interested parties are taken into account.


    • The mission of the enterprise really answers many questions (why? who? what? how? why? by what means? in the name of what?), but it does it as concisely, simply and concisely as possible.
    • The description of the mission should exclude the possibility of discrepancies, but at the same time leave room for creative and flexible development of the company.
    • Mission drafts can be of any size. The final text is 1-2-3 sentences. Such a brief mission of the enterprise is especially well understood, remembered and easily retold. However, if you like the smiles on the faces of your customers, you can paint the corporate mission on the page.
    • The simplicity of the mission lies in the logic of presentation. Do not make verbal mess out of the text of the mission of the enterprise, do not include elements of vision, strategic goals, detailed description services, philosophy, descriptions of areas of responsibility - all those provisions, the place of which is separate, independent text documents.
    • The "Mission of the company" document should not begin with the words "The philosophy of the company is to ensure that its own goals and the long-term interests of society are aligned." Why mix everything in one heap? The text of the mission is not a place for the concepts of "vision", "goals", "objectives", "values", "politics", "principles", "philosophy", "strategy". For them - other documents.
    • From the text of the mission it should be clear without hints - what the business is doing (industry, direction of development, type of service) and why, why is it doing this.
    • Do not be afraid of beautiful text if it correctly conveys the concepts of the mission. Use rare, bright words and phrases, but avoid random unpleasant associations.
    • Reduce the distance, get closer to the consumer. Just call the company "We".
    • Do not mention material gain in the mission (exception - players financial markets, banks). Earned money is not what your business will become famous for centuries.
    • Avoid the dominance of obscure terms, words and phrases worn to the point of meaninglessness, such as "customer focus", "social partnership", "maximum benefits for minimum price", "mutually beneficial cooperation", "development and improvement of business", "we value our customers". Do not make competitors laugh with such platitudes.
    • Make the mission statement active-active, not passive-observant. The best business mission verb is present tense.
    • It doesn't matter that many corporate mission statements begin similarly: we do..., we teach..., we improve..., we care..., we help..., we solve..., we develop..., we provide..., we improve..., we we contribute.. we provide.. we feed.. we give.. we serve. The main difference is in the sense of the words that follow.
    • The mission statement of the company should not be fabulous, overstated, unrealistic, miserable, clumsy, forced, so as not to give rise to a smile and doubts in the sanity of its authors. Better - none than a ridiculous mission.
    • A competent mission text is like blank verse: full of meaning, elegant and laconic. Misspellings, misprints and missing punctuation marks in the organization's replicated mission are an indicator of its negligent attitude towards own business and the strongest blow to the image. Editing the mission text is a must.

      companies, you can independently or with the help of specialists of the bureau PUNCTUATION MARKS.


      formulated, from our point of view, very briefly, weightily and meaningfully.

      Mission of Gazprom– the most efficient and balanced gas supply to Russian consumers, the fulfillment of long-term gas export contracts with a high degree of reliability.

      The mission of the transport company Aeroflot is the most complete and safe provision of one of the fundamental human freedoms – freedom of movement.

      Mission of the group of companies GAS. To produce commercial vehicles that guarantee the customer the benefits of purchasing through uncompromising quality and reliable impeccable service, backed by the highest competence of personnel, partner suppliers, innovations in production and products.

      The mission of the brewing company Baltic. We create a quality product that gives people the joy of communication, makes their life brighter and more interesting.

      Mission MegaFon. MegaFon will unite Russia by breaking down barriers and developing communications to become the obvious choice for everyone.

      Bank Mission(Rosselkhozbank). Ensuring affordable, high-quality and effective satisfaction of the needs of agricultural producers and the rural population of the Russian Federation in banking products and services, all possible assistance in the formation and functioning of a modern national credit and financial system of the agro-industrial sector of Russia, support for the development of the agro-industrial complex and rural areas of the Russian Federation.

      Russian Mission Insurance company– provide comprehensive protection, confidence and harmony in life for those who strive for the best!

      The mission of beauty salons and stylish clothes ELITE: We decorate people's lives, make important events their lives more vivid and memorable, providing beautiful outfits for any holidays, celebrations and ceremonies, quality image and style services. Mission Creation Feedback

      Agency mission PRINT - to be a link between publishers and readers.

      Mission of the restaurant Indian Cuisine Orissa: combine Indian cuisine - one of the most delicious and ancient - with European culture services against the backdrop of interiors in the style of oriental palaces and baroque.

      The mission of the insurance company MOSCOW – to promote the growth of insurance coverage for every citizen of Russia, to actively support insurance coverage domestic business ensure the growth of the national economy, promote social economic development, ensure reliability, high quality services, to help strengthen the financial system of the country.

      Mission of the hotel PUNICATION (working version) - to provide quality, modern, comfortable accommodation that will help visitors to the city to better appreciate the beauty, cultural and business activity Petersburg.

      The mission of the construction company METALLLINE: We build modern residential and office buildings in Yekaterinburg - we create comfortable living and business conditions, thereby ensuring the economic development of the region, the company and the well-being of its employees.

      The mission of the shops Castorama is to help buyers make their homes more perfect and comfortable, to transform the laborious and costly process of repair and improvement into an interesting hobby accessible to everyone.

      The mission of the shops TERVOLINA: Quality, comfortable shoes and excellent service - for every customer!

      The mission of the travel agency SOLAR SAIL - development of water tourism in the North-West region of Russia.

      Mission automotive factory URAL - meeting the needs of society in vehicles with a gross weight of 12 to 44 tons and creating conditions for maintaining the performance of vehicles during operation.

      Mission factory container products - to provide industrial enterprises Russia and the CIS countries modern packaging solutions, thereby contributing to their economic growth, as well as the development of the industrial packaging industry as a whole.

      Mission educational institutions (kindergarten KROCHA) is the creation of conditions that reveal the individuality of the child and contribute to the formation of competencies that will ensure his success today and in the future.

  • Strategic planning is characterized in the same way as planning, with the only difference that the decision-making process is based on a clearly formulated strategy and strategic goals for the functioning and development of the organization. As a process, strategic planning can be built into a specific technological chain, schematically shown in Fig. 4.1.

    Rice. 4.1 - Technology of the strategic planning process

    Strategic planning starts with development mission of the organization.

    Mission - it is the purpose and raison d'être of the organization for its owners and employees, customers and business partners, the environment and society as a whole. The mission reveals the difference between the organization and similar ones, and this difference is then formed and implemented in the strategy of its functioning and development.

    The mission should reflect the following characteristics of the organization:

    Targets, i.e. what the organization's activities are aimed at and what it aspires to in its long term;

    The scope and market in which the organization sells its product;

    The philosophy of the organization as expressed in the values ​​and beliefs it adopts.

    These characteristics form the image of the organization, its organizational culture and ability to survive in a competitive environment.

    The mission gives the subjects of internal and external environment a general idea of ​​the organization, what it is striving for, what means it is ready to use; contributes to the internal unity of the organization and the formation of its corporate spirit; creates an opportunity for more effective management organization, since it is the basis for setting its goals and strategy, the distribution of its resources; reveals to the employees of the organization the meaning and content of their activities.

    Below is one example of the mission statement of the American company Sun Banks.

    “The mission of the company is to contribute to the economic development and well-being of the communities served by the company by providing citizens and businesses with quality banking services in a manner and to such an extent that is consistent with high professional and ethical standards ensuring a fair and appropriate return to the shareholders of the company and fair treatment of the employees of the company”.

    But how can the mission of the department of higher education be formulated? educational institution, producing managers: “Our mission is to fill the gap in the training of managerial personnel for enterprises that manufacture products or work in the service sector, formed by the change in management functions in the developing system of market - competitive relations, by introducing educational technologies providing continuous creative and practical development, which are the guarantor of graduates decent work and adequate financial remuneration, as well as the creation of an infrastructure of continuous business education and management consulting, in which not only the staff of the department, students and its graduates, but also the society of business people will find satisfaction.

    Many leaders do not burden themselves with the development and formulation of the mission of the organization, considering it obvious to themselves. Often, the mission is understood as the need to make a profit, which is rather internal problem organizations. Henry Ford, well aware of the importance of profit, defined the mission of the Ford company as providing cheap transportation to society, believing that with such a formulation, profit would hardly pass by.

    At one time, American railroads were unable to remain highly competitive and profitable, because the management of these companies defined their mission within the framework of the railroad, and not transportation.

    A completely opposite example of the formation of a mission in the field of transportation business is associated with the name of one of the students Yale University. The mission of the organization, formulated by him in the 60s. V thesis, sounded like ensuring the delivery of small parcels and parcels throughout the country within a day. Since the realization of such a mission could only be achieved through the creation of airlines, the cost of transportation increased by 40 times.

    Could there be any hope for the future? successful business with such a mission statement and directly compete with then-powerful companies like UPS and the American Postal Service? However, the author of that "strange" work, Frederick W. Smith, in the mission he formulated, intuitively foresaw the needs of society for the rapid delivery of small parcels. In the short period after he created the Federal Express corporation, it brought in $600 million a year, and the president in the very first year of managing this company had a salary of $58 million. in year

    The mission of the organization must be commensurate with its size. When applied to small enterprises, it should be realistic and will not be a mistake if the mission of a small organization as a supplier fits into the mission of a larger parent company.

    The formulation of the mission, and, consequently, strategic behavior, is strongly influenced by the value orientations of top management (theoretical, economic, political, social, aesthetic and religious). A well-known specialist in the field of strategic planning, I. Ansof, states: “... behavior is not free from the influence of value orientations; both individuals and organizations show a preference for certain types of strategic behavior, even if this means losses in terms of results.

    "Work for a better life, better world for all" - this is the slogan of the Japanese corporation "Omron". "We don't sell our products, we meet the needs of society." However, it must be remembered that behind the shiny facade of the company, from the eyes of the uninitiated, such priorities as survival, growth and development are hidden in the name of the main motivation factor - profit.

    The mission is also identified with such a concept as "corporate credo". Credo means belief, views, fundamentals of the worldview. The corporate creed consists of the main strategic goal and the value system of the corporation, which includes the interests of the main communication groups external and internal environment, which include consumers whose needs the organization seeks to satisfy through the production and marketing of its products and services, suppliers of all types of resources, shareholders and investors; employees of the organization, contact audiences, including the whole society as the general public.

    In addition, the interpretation of the mission in the broad and narrow senses is possible.

    Mission in a broad sense is a formulated philosophy, mission and reason for the existence of the organization. Philosophy determines the values ​​and principles of the behavior of the team in production, economic, financial, economic, marketing, communication and other activities in selected markets.

    The purpose allows you to form the type of organization (commercial, non-commercial, state or municipal unitary) and develop specific activities that the management system plans to implement for implementation philosophical ideas and ideas into the reality of market relations in a long-term period of existence, which is at least five years.

    Mission in the narrow sense- this is the formulated reason for the creation and activities of the organization. In other words, the mission is considered as a statement that reveals the meaning of the existence of the organization and contains features that distinguish this organization from similar consumers of products and services positioned in the same market.

    The difference between these interpretations lies in the fact that in the first case, although the general philosophical meaning, the distinctive features of the organization, the degree of its uniqueness in the industry and territorial markets in comparison with competitors are more specifically characterized.

    Those who studied management at the university, and those who read books on this subject, know such concepts as "mission" and "vision".

    ultra-intelligent words

    To formulate the "mission" and "vision", some firms hire consultants who walk around the organization with a smart look, interview employees and "crystallize" from their collective opinion something that then turns into what these two ultra-abstruse ideas probably stand for. words. Why ultra-intelligent? Yes, because not a single businessman out of several thousand who took part in my seminars (and among them there were very educated and very influential ones, believe me) gave me a correct and precise definition of these concepts.

    Some aspiring businessmen who had just finished their studies at a university or something like that rattled off a definition from a textbook, but when they checked, they showed a complete lack of understanding of how to apply these concepts in practice. With all this, what is behind these two words, their anatomy and idea, is the highest level of activity planning. People accepted this with the help of books, agreed, but, unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases, the process ended up on this.

    I'm not saying that no one has a "mission" and a "vision". Eat. But, Firstly, for units. A Secondly, in half of them they are formulated for show, and do not fulfill their purpose. They do not carry their "mission". So do not think that everything around d "Artagnan, only you are wrong. You are not alone. And the reasons for this are extremely good. Here I recommend watching the video section "" to the website

    Purpose and mission of the company

    A real understanding of your true purpose is not just PR for you. (Some cynical consultants argue that "mission" and "vision" are just language used solely for PR purposes in order to lure the public. Like this manipulation: we will tell you a couple magic words, from which you will drool, and you will go with us like zombies. Fortunately, it doesn't work that way.) Misunderstanding of this topic is also expressed in dictionaries, so you can not rummage through the search engine - I have already rummaged. The definitions are accurate by twenty percent each, I give as an example, and not as a correct answer.

    Like this manipulation: we will tell you a couple of magic words, from which you will drool, and you, like a zombie, will go with us

    Modern Economic Dictionary:mission of the organization(lat. missio - sending, order) - economic purpose, vocation, purpose of the organization's existence.

    Dictionary of Economics and Finance: mission of the organization- the philosophy and purpose of the organization, the meaning of its existence in the market, the difference between the organization and other organizations. The philosophy of an organization defines its culture and social values. The purpose of the organization is characterized by the goals and objectives for the implementation of which the organization carries out its activities. Typically, the mission proclaims: - social obligations and Civil responsibility before society;

    Principles of attitude towards various groups of the public, the environment, etc.

    Closest to the truth Wikipedia, there correct definition(well, finally), but an incorrect explanation (technically inaccurate, making the implementation of the definition possible only to those who understand how to do it in practice. A person who first tries to understand the issue by trying to literally use this definition will experience insurmountable difficulties - meaning it is inaccurate).


    Mission- one of the fundamental concepts of strategic management. Different scholars have given different formulations of the mission, but in general there are two approaches to understanding the mission. In a broad sense mission is the philosophy and purpose, the meaning of the existence of the organization.

    Strategic management of the company

    Mission- the philosophy of the organization defines the values ​​and principles in accordance with which the organization intends to conduct its activities. The purpose defines the activities that the organization intends to carry out and what goals it intends to achieve. The philosophy of the organization is determined at the stage of formation of the organization and rarely changes, while the purpose can change in the process of changes in both the internal and external environment of the organization. In a narrow sense mission is the definition of why or for what reason the organization exists, i.e. the mission should reveal the meaning of the existence of the organization, in which the difference between this organization and similar ones is manifested.

    Usually the mission is formulated in two versions. The short version of the mission is 1-2 short sentences - the brand slogan of the organization, aimed primarily at forming the image of the organization in society. The second - an extended version of the mission is most often formulated for internal use and should disclose in detail all the necessary aspects of the mission, among them:

    1. target functioning of the organization,
    2. area of ​​activity of the organization,
    3. organization philosophy,
    4. methods for achieving goals,
    5. methods of interaction of the organization with society (social policy of the organization).

    A correctly defined mission, although it always has a general philosophical meaning, nevertheless, necessarily carries something in itself that makes it unique in its kind, characterizing exactly the organization in which it was developed.

    End of quote.

    What is wrong here is an over-complication of the concept. The definition itself is surprisingly accurate. But if you try to figure out in dictionaries what does organization philosophy , but you will not find the exact concept and get confused. A methods can be so extensive that they include all the regulations and codes, which will clearly go beyond the scope of the mission, and affect the next, separate (and very extensive) level of planning -

    In general, the definition given in Wikipedia is working, just need to be thrown out of it philosophy and any mention of it, and methods. If you don't go beyond what Wikipedia's definition of mission says, then you've got what you can really call a mission. See how much confusion? And "mission" is just another word. There are more problems with "vision". And that's why.

    Right Vision

    "Vision"- wrong translation of the word vision. The translation of this word is not "vision", but "dream". Thus, it is most often used in English language. It is synonymous with dream. So here's vision” is simply the goal of the organization in the form that its founder (goal setter) dreams of. In the "mission" the goal, in the "vision" is the goal - how to figure it out? These goals are global.

    Personally, the texts of L. Ron Hubbard, written on the topic of goals, about thirty or forty years before the topic of “mission and vision” became fashionable in management, helped me with this issue. Hubbard does not use the words "mission" and "vision", he uses the terms "goal" and "purpose", which in Russian translations of his works are designated as "goal" and "intention". Since these are tools used at the same level of planning, and the definitions are very similar, it is likely that we are talking about the same phenomenon.

    According to Hubbard « target» - this is a large-scale subject of aspiration, what is required to be achieved in the strategic sense of the word. For example, "conquer Everest." This concept is most likely equivalent to the word "vision". The goal has a specific moment of its implementation and such a criterion as feasibility. In fact, this is a global task that can be achieved, after which a new global task will need to be set. « Intention» is a “minor goal that specifies actions”, as well as “intention” and “purpose”. Very similar to "mission" as Wikipedia puts it.

    PR can use both. But such values ​​are not formulated for the purposes of PR - it would be a cynical deception, an attempt at manipulation, which, due to their deceit, will still not lead to anything good. "Our goal is communism!" was written on the roof of my parents' house in Samara in huge luminous letters. Today, most people know for certain the true goals of the rulers of those years. The communists used "mission" and "vision" for PR purposes, and nothing more. Unfortunately, their society has died out. The same fate will befall any organization that lies to its employees and the public. How smaller size organizations, the faster extinction will come.

    The same fate will befall any organization that lies to its employees and the public.

    To spit on acceptability, on the wording accepted in a society. What do you really want? If you are frank, completely honest with yourself and with people, you will get three effects. First: you will not have to change the "mission" and "vision" if your worldview does not change (other factors will not play a role). Second: you will be surprised to find that real like-minded people join you, and not “passengers”. AND third: the real goal will be realized. This is magic.

    There is such a serious catch in all this that many will be shocked before they even start. Two points emerge. Firstly, people really do not know their own goals and cannot formulate them. And these are not toys, but a very painful condition, from which a strong person strives to get rid of, and cannot. Secondly, the true goals that drive a person are often buried under a pile of rubbish, such as "buy a new jeep", so you can't figure it out without outside help. Well, there always remain those 2.5% of people whose real goals are destructive. But such people are a minority, and the world moves forward not because of them, but in spite of them.

    Difficult subject, isn't it? However, no. This is only an appearance. And those who understand it experience such tremendous relief that their business often automatically increases many times over. First, order in the head, then in business - and off we go.

    Someone will figure it out. I take my hat off to him.

    Vadim Boys,

    founder of the Central Training Company

    Mission - the main goal of the organization, the meaning of its existence. Mission is one of the fundamental concepts of strategic management. Different scientists gave different formulations of the mission.

    Mission - the meaning of the company's existence from the standpoint of meeting the needs of customers, realizing competitive advantages, motivating employees of the company"

    The mission is the main overall goal of the organization - a clearly expressed reason for its existence. Goals are being developed to carry out this mission.”

    Mission is the philosophy and purpose, the raison d'être of the organization.

    Usually the mission is formulated in two versions. The short version of the mission is 1-2 short sentences - the brand slogan of the organization, aimed primarily at shaping the image of the organization in society.

    The second - an extended version of the mission is most often formulated for internal use and should disclose in detail all the necessary aspects of the mission, among them:

    • - the purpose of the functioning of the organization;
    • - area of ​​activity of the organization;
    • -philosophy of the organization;
    • -methods for achieving the set goals;
    • - methods of interaction between the organization and society (social policy of the organization).

    A correctly defined mission, although it always has a general philosophical meaning, nevertheless necessarily carries something in itself that makes it unique in its kind, characterizing exactly the organization in which it was developed.

    The mission is central, but not the only element in the organization's hierarchy of goals. The concept of "mission" is closely related to the concepts of "vision", "values", "goals", "performance indicators", "target indicators", " key factors success”, “competence”. All these concepts are formulated on the basis of the mission.

    The mission is seen as a stated statement about why or for what reason the organization exists, i.e. mission is understood as a statement that reveals the meaning of the existence of an organization, in which the difference between this organization and similar ones is manifested.

    Typically, the definition of the mission of the organization pursues the solution of the following tasks:

    • - identify the area of ​​active actions of the organization and cut off the development paths that lead nowhere;
    • -determine the basic principles of competition;
    • -develop a common basis for the development of the goals of the organization;
    • - develop a concept of activity that inspires the employees of the organization.

    Mission objectives are a vision of what an organization should be or stand for. They should reflect the interests of all groups of influence or different groups of people, one way or another connected with the activities of the organization and involved in the process of its functioning (owners, managers, employees and workers, consumers, suppliers, banks, government agencies, local governments, public organizations and etc.).

    When developing a mission, the following groups of factors are taken into account:

    • 1. The history of the emergence and development of the organization, its traditions, achievements and failures, the current image.
    • 2. The existing style of behavior and the way of action of the owners and managers.
    • 3. Resources, i.e. anything an organization can manage: cash cash, recognized product brands, unique technologies, talent of employees, etc.
    • 4. Environment, representing the totality of all factors that affect the organization's ability to achieve its goals with the help of selected strategies.
    • 5. Distinctive advantages that the organization has.

    For example, the mission of the Marriott Hotel Company is formulated as follows: “We strive to be the best in the world in providing accommodation and food for our customers by encouraging staff to provide customers with extraordinary services and to protect the interests of shareholders”

    Following the above rules is very difficult task. This is one of the main reasons why not all organizations have well-defined missions, and some simply do not have them.

    The mission of the enterprise as a formulated statement is usually developed by its top management. Often the mission is formulated by the founder of the organization. However, it is far from always possible to say that the enterprise has a mission, even if it is formulated and written down in the form of a so-called mission statement. In order to be able to really consider that the enterprise has a mission, it is necessary that the statements formulated in the position on the mission are shared, if not by all, then by the majority of the employees of the enterprise. Therefore, the formation of the mission is by no means only the development of the provisions of the mission, but bringing these provisions to the employees and accepting these provisions by the latter. An enterprise acquires a mission when the members of the enterprise agree with it and follow its provisions in their activities.

    One of the first (1933) formulated and used the mission of the corporation in the work of the founder of Matsushita Electric Konosuke Matsushita. It included:

    • -Service to society: to produce high-quality goods and services at reasonable prices, contributing to the well-being and happiness of people around the world.
    • - Fairness and Integrity: Adhere to honesty and fairness in business and personal life.
    • -Collective work for the common good: to unite efforts and strive to achieve common goals based on mutual trust and recognition of individual independence.
    • -Continuous self-improvement: strive to improve corporate and personal commitments in order to fulfill the firm's mission of achieving lasting peace and prosperity.

    Vision - an image of the organization in the future, which may include a way to achieve this result. If the mission is formulated in general terms, then the vision should be extremely specific. For example, "become the first company in the industry" is a vision, not a mission.

    The fundamental difference between a mission and a vision is that the mission reveals the course of action, shows how certain goals or visions are achieved. Vision, in turn, is a picture of the future, how ideal the state of affairs to which the company is striving seems to be.

    The vision is rather subject to change, as new ideals and new ideas appear over time. The mission, however, is a relatively constant element, although it can also be adjusted to reflect changes in various factors.

    The mission is the first step in reducing the uncertainty about the company, first of all, among the owners, management and staff, and then among all those who have and would like to do business with it. This is a strategic management tool, a way to distinguish a given company from competitors, a way for consumers to recognize its products.

    There are three types of mission:

    Mission-purpose - a narrow, but specific understanding and designation of the type of activity, the nature of products and services and the range of their consumers; the first idea about the reason for the emergence and the meaning of the existence of the enterprise.

    Mission-orientation is a broad, detailed idea of ​​the value system that the management and staff of the company adhere to, which, at least in in general terms allows you to judge the behavior of the company, its relationship to consumers and partners.

    Mission-policy - the concentration of the main goals and a clearer idea of ​​the behavior of the company in the near future and in the future, i.e. "vision" of the future state of the firm.

    Analyzing various interpretations of the mission, one can see that the meaning of all of them is similar. Based on these definitions, the following generalization can be made: a mission is a short paragraph, usually in one sentence, that contains the raison d'etre and the main long-term goal of the organization. The duration of the mission should be foreseeable and long enough (most often up to 5 years) in order to current generation employees could see the results of their work. The mission statement of the organization should imply continuous development in the short and long term.

    The main groups of people whose interests influence the activities of the organization, and, therefore, should be taken into account when determining its purpose, are:

    • -owners of the organization - they are interested in the organization, as it provides them with a certain stable income. If there is no income in a given period of time, then the owners have a certain long-term interest associated with this organization.
    • - employees of the organization - as it gives them the opportunity to satisfy their needs both at the lower level (salary, working conditions, guarantee of employment, etc.) and higher (personal development, career, power and influence, etc.).
    • - consumers - giving the organization their resources (most often money) in exchange for the product offered to them by the organization, and satisfying their needs with the help of this product.
    • - business partners - they are interested in connections with representatives of this organization, as well as any assistance within the framework of this cooperation
    • -local community - interest is shown in the jobs that the organization provides to residents of a given region (city, district, region), in the development of infrastructure, in protection environment. The company may be a city-forming enterprise, in which case the interest of the local community in the organization increases significantly.
    • -trade unions - their interest is manifested in assistance in resolving labor disputes.
    • - the state - receiving from the organization a part of the wealth created by it to ensure social well-being and development, the fruits of which, along with other members of society, are used by the organization.

    The mission of the organization should, to a greater or lesser extent, reflect the interests of all the above-mentioned subjects. The degree of manifestation of the interests of each of them in the mission depends fundamentally on the size of the organization, what business it is in, where it is located, etc. The most stable and specific influence on the mission of the organization, regardless of what the organization is, is exerted by the interests of owners, employees and customers. Therefore, the mission of the organization must be formulated in such a way that it necessarily manifests a combination of the interests of these three groups of people.