Students of the 1st and 2nd year of the full-time master's program of the universities participating in the program can take part in the competition.

The winners of the competition are professionals in their subject or scientific field. This creative personalities who are able to share the acquired knowledge and skills, generate ideas, bring them to life and take personal responsibility for the result. These are leaders who are ready to unite the team around them and inspire them to achieve a common goal.

Monthly stipend - 20 000 rubles.

The competition is held in two stages. All applications undergo a preliminary technical examination, including a check for plagiarism.

First stage- correspondence, on the basis of a written application, including a motivation letter, an essay on the topic of leadership and a popular science essay on the topic of the proposed master's thesis.

Second phase- face-to-face, in the format of business games, interviews, case studies and other group and individual assessment forms.

The winners are 500 students, 10 more students are included in the reserve list.

Competition Schedule

  • accepting applications: from October 15 to November 20, 2018.
  • examination of applications of the correspondence stage: November 20 to December 14, 2018
  • announcement of the results of the absentee stage: December 20, 2018
  • intramural stage: one day in the period January 22 to February 10, 2019
  • summarizing the results of the competition February 10 to February 20, 2019
  • announcement of the winners: no later than February 25, 2019

Schedule for the competition winners

  • conclusion contractual relations with the winners: within 30 days from the date of announcement of the results of the competition
  • scholarships: from February 2019 before graduation
  • placement of interim reporting: within 14 days after the end of each semester / trimester / module (according to the individual curriculum)
  • placement of the final report: within 30 days after completing a master's degree.

Participants about the program

Nikolai Olkhovsky, graduate of Chelyabinsk State University: “I became a Potanin scholarship holder several times. Once, in my fourth year, in order to take part in the competition, I had to take the theory of probability several times. I retaken, came to the competition and again became a scholarship holder! This victory turned out to be more important, since it was no longer necessary to fight with external factors and other applicants, and first of all with himself. In the fifth year of the master's program, when the format of the program was changed, I again took part. Along with the change in the program, my attitude also changed: I no longer went for a scholarship, but went with a specific project.

Vadim Kuroptev, graduate of Petrozavodsk State University: « scholarship program The V. Potanin Charitable Foundation left an indelible mark on my life. Victory in it is one of my main achievements, because in the entire long history of the participation of students of Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU) in the program, only I managed to become a five-time scholarship holder of the Foundation. In my opinion, this program is a wonderful opportunity to prove to yourself and others what you are capable of, to learn a lot of new things, to acquire previously inaccessible skills and abilities, and most importantly, to learn how to work in a team of motivated people like you, to be able to captivate them with your ideas. ".

Desislava Medkova,Graduate of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov: “I became a Potanin scholarship holder four times. Competitive selections each time give a chance to test your strength and are a model and quintessence of what you have to face in real life in the process of interacting with people and management.

Anna Kussmaul, a graduate of the Southern federal university: “For me, the Scholarship Program is about people. People who won, with whom I still keep in touch. People who want to achieve something in life. They are interesting, purposeful, with a sense of humor.

For many students, the cost of higher education can seem impossibly high without additional financial assistance. Scholarships allow you to earn money for your education without worrying about having to pay for it. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are about to undertake a scholarship application.


types of scholarships

    Know what to look for. There are academic and sponsorship scholarships. Academic scholarships are provided by the college or university. Sponsored scholarships are provided by various independent organizations and associations.

    • Contact the financial aid office of the institution you plan to join to gather more information about the scholarship the institution offers.
    • Ask your school counselor for a list of potential scholarships. Many of the secondary schools put together a list of possible scholarships for their students who are interested in pursuing higher education.
    • Look for information online. Once you know what type of scholarship you may be eligible for, look for possible scholarships at local government, national as well as international institutions.
  1. Look for scholarships that are based on academic merit. Academic merit is determined by the GPA, as well as the results of standardized SAT or ACT tests.

    It might be worth applying for an athletic scholarship. There are many institutions known for their athletic programs, but there are also several sponsored athletic scholarships.

    Apply for financial assistance. The scholarship given to a student due to financial difficulties is the most competitive. Applicants are in some cases required to show proof that they live in low-income families.

    Look for service scholarships. These opportunities are almost always provided by private organizations. Some only require students to be active in their community, while others look for students who provide individual services.

    Take advantage of the opportunity to receive a scholarship offered by special associations. These scholarships are only available to the children of certain employees, union members or university activists. Large companies or national unions provide such an opportunity much more often than smaller associations.

    preparing your application

    1. Review all requirements carefully. While there are general guidelines for applying for a scholarship, each scholarship has its own unique set of requirements. You must make sure that you meet these requirements so that you do not waste time on applications.

      • Make sure you are qualified. Most scholarships require you to meet certain academic, athletic, financial, or character-based criteria. Some scholarships are also limited to certain fields of study, demographic groups, or geographic areas. Before you begin your application, you should review these requirements to ensure you qualify.
      • It is important to understand all the steps that go into the application process. Most scholarships require you to fill out an application, write an essay, and submit letters of recommendation. Many scholarships also require that you submit a statement, financial statement, college acceptance letter, or other statement.
      • Respect deadlines. There are many other students who are applying for scholarships, so assessors who are considering scholarship applicants will not put other applications aside while waiting for yours. In other words, you must send your application in before the deadline to at least be considered.
    2. Fill in the form. Make sure the form is complete and that the information you write down is as accurate as possible. Most questionnaires will ask you, at a minimum, to write down your full name, contact information and a record of your academic and non-academic activities.

      Write an essay. Not every scholarship requires applicants to write an essay, but many do. Some topics are determined by the organizations that provide scholarships, but most essays are written on generally accepted topics.

      • "How will this scholarship help you improve your community/state/country/etc?" Scholarship sponsors who ask you this question are interested in applicants who are mindful of the needs of society. Briefly describe how the scholarship will help you achieve your academic goals, and elaborate on how you plan to use your education to change society for the better.
      • "What are your short and long term goals?" This item should demonstrate how motivated you are. Write the truth, not the answer you think the sponsor will be interested in. Speaking of short-term goals, mention your desire to go to college, study a subject that interests you, and also get practical experience on an internship. For long-term goals, write about what you will be doing ten years from now when you graduate.
      • "Justify why your area of ​​expertise is important to modern society"Your answer should be persuasive. Scholarship sponsors want applicants who are passionate about their subject, as they are more likely to persevere than those who are indifferent.
      • "What do you think is the best important problem is facing your community/state/country/world today?" This is another question aimed at understanding how students relate to the world around them. Try to choose an issue that is relevant to this society. Write about issues that are relevant to your state, suggest ways of its development.
      • "How did you show your leadership qualities at school and outside of school?" If you are a leader of a circle or an active participant in a community program, be sure to write about it. If not, write about more subtle manifestations leadership, such as behavior in the classroom or examples of initiative on your part in everyday life.
      • "How do you plan to pay for your education?" In answering this question, you should try to strike a balance by demonstrating your responsibility and your needs. "I don't know" is a very bad answer. Explain your plan in detail, but make it clear that with the stipend money, you could make it happen a lot faster.
      • "Who serves as your inspiration?" You must choose one of your friends, relatives or famous person. Describe positive traits this person and write that you hope to cultivate these qualities in yourself.
      • Avoid overly sentimental responses. For example, your hero could be your mother, but if the only reason in that she has always encouraged you to “do your best” and “achieve the best”, then it will be difficult for you to be taken seriously. Be creative and sincere, but keep a serious, academic tone.
      • Don't suck up to a sponsor. If the sponsor is a well-known chain of stores, you should not adjust all your answers to this fact. Your hero should not be CEO or the founder of a company, and your goal shouldn't be to "someday work for another great company." You can express your sympathy and respect, but do not overdo it.
      • Avoid unrealistic answers. Don't answer serious questions like you're in a beauty pageant. If you are asked what you want to achieve with your education, then “world peace” is not an acceptable answer.
    3. Submit your ratings. For some scholarships, you only need to indicate what grades you had. Scholarships awarded through academic merit may request a transcript high school with your GPA, as well as your SAT and ACT scores.

      • Your academic ability must be validated by teachers and the head teacher.
      • Characteristics may come from employers, pastors, or adults with whom you interact regularly.
      • Do not present testimonials from relatives or friends. Sponsors naturally assume that such characteristics cannot be objective, and as a result may not be taken seriously.

One of the most famous scholarships in the UK covers the cost of studying for a master's degree in any British university and also provides a monthly stipend. An important requirement of the program is the presence of at least two years professional experience work. In addition, graduates are required to return to Russia for at least two years after their studies are completed.

When applying, the presence of a test confirming knowledge in English, optional, but must be submitted by July 2017 (if the candidate is selected). The applicant for a scholarship must also present references and select three universities to which he intends to enroll. The presence of an invitation to enroll in a university, received before applying for a scholarship, is welcome, but is not a requirement.

There are more than 40,000 Chevening alumni, many of whom today hold high positions in business and politics.

2. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships (Switzerland)

The Swiss government provides scholarships to those who plan to study at graduate or postdoctoral programs and already have a master's degree. Selected candidates are exempt from paying tuition fees and will also receive a monthly stipend.

The program involves 12 Swiss universities, as well as state research institutes. Participants go through two stages of selection. First, shortlisted candidates are selected by Swiss diplomatic representatives in each country. Then the final decision is made Federal Commission scholarships for foreign students in Switzerland.

3. Westminster International Scholarships (UK)

The program is intended for those who have already received an offer for admission to any master's program (excluding the MBA) from the University of Westminster or will receive it before October 14th.

The scholarship includes tuition fees, housing and tickets from the candidate's place of residence to London and back.

4. TU Delft Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands)

Delft Technical University provides students from other countries with the opportunity to receive a scholarship (full or partial) to study at all master's programs of the university. The average score of applicants for undergraduate scholarships must be at least 80% of the maximum.

Applicants must first apply to study at the Delft University of Technology and then fill out a special form in which they should explain their desire to study in this particular program, as well as describe the reasons why the university should provide them with a scholarship. Results are usually announced in mid-March.

5. Leiden University Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands)

The application procedure for the Leiden University Scholarship is similar to that offered by Delft University of Technology. First you need to apply for one or more master's programs of the university. For programs starting in February 2017, the application deadline will be as early as October 1st.

Scholarship applicants must complete their undergraduate program in the top 10% of their course. It is important to note that the scholarship program is for non-EU citizens only.

6. La Trobe Academic Excellence Scholarships (Australia)

The program covers between $10,000 and $20,000 in one-year tuition fees and is designed for both undergraduate and graduate students. Citizens of any country except New Zealand can apply. The average score for the previous educational program must be at least 85% of the maximum.

7. AAUW International Fellowships in USA for Women (USA)

The American Association of Women in Universities offers scholarships ranging from $18,000 to $30,000 to pay for tuition at American universities for women who are not US citizens. Preference is given to those candidates who have managed to prove themselves in the field of women's rights.

8. Icelandic Government Scholarships for Foreign Students (Iceland)

The Icelandic government awards 15 scholarships annually to students studying modern Icelandic. Applicants can study in both bachelor's and master's programs, but must have completed at least the first year of university studies.

Candidates under the age of 35 are preferred. The scholarship covers studies in Iceland for the period from September 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018.

9. Honjo International Scholarships (Japan)

The program, supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education, is designed for those who want to study in a master's or postgraduate program at one of the Japanese universities.

Applicants must begin to qualify for or receive an invitation from the university prior to applying for the program. An important requirement for the award of a scholarship is knowledge Japanese language. All interviews, which are an integral part of the selection, will take place there.

06.06.17 201 716 2

Study for triples, participate in competitions and pass the TRP standards

I am a master's student at the Faculty of Economics at St. Petersburg State University. My scholarship is 16,485 rubles.

Ludmila Levitina

receives a scholarship

Types of scholarships

I am from a wealthy family, I don’t participate in Olympiads and I don’t play for the volleyball team of the faculty. But I won the competition of the Potanin Charitable Foundation and I study well and perfectly.

In this article - how to get additional scholarships and payments even with triples in the test.

Ask for social assistance

These are scholarships and payments related to the insufficient provision of parents and the material condition of the family. They are paid by the university, city, country and even charitable foundations.

State social scholarship

Some students are eligible for a social scholarship, even if they study for triples. Orphans, the disabled, veterans, contractors and victims of radiation disasters can receive social stipends. Another social scholarship can be assigned to those who receive state social assistance- for example, low-income students.

To arrange everything, you need to contact your social security department or the MFC. There they will calculate the income, assess the life circumstances of a particular student and, if necessary, within ten days they will issue a certificate for the university - on paper or in in electronic format, if issued through the website of public services.

If a student lives in a dormitory and receives only an academic scholarship of 1,484 rubles, he may be recognized as a "lonely poor person." Social workers they will ask if you receive money from your parents and how much. But there is no need to prove it with any documents.

Documents that may be requested by the social security authorities:

  1. Passport.
  2. Certificate of registration in form No. 9 or certificate of registration at the place of residence in form No. 3.
  3. Certificate from the university indicating the course, form and period of study.
  4. Certificate of ownership of the property.
  5. A document confirming the right to benefits: a certificate of serving a sentence by parents, a death certificate of parents, a certificate of disability, etc.
  6. Documents confirming income.

The social scholarship is appointed for a year from the date of issue of the certificate. If the certificate was issued in May 2017, and the student brought it to the university only in September, then the social scholarship will be paid from September 2017 to May 2018, while the certificate is valid. Then the documents will have to be reissued.

The university will help you understand the rules for assigning social scholarships: they follow the laws and know who and what is supposed to. But they may not specifically talk about the new rules. It is better to go to the dean's office and personally find out that a particular student is in a difficult life situation can get from the state.

Increased social scholarship

Sum: no less than an increase to the living wage.
Payouts: once a month for a year.
Innings: at the beginning of the semester.

Specialists and bachelors of the first and second year can apply for an increased social stipend if they already receive a regular social stipend, and also if they have only one parent - a disabled person of the first group. This scholarship is paid only to good students and excellent students.

The size of the increased scholarship is set by the university, but it must increase the student's income to the subsistence level per capita. This standard is set by the government. The cost of living is taken for the fourth quarter a year before the formation of the scholarship fund. For example, for the fourth quarter of 2016 living wage per capita amounted to 9691 rubles. That is, if a student of St. Petersburg State University, who receives an academic and social scholarship of 1485 and 2228 rubles, wins the competition for an increased social scholarship, it should be at least 5978 rubles.

The exact amount of the increased scholarship is set by the university, taking into account educational program, course and size of the scholarship fund. At St Petersburg University, a competition for such a scholarship is held once a semester. In other universities it may be different, so it is better to check with the dean's office or the educational department.

Material aid

Sum: no more than 12 social scholarships.
Innings: announces the university.

Eligibility Criteria financial assistance much wider than for social scholarships. The university pays it from its own budget once a quarter, and the minimum amount is not fixed anywhere. Often the payouts are based on how many students needed help that quarter.

You can ask for financial assistance from the university if your parents are divorced, if you have children, or if you fell ill and bought expensive drugs. The university will need to provide a birth certificate for the child, contracts for treatment and receipts for medicines.

Full list situations in which the university helps needy students should be sought in official documents. St. Petersburg State University pays students from other cities and countries tickets from St. Petersburg home and back for the holidays, and St. Petersburg State University of Economics “donates” money for students’ weddings.

Scholarship program "Five plus"

If you study without triples, then a poor student can apply for a scholarship "Five with a plus" from the "Creation" charity foundation. Students under the age of 21 can participate in the competition. The advantage is given to excellent students and winners of olympiads, competitions, sports competitions. Achievements are taken into account for the last two years.

Documents for the program "Five with a plus":

  1. Application.
  2. Certificate of achievement with the seal of the university.
  3. Copy of the passport.
  4. Documents confirming that the student is under guardianship and guardianship, and other documents providing benefits (for members foster families, disabled people, refugees, etc.).
  5. Certificate of income of all family members in the form of 2-personal income tax or a certificate of recognition of the family as poor.
  6. An extract from the house book on the composition of the family, certified by the original seal.
  7. Letters, diplomas, award lists of the student for the last two years of study.
  8. Photo (any, not on the passport).
  9. Motivation letter.

Play in the football team or drama club

State universities pay higher scholarships to successful students. Achievements are taken into account in five areas: study, science, sports, social activities and creativity.

At St Petersburg University, achievements are evaluated by points. The more areas covered, the higher the chances of getting a scholarship. A student with a TRP badge who wins an environmental poster competition will receive more points than a student who wins five Olympiads in one subject. At the same time, grades are only one of many criteria; it is not necessary to study excellently to participate in the competition.

The increased state academic scholarship (PGAS) is about 10,000 rubles at St. Petersburg State University, from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles at the Higher School of Economics. In most universities, the size of the scholarship changes every semester: it depends on the size of the fund, the number of students and their achievements. There are universities where the size is fixed. For example, active students at St Petersburg University are paid 8,000 rubles each. PGAS is paid once a month during the semester. Documents for PGAS must be submitted at the beginning of the semester.

Community Service Scholarship

In order for the university to take into account your achievements in social activities, you need to participate in the organization of university events or cover them in in social networks, student newspapers. The student who helped organize the KVN and covered the event in the KVN group on Vkontakte will receive more competitive points than the student who organized the KVN and What? Where? When?".

For example, you can volunteer to help with a scientific conference - distribute badges to participants - and ask for a confirmation letter from the department. Other options: open a student debate or cross-stitch club, write about the Miss University contest in the student newspaper.

It is worth checking with the commission what documentary evidence is needed. At St Petersburg University, for example, they accepted a screenshot of a list of group administrators and a link to a page on Vkontakte as confirmation.

Scholarship for creativity

Victory in competitions, public exhibitions and performances, organization of events are considered creative achievements. If you participated in an exhibition or performed at an evening of stand-up comedians, ask for certificates from the organizers. If this is not expected, prepare the document yourself and ask the organizer to sign and stamp it.

You can search for creative competitions on the websites “All competitions”, “Enti-inform”, “Grantist” and “Theory and Practice”, on the website and in social networks of your university. Many competitions themselves involve a cash prize. For example, for the best design of a paper bag, you can get 1100 euros, and for an essay on the novel by Ayn Rand - 2000 dollars.

Sports Achievement Scholarship

In order for the scholarship commission to accrue competitive points for sports success, you must either win competitions, or participate in "socially significant sporting events", or pass the TRP standards for a gold badge. How significant the event is will be determined by the university.

Petersburg, TRP testing centers were opened in every district. In many universities, sports departments organize the delivery of standards for students and staff. At St Petersburg University on February 26, 2017, they passed the cross-country skiing test, and on May 15 - shoot and run. To get a golden TRP badge, you need to pass eight of the eleven tests. Four tests are required: a hundred-meter run, a three-kilometer run, a pull-up or snatch of a 16-kilogram kettlebell, and a forward bend from a standing position on the gymnastic bench.

Points of the increased scholarship for sports achievements cannot be received simultaneously with the President's scholarship for athletes. Members of the Russian teams in Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic sports, as well as candidates for them and coaches, are paid 32,000 rubles a month, regardless of whether they study at a university or not.

Study well and publish scientific papers

Excellent students and young scientists can apply not only for PGAS. Such students are encouraged by many: the President, and the Ministry of Education, and regional authorities, and banks with charitable foundations. Some universities raise scholarships for students immediately after an excellent session. For example, at St. Petersburg State University, excellent students are paid 4,000 rubles, while good students are paid 2,000.

Check the deadlines for applying for all these scholarships at universities, foundations or companies. In universities, applications are most often collected in the spring.

Enhanced Academic Scholarship

There are three options for earning PGAS points for academic excellence:

  • pass two sessions in a row with excellent marks;
  • receive a prize for a project or development work;
  • win a thematic competition, such as the Olympics.

Achievements are taken into account only for the past year.

A scientific achievement is a prize or grant for research work, publication in a scientific journal, or a patent for an invention.

How to publish an article in a scientific journal

Conferences of young scientists are held by almost all universities. Scientific competitions and conferences for students can also be searched on the websites "All competitions", "Enti-inform", "Grantist" and "Theories and Practices", and also on specialized ones - "Scientific Conferences of Russia", "All Sciences", on the website Department of Scientific Research of St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology and in the scientific calendar "Lomonosov".

Usually, for the application, you need to write the abstract of the report that is supposed to be read at the conference, sometimes you need to send the entire article. The abstracts will then be published in the conference proceedings, and this can be provided to the scholarship committee. For the presentation, you can receive a prize and an invitation to print a full article in a scientific journal or extended collection.

In Russia, scientific journals are certified by the Higher Attestation Commission (Higher attestation commission), but publication in a journal included in the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) or Scientific electronic library The conditions for publication in each journal are different. For example, according to the rules of publication in the monthly magazine "Young Scientist" you need to pay 210 rubles for the first page and 168 rubles for the next. The article is reviewed by the editorial board of the journal for 3-5 days, it will be published in the next issue, and a certificate of publication will be sent immediately after payment.

For the competition, prepare the same diplomas, certificates and publications. The selection is not as strict as for state scholarships to scientists, therefore, as an achievement, a speech at a conference, and not just a victory, can be taken into account.

Also prepare your resume and template motivation letter. BP and Ak Bars invite students for interviews. Google asks letter of recommendation teacher, supervisor or an instructor.

win the business game

Business games are an option for the charismatic and courageous. The jury will look at leadership qualities, teamwork and creativity. Such student competitions many, but not all provide real scholarships. For example, the Troika Dialog Scholarship Program is only called a scholarship program: students are paid for transfers to Skolkovo and accommodation there, and finalists are invited for internships at the program's partner companies.

Potanin Foundation Scholarship Program

Sum: 15,000 rubles.
Payouts: once a month from February until the end of training.
Innings: autumn.

The Potanin Foundation pays a scholarship to full-time masters. They don’t look at grades: I graduated from the specialty with triples, but that didn’t stop me from winning.

The competition has two stages of selection. In absentia, you need to fill out a questionnaire with personal data, the topic of a master's thesis, work experience and volunteering. You will have to prepare three essays: a popular science essay on the topic of your dissertation, a motivation letter and an essay about five memorable and significant events in life.

Documents for the Potanin Foundation scholarship:

  1. A copy of the diploma of higher education (bachelor, specialist).
  2. Recommendation of the supervisor (supervisor master's program, head of department).

Second round - business game. From morning to evening - tests for teamwork, leadership qualities, creativity. Every year there are new competitions. I entered the competition in 2015. In one competition, it was necessary to write five associations to the word "blue", in another - to distribute the budget of the charitable foundation together with a group of students.

The hardest part was multitasking. It was necessary to lead the company and distribute vacations, hold meetings, and calculate profits during the working day. A sheet with the calculation of profits stuck to my folder. I noticed this when the 40 minutes for the task expired. I had to quickly "delegate" the task to one of the "employees".

Ability to negotiate with people experienced role play"Barriers". Two students had to coordinate their project in three instances. The "barriers" were other students. For example, children's excursions in the Peter and Paul Fortress had to be approved by the head of the excursion department, the PR manager and the director of the museum. The authors of the project had to understand why their project "does not let" the barrier and offer a compromise.

I volunteered to "manage" the department of excursions in Petropavlovka. In the game, I was "afraid" that the children would interfere with tours for foreigners. At first, the authors told how the excursions would raise the image of the museum. He didn't worry me. As a result, they promised that the groups would be small - five or six children each - and always with a teacher. I skipped them to the next barrier.

At lunch, the thought that you are constantly being evaluated did not allow me to calmly sit down with a tray. And if this is a test, they will watch me and decide that I don’t get along well with people if I sit at an empty table?

The last test is the traditional game “What? Where? When?". My team didn't get many points, but I still got the scholarship. I have always volunteered to present the results of teamwork, even if it is an ugly poster that I am ashamed of.

Scholarship "Consultant Plus"

Sum: 1000-3000 rubles.
Payouts: once a month during the semester.

Consultant Plus pays a stipend to those who know the system and can use it to solve a legal case. Competitions are held in Moscow universities among students of 1-4 courses of economic and legal specialties.

At the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, a competition is held among sophomores after a course of lectures. In the first round, students take a test on the knowledge of the system and look for legal acts. The second round is an analysis of the legal situation using the service.

"Consultant Plus" advises you to find out at the Department of Informatics whether the competition is held at your university. To prepare for the competition, study the educational and methodological materials of the service and take part in seminars. The materials published a collection of test tasks - "Training and Testing System".

Maximum Scholarship Amount

I calculated the maximum scholarship that one student can physically receive per month - a master of economics from St. Petersburg State University living in a hostel.

Suppose that he has no income other than a scholarship of 1485 rubles. He lives in a hostel. He studies excellently, publishes a lot in scientific journals and receives grants for their research. Passed the TRP standards for a gold badge, heads the university club “What? Where? When?". Here's what happened.

Calculation of the maximum scholarship

President's Scholarship - 2200 R

Passed the correspondence qualifying round and performed well at the interview

Potanin scholarship - 15 000 R

Passed the correspondence qualifying round and won the business game

In total, he will receive 60,313 rubles per month in scholarships and allowances. From social scholarship to next year will have to refuse.

How to Get the Most Scholarships

  1. Prove to the state that you need social assistance.
  2. Learn without triples, but better only perfectly.
  3. Participate in olympiads scientific conferences, publish science articles- the bigger, the better.
  4. Get a golden TRP badge.
  5. Participate in university events, and it is better to organize them.
  6. Gather documentary evidence any activity.
  7. Write a draft motivation letter and resume - this will speed up the collection of documents for competitions.
  8. Find out which companies and foundations the university cooperates with and which scholarships it has established.
  9. Participate in all available scholarship competitions.
Passed the last session without triples

1485 R
Proved the status of a lonely living poor

2228 R
Scored the most points at the faculty for sports, creativity, social activities, education and science

13 900 R
Presidential Scholarship
Received a recommendation from the academic council of the university, was among 700 the best students non-priority areas from all over Russia in terms of the number and quality of grants and scientific publications

2200 R
Yegor Gaidar Scholarship
Received a recommendation from the academic council of the university, was among the top 10 economics students from all over Russia in terms of the number and quality of grants and scientific publications

1500 R
Scholarship Starovoitova
Was among the two best St. Petersburg students humanitarian specialties, "who have shown outstanding abilities in teaching and research activities"

2000 R
Viking Bank Scholarship
Passed the last session with excellent marks, has GPA above 4.5 and success in the scientific field, won the competitive selection

The scholarship is a form of incentive for students.

The purpose of its provision is to support students in their development of the educational program.

However given form stimulation is not available to everyone!

What it is?

This type of scholarship is one of the payment options that are available to students only full-time learning. In addition, issued social scholarship only to those students who study at the expense of appropriations provided from the federal and/or regional and/or local budgets.

The procedure for its issuance primarily regulated federal law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012. (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273-FZ) paragraph 5 of Art. 36. In more detail, the procedure for providing these payments was approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in Order No. 1000 dated 08.28.13.

This regulatory document In particular, it says that:

  • scholarship amount is assigned educational institution, but taking into account the opinion of the trade union of this institution (if any) and the opinion expressed by the student council of the same institution;
  • at the same time, the amount of the scholarship cannot be less than the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. These standards are established taking into account the current inflationary level, for each category of students and the level of their vocational education.

Познакомиться with the size of the social scholarship it is possible in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 899 dated 10.10.13. This Decree was adopted to fulfill the requirements of paragraph 10 of Article 36 of Law No. 273-FZ.


In 2019, it is planned by state regulatory legal acts gradation of social scholarship accruals, based on the indicators of the success of the training process with reference to the grounds for its accrual:

  1. Social Academic Scholarship- due to all first-year students who entered the budget and continue to study successfully. For the 2018-2019 academic years, the amount will be 1482 rubles. This value is fixed and does not require the provision of additional documents and certificates.
  2. Basic social- due to all students, starting from the second semester of the 1st year and until the end of the higher educational institution provided that all sessional exams are passed not lower than "4". This year, such a payment is equivalent to 2,227 rubles. Unlike academic, it will need to be regularly confirmed after each credit semester.
  3. Social- for students whose marks in all subjects are only "4" and "5". Its value is determined by the educational institution independently, based on the internal documentation and powers of the university within the framework of the regional legislative acts in this area. However, it cannot be less than the basic scholarship.
  4. Increased social This is the privilege of excellence. As a rule, its size is equivalent to the minimum subsistence level in the region where the student is studying.

Thus, the academic social payment is guaranteed to the student in any case, even if the grades are not very good. But the possibility of increasing this amount will need to be confirmed meritorious learning outcomes.

Those categories of citizens who are brought up in an incomplete family, or one of the parents is a disabled person of the 1st group, are entitled to an increased scholarship.

At the end of each semester, progress is evaluated, and if its result allows you to increase the scholarship without supporting certificates, this is done in automatic mode. All documents - about income, benefits are relevant throughout the year. If the student takes academic leave- accruals are suspended and will resume when he returns to school.

As for secondary specialized educational institutions, there were no significant changes in the order of accrual of scholarship payments and their amount. As before, in 2019 this amount will be 730 rubles monthly. This applies to those who are trained as part of the training of specialists. middle category, skilled workers and employees. 2010 rubles for students in higher education.

Who is eligible to receive

Paragraph 5 of Article 36 of Law No. 273-FZ presents big list those persons who are eligible for this scholarship. These persons include, in particular:

This list is closed. But in addition to this list, there are also two conditions, which determine the right to receive social scholarships and must be observed at the same time:

  • full-time education;
  • and in the budget department.

If the above persons study at a paid department and (or) they have an evening or correspondence form of education, then they are not entitled to count on a social scholarship. However, when assigning social scholarships to students, there are some nuances.

The nuances of the appointment of social scholarships

Law No. 273-FZ provides for the case when a social stipend can be paid in excess of the established standards. This case includes needy 1st and 2nd year students who study full-time, budgetary department and receive higher education undergraduate and graduate programs. At the same time, these persons must have grades in their academic performance of at least “good and excellent”. The social scholarship for such students is increased to 10,329 rubles (excluding the regional coefficient). And it is appointed according to the results of the intermediate certification.

But in order to receive this scholarship, you need to document prove financial position student families.

If a student falls into (before the child reaches the age of three), due to pregnancy and childbirth, or takes an academic leave, then for this period the payment of a social scholarship does not stop. So it is established in paragraph 16 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1000 dated 08.28.13.

Regarding the scholarship nonresident students, then in Law No. 273-FZ and in other adopted in accordance with it normative documents there is no restriction on receiving social scholarships based on the criterion of residence. Therefore, the specified student receives a social scholarship on a general basis.

Design rules

First of all, a scholarship is awarded from the date when the student submitted a document to the educational institution, which confirms his compliance with one of those categories of persons specified in Law No. 273-FZ in Article 36. This document is Certificate issued by the local social security authorities.

To get this help required:

  • passport (or other identification document);
  • a certificate indicating the form of study, course and other similar data. This document is issued by the educational institution where the student is studying;
  • certificate of the amount of the scholarship for the last three months. It is issued by the accounting department of an educational organization.

For nonresident students additionally required:

  • a copy of the certificate of registration in the hostel, or a certificate in the form No. 9. This form is a document confirming the local registration of a nonresident person. Receive it at the place of registration;
  • receipts confirming payment for accommodation in the hostel. Or you need to submit a certificate issued by a passport officer at the student's place of residence, stating that he does not live in a hostel.

For poor citizens Additionally, you must submit:

As soon as everything is collected, the social security authority draws up a certificate for receiving a social scholarship, which is transferred by the student to his educational institution. It is worth noting that very often it is required to submit the specified certificate during September so that the student can quickly receive needed help. These terms should be clarified with the educational institution itself.

As soon as the certificate is submitted, the scholarship is awarded. The basis for the actual payment of this income is the administrative local act issued by the head of the educational institution. The scholarship is paid every month. But the certificate confirming the right to a social scholarship is valid for only one year. And so the next academic year will have to make it up again.

It is worth noting that the scholarship payment can be terminated if the student is expelled or there is no reason to receive it (i.e., a certificate from the social security authority is not submitted).

About who can receive this species state aid described in the following video: