Width 10.2 m Draft 4,1 Engines 2xTZA "Parsons" or "Metro-Vickers" or "GTZA-24" of the Kharkov plant Power 54,000 liters With. import mechanisms
60000 l. With. domestic mover 2 travel speed economy: 20.17 knots
Max.: 36.8 knots with imported mechanisms
39 knots with domestic cruising range 1490 nautical miles underway 17.8 knots
economy: 1,380 miles
full: 700 miles Crew 271
including 15 officers Armament Artillery 4 x B-13-2S
2 x 34-K
3 x 21-K
4 x DShK Anti-submarine weapons 2 x BMB-1 Mine and torpedo armament 2 x TA 1-N, naval mines KB-3

Also known as type "Sentry"- type of destroyers built for the Soviet Navy in the 1930s. Project 7-U was laid down as an improved project 7.


The construction of the ships was envisaged at factories No. 189 of the Shipyard named after. Ordzhonikidze and No. 190 Shipyard named after. Zhdanov in Leningrad, and factories No. 198 of the Shipyard named after. Marty and No. 200 Shipyard im. 61 Communards in Nikolaev.

Project 7-U

Initially, it was planned to relaunch absolutely all the ships of Project 7. However, fortunately, the Deputy People's Commissar of the Defense Industry Tevosyan I.F. managed to convince the committee to complete the construction of 29 destroyers under Project 7 and only the next 18 were relaid under Project 7U. The last 6 units under construction, which were in a low degree of readiness, were decided to be dismantled.

By the end of the war, the Baltic destroyers ("Strong", "Resistant", "Glorious", "Watchdog", "Strict", "Slender") received the third 76-mm gun mount 34-K (on poop).

By 1943, the most powerful in terms of air defense systems, the Black Sea "Able" and "Savvy" were armed with two 76-mm 34-K cannons, seven 37-mm 70-K submachine guns, four 12.7-mm DShK machine guns and two twin 12.7-mm Colt-Browning machine guns with water-cooled barrels.

Torpedo armament

Torpedo armament included two 533-mm triple-tube 1-N torpedo tubes. Unlike the 39-Yu gunpowder apparatus installed on the Project 7 ships, the 1-N had a combined firing system - gunpowder and pneumatic. The torpedo departure speed was 15 - 16 m / s (against 12 m / s for 39-Yu), which made it possible to significantly expand the sectors of fire: project 7 destroyers could not fire torpedoes at sharp heading angles due to the risk that they would hit the deck . In addition, a number of improvements were made to the design of the TA, which doubled the accuracy of its guidance to the target. Project 7-U ships have never had a chance to use their completely modern torpedo weapons in battle.

Anti-submarine weapons

The mine and anti-submarine armament of the Sentry-class destroyers was practically no different from that used on their predecessors. On the rails located on the upper deck, the ship could take 58 minutes of KB-3, or 62 mines of the 1926 model, or 96 minutes of the 1912 model (in overload). The standard set of depth charges is 10 large B-1s and 20 small M-1s. Large bombs were stored directly in the stern bombers; of the small ones, 12 in the cellar and 8 in the aft rack on the poop.

Already during the war, the destroyers received two BMB-1 bombers, capable of firing B-1 bombs at a distance of up to 110 m.

Navigation armament

The fire control system of the main caliber - PUS "Mina", created by the Leningrad plant "Elektropribor" specifically for the ships of project 7. Its main element was the central automatic firing system TsAS-2 - a calculating and decisive device, which, based on data received from rangefinder posts, continuously generated coordinates , speed and heading angle of the target, simultaneously giving out the full angles of horizontal and vertical aiming of the guns. TsAS-2 was considered a relatively small-sized device. In practice, its capabilities were severely limited due to the low accuracy of the Kurs gyrocompass, from which the circuit automatically received data on the course of its ship.

Information about the target went to the PUS system from the rangefinders of the KDP2-4 command and rangefinder post (factory index B-12) and night sights 1-Y. The Mina system made it possible to separate the fire of the bow and stern artillery groups, as well as to fire at a temporarily hiding sea target. In addition, she ensured the firing of torpedo tubes.

On some ships ("Able" and "Savvy"), auto-correctors were additionally installed for conducting aimed fire along the coast.

But there were no anti-aircraft fire control devices. Back in project 7, to ensure effective firing of 76-mm guns, it was planned to install MPUAZO, but by the time most destroyers were commissioned, these devices existed only on paper. The first MPUAZO Soyuz-7U system was installed literally on the eve of the war - in June 1941 on the Black Sea destroyer Sposobny. It included a fairly advanced Soyuz anti-aircraft gun (according to the principle of operation, it is an analogue of the TsAS-2, but intended for firing at air targets), the Gazon gyro vertical and a stabilized sighting post SVP-1. Although the system operated in one plane and was ineffective against dive bombers, it significantly increased the ship's air defense. In 1942, the Soyuz-7U (with the replacement of the unsuccessful SVP-1 with the new SVP-29) was mounted on two more destroyers - the Black Sea Svobodny and the Baltic Strogiy. On the other ships of projects 7 and 7-U, the 76-mm 34-K guns were "self-guided".

see also



  • Balakin S. A."Savvy" and other destroyers of project 7U (Russian) // Marine Collection: Magazine. - 1997. - No. 6.

They were developed by the Central Design Bureau for Special Shipbuilding TsKBS-1 under the program "naval shipbuilding for 1933-1938", adopted on July 11, 1933 by the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR. V.A. Nikitin was appointed the main head of the project, and P.O. Trakhtenberg was appointed the responsible executor. The project was based on theoretical drawings Italian company"Ansaldo" brought by V.A. Nikitin from Italy, in addition, the model was run in an experimental pool in Rome. Our designers borrowed both the layout of the machine-boiler plant and the general architecture of the ship, however, domestic weapons, mechanisms and equipment forced us to move away from the prototype in many respects. The ships were intended for delivering torpedo strikes against large enemy ships on remote sea lanes, repelling mine attacks, guarding their large ships and convoys during the transition in the far and near sea zone, as well as laying minefields.

The hull of the ship is riveted, with limited use of welding, from sheet low-manganese steel, which had increased strength, but at the same time greater fragility. The ship had a forecastle, an upper deck, bow and stern platforms, and a second bottom. Throughout the engine and boiler rooms, a longitudinal hull framing system was used, and a transverse framing system was used at the extremities. Spacing along the entire length of the hull was 510 mm. In the bow and stern of the engine and boiler rooms there was a living deck covered with linoleum. The main watertight bulkheads reached the upper deck and were 3-4 mm thick. The leader did not have armor protection for the sides and deck, the thickness of the skin sheets was 5-9 mm, and in the area of ​​​​engine and boiler rooms 10 mm. The bow and stern bridges were equipped with ship control devices, as well as a command and rangefinder post (KDP-4) was located on the bow bridge, and a DM-3 rangefinder on the stern. Under the bow bridge was a two-tier bow superstructure. In the lower tier of the bow superstructure there were cabins for the senior command staff (commander and commissar of the ship, command of the formation), a headquarters cabin, a long-distance radio room, a hydroacoustic post, and a modular one. In the upper tier there was a GKP, a running and navigational cabin, a short-range communication cabin, and a cipher post. Under the aft bridge was a single-tier aft superstructure. In the aft superstructure, there was a cabin on duty and sanitary facilities for junior command personnel and teams. From the forecastle and beyond chimney there was a chimney casing, an energy and survivability post (PEZH) and rosters for life-saving equipment. Above the bulkhead separating 1 and 2 MO, on the upper deck, there was another superstructure with a galley, a dishwasher and a diesel generator room. The officers' quarters were located in the bow, and the sailors lived in cockpits in the bow and stern. The ammunition cellars were equipped with irrigation and flooding systems. Both systems were connected to the fire main. The spar was represented by two masts. The silhouette of the destroyer had sharp contours in the bow and one sloping, oval chimney.

  1. Feed water tank, artillery cellar No. 1, crew quarters No. 2, officers' cabins (frame 33-44);
  2. Fuel tank, artillery cellars No. 2 and No. 3, crew quarters No. 3, officers' cabins (frames 44-61);
  3. Boiler room No. 1 (frame 61-78);
  4. Boiler compartment No. 2 (frame 78-94);
  5. Boiler room No. 3 (frame 94-109);
  6. Engine room No. 1 (frame 109-133);
  7. Auxiliary boiler compartment (frame 133-138);
  8. Engine room No. 2 (frame 138-159);
  9. Tiller compartment and chemical cabin (frame 205-220);

The anchor device included two electric capstans, two Hall anchors and one aft stop anchor. The mass of the dead anchor is 1 t, the length of the anchor chains is 184 m. The mass of the stop anchor is 350 kg, the speed of the anchor chain is 0.2 m/s.

The steering device had an electric drive and one semi-balanced steering wheel located in the diametrical plane. Management was carried out from the main and spare navigation bridges and from the chart house. Emergency control was carried out manually from the tiller compartment.

Drainage means were represented by 13 water-jet ejectors with water supply from 10 to 100 t/h and 2 portable ejectors with water supply of 20 t/h.

Rescue equipment included 1 powerboat, 3 six-oared yawls, life buoys and individual life belts.

The power plant is mechanical, two-shaft, with two three-case turbo-gear turbines of the Kharkov Turbine Plant model GTZA-24 with a capacity of 25,250 hp each. With. each, located one in the forward engine room and one in the aft MO. The turbines transmitted rotation through the side shafts to two three-blade fixed-pitch propellers (FS). The steam for the turbines was produced by three triangular-type water-tube boilers with oil heating and with a symmetrical arrangement of superheaters located in the boiler rooms. The steam capacity of boilers No. 2 and No. 3 was 98.5 t / h each, and the front one - 83 t / h, since it had 7 nozzles instead of 9 due to the narrowing of the body, and the heating surface reached 1077 m2, instead of 1264 m2 for the last two. The control of the main engines was carried out manually with the help of speaking pipes and a machine telegraph. To store fuel oil, not only fuel tanks were used, but also double-bottom space, which increased the fuel supply to 500 tons. The ship's full speed was 38 knots. The actual cruising range at an economic speed of 19 knots was 2,500 miles.

The 115 V direct current electric power system was powered by three PST 30/14 dynamos with a power of 50 kW each and one standby diesel generator PN-2F with a power of 30 kW with distribution stations.

The armament of the ships consisted of:

  1. Of 2 single-barreled 76-mm anti-aircraft guns 34-K with a barrel length of 55 calibers, located side by side on the rosters behind the main mast. The gun in the deck installation had a shield made of bulletproof armor 13 mm thick. The rate of fire of the installation was 15 shots / min. The vertical guidance angle is from -5° to +85°, and the horizontal firing angles of both installations are from 20° to 180° on both sides. The initial velocity of the projectile is 800 m / s, the firing range is up to 14.6 km, and the reach in height is 9 km. Ammunition according to the norm was 350 shots per gun, 846 shots were taken into overload (according to the capacity of the cellars). The mass of the gun was 4.872 tons.
  2. Of 2 single-barreled 45-mm universal semi-automatic 21-K with a barrel length of 46 calibers, located on the side at the forecastle cut and providing shelling of air targets from forward heading angles. These installations did not have anti-fragmentation shields and mechanical pickup drives. The calculation of the gun consisted of 3 people. The semi-automatic fire rate was 25 rounds / min. Elevation angle from -10° to +85°. The initial velocity of the projectile is 740 m / s, the firing range is up to 9.2 km, and the reach in height is 6 km. The mass of the gun reached 507 kg.
  3. Of 2 single-barreled 12.7-mm machine guns DK-32, located side by side on the command bridge. The fire mode is only automatic, built on the gas exhaust principle. The rate of fire was 125 rounds / min. followed by a break to cool the barrel. Sighting range firing reached 3 km, and the ceiling up to 2 km. The machine guns are fed by belt, in the tape there are 50 rounds. The calculation of the machine gun included 2 people. The machine guns had a muzzle brake, a recoil absorber on the machine, a shoulder rest and a manual control system with an optical sight. Installation weight - no data.
  4. Of 2 triple-tube 533-mm torpedo tubes (TA) 39-Yu, located in the diametrical plane with the ability to conduct salvo firing of torpedoes from the Mina PUTS. TA deck swivel with turning angles from 62.5° to 118° on both sides. Gunpowder torpedo tubes were equipped with a manual drive and a mechanical electric drive for remote aiming. For remote control torpedo firing, the Mina torpedo firing control device was used, which ensured a consistent firing of torpedoes. PUTS "Mina" made it possible to solve the torpedo triangle and produce guidance, both hardware and by ship. The torpedo 53-38 is a combined-cycle, dual-mode torpedo, that is, a range mode of 4 km and 8 km or 4 km and 10 km can be set on the base. The weight of the warhead of the torpedo was 300 kg, while the weight of the torpedo itself was 1.615 tons. The speed of the torpedo reached 44.5 knots (4 km), 34.5 knots (8 km) and 30.5 knots (10 km). The ammunition consisted of 16 torpedoes, 8 of them in the cellar, and the rest in the TA.
  5. Of 2 bombers for 16 BB-1 depth charges located at the aft cut of the upper deck. The total weight of a large depth charge was 165 kg, and the weight of TNT was 135 kg with a length of 712 mm and a diameter of 430 mm. The immersion speed reached 2.5 m / s, and the radius of destruction ranged from 8 to 20 meters. The bomb provided the setting of the depth of the explosion from 10 to 210 meters.

The ships were equipped with a Kurs gyrocompass, a Poseidon noise direction finder, 2 sets of DA-1 smoke equipment, a DA-2 aft smoke equipment kit, a Guys-1 radar (on the Gromkom SF), a Guys-1M radar (on " Ryan" Pacific Fleet).

Radar "Guys-1" - the first serial shipborne radar with one antenna (channel), two-coordinate, meter (1.5 meters) wavelength range, made it possible to detect and determine the range and azimuth to air and surface targets. The station operated in circular - 360° and sector - with an azimuth of 18° modes, with an operating radiation frequency of 200 MHz. Antenna - type "wave channel" with the number of revolutions per minute - 3 and the rate of view - 20 seconds. The operator observed the detected targets on the CRT screen, which were displayed as vertical pulsating pulses. The radar had a power consumption of 80 kW with a detection range of surface targets such as a battleship of 15 km, a cruiser of 13 km, a destroyer of 9.26 km, and a minesweeper of 7.4 km. The accuracy of determining the range was 92.6-129.6 meters, and the median error in determining the azimuth was no more than 0.55%.

The ships were built at the plant No. 190 (7) and at the Baltic Shipyard No. 189 (3) in Leningrad, at the Andre Marty plant No. 198 (4 for the Black Sea Fleet / 12 for the Pacific Fleet) and at the plant No. 200 (1 for the Black Sea Fleet / 1 for the Pacific Fleet) in Nikolaev with subsequent assembly of sections at plant No. 199 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (9) and at Dalzavod No. 202 in Vladivostok (9).

Tactical and technical data of the destroyers of the project 7 Displacement: standard 1500 tons, full 2180 tons Maximum length: 112.5 metersLength according to design waterline: 110 meters
Maximum width: 10.2 meters
Width on design waterline: 10.1 meters
Nose side height: 8.5 meters
Board height amidships: 6 meters
Board height in the stern: 3.2 meters
Hull draft: 3.8 meters
Power point:
3 boilers, 2 FSH propellers, 1 steering wheel
Electric power
3 dynamos PST 30/14, 50 kW,
direct current 115 V, 1 diesel generator PN-2F per 30 kW.
Travel speed: gross 38 knots, economic 19 knots
cruising range: 2500 miles at 19 knots
Seaworthiness: up to 7 points
Autonomy: 10 days
Armament: .
anti-aircraft: 2x1 76 mm 34-K guns, 2x1 12.7 mm DK machine guns,
2x1 45-mm semi-automatic 21-K.
torpedo: 2x3 533-mm swivel TA 39-Yu with "Mina" PUTS.
mine: 65 anchor mines mod. 1926
anti-submarine: 2 bombers, 16 BB-1 bombs.
hydroacoustic: 1 noise direction finder "Poseidon"
radio engineering:
1 log GO-3
chemical: 2 sets YES #1, 1 set YES #2
Crew: 197 people (15 officers, 44 foremen)

In total, destroyers were built from 1938 to 1940 - 28 units.

    Project 7U destroyers
- This is an improved version with an echelon arrangement of the main power plant, developed under the leadership of O.F. Jacob. The project was developed by the Central Design Bureau of Special Shipbuilding TsKBS-1 and Design Bureau of Plant No. 190 under the leadership of Chief Designer N.A. Lebedev. The project was finally approved by the People's Commissariat of the Navy on August 29, 1938.

The hull of the ship differed from Project 7 in the location of the engine and boiler rooms, as well as the presence of a fourth boiler, which slightly increased the displacement. The bow watertight bulkhead 1 KO was moved 3 spaces forward: from the 61st to the 58th frame. Also, the bow superstructure, along with the KDP-4 and 130-mm guns, was moved to three spacings. The bow superstructure remained bunk with a bow bridge. In the lower tier of the bow superstructure there were cabins for senior command personnel (commander and commissar of the ship, command of the formation), a headquarters cabin, a hydroacoustic post, aggregate, battery and charging batteries. In the upper tier there were GKP, navigation and navigation cabins, a cipher post, a secret communications post and a short-range radio room. The single-tier aft superstructure had a stern bridge. In the aft superstructure, there were sanitary facilities for junior command personnel and teams, a battery room, an aggregate room, a diesel generator room and a long-distance radio room. From the forecastle and behind the first chimney, there was a chimney casing, a galley, a dishwasher and, on top, rostra for boats. Near the second chimney there was another superstructure with a workshop and a chemical post, and on top of the rostra for six-oared yals, there was also a DM-3 rangefinder. The officers' quarters were located in the bow, and the sailors lived in cockpits in the bow and stern. The ammunition cellars were equipped with irrigation and flooding systems. Both systems were connected to the fire main. The spar was represented by two masts. The silhouette of the destroyer had sharp contours in the bow and two sloping, oval chimneys.
The unsinkability of the ship was ensured by dividing the hull with watertight bulkheads into 15 compartments:

  1. Forepeak, skipper and paint pantries (0-6 frames);
  2. Chain box, provisional pantry, room for a capstan machine (6-18 frames);
  3. Fresh water cistern, room for a refrigerator car, crew quarters No. 1, wardroom (frame 18-33);
  4. Feed water tank, artillery cellar No. 1, crew quarters No. 2, officers' cabins (frames 33-41);
  5. Fuel tank, artillery cellars No. 2 and No. 3, crew quarters No. 3, officers' cabins (frame 41-58);
  6. Boiler compartment No. 1 (frame 58-72);
  7. Boiler compartment No. 2 (frame 72-86);
  8. Engine room No. 1 (frame 86-109);
  9. Boiler room No. 3 (frame 109-123);
  10. Boiler room No. 4 (frame 123-137);
  11. Engine room No. 2 (frame 137-159);
  12. Artillery cellars No. 4 and No. 5, MPUAZO premises, posts (159-175 frames);
  13. Chemical pantry, artillery cellar No. 6, crew quarters No. 4 (frame 175-186);
  14. Artillery cellar No. 7, fuel tank, crew quarters No. 5 (frame 186-205);
  15. Rump department. (205-220 frame);
According to the calculations, the destroyer was guaranteed to maintain buoyancy and stability with the simultaneous flooding of any two compartments. When three adjacent compartments were flooded, it was not always possible to maintain buoyancy.

The power plant is mechanical, two-shaft, with two three-case turbo-gear turbines of the Kharkov Turbine Plant model GTZA-24 with a capacity of 25,250 hp each. With. each, located one in the forward engine room and one in the aft MO. The turbines transmitted rotation through the side shafts to two three-bladed fixed-pitch propellers (FS). Steam for the turbines was produced by four tent vertical water-tube boilers with oil heating, a side screen and a one-way gas flow, equipped with loop superheaters. The steam capacity of the boilers was 80 t/h, the heating surface of each boiler reached 655 m2, and the pressure was 27.5 kg/cm2 at a temperature of 340°C. The control of the main engines was carried out manually with the help of speaking pipes and a machine telegraph. For the storage of fuel oil, not only fuel tanks were used, but also the double-bottom space. The ship's full speed was 37 knots. The actual cruising range at an economic speed of 19 knots was 2380 miles.

The 115 V direct current electric power system was powered by two PG-3 turbogenerators with a capacity of 100 kW each and two backup diesel generators with a capacity of 50 kW each with distribution stations.

The armament of the ships consisted of:

  1. Of the 4 single-barrel 130-mm gun mounts B-13 with a barrel length of 50 calibers, two are located on the tank and two in the stern. Ammunition, amounting to 150 shots per barrel (175 in overload), was located in four artillery cellars. Its supply was carried out by two elevators (one for charges, the other for shells) for each gun; in case of failure, there were tubes for manual feeding, and the loading of the guns was carried out manually. The gun in the deck installation had a shield made of bulletproof armor 13 mm thick. The calculation of the gun included 11 people. The rate of fire of the installation, depending on the elevation angle, was 6-10 shots / min. Elevation angle from -5° to +45°. The initial velocity of the projectile is 870 m / s, the firing range is up to 27.5 km. The mass of the gun with the machine and the shield was 12.8 tons. The artillery fire was controlled by PUAO "Mina", which made it possible to determine the full angles of vertical and horizontal guidance of the guns while constantly monitoring the target. Surveillance of the surface target was carried out using two 4-meter rangefinders located in the bow command and rangefinder post (KDP-4).
  2. Of 2 single-barreled 76-mm anti-aircraft guns 34-K with a barrel length of 55 calibers, located side by side on the aft bridge. The gun in the deck installation had a shield made of bulletproof armor 13 mm thick. The rate of fire of the installation was 15 shots / min. The vertical guidance angle is from -5° to +85°, and the horizontal firing angles of both installations are from 20° to 180° on both sides. The initial velocity of the projectile is 800 m / s, the firing range is up to 14.6 km, and the reach in height is 9 km. Ammunition according to the norm was 350 shots per gun, 846 shots were taken into overload (according to the capacity of the cellars). The mass of the gun was 4.872 tons.
  3. Of the 3 single-barrel 45-mm universal semi-automatic 21-K with a barrel length of 46 calibers, two are located on the side and one in the diametrical plane on the site behind the first chimney. These installations did not have anti-fragmentation shields and mechanical pickup drives. The calculation of the gun consisted of 3 people. The semi-automatic fire rate was 25 rounds / min. Elevation angle from -10° to +85°. The initial velocity of the projectile is 740 m / s, the firing range is up to 9.2 km, and the reach in height is 6 km. The mass of the gun reached 507 kg.
  4. Of the 4 single-barreled 12.7-mm DShK machine guns with a barrel length of 84 caliber, two are located side by side on the command bridge and two are side by side at the forecastle cut. The fire mode is only automatic, built on the gas exhaust principle. The rate of fire was 125 rounds / min. followed by a break to cool the barrel. The effective firing range reached 3.5 km, and the ceiling was up to 2.4 km at an initial bullet speed of 850 m/s. The machine guns are fed by belt, in the tape there are 50 rounds. The calculation of the machine gun included 2 people. The machine guns had a muzzle brake, a recoil absorber on the machine, a shoulder rest and a manual control system with an optical sight. Installation weight - no data.
  5. Of 2 triple-tube 533-mm torpedo tubes (TA) 1-N, located in the diametrical plane with the ability to conduct salvo firing of torpedoes from the Mina PUTS. TA deck swivel with turning angles from 45° to 135° on both sides. Combined torpedo tubes with the ability to fire both gunpowder and pneumatic. They were equipped with a manual drive and a mechanical electric drive for remote aiming. For remote control of torpedo firing, the Mina torpedo firing control device was used, which provided a consistent and salvo torpedo firing. PUTS "Mina" made it possible to solve the torpedo triangle and produce guidance, both hardware and by ship. A number of improvements were made to the design of the TA, which doubled the accuracy of its guidance to the target. The torpedo 53-38 is a combined-cycle, dual-mode torpedo, that is, a range mode of 4 km and 8 km or 4 km and 10 km can be set on the base. The weight of the warhead of the torpedo was 300 kg, while the weight of the torpedo itself was 1.615 tons. The speed of the torpedo reached 44.5 knots (4 km), 34.5 knots (8 km) and 30.5 knots (10 km). The ammunition consisted of 16 torpedoes, 8 of them in the cellar, and the rest in the TA.
  6. From 65 anchor mines of the 1926 model. A shock-mechanical mine with a spherical-cylindrical body made of galvanized sheet iron had dimensions of 1840x900x1000 mm. The drum with the minrep, located on the body of the mine, had a hydrostatic device that controlled the unwinding of the minrep. After dropping, the mine sank to the bottom without separating from the anchor. After a while, the sugar disconnector worked and she began to float. When the predetermined recess was reached, the hydrostatic device stopped the unwinding of the minrep. The warhead contained 254 kg of explosive, the time to enter the combat position was from 15 to 25 minutes. For laying mines, mine rails were used, which simplified the laying of mines on the go. The greatest depth of the setting was 130 meters, the smallest 18 meters. The deepest mine from the surface is up to 6.1 meters, the smallest is about 1.2 meters. The minimum mine interval reached 41 meters at the highest speed when setting mines at 24 knots and the highest side height of 4.6 meters. The explosion delay when the mine was triggered was 0.05 seconds.
  7. Of 2 bombers for 16 BB-1 depth charges located at the aft cut of the upper deck. The total weight of a large depth charge was 165 kg, and the weight of TNT was 135 kg with a length of 712 mm and a diameter of 430 mm. The immersion speed reached 2.5 m / s, and the radius of destruction ranged from 8 to 20 meters. The bomb provided the setting of the depth of the explosion from 10 to 210 meters.

The fire control system of the main caliber "Mina-7" included:

  • Artillery fire control device of the main caliber (PUAO) "Mina-7" consisting of:
    • From the central automaton for firing control of the main caliber TsAS-2 (calculating device), which, on the basis of the data received from the rangefinder posts, developed the coordinates, speed and heading angle of the target, while simultaneously giving out the angles of horizontal and vertical aiming of the guns. In addition to controlling the fire of the main caliber, he had a scheme for generating a torpedo aiming angle, that is, he could also be used as a torpedo firing machine.
  • Data on the course of your ship was automatically received from the Kurs gyrocompass, unfortunately, in practice, its capabilities were severely limited due to low accuracy.
  • Information about the target went to the fire control system from the rangefinders of the KDP-4 command and rangefinder post and the night sights of the central aiming of the VMC-2.
The Mina-7 system made it possible to separate the fire of the bow and stern artillery groups, as well as to fire at a temporarily hiding sea target. In addition, she ensured the firing of torpedo tubes.

The ships of the project were equipped with a Kurs gyrocompass, a Poseidon noise direction finder, 2 sets of DA-1 smoke equipment, a DA-2 aft smoke equipment kit, MDSh smoke bombs, and a Guys-1M radar (on the Strict BF).

A two-rotor gyrocompass of the "Kurs" type with a sensitive element in the form of a floating gyrosphere, the prototype of which was the "New Anschutz" gyrocompass, created in Germany in 1926. The gyrocompass had an attenuation switch that provided a lower ballistic error, the readiness time after launch was 4-6 hours, in addition, manual inputs were required to take into account the velocity correction with each change in speed, as well as with a change in latitude. The disadvantage of the gyrocompass was the lack of an autonomous emergency power source, a tachometer to determine the number of revolutions of the power unit, and non-self-synchronizing receiving peripheral devices, which required systematic monitoring of their consistency with the main compass. The gyrocompass readings were sent to the repeaters. The latter were located in various combat posts and, after turning them on and agreeing with the gyrocompass, showed the course of the ship.

ShPS "Poseidon" was intended for passive detection of targets, by registering and classifying their noise. The station provided target detection "on the foot" according to the structure of the noise signal at a distance of 740 meters to 2.5 km, the bearing accuracy varied within 5-10 °, and the distance to the target could not be determined by the NPS.

Smoke apparatus DA-1 steam-oil (smoke substance - fuel oil), had an exhaust through the chimney at a capacity of 50 kg / min. The height of the curtain was 40 - 60 meters.

Smoke equipment DA-2 was mounted on the stern and was acidic - they used a mixture of C-IV (a solution of sulfurous anhydride in chlorosulfonic acid) as a smoke-forming substance, which was supplied to the nozzles with compressed air and sprayed into the atmosphere.

The marine smoke bomb MDSH, adopted in 1935, was intended for ships that did not have stationary smoke equipment. As a smoke generator in the checker, a solid smoke mixture based on ammonia and anthracene is used. With a length of 487 mm and a mass of 40-45 kg, its operation time is eight minutes, and the smoke screen created reaches 350 meters in length and 17 meters in height.

Radar "Guys-1M" - a shipborne radar with two antennas (channels), two-coordinate, meter (1.43 meters) wave range, made it possible to detect and determine the range and azimuth to air and surface targets and the coastline for ships of the type MO, BO, TFR, TS and destroyers. The station operated in circular - 360° and sector - with an azimuth of 18° modes, with an operating radiation frequency of 209.79 MHz. Two antennas - of the "wave channel" type with a beam opening angle in the horizontal plane of 22 °, the number of revolutions per minute - 3 and the viewing rate - 20 seconds. Radiation and reception could be carried out both on both antennas, working in phase, and on one. The operator observed the detected targets on the CRT screen, which was an oscillographic marker on the LO-709 tube. A "strobe signal" and a system of strict linear scanning of the electron beam were introduced into the CRT. The use of the "electric magnifying glass" scheme made it possible to increase the resolution in distance and at long detection ranges to consider and determine the number and nature of surface targets in more detail. The radar had a power consumption of 80 kW with a detection range of surface targets such as a cruiser - 11 km, a destroyer - up to 8 km, a minesweeper - up to 6.5 km. The weight of the equipment is 174 kg. The accuracy of determining the range was 92.5 meters, and the median error in determining the azimuth was no more than 0.42%.

The ships were built at the plant No. 190 (10) and at the Baltic Shipyard No. 189 (3) in Leningrad and at the plant No. 200 (5 for the Black Sea Fleet) in Nikolaev.

The lead Watchtower entered service with the Baltic Fleet in October 1940.

Tactical and technical data of destroyers of project 7U Displacement: standard 1800 tons, full 2404 tons Maximum length: 112.5 metersLength according to design waterline: 110 meters
Maximum width: 10.2 meters
Width on design waterline: 10.1 meters
Nose side height: 8.5 meters
Board height amidships: 6 meters
Board height in the stern: 3.2 meters
Hull draft: 3.8 meters
Power point: 2 steam turbines GTZA for 25 250 hp,
4 boilers, 2 FSH propellers, 1 steering wheel
Electric power
2 turbogenerators PG-3, 100 kW each,
direct current 115 V, 2 DG-50s, 50 kW each.
Travel speed: gross 37 knots, economic 19 knots
cruising range: 2380 miles at 19 knots
Seaworthiness: up to 7 points
Autonomy: 9 days
Armament: .
artillery: 4x1 130-mm gun mounts B-13 from PUAO "Mina-7"
anti-aircraft: 2x1 76 mm 34-K guns, 4x1 12.7 mm DShK machine guns,
3x1 45-mm semi-automatic 21-K.
torpedo: 2x3 533-mm rotary TA 1-N with "Mina" PUTS.
mine: 65 anchor mines mod. 1926
anti-submarine: 2 bombers, 10 BB-1 bombs.
hydroacoustic: 1 noise direction finder "Poseidon"
radio engineering: transmitter "Shkval-M", receiver "Metel",
1 VHF transceiver "Raid".
navigational: 1 Kurs-2 gyrocompass, 4 127 mm mag. compass ZMI,
1 log GO-3
chemical: 2 sets of YES No. 1, 1 set of YES No. 2,
smoke bombs MDSH
Crew: 207 people (15 officers, 45 foremen)

In total, destroyers were built from 1940 to 1942 - 18 units.

Project 7 destroyers, also known as Gnevny-class destroyers, are a type of destroyers built for the Soviet Union. Navy in the second half of the 1930s. One of the most massive types of destroyers in the history of the Soviet fleet. Their design and construction was personally supervised by the head of the country. Therefore, the "sevens" were unofficially called the destroyers of the "Stalinist series". The lead ship was the Wrathful.

It became part of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet in 1938. A total of 53 units were laid down. Of these, 28 were completed according to the original project. 18 were completed under the 7U project. 6 were dismantled on the slipway. One ("Resolute") sank while being towed in a storm after launching and was not completed. The main caliber of the "Wrathful" is four 130 mm guns. Thirty-kilogram shells of one hundred and thirty flew 33 km, in the literal sense of the word - beyond the horizon. At the same time, the rate of fire of the main guns reached 13 rounds per minute. To match the artillery were torpedoes - the main heavy weapon of the "sevens". Two three-tube apparatus fired the latest Soviet torpedoes of the 53-39 type. They were put into service just before the war. Torpedoes carried 317 kg of powerful explosives at a distance of up to 10 km.
"Naval cavalry" - the destroyers were called so for their speed and maneuverability. In the design of these ships, everything was subject to speed. That is why they did not put heavy armor protection on them, as on cruisers. Project 7 destroyers were designed for artillery combat and torpedo attacks. They had powerful artillery weapons, modern systems fire control, reliable power plants. But during the war, for their intended purpose, the "seven", like other ships of the Soviet fleet, were almost never used. However, today I have 10 cases for you. combat use destroyers of the "Stalinist series".

1. On March 28, 1942, the destroyer Thundering left Murmansk for Medvezhiy Island. The task is to meet and escort convoy PQ-13 to the Kola Bay. On the third day of a tense military campaign, the signalman saw an obscure silhouette through binoculars. After a few seconds, he disappeared, as if dissolving among the waves. The submarine is going to dive. The commander of the ship, captain of the 3rd rank Gurin, immediately gave the order: - Full speed ahead! Bombs go! "Thundering" rushed to the attack. The Red Navy took their places at the stern bombers. - "Reset the first series! The first went! The second went!" The destroyer dropped 6 depth charges, then lay back on course for a second attack. Fragments began to float to the surface in boiling foam. There was a large oil stain on the water. In the depths of the Barents Sea, the German submarine Yu-585 found its grave. This was the first major victory for the Soviet destroyers of the famous "Stalinist series".

2. From the first hours of the war, the destroyer "Angry", the one that became the lead "Stalinist series" received combat mission to lay minefields at the mouth of the Gulf of Finland in order to prevent the enemy from breaking through to Leningrad. Minelayers went out to sea. They were covered by a detachment of light forces of the Baltic Fleet. Cruiser Maxim Gorky escorted by the destroyers Gnevny, Proud and Guard. It was not by chance that the "Sevens" became part of the cover detachment. In terms of the power of artillery and torpedo weapons, they surpassed any German destroyer. The detachment of light forces moved forward in full readiness for combat with enemy surface ships, but the danger came from under the water. The detachment moved directly to the minefield, set by the Germans at the mouth of the Gulf of Finland even before the start of hostilities, on the night of June 22. The destroyer "Wrathful" went first. Suddenly there was a deafening explosion, the ship was enveloped in clouds of smoke and steam. The destroyer was blown up by a German anchor mine of the EMS type. The explosion tore off the bow to the second gun. 20 people died. The destroyer "Proud" turned back on a course to provide assistance. It was impossible to take the damaged ship in tow. In order for the destroyer not to go to the enemy, it had to be sunk. 186 sailors were removed from the "Angry", and then they opened fire on it from the artillery of the main caliber. The lead ship of the "Stalinist series" was the first major loss of the Soviet fleet during the Great Patriotic War. But there were at this difficult time the first victories, even small ones.

3. On the third day of the war, the gunners of the destroyer "Thundering" shot down a German bomber. This would not be surprising if we were talking about anti-aircraft gunners. But the Junkers 88 fell apart in the air, having received a direct hit from the main caliber gun. The same one hundred and thirty in the passport data of which it was recorded - "does not have the properties of anti-aircraft fire."

4. On July 18, the 41st aircraft of the Baltic Fleet discovered an enemy convoy. Several transports, escorted by torpedo and patrol boats, went through the Irben Strait to Riga captured by the Germans. The destroyer "Guarding" headed to intercept the convoy. The high speed of 39 knots allowed the destroyer to catch up with the enemy already at the very entrance to the port. High-explosive shells of one hundred and thirty hit the German ships. Two vehicles caught fire. But return fire coastal batteries the enemy and the attacks of the Luftwaffe aircraft did not allow to develop success. "Guarding" lay down on the reverse course. The anti-aircraft crews of the destroyer repulsed all the attacks of the German aviation. There was no combat damage or loss of personnel on the Guardian.

5. In the second half of August 1941, the German ground troops surrounded the main naval base of the Baltic Fleet Tallinn. The evacuation of warships and auxiliary vessels began eastward to Kronstadt. I had to go 170 miles along the mine-strewn Gulf of Finland under the continuous attacks of German aircraft. The destroyers covered the cruiser "Kirov". On board were the Headquarters of the Fleet, the government of Estonia and the gold reserves of the state banks of the Baltic states. During the transition, five destroyers were killed. Another hit a mine, but survived. It was the destroyer Gordy. The semi-submerged ship was taken in tow by another destroyer, the Ferocious. For almost two days they literally crawled into the base. Two ideal targets for Luftwaffe bombers. Reflecting attacks from the air, the Gordoy anti-aircraft gunners fired all the ammunition - a thousand shells from each barrel. Two and a half hundred bombs were dropped on the destroyer, but none of them hit the target. The ship was able to reach Kronstadt.

6. In August 1941, the destroyer "Bodry" entered the firing position in the area of ​​besieged Odessa. Volleys of one hundred and thirty were destroyed command post and headquarters of the Romanian infantry division. For this, the crew received gratitude from the command of the Odessa defensive region.

7. In October 1941, the enemy approached Sevastopol. The Black Sea "sevens" came to the defense of the main naval base of the fleet. Under fire from German coastal batteries and aircraft, the destroyers broke through into the besieged city. They transported troops, equipment, ammunition and food, fired at enemy positions from main caliber guns. In total, 6 destroyers of the "Stalinist series" fought in the Black Sea theater of operations. Four of them died under the bombs of German aircraft.

8. On November 15, 1943, the destroyer Razumny was guarding convoy AB55. Acoustics heard the noise of propellers under water. "Reasonable" immediately turned around and lay down on a combat course. The destroyer attacked the enemy submarine with ten BB1 depth charges. The last three explosions were unusually powerful. The list of losses of the German submarine fleet was replenished by the submarine Yu387.

9. But victories were not easy. Until May 45, two "sevens" did not live Northern Fleet. Already at the beginning of the war, Junkers 87 dive bombers sank the destroyer Stremitelny in the Kola Bay. A hundred-kilogram aerial bomb hit the torpedo tube, the torpedoes detonated, the ship broke in half and sank in a matter of seconds.

10. On January 6, 1945, the destroyer Furious received heavy damage. It was attacked by an acoustic homing torpedo. The explosion tore off the "Furious" stern, a fire started on the ship. Thanks to the dedication of the crew, the destroyer was already afloat and was towed to the base.

Destroyers have become universal soldiers of the sea. Day and night, in rain and snow, these ships went out on minelaying, attacked enemy submarines and transports, landed and supported landing forces with fire from their guns, delivered reinforcements and ammunition to the defenders of the besieged cities, took out the wounded and the civilian population, escorted transport ships, repelled raids enemy aviation. Behind military honors during the Great Patriotic War, four Project 7 destroyers were awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and the Thundering one received the title of Guards.

The destroyer "Fast" was good example product "Soyuzverfi" of the Soviet Union. The destroyer became the eleventh warship of the project number "7" and was put into operation in the Black Sea Fleet.


After the First World War, the participating countries tried to make up for their lost military potential. One of the directions was the Navy, which since the time of Alfred Mahan has been one of the predetermining factors in obtaining global power.

In addition, cruisers and battleships received a special trend. British destroyers type "V" and "W"; Japanese Hatsuharu and Fubuku; American "Porter", "Mahan", "Benson" and "Gridley"; French "Jaguar" and "La Fantask"; Italian "Maestralle"; German "Type 1934" and "Type 1936" - are the main representatives of foreign modern destroyers in the period 1920-1930.

Prerequisites for creation

Soviet Union also did not want to lag behind its European and Asian neighbors. At the beginning of the 1930s, there were only 17 ships in the operation of the Navy of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (12 ships were in the Baltic Sea, the remaining 5 in the Black Sea), which remained from the time of the First World War. Moreover, destroyers of the Novik type did not respond desired characteristics of that time and could not represent the interests of the Soviet Union of Socialist Republics. As a result, the Command of the Naval Forces of the Red Army, together with Soyuzverf and the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR, adopted a resolution on the construction of 50 destroyers of a new type. A new type of destroyers was the project number "7" (or as it is known the type "Angry"). Over time, a modernized version of the destroyer "7U" appeared (or, in another way, the "Watchdog" type).

The Great Patriotic War

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Navy had 22 Project 7 destroyers. The remaining 25 destroyers, although they were laid down in 1935-1936, for one reason or another, were not put into operation by contractors (shipyards). All destroyers of project number "7" and its upgraded version "7U" were divided into 4 fleets:

  1. Baltic Fleet;
  2. Black Sea Fleet;
  3. Northern Fleet;
  4. Pacific Fleet.

However, in connection with strategic tasks, destroyers played a role in the first two fleets.

Baltic Fleet

The structure included one detachment of light forces and one squadron, consisting of destroyers of project numbers "7" and "7U", as well as other ships of various classes. The destroyers Watchtower, Glorious, Stable, Angry, Harsh, Strong were included in this list (upon completion of construction, they were supplemented with new "sevens"). Despite the fact that basically all of these warships were put out of action by the fascist forces, some of them made real progress in achieving the victory of the Red Army.

For example, the destroyer "Glorious" in general was able to overcome 3,700 nautical miles and produce an artillery fuse in the amount of about 2,000 shells from the main and anti-aircraft guns. Another example is the destroyer Stoykiy, which has traveled over 7,500 nautical miles. Moreover, the latter not only delivered strikes (more than 1,500 shells) on enemy units, but successfully used mines (about 300 units), depth charges (about 130 units) and transported more than 1,500 military personnel. "Strong" and "Angry" participated directly in the naval battle against the German ship group and achieved success in it. The destroyer "Severe" also participated in another naval battle in the Gulf of Riga, where, like his brothers "Strong" and "Angry", he achieved success.

Black Sea Fleet

The composition consisted of two divisions, but only one had the destroyers of the project number "7" and "7U". The second division included destroyers Fast, Svobodny, Smart, Smart, Capable (over time, the ranks were supplemented by new destroyers of the project number 7 and 7U). The main task of the fleet was the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol. Moreover, in the following year, the fleet provided support for landing operations in Feodosia.

The legend of the Black Sea Fleet is the destroyer of the project number "7" - "Smart". The latter went through the entire war without receiving a single significant injury and losing only 5 crew members. In general, "Smart" has passed more than 60,000 nautical miles (reaching 218 combat missions). For 4 years, the destroyer fired almost 3,000 artillery salvos, transported about 15,000 military personnel, shot down 5 Nazi bombers and towed more than 50 pieces of naval equipment. Moreover, the warship and all its crew were awarded the "Guards" title for excellent progress in Feodosia landing operation in 1941. As the experts of that time said, the main success of the "Savvy" is the synchronism of the commander of the ship - Captain 1st Rank N. Basisty and the crew of the destroyer subordinate to him - the legend.


After the end of the Second World War, most of the destroyers of the project number "7" and "7U" were decommissioned. In their place came new and more modern at that time destroyers of the project number "30 bis". The main reason is the military-technological progress during the Great Patriotic War. The new destroyers were fully automated and equipped the latest installations like radar, sonar, etc.

The history of the creation of the destroyers of the project number "7"

In connection with the new ambitions of the country, the Command of the Naval Forces of the Red Army needed to update the outdated fleet. The first work on a new type of destroyer began in the late 1920s, but due to financial difficulties, the process stalled. Only in the early 1930s was the Central Design Bureau of Shipbuilding established, which was responsible for the design of new destroyers. The main requirements for the bureau were:

  1. The construction of destroyers was supposed to be inexpensive and fast;
  2. The new destroyers had to be no worse than their "brothers" from other countries.

The main persons responsible for the design were V. Nikitin (project manager) and P. Trachtenberg (project executor). The Central Bureau decided to seek help from the Italian shipyards for help in creating a new type of destroyer. There were two reasons for this:

  1. Italian destroyers of the Maestrale type (built by the Ansaldo shipbuilding company) evoked positive reviews from the Soviet leadership;
  2. Friendly relations between the Soviet Union and Italy.

The shipbuilding company "Ansaldo" gladly accepted the proposal of the TsKSB and decided to help our engineers. In connection with this turn of events, the silhouette and design of the hull of the new destroyer was a foregone conclusion. The delegation, which consisted of members of the Soyuzverf and the Command of the Navy of the Red Army, went to Italy. The Ansaldo company provided all the necessary documentation and drawings, and also gave Soviet engineers access to the shipyard.

After three months of joint work by Soviet-Italian engineers, in the fall of that year, the Main Revolutionary Military Council adopted the model of the new destroyer. According to its features, the project number "7" was supposed to have a displacement of about 1,300 tons, a maximum speed of 40 knots and a maximum cruising range of -1,800 nautical miles. It was planned to equip the destroyer with 4 artillery guns 130 mm and 3 anti-aircraft guns 76mm, as well as 2 torpedo tubes 533mm. Moreover, in general view was designed for the Italian style - the destroyer had a linear main power plant and a single-tube hull.

Selecting the optimal configuration

Due to the incomprehensibility of the desires of the command and the reality of the country's capabilities, the project was revised and redone. Firstly, the level of technology and the lack of the necessary equipment forced the TsKSB to move away from the Italian prototype. Secondly, the desire to build a more powerful, but with a smaller displacement warship - led the engineers to a dead end.

The final sketch of the new ship was approved and signed by the Council of Labor and Defense in 1934. The technical data of the vessel should have looked like this: displacement - from 1430 tons to 1750 tons; length - 112 m; width - 10.2 m; maximum speed - 38 knots; staff - 170 people; armament - 4 artillery guns 130 mm, 2 anti-aircraft guns 76 mm and 2 three-tube torpedo guns. An important fact should be noted - at that time, many of the guns and equipment existed only in the plans of engineers, and the layout of the ships did not have any spare displacement.

Construction and testing

The construction of destroyers of the project number "7" was divided between 4 main and 2 auxiliary shipyards of the country.

The main shipyards were:

  • Shipyard No. 189 im. Zhdanov;
  • Shipyard No. 190 im. Ordzhonikidze;
  • Shipyard No. 198 im. Marty;
  • Shipyard No. 200 im. 61 Communards.

Auxiliary shipyards were:

  • Shipyard No. 199;
  • Shipyard No. 202;

The main task of which was to collect finished parts of the destroyer on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

Construction began in 1935, and almost all other destroyers were laid down the following year. However, despite the fact that at the beginning of the company everything went according to schedule, over time, construction lost its momentum. The main reasons were the lack of infrastructure and personnel in the country. Subsequently, in 1936, only 6 destroyers of the project number "7" were completed.

However, a turning point in construction Soviet destroyers was an incident that happened off the coast of Spain. At the beginning of 1937, the English destroyer Hunter was authorized to peacefully control the actions of the two sides of the Spanish civil war(Republicans and Francoists). In the early spring morning of the same year, Hunter found a mine, which immediately disabled the main power plant of the ship. The incident had a huge impact on the project number "7" because. the warship "Hunter" as well as the "seven" had a linear power plant. Despite the fact that by European standards the Hunter was recognized as a fairly tenacious combat ship, the Soviet Union decided to change the design of the ship. Responsible designers - V. Brzezinski, P. Trachtenberg and V. Rimsky-Korsakov were exiled to Siberia for negligence. In the end, they decided to make a modification of the ship. The main task was to change the structure of the main power plant. The modified version was the type "7U" (improved project number "7"). "7U" was upgraded within a month by engineer O. Jacob.

The first ship of the project number "7" - "Bodry" was launched in 1938. However, due to the fact that he did not reach the planned speed limit, the ship was returned to the shipyard. As a result, the first destroyer to be tested and put into operation was the Wrathful.

destroyer "Angry"

A total of 29 Project 7 destroyers and 18 Project 7U destroyers were built. The remaining 6 buildings, it was decided to divide into modules and use as spare parts. The destroyer "Resolute", commanded by the future Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the Soviet Union S. Gorshkov, sank during launching in stormy weather and, therefore, was not taken into service by the navy.

The design of the destroyer “Fast”

The silhouette of the project number "7" was single-pipe, rather long and not quite wide. With a length to width ratio of 11:1 and a high speed, the ship's maneuverability was quite low.

The ship's hull itself was made of low-manganese steel, which affected the ship's survivability. The fact is that low manganese steel is characterized by high hardness on the one hand, but on the other hand it is very easy to crack. Even from the blows received during the mooring of the ship to the port, the destroyers sometimes received cracks. Above-deck structures were made of ordinary steel.

EM Ship

Project number "7" had a linear power plant. To be more precise, the boilers of the ships were in one long compartment in a unilinear order. The main reason for choosing a linear type of power plant was efficiency. However, in the modernized "7U" the power plant was changed. In the latter, the power plant was located in different compartments of the ship, which in turn increased the survivability of the ship.

Armament of the Ship

The destroyer was armed with: the main gun, anti-aircraft weapons, torpedo weapons and anti-submarine weapons.

Main Weapon

Main artillery piece there were 4 guns 130 mm. The guns themselves were produced by the Bolshevik plant. The projectile speed reached 900 m / s, and the range of the projectiles was about 30 km. In general, 150 shells for various purposes with a weight of 33.7 kg were intended for each gun.

Anti-aircraft Armament

As anti-aircraft weapons, the destroyer had two guns of the 34-K class with 76 mm.

Torpedo armament

Two 39-Yu class 3-tube torpedo tubes were part of the destroyer's armament. had a range of 4 km and a speed of 12 m / s.

Anti-Submarine Armament

On board the destroyer of the project number "7" were from 60 to 65 (depending on the class of mines). Standard armament consisted of:

  1. 25 depth mines;
  2. 10 large mines;
  3. 15 units of small min.

Tactical and technical characteristics

The latest destroyer data was as follows:

  1. Displacement - from 1500 to 2180 tons;
  2. Hull draft - 3.8 m;
  3. Travel speed - 38 knots (maximum) and 19 knots (economic);
  4. Seaworthiness - 7 points;
  5. Autonomy - 10 days;
  6. Length - 112 m;
  7. Width - 10.2 m.

Project Evaluation

The destroyers "Gnevny" (project number "7") and "Storozhevoy" (project number "7U") are the largest serial combat ship in the history of the Soviet and Russian fleet. Of course, 47 built destroyers were to play a crucial role in the outcome of the Great Patriotic War. However, due to the fact that all destroyers were divided into 4 fleets, the power of such serial shipbuilding was dispersed and could not prove itself.

Another important factor is the increase in Soviet spending on the maritime industry. If in 1935 the country's expenses amounted to 4.6 billion. rubles, then in 1941 this figure was 12.8 billion. rubles.

Despite the large-scale serial construction of destroyers and the increase in spending allocated to the fleet, the Soviet Union was unable to properly use its naval power (by dividing the fleet into parts). Subsequently, the USSR could not become a maritime power in the post-war period.

"Sevens" - Project 7 destroyers - rightfully occupy a prominent place in our naval history. And no wonder - after all, these are active participants in the Great Patriotic War, the most massive Soviet surface ships built in the 30s, from which several generations of destroyers, large missile ships and even cruisers. One destroyer of this type became guards, four - red banner.

At the same time, a lot of contradictory things have been said and written about them. This is especially true of their military operations during the war years - here real, often tragic events were replaced by legends for a long time. But this is in literature intended for the mass reader. And for professionals, classified as "secret", other materials were prepared containing an impartial analysis of military operations, their results, tactics, combat damage to ships. Access to such information has appeared quite recently, and therefore many of the facts and conclusions presented in this issue may seem unexpected to the reader. We hope that they will clearly show both the advantages and disadvantages of the "sevens" - these certainly interesting and beautiful ships of our fleet.

The Decree "On the program of naval shipbuilding for 1933-1938", adopted on July 11, 1933 by the Council of Labor and Defense, provided for the construction of 1493 combat and auxiliary ships, including 8 cruisers and 50 destroyers. Its implementation caused a lot of problems in all industries. National economy, but in those years it was not customary to reckon with the price. “We are building and will build a large naval fleet” - this almost poetic appeal from the Pravda newspaper of December 9, 1936 could become an epigraph to a story about pre-war Soviet shipbuilding.

The development of the project for the new destroyer was entrusted to the Central Design Bureau of Special Shipbuilding TsKBS-1 back in 1932, V.A. Nikitin was appointed the chief project manager, and P.O. Trakhtenberg was appointed the responsible executor. By that time, the team already had some experience in similar work (the creation of the leader of the destroyers of the Leningrad type), but the shortcomings of the latter and the short design time forced them to resort to the help of the Italian companies Ansaldo and Odero.

This choice was by no means accidental. First, Italy was then our important military-political ally. Secondly, in 1928-1932, it was these firms that built a series of ships of the Dardo class, which anticipated the type of destroyer of the Second World War. Everything in them was unusual: the general layout, one chimney, 120-mm artillery in twin deck mounts ... A modification of this type was 4 enlarged Maestrale-class destroyers, laid down in 1931. The last ships were chosen as the basis for the creation of new Soviet destroyers. In 1932, a delegation of shipbuilders headed by Nikitin visited Italy, and the set of Maestrale drawings they brought formed the basis of the future project. Our designers borrowed the layout of the machine-boiler plant and the general architecture of the ship, but domestic weapons, mechanisms and equipment forced us to move away from the prototype in many respects. In reality, the contribution of Italian colleagues was limited to the development of a theoretical drawing (Ansaldo firm) and running the model in an experimental pool in Rome.

The technical design of the destroyer (named "Project No. 7") was approved in December 1934. Its main tactical and technical elements were as follows: standard displacement 1425 tons, total displacement 1715 tons, maximum length 112.5 m, width 10.2 m, draft 3.3 m, speed 38 knots, armament - four 130-mm guns and two three-pipe torpedo tubes (TA) caliber 533 mm. It should be noted that by that time most of the equipment and armament did not exist even on paper, but no displacement reserve was included in the project.

The final design work was carried out in extreme haste, since Stalin demanded that the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry lay down the first destroyers as early as 1935, and hand over the entire series (increased to 53 units) to the fleet in 1937-1938. The government clearly overestimated the capabilities of the domestic industry at that time.

The experience of the First World War, which was considered a "criterion of truth" for shipbuilders of the 20s and 30s, testified that the destroyer, as the most versatile ship in the fleet, was steadily turning from a purely torpedo ship into an artillery-torpedo one. Therefore, the increase in the firepower of the destroyers of the interwar period was primarily due to an increase in the caliber and ballistic characteristics of artillery mounts.

Perhaps the Soviet designers went the furthest in this direction. Project 7 destroyers were originally designed for the "cruising" caliber - 130mm. True, the guns of the Obukhov plant with a barrel length of 55 calibers, which were the main weapons of the cruisers of the Soviet fleet in the 20s, turned out to be too heavy, and the Bolshevik plant was instructed to develop new ones, shortened by 5 calibers. In 1935, the new artillery system, which received the designation B-13, was put into service, and a year later its mass production began.

It is curious that initially the B-13 guns were created for shells of 55-caliber guns, for which they were equipped with liners with shallow (1 mm deep) cutting. At the end of 1936, they decided to switch to deep (2.7 mm) liners, for which new shells were developed. Thus, the same gun model required different ammunition, which created additional problems during the war years. For example, in November 1941, the Loud had to change almost new ANIMI liners for NII-13 liners only because the shells for the first ones in the Northern Fleet ran out.

The B-13 gun in a deck installation with a shield made of bulletproof armor 13 mm thick had a barrel length of 50 calibers, a weight of 12.8 tons, and a vertical guidance angle from -5 to +45 °. All types of shells (high-explosive fragmentation, semi-armor-piercing and remote grenades) were of the same weight - 33.5 kg and were fired from the barrel at an initial speed of 870 m / s to a maximum range of 139 kbt (27.5 km). The ammunition also included diving shells weighing 33.14 kg and lighting shells weighing 34.5 kg. They were fired with the help of reduced charges at a range of 17 and 58 kbt, respectively. The survivability of the barrel at first was only 150 - 200 shots, but then, thanks to a number of improvements, it was brought to a quite decent value - about 1100 shots (although the "passport" value is only 420 shots). The swinging part was equipped with a device for blowing the bore. The ammunition is separate, the shutter is piston, with a plastic obturator. Ammunition, amounting to 150 shots per barrel (175 in overload), was located in four cellars. Its supply was carried out by two elevators (one for charges, the other for shells) for each gun; in case of failure, there were pipes for manual feeding. The loading was carried out manually, the rate of fire depended on the elevation angle and fluctuated within 6-10 rounds per minute. According to the former artillery electrician of the destroyer "Razumny" K.A. Lyubimov, the rate of fire of 13 rounds per minute was achieved in training firing at the Pacific Fleet. The angles of fire of a pair of bow guns of the "seven" - from 0 ° to 14 ° on both sides, stern - from 14 ° to 18 °.

By their own ballistic performance guns B-13 significantly outnumbered artillery foreign destroyers. For comparison, it can be noted that the shell of a 127-mm Japanese gun weighed 23.1 kg, 127-mm American - 24.4 kg, 128-mm German - 28 kg, 120-mm Italian - 22.1 kg, 120-mm English - 22.7 kg, and only in the French 130-mm guns the shells weighed almost the same as the Soviet ones - 34.8 kg. But the barrel length of the latter was only 40 calibers, and the maximum firing range did not exceed 17 km. The only foreign guns that were superior in power to the Soviet ones were the 138-mm guns of the French leaders and the 140-mm guns of the Yugoslav leader Dubrovnik. However, these ships, close to light cruisers, were much larger than the "sevens" and cannot be considered as analogues.

The artillery and the fire control system were quite consistent. Especially for the destroyers of project 7 in 1937, they created the central firing machine TsAS-2, leading its ancestry from the "central" of the Italian company "Galileo" (this system was installed on leaders of the "Leningrad" type). The machine gun was located in the fighting compartment under the bow superstructure and made it possible to continuously determine the full angles of vertical and horizontal guidance of the guns while constantly monitoring the target or "self-propelled". Surveillance of the surface target was carried out using two 4-meter rangefinders located in the command and rangefinder post (KDP) B-12-4. In general, the system responded modern requirements and was not inferior to the best foreign analogues.

Thus, the task assigned to Soviet designers was completed: by the end of the 30s, the artillery armament of the "seven" was rightfully considered the best in the world. But, unfortunately, all this turned out to be unnecessary! While extolling the experience of the First World War, naval strategists did not take into account the rapid development of new combat means, and above all, aviation.

As a result, the magnificent B-13 guns, together with an advanced fire control system, were mainly used to perform an unusual task - firing at ground targets. But in front of the Luftwaffe bombers, the Sevens turned out to be practically defenseless.

However, this was not only our misfortune: pre-war destroyers of foreign fleets were also armed only with anti-ship artillery. The exception was the US Navy. And as a result, the American 127-mm cannon with a barrel length of 38 calibers, which is very modest in its characteristics, turned out to be rightfully the best weapon of the destroyers of the Second World War precisely because of its versatility - the ability to fire at both surface and air targets.

The anti-aircraft weapons of the "sevens" at the time of their commissioning included two 76-mm 34-K guns, two 45-mm semi-automatic 21-K and two 12.7-mm DShK or DK machine guns. Alas, such a composition of weapons cannot be called satisfactory either in quantity or quality. The 45 mm guns had a low rate of fire, the 76 mm guns were located very unsuccessfully, and the machine guns turned out to be almost useless in general. But the main drawback was the lack of naval anti-aircraft fire control devices (MPUAZO). The latter in the USSR began to be developed belatedly, and the first such system "Horizon-1" (for the cruiser "Kirov") appeared only in 1939. Its analogue for destroyers, created on the basis of the Soyuz anti-aircraft gun, was put into service just before the start of the war and managed to appear only on the Sevens-U.

At the very beginning of the war, the “sevens” began to arm with more effective anti-aircraft guns - 37-mm 70-K assault rifles. On the North Sea destroyers, they were first (in July - August 1941) installed in addition to 45-mm guns - one on the rosters behind the chimney and one on the poop. Later (on the "Thundering", "Terrible", "Crushing" in June 1942), they also replaced 45-millimeter guns at the forecastle sections. By 1943, all North Sea "sevens" had 4 70-K assault rifles. The Black Sea destroyers of Project 7 during the war carried mainly 5 such anti-aircraft guns: they were not installed on the poop, but they were mounted in pairs on the bow superstructure, next to the second 130-mm gun. In 1942, all the “sevens” remaining in service in the Northern Fleet and Black Sea Fleet were re-armed with two coaxial 12.7-mm Colt-Browning machine guns. The most powerful anti-aircraft armament during the war years was the Baltic "Grozychiy": four DShK machine guns, four 37-mm machine guns and three 76-mm 34-K guns.

An important part of the anti-aircraft armament was British radars, supplied under Lend-Lease to equip Soviet ships. The first radar station (RLS) of type 286-M was received in 1942 by Thundering. On most Pacific "sevens" installed radar type 291.

But in general, the anti-aircraft armament of Soviet destroyers remained frankly weak until the end of the war. Compare: the American destroyers of the Allen M. Sumner and Gearing type in 1945 carried up to 16 barrels of 40-mm automatic Bofors, not counting the Oerlikons. And this is with six universal 127-mm guns! It is not surprising that some of them managed to shoot down up to 10 or even 20 Japanese aircraft in one battle.

The torpedo armament of the Project 7 destroyers included two triple-tube 39-Yu torpedo tubes with 7° outer tubes, which were a copy of the Novikov tubes with a caliber increased to 533 mm instead of 450 mm. Shooting method - powder. According to the project, the destroyers could carry an additional 6 spare torpedoes in racks, but manually reloading the vehicles in fresh weather turned out to be impossible. The command of the Northern Fleet was the first to understand this and in March 1942 ordered the spare torpedoes to be removed. The Soviet steam-gas torpedoes 53-38 and 53-39 were very advanced, but in battle they were used by the "sevens" only once - "Courageous" and "Merciless" in December 1942 (and even then unsuccessfully).

More often used mine weapons. "Seven" could take on deck up to 60 mines of KB-3, or 65 mines mod. 1926, or 95 min arr. 1912 (in overload).

Anti-submarine armament initially consisted of lever-operated bomb releasers and diving projectiles for 130 mm guns. The stock of depth charges was only 25 pieces - 10 large B-1 and 15 small M-1; later it was brought up to 40 B-1 and 27 M-1 (on the Grozny in 1944). During the war, two BMB-1 bombers were installed on all ships. In 1942, Grozny was the first of the Soviet ships to receive the Dragon-128s sonar (sonar).

The destroyers were equipped with stern smoke equipment DA-2B (continuous action time 30 minutes, productivity 50 kg/min), steam-oil equipment DA-1 with exhaust through the chimney (three jets of white and black smoke) and smoke bombs MDSH (10 - 20 pieces) . Anti-chemical protection was provided by filter-ventilation installations that supplied the wardroom, officers' cabins and the bow washing station with purified air. To eliminate poisonous substances, there were two combat chemical posts and two washing points. The total supply of degassing agents is 600 kg of bleach and 100 liters of reagents. In addition, 225 sets of protective anti-chemical clothing were stored on each ship.

As an anti-mine weapon, the “sevens” had two sets of K-1 paravantrals and LFTI demagnetizing windings, the installation of which began in July 1941. It is impossible not to note the quality of domestic paravanes. Their "whims" brought a lot of trouble to the Soviet sailors. But it's still half the trouble. Instead of fighting mines, K-1 paravanes often turned into "killers" of their own ships, sinking the mines and bringing the mine to the side. Similar cases occurred, in particular, with the destroyers Gordy, Grozyashchiy, Guarding, Sharp-witted.

Summarizing the above, we should highlight such advantages of the Project 7 destroyers as powerful artillery weapons, advanced fire control devices (TsAS-2), good torpedoes and, in general, a decent speed. The power plant, with all its disadvantages, has proven to be more reliable than that of the German destroyers. But the main merit of our designers and shipbuilders is that such a large series of ships was nevertheless built, and built on time. It was the "sevens" that updated the surface fleet and brought the Soviet Navy to a qualitatively new level.

As for the shortcomings, the most serious of them were the unsatisfactory strength of the hull, short cruising range, weak anti-aircraft weapons, and the absence of MPUAZO. To this we can add the unimportant living conditions of the crew: with a staff of 231 enlisted men, there were only 161 permanent places (together with hanging bunks), which forced the Red Navy to sleep on tables, on deck or together in one bunk.

Interesting conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of combat experience. Of the 28 "sevens" that entered service in 1938-1942 (not counting the one who died while towing the "Resolute"), the Pacific ships, except for the "Reasonable" and "Furious", practically did not participate in the war. Thus, 18 destroyers directly fought the enemy. 10 of them died (including the "Guardian", later raised and restored). If we add here the destroyers of the 7U project, it turns out that out of 36 warring ships, 18 were killed - exactly half.

The distribution of the sunken "sevens" and "sevens-U" by causes of death: mines - 9 units, from air bombs - 8, from navigational accidents - 1 ("Crushing"). Another 11 destroyers were heavily damaged, including the loss of the bow or stern of the hull.

Most of all, the "seven" suffered from mines. However, significant losses do not at all indicate their low survivability. The fact is that for 9 "deadly" explosions on mines, there are 9 more when the ship was saved (or another mine was needed for the death - as in the case of the Proud and Sharp-witted). In addition, two ships received one torpedo hit each: the Watchtower with torpedo boats, "Furious" - from a submarine. In both cases, the destroyers suffered heavy losses (the bow of the first was torn off, the stern of the second), but remained afloat and later recovered. Thus, 9 destroyed destroyers account for 20 mine-torpedo explosions, which is 45%. That is, by this indicator"sevens" turned out to be much more tenacious than all their foreign counterparts in the class of the period of the Second World War. True, none of our destroyers had a chance to withstand the simultaneous impact of two mines or torpedoes, although there were such examples in the British and American fleets.

If you try to compare the losses among the "sevens" with the damage they inflicted on the enemy, then the picture will turn out to be very bleak. Confirmed enemy losses include one submarine (U-585, sunk by Thundering 29/3/1942) and no more than 40 aircraft. Of course, these figures cannot be compared purely mechanically. The Black Sea, and even the Baltic, "sevens" simply did not have worthy adversary at sea, and the tasks that they had to perform were not envisaged by any pre-war plans. For example, the evacuation of troops from the besieged Sevastopol or Hanko - for these purposes, the destroyers were far from the best means.