Freeze in winter? Think it's too cold around here? Does the thought of the warm sun bring tears to your eyes? There are places where it is much, much colder, and yet people somehow exist there. How exactly do they live - in our top 10 coldest cities in the world. For all cities, a temperature winter record is indicated.

10. Harbin, China - minus 38.1°C

For the inhabitants of this city, even a harsh winter is a pleasure. Indeed, thanks to her, the International Snow and Ice Festival is held in Harbin. This is one of the largest ice festivals in the world. Ice sculptures are demonstrated there, swimming in the winter hole is organized, and skiing is held.

9. Longyearbyen, Norway - minus 46.3°C

In this settlement, located on the island of Western Svalbard, one of the. You can't be born and die here. Therefore, there is no maternity hospital or cemetery here. And the bodies of the dead people are transported to the mainland. Longyearbyen is also known for the fact that an underground World Seed Vault was built here at the insistence of the UN. It will come in handy in the event of a global catastrophe.

8. Barrow, USA - minus 47°C

Colds come to this American city unexpectedly (almost like to Russian utilities). Even yesterday, people were driving quietly, but today it is already necessary to use snowplows. Because of such temperature fluctuations, living in Barrow is quite difficult. However, this is what homo sapiens is famous for, which can adapt to almost any conditions.

7. Winnipeg, Canada - minus 47.8°C

One of the coldest places on the planet is the capital of the Canadian province of Manitoba. The usual January lows there range from minus 20 to minus 22°C. And on December 24, 1879, the city temperature record was recorded - minus 47.8 ° C. It must have been an unpleasant day for the townspeople.

6. Yellowknife, Canada - minus 51°C

Founded in 1934, Yellowknife is the capital of Canada's Northwest Territories. It is home to over 20,000 people, most of them involved in the mining industry. The city boasts long and clear winter nights that provide optimal viewing conditions northern lights mid-November to early April.

5. Dudinka, Russia - minus 61°C

One of the northernmost cities in the world regularly faces extreme winter conditions. The average daily minimum temperature in January is minus 33 degrees Celsius.

This city is home to the world's only ice stadium beyond the Arctic Circle - the Taimyr Ice Arena.

4. Norilsk, Russia - minus 64°C

Norilsk has never been different mild climate. In winter, it often reaches minus 40 degrees. However, in 2014, a new temperature minimum was recorded there - 64 ° C below zero. Interestingly, Norilsk and Murmansk are located almost at the same latitude. However, Murmansk is noticeably warmer.

3. Yakutsk, Russia - minus 64.4°C

The first three coldest cities on Earth are opened by the capital of the Republic of Sakha. It is famous for its very harsh winter conditions. The most extreme temperatures occur in January, with an average ranging from minus 38°C to minus 41°C. In 1891, a temperature record was set with a minus sign (64°C below zero).

In addition, the winter season in Yakutsk may start much earlier than in other cities of the world.

2. Verkhoyansk, Russia - minus 67.7°C

Technically, this city can be considered the coldest on Earth, since the leader of our list is a village. There are few residents in Verkhoyansk - 1131 people as of 2017. And this is understandable, there are few who want to live in a place that bears the title "Cold Pole of the Northern Hemisphere".

1. Oyamkon, Russia - minus 71.2°C

Here is the answer to the question of which place is the coldest on Earth. average temperature in winter in the village of Oymyakon - minus 50°C. And the lowest recorded temperature is an amazing -71.2 degrees. True, almost a century separates it from our time; it was measured in 1924. For comparison: the air warms up to 70 degrees.

Why is Oymyakon the coldest city in the world?

Reason - geographical position village, which was unlucky for several reasons. It is located in a river valley surrounded by mountains that form something like a horseshoe. The open top of the arc points north. At night, dense and heavy cold air flows down from the mountains and accumulates in the depression where the village is located.

The height above sea level also plays a role: as a rule, the higher the place, the colder it is. Summer in the village is short, only three months, but hot, with large temperature fluctuations; if during the day it can be plus 30 ° C, then at night the air cools down to minus.

The irony lies in the very name "Oymyakon". It comes from an Evenki word meaning a non-freezing spring, or a place where fish spend the winter. There is indeed a spring near the village, because of which, apparently, local residents began to settle here. They quickly got used to low temperatures.

-40°C is considered cold, but not too cold. -25°C - unusually warm. It helps to adapt to the cold and the fact that the weather is usually calm - with it it is easier to endure cold. Locals even say that they prefer to live here, and not where the winters are more moderate, but windy and wet. They measure the temperature with special thermometers with a mercury-thallium alloy so that the mercury does not freeze. Their maximum minimum temperature is minus 61.1°C.

At such temperatures, the simplest actions like taking the child to kindergarten or school, go to the store turn into a whole quest. Usually, the inhabitants of Oymyakon during the “winter” months try to go out less - only to the grocery store, quickly, quickly, wrapping themselves in a scarf and additionally pressing a mitten to their face.

But residents of Yakutsk, located two days away, have to call a taxi, or travel only by private transport. By the way, frost is no excuse for Oymyakon children to miss school - it works down to -52°C.

What clothes save from frost in Oymyakon

Locals dress, of course, in furs - the more natural and thicker, the better. Fur hats, high boots (made of leather and deer fur), mittens, and, of course, a scarf over the whole face to protect the skin from burns. Faux fur is not suitable from the word at all. In the cold, it quickly becomes unusable, and sometimes literally breaks.

Children to attend kindergarten are wrapped up to such an extent that they are practically unable to move independently - only eyebrows and eyes are visible. Therefore, parents carry them on sleds, and the fur blanket that is laid on these sleds is pre-warmed.


It is impossible to grow crops in permafrost conditions, so the locals mainly eat dense protein foods. Stroganina has firmly settled in the menu, like many centuries ago, among the indigenous peoples of the North. This is shavings from a frozen piece of meat or fish. And the daily menu most often consists of a thick soup with the same meat or fish. In this climate, refrigerators local residents are not needed, because everything is stored right outside the window.


The inhabitants of Oymyakon keep cattle, but in such cold weather they try not to let them out. In winter, only hardy Yakut horses (they are covered with a long thick six) and dogs are let out on the street. Cows, on the other hand, see the white winter light only in case of emergency, and then they specially wrap their udders so that they do not freeze.

Utility services

Permafrost, extreme low temperatures and sewerage are incompatible things, so most of the toilets in Oymyakon are outside the houses. Oymyakon is provided with heat by a local coal-fired thermal power plant. Its condition, as well as the central heating in the city of Yakutsk, located two days away, is being checked already in June. Then they replace the pipes, if necessary.

Power outages are the worst thing that can happen in the Far North. If this happens, all Oymyakon residents take to the streets and try to heat the most necessary buildings for the village with burners - a kindergarten, a single store, a canteen. The pipes had to be dug out and warmed by hand to keep them from freezing. Fortunately, this doesn't happen often.


There are two ways to get from Yakutsk to Oymyakon - either by car or by air. Planes fly only at the most warm time year, in the summer, and no more than once a week. Therefore, the main connection with the world is carried out through road transport. The classic UAZ “loaf” is considered the most enduring, capable of overcoming more than a thousand kilometers of a crusted ice and snow highway without any special consequences for itself.

Cars in the Far North require special, careful handling. Drivers often put a wool blanket over the hood and another under it to "warm up" the engine and electrics. The windows of cars in the north are double-glazed to prevent ice crusts. If the car is outside, it must be kept at idle. It can only be stopped in a heated garage. If you stop the engine in the open air, the battery will instantly freeze and it will be impossible to start the car. Therefore, if suddenly the engine stalls somewhere outside the city, you have to thaw the battery over the fire and, in addition, heat the metal casing under the engine.

Carriers for long distances do not turn off the engines of their iron horses for literally months. Due to the harsh northern conditions, the vast majority of gas stations in the Yakutsk region operate 24 hours a day.

Constantly running car engines, breathing of people and steam from working industrial enterprises create a dense curtain that covers Yakutsk in the coldest time of the year. Sometimes it is so thick that nothing can be seen at a distance of ten steps.


It is better not to get small electronics in the conditions of the Far North on the street, because they instantly turn into a piece of ice. Therefore, the owners keep them in their inner pockets, warming them with warmth. own body, and get only in heated rooms. Taking pictures in such sub-zero temperatures is very difficult.

Illness and death

Surprisingly, in such extreme colds, colds do not happen. Viruses and bacteria simply freeze out. Freezing something is easy, but catching a cold is not. However, this is not as good as it seems, and if a resident of Oymyakon moves to warmer climes, he risks constantly catching a cold.

The harsh climate is a big test for human body, so there are almost no centenarians among the inhabitants of the Far North. In addition to extreme temperatures, vitamin deficiencies and a monotonous diet play a role. Eternal winter affects both the beginning and the end human life– in freezing cold, it is impossible to dig up a grave, so if one of the inhabitants of the village dies, the earth has to be warmed with bonfires.

How do the locals feel about this climate?

Autumn in the Far North is the saddest time of the year. The short summer is over, a long and very long one lies ahead. Cold winter. However, when it finally comes, and the dull slush is covered with fresh snow, white and clean, the inhabitants of the Yakutsk region seem to rejoice at the arrival of cold weather. Complaints are usually caused not by the frost itself as such, but by the poor performance of utilities - if the heating does not work or an accident has occurred. The heat causes much more criticism - starting from June, northerners accustomed to cold weather begin to complain about the heat.

True, in last years residents of Yakutia (those who can afford it) prefer to wait out the winter in more warm places. For example, in Thailand, there is a direct air line between Yakutsk and Bangkok. And their places are occupied by tourists - amazingly, Oymyakon is becoming a popular place for those who like to feel the bestial grin of real cold.

How does cold affect the human body?

  • At minus 5°C, frost is more invigorating than uncomfortable - to protect yourself from it, just put on a warm hat, wrap your throat with a scarf, and you will be warm and comfortable.
  • At minus 20 °, moisture in the nasal mucosa begins to freeze, and cold air burns the nasopharynx.
  • At minus 35°C, frostbite on exposed skin is a very real danger.
  • And at minus 45 ° C, only a masochist can wear glasses in a metal frame - the metal sticks to the cheekbones and nose, and you will have to take off the glasses along with pieces of skin.

The coldest place on earth

The coldest place on earth is in Antarctica. This place is called - the pole of cold.

The lowest natural temperature on planet Earth was recorded on July 21, 1883 on the Soviet (in this moment Russian) Vostok station in Antarctica. The measurement result showed a temperature of 89.2 degrees Celsius.
Vostok station is located at an altitude of 3488 meters above sea level, located far from the ocean, so the nearest coast is more than 1000 km away, the polar night lasts from May to June, all these factors affect the ambient temperature at this point.
Geographical coordinates East stations: 78°28"S 106°48"E

For comparison, it must be said that South Pole is not the coldest place on the planet, so the minimum recorded temperature is -82.8 ° Celsius.

Scientists say that the Vostok station is not the coldest accurate station on the planet, but there is still very little measuring equipment in Antarctica to record temperatures on all surfaces of the continent, most likely there are points where the temperature dropped even lower - 89.2 degrees Celsius, but it was not recorded by trusted temperature measuring instruments.

The coldest place in the northern hemisphere of the Earth

January 15, 1885 in Verkhoyansk S.F. Kovalik recorded a temperature of -67.8 degrees Celsius.

However, you need to understand that this is a single case of fixation. In practice, it is customary to determine the poles of cold by the average temperature throughout the year.
At the moment, 2 locations are the pole of cold in the northern hemisphere.
- the city of Verkhoyansk, located in Russia, in the Republic of Sakha

- Oymyakon village, Russia, Republic of Sakha

Do you know where there is such a temperature from which a person’s eyes can freeze? And TravelAsk knows and will certainly tell you.

Chilling soul and body Antarctica

The coldest place on earth as a whole Russian station"East". Here the most low temperature in the history of meteorological observations. The thermometer dropped to -89.2 degrees. It happened on July 21, 1983.

At this temperature, a person's eyes and lungs can freeze.

Is there life in Antarctica?

Well, of course there is:

But people live here too. Approximately 25 people are constantly at Vostok station throughout the year. In winter, the number of researchers usually decreases to 13 people.

Naturally, frosts down to -90 degrees are not here all year round. The average temperature of the coldest month - August is -68 degrees, and the warmest - December - about -31 degrees. There are also records here, almost heat. So, on January 11, 2002, the temperature rose to -12.2 degrees.

The situation is aggravated not only by low temperatures: the station is located at an altitude of 3 kilometers above sea level, so there is almost zero air humidity, as well as a lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Acclimatization to such natural conditions lasts at least 3 months. And these three months are hellish: polar explorers experience frequent dizziness and flickering in the eyes, ear pain, nosebleeds, a feeling of suffocation and a sharp increase in pressure, loss of sleep and loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, pain in the joints and muscles, weight loss from three up to five kilograms, and respiratory arrest and loss of consciousness may also occur. The average annual wind speed here is about 5 m/s, the maximum is 27 m/s (almost 100 km/h). Precipitation is practically non-existent here. But the polar explorers do not lose heart.

Everything you need is brought in by plane in the summer. In winter, the station "Vostok" is practically cut off from the world: here you can only arrange delivery by sledge-caterpillar train.

There were more difficult times in the life of polar explorers. So, the wintering of 1982 was really heroic: on the night of April 13, a fire broke out at the station, because of which the main and backup diesel generators failed. "Vostok" remained de-energized. For 8 months, 20 people warmed themselves with home-made diesel stoves, until a sledge-caterpillar train with a new diesel-electric installation arrived from another Russian Antarctic station, Mirny.

What do the "inhabitants" of Antarctica do?

There are many unexplored areas in the coldest place on the planet. It is understandable: extreme temperatures do not contribute to the rapid pace of work. However, scientists believe that it is Antarctica that is the main key to unraveling the cosmos.

The fact is that not far from the station is Lake Vostok, which is covered with a 4-kilometer layer of ice. It is assumed that its area is 15.5 thousand square kilometers.

Just imagine: it has been separated from the life of the planet for the last few million years. Therefore, it is likely that there are other forms of life there, and evolution took place differently on its territory. After all, oxygen in the lake passes through the ice, and the water in it is quite warm: 7-10 degrees. And so there might be life. By the way, about 40 species of bacteria that have not been previously studied have already been found in the lake.

And Lake Vostok is the key to space. The point is that in solar system There are a few celestial bodies With similar formations and atmospheric conditions: for example, Jupiter's moon Europa. Accordingly, it is possible that there are similar bacteria and animal organisms. Therefore, this is a whole project to search for extraterrestrial life.

Antarctica or Yakutia

Asia is in second place in terms of its frosts. The most record temperature in a residential area was recorded in the village of Oymyakon in Yakutia. It was -71.2 degrees. Although there is unofficial data that in 1938 the temperature here dropped to -77.8 degrees.

So, if we compare the height above sea level of the village of Oymyakon and the Antarctic station "Vostok", then Oymyakon can be considered the coldest place on Earth. The village is located at an altitude of 740 meters above sea level. If we bring both temperature indicators to sea level, then in Oymyakon it will be -77.6 degrees and at the Vostok station it will be only -68.3 degrees.

In third place is the largest island North America- Greenland. At the research station "Northern Ice" on January 9, 1954, a record was recorded: -66.1 degrees.

Incredible Facts

It is cold and icy outside, and if you are sitting in a warm room in an armchair with a cup of tea, then in such a frost you can think of those places on our planet where it is now even colder and the temperature is much lower.

International Falls, Minnesota, USA: -40 Celsius

Falls International takes its status as the coldest place on the US mainland quite seriously, and are willing to prove it even in court.

Which they did in 2002 when they won their case against the city of Fraser, Colorado. Thus, the title of "Refrigerator of the Nation" remains with International Falls. They even celebrate the Freezer Days Festival every year.

Moreover, in the International Falls there is the lowest average temperature in the country is 0-2 degrees Celsius.

Stanley, Idaho, USA: -47 Celsius

International Falls is not the coldest place in the continental United States: championship belongs to the city of Stanley in Idaho.

In addition to this, the city boasts the most big amount coldest days of the year from 1995 to 2005.

The city is located in the Rocky Mountain region and is surrounded by the White Cloud, Boulder and Sawtooth mountain ranges and three national forests.

Prospect Creek, Alaska, USA: -62.1 Celsius

Prospect Creek is a small town in Alaska where miners and oil pipeline builders lived.

Prospect Creek recorded the coldest temperature in the United States: in January 1971 it dropped to -62 degrees Celsius.

Despite this cold, the oil in the pipes does not freeze thanks to the thick thermal fiberglass coating.

Snow, Yukon Territory, Canada: -63.9 degrees Celsius

In the village of Sneg, located in the valley of the White River, was registered the lowest temperature in North America: -63.9 degrees.

In 1947, when this temperature was recorded, 8-10 natives lived in the village, fur traders, meteorological station employees, radio operators and technicians.

The temperature was so low that meteorologists had to add a new division on the thermometer scale, and send it to the laboratory to determine the exact temperature.

Yakutsk, Siberia: -64.4 Celsius

Yakutsk is located on the northern bank of the Lena River.

The winters are so cold there the frozen river serves as a reliable road.

Almost all elements of Mendeleev's periodic table can be found in Yakutsk, and folk legends associate this with cold.

According to one legend, the god flew over the earth and distributed wealth and resources, but when he got to Yakutia, he froze so much that he dropped everything from his hands.

Verkhoyansk, Siberia: -69.8 degrees Celsius

Verkhoyansk is another Siberian town located not far from arctic circle.

The city, which is a deer breeding center, was founded in 1638, and was a place of exile until 1917.

In addition to the fact that Verkhoyansk is considered one of the coldest places on earth, there there is a huge difference in temperatures of different seasons: for example, in January the average monthly temperature is -45.8 degrees Celsius, and in July +16.9 degrees.

Oymyakon, Siberia: -71.2 degrees Celsius

Oymyakon is considered the coldest permanently inhabited place on earth.

The village is located below 350 kilometers from the Arctic Circle. The school there only closes when the temperature drops below -52 degrees Celsius.

Along with Verkhoyansk and Yakutsk, Oymyakon was a place of exile for political prisoners.

East, Antarctica: -89.2 Celsius

Vostok Station, located near the Southern Geomagnetic Field in the center of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet at an altitude of 3,500 meters above sea level, is officially recognized as the coldest place on the planet. Here On July 21, 1983, a world record was recorded: -89.2 degrees Celsius.

Despite the fact that this is a Russian station, scientists from all over the world are conducting research here. One of the main projects involves drilling of a 3700 meter ice sheet, which can provide information about the Earth's climate over the past 500,000 years.

Despite such low temperatures, very little snow falls in the station area - about 25 centimeters of precipitation per year.

Today we will talk about the coldest places on Earth with record low temperatures that have ever been recorded. Among them there are both settlements and lands absolutely unsuitable for life. Russia has become the undisputed leader among countries in terms of the number of the coldest regions, since many of its villages are located in the permafrost zone.

So, 10 coldest places on Earth!

1. Oymyakon

The village of Oymyakon (Republic of Sakha) is officially recognized as the coldest place on Earth. It is one of the "Poles of Cold" on the planet. This is one of the harshest places in the world in terms of climatic indicators, where a permanent population of about 500 people lives. The village is located at an altitude of 745 m above sea level. The absolute minimum temperature here is -64 degrees, but according to some data in Oymyakon in 1938, a temperature of -78 degrees was recorded. Verkhoyansk also claimed the coldest place in the world, but according to meteorological data, the average annual temperature in Oymyakon is 0.3°C lower than in Verkhoyansk, which allows it to take the lead.

2. Verkhoyansk

The city of Verkhoyansk (Republic of Sakha) is considered the coldest place on the planet, after the village of Oymyakon. Verkhoyansk is also one of the smallest Russian cities with a population of just over 1,000 people. The lowest temperatures were recorded here in 1892 and amounted to minus 68 degrees. The city bears the official status of the Pole of Cold. Winters in the city of the Republic of Sakha are long, very severe and cold. In addition, an insignificant amount of precipitation falls here, comparable to deserts. Therefore, Verkhoyansk still belongs to the cities of Russia with the driest climate. Frosts are possible even in summer time a year that is very short. Average annual temperature is - 18.6 degrees.

3. Station "Vostok"

Station "Vostok" (Antarctica) has the most difficult climatic conditions: low temperatures are observed throughout the year. In 1983, the station officially registered indicators - 89 degrees. The most heat was noted in 1957 and amounted to 13.6 degrees below zero. This area rightfully bears the status of the "Pole of Cold". by the most warm months December and January are considered when the average is -35°C. The station is located at an altitude of 3488 meters above sea level, which does not allow it to bear the title of the coldest place on earth. If the indicators are brought to sea level, then the village of Oymyakon of the Republic of Yakutia becomes the undisputed leader.

4. Eismitte

The former station of Eismitte (Greenland) ranks fourth on the list of the coldest places on Earth. In 1930, the lowest temperature indicators were recorded here, which amounted to -65 degrees. February average temperatures are 47 degrees below zero. In July, which is considered here the most warm month, the average temperature is -12°C. The station was located on the Greenland Shield at an altitude of 3010 meters above sea level. It was here that the Greenland expedition of Alfred Wegener was sent in the 30s of the last century, in which many people suffered from frostbite. Alfred Wegener himself died of hypothermia.

5. Yakutsk

The capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is one of the coldest places in the world. Severe Yakut frosts in the winter season average -40 degrees. Maximum minimum temperature here it can reach 65°C below zero. Winter lasts here for six months - from early October to late April. As for summer, northern city there is an abnormal heat that can reach +40°C. The average annual temperature in Yakutsk is 9 degrees below zero. This is one of the largest urban settlements located on the territory of permafrost.

6. Ust-Shchuger

The village of Ust-Shchuger (Komi Republic) is fighting for the title of the coldest place on Earth. In 1978, in the village of Ust-Shchuger (Komi Republic), record levels of 58 degrees below zero were recorded. The average temperature of the coldest month (December) is -28 degrees, the warmest (July) - 14°C above zero. A small village with a population of 30 people was located at an altitude of 75 meters above sea level.

7. Vorkuta

The city of Vorkuta (Komi Republic) can be called the coldest place in the world, which is located in the permafrost zone. The locality has subarctic climate and belongs to the regions of the Far North. Frosts are observed here for 10 months a year, and even in the summer season a slight frost is not ruled out. Due to the harsh climate of Vorkuta, growing vegetable crops in the open field is not possible. The average annual temperature in the city is -6 degrees. The absolute temperature minimum falls on the month of December and is -57°C. IN summer period the mercury column can rise to +33 degrees.

8. Astana

Astana (Kazakhstan) ranks eighth in the list of the coldest places on the planet and second among the coldest capitals in the world. In winter, the mercury column can drop to -52 degrees. Winters here are very cold and long. The frost period begins in November and lasts until April. Summer is characterized by high temperatures, which can reach +41°C. The annual averages are 3 degrees above zero.

9. International Falls

The next American city, International Falls (USA), also has the right to bear the title of the coldest place on Earth. Americans call this locality The "refrigerator of the nation" is not without reason: the temperature in the warmest month (July) can be 0 degrees, and in the coldest (January) reach 49 degrees below zero.

10. Barrow

Barrow (USA) - the northernmost inhabited urban area in North America completes the list of the coldest places on Earth. The city is located in the permafrost region. The soil here can freeze up to 400 meters deep. The climate of Barrow is not only cold, but also dry. Winter time year is considered extremely life-threatening, since severe frosts are associated with strong winds. For about three months a year, the temperature index exceeds 0 degrees, but does not rise above plus 4 degrees. Even in summer, frosts are typical here. The average annual temperature in Barrow is -12 degrees. The lowest temperature is in February and is -49°C. A feature of the city of permafrost is that the sun practically does not appear here from November to February.

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