Warsaw, 2004 Great film festival. Someone was lucky enough to swim in a sea of ​​applause, someone was inspired by new creative ideas ... Irina Pegova, whose personal life is recent times full of amazing rumors, at the film festival she met her future husband, the father of her unborn child. A prominent "shirt-guy" Dmitry Orlov, at first, in conversations with a charming young actress, behaved aloof and coldly. Irina immediately felt that the stately handsome man would become her destiny.

Irina Pegova with ex-husband actor Dmitry Orlov

The personal life of Irina Pegova is full of unexpected twists and turns.

Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov long time were considered an exemplary star couple. They were united by a profession, building a house, a common daughter Tanya and plans for a happy future. The actress, relegating shooting and roles to the background, sincerely enjoyed motherhood. The loving spouses never felt the need for either money, or "campaigns to the left", or loud PR.

Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov

For eight whole years, the biography of actress Irina Pegova seemed like a role model to colleagues and fans of her work, until one day Dmitry Orlov announced publicly that the union had come to an end. It turned out that after five years of marriage, Dmitry was completely disappointed in his chosen one and turned from a happy family man into an aggressive worthless "man". For three years, the actor mentally prepared for a divorce, visited a psychologist and explained difficult situation little daughter.

The first husband of Irina Pegova, Dmitry Orlov

It's with me that she became bad. And I took it good! ..

Loyal fans of the couple were sure for a long time that Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov would be together again, but the miracle did not happen. Ex-husband Irina Pegova moved out to rented housing, leaving the family jointly acquired property - an apartment and a house in Vyksa. After the breakup, the ex-husband repeatedly accused the once beloved woman of being a bad mother, an inept housewife and a soulless careerist. To all the "sins" former actor He also attributed the theft of 7 million, which allegedly relied on him after the divorce.

Irina Pegova in the film "Seven main desires", 2013

Mom and dad don't love each other anymore

The daughter of Irina Pegova at the age of seven heard from her father a phrase that could hurt any child: “Mom and I can no longer be together, but we still love you.” And Tanya, after all, so dreamed of a sister - she played "mother's tummy." However, Orlov believes that a second baby could have saved their family, but, according to offended man, Irina Pegova was no longer interested in children and undershirts.

Irina Pegova with her daughter Tanya

I lost weight and cut my hair - the new Irina Pegova

After parting with her husband, Irina Pegova behaved with dignity - she did not take dirty linen out of the hut. The woman, not listening to gossip, decided to change and take care of herself. The actress said goodbye to the image of the "appetizing" Russian beauty and turned into a coquettish blonde. Irina Pegova lost weight - this was a real feat for the star.

Irina Pegova lost weight: before and after photos

The actress has repeatedly admitted that after a busy day she likes to treat herself to dessert. She didn’t work out with diets - the results of the “hunger strikes” were modest. How Irina Pegova lost weight is well known to the organizers of the sensational StarHit project “Everyone is losing weight”. Nutritionists have compiled a special menu for the star, fitness instructors have provided "fat-burning" workouts. And Irina Pegova lost as much as 7 kilograms! It’s not easy for a cake lover to control herself, but she tries. Although I must admit, Irina Pegova is equally good both before and after losing weight.

Photo by Irina Pegova before and after losing weight

After a divorce, many young ladies turn to a hairdresser for “psychological” help! Irina Pegova was no exception. The personal life and mood of the fairer sex, according to experts, largely depends on the hairstyle. To the surprise of colleagues, Irina Pegova both lost weight and cut her hair. The woman, without regret, cut off a long thick braid and dyed her hair in a seductive shade of "blond". A photo in a swimsuit by Irina Pegova deservedly got on the cover of Telenedelya magazine.

Irina Pegova in a swimsuit

The stunning appearance of the actress does not allow you to determine how old Irina Pegova is. It seems that the blond girl is 18 again ...

Irina Pegova got her hair cut: new hairstyle

Personal life of Irina Pegova after a divorce. Husband, children, career - what is the most important thing?

Irina Pegova will never be able to erase the departed love from her biography, but she continues to live on - and gladly accepts signs of attention and courtship from new gentlemen. The divorced beauty, immediately after breaking up with Orlov, started a short romance with the star of the painting "Legend No. 17" - the young artist Sergei Kempo. The boyfriend of Irina Pegova turned out to be 7 years younger than her.

Irina Pegova and Sergey Kempo

Soon the actress changed the young admirer to the St. Petersburg dancer Yevgeny Raev. A special feeling between creative natures flared up last year on the show "Dancing with the Stars".

Irina Pegova and Andrey Kozlovsky in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

A captivatingly talented couple, Irina Pegova and Andrey Kozlovsky, won on an exciting television project. The final dance of the winners, sensually performed to the sounds of the march “Farewell of the Slav”, made a strong impression on the judges. After participating in the show, Irina Pegova felt confident and strong woman.

Final performance of Irina Pegova and Andrey Kozlovsky in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

Irina Pegova and Evgeny Raev: latest news

Another admirer of the star, Yevgeny Raev, is very young, passionate and romantic. Being next to a charming lady, the guy blooms with happiness. Still would! His passion - the owner of the "Golden Eagle" for the best female role - Irina Pegova herself. Personal life, decorated with the presence of such a person in it, certainly will not be boring.

Irina Pegova and Evgeny Raev in front of Notre Dame de Paris

Pictures often appear on the network proving that Evgeny Raev and Irina Pegova are together.

Irina Pegova and Evgeny Raev at the premiere of the film He is a dragon

The transformed artist is in no hurry to shout to the whole world about her new personal life, although from time to time she appears in public with Eugene. Now Irina Pegova continues to actively do what she loves and devotes a lot of time to communicating with her daughter Tatyana. The actress has improved relations with Dmitry Orlov, but the couple does not plan to start all over again. Latest news Irina Pegova is connected with love - the artist has learned to love and appreciate herself. The star looks to the future without fear - it is ready to conquer new horizons.

The ex-husband of Irina Pegova quickly found a replacement for her. And the actress herself did not grieve alone for long. Do you want to know the story of their love and the reason for the divorce? Or maybe you are interested in the details of their new life? Then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the contents of the article.

Brief biography of the actress

Pegova Irina was born on June 18, 1978 in the maternity hospital of the city of Vyksa, which is Nizhny Novgorod region. My father was a professional athlete (skier and track and field athlete). And mother long years She worked at a local metallurgical plant. Parents tried to provide their daughter with all-round development. They sent her to a music school, where Ira quickly mastered the violin.

After school, our heroine firmly decided that she would enter a theater university. Her father and mother did not approve of her choice, but later came to terms with this.

In 1997, Pegova, along with other students from Nizhny Novgorod, went to Moscow. Each of them wanted to study at GITIS. But only one Irina was enrolled.

The first film in which our heroine starred was called "Walk". The director of the picture was A. Uchitel. The debut turned out to be extremely successful. Soon Irina, as if from showered proposals. She carefully studied the scripts and chose the most suitable roles for herself. Today, this actress is known and loved by thousands of Russian viewers. Fans want to know the details of her personal life. Who is he - the husband of Irina Pegova? What is the daughter's name? Next, we will tell you about all this.


By the time our heroine met her future husband, she was already known in narrow theatrical circles. On many posters she was written like this: Pegova Irina Sergeevna. Husband - that's what the girl lacked for complete happiness. Soon fate corrected this mistake.

For the first time, Dmitry Orlov (husband of actress Irina Pegova) saw her at the play "War and Peace". A sweet smile, dimples on her cheeks, curvaceous - all this conquered young man. But he did not dare to approach Irina. But fate once again brought them together in one place. This time at the Moscow Film Festival in Warsaw. Now Dmitry realized that he needed to act immediately. He invited a charming girl to walk around the city with him. Pegova agreed. She later admitted that it was one of the most romantic evenings of her life.


The film festival is over. Our heroes returned to Moscow. Irina had to leave for almost a month with the theater on a tour of Europe. Their communication with Dmitry came to naught. When the actress returned from the tour, she tried to make contact with Orlov. However, he showed indifference. It is easy to guess that it was just a mask. In fact, he really liked the girl. Irina did not give up. Their meetings have become more frequent. On one of the dates, Orlov confessed his love to her. After a couple of months, the actors began to live under the same roof.

Starting a family

In the acting environment, everyone knew that Dmitry Orlov was the husband of Irina Pegova. But at the same time they did not enter into an official marriage. Neither Dima nor Ira dreamed of a magnificent wedding and a large number of guests. And the stamp in the passport for them was just a formality. But at the insistence of relatives in 2005, the couple got married. Soon they had a daughter, who was named Tatyana.

Friends and colleagues in the workshop did not cease to admire the Orlov family. Everybody free time Dima and Ira spent with their daughter. They traveled a lot, visited attractions and exhibitions.


Irina Pegova's husband constantly told friends and journalists about what a wonderful wife he had. No one could have imagined that this married couple there is a misunderstanding or some problems. But in 2011, there were rumors about their divorce. A little later they were confirmed.

At the end of 2011, the Orlov family officially ceased to exist. The division began, namely, a Moscow apartment and a spacious house under Nizhny Novgorod. By court decision, daughter Tanya stayed with her mother. But dad promised that he would visit her regularly, bring sweets and toys. Did Dmitry keep his word? This is known only to him ex-wife- Irina Pegova.

New passion of Dmitry Orlov

The divorce from Irina Pegova took place almost 4 years ago. Dima is a young and attractive man. Therefore, it is not surprising that he did not stay too long in bachelors. AT different time he was credited with novels with famous Russian actresses. But the yellow press usually served as sources of such information. Dmitry himself repeatedly urged fans not to believe rumors and slander.

Last year, photographs of Dmitry with some blonde began to appear in print media and on Internet portals. Both of them looked happy. Those who are well versed in Russian cinematography recognized the actress Ksenia Entelis in the blond young lady. It turns out that Dmitry has known her since school days. He even fell in love with a girl. Really, after so many years, feelings flared up with new force? Fans could only guess.

The picture, which appeared on the network in October 2014, put everything in its place. On it, Ksenia and Dmitry show their hands with wedding rings. married in secret. They invited only close friends and relatives to the celebration. Representatives of the journalistic fraternity did not know about this event until the last moment. But why such a conspiracy? Perhaps Dima and Ksyusha did not want to attract undue attention to themselves.

Personal life of Irina Pegova

As we can see, everything is just excellent with Dmitry Orlov: he is happy in a new marriage, continues to act in films and does not remember his ex-wife. But what about our heroine? Fans are looking forward to when Irina Pegova's husband, the second in a row, appears on the horizon. The actress is in no hurry to wear White dress and go down the aisle.

Now her heart is busy. Irina's chosen one is called He is also an actor. A man devoted 5 years to work in but then moved to another theater - them. Yermolova. Recently, Sergei starred in the film "Legend No. 17", where he successfully got used to the image of a hockey champion

Last summer, Pegova and Kempo vacationed together in the Mediterranean. The 7-year-old daughter of the actress also flew to Cyprus with them. She really likes new chosen one mothers.


Irina Pegova's husband and the actress herself are happy in a new relationship. The only thing that unites them now is their daughter Tanechka. She loves both mom and dad equally.

Ira was born in the city of Vyksa, in the family of a professional athlete and an employee of the plant. It was believed that the girl should follow in the footsteps of her father, so from childhood, the future actress was given to one sports section, then to another. Skating, equestrian sports, fencing, swimming, skiing... what was there in the life of little Ira! In addition, so that the daughter does not get hung up on sporting achievements, but develops comprehensively, she was sent to a music school in the violin class. No drama circles in her school life was not, and the girl did not even think about the career of an actress.

By the senior classes, Irina realized that she was passionately in love with a folk song. The fact is that part of the actress's childhood was spent with her grandparents in a classical Russian village, where the future star participated more than once in traditional beautiful Russian festivities with an accordion, a balalaika and melodic soulful songs.

Graduating from school, the girl planned to start a career as a singer, which is why she wanted to enter the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School - to correct her speech, work on her movements. But parents strongly opposed such an "abnormal" profession. Having made concessions, Ira entered the local Polytechnic University, but a year later the dream took over. Pegova took the documents to the theater.


During her life in Nizhny, Irina was a member of a female vocal group, which at first remade real hits, and then the group members even tried to write their own songs. The girl group was popular in their hometown and even participated in professional recording. Pegova saw herself as a great singer, focused on Edith Piaf and sincerely believed in her lucky star. And, perhaps, she would have gone along the music track if she had not met the guys from the workshop of Pyotr Fomenko as a sophomore.

These were visiting master classes of the studio. At the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School, Fomenko's students showed their work, Pegova's course - theirs. They spoke to each other and talked. It was then that the head of the capital's course, Ira, noted. He told her a lot of compliments, which gave her confidence that the girl chose the right way worth continuing.

And again, the parents did not want to let their daughter go far! In order to leave for Moscow after the Nizhny Novgorod theater, Ira had to work in her native school as a floor cleaner, which she did in the evenings. Managed. The girl collected money to come to the capital, and went to conquer GITIS. Of all those who left Nizhny with her, only Pegova entered the directing department, where Pyotr Fomenko took up her talent.


Pegova does not like to talk about her personal life. Almost all information about her first breaths on the benches is closed from fans. But known romantic story co famous actor Dmitry Orlov.

“My husband is the man with whom I want to live my whole life and from whom I want to have children!” - More recently, Irina spoke about her husband. They met when both studied at GITIS, went hand in hand to the professional Olympus, both became quite popular actors.

Irina's dream was to have her own house next to Vyksa, where she grew up, next to her grandmother's house, the house of her parents. Having married, the Orlovs-Pegovs bought a plot in that very place, and Irina was afraid to even stutter about the house until Dima himself voiced his aspirations. It turned out that the couple's dream coincided - they both want to go to the village and live there.

Pegova admitted in an interview: it is right and natural to live next to a forest and a river. True, the acting couple also managed an apartment in Moscow Cheryomushki. For this Dmitry thanked Oleg Tabakov. It was with his help that Orlov got the living space for a quarter of the market price.

They lived in perfect harmony, being considered beautiful and happy couple. They were cited as one of the best families Russian show business, and they admitted that a little jealousy helps them keep their feelings in good shape. Until the thunder blew up the clear sky: Orlov and Pegova are getting divorced. Little was said about the reasons, except that Orlov, who had fallen into depression, somehow abandoned that Irina did not have him in the first place, and that the mother-in-law often interfered in the relationship.

Their daughter, little Tanechka, stayed with her mother. They were not divorced particularly beautifully, sometimes reproaches and claims were heard from both sides. But the controversy was quickly forgotten. For the sake of their daughter, the couple stopped quarreling.

New turn

For a while, Pegova lived for herself. She took care of her appearance, her daughter and her creativity. So far, the ubiquitous journalists have not discovered that a young man meets the actress after the performances.

At first it seemed that this was an ordinary admirer of talent. But Irina began to leave with him over and over again in her own car. Dmitry also found out about the new boyfriend of his ex-wife: Tanya let it slip. She said that Seryozha was coming to visit. But she immediately reassured dad: “Seryozha is good, but you are funnier.” To this, Dima said that he was happy for ex-wife. Finally, she found female happiness.

Details Created: 10/06/2017 20:54 Updated: 10/11/2017 11:39

Irina Pegova is a young, charismatic and talented film actress who captivated the whole country with her extraordinary appearance of a real Russian woman. Appearing on TV screens, she causes general delight, and will captivate viewers with her tenderness and innocence. Who is she? Let's find out below.


According to sources, the girl was born on June 18, 1978 in small town Vyksa (Nizhny Novgorod region, Russian Federation). According to the horoscope, Gemini is a mobile, bright, intelligent, dexterous and sociable woman.

Irina's family is small and consisted of 4 people: father Sergey (coach and sports teacher), mother (worked at a factory) and elder sister Tatyana.

Young years

Since it was decided at the family council that the girl should build sports career, she went to almost all possible circles and went in for swimming, figure skating, athletics and other sports. For the general variety, she also attended a music school (played the violin).

Maybe she beat and became someday a famous athlete, but the case changed everything. When Irina was a high school student, she decided to take part in the competition "I want to be a star." There she showed herself well and after success, she terribly wanted to become a singer. As soon as I graduated from school, I decided for myself that I need to submit documents to theater university and realize their dream, but the parents protested.

Therefore, the girl had to enter the local polytechnic institute and immediately study at the same time at the theater school.

Her desire to be an actress was so great that a year later she was already a student at GITIS (she entered the directing department). And after graduating from the institute, she immediately began working in the theater. "Workshop of Pyotr Fomenko" within the troupe.

For all my creative career the girl changed several theaters and work groups, but continues to play on stage until now.

On the stage of the theater


A trial film, where Irina first appeared on television, was filmed in 2002 under the title "Spartak and Kalashnikov". And the first real work was done in the movie "Walk" (2003), and for this the actress was awarded the prize for the main role.

Shot from the film "Walk"

To date, the filmography of the actress has more than 40 films and television series, and she is not going to stop there.

Films with her participation:

  • From 2003 to 2005: "Spas under the birches", "Where childhood ends";
  • From 2006 to 2010: "One Day", "Admiral", "Vanka the Terrible", "Passenger", "Return of the Musketeers";
  • From 2011 to 2016: "Five brides", "7 main desires", "What girls are silent about", "Country of good kids", "Eight", "It doesn't get better", "SuperBeavers".


AT leading role: "Space as a premonition", "Special Purpose Friend", "Varenka", "Do not rush love!", "Varenka. Test of love", "Varenka. Both in sorrow and in joy", "Indian summer", "I love , because I love", "Masha in law", "Joy to all who mourn", "Lonely hearts", "Tankers do not leave their own", "Old gun", "Citizen Nobody", "House for rent with all the inconveniences" and others.

"House for rent with all amenities"

Interesting Facts

Despite his short stature and a tendency to be overweight, she is a very athletic and full of energy woman. According to the media, it height is about 155 cm, and weight is about 65-67 kg. She loves to skate and does not miss the opportunity to spend her free time at the rink with her daughter.

The actress has her own Instagram page and about 200,000 subscribers. In one of her interviews, she admitted that she loves to work both in the theater and in the cinema.

In 2015, the actress participated in the TV project "Dancing with the Stars" and together with her partner won.

Personal life

Pegova does not like to touch on the topic of family life. Her school and student novels for the public remained a secret with seven seals. It is only known that she was married once. For seven happy years, she and her husband were considered an ideal couple, walked hand in hand through life and enjoyed family happiness. But soon the fairy tale ended, and Irina joined the ranks of single women...

According to sources, it all started with the fact that a young student of GITIS fell desperately in love with a student of the same institute, Dmitry Orlov. They met at a film festival (it was love at first sight), which was held in Warsaw (each presented his film there) and after arriving at home they began to meet.

Irina and Dmitry spent long evenings together and all the time dreamed that they would become professional actors, create strong family, they will have children and they will meet old age together. Only one of these desires went astray, because both took pride of place in cinematography and achieved fame and recognition.

Irina and ex-husband photo

They lived together for several years and Pegova was still waiting to be called to marry. But Dima was in no hurry, because the stamp in his passport was not important to him. And only thanks to Dima's sister, who simply pushed him to a responsible step and explained that it is very important for every girl to be officially married, he finally made her marriage proposals. The wedding was played in September 2005.

Newlyweds built Vacation home and began to live away from the noisy city in a quiet and cozy place. Soon came into being joint child- little Tatyana.

They were considered an example of an ideal family among all the stars of Russian show business. Irina and her husband did what they loved, lived soul to soul, raised their daughter, and it would seem that nothing and no one in this world could interfere with their happiness.

Together with Dmitry Orlov and little Tatyana

And then, like a thunder among clear sky there was news in the press that Pegova and Dmitry Orlov were getting a divorce. Little is known about the reasons for this decision. Rumor has it that recently Irina moved away from her family, was more engaged in a career, and even her mother-in-law interfered in their relationship all the time.

The trial was very difficult, because each side expressed to each other everything that had accumulated over last years. There were a lot of hurtful words, scandals and tantrums. But over time, the couple cooled down, reconciled and former spouses even became friends.

The daughter stayed with her mother and Irina intensively took care of her intellectual development. At first, the girl was fond of figure skating and drawing, and also attended taekwondo lessons for self-defense. Then she switched to music (playing the piano) and dancing (engaged in the children's ballet group TODES).

In 2012, she even tried herself as a film actress and appeared with her mother on television in the movie "Eight". Although, according to the media, the girl did not like this activity (she was very mentally nervous) and she categorically refused to become an actress.

Pegova with her daughter photo

After the divorce, Pegova decided to radically change everything in her life and she began with appearance. First she lost a lot of weight, and then became a blonde. Mine excess weight she got because she's a big fan of sweets.There was no way he could fight on his own. I could not follow the diet, and I practically did not go in for sports. And only after participating inStarHit program "Everyone is losing weight", she finally managed to lose seven kilograms.

Now she tries not to eat sweets and follow the diet that nutritionists have prescribed for her in order to keep her new weight. Also, Pegova, without the slightest regret, circumcised her long braid and became a flirtatious blonde.

Thinner Pegova

After the divorce, she became more involved in creativity and raising her daughter. But, according to the media, already in 2013, she threw aside loneliness and started an affair. with artist and stuntman Sergei Kempo. This relationship lasted only a year, then the couple broke up. Rumor has it that the reason for the contention was that Pegova decided that she needed an older and more serious man. Recall that Kempo was seven years younger than his girlfriend.

Sergei Kempo

To date, there are rumors on the network that Ira has long been a lonely woman. Lately, she has started to appear in public a lot. with dancer Evgeny Raev. They are holding hands all the time and look very happy. Also, a couple of times the actress posted several of them on Instagram. joint photo. Rumor has it that their romance began back in the days when Pegova took part in the project "Dancing with the Stars", and is currently only gaining momentum.

Irina Pegova - popular Russian actress theater and cinema. She has incredible charisma, thanks to which she catches the eyes of many viewers and holds her to the very end. It is always interesting to watch her: she plays the role remarkably and talentedly, joins the work with her head. The artist loves her profession very much, invests herself in the main business of her life. Her characters are always natural and sincere. That is why the actress Irina Pegova naturally has various awards and titles. In 2012 she was awarded the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation, and in 2005 and 2008 twice won the Golden Mask award.

Irina's appearance is quite bright and memorable. Thanks to her, even men watch TV shows with her participation. It's all about her appetizing forms. They definitely suit her. Irina Pegova looks simply gorgeous. Her look and beautiful smile are trustworthy, thanks to which the actress gained recognition and became the favorite of many viewers.

Irina Pegova has an incredible talent. All her characters are bright, charismatic, with great personality charm. Surely in life, Irina is exactly like her on-screen heroes.

It can be said without a doubt that numerous admirers of Irina Pegova's talent are interested in her biography.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Pegova

Actress Irina Pegova has non-standard appearance. Our eye from the screens is more accustomed to the image of tall, slender models. Irina Pegova breaks out of this stereotype. Her figure stands out among other popular actresses. Many admirers of her work are interested in the question of what is the height, weight, age. How old is Irina Pegova can be easily said. From the date of her birth, the actress does not make secrets. At 39 years old, Irina Pegova looks great.

It would be unfair to call Irina Pegova tall - her height is small and the 155th is calculated in centimeters. Everything is in the region of 65 kg. Such a height-weight ratio is difficult to describe as ideal, but this does not bring any dissonance to her appearance. She looks just amazing.

Throughout her life, the actress had a tendency to be overweight, although she never experienced worries about her figure. The self-confident actress, wonderfully wins back all her roles, her game finds an indispensable response in the hearts of the audience. It would be hypocrisy to call Irina Pegova fat, since among us there are always women who are overweight, and our heroine is one of those.

Irina's zodiac sign is Gemini, and if you believe Eastern calendar, her animal is a horse. Perhaps it is thanks to this combination that the character of the actress has an unprecedented diligence, determination and self-confidence.

Biography of Irina Pegova

Like everyone else famous people, the biography of Irina Pegova is quite full. The actress was born on June 18, 1978 in the town of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod Region. Throughout her childhood and youth, the girl did not leave her native land.

Father - Sergey Zakharovich Pegov, an honored athlete, has established himself both in cross-country skiing and in athletics. In addition, he also taught sports to the younger generation - he was engaged in coaching and teaching physical education. Mother - Vera Alexandrovna Pegova, devoted herself to a very unfeminine profession - work in the field of metallurgy. In addition to her parents, among Irina's relatives is her sister Tatyana, who was born before our heroine.

From childhood, the sisters listened to their father's instructions about the benefits of sports and actively devoted themselves to him. The head of the family wished that at least one of the daughters subsequently chose a sports future. Therefore, the actress tested herself in various sports areas, among which were swimming, figure skating, skiing, Athletics, fencing and horseback riding. The woman's interest in sports activities did not go away even at an older age. In addition to the above, the parents wanted to diversify their daughter and, in addition to sports, sent her to a music school.

Going to high school, Irina tried herself at the contest "I want to become a star." Believing in her own talent, she began classes in a vocal studio. The actress often showed herself both as a solo artist and as a songwriter.

In those young years, her main goal was to become a folk singer. But her parents did not share her choice. A compromise was chosen - Irina Pegova becomes a freshman at two institutions at once: the Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnic University (choice and patronage of her parents) and the regional theater school (namely, the workshop of Vasily Bogomazov), which she chose herself.

During Irina's training, her native city visited the theater of Peter Fomenko. They paid attention to each other mutually - Ira was in awe of the performances of the master, and the leader himself noticed a girl different from the others. In 1997, the future star leaves an unpromising study at the school and moves to Moscow in order to come to grips with the realization of his dream. There she becomes a student at the Moscow GITIS at the directing department. It is known that Irina Pegova, in order to save the necessary amount for this trip, even had to take on the work of a cleaner in her own school. But the future actress was not afraid of even such dirty work and confidently walked towards the realization of her dream.

In 2001, Irina received an invitation to perform in the troupe "Pyotr Fomenko's Workshop". Her talent was on the face, for this reason the girl was entrusted to prove herself in many productions at once: “Wolves and Sheep”, “War and Peace”, “Barbara”, etc. "Golden Mask".

In addition to showing her talent on the stage, Irina dreamed of showing herself in cinema, and after a while she succeeded.

Personal life of Irina Pegova

Thanks to her appearance, actress Irina Pegova has never been deprived male attention. Good nature and responsiveness were added to her magnificent forms. Like any woman, the heroine wanted for herself the happiness of her wife and mother. But not everything went smoothly.

For the first time, the personal life of the actress fully took shape when she entered into official relations with actor Dmitry Orlov. The star couple created an impeccable family, a model for everyone. In this union, their daughter Tatyana was born. After living together for 7 years, the couple divorced. Their divorce was aggravated by a financial and property dispute.

In 2013, the actress began to build relationships with the actor of the theater. Yermolova Sergei Kempo, among other things, he was widely known as a master stuntman. The young man was seven years younger than the chosen one. For his sake, Irina Pegova resorted to a number of cosmetic manipulations in order to rejuvenate. But the romance only lasted a year.

Then Irina Pegova decided to radically change her appearance - she cut her hair and dyed her hair white.

Later, in 2015, she was popular in the Dancing with the Stars project. There she met choreographer Evgeny Raev. The latter is 15 years younger than our heroine, but the mentioned circumstance does not give the couple any complexes, they continue to be in happy union. There are many photographs on the Internet where Irina Pegova and Evgeny Raev are captured hand in hand.

In general, actress Irina Pegova is reluctant to talk about her personal life, and when asked about a new relationship, she briefly answers that she is not bad and alone.

Family of Irina Pegova

The family of Irina Pegova was friendly. The house has always maintained comfort and peace. Parents loved their daughter very much, although they did not appreciate the choice at first future profession. Nevertheless, Irina Pegova received a good upbringing, for which she is grateful to her parents. The actress grew up as a hardworking, purposeful and persistent woman. All these qualities helped her to overcome difficulties on the path of life.

Now Irina Pegova lives on the same roof with her daughter Tatyana. The actress puts a lot of effort and devotes a lot of time to the proper upbringing of the girl, she wants to grow a good and worthy person out of her.

Irina Pegova is in a relationship with choreographer Evgeny Raev, but the couple does not give any comments on this matter.

Children of Irina Pegova

True fans are interested in everything about their favorite actress. So, the request “Children of Irina Pegova” very often appears on the network.

The actress has a wonderful daughter, Tanya, who was born married to Dmitry Orlov. The girl is very similar to her father.

Actress Irina Pegova devotes herself in her free time to communicating with the girl in order to adequately educate her, give her a good education. She is not going to influence the choice of her daughter's profession, but, in any case, she will support any of her undertakings.

Tatyana herself has not yet decided on a choice. Perhaps it's still too early. Its main task is to this moment study well.

Daughter of Irina Pegova - Tatyana

Daughter of Irina Pegova - Tatyana, only child actresses. The girl was born on January 27, 2006. Then Irina Pegova was married to actor Dmitry Orlov. Now the girl is twelve years old. She studies well at school and thinks about her future profession.

Tatyana's parents, Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov divorced when the girl was only seven years old. This madly hurt her daughter, especially since she dreamed of a sister. The girl stayed with her mother, popular actress Irina Pegova

After the divorce, Irina Pegova does not forbid her father from seeing her daughter. Tatyana quite often meets with Dmitry Orlov, receives good and expensive gifts. Many note their incredible similarity in appearance.

Irina Pegova tries to devote a lot of time to raising her daughter. Together they spend time, walk, arrange photo shoots. The actress hopes to give Tatyana everything that will help her in her future life.

It is not yet known whether Tatyana will follow in the footsteps of her star parents. The girl is not yet ready to make such a serious decision. Although she already has film experience. Tatyana has already managed to play in the film by Alexei Uchitel "The Eight" in 2012 with her mother.

Former husband of Irina Pegova - Dmitry Orlov

The ex-husband of Irina Pegova is Dmitry Orlov, the first chosen one of the actress. Now it's famous actor, screenwriter and director. The future spouses met in 2004 at the Warsaw Film Festival. There Dmitry Orlov demonstrated his project “Sky. Airplane. Girl ", and Irina Pegova a picture called" Walk ". They immediately felt attracted, and upon returning to their homeland, they decided to live together. A little later, on September 8, 2005, the couple officially registered their relationship.

After the marriage, Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov acquired a plot and built an impressive house in Vyksa. This is a very beautiful area. The house was located in a picturesque place on the banks of the river.

About this star couple many responded. Their family was considered exemplary, impeccable. Dmitry Orlov himself has repeatedly stated that he was very lucky with Irina Perova. She good wife, caring mother and just a beautiful woman. Irina Pegova easily combined her profession with the role of wife and mother at home. In marriage, daughter Tatyana grew and developed.

After seven years, the family broke up. For many fans, it was like a bolt from the blue. Very little was said about the reasons for the divorce, the details are still unknown. Only Dmitry Orlov once said that his wife had undergone dramatic changes: in the first place she had a career, not a family, and also uttered that in their family life mother-in-law often intervened. However, the actor believed that the second baby could save their family, especially since Tatyana's daughter dreamed of a sister.

The little daughter (she was then seven years old) stayed with her mother. I must say that at first the divorce went smoothly. A little later, there was a financial and property dispute between the former spouses. Dmitry Orlov spoke critically about the popular actress Irina Pegova, said that she was a bad mother, an inept housewife, and even accused her of stealing a large amount of money.

Later passions subsided. Now the former spouses are on friendly terms. The actress does not forbid him to see his daughter.

Photo by Irina Pegova before and after plastic surgery

It would be useful to agree that Irina Pegova looks simply gorgeous for her middle-aged years. Some skeptics insist that the popular actress turned to plastic surgeons for help. Photos of Irina Pegova before and after plastic surgery call her fans a large number of questions. Some argue that the popular actress has repeatedly done plastic surgery for breast augmentation. This is unlikely: lush beautiful breasts are given to her by nature.

Of course, to keep fit, Irina Pegova visited fitness rooms, beauty salons, spent cosmetic procedures rejuvenation, but it's not plastic surgery. Many argue that the actress has repeatedly performed a facelift. After all, you can not remain all the same young and attractive. All sorrows and difficulties should have affected her appearance. Whether this is true or false is not known. Irina Pegova herself declares that she does not need any operations in order to continue her career as a film actress. The actress prefers to remain herself, to radical changes in appearance she's not ready yet. Irina Pegova is pleased with her appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Pegova

Extensive information about the popular actress contains Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Pegova.

Their pages are not difficult to find on the Internet. They are available for use.

Wikipedia shows the main milestones in the life of Irina Pegova, her biography, creative way and plans. Also here you can see the filmography of the artist, her titles and awards.

It is known that the actress started a page on Instagram. Here Irina Pegova shares news from her life, talks about her creative plans, exhibits photographs (family and creative). All this brings the popular actress closer to her fans.

Filmography: films starring Irina Pegova

Becoming a real film actress was the dream of Irina Pegova. And she did come true. In the early 2000s, she tried on the role of a veterinarian in the film Spartak and Kalashnikov.

A charming success was brought to the actress by the film directed by Alexei Uchitel "Walk". Here she was announced in the most important role, for which she received the Golden Eagle.

In general, all films with her participation were well received by her fans. The actress captivated the audience with her talented performance. At the moment, Irina Pegova is a very desirable actress for many directors. Her filmography is increasing more and more: films starring Irina Pegova are always a huge success (“Varenka”, “Passenger”, etc.).